Friday, November 3, 2017

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 - The Finale Part 1

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

This is the first weekend of November, and as you relax and indulge in these next few days with leaves falling outside your window -- or even snow in some places, welcome again to DCBLOG's trip Inside the MTV Trifecta where $1 million is at stake on both shows of our biggest interest. And for a season that started back in the summer heat, now The Challenge XXX is approaching its climax just as another fall tradition, the World Series, has just crowned the Astros as baseball's king.
   Last week in Colombia, a deep field with 13 titles among them were given one more chance at revenge as the Redemption House competed for a chance to regain their spot in the game. In the end, Cara Maria, CT and Jordan outlasted Bananas, Veronica and a host of others to join the main house for the final daily challenge. There, TJ Lavin revealed the twist of them going for $1 million -- The Challenge's biggest ever prize pool, then a second Purge that'll whittle down the field to six players.
   CT, Cara, Jordan & Tori won those spots there, and two more spots remain for the final field of six to contend for that unprecedented purse, and this week sees the battle among the six left for those final slots into the dash for the cash. Then comes the first act of what should be an epic final which harkens back to something that took place the first time I got to watch a modern Challenge and the last non-Bananas season: and what happens there could put their chance at glory in jeopardy.
   All the action, reaction and interaction of this penultimate episode of this landmark season of the fifth major pro sport is ahead... and as this aired, it was October 31st - watch for some Halloween posts in our diary. And after that, we'll offer a hello to the newest members of Team MTV as we will take our first look ahead at what may be the next new hit on MTV's hands: Floribama Shore.

The final elimination, the final challenge, $1 million at stake, and the next Shore thing... it's all ahead on The Pulse of The Challenge XXX. And welcome to the weekend.

@ChallengeMTV: Waiting around for the next episode of #TheChallengeXXX? Get caught up NOW:
@v_cakes: i just had the best peruvian ceviche of my entire life.  ceviche will never be the same.
@MarieeTBD: Love to say I told you so
- @LauraLee_MTV: @MarieeTBD Hoping this is in regards to @CaraMariaMTV piss poor attention seeking attitude this season.
@MTVBananas: Leaving work on a Friday like... 🤙 #BananasDoingThings
@DerrickMTV: SHOUTOUT to "The Reigning Challenge Champ"🏆 (@TheOfficial_CT) for making his way BACK to ANOTHER…
@ChallengeMTV: This lineup is star-studded 💫 #ChampsVsStars
@mikethemiz: I'M BACK!! Don't miss me hosting The @ChallengeMTV’s new season of Champs vs. Stars starting Tues, 11/21 at 10/9c on @MTV! #ChampsVsStars
@TheAshleysRR: Get your first look at the upcoming season of #TheChallenge : "Champs vs. Stars!" It's gonna be GOOD!
@ImSarahRice: .@MelindastolpMTV talks about Real World Austin, her divorce, & why she might want to return to the show.
- @MelindastolpMTV: @ImSarahRice Oh boy!!! Here we go!!! 😍 Honestly thank you for having me on! It was awesome getting to talk to Susie! Wish you were there too Sarah!! Xoxox it was therapeutic! 😘

@ChallengeMTV: These six Challengers' fate hangs in the balance 👀 #TheChallengeXXX is brand new, Tuesday at 10/9c! 💸
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV "If I FALL, this will be the biggest FAIL in Challenge Historty."
@ChallengeMTV: Tweet us your Challenge-inspired Halloween costumes by 10/31 for a chance to win some autographed swag! #TheChallengeContest 👻
@MTVBananas: Saturdays are for the banana shorts. 🍌🌊 #BananasDoingThings @barstoolsports
@MTVBananas: How to tie the worlds strongest knot:  Step 1: Place your ear buds in your pocket.
- @hbarfield13: @MTVBananas How to be a professional instigator: Step 1: Watch Johnny Bananas on MTV The Challenge and take thorough notes
@ChallengeMTV: Focused. #TheChallengeXXX is brand new, Tuesday at 10/9c on @MTV 👀
@ChallengeMTV: "1 million dollars buys a lot of diapers." 👶 Don't miss a new episode of #TheChallengeXXX, Tuesday at 10/9c!
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV A WHOLE lotta diapers... #TheChallengeXXX

@ChallengeMTV: We'll announe winners of our #TheChallengeContest during #TheChallengeXXX this Tuesday @ 10/9c, so keep tweeting us your Challenge costumes!
@ave_tress: What's everyone being for Halloween? 😱👻☠️🎃
@MTVjennifer: can’t wait for tonight. me and my basic black cat costume😂👏🏼
@MTVjennifer: i wish i didn’t work saturdays🙄😩
@shannanity: I was so drunk last night I lost myself in my own bathroom for like an hour - I had to scream for help so my roomate could walk me out - in the process the mirror fell off the wall and almost took off a toe so I woke up in a pool Of blood #perfectnightout
@shannanity: So anyways - I guess what I’m saying is I’ve been killing it these past few months
@NanyMTV: My best friend is married ❤️ #maidofhonor

