Tuesday, March 26, 2019

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge War of the Worlds - "This Means War"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

This is Spring Break Week in the land of MTV world, as this week sees a finale, a reunion and fireworks aplenty in the channel's reality programming. But amidst the sun & fun, let us a DCBLOG bring you the 'Pulse of the most recent episode of The Challenge: War of the Worlds...

When we were last in Africa, the competitors channeled their own Mad Max hanging on a wire of moving tires in the desert, and where the vets again reaffirmed their flag in the ground. We also had an opportunity to find out more about Kam and Leroy's relationship as she began to lay her eyes on Love Islander Theo, especially after the Vegas barber man may have seen his last Challenge chance slip by. And the man who hasn't had the opportunity to stake his claim to the title of the master manipulator to a bunch of newbies had the opportunity to destroy the British alliance.

And after what we saw with Da'Vonne and Bear winning in elimination, in Week 7 the attention turns for Team USA towards Team GB and the alliance the British have which they fear is getting too strong. It all comes as the fears the competitors have each season of being hundreds of feet above ground takes place as those scaries are being put to the test as the team are being blindfolded. And while one player reveals an attraction to their teammate, by night's end we'll be nearing the halfway point once the combatants in elimination face an uphill battle for survival.

After the jump, the Pulse of last week's episode of The Challenge: War of the Worlds before an all new episode airs in a few hours' time.

@BritniNicol: The thirst from some of my cast members JUST to get recasted is disgusting. I love LOVE being recasted, absolute BLESSING!!But one thing youll never see me do is bash someone for no reason & change my character JUST to get on another show. Do better. Be better.We see through you.
@Marie_TBD: Anyone else wanna play dumb like I can’t recognize a subtweet every.single.time ?
@Marie_TBD: Spring is great but I need beach and ralphs ice weather.
@Marie_TBD: Your most used emojis are very telling what are yours? Mine are ❤️🤸🏼‍♀️📸
@Marie_TBD: My first job out of college wouldve been a mortgage broker for Chase. Failed my drug test for 🌳and proceeded to wake up everday @ 5am, get dressed in business attire, then drive around the block till my mother left for work. This lasted for 3 weeks. #nationallaughday
- @JustJem24: @Marie_TBD Wait..... How did you mom find out? Did you babysitter snitch on you??
- @Marie_TBD: @JustJem24 LOL I hate you!!!!!
@Marie_TBD: Got kicked off of my XC track team for being a “bad influence.” I would convince my teammates to play hide and seek instead of run and build staminia. #nationallaughday
@Marie_TBD: The love of my life is somewhere out there waiting to put me in my place.
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD Nah whoever ends up with you will be just as loud & obnoxious 💯
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas So you’re saying I’m obnoxious!? Cause you’re absolutely right.
@JustJem24: @Marie_TBD is going to hell and I hope she’s ropes off a vip section for #foreverpetty..@kailah_casillas 😭
- @kailah_casillas: @JustJem24 *another bottle of vodka please... thank you Satan*
- @Marie_TBD: @JustJem24 You assholes will be the reason I go.
@JustJem24: On Sunday: I’m not drinking again until next weekend. On Tuesday: One glass of wine technically doesn’t count as drinking
@JustJem24: Two weeks ago I couldn’t name a single @jonasbrothers song and now im legit their biggest fan. Life comes at you fast.....
@JustJem24: It truly breaks my heart to see grown women allow men to treat them so badly...

@ChallengeMTV: Bear is carrying on his war path, and following through on his word to target Paulie and Ninja 👊💥  #TheChallenge33 is all new TOMORROW at 9/8c! 📺   Sneak Peek: (Mis)Communication is Key / Communication is crucial in this next challenge, and Bear is doing his best to disrupt that.
- @stephen_bear: @ChallengeMTV 🙈🙈🤪🤪🤪 everyone was so serious that day 🤡
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV I’d want me to fall too 😉😘
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Love me some heights 😍 But backwards, wearing a VR goggle while strapped to @PaulCalafiore_ DEF adds some spice.
- @xZahida: @ChallengeMTV Wow @stephen_bear I'm DEADDD at that scream hahahahahhaa
@ChallengeMTV: Me watching the #ToyStory4 trailer 🤧
@ChallengeMTV: Theo has some predictions for tomorrow's challenge! 🔮 Tune into a new episode of #TheChallenge33, TOMORROW at 9/8c to see if they come true 📺
@msdeenguyen: Who is excited for this weeks episode of The Challenge?!  #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV.
@CaraNinjaMarie: Now on to @fckedwithpod with @msdeenguyen - already been a fan of Dee on The Challenge but I’m an even bigger fan now! She’s sweet, smart, funny & relatable💛 Fantastic interview @gigi__moreno & @CaraMarieNany & the message toward the end about kindness - y’all know that got me💛
@Karamo: ME as a little boy... not really but look how sweet & cute this is! And the boundary options on the wall for showing love. Everything! #ShowLoveToday
@ToriFiorenza: Can Someone make me a shirt that  says “irrelevant and happy”? #askingforme  #notaninsult
- @KendalSheppard: @ToriFiorenza Oh we're gonna talk.. I have plans, my friend. Plansssss.
@saniacpodcast: Saniac GUEST: Chooo choo! We are super excited to welcome @PaulCalafiore_ to the Saniac FB stage this Wednesday at 6:30pm EST. Stay tuned for an FB pre-post link! #thechallenge33 @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge #waroftheworlds #bigbrother
@johnnybananas: Bananas VS Cancun 🍌🤪🍹 #mtvspringbreak #mtv #springbreak @VINNYGUADAGNINO
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🏠NEW PODCAST UP!🏠#BigBrother Season 20 Houseguest BRETT ROBINSON (@BB20Brett) joins me & @DerrickMTV on #ChallengeMania to talk about the several BB cast-members on @ChallengeMTV & whether he could follow suit! We also talk #BB20, Security & MUCH MORE!📲https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2#episodeGuid=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.spreaker.com%2Fepisode%2F17355290 …
@PaulCalafiore_: A narcissistic leprechaun, a hypocritical home wrecker, and a master manipulating ginger walk into a bar....... @CaraMariaMTV @WestonBergmann
@ChallengeMTV: Watch a new episode of #TheChallenge33, live, TOMORROW at 9/8c to see a bonus scene from this season featuring everyone's favorite member of Team Dad Bod, CT! 👀👀👀
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Let’s go!!
@WestonBergmann: @PaulCalafiore_ @CaraMariaMTV and 2 others I feel like I could qualify for all three of these descriptions
- @PaulCalafiore_: @WestonBergmann @CaraMariaMTV and 2 others Hahahaha #Dead
@TheOfficial_CT: One of your favs is back!! 😱 Don’t miss CT’s cameo in a never-before-seen bonus clip during an all new episode of #TheChallenge33 TOMORROW at 9/8c! 👀 #rp challengemtv https://www.instagram.com/p/BvNMphmAg3K/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=c6057yru1f14 …
@JennaCompono: ✨
@JennaCompono: One week until a highly needed vacation! @ZNichols15 ... hmm already want to plan another where to? 😏
@johnnybananas: 🚨IF FOUND PASSED OUT🚨 please return to @MTV 🤪🍹🌞🌴 #BananasVsCancun #mtvspringbreak #Springbreak @JustinaMusic @VINNYGUADAGNINO – at Oasis Cancْn
@JeremiahBuoni: To be honest the friendship that @GusSmyrnios and I have is probably the most fortuitous relationship I can think of....  Did I think that this 80’s rock star looking guy with probably… https://www.instagram.com/p/BvNSeZ9jcvt/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1nathij4yecu1 …
@_SAMMYJUNE: Happy birthday @GusSmyrnios 😍 hope you have a great birthday and make some memories you’ll never forget 🎂🎁🎈🎉
@angeliaxoxoxo: Happy Birthday @GusSmyrnios hope you have an amazing day! 😍♥️
@maayrasaldana: Happy birthday to one of my favs!! @GusSmyrnios hope it’s as great as you are 🥳🤩💛
@romero_rashelle: @GusSmyrnios Happy birthday 🎁🎈🎂🎉 dance your day away!
