Saturday, October 7, 2017

DC SocialPulse: Are You The One? Season 6 - "Love in Limbo"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
& spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
β–  @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

As you enjoy your Saturday night - whether you're enjoying college football, October baseball or getting set for the club, welcome back to DCBLOG's view Inside the MTV Trifecta as, after seeing the game change yet again on The Challenge XXX as they enter the middle rounds, it's still early on for the sexy singles of Season 6 of Are You The One? - and this week, it's Episode 3.
   Last week in New Orleans, the cast went through the ringer of their (and new emcee Terrence J.'s) first Matchup Ceremony and got off to a good start of notching three beams. The player ways of Malcolm finds himself in trouble when he find himself stuck in the middle of a love triangle between him, Diandra and Nurys. For the first couple to head into the Boom Boom Room, Keith and Alexis went looking for other people in the effort to break each other's hearts.
   At the end of last week's episode, Anthony & Geles were voted into the Truth Booth and this week, they and everyone else will find out if they supplant Cameron & Mikala as the show's quickest perfect match. The house's strongest couples also have to contend with looming trouble ahead as people begin to find out that their initial first impressions aren't good. And one roommate decides to shake it up by trying to break up multiple relationships.

The action, reaction and interaction of Week 3 of this season is ahead, which also includes the tale of one AYTO alum's bout with anxiety before entering her season, as well as one current castmate's birthday. And after the Pulse, Music Week continues as ExtraTime will share with you another music video from Team MTV, which happens to be Mr. Player himself.
   Trouble for the couples, the heartthrob shakes it up, dates with gators, and Drummer... All of that's ahead on the Pulse of Are You The One?... and thanks for staying up for us tonight.

β–ΊIN BETWEEN: Clinton's B'Day, Gianna's Escape, Mean Girls Day 
@AREUTHE1: There's a conversation btwn @NurysKMateo & @00Hitsdiidii that you didn't see!! Expect fireworks during Wednesday's new episode of #AYTO! πŸ’₯
-  @NurysKMateo: @AREUTHE1 Two latinas walk in a bar... 😬
-  @kareem_fathalla: @AREUTHE1 ohh shitttt πŸ‘€
-  @nicole_spiller: @AREUTHE1 Ohhhhh shyyyyt!!
- @00Hitsdiidii: @AREUTHE1 You thought it was over between us? Na, the Drama still continues πŸ‘πŸΌ Check out this deleted scene for next week's episodeβ—οΈπŸ™ˆ
-  @uchaachi: @AREUTHE1 THE REAL QUESTION IS what am I talking to @AliviaHuntxr and @kareem_fathalla about in the beginning of this...
@AREUTHE1: Don't let the cute face fool you 😌 | @NurysKMateo came in swinging during this week's episode #AYTO 😈
@AREUTHE1: I know you see me standing over here. Come get this snack! 😏 Watch the full episode of #AYTO here:
- @00Hitsdiidii: @AREUTHE1 Dammm she's looking like a full course meal 😍
@zoeinwonderland: β€œAre YOU the one?!?!!” is easily the most original joke I’ve had yelled @ me. 10/10 originality, how much addy did u take to come up w that
@whaattaafoxx: I am fucking dyinnnnngggg "girls are seagulls and he puts tortilla chips down his body and they just flock to him." @EmoneySunset
@EmoneySunset: I'm letting fame get to my head and I'm not even famous.
@audreydiazz: I see you checking up on me, I'm good b πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
@princeofnorway: The fact that athletes can pop pills for pain but can't smoke/ingest marijuana blows my mind
@princeofnorway: You vs the guy she told you not to worry about
@_gelesann: Yes all 3 of my ex boyfriends knew I cheated & weren't shocked by national television, just glad I didn't call them out for cheating on me.
@_gelesann: When all you want is food from that Spanish place in New York 😭
- @NurysKMateo: @_gelesann Between you, Jada & Audrey, I don't think I'll EVER be able to eat there again πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…
@lexoquence: idc who u r if you don't dance like a middle school girl that just learned how to shake her ass when Yeah by lil jon comes on I'm judging u
@dimitrivalentin: Just got off FaceTime with @EmoneySunset and I am in tears right now!! He said he was traumatized in the #AYTO house hahahaha
@nicole_spiller: What drunk me does is none of sober me's business!!
@EmoneySunset: On a serious mission to find sober friends if you know any please send them my way it's an emergency.
@_gelesann: I just want to wake up and drink champagne on a beach somewhere, is that too much to ask for?
@lexoquence: I'm going to start calling boys "males". (Only fair, right?)  These damn males. Fake af. Don't trust them.
@lexoquence: Life's all about takin detours. Yeah, they suck. Yeah, u don't know whr the fuck ur goin. But ya always make it πŸ€·πŸ»β™€οΈ
@lexoquence: Sooo not to be weird or anything but anyone else notice my life goal was to be a playboy bunny and like 5 min later Hugh Hefner just uh died
@zoeinwonderland: When will I learn that β€œsuck my whole ass” isn’t the best way to get my point across?
@EmoneySunset: Idk who this person is but she was my 10,000th follower on IG and she's officially invited to my son's 8th grade graduation ceremony.
@AREUTHE1: Did @keith_klebacher's challenge 'fit give you wet dreams πŸ˜‹ or nightmares πŸ˜– ? #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: Happy 22nd birthday to the most heartwarming & soulful person I've met in the past couple months @mrmoxamofficial πŸŽ‰#Tarzan -#AYTO
-  @mrmoxamofficial: @00Hitsdiidii Thank you Didi 😭❀️
@princeofnorway: Happy birthday @mrmoxamofficial 😎 you big beautiful mother fucker
-  @mrmoxamofficial: @princeofnorway S/o to the only person ever on #AYTO to compete with my hair πŸ˜‚ Appreciate you bro ✊🏽
@keith_klebacher: With today being .@mrmoxamofficial 's birthday, I shall declare today be a new holiday. I wish everyone a merry, merry Clintmas. #ayto
-  @mrmoxamofficial: @keith_klebacher Haha Merry Clintmas everyone πŸŽ‰πŸ˜‚
@princeofnorway: Happy birthday @mrmoxamofficial 😎 you big beautiful mother fucker
@EmoneySunset: Happy Birthday @mrmoxamofficial. Dude is way more than just a pretty face. He has good skin too.
@blacuesta: I hung out with @giannahammer and @HaydenPWeaver tonight. I love them. They’re the best. Couple goalz.
- @giannahammer: @blacuesta I finally met my AYTO girl crush 😍😍πŸ”₯Gianna Hammer added,
@tylerobrienn: Always remember who was there for you during the lows when you're enjoying the highs
@Kaitiii: Half my time spent watching #AYTO is trying to figure out the perfect matches, but the other half is trying to figure out who my match is.
@ItsAll_AboutTee: One year ago today I was in the Dominican Republic trapped in a hotel room excited to film AYTO. Time has truly flown by .
@MtvNateSiebs: Just one of those days, voices in my head are fighting, imaginary friend is running with scissors and one of my other personalities ran offπŸ™„
@AREUTHE1: If you thought I'd be in my feelings this weekend thought wrong πŸ’… #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: The facial expressions from this week's #MatchUpCeremony were my favorite part of this week's episode! πŸ˜‚
@princeofnorway: It's officially the best month of the yearβ™ŽοΈ
@TheRealAnthonyM: WTF! Just noticed it’s October 1st 😳
@KeyanaLand: Is it acceptable to wear the same outfit two days in a row if you’re not in the same city and no one saw you? asking for a friend
@nicole_spiller: Know what's crazy? that there's 7.4 billion people in this world and we can get hung up on 1 person..
@IamAdamKuhn: Prediction: @EmoneySunset becomes the most famous from #Areyoutheone and all the girls from season 6 regret not giving him any attention
@whaattaafoxx: @lexoquence we would have been friends on my season.
- @lexoquence: @whaattaafoxx Girl 100%... MTV wouldn't have known what to do with both of us there tho πŸ˜…πŸ»πŸ€™πŸΌ
@audreydiazz: My exs dad just texted me asking why I'm hysterically crying on national TV πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒthank you Mtv for airing the AYTO commercial during #MNF #thatswheremylifeisat
@NurysKMateo: The #AYTO commercial premiered during #MNF so there's that 😳