@ChallengeMTV: Brace for impact 💥 #TheChallengeXXX is brand new, Tuesday at 10/9c on @MTV!
@ChallengeMTV: YOU could win sweet Challenge prizes by tweeting us your Challenge-themed Halloween costumes by Tuesday, 10/31! #TheChallengeContest 👻
@ChallengeMTV: Let's go! Tweet us your Challenge Halloween costumes and you could win signed Challenge swag! 😈👻 #TheChallengeContest
@ChallengeMTV: Did @tjlavin really say $1 MILLION!? #TheChallengeXXX is brand new, Tuesday at 10/9c! 💸
@BritniNicol: Chilly days always make Amara & I miss being on the water😩🐶 #miniaussie #bordercollie #mygirl
@tori_deal: How much?! @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: 1 MILLION DOLLARS hangs in the balance! Tune into a new #TheChallengeXXX, Tuesday @ 10/9c! 🙌
@ChallengeMTV: Who can snake their way into the Final and keep the 1 million dollar dream alive? Find out on a new #TheChallengeXXX, Tuesday @ 10/9c 🐍💸
@tori_deal: Sensitivity isn't a weakness. You have to be strong to handle everything you feel.
@HaydenPWeaver: Today is a good sports day.
@JamieChinaMTV: Proud of my #Astros killing it right now 💙🤘 #EarnHistory
@cohuttalee: This damn #worldseries is craziness.
@Dario_medrano_: What. A. Game.
@JayGMTV: Probably the craziest world series game i have ever seen #worldseries
@HaydenPWeaver: I feel like the two worst things to happen to an athlete are missing a field goal or giving up the game winning hit
@HaydenPWeaver: Baseball players are the only humans who can chew seeds, gum, and dip all at the same time. Truly phenomenal feat.
@HaydenPWeaver: THIIIIIIIS GAAAAAAAME!!!!!!!!!!
@JennaCompono: All I’m asking for is one night where I don’t have insomnia ... ONE NIGHT
@MTVjennifer: sat on insta live for SEVEN HOURS with @JayGMTV, & just when i thought we were in the clear to get sleep...this fucking game ties up🙄😂
@dc408dxtr: Before going on my late day walk before posting blog later tonight, getting to enjoy a Instagram live chat w/ @JayGMTV & @MTVjennifer
- @MTVjennifer: @dc408dxtr so fun! so much fun that we went on for 3 hours😂

@ChallengeMTV: I'mma let you finish but, @tori_deal HAD (is having) ONE OF THE GREATEST ROOKIE SEASONS OF ALL TIME 🙌
- @tori_deal: @ChallengeMTV Lmao great. This article is gonna make people hate me even more now. Thanks though guys! A lot of people helped me this season
- @MTVjennifer: @tori_deal you’re literally killinnn the game girl. idk why anyone would hate you!
@tori_deal: If you're loyal to everyone you're loyal to no one.
@loveistheammo: Thank you Kevin Spacey for giving my Christian parents even more ammunition against me + my community to deal with this holiday season.
@febreezyfresh: I just published “Challenge Dirty 30: Derrick faces his biggest enemy once again”
- @DerrickMTV: @febreezyfresh Gives me Goosebumps Allan. So many emotions in that trip down memory lane. @ChallengeMTV
@v_cakes: I noticed a missing hand gesture so I made sure to add it.
@ChallengeMTV: Just hanging out 😂 #TheChallengeXXX
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV That's nooooot funnnnny!!
@DerrickMTV: I've lost in the FINAL MENS ELIMINATION 3X in my Life 🤦‍♂️@ChallengeMTV.  Find out if the CURSE continues to HAUNT me 😩 this HALLOWEEN 🎃 @MTV 10/9C. #Flashback to one of those really shitty days....
@ChallengeMTV: Don't miss an absolute barn-burner 🔥 #TheChallengeXXX is brand new, tomorrow at 10/9c!
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Winners punch their tickets to the FINALS! Losers PUNCH their ticket to a FLIGHT back HOME🔥🎃🔪
@kailah_casillas: I never thought I’d see the day that people would dress up as me and @JennaCompono for Halloween. It’s happened, there are #Jailah costumes!
@kailah_casillas: This is awesome!!!!! She even got my hot air balloon tattoo!! 🙀
@MTVBananas: Just a couple of dogs. 🐶 #BananasDoingThings
@JennaCompono: Do you ever eat something and IMMEDIATELY regret it 🤦🏼♀️ #mood
@WestonBergmann: I wish the world would just drop its obsession with fashion and stop condemning those of us who want to wear sweatpants all day, everyday.
@KellyAnneJudd: When life gives you lemons, eat them, lemons are delicious. 🍋🍋🍋
@TheRealNiaMoore: Warriors got 123 points with 6 whole minutes still left in the 4th quarter. Lmao. Let that sink in. The shit isn't even fair...

