Monday, April 4, 2016

DC SocialPulse: Real World Go Big or Go Home - Disaster from Down Under

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                           
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome once again to DCBLOG and our coverage of season 31 of Real World: Go Big or Go Home. We are past the quarter pole of this season, and a lot of things have already taken place in Las Vegas.
   Last we were in Vegas, Sabrina received news that could potentially see her reunite with her biological mom for the very first time. But the attention was on the wild side of Vegas, as we saw Chris, Dean and Dione forced to dress in drag in a guys-only mission and though Dean had doubts about it they still got through it a-OK. And the flirtation between Dione and Kailah reaches a point they and we never expected: a night together in bed as the first pair to seal the deal this season.
   This week, there's more drama brewing in Downtown as you wouldn't have a Real World Vegas without seeing at least one stripper, which sees the group enjoy a scandalous night at the club and then sees Jenna clash with CeeJai over that regretful choice. The repercussions of Dione sleeping with Kailah last week is not surprisingly stirring up major girl drama as the saga of them continues. CeeJai gets to enjoy her birthday with both the excitement of celebrating it in Vegas, and the emotions of celebrating it all alone. And just like what happened to Candice & Leroy on Bloodlines, an injury before a mission threatens to send one of the roommates home.
   We'll have all the interaction from episode 3 for you here and the accompanying lead-up and aftermath, plus a Q&A with Kailah and real talk with Chris. We also have someone who had a short but sweet run on the last Challenge season and whose misfortune may be revisited in another of the roommates ahead in Vegas, along with the always honest & entertaining view of Teen Mom from the point of view of Jemmye. And after the diary, we'll look ahead at a huge stretch of events coming up on DCNOW.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

Join In for fun, drama and more from week 3 of Season 31 of Real World, 'Pulse style - next.

We begin this week's Pulse with Candice - Leroy's partner on Bloodlines, with her live tweets of the first two episodes as she caught up with them On Demand when she was on Team No Sleep. Given the potential that Episode 4 may have a flashback to her & Lean Body being sent home early due to her toe injury, we've felt like starting this diary with her, along with Jemmye and her latest TM tweets.

> #RealWorldGoBig, As Candice Sees It
@MTV_Candice: When you decide to catch up on the Real World: Go Big Or Go Home at 4:30 in the morning. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Ceejai better jump her ass off that hot air balloon! !!! Let them know DDMB!  #RealWorld #gobigorgohome
@MTV_Candice: Kailah should of never been ear hustling smh #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Jenna: "For black people"? πŸ˜•  CeeJai: "For everyone" πŸ˜’ yea that bitch tried it smh #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Ceejai looking like yea okay watch what you say bitch πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: My face when Jenna talks πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜•πŸ˜• "awww hellllll naw". She REALLY needs to stop talking. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: "@grammar_ph: It is the case that it was possible for @MTV_Candice to have used β€œKailah should['ve] never” instead. β€˜Of’ isn't a verb." RT Lmaoooo πŸ˜‚ Can I live?
@MTV_Candice: Dean: "That ass" ..... Um what ass? I'm confused πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #TheRealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Damn after CeeJai told her story Jenna shouldn't say anything about racism anymore. .. #Flatout #leaveitalone #RealWorldGoBig
- @wtx_sweetheart: @MTV_Candice cause she is totally the only racist one, right? #Flatout #leaveitalone
- @MTV_Candice: @wtx_sweetheart Hmmm I wouldn't say she's racist. I believe by her being from the south she's use to certain things far as race.
@MTV_Candice: πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ™ŠπŸ™Š #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: I feel her, sometimes you just gotta stay cool, calm and collective. 😎 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: It's something about Sabrina, she reminds me of @riannavalentine #RealWorldGoBig
- @orangepunch1981: @MTV_Candice @riannavalentine the raspy voice and sense of humour. I thought the same thing
- @MTV_Candice: @orangepunch1981 Bingo! !! That's exactly what it is!
@MTV_Candice: Lmmfaooooooooooooo 😭 πŸ’€ Dione as a woman thoooo πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.  #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Kailah bout to put Jenna in her place! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: CeeJai, Kailah, Sabrina, Dione and Dean #sofarfavorites #RealWorldGoBig

> #TeenMom2: From Jemmye's View
@JustJem24: Y'all I'm watching teen mom, can I tweet about it even thou it's last week's episode?
@JustJem24: Janelle just shaded her friend on tv talking about well at least it's from big lots... Bishhhhhhh that's rude AF
@JustJem24: Leah's kid basically just said bitch you don't feed me.. Let that sink in y'all.
@JustJem24: Leah didn't feed her kids breakfast or pack them a lunch and now I legit want to fight her....
@JustJem24: Did anybody else see Leah's kid look at her like damn ma, aren't you gonna stop me from consuming 73 packs of straight sugar? 😭😭
@JustJem24: I grew up in the middle of the country in Mississippi but my grandma would have never let a damn pig in the house... Shit is weird AF to me
@JustJem24: I hate when side bitches get teen mom tv time.... We are not here for this Thot of the week.
@JustJem24: Nathan's chick is wearing a body shop shirt, weave from 2007, is damn near 37 and is really geeked about being on teen mom. I cantttttttttt
@JustJem24: Me and Aubrey have the same hair cut and I have never felt cooler πŸ’πŸΌ
@JustJem24: If I ever have to wait 48 mins to see @BabsEvansMTV I will never watch an episode again. I'm here for Babs & my baby Lincoln ONLY
@JustJem24: I would rather claw my eyes out with a fork than eat those hot dogs that jenelle just made
@JustJem24: I would rather claw my eyes out with a fork than eat those hot dogs that jenelle just made
@JustJem24: Lincoln is looking at Sterling on FaceTime like my daddy told me not to like you. He said your my mom's triflin single friend 😭😭
@JustJem24: That one twin literally hates Leah. She's going to swing on her soon. Calling it now..
@JustJem24: If Adam can buy a house & get a job then any dream you possibly have can come true my babies.....
@JustJem24: As other girls pray for handsomeness in a lover, or for wealth, or for power, or for poetry, I pray fervently: let him be kind..

β–ͺ    β–ͺ    β–ͺ 

> Weekend After, and Easter
@RealWorldMTV: Get ready to watch @jenstaxo's big moment on Thursday night at 10/9c.
‏@RealWorldMTV: An accurate image of me after my Saturday morning workout.
@RealWorldMTV: Thursday night's episode is going to be a wild ride.
@RealWorldMTV: How did Kailah and Dione really feel about that night in Vegas?:
@RealWorldMTV: Oh, yeah. #RealWorldGoBig gets sexy this week.
@RealWorldMTV: Uh-oh. @kailah_casillas does not look happy in this week's episode. s
@itSabrinaK: So who bought #IfOnly?!
@itSabrinaK: Brunch
@MTV_Dean: Hotter Than Some Ham throwback
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: When we say "Real" World, we mean it. If you're not going to be real, get out of the suite. #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV
@itSabrinaK: I know some of you have mixed opinions about me based on two episodes. Not here to please you in here to spread my music and messages ..
@itSabrinaK: What I do is different than what I did on a tv show. Respect me for my music and my messages could care less about the tv.
@ChallengeMTV: I'm glad you didn't tell her @JennaCompono! 😈
- @JennaCompono: @ChallengeMTV Hahhaha me too!!! 😝 I'm the best convincer
@madiwadi2by4: There is nothing like a good man.
@WestonBergmann: Riddle-me this: why don't they hand out orange slices after sports games anymore? 🍊
@MTV_JESS: Wooooo deff bringing  @MTV_Christina with me to Brazil this year 😁😁😁😍❀️
- @Modelboi12: @MTV_JESS @MTV_Christina I wanna go are guys not allowed
- @MTV_JESS: @Modelboi12 you can come too match 😘
@_hannahrathbun: "@tbhjuststop: the first date vs. when ur in a relationship" RT Me af except @ZAKLONGO watched me gain 25 pounds when we first met from eating hotdogs during filming

@itSabrinaK: Happy Easter everyone ! Hope you all enjoy your family and friend today
‏@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Happy Easter to all, even @realdonaldtrump. Love you guys. πŸ’™ @ Brooklyn, New York
@MTVCeeJai: "Death could not hold him" Acts 2:24 HAPPY EASTER LOVE MUFFINS!! πŸ°πŸ’ž
@ToriFiorenza: #HappyEaster #truth
@MtvJess: HAPPY EASTER YALL πŸ™πŸ½ God Bless πŸ’‹
‏@MtvJess: God is so good, so, so good πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™πŸ½
‏@MtvJess: Happy Easter Y'all πŸ’‹
@WestonBergmann: Happy Easter! 🐰🐢🐰🐢🐰🐢🐰
@ThatCoral: Happy Spring Solstice!!
@MTVBananas: Happy Easter 🐰
@CamilaMTV: Happy Easter! 🐰
@briannajulig: Happy Easter! πŸ˜πŸ°πŸŽ‰
@madiwadi2by4: Harper
@n_zanattaMTV: Happy Easter in Hawaii!!!
@lauraleeewaller: Hoppy Easter everybunny!!!
@whaattaafoxx: Happy Easter. ☺️ God is good!!
‏@MTV_TeeBoogie: 9/10 tomorrow all the positives vibes will be gone. Sucks it takes a holiday for people to actually speak about church and the lord.
@Chet_Cannon: Faith to some, crazy to others, but as for me, I do believe in Jesus Christ. I hope to better follow him. #HeIsRisen
@Theresa_Gonzo: Happy Easter!!🐰🌷🐣
@MTVtrey: #HappyEaster everyone 🐰
@itsJennyDelich: Happy Easter! Don't miss us on #MTV April 7th at 11pm EST on the after show called "Love in the Real World"
@ryanmalaty: Happy Easter everybunny!! 🐰
@ryanmalaty: Just met Jesus πŸ™ #HappyEaster
@brittany_baldi: I respect those striving to improve their lives and those around them. #HappyEaster #EasterRising πŸ™πŸΌπŸ°
‏@IamAdamKuhn: With my niece. Happy Easter
‏@JazMTV: My mini me!! #EasterSunday #mixedbaby

