*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable
content for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long
content for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Welcome back to DCBLOG and our coverage of Real World: Go Big or Go Home. Coming up, reaction and more from a chaotic Episode 5 from last week, but first another 'Pulse Extra.
Last week was the MTV Movie Awards, and the Real World'ers had a chance to enjoy being celebs for the first time in walking down the red carpet. We'll have their experience for you here, plus the usual lead-up to their Episode 5 which we'll delve into here shortly.
Last week was the MTV Movie Awards, and the Real World'ers had a chance to enjoy being celebs for the first time in walking down the red carpet. We'll have their experience for you here, plus the usual lead-up to their Episode 5 which we'll delve into here shortly.
- Please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. If you're mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
So, join in after the jump for this special 'Pulse Extra.
> Weekend After: Movie Awards, and More of Austin's Words
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Well, @KurtBenz may have taken the most iconic photo of @MTVDIONE and I, ever. #AboutLastNight @RealWorldMTV #ARGYLE https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfmxLRnUIAAYeCa.jpg
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Had a great night with my boys @MTVDIONE and @KurtBenz at #TheArgyle last night. See you guys in #Vegas!!! @rehablv https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfmxjI8UMAAyMrd.jpg
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: #BodyPositivity is loving yourself just the way you are. ๐ RT and share your own story using #BodyLove !!! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfnXNEoUIAA6ZCx.jpg
@itSabrinaK: Morning my beautiful people
@RealWorldMTV: We have a flair for the dramatic here on #RealWorldGoBig!
@RealWorldMTV: So, what are our favorite #RealWorld couples up to now? We found out in this week's special episode:
โ@RealWorldMTV: Did you catch our Love in The Real World special this week?:
@itSabrinaK: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER #bodylove spread positive body image
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @itSabrinaK love you :)
@RealWorldMTV: Race, religion, sexuality. It's a constant battle between the suite-mates! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ce-a9qkUAAAAdFQ.jpg
@itSabrinaK: Getting ready for the awards as we speak:)
@jenstaxo: Wish people could see what's in my heart before they judge me, but that's what they don't show. I can't be the only person that says things that are out of line when they are being attacked. We're all human
@jenstaxo: Add me on snap to see me actin a fool at the @elliegoulding concert last night and getting ready for the @MTV Movie Awards tonight!jensta_xo
@RealWorldMTV: Just wanted to leave you a little @MTV_Dean. Thought you'd want some. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ce-bMTjVAAADEg4.jpg
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: And off we go #MTVMovieAwards @MTV https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfotkKtUEAAuyxj.jpg
โ@jenstaxo: Obsessed with these shoes tho ๐ป๐
@MTV_Dean: Chillin with my driver in route to the MTV Movie Awards๐
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: At the #MTVMovieAwards with #JanelleEvans! @REALPBNJannelle @mtv https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cfo-Fm_UYAAFX74.jpg
@MTV_Dean: This must be how those girls felt when Twista said he'd make em a celebrity over night ๐
@MTVCeeJai: See you there๐๐๐๐ @ Warner Bros. Studios https://www.instagram.com/p/BD__2gVvPl5/
@MTVCeeJai: #MTVMovieAwards
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธREDโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ @ Mtv Movie Awards 2016 https://www.instagram.com/p/BEAGv98NL_V/
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: #MTVMovieAwards #REALWORLDGOBIG https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfpR40sUUAAAFYe.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: @kailah_casillas I see you and can't stop staring you look amazing my love!
@jenstaxo: Twinning with @chanelwestcoast
@jenstaxo: Blake from workaholics in da house
@MTVDIONE: This is insane๐๐๐
@MTVDIONE: Just crushing beers with @WorkaholicBlake @WorkaholicsCC @WorkaholicAdam
@MTV_Dean: Movie Awards https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfphfKOUIAAOtI4.jpg
โ@MTV_Dean: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfpiHRxUEAAeAYL.jpg
โ@MTVCeeJai: ๐๐๐๐ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfplmRXUkAAVzxb.jpg
@kailah_casillas: #RealWorld just got referenced by @kendricklamar at the @MTV Movie Awards... let's get it.
@MTV_Dean: Real world crew is so lit right now ๐
@ChallengeMTV: Walking home after last night... #TheChallengeRivals3
โ@banksy878: #doepicfit first race of the season in the books https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cfm5H8FW8AApnHt.jpg
@MtvJess: I want a love so sweet it's makes sugar taste like water ๐ฆ
โ@MtvJess: Wild and Safe ๐ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfnQYwcWsAA8agU.jpg
@MtvJess: I just need a exploration buddy to explore the streets of NYC with me!!
@t_raines33: "I could never let 'em cut my mamas lights out, do whatever to survive, need it right now" -Gates
@t_raines33: "@Keyndraflawless: @t_raines33 @MTVDIONE lol I love Dione and all, don't get me wrong ๐โค๏ธ. But idk, when I watched the recent episode, I thought of it." RT I watched the episode and thought the same but no doubt @MTVDIONE is doing it a lot smoother than me!
โ@CamilaMTV: Happy Saturday from your favorite Rivals ๐ @t_raines33 #thechallengerivals3 https://www.instagram.com/p/BD_O9uFzEVO/
@t_raines33: They still out to get me, they don't get it, they can never get me...
@ImSarahRice: "@emiloo451: Can we just appreciate that @ImSarahRice has another good partner... like this has only happened like one other time!" RT You're telling me!!
@CamilaMTV: Beijinhos ๐๐๐
โ@CamilaMTV: ...kind of needing you right now @NanyMTV ๐๐ป #needadancepartner
@blacuesta : I should be working on a project ๐ฝ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfqAvtjUsAAfuLP.jpg
@CaraMariaMTV: Seriously, What does a girl have to do to be a guest judge on cupcake wars?! ๐ซ#whyistherenocupcakeemoji
@itsJennyDelich: I'm back on YouTube and I'm going to lose this last 30 pounds! Join me on my journey along with other fun stuff!
@cohuttaMTV: Dear @UnderArmour please go back to this shoe. I wore these out. Best shoe I ever got on @ChallengeMTV . #theisland https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cfn-C-DWQAEV-c7.jpg
- @MTVBananas: @cohuttaMTV When you're done with those shoes can I have them? I want to hang them from my rear view mirror!
@ChallengeMTV: When you get that one tipsy dude on your team for beer pong... ๐ #TheChallengeRivals3
@ave_tress: So this just happened. Thank you Don! ๐๐ #tempeartsfestival #sissy #sister #caricatureโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEACSA8kA1G/
โ@MtvJess: Going out tonight like I ain't got nowhere to be tomorrow #double trouble @mtv_jess
@MTV_JESS: Yay double trouble tonight @MtvJess โค๏ธ
@MTV_JESS: Jess x2 NYC watch out ๐ @MtvJess #adventuretime ๐
- @MtvJess: @MTV_JESS #JessX2 ๐ฏ
@MtvJess: @MTV_JESS @mtvjess #doubletrouble#jessx2 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfputscWIAEdW0C.jpg
@JustJem24: Had so many good nights with Will, he always looked out for me and was like a big bro. This is truly devastating for the @Saints family
@CamilaMTV: I got so much on my mind... Can't wait till I get to open up about EVERYTHING to you guys. I love y'all. I really really do. โค๏ธ
@n_zanattaMTV: Keep it real with me I'll keep it real with you no body's gonna hold you down like I got you forever.
@RobinMTV14: Ok @MTV when will we have another epic Real World reunion? Our 1st one was celebrating 20 years. Do I have to wait another 20?
@KennySantucci: For the first time in 23 years! Nothin' lasts forever And we both know hearts can change Andโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEARm27BO-X/
@TrishelleC: "@ImSarahRice: Umm... I did win! @TaylorDTTT @TheChallengeMTV @CamilaMTV @JustJem24 @k8mnstr @TrishelleCโ RT Yes you did! Haha. You're the best Sarah! ๐
@ImSarahRice: โ@MishaRJoseph: @ImSarahRice Yay! I'm so happy I stumbled across your page. You are always one of my faves: smart, no drama, ass-kicker!!! GL this season!!โ RT Thanks yo!!
โ@in_my_SHEETS: You know what makes me happy? When I help someone and trust their word to get me back AND THEY ACTUALLY DO WHAT THEY SAID THEY WOULD.
โ@in_my_SHEETS: Most people sit around wondering why their life sucks forgetting that they can't keep a single commitment longer than a few days.
@in_my_SHEETS: They just point the finger at all their "problems" or "struggles". NEWS FLASH. EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS. SUCK IT UP CAUSE NO ONE CARES.
@in_my_SHEETS: The only thing that matters are the results you produce. No one gives a shit about your excuses.
@in_my_SHEETS: No one helps me. I'm broke. My job doesn't pay. You don't know what I've been through. I've tried. It didn't work. Everyone made fun of me.
@in_my_SHEETS: HEY GUESS WHAT. THATS WHAT EVERY SINGLE LOSER THAT NEVER MAKES IT SAYS. You think successful people never had a fuckin problem? L. M. A. O.
