Tuesday, April 19, 2016

DC SocialPulse: Real World Go Big or Go Home - "The Leak"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                           
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome once again to DCBLOG and our coverage of Real World: Go Big or Go Home. So far, there's a theme that's been reverberating through this third trip to Las Vegas: yes, there's a Road Rules vibe in the twist, but also a hearken back to old-school Real World through five episodes.
   Previously, we saw Jenna get the shaft when a bummed shoulder almost prevented her from going home, but not be left out of controversy yet again as a discussion over religion saw Chris suddenly turn against her, while the Kailah & Dione saga saw him meet a local girl in town and encounter road bumps. And as it was when Dustin's past became a major bombshell at the Hard Rock down the road, a scathing email is found by the house and turns the suite and Jenna's life upside down.
   That Leak is the principal subject of this week's episode, as Jenna loses her mind and her life crumbles in front of her when that anonymous search by, as it turns out, one of the roommates, initiates major drama both inside and outside the penthouse. The biggest mystery we've seen in the Real World in quite some time begins to unravel as the roommates look to uncover this leak. And on a lighter note, Dione is broke and looks for ways to repay his gambling debts to drama-free Dean. And as far as missions go, two words: spiders and planes.
   We'll have all the action, reaction and reaction for you if you did or didn't get to experience it, as we are now at the beginning of a big stretch in the MTV Trifecta, as we'll be explaining it following the diary.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

For the week that was in Real World Land, join in with DCBLOG next.

> Real World Wednesday and #AskCeeJai (and Destination 4.28)
@MTVCeeJai: Mornin babers!!! 😘 #TGIT  It's Thursday already.... That only took forever🙃
@MTVCeeJai: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER #LetMeCheerYouUp by telling you that YOU make this world a better place in such a unique way.❤️
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @MTVCeeJai I love her so much.
@MTVCeeJai: @jenstaxo #LetMeCheerYouUp by telling you that everything I told you in the beginning, I still mean it. Don't ever worry about that😊
‏@MTVCeeJai: @MTV_Dean Hey zaddy❤️ #LetMeCheerYouUp by giving you permission to grab this booty. 😂😂😂
@MTVCeeJai: @kailah_casillas #LetMeCheerYouUp by telling you sumn you know already; you're a cutie patutie😍.
- @kailah_casillas: @MTVCeeJai Haha oh why thank you 😛❤️
‏@MTVCeeJai: @MTVDIONE #LetMeCheerYouUp by telling you that I'm rolling up after this tweet😎✊🏾🍃💨
@MTVCeeJai: @itSabrinaK #LetMeCheerYouUp by telling you that I'm so proud of the woman you are. I love how you own YOU! #WitchaTalentedAss
@MTVCeeJai: My followers #LetMeCheerYouUp by giving you my nudes.😈😈😈 Ok ok ok too much for twitter💁🏽
@MTVCeeJai: Today is #AskCeeJai day❤️🙃
‏@MTVCeeJai: @RealWorldMTV 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴T O N I G H T🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴
@itSabrinaK: Love yourself
- @MTVCeeJai: @itSabrinaK Or no one else will❤️
@RealWorldMTV: I think we know this guy. Find out if @MTVDIONE gets his money back in tonight's episode.
@itSabrinaK: Premiering on a talk show today for the university!! Premiering my new song
@kailah_casillas: TODAYS THE DAY! My favorite of the week! Can't wait for you all to see it 🎉🎉🎉 #GoBigOrGoHome
@kailah_casillas: #TeamKailah 💕
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: #LetMeCheerYouUp @MTVCeeJai by telling you that your courage and your passion inspires me every day :)
- @MTVDIONE: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @MTVCeeJai #LetMeCheerYouUpBy telling you I'm going to the beach to day drink & play in the sun😂 #ilied
@MTV_Dean: 😂 Man @mtvdione lost my money so he's finding every way possible to get it back...tune in… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEMCeMhI924/
@RealWorldMTV: No one was ready for tonight's spider mission! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf3q-caVAAImrA5.jpg
- @MTVCeeJai: @RealWorldMTV Ain't no secrets bih #AskCeeJai is 🔥🔥🔥 tonight❤️💁🏽 get them hashtags ready and don't be shy😘
@MTVDIONE: 📽🔥Rouge Carpet 3🔥🎥  #rougecarpet #realworldgobig #mtvmovieawards #mtvmovieawards2016 #jungleboy https://www.instagram.com/p/BEMGA2ZBRG_/
@RealWorldMTV: Leaked information becomes all too real for @jenstaxo tonight.
@MTVDIONE: The fact that there's a pic of me panhandling on the st on @MTV Twitter home RN #realworldgobig #whattheactual
@itSabrinaK: Just performed my new single https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgBc8LzW4AErRJR.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: #TBT to the Austin cast and some of our favorite couples. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf30gZZVIAAUuP9.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: Love @MTVCeeJai? Use #AskCeeJai to join in on her Twitter Q&A right here tonight at 9/8c! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf3sOxIUAAIZf78.jpg
@RealWorldMTV: Be afraid of tonight's episode. Very afraid.
@MTVCeeJai: Everyone wanna see you do good; just not better than them. #AskCeeJai is poppin off soon😘 #RealWorldGoBig trying to change the game❤️
@jenstaxo: When your ex tries to come back into your life after you're starting to forget about him & your just like:
@RealWorldMTV: Not down with spiders? Then, you're going home!
@MTVCeeJai: If you haven't caught up with #RealWorldGoBig just go skim through @RealWorldMTV page and let it be known you're there! I got the 🔑! #ImHere
@MTVDIONE: Santa Monica Beach🌴😈🌴💦
@RealWorldMTV: This group is going sky high in tonight's episode. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cf3uZuCUUAEmJFV.jpg
@MTVCeeJai: Tonight🔴 TONIGHT🔴 T O N I G H T🔴 If you're active on Twitter, come say hi!!! And if you're not,… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEMmVKgvPgz/
@MTVCeeJai: #RealWorldGoBig you watching tonight or nah?? @RealWorldMTV is looking real 🔥🔥🔥.... AGAIN🙃 Tune in to MTV of course
@RealWorldMTV: There's just three hours until #RealWorldGoBig.
@itSabrinaK: Who is excited for tonight !!!
‏@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Like you guys: @Adele is cool. Like REALLY cool. 😎👽🐉
‏@nessnitty: Tonight after a new episode of @mtv the #RealWorld, I'm hosting the #RealTalk aftershow with the… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEMzU9JITlO/
- @MTVCeeJai: ‏@nessnitty My girl @nessnitty was the oooonly one qualified enough to get #TheReal out of us. Tune in to see her technique💁🏽
@MTVCeeJai: Hanging out @theindependencesm being taken care of by the one and only @Carly_Lind❤️. You're a doll. Sorry if @MTVDIONE gets on your nerve😒