@ChallengeMTV: Challenge Day mood 😬 Don't miss a brand new episode TONIGHT at 10/9c! #TheChallengeXXX
@ChallengeMTV: "This would be the biggest fail in Challenge history." 😱 WHO'S GOING TO THE FINAL!? FIND OUT TONIGHT @ 10/9c! #TheChallengeXXX
@MTV: Is Tori the greatest @ChallengeMTV rookie of all time?
@DerrickMTV: To iPhone X or iPhone 8+...🤔
- @KatieCooley26: @DerrickMTV If you win the big bucks, you can get both 😆
@MarieeTBD: All new @ChallengeMTV tonight. Us three won't be skipping to the final --- but what 2 will be?! #Cartagena #thechallengedirty30
@ChallengeMTV: #HappyHalloween from @ChallengeMTV! Don't forget to watch an all new episode TONIGHT at 10/9c! 👀
@emilylongeretta: .@TheOfficial_CT hopes to ride into the sunset with his family after this @ChallengeMTV! Exclusive sneak peek …
@ChallengeMTV: Tune into #TheChallengeXXX TONIGHT at 10/9c to see if you're one of our winners of #TheChallengeContest! 👀👻
@loveistheammo: I like, invented her, you know? #ReginaGeorge #Halloween2017 #MeanGirls
@WestonBergmann: Why does pumpkin flavored everything have to be a seasonal thing!? 😢😭🎃
- @MTVjennifer: @WestonBergmann YOU’RE TELLING ME😩
@v_cakes: Trying to find shells for tonight’s costume
@ChallengeMTV: Don't get too comfortable, guys. You'll have more company, and competition, soon enough! #TheChallengeXXX is all new tonight at 10/9c! 😈
@hbarfield13: Tonight's the night... Do I punch my ticket to the final or do I get sent home right before it for the second consecutive year #TheChallege
@MarieeTBD: Prayers for my stomping grounds. #nyc
@tjlavin: Be sure to watch some of the baddest... @mtv #TheChallengeXXX challengemtv #goodtimes…
@MTVBananas: I'm going to dress like such a slut tonight!!! 👄🎃 #HappyHalloween
@ZNichols15: Watch @ChallengeMTV's Champs vs Stars to see why I shaved my hair starting 11/21 on @MTV! 😎#ChampsVsStars @Wigs4Kids
@ThatCoral: Ok me your best Kellyanne Conway costumes. I know you’re out there.
@TheMarkLong: Good morning #DC ...time to whoop that ass🇺🇸👊🏽🇺🇸 #Leadership #Conference 👔
@JazMTV: Ready to go trick-or-treating with Maddy  this evening. Even more excited to do the Jimmy Kimmel prank on her tomorrow!! Hehe
@MTVtrey: 🎃 Happy Halloween 🎃
@MTVjennifer: i hope everyone is safe in NYC❤️
@blairherter: Thankful my NYC friends are okay and devastated we’re talking about this on a day when the country’s children are in the streets en masse.
@ThatCoral: #boo
@WestonBergmann: Am I getting extra candy so no kid gets left empty-pumpkin’d, or am I a fat ass that knows I’m gonna end up eating it? No one will ever know
@itsJennyDelich: Happy Halloween!
@AneesaMTV: So I guess onesies are the thing for Halloween this year 🤷🏽♀️ y'all are so lazy this year
@DerrickMTV: Remember when Deadpool killed Negan?? #Halloween2017 @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@kailah_casillas: Just hanging around lol. Don’t miss the new episode tonight!!
@t_raines33: Tonight's the night! Let's make it happen and see who gets to the final! 💪 Don't miss @ChallengeMTV at 10/9c! #TheChallengeXXX
@tori_deal: Happy Halloween from young Tori
@tori_deal: My face when people say I'm extra , like that's a new thing ?!? Lol
@ChallengeMTV: "@ChallengeFanz: #TheChallengeXXX comes on in 17 minuets!!! @ChallengeMTV" RT It's ALMOST Challenge Time*
@tori_deal: Good luck ladies ! Love you!!! @ChallengeMTV
@WestonBergmann: Does it make me a bad person if I put the candy I don’t like at the top of the pile and the stuff I do at the bottom?