โ@in_my_SHEETS: All your friends are broke? They told you your idea was stupid? POOR BABY. GET NEW FUCKIN FRIENDS. I did & now my mom doesn't have to work
@in_my_SHEETS: You think someone just walked up to my broke ass and just handed me a GTR and 40 racks a month? I WORKED FOR THIS SHIT. I CHANGED.
@in_my_SHEETS: All the losers just point and assume successful people "Got Lucky". Yeah we MADE OUR LUCK while you sat there bitching about yours
@in_my_SHEETS: Aight I'm gonna eat my burrito now. Probably in my 3 car garage and stare at my GTR and R1.
@brittany_baldi: That @NHLBruins game was a joke. We need a whole makeover on that team this off season pronto ๐๐ผ #NHLBruins
@MTV_JESS: The boys on @AREUTHE1 #season4 tho๐ you did good @LightheartedTV
@MTV_JESS: When I tell ppl I'm Brazilian it's like instant WOW REALLY OMG let me drool all over you now ๐
@BombshellChels: My Facebook timeline: pregnant, pregnant, married, pregnant, engaged, engaged, pregnant.
@kaseyharveySD: Visiting the old #RealWorld #SanDiego house. #DiemStrong #AceFoundation @BradFiorenza @mtv #Survivor #BeatCancer https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfpAbSsUkAAuyde.jpg
- @BradFiorenza: @kaseyharveySD That's a great picture!!! Thanks for sharing it! ๐
โ@itSabrinaK: Amazing night my world is about to change
@itSabrinaK: I want to be a singer I want to make music I want to spread a message. I will not be just a girl from a reality tv show.
@MTVCeeJai: Oh..... You didn't know I was nominated!!!?? ๐๐๐๐ #mtvmovieawards with @mtv_dean of courseโค๏ธ @โฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEBnMsZvPsK/
@itSabrinaK: Let's get my Instagram to 10,000 its_sabrinakennedy
@jenstaxo: I'm not in the red carpet photos with the rest of the cast ONLY bc I was fashionably late so I slayed the red carpet by myself ๐๐ผ#nohatehere
@kailah_casillas: โ@RealWorldMTV: @kailah_casillas I see you and can't stop staring you look amazing my love!โ RT It was so nice meeting you last night! ๐๐๐๐
โ@kailah_casillas: โ@Ziggler91: @kailah_casillas Well, I'm pretty sure you still had a blast. Did you get to meet any other cast members from the past Real World seasons?โ RT Just @JordanW_usa ๐
@kailah_casillas: โ@macyblock_10: WHEN THE FAM LOOKIN BOMB AS HECK ๐๐๐ @MTVCeeJai @MTVDIONE @MTV_Dean @jenstaxo @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillasโ RT YAS! We all looked so good last night. I guess we clean up well ๐
@MTV_Dean: The 2016 @mtv Movie Awards is about to be so lit๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ y'all should definitely tune in & look outโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEB_9T6I90g/
@MTV_Dean: When @MTVCeeJai loves you...๐๐ฟ๐๐ฟ๐๐ฟ (Best Ensemble Cast GIF)
@MTV_Dean: When @MTVCeeJai had enough of your ish...๐ (Best Fight GIF)
@jenstaxo: The @MTV Movie Awards was amazing! I got to meet some awesome people & It was so great to be reunited with all my cast mates! Love yall ๐
@RealWorldMTV: @kailah_casillas @halsey WOW WHAT I'M JEALOUS
@RealWorldMTV: @jenstaxo hell yeah you did
@RealWorldMTV: Just a bunch of my favorite people at the #MovieAwards! Look out for them tonight at 8/7c. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CftLa5wVIAAYe4U.jpg
@itSabrinaK: The leathers. @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @kailah_casillas https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CftqIb5UkAAjrfY.jpg
@itSabrinaK: I feel likey life is a dream and I like this dream a lot so don't wake me up
@RealWorldMTV: The #RealWorldGoBig cast is at the #MovieAwards! The pre-show starts NOW followed by the main show at 8PM EST!
@kailah_casillas: โ@RealWorldMTV: @kailah_casillas @halsey WOW WHAT I'M JEALOUS" RT I FORGOT TO TELL YOU LAST NIGHT THAT I MET HER!!!
@jenstaxo: ๐โจ๐๐ฝ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfuGakdUMAAzWWo.jpg
@jenstaxo: I still feel like this is all a dream
@jenstaxo: Thank you so much to the haters and people waiting to see me fail, you are the ones who made me succeed ๐
@itSabrinaK: What an amazing weekend. Boston bound
@kailah_casillas: I had so much fun last night at the #MTVMovieAwards @MTV #RealWorldGoBig https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfuIlHpWEAEFlZT.jpg
@kailah_casillas: "@WyattJ92: @kailah_casillas hey where are you all at in the audience?" RT We were like 7 rows back on the right side of the stage
@itSabrinaK: Make sure your tuning into the @mtv Movie Awards right now!
@kailah_casillas: "@MasterMikeD: @kailah_casillas have you done anymore mean tweet videos ? I miss that shit you biitchโค๏ธ" RT Haha I literally can't. I blocked most people who said mean shit. I'll come up with anther idea this week
@kailah_casillas: Wishing I was back at the @MTV #MovieAwards https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfuQj7jWcAECGqg.jpg
@kailah_casillas: "@hiiikatelyn: @kailah_casillas ๐๐ you're welcome. @CoryyCoop told me you were going to be on the show and we looked at each other and decided we aren't" RT Oooooh you're Corys gf! Nice! I'm happy you guys are watching ๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ๐๐ฝ๐
@kailah_casillas: "@Patrick6070: @kailah_casillas ayy we just saw u on the MTV movies awards lol" RT No way! What was I doing?
@destinyalexis26: Aye seen @jenstaxo @itSabrinaK ๐ป๐ปโค๏ธ and I think @MTV_CHRISTOPHER I think to the very right https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfuQsZ5WEAA6OPU.jpg
@kailah_casillas: "@destinyalexis26: @kailah_casillas @hiiikatelyn who were you sitting by @kailah_casillas at the mtv movie awards ??" RT Just my cast-mates. No one else that I knew really.
โ@jenstaxo: I love me some straight outta Compton ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ๐๐ผ
โ@kailah_casillas: "@TaylorChrist13: @kailah_casillas did mtv pay for anything for you guys like drinks and groceries?" RT No ๐ we got free bottle service when we went out but aside from that, we paid for everything
@kailah_casillas: "@Official_Juwan: so I wonder if the real world get nominated for anything at the #MTVMovieAwards @kailah_casillas" RT Lol I wish!
@kailah_casillas: People who take the time out of their day to spread hate.... Smh.
@kailah_casillas: "@BombshellChels: @kailah_casillas whatttt AYTO supplied us with everything, that sucks lol" RT Whaaaaaaaat?! That's interesting.... We were strugglin the whole time lol
@kailah_casillas: You might see me during the Ariana performance. No promises though!
@kailah_casillas: "@PeteFerrigno: @kailah_casillas i love how you respond to all your fans. Not everyone does that. Your so sweet๐#teamkailah" RT Well you guys are the coolest. I try my best to keep up with you. Your support means a lot ๐
โ@kailah_casillas: "@sorryimtiana101: @kailah_casillas which cast members do you still hangout with after the show ended?" RT Mostly my love @MTV_CHRISTOPHER & my bestfriend @itSabrina
@kailah_casillas: "@Patrick6070: @kailah_casillas oh that's what's up lol ok so in your opinion what was the hardest part of the show for uโ RT Definitely living with the asshats. It wasn't easy.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: A little #photoshoot today... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfujABuVIAAg3NZ.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: Who in the hell let us here๐ค๐๐ #mtvmovieawards https://www.instagram.com/p/BECwpEkPPtR/
@jenstaxo: Lost my brand new lip stick from the @KylieJenner lip kit so what is life anymore? ๐๐ญ With @KylieJenner new metallic lipstick, my lips can now just reflect off all your hate โ๐ผ๐ #swerve @kyliecosmetics
@MTVCeeJai: Whata nightโค๏ธ๐.... Hair๐๐ฝ: @TcTopModlTiller Makeup๐: Me Dress๐: @danesocial #mtvmovieawardsโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEC6hMaPPun/
@itSabrinaK: Loved my look last night @mtv movie awards https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cfu5kzQVIAEPj67.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: #mtvmovieawards ๐ฅ๐ฅ๐ฅ @ Warner Bros. Studios https://www.instagram.com/p/BEC8z_lPPhv/
@kailah_casillas: โ@Isabellanahii: @kailah_casillas If you could go on one of those MTV challenges in the future would you? And who would you choose as a partner? RT I would definitely do one!