@RealWorldMTV: How long will we see that smile on @jenstaxo's face? Find out this week.
-  β€@jenstaxo: @RealWorldMTV this breaks my heart πŸ’”πŸ˜Ώ
@RealWorldMTV: We got wild last week on #RealWorldGoBig:
‏@RealWorldMTV: Will jealousy get the best of @kailah_casillas?
- @kailah_casillas: ‏@RealWorldMTV ut oh β‰οΈπŸ˜³
@RealWorldMTV: .@MTVCeeJai's birthday brings up bad memories and tears on this week's episode.
@itSabrinaK: haven't been seen in any of the promos for next weeks episode looks like its going to be a quiet one for me bless up ahahah
@kailah_casillas: So. True.
@MtvJess: Yoga pants make men dumb.
@JustJem24: Lamar on Kylie's snap chat just made my entire day.. πŸ°πŸ’œπŸ€
@JustJem24: Humble as ever, but aware of my value...
@BritniNicol: Universal studios tends to bring out the inner child in us😈
#justwannahavefun #universalstudios #familyvacation
‏@NatNat1323: Got the chance to meet @ThomasBuellMTV and Stephen from The Real World. Such down to earth guys! @ChallengeMTV πŸ½οΈπŸ™ŒπŸ½
@ZAKLONGO: Girls with the dog filter be like... #remake
@CaraMariaMTV: Currently just want to punch. Everything.

> RW Week 
@MTVTV: Life in the @RealWorldMTV: Will @itSabrinaK meet her biological mother? #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: Morning babes
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: We may fight (a lot) but there's also lots of love on #RealWorldGoBig. @RealWorldMTV @MTVCeeJai @kailah_casillas
‏@RealWorldMTV: My girl @kailah_casillas is doing a Twitter Q&A this Thursday at 4PM EST! Ask her anything using #AskKailah πŸ’‹
@kailah_casillas: SUPPORTERS: I'm doing a Twitter Q&A this Thursday at 4pm EST! Ask me anything using #AskKailah 😎❀️ I'm excited to hear from you!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Was honored to be included in this article by @NewNowNext about #LGBT #RealWorld cast mates …
@itSabrinaK: Just to clarify for everyone as you watch @RealWorldMTV I only use adoptive parents and biological parents so all of you can tell the diff.
@itSabrinaK: Continuing that tweet. My parents ARE my adoptive parents they raised me and I love them. Just wanted to clarify for some fans.
‏@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Fans of #RealWorldGoBig and #RuPaulsDragRace unite! I'll be live tweeting #DragRace 2nite at @Metropolitan_BK!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: My 2 fav shows. U guys inspire meπŸ’™ @ThorgyThor @thatonequeen @acidbettyrocks @MTV_Dean @MTVDIONE @RealWorldMTV #RPDR
@kailah_casillas: Check me out in #SKYNmagazine ❀️❀️ …
‏@jenstaxo: Video clip of mine and @JAdamBroome cover of I See Fire by Ed Sheeran
@itSabrinaK: Legit in the back the whole time in fear of falling... Really go big or go home eh?
@itSabrinaK: The Australians got real interesting not going to lie loved following them around to laugh at them
@itSabrinaK: I always have your back my girl
‏@jenstaxo: Haha this article about me made me laugh πŸ˜‚
@kailah_casillas: I think I've listening to the @halsey album BADLANDS everyday for the past 4 months & it's still not old.
- @kailah_casillas: @RealWorldMTV OMG she's mine too!! Yessss lets do it! 😱😱
- @RealWorldMTV: @kailah_casillas I love her so much. Can't wait for our date. I knew I liked you ;)
- @kailah_casillas: @RealWorldMTV DID WE JUST BECOME BESTFRIENDS?! Lol
@RealWorldMTV: You have no idea what's about to happen Thursday night at 10/9c.
@RealWorldMTV: Someone's in hot water this week. Looking at you, @MTVDIONE.
@MTV: Will #RealWorldGoBig's Sabrina meet her biological mom?  @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: Relationships are tested on Thursday night.
 β€@RealWorldMTV: I'm pumped for this #RealWorldGoBig race.
- @kailah_casillas: @RealWorldMTV VROOM VROOM!
@itSabrinaK: To warmer days and summer breezes while its 40 in Boston and rainy.
@MTVDIONE: RocketmannnnnnnπŸš€πŸ™‡πŸ»
@MTVDIONE: You know things are getting weird when girls just show up on your doorstep to see you 😳
@kailah_casillas: "@BringMeYourTorc: This episode we chat with @kailah_casillas from #RealWorldGoBig! We had so much fun! She's super awesome #TeamKailah …" RT Check out my interview with @BringMeYourTorc from tonight! I had so much fun talking with them! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½
@kailah_casillas: If you want some inside juice about the show, listen to this! @BringMeYourTorc ---> …
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Wore the fur vest tonight. BEEP. πŸ‘½βœ¨βš‘οΈ@MTVDIONE @MTVCeeJai @MTV_Dean @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldGoBig @MTV
Just watched the 1st episode of RW31, Not bad,not bad #GBGH

@ChallengeMTV: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. #TheChallengeRivals3 is COMING!
- @DannyWascou / Challenge producer: @ChallengeMTV Who's ready for #TheChallengeRivals3?! Coming SOON!! @tjlavin
‏@MtvJess: First day of my forever #iwasbornforthis  @iceculinary
@KellyAnneJudd: Nice guys don't finish last. Guys who call themselves nice bc they have no appealing qualities finish last.
@IamAdamKuhn: It you cheat it shows you don't respect someone else.If someone cheats on you and you get back together it shows you don't respect yourself.
@KaramoBrown: The moment you realize your international Gillette ads are out. #TheNext15 #Booked #Blessed
@JennaCompono: Oh I just love dancing around my room cleaning πŸ’πŸΌ
‏@MTVtrey: I had pizza and a Twix bar for dinner. I'm a role model.
@MTVtrey: After seeing last night's loss, I'm officially over this Kobe farewell tour. Lose by 48 to the Jazz! How is this acceptable in a pro sport?
‏@KikiMTV: My exes new girlfriend stared me down yesterday & it's just like honey if you want to know what I use to contour my face just ask...πŸ™ƒ
@hbarfield13: You create your own happiness, always remember that. You dictate how your day goes!
@JazMTV: Maddy Bear hanging out on her gym gym!!!!
@MtvJess: Someone come cuddle and eat pizza with me πŸ’πŸ•

@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Tweet some ❀️ at @MTVCeeJai! #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV @mtv @MTVDIONE @MTV_Dean @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Im sick of @kailah_casillas talking sh*t that she has better brows than me! Tweet using the hashtags: 1 tweet=1 vote
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Who has better eyebrows?!!! Are you #TeamKailah or #TeamChris on this one?!
‏@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@kailah_casillas tell your fans that this is WAR @MTV @RealWorldMTV  #RealWorldGoBig #BESTBROWS #TeamChris
@kailah_casillas: How can you look at these brows & tell me @MTV_CHRISTOPHER had better ones??! Are you #TeamKailah or #TeamChris?! πŸ‘€
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas #TeamChris #BESTBROWS @MTV @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER These brows ain't got shit on mine! @MTV_CHRISTOPHER #TeamKailah
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER I think that's up the the voters! πŸ‘€
@kailah_casillas: Eyebrow game strong or nah? Choose a team! #TeamKailah or #TeamChris @MTV_CHRISTOPHER
@RealWorldMTV: We're partying all day every day on #RealWorldGoBig!
@RealWorldMTV: Eyebrow war winner or not, @kailah_casillas is doing a Twitter Q&A on Thursday at 4PM to talk #RealWorldGoBig... and eyebrows! #AskKailah
- @kailah_casillas: @RealWorldMTV Don't forget about my Q&A on Thursday! Talk to the winner of the eyebrow war with the hashtag #AskKailah! 😈
@kailah_casillas: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER GAME ON! hehe
@kailah_casillas: #TeamKailah #EyebrowGoals @MTV_CHRISTOPHER
@MTVDIONE: When your style hasn't changed in 20 years #thriftshoptreasures #realworldgobig #childrensvest #carnyclothes
‏@RealWorldMTV: It's time to face the... Amanda? @MTVDIONE might be in a bit of trouble this Thursday night at 10/9c.
- @MTVDIONE: ‏@RealWorldMTV πŸ™‡πŸ»πŸ™ˆπŸ™‡πŸ»
- ‏@kailah_casillas: ‏@RealWorldMTV Oops πŸ™ˆ
@kailah_casillas: It's pouring outside. I'm laying on the couch cuddled with a blanket in the dark watching SVU. I love rainy days sometimes β›ˆπŸ˜΄
@RealWorldMTV: Waiting for the new episode like...
@MTVCeeJai: πŸŽ‰HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎈 to the most influential woman I've ever known.... My  Motherβ€οΈπŸŽπŸŽ‰ May God Give you the gr8est bday ever!! Rest in peaceπŸ™πŸ½
@MTV_Christina: Just watched the 1st episode of the real world and @MTVDIONE your great! Ever gone to Lightning in a bottle? Desert hearts? The burn?
@MTV_Christina: "@MTVDIONE: Kinda wanna just spend the rest of this summer traveling going to festivals & making friends with strangers #livingofftheland" RT My MTV spirit animal
@MTVDIONE: Just got invited to the @MTV MOVIE AWARDS  #letsgo 😈😈😈
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTVDIONE @MTV see you there!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Just received my invite to the #MTVMovieAwards!! So excited! Now what to wear... #RealWorldGoBig @MTV @RealWorldMTV
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER you know who I am. You just don't realize it.
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER hahahah welp you've figured me out! I'm Amanda. Nice to meet you. I also send you gifs all the time :)
@RealWorldMTV: I'm ready to leap into a new episode and new drama on #RealWorldGoBig.
@MTV_Dean: You know you done f*cked up right? @mtv πŸŒΎπŸ‘€πŸŒΎHaha highly considering wearing the Marcus Houston…
@kailah_casillas: Just bought my plane ticket! Officially going to LA next week for the #MTVMovieAwards πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ‘πŸ½πŸ‘πŸ½ @MTV
@RealWorldMTV: Things get tense this week in the suite.
@itSabrinaK: Some still shot from the music video tonight!
@itSabrinaK: Love what I do

