As you all head back to work and school after the three day extended holiday, welcome back on in DCBLOG as our coverage of the MTV Trifecta rolls along with a WRAP of last week ahead of what's about to go down on The Challenge tonight, Are You The One? tomorrow, and the debut of MTV's newest series Stranded with A Million Dollars.
Last week, we saw yet another Challenger go down the route other would not want to go down in deciding to quit in front of TJ Lavin, while a pair with common roots of living in the countryside took the week's second challenge all ahead of the champions' Invasion waiting to happen. And over in the Caribbean, the attention was once again on Tyler for his side comments catching the attention of the girls, and Alicia deciding to swoop in yet another guy, all as the guys are hearing secrets from their closest guy friends.
Ahead on this Double Shot WRAP, a recap of last week's key moments, fantasy scoring, poll results and the interesting backstory involving this very challenge elimination and its host. And then on ExtraTime, find out about the time Hunter found himself in hot water for convincing the girls about something under his clothes, and appearances by a wedding ring and baby balloons. Join us next.
Before we begin, as we did last year we'd want to reaffirm something that exists here and my social platforms. You may see this on your social timelines and elsewhere, but not from me on my Twitter, my blog or anywhere. Only where it is absolutely necessary - as I had to do before this began, you won't see me put down any cast member for their on-air actions or for what happens off-camera. I do have a strong rapport with Team MTV, and whether they follow me or not socially, it's best that I do not want to compromise that position and risk my objectivity for the sake of putting myself into the crossfire of anything that I do that could harm others. That's why the comments section of this week's Wrap has been turned off in order to discourage such behavior on here.
Also, the nature of this site is to be on the positive side and focus on the good in people - that's why you don't see any losers list or anything like that. And we would always like to think of ourselves as a supplementary site to all others that cover the Trifecta, focusing on the stories beyond the screen. So as we lead into our final part of this week's posts, we hope you'll understand where we come from in declaring this neutral position, and you'll know why I would always leave any negativity in the hands of other people and in the court of public opinion. Again, please don't send negativity toward them on their social platforms and risk being put into the crossfire. So, let's proceed...
● BASKETS W/ HUNTLEY: The name Huntley is the surname of respected 1960's newsman Chet Huntley as well as the dog who laid down in the lobby of Curious George's apartment. That name begins this Wrap as the remaining non-Oasis players pair up for their second mission which sees them go into the lake, ride a canoe and then shoot baskets. Before that challenge, Ashley shares her affection for Hunter, and when the horn sounds this game becomes all made for them. That turns out to not be the case for everyone else when the likes of Anthony & Sylvia, Shane & Latoya and three all-season pairs have problems seeing their boats tip over and communication issues. It's no surprise that Ashley & Hunter win, and the ladder makes headlines in running his mouth afterwards.
● CORY'S GAMBLE: When nomination time rolls around, Cory & Jenna have a sense of certainty that they'll be going into elimination, as this week there was no last place in that mission and thus no automatic bid. The two talk with Kailah about who they think have a better shot at survival, and Cory then voices his intention to face either Shane or Theo in elimination. Also in consideration is Anika, where Kailah tells Jenna about the overconfidence of the "Oprah for Millennials," and both Bad Blood underdogs also intend on taking out the Ex-Plosion duo. In a way, Cory gets his wish in the house unanimously picking Theo and Anika to face Cory and Jenna.
● HIGH FLIER & A QUITTER: For elimination #2, there's another challenge in store in addition to the elimination itself: in order to get to the venue the competitors are forced to climb over mountains to reach their destination at Hollow Mountain in Thailand. Once there, TJ Lavin tells the competitors to grab five balls out of a basket and then jump 400 feet off the platform to a landing pad below, and are timed should both players on either side get all 5. The guys go up first and Cory does his job in jumping off and not only grabbing the balls but also sticking the landing. But for Theo, he does get to the platform but at last minute - and after all of that talk earlier - decides it's not in his interest to jump off, and TJ lets him have it. It's no problem for the girls as both Jenna and Anika take care of their task, and it's time and 2 seconds that separate the two, and Jenna wins. More in this in a moment.
