Monday, November 27, 2017

DC WRAP: The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 - The Finale in Review

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

As you get settled back into work and school - or just taking a break from taking advantage of those Cyber Monday deals, we're back as we continue along on our trip Inside the MTV Trifecta after the long Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Something we're proud to say after all of this is that a long season of The Challenge XXX has finally ended, but not before being a bare witness to so much drama, competition and much more since this ride began back in June when this season was first revealed. In the end, Dirty 30 might've looked like the finale of American Idol or the last moments of the Oscars in the big news that everyone awaited coming all the way at the end of the two-part finale reunion, on top of 17 episodes. And while everyone enjoyed the season as a whole including yours truly, not everyone is happy with how it ended.
   As is our custom for the season finale of any of the major series we at DCBLOG cover, coming up on this dedicated WRAP we'll be devoting the whole of this week's review to covering the final of Dirty 30... we'll begin recapping Champs vs. Stars and both last and this week's episodes this coming week along with Episodes 10 and 11 of Are You The One? Season 6 and tonight's premiere of Floribama Shore. See you after the jump as we review the homestretch of The Challenge XXX.


LAST ELIMINATION: First, we begin with just before the final, and the last part of the final purge and elimination -- back in Episode 16. Tori, Jordan, CT and Cara Maria all won their way into final finishing in the top two, which leaves Derrick K. Tony, Hunter, Camila, Jenna and Kailah to battle for the final two spots in the $1 million final. There, the players must maneuver a rope they're sitting on to the end of a pole situated above water, then get to a buoy to finish first. And in a total show of strength and experience of having been in this situation before, Derrick wins his elimination very easily over Tony and Hunter who both struggled... same thing goes for Camila over Jailah.

SKYDIVES, BOULDERS & PUZZLES: The final takes the group on another location change from Colombia to Argentina, and unlike every other final we've seen, TJ Lavin is not present to greet the competitors but does appear via mobile phone at stages during the final. First, the players take for a plunge from 20,000 feet as they skydive their way from where the planes fly down into the desert, and it makes for a tense moment for one of the players when Jordan takes a hard landing and it appears that his knee gets hurt... but there is no injury sufficient enough for him to be evacuated.
   In the first of this Tour de France-style timed final, the players are paired up in running back and forth on a trail in carrying giant boulders. In taking advantage of disadvantages CT and Derrick have, Jordan & Camila edge out them, Cara and Tori in what becomes a close first stage. Then, they throw bolas at a post which it must hang or if they don't succeed, they must drink a glass of llama milk. The leaders hold their lead after that stage, with CT/Tori and Cara/Derrick switching places.
   Camila and Jordan then switch partners in CT and Tori, respectively, joining them for Stage 3, where things get tricky with the always intriguing mental puzzle, and in this case it's a sudoku puzzle which uses intersected lines and make sure that no number repeats itself. Cara & Derrick make it to the station first, but it's these puzzles which have plagued the Bulldog during his career, and frustration sets in on the redhead when they can't solve their puzzle and wind up last, as CT & Camila finish 1st and Tori & Jordan take 2nd.

POLES, SMOKY ROOMS & FIRE: For the next station, the players become individuals in running up to the bottom of a mountain, climbing up it, then pick up puzzle pieces in large blocks, where a totem pole containing five pictures awaits them. They must memorize it and recreate it on their own pole not far away. It's no surprise Jordan beats everyone by a good margin, followed by Derrick, Camila, Tori, CT and Cara. They then pair in threes to climb the mountain, where Camila has a melt down en route to the top, and CT struggles to get up because of his size. As for the poles, Jordan takes care of his puzzle easily, followed by Derrick and everyone else cheating to get their way.
   The players then pair up again, where they enter a tent full of smoke, read a wall full of dots to try to decode a word that will enable them to exit and write that word on the chalkboard. Unlike the other stages, this mission is taken care of fairly quickly with Jordan & Tori completing the task in 40 secs, followed almost 20 seconds later by the Bostonians and Derrick/Camila not far behind. The leaders then enjoy a cozy night in a tent along with CT/Cara, as the last place group sleeps outside.
   For Day 2 of their final, it's all about one thing we all dream about this time of year: a winter wonderland in a desert. The players get to channel their Olympic dreams of being skeleton or luge athletes by riding sleds pulled by a truck on salt flats, with fire shooting out to add some dramatics to this $1 million final. If for some reason a player falls off their sled before the truck screeches to a halt, they must run the rest of the way, and this becomes a thrill ride for everyone as they enjoy their time on the flats. In the final run Jordan crushes the field taking first, followed by Derrick. The real race is Camila and Tori who have a close finish, followed by Cara and CT.

