Thursday, April 14, 2016

DC WRAP: Real World Go Big or Go Home - "Unfriended"

BY DC CUEVA                           
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

We've crossed the one-third pole of Real World Go Big or Go Home, and welcome back to DCBLOG as we recap Episode 4 (and 3 as well) of this season as we prepare for tonight's episode from Vegas.
   The drama has picked up a bit as last week, we saw Jenna get saved by the bell after a brush with injury before their latest mission, Kailah & Dione encounter a speed bump, and Chris going to a strip club for the first time. And echoing what happened to Dustin five years ago down the street at the Hard Rock, an shocking internet post left Jenna uncertain of who to trust in the house.
   As promised, we'll have a recap of not only last week's Episode 4, but also Episode 3 preceding it, along with our winners of the night and more fan reaction. And on ExtraTime, we'll catch up with both a Real World original and the latest in Team MTV to become a parent. All that is next.

Episodes 3 & 4

We begin our Wrap with Episode 3, and Jenna and Kailah getting into words, and Chris coming to comfort Jenna and let her know that there are people in the house who like her. They would then head down to the pool and see some Australian strippers, and the girls ask them to do their thing poolside and Jenna enjoys the company of guys dancing around her and the girls. She calls her guy back home about that lap dance and he's not happy about it, but it was just the beginning.
   Later, the group is invited to that strip show by the strippers and Jenna tells the group that she would go, provided that none of the strippers dance on her, which in turn would cause a conflict of interest in her non-existent relationship with Austin. They head to the show and enjoy all the wildness of one of Vegas' most popular attractions. But then, when the strippers come down from the stage to bring a girl on stage, CeeJai points to Jenna, a guy grabs her and starts dancing on her on stage, then takes her hand and puts it down his banana hammock.

Jenna is totally beside herself in tears after all that and Chris takes her outside for fresh air and for a chance to vent. She's obviously upset over this worst case scenario coming true of the last thing she wanted of having a stripper dancing on her, and she should've not gone to the club anyway. Later on, Jenna gets into words with CeeJai over putting her into that position when she had no knowledge of Jenna's wishes to not get danced on, all while she was emailing Austin about that fateful night. Chris & Jenna would later bond over their Mormonism, leaving Church and moving out at the same time.
   And a few days later, Jenna tries to call Austin to find out the status of their relationship post lapdance, but after 100 calls she tries to email him many times, but gets no response to no avail. Chris goes over to her to discuss this matter, and she tells him that she wants to go after Kailah or CeeJai if they eavesdrop, and the former comes in to tell her that she needs to grow up and that she had no role in what happened the other night, and adds that she's old enough and could've done anything to prevent this mess.

When the group returns from the club in what turns out to be the first of two unfortunate events to happen to poor Jenna, Dione and Kailah are the last ones awake, and the topic on their minds is of the previous night's events and of the girl drama he's had, which as it turns out would continue into last week's episode. There's not much to talk about until they reach Dione's girlfriend Amanda coming out to Vegas for a visit. Later, Amanda calls up the house, and Dione fesses up to her about his night with Kailah and feels bad for himself, but decides it's best to tell Amanda about it. Obviously, she's not happy about it and even more upset that eventually it'll make it to television once we get to see it. Amanda is not only upset about that one night stand but also that Dione's living with Kailah too. When they go out to the bar, Kailah hits on Dione, but he's ignoring her and has no plans to re-hook up, and doesn't feel the same about her that she does about him, and heads home.

Well, not all of Week 3 centered around big time drama: CeeJai followed in my lead in celebrating her birthday in the pleasure capital of the world, and the roommates decide to go ATV'ing in the Vegas desert, and obviously she and everyone else is excited for this. Jenna is used to this in the South, but while they're riding she gets thrown from her ATV after hitting a rock...she had the wind knocked out of her but walks away alright. CeeJai's vehicle also flips out as well, but she didn't go with it in a rather close call.
   When they get home, CeeJai's sister calls her up for the customary "Happy Birthday" call from back home and CeeJai tells her how fortunate she is to have met the housemates who love, adore and support her. She then heads to the confessional where Kailah & Chris are and breaks down about how she wasn't able to save her mom's life when the painful events that happened to her parents took place. Jenna, Dean and Dione make a cake for her for the big night, and when they go to the club for her birthday, they all enjoy this momentous night.