@giannahammer: Wow one year ago MTV locked me up in a hotel room in the DR with no phone or tv then chased me down after I had a meltdown and escaped β˜ΊοΈπŸ€—
- @BombshellChels: @giannahammer Lmaooo the pre house hotel?
- @giannahammer: @whaattaafoxx @challengecrazed @shelbysofar LmfaooπŸ˜‚ I tried helping @MTVkarikowalski out with some outfits then got moved to the opposite end of the hotel πŸ™ƒ
- @whaattaafoxx: @giannahammer LOL THEY HATE WHEN YOU BECOME FRIENDS WHEN THEY AINT STARTED FILMING YET, it's like they wanna see friendship evolve!!
- @giannahammer: @whaattaafoxx @challengecrazed @shelbysofar LmfaooπŸ˜‚ I tried helping @MTVkarikowalski out with some outfits then got moved to the opposite end of the hotel πŸ™ƒ
- @giannahammer: @challengecrazed They put the cast in hotel rooms before shooting, it was 5 days of solitary and I got in trouble for leaving and taking a walk lol
- @whaattaafoxx: @giannahammer @challengecrazed Lol when we was in solitary I was sneaking over to help @shelbysofar choose photo shoot outfits hahahaha
- @TayloriasSecret: @giannahammer  I also had a meltdown and escaped and ran into gianna when I wasn’t supposed to meet her yet πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ
- @giannahammer: @TayloriasSecret You had your hood up looking like a hot mess ready to kill someone and I was like yup, I’m gonna like this one πŸ’œπŸ˜‚
- @CodyThrive: @giannahammer On stranded they put us in rooms with dirt floors, no lighting at night, scorpions and spiders. Probably why some people never quit TBH.
@BombshellChels: If anyone want to read how @tweetconnor180 and I got our honeymoon suite handler fired on #AYTO I now have a thread about it on my page πŸ˜‚
@audreydiazz: @giannahammer Lmaoooo stop I legit had them walk me around outside like a dog cuz I felt like I was going to insane
- @giannahammer: @audreydiazz SameπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ my room didn’t have a working tv so I was literally alone in silence for 5 days straight &they wonder why I was crayy on the showπŸ˜‚
@Ozzymm11: One year ago.. the calm before the storm that was #ayto
@MTVkarikowalski: It's crazy to think a year ago I was in the Dominican Republic for AYTO...time really flies πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ
@tylerobrienn: So this girl lost her bag on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale & 3 months later a family on vacation found it in the ocean & returned it to her πŸ™Œ
@giannahammer: Had an audition last week that I tripped up the words and totally bombed but just got a callback today! I love surprises like that lol πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ™ŒπŸ½
@TayloriasSecret: @AntiPinkRose @Peachy_Keen15 and 4 others I personally like how they did it with our season. Ryan hosts the show and Terrance hosts the after shows πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ best of both worlds

@AREUTHE1: TURN DOWN FOR WHAT? Shad made a crucial mistake when getting to know Jada 😣 Get ready for a new episode of #AYTO this Wednesday! πŸ’«
- @ayeejaeeee: @AREUTHE1 NEVER tell me to turn up half way ! it’s all or nothing ShadGod lol  πŸ€¦πŸΎβ™€οΈ
- @kareem_fathalla: @AREUTHE1 Shad & Jada? Hmmm πŸ€”
- @EmoneySunset: @AREUTHE1 This is the funniest interaction I've ever seen between two humans.
- @mikehalpern92: @AREUTHE1 Probably the funniest dude this season, that's just my humor
@thepoetsaint: #AYTO fans! We will have @00Hitsdiidii @_gelesann @dimitrivalentin & @AliviaHuntxr all on our aftershow on @afterbuzztv Wed at 9pm PST! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
@AREUTHE1: Are we using the L word already?! ❀️😫 Things are getting even more turnt up during TOMORROW's new episode of #AYTO!
@00Hitsdiidii: A fan came up to me today all excited to meet me and I started having anxiety myself πŸ˜‚ #lifeofayto
@keith_klebacher: Whenever I have a day off I have a long list of things I'll get done, then just before going to bed I try to figure out how I did none of it
@AREUTHE1: I guess a kiss and the Boom Boom Room wasn't enough to seal the deal... 😬
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Just in case y'all are Aaron Samuels and forgot what day it is ..... it's October 3rd πŸ™ƒ
@ItsAll_AboutTee: It's October 3rd bitches !!!!!!! 😝😝 #meangirls
@giannahammer: It’s #nationalboyfriendday and I dressed mine up for something fun πŸ˜ˆπŸ™ŠπŸ˜‚
@itsFugazzi: Change is scary but it means you're growing ❀
@_hannahrathbun: Zak pressed me up against the stove this morning to kiss me & then I felt hot and realized it was on &I now I think he's trying to kill me
@giannahammer: No matter how nice and positive you are, always remember not everyone will be that way in return πŸ™„πŸ–•πŸ½
@TheRealAnthonyM: Can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode!!!!😁 #AYTO

