Sunday, November 12, 2017

DC SocialPulse Extra: AYTO6 - Before The Exes Arrive

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language & objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

As you wrap your Sunday night, here below is a Pulse Extra covering the time in between last week's chaotic episode of Are You The One? Season 6, and an even chaotic one for Week 8 of this season.
This includes a rather infamous anniversary that took place on the birthday of one of AYTO's recent alums... enjoy that ahead of the main diary that will be up very shortly.

IN BETWEEN: That Loss... One Year Later, & Kathryn's Birthday
@AREUTHE1: The house finally decided to shake up their y'all think they have a chance at love and money now?
@AREUTHE1: Still feeling heartbroken after @lexoquence + @keith_klebacher's no match? Yeah, me too.
@00Hitsdiidii: Idk what's gods plan is with me right now but keep it coming, IM LOVING IT 😍
@NurysKMateo: Feliz cumpleaٌos 💋
@_gelesann: Am I the only one that’s like super duper mega excited about Christmas 🎄🎅❤️
@_gelesann: I always forget to upload picture on twitter... happy Friday 💛
@nicole_spiller: I chased my pill this morning with a lukewarm budlight as I thought to myself, “so this is college”
- @zoeinwonderland: @nicole_spiller At least it wasn’t the morning after pill amirite
@NurysKMateo: Ever since last episode I have men in my DM's telling me they want to "throw their banana at me too" 🤢😷  I blame you @00Hitsdiidii 😓🙄
- @00Hitsdiidii: @NurysKMateo LMAO bananas are healthy😌
- @_gelesann: @NurysKMateo @00Hitsdiidii 😂😂😂😂 I’m dead lol
- @NurysKMateo: @00Hitsdiidii NOT THE KIND THEY TRYNA THROW AT ME 🤢🤢🤢
- @kareem_fathalla: @NurysKMateo @00Hitsdiidii Lmaoooo
@uchaachi: I originally made my twitter in 2009 solely to get Jesse McCartney to notice me and I'm just wondering why my priorities shifted
@princeofnorway: I’m going to be mad if there’s no one for me to spoil this Christmas
- @kareem_fathalla: @princeofnorway Frost that shit up
@_gelesann: Drunk geles is trying to go out, sober geles is like nah girl it didn’t end up working out for you last time
@princeofnorway: They think we Clyde and Bonnie but it’s more like Whitney Bobby
@lexoquence: Nothing makes me hate myself more than when I light a cig backwards 🤦🏻♀️
@blacuesta: It’s okay to walk away and still love someone. Love isn’t always enough to fix something broken. Value yourself. Put you first. Be selfish.
@blacuesta: Do not ever sacrifice who you are for someone else. Notice when people are in love with who they want you to be but not who you actually are
@ItsAll_AboutTee: As sick as I am I have to make sure to blast you on all social sites so yea , happy birthday again beautiful . @iamkamiam_ ❤️😘
@whaattaafoxx: Watching Jersey Shore and to this day @snooki is my EVERYTHING!! I still keep up with her on all social media, "SHAKE WHAT YA MAMA GAVE YA!"