AS THEY SAW IT: "The Sinister Six" 
@ChallengeMTV: #TheChallengeXXX starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! I'll toast to that 🍻
@ChallengeMTV: I'm starting a series called "CT on boats looking into the distance." 🚤👀 #TheChallengeXXX (picture of him relaxing on the boat)
@NoQuittersPod: Tori won Rookie of the Year in our book the minute she faked us all out by saying she was going to show us her boobs
@t_raines33: One shot - gotta make it count! 🙌 #TheChallengeXXX
@t_raines33: A million dollars on the line. Only thinkin' about 2 things: my baby girls! #TheChallengeXXX
@JennaCompono: Not feeling this challenge 🤦🏼♀️
@t_raines33: Tricky Challenge for a 7 FOOT TALL man, @JordanW_usa 😒 #TheChallengeXXX @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: BEAST MODE @DerrickMTV 💪 #TheChallengeXXX (GIF of him maneuvering himself to the end)
@ToriFiorenza: @DerrickMTV is a beast...the end. #legend #og #thechallengexxx
@t_raines33: @DerrickMTV Got it done! Congrats, man. Well deserved. #TheChallengeXXX @ChallengeMTV
- @DerrickMTV: @t_raines33 Thanks Tony!! Solid run!!
@DerrickMTV: What?? @ChallengeMTV What?? 😉😜
@t_raines33: No words for what I was feeling at that moment. Hard loss. #TheChallengeXXX @ChallengeMTV (picture of him in tears after losing last elimination)
@JennaCompono: Oh god 🤦🏼♀️ we tried  could not get the hang of it
@JennaCompono: Didn’t give up.. we burned out ... it was hard. Props to camila tho!
@ChallengeMTV: Five Champs and one Rookie of the Year. This final is gonna be lit 🔥 #TheChallengeXXX (GIF of the six finalists)
@TDMEL52: This has to be the most stacked final in years. @ChallengeMTV @NoQuittersPod
@CohenBrian_: Based on zero thought or historical research I’m saying this is the strongest final group in Challenge history. #TheChallengeXXX
@JennaCompono: Sorry guys! I did try! I never give up, but couldn’t get it done :/
@DerrickMTV: "Back in da Game" @ChallengeMTV 😜 #TheChallengeXXX
@NotoriousAJM: I feel so damn bad for @hbarfield13. He deserved to be in that final. HE’S rookie of the year💯 #TheChallengeXXX
@DerrickMTV: Just wanna say Thank You to all of YOU that rode this season out with me, left kind words, and backed me up. I appreciate it. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeXXX
@NoQuittersPod: Looooooove the prize differentials this season
@JennaCompono: Still wouldn’t of changed anything... congrats to the finalists.. my day will come soon 😂🤦🏼♀️ #teamjailah
@kailah_casillas: We tried 😩 @JennaCompono ! Thanks for everyone who showed us love and support all season! #teamJailah
@ChallengeMTV: 1st place wins $450,000. EACH. 😱 #TheChallengeXXX (GIF of finalists finding out about the final payouts)
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Scary..
@NoQuittersPod: "@LoniPolk247: @NoQuittersPod did TJ just say he made this final course? YESSSS" RT Sight unseen it’s my favorite final course ever
@DerrickMTV: Well let's get this party started then....from a plane 20,000 ft in the air!!! 😳😜🔪 @ChallengeMTV #Halloween2017 #TheChallengeXXX
@ToriFiorenza: Congrats @tori_deal, making the finals as a Rookie is impressive...way to make moves and play the game. #thechallengexxx
- @tori_deal: @ToriFiorenza Thank you Tori!
@DerrickMTV: Lil D with another cameo!!! I❤️ it!! #TheChallengeXXX
@ChallengeMTV: TJ: You have to jump out of an airplane from 20,000 ft.    Cara: (GIF of her being speechless)
@NoQuittersPod: “I build motorcycles…and clothing” is an all-time line
@DerrickMTV: "@T_sWAGN3R: @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV Man you're the best and the main reason I watch. #ReturnOfThePitbull" RT F*** Yeah...thanks brotha
@DerrickMTV: "@LMSellers1109: @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV “Just trying to make it to GOAT status” ... trust me @DerrickMTV you’re already there!" RT Ahhhh I want that 4th ring!!
@DerrickMTV: "@MarisaCo: I love @DerrickMTV so much GIVE THAT MAN THE 🏆 & 💸 !!! #TheChallengeXXX" RT Gimme dat!!
@DerrickMTV: "@kaylaem24: @DerrickMTV talking to his son is the cutest thing😍😍 #TheChallengeXXX" RT That's ma BABY!!
@tori_deal: Shout out to my sister for her support. That 10 min phone call once a week durin filming saved my life 😍💕 #TheChallengexxx
@CamilaMTV: Congrats D for pulling that off & glad I get to run a final next to you. You deserved it. 💜✨ @DerrickMTV
- @DerrickMTV: @CamilaMTV No...Congrats to YOUUUU!!! 💜
@DerrickMTV: "@BrianColebank: @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV Mashed potatoes and a twinkle lol gotta love Little D and go get it @DerrickMTV" RT SHOTS out to the Taters and Twinkies 🙌
@CamilaMTV: There is no victory without battle. 🌹😘
@JordanW_usa: This is WHY O DO THIS!!!! #thechallengexxx
@ChallengeMTV: 😱@JordanW_usa's Coming in HOT! #TheChallengeXXX (GIF of his crash landing in the Argentine desert)
- @JordanW_usa: @ChallengeMTV SSSSmokin'
@JordanW_usa: Now I've eaten a lot of shit in my day but THAT... fucking sucked. Legit, thought I broke both my legs
@ToriFiorenza: I mean, did somebody test that crap out before pushing them out of a plane in another country? Geez #Thechallengexxx
@JordanW_usa: "@webbbieone: @JordanW_usa Damn, I'm in bed, but was bracing for impact. You weren't coming in hot, you were coming in flamed out and still on fire!" RT Truth
@JordanW_usa: Took an hour to get my legs back
@WhoTrendedIT: Wooohoo @DerrickMTV and @ChallengeMTV are responsible for trending #TheChallengeXXX in America. I have spoken.
- @DerrickMTV: @WhoTrendedIT BOOOOM!! Bc that's what we do!! We make s*** happen 🙌
@DerrickMTV: "@ashley_cereal: @DerrickMTV running over to Jordan warms my soul. Such a dad" RT Yeah that mofo was hurt @JordanW_usa...
- @JordanW_usa: @DerrickMTV Thanks Brew!!
- @DerrickMTV: @JordanW_usa Fo sho
@DerrickMTV: SHOUTOUT to @JordanW_usa for crash landing out an airplane and GOIN FOR IT 💸 @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeXXX
@ChallengeMTV: "You didn't think winning this much money would be easy, did you!?" 😂 #TheChallengeXXX is brand new, next Tuesday at 10/9c!