@susie_meister: Today's @braincandypod has us discussing @ImSarahRice relationship w/ #JohnnyBananas on #Rivals3 & more. Listen:
@ImSarahRice: Hear what really went down to make me and Johnny Bananas rivals! @braincandypod
@MTVBananas: "@alexisjean_: I'm so ready for Rivals, I need more @MTVBananas & @t_raines33 in my life 😎 RT That's a whole lotta handsome... And Cheese! #Rivals3
@MTVBananas: "@dhall_boss: I've always wondered if  @MTVBananas has a day job or does he just do challenges for a living?" RT Being a stay at home son is a full time job!
@MTVBananas: "@gracecart_: I just want it to be May 4th, I'll be done this semester and @MTVBananas will be back on my tv #Rivals3" RT I am so freakin ready for this semester to be over! Ugh! #Rivals3
@MTVDevinWalker: Spring as sprung. #dadbodseason
@ChallengeMTV: .@NanyMTV and @WestonBergmann will NEVER be friends 🙅. #TheChallengeRivals3
@ChallengeMTV: Rivals #TBT: "Once you get my name right, I’ll talk to you" – @jonnamtv to @CamilaMTV 😾😡 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgBPzYhUAAATe0E.jpg
@t_raines33: I miss her so much https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgBxG9mXEAAJnl1.jpg
@MTVCoryWharton: You wanna be with me when I'm young, but don't accept the fact that I'll mess up along the way!!!
@tjlavin: Who's ready??? I know I am!!! @ufc at the garden? Big things https://www.instagram.com/p/BEMgCO2CdiM/
@MTVBananas: Throwback to the Dynasty blazing trails in Costa Rica 🚲💨 #JEKDynasty  @theevanstarkman @KennySantucci #PuraVida https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgCnxc-VIAItFqT.jpg
@CamilaMTV: I want it all and nothing else🎶🌬
@JustJem24: I'm a @HillaryClinton supporter but I love @BernieSanders too! Proud that as a lifelong #yellowdogdemocrat I have two amazing choices....
@EmFitMTV: You know what gets under my skin? The fact that @crossfit makes Regional competitors PAY TO COMPETE. And they make thousands on tickets they are selling for spectators to WATCH! Total bullshit. Want to be a legitimate sport? Act like one.
@_Kazuhnova: People will always have something to say good or bad
@robb_schreiber: I must say, after watching LeBron in Trainwreck I find him far more delightful.
@AREUTHE1: Two weeks. #AYTO https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgBiju4W8AAKSl_.jpg