@YTCreators: .@itsarifitz is our #CreatorSpotlight of the month! πŸ™ Get TOMBOYISH with her style:
@brittany_baldi: Channeling my inner TB12 πŸ™πŸΌ send me some snaps. I'll respond when I can πŸ™ƒπŸˆ #SpringBreak #Patriots @TomFcknBrady
@MtvJess: I don't want to get to my death bed and have God ask me why I wasted the gifts he's given. #GiveitAll #Godisgood πŸ™ŒπŸΎ
@VMilerman: Awkward moment you find out you're on ESPN.
@JennaCompono: Fire in my soul πŸ”₯
@ZAKLONGO: S/O to @mtv for not inviting @_hannahrathbun & I to the movie awards... Or the VMA's... Or anything for that matter.
- @hbarfield13: @ZAKLONGO @MTV @_hannahrathbun throw me in on that, I thought we were supposed to get invited?
@hbarfield13: Just love when I see my coworkers get there lunch brought by there significant other.... I'll just keep eating my crackers 😫
‏@ZAKLONGO: #MakeUp Vloggers be like.... Follow @ZakLongo for funny videos everyday!
@ZAKLONGO: You know u've made it when you get paid to post by teeth whitening company....... Yeah, I haven't made it.
@ZAKLONGO: I keep losing followers on twitter... I feel like my cast-mates on Instagram πŸ˜•πŸ˜‚
@MTV_TeeBoogie: You guys see the trend yet? Two cute celebs get together and it's relationship goals. Then they break up. Twitter goes crazy. Over and over
‏@MTV_TeeBoogie: Much love to my brother @MTV_Chuckalodon and @BritniNicol for the closing of the atl spot! Hmmm summer time reunion 😌
@KikiMTV: Waiting for babe to get off work like πŸ™‡πŸ½
@BombshellChels: Someone came up to me today on campus and called me @CHEYnotShy πŸ™„
@CHEYnotShy: I don't know why I reply to stupidness..but y'all be annoying as shit at times
@hbarfield13: That dream I had last night though πŸ˜πŸ˜‹
@blacuesta: Speak of the..
@TheRealNiaMoore: Progress πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’ͺ🏻 Almost back to me again. #Focused

@RealWorldMTV: Hit me back with a high five if you're ready for #RealWorldGoBig tomorrow night at 10/9c.
@itSabrinaK: MTV movie awards here I come;)
@itSabrinaK: Listen to me on hot 106.3 this morning at 10 am
@jenstaxo: Sooo now I gotta figure out what to wear to the MTV movie awards!! ❀️❀️❀️❀️
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Tomorrow: another episode of #RealWorldGoBig and a new style post on:  (link…
@itSabrinaK: People say I look like a man?? I don't think this is a man
- @MTV_Dean: @itSabrinaK They're dumb as hell...I'd smash😌
@MTVDIONE: Moving to California next week😈 Anyone got a place for a jungle boy to crash till I find a proper treehouseπŸŒ΄πŸ™‡πŸ»πŸŒ΄ #livingofftheland
@RealWorldMTV: It's @MTVCeeJai's birthday on tomorrow night's episode. Are you ready to party?
- @MTVCeeJai: @RealWorldMTV It's my bday.... Cmon and show me some love 2morrow!!! #CeeJaiGetsWeird Tune in @ 10/9c only on MTV #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: Hello my beautiful people I hope you are all enjoying your day and blessed
@MTVDIONE: Booked my flight for the wrong day by accident πŸ™ˆ looks like I'm moving to California a week from today😈.           πŸŒ΄πŸ™‡πŸ»πŸŒ΄
@RealWorldMTV: What will happen when @MTVDione and @kailah_casillas are alone together again?
- @kailah_casillas: @RealWorldMTV UT OH! WILL WE HAVE SAFE SEXUAL INTERCOURSE?!! 😱
@MTVDIONE: Tomorrow is going to be such an aggressive night of #weird #zoomass @steveaoki @itSabrinaK  #welcometothecarnival  @_MorningBeer_
- @itSabrinaK: @MTVDIONE the carnival is coming to TRAUPHAUS
@RealWorldMTV: Break out the cakes for tomorrow's wild birthday episode.
@kailah_casillas: I just want a: smart, funny, attractive,muscley, sexual,supportive,light eyed,dude who car sings & surprises me with food. Too much to ask?!

@MTVCoryWharton: Remind you that you are beautiful, talented and one of a kind. No one can stop you from doing anything that is on your mind. Good morning✌🏽
@madiwadi2by4: I swear music puts me in a better mood.
@madiwadi2by4: Little miss Harper smiles all the time now and laughed for the first time yesterday!!
@t_raines33: I wish I loved myself as much as Kanye loves his self #love
@t_raines33: You're not are brave! #BatmanvSuperman
‏@madiwadi2by4: No one will ever care like I did, I promise you that.
@CaraMariaMTV: When we stop criticizing & judging other people's bodies.. and accept ours or make ourselves healthier...THAT is empowerment #ilovemybody
@MtvJess: I watch the baristas make my drink at Starbucks to make sure they do it right πŸ‘€ #Iseeyou
@ave_tress: Girls night out!!,@justinbieber @JenaTressler  #PurposeTourGlendale #PURPOSETOUR #sissytime #betterbegreat  #ilovemysissy #excited #sissyluv
@MTV_TeeBoogie: need an empty room to scream and just jump around and just. Ahhhh ❀️❀️ moms is such (excuse my language) Fuckin legend. And angel. So strong
@alecgonzz12: Yesterday I locked in an apartment in Hoboken. Today I got job offer from a big 4 company. And I have a shore house this summer. Life man.
@alecgonzz12: Alec you are idiot for doing a reality tv show on MTV you are going to ruin your career and life. FOH. hard work pays off
@CHEYnotShy: in order for someone else to see your worth..You have to know it first..
@hbarfield13: To go on tv again or not to go on tv again... That is the question 😁
@hbarfield13: When I'm done I'm done πŸ‘πŸ»
@KikiMTV: Follow me on snapchat for my latest rant on Instagram comment haters πŸ€— kikimtv
@hbarfield13: I'm going to get a tattoo tonight for no reason, because it's been one of those days.

@ChallengeMTV: Happy Hump Day my friends! Do you guys remember the XXX Games from Rivals 2? πŸ˜‚
‏@cameraneubanks: Getting ready for Season 3 of #SouthernCharm with my trusty sidekick, @ShepRose. @etnow @bricesander @Bravotv
@mikethemiz: Daily I'm told I am not good enough.  That I suck.  I'm horrible at my job. I should be fired.…
- @ThatCoral: @mikethemiz super proud to call you my friend
- @mikethemiz: @ThatCoral Back at ya
@MTVtrey: Not EVERYTHING in your life has to be documented. Can't say this enough: Put the phones down sometimes and just enjoy the moment! #Damn
@laurelstucky: I've decided I would do another challenge.
- @CaraMariaMTV: @laurelstucky i only approve if we are partners again ;)
@MTVtrey: 11:11
‏@blacuesta: She's a unicorn @falashaaa