Jenna finds out that the muscle in her shoulder is swollen from hurting her neck in that ATV spill and is told to not do anything strenuous, which seems like perfect timing when the house gets a water-related mission, and Jenna is worried that she can't do that mission, which could be grounds for her to be the first roommate sent home. The group arrives at their mission at a water park and see a large airbag in that lake which will be used in that challenge. Jenna is told that, per doctor's orders, she can't participate in that mission...
   And that's where last week's episode kicks off, as instead of her deciding whether or not to go, it's her roommates that are given the green light by the crew to decide her fate. The group huddles up as discuss as if this was the last pre-final mission on a Challenge where the winners have to choose the last elimination's participants on the spot, and CeeJai & Kailah want Jenna set home. In the end, the house doesn't pull the trigger, but they would eventually find out that they may have to regret that decision by night's end.
   Meantime, the whole group participates in The Blob - a big air cushion that one can sit on while two people jump onto it from above, and in turn sends that person flying up and down into the lake. Given past history of seeing what happens with the combination of people like him with water on the Trifecta, Dean is afraid of the water but follows through. Sabrina also has fears, given that her collar bone has broken twice and has a metal plate in her neck now. She eats it, and upon contact she summersaults mid-air in a bellyflop, and paramedics are called in to drag her out of the lake...but she is okay. No revisit of what happened to Tony in Turkey.

As they trek back to the Gold Spike, Dione grills Jenna with questions of whether she can watch gay sex, and she responds that seeing two homosexuals engaging in that disgusts her. That sparks words between her and Chris, a pansexual, and she accuses him of worshipping Satan and not believing in God and worshipping the devil. Almost immediately, the house begins to regret keeping Jenna in the house, with the exception of Dione and Dean; the ladder feels he can open her mind. She thinks she's being singled out because her dry sense of humor is not understandable because of her being from the South where racism and homophobia are prevalent there. CeeJai hears her and finds out about their differing views on this issue, and she can't understand where Jenna comes from as Jenna was raised her life in SC and CeeJai was raised in the Midwest before moving to Atlanta. Things are starting to get interesting, and as it turns out, it's just the beginning to this drama with Jenna.

The Dione & Kailah Show continues in the aftermath of him opening up to his girl back home of his one night stand with his roommate. Week 4 sees the latest chapter in this saga when he goes to the Ghost Bar Day Club at the Palms down the street, and picks a local girl named Kia, hangs out with her, and makes out in the limo...and all this comes after he puts on a cheetah costume on. Later, Kia would come to the penthouse and Jungle Boy doesn't waste time in bringing her into the house shower and get it on, shall we say. And all of this takes place while Kailah is in the house.
   Dione is the latest roommate who's come to Real World with wanting to sleep and hang out with girls with no remorse for their loved one back home. Through a point made by my colleague Andrew Kirk, we've seen this a lot in recent RW seasons of how a guy has come into the house with a girl back home and how that hasn't stopped them from hooking up either with a girl roommate or a local. Relatively recent roommates like Adam/Vegas XXV, Trey/STT, Jay from Ex-Plosion and Tony last year come to mind, and we'll have the link to Andrew's thoughts at the conclusion of this WRAP.

As things have gotten sour with him and Jenna, Chris has never had a chance to walk into a real strip club with women with little or no clothing being all over him. Being raised in a conservative city like Salt Lake City, and despite now living in New York in being more free than he would be in the state next door where he's at for this experience, this is the first time being in that pleasure room. If you saw the 2014 MTV show Virgin Territory, which we profiled on The Look that summer, then you saw resident heartthrob Kyle enjoy himself going to a strip club for the first time with having a lot of laughs. That was pretty much the same reaction we saw from Chris in this first trip to the club.
   And later on, Chris walks around in his black underwear in the house, and then heads outside to sunbathe, and then decides to pull them down to apply suntan lotion up his private parts. This becomes a key component to last week's episode, and the roommates find out that someone got a photo of this from a nearby hotel and with good-sized lens, and the user leaks it on the internet. Chris gets to see pictures of him and his hunk on a gossip site while the season is filming, almost as if this is Big Brother, and he's overjoyed by this site. But it's not the only time the web will impact the house...more on that after this next item.