@KamrynDodd: happy 24th birthday @GusSmyrnios i love youuuuu!!😻🤤❤️
@DayDaVonne_: First they’re sour .... then they’re sweet 😏 THE CHALLENGE 33 : WAR OF THE WORLDS : EPISODE 6.... A LITTLE TEA ?? || DAVONNE DIANNE
@SHOTOFYAGER: ✌🏻Next Monday on #ChallengeMania...we knew we couldn’t just hit you w/ 1 guest. You gotta TWIN IT to WIN IT! @DerrickMTV & I will be joined by @_LizNolan & @JuliaNolan_! NOLAN W/ THE HOMIES on the podcast next week, March 25th! Already in the can so no need for questions. Enjoy!
@JustinWilson05: What @SHOTOFYAGER and @DerrickMTV said on the podcast with @CaraMariaMTV couldn’t have resonated with me more. Too much hate, too much negativity. It’s exhausting to see it, all the time. Negativity can not be healthy for the mind and soul. People need to be more influential 🤦🏻‍♂️

@ExOnTheBeach: Me finding out the #ToyStory4 trailer was released 😱
@ExOnTheBeach: 😱 Farrah, Janelle, & Nicole make their shocking return for some unfinished business NO ONE in the house is ready for! 💅 You don't want to miss the season finale of #ExOnTheBeach this Thursday at 8pm 📺
@angelababicz: How rAnDoM is random screening at the airport if I get chosen every time? Every. Single. Time.
@jossie_flores: On my way to Cancun baby!!!  Booked and very busy 😎✌️✈️
@realChadJohnson: The craziest finale you’ve ever seen. The Ex on the Beach finale airs this Thursday at 8/7 central! Don’t miss it. #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@ExOnTheBeach: It's the season finale of #ExOnTheBeach, and some people are ready to handle some unfinished business! 😱
- @BionicBrooks_: @ExOnTheBeach I’m just trying to see the next pineapple 🍍 👀🤷🏿‍♂️ #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Just when you thought the drama was over, karma comes back to stir the pot! 😩 Don't miss #ExOnTheBeach season finale this Thursday, at 8/7 on MTV 📺
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach I am. I’m ready
@MurraySwanby: #exonthebeach 💔 on the 🏖 season finale this week!! #MTV 8/7c 🎉 https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10101422058281039&id=43800367 …
@coreybrooks34: Leveled up today and signed w @fordmodels in Chi town!  LET’S GO!! CoreyStory 👇🏼 2 years ago I was playing pickup basketball at the gym 🏀This dude… https://www.instagram.com/p/BvNfLZZFc8g/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1rw7mzazjjvit …
@angelababicz: @ every castmate that tries me #exonthebeach @jossie_flores – at Grand Oasis
@Shashakay_: God removes to replace, remember that.
- @angelababicz: @Shashakay_ 🙌🏼
 @lohanbeachclub: I just want to sleep at night. Is that asking for too much? 😑#LohanBeachClub
@MikeMGTV: MY FINAL RECAP! My Butt Got Me Fired WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/9EWVGlHZB3g  #LohanBeachClub 🍑🔥
@kylemarve: Winter in California. #LohanBeachclub
@kylemarve: Since Captain Marvel just came out, I figured I’d let y’all know Agent Colson is my boy. #therealavengers
@gabigreeneyes: I found her guys @kailah_casillas
@SophieKasaei_: "@lohanbeachclub: Nice of you to join us @mtvgeordieshore! Cheers! 🥂 #LohanBeachClub " RT Everyday mood
@thesaratariq: If you guys wanna know why I did the thangs I did out in Mykonos, my podcast w/ @LAWeekly is live here:
@n_zanattaMTV: If a kiss says a lot about a person, what does this mean for Thursday??!?? #GameOfClones
@ZAKLONGO: Wish I could do “Are You The One?” again.... but like the old non-ratchet version with @RyanDevlin
@ChallengeTea411: JUST IMAGINE 😫 @MTV I HAVE YOUR NEW HIT SHOW READY    @faithstowers @MTV_AMANDAG @MayaBenberry @BadGirlJanelle @00Hitsdiidii   #TheChallenge33
@TrishelleC: "@forgivenchy: STUNNING QUEEN @TrishelleC IS AGING SO GRACEFULLY & LIVING HER BEST LIFE!! THE REAL WORLD: LAS VEGAS [2002] WAS SO #ICONIC & HAD THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CAST W/ ABSOLUTE BEAUTIES IRULAN, ARISSA, BRYNN, & TRISHELLE! I WISH TRISHELLE APPEARED ON MORE MTV…" RT You are so sweet!! Thank you so much. I get to see (hopefully) all 6 of my roommates next month in Vegas for a mini vacation/reunion! I’m so excited. Miss them so much

@ChallengeMTV: IT'S CHALLENGE DAY! And team KASH is feeling like a million bucks! 💰 Tune into @MTV TONIGHT at 9/8c to see if these two can secure their spot in the top three 📺 #TheChallenge33
@GusSmyrnios: Waking up realizing I’m 24 and trying to run back to my youth 😅😂
@Ninja_Natalie: My love is unconditional. My trust and respect is not.
@Marie_TBD: Wow. What I would give to be in mexico. @MTV spring break looks stupid LIT
@LurkerTweets: Whew lord. THIS is the power alliance we want on Challenge 34. Not the bullshit they’re planning to give us.
@MattieLBreaux: New day... Lets do the damn thangggg😜
@DayDaVonne_: Tonight’s episode is gonna be a shit show , I’m here for it though 😌
@MattieLBreaux: It’s @ChallengeMTV Day #TheChallenge33 😜😜
@ChallengeMTV: When TJ mentioned "blindfolds," I don't think anyone had this in mind 😅  Don't miss a harrowing heights challenge, TONIGHT at 9/8c! 📺   Sneak Peek: Eye in The Sky / The Challengers have to wear blindfolds while competing in this next heights challenge.
- @DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeMTV Y’all know I’m scared of heights !!! 😩 and now I have to be blindfolded too ??? #disreDAMNspectful
- @GusSmyrnios: @ChallengeMTV Gonna be a good one don’t miss it! 🙌🏼 #TheChallenge33
@Marie_TBD: In the last week or so, any fcks I’ve had left, I’ve lost. Feeling like myself more than ever. 💃🏼
@ChallengeMTV: Bear and Wes' nascent rivalry is put on hold, for the time being, while Bear targets another 👀
@CaraMariaMTV: When you finally nail the take.... and your man trolls you. 😑
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV 😂🤣😂🤣 Dammit Paulie
@Marie_TBD: Another fam member coming to your tv screen soon. 🙏🏻🤞 #livinlavidaroda
@Marie_TBD: I like my men like I like my drinks, tall and strong.
@kailah_casillas: 😴 must rally 🍻
@tjlavin: 😂 RT @sim_shady_: Just remembered it’s Wednesday which means it’s MTV Challenge day. I’m still really holding out for a redemption house that @tjlavin is hiding even from the viewers, given that all my favorite challenges have been ousted by outsiders.
@theikawong: Rise and shine! lol  Josh gives me a little insight on what it’s like being a big brother player in @ChallengeMTV  #thechallenge #TheChallenge33   😩 I miss him already 😩😩😩😩
@PaulCalafiore_: Whether it’s in the house or on SM, everyone is always coming for the Heir to the Challenge Throne! The UK alliance has put a hit out on my name, can they pull it off? Tune in tonight at 9pm EST!  @people write up👇🏼👇🏼 @ChallengeMTV @MTV #TheChallenge33
@Marie_TBD: The warm weather makes me miss @kailah_casillas and @iammikeyp - moving to Vegas stat.
@turabicamkiran: It’s #TheChallenge33 Time. It’s #TurboTurabi Time 🇹🇷  @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@DayDaVonne_: So , we’re gonna put you in the air for this heights challenge ... you’re going to have to walk backwards... oh, and we’re gonna make sure you can’t see while you’re up there ..... 😩😩 thank GOD we have the Relic this week #Safety ❤️ #TheChallenge33 #TeamDAB
@ChallengeMTV: Josh stands up for his partner after Ashley insults her, and the two rookies get into a heated fight over it 👊💥 #TheChallenge33 is all new TONIGHT at 9/8c! 📺   Sneak Peek: Josh and Ash Fight  /  These two rookies get into a heated fight when Ash starts going in on Josh's partner, Amanda.