β–ͺ    β–ͺ    β–ͺ 

> RW Wednesday
@MTVCeeJai: The best birthday EVER!!!!! See why TONIGHT @ 10/9c on MTV!!!! πŸ’‹πŸ’πŸ½ #SeeYouGuysThere #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: NEW EPISODE TONIGHT!!πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ 10/9c only on MTV!!!!!! P.s. It's my birthday..... So you know it's…
@MTVCeeJai: "@RealWorldMTV: I'm ready to leap into a new episode and new drama on #RealWorldGoBig. " RT Throwing all dis ass on @MTVDIONE tonight.... Hope I don't piss you gals offπŸ’πŸ½ #RealWorldGoBig πŸ’‹
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: You wont believe what we did right after this photo was taken... Find out 2NITE on #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV
@itSabrinaK: Steve aoki tonight is getting me through the day always puts on a good show
@kailah_casillas: Don't forget!Today at 4pm I'll be doing a Q&A!Ask me questions using the hashtag #AskKailah πŸ™†πŸ» can't wait to hear from you! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "@RealWorldMTV Things get tense this week in the suite." RT Hey @MTVCeeJai..."tense" is an understatement... #REALWORLDGOBIG 2NITE on @MTV // @RealWorldMTV
- @MTVCeeJai: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Hahahaha it gets "real" hahaha @MTV_CHRISTOPHER is one of theeeee most honest and realist individuals I know.
@MTVCeeJai: Let's be honest, I can't tweet all day because I have sh*t to do and I'm usually driving. But you guys got me considering loungin all day❀️
‏@MTVCeeJai: SPOILER ALERT: Someone mentions they want to punch someone in the face... I just wanna know who gone bust a move #RealWorldGoBig
- @kailah_casillas: ‏@MTVCeeJai IS SOMEONE GETTING PUNCHED IN THE FACE TONIGHT?! Tune in & find out πŸ‘€
@itSabrinaK: FYI barely in tonight's episode I was so sick with bronchitis but please still tune in!!! Real world at 10 pm
- @MTVCeeJai: @itSabrinaK Support my baberπŸ’‹

@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Today @MTVCeeJai & I are doing a Q&A about #ViolenceAgainstWomen. Tweet us your questions, thoughts, & feelings!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "@HelloLucy4: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @MTVCeeJai @mitchelImoffit i hope this will overall be a learning process for her..from the hate, love, & support she gets." RT Words are stronger than fists. Today @MTVCeeJai and I are talking all about #ViolenceAgainstWomen.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: SURPRISE! New #STYLE post on  and a NEW episode of #RealWorldGoBig 2NITE @MTV! @RealWorldMTV
@RealWorldMTV: Ready to talk to @kailah_casillas? She's doing a Twitter Q&A at 4PM EST today! Use #AskKailah to ask her questions! ❀️
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "@HelloLucy4: ✊ U & CeeJai are truly amazing, continue to speak out. We need more people like you two on our Tv/social media❀🌍." RT This topic means SO much to @MTVCeeJai and I. Tweet at us during our all day Q&A about #ViolenceAgainstWomen.
@itSabrinaK: Going to be a fun night tonight
@RealWorldMTV: Are you ready to get down tonight?
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@kailah_casillas describe each roommate in the house using one word... #AskKailah @RealWorldMTV @MTV #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: When @MTVDIONE gets honest with Amanda tonight, things go south:
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: 3 perfect things in the world: #jesus, @rihanna's #KISSITBETTERVIDEO, and #sex with me on a Saturday morning ;)
‏@jenstaxo: The crazy missions! I love anything tht challenges me …
@itSabrinaK: I can not wait for "IF ONLY" MUSIC VIDEO targeting awareness for mental health issues such as depression and anxiety @MTV_CHRISTOPHER
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @MTVCeeJai @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas @jenstaxo lets start with u guys: what are your feelings on #domesticabuse?
- @itSabrinaK: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @MTVCeeJai @kailah_casillas Trying to spread awareness through my next music video for my next single on this issue!
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @itSabrinaK why was it so important to talk about #DomesticAbuse in your new video? #RealIssues #RealWorldGoBig
- @itSabrinaK: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER it is something that most artists do not address and I wanted to use my voice finally. you helped me to do that
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @itSabrinaK why do you think many artists (and people in general) shy away from talking about #DomesticAbuse? #RealIssues #RealWorldGoBig
- @itSabrinaK: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER #realissues #GoBigOrGoHome many artists dont want to share their own experiences
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@itSabrinaK personal question: have you or anyone you love ever been a victim of #domesticabuse? #realissues #realworldgobig
- @itSabrinaK: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER yes and I want people to start talking about it speak your mind and use your roar
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @jenstaxo what would you say to young women who are a situation where they feel they may be being abused? #RealIssues #RealWorldGoBig
- ‏@jenstaxo: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Domestic abuse isn't just physical but mental. Sometimes you feel trapped. You don't need anyone. Just  walk away
@itSabrinaK: As an artist in all of my music videos for my album LIONESS I will be targeting social issues today. Not something easy for me to talk about
@itSabrinaK: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER inspired me to speak out about depression and domestic violence and other issues in my music and videos. thank youS
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: #REALISSUES: A woman is battered every 15 seconds in the US #DomesticAbuse #RealWorldGoBig @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas @MTVCeeJai @jenstaxo
@itSabrinaK: Have you or a loved one been a victim of domestic violence use your voice #realtalk #realissues #gobigorgohome
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@itSabrinaK my best friend was repeatedly abused by her high school sweetheart. She was too scared to tell :( #RealIssues #RealWorldGoBig
- @itSabrinaK: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER come on people speak out! #realworldissues
- @Joel_Castilloo: @itSabrinaK @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Um Is it a good thing if I've never really been exposed to any domestic violence. Like no one has told me
- @itSabrinaK: @Joel_Castilloo @MTV_CHRISTOPHER you should be aware of it as an issue! but not being exposed to it should make you want to research
- @Joel_Castilloo: @itSabrinaK @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Yeah definitely Nothing wrong with learning and learning more ;)
- @Joel_Castilloo: @itSabrinaK @MTV_CHRISTOPHER anything about them being abused.
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @Joel_Castilloo @itSabrinaK Gives you an opportunity to advocate and stand up for those who have! #RealIssues #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: #REALISSUES: 3-4million women in the US are beaten in their homes each year #RealWorldGoBig #DomesticAbuse @itSabrinaK @MTVCeeJai @jenstaxo
@MTVCeeJai: Look around you. You or someone you know may be a victim of domestic violence. #SaySomething #ItHurtsLater #RealWorldGoBig #RealIssues
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "@Clarence_Pryor: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Hi Chris. My mom has been through domestic violence 7 years ago when I saved her from ex-boyfriend using a bat." RT Its so powerful when people break the silence and share their stories! #DomesticAbuse #RealIssues #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "@jenstaxo: Being a child and having to watch man after man abuse my mom & little brother. Not being able to stop it #realissues  RT” Brave story, @jenstaxo <3 #RealIssues #RealWorldGoBig #DomesticAbuse
- @jenstaxo
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER just trying to show everyone what this subject really means to me and how it has affected my life #RealIssues
@MTVDIONE says he is coming to stay at my house.. when we all know I won't see him all night he will be knee deep in some puss
@RealWorldMTV: There's still time to use #AskKailah! @kailah_casillas is taking over our Twitter in 2 hours for a Q&A.
@kailah_casillas: ASK ASK ASK! @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldGoBig #ASKKAILAH
@RealWorldMTV: You have 30 minutes to submit your questions for @kailah_casillas with #AskKailah!
@MTV_Dean: Get ready for an all new episode of #RealWorldGoBig tonight! Brace yourselves...there's A LOT of…
@MTV: Dione comes clean to his girlfriend on tonight's episode of @RealWorldMTV at 10/9c:
@jenstaxo: Are the movie awards ready for #teamjensta ?!
@RealWorldMTV: Get ready! @kailah_casillas's Q&A starts in a few minutes! #AskKailah πŸ‘‘