@itSabrinaK: Amazing meeting @rebelwilson last night https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfvYnOSUYAYkM-_.jpg
@jenstaxo: I keep trying to fill your space in my heart but nobody fits there like you did
@t_raines33: There's a rumor going around that MTV is changing its name to Ridiculousness. #MTV #NetworkNameChange #RobDyrdek #YearRound #CantWait
โ@t_raines33: #RIPWillSmith @Saints
@ImSarahRice: Can you feel the love in this photo?! ๐ฏ๐๐It's been a whole 5 days since I've seen this gal!โฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEBkjqxRqTy/
โ@MTVCoryWharton: Don't make things hard, Simplify Life ๐
@ChallengeMTV: Always trust your friends. Your rivals on the other hand... Check out #TheChallengeRivals3! http://on.mtv.com/20bMZB6
@MTVBananas: Hey @Twitter your suggestions of people who are similar to me is making me reassess my life.
@MTVBananas: The newest additions to the Fan Page at http://Realjohnnybananas.com ๐๐๐ #BananaSwag #TeamBananas https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CftIg0vUIAERTML.jpg
@ThomasBuellMTV: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.
@MtvJess: Can't keep my hands to myself.... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CftJZ74WsAAiY0T.jpg
@MTVBananas: Nephew: Have you ever smoked weed? Me: Today? Nephew: What? Me: What?
@MTVBananas: Wait... Winter's over?! I must have missed that memo! ๐ฒ๐๐ฒ#SundayFunday #Powderday #Snowboard #GoPro
@Itslluna: The trailer for #TheChallengeRivals3 came on right now during the #MTVMovieAwards. I screamed. @ChallengeMTV
@blacuesta: "I feel like I'm on fear factor or something" - @deeemoneyyy (killing a bottle of sake)
โ@WestonBergmann: I hate that feeling of endlessly battling against the clock, and losing. This feeling is always worst on Sunday nights.
@ImSarahRice: Just looking at this photo gives me insane anxiety. #ineedtherapy #teambanarah @mtv @braincandypod https://www.instagram.com/p/BEC-WAkxqbP/
@CamilaMTV: Because I don't know what I would do without her. ๐๐โ @mtv_lari Happy #nationalsiblingdayโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEDBN3CTEYI/
@JustJem24: My heart is even more heavy this morning hearing that will smith's attacker had been arrested previously for illegal possession of a weapon
@MitchReidMTV: Rest easy Papa. Glad I made it in time to see you again. I willโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEBfN4to74L7H38hBcmX7-4-1_kOZ5zNxVsbR40/ โฆ
@jamiechung1: Thank you all for the birthday wishes! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ๐ญ
- @imalacey: Hope you're having a great Birthday @jamiechung1 ๐๐๐๐
- @jamiechung1: @imalacey thank you Lacey!!
@TrishelleC: #RIPWillSmith such a tragedy. Prayers go out to his wife and kids and family. We all loved you. @Saints https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfsVQpnUkAA2Z3p.jpg
@TrishelleC: @Saints RT This is just too much. Not even a mile from where I live. Something needs to be done about the violence in Nola!
@madiwadi2by4: If people refuse to change, change your opinion of that person. Either way change is good ๐
โ@MTV_Candice: Yeeessss bae give me liiiifffeeee ๐ @MTV_CHRISTOPHER https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cfscd8VUIAAAEO_.jpg
@brittany_baldi: Struttin' in @nouveaurichecollection in Boston ๐ฌ๐ฝ #losangeles #boston #hosting #nightlife #fashion #sports https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfskWy3WQAAACdU.jpg
@JustJem24: Im over seeing Leah text and drive constantly. @mtv can't y'all at least NOT allow her to text when y'all are filming?
@JustJem24: Leah girl, when the girls go to their dad's house you could maybe brush your hair for the first time all season..... Just a thought
@JustJem24: Y'all..... Did Leah almost leave the baby in the car? Did anybody else see her go back for the kid??
@haileychivers: Danny MULLET!! haha โณ๏ธ
@paulawalnutsMTV: Yup...I still love Will Smith #mygeneration @MTVTV #dedicatedtothelight
โ@_Kazuhnova: Its great to witness Warriors win 72 against a great Spurs team tonite. Im no Warriors fan but its great to witness history now just One mo
@madiwadi2by4: Maybe you have to know the darkness to truly appreciate the light.
@n_zanattaMTV: One of the best days ever the trouble trying to tie a corset ๐ happy #SiblingDay https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cfua5s7VAAITvD8.jpg
@mikethemiz: Who needs the Oscars when u got the @MTV Movie Awards hosted by @TheRock & @KevinHart4real watching west coast feed now. #Awesome
@JustJem24: And in the end, you will rot if you wait for him....
@BombshellChels: Never date someone's from DT Orlando, just don't do it lol
@BombshellChels: Every night I come home from work I watch everyone's snapchats and wonder what it's like to have weekends off ๐
@BombshellChels: Someone sent to my parents a congratulatory card on my new arrival and baby formula to my parents house now my mom thinks I had a baby ๐ wtf
โ@EikeParis: "Thanks for the Twitter post" -says the whore my ex fucked. You're welcome bitch. You don't deserve tv time.
@MTV_TeeBoogie: We picked up right after we left off from Hawaii. Such an incredible night. Now I gotta hit Chiโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BECTJTOpVJQ/
@Curtishadzicki (in Kediri, Indonesia): Take a moment and say thank you. #4Bali16 #dowhatyoulove #curtenni @ Villa The Sanctuary Bali https://www.instagram.com/p/BEChTpRSp2Y/
@AlexPhillipz: I think it's disrespectful for for Lonely Island to perform all of Will Smith's Hit's for his Generation Award. #BAD
@kayyjaybee: Cuz as soon as the sun comes up I cut them all loose and works my excuse but the truth is I can't open up
@MTV_TeeBoogie: I gotta get a Mtv onsie. ( sends email ) lols
> RW Week:
@itSabrinaK: Finally landed in Boston thanks @mtv movie awards for being such an amazing weekend
@MTV_Dean: I'm having such an increasing distaste for poor quality images
@MTV_Dean: I'm trying so hard not to turn bougie but the life is calling me๐ฉ
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: If you would like to defend #homophobia and/or #racism, then please do not direct it at me. I will not tolerate hatred and discrimination.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Sometimes it amazes me that after having been raised #Mormon my entire life, I finally overcame the brainwashing. #ExMormon
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: To all of the straight, cisgender, white men telling me that it is not my place to correct other people's bigotry: #CheckYourPriviledge.
โ@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@SportsTalk2474 I could not be more pleased that people all over America are raising their voices against homophobia and racism.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@SportsTalk2474 if we are going to make any real strides towards equality its time to hold those who propagate hatred & bigotry accountable
โ@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@SportsTalk2474 and before you defend @jenstaxo's words, you should probably clarify her current opinion of #GaySex. It's changed a lot.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "@makeupcassie: ๐๐๐พ๐Makeup and hair by me for its_sabrinakennedy @MTV_CHRISTOPHER and @kailah_casillas usingโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEEHz7lHpA9/" RT We love @makeupcassie !!! #MTVMovieAwards @kailah_casillas @itSabrinaK
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Sending so much love to @MTV for inviting us to the 2016 #MTVMovieAwards. @ MTV Movie Awards https://www.instagram.com/p/BEEQafLtLyx/
@kailah_casillas: "@thelamuelpinto: How do the people (at that time) get the photos and info @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @kailah_casillas #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTVโ RT Creeeeeeps!
@RealWorldMTV: Jenna's tears won't stop coming even in Thursday night's new episode.
@MTVCeeJai: โ@80sfilmaddict: @MTVCeeJai I love you more every Thursday night <3 I'm going to Las Vegas this June and wish you were going to be there so we can party lol" RT Who knows, I may be there
@itSabrinaK: Just slept for hours ๐๐ so jet lag
@MTVDIONE: ๐Just Another Day In The Office๐ #mtvmovieawards2016 #mtv
#workaholicsโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEEfLPzBRG-/
@RealWorldMTV: @MTV_Dean btw never got to compliment your dance moves from the other night -- don't think i didn't see that
- @MTV_Dean: @RealWorldMTV Thank you! I'm glad I finally got to see that face of yours๐
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTV_Dean SO GLAD we finally got to meet!
@RealWorldMTV: Who is ready to get crazy with us this Thursday night?!
@MTVCeeJai: I cracked my rose gold iPhone at the #MovieAwards ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ๐ฉ
@kailah_casillas: "@Gooddieyoung_2: #AskKailah @kailah_casillas if you had another chance to be on tv for your own reality show , who would be included from real world ?โ RT From my season, definitely @itSabrinaK & @MTV_CHRISTOPHER ๐
@kailah_casillas: โ@tess_ambro: Do you stay in touch with the roommates?? @kailah_casillas btw ily ๐" RT Hehe love ya! ๐ I really only talk to @itSabrinaK & @MTV_CHRISTOPHER, my babes.
@kailah_casillas: "@RandC_Prod: @kailah_casillas Are you gonna be on The Challenge Rivals 3??? #TeamKailah #BadAssBitch much love -Chris" RT No ๐๐ป they filmed Rivals 3 while I was still filming in Vegas! Also, thanks so much for the supportโค๏ธ๐๐
@kailah_casillas: "@isitcoffeytime: @kailah_casillas you and @MTV_Dean would be the best on the challenge, my vote is for you two @RealWorldMTV" RT Me too! If I had to pick a partner from my season it would be @MTV_Dean FOR SURE
@jenstaxo: Guys in LA just remind me more of why I have to have a rugged southern man. #provemewrong
@itSabrinaK: It's just another thing that we lost in the fire
@MTV_Dean: When people ask me why I stay so lowkey...