@RealWorldMTV: There's just one hour until #AskCeeJai begins with @MTVCeeJai!
‏@RealWorldMTV: Let's do this! @MTVCeeJai is taking over right now for a Twitter Q&A using #AskCeeJai! 🙌
‏@RealWorldMTV: So #AskCeeJai awaits.... Ask away😊
@MTVDIONE: @MTVCeeJai @RealWorldMTV How much would a cee-jai beep if a cee-jai could beep beep #askceejai
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTVDIONE She would beep as much as a @MTVDIONE could beep!!! #BeepBeep
@RealWorldMTV: Questions about @RealWorldMTV ??? #RealWorldGoBig #AskCeeJai awaits
@kailah_casillas: Ok, so I'm at work guys 😢 I'm gonna try & talk to you guys as much as I can tonight but if I dont.... don't hate me 😱
@Jest_the_best: Who is your favorite cast member from past Real World shows?!  #AskCeeJai
- @RealWorldMTV: @Jest_the_best uhm idk that's hard!! Probably Tammy from like the first seasons. She's trill af
- @Jest_the_best: @RealWorldMTV I'm gonna go ahead and say yeah to that! She was and is beautiful, and has style while doing it. No love for Johnny bananas?!
- @RealWorldMTV: @Jest_the_best I mean he's a different breed. I'd love to hang with him lol
- ‏@Jest_the_best: @RealWorldMTV he seems like a cool dude with a helping of cocky. Alright here's another ?:So what was the best part of living in the house?
- @RealWorldMTV: @Jest_the_best the diner downstairs and the club lol s/o to @GoldSpikeDTLV the production staff lol. They made my night every night #AskCeeJai
@RealWorldMTV: Dang... I'm either not that interesting or you guys are just sleep on me. #AskCeeJai
‏@jenstaxo: I gotta problem 👑
@destinyalexis26: @RealWorldMTV what was it like for you to be on real world how was you're experience ? 💓 and love for you're story and sharing it #AskCeeJai
- @RealWorldMTV: @destinyalexis26 it's amazing! To have beautiful people like you listening makes it all the better. And the roommates are Iight lol
- @destinyalexis26: @RealWorldMTV I love this real world cast so much you all interact. Amazing feeling ❣💓😘💋 and you're sc cracks me up !!
- @RealWorldMTV: @destinyalexis26 thanks love Stay tuned #AskCeeJai
- @destinyalexis26: @RealWorldMTV Awhh you're so sweet 😩😩😻 much love for you ❤️😘 love seeing you on real world you're so hilarious love hearing you're comments
@KeithDeNatale: @MTVCeeJai do u have a favorite former Real Worlder? @RealWorldMTV
- @RealWorldMTV: @KeithDeNatale @MTVCeeJai I've been hearing a lot about @TheRealNiaMoore and I must say her stance for something intrigued me. She's a boss😊
@sean_rush9: @RealWorldMTV If not Vegas, where were you hoping the season of Real World would be? #AskCeeJai
- @RealWorldMTV: @sean_rush9 Hawaii some damn where or sumn lol dry ass American air had me sounding like a dude lol
‏@sean_rush9: @RealWorldMTV Were you scared to enter the house because of how it might potentially affect your law career #AskCeeJai
- @RealWorldMTV: @sean_rush9 no lie I was. Man it's crazy trying to decide but hey, you only live once. #AskCeeJai
- @sean_rush9: @RealWorldMTV You're such an inspiration and my favorite this season! Thanks for sharing your story! You rock 🤘
- @RealWorldMTV: @sean_rush9 no you rock!! Thanks for giving me your ear!!
@RealWorldMTV: @soomichael2014 Portland or any of the Vegas shows lol they were lit as theeeee eff. #AskCeeJai
@Analyn14174367: Fuck Married or Killed betwwleen @TheOfficial_CT @MTVBananas and @t_raines33  #askceejai @RealWorldMTV
- @RealWorldMTV: @Analyn14174367 thee best I've heard all night. Ok fuck @MTVBananas marry @TheOfficial_CT and kill @t_raines33 because he's new booty 😂😂😂
- @MTVBananas: @RealWorldMTV I'll take it! But you can't stay the night...
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTVBananas @Analyn14174367 I don't want to!!! Lol I don't want that breath when I wake up!! Lol and we'll be at my spot anyway. So you'd go
@AlianaMartin: Why you guys didnt vote out the racist girl last episode? #askceejai @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai
- @RealWorldMTV: @AlianaMartin because @MTVDIONE made a good point. Because of a med issue, we didn't wanna take that away from anyone so we let her stay.
@AnnahoyR: @RealWorldMTV Is there a challenge u almost didnt do? #AskCeejai
- @RealWorldMTV: @AnnahoyR shiiiiid all of Em! Lol j/k yeah phobia, trek, survive because I was drunk lol #AskCeejai #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: "@Leylax123Metal: Team amanda or team Kailah? @kailah_casillas #askceejai @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai" RT Hahahaha really!!!!!???? #AskCeejai
@Missile_Leah: Whats your biggest pet peeve and fear? #askceejai @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai
- @RealWorldMTV: @Missile_Leah pet peeve these triflin Mfs leaving the house dirty and fear..... Spiders or clown. #AskCeejai
@xale_x12: You and @ThatCoral needs to meet you guys have the common ground on dislikin Crazy mormon girls #askceejai @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai
- @RealWorldMTV: @xale_x12 @ThatCoral I don't dislike them lol I just disagree with their belief and II nephi 5:21 made me feel that way. #AskCeejai
- @ThatCoral: @RealWorldMTV @xale_x12 Ditto on that one. Julie being Mormon has zero to do with why I don't like her. She's a liar,a thief and she stinks.
- @elisemitchelled: @RealWorldMTV @xale_x12 @ThatCoral Ceejai/Jenna "Rivalry" is this generation Coral/Julie on the real world/Challenges
 ‏@ThaTrueDE: @RealWorldMTV Has your career goals changed since being on The Real World? #askceejai
- @RealWorldMTV: @ThaTrueDE no... Well yeah kinda lol I'm not as focused to be an attorney anymore. 😂😂😂 #CarniLife #AskCeeJai
@Liz13452: Amanda Please is as thirsty catty on person like she is on social network? #askceejai @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai
- @RealWorldMTV: @Liz13452 no!!!! please is sweet and kind and just like anyone else, will turn into a monster to protect her ish! #AskCeejai @Am_andaplease
- @Am_andaplease: @RealWorldMTV Love you @MTVCeeJai 👯❤️ #perfectlysaid
@iamgabriellax3: Would take @madiwadi2by4 or jenna as roomate? #askceejai @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai
- @RealWorldMTV: @iamgabriellax3 @madiwadi2by4 idk the madi girl so @jenstaxo rude ass could enter the kingdom❤️ at least I know her
- @Alexandriax9135: @RealWorldMTV @iamgabriellax3 @madiwadi2by4 @jenstaxo Madiaon is sweet and a queen 🙌 Jenna is not near her level
- @RealWorldMTV: @Alexandriax9135 @iamgabriellax3 @madiwadi2by4 well I choose her #AskCeeJai
@Alexandriax9135: Which roomate was the dirtiest and which 1 was the cleanest? #askceejai @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai
- ‏@RealWorldMTV: @Alexandriax9135 Jenna was the cleanest and Dione, Chris, Sabrina, and Kailah were the dirtiest lol #AskCeeJai
@MTV_Dean: Damn just seen @kailah_casillas friend zone TF out of me in that commercial😳 ...worse; brother zone😖
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_Dean I LOVE YOU
@JustJem24: "@KailLowry: @JustJem24 @JaviM9 HAHAHAH Jem! Next time I'm in NYC we need to get together" RT Yes we do mama 😘😘