> #AskKailah
@RealWorldMTV: Hey everyone! It's @kailah_casillas from #RealWorldGoBig! Tweet Q's @ me using #AskKailah & I'll give you all the juicy answers! πŸ‘½
@RealWorldMTV: READY, SET, GO! #RealWorldGoBig #AskKailah
@RealWorldMTV: "@mandaaabearr: @RealWorldMTV @kailah_casillas What was the coolest part about living in Vegas? #AskKailah" RT I loved living Downtown, we had free range to roam& hangout wherever. We made good friends with the locals ❀️
@RealWorldMTV: "@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@kailah_casillas describe each roommate in the house using one word... #AskKailah @RealWorldMTV @MTV #RealWorldGoBig" RT @itSabrinaK: LOVEABLE @jenstaxo: FEARLESS @MTVCeeJai: STRONG  @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: INTELLIGENT @MTVDIONE: WILD @MTV_Dean: LOYAL
@RealWorldMTV: "@Kevinn_90: Hey #AskKailah do you know or talk to any of the previous Real World cast members from previous seasons?" RT A few, yes! They give the best advice about how to navigate the world post RW
‏@RealWorldMTV: "@kaymaldo: @RealWorldMTV @kailah_casillas out of the missions we've seen so far, which one has been your favorite? #askkailah" RT HOTAIRBALLLLOONS! It was soooo crazy... Mixed with the adrenalin of being the first day!
@RealWorldMTV: "@Dylansfgcu: How much do you pay attention to everything at FGCU. @kailah_casillas @RealWorldMTV " RT Of coarse! GO EAGLES! I love my school πŸ™†πŸ»
@RealWorldMTV: "@Kaitiii: @RealWorldMTV @kailah_casillas if you could move your real world house to any other location, where would you want it to be? #AskKailah" RT I'm a little jealous of the St. Thomas house 😳
@RealWorldMTV: "@KristySeymone: @RealWorldMTV what made you want to be on the real world? #askkailah" RT I've been a fan since I was young. I remember daydreaming about it growing up. It was surreal when I made it.
@RealWorldMTV: "@challengegame18: @kailah_casillas @RealWorldMTV #AskKailah Would you Ever do a Challenge" RT Hell yeah! Waiting for the call πŸ€“
@RealWorldMTV: "@Richtaco17: How long have you been a Fan of RW? Like your first season? #AskKailah" RT Honestly I'd have to look back... I think RW Key West! 2006
@RealWorldMTV: We all stay in touch, yes. I'm obviously closer to some than others. It's a very dysfunctional family type thing. …
@RealWorldMTV: It was weird week 1, but you really forget about it & the camera peeps turn into your friends really quickly. …
@RealWorldMTV: "@LillyBlue01: #AskKailah @kailah_casillas Who is your favorite KardashianπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚" RT Uhhhh I think Khloe πŸ™ˆ
@RealWorldMTV: "@KavSpenc: Who would you F@#K, Marry, Kill Chris Hall, Dean Plange Dione Mariani??? #AskKailah @RealWorldMTV @kailah_casillas" RT Already F'd Dione, so I'll stick with that. Sorry Dean, you're dead. Love you though @MTV_Dean 😘
@RealWorldMTV: "@Ziggler91: @RealWorldMTV What is your most embarassing moment in your life so far? #AskKailah #RealWorldGoBigOrGoHome" RT I peed my pants at a haunted house a few yeasts ago πŸ˜‚
@RealWorldMTV: "@Ryanisrockin: @RealWorldMTV who are some of your FAVORITE cast members from previous seasons? #AskKailah" RT @NanyMTV will forever be my favorite cast member
@RealWorldMTV: "@WillOglesbee: @kailah_casillas what was ur favorite experience when you on #RealWorldGoBig??Cantwait watch  tonight πŸ˜πŸ™πŸ» #AskKailah" RT Of what you've seen so far (can't give away spoilers), the lantern lighting thing we did was AMAZING!
@RealWorldMTV: "@blainebrabec1: How does it feel being in the real world  #AskKailah" RT You mean the show? Or ACTUAL life? The adjustment was weird... 😳 I missed my roomates a lot when I left
@RealWorldMTV: I've never been more single in my life. …
@RealWorldMTV: "@rodmonium91: @RealWorldMTV Do you have a crush on @MTVBananas ? #AskKailah" RT Lol no. He's a cool dude. Met him in LA a few weeks ago!
@RealWorldMTV: "@itSabrinaK: I mean @RealWorldMTV how much do you love me" RT @itSabrinaK I love you! Obviously fav cast member aside from myself πŸ™†πŸ»
‏@RealWorldMTV: "@tomekamonique1: @RealWorldMTV Do you regret hooking up with dion in front of the cameras for your family to see  ? #AskKailah” RT Not at all. I don't live with regrets. My fam doesn't care at all. Very accepting!
- @MTVDIONE: ‏@RealWorldMTV Who's "Dion"?
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTVDIONE Lol 8th roomate!
@RealWorldMTV: β€œ@KavSpenc: Was the experience different than what you thought it would be? #AskAailah @RealWorldMTV" RT It was much harder than I thought it would be. I learned a lot about myself. Lots of self reflection.
@RealWorldMTV: "@RandC_Prod: @kailah_casillas @RealWorldMTV #AskKailah Which Real World Las Vegas cast member would you want to meet? Leroy, Nany, Dustin, who???" RT @NanyMTV for sure. I'd be fan girling
@RealWorldMTV: "@SurvivorMTV: @RealWorldMTV How has #TheRealWorld changed your life? #AskKailah" RT I'm much more tolerant of people & thankful for my life. It really changed how I look at the world.
@RealWorldMTV: "@KavSpenc: Is Dione good in bed or nahhh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚? #AskKailah @RealWorldMTV" RT I don't kiss & tell. I'll use the "autopilot" excuse, if he can, I can too, right? 😝
@RealWorldMTV: "@HaleyyTayylor: @RealWorldMTV st thomas was the best season" RT Yeah I really liked that season
@RealWorldMTV: "@1curiousphoenix: @RealWorldMTV @kailah_casillas What's your zodiac sign? #AskKailah" RT SCORPIO. Does that make sense? πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
@RealWorldMTV: Ooooo he's gotta be smart. I don't usually go for looks. I usually like the nerds πŸ€“ …
‏@RealWorldMTV: "@challengegame18: @kailah_casillas @RealWorldMTV #AskKailah if you were on the next challenge and it was battle of the seasons who would you want on your team" RT @MTV_Dean for sure. He's a beast & level headed. I'd need him.
@RealWorldMTV: "@JoeMcCaffrey4: @RealWorldMTV @kailah_casillas did u make real world on your first try or did u sumbit casting info for other seasons? #AskKailah" RT I got lucky on my first try πŸ™ƒ
@RealWorldMTV: "@mandaaabearr: @RealWorldMTV @kailah_casillas What was the coolest part about living in Vegas? #AskKailah" RT Meeting the roomates day one & then jumping was pretty amazing..... One of my best days ever.
‏@RealWorldMTV: "@itsalbayadig: @RealWorldMTV  Will you be my girlfriend? #AskKailah πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‹πŸ˜" RT 😘😘😘😘
@RealWorldMTV: "@destinyalexis26: @RealWorldMTV #AskKailah how does it feel to be on real world ?@kailah_casillas" RT It's surreal. I still don't feel like it actually happened honestly. Pretty insane feeling!
@RealWorldMTV: "@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: πŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž INTELLIGENTπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž …" RT You are...... Like you're the brains of the operation, always!
@RealWorldMTV: @JennaCompono & her cousin really surprised me last season. I was impressed! …
@RealWorldMTV: "@destinyalexis26: @RealWorldMTV @kailah_casillas holly shit I didn't expect you to answer !! Thats amazing πŸ’“πŸ’“ your my favorite on the show" RT Thanks babe 😘😘
@kailah_casillas: "@madeline_lovee: @kailah_casillas would you ever go on another reality show and what would it be? #AskKailah" RT DEFINITELY! Hopefully @ChallengeMTV πŸ‘€
@kailah_casillas: "@tiacordeiro92: @kailah_casillas yeah I feel like this cast is a lot more open about their past and stuff." RT Very. That's why we were casted. Bringing it back to old school RW with #RealIssues not just partying & fighting.
‏@kailah_casillas: I've played almost all major sports. I played football my whole childhood πŸ’ͺ🏽 …
@kailah_casillas: "@jacquimay1: @kailah_casillas what make up do you use your lipstick is always on point! " RT All of my lipsticks are the matte line from NYX except the red in interviews is CoverGirl matte "Siren in Scarlett"
@kailah_casillas: "@Ze_Fredd: @RealWorldMTV @kailah_casillas Was there ever a time during the show where you thought: "Maybe this wasn't a good idea" #Askkailah?" RT Lol yeah all the time. I still am wondering that πŸ€” life's too short though. I'm happy I did it regardless!
@soomichael2014: @kailah_casillas @ChallengeMTV if you had the choice to pick a vet as your partner who would it be? Male&Female πŸ™‡πŸΌ
- @kailah_casillas: @soomichael2014 Female: @NanyMTV Male: @MTVtrey .... FAVS
- @MTVtrey: @kailah_casillas @NanyMTV good choices 😎
- @kailah_casillas: @MTVtrey πŸ’ͺ🏽
@RealWorldMTV: Well everyone! It was fun! Thanks for all of the Q's! If you have anymore, ask me @kailah_casillas 😘 Don't forget to watch tonight @ 10pm!

@ChallengeMTV: "He knows how I feel about ketchup!" – @JustJem24. I'll never forget #KetchupGate πŸ˜…
@ChallengeMTV: Love and miss you, #RyanKnight πŸ’™
@n_zanattaMTV: Biggest challenge in this vacation waking @deehenriquez up from her sleep πŸ˜‚
@VMilerman: Suggestions to being happy😊: Eat good food🍑,complement yourselfπŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©,hangout with people who make you grow🌱,poopsπŸ’©,orgasms😱,treat yo selfπŸ’…πŸ½
@MTVtrey: I think the coolest part about having a girlfriend would be sharing pizza and watching movies together. πŸ•πŸ“½
- @robb_schreiber: @MTVtrey (pic: β€œI wish you were my girlfriend”)
- @MTVtrey: @robb_schreiber well I'm not a girl but I'll be your boyfriend, fuck it.
- @robb_schreiber: @MTVtrey I only eat bacon and pineapple pizza, though.
- @robb_schreiber: @MTVtrey never forget. If you're a 🐦, I'm a 🐦.
@TheRealNiaMoore: "Anything for Selena!" 21 years ago today the world lost one of it's most beautiful gems. Just…
@ImSarahRice: I just love this gal!! Here we are, paling around inbetween shots at the @braincandypod photo…
‏@MtvJess: When you have to walk forever to go pee because @Starbucks in NY closes its bathroom 2 hours before they actually close! #insane
@MtvNateSiebs: They used to tell me, I couldn't go too far alone. They used to always say, I couldn't go too far alone.... But now I'm here bitch.
@tabron27: It's such a freeing feeling to just not gaf 😏
@A_Bartolotte: @madiwadi2by4 is one hot momma
@_hannahrathbun: Sometimes I open my front camera on accident and then wonder why Zak loves me
@EikeParis: My ex and the bitch he he cheated on me with applied for #ayto4. So pumped they didn't make it. #WHORES πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@hbarfield13: New tattoos
@hbarfield13: To all my fans from Are You The One, just know I love you 😘❀️
@erikalauren: Zac getting called to court is an accurate depiction of human error within the justice system!  Yikes! #60DaysIn
@Chet_Cannon: Sometimes, when I want to annoy myself, I sing like Russell Crowe in Les MisΓ©rables

@RealWorldMTV: #RealWorldGoBig starts in 3 hours!
‏@RealWorldMTV: See what the #RealWorldGoBig cast gets up to tonight on a brand new episode at 10/9c.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: #ItGetsBetter, trust us ;) @MTVCeeJai @MTVDIONE @MTV_Dean @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas @jenstaxo @RealWorldMTV @MTV
@kailah_casillas: I tend to run away from my problems. Can't tell you how many times I've driven from Ft Myers ➑️ WPB crying to Taylor Swift in my car lol
@kailah_casillas: β€œ@solidcestlavie7: @kailah_casillas cannot wait to see the episode tonight! You're no joke when you're pissed, girl. Real talk lol” RT That's the Puerto Rican in me 😳
@RealWorldMTV: There's only 2 hours until a wild new episode.
@RealWorldMTV: Is Jenna going home tonight? Find out in ONE HOUR on @MTV!
@kailah_casillas: 45 mins till #RealWorldGoBig πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ @RealWorldMTV
‏@MTV_Dean: "@PRINCEJAY31710: @MTV_Dean Yo Dean i know there has only been 2 episdoes out but you are my favorite in the house i hope things work out for you bro! #RW31" RT Appreciate thatπŸ’―
@itSabrinaK: Episode 3 of @RealWorldMTV starting in 25 minutes! Who's watching it tonight?!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: 4,200 followers! This video is for you guys! πŸ’‹ And who's ready for tonight's episode of #RealWorldGoBig ?!