@AREUTHE1: Yeaaah…so I'm gonna go home now ✌️ | Watch the latest episode of #AYTO here:
@EmilyKRsire: SO much respect for @TheRealAnthonyM. He is the MVP of this season! He was so nice and upfront w/ geles telling her he had to play the game!
@kmacisco: Buzzfeed told me I should so now I have to @AREUTHE1 @LightheartedTV @mtv make it happen!!!!
@AREUTHE1: Take a look at this conversation that didn't air of Geles opening up to Zoe about her fear of being alone!
- @_gelesann: @AREUTHE1 Found my match.. it’s Zoë 💖💖💖
- @zoeinwonderland: @AREUTHE1 “You don’t need him you have me” #lovewins #mywife❤️Zoë Pugh added,
@zoeinwonderland: Whenever boys are mean to me I just remember they have microphalluses and feel better
@zoeinwonderland: Sugar We’re Goin’ Down is the best song ever don’t @ me
@BritniNicol: Stay wild, moon child 🌞🌝
@BritniNicol: When you wanna order the fried pickles.. but settle on ordering a Jameson pickle back instead.. same thing right? #lesscalories
@blacuesta: I really was just on FaceTime for over two hours.
@AREUTHE1: When you make a fire joke in the group chat and no one responds 👋
@00Hitsdiidii: WHOEVER JUST PRANK CALLED ME PROPS TO YOU GUYS 😂😩👏🏼 I deadass fell for it
- @ZAKLONGO: @00Hitsdiidii Pack your bags. Your flight to North Korea leaves tomorrow ✈️🇰🇷
- @mikehalpern92: @ZAKLONGO When interviewing for AYTO they need to ask these kids if filming in North Korea would be plausible, if yes, they'll make great tv.
@ZAKLONGO: #AYTO Prank Calls Part 4... Featuring Season 6....... You guys are not ready for this 🤣🤣🤣🤣
- @NurysKMateo: @ZAKLONGO We're a bunch of idiots 😂😅
- @ZAKLONGO: @ZAKLONGO @ZAKLONGOSeason 5 got it way worse... 😂😂😂 welcome to the fam 💙 LOL
@princeofnorway: Happy people don’t constantly need to tell you how happy they are
@zoeinwonderland: When someone prank calls u just be like “is this a fat girl? You sound like a fat girl” and it’ll end so quick
@giannahammer: I swear Hayden is one of the most luckiest/blessed people on earth. 👀 #blessingsonblessings
@HaydenPWeaver: Gianna stays having me do things at our place during the most pivotal moments of sporting events 🙄
@giannahammer: Me and Hayden’s one year is coming up on Tuesday and it’s completely insane how much can happen in one year. Love this family so much
@HaydenPWeaver: I look forward to 1am every night for @blacuesta to RT random ass hilarious tweets #BriAfterDark
- @blacuesta: @HaydenPWeaver My twitter is really just one big RT account 😂
@blacuesta: The worst thing about lurking is trying to scroll through that twitter profile without accidentally liking a tweet
@TayloriasSecret: Me when people try to bring me into drama I don’t care about
@AREUTHE1: Do you think @nicole_spiller + @tylersemicolon could be one of the four beams?
- @tylersemicolon: @AREUTHE1 Maybe  Idk  Kinda  We lookin cute tho 😌
@ayeejaeeee: the things i can’t change are the reasons you love me
@lexoquence: Catching up on #AYTO with my sister... "Lex are you ALWAYS drunk?"
- @zoeinwonderland: @lexoquence Same
@NurysKMateo: At least I was good to you...
@audreydiazz: Spoiler Alert‼️My Perfect Matches ❤️ #sueus🤷🏼♀️
@NurysKMateo: Love yourself and God first before trying to love someone else
- @audreydiazz: @NurysKMateo Live by this ❤️
@regphalange_: When you realize tomorrow is Monday @uchaachi
- @uchaachi: @regphalange_ MOOD part 2
@ayeejaeeee: I wanna fall like your favorite szn 🍂🧡
@tylersemicolon: The uke has powers 😎
@princeofnorway: Yer a wizard harry