@RealWorldMTV: Do you think @jenstaxo and the suite mates will ever resolve their conflicts? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ce-csSfUUAE5hfY.jpg
@MTV_Dean: I prefer Twitter over the other social media platforms because I feel more free on here
@kailah_casillas: I love when dudes call me rather than texting. Maybe thats the 90's kid in me talking.
@itSabrinaK: Is everyone excited for me to release my album??
@kailah_casillas: Took a selfie with the crowd but also accidentally took a pic with @PBandJenelley_1 ๐ฎ๐ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cfzh3ErVAAIZ_ya.jpg
@kailah_casillas: "@soomichael2014: @kailah_casillas how long does it take to film the interviews? (i like knowing stuff like this lol) ๐ฉโ RT Depends. Usually three or four hours, sometimes more. Usually four roommates would go Monday and the rest Tuesday.
@kailah_casillas: Thank god the majority of my friends don't use Twitter.. They'd all know how often I ignore their texts ๐๐ณ
โ@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas always has my back.
- @kailah_casillas: โ@MTV_CHRISTOPHER ALWAYS โค๏ธ seriously love you so much. Happy we experienced this weekend together.
@kailah_casillas: It's funny how true "pics or it didn't happen" really is these days ๐
@itSabrinaK: I finally know what I want who I want and why I want it. For the very first time in 21 years I'm going to listen to my heart
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: โ@ThatGuy4442: I totally didn't expect it but I find @MTV_CHRISTOPHER so fascinating. #TheRealWorld has never had anyone like him before and it's awesome." RT Thank you so much. I'm proud to be a part of a legacy of advocacy on #RealWorld. @MTV @RealWorldMTV
@ChallengeMTV: Oh boy, @t_raines33 back at it AGAIN! Stay calm, Camilanator ๐ฌ @CamilaMTV #TheChallengeRivals3
@WestonBergmann: Me, at 12, at the first Kansas City MLS game, ever. #preki #digitalcrawl #sportingkansasโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEEXe7mOUHe/
@CHEYnotShy: new week positivity and focus..you got this
@ThomasBuellMTV: Jordan still a monster on the course
@MtvJess: Feeling so extremely blessed this morning, the Holy Spirit is so in my soul and running wild through my veins this morning ๐๐พ #Blessed
@CamilaMTV: That moment when you finish your workout and feel like your on top of the world . . .Or on topโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEEPzKBzEVZ/
@ChallengeMTV: This is basically what Mondays feel like ๐...
@A_Bartolotte: MTV needs to stop playin and throw me on a mf challenge already
@CaraMariaMTV: Everyone wish my sister partner a big HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY @laurelstucky ๐
@MTVBananas: Everyone should thank me for not being a doctor.
@MTVBananas: "@MTVRWRRQuotes: Who are your pre-season favs? #TheChallengeRivals3 โ๐ซ๐ช๐ผ" RT My vote is for @NanyMTV and the skinny girl with freckles! @MTV @ChallengeMTV #Rivals3
@ChallengeMTV: Rivals On Rivals! Some of the best rivalries have started on #TheChallengeRivals: http://on.mtv.com/1NlamAT
@ImSarahRice: This pic really does sum you two up!! #rivals3 @CamilaMTV @t_raines33
@ImSarahRice: . @CamilaMTV I forget just how long we've known each other !! Man, we sure have gone through a lot together!! ๐ฏโบ๏ธ
@CamilaMTV: I hate it when people tell me to "stay calm" ๐๐... @ChallengeMTV @t_raines33
@CamilaMTV: Jordan Burroughs RT Congrats to my boy for working hard & making his dreams come true!๐ฏ๐ฏ See you in Rio! Welcome to my home! ๐๐ผ๐
โ@ImSarahRice: Computer crashes (after being in the shop for a week) the day before your biggest project to date is due... #GradSchoolProblems ๐ค๐๐ฉ
@ImSarahRice: @MTV You Mean the PJs that every Mtv cast member ever got As an xmas gift 2 years ago? Maybe I should bust mine out....
@blacuesta: I have a school presentation I have to do in an hour and I want to throw up
@JennaCompono: Happy Monday ๐ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cfyr0ZFUYAEoov2.jpg
@ChallengeMTV: The Challenge has bred plenty of rivalries and this season will be no different: http://on.mtv.com/1TN5drZ
@MtvJess: Every once in a while God drops a special person in your life to help you on your journey....make sure they know how special they are to you
@blacuesta: Presentation is over I did not vomit but my hands were shaking like a motherfucker
@MTVBananas: Sometimes being a Big Brother is better than being a Superhero! Happy belated #NationalSiblingsDay sis ๐๐ซ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfzW31kUIAACoKj.jpg
@MtvJess: I'm young and I love to be young I'm free and I love to be free To live my life the way I want To say and do whatever I please ๐
@CamilaMTV: Dont compare yourself to anyone else. Just strive to be the best YOU. ๐๐๐
@JustJem24: Still so torn over Will's death and the violence that's over taking the city I consider home.. Will deserved better.... Nola deserves better
@WestonBergmann: I scored 24 goals this season in โฝ๏ธ. Do you think the competition says, "I just played Wes from MTV," or "The MTV guy kicked our ass"?
- @ImSarahRice: @WestonBergmann They say "that dick from MTV sure is humble!"
- @WestonBergmann: @ImSarahRice I've been wearing my capris while I score dem goals too. It's like rubbing salt in the wound.
@MtvJess: I like to think that we had it all We drew a map to a better place But on that road I took a fall... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf0IEzZWIAAhxgZ.jpg
@MtvJess: If your man ain't your biggest fan baby girl, find a new one ๐พ๏ธs Pray for me don't play with me baby.
@MTVtrey: The things that people tweet to the Pope are unbelievable. I hope he doesn't actually read that crap. Hopefully he just types and walks away
@JustJem24: I'm working on myself. For myself. By myself.
@VMilerman: Chicago in five days ๐๐
@CaraMariaMTV: STOP EVERYTHING! Animaniacs is on Netflix! And its just as awesome as i remember it when i wasโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEEItgPnivQ/
@susie_meister: Today's @braincandypod is on #racism, privilege, & why @ImSarahRice considers her dancing to be accidentally racist
@cameraneubanks: I was nervous.
@cameraneubanks: Sorry @DannaBaird I had to make damn sure @Pataltschul got her end piece.
@TheShaneRaines: Don't let the negative bring u down.. Just use that as fuel to push harder n be the best you that you can beโ๐ป #riseabove #bebetter #ontops
@TheRealNiaMoore: #MooreSisterMonday ๐ค https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cfz0WM3UAAIlwL6.jpg
@ThatCoral: Does everyone absolutely adore Naked And Afraid? They should do an MTV Challenge like that! #BESTideaEVER
@AREUTHE1: See you in June :)
@abbynotnormal: My most guilty pleasure of all time @AREUTHE1 is coming back in June. My body is so ready
@A_Bartolotte: Surround yourself with people who drive you to be the best possible version of yourself
@MTV_JESS: I swear I'm getting up in a hour๐ณ gym tanning taxes food shopping here I come .. In a hour tho ๐
@schmelllanie: A successful party in Atlanta ๐ What an awesome experience I got to spend with not only my bossโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEEN9FZk-fI/
@MTV_JESS: Googled myself .. Then started to miss my glam life in caliiii ๐ฉ andโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEEd2s3j-S8S68upL3O-x6AA7EZWpXH83m2eR80/ โฆ
@MTV_JESS: Just decided I'd say yes to the challenge if I get another chance to go on ๐ @ChallengeMTV @BunimMurray stir up some drama ya knowwww ๐
@MTV_NellyT: May 4th 10/9 Tune into The challengerivals3 @mtv. Lets see who Wears The Crown This Seasonโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEEg1uBoN_g/
@KikiMTV: Do you ever look at your man & just think, "damn...I'm so lucky" but then you realize he should feel lucky because you're wifey material ๐๐ฐ๐ฝ
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV Probably the same look I gave to the pasta I had for lunch
@in_my_SHEETS: Thanks for the hat @ZAKLONGO Ps I hate it https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cfy5FjCUMAIEwT1.jpg
- @ZAKLONGO: @in_my_SHEETS Thanks for the support... Ur ugly anyway. #AYTO4 #Losers
@BombshellChels: How come there's every couple type emoji but no interracial couple? Because that's pretty much my life lol
โ@BombshellChels: Hey @twitter we want an edit button.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: When the world tries to put you, your #gender, or your #sexuality in a box: wear a dress to the #MTVMovieAwards @MTV https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf00bbEWcAA0NR8.jpg
โ@RealWorldMTV & @MTVTV: Do you remember #RealWorld before the Internet became popular? How the internet has changed life in the @RealWorldMTV: https://t.co/pJsaQ18Ciz
@kailah_casillas: When I wake up & I have a bunch of tweets from @MTV_CHRISTOPHER having my back โค๏ธ๐๐ป๐๐ฝ #TrueFriend
@kailah_casillas: ANYONE SCARED OF SPIDERS? ๐ณ #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: Heart is heavy this morning. Bad things happen to good people
@jenstaxo: I see a lot of y'all still have hate in your hearts that you need to set free ๐ #letGoletGod
@RealWorldMTV: I'm feeling good about #RealWorldGoBig this week!