Over the years, we've seen a number of famous people make cameos on Real World (and in earlier seasons of The Challenge as well): NBA players on the first season in New York, Andy Dick in Hollywood, LMFAO in Cancun, Carey Hart in Vegas, Roy Jones, Jr. on the 2000 Challenge, the list goes on. And you can add a punk-pop band to that list...
   As the group seeks some much-needed bonding time after the house drama, they decide to go to a concert in downtown Vegas. And who do we see? The boys of All Time Low, as they performed "Something's Gotta Give," if only briefly, as the roommates let off some steam in the art of music.

As the house drama builds to eventually where it's now one person against the house, it's Jenna being the one who's getting bullied in Las Vegas. Dean becomes the latest to give Jenna comfort in the tough environment. That becomes much-needed as Jenna talks to her mom back home about her upbringing, and both CeeJai and Kailah begin to go after her and give her some real talk.
   Then, the ladder receives a suspicious email from her mom that suggests that the Internet has been bashing Jenna on the web while the season has been filming. Jenna learns that someone she somehow doesn't know has been starting to spread suspicious information about her on the internet. To make it more clear, she had made the same kind of racist and homophobic comments that she had made in the limo to those on the web, and there's belief that it could bring her down. Kailah shares the info with Chris, she denies that she's been involved in this bombshell, while Sabrina tells Jenna of this scenario. But the leak's source remains a mystery to just about everyone...all as this season hasn't aired yet.
   Of course, one of the biggest stories to ever hit Real World was of kicked-out roommate Adam and Heather's mom discovering that her love, Dustin, was in an adult pornography project before going to Las Vegas, and it generated tremendous interest that he was even on the cover of US Weekly. So, it's not the first time that this has leaked onto the web, all before the countdown to a season begins. It will be interesting how this leak will fuel the house and the pent-up emotions.

Without much to elaborate, my winners of the night for Week 4 is CeeJai, Sabrina, Kailah & Chris.

 #DCSocialPulse FAN'S VIEW 
Now, your reaction...

> Fan's View
@dc408dxnow: Well, will we have our first roommate pack their bags & head home from the adult playground of Sin City? Off to Vegas we go... #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Well, the roommates are in a huddle to deliberate Jenna's fate, and she has dodged a bullet. All 7 will have this fun day at the lake.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_CHRISTOPHER @MTV_Dean go off first and a-ok. @itSabrinaK had heights fear but no problem. This feels so fun. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Oh dear... @itSabrinaK lands in the water very hard and let's hope she's okay. Shades of what happened to Tony in Turkey. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: It got tense there, but this group is 2-2 and this group is still stable, if only barely. And now Jenna going into religion talk. Hmm...
@dc408dxnow: House table talk on Jenna and how they need to educate her about a world she hasn't experienced much until coming to Vegas. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Jenna talking to Dean about her upbringing & religion. Even w/ this twist, RW has never forgotten about its roots of covering real issues
@dc408dxnow: Well, there's @MTVDIONE with the cheetah suit on. More of the allure of the Jungle Boy. And they're at familiar grounds: the Palms.
@dc408dxnow: Day party at the place where the modern-day RW began. And Dione is taking advantage of #NationalBeerDay & nothing like a Vegas party.
@dc408dxnow: Well, now Dione is going crazy for girls in this club. And I'm sure this is not going to go well with Kailah as they head back downtown.
@dc408dxnow: Dione's girl from the Palms has come to Gold Spike & they're on the porch, all as Kailah watches from the phone bank. Now in the shower.
@dc408dxnow: And now Dione and the girl are kissing and they're in bed. I feel Kailah is gonna lose her mind here for seeing this firsthand. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: The guys talking possibly going to the strip club, and this bringing up Chris' Mormon upbringing and what we saw earlier with Jenna.
@dc408dxnow: Group heading to the strip club sans Jenna. Last time RW went to a Vegas SC, it was Mike having that bachelor party for the big day w/ Naomi
@dc408dxnow: No Vegas RW would be complete without seeing the wildness of a strip club, as @MTV_Christopher enjoys the pleasure of girls all over him.
@dc408dxnow: Just as we saw last week, nice to see someone lean on Jenna for support in Dean. It's a tense house but good to see someone have ones back
@dc408dxnow: .@MTV_Christopher has had a good night at the club. But now Dione & Kailah are having it out, as I suspected what might happen. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Back at the suite. Dione has made his point to Kailah and he promises that he won't screw up again. Revising past RW guy trouble here
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVDIONE finds out: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER, shall we say, having fun. Well, we've seen everything here. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Jenna learning more about her upbringing w/ mom back home. And CeeJai having real talk w/ her, so does Kailah. Fireworks ahead...
@dc408dxnow: #NowPlaying @AllTimeLow "Something's Gotta Give" #RealWorldGoBig
@dc408dxnow: That's so cool for the cast to see @AllTimeLow. But unfortunate to see Jenna begin to isolate herself & now this hate has gone on the web.
@dc408dxnow: Kailah's mom sending emails of how the public is seeing this cast & of Chris' pics too. Has Big Brother come to this RTV icon? #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Cast looking at emails of hateful comments sent towards Jenna over her religious views. This is gonna get really, really ugly. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: First, there's Melinda & Danny from Austin. An all-time RW romance. Didn't work out in the end, but still something we always remember.
@dc408dxnow: There's @t_raines33 & @madiwadi2by4. Feels surreal seeing Harper at that magic moment. Nothing like the joy of becoming parents. #Tadison
@dc408dxnow: There's @ave_tress @JohnnyReilly_. And there's that moment in the bathroom that I still remember.
@dc408dxnow: Reliving Ex-Plosion... Season that once again changed everything once the exes moved in. And there's @itsJennyDelich & Brian.
@dc408dxnow: Things do have happy endings after all. @itsJennyDelich & Brian have a baby in Violet Marie.
@dc408dxnow: And last we were in Vegas: it was Heather & Dustin. And we sure had a flashback to that moment tonight when they went online.
@dc408dxnow: Now, a look back at @JustJem24 & Knight. One of my favorite couples in MTV history here. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: There's the RW Vegas wedding! @MikeRossMTV & @NaomiMTV. And one of the weirdest wedding vows we have ever seen.
@dc408dxnow: They saved the best for last: RW San Francisco. Season that transformed TV in many ways: longest running RW romance, & groundbreaking couples