♥ SECRETS: Over in the Caribbean, Tyler has been in the news for the wrong reasons all this season, and Week 6 is no exception. As he talks to one of the guys, he tells them the following: "I feel like it would have been dope to be the guy that like came through here and f...... them all. Or most of them. That would've been f...... crazy." There, Shannon feels like she's been fooled yet again. But Tyler has no idea that Gianna was eavesdropping on his conversation, and eventually she brings him and Shannon aside to discuss that conversation. Not surprisingly, Shannon goes off on Tyler for the gossip, it appears he is out of jail in telling her it was just a joke, only for the rest of the girls to think that was just a play.
♥ BRO CODE: The week's Getaway Challenge sees the obligatory appearances by people outside of our group of singles: this time, it's the best friends of the guys who appear via Skype to tell those juicy secrets to the house. The girls take part in this challenge as the guys head off to another room to see their secrets get played out for everyone to see, much to their displeasure as the ladies try to guess whose friend is airing those secrets out. After so many laughs and so many moments that made us wonder "WTF?!", in the end it's Hannah and Shannon who win, and they respectively pick Ozzy and Tyler to go along with them on the date.
♥ NEW AND OLD: As couples like Taylor & Andre and Jaylan & Casandra are beginning to flourish, it's Hannah & Ozzy who get picked to go to the truth booth. Unfortunately after the high of the previous week, there's no luck for the two in what was a toss-up for the house. Afterwards with not much fanfare, Alicia begins to go for Ozzy in the wake of last week's events. It's not new for the two as Alicia had a lot to say to Hannah after she went for Andre earlier on. At the matchup, Hannah confronts the poor girl as Kam feels to not be surprised by what's happening, and Ozzy sticks up to Hannah.
Game-wise, things have not worked well for the group aside from the week 5 truth booth, which leads Kari and Mike to take the lead in strategy. There, the two decide to pick the pairs and the house's strongest couples get to sit together. Though Ryan Devlin isn't happy at the end with with same result of 4 beams, the strategy sees them figure out where they stand 2/3rd's of the way through.
After what we had to go through, there were some additional stories to emerge out of the latest case of someone quitting on a Challenge in front of TJ Lavin. Hollow Mountain Extreme Adventure Park hosted this past week's elimination, and features ziplines, rope swings and rock climbing for those who love an adrenaline rush.
Generally when not doing anything on camera, TJ spends his time away from The Challenge house doing assorted things like sampling the host country and hanging out with friends. But the drawback in being the host of this show is that he doesn't get to do any of the crazy things we see the cast do on these shows. He sometimes gets asked on Twitter about this very thing.
After this past week's elimination, TJ posted an Instagram video about something he got to do to finally live out those wild dreams the competitors get to do: being able to do the exact same challenge the competitors get to do, instead of him telling them all the details. And posted a digital short on his experience as well, and both of these videos are embedded below.
As for Theo, he joins an infamous list of those who have had to quit on a challenge or an elimination not related to injury - and thus have had to hear the BMX legend's wrath. Two guys I'm good friends with socially, Brandon of AYTO Season 2 and Jay of Real World Ex-Plosion, are two recent examples of this, and when both quit, either one or the other went after one another on Twitter, and have had to endure a lot of social media hate for this cardinal sin of The Challenge. If there's people who would want them back it's likely they'll be teamed up for a Rivals 4.
For Theo, he did join that list of those who quit, but at least he did fess up to what happened to him, though something that wasn't featured at all was that he was actually under the weather during his time in Thailand, which also forced him and Anika to miss the first few episodes of their Real World season -- and for us, it wasn't until a little later that they reappeared on Twitter to live tweet the episodes. And while there's that social media embargo on everyone else on that cast, the two have that lifted just for them to live tweet episodes when they did return stateside, back when this current Trifecta cycle started up last fall.
And unlike other competitors we've had to see quit for a non-injury/emergency reason, Theo is hopeful that he will get another shot, whether or not fans will want him back. Before last week's episode, he opened up on the ride that's taken him from working in a pizza parlor after college to being part of the MTV family. Here was his words, courtesy of Instagram.
