Sunday, October 29, 2017

DC ExtraTime: Devastation and Tragedy

Following contains excerpts from DCBLOG's Pulse posts this weekend, reposted in the interest of readers for those who don't want to scroll all the way down following our episode coverage.

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

An attribute of the ExtraTime stories that appear at the end of our weekly posts and on their own is to offer a different look at the people of the MTV Trifecta, from the real-life experiences and struggles they encounter when the cameras aren't filming, to putting the events of the moment in context through the specter of these people. The three stories we're sharing with you this weekend best fit this unique aspect of our MTV coverage covering life-changing stories to two members from recent casts of these shows, and we begin after the jump with something that has dominated this year's headlines.


Devastation in streets of Anguilla
after Hurricane Irma (AFP)
This summer and early part of fall have seen the forces of nature take its toll on the North American continent: the Mexico City earthquake, the devastating wildfires in Northern California and, most especially, the ongoing Atlantic hurricane season. Four major cyclones of either Category 4 or 5 were recorded in the Atlantic since the first minor system formed back in April, and is on pace to be the most active season of this deadly phenomena to impact the East Coast and this region in twelve years. That year in 2005 during their stay in the Sunshine State, Johnny Bananas and his Real World Key West cast endured Katrina before they moved in, followed by Rita and then Wilma — where the fourth wall was broken down to let they and the crew ride out that third storm together.
   This 2017 hurricane season began with Hurricane Harvey, which left Houston under water, killed 90 people and cost over $70 billion in damage - the costliest hurricane since Sandy and 3rd behind that and Katrina. Shortly after came Irma, a Cat. 5 twister which barreled through much of the Caribbean and affected Florida: 134 people lost their lives and a price tag of $63 billion. After Jose spared most of the region, the fourth - Maria, also did damage to a region that didn't need any more punishment from Mother Nature: over 50 are confirmed dead, much more damage was inflicted by the storm's wrath, and most of the country remains without water and electricity, all leading San Juan, Puerto Rico's mayor to take a jab at the President for the lack of response to getting the help they needed so badly in this American territory.

Given what we have seen from her on Real World Portland and her two succeeding Challenges, it's safe to say that Nia Moore isn't always the most universally liked person in the MTV houses she has taken up residency in: her issues with Jordan and that infamous fight in Oregon remains burned in our recent memory bank. But that is not characteristic of who she is as a person overall: last year, she found a man who was living homeless with AIDS on the streets in her Atlanta hometown and thanks to the help of her and those on charitable sites, she helped save his life when he was on his last legs.
   As someone who now is a private flight attendant and being a food enthusiast while awaiting her chance at her own Challenge redemption after what happened on Exes 2 being so close to a final but saw bad habits take over her again, just recently Nia was assigned to work a flight to the British territory of the island of Anguilla. Like those who travel to the Caribbean, she expected to enjoy being able to sit back and relax is this island located east of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and is a popular tax haven for the rich and wealthy. What she didn't expect was what she would encounter the moment she set foot in one of the countries that was in the storm's path when Irma hit this island.
   Earlier this month, Nia posted an extended note on her Instagram @TheRealNiaMoore offering her firsthand experience being in Anguilla in the aftermath of both Hurricanes Irma and Maria, and the staggering devastation left behind. There, she shared a moment she had with a resident of the Caribbean who, though he lost just about everything, was lucky to still be alive. We've reposted that here in rich text form which follows below.