@jenstaxo: I don't have to alter my beliefs in Gods word to know tht it's never right to judge another person or to expect them to be a certain way
@jenstaxo: God is love and teaches us not to judge another person. Nobody's perfect. I don't want you to judge me so how could I ever judge you? #live
@jenstaxo: All these country boys sending me snaps of all their camo gear.. ๐๐๐ผ๐๐ผ I don't know what to do with myself! #camoappreciation
Tell everyone and anyone in your life that you love them. Do not fight with people or go to bed unhappy. Life is truly too short.
You have no idea what people are going through until you truly step foot in their shoes. Be kind no matter how much of an asshole someone is
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "@theqtvreview: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER I just think it's absurd when religious people talk about sexuality being a choice. As if religion isn't." RT Could not agree more!
@jenstaxo: I seriously love all of y'all and the support you give me. You're what makes my days brighter and my smiles bigger ๐๐ธ #BOOP
@RealWorldMTV: Things get emotional this Thursday at 10/9c when @jenstaxo realizes what the Internet leak could do to her life.
@kailah_casillas: "@britanybrodka: @kailah_casillas @WyattJ92 yeah I mean for anyone who actually watches the show would know random hook ups are almost ALWAYS partners." RT Shit.
@kailah_casillas: Me all week waiting for the new #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: I know a lot of people don't like @kanyewest these days but I'm still doing his workout plan ๐ #YeezyTaughtMe
@MTVDIONE: Think I'm gonna go rat around @UniStudios @CityWalkLA with @MTVCeeJai see what kinda trouble we can get into #rattinaround
@kailah_casillas: I know a lot of people don't like @kanyewest these days but I'm still doing his workout plan ๐ #YeezyTaughtMe
@RealWorldMTV: Expect the unexpected in this week's episode. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfyJf0PUUAAigvR.jpg
@kailah_casillas: I need a boyfriend who will touch my butt, workout & cuddle with me.
@RealWorldMTV: Is the information about Jenna coming from inside the house? Find out this week on #RealWorldGoBig.
@itSabrinaK: Thank you for the follow @PBandJenelley_1 ๐
@MTVDIONE: rattin around Universal Studios with @MTVCeeJai & @MTV_Dean #catchusifyoucan
- @MTV_Dean: @MTVDIONE ๐๐๐๐๐ฟ๐๐ฟ๐๐ฟ๐จ
@RealWorldMTV: Your girl @MTVCeeJai is doing a Twitter Q&A this Thursday at 9/8c right here! Use #AskCeeJai to send your questions.
- โ@MTVCeeJai: @RealWorldMTV I wanna know how ya feel. And yes we're on #SavageTime so ask me anything๐๐๐๐
@RealWorldMTV: .@MTV_CHRISTOPHER gets the news of a lifetime on Thursday night. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CfyKHqgUsAATz0b.jpg
@jenstaxo: Probably way too obsessed with @Eminem
@jenstaxo: When I was little I always said I would name my first son after @Eminem is that too weird?
@t_raines33: Me on my way to work every morning
โ@blacuesta: I can never fall asleep....but once I do I can never wake up. What the fUCK IS WRONG W ME
@blacuesta: Im gonna drink a Vanilla Coke and watch @RileyReidx3
โ@CHEYnotShy: my days are all off.
@ChallengeMTV: Will @ImSarahRice and @MTVBananas use their strength to dominate challenges or kill each other? #TheChallengeRivals3
@MTV: It's time for a crash course in the history of @ChallengeMTV's rivals: http://on.mtv.com/23psYwn https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf3u7SVWIAAlaXO.jpg
@MTVBananas: Go to hell?! Too late... I'm already here #LAX ๐ณ๐ซ #BananasDoingThings #NoMakeup https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf4QymDVAAETeiL.jpg
@MtvJess: Momma raised me to never need a man but to appreciate the right one when he comes along....
@MtvJess: Gangster rap ain't gonna help me get this homework done but my twerk game strong tonight ๐๐๐พ๐๐ฝ
@MtvJess: Just sold my soul to @amazonprimenow ๐ a printer, two trash cans, and a buncha stuff later still haven't started my HW
@JennaCompono: If you go through a girls phone never look for messages with guys, look for her and her best friends messages. The good shit is in there ๐
@WestonBergmann: I wish there was a pill that you could take that would give you your recommended 8 daily glasses of water ๐ง๐ฆ๐๐
@MtvJess: Nothing good comes without struggle, some hide it better than others. But when it seems impossible God reminds us he is our strength ๐๐๐พ๐๐ฝ
@MtvJess: The devil is on my back but I am on my knees, I won't allow him to steal my joy for my joy comes from the Lord ๐๐ฝ๐ฝ๏ธ
@VMilerman: Got to see Pearl Jam Live yesterday! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf2JveJXEAAnHPU.jpg
@cameraneubanks: Celebrating 2 years of marriage at my favorite restaurant @CrackerBarrel. Yes I look hit. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf4ieZpWIAA2PoI.jpg
@TheShaneRaines: Peep out the #snapchat if u wanna be entertained a little.. It's kinna lit๐ #StaySharpShane
@JustJem24: Don't give a person so much power over you that their silence leaves you questioning your worth.....
@lauraleeewaller: What a doll!๐๐ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf5IKK3UAAAj-sm.jpg@n_zanattaMTV:
Sometimes you have to take your own advice.
@MTV_TeeBoogie: If Westbrook doesn't get mvp this year. The NBA is retarded. Yes. Curry and the Warriors and incredible. But 18 triple doubles!!
@kayyjaybee: AYTO 3 still the hottest ๐๐ป๐
@BritniNicol: Working on set together, running thru lines.. It's so fun having someone to chase this dream withโบ๏ธ #coupleswhoworktogetherstaytogether
@BritniNicol: Lazy days are always fun๐๐ผ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf4crgQWsAA0jSK.jpg
@whaattaafoxx: I wish you could see you through my eyes....
@MTV_JESS: My life's super shitty right now .. I need to feeel happy again .. Ok let's have a party ๐๐๐ #sisters I love this movie!!
- @MtvJess: @MTV_JESS ๐ฏ๐๐พ YAS honey!!! @blacuesta where you atttt!
- @MTV_JESS: @MtvJess ahhhh can't wait for TWERK parties at your place!!!! I'm off fri and sat ๐๐๐
- @MTV_JESS: @MtvJess @blacuesta for fucking real come live w us briannnnnnn
- @MtvJess: @MTV_JESS December ๐๐พ #coolkidsclub #NYC
- @blacuesta: @MTV_JESS @MtvJess MAY LEGGOOOO
- โ@blacuesta: @MTV_JESS lol shhhhh we will see
@BombshellChels: First she doesn't have cancer, then their not even sisters and now to find out their EX's STOP IT ๐ is this #BGC15 or Telemundo?
@MikeCrescenz0: Woke up this morning and was like where the hell did my hair go!? Haha gettin used to this new look
@shandathapanda: i cannot say enough great things about my bf
> One Day...
@kailah_casillas: I guess I'm doing something right if I'm flying from FL to LA again for the 6th weekend in a row......
โ@itSabrinaK: Excited for this mission!!! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf7gowAVAAIOvGZ.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: That face you make when you're accused of leaking information about a roommate... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf3opczVAAI4QUv.jpg
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @RealWorldMTV *Wrongfully accused.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Missing the absolute love of my life amandarosaliefell. Enjoy #Bali, #Melbourne, and all of theโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEJhRgKtL77/
@RealWorldMTV: Now @MTVCeeJai will respond to you! Use #AskCeeJai for a Twitter Q&A tomorrow night at 9/8c.
@MTVCeeJai: Hanging with @MTVDIONE rattin aroundโค๏ธ I love this kid!!!
@RealWorldMTV: Our cast gets into a hairy situation tomorrow night. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf3pqMSUEAAKtZo.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: Spiders and drama take us into Thursday night's episode of #RealWorldGoBig. Can you handle it?
- โ@MTVCeeJai: @RealWorldMTV It's about to get craaaaaaazzzzzyy๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ If you're watching 2morrow, can I get a retweeeeeeeeet!?? *@ellevarner voice* Tune in to MTV EVERY THURSDAY NIGHTโค๏ธ๐
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: #MyAdviceToTrump: think about all of the lives you are endangering and destroying by perpetuating so much hatred. @realDonaldTrump
@kailah_casillas: I have some really badass opportunities coming my way. Can't wait to share with you guys! With risk comes reward, right?! ๐
@RealWorldMTV: Who else is stoked for tomorrow night's episode of #RealWorldGoBig?!