> AS THEY SAW IT: "The Leak" & Real Talk
@RealWorldMTV: Ready to go big? #RealWorldGoBig starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! 🍸
@RealWorldMTV: Things are already getting HEATED up in here. #RealWorldGoBig
‏@RealWorldMTV: .@Kailah_Casillas has NO chill whatsoever. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Don't mess with @jenstaxo. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Thanks guys😘 #AskCeeJai was turnt!!! Come see me @MTVCeeJai ❤️ I really appreciate you all💁🏽 #RealWorldGoBig
‏@RealWorldMTV: "If I do leave the show, it's gonna be for beating her ass." Those are fighting words, @jenstaxo! #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: Lol I love when I get mad & start clapping like a Spanish chick 😂
@RealWorldMTV: DUN DUN DUN. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Who do you think leaked the info? #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: WHAAAT #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: don't think any of the roomates realized that I grew up like a little boy. I played contact football my whole life...I can take a bitch out
@challengefan_: @jenstaxo @MTV_CHRISTOPHER attacking someone's religion bc that person make dumb comments doesn't make anyone above the situation
@MTVCeeJai: Crazy thing is, the one that pops off the most won't bust a grape in a fruit fight #RealWorldGoBig
@Clarence_Pryor: Hi @kailah_casillas. My name's Clarence. Last week's episode got me enraged with anger of what Jenna said. I'm gay. Everyone has lives.
@MTVCeeJai: “Evewking2: @RealWorldMTV so of course ceejai with them Twitter fingers goes ghost RIGHT when thE SHOW IS STARTING @MTVCeeJai ..” RT I'm still here 💁🏽 Look baby whatever attention you're seeking, get it else where 😘
@itSabrinaK: How do you guys feel about the leak?
@itSabrinaK: I think I am way too positive on @RealWorldMTV (cry emoji) hehehe
@kailah_casillas: I told @MTV_CHRISTOPHER that I would take the blame bc I didn't care that @jenstaxo hated me.
@RealWorldMTV: Sold life advice from @MTVDIONE. #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: Too much  of a diva for the carney life style
@MTVCeeJai: Call it a leak all you want but it was the truth. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Do you feel bad for Jenna? #RealWorldGoBig  37%She doesn’t deserve this. / 63%No, it’s her own fault.  566 votes•Final results
@RealWorldMTV: My heart is breaking right now 💔 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Lol why we acting like the kid lied??? exposed sumn rather than just lied on someone. #RealWorldGoBig
@ghostie229: @jenstaxo since when are we not allowed to have different beliefs? good for you for standing up for what you think is right.
@fendurrrr: Everybody hating on @jenstaxo bc they're jelly. I love u, you're beautiful 😫💖 #TheRealWorld
@kailah_casillas: "@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas everyday at @DowntownPodcast ;) @ehnzyme" RT I LOVE @DowntownPodcast
@RealWorldMTV: I'LL PASS. #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: I love my life and I remain true to myself #realworld
@RealWorldMTV: Would you complete the spider mission? #RealWorldGoBig  61%Yes, go big! / 39%No, go home.  311 votes•Final results
@RealWorldMTV: This is just not @jenstaxo's day... #RealWorldGoBig
@BombshellChels: Your hair looks adorable for this mission #RealWorldGoBig @kailah_casillas
@itSabrinaK: i loved the spiders hehehe
@RealWorldMTV: I. CAN'T. WATCH. 🕷 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @NotoriousAJM @MTVCeeJai @kailah_casillas ha ha that's what i keep telling um
@RealWorldMTV: YES @jenstaxo! 🙌👸 #RealWorldGoBig
- @MTVCeeJai: @RealWorldMTV No lol she just survived some spiders tf
@RealWorldMTV: Serious props to them all. I know I wouldn't be able to do it. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: You knew that was a bad choice,  @MTVDIONE. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Bye bye, @MTV_Dean's money 💸 #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: .@MTVCeeJai holdin' it down. #RealWorldGoBig
- @MTVCeeJai: @RealWorldMTV Shit.... I didn't know her either 😂😂😂😂 #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Aaand here we go again. #RealWorldGoBig
@erin_garner10: Props to @MTVCeeJai for being the bigger person and sticking up for Jenna just then. ❤️ #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: BUUURN. #RealWorldGoBig
@ThatCoral: @MTVCeeJai ok so people keep saying we are alike...;)
@RealWorldMTV: .@MTVDIONE, panhandler for the day. #RealWorldGoBig
‏@RealWorldMTV: .@MTVCeeJai being the positive ray of sunshine we all need in our lives ☀️ #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: .@jenstaxo and @MTVCeeJai are making me cry, it's fine. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: CUTIES. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: This looks SO fun. 🛩 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: “@Bluefire1696: The goddess @MTVCeeJai always takes the high road.  #RealWorld” RT Always baby!!! Well lol not always but you get it lol
@RealWorldMTV: Reporter @Kailah_Casillas is on duty. 🕵📝 #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: [insert Mean Girls reference] 'Cause he's a life ruiner. He ruins people's lives. #RealWorldGoBig
@JayGMTV: What does everyone think about the new #realworldgobig ??
@RealWorldMTV: And @MTV_CHRISTOPHER'S mission is... #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Dean: "House of Beauty, This is Cutie"😊
@ThatCoral: @MTVCeeJai @NotoriousAJM Yup that's my "play cousin"
@RealWorldMTV: "They're talkin' it out, togeeether" 🎶 - @MTVCeeJai #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Let's hope not! #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Do you believe Chris and Jenna have settled their differences? #RealWorldGoBig  72%No, they’ll keep fighting / 28%Yes, people can change  2,001 votes•Final results

@RealWorldMTV: Stick around! The #RealWorldGoBig after show begins now! 🙏
@RealWorldMTV: Everyone looks 🔥 #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: I try to be kind to everyone. I do not know the story and heart break others are going through
@RealWorldMTV: Tarantulas aren't gonna get @jenstaxo down. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Awk. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: This is the most intense after show I've ever seen. #RealWorldGoBig
 ‏@BringMeYourTorc: Instead of yelling at @jenstaxo, @MTVCeeJai tried to understand. That maturity is just one of the reasons why she's awesome. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: “@destinyalexis26: @MTVCeeJai @RealWorldMTV this is why I love you 😂😂❤️😘” RT And that's why I love you!!! #RealWorldGoBig you get it!!!!❤️
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: “@Evewking2: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER so are you pansexual? Bisexual? Or gay” RT #LabelsAreLame
@RealWorldMTV: Ohhh snap. It's the partner in crime. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: After hearing his side, do you think Chris was wrong for what he did? #RealWorldGoBig 61%Yes. / 39%No.  2,437 votes•Final results
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas Love you <3
@ThatGuy4442: Chris might have leaked the info but Jenna really did say those things so how is it his fault if her life is ruined from it?#RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: I am a beautiful soul.
‏@MTVCeeJai: What a lot of you fail to realize, is that I walked N2 this house with an opened mind and ❤️. I respect them for as long as they respect me
@RealWorldMTV: Do you think Chris should have been sent home for breaching his contract? #RealWorldGoBig  57%Absolutely, it's not fair / 43%Nah.  2,327 votes•Final results
@RealWorldMTV: Oh how I looove Never Have I Ever 🍻 #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Petty Wap over here @MTV_Dean #RealWorldGoBig
@jenstaxo: Thank you, all of you, for knowing what's in my heart. All I can say is FORGIVENESS is the key. Don't ever hold hate in your heart. 🏼️☮
@jenstaxo: I LOVE every single one of you. And thank you for being my shoulder to cry on and believing me. You help me get through life! 💜
@RealWorldMTV: .@MTVDIONE never disappoints with the outfits. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Oh hey, @MTV_CHRISTOPHER 🐰 #RealWorldGoBig
@RalphHartman: @kailah_casillas is so gorgeous that I wouldn't mind if MTV aired episodes of The Real World every hour of everyday so I can see more of her
@RealWorldMTV: That's all for this week! Thanks for watching + tweeting with me, and see you next Thursday! 👀 #RealWorldGoBig