With one-third of the season left, the AYTO cast is on par with last year's cast in staying at four beams - behind the pace of what the Season 1 Originals had, and with seemingly nowhere to go. But with having three strong couples who've sat together for four straight weeks, it might be a matter of time before they are put into the Truth Booth.
WEEK 6 (Guys' Pick)
Kam & Edward
Joey & Kathryn (4th - Wk's 3/4/5)
Andre & Taylor (2nd - Wk. 5)
Michael & Kari (3rd - Wk's 4/5)
Tyler & Shannon (4th - Wk's 3/4/5)
Mike & Alicia (3rd - Wk's 3 & 5)
Tyranny & Derrick (2nd - Wk 5)
Carolina & Hayden (4th - Wk's 3/4/5)
Gianna & Osvaldo (2nd - Wk. 5)
Jaylan & Hannah
Casandra & Ozzy
AYTO Math at and fellow analytics analyst Nick Uhlenhuth @nickuhlenhuth estimate that there are 165 combinations at the end of Week 6, after it was paired down from 232 at the beginning of the episode. As the three couples who have stayed together since Week 3, their top three possible perfect matches are Carolina & Hayden at 68.1%, Joey & Kathryn at 66.7% and Tyler & Shannon at 61.6%, and had the house gone with Tyler & Shannon for the Truth Booth and emerged out a match, their path to the cash would be a little more easier than it is right now. Rounding out the top 5 are Taylor & Osvaldo at 52.2% and Casandra & Andre at 46.6%.
AYTO Math adds that despite Casandra & Jaylan flirting in the early part of last week's episode, if Kari's strategy is right than they would not be a match in those three extra beams. Had they gained an additional beam last week, a combination of Cas-Jaylan, her & Ozzy and him & Hannah would not be those beams. And if they got to six, Casandra & Ozzy or Hannah & Jaylan would be one of those beams. Interesting to say, Kari's strategy knocked down the number on non-matches and though Ryan might not be feeling them, Kari has done her part to help these kids out.
Which Underdog girl do you feel has
the best shot at winning this season?
● JENNA 72%
● ASHLEY M. 14%
With 1 Perfect Match & 4 tries left,
what do you think will happen to
this season's Are You The One cast?
● Go 11 for 11 & WIN the $$ 29%
● Be the 1st to LOSE the $$ 71%
1. HUNTER: 65 Points
T-2. ASHLEY and CORY: 55 Points
4. JENNA: 45 Points
5. ANTHONY: 25 Points
6. ANIKA: 20 Points
T-7. Five Tied at 10 Points each
T-12. Four Tied at 0 Points each
T-16. THEO: -30 Points
1. SYLVIA: 105 Points
2. KAILAH: 90 Points
T-3. ASHLEY M.: 80 Points ▲3
T-3. HUNTER: 80 Points ▲8
5. CORY: 75 Points
T-6. JENNA and TONY: 70 Points each
8. NICOLE: 65 Points
T-9. DARIO and NELSON: 45 Points each
As this week's challenge contained a mass start of competitors beginning at the same time, all non-Oasis competitors (except Tony, Nicole, Kailah & Dario) receive 10 competition points.
● HUNTER & ASHLEY: As winners of the week 2 challenge, Hunter and Ashley each earn 20 points for winning that mission and 25 for earning their ticket to the Oasis, along with the aforementioned 10 points for starting that mission. He also earns 10 points for verbally fighting with Cory after the challenge ends, netting him 65 total points in topping this week's standings and being the week's biggest mover in going up 8 spots from week 1 to move into a tie for 3rd place overall with Ashley at 80 total points apiece.
● CORY & JENNA: Cory scores 55 total points in week 2, where in addition to those reasons stated above, he scores 10 points for winning the elimination round and the 25 extra for going to the Oasis. He now stands 5th in the overall points table at 75 points after scoring 20 in week 1. Jenna also scores the 10 and 25 for week 2 as well, tied for 6th overall.
● THEO: Because of what happened at the elimination, Theo is docked -60 points for quitting and got 20 for hearing the wrath of TJ after he quit.