@CSUGradAkirk: @MTVCeeJai  you kept your cool and were straight up with Jenna my favorite cast members are ones who say how they feel. good job on that
- @MTVCeeJai: @CSUGradAkirk I'm not like some of the others. I'm actually real lol thanks for noticing😘
- @CSUGradAkirk: @MTVCeeJai you guys were just be honest with her it makes me sad that she doesn't see that
@CSUGradAkirk: I think I'm going to do a blog post on the same guy casting type I've seen since I've been super into the #RealWorld that its getting old
@CSUGradAkirk: no disrespect to these guys but I don't get why BMP casts the same guy every season its so annoying
@CSUGradAkirk: new blog post may have called some of my past guests out on this but I mean no disrespect whatsoever just want to say that before I post it
@CSUGradAkirk: well here it is enjoy #RealWorld fans …
@CSUGradAkirk: watching the preview clips for next week #RealWorldGoBig @kailah_casillas  did you ever give Jenna a reason to hate you cause I dont see it
@busdriversroute: "The thought of gay people having sex disgusts me. But I don't have anything against gay people." Jenna is made for reality TV. #RealWorld
@busdriversroute: Kailah is the worst wet blanket. It's Real World in Vegas and you're judging a shower hook up? Get LAWST. #RealWorld
@busdriversroute: You know what might be more damaging that a post saying you make racist and homophobic comments? Them being shown on national TV. #RealWorld
@BringMeYourTorc: When it's @kailah_casillas vs @MTVDIONE, we're always gonna be #TeamKailah! #RealWorldGoBig
- @MTVDIONE: DIONE MARIANI Retweeted Bring Me Your Torch
Lmao I'd rather sit that game out
- @kailah_casillas: @BringMeYourTorc YESSSSSSS! I love you guys
@BringMeYourTorc: How far will men go to hook up? Just ask @MTV_Dean 😄 #RealWorldGoBig
@BringMeYourTorc: Was there a mole in the #RealWorldGoBig house? @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @kailah_casillas @MTV_Dean @jenstaxo @itSabrinaK @MTVCeeJai @MTVDIONE
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @BringMeYourTorc @kailah_casillas @MTV_Dean @jenstaxo @itSabrinaK @MTVCeeJai @MTVDIONE 👋🏻


Two stories for you this ExtraTime for Week 4...