> After Hours, Friday Hangover, A Homecoming and Nia Goes Airborne
@itSabrinaK: ding dong
@itSabrinaK: instagram: smkennedy1234
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @RealWorldMTV I'm the #ReginaGeorge of social equality.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: An #OpenLetter to @MTV and @BunimMurray: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgDelYXUAAA1mDM.jpg
‏@itSabrinaK: Go purchase a copy of my talented friend @NickCincotta new album "The Breakthrough"(Deluxe Edition)
@itSabrinaK: Let's get my pinned tweet to 200 RT!! When we hit 200 I will follow some of you back! GO!
@itSabrinaK: Music video announcement for "If Only" coming soon!
@itSabrinaK: Love you all!!
@itSabrinaK: I hope to one day go on tour around the US and meet all of you! That is a dream of mine!
@itSabrinaK: I can't wait for you guys to see next weekends episode!
@MTVDIONE: #imfakeAF
@matticioschaper: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @itSabrinaK @MTV @BunimMurray thanks for bringing back what the 90s and pre-Vegas (2002) Real Worlds were all about
‏@MTVCeeJai: @me7tko2 @annemwood91 @MTV_CHRISTOPHER nah he didn't let anyone take the blame for anything. Just because they don't show it..... Lol smh
@MTVCeeJai: Y'all gotta know that everybody tried to have everyone's back. Some people said no to the offer and some just bluntly shitted on the help
@MTVDIONE: enjoy the show & I promise you the "fake" will find itself to the bottom like in every other good grinder👌🏼😈
‏@ChelsDreams: @MTVCeeJai and @MTVDIONE are my favorites. They are so real and are not focused on the negativity and having fun. #RealWorld
@MTV_Dean: So nobody wants to show love these days? Huh...explains a lot about what's wrong with our society. Time to wake up and see you're the prob
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Since filming #RealWorldGoBig @jenstaxo and I have apologized to one another & mended our friendship. We are both working to love and learn.
‏@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: I'm sorry guys but trying to start fights between @jenstaxo and I just isn't going to happen. We're tired. We've fought enough. It's over.
@kailah_casillas: I LOVE YOU ALL! Thank you so much for the love & support.
@itSabrinaK: Goodnight everyone! 😴
@MTVBananas: “@fat_stassi: I know many have been waiting for my presidential endorsement so here it is: @MTVBananas for prez.  #rivals3 #thechallenge" RT "MAKE AMERICA BANANAS AGAIN" #Bananas2016
@MtvJess: Love is like a car, if you don't take care of it, it's eventually going to fall apart.
@ave_tress: Life tip : don't wear a watch that doesn't work.... #poser #itsnotjustforlooks
@JustJem24: LA next week for a little work project 🙃
- @CamilaMTV: @JustJem24 LA WHO?? See you in 2 weeks in #NYC baby girl! We're gonna tear s* up! 🤓🙃
@JustJem24: Nothing is better than an unexpected text 💜
@MTVtrey: 11:11
@cohuttaMTV: Im pretty sure @DonicaKnight just out axled Axl Rose @HedgesOnBroad . #pipes #son
@lauraleeewaller: A. Little darlin at 3 weeks old 💕 https://www.instagram.com/p/BENNzlOrscy/
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Looks like #AYTO4 is just a riffraff wanna be copy of Season 3. Without us they wouldn't even be relevant.
- @in_my_SHEETS: @MTV_Chuckalodon Bet I'm still the richest guy with the nicest watch 💰💰💰
@ZAKLONGO: Add me on #Snapchat to see me throw eggs n stuff at @_hannahrathbun
@ryanmalaty: "What are you doing this weekend?" My taxes.