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> AS THEY SAW IT: "Disaster from Down Under"
@MTV: #RealWorldGoBig starts NOW! RT if you're watching + tweeting with @RealWorldMTV πŸ˜›
‏@RealWorldMTV: Get ready for strippers and a whole lot of drama. #RealWorldGoBig starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV!
@RealWorldMTV: .@MTV_CHRISTOPHER is clearly a morning person. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: I would so send you a birthday card, @MTVCeeJai πŸ’– #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: I just want a card man..... #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Dean: #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig
‏@MTVCeeJai: Get out my ass @MTVDIONE
@MTV_Dean: #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Just a casual day by the pool, y'know? πŸ’ͺ😍 #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: Lol oops my bad #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Thanks guys #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: Haha the Australian guys!
@MTVCeeJai: All that ass on her... How could ya not want her #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Lemme make it drizzle #RealWorldGoBig
‏@MTV_Dean: @MTVCeeJai ass phat! πŸ‘
- @MTVCeeJai: ‏@MTV_Dean Yeah I kno πŸ’πŸ½
@RealWorldMTV: .@jenstaxo keeping it real. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Where can I get an @MTV_Dean? #RealWorldGoBig
- @MTV_Dean: @RealWorldMTV Who's for this?😏
@MTVCeeJai: That ain't even yo booooyfriend #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: Sneezing seriously is one of the best feelings though... #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Dean: Them Aussies don't know how to dance #RealWorldGoBig
‏@RealWorldMTV: β€œ@dwts_kayla: Lol I love CeeJai & Dione friendship πŸ˜‚#RealWorldGoBig” RT It's GREAT.
@MTVCeeJai: That's right @MTV_Dean #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "pig have 30 minute orgasms" @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldGoBig
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @RealWorldMTV *oink oinkkkkkkkkk*
@RealWorldMTV: I think Kailah caught feelings for Dione... but that's just me. πŸ‘€ #RealWorldGoBig
‏@MTVCeeJai: Lil sneaky folks #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: I'd treat you like BeyoncΓ© girl πŸ˜‚ @MTV_Dean #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: Ut oh @jenstaxo in hot water 😳😳😳 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: I ain't going #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: Hahah I love @MTVCeeJai!
@MTVCeeJai: I am game #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: "@Am_andaplease: @MTVCeeJai always keeps it 100" RT Thanks for knowing baby πŸ’‹ @Am_andaplease #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: #TEAMNOFEELINGS #TEAMKAILAH #RealWorldGoBig
 β€@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: #BOYPROBLEMS @kailah_casillas @itSabrinaK @MTVCeeJai @RealWorldMTV @mtv #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@MTVCeeJai speaking mad truth lol
‏@RealWorldMTV: This night out just got... interesting πŸ™Š #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Let me turn up real quick #RealWorldGoBig
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTVCeeJai Get it GURL!
@kailah_casillas: Fuckin Aussie Hunks πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "I want a birthday lapdance" @itSabrinaK @RealWorldMTV @mtv #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: Hahaha what a time this was!
@MTV_Dean: Has anybody notice how I stay fly? #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: I think @jenstaxo is in there somewhere... #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: If you want it, I got you baby #GetOverHere #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Dean: #RealWorldGoBig
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTV_Dean or go home?
@kailah_casillas: Lol ooooooppppppssssss #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: "@BringMeYourTorc: It's obvious that @kailah_casillas & @ChallengeMTV go together like PB & J. What do you think, @RealWorldMTV? #RealWorldGoBig” RT I THINK SO!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@jenstaxo your face with the strippers ahhhhhh #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: β€œ@_MeetingPlace_: THAT particular Aussie though?!?!? 😍😍😍 #RealWorldGoBig” RT BE-AU-TI-FUL #RealWorldGoBig
‏@MTV_Dean: @itSabrinaK definitely came off that πŸ˜‚#RealWorldGoBig
‏@jenstaxo: β€œ@KymberliiiKaela: Why the hell would you tell your "boyfriend" that a stripper danced on you! Like wtf? Lol @jenstaxo" RT Bc he was my best friend above anything else and I'm honest to him about everything I do 🏼️
@MTV_Dean: Yo @jenstaxo grabbin hella meat! #RealWorldGoBig
‏@RealWorldMTV: Who is to blame for Jenna getting up on stage? #RealWorldGoBig  27%CeeJai / 11%Kailah / 62%Jenna  326 votesβ€’Final results
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@MTVDIONE always just playing pool...
@kailah_casillas: OMG @jenstaxo and that damn olive oil... We could never find it to cook 😭#RealWorldGoBig: - @jenstaxo: @kailah_casillas I was hiding it from y'all πŸŒΎπŸ‘€πŸŒΎ
@itSabrinaK: Who's coming with me next time I go to a strip club? πŸ˜‚
@RealWorldMTV: .@MTV_CHRISTOPHER is such an amazing friend. I need him in my life. #RealWorldGoBig
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @RealWorldMTV we are friends :)
@itSabrinaK: It's was fun @MTVCeeJai
- @MTVCeeJai: @itSabrinaK it always is baby
@kailah_casillas: "@AmhAnthonyhood4: @kailah_casillas ain't it all ways awkward when you have sex with someone you don't want to be with?" RT & you're stuck in a house with them for months. Yep.
@MTVCeeJai: Maaaaan..... People be extra for no reason #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: Currently at Steve aoki with @MTVDIONE
- @RealWorldMTV: @itSabrinaK @MTVDIONE have fun but keep tweeting!
* @itSabrinaK: @RealWorldMTV @MTVDIONE I will!
@kailah_casillas: Lol I'm an asshole. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Nothing like a casual convo with your hookup about his girlfriend while on some hoverboards... #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: These Mfs #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "duh." <3 @jenstaxo
@sharnesee_: this season of the real world feels more like the classic real world πŸ™ŒπŸΎ  #RealWorldGoBig #realworld
- ‏@MTV_Dean: @sharnesee_ πŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΏπŸ™ŒπŸΏ
@kailah_casillas: Lol I have such a high tolerance bc there's nothing better to do in fort Myers 😭#RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: I do have a heart! Look at that! #RealWorldGoBig
- @RealWorldMTV: Something tells me Amanda isn't going to take @MTVDIONE's news too well. 😢 #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: "@ebrownie: List of things the #RealWorldGoBig housemates understand: -how to use hoverboards” RT YES. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: β€œ@Am_andaplease: We need more @MTV_CHRISTOPHER in this world” RT I love you :) πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©
@MTV_Dean: Has anyone noticed @kailah_casillas in @MTVDIONE clothes πŸŒΎπŸ‘€πŸŒΎ#RealWorldGoBig
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_Dean πŸ’€
@itSabrinaK: Follow me to see Me and @MTVDIONE at steve aoki smkennedy1234
@RealWorldMTV: Uh oh, @MTVCeeJai is about to go off. #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Something tells me Amanda isn't going to take @MTVDIONE's news too well. 😢 #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: Lol I love @MTVCeeJai laughing in that part hahahah #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Don't pretend you don't want this, @MTVDIONE. #RealWorldGoBig (Pic: Dione: β€œThe worst thing would be if Kailah gets attached to me.”)
@kailah_casillas: Girls gotta shave her pits hahaha #RealWorldGoBig
- @RealWorldMTV: @kailah_casillas @MTVCeeJai #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: The answer is yes. She's gonna have to watch him "fuck some bitch on television" hahahahaha #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "Oh, you had #sex with her..." @Am_andaplease @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: Check out my single "If Only" during commercial breaks! Available on iTunes! …
@MTV_Dean: #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: Excited for @steveaoki!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@Fallen_Angel356 πŸ’‹ #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: I am so here for this @MTV_CHRISTOPHER and @jenstaxo friendship. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: We did more than just fight #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER is so cute #RealWorldGoBig
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @MTVCeeJai Love you !!!
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTVCeeJai AGREED. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: I'm so lit at this point #RealWorldGoBig
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTVCeeJai YAAS #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: You're amazing, @MTV_CHRISTOPHER. #RealWorldGoBig (Pic: Chris - β€œShe brings a lot to our house.”)
@MTVCeeJai: I'm like hey just get it over with @kailah_casillas #RealWorldGoBig
- @kailah_casillas: @MTVCeeJai Hahaha bad influence 😈
@kailah_casillas: I moved out at 17 tooπŸ™‹πŸ½#RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Do you think Kailah has real feelings for Dione? #RealWorldGoBig
70%Yes / 30%No  352 votesβ€’Final results
@kailah_casillas: I apologize for how hammered I am in this scene.... #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Just @MTVCeeJai stating the obvious. #RealWorldGoBig (Pic: CeeJai β€œShe wants the D!”)
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@MTVCeeJai 😈 #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV climb on in.
@kailah_casillas: Hahahah what are you doing later tonight @MTVDIONE 😭 *eyebrow raise* #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@MTV_Dean and @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: supporting cast on #RealWorldGoBig πŸ˜‚
@MTVCeeJai: @itSabrinaK it's lit πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ #RealWorldGoBig
‏@RealWorldMTV: Solid advice, @itSabrinaK πŸ‘Œ #RealWorldGoBig (Sabrina: β€œJust go in his bed naked.”)
@RealWorldMTV: Wait, can I come with you guys plz?! 🏍 #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: "Just go in his bed naked" πŸ˜‚ @kailah_casillas
@MTVCeeJai: Reetttiiiinn around #RealWorldGoBig
- @RealWorldMTV: @MTVCeeJai WHOLE squad is behind you too!  #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: IM AWKWARD πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: OUCH. That looks like it hurt, @jenstaxo! #RealWorldGoBig
- @RealWorldMTV: Such a bummer that Austin hasn't responded to @jenstaxo at all πŸ˜• #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Go big, amirite? #RealWorldGoBig (Jenna: β€œWe go big. We go fast. We take risks.”)
@itSabrinaK: I didn't fall! Or break anything!
 β€@itSabrinaK: Hahahahah! #Vibrations
@RealWorldMTV: .@MTVCeeJai has me in tears, it's fine. Everything's fine. 😒 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: I love my fam @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @MTVDIONE @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas @MTV_Dean @jenstaxo #RealWorldGoBig
- @itSabrinaK: @MTVCeeJai @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @MTVDIONE @kailah_casillas @MTV_Dean @jenstaxo love you to ❀️
@RealWorldMTV: I love you so so so so much @MTVCeeJai. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Never alone.... Know that kids. You're never alone #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: Lol @itSabrinaK "WHERES THE TOOTHPASTE?!!" Me: "IDK IM AWKWARD!" 😭#RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: We love @MTVCeeJai πŸ’™ #RealWorldGoBig @itSabrinaK @MTV_Dean @kailah_casillas @MTVDIONE @jenstaxo @RealWorldMTV @MTV
@itSabrinaK: Check out my single "If Only" during commercial breaks! Available on iTunes! …
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: β€œ@RealWorldMTV: @ebrownie gotta admit he can pull them them of doh! @MTV_CHRISTOPHER" RT  Thanks bb πŸ’‹
@kailah_casillas: I can be sweet sometimes @MTVCeeJai πŸ™†πŸ» #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: I would probably pay to see @MTVDIONE and @MTV_Dean try to bake a cake. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: "@RealWorldMTV: @lananextdoor @MTV_CHRISTOPHER HE IS THE GREATEST. #RealWorldGoBig" RT Love these guys!
@itSabrinaK: "Beer Cake" haha @MTVDIONE
@RealWorldMTV: .@jenstaxo coming in clutch. #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Dean: We were laughing like Beavis and Butthead @kailah_casillas πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: My queen πŸ‘‘ happy b-day!! @MTVCeeJai @RealWorldMTV @mtv #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: You ARE so loved, @MTVCeeJai! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Yes @MTV_Dean the cake is doneeeee #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: #LifeHacks by @jenstaxo #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Such a bummer that Austin hasn't responded to @jenstaxo at all πŸ˜• #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: Man.... The best bday ever!!!!! #RealWorldGoBig Thank you guys
@MTV_Dean: There were so many bad ones in that club #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: The cake said "happy beer-day" thanks to @MTVDIONE hahaha #RealWorldGoBig
@jenstaxo: "@timothyburgos: lmao at @jenstaxo and @MTV_CHRISTOPHER having a casual conversation whilst hoverboarding around the suite πŸ˜‚ #RealWorldGoBig" RT The only way to have conversations on #RealWorldGoBig