@JordanW_usa: Same tibial fracture that put @DezBryant out for eight games. Sometimes it just depends how bad you want it. #GoCowboys
@JennaCompono: Thanks for everyone who showed support!
@DerrickMTV: "@RealTeamFight: @DerrickMTV We are all proud of you back home in the ChiCity bro! Glad you’re back in the game and you’re showing what #DadNation should be like 👊" RT Chi-city all day. #DadNation foreverrr
@DerrickMTV: "@scwinchman27: I still can't believe my boy @DerrickMTV came back after a break & made it to the final. He did it the hard way to get in. #TheChallengeXXX" RT Me too...😳...Lol
@DerrickMTV: "@JAgroseclose: Been a @DerrickMTV since his first season. Seeing him come back and continue thriving all these years later is inspiring! You go man!" RT I'll take it, but I'm not done yet!!
@DerrickMTV: "@OMEGASECTION: I'm here wondering how @DerrickMTV's son reacted to knowing his dad made a final!" RT Uhhhmmm...he hasn't actually seen it yet. #BedTime
Close race with some amazing competitors. I'm looking forward and know I'll be back for that W more ready than ever. 💪#TheChallengeXXX
@DerrickMTV: "@LRocketto: Umm wtf @DerrickMTV - you know twinkies and mashed potatoes is the breakfast of champs! #thechallengexxx" RT Coming from a Healthcare Professional, my son will really appreciate hearing that 😁
Oh and if you haven't seen my Halloween IG story, it's the BOOOOMB!!
@DerrickMTV: "@GirlPakProds: Did @DerrickMTV just quote "Lose Youself" in his confessional?" RT Probably and that @Eminem "Revival" hittin the streets in November 🙌
@PConn17: "It's for a million bucks, it's gotta be sick." --@tjlavin. I will never not watch @ChallengeMTV. Crown jewel of reality TV. @BunimMurray