@AREUTHE1:  TONIGHT on #AYTO we'll find out if @_gelesann & @TheRealAnthonyM are truly a match! ❀️✨- @TheRealAnthonyM: @AREUTHE1 TONIGHT is the night!!! Is everyone ready for me and @_gelesann truth booth 😰😌
- @_gelesann: @AREUTHE1 Who's watching tonight? #AYTO
@_gelesann: Who's ready for tonight's episode @AREUTHE1 #AYTO @TheRealAnthonyM you ready? ❀️
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @_gelesann @AREUTHE1 I’m ready πŸ˜ŒπŸ•ΊπŸ»
- @OzRomero_: @TheRealAnthonyM @_gelesann Is it 7 yet...?
@AREUTHE1: STAY IN YOUR LANE! Things reach a boiling point during TONITE's new episode of #AYTO when Michael tries to come in between Alivia & Kareem πŸ”₯
@lexoquence: It's #AYTO day!!! 😍
@kareem_fathalla: It’s Wednesday so you know what that mean πŸ˜πŸ“Ί #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Me looking at all these girls post pics with their boyfriends today, but have been in my DM’s...
@00Hitsdiidii: When you feel like it's going to be forever until #AYTO to come back on and next thing you know it's Wednesday πŸ‘…πŸ‘…
@00Hitsdiidii: Who's trying to sip some tea tonight πŸΈβ˜•οΈ?Catch me and a couple of your sexy cast mates take over the after show on @afterbuzztv  at 9pm PST!
@KeyanaLand: It’s #ayto day !
@ayeejaeeee: not only is it one day before my birthday but it’s also #AYTO tonight ! πŸ”₯πŸ™ŒπŸΎ
@nicole_spiller: Some people do not know how to debate.. this kid in my class is going offff and sounds absolutely ludacris, get this man’s a Xanax !!
@Mackemdrummer: I’ve noticed I’ve been sleeping on myself and my music. This video I’m dropping today is just the beginning 😈
@carooduartee: i act like I don't fucking care cause I'm so fucking scared
@AREUTHE1: TONIGHT we'll see the blossoming of a new relationship btwn @kareem_fathalla & @AliviaHuntxr ! Could they be the next #AYTO power couple?! πŸ’œ
- @00Hitsdiidii: @AREUTHE1 😍😍😍😍
@NurysKMateo: My mood cuz it's #AYTO Wednesday! πŸ’ƒπŸ½
@TheRealAnthonyM: When you regret coming on #AYTO πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ @AliviaHuntxr
@MTV: Kareem confronts Michael on tonight's episode of @AREUTHE1 tonight at 10/9c:  #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Whoop whoop #AYTO is on tonight 10/9c
@_gelesann: So ready for tonight's episode of @AREUTHE1 on @MTV #AYTO β€οΈπŸΎπŸŽ‰
@FIopCulture: So excited for @AREUTHE1 tonight! Can't wait to see if Geles & Anthony are a perfect match πŸ’— #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: i need connections at the airport, I'm tired of paying for flights
@zoeinwonderland: Soooooo excited for tonight’s episode of @AREUTHE1 😭 are we thinkin @_gelesann and @TheRealAnthonyM are a match?!   43%100% *dimitri voice* / 57%Nah fam   287 votesβ€’Final results
@ayeejaeeee: TONIGHT is the Truth Booth everyone has been waiting for ! will @_gelesann and @TheRealAnthonyM be a perfect match?! πŸ™ˆβ™₯️🀞🏾 tune in 10/9c MTV
@KeyanaLand: catch me tonight on @AREUTHE1 at 10/9c on @MTV #AYTO #mtv
@AREUTHE1: It's time for you to play matchmaker! Head over to the #VirtualTruthBooth to pick your matches! GO:
@kareem_fathalla: Drummmerrrrr! πŸ”₯ @Mackemdrummer #AYTO
@_gelesann: Get yourself a man who will still kiss your head even though y'all been outside all day & let's be real my hair probably smells bad πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @_gelesann Very true πŸ€·πŸ»β™‚οΈ
@keith_klebacher: You guys want to find out my im clapping my hands with that stupid ass face? Tune in to Are You The One? Tonight at 10pm EST on MTV! #ayto
@giannahammer: Who else is excited to see Hayden on tonight’s episode?! #ayto (Pic of Hayden wearing same outfit at Kareem)
- @kareem_fathalla: @giannahammer Lmao! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ my boyyy
@_gelesann: When it's Wednesday and @AREUTHE1 is on tonight #AYTO πŸ’–πŸΎπŸŽ‰
@AREUTHE1: The beautiful @_gelesann has taken over our Snapchat! πŸ’• See what she's up to before tonight's new episode! (πŸ‘»: areyouthe1)
@tori_deal: 26k monthly listeners and 43k streams! Woah guys. I feel blessed ! Thank you for listening to #LayLow!
@kareem_fathalla: Today has just made me feel like I wanna run through a wall πŸ™ƒ nothing went my way today. At least I get to see myself on tv in 2 hours
@AREUTHE1: My face when someone tells me they're going to miss #AYTO! πŸ˜’ ONE HOUR UNTIL A BRAND NEW EPISODE! πŸ’₯
@_gelesann: One hour until @AREUTHE1 πŸŽ‰πŸΎβ€οΈ #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: one hour until SHOWTIME! #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: 1 HOUR AWAY!!!!!!! #AYTO
@realitymtv5: @_gelesann and @TheRealAnthonyM better be a match they’re so cute together!!!❀️ #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@NurysKMateo: If we aren't your #AYTO favs then you're doing something wrong πŸ˜β€¦
@00Hitsdiidii: 30 MINUTES‼️ #AYTO #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: I. Am drunk.
- @audreydiazz: @zoeinwonderland I need to be. Like rn
@princeofnorway: "The older you get the more expensive lessons will be"
@kareem_fathalla: I question everything
@princeofnorway: Someone go to weenie hut jrs with me (Ottos)
@KeyanaLand: 10 more mins ! #ayto @NurysKMateo