@MTV_Dean: I was looking chiseled in that chair😏 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Dean: That looks like @MTVDIONE vest...but it's not Dione in it! #RealWorldGoBig
@kailah_casillas: I'm guilty of calling dudes a million times in a row. #crazy
@RealWorldMTV: Whoa, @Kailah_Casillas. #RealWorldGoBig (Gif: "You f....d up. Not me.")
@kailah_casillas: Lol I love how I got blamed for that πŸ˜‚ wasn't me πŸ™‹πŸ» #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: You effed that up #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVCeeJai: @kailah_casillas was right tho #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Dean: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER get your feet out that pillow bro!😑 #RealWorldGoBig
@itSabrinaK: Me just staying out of all the drama haha
@kailah_casillas: I stay eves dropping πŸ˜‚ #RealWorldGoBig
- @RealWorldMTV: @kailah_casillas It's cause you're AWKWARD. JK #RealWorldGoBig
-  β€@kailah_casillas: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Awwwwwwwwwwww I love you
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@kailah_casillas TEA TIME #RealWorldGoBig β˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈβ˜•οΈ
- @MTV_CHRISTOPHER: @kailah_casillas also your eyebrows looked great in that shot #BESTBROWS #teamKailah πŸ’Ž
-  β€@kailah_casillas: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Awwwwwwwwwwww I love you
@itSabrinaK: Hahah my ass was burned after that @MTVDIONE
@RealWorldMTV: @kailah_casillas I feel like we all need a pair though. #RealWorldGoBig
- @kailah_casillas: @RealWorldMTV I have them in pink now ☺️
‏@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: The BIG question is: WHERE IS @MTV_Dean ??? #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: "Well you did get ran over by an ATV..." Good point, @MTV_CHRISTOPHER #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: PLUNGE OFF WHAT NOW?!?! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Dean: #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Caught me wearing my @HRC t-shirt by @marcjacobs on #RealWorldGoBig tonight ;)
@kailah_casillas: UT OH IS @jenstaxo GOING HOME?!! #RealWorldGoBig
- @jenstaxo: @kailah_casillas Am I going home πŸ™ŠπŸ˜°
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Love my crew: @MTVCeeJai @mtvdione @mtv_dean #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Omgomgomgomg #RealWorldGoBig
@RealWorldMTV: Do you want Jenna to stay or go home? #RealWorldGoBig  42%Stay / 58%Go home  3,604 votesβ€’Final results
@MTVCeeJai: Send her on home #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: #THEBLOB #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV @mtv @MTVDIONE @MTV_Dean @kailah_casillas @itSabrinaK @MTVCeeJai @jenstaxo
@itSabrinaK: So is @jenstaxo going home? What do you guys think?
@itSabrinaK: Or am I going home?
@RealWorldMTV: Thanks for watching + tweeting with me! See you next week for an all-new #RealWorldGoBig! 😎

> After Hours, and Friday Hangover
@itSabrinaK: Backstage at the @steveaoki concert right now with @MTVDIONE! This is crazy!
@itSabrinaK: Fans I don't go home I love you all I prove all the haters wrong!!!
‏@itSabrinaK: Guess you guys can find out next week 😜
@itSabrinaK: Thank you everyone for watching tonight! Also thank you for everyone who has supported my music. Love you all! β€οΈπŸ™πŸ»
@itSabrinaK: #IfOnly …
@itSabrinaK: Im going to enjoy this @steveaoki concert now, I will be back later!
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Behind the scenes after @MTVCeeJai's big birthday on #RealWorldGoBig @RealWorldMTV @MTV_Dean @MTVDIONE
@kailah_casillas: I love all of you for the support you show me! I'm out of town with my friends, so I'm going to have fun. I'll tweet you allback tomorrow 😘😘
‏@MTV_Dean: More Dean next week @RealWorldMTV #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVDIONE: Literally just stage dived mid tweet @nvconcepts @mtv @mtvrealworld
@MTVCeeJai: I learned that life will throw you things you didn't ask for but always handle it in the way YOU want to. I didn't let life defeat me.
@MTVCeeJai: I was blessed with people to uplift me.... And they did it well!!! Helped me in ways I couldn't help myself. Thank you.... EVERYONE!
@MTVDIONE: I'm literally crowd surfing in between tweets @mtv @RealWorldMTV #absolutesavage
@MTVCeeJai: Y'all be so lit!!! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTVDIONE: I apologize for not being active on social media tonight but once I post the footage from tonight HOLY FUCKING SHIT #stagedive #crowdsurf
‏@MTVCeeJai: Thank you guys for tuning in #RealWorldGoBig 😍😘😘😘
@kailah_casillas: The more awkward you are, the more I like you. Am I abnormal?
@JustJem24: So word of the street is next week after #realworld, Im back on your tv talking about what it's like to fall in love in the real world house