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Damn josh. I see you boo. Ok. @JOSHMBB19 ♥️
- @JOSHMBB19: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV ❤️❤️✊🏽
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Ok I see you Josh!! #LFG
- @JOSHMBB19: @ChallengeMTV Who comes up with this shit 🤷🏽‍♂️😂
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV I hope they show why this shit REALLY started 🤔
- @formerlyRedRose: @ChallengeMTV Josh is a wholeass man!! Everyone who's not in the Brit alliance is going after the Brits! Amanda really doesn't have any power. Why go after her? Hello...did we forget about Wes...even Hunter
@JOSHMBB19: It’s challenge day, and we got heights and fights going down tonight ☠️👿 tune in @mtv @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: Head in the Clouds.... literally 😜 #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: NEW EPiSODE TONIGHT  @ChallengeMTV @WestonBergmann  I’m cuter 😜
@MTV: Josh and Ash get into a HEATED argument over Amanda during tonight's episode of #TheChallenge33 at 9/8c. 🔥  Sneak Peek: Josh and Ash Fight / These two rookies get into a heated fight when Ash starts going in on Josh's partner, Amanda.
@MrAshleyCain: ITS EITHER FIGHT BIG... OR GO HOME!!! I was having JOKES... Man weren't ready! 🤣🤣🤣 Tonight's episode of the @ChallengeMTV is an absolute BANGER... MAD challenge, PURE drama & a CRAZY elimination! - Make sure all my USA followers tune into this one! #thechallenge33
@Marie_TBD: When people try to insult me by my age I have to laugh. @JLo is 49 and currently breaking instagram. Go AWF 🙌🙌🙌
@CaraMariaMTV: Me trying to swim away from @ChallengeMTV social media drama. 🤣 🐶
@CaraMariaMTV: ...@PaulCalafiore_  the sniper... always trolling me. 😑
@JennaCompono: Another episode of @ChallengeMTV tonight! Let’s go @GusSmyrnios 💪🏼
@SHOTOFYAGER: 👇🏻This is more or less how the @WestonBergmann episode of #ChallengeMania ended. So we’re back at square 1. If you haven’t listened yet, over at iTunes or http://ChallengeManiaPodcast.com , what are you doing?! GET. ON. IT. Find out how legit the 🐻Bear Beef is, the scoop on Zach n MORE!🌋
@SHOTOFYAGER: Today’s bonus episode of #ChallengeMania is a fun one! @BB20Brett steps out of the Big Brother House & into the possibility of a Challenge house as we break down his season, hear what went wrong, why he was made for @ChallengeMTV & more! Listen at http://ChallengeManiaPodcast.com  /iTunes!
@MrAshleyCain: Thank the GOOD LORD above is that tonight's @ChallengeMTV doesn't involve cardio! 😅😅😅 - Blindfolded heights on a crane over a canyon in Skeleton Coast Africa though!!! 😱 - Not something you do everyday!!! 🤣🙈 #thechallenge33
@MrAshleyCain: Tonight's episode of the @ChallengeMTV is one of the biggest yet... YOU LIKE DRAMA? This episode is OOOZING it! 💥💥💥
@HollywoodLife: Josh (@joshmbb19) sticks up for his partner Amanda (@MTV_AMANDAG) after she's 'disrespected' by Ashley (@MrAshleyCain) in this EXCLUSIVE #TheChallenge33 sneak peek! http://hollywood.li/sXEm5rI
@ETCanada: In honour of #TheChallenge33 & #WCW, @JOSHMBB19 reveals he's "got love" for his partner @MTV_AMANDAG. Watch his full interview  with @theikawong here: http://etcnda.com/TEKIKb
- @JOSHMBB19: @ETCanada I will Always have love for my partner @MTV_AMANDAG ❤️✊🏽😈
@msdeenguyen: It’s Challenge day! Let’s fucking goooooo! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33 💀🙌
- @JOSHMBB19: @msdeenguyen @ChallengeMTV This is badass 😈✊🏽
@ChallengeMTV: IT'S CHALLENGE DAY! Catch these two on an all new episode, tonight at 9/8c 😘 #TheChallenge33
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV You guys knew what you were doing with this tweet.  Ready.... set... OUTRAGED TWITTER ENGAGED! 🤣
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV My Queen 😍😍
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV I honestly used to be a fan of these two.... but now they keep winning challenges and voting in the people who are outspoken about targeting them. I literally cant. No longer a fan. 🙄
- @JOSHMBB19: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV ☠️😂😂😂
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV 😂🤣
@joss_mooney: 👱🏽‍♂️✌🏼
@CaraMariaMTV: Before the @ChallengeMTV airs tonight, I’d like everyone to keep in mind that WE, the challenge cast (Or literally just me if it helps you sleep better), are ALL a bunch of hypocritical trash bags. So enjoy it and us for exactly what it is! 🍻
- @DerrickMTV: @CaraMariaMTV #TrashNation ✊
@ChallengeMTV: 🚨 ATTENTION 🚨  Watch tonight's brand new episode of #TheChallenge33 to see a deleted scene from this season! Don't miss it 👀
@Ninja_Natalie: Today's Challenge more than anything is: TRUST 🤝  @PaulCalafiore_ you got me?!  #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV @MTV
- @PaulCalafiore_: @Ninja_Natalie @ChallengeMTV @MTV Oh I got you ally!! Don’t you worry!!
@ChallengeMTV: Grab a buddy and tune into a new episode of #TheChallenge33, TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV 👯
@JOSHMBB19: Dream big, and fuck what everyone else thinks ✊🏽
@tonyraines: You always add a little SPRING to my step! Love you baby girl 😚 #firstdayofspring #dadjoke
@ChallengeMTV: Things Ash likes: ☑️ Blindfolds 😎   Things Ash doesn't like:  ☑️ Running 👟  Luckily for him, tonight's challenge has none of the latter, and will feature a blindfold 😏 Tune into @MTV in 1 HOUR to watch 📺 #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: @MTV_AMANDAG The way editing has been going sis..   “SHOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED?!?!”
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @DayDaVonne_ For real tho SMFH.
@JordanW_usa: Wow. This is like coming out of the womb again. with a thud  #heytwitter #itweeted
@SHOTOFYAGER: FYI, I won’t be on social much during new daddy time so do me a favor & if you see folks wondering where we’ve been, where the new interviews are or what’s comin up, let ‘em know the deal! Promise we’ll come back bigger/ better than ever after the short hiatus from new CM content
@_LizNolan: We answer some pressing questions and give our final thoughts on #TheChallenge33 ▶️ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l42KPSfNrpI …
@johnnybananas: A Banana walks into a DJ booth... 🍌🎧🎛@djpaulyd @MTV #BananasVsCancun #Springbreak #mtvspringbreak
@WestonBergmann: Tonight is a blindfolded challenge...and we all know I’ve never lost a blindfolded challenge. It’s one of my ginger super powers. Will I continue this streak tonight? Find out by tuning… https://www.instagram.com/p/BvQDkTJH7Sb/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1d4cb8rgmquhx …
@georgiaharisonx: @ChallengeMTV tune in tonight my g’s
@msdeenguyen: Run to your TVs! The Challenge is about to start 🤩 @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge33

 AS THEY SAW IT: "This Means War" 
@ChallengeMTV: A brand new episode of #TheChallenge33 starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! You ready? ☕️ (GIF of Josh sipping on tea)
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV oooOoOo @JOSHMBB19 leggo
@MTV: QUICK! Grab your bb (and some popcorn) because #TheChallenge33 starts right NOW 🍿💥
@JazMTV: So just want to give a pre-warning that I’ve had  a little bit of a bridezilla day because people are not doing what I’m telling them to do .So I’ve already started drinking a little bit so my commentary might be a little rough/shady/no fucks given for the challenge tonight!
@ChallengeMTV: Bear is sick and tired of seeing Ninja and Paulie win, so he's going to try to change that 🎯 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "BORING! I'm after ya")
@Ninja_Natalie: If you were on #TheChallenge33, what country are you defending for WAR OF THE WORDS 💀🌎
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaooo Bear ! #TheChallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ Always the clown #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Let the record show! 😂 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Kyle - "And just to clarify, I'm not part of the UK people.")