@MTVKathrynP: "@SexyCelebs_Dan: Happy Birthday Kathryn Palmer ( @MTVKathrynP ) 🔥🎊 " RT Thank you 🖤🖤🖤
@TayloriasSecret: We lost ayto a year ago today 🙃
- @imdroc15: @TayloriasSecret So a year ago I hated 21 people for losing me $800,000 lol
- @TayloriasSecret: @imdroc15 First of all D Roc... I sat with my perfect match for 5 weeks so don’t include me in this bullshit 🙄
- @imdroc15: @TayloriasSecret Lol when we lost i hated everyone, even Ryan lol
- @giannahammer: @TayloriasSecret @imdroc15 K well I sat with mine the first week and you bitches about sent me home in tears
- @TayloriasSecret: @giannahammer @imdroc15 Second of all gianna.... I did not ! I’m the only one who liked you besides Hayden 😂
- @giannahammer: @TayloriasSecret @imdroc15 😂😂😂😂 this is true
- @giannahammer: @TayloriasSecret  Hmm that would mean you asked me to be your “girlfriend” a year ago tomorrow not Tuesday we’ve been doing this all wrong @HaydenPWeaver
- @TayloriasSecret: @giannahammer @HaydenPWeaver 🙄 smh guys
- @giannahammer: @TayloriasSecret I fucking hate you 😂😂😂😂😂
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: Happy one year loserversary . RT @TayloriasSecret: We lost ayto a year ago today 🙃
@imdroc15: What a lot of people don’t know is that we lost AYTO at 5am in the rain smh!
- @BritniNicol: @imdroc15 See.. after we won.. at 5AM.. @ZAKLONGO @_hannahrathbun  & myself were getting high as fuck in HI😎🤙🏼 celebrating 💰💸💰🎉 😜😜😜😜😘😘
- @imdroc15: @BritniNicol @ZAKLONGO @_hannahrathbun Lol must be nice 😩😡 lol... by the way i miss you 😘
- @BritniNicol: @imdroc15 I miss you baby
- @BombshellChels: @imdroc15 Y’all tweet about losing once a day on Twitter 😂
- @TheChallenge006: @BritniNicol @ZAKLONGO @_hannahrathbun
So you guys DID smoke in the AYTO house? I'm dying to knowwwww lmao or was this outside the house?😂
- @BritniNicol: @TheChallenge006 Haha I wish, but no. This was after ;)Britni Nicol MTV added,
@giannahammer: A year ago @shannnonmaee decided the girls of season 5 would have to wait to get their boob jobs😪😂 #wompwomp #wasntjustherthough #sipstea
- @AntiPinkRose: @giannahammer @shannnonmaee The real tea is that y'all aren't going to win from the jump. Production already decided your fate. ☕
- @giannahammer: @AntiPinkRose Yea production decided a lot of things our season 🐸☕️ cough me and Hayden “breaking up” cough
- @shannnonmaee: @giannahammer At least you left with love 😅🤷🏽♀️
- @giannahammer: @shannnonmaee Just cuz you have the nice boobs doesn’t mean you take that from the rest of us 🙄🙄🙄🙄😂😜
- @shannnonmaee: @giannahammer Lmfao I don’t even know how to respond to this 😂
@shannnonmaee: *opens twitter*  “A year ago we lost AYTO”
@giannahammer: Meanwhile @MTVkarikowalski out in Poland living her best life 👀😍 can I come visit
@TayloriasSecret: Never talk about people you care about to people you don’t care about
@TayloriasSecret: People love to twist things
@mikehalpern92: Happy birthday @MTVKathrynP .. hopefully this birthday was better than last years 🤷🏻♂️
@giannahammer: Really want bangs but this wig will do
- @TayloriasSecret: @giannahammer When you’ve officially been dating for a year and you wanna spice things up in the bedroom
@lexoquence: Omg happy birthday to my biggest #AYTO crush @MTVKathrynP!!! 😍😘 drink up babydoll 🍻
- @MTVKathrynP: @MTVKathrynP @lexoquence Momma didn't raise no bitch 😏😈
@GusSmyrnios Gus/Floribama Shore: @MTV_Iwan @FloribamaShore and 2 others  Plus @hbarfield13 and I went to high school together way back so look out 👀
@KikiMTV: Wishful thinking can be nice, but it's naive. People's actions are the reality of the situation. #truth