T-1. HANNAH: 55 Points
T-1. OZZY: 55 Points
3. TYLER: 15 Points
T-4. ALICIA: 5 Points
T-4. SHANNON: 5 Points
1. EDWARD: 165 Points
2. KAM: 125 Points
T-3. ALICIA and JOEY: 110 Points each
5. CAROLINA: 100 Points
T-6. HAYDEN, KATHRYN & OSVALDO: 85 Points each
9. TYLER: 80 Points
T10: ANDRE, SHANNON & TYRANNY: 70 Points each
♥ HANNAH & OZZY: In a fairly light week scoring-wise, Hannah and Ozzy each score 55 total points in Week 6. Both score 15 points for hooking up in the pool, 20 points for being voted into the Truth Booth and 5 for hooking up with a non-match after they were a no-match. She scores 5 for winning the challenge and 10 points for crying two times, while he gets 15 for being chosen for the date.
♥ Others: Alicia scores 5 for crying on Ozzy's shoulder, Shannon gets 5 for winning that challenge, and Tyler gets 15 for being chosen by Shannon for the date.
As we saw last week, Hunter has made a name for himself in winning that second mission with Ashley, them earning a spot in the Oasis and getting the wrath of Cory after winning. As we told you in our Who Are These Newbies? intro to him, he is playing this game not necessarily for himself, but to make a lasting impression on those less fortunate in using any money he wins to invest in a gym for those with special needs in the same Florida community where he volunteers as much time as he can.
However, Hunter's most memorable moment until last week was what happened in week 3 in the AYTO Season 3 house - a week after their infamous blackout. After that week's challenge, the guys treated the living room as their own strip club as the girls of the house enjoyed the moves of the guys in their boxers. This was the result of a bet they made that if the girls got more lights than the guys in their first two matchups they would have a night of entertainment, shall we say. Of course, Mike of that season and the ensuing Real World Bad Blood season was a stripper when we first met him in the Islands two years ago.
There, Hunter went to the closet to look at himself, and thought of what he could do to get the girls' attention. He decided to stuff a sock in his boxers and then went around the house trying to convince the girls that his package is actually larger than it actually is. Almost immediately, he got caught.
One of them who felt skeptical was Cheyenne: "I feel so bad about Hunter because I really feel like he needs to go home and get some help. There's no reason why you should ever put a sock in your boxers and walk around like you got four d.... inside there. It's weird."
The next day, Hannah joined in on the package situation: "Dude, you put a sock in your junk to make it look bigger. Don't try and lie...we all figured you out." And with her, Stacey, Chelsey, Rashida and Cheyenne watching from their beds, Hunter put something inside his boxers that was blocked out by the folks in the censor department but nonetheless shocked those girls watching, with Stacey saying "Hunter got a big one." All Rashida would respond to that was, "Hold on baby, you might be my match (laughs)." And Cheyenne added, "I really wanted you to have this itty bitty turtle d.... It was oddly big."
When everyone got watch that moment on TV, it was no surprise that this moment grabbed the attention of Hunter's own family. His mom left this voicemail after the episode aired, for which you can check out the video on MTV's YouTube channel.
First, at this time last year we saw Vince on his first Challenge as partner to Johnny Bananas on Battle of the Bloodlines and... well, we'll just say he didn't have a good time there in Turkey. But after what we saw in Rivals III in him & Jenna finishing second behind cousin Bananas, he's now about to settle into just being a viewer to everything going on now as he settles into life outside of the cameras. Last week, while they were on a weekend retreat south of Akron, OH, Vince brought out an engagement, went on one knee, and proposed to his girlfriend, Sam. Of course, she got to say "Yes," and he captioned in his Instagram posts to the right, "Couldn't dream of a different love. Let's make it official!!! #boutdamntime future #mrspiggy." The newly engaged Sam added, "I've never felt so full of love and excitement for what is to come...I get to live the rest of my life with my best friend ❤️ more pics to come ☺ #ItsGliattabeyou."