@itSabrinaK: After seeing the new episode of @RealWorldMTV proud of how my parents raised me #princess #kind
@jenstaxo: Beeeee Natural. Beeeee Free. Because you are beautiful๐ป
โ@jenstaxo: True love is seeing the ugliest parts of someone, and deciding to stay.
@MTVDIONE: @MTVCeeJai missed her flight 2 days in a row so she can live tweet tomorrow's episode with the squad @MTV_Dean @RealWorldMTV @mtv
@MTVCeeJai: I wouldn't say "missed" like it was on purpose lol buuuuuuut I did decide to stay to make 2morrow #AskCeeJai more interesting!!!
@MTVCeeJai: AND I SWEAR I WONT BE BIASED!!!! #AskCeeJai @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldGoBig
โ@MTVDIONE: If any of y'all wanna see me butt naked in the shower, go check out creep ass @MTVCeeJai snapchat story ๐๐ป๐๐๐ฆ๐ฅ @cee_jai1
@RealWorldMTV: NOPE. NAH. NOT OKAY WITH THIS MISSION! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf3qWYRVIAIzITr.jpg
@MTVDIONE: Tomorrows episode ๐ณ๐๐ #ohmygahd
โ@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: We're going to need one of these tomorrow night on #RealWorldGoBig... @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai @jenstaxo (video: spider catcher)
@itSabrinaK: Uploaded my single "If Only" to @YouTube also.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: While @MTV_Dean and @MTVCeeJai are talking about all of the sexy #DMs they keep getting my life be like:
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Meanwhile, @MTVDIONE is only concerned about one thing...
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: As is @jenstaxo...
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: And don't even get me started on @kailah_casillas and @itSabrinaK...
โ@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Also, don't forget to turn into #RealWorldGoBig tomorrow. Trust me, it's going to be #SoFetch. @RealWorldMTV ๐
@ChallengeMTV: "@_mullered: My sister speaking the truth #boss @tjlavin @ChallengeMTV" RT .@tjlavin would make for the best Challenge partner anyone has ever seen ๐ฅ
@ChallengeMTV: When you wake up in the morning and realize #TheChallengeRivals3 is only 3 weeks away!
@ChallengeMTV: Leroy is loyal to the Guy Code handbook ๐จ๐. Do you agree with his reasoning for not liking @ave_tress?
@ChallengeMTV: #WCW: Briana Lacuesta ๐. Get ready for her to bring some @AREUTHE1 flavor to #TheChallengeRivals3. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf8QZfIUsAAmbYP.jpg
- @blacuesta: @ChallengeMTV DAS me
@blacuesta: Back at it again... Not being able to go to sleep
@blacuesta: @ChallengeMTV @BlindAmbition_ @AREUTHE1 I also love me, love MTV, and love being part of a psycho season of rivals ๐
@MtvJess: Everyday, All day. Eat, sleep, breathe.... #dreams https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf7ymvfVIAAtr7g.jpg
@MtvJess: This view ๐ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf77EODUEAEbu8i.jpg
@KellyAnneJudd: Her first night to ever sleep inside! โค๏ธ #adoptadog https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf79xmpVAAAdb6M.jpg
โ@MTVCoryWharton: I've always looked up to those who out work everybody ๐ช๐ฝ #Hustle
@ThomasBuellMTV: Damn I have a bad singing voice...
@ThomasBuellMTV: When I yell at my dog to stop barking, I wonder if she's like "this is awesome! we're barking together!"
@t_raines33: Illuminated๐กby the higher power ๐ but at night ๐ still walk๐ถ๐ปin the darkness ๐
@MtvJess: Men: doesn't matter what you give her, where you take her or how kind you are to her. She DOES NOT ever owe you sex. Period. The end!
@MtvNateSiebs: Bri don't even need the snap chat filter ๐๐๐ญ๐ญ @blacuesta https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf90bZnUsAAL4ej.jpg
- @blacuesta: @MtvNateSiebs I'm gonna fucking beat your ass so hard you're gonna wish you weren't human
@MtvJess: When you find out he still lives at home with his momma.... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf-YOIIWcAAQ4gV.jpg
@CaraMariaMTV: The day i sleep in my own bed instead of my couch is the day i have someone to go to my bed with. For now its couch and netflix. ๐๐
- @cohuttaMTV: @CaraMariaMTV hahaha. That is so me.
@CaraMariaMTV: Support your friends. ๐ธ๐ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEJjtwVHija/
@DevynSimone: "@Christina4683: @DevynSimone @johnnyreilly Hope they gave yall a helicopter ride off that volcano on Free Agents! Did yall literally climb the entire thing?โ RT We certainly did and they certainly didn't. We got to slide down though which was pretty fun!
@itsJennyDelich: Shot the @inkkcmag cover shoot today for the #KC bar guide coming out April 20th. Theme was #TMNT #Apriloneil https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf9Kxh-UAAAcNBc.jpg
@JustJem24: I'm just gonna say it for all of us. I hate watching snaps of people working out. Things Jem doesn't care about
@TheRealNiaMoore: Warriors chase history at the exact same time that we all planned to say farewell to the great King Kobe?! Smh who got 2 TVs side by side?๐๐ฉ
@JustJem24: Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate ๐
โ@ThatCoral: @AbramBoise @cohuttaMTV Oh I know that's just your style. If you can have your knob and bollocks out then it's a party. ๐
โ@JustJem24: I am literally ONLY on snap chat for Lincoln & Isaac . @KailLowry @JaviM9. Isaac will always be my 1st love but Lincoln has my heart โค๏ธ
โ@JustJem24: I am literally ONLY on snap chat for Lincoln & Isaac . @KailLowry @JaviM9. Isaac will always be my 1st love but Lincoln has my heart โค๏ธ
@TheRealNiaMoore: Sometimes Klay Thompson shots be so wet it's almost sexual
@brittany_baldi: All smiles. Never doubt the determined. My cohost Bianca #BrittanysBest #BostonStrong https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf8AZWSWIAAXNbi.jpg
@AbramBoise: Was joking around with @cohuttaMTV that I should it & call it naked and having a great time:) would love to:) @ThatCoral
@IamAdamKuhn: Consistency is the key to being successful in anything you do.
@IamAdamKuhn: Sometimes I wish I could swipe left in person and people would go away.
@JustJem24: Let go or be dragged
@Justin_Rhines: So freaking happy that @AREUTHE1 is coming back in June! #AYTO4 LET'S GO!!!๐๐๐๐
@DJFishhh David/Virgin Territory: The only thing getting me through the day is telling fact that I have floor tickets to see Ellie Goulding tonight
@AshleighMorghan: Be sure to check out @nba IG to see a familiar face in a playoffs AD repping the @cavs !! #nbaโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEJt3aaGt_X/
@TheJDeezy: I never give my trust that shit has to be earned! #YNW
@MtvJess: I'm done breaking for people who don't even bend:...
โ@itSabrinaK: Excited for this mission!!! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf7gowAVAAIOvGZ.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: That face you make when you're accused of leaking information about a roommate... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf3opczVAAI4QUv.jpg
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @RealWorldMTV *Wrongfully accused.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Missing the absolute love of my life amandarosaliefell. Enjoy #Bali, #Melbourne, and all of theโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEJhRgKtL77/
@RealWorldMTV: Now @MTVCeeJai will respond to you! Use #AskCeeJai for a Twitter Q&A tomorrow night at 9/8c.
@MTVCeeJai: Hanging with @MTVDIONE rattin aroundโค๏ธ I love this kid!!!
@RealWorldMTV: Our cast gets into a hairy situation tomorrow night. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf3pqMSUEAAKtZo.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: Spiders and drama take us into Thursday night's episode of #RealWorldGoBig. Can you handle it?
- โ@MTVCeeJai: @RealWorldMTV It's about to get craaaaaaazzzzzyy๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ If you're watching 2morrow, can I get a retweeeeeeeeet!?? *@ellevarner voice* Tune in to MTV EVERY THURSDAY NIGHTโค๏ธ๐
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: #MyAdviceToTrump: think about all of the lives you are endangering and destroying by perpetuating so much hatred. @realDonaldTrump
@kailah_casillas: I have some really badass opportunities coming my way. Can't wait to share with you guys! With risk comes reward, right?! ๐
@RealWorldMTV: Who else is stoked for tomorrow night's episode of #RealWorldGoBig?!
@itSabrinaK: After seeing the new episode of @RealWorldMTV proud of how my parents raised me #princess #kind
@jenstaxo: Beeeee Natural. Beeeee Free. Because you are beautiful๐ป
โ@jenstaxo: True love is seeing the ugliest parts of someone, and deciding to stay.
@MTVDIONE: @MTVCeeJai missed her flight 2 days in a row so she can live tweet tomorrow's episode with the squad @MTV_Dean @RealWorldMTV @mtv
@MTVCeeJai: I wouldn't say "missed" like it was on purpose lol buuuuuuut I did decide to stay to make 2morrow #AskCeeJai more interesting!!!