First, last weekend we brought you a special ExtraTime looking back at the game-changing season that was Real World Las Vegas in 2002. Now, many of you remember the season that started it all in the very first season in New York ten years earlier, which featured six locals from the Tri-State area and a naive girl from Alabama who had no idea that they would launch a show that would be the tipping point of the genre of reality television. And although I started following it on a regular basis only recently, my first memories of watching The Challenge go all the way back to the 2000 Challenge some 16 years ago, in the aftermath of the season that got me hooked permanently to the Trifecta in RW Hawaii.
   In both instances, I got to see the one & only Heather B. Gardner. We saw her do her thing in the recording studio, and of course there was that walk in the Manhattan night where she tripped and fell trying to walk the house's pet dog. She brought that true street mentality to Real World, and that "tell it like it is" trait is prominent in a countless number of other castmates of the Trifecta, including CeeJai this season in Vegas.
   Nowadays, Heather B. is doing her thing on the radio...satellite radio, that is. For the past several years, she's been co-host of Sway in the Morning on Eminem's Shade 45 Radio on Sirius XM with MTV News' own (and Bay Area radio alum) Sway Calloway. And just a week ago, she got to her own show when she moved over to the FLY channel as the station's first on-air talent and a new timeslot: the weeknight 6PM-Midnight slot with The Happy Hour with Heather B.  Every night feels like a Throwback Thursday as she plays '90s and 2000's hip-hop and R&B, an era she considers "the most impactful" era in the genre, along with interviews and other segments too. Congrats Heather.

And from old-school to new-school, and to yet another Real World baby. We've told you here a good deal about the bad boy of Real World Back to Las Vegas, the aforementioned Adam Royer, in how he became the least-liked castmate of that season where he juggled roommate Nany with a girl back home and Vegas locals, and his drunken behavior ultimately sending him home. Things have certainly taken a 180 since we saw him in Vegas as we've documented here, and now, he's become a dad.
   On March 22nd, nearly a week after this Real World season premiered, and at the same time that his RW season aired in 2011, Hudson Royer was welcomed into the world in the company of Adam and his girlfriend, and we're sure he's enjoying this ultimate life challenge of raising a young little baby. Congrats bud.

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That's all for this edition of The WRAP for Episode 4. We'll be back here over the weekend and early next week to cover Episode 5 in what will be an ultra busy stretch that's coming up here. In the meantime, check out the following...
● After Episode 4, Ashley Weitzel-Hill (@AshleyWeitzel) had her first RW interview of this season, as she talked to CeeJai. They talked about everything that happened up to that point, including the events in the house and her tough upbringing. Check it out here, plus other webcasts that she's done throughout the cycle on YouTube.
● Check out Reality Radio Podcast as they also cover this Real World season, Survivor, Idol and of course, the upcoming Rivals III season. Just recently, my colleague Andrew Kirk joined the duo of Whitney McGriff & Stefan Sanders, and follow them @RealityRadioPod, @CSUGradAKirk, @JanelMCG & @SandersCSS. Also, Andrew wrote a post on his blog about how he feels about a trend in recent RW seasons, which you can check out here.
● As we post this on Thursday, April 14, just posted on The Brain Candy Podcast is a post where Sarah discusses her relationship and rivalry with Johnny Bananas, as we roll along the countdown to Rivals III. Check out that podcast here, plus their chats with Cara Maria and Wes, and Road Rules original Sarah Grayson on Brain Candy. Also, Sarah and Susie Meister want you to help fund their upcoming Rivals III coverage on KickStarter, and will sure to be compulsory listening this summer.

We are headed towards the busiest stretch of events that we've had in our time covering the MTV Trifecta, with The Challenge: Rivals III kicking off May 4, Season 4 of Are You The One? coming in June, and of course this Real World: Go Big or Go Home taking place right now. To keep up with all of them, be sure to bookmark DCBLOG for all your MTV Trifecta coverage and much more, which also includes a look back at the original Rivals Challenge.
   Also follow DCNOW @DC408DxNow for live tweets of not only tonight's episode, but also a mouth-watering co-main in the premiere of The Dude Perfect Show with the internet sensations, starting at 9PM Pacific. We'll also have live coverage of the NBA Playoffs starting this weekend, and as always there's DC Instagram and @DC408Dxtr on Twitter too.
   Thanks for reading and until we talk to you on DCNOW later tonight and back here on the weekend, have a good one.


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