@ChallengeMTV: Josh: I need the female touch.  Amanda:  (GIF of them talking)
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Ohhhh shit
@MTVjennifer: @MTV_AMANDAG spill that tea girlfriend!🤣👏🏼
@msdeenguyen: @KyleCGShore one liners have me in stitches 😂 @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge33
@MTV_NellyT: Tune into the @ChallengeMTV to see if this new UK generation is bringing HEAT or just getting lucky... @MTV @MTVUK
@DayDaVonne_: Teaaaaam Bondiiiiinnng Lol  @JOSHMBB19 @MTV_AMANDAG
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ @JOSHMBB19 @MTV_AMANDAG Is that what they calling it these days!? 😏 #TheChallenge33
@GusSmyrnios: My last heights challenge didn’t go so well 😬 Let’s see how this one goes! #TheChallenge33
@msdeenguyen: I ship @JOSHMBB19 and @MTV_AMANDAG @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: VR anyone? #TheChallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: "You could probably just kiss me to shut me up" 😂  GAWD @JOSHMBB19 is that how you flirt? #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: The Miss Celie braids ....  😬  #TheChallenge33
@GusSmyrnios: That shit was gut wrenching being blindfolded not gonna lie 🤮 #thechallenge33
@chrissy_anta: Is it me or @GusSmyrnios have some kissable lips? I volunteer to test that theory lol #TheChallange33
@DayDaVonne_: This challenge was SCARY !!!!!!  #TheChallenge33
@JanBabicz: Awww josh shooting his shot. I love him 😭😭 #TheChallenge33
@girlonthefly17: I LOVE THIS CHALLENGE #TheChallenge33
@JOSHMBB19: @MTV_AMANDAG is a baddie I was crushing I call it team bonding 🤷🏽‍♂️😂❤️ #thechallenge33
- @DayDaVonne_: @JOSHMBB19 Flirting and fighting 😩😂😂
@CaraMariaMTV: Fun fact... @PaulCalafiore_ and @turabicamkiran teams went first this challenge. @PaulCalafiore_ how many times you show everyone how to do the challenge so far? 🤣 #thechallenge33 @ChallengeMTV
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV At this point I just assumed every time there was an order. We were going first..... the “random” draw became a running joke 😂🤣
- @Ninja_Natalie: @CaraMariaMTV Depends.... how many challenges were here? Then probably that 😝
@MattieLBreaux: What you think??? #TheChallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @MattieLBreaux Scarryyyyy AF! #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: "@NotoriousAJM: @DayDaVonne_ YOU WASNT LYING!!! I-💀💀💀#TheChallenge33 " RT Lmao I told you 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ Me if I was in this challenge #TheChallenge33
@brittshay92: @MattieLBreaux got me over here like  #TheChallenge
@CaraMariaMTV: HOLY SHIT LOOK WHO ISNT SCREAMING LOUDLY FOR A CERTAIN TEAM TO FALL! You mean i ONLY say it quietly and in interviews when asked?!!!! WHAT?!??!! so. Weird. #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Keep watching 👀 #TheChallenge33
@emmzzmtv: Josh is so cute 😭 #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: Welllll we tried 🤦🏻‍♀️
@Jaims25: This VR challenge 🥵🥵#TheChallenge33
@ItsBriittaniiee: I’m just gonna relax watching this episode since we don’t gotta worry about Da’Vonne going into an elimination. 😎 #TheChallenge33
@freddy25: #TheChallenge33 is the best part of every Wednesday! @ChallengeMTV #WarOfTheWorlds
@ChallengeMTV: Them: How do you maintain a happy marriage?   Me:   (GIF: Turbo with Nany - "I always agree")
@ChallengeMTV: When I'm trying to nap at work and my boss asks me for something 😒 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Cara - "Can I get earplugs?")
@JOSHMBB19: I hate heights I hate heights I hate heights ☠️☠️☠️  #TheChallenge33
- @msdeenguyen: @JOSHMBB19 My knees are weak and my palms are sweaty @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Paulie and Ninja first to complete this challenge, so far! 💪 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Bear - "Look at me, I've won again")
@HTChallenge32: Cara: BEAR STOP!   Bear:  #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: I’m trying to make bear stop screaming because if they do that to us ... MY IS ASS IT GOING TO FALL .. hell , I’m already scared 😩 #TheChallenge33
@ZachEarley: HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH, Bear is HILARIOUS!!! I’m starting to love him! 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge33
@ayeitsjaaade: this challenge is gut wrenching #TheChallenge33
@JOSHMBB19: Brah my boys @PaulCalafiore_ @turabicamkiran get it done every challenge let’s get it 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: How fast Wes and Dee completed that challenge 👟💨 #TheChallenge33  (GIF)
@JazMTV: Turbo had Nany  by the shorts. 😂😂😂. I really like this pair!!
@Majestic_Wonder: Aww "are you proud of me?" Yes Turbo, we are all proud of you! #TheChallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: I swear I heard Nany freaking out more than 🐻 😂 #TheChallenge33
@GusSmyrnios: Let’s f*cking go baby 💪🏼 @JennaCompono #thechallange33
- @ChallengeMTV: @GusSmyrnios @JennaCompono LET'S GO, GUSERINI! #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Kyle when Cara and Theo fell, basically 👏 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "That was awesome")
@msdeenguyen: We don’t need to cheat to win a challenge unlike some.. 👀💀 @ChallengeMTV #thechallange33
@DayDaVonne_: That jump by @JennaCompono and @GusSmyrnios was legit  EVERYTHING !!!!!  #Thechallenge33
- @JennaCompono: @DayDaVonne_ Lmao him giving me a dam heart attack 😂
@Ninja_Natalie: @DayDaVonne_ I swear I smelled your fear from the platform... but you GOT THIS Mama D!
- @DayDaVonne_: @Ninja_Natalie Terrified
@georgiaharisons: Georgia continues to do good. Are we surprised? #TheChallenge33
@JennaCompono: Lmao @GusSmyrnios u actually did a huge leap like I wasn’t even attached to you 😂
@ChallengeMTV: Me: Where are you?  Friends: We'll be right there.   Also them:  (GIF of team gliding along slowly)
@CaraMariaMTV: Hey @theo_campbell91 i have total blind trust in you. I totally got your back. I mean. Well your ass. Cuz it hits so high up my back its basically at my head. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: Fun Fact : My camera cut off so I just closed my eyes and had to completely trust Bear .....  .... And Jesus ! #TheChallenge33
- @JOSHMBB19: @DayDaVonne_ Same we couldn’t see shit 🙄
@mermaidvixen: YASSSSS DAY AND BEAR LET'S GET IT #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Good job @GusSmyrnios @JennaCompono
- @GusSmyrnios: @MattieLBreaux @JennaCompono ❤️🙏🏻
@JOSHMBB19: I fucking love @stephen_bear  and @DayDaVonne_  as a team 😂😂😂#TheChallenge33
@GusSmyrnios: Finally got that tribunal spot ✊🏼 Well done @JennaCompono #thechallenge33
- @MattieLBreaux: @GusSmyrnios @JennaCompono Gus Gus did that 👏🏻
@TheFifthSport: @GusSmyrnios & @JennaCompono doing well hell yea bout time!
@MattieLBreaux: Who you think is the third team to make the tribunal?  #TheChallenge33
@lalalalickit: Is it just me or were Bear and @DayDaVonne_ running on that beam?  So impressed! #TheChallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: Pretty much @georgiaharisonx is the official support cheerleader this season
@ChallengeMTV: @kimmyyKO @GusSmyrnios @JennaCompono Let's take a closer look 👀 #TheChallenge33
@Beffahnee: That jump was insane @GusSmyrnios @JennaCompono #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeTea411: @JennaCompono & @GusSmyrnios ARE IN THE TRIBUNAL #TheChallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @ChallengeTea411 @JennaCompono @GusSmyrnios Mood #TheChallenge33
@tynextjes: TJ giving @GusSmyrnios his props for that jump that solidified his & jenna's spot in the tribunal is my favorite thing ever 😩👏 A BEAST #TheChallenge33
@msdeenguyen: Tribunal baby! I see a trend forming here 👀🙌😜 @WestonBergmann @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge33
- @WestonBergmann: @msdeenguyen No lies detected
@AlexTheGreatzz: Shoutout to these guys of the crew that probably had the hardest job keeping everyone safe during that challenge. 👏🏼👏🏼 #TheChallenge33 #TheChallenge
@Madisonn14: I’m so proud of my babies!!!! @JennaCompono @GusSmyrnios #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV Gus was like...