β–ΊAS THEY SAW IT: "Love In Limbo" 
- @nicole_spiller: @AREUTHE1 . @uchaachi #AYTO besties πŸ’•Nicole Spiller added,
- @uchaachi: @nicole_spiller go best friend that's my best friend
@mrmoxamofficial: #AYTO is on πŸ—£πŸ—£πŸ—£
@_gelesann: Well the moment is here.... #AYTO
@uchaachi: AND WE'RE LIVE #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Who’s ready to watch this episode of @areuthe1 🍿😏 #TruthBooth #AYTO
@_gelesann: UGH but why am I so nervous, so many butterflies right now #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: If these two aren’t a match, I don’t know what love is! πŸ™Œ #AYTO (GIF: "Kiss me.")
@ayeejaeeee: moment of truth #AYTO 🀞🏾
@00Hitsdiidii: Ommmmmg its truthbooth timeπŸ˜©πŸ™ˆ #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Yo Anthony and Geles I jus put my life on you guys being a perfect match on national TV   Please be a match I want to live…
- @princeofnorway: @tylersemicolon Bye 4evr
@AREUTHE1: CURRENTLY HAVING A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN!  😱 #AYTO (GIF of the house reacting to the truth booth result of "No Match")
@_gelesann: No match #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: OMG ! 😱 #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: NO MATCH!!! Wtf! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: How is this even possible?! 😫πŸ˜ͺ #AYTO (GIF of reactions from Joe and Kareem)
@kareem_fathalla: @_gelesann 😩
@_gelesann: Love the #AYTO everyone was so supportive, nothing but love for everyone in that house ❀️
@tylersemicolon: Alright see you guys later R.I.P. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Me whenever I’m told I can’t have something… #AYTO (GIF: Geles - "As Of This Point I Have No Idea What I'm Looking For.")
@tylersemicolon: Truth Booth results: NO MATCH   Geles:  #AYTO
- @audreydiazz: @tylersemicolon STOPPPPP IM DEAD πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚
@ayeejaeeee: they’re still a perfect match in my heart β™₯️ #AYTO
@mrmoxamofficial: @uchaachi Why you did me like that? 😫😭 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: I don’t know if I should feel jealous πŸ‘Ώ or happy 😈 #AYTO (GIF: Uche to Clinton in confessional - "You love to look at yourself.")
@uchaachi: Clinton's perfect match is a mirror #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: On to the next power couple  Unton or Cuche    Idk how I feel about these couple names    #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: WHY ARE MY PARENTS SO HOT @mrmoxamofficial @uchaachi #AYTO
@keith_klebacher: Pettychini os delicious but I'm in a cutting phase right now so no carbs for me #ayto
@KeyanaLand: when someone mentions @michaeldean2_0 β€˜s name #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Keyana: Michael do you need help cooking u need help watching the food cook u need help standing I can be your left leg   #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Time to search again for my perfect match ... 😞 #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: @michaeldean2_0 #ayto (GIF of a koala hanging on to someone's leg)
@_gelesann: I think that you're my perfect match.. I'm probably going to get attached 🎢 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: ❀️ @EmoneySunset & @tylersemicolon got me like... #AYTO (GIF: "Don't Take My Heart Too Fast")
- @tylersemicolon: @AREUTHE1 My heart is delicate like a 1 ply toilet paper
- @__Nefertari___: @AREUTHE1 @EmoneySunset @tylersemicolon Fireeeee songπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ should be the new intro πŸ˜‚
@_gelesann: That song is fire! Like where are the record labels at! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Got her voice soundin like Ucheeee #ayto
@AREUTHE1: Oop! It looks like @_gelesann is feeling ya boy @EmoneySunset πŸ‘€ #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: When Emoney said β€œyou can catch us up in NOLA gettin hella ratchet cuz we can spark a flame all we need is 11 matches” #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Emoney and I are bout to drop a mixtape lmk wat u think of these tracks   1. Issa no match   2. Confession(al)s    3. 3AM in New Orleans    #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @tylersemicolon let me know when it drops!!! #AYTO
@kareem_fathalla: @EmoneySunset really had the house lit that night! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ #ayto
@PerfectMatchPod: Remember that countdown we did leading up to the premiere? Well that song just jumped to the top... #AYTO @tylersemicolon @EmoneySunset
@00Hitsdiidii: I think I fell in love with @tylersemicolon & @EmoneySunset all over again 😩
@KeyanaLand: should @michaeldean2_0 get a restraining order against me? #AYTO   41%yes / 59%hell yes   694 votesβ€’Final results
@NurysKMateo: Obviously they had to add the fact that I went after Malcolm in the bathroom 🀦🏾
@kareem_fathalla: We all look so drunk πŸ˜‚
@_gelesann: Okay nicole and tyler making all the connections #AYTO
@uchaachi: Keyana sees you when you're sleeping... she knows when you're awake. #KeyanaClaus #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: πŸ˜“ @michaeldean2_0 is sick of the sh*t! He needs his damn space! #AYTO
@nicole_spiller: If you guys can’t tell... I REALLY like dogs πŸ˜‚ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: πŸ’« @kareem_fathalla & @AliviaHuntxr are feeling those ultra-light beams! #AYTO
@_gelesann: Okay now kareem and alivia making connections #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Did I bring clothes or do I just wear bras? #ayto
@00Hitsdiidii: I mean keeks did say her dating problem was being too clingy #Ayto
@AREUTHE1: When you have no clue the guy you’re feeling isn’t feeling you! 😲🀐 #AYTO (GIF of Keyana doing a small dance move)
@_gelesann: Keyana not clingy??? #AYTO
@NurysKMateo: Damn @KeyanaLand I thought I went after what I want but you beat me 😬
@KeyanaLand: I wanna put your face on my face #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Keyana: I’m not clingy but I jus wana put your face on my face  Or cut your face off and use it as a mask and be you   Not clingy tho   #AYTO
@Mackemdrummer: Hope everyone is tuned in right now!! @MTV @AREUTHE1  #ayto
@AREUTHE1: sheeesh! @michaeldean2_0 went right for the blow and cut Keyana awwff πŸ˜– #AYTO
@nicole_spiller: Y’all are fake as fuck for not telling me to stop eating Doritos in the house for every meal 🐳 #AYTO
@mrmoxamofficial: @michaeldean2_0 "Its not you, It's me head ass" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #AYTO
-  @princeofnorway: @mrmoxamofficial @michaeldean2_0 (GIF of Seinfeld - "I invented "It's not you, it's me." Nobody tells me it's them, not me.")
@HaveAndHoldTV: Ahhh the old β€œit’s not you, it’s me.” Classic. #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: me when @michaeldean2_0 broke up with me #AYTO (GIF of Will Farrell losing his mind)
@HaydenPWeaver: @KeyanaLand walking around the house (GIF: "I'd Find You!")
@KeyanaLand: I’m single. My life is over. I’m gonna die. I need all the attention. #ayto
@_gelesann: Michael just broke up with keyana.... #AYTO
@giannahammer: But will @KeyanaLand wear his clothes around the house if he leaves with his perfect match later on? πŸ€”πŸ˜πŸ˜ #AYTO #Creeps
- @HaydenPWeaver: @giannahammer Gianna literally stole things from my suitcase
- @giannahammer: @HaydenPWeaver Should I bring up the pair of underwear you took to the honeymoon  suite?😏
@00Hitsdiidii: It's okay @KeyanaLand , keep your head up #AYTO
@audreydiazz: Honestly, I rather a guy be straight up with me than string me along and make me look stupid #AYTO
@tori_deal: "@MTV: @haileyeh23 @tori_deal @EmoneySunset MAKE THIS HAPPEN #AYTO" RT lol put us on @WildNOut and I'm in 😈
@princeofnorway: I knew they weren't gonna be a match πŸ€·πŸΌβ™‚οΈ what did we learn week one guys, only one of you can like music πŸ€¦πŸΌβ™‚οΈ
@AREUTHE1: It's time for #MatchUpCeremony 2! They better not play games πŸ™… #AYTO
@_gelesann: I don't want to be a no match ! πŸ’” #AYTO
@keith_klebacher: ladies choice, let's see how they do... #ayto
@BombshellChels: Alright @MTV enough with the matchup being in the middle of the episode! #AYTO
@_gelesann: Match up ceremony time! πŸ™ŒπŸ½ #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Respect to @michaeldean2_0 for what he did πŸ™πŸ» #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Bad bih coming through! πŸ™‹ #AYTO (GIF of Alexis walking onto the matchup setup)
- @lexoquence: @AREUTHE1 Ain't nothin but a hair flip πŸ€·πŸ»β™€οΈπŸ˜‰Alexis Eddy added,
@TheRealAnthonyM: Girls pick? 😰
@princeofnorway: If it's anybody.. it's me!
@TheRealAnthonyM: Who did better? Guys or girls? #AYTO
@keith_klebacher: @zoeinwonderland shooting some looks with that first pick 😜 #ayto
@_gelesann: Ladies night! #AYTO
@NikaRashaun: Alexis cracks me upπŸ˜‚ she always got the 1-liners #AYTO6
@AREUTHE1: πŸ’˜ @mrmoxamofficial & @uchaachi still going strong #AYTO (GIF of them kissing after she picks Clinton)
@00Hitsdiidii: Clinton and Uche stop my heart😩😍 #AYTO
@mrmoxamofficial: When Jada out here making plans for "Us" #AYTO (Pic of a baby)
@kareem_fathalla: β€œWhat happen to the 180” @NurysKMateo πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@_gelesann: Keyana made a 360 right back to michael though??? #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: This me to myself every morning knowing damn well I’m going to make the same mistakes πŸ˜‘ #AYTO (GIF: Terrence J to Uche - "New Day, New Me.")
@00Hitsdiidii: Whaaaaaaat?!?! #AYTO (GIF of Britney Spears' eye looking)
@zoeinwonderland: The faces say it all ¯\_( ˘͑ ˘̯)_/¯ #ayto #teamzoe
@J_Medd: Tyler getting friend-zoned πŸ˜…#AYTO
@AREUTHE1: 180Ψ›? Bih where????!!! #AYTO (GIF of Alivia's reaction)
@KeyanaLand: I decided to pick @michaeldean2_0 tonight at matchup #AYTO (GIF of a lady's reaction)
@00Hitsdiidii: That wasn't a 180 that was a 360 #Ayto
@TheRealAnthonyM: @KeyanaLand still chooses @michaeldean2_0 ?? WHYYYYY!!!!!! #AYTO
- @michaeldean2_0: @TheRealAnthonyM @KeyanaLand Are you jealous??
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @michaeldean2_0 @KeyanaLand Not at all. That’s all you πŸ€·πŸ»β™‚οΈ
@NurysKMateo: What happened to the 180 @KeyanaLand ?!
@dimitrivalentin: Ummm Keyana that was one hell of a 360, hahaha! #AYTO
@HaydenPWeaver: Yep. Keyana and Gianna are sisters with their thought processes #ayto
- @giannahammer: @HaydenPWeaver β€œIf he’s an asshole to you, 100% pick him at the ceremony”
- @KeyanaLand: @giannahammer That’s the strategy
- @shannnonmaee: @giannahammer I’m guilty of doing the 180 πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
@NurysKMateo: Obviously I pick @Mackemdrummer at the ceremony, I worked hard for that man😍
- @Mackemdrummer: @NurysKMateo Great choice πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ˜˜
@00Hitsdiidii: I decided to switch it up tonight πŸ˜‡ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: . @ayeejaeeee is so shaaaddyyyy!!! πŸ˜‚ #AYTO (GIF of camera focusing on Jada in the seats while watching next girl's choice)
- @_gelesann: @AREUTHE1 I'm sorry girl. 😭
@_gelesann: @EmoneySunset you think I'm hot?! 😭#AYTO
@Mackemdrummer: I’m reliving this show all over again πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€˜πŸΎπŸ€˜πŸΎ #ayto
@TheRealAnthonyM: Can @00Hitsdiidii & I be a match? πŸ€”
@AREUTHE1: When bae says something annoying AF, but you’re in public so you act chill about it #AYTO (GIF of Jada and Ethan laughing)
@AREUTHE1: How many beams do you think there will be tonight?! #AYTO πŸ’‘   78%0-3 / 19%4-6 / 02%7-8 / 01%9-10    Vote 193 votesβ€’Final results
@ZAKLONGO: This bitch said 180... That was a 360πŸ€” #ayto
@dayadream_: They're not about to black out not while Clinton and Uche are sitting together. Nope, bye Satan #AYTO
@Mackemdrummer: @michaeldean2_0 had to do what he had to do πŸ€¦πŸ½β™‚οΈ
- @michaeldean2_0: @Mackemdrummer You my bro tho πŸ™πŸΌ
@00Hitsdiidii: NO BLACKOUT! #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: NO BLACKOUT ! #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: Who needs a stylist, I’ll just go ahead and give myself a pat on the back for my matchup outfit!! #AYTO
@_gelesann: Okay everyone let's take one shot because we got one beam #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: WHO IS THAT ONE BEAM😩😩😩 #AYTO
@_gelesann: Okay joe bye πŸ‘‹πŸ½ #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: 1 BEAM .. my goodness , whoever you’re sleeping with is not your match!!  #AYTO
@_gelesann: Umm michael but why #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: The guys did better!!!! πŸ€·πŸ»β™‚οΈ #AYTO 3 beams vs 1 beam
@AREUTHE1: Somebody please get @michaeldean2_0 a πŸ’Ί! #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: 1 beam. Whateva We still look cute tho #AYTO
@NurysKMateo: I'm convinced that one beam is @Mackemdrummer & I so idccccc what you're talking about @princeofnorway
- @princeofnorway: @NurysKMateo @Mackemdrummer We know πŸ™„
- @Mackemdrummer: @NurysKMateo @princeofnorway Preacher Joe coming soon? πŸ€” lol @princeofnorway
- @NurysKMateo: @Mackemdrummer @princeofnorway He's already here πŸ€¦πŸ½β™€οΈ
@TheRealAnthonyM: Michael 😳 #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Take one shot for 1 be, then 10 more for the beams that coulda been 🍾 #ayto
@lexoquence: We all still probably need punched in the god damn face but I mean we still here for the milliiiii 😎
@dishwithdavis: I guess Kareem is about to live up to his "hot headed and bothered" nickname #ayto
@rloveution14: Michael is messyyyyyyyyyyy #ayto
@00Hitsdiidii: Why has Michael been shitfaced 50% of this episode so far πŸ˜‚ #Ayto
@_gelesann: Yeah -michael #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: BRUH! @AliviaHuntxr is STRESSED out! πŸ˜‚ #AYTO (GIF of her reaction)
@BombshellChels: Oh man I’m getting Gio flashbacks 😩 #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: I'm having ptsd
@AREUTHE1: When you got someone hella bothered and you give no f*cks 😌 #AYTO (GIF of Michael shrugging his shoulders)
@KeyanaLand: @michaeldean2_0 (GIF of a snake)
@_gelesann: @kareem_fathalla "orchestrate" adding that word to my vocabulary #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: YAH BBY TELL HIM @kareem_fathalla #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Yooo the wildlife in New Orleans is crazy  #AYTO (pictures of snakes and Michael)
- @kareem_fathalla: @tylersemicolon L M F A O πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@zoeinwonderland: Also 11 more shots for that cleavage #ayto
@tylerobrienn: I've never been a hater a day in my whole life.. if I ever see someone doing well for themself or having something I want, I get motivated; not jealous
@TayloriasSecret: I’d fight over Alivia too though πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ @AREUTHE1
- @AliviaHuntxr: @TayloriasSecret ily
@NurysKMateo: Did you guys peep @00Hitsdiidii and I standing together? Anything for the chisme 🀷🏾 #AYTO
- @00Hitsdiidii: @NurysKMateo Anythinnnnnng
@princeofnorway: I know why they wouldn't let me bring any weed with me... Cause y'all wouldn't have been fighting over a damn thing but the lighter πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯ #AYTO
- @MtvNateSiebs: @whaattaafoxx @princeofnorway πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ damn right!!
- @whaattaafoxx: If I was on season 6 I would have just drove to Louisiana, after they checked bags then go get the bud lol, they would have never even knew.
- @whaattaafoxx: @whaattaafoxx @princeofnorway That's one thing I don't have to worry about, no matter where we are, STATES OR ANOTHER COUNTRY, @MtvNateSiebs always has bud on deck. MineπŸ’―
@keith_klebacher: Howdy, partner... @zoeinwonderland  #ayto
@_gelesann: Okay me and Ethan teaming up! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: It’s time for another challenge! Let’s see what this is about! πŸ€” #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: β€œBeautiful and cool” #ayto
@NurysKMateo: We're cute, I know πŸ’πŸΎ @Mackemdrummer 😍
- @Mackemdrummer: @NurysKMateo Can’t nobody touch us πŸ™ˆ
- @keith_klebacher: @Mackemdrummer @NurysKMateo I've literally high fived both of you...
- @Mackemdrummer: @keith_klebacher πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I hate you Keith lol
@AREUTHE1: You can’t just have any ole person make the mac & cheese! Don’t play with my emotions! πŸ˜‹#AYTO
@uchaachi: Sew in been through all 4 elements in New Orleans & unfortunately I dont get a silk press throughout the season so yall gotta adjust #AYTO
@_gelesann: @michaeldean2_0 but is the AYTO house a Mac and cheese fan!? #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: Here we go again πŸ™„ #AYTO
@audreydiazz: "How am I suppose to double fist" πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ glad I have my priorities straight #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: β€œI’m so motherly, I’ll nurse that shit so good”-me, standing by my marital skills
@AREUTHE1: Me trying to balance being responsible and living my best life 😫 #AYTO (GIF of Nicole taking a shot while holding her egg)
- @zoeinwonderland: @AREUTHE1 I’m so talented lmao #ayto
@tylersemicolon: Keyana I’m gunna need my soul back after that stare  #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: @00Hitsdiidii you better not drop that egg or I’m going to need to see your hands !! #AYTO
@keith_klebacher: Murderer, baby Abe never had a chance 😒 .@zoeinwonderland #ayto
@nicole_spiller: . #AYTO first problem was putting me and @princeofnorway in charge of the tequila πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ
@ahoynessa: UCHE HAD ONE JOB #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Eggs dropping left and right! 🐣 #AYTO (GIF of Joe and Zoe's egg falling)
@AliviaHuntxr: Shads laughing like "keyana what are we looking at"
@_gelesann: Limbo??? Ummm I'm so ready! #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Our baby DID drop out my sweaty ass palms πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ @keith_klebacher #ayto
- @keith_klebacher: @zoeinwonderland Broke my poor heart, and his since he's dead now #ayto
@_gelesann: Ethan and I are going on a date!!! #AYTO
@NurysKMateo: AYYY thanks for calling us a power couple @ayeejaeeee #AYTO
@NurysKMateo: Idk how I won limbo, my tall clumsy ass isn't flexible AT ALL πŸ˜… #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: I just want to let you guys know, me and @lexoquence we're so sauced at truth booth πŸ˜‚ #AYTO
- @lexoquence: @00Hitsdiidii I literally was freaking out praying to god they didn't air anything my drunken ass said πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ cuz I don't remember πŸ˜…πŸ™„
@uchaachi: "It naturally flown. Our flow naturally flew" - Malcolm drummer, NY times best selling author #AYTO
@mrmoxamofficial: @Mackemdrummer Explaining his L.U.H for Nurys πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­ #AYTO
- @Mackemdrummer: @mrmoxamofficial πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ cmon bro
@AREUTHE1: πŸ‘ @Mackemdrummer  & @NurysKMateo stay making "luh" in the #BoomBoomRoom! πŸ‘… #AYTO
- @Mackemdrummer:  @AREUTHE1 @NurysKMateo πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ #Luh
@AliviaHuntxr: Fuck Ethan and his flexible spine I could've held that egg for years #AYTO
@Mackemdrummer: Where did me and @NurysKMateo just go?πŸ™ˆ
@tylersemicolon: Can we talk about how Geles cheated   She is like two feet tall she can limbo under shrub   #AYTO
- @_gelesann: @tylersemicolon Ummmm excuse me
@amazedbykay: "Our flow just naturally flew" Negro what??? πŸ˜«πŸ˜‚ #ayto
@NurysKMateo: WE FOUND LUH, L-U-H @Mackemdrummer
@FIopCulture: These season 6 girls are SO MUCH more likable than the season 5 girls. It's nice having multiple faves. #AYTO
@amazedbykay: I would tweet something obvious but out of respect for Season 6 I won't. But just know commercials tell it all. πŸ™„
- @KeyanaLand: @amazedbykay Doooooo it
- @amazedbykay: @KeyanaLand Malcolm went on a date with you... in the intro of the show... so he clearly not lil mama match. Tell me I'm wrong!! πŸ™‹πŸ½
- @KeyanaLand: @amazedbykay πŸ€”πŸ€” good eyes
- @amazedbykay: @KeyanaLand Thanks ☺️lol only a former cast member knows what to pay attention to.
- @KeyanaLand: @amazedbykay You’ve got it down on lock !
@NurysKMateo: Like @EmoneySunset & @tylersemicolon said "lets make the boom boom room collapse" πŸ’‘ #AYTO
@EmoneySunset: Still haven't paid a parking ticket from a year ago and I might go to jail.
@tylersemicolon: L-U-H stands for... Look we met 6 days ago but I think I’m in love   U   H     #AYTO
- @Mackemdrummer: @tylersemicolon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Facts
@_gelesann: Date time! #AYTO
@EmoneySunset: "@heatherplough: Send @EmoneySunset and @tylersemicolon to the truth booth! #perfectmatch #areyoutheone @MTV" RT Down
@TheRealAnthonyM: @EmoneySunset take care of @_gelesann on this date!
- @_gelesann: @TheRealAnthonyM ❀️❀️❀️
@dimitrivalentin: @EmoneySunset make a move my brother !! @_gelesann is waiting for you !! #AYTO
@_gelesann: I was legit scared #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Who would you send into the #TruthBooth?! πŸ€” #AYTO   16%Michael & Audrey / 19%Ethan & Geles / 65%Malcolm & Nurys   269 votesβ€’Final results
@Mackemdrummer: Somebody almost said the β€œL” word πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆ @NurysKMateo @AREUTHE1
- @AREUTHE1: @Mackemdrummer Uh oh! 😏 #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: I need to see if they are a match or not #AYTO
@_gelesann: Nurys and Malcolm to the truth booth y'all!!! Like vote them in for sure #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: Lmaooo that gator is not a sweetheart @EmoneySunset
@_gelesann: HERES TO A GREAT DATE WITH ETHAN AND NOT BEING GATOR BAIT! Literally had the best time on this date! ❀️🐊#AYTO
@uchaachi: Michael would know better than to grab some poison ivy looking twigs to give me on a date smh #AYTO
@HaveAndHoldTV: #AYTO Dates... Seasons 1-5: β€œWe went to a beautiful secluded island and had a nice dinner on the beach.”   Season 6: β€œWe fed alligators.”
@dimitrivalentin: @_gelesann damnnnnn giving @EmoneySunset the ooooggly booogly love eyes ! #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: @EmoneySunset show me your ways... I’m getting geles (jealous)
@00Hitsdiidii: Audrey and Michael , stop😩 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Looks like @michaeldean2_0 has a new crush? 😏 #AYTO (GIF: "Dammit!")
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @AREUTHE1 That was quick πŸ€”
@amazedbykay: @AREUTHE1 season 6 is a group of pretty likeable kiddos! Thats dope. Kudos to y'all. πŸ‘ŒπŸ½#ayto
@tylersemicolon: Imma follow in Michaels footsteps and scrape some grass out the ground tryna be cute    Maybe I’ll add some dirt to be extra cute     #AYTO
@CruzWill95: . @michaeldean2_0 is playing no games this episode. You run this shit #AYTO
@Kayjanie_97: Michael and Audrey are cute together ☺️#AYTO
@_gelesann: Literally love all my season six fam! #AYTO
@_gelesann: Nurys and Malcolm into the truth booth!! #powercouple #AYTO
@CHEYnotShy: Why do I feel like I'm watching a break up with keyana πŸ˜‚πŸ€¦πŸΎβ™€οΈ #AYTO6
@uchaachi: If Malcolm and Nurys are a match that means clinton and I aren't.... 😳 #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: Lets see if I was right .. #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: this truth booth tho.... I’m just over here looking like #AYTO
@pinkchloexoxo: clinton is determined he was that beam, i see you πŸ‘€ #ayto
@AREUTHE1: πŸ™„ @ayeejaeeee is fed up with waiting on @mrmoxamofficial! #AYTO
- @CHEYnotShy: @AREUTHE1 Shitttt I would be too
@00Hitsdiidii: Yup, let me just hide behind my pillow  #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Are we FINALLY getting a perfect 😲 #AYTO
@_gelesann: Oops sorry y'all... he's just too cute @TheRealAnthonyM #nomatch #AYTO
@NurysKMateo: Will @Mackemdrummer & I be a perfect match? πŸ’‘   26%OFCOURSE / 74%nope   1,482 votesβ€’Final results
@kareem_fathalla: This is serious. @NurysKMateo been reeling Malcom in.. will all her work equal to a perfect match ? πŸ€” #AYTO
- @NurysKMateo: @kareem_fathalla "hard work" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ
@audreydiazz: It's all about the little things, shit get my fries without asking and I'll be happy #AYTO
@amazedbykay: @00Hitsdiidii finna be like πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈnext episode  #ayto
- @00Hitsdiidii: @amazedbykay LMAOOO
@nicole_spiller: So that’s how it’s gonna be πŸ€” another cliff hanger huh? #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: That’s a wrap on #AYTO for 2nite! Find out if @Mackemdrummer  & @NurysKMateo are a Perfect Match next Weds! Thanks for tweeting w/ me guys!