@MTVCeeJai: AND I SWEAR I WONT BE BIASED!!!! #AskCeeJai @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldGoBig
โ@MTVDIONE: If any of y'all wanna see me butt naked in the shower, go check out creep ass @MTVCeeJai snapchat story ๐๐ป๐๐๐ฆ๐ฅ @cee_jai1
@RealWorldMTV: NOPE. NAH. NOT OKAY WITH THIS MISSION! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf3qWYRVIAIzITr.jpg
@MTVDIONE: Tomorrows episode ๐ณ๐๐ #ohmygahd
โ@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: We're going to need one of these tomorrow night on #RealWorldGoBig... @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai @jenstaxo (video: spider catcher)
@itSabrinaK: Uploaded my single "If Only" to @YouTube also.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: While @MTV_Dean and @MTVCeeJai are talking about all of the sexy #DMs they keep getting my life be like:
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Meanwhile, @MTVDIONE is only concerned about one thing...
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: As is @jenstaxo...
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: And don't even get me started on @kailah_casillas and @itSabrinaK...
โ@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Also, don't forget to turn into #RealWorldGoBig tomorrow. Trust me, it's going to be #SoFetch. @RealWorldMTV ๐
@ChallengeMTV: "@_mullered: My sister speaking the truth #boss @tjlavin @ChallengeMTV" RT .@tjlavin would make for the best Challenge partner anyone has ever seen ๐ฅ
@ChallengeMTV: When you wake up in the morning and realize #TheChallengeRivals3 is only 3 weeks away!
@ChallengeMTV: Leroy is loyal to the Guy Code handbook ๐จ๐. Do you agree with his reasoning for not liking @ave_tress?
@ChallengeMTV: #WCW: Briana Lacuesta ๐. Get ready for her to bring some @AREUTHE1 flavor to #TheChallengeRivals3. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf8QZfIUsAAmbYP.jpg
- @blacuesta: @ChallengeMTV DAS me
@blacuesta: Back at it again... Not being able to go to sleep
@blacuesta: @ChallengeMTV @BlindAmbition_ @AREUTHE1 I also love me, love MTV, and love being part of a psycho season of rivals ๐
@MtvJess: Everyday, All day. Eat, sleep, breathe.... #dreams https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf7ymvfVIAAtr7g.jpg
@MtvJess: This view ๐ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf77EODUEAEbu8i.jpg
@KellyAnneJudd: Her first night to ever sleep inside! โค๏ธ #adoptadog https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf79xmpVAAAdb6M.jpg
โ@MTVCoryWharton: I've always looked up to those who out work everybody ๐ช๐ฝ #Hustle
@ThomasBuellMTV: Damn I have a bad singing voice...
@ThomasBuellMTV: When I yell at my dog to stop barking, I wonder if she's like "this is awesome! we're barking together!"
@t_raines33: Illuminated๐กby the higher power ๐ but at night ๐ still walk๐ถ๐ปin the darkness ๐
@MtvJess: Men: doesn't matter what you give her, where you take her or how kind you are to her. She DOES NOT ever owe you sex. Period. The end!
@MtvNateSiebs: Bri don't even need the snap chat filter ๐๐๐ญ๐ญ @blacuesta https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf90bZnUsAAL4ej.jpg
- @blacuesta: @MtvNateSiebs I'm gonna fucking beat your ass so hard you're gonna wish you weren't human
@MtvJess: When you find out he still lives at home with his momma.... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf-YOIIWcAAQ4gV.jpg
@CaraMariaMTV: The day i sleep in my own bed instead of my couch is the day i have someone to go to my bed with. For now its couch and netflix. ๐๐
- @cohuttaMTV: @CaraMariaMTV hahaha. That is so me.
@CaraMariaMTV: Support your friends. ๐ธ๐ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEJjtwVHija/
@DevynSimone: "@Christina4683: @DevynSimone @johnnyreilly Hope they gave yall a helicopter ride off that volcano on Free Agents! Did yall literally climb the entire thing?โ RT We certainly did and they certainly didn't. We got to slide down though which was pretty fun!
@itsJennyDelich: Shot the @inkkcmag cover shoot today for the #KC bar guide coming out April 20th. Theme was #TMNT #Apriloneil https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf9Kxh-UAAAcNBc.jpg
@JustJem24: I'm just gonna say it for all of us. I hate watching snaps of people working out. Things Jem doesn't care about
@TheRealNiaMoore: Warriors chase history at the exact same time that we all planned to say farewell to the great King Kobe?! Smh who got 2 TVs side by side?๐๐ฉ
@JustJem24: Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate ๐
โ@ThatCoral: @AbramBoise @cohuttaMTV Oh I know that's just your style. If you can have your knob and bollocks out then it's a party. ๐
โ@JustJem24: I am literally ONLY on snap chat for Lincoln & Isaac . @KailLowry @JaviM9. Isaac will always be my 1st love but Lincoln has my heart โค๏ธ
โ@JustJem24: I am literally ONLY on snap chat for Lincoln & Isaac . @KailLowry @JaviM9. Isaac will always be my 1st love but Lincoln has my heart โค๏ธ
@TheRealNiaMoore: Sometimes Klay Thompson shots be so wet it's almost sexual
@brittany_baldi: All smiles. Never doubt the determined. My cohost Bianca #BrittanysBest #BostonStrong https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf8AZWSWIAAXNbi.jpg
@AbramBoise: Was joking around with @cohuttaMTV that I should it & call it naked and having a great time:) would love to:) @ThatCoral
@IamAdamKuhn: Consistency is the key to being successful in anything you do.
@IamAdamKuhn: Sometimes I wish I could swipe left in person and people would go away.
@JustJem24: Let go or be dragged
@Justin_Rhines: So freaking happy that @AREUTHE1 is coming back in June! #AYTO4 LET'S GO!!!๐๐๐๐
@DJFishhh David/Virgin Territory: The only thing getting me through the day is telling fact that I have floor tickets to see Ellie Goulding tonight
@AshleighMorghan: Be sure to check out @nba IG to see a familiar face in a playoffs AD repping the @cavs !! #nbaโฆ https://www.instagram.com/p/BEJt3aaGt_X/
@TheJDeezy: I never give my trust that shit has to be earned! #YNW
@MtvJess: I'm done breaking for people who don't even bend:...
@kailah_casillas: "@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Also, don't forget to turn into #RealWorldGoBig tomorrow. Trust me, it's going to be #SoFetch. @RealWorldMTV ๐โ RT Stop trying to make "fetch" happen.
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas @RealWorldMTV FLAWLESS RESPONSE ๐๐ป๐๐ป๐๐ป
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@kailah_casillas @itSabrinaK I want to be Janice ok? It's not my fault that the next episode makes me out to be Gretchen #fullofsecrets
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: โ@Mels_Kost16: Can't wait to see @kailah_casillas && @MTV_CHRISTOPHER tomorrow! Cause what would the house be without them?๐๐ป๐" RT Well, the eyebrow game would be down, that's for sure.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas @GretchenWieners @itSabrinaK @ItsReginaG I think Sabrina is Regina's mom tbh
@kailah_casillas: .@MTV_CHRISTOPHER... @jenstaxo is DEFINITELY Karen...(Sorry Jenna! lol) Does that make me Cady?????!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: While @MTV_Dean and @MTVCeeJai are talking about all of the sexy #DMs they keep getting my life be like:
- @MTVCeeJai: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Yeah right!!! I have no love like that poppin hahaha
@kailah_casillas: "@MTV_CHRISTOPHER
@kailah_casillas @GretchenWieners @itSabrinaK @ItsReginaG I think Sabrina is Regina's mom tbhโ RT OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD YOURE SO RIGHT HAHAHAHAH
- @jenstaxo: @kailah_casillas @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Kailah is deff Cady!!
- โ@jenstaxo: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER I do love Taco Bell. And fondling my tits ๐๐๐
- @kailah_casillas: "IM SO AWKWARD!" @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @jenstaxo @itSabrinaK
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @jenstaxo I want @tacobell so bad rn I could literally die
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Me too.................. I could totally eat a Doritos Loco's taco right now.
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas Yep come over ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ
โ@kailah_casillas: When is @chrishemsworth going to call me & ask to marry him? I've been waiting forever.
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas @jenstaxo oh you are DEFINITELY Cady ๐
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Me in every episode of #RealWorldGoBig @MTVCeeJai @MTVDIONE @MTV_Dean @jenstaxo @kailah_casillas @itSabrinaK ๐๐๐
- โ@kailah_casillas: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER hahahahah TOTALLY YOU!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Tomorrow on #RealWorld...either GO BIG, or... @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas @MTVCeeJai @jenstaxo @MTV_Dean @MTVDIONE
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas @MTVCeeJai @MTVDIONE @MTV_Dean @jenstaxo @itSabrinaK I saw that and was like "shit I better post this b4 someone else does"
@kailah_casillas: This is totally @MTV_Dean ๐ @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @itSabrinaK @jenstaxo
- โ@jenstaxo: @kailah_casillas OH. MY. GOSH. ๐๐ญ
@jenstaxo: Maybe I should start my own weather channel ๐ญ @kailah_casillas @MTV_CHRISTOPHER
โ@jenstaxo: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER every interview ๐น๐น
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: People always ask me if I'm interested in men or women and to them I say I am only interested in #hummus
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Alright, I'm going to bed. Night everyone ๐๐๐
> #ThankYouKobe
@n_zanattaMTV: Watching Kobe's last game like ๐ lets get it!!!!!