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaoooooo did they really go to commercial 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #TheChallenge33
- @msdeenguyen: @DayDaVonne_ Jesus took the wheel.. and I guess somewhat so did Bear 👀
- @bertofernandez_: @DayDaVonne_ It better be YOU 😩😩
@PaulCalafiore_: Our face when @ChallengeMTV leaves us at a cliffhanger before commercials 😂🤣 @Ninja_Natalie #TheChallenge33
@CaraMariaMTV: HOLY SHIT THEY CUT OUT THE BEST PART! @iamkamiam_ and ash legit had the most insane freaking mad impressive heart pumping round. Fell off. Did splits. Crawled back on. Blindfolded. You guys were insane wtf!  @ChallengeMTV #theChallenge33
@TayAllDay1213: Yay!!! Gus and Jenna!! @JennaCompono @GusSmyrnios #TheChallenge33
@BreadChallenge: queen jenna is finally in the top 3 😩 #TheChallenge33
@TurboNegrotti: Miss. Dee is in the tribunal again😍😍
@bfelsinger20: Hell Yes! #TeamGunna is in the Tribunal! #TheChallenge33 #WarOfTheWorlds @JennaCompono @GusSmyrnios
@JensenReigns: I'm dead😂😂 even with someone yelling to mess them up @PaulCalafiore_ and his partner finishes. Get on their level 👍 #thechallenge33
@lizxreality: Team Dab and Team Quad Squad did THAT! They hate each other but I love them. #TheChallenge33
@heaven_or_hell5: I’m lowkey starting to like Bear🤔 #TheChallenge33
@ShaTrigga: @stephen_bear and @DayDaVonne_ better be called
@WestonBergmann: I’m my own damn spirit animal.
@ChallengeMTV: From winning an elimination to winning a challenge! 💪 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Wes - "Act like you've been there before")
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV 😂
@NotoriousAJM: WHEW!! WE LOVE LEGENDS🙌🏾🙌🏾💯💯 @DayDaVonne_ @stephen_bear #Thechallenge33
@GusSmyrnios: I’ll always have @JennaCompono back ✊🏼 #thechallange33
- @ChallengeMTV: @GusSmyrnios @JennaCompono LITERALLY! #TheChallenge33
@lolitz_devonte: THATS MY MFING MAMA @DayDaVonne_ WITH THEM BRAIDS IN YESSSSSSSS  #TheChallenge33
@_likethevibe_: THAT'S WHAT THE FUCK I'M TALKIN' 'BOUT!!! @DayDaVonne_  #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Wes is really enjoying watching Da'Vonne and Bear fight, huh 😂 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of him in the background)
@PLLAS_99: From Killing Floor to the Tribunal... Can’t be Stopped @DayDaVonne_  & @stephen_bear !!! #TheChallange33
@isbutteracarb__: Damn bear. Happy for @DayDaVonne_ though.  #TheChallenge33
@formerlyRedRose: #TeamDAB Really did THAT!!! So proud of @DayDaVonne_!!! Sis is TERRIFIED of heights. Way to conquer your fears. #TheChallenge33
@Jhasegawa25: Yes!! Go @stephen_bear and @DayDaVonne_!!!! The relic and in the tribunal. So powerful #TheChallenge33
@JOSHMBB19: So funny how I was told that I was a burn vote but I knew the whole time it was a personal vote  #thechallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @JOSHMBB19 ☕️☕️☕️
@DayDaVonne_: And now shit gets real smh #thechallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ Burn it down! #TheChallenge33
@emmzzmtv: I fucking love @DayDaVonne_ & @stephen_bear #TheChallenge33
@JazMTV: Damn thats hard because Bear and Day both have good points. It’s strategy vs loyalty!
@TurboNegrotti: @DayDaVonne_ crying really has me tearing up
@ChallengeMTV: Who's making the better point right now? 🤔 #TheChallenge33
@JOSHMBB19: Say what you want big brother stays loyal ✊🏽❤️ #thechallenge33
@hit_this_tweet: I just love @GusSmyrnios so much. One of the best guys in the house ❤️#TheChallenge
@risnerjocelyn: i’m loving how much @GusSmyrnios is actually on my tv 😩
@finallyfamace: Bear got @DayDaVonne_ so pissed she’s crying! I low key wanna jump through the tv and bat the piss out him! #thechallange33 @ChallengeMTV
@B__Felicia: @DayDaVonne_  OH HELL NO!! I know Bear ain’t making my sis Day cry!! 😡😡😤😤 #TheChallenge33
@Jenny_SmaLLs: Poor @DayDaVonne_  I feel for her! #TheChallenge33
@RocceleNicole: I love @DayDaVonne_ ! She is forever my favorite! #thechallenge
@jaelan_7: I actually think Bear got a point here. #TheChallenge33
@LiveLumberLogan: Mmmm this boy is making Mama @DayDaVonne_ cry.... we've got thoughts on this, let's see how the rest of the episode goes. #TheChallenge33
@kathychronicles: Bear actually makes sense #TheChallenge33
@mzshamar23: @DayDaVonne_ i don't know how the hell you dealt with Bear's ignorant ass... you deserved a better partner smh #TheChallenge
@cordellsimmons: Bear is so annoying #TheChallenge33
@AndreCercado: I hope Da’vonne does not budge to Bear #TheChallenge33
@boomsnappetty: Damn can somebody fight as hard for @DayDaVonne_ as she fights for her friends??? 😭 #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: Oh this episode is gonna be great lmaoooooooo 🤦🏾‍♀️
@ChallengeMTV: Me @ anybody who might have to go against people named "Killa Kam" and "The Beast." 😅 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Josh - "I feel sorry for them")
@mikaykayswag25: #TheChallenge33 @PaulCalafiore_ you better not be the next team to be eliminated.🙄 I'm rooting for you and @Ninja_Natalie !!! Make it to the finals 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾❤❤❤
@msdeenguyen: I would love to have a friend like @DayDaVonne_ in my corner 🙇🏻‍♀️@ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@JennaCompono: I did not like the tribunal set up not gona lie .. I didn’t like looking down or being down there and looking up
@MattieLBreaux: Can u feel the ♥️😂
@msdeenguyen: @GusSmyrnios getting angry is kinda hot.. can you yell at me like that? 😜😂@ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
- @GusSmyrnios: @msdeenguyen @ChallengeMTV 😝❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Me to my dog when I leave for work 😭 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Kam to Theo - "Would you be sad if I left? Would you cry?"
@MattieLBreaux: A night out 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🍷🍷🍷🍷 Yasssss
@JazMTV: OkKayyyHunter and Nany!!!
@JOSHMBB19: A lot of people talk big and bad I honestly fear no one. We can talk big all day I’ll still call you out everyday 🤷🏽‍♂️ #thechallenge33
@AlexTheGreatzz: There’s so much in the episode & honestly all us fans are here for it.  😂😂 #TheChallenge33 #TheChallenge
@ChallengeFanVet: This Challenge reminds me of #CampusCrawl when @shannanity @mtvrrdarrell @rachel_fitness  & @KendalSheppard had to navigate the obstacle course blind folded. #TheChallenge33 #WaroftheWorlds
@ChallengeMTV: Me to me trying not to laugh in class after my friend busts a joke 🙊 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Wes smiling, as Dee tells him - "Don't laugh")
- @msdeenguyen: @ChallengeMTV Ashley and Kam are scary 😩
@ChallengeMTV: You stand up for your Ally, Josh! 👏 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "Respect her like that")
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Is that even a serious question?!?!
- @BradFiorenza: @ChallengeMTV She did that... ✋✋✋🤣
@PaulCalafiore_: This episode is crazy so far #TheChallenge33
@CaraMariaMTV: PSA: @JennaCompono was never an option for me to vote in. And zach wasnt either... til i heard him bad mouthing me. And still. Would never say Jennas name. That never came out of my mouth. Im rootin for the Barbie. Duh. ♥️@ChallengeMTV #thechallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: @JOSHMBB19 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@MrPerry2You: @MattieLBreaux Look out #TheChallenge33 house DO NOT unleash Martha 😂
@Marie_TBD: How many times do I have to prove paul for a fake before he shutups?