@hrpfluf: they fr need to show us more of @zoeinwonderland & @keith_klebacher β€˜s relationship on the show bc they are the cutest πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ
@CHEYnotShy: Whattttt girl he just broke up with you..... why did she pick him πŸ€¦πŸΎβ™€οΈ @AREUTHE1
@zoeinwonderland: My boobs got more airtime than my personality πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ #ayto
@TheRealAnthonyM: We had to get the boom boom room out of the way πŸ€·πŸ»β™‚οΈ #AYTO #NoMatch @_gelesann
@keith_klebacher: When they leave you with another truth booth cliffhanger #ayto
@audreydiazz: Okay imma need MTV to stop playing with my feelings. ENOUGH WITH THESE CLIFF HANGERS! #AYTO
@lexoquence: Ya know I should've taken being on AYTO as a learning experience to stay sober for the rest of my life
@lexoquence: * I chug a beer* πŸ€¦πŸ»β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β™€οΈ
@tylersemicolon: We like Jay-Z and BeyoncΓ©   That makes me BeyoncΓ©    I am BeyoncΓ© always    #AYTO
@MTVjennifer: boycotting #AYTO ... HOW ARE @TheRealAnthonyM & @_gelesann NOT A MATCH. i’m so sad. i legit yelled at my TV😩😩😩😩😩
@_gelesann: Goodnight ❀️