@ChallengeMTV: WEST COAST! Tonight on #TheChallengeXXX: the conclusion to the second Purge AND the start of The Final ! 👏👏👏
@dc408dxnow: Already in: CT, Cara Maria, Jordan & Tori. Either Derrick, Hunter or Tony will join them. So will Camila, Jenna or Kailah.  #DCChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: They're literally purging right now 👀🙊 #TheChallengeXXX (GIF: Kailah - "I feel like I could puke.")
@CSUGradAkirk: Atta baby @DerrickMTV  #Dirty30
@dc408dxnow: Well, the last elimination has been a pain in the neck for Derrick, but this is why he's won a few of these. Another final. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: You can't fathom what it's like for Tony to get this close & fall short. This should be the start of good things for him here.  #DCChallenge
@CSUGradAkirk: Minus her obvious bad character traits Camilla made back to back finals and beat laurel and jailah to get there impressive #Dirty30
@dc408dxnow: Though you may not like her, she's got one title on her resume. Now another change to get #2 for Camila. #DCChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Who you got winning it all? 🤔 #TheChallengeXXX (GIF of finalists)
@dc408dxnow: Is this the most stacked final we've ever had? Five champions & an impressive rookie all aiming for $1 MILLION. This'll be fun. #DCChallenge
@CSUGradAkirk: The boys final Ct and Derrick two of the greatest of all time and the best male in recent memory Jordan  couldn’t be more psyched #Dirty30
@CSUGradAkirk: Win or lose I think @JordanW_usa  makes a big leap on our @RealityRadioPod  top 30 male challengers top 10 for sure #Dirty30
@dc408dxnow: That $450k goes to the guys and girls champ. This is life changing in every sense of the word.  #DCChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Derrick's son out here living his best life 👏 #TheChallengeXXX (GIF: Son - "Yeah, I ate mashed potatoes and a Twinkie.")
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV This caption...all of it!! 😆😆😆 YES🙌
@dc408dxnow: The first Challenge of current era I watched was BOTS 5yrs ago… the final there began w/ skydiving into the game. They'll start w/ that here
@dc408dxnow: Five years ago at this time Jordan was filming RW Portland. He comes in hard this time on that touchdown here #DCChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: When you try to carry all the groceries in one trip 💪 #TheChallengeXXX (GIF of Derrick carrying his load)
@ChallengeMTV: Me waiting for next Tuesday's episode of #TheChallengeXXX 😩

@MTVBananas: "@Jstchillin126: @MTVBananas yo man I'm watching the Tonight Show, @jimmyfallon just said he's a big fan of the challenge and Bananas did u see that?" RT Jimmy is my spirit animal  @jimmyfallon
@BritniNicol: Hope you all had a FABULOUS Halloween!! Tweet me as many costume photos you'd like! They're my fave😍😍 #blessitbe
@BritniNicol: If you keep me safe, I'll keep you wild😈🖤 #wildthoughts #sos
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Un giorno si sveglierà e non ci sarà più tempo per fare le cose che hai sempre sognato. Fatelo…
@loveistheammo: They say you die twice. 1 time when you stop breathing and a 2nd time a bit later on when somebody says your name for the last time. #Banksy
@ChallengeMTV: The two stages of skydiving, as demonstrated by @TheOfficial_CT 😂
@tori_deal: Who you rooting for in the final? @ChallengeMTV
@WestonBergmann: If I could move things with my mind and the only repercussion was a bloody nose (on just 1 side), I’d laugh and just say bring on the blood
@ChallengeMTV: History will be made. The final continues, Tuesday at 10/9c 👀 #TheChallengeXXX
@ChallengeMTV: America's fifth major sport has just begun the Finals, and the stakes have never been higher ✈️ #TheChallengeXXX
@jnsanchez: Laughing way harder than I should."We're coming in hot" may be understatement of the year, @JordanW_usa 😂 Response was equally as hilarious
@ChallengeMTV: A couple of highlights from this week's episode, and I do mean HIGHlights ⬆️ #TheChallengeXXX
@ChallengeMTV: "Mexico's an island, right?" 🤔🇲🇽 Remember the last time we made them jump out of a plane on Rivals III? #TBT @JennaCompono
@BritniNicol: "@dougiefresh1721: @BritniNicol @hbarfield13 @t_raines33 @blacuesta @JennaCompono @kailah_casillas who's everyone pulling for next Tues? Guy & gal #dirty30" RT @CaraMariaMTV & @DerrickMTV of course!💁🏼😈 #challengexxx
- @DerrickMTV: @BritniNicol Holla 🙌
@hbarfield13: To family,friends, and fans... I let you down once again. I gave it all I had. I wasn't good enough. I'm sorry I didn't win 😔 #TheChallenge
@hbarfield13: Mentally physically emotionally hardest thing I've ever had to endure. Getting eliminated right before the final once again broke my heart.
@tjlavin: Happy anniversary to the love of my life. “Let’s give it at least another good 3-5 years then…
@ChallengeMTV: "This sh*t is no joke." WELCOME TO THE FINAL CHALLENGE! Don't miss it, Tuesday at 10/9c on @MTV! 💥🏆 #TheChallengeXXX

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So, last week Derrick and Camila were paired in the last regular challenge, and this week they take the last spots into the $1 million final... the bulldog most especially when he smoked Hunter and Tony to win it for the guys. And the dash for the cash is now on for them, Jordan, Tori, CT and Cara as they seek to grab the $450,000 first prize that goes to the winning pairs coming up next week, though we still have to see how Jordan fares after that crash landing into the Argentinian desert.
   Now as we told you here last weekend, as is our custom for the last two weeks of a Challenge season, we'll be tabling our usual Things to Know recap for this next to last episode to next week for an expanded review covering the finale in on a dedicated WRAP covering the final act of this long season on here next week. We will, though, have our latest power rankings on this week's WRAP coming up on Sunday.  Now, let's travel into the future...