@DayDaVonne_: 🗣 YES !! Have her back !!!!! Whew !   @JOSHMBB19
@JennaCompono: Just a fun fact Nany didn’t remember any conversation from that night 🤦🏼‍♀️😂
@diegomxrtinez: I stan @Ninja_Natalie come back next season please, thanks. :) #TheChallenge33
@ChilltownNat: Josh snapping #TheChallenge33
@AmilEvan: Can @MTV_AMANDAG and @JOSHMBB19 catch a break, DAMN #TheChallenge33
@Jhasegawa25: I swear @MTV_AMANDAG and @JOSHMBB19 always come into the tribunal on 100. 😂😂 I don’t blame them #TheChallenge33
@blackzeusfit: I got my money on Ashley 🤷🏾‍♂️ don’t @ me #TheChallenge33
@JennaCompono: My thing was this conversation shoulda happened earlier if it was gonna happen ...not right before elimination ... or drunk ... thanks Nany 😂
@j_west31: Kyle your definitely team USA lol got my girl @MattieLBreaux #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV
@JOSHMBB19: I was raised by women and have a sister treat women with respect. And that’s all I got to say about that situation. #TheChallenge33
- @JustJem24: @JOSHMBB19 Seeing a man like you in the challenge house makes me happy so thank you 🖤
- @Marie_TBD: @JOSHMBB19 Didn’t have to say a word. We 👀 you 🙏🏻🙌❤️
@jaelan_7: This episode lit bruh 🤣#TheChallenge33
@mmmbyee: Omg I love Josh defending Amanda. That was so cute. #TheChallenge33
@dyrronn: Nobody: Kam: QUEEN KILLA KAM IS HERE TO TAKE HER THRONE!!!!!!  Love you @iamkamiam_ 😂❤️❤️❤️  #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: "@RealityBarchie: @DayDaVonne_ is already at three Elimination wins and two daily wins in 1.5 seasons?? " RT And They still won’t put some respect on my name 😩😩😩😩😂😂😂
@emmzzmtv: @JOSHMBB19 standing up for @MTV_AMANDAG is everything. TAKE NOTES FELLAS. #TheChallenge33
@JOSHMBB19: "@jammer1027: I seriously didn't know @JOSHMBB19 was such a badass. 👊 #TheChallenge" RT Born and raised in Jersey  badass runs in my blood bruh 😎😂👊🏽
@MattieLBreaux: Not the shoes 😂
@Marie_TBD: Why would @JennaCompono play Zachs game if he’s been sent home? She’s playing the game she always plays, ms unproblematic ❤️ #TheChallenge33
@Beffahnee: @PaulCalafiore_ is killllin it this season. #TheChallenge33
@HolleyJean07: Idc. Idc. Bear is the most entertaining! And da'vonnes confesssionals can not be beat! #TheChallenge33 @stephen_bear  @DayDaVonne_
@kierstin_____: @DayDaVonne_ is my favorite person on the challenge 👑 #thechallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: @turabicamkiran 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
- @turabicamkiran: @MattieLBreaux ❤️❤️❤️
- @MattieLBreaux: @turabicamkiran Killing it TURBS @turabicamkiran
- @turabicamkiran: @MattieLBreaux Mattieeeeeeeee. 😍❤️
@BradFiorenza: Damn @DayDaVonne_  you have your hands full this season!! Keep up the good work!! #TheChallenge33
- @DayDaVonne_: @BradFiorenza Thank you Brad ! Miss you ❤️
@DayDaVonne_: I went and collected all of Josh’s clothes and shoes 😩
@MattieLBreaux: Y’all just don’t know that feeling walking on the killing floor.. sick ass energy💯 WAR! #TheChallenge33
@JennaCompono: That argument that night was insaneee
@DayDaVonne_: Awww I hate seeing him cry 😩
@JOSHMBB19: Haters: Josh always cries. You damm right I will cry and I will still check and humble you homie 😂😂 #thechallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: "@fruitlo0pzZ: @DayDaVonne_ hair looking GOODT. #thechallenge33" RT Thank you lol
@ChallengeMTV: Da'Vonne voting for Kam and Ash!? 😱☕️ #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Day and Bear reacting)
@mysticmelissa_: I wonder if the producers got tired of everyone talking about Paulie and Cara cause if it’s not about Cara, it’s about Paulie and vice versa. I love our stars!!! #TheChallenge33
@allrealitychat: Da'Vonne flipped them tables baby!! #TheChallenge33
@msdeenguyen: Don’t act like we all didn’t see @turabicamkiran doing one hand snatches 👀🙌 @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
- @turabicamkiran: @msdeenguyen @ChallengeMTV 😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Oh look, Amanda and Josh being targeted again 😩 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of her putting her tongue out)
@MattieLBreaux: I look nervous af 😂
@MattieLBreaux: Phewwwwww
@MattieLBreaux: @WestonBergmann damn puppy eyes 😂
- @WestonBergmann: @MattieLBreaux No lies detected
@MTVQueengela: I love @stephen_bear & @DayDaVonne_ IDC IDC!!! They are THAT TEAM... 😭😭😭😭 #thechallenge33
@PaulCalafiore_: Bear actually changed his attitude when I told him that if I hit the floor I was gonna send his girlfriend home 😉😘 #TheChallenge33
@JOSHMBB19: Trusted the wrong people and it burned me But we ready I’m not scared to compete #thechallenge33
@turabicamkiran: @JOSHMBB19 @PaulCalafiore_ ❤️❤️❤️
@LagunaBiotchIG: @JOSHMBB19 thank you for sticking up for women, like hell yeah! #TheChallenge33
@msdeenguyen: "@Lisha_Christine: @WestonBergmann and @msdeenguyen are partner goals!#thechallenge33" RT I’ll always back my partner @WestonBergmann @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@JennaCompono: Wes we had an idea what you were doing 😂
@DayDaVonne_: "@NotoriousAJM: @DayDaVonne_ was screwed EITHER WAY SHE VOTED. Don’t make it seem like she voted that way on some petty shit. #TheChallenge33" RT You know they will lol 😂
@bre_ashley87: Aww CT is miss him #TheChallenge33
@BreadChallenge: beast and killa kam >>>>>>> don’t fuck with them #TheChallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: I cant be 💯 upset, because  @stephen_bear votes for us because, "They are the strongest team."  Thanks, kinda? 😅 #TheChallenge33
@Marie_TBD: If Amanda and Josh go home, for the shows sake, Day and Bear need to win. #TheChallenge33
@bre_ashley87: Wes is going hard this season #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: Not at your own risk ...   I ..
@WestonBergmann: "@LWCPodcast: @WestonBergmann is a genius #TheChallenge33 #WarofTheWorlds #MTV" RT No lies detected
@Ninja_Natalie: WAIT. WHAAA @georgiaharisonx when the tables were turned, what made you choose @hbarfield13 over @TheOfficial_CT 😲 #TheChallenge33
@MonaTurabi2: More about  @turabicamkiran   #TheChallenge33   @Mehmet_Camkiran #turabi #thechallengemtv #TheChallengeWarofTheWorlds #turabicamkiran #turabiçamkıran
@WestonBergmann: "@briasoboojie: Lmaooooo @WestonBergmann is so smart. I’m wheezing!!!! #TheChallenge33 " RT No lies detected
@heaven_or_hell5: All the old heads got mad happy seeing CT again😭😂 #TheChallenge33
@WestonBergmann: "@angelafilicee: Bear is sooooo dorky wtf @WestonBergmann you rule, never change" RT No lies detected
@MissBicks: Because @turabicamkiran is the best thing to happen to @ChallengeMTV in years. #TheChallenge33 #waroftheworlds
@WestonBergmann: "@Irving_A07: @msdeenguyen @WestonBergmann @ChallengeMTV Challenge royalty!! Can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve 😈" RT No lies detected
@mikaykayswag25: Yaaass @DayDaVonne_  for sticking with #TeamBigBrother!! #TheChallenge33 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 #loyalty ❤👏🏾😀🤗
@ambstef: @JOSHMBB19 is my fave person on the challenge right now.. he better not go home 😭😬
@catkillian33: PROTECT @turabicamkiran AT ALL COSTS! #TheChallenge33
@bull_xo: #TheChallenge33 😫😫 yeesss I needed this lol I so was not ready for CT to go @TheOfficial_CT
@WestonBergmann: "@ShoBusyLivin: @WestonBergmann is playing chess and these other peeps aren’t even at the table yet #TheChallenge33" RT No lies detected
@JennaCompono: For every1 saying we shoulda picked paulie&Natalie... are you kidding.. they woulda won that hands down, came back and went straight for us... we did a move where it wouldn’t cause tension for OURR GAME. We weren’t really on anyone’s hitlist, we weren’t about to make a new enemy
@PaulCalafiore_: @JOSHMBB19 @turabicamkiran Thanks brother ❤️❤️
@BradFiorenza: Your explanation on your vote was everything tonight @WestonBergmann #TheChallenge33
- @WestonBergmann: @BradFiorenza No lies detected
@ChallengeMTV: Go big or go home! 👊 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Josh - "Ash and Kam")
@MattieLBreaux: That a hard ass elimination though
@MattieLBreaux: Make it happy @tjlavin @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@MTV_NellyT: @ChallengeMTV  I love you @MTV_AMANDAG  but your partner is fcking cry already. What Fck they putting in that water ? 😂
@MattieLBreaux: Getting up there quick @ChallengeMTV
@JOSHMBB19: Nothing against kam or Ashley It was about time someone had balls to try and take a shot #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Who you got in this elim!? 🤔 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Josh - "We're winning this, let's go")
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV Fact: @JOSHMBB19 can do the middle splits
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV I whispered to @PaulCalafiore_ , "Can we volunteer as tribute?" B/C CMON its a straight up partnered Salmon Ladder! #americanninjawarrior  #TheChallenge33
- @DerrickMTV: @Ninja_Natalie @PaulCalafiore_ Oh, oh yeah, a salmon ladder!