@JennaCompono: Some big stuff comin soon ! #BehindTheScenes
@MtvJess: I'm not ignoring anyone, I'm just so focused all I see is my dream @iceculinary πŸ”ͺπŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’•
@ToriFiorenza: My sweet boys were out all day, I was saying Brady's prayers and  he said "I'm so thankful God made you my mama" #heartmelted #lovehim
‏@JustJem24: It's important to keep you feelings & your self worth in different places bc when feelings get hurt it shouldnt change how you view yourself
@AbramBoise: What a great day- thanks so much to Moody at Cycle Shop in Brownsville, TX. Great work & good people....BACK IN THE SADDLE AGAIN!!!!
‏@MTVtrey: 11:11
- @robb_schreiber: ‏@MTVtrey 11:11 did you wish for me?
@CaraMariaMTV: If you say "you're going to be ok, you are ok, everything is ok" to yourself over and over enough times, do you eventually believe it?
@CamilaMTV: Happy birthday grandma. ❀️ Wish I could hear your voice today, or give you a hug and big kiss on…
@hbarfield13: I haven't been as interactive with my fans as I should have been because my job has me crazy busy. But I'm going to make time now! 😏
@hbarfield13: If you guys could pick any show for me to be on next what would it be?
@wesbucklesmtv: Unless your are KD, Dame, or Steph stopping shooting 3's especially you big guys!!! Get in the Paint Ibaka, Cousins, A. Davis! #DisNewNBA😑
@mtvdario: Why do ugly girls insist on ruining shjt for their ugly friends
@VMilerman: πŸŒ“ Goodnight,sleep tight,and don't let those Fuckboy crawl into your bed at tonight πŸ›ŒπŸ™‡πŸ½πŸ™…πŸΎ #catladyforlife

‏@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: They have know idea what's to come... #RealWorldGoBig @MTVCeeJai @MTV_Dean @MTVDIONE @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas @jenstaxo @RealWorldMTV
‏@MTVCeeJai: "@ishamanee: @MTVCeeJai I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOU! U r such an inspiration and positive role model & your story has touched me so much! Keep ya head up!" RT Thank you loveπŸ’‹
‏@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: .@HeatherUCLA there were points in this season where @jenstaxo and I were very close and other times where we literally hated each other   the good news is we have resolved our issues and now  @jenstaxo and I have much more respect and empathy for one another
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Me AF on mornings after #RealWorldGoBig @MTVDIONE @MTVCeeJai @MTV_Dean @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas @jenstaxo
- @MTVCeeJai: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER @MTVDIONE @MTV_Dean @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas @jenstaxo πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@MTVTV: .@RealWorldMTV predicament: Will Jenna go home because she can't complete the mission? #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Dooooggggg I'm fucking dead at Jenna crying cause she got a dance at the strip club. Good one CeeJai! !!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Ohh baby I was waiting for CeeJai to clap back!!! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Jenna says she not that type of person far as with that type of entertainment but I guess you was that type by the pool? 😞 #RealWorldGoBig
‏@MTV_Candice: Noooooo @kailah_casillas don't get in your feelings,  you're in Vegas babe!  πŸ™†πŸ™ˆ #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: I absolutely love @MTVCeeJai  & @MTVDIONE bond! !! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Damn it @MTVCeeJai I'm not suppose to be crying!!! 😒 #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Omggg that Austin dude is a biiiiittttchhhh smfh #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: @MTVCeeJai took the words out of my mouth "Send her home".... If MTV doesn't send her home I'm bout to be salty as hell!!!! #RealWorldGoBig
@MTV_Candice: Cause I damn sure didn't want to go home off my injury... #RealWorldGoBig #TheChallengeBloodlines

@RealWorldMTV: It could be the end for @jenstaxo on next week's episode:
@jenstaxo: Soooo am I going home??!
@MTVDIONE: April fools😈
@MTV_Dean: If you don't mind, I ask you guys say a prayer for meπŸ™πŸΏ
@MTV_Dean: "@ms_JNYC: @MTV_Dean Praying for you right now. Anything in particular I should petition for?" RT I just need the strength to stay patient & level headed through the obstacles that are being thrown at meπŸ˜” I really do wish people understood the madness I deal with set apart from this show. It'd be easier not to be known
@RealWorldMTV: Those Australian strippers, man. They're always causing so much drama:
@itSabrinaK: Next weeks episode I get injured... The previews are hilarious
@itSabrinaK: We survived Steve aoki @MTVDIONE and morning beer
@RealWorldMTV: I wish I was friends with @KikiMTV so I could have scored an invite to her stripper-filled 21st birthday in Vegas.
‏@RealWorldMTV: What happens when @MTVDIONE flirts with another girl in front of @kailah_casillas? Find out Thursday night @ 10/9c.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: Let's just say my look for the #MTVMovieAwards is...daring. To say the least. @MTV @RealWorldMTV πŸ’€
@itSabrinaK: Found a dress for the @mtv movie awards. Thanks @saks
@RealWorldMTV: Will she or won't she? Find out next week if @jenstaxo stays on #RealWorldGoBig.
@RealWorldMTV: Kia... like the car. Yup, @MTVDIONE's got a new girl on our next episode.
@MTV_CHRISTOPHER: How I end my night @MTVDIONE @itSabrinaK @kailah_casillas @MTV_Dean @MTVCeeJai @jenstaxo @RealWorldMTV
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_CHRISTOPHER Shit.
@kailah_casillas: The weirder you are & the more you make me laugh, the more I like you. Fuck looks. I don't even care.
@brittany_baldi: Happy #AprilFools day y'all! Get on those pranks 😜
@ryanmalaty: "Today is not April Fools Day." Is one thing to say, That's foolish today, But all other days, it's ok.
@JustJem24: I am still growing out of your childish habits, I am growing out of the desire to raise you into a man worthy of my love....
‏@t_raines33: Big chillin'
@ChallengeMTV: I'm reliving all of the Rivals moments. This was definitely one of the most shocking 😱:
@tjlavin: So far it's been a a couple hour delay here in Vegas and now we're headed back to the gate to fix the radio? Nice... #goodtimes #tavellife
‏@WestonBergmann: My tweet hatin' on Survivor got up to the powers that be & they called my bluff. I'm officially on the next cast, airing winter 2017. πŸŒ΄πŸ’°πŸ”₯🐠
‏@ChallengeMTV: Looks like a @Bravotv #RHOBH's star is dating a Challenge champ! πŸ‘€
@robb_schreiber: Oh Tra! #HisNameIsTra #NotTrey @ Kelly's Logan House

β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ 

In a nutshell, we saw Dione's night with Kailah become the starter to major girl drama. The drama with Jenna has gotten even more interesting in her choosing to go on stage at a strip club against her wishes and leading to a clash with Jenna. CeeJai followed in my footsteps in celebrating a birthday in Las Vegas, but also with reflection as well. And echoing Leroy & Candice and Tony & Shane in Turkey, and the numb shoulder Jenna had on the group's day out going ATV-ing may cost her spot in the Gold Spike... we'll find out very soon.
   Now, as is the case in Challenge land, should there be a cliffhanger at any stage of a season, then the write-up recap for that week is tabled over to the post covering the next week's episode. So, we'll cover episode 3 on an extended week 4 recap next week, but we'll still have a DC WRAP - albeit a brief one - with fan reaction and winners of the night, plus a look at musicians on Real World and how the castmates' experiences in Vegas compares to my experiences traveling to Sin City.

#DCNOW HeadsUp
As we enter the month of April, we are entering a busy time for my DCNOW live coverage hub, which of course you can give a follow to on Twitter @DC408DxNow. As we mentioned on there after Episode 3 last Thursday, there's a big stretch of sports, big events and a new show that I'll be live tweeting on the handle starting this week. Here's a look ahead (and of course, the list below is subject to change)...
● Tonight is the National Championship and the culmination of March Madness - the NCAA Basketball Championship Tournament. After their dominating wins over Syracuse and Oklahoma on Saturday, North Carolina and Villanova will square off for the title in Houston, with coverage beginning just before 9PM Eastern.
● Thursday is not only episode 4 of Real World, but also the beginning of golf's most prestigious event - The Masters from Augusta, GA. After his record win last year, Jordan Spieth looks to defend his title against a stellar field highlighted by major winners Rory McIlroy and Jason Day, among others. We'll have recaps Thursday & Friday and live action on the weekend.
● Sunday after the presentation of the green jacket, it's one of the most-popular pop culture events of the year, and the unofficial launch of the summer blockbuster season. It's the 25th annual MTV Movie Awards, hosted by The Rock and Kevin Hart as they honor the best in movies.
● Also that weekend sees boxing's first mega-fight of 2016 and quite possibly the final curtain call for one of boxing's greatest. Manny Pacquiao faces Timothy Bradley for the rubber match of their five-year trilogy for the ladder's WBO Welterweight Title.
● On April 13, we add a brand new show to the DCNOW slate in The Dude Perfect Show, as Tyler, Cody, Garrett, Coby and Cory bring their talents from their wildly popular YouTube channel to the TV world with all the fun and comedy of the digital sensations.
● And later this month sees the beginning of the NBA Playoffs, the NHL's Stanley Cup, and UFC 197 as Jon Jones returns to the Octagon.

Plus, there's plenty of big things happening in the coming months, from big time championship events to a new season of The Challenge - Rivals III, and the year's biggest event: the Rio 2016 OlympicsSo, be sure to join DCNOW as my live twitter hub becomes your front-row seat to the events and moments that get everyone hyped up.

That's all for now on this EP3 edition of the 'Pulse. We'll have more on the Wrap coming up tomorrow here, plus on Thursday a special ExtraTime looking back on Real World Las Vegas 1.

   Again, join DCNOW for the National Championship just before 9PM Eastern later tonight. Until then, thanks for reading and see you soon.


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