If you were with us on Halloween night after this week's episode aired on the west coast, this lifelong MTV fan revealed the next new MTV series to be watched by yours truly and to be live tweeted on DCNOW. This year of 2017 has been one of returns for many well-known shows to MTV, from Total Request Live to Fear Factor, as well as the genre-bending reality drama made famous by Laguna Beach and The Hills in the Florida-based Siesta Key. Now as the channel's renaissance speeds into 2018, another part of MTV's past is returning -- also in the Sunshine State.

Last Monday saw the unveiling of Floribama Shore, as the Shore franchise spawned by Jersey Shore makes its MTV return, a day after Ms. Blast in a Glass, Deena Nicole Cortese, and her man Chris Buckner became wife & husband in front of their fellow castmates. If you travel around the world, MTV's sister channels have kept the Shore name alive abroad with Geordie Shore in the U.K., Acapulco Shore in Mexico, Poland's Warsaw Shore, Spain's Gandia Shore and Super Shore featuring stars of the international Shore franchise. Now, a new generation joins this elite field almost eight years after Snooki, The Situation and friends went down to Seaside Heights for that first summer by the Boardwalk.
   For this new iteration, it'll take place down in Panama City Beach, Florida: home to what locals call "The World's Most Beautiful Beaches" with its white sandy beaches in this northwest part of Florida, and a regional hub for the mayhem every March of Spring Break. The new group of eight roomies -- Jeremiah, Codi, Kortni, Aimee, Kirk, Nilsa, Candace and Gus -- will embark on their own summer journey by the Gulf Coast, channeling the spirit of their northeastern colleagues in partying it up and having the time of their lives.
   Also in Real World fashion, they come to this beach with incredible experiences afforded by life itself, and standing at a crossroads of being single, being independent or just deciding to escape right by the sea. MTV's presser adds, "This coming of age story captures the very real thrill and angst of being young and trying to figure out the future with a group of people you’ll come to call family."

Below is a Pulse Extra when the cast was welcomed to the world back on Monday, followed shortly after by our first look at this new show, which debuts on Cyber Monday and, just as was the case for Alex, Madisson & friends down the coast, it gains the ever-coveted post-Teen Mom timeslot.

PULSE EXTRA: The Countdown Begins to Floribama Shore 
@FloribamaShore: The next shore thing is here. #FloribamaShore premieres 11/27 @ 10/9c ☀️🌊
@eonlineTV: .@MTV's newest show is #FloribamaShore, which is here to fill the Jersey Shore-sized hole in your heart.
@MichaelAusiello: MTV Orders #JerseyShore Offshoot #FloribamaShore — Watch First Teaser … via @TVLine
@DEADLINE: ‘Jersey Shore’ Franchise Makes MTV Comeback With Followup Series ‘Floribama Shore’ From SallyAnn Salsano …
@FloribamaShore: Party's here 🍻 #ForibamaShore
- @KirkMedas: @FloribamaShore Catch your boy on MTV's newest Reality Series 😏😎
@KirkMedas: Gunna be a wild, crazy journey 😅
@KirkMedas: The next shore thing is here! Catch me on @MTV’s new series floribamashore, 11/27 @ 10/9c!…
The wait is over! Watch me on MTV @FloribamaShore, premiering 11/27 @ 10/9c! #FloribamaShore
@nillythesquid: Watch on MTV!  @FloribamaShore premieres Monday, 11/27 at 10/9c @MTV
@nillythesquid: The wait is over! Watch me on MTV @FloribamaShore, premiering 11/27 @ 10/9c! #FloribamaShore @MTV
@jbn3_77: The wait is over! Watch me on MTV @FloribamaShore, premiering 11/27 @ 10/9c! #FloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: The wait is over! Watch me on MTV @FloribamaShore, premiering 11/27 @ 10/9c! #FloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Catch me on the new shore thing MTVs Floribama Shore November 27, 2017 10/9c MONDAYS. #mtv #floribamashore
@aimeehall1001: Catch me on MTVS new Shore Thing. Floribama Shore 11/27 at 10/9c MONDAYS. @FloribamaShore @MTV
@nillythesquid: #NewProfilePic
@KirkMedas: Excited to see what other opportunities come from this! I have a few things I wanna get going 😏 Stay tuned
@jbn3_77: The next shore thing is here! Catch me on @MTV’s new series @FloribamaShore, 11/27 @ 10/9c! #FloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: Watch me on MTV’s @FloribamaShore! Premieres Monday 11/27 at 10/9c.
@pimpfriedrice_: Remember Jersey Shore? WELL...The next shore thing is HERE! Catch me on @MTV’s new series…
@aimeehall1001: I just wanna thank @495Prods for believing me and changing my life. Words can't express how much I love yall. #FloribamaShore
@pimpfriedrice_: This truly describes my personality... The goofiest woman you'll ever meet... #FloribamaShore
@FloribamaShore: In 4 weeks, everything changes 🐙 @nillythesquid #FloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Today's one of the best days of my life. Thank you God. ❤
@GusSmyrnios: Probably have the easiest name on our cast to spell and Entertainment Weekly spells it "Gys" 😅😂
@codibutts: The wait is over! Watch me on MTV @FloribamaShore  11/27 @10/9c! #FloribamaShore!
@codibutts: Watch me on MTV floribamashore 11/27 @ 10/9c! #floribamashore
@KirkMedas: They hate us cuz they ain't us
@KirkMedas: Ima get on the TV momma, Ima...Ima put shit down!
@GusSmyrnios: Catching a lot of hate already but I guess that comes with the territory 🤷🏻♂️
@jbn3_77: We Lit!!!!🤣🦆🐊 The next shore thing is here! Catch me on @MTV's new series @FloribamaShore, 11/27 @ 10/9c! #FloribamaShore @mtv #mtv #🦆🐊
@jbn3_77: First day after the announcement of @FloribamaShore #FloribamaShore and I'm feeling great! Can't wait for November 27th😎 Tune in;)
@pimpfriedrice_: Y'all I'm so excited about the show! Negative comments and all... the journey is amazing and I'm loving every second of it. #Blessed
@pimpfriedrice_: #FloribamaShore #FunFact #Pimpfriedrice (Fun Fact: In private she twerks while brushing her teeth.)
@GusSmyrnios: ade the mistake of having my phone # on my insta contact after the show announcement ... 😅😅