@AREUTHE1: Take a look at what went down after Diandra and Nurys feud blew up in this deleted scene from last week! 🔥
- @00Hitsdiidii: @AREUTHE1 There was no getting through Clinton, let me tell youuuuuuu. Shoutout to you for holding me down that night @mrmoxamofficial ❤
@EmoneySunset: Am I the only person who doesn't understand a thing about bitcoin and feels really stupid when people talk about it?
@dimitrivalentin: In order to go where you have never gone you have to be willing to go where you’ve never been!!
@00Hitsdiidii: I don't think you guys understand my excitement to be reunited with my cast mates this weekend 😍💃🏽🎉
- @uchaachi: @00Hitsdiidii just @ me
- @00Hitsdiidii: @uchaachi Atleast you knew I was subbing you 😘
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @00Hitsdiidii Can’t fuckin wait!!!!! 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻
@princeofnorway: People never believe me when I tell them I don’t drink any more.. But I don’t drink any less either 🤷🏼♂️
@lexoquence: Ah the classic "you're too pretty to smoke" ...what? What does that even mean? What does appearance have anything to do with that? 🙄
@princeofnorway: It’s weird how things can seem like the end of the world yet the world has never ended
@_gelesann: Finally with honey 💖💖💖💖
@NurysKMateo: "@DaRealKhefner: THE BABY GOT ME WEAK 😂😂😂 #Fuckitupchallenge " RT Someone said this is @ayeejaeeee & I 😂😂😂
@lexoquence: Fast cars & back roads 🤙🏼
@ReyesMichelle95: @BritniNicol I want to hate Britni but I literally can’t 😩 she’s so fucking awesome in real life lol I just hate that you & my baby K don’t get along 😔
- @BritniNicol: @ReyesMichelle95 Well I love you,&one never know we could learn to forgive and forget. Only time can tell😘if not..atleast our battles would be HAWT
@BritniNicol: Sooo.. this one time.. I did an international calendar☺️ & it was absolutely amazing🖤 #blessed #countrygirls #2013 #oldybutgoody
@giannahammer: Dancing naked to country music... who’da thought 😜 @HaydenPWeaver
@blacuesta: Fuck I have the glitch the government found me
@whaattaafoxx: My boyfriend asked if i could help him shave his ass bc i told him i wasnt tossing his salad unless its shaved. Hahahahaha is this too MUCH?
@MTVKathrynP: You would think that after sleeping all day with my dog, we wouldn't be able to sleep tonight. But you'd be wrong. We're both still tired.
@TayloriasSecret: Happy 1 year to my fav couple since day one.. literally day one 🙃💕 @giannahammer @HaydenPWeaver
- @giannahammer: @TayloriasSecret @HaydenPWeaver S/o to you for being our mom and telling everyone else to gtfo our backs 😂💜💜
@giannahammer: We hands down own the cutest dogs ever @HaydenPWeaver
@giannahammer: New vlogggg answering what it’s like dating after a reality tv show! Go watch! 💜
@TayloriasSecret: First of all, if Kylie wasn’t pregnant why wouldn’t she just say that. And second of all, you can’t hide a baby when It comes out so
@ChadMMurray: I will be signing American Drifter at the Barnes & Noble @BNBuzz  at "The Grove" in Los Angeles November 19th at 2pm! Stoked to meet u all
- @giannahammer: @ChadMMurray Who’s in LA and wants to meet the man of my dreams in the 2000’s with me 😂😱
- @HaydenPWeaver: @giannahammer Oh okay
- @TayloriasSecret: @HaydenPWeaver @giannahammer Hayden let her have her moment who was yours
- @HaydenPWeaver: @TayloriasSecret @giannahammer Your mom
- @giannahammer: @HaydenPWeaver Ok #yourenotryanrenolds #imnotblakelively
@giannahammer: What it’s like to be dating for a year @HaydenPWeaver
- @HaydenPWeaver: @giannahammer Close enough.
@HaydenPWeaver: Happy 1 year to my amazing girlfriend i love you so much
@giannahammer: One year is going great, so far we’ve ordered Taco Bell, Papa Johns, and sushi all to our apartment. Tis the life 💜💑
- @TayloriasSecret: @giannahammer @HaydenPWeaver #nomatchesstaytogether
- @giannahammer: @TayloriasSecret Tay was a no match couple before she was a no match couple #realone 😂🙌🏽