And second, there's Mike from Real World Back to Vegas who also announced a second life-changer of his own. A few years ago, he was joined by his fellow roommates Adam, Nany, Leroy and Cooke as well as Rivals competitor Laurel, as he and his fiance, Taylor, tied the knot in that seaside paradise known as Laguna Beach...we brought you that story on here also.
Also last week with one short but sweet Instagram caption, Mike Mike announced some big news: "Just the three of us." Four letter balloons spelling the word "BABY" was revealed right by the California coast. The gender has not been revealed as of yet, but Mike does join a packed list of those who are now parents or are those expecting new babies, such as Jessica from AYTO Season 1, Cheyenne from AYTO Season 5, Jonna, and of course two-time daddy Tony of this Challenge. We'll have more on the ladder coming up here on this coming week's posts, and congrats to both Mike and Vince.
After what we had to go through, there were some additional stories to emerge out of the latest case of someone quitting on a Challenge in front of TJ Lavin. Hollow Mountain Extreme Adventure Park hosted this past week's elimination, and features ziplines, rope swings and rock climbing for those who love an adrenaline rush.
Generally when not doing anything on camera, TJ spends his time away from The Challenge house doing assorted things like sampling the host country and hanging out with friends. But the drawback in being the host of this show is that he doesn't get to do any of the crazy things we see the cast do on these shows. He sometimes gets asked on Twitter about this very thing.
After this past week's elimination, TJ posted an Instagram video about something he got to do to finally live out those wild dreams the competitors get to do: being able to do the exact same challenge the competitors get to do, instead of him telling them all the details. And posted a digital short on his experience as well, and both of these videos are embedded below.
As for Theo, he joins an infamous list of those who have had to quit on a challenge or an elimination not related to injury - and thus have had to hear the BMX legend's wrath. Two guys I'm good friends with socially, Brandon of AYTO Season 2 and Jay of Real World Ex-Plosion, are two recent examples of this, and when both quit, either one or the other went after one another on Twitter, and have had to endure a lot of social media hate for this cardinal sin of The Challenge. If there's people who would want them back it's likely they'll be teamed up for a Rivals 4.
For Theo, he did join that list of those who quit, but at least he did fess up to what happened to him, though something that wasn't featured at all was that he was actually under the weather during his time in Thailand, which also forced him and Anika to miss the first few episodes of their Real World season -- and for us, it wasn't until a little later that they reappeared on Twitter to live tweet the episodes. And while there's that social media embargo on everyone else on that cast, the two have that lifted just for them to live tweet episodes when they did return stateside, back when this current Trifecta cycle started up last fall.
And unlike other competitors we've had to see quit for a non-injury/emergency reason, Theo is hopeful that he will get another shot, whether or not fans will want him back. Before last week's episode, he opened up on the ride that's taken him from working in a pizza parlor after college to being part of the MTV family. Here was his words, courtesy of Instagram.
INSTAGRAM @IamTheoPhi"The difference a year can make. I had no idea last July that my life could switch up this way. I just want to thank all of you whom have supported me since day one. I could not be here seeing this life without each and every one of you. I want to thank @mtv for seeing something in me worth broadcasting. You really changed my life. 8 months ago started off with 700 followers now I'm in the thousands. I'm beyond grateful you all have no idea. Thank you. 🙏🏾"
With one-third of the season left, the AYTO cast is on par with last year's cast in staying at four beams - behind the pace of what the Season 1 Originals had, and with seemingly nowhere to go. But with having three strong couples who've sat together for four straight weeks, it might be a matter of time before they are put into the Truth Booth.