@FloribamaShore: The party's hereee! MTV #FloribamaShore. New series premieres Nov 27 @ 10/9c!
- @KirkMedas: @FloribamaShore FIRST OFFICIAL TRAILER IS HERE 👀🔥💯😎
-  @nillythesquid: @FloribamaShore 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️
@K0nigi: … Check out our first trailer!!
@GusSmyrnios: First trailer is here!!! Enjoy 😛 #Mtv #floribamashore
@codibutts: Y’all get ready for Floribama shore!!!! Y’all watch me on @FloribamaShore. 11/27 @10/9c! It going to be awesome!
@KirkMedas: Let the hate begin. Bc I’m ready to win
@codibutts: Y’all don’t forgot to watch MTV’s Floribama. 11/27 10/9c! #floribamashore floribamashore…
@GusSmyrnios: Since everyone is asking, I'm on the show to be one person and one person only 😸 #FloribamaShore #mtv @FloribamaShore @MTV
- @codibutts: @GusSmyrnios I know that’s right. So put that in juice box and suck it.
- @GusSmyrnios: @codibutts And sprinkle some stanky cheese sauce on it !!
- @_gelesann: @GusSmyrnios Yes 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@pimpfriedrice_: Love this photo!!
@pimpfriedrice_: Love these crazy peepol

This show is so anticipated in reviving the Shore franchise and having a role in what goes down in the new year (that is, if you got to see our Forum special last month), that we at DCBLOG will give Floribama Shore our wall-to-wall treatment: its own post as part of our weekly Trifecta coverage. And as we did with Stranded with a Million Dollars earlier this year, it's an all-in-one post covering the day-of episode buzz and a recap following that, and will lead off our weekend wave of posts, which this winter will be an appetizer to our posts covering The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars.
   And as is custom for an MTV show that I am taking up watching, DCBLOG will have a preview post - The Look - on Floribama Shore which will look at what's to come from the Gulf Coast, plus the history of the Shore franchise covering not just Jersey Shore but also the international adaptations too. Watch for that later during this busy month... so as they say, bring on the fun in the sun.

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As for right now, tomorrow we'll be shifting to Are You The One? as the house in NOLA faces a daunting task: wanting to get back in a game that is slowly slipping away from them... and don't be surprised if a fruit you all love (including one champ) gets involved. And later on, ExtraTime will revisit a story we did two years ago about the man who is finalist once again on a Challenge getting to portray... a police officer? Find out more about that here along with our power rankings.
   Meanwhile, if you're one who enjoys our work each week, your feedback is always appreciated -- whether it'd be comments, compliments, questions, criticisms, corrections you want us to make or a story idea you have for us. As always, be sure to tweet or DM to @DC408Dxtr, post in our comments at the end of our posts or on the side, or emailing to And socially, include the hashtags #DCBLOG and/or #SeeForYourself in your posts too.

That'll do it for the Pulse of The Dirty 30, and thanks for checking us out. See you tomorrow as we continue our look Inside the MTV Trifecta, and enjoy your weekend.


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