@MTVDIONE: You just saved a bunch of money by switching to @MTVCeeJai
@jenstaxo: Every episode is edited. INCLUDING the aftershows. It's funny how people only complain when THEY are the ones who look bad instead of me.. But you know what, I still have nothing but love in my heart for every cast mate. Forgiveness is the only answer. That's seeing the big pic
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Everyone has the right to their own opinion, but making death threats is just distasteful. Especially when preceded by the word 'f__'
MTV_CHRISTOPHER: If you have something to say: say it. But using a word that for centuries has slandered and belittled #homosexuals is unacceptable. #f__
‏@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Love you guys. Through thick and thin. Thanks for everything. @MTVDIONE @MTVCeeJai @MTV_Dean https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgFb4FHUUAEbRYW.jpg
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Lucky to have this one in my life @itSabrinaK 💜 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgFgD6LW8AAxz6z.jpg
- @itSabrinaK: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Blessed to have you in my life ❤️ #Family
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Damn you looking like @DianaRoss with a booty @MTVCeeJai https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgGAcYxXEAAZQQd.jpg
@itSabrinaK: “@RealityTVBits: @itSabrinaK Your level head and your calm and non-judgemental attitude makes you my #1 fav of all the #RealWorld seasons. #RealWorldGoBig" RT Thank you! That's the real me 👍🏻
@itSabrinaK: I want to get on a song with @tiesto someday! @musicalfreedom
@RealWorldMTV: Jenna is not the first #RealWorld cast member to have problems with her roommates: https://t.co/h3ThEWW9pQ
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Thanks @kailah_casillas and @jenstaxo for the nice messages this morning :)
‏@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Once you've experienced something as crazy as #RealWorldGoBig--regardless of any differences-- your roommates become family. Love you guys 💛
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Ya'll may not see it on TV, but I love these fools for life. @MTVCeeJai @jenstaxo @MTVDIONE @kailah_casillas @MTV_Dean @itSabrinaK +showtime
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: As usual, #ArianaGrande giving me LYFE this morning. #BeAlright
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "@ZachAFaulkner: Had protestors outside the temple while I was there. They cited you as one of their heros. Atleast we had our RW bond lol @MTV_CHRISTOPHER" RT This is amazing!
@jenstaxo: Sliders are NOT my thing. But neither is backing down. #warriorprincess #faceyourfears
@kailah_casillas: This show & the aftermath have really really showed me how horrible people can be. I've never seen such hate. It's sad.
@kailah_casillas: I don't understand why one person would go out of their way to send hateful things to another human... What do they gain from that?
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Message heard. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgGm_QiWIAEtBre.jpg (explicit content)
- ‏@MTVCeeJai: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER I really can't believe the nerve of some of you. This is disgusting. And you wonder why we social issues today. Smh
- @VMilerman: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER don't stress it,it gets worst,but the people you truly touch and help. That pays out in the end. Trust me.
@MTVCeeJai: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER yo I just watched this stuff and bruuuuuh it's as scary as you said it would be.😩😩
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @MTVCeeJai I had been doing rituals like that in #Mormon temples since I was a teenager. It's so weird to see video of it!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: I have a thick skin & a great support system, but for thousands of #LGBT teens messages like the ones I posted today can end in suicide.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "@traidingaccount: I'm SO GLAD you have wisely used RW31 as a place to open discussion about this kind of stuff. Major props 💗💗 https://twitter.com/mtv_christopher/status/721043215047073793 …" RT It's how the show started and it's how it should stay!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "@sofialintzz: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER couldn't agree more! RW used to have a purpose but lost its way for a while... so happy youre bringing up important issues!" RT #RealWorld has a history of bringing up issues the nation is afraid to talk about! Proud to be a part of that legacy
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: I'm lucky to have friends like you, @MTVCeeJai. ❤️ Thousands of #LGBT teens aren't so lucky. #StopLGBTSuicide https://twitter.com/mtvceejai/status/721047922628952064 …
@itSabrinaK: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER I love you
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @itSabrinaK I'm lucky to have a friend like you! Thank you for being such a great support and advocate #StopLGBTSuicide
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: “@TheEasterwood: @SurvivorMTV @jenstaxo @MTV_CHRISTOPHER mad props to the house. Seems to be an unusually patient group of 20 something's. Loving the season!” RT At the end of the day, we're all just trying to learn from one another better! #Learning = #Love.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: “@beachy_barbie: I feel like I'm still #TeamJenna but seeing the appropriate way that @MTV_CHRISTOPHER responds to hateful comments on here is inspiring” RT Thank you! I'm #TeamJenna too...and #TeamCeejai #TeamDean #TeamKailah #TeamSabrina #TeamDione #RW31 #StopLGBTSuicide
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: “@orangepunch1981: Love that @MTV_CHRISTOPHER is using his platform as a way to educate people! #RealWorldGoBig” RT Trying to honor the #RealWorld legacy by talking about issues that matter!
@MTVCeeJai: Crazy how far someone will push you without even being within reach. These phone and computers have grown a lot of folks some balls!
@MTVCeeJai: Just blocked someone for the first time on any social media, and it Felt great. You typed all that for it to get ignored
@kailah_casillas: "@RalphHartman: @kailah_casillas At least the naughty bits are blurred out though on MTV. If it was on Showtime or something everyone would see everything.” RT Yep! Don't care. Like I said, I love my body. It's a shame that Americans frown upon nudity yet glorify violence
‏@jenstaxo: I feel like there's so much hate going on so imma lighten the mood by posting a cover video tomorrow. What do y'all wanna hear me sing?! 🌞🎼
@MTVDIONE: Las Vegas or @coachella ?????
@itSabrinaK: Good afternoon beautiful people https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgG_LozWsAAuM_G.jpg
@MTVDIONE: GUESS WHO'S COMING BACK HOME🔥😈🔥 #letsgetweird #vegas @MTV_Dean @MTVCeeJai  @GoldSpikeDTLV
@MTV_Dean: Goin back to the @GoldSpikeDTLV 🙌🏿 Vegas here we come! @MTVCeeJai @MTVDIONE + @JenikaJensen #Vegas #goldspike #mtvcrew #dtlv
@MTVCeeJai: Daaaammnn Daniel Back at it again with the #VegasAntics!! Come see me at my old shpot @GoldSpikeDTLV & yeeees I brought MMTVDIONE @MTV_Dean
@MTVCeeJai: Headed to #LasVegas w/ @mtv_dean and @mtvdione of course! And our beauty @jenikajensen is coming… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEPHk0uPPjM/
‏@RealWorldMTV: I want to go to a party like this, @megangailey!
‏@RealWorldMTV: You're only as strong as your weakest link. See who it is on Thursday night at 10/9c.
- @kailah_casillas: ‏@RealWorldMTV Sooooo thankful for @MTV_CHRISTOPHER 🙏🏽
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas Love you! I would have done anything to get you up that mountain!
‏@RealWorldMTV: We went wild on this week's #RealWorldGoBig episode:
‏@MTVDIONE: This weekend is going to get SO WEIRD 😂😈😂 #vegas
@MTVDIONE: I wish @MTV_CHRISTOPHER was with us but I will be sure to have a drink or 12 in his honor @MTVCeeJai  @MTV_Dean #beep
@Zap2it: Chris Ammon explains the leak on ‘Real World: Go Big or Go Home’ http://go.zap2.it/5g93T
@MTVDIONE: Vegas + no 🎥's =🔥😈🔥
‏@MTVDIONE: I may or may not be butt ass naked for the majority of my snapchat story this weekend  #vegas #wereback #carnival😈🔥😈 @MTVCeeJai @MTV_Dean
@MTVDIONE: I might come off as an asshole from time to time but I'm that same asshole whether the camera is on or off🎥📽 unlike some other fake ass hoes
@kailah_casillas: You guys realize that I legit don't care about any of this. I'm happy, my friends are rad, my family loves me & that's all that matters.
@MTVCeeJai: Ahhhhh maaaaan!!! They let the Kool Kidz back in the penthouse!!! The kids made it back home❤️… https://www.instagram.com/p/BEQJ53BvPpn/