WEEK 6 (Guys' Pick)
Kam & Edward
Joey & Kathryn (4th - Wk's 3/4/5)
Andre & Taylor (2nd - Wk. 5)
Michael & Kari (3rd - Wk's 4/5)
Tyler & Shannon (4th - Wk's 3/4/5)
Mike & Alicia (3rd - Wk's 3 & 5)
Tyranny & Derrick (2nd - Wk 5)
Carolina & Hayden (4th - Wk's 3/4/5)
Gianna & Osvaldo (2nd - Wk. 5)
Jaylan & Hannah
Casandra & Ozzy
AYTO Math at and fellow analytics analyst Nick Uhlenhuth @nickuhlenhuth estimate that there are 165 combinations at the end of Week 6, after it was paired down from 232 at the beginning of the episode. As the three couples who have stayed together since Week 3, their top three possible perfect matches are Carolina & Hayden at 68.1%, Joey & Kathryn at 66.7% and Tyler & Shannon at 61.6%, and had the house gone with Tyler & Shannon for the Truth Booth and emerged out a match, their path to the cash would be a little more easier than it is right now. Rounding out the top 5 are Taylor & Osvaldo at 52.2% and Casandra & Andre at 46.6%.
AYTO Math adds that despite Casandra & Jaylan flirting in the early part of last week's episode, if Kari's strategy is right than they would not be a match in those three extra beams. Had they gained an additional beam last week, a combination of Cas-Jaylan, her & Ozzy and him & Hannah would not be those beams. And if they got to six, Casandra & Ozzy or Hannah & Jaylan would be one of those beams. Interesting to say, Kari's strategy knocked down the number on non-matches and though Ryan might not be feeling them, Kari has done her part to help these kids out.
Which Underdog girl do you feel has
the best shot at winning this season?
● JENNA 72%
● ASHLEY M. 14%
With 1 Perfect Match & 4 tries left,
what do you think will happen to
this season's Are You The One cast?
● Go 11 for 11 & WIN the $$ 29%
● Be the 1st to LOSE the $$ 71%
1. HUNTER: 65 Points
T-2. ASHLEY and CORY: 55 Points
4. JENNA: 45 Points
5. ANTHONY: 25 Points
6. ANIKA: 20 Points
T-7. Five Tied at 10 Points each
T-12. Four Tied at 0 Points each
T-16. THEO: -30 Points
1. SYLVIA: 105 Points
2. KAILAH: 90 Points
T-3. ASHLEY M.: 80 Points ▲3
T-3. HUNTER: 80 Points ▲8
5. CORY: 75 Points
T-6. JENNA and TONY: 70 Points each
8. NICOLE: 65 Points
T-9. DARIO and NELSON: 45 Points each
As this week's challenge contained a mass start of competitors beginning at the same time, all non-Oasis competitors (except Tony, Nicole, Kailah & Dario) receive 10 competition points.
● HUNTER & ASHLEY: As winners of the week 2 challenge, Hunter and Ashley each earn 20 points for winning that mission and 25 for earning their ticket to the Oasis, along with the aforementioned 10 points for starting that mission. He also earns 10 points for verbally fighting with Cory after the challenge ends, netting him 65 total points in topping this week's standings and being the week's biggest mover in going up 8 spots from week 1 to move into a tie for 3rd place overall with Ashley at 80 total points apiece.
● CORY & JENNA: Cory scores 55 total points in week 2, where in addition to those reasons stated above, he scores 10 points for winning the elimination round and the 25 extra for going to the Oasis. He now stands 5th in the overall points table at 75 points after scoring 20 in week 1. Jenna also scores the 10 and 25 for week 2 as well, tied for 6th overall.
● THEO: Because of what happened at the elimination, Theo is docked -60 points for quitting and got 20 for hearing the wrath of TJ after he quit.
T-1. HANNAH: 55 Points
T-1. OZZY: 55 Points
3. TYLER: 15 Points
T-4. ALICIA: 5 Points
T-4. SHANNON: 5 Points
1. EDWARD: 165 Points
2. KAM: 125 Points
T-3. ALICIA and JOEY: 110 Points each
5. CAROLINA: 100 Points
T-6. HAYDEN, KATHRYN & OSVALDO: 85 Points each
9. TYLER: 80 Points
T10: ANDRE, SHANNON & TYRANNY: 70 Points each
♥ HANNAH & OZZY: In a fairly light week scoring-wise, Hannah and Ozzy each score 55 total points in Week 6. Both score 15 points for hooking up in the pool, 20 points for being voted into the Truth Booth and 5 for hooking up with a non-match after they were a no-match. She scores 5 for winning the challenge and 10 points for crying two times, while he gets 15 for being chosen for the date.