@dc408dxnow: Well… @TheRealAnthonyM & @_gelesann are in the #TruthBooth awaiting their verdict. And they get robbed. Not a #PerfectMatch.  #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Cameron & Mikala still have the mark for quickest TB match at 3 weeks. Now best this cast can do is tie them. Vibe has dissipated here
@dc408dxnow: Now the possibility is that the three beams could be the three who I wrote on #DCBLOG over the weekend. But we could be surprised again
@dc408dxnow: This could be one of the couples that are those 3 beams in Alexis & Keith, another is Mike & Keyana, 3rd could be the Malcolm triangle
@dc408dxnow: .@EmoneySunset & @tylersemicolon providing the house entertainment to redeem everyone's spirits after what we saw to begin this hour  #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Now they gotta pick themselves up, bounce back & hope they get out of week 2 w/ a decent matchup, otherwise we could see THAT happen again
@dc408dxnow: Nicole & Zoe talking, while Kareem talking to Alivia about her getting cheated on
@dc408dxnow: Keyana & Alexis in CR on what's next for them as Key spills about what's going on in this, looks like that they've dissipated
@dc408dxnow: Now Matchup 2. Seasons 3 & 5 blacked out and lost money. Alexis picks Keith. Zoe showing worry as Uche picks Clinton.  #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Zoe picks Tyler after Alexis stays w/ course. Keyana on & discussing what happened w/ that breakup w/ Mike. But she picks him again.  #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Well, is Keyana taking a risk at picking Mike again possibly letting this group black out this early again?  #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: They're speeding through these picks and it would not be a surprise if they black out, though Anthony does get w/ another girl here
@dc408dxnow: They're gonna get lucky if they escape w/ a light… if they get just 1 they'll look at it as a win bc blackout odds are probably 3-1
@dc408dxnow: Tonight: one beam. Mood is not cheery as it was last week, but this could've been even worse. They escape losing $500k.  #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Kareem brings Mike aside and  the former is heated. Now things are stormy in the house. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Next challenge: eggs and they gotta hang on as long as they can and those three who hang on go on the date & be up for the vote
@dc408dxnow: We are sure to have some party fouls in this house as they get to enjoy a BBQ holding on to an egg as long as they can here #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Zoe & Keith lose. Then others as we're gonna have some blame. Then limbo
@dc408dxnow: Four left. This is the ideal way to pick the three… and there are the three.
@dc408dxnow: The winners go on a boat ride and they're gonna enjoy time w/ the gators. Do like the editing taking cue from Rory Kramer for transitions
@dc408dxnow: Malcolm & his girl are headed to Poundtown for their next rendezvous.
@dc408dxnow: This is the jungle cruise that they're taking as Malcolm & Nurys find a connection, Ethan, Mike and their girls are enjoying the gators.
@dc408dxnow: House likely going for Malcolm & Nurys, while Ethan & his girl enjoy. Michael now making his move w/ Audrey after the heartache w/ Keyana
@dc408dxnow: Going into next week's #TruthBooth: @Mackemdrummer & @NurysKMateo. This'll tell if the #SS6 paid attention how to play this game.  #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: two #AYTO tweets didn't watch whole ep but I've noticed this since season 2  this game is played stupidly early on
- @febreezyfresh: @CSUGradAkirk The first two seasons had no blackout penalty. Blackouts are the best thing for finding out who the matches are.
- @CSUGradAkirk: Season two was the reason the show did the blackout rule I hope they don't blackout
- @dc408dxtr: And tonight the cast nearly blacked out but they are lucky that this could've been a worse matchup than if could've been, 1 is better than 0
@CSUGradAkirk: also hot take but I think @EmoneySunset  will go down as the best #AYTO cast member dude is hilarious and all around good dude!
@CSUGradAkirk: One more thing was really bummed @lexoquence  didn't pick man bun Joe thought they had a good date and could've been beam two #AYTO