TWISTS & TURNS: During the final, there are bound to be twists along the way, and this one is no exception. After Stage 3 on Day 1, the group encounters yet another double cross, only this time the ones who pull the XX get to throw a 5-minute add-on penalty to the times of one of their opponents. For someone who didn't get to be in a Double Cross all season long, CT pulls it and gives the add-on to Jordan. Tori does likewise for the girls, and she hands Camila the extra time.
   But it's what takes place at the very end that leaves everyone on pins and needles: upon crossing the finish line the players open up their mobile phone again, where TJ tells them that instead of finding out who wins after all the times are accounted for, he throws them a wrench: the winners and the final classification of the final won't be announced until they get to the reunion.

THE RESULT: ...And that brings us to this: the Final Result. And again, it's the Double Cross that determines who finishes 1st with a $450,000 check to look forward to under the Christmas tree this season, 2nd with $35,000 and 3rd with $15,000. And with the two-part Reunion which we cover here in a few days, the bronze medalists are announced at the end of Part 1, and those who win the whole thing is revealed at the end of Part 2 just before Champs vs. Stars. The results are below.


     1. JORDAN        
     2. DERRICK        
     3. C.T.               

    1. CAMILA           
    2. CARA MARIA   
    3. TORI               


Finally after all of that, we can take a moment to catch our breath after what we've been able to witness the past five months... although Champs vs. Stars no doubt can take our minds off of this eventful season. Unlike what we had last season on Invasion, the final result of Dirty 30 will not satisfy everyone after the events of what happened with Camila, but those who made it to the end did all make their case that they should be the winners of the most lucrative season of The Challenge that we've ever had. When you have five past champions and a rookie who has had a stellar season make it to the final act, then this is the deepest final we've had in years... and all of them went through a lot to get to the end. In ascending order, we begin with the bronze medalists.

 3rd - TORI/$15,000: It was clear that entering this final, Tori was the people's champ among the girls - the one the majority of those were rooting for win. For someone who was made for this show and who made the easy transition from the love fest of AYTO to the fifth major pro sport, Tori quickly gained respect in The Challenge community. Her being able to use the experience she gained on AYTO 4 and Second Chances helped her greatly during this season, from using a Double Cross two times to make power moves of sending Aneesa and Britni home to teaming with Jailah late to get into the final, along with overcoming her lone ally leaving early too. She did finish 3rd, but this rookie season should be just the beginning to what will be a fantastic career for Tori.

3rd - CT/$15,000: Despite finishing 3rd in this final and the endurance and stamina catching up to him here, this in no way diminishes CT's status as a Top-5 competitor: seven finals appearances, two titles and his presence simply speaks for itself. Again with him and his dad bod, CT once again stayed in the background outside of the competition, but considering the field he was in here he was clearly the long-shot in the final -- plus he had spent some time in the Redemption House before gaining his way back and making it to the end once again. He's already done everything you can think of on The Challenge stage, and hopefully there is one or a few of these left in the tank.

2nd - CARA MARIA/$35,000: You might think that just after coming up short this Dirty 30 season would be a disappointment for Cara Maria. But when you consider that she was the only girls finalist to make it out of the Redemption House, this road was tough for her and that should help motivate her for her next go. With five finals, one title and winning Champs vs. Pros, and of course her impressive elimination record, she can still make a good argument for being a top-5 female competitor despite having just the gold medal on Bloodlines under her resume. Yes, there has been her temper issue, but being someone who works this hard she should get title #2 sooner than later.

2nd - DERRICK/$35,000: A lot of us anticipated Derrick's return to The Challenge the moment we first found out about this cast. Like fellow dad CT, Bulldog didn't have as many confessionals and whose only time on screen was in competition, in the background, and yes - that fight with Nelson. He was the only male finalist to stay in the main house the entire time, and those who got to see him do what he did in his prime as that scrappy challenger was great to see again. Him being able to take down Bananas was his biggest moment of this season bringing us back many years, as was him smoking it in the final purge. That's something to be proud of Derrick.