“When I got called to work this trip to Anguilla, I thought I was going to parlay at some beachfront resort for a few days, cocktail in hand with not a care in the world. It never occurred to me that Irma had just swept through this island. Media hadn't really mentioned Anguilla. From the aerial view out the plane's window, everything looked ok. Then we landed.
    The drive to the hotel with my pilots was pretty quiet, and for good reason. The roads were littered with debris, and ripped power lines. Every house, store, cafe and hotel was badly beaten to some capacity, if not totally decimated. We learned that most of the island was still without power, just as we'd heard about so many neighboring ones.
   Our hotel was running on a generator, that gave out for hours throughout the day. The shower in my room didn't work. No restaurants nearby were open, the market only carried non-perishables so we went old school and stocked up on top ramen, chips and water. Needless to say, it felt like we were roughing it. That was until I talked to an old man sitting outside the market.
   He walked a few miles there because it was the only place nearby that had wifi, and he needed it to communicate. He told me that the only home he'd ever lived in was lost in the storm. He was now living in an abandoned garage that no longer had a roof because Irma took it with her. When I apologized and asked him if there was anything I could offer to buy him, his response left me speechless.
   His smile was so big--one of those ear to ear grins--like he'd just found out he was going to be a grandpa or had just won some money. He laughed, slapped his knee and said "my girl, I'm doing wonderful! I have everything I need." Everything he needed was gone though, or do I supposed. Then he said, "We have enough water, food. But more importantly we have each other! We have sunshine, and air in our lungs. So we have everything. We will rebuild. And it will take time. But we still have everything that truly matters. Irma couldn't take it from us."
   I wanted to share this because his dignity and outlook really moved me. It's one thing to feel compassion for all the victims on the news, as we all did watching the coverage from the safety of our homes that weren't in the storm's path. But to suddenly be dropped into the middle of such devastation is a whole different realization.
   So as I head home, to my unscathed apartment, hot running water, uninterrupted internet/electricity and endless food options--I'm a new kind of thankful. Not just for those little tangibles that we always take for granted, but for the stuff that really matters. The air in my lungs, the love that surrounds me, and each sunrise...that gift of experiencing a new day...
That is all we will ever really need. It's all that matters.”
@TheRealNiaMoore on Instagram

Nia concluded the note by writing in the captions, "God's grace is everlasting. #Thankful 🙏🏽," and in the comments section those who read that note were moved by this overwhelming trip. One person wrote, "people need experience this more....glad you shared this. it's always the same thing I see, so much poverty you wonder if you were in that environment how would you know the difference in privledges we call the norm today. Ty for sharing."
   Another told her, "We should never forget how fortunate we are for those things we take for granted.... keeping that in mind everyday changes our prospective when it comes to what is really important in our lives! God in control babe! 🙏🏿."  And a third follower commented, "If you travel the world you will see the difference in American poor and other countries poor. Truly a humbling experience. Great story!!"

Yes, it's one thing to watch breaking news coverage of major disasters taking place around the world, such as the one that took place in the Caribbean. But the devastation isn't truly magnified until it is experienced in person and seeing how people's lives have been altered drastically when nature's fury battles to take away everything in its wake, but not the spirit of those people.
   Nia is not alone: Jemmye and her Real World Back to New Orleans cast helped with the rebuilding of the Crescent City in the aftermath of Katrina, while roommate Preston spent a summer in Asia and in several countries where its residents were living below the poverty line. And recently, Hayden & Gianna from AYTO Season 5 traveled to Honduras along with The Bachelor's Ben Higgins as part of his Humanity & Hope United program to help needy families in one of the world's poorest countries.
   As the holidays now begin to approach, those of us can be fortunate to have everything. But at the same time in the aftermath of all of these disasters and tragedies, there is also some sympathy of those who aren't privileged, including that man Nia meet in those streets. And this is a good reminder to not forget about them as their rebuilding efforts continue and to think about them too.

Although the worst of the storms have now past, the rebuilding efforts continue in Florida, Texas and the Caribbean following this unforgettable storm season, along with the Northern California wildfires. The American Red Cross continues to accept donations at and its toll-free phone and mobile numbers, and every dollar counts and if you want to do your part in helping your neighbors, it would be a great appreciation to them when they are in the most need.

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In the past year, we have been inundated with a lot of depressing headlines in this imperfect world we live in. Many of them have involved tragic shootings, and the most recent one was the worst mass shooting in U.S. history: 57 concert goers were killed in Las Vegas on 1 October, just 15 months after the lives of 49 people were cut short by gunshots in Orlando's Pulse nightclub, which was then America's deadliest gun massacre. Though not deeply affected by those two tragedies, there is one member of the MTV community who has been affected by these shootings that have made headlines a lot in the past couple years.
   We first saw Nathan Siebenmark on Are You The One? Season 2 three years ago being that tattooed rockstar lookalike at first glance, but then got very emotional in that always intense love house. Yes, he has gotten a bad rap from many people for what we have seen from him on that season, on his Challenge debut last year (remember him not wanting to sky dive into getting to meet TJ on the beach?) and then on Second Chances earlier this year with his match Ellie. But while we watched him on Rivals III with another member of the Season 2 Goon Squad - 11th girl Christina, in the time in being nominated into his first elimination he also received a dose of bad news that hit very close to home. And this one was felt all the way out in San Diego where he had just moved out there with fellow Season 2 castmate Briana after spending the first 20+ years of his life in the Midwest.