@TheOfficial_CT: True. True... #blackmambaday ๐ #kobe https://www.instagram.com/p/BEKm5Y3tTF4/
@blacuesta: that #kobe commercial hahahah
@BombshellChels: Not even a Kobe fan, but I'm watching lol
@shandathapanda: lol u luv kobe?????????????
@alexandriakim_: ok. my hands are sweating-- #kobe @Lakers
@blacuesta: #51 #MambaDay
@blacuesta: #53
@blacuesta: Damn damn damn
@IamAdamKuhn: KOBE BRYANT!
@blacuesta: GAHDAMN
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Even Kanye smiled at that last shot -#MambaDay
@karlihenriquez: Last minute of @kobebryant's @Lakers career. Wow. #MambaDay
โ@BombshellChels: This is just ridiculous lol
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Kobe is literally angels in the outfield right now omg
@SteeloBrim: KOBE!!!
@BombshellChels: Kobe's like "y'all wanted a show, here you go"
@SteeloBrim: Kobe gon get the "W" them hit Vanessa with that Black Mamba tonight!
@blacuesta: & that's 60....speechless #MambaDay
@MelanieIglesias: Gotta give it up for Kobe!! What a game!!! Gonna be a while before we see something like that ever again.
@alexandriakim_: kinda wish i was at the game @Lakers @utahjazz
@blacuesta: Kobe and his fam tho
@TheRealNiaMoore: Kobe corny in real life tho. Sometimes he do shit thinking he look smooth (like that wink) and it actually wasn't. ๐ญ๐ญ I love that man tho!!
@TheRealNiaMoore: As soon as the camera panned over to Lamar Odom, everyone was thinking...awwwwwww shitttttt here come this n*gga ๐ฉ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
@SteeloBrim: Heard Derek Fisher walked up to D'Angelo Russell and said "You remind me of a young me" ๐๐๐๐๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
@roxystriar: "The mic has been dropped". Lol. #MambaDay
@KingReyna: So proud of Kobe
@BombshellChels: I could have gone without watching Kobe kiss his teenage daughter on the mouth for so long
@MandoFresko: Truly, the greatest of all time. Mamba out.
@traciethoms: That was just... Wow. #24. #MambaOut
@mtvrrdarrell: RIP Black Mamba #ThankYouKobe #Lakers #KobeDay #KobeBryant
@J_Medd: Warriors 73 wins overshadowed by Kobe's ๐ performance
@MTVtrey: I hadn't owned a pair of basketball shoes since the Tmac1's. This year, I bought the Kobe 11's and watching #MambaDay completes the decision
@audubon_: #spanishkobe
@JeffDye: In honor of Kobe day my dude @brandttobler just ran every red light and broke every traffic law shouting "No rules on Kobe day" #MambaDay
@StephenColletti: Heavy. #MambaDay
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas @RealWorldMTV FLAWLESS RESPONSE ๐๐ป๐๐ป๐๐ป
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@kailah_casillas @itSabrinaK I want to be Janice ok? It's not my fault that the next episode makes me out to be Gretchen #fullofsecrets
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: โ@Mels_Kost16: Can't wait to see @kailah_casillas && @MTV_CHRISTOPHER tomorrow! Cause what would the house be without them?๐๐ป๐" RT Well, the eyebrow game would be down, that's for sure.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas @GretchenWieners @itSabrinaK @ItsReginaG I think Sabrina is Regina's mom tbh
@kailah_casillas: .@MTV_CHRISTOPHER... @jenstaxo is DEFINITELY Karen...(Sorry Jenna! lol) Does that make me Cady?????!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: While @MTV_Dean and @MTVCeeJai are talking about all of the sexy #DMs they keep getting my life be like:
- @MTVCeeJai: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Yeah right!!! I have no love like that poppin hahaha
@kailah_casillas: "@MTV_CHRISTOPHER
@kailah_casillas @GretchenWieners @itSabrinaK @ItsReginaG I think Sabrina is Regina's mom tbhโ RT OH MY GODDDDDDDDDD YOURE SO RIGHT HAHAHAHAH
- @jenstaxo: @kailah_casillas @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Kailah is deff Cady!!
- โ@jenstaxo: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER I do love Taco Bell. And fondling my tits ๐๐๐
- @kailah_casillas: "IM SO AWKWARD!" @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @jenstaxo @itSabrinaK
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @jenstaxo I want @tacobell so bad rn I could literally die
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Me too.................. I could totally eat a Doritos Loco's taco right now.
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas Yep come over ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฎ
โ@kailah_casillas: When is @chrishemsworth going to call me & ask to marry him? I've been waiting forever.
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas @jenstaxo oh you are DEFINITELY Cady ๐
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Me in every episode of #RealWorldGoBig @MTVCeeJai @MTVDIONE @MTV_Dean @jenstaxo @kailah_casillas @itSabrinaK ๐๐๐
- โ@kailah_casillas: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER hahahahah TOTALLY YOU!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Tomorrow on #RealWorld...either GO BIG, or... @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas @MTVCeeJai @jenstaxo @MTV_Dean @MTVDIONE
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas @MTVCeeJai @MTVDIONE @MTV_Dean @jenstaxo @itSabrinaK I saw that and was like "shit I better post this b4 someone else does"
@kailah_casillas: This is totally @MTV_Dean ๐ @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @itSabrinaK @jenstaxo
- โ@jenstaxo: @kailah_casillas OH. MY. GOSH. ๐๐ญ
@jenstaxo: Maybe I should start my own weather channel ๐ญ @kailah_casillas @MTV_CHRISTOPHER
โ@jenstaxo: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER every interview ๐น๐น
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: People always ask me if I'm interested in men or women and to them I say I am only interested in #hummus
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Alright, I'm going to bed. Night everyone ๐๐๐
> #ThankYouKobe
@n_zanattaMTV: Watching Kobe's last game like ๐ lets get it!!!!!
@TheOfficial_CT: True. True... #blackmambaday ๐ #kobe https://www.instagram.com/p/BEKm5Y3tTF4/
@blacuesta: that #kobe commercial hahahah
@BombshellChels: Not even a Kobe fan, but I'm watching lol
@shandathapanda: lol u luv kobe?????????????
@alexandriakim_: ok. my hands are sweating-- #kobe @Lakers
@blacuesta: #51 #MambaDay
@blacuesta: #53
@blacuesta: Damn damn damn
@IamAdamKuhn: KOBE BRYANT!
@blacuesta: GAHDAMN
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Even Kanye smiled at that last shot -#MambaDay
@karlihenriquez: Last minute of @kobebryant's @Lakers career. Wow. #MambaDay
โ@BombshellChels: This is just ridiculous lol
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Kobe is literally angels in the outfield right now omg
@SteeloBrim: KOBE!!!
@BombshellChels: Kobe's like "y'all wanted a show, here you go"
@SteeloBrim: Kobe gon get the "W" them hit Vanessa with that Black Mamba tonight!
@blacuesta: & that's 60....speechless #MambaDay
@MelanieIglesias: Gotta give it up for Kobe!! What a game!!! Gonna be a while before we see something like that ever again.
@alexandriakim_: kinda wish i was at the game @Lakers @utahjazz
@blacuesta: Kobe and his fam tho
@TheRealNiaMoore: Kobe corny in real life tho. Sometimes he do shit thinking he look smooth (like that wink) and it actually wasn't. ๐ญ๐ญ I love that man tho!!
@TheRealNiaMoore: As soon as the camera panned over to Lamar Odom, everyone was thinking...awwwwwww shitttttt here come this n*gga ๐ฉ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
@SteeloBrim: Heard Derek Fisher walked up to D'Angelo Russell and said "You remind me of a young me" ๐๐๐๐๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ๐ญ
@roxystriar: "The mic has been dropped". Lol. #MambaDay
@KingReyna: So proud of Kobe
@BombshellChels: I could have gone without watching Kobe kiss his teenage daughter on the mouth for so long
@MandoFresko: Truly, the greatest of all time. Mamba out.
@traciethoms: That was just... Wow. #24. #MambaOut
@mtvrrdarrell: RIP Black Mamba #ThankYouKobe #Lakers #KobeDay #KobeBryant
@J_Medd: Warriors 73 wins overshadowed by Kobe's ๐ performance
@MTVtrey: I hadn't owned a pair of basketball shoes since the Tmac1's. This year, I bought the Kobe 11's and watching #MambaDay completes the decision
@audubon_: #spanishkobe
@JeffDye: In honor of Kobe day my dude @brandttobler just ran every red light and broke every traffic law shouting "No rules on Kobe day" #MambaDay
@StephenColletti: Heavy. #MambaDay
โช โช โช โช โช
That's all for now. We'll have more on the roommates' weekend at the Movie Awards on the WRAP, which follows our main 'Pulse post, and in turn comes your way here shortly. For now, thanks for reading and be sure to rejoin DCBLOG in one hour from now for the 'Pulse of Episode 5 of Real World: Go Big or Go Home.
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