@ImSarahRice: @MTV OOOOR you can hear the REAL, unedited story on the @braincandypod !! Follow this link!👉👉👉http://embed.radio.com/clip/60395645?ref_url=http://play.it&ads_ga_page_tracker=UA-27919026-35&rollup_ga_id=UA-2438645-53 …
@ImSarahRice: @ChallengeMTV Hear what really went down and MY side of the story on @braincandypod !! Follow this link👉👉http://embed.radio.com/clip/60395645?ref_url=http://play.it&ads_ga_page_tracker=UA-27919026-35&rollup_ga_id=UA-2438645-53 …
@ImSarahRice: @ChallengeMTV  Aaaand here's the story on why he's not to be trusted!! http://embed.radio.com/clip/60395645?ref_url=http://play.it&ads_ga_page_tracker=UA-27919026-35&rollup_ga_id=UA-2438645-53 … #rottenbanana #makebananabread
@MTVBananas: Over the shoulder baby holder 🚼 #FitMom #UncleBananas #BananasDoingThings #Coachella  @JHEALYWMHM @LBelleNyC https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgH97T6UkAANbYm.jpg
@TheRealNiaMoore: Amazingggg week at Gulfstream! Learned so much and met a lot of really great ppl. So excited for this new chapter🤗🙏🏻 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgFi_4gVAAA2-f-.jpg
- @ave_tress: @TheRealNiaMoore this is awesome! I'm so proud of you and I know you'll be great at it!
- @scooter5000: @ave_tress @TheRealNiaMoore yeah, what she said.  big ups, lady.
- @ave_tress: @scooter5000 @TheRealNiaMoore miss you guys!
- @scooter5000: @ave_tress @TheRealNiaMoore yeah, that too! xo
@TheRealNiaMoore: Flight attendants fight fires too ☺️💪🏻 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgFoocgW8AAdUdM.jpg
@MtvJess: It's Fri-yay y'all, do something new today xoxo 💋
@MtvJess: I always look like I'm going to the gym but actually...I'm not.
@MtvJess: I've finally learned that even when you make a mistake sometimes best to say nothing at all to those who chastise you.
@JustJem24: I am a very tolerant person, until it comes to shit eyebrows....
@WestonBergmann: Why is 'adorbs' not a real word yet?
@ChallengeMTV: Keep the drinks away from @SimoneJKelly & @ThomasBuellMTV 🚫🍹. #TheChallengeRivals3
@ChallengeMTV: America's fifth major sport will be back soon! Get ready for #TheChallengeRivals3 Fantasy League! 👊💥
@TheShaneRaines: Got my two favorite ladies and were half way back home😊😊 #BringingHarpertoLouisiana #UncleShane https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgIwe9iWIAA0_09.jpg
@DiemBrownMTV: Anyone that knew Diem knew @MedGift was her complete passion-we've relaunched & pray it makes her proud! http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/04/15/diem-browns-legacy-lives-on-through-gift-registry-site-for-patients-in-need.html … #diemstrong
@cameraneubanks: What is Coachella? Is everyone on drugs? They dress like they are. I don't understand it. Somebody explain.
@JayGMTV: Follow my journey on #instagram its @JayGMTV @JayGMTV  #realworld #thechallenge #crossfit https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgHmg-QWEAAdt_m.jpg
@blacuesta: I graduate in one month guys. One measly month.
@KikiMTV: All I wanna know is 1. Did anyone cry more than me & 2. Did anyone beat my Truth Booth record on #AYTO season 4 🤗 @AREUTHE1 #CannotWait 😜
@IamAdamKuhn: When you're dominating pool basketball so you gotta flex on everybody https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CgGMhDGW4AANNg5.jpg
‏@IamAdamKuhn: At the gym lifting more weight than your boyfriend
- @n_zanattaMTV: At the gym lifting more than your boyfriend or girlfriend ;) @IamAdamKuhn
@ShelbsYardley: Not looking at snapchat until Coachella is over because it's making me depressed that I couldn't make it this year 🙍🏼
@blacuesta: if any1 on my feed talks about being at #coachella from now until next week i will punch you in the face out of pure jealousy   yes im hating

> Fan's View
@dc408dxnow: Last week, we had some drama w/ shades of what we saw last time RW was on Vegas & now things are about to get interesting here #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Chris & Kailah are instantly turning against Jenna for these comments online. It seems BB is now watching over this suite. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Jenna: "I don't know how long I'm gonna stay in this house." Pressure of living in this environment now getting to her. It's unfortunate.
@dc408dxnow: Kailah making it clear she did not make this thing up, that it was her mom who informed her of this leak, and Sabrina telling Jenna of this
@dc408dxnow: Kailah thinking that this could go down the route we saw w/ Nia & Averey. I'm sure this might lead to a fight considering the leak here
@dc408dxnow: Well, Chris tells the producer that he was the one who made this all up. This is gonna reverberate all around the Gold Spike. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Chris drops a huge bombshell. Last week, his private moment made the web. Now he's made news for a different reason in making this leak up.
@dc408dxnow: Well, Dione finds money in his pocket of all things when he needs $. And he heads down to the casino, of course.
@dc408dxnow: Now, Jenna's mom calls to tell her she's not liked in cyberspace. It's getting from bad to worse for her, it's unfortunate. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Another mission now: spiders heading into the house. Jenna has a phobia of these critters, so does CeeJai. Now it's gotten interesting.
‏@dc408dxnow: I'd rather be a viewer watching this, no way I can do this. Piece of Halloween showing up after Easter as tarantulas to on them. Well...
@dc408dxnow: It's clear so far, but Dean had a scare w/ that spider going by his face. Now Jenna in this pressure spot & house wants her gone. Hmm...
@dc408dxnow: .@jenstaxo is facing this fear head on in this win or go home scenario. And she survives that ordeal w/ the spider. Amazing. #DCRealWorld
@dc408dxnow: Dione is in the casino playing that money he got from Dean, and he's got a gambling addiction. I only play small-ball when I gamble.
@dc408dxnow: Jenna now emailing her mom to tell her not to look up her name on search engines out of respect for what's become a nightmare come true.
@dc408dxnow: Now Chris and Jenna getting into words over Mormonism and religion. My friend is right, this thing w/ them has taken a 180 in two weeks.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVDIONE now on the streets in need of money and asking everyone for their help.
@dc408dxnow: CeeJai now coming up to Jenna to tell her not to succumb to all this negativity that's come to her. She'll need all the support she needs.
@dc408dxnow: Our 2nd mission tonight: they're becoming fighter pilots at Nellis Air Force Base. They've become kids all over again living this dream.
@dc408dxnow: This is an absolute dream they're enjoying for real right now. Fighter pilots for a day...they'll never forget this experience. It's fun.
@dc408dxnow: Chris discussing with Kailah where he comes from, with this complicated issue of the most controversial religion in this country.
@dc408dxnow: Chris gets called to the confessional and this is a mission just for him. Seems almost on cue, but now he will be facing the music.
@dc408dxnow: And now Chris has to tell the house what's been up with the internet leaks. They've always got something up their sleeves to say the least.
@dc408dxnow: Chris talking to the house mates, and it was his friends who's been leaking this info about Jenna. Opinions of him have changed in one night
‏@dc408dxnow: Into the After Show and there's sort of a Catfish kind of thing here w/ Chris asking friends to create this thing that's frustrated Jenna
@dc408dxnow: Now getting into talk of the Confederate Flag, which flew above the SC capital for some time before being removed by a state order.
@dc408dxnow: If we thought that Bloodlines After Show w/ Cara & Abe was one thing, now there's this week's RW one. And it's tense. #DCRealWorld
‏@dc408dxnow: Chris' friend now talking via Skype and adding context to all this. Jenna feels actions speak louder than words. True.