1st - CAMILA/$450,000: Unfortunately, everyone will remember Camila not for her winning her 2nd title, but for what happened en route to that which has left a sour taste in many's mouths... so did what happened on Champs vs. Stars. But we won't blast her for what happened there, but instead just to focus on the positives: Her making it to three straight finals -- Invasion, Champs vs. Pros and Dirty 30 -- and now having two titles to her credit makes a case that she is a great competitor regardless of whatever happens off the field. That is what counts in this game, and she won two eliminations on this season too - just after she beat Laurel last season. Our hope is that she takes advantage of this time to reevaluate herself and emerge out of this stronger than she was going in.

1st - JORDAN/$450,000: Like Derrick and many others who returned for this landmark 30th season, there was no doubt a lot riding on Jordan in taking a break from modeling, plugging his motorcycle line and playing a policeman on If Loving You is Wrong to compete on Dirty 30. He was in some of the biggest moments of this season: three straight Double Crosses depleting the Young Bucks alliance, a rap battle gone bad with Jemmye, flirting with Kailah and Tori, creating a rivalry with Cara when he put her in Redemption, coming back from those cramped quarters himself and sending home a Murderer's Row of guys in the process, and then killing it in the final to eventually win. It was a successful return for Jordan who now heads back into his other jobs with a great future to look forward to.


Something that we began on the finale WRAP for AYTO Season 5, this Endgame is dedicated to all the reaction from the cast after the finale aired. Here, we'll devote this section to final standings and Parting Shots, where available, from the cast and their exit remarks from the show and social media which will be updated after we post this on Cyber Monday. Below are their final words.

1. JORDAN/Champion: "“Double Champ does what the fook he wants!!!” #thankyou to all the fans and everyone who tuned in this season. It’s been a fucking dope return 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 #TheChallengeXXX"
2. DERRICK K./Runner-Up
3. CT/2nd Runner-Up
T-4. HUNTER: "To family,friends, and fans... I let you down once again. I gave it all I had. I wasn't good enough. I'm sorry I didn't win 😔 Mentally physically emotionally hardest thing I've ever had to endure. Getting eliminated right before the final once again broke my heart.  #TheChallenge"
T-4. TONY: "No words for what I was feeling at that moment. Hard loss. Close race with some amazing competitors. I'm looking forward and know I'll be back for that W more ready than ever. 💪#TheChallengeXXX"
T-8. NELSON (DQ): IG - "The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement. Every setback is a setup for a Comeback!!!"
10. CORY
11. AMMO
12. DERRICK H.: "Definitely didn't have the rookie season I trained for! Still one hell of an experience. I'll be better prepared next time #TheChallengeXXX"
13. DARRELL: IG - ""Defeat is a state of mind; no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality" I'll be back on 🔥!@challengemtv #thechallengexxx #brucelee"
15. SHANE R. (DQ)

1. CAMILA/Champion
2. CARA MARIA/Runner-Up
3. TORI/2nd Runner-Up
T-4. JENNA: "Oh god 🤦🏼♀️ we tried  could not get the hang of it. Didn’t give up.. we burned out ... it was hard. Props to camila tho! Sorry guys! I did try! I never give up, but couldn’t get it done :/  Still wouldn’t of changed anything... congrats to the finalists.. my day will come soon 😂🤦🏼♀️ Thanks for everyone who showed support! #teamjailah"
T-4. KAILAH: "We tried 😩 @JennaCompono ! Thanks for everyone who showed us love and support all season! #teamJailah
T-8. ANEESA: 1
T-8. JEMMYE: 1
10. NICOLE R.: 1
11. MARIE: 1
13. AMANDA: 1
Congrats to @JennaCompono! Although we have our differences, she's as strong as an ox and I'll ALWAYS give her that. 💪🏼 #TheChallengeXXX
14. LaTOYA: 1
15. SIMONE (DQ): 1
WD. ASHLEY (Personal Reasons): 1

For one who was the most notable no-show to the reunion for reasons we would find out after what happened on Champs vs. Stars, Camila finally had a chance to break her silence. Reposted in Rich Text Form is her response from a Twitter note.