Summer 2016 was marred by shootings that took place in Texas, Minnesota and Louisiana where police officers were killed in the line of duty, in addition to the Pulse Orlando tragedy. On July 11 last year in Nate's home region of Southwestern Michigan, a shooting rampage took place in the Berrien County Courthouse in St. Joseph, north of the MI/Indiana state border. While sheriffs deputies had him in order, prison inmate Larry Darnell Gordon was on his way from his holding cell to a court hearing when he tried to escape. Gordon then battled with the policemen inside the building and then shot and killed two and injured a woman before two other bailiffs caught him and immediately gunned down the perpetrator.
   One of the two policemen who were the victims of this shooting was 63-year-old Ron Kienzle, an Army veteran who fought in the Vietnam War and had worked his entire career and adult life in law enforcement. He was a longtime sheriff in one of the communities, then stepped down to work as a bailiff which he had for ten years, and was already starting to plan his retirement and spend time with his two daughters and grandchildren while also taking advantage of riding his motorcycles around town. In what was the last moment of his life, he sacrificed his to help to save the life of another: a bystander who was also wounded in the shooting but later survived.
   Over 1200 people -- 700 of them from police forces in several states -- flew to Kalamazoo for his funeral and burial. Attendees wore the county force's colors of blue and white along with the black band over their police badges in mourning their fallen colleague and saw a 21-gun salute, "Taps" and "Amazing Grace" being played. His daughter remembered of her dad, "My daughters, myself my husband and all of my family are deeply sadden and distraught over this senseless act of violence. You were the best dad anyone could ever wish for. You were always there for me when I needed you. I love you dad. You will be missed greatly. I know you are watching us from heaven."

Nate's father worked with Kienzle while they were working together in the local police department, not far from his hometown of Kalamazoo. When news of the shooting made its way across the country, it was felt all the way out in California, 2,000 miles away. There, when the younger Siebenmark found out about the tragedy he tweeted, "Just got a phone call from my mother.. My dads old partner was shot and killed at the courthouse today. Unreal. Praying for SW Michigan."
   This heart wrenching news came in between Episodes 10 and 11 of Rivals III, and though he and Christina came away with the win over Cory and Ashley M. (which as it turns out, prevented him from making finals in his first three Challenges and delayed her unlikely rise to becoming the latest newest Challenge champ on the next season) and then losing the ensuing Arena on that same episode, it was an emotional week for Nate and not everything was on the up side. And earlier this summer on the one-year anniversary of the shootings, Nate posted the following tribute on Instagram of who was his dad's best friend and closest colleague in the police force... one they called "Big Bear."
   He wrote in the captions below, "Ron 'Big Bear' Kienzle was and will always be a Legend. He was bigger than Big Foot in my eyes, I'm so grateful that my childhood was full of Big Bear hugs. As a child of a police officer, you don't really think about the danger that your Father faces every day at work." The rest of Nate's eulogy follows below.

A year ago today, we lost a very special person. My Dads partner, and best friend was killed in the Courthouse shooting. An inmate being returned to his holding cell tried to escape, hearing the struggle, Big Bear reacted immediately, and as soon as he got through the doors, was shot and killed by the inmate who had got ahold of the deputy's gun. A retired Police Hero, killed by an escape inmate, in a courthouse, at age 63.. 63 years old, you proved to me that Hero's don't have an age limit. Ron 'Big Bear' Kienzle was and will always be a Legend. He was bigger than Big Foot in my eyes, I'm so grateful that my childhood was full of Big Bear hugs. As a child of a police officer, you don't really think about the danger that your Father faces every day at work.. As for me, I never really worried that much because 1. My Dad's kind of a badass and 2. Because I knew Big Bear had his back.. and my dad is a big dude.. but Big Bear was bigger. You don't mess with my Pops and you really don't mess with Big Bear. This is a hard day for our Families and our community. Please send prayers to the Kienzle family as well as my Pops. I know you're up there looking over us Big Bear! Rest Easy Big Guy.🙏🏼😔
A post shared by Mr. Wonderful (@mtvnatesiebs) on

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Coming up either tomorrow (later today on the East Coast) or Tuesday, the WRAP will recap this week's episodes of The Challenge XXX and Are You The One? Season 6 covering the last challenge and Redemption on the former, and the biggest Truth Booth yet on the ladder. See you then.


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