@CSUGradAkirk: Like I said I don't get why Jenna doesn't like @kailah_casillas  but kailah you have every right to dislike Jenna
‏@CSUGradAkirk: Wait weren't Chris and Jenna besties just two weeks ago lol #RealWorldGBGH
@CSUGradAkirk: Chris doesn't have right to put this crap about Jenna online  what Jenna's saying is wrong but keep trying with words #RealWorldGBGH
@CSUGradAkirk: I'd go home f spiders #RealWorldGBGH
@CSUGradAkirk: So annoyed with all the Chris confessionals bashing Jenna it's so mega annoying #RealWorldGBGH
@CSUGradAkirk: I wish @MTV_Dean  would get air time he's probably more interesting  then the other guys #RealWorldGoBig
‏@CSUGradAkirk: The host isn't making it easier #RealWorldGoBig
@CSUGradAkirk: If the house didn't realize Chris leaked by how he treats Jenna Id be shocked
@CSUGradAkirk: This guy is relentless #RealWorldGoBig
@CSUGradAkirk: Made a 180 on @MTVDIONE  this week that dude is one funny mf #RealWorldGoBig
@CSUGradAkirk: I don't think he would've told bout the Internet leaks had it not been for the mission #realworldgobig
@CSUGradAkirk: That's incredibly hurtful what Chris did two wrongs don't make a right #realworldrealtalk
@CSUGradAkirk: She does you the morman church a lot I agree on that with Chris #realworldrealtalk
@CSUGradAkirk: Confederate flag tank top geez real world has stooped to a new low imo #realworldrealtalk
@CSUGradAkirk: After all this crap this episode has had can we get @MTV_Dean @MTVCeeJai  and @itSabrinaK  there own episode next week
@CSUGradAkirk: Chris kailah let Jenna talk like shit!!!! #realworldrealtalk
@CSUGradAkirk: Why am still watching this after show like this is unreal
@busdriversroute: Kailah is the ultimate "clapping to emphasize certain words" girl. Can't believe it took this long for her to do that #RealWorld
‏@busdriversroute: "I hate gambling. I need to get that money back." I think I've said that phrase a hundred times in my life. #RealWorldGoBig
@busdriversroute: I feel like I'm a pretty taped into the Real World Internet world, I legit heard nothing about Jenna. Am I weird? #RealWorldGoBig
@busdriversroute: Didn't the Challenge almost use deadly spiders during last season? I certainly hope these aren't them. #RealWorldGoBig
@busdriversroute: "I'm done! I'm done!" Yep...I've said that too
@busdriversroute: Chris is the exact type of millennial that give the rest of us a bad name. Let's make Real World great again. #RealWorldGoBig
‏@busdriversroute: Kailah is the worst. Jenna is even worse. Chris is even worse. Running out of people. Is it May 4th yet?
@RealityRadioPod: ‏@jenstaxo Truth... I hate when people complain about editing! Don't come at @MTV, you freely signed the contract!
@RealityRadioPod: This season needs to lighten up though... it's feeling like San Diego 2 all over again... #RealWorldGoBig
@RealityRadioPod: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Yes sir! It's like people think belittling someone else makes them and their argument stronger... #Love

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So, an intense episode that saw the Leak dominate the week's talking points. Chris ultimately fessed up to him being the one that initiated this leak with his friends, all after he got a mission to tell everyone the case. But not everything was all about drama luckily, and they had a chance to be fighter pilots which had to be the most exciting thing they've done yet, as well as encounter fears of a spider as well. We'll have more on this episode coming up here shortly.


Just briefly, some other thoughts. After last week's episode, Andrew Kirk and I had a DM chat and whether or not if I want to cover other reality shows outside of the MTV bubble. As some of you might know, MTV has new management in place and are looking at overhauling the channel, but of course let's hope they don't mess with the three shows I love the most and follow greatly as a fan and blogger. Obviously, many fans might get on MTV for having Teen Mom on longer than Jersey Shore and will lose their minds if something happens to the ones we love.
   For me, the MTV Trifecta is my first love and where I have the strongest rapport with in social world as far as those who I interact with, outside of my inner circle. It isn't the case for other reality shows outside of the Viacom bubble, where not only do I not watch much of them other than Survivor, and then only I would then go back to MTV world there afterwards after just watching it just once a week...that's the way it is for me. Plus, there's great stories among those in the Trifecta for which I can draw on to being their backstories to you here on this site as well.
   The plans are that my focus in terms of TV posts will remain with the MTV Trifecta with both Rivals III and AYTO 4 coming up, though I hope to do occasional non-MTV TV posts when the time is free (though it won't have the extensive coverage we give the Trifecta but giving at least some coverage is better than no coverage). But much of my TV viewing habits outside it revolves around sports, and I plan to do a 2nd Summer of Sports with focus given to the Rio Olympics. Just as I did during the Sochi Winter Games, I'm gathering resources in doing many posts on the one sports event I look forward to most, and expect plenty of them when late July and August rolls around.
   So, that's what's ahead. I'll have a full plate of covering the two competition-based shows of the MTV Trifecta, plus the biggest event of all in the Olympics. Should be a fun summer to come.

Well, that's all for this edition of the 'Pulse. We'll have more on Episode 5 with my view of a key component of this season on the Wrap, along with the roommates' night at the MTV Movie Awards. But most of my attention now is on doing a season preview of Rivals III that should be in the next week or two, along with a retrospective of the original Rivals Challenge that should be up before May 4. Until tomorrow, thanks for reading and see you then.


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