"When we fall down we FIGHT. No matter how many times we fall. I know I have made many many many mistakes and I'm sure I will still make many more. That will never stop me from trying to become a better human every single day of my life. Falling down again should not take away the effort that is going into creating real change, change does not happen overnight. It takes effort, determination, a s___ ton of reflecting and it takes falling down again. I am human like every single one of you.
   The difference is that my worse mistakes in my life just so happen to be aired on national television. I have said things I regret and will always regret and will never forget. But I have chosen to forgive myself because without self love it is simply impossible to change and improve. For all those of you crucifying me, you are prob right to feel the way you feel. S___ - after making these mistakes, I hated myself so much I wanted to take my own life. These are some of the things you guys didn't get to see on tv. I also have real issues that impact my reactions on national television.
   You don't need to understand or forgive me or accept me. Just remember that hating me for making mistakes is still hating. Hate is hate. And if you think my actions aren't  please don't get to the same level because otherwise it all comes one in the same. We all have good inside of us and we all have bad inside of us - it is our nature.  I have let my bad out. But I have also let my good out. I am choosing to remember the good, and trying to learn from the bad.
   I love you all for your support. And by support I don't mean condemning my wrong actions but just remembering that I too make mistakes & I really want nothing more in this world than to be a positive addition to the world, not a negative one."
- @CamilaMTV

We won't add much to this, other than with the mention that she once thought about committing suicide in that note above, as was written in my tribute to Linkin Park's Chester Bennington earlier this summer if you know of someone who is considering taking their own life, get them help as soon as possible.


Finally, it's safe to say that you're not officially a big shot in the entertainment world or in pop culture unless you make the rounds of something that we go to sleep every weeknight: late night talk shows. Tuesday after the Double Shot of the Dirty 30 Reunion and the premiere of Champs vs. Stars aired, Johnny Bananas made his way to The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. And below are two clips from his appearance including talking about what goes down with the Champs and T.O. tomorrow night, and the time where the champ and the host crossed paths.  Enjoy.

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And that is that... for now. As you all continue to soak this all in and before tonight's Trifecta slate begins, here are where you can check out more from last week in The Challenge…
In the aftermath of her 2nd place finish in the final, Cara Maria joined Reality Steve as she discussed everything from her season, her career, the double standard that was a hot topic on the reunion and much more. Check out that podcast here, plus his extensive coverage of Bachelor Nation including interviews with many castmates from that franchise.
● Also after Tuesday's events, the You Killed It podcast got the chance to talk once again to Wes about the premiere of Champs vs. Stars as he discussed Camila's breakdown, Bananas (of course), and T.O.  Listen to that podcast on SoundCloud, a chat they had earlier this season with Marie and all of their discussions on that site too.
● An early subject of our ExtraTime posts, pop radio DJ Elizabethany, returned to her MTV roots when she talked to Bananas before last week's episodes, where he discussed Champs vs. Stars and all else. Check out that podcast on iHeartRadio, plus check out our post on her from when she covered Real World D.C. in and out during taping.
● Check out Rob Has A Podcast and its MTV coverage with Brian Cohen (@CohenBrian_), Ali Lasher (@LashTweets) and Adam Buongiovanni (@AdamBongo) as they talked about the Dirty 30 Reunion and AYTO, plus the site's extensive Survivor coverage. And before next week's Reunion Revealed, check out Brian's blog posts on going to the Real World and Rivals II reunions.

With our usual reminder to bookmark this site, there is one more post to do here before we finally put this long season to rest: DCBLOG will take you inside the New York City nightclub that hosted the final act of Season 30 and bring you a look at the taping of that with a friend of ours who we had on here previously. Watch for our DC FORUM Special: The Challenge XXX Reunion Revealed coming up in the next few days.
   For now, join me later tonight on DCNOW at @DC408DxNow for live tweets of the much anticipated premiere of Floribama Shore - and we'll be covering that show as part of this winter cycle of our Trifecta coverage, starting with it leading off this coming week's wave. Enjoy that, as that is how we look at it Inside the MTV Trifecta for this week. Enjoy the week ahead and see you then.