♥ Others: Alicia scores 5 for crying on Ozzy's shoulder, Shannon gets 5 for winning that challenge, and Tyler gets 15 for being chosen by Shannon for the date.
▪ ▪ ▪
However, Hunter's most memorable moment until last week was what happened in week 3 in the AYTO Season 3 house - a week after their infamous blackout. After that week's challenge, the guys treated the living room as their own strip club as the girls of the house enjoyed the moves of the guys in their boxers. This was the result of a bet they made that if the girls got more lights than the guys in their first two matchups they would have a night of entertainment, shall we say. Of course, Mike of that season and the ensuing Real World Bad Blood season was a stripper when we first met him in the Islands two years ago.
There, Hunter went to the closet to look at himself, and thought of what he could do to get the girls' attention. He decided to stuff a sock in his boxers and then went around the house trying to convince the girls that his package is actually larger than it actually is. Almost immediately, he got caught.
One of them who felt skeptical was Cheyenne: "I feel so bad about Hunter because I really feel like he needs to go home and get some help. There's no reason why you should ever put a sock in your boxers and walk around like you got four d.... inside there. It's weird."
The next day, Hannah joined in on the package situation: "Dude, you put a sock in your junk to make it look bigger. Don't try and lie...we all figured you out." And with her, Stacey, Chelsey, Rashida and Cheyenne watching from their beds, Hunter put something inside his boxers that was blocked out by the folks in the censor department but nonetheless shocked those girls watching, with Stacey saying "Hunter got a big one." All Rashida would respond to that was, "Hold on baby, you might be my match (laughs)." And Cheyenne added, "I really wanted you to have this itty bitty turtle d.... It was oddly big."
When everyone got watch that moment on TV, it was no surprise that this moment grabbed the attention of Hunter's own family. His mom left this voicemail after the episode aired, for which you can check out the video on MTV's YouTube channel.
"Hey Hunter, it's mom. Oh my, oh my. Hunter Brian Barfield, what are you thinking? Showing your package to all those girls on national television. If I could come to (inaudible), I would choke the s... out of you right now. Oh my god, when I saw you walk into the kitchen and the girls were talking about a sock in your boxers, I almost died. I almost died because obviously I'm your mother and I know that you're not putting a sock in your bottoms. I know that that's the real you. I was just shocked that the girls were just questioning that. Did you have to take it that far to prove to them that there was actually not a sock in your boxers? Oh my god, your Nana and Papa are watching. What are you thinking, son? You know how your Nana and Papa are. Maybe I should warn them. I need a drink right now. You need to call me back. I love me."When he heard that message, all Hunter could say via Skype was, "I was not expecting this. So awkward. Well mom, I'm sorry that you had to see that. From watching that, you knew I didn't stuff it or anything. And the girls, you know, I felt they were challenging me. So at that point, I had to prove a point. To my Nana and Papa, during this part of the episode we're gonna have you guys change the channel. Obviously, you guys know how I am to be. But, just change the channel during the portion of the episode."
Lastly, from one revealing moment to two life-changers: there is some happy news on the way for two Challengers who both went on to a final and now have something to look forward to...
![]() |
IG @TheVinnyPig |
First, at this time last year we saw Vince on his first Challenge as partner to Johnny Bananas on Battle of the Bloodlines and... well, we'll just say he didn't have a good time there in Turkey. But after what we saw in Rivals III in him & Jenna finishing second behind cousin Bananas, he's now about to settle into just being a viewer to everything going on now as he settles into life outside of the cameras. Last week, while they were on a weekend retreat south of Akron, OH, Vince brought out an engagement, went on one knee, and proposed to his girlfriend, Sam. Of course, she got to say "Yes," and he captioned in his Instagram posts to the right, "Couldn't dream of a different love. Let's make it official!!! #boutdamntime future #mrspiggy." The newly engaged Sam added, "I've never felt so full of love and excitement for what is to come...I get to live the rest of my life with my best friend ❤️ more pics to come ☺ #ItsGliattabeyou."