@whaattaafoxx: Am I right @AREUTHE1 ?! (SC: "I feel like I know one perfect match. I'm going to guess Keyana and Kareem just bc she's clingy, & he basically states that his woman should show no attention to other guys. That statement right there is CLINGY. There's a match.")
@AneesaMTV: @tori_deal was really going in on me. I’m confused.
- @tori_deal: @AneesaMTV Lol hence the conversation on the bus I said we'd be great rivals
@AREUTHE1: Take a look at this sweet moment @Mackemdrummer & @NurysKMateo shared before entering the #TruthBooth! ❀️
- @NurysKMateo: @AREUTHE1 Omg the feels 😩😍β™₯️
@TheRealAnthonyM: When @kareem_fathalla was on live last night and said I got him the most drunk he’s ever been when I went to Jersey, he wasn’t lying πŸ˜‚
@MTV_AMANDAG: I will forever be an #AYTO lover. I love this show and I love the new host! YAS!!!!!
@MTV_AMANDAG: Omg @EmoneySunset and @tylersemicolon song on #AYTO was FIREEEEEE! Fuck I loved that!!!! Reminded me of Chuck n Big D! ❀️
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @MTV_AMANDAG Haha expect to see our world redemption tour coming to a foam town near you.
@_gelesann: I really want to hear the perfect match song @tylersemicolon & @EmoneySunset like can I get it on iTunes????
@MTVkarikowalski: We cant use pens, but we did the math in our heads and 1 person deliberately ruined it for us all. I feel u I yell about it everyday still