- @PaulCalafiore_: @DerrickMTV @Ninja_Natalie She said salmon ladder and I was like
- @Ninja_Natalie: @DerrickMTV @PaulCalafiore_ Dis is a salmon ladder 👇 & I was just as confused learning what "Sta"n & "Tea" meant 😅
- @DerrickMTV: @Ninja_Natalie @PaulCalafiore_ Looks just like a salmon 😉
- @Ninja_Natalie: @PaulCalafiore_ @DerrickMTV Lemme school youuuuu  I mean cmon' its like EXACT same thing... but the one at elimination was a cake walkj
@JennaCompono: "@Lee35418139: If @JennaCompono picked kam and ash they would most likely pick josh and Amanda. Kam and ash are more likely to win and then kam and ash would now be against Jenna. Soo by picking the weaker team Jenna isn’t making any new enemies. #TheChallenge33" RT THANK YOU.. I’m not saying “weaker” at all.. but anyone that was going in was voting them. And I told that to @JOSHMBB19 before we went to elimination!
@Ninja_Natalie: "@Haynes03: If @Ninja_Natalie got voted in she would have just told @PaulCalafiore_ to hold on tight and salmon laddered there way to the top no problem. @ChallengeMTV" RT Pretty much 💁🏻 #AmericanNinjaWarrior
@DayDaVonne_: I lost my voice lmaoooo
@ChallengeMTV: They going back to back 🎶 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Kam and Ashley C)
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV Funny cuz the rule makers told us that wasn’t allowed before we started but 🤷🏻‍♀️ @JOSHMBB19
- @JOSHMBB19: @ChallengeMTV I was told I couldn’t go back to back in the beginning but that’s cool 😤
@DayDaVonne_: Damn 🤦🏾‍♀️
@MattieLBreaux: Well done @iamkamiam_ @ash
@DayDaVonne_: This was SUCH a good elimination !
@MattieLBreaux: @MrAshleyCain that win 👏🏻
@allrealitychat: that shit look hard! #TheChallenge33
@JOSHMBB19: Had a BIG lead and I ended up fucking slipping 🤦🏽‍♂️#thechallenge33
@YoungRatchet__: Wow 🤦🏽‍♀️ #TheChallenge33
@TheFifthSport: My jaw just dropped #OMG #TheChallenge33
@vivalavulgar: BRING IT HOME KAM BABY #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: You guys did great! @JOSHMBB19 @MTV_AMANDAG
@rayvin_jhatae: Nooooooooooooooooo #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: When you stub your toe 😩 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Ashley giving a roar)
@iamkamiam_: Killa Kam ALWAYS shows up for me. & that’s that.. #TheChallenge33
@msdeenguyen: This was a badass tough elimination! Congrats to Kam and Ash but I’m sad to see my boy @JOSHMBB19  and @MTV_AMANDAG leave 😩@ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: My number 1s 😩😩😩 gone  Time start playing chess 😩 #TheChallenge33
@PaulCalafiore_: This elimination was BRUTAL to watch. Shoutout to everyone involved on BOTH sides ❤️❤️ #TheChallenge33
@iamkamiam_: "@Mnls704: God was really watching over my girl @iamkamiam_ #TheChallenge" RT He always does
@CaraMariaMTV: My queen!!! 👑 @iamkamiam_  @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
- @iamkamiam_: @CaraMariaMTV My knight ❤️✨
@DayDaVonne_: I’m watching Lmaoo
@iamkamiam_: 🇬🇧 #TheChallange33
@ChallengeMTV: Bear's world is about to implode when he gets a call from his "cousin" back home, and Georgia finds out about it 💥 Next time on #TheChallenge33   Next On | The Challenge: War of The Worlds | Bear's Double Life / Bear has a call from home that leads to drama between him and Georgia. A swimming challenge threatens one of the rookies who can't swim.
- @msdeenguyen: Yes I’m Australian and yes I can’t swim (drowning incident when I was 14). But do you think we can still pull a win out of the water though? @WestonBergmann @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33

@DayDaVonne_: Great , swimming 😩
@DayDaVonne_: Lol I hate that editing didn’t show that entire tribunal ceremony.... sis said VERBATIM “DaVonne I know I hurt you, so if you vote for me I completely understand”  I ...
@DayDaVonne_: That was a great episode though
@DayDaVonne_: "@HolleyJean07: He said "you didnt tell me that!!"  When @DayDaVonne_ voted for kam and Ashely and i almost fell over laughing! Priceless moment! #thechallenge @stephen_bear" RT Lmaoo he was so mad at me .. first Leroy , then Paulie... it was my turn to tell him to kiss my ass 😂😂😂
@turabicamkiran: Thank u guys. I loved. 😍😍😍🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@MattieLBreaux: Ya girl made it to another week though #TheChallenge33
@PaulCalafiore_: The @ChallengeMTV Bonnie and Clyde 😈😈 #TheChallenge33
- @CaraMariaMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ Paulie: only sociopaths wear black.  Cara: hot topic called and wants 2004 back.
- @SarzNeddo: @ChallengeMTV @CaraMariaMTV @PaulCalafiore_  love these two together!💕
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Challenge War of the Worlds Episode 7 Power Rankings & Player Recaps https://link.medium.com/6H2flrZ4dV
- @TheAllanAguirre: Read my Episode 7 Recap. Or Retweet and move on.  Episode 7 Grade: B   Fun daily challenge, fun house drama, and it was great to see a scene at the club. This season has been very fun. Now that Amanda/Josh are out, the game is going to get highly competitive. #TheChallenge33
@lizxreality: Amanda didn’t try and ruin your relationship, Zach did that all by himself.🗣🗣🗣🗣 #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: ✌🏻
@DayDaVonne_: "@Cahill3310: @DayDaVonne_ I really hope you win for you and yours. But you partner is  an a**hole. I hope you kick @stephen_bear straight in his testicles once this is all over! It’s deserved for making a TEAMMATE cry and not even trying this thing called communication." RT Lol bear DEFINITELY kept me on my toes this season... that’s for sure Maybe we’ll find our groove and maybe we won’t ... stay tuned though 😩
@kailah_casillas: If I ever end up in a true crime doc, please be honest about my character. “She was a total bitch but very loyal” or “No one liked her at first but she would grow on you” works.. but EVERYONE in these usually says “she was so nice & everyone loved her” YA RIGHT okkk sure 🙄😒
@jenroc20: Turbo is my most favorite ever. I just want to hug him! #TheChallenge33
@nancylopez1808: #TheChallenge33 OMG I am so TEAM @turabicamkiran he is the sweetest man ever. He is so respectful to woman. He is an honorable MAN. I LOVE YOU TURBO......❤️❤️❤️❤️and respect you ✊🏼
@realitytrick1: Turbo is soooo cute omg he def has the biggest heart of anybody on the show😭❤️❤️👏🏾 @turabicamkiran #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: "@realitytvandme: @DayDaVonne_ I am so glad you are on this season. The Challenge never has enough enough darkskin women representation so I’m glad to see you every week on my screen and you’re also a great competitor. ♥️" RT Thank you ! I’m trying SO HARD to hold it down for the chocolate drops 😂😂
@zakariamj: I don’t care what anybody says, @PaulCalafiore_ is the champ of this season. Even if he doesn’t win, he’s the champ.  #thechallange33
@_Trillest24: @DayDaVonne_ & @stephen_bear are the most ENTERTAINING TEAM on this season...Don’t know how this season would’ve came out w/o those two 👌🏾🔥🔥 #TheChallenge #TheChallenge33
@fritzljess: @turabicamkiran is the best thing to happen to The Challenge maybe ever. Such a good soul. So fun to watch. #TeamTurbo #TheChallenge33
@Rissy504: @turabicamkiran is a sweetheart #TheChallenge33 🙂
@trashyelijah: I really have a soft spot for @turabicamkiran @MTVNanyCarmen @DayDaVonne_ @MTV_AMANDAG @JOSHMBB19 they’re actually my favorites I have nothing but love and respect for them and I hope one of the remaining three snatch the win 💕
@KW_109: @DayDaVonne_ You are very fun to watch. I didn’t start watching The Challenge until you got on it. I loved you on Big Brother so I was like hey why not watch her on this show too?🙂
@DayDaVonne_: "@lilLowe121: I don't know if I've seen a single interview where @DayDaVonne_ isn't rolling her eyes at Bear. I love her 🤣🤣🤣 @TheChallenge33" RT Lol you might be right 😂😂😂😂😂😂 he stressed me out but I love him 😩
@Alainer4life23: Okay so I've been doing some thinking and I've decided to give @PaulCalafiore_ another chance because he really seems to make @CaraMariaMTV so happy and to me that's all that matters to me
@ChaIIengeMania: Killa Kam! @iamkamiam_ improves to an impressive 7-1 in eliminations and she’s only in her 3rd season! 👊🏼👑 #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: When the music goes from  “let it goooooo , let it goooo” to “what does the fox say” ... smh time to take the tablet away !