![]() |
IG @mike_b_ross |
Also last week with one short but sweet Instagram caption, Mike Mike announced some big news: "Just the three of us." Four letter balloons spelling the word "BABY" was revealed right by the California coast. The gender has not been revealed as of yet, but Mike does join a packed list of those who are now parents or are those expecting new babies, such as Jessica from AYTO Season 1, Cheyenne from AYTO Season 5, Jonna, and of course two-time daddy Tony of this Challenge. We'll have more on the ladder coming up here on this coming week's posts, and congrats to both Mike and Vince.
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And on that happy note, that will wrap it up for this week's posts in the MTV Trifecta. As you prepare for a busy week in the Trifecta - which may perhaps become the Quadruple depending upon what happens tonight, there's a lot more discussion from this past week in Challenge/AYTO land, and here's where you can hear and see more before this week's episodes...
● After last week's episode, Cory joined Candy Dish as he discussed his elimination win and everything related to The Challenge and his original show, Real World. Check out that interview here, plus their chats with Sarah & Susie, Devin and full coverage of my mom's favorite show, The Bachelor.
● And check out Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) at YouTube, Blog Talk Radio and with Reality Radio, including the many interviews Andrew has done with over 80 members of the Trifecta including nine Invasion cast members. Due to technical difficulties, Andrew wasn't able to talk to Cory last weekend, but do follow his Twitter for when he gets to interview castmates, and do be able to join him and I on Periscope for post-episode discussion.
Make sure to follow DCBLOG for our unique look at the MTV Trifecta, offering you a weekly complement to all the discussion and interviews as we bring you the weekly 'Pulse of the episodes and the stories behind the action and drama on-screen. We'll be back here this weekend with covering Episode 4 of the Invasion and Episode 7 of AYTO - for which we'll be announcing what we'll be covering in addition to episode coverage coming up after the ladder airs, over at @DC408Dxtr.
Also follow DCNOW @DC408DxNow for live episode tweets, and use my hashtag #DCChallenge to join the conversation there and on my other hub with polls included too.
That's is how we see it this week in the MTV Trifecta...thank you for checking us out. And until we talk on DCNOW later and then back here Friday, see you then and enjoy your week ahead.
● After last week's episode, Cory joined Candy Dish as he discussed his elimination win and everything related to The Challenge and his original show, Real World. Check out that interview here, plus their chats with Sarah & Susie, Devin and full coverage of my mom's favorite show, The Bachelor.
● Check out Ace Nichols and her unique Challenge recaps, where a day ago she posted her Week 2 review which you can check out here as well as all past episode recaps...also follow her Twitter @AceNichols33 on how you can get a jumpstart on viewing recaps earlier, and also check out AfterBuzz TV for their Challenge coverage at
● Also check out Rob Has A Podcast with Brian Cohen (@CohenBrian_), Ali Lasher (@LashTweets) and Adam Bungiovanni (@AdamBongo) as they discuss The Challenge - featuring the former & her, and AYTO with her & the ladder. Check out their latest Challenge podcast here and past shows at, where the site's focus in on the new Survivor season.● And check out Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) at YouTube, Blog Talk Radio and with Reality Radio, including the many interviews Andrew has done with over 80 members of the Trifecta including nine Invasion cast members. Due to technical difficulties, Andrew wasn't able to talk to Cory last weekend, but do follow his Twitter for when he gets to interview castmates, and do be able to join him and I on Periscope for post-episode discussion.
Make sure to follow DCBLOG for our unique look at the MTV Trifecta, offering you a weekly complement to all the discussion and interviews as we bring you the weekly 'Pulse of the episodes and the stories behind the action and drama on-screen. We'll be back here this weekend with covering Episode 4 of the Invasion and Episode 7 of AYTO - for which we'll be announcing what we'll be covering in addition to episode coverage coming up after the ladder airs, over at @DC408Dxtr.
Also follow DCNOW @DC408DxNow for live episode tweets, and use my hashtag #DCChallenge to join the conversation there and on my other hub with polls included too.
That's is how we see it this week in the MTV Trifecta...thank you for checking us out. And until we talk on DCNOW later and then back here Friday, see you then and enjoy your week ahead.