@AREUTHE1: Get ready to expect the unexpected cause we're bringin' in the exes! 😱 | Don't miss TOMORROW'S new episode of #AYTO at 10/9c.
- @_gelesann: @AREUTHE1 Thank you @zoeinwonderland for my slutty puppy hair do 💖Geles Ann Rodriguez added,
- @keith_klebacher: @AREUTHE1 Ohhhhhh it’s gonna be a big one 😏 #ayto
@tylersemicolon: I just want to be as hype as the bassline in the Danny Phantom theme song
@uchaachi: The fact that I get to reunite with my second family this weekend is getting me through this week 💕 #AYTO
@EmoneySunset: Taking over the @MTV Snapchat tomorrow. Somebody is for sure getting fired.
- @tori_deal: @EmoneySunset Lmao bro I have it today... two people are gonna get firedtori deal added,
@audreydiazz: I'm honestly so happy rn, everything in my life is finally falling into place
@AREUTHE1: I'm gonna lose it and it ain't gonna be pretty 😠 | Fingers crossed for a #PerfectMatch TOMORROW on a new episode of #AYTO.
@uchaachi: Tune into MTV Wednesday at 10/9c to see what shook @tylersemicolon and I #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@TayloriasSecret: Go on season 6 they said, it’ll be fun they said
- @blacuesta: @TayloriasSecret Y33T!
@KeyanaLand: does it look like i’m having fun? answer is no. find out tmrw on @AREUTHE1 how i sprain my mf ankle.. #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: When you go to Mcdonalds and order BBQ sauce for your nuggets and they hit you with the " sorry we ran out "😡 NEW EPISODE OF #AYTO tomorrow @ 10/9c 🙈🎉
@zoeinwonderland: When you remember there’s a whole other dramatic ass episode of @AREUTHE1 tm 😨 #AYTO
- @TheRealAnthonyM: When you’re watching Netflix and he takes his dick out …
- @zoeinwonderland: @TheRealAnthonyM When he whips it out and it’s bigger than you anticipateds
@princeofnorway: This is me literally biting my tongue all week about tomorrows episode 👀😂 #AYTO #Exes 😬
@TayloriasSecret: Remember when you watch tv they cut like 2 hours of film into 5 mins 🤷🏼♀️
@uchaachi: @nicole_spiller and her plan of action if people start throwing hands at the reunion #AYTO
- @nicole_spiller: @uchaachi HAHAHAHHAHA ON BLAAAAAST!!!
@TheRealAnthonyM: When you find out someone’s trying to stir shit up about you before the reunion... #AYTO I’m ready for Saturday 😌
@AREUTHE1: STORY 👏 OF 👏 MY 👏 LIFE 👏 | Get ready for a crazy new episode of #AYTO TOMORROW at 10/9c.
@TayloriasSecret: “Make good tv 💰 ”  Me: “say no more”
@TayloriasSecretOmg I love twitter
@tylersemicolon: *Drama starts*  *Gets snacks* #AYTO
@princeofnorway: I swear if I ever left you in the cold it’s only cause it was colder inside
@thepoetsaint: #ayto female fans! We heard you. We will have @tylersemicolon and @mrmoxamofficial as guests on our aftershow on @afterbuzztv Wed at 9pm!
@MtvMagicMike: I’d rather eat a Popeyes biscuit with no drink than trust some of these girls out here 🙌🏼
@giannahammer: What it’s like living with a boy:  Boy: how long till your ready?  Girl: 30 mins   *30 mins later*   Girl: ok I’m ready let’s go   Boy: oh you’re done? okay hold on let me get ready now   😐😑
@blacuesta: Yoooooooobvhhfjbh   280 characters shawty  So much more space to offend people  So much more space to rant at 1am  Fuck ketchup and eggs together   Fuck wanting to buy something online only to put it in ur cart and finding out its out of stock!!!!!!!!   Y33333T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@blacuesta: sI still don’t know how to properly use yeet but idc so YEET
@blacuesta: "@kashh_xoo: What happened to @blacuesta & @MtvNateSiebs living together? #imisstheirsnaps" RT We still do
@AS3_era: A lot of shit out here is replaceable, don't forget that.
@shandathapanda: Wait how come I don’t have the bigger character limit????
@MikalaThomass: You give them a taste of their own medicine, then they tell everyone you poisoned them 🤷🏽♀️
@HaydenPWeaver: @TheRealAnthonyM need a beer?
- @blacuesta: @HaydenPWeaver He need a whole bar
- @giannahammer: LMFAOO you’re killing me tonight 😩
- @blacuesta: I’m HOLLERING Gianna. On the floor, awaiting paramedics, I. Am. Deceased.
- @giannahammer: I’m crying😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😂
- @blacuesta: @giannahammer I love this cast so much words truly can’t describe. I want to thank their parents personally for creating these specimens
- @giannahammer: @blacuesta LMFAOOOOO I am actually literally dead now 😭😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @blacuesta Much love ❤️

@TheRealAnthonyM: Me trying to keep my cool right now... reunion hurry up pleaseee 🙏🏻
@lexoquence: My life's just real shitty rn
@lexoquence: I'm depressed, my bfs asleep, all these crazy people I'm about to be locked in a room with for hours are fighting, and I have no tan🤦🏻♀️
@00Hitsdiidii: @_gelesann Geles, say all this shit to my face at the reunion honey. I don't got time for no Twitter fingers. Have a goodnight 😘
@00Hitsdiidii: @_gelesann Coming from the girl that got dumped a million times and still thought the man wanted her but wanted ya girl ... oh wait
@00Hitsdiidii: @_gelesann Geles you calling tony trash yet your blowing up his phone as we speak, just stop.
@AliviaHuntxr: If I could redo my season I would just be Shad. Be single and love no one but myself. Fuck.
- @00Hitsdiidii: @AliviaHuntxr " hey, you tryna post up in the living room ?"
@lexoquence: Can't hurt if ya don't care 🙃
@uchaachi: @4EverSamira when someone calls @TheRealAnthonyM "the most trash person they've met" it becomes all of his friends business tbh
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @uchaachi Love yaaa 😘💕
@TayloriasSecret: "@TaylorCelestee: The season 6 cast needs Jesus rn & @iamkamiam_ .. they need an alpha in their life bc nobody did it like Kam 💁🏽" RT Where is Kam when everyone needs her #wwkd
@TayloriasSecret: Where tf is @ItsAll_AboutTee when we need her she misses all the good stuff me and @giannahammer talk about 😂

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

In a moment, the exes arrive on Are You The One? in New Orleans.


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