@_gelesann: Happy birthday to this baddie in the middle! Hope you have a great day! Love you and miss you tons and tons πŸ’–πŸΎπŸŽ‰ @ayeejaeeee
@TheRealAnthonyM: Happy birthday boo @ayeejaeeee πŸ˜πŸ’•
@mikehalpern92: Happy birthday you filthy animal @princeofnorway unlike AYTO's phony country character every season, Joe's a real farmer πŸ€™πŸΌ
@00Hitsdiidii: One thing I'm not is a liar. You want to know the truth , just ask. You either choose to believe me or not. #imoverit
@audreydiazz: I feel some time of way rn πŸ˜’ like why don't they ever show the Fab4 connection?? Wtf #AYTO #Fab4
@_gelesann: Every time I text "thanks" my phone tries to make it into "thanksgiving" like damn I'm excited for food too but its October...
@princeofnorway: Thank you all for the birthday wishes β™₯️ I got everything I wanted
@AREUTHE1: The No Match couples are beginning to rebel! Geles and Anthony are breaking the rules of the game in Wednesday's new episode of #AYTO 😀
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @AREUTHE1 πŸ€·πŸ»β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β™‚οΈ
- @nicole_spiller: @AREUTHE1 Hahahah 5 whole kisses!!
- @uchaachi: @AREUTHE1 Truly thank GOD we had @dimitrivalentin the mathematician in the house!!! #LIKEfivekisses
- @_gelesann: @AREUTHE1 So I guess it wasn't on the low low πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
- @lexoquence: @AREUTHE1 Oh look Dimitri doing nothing but whining per usual #NOMATCHCOUPLES
@EmoneySunset: Dear my @AREUTHE1 people: stop responding to haters. You're on TV, they're just random people on their phones.

β–ͺ       β–ͺ       β–ͺ

So, the house gets dealt a couple setbacks in Anthony & Geles not being one of those matches, and the group takes a couple steps back to just one beam in their second matchup, though they're lucky that they didn't black out and lose $500,000. Meanwhile, we saw Michael break up with Keyana, only for her to pick him at matchup in frustrating E-Money... followed by the heartthrob going for Audrey. And after the balancing act of trying to not drop an egg, and them going for a limbo, Ethan & Geles, Malcolm & Nurys and Michael & Audrey go for a trip to meet gators, and the house choosing the middle pair to go into next week's Truth Booth. We'll have more on the WRAP coming up, and speaking of Malcolm...


IG @MackemDrummer
After what we've seen from him in these first three episodes - and having already become romantically connected to three girls during this first one-third of our stay in the Bayou, Malcolm now finds himself in the hot seat and headed for the place where lasers can change the fortunes of an entire house with two words. With Are You The One? now taking a cue from The Challenge in making the road to the following week's a drag to stretch out time thanks to a cliffhanger as he heads into the Truth Booth, there is something we have discovered about him. And after we featured Challenger Kailah's hip-hop boyfriend Mikey P. a day ago, he is our other focus of Music Week on Pulse ExtraTime.

Since AYTO began a few short years ago, we have seen some castmates with a musical background: lawyer John from Season 2 is part of a rock cover band, Rashida of Season 3 is a singer, and the Season 4 cast was full of musicians in Francesca, Prosper, Giovanni, Asaf and of course Tori. And on this cast, Malcolm is not alone music-wise in the house as in what we saw with Ethan and the music he's released under his nickname of "E-Money" (we'll share with you his music later on here).
   It seems rather coincidental that he shares a surname with a position that many in the music business take up in grabbing sticks, sitting behind a drum kit and banging them at full blast. But in the case of this musician whose last name is Drummer, that's far from the case. For the guy they also call Mackem, Malcolm has been spitting rhymes for the past three years under just his last name of Drummer. If you head over to his SoundCloud channel, you can glance over at all of those 25 tracks he has released on that site since taking up hip-hop... that includes taking a shot at the man who eventually became President.
   On the night of him being the third to take the trip into the Truth Booth whose resolution we will see off the bat this Wednesday, Drummer dropped his first music video on his YouTube channel, which he shot earlier this year and knowing that he was gonna audition for the show and eventually earn his spot in NOLA, he waited until now to drop the video to everyone. Enjoy it below.

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For your Sunday Funday, a DCBLOG doubleheader. First on the WRAP, we'll take to the beach as Malcolm's fellow castmates meet fellow AYTO alumni, along with analysis of their near lights disaster. Plus, the comeback season of The Challenge XXX's oldest cast member was solidified this week… we'll look at how it awoke that sleeping giant. And then tomorrow night, a special edition of the FORUM as we'll be heading around the hotstove to discuss the rumors of a game-changing twist coming to the next Challenge, followed by ExtraTime In-Depth's look at The Backstory of Ammo.
   For now, good night, enjoy your Saturday and talk to you in a bit.


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