@DayDaVonne_: "@missheartcore: @DayDaVonne_ @ChallengeMTV Not sure if you said this already - but why did you go Leroy vs Jenna/Gus last week?Or did Bear really just take over that vote?" RT Jenna would’ve kicked my ass in a rope pulling elimination .. her endurance is out of this world lmaoooo listen I’m honest,  and I knew not to even look in her direction for that type of elimination
@PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Hmmmm..... I sense @WestonBergmann had his fingerprints allllllll over this one 😈🌋
@PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Y’all shady af 😂🤣
@Marie_TBD: Oops deleted my last tweet by accident. If you know, you know.
@courtneyshuss: I’m totally rooting for @PaulCalafiore_ this season! I’ve always been a Cara Maria fan, and I’m a HUGE Big Brother fan. They are kicking ass n pretty much everyone is intimidated, it’s awesome! Hoping to see them both in the finals 🤘😁 #TheChallengeWarofTheWorlds #LetsGo!
@DayDaVonne_: "@Leo_N_Anderson: @ChallengeMTV @DayDaVonne_  why make an enemy with @turabicamkiran and the UK alliance. If you didn’t want to name @PaulCalafiore_  @Ninja_Natalie  (Bear was right for targeting strong teams), there are other teams to go after. Don’t think @MTVnany  or Turbo would win and come after you?" RT I wouldn’t have made an enemy ... did you forget they “burned” a vote on me and Bear after that tire challenge ?
@Mnls704: i know i’ve said it once, & imma say it again  & hopefully @msdeenguyen sees this. see and wes really are THAT TEAM!! they were  underestimated but challenge by challenge they keep proving themselves & Dee has already won #Rookieofthesesson & #favoriterookie from me #TheChallenge
@WestonBergmann: Ya’ll ever think that maybe UK is my alliance? 🤔
@DayDaVonne_: "@loquaSha: Okay I’m ignoring that... Da’Vonne and these abs tho #TheChallenge33" RT Bear started making me work out 😩
@DayDaVonne_: "@FentyDavonne: An amazing night for #SlayVonneNation  💋💋💋💋 " RT ✨✨ I love y’all
@JustJem24: "@frankieendoondo: @Marie_TBD @JustJem24 These new kids can’t do anything right and I’m tired. I need people being pushed in plants , jemmye screaming “I’m a bad bitch on a bus” peoples laundry in pools and villains sent home early. is that too much to ask for in 2019 ?!? " RT Literally screamed I’m a bad bitch in a back of an Uber this weekend 😭
@DayDaVonne_: "@loquaSha: ANOTHER CHALLENGE UNDER DA’VONNE’S BELT BITCHESSSS #TheChallenge33 " RT Lmao my child 😂😂😂
@TheOfficial_CT: Today was one of those days were I felt like the sky was falling... Then I heard her voice.  And I played this song on the way home... #LinkInBio #muymucho 🎶I’m certain...🎶 https://www.instagram.com/p/BvQbYpxg0uz/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1mhlfxnl4mwp9 …
@ChelsiLuvsBB: Ugh It sucks that @JOSHMBB19 Isn't on The Challenge anymore but he absolutely killed It! I'm so proud of him, hope to see him on another season!
@ashleighcarb: @tjlavin bring back the mf redemption house so that @JOSHMBB19 can come back. thx #thechallenge33
@daniereese3: So sad @JOSHMBB19 & @MTV_AMANDAG went home! They were one of my favorite teams! 💔 #TheChallenge33
@TheAllanAguirre: We're always proud of you, Turbo.  #TheChallenge33
@TheAllanAguirre: WE NEED TO GO FOR THE UK ALLIANCE -- Gus *actually wins a challenge for once*  I guess we have to put in Amanda and Josh -- Gus  #TheChallenge33
@TheAllanAguirre: I respect Jenna putting in Amanda, she deserves to, they have a rivalry. Even if it isn't a smart move, it's a Wes/Bananas type thing. But Gus saying it after being a spokesman for the anti-UK alliance is whack. #TheChallenge33
@TheAllanAguirre: Amanda is a bitch for playing the game according to Ash. LMAO.  #TheChallenge33
@TheAllanAguirre: When you realize you're gonna be dealing with a 14 hr flight of Josh trying to give you the "Good Dick"  #TheChallenge33
@TheAllanAguirre: I ranked DaVonne/Bear and Gus/Jenna as the worst two teams remaining and yet they won the daily challenge this week. This season is stacked. #TheChallenge33
@TheAllanAguirre: Amanda is a bitch for playing the game according to Ash. LMAO.  #TheChallenge33
@TheAllanAguirre: When you realize you're gonna be dealing with a 14 hr flight of Josh trying to give you the "Good Dick"  #TheChallenge33
@TheAllanAguirre: Wes is the Tyrion Lannister of the Challenge. He needs the deck to be stacked against him so he can operate at this best.  @WestonBergmann  🌋🌋🌋 #TeamQuadSquad #TeamTroubleFromDownUnder

@JoshMurray81: I admit that I only got into watching @ChallengeMTV to support my friend Mattie Daddy. I’d never really watched it before, but dude those folks are all some raging bad asses playing an INSANE game!!Physically and mentally exhausting and I bet on don’t convey how wild! I’m hooked
@JoshMurray81: Oh hell @MattieLBreaux I love ya baby girl but I know for a FACT!!!!!!! You’re clumsy as hell hahahahaha. #TheChallenge33
@CaraMariaMTV: Apparently “entitled” is something weak people call the confident women they are intimidated by. 👑
- @iamkamiam_: @CaraMariaMTV Oop 👀✨
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all did amazing tonight !!!! @JOSHMBB19 and @MTV_AMANDAG ... I went back to the house and laid in your bed Amanda 😂😂😂  And thank you for leaving your bible with me Josh.. I read it EVERY SINGLE DAY ! #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all really are amazing ...  goodnight ✨
@JOSHMBB19: "@oneteenah: When at @JOSHMBB19 goes to kam for good luck in a GAME and she turns her back.. mad disrespectful after he stands for a women that her partner down talked smh #challenge33 love you josh! ❤️" RT Lmao poor sportsmanship 🤷🏽‍♂️ I owed nothing when they was suppose to be my friends and said my name in the tribunal when they won.
@JOSHMBB19: It’s been real thanks for the best experience of my life. Till next time 👊🏽✌🏽@ChallengeMTV  #thechallenge33
- @Marie_TBD: @JOSHMBB19 @ChallengeMTV Come back soon!!!
- @PaulCalafiore_: @JOSHMBB19 It happens to the best of us bro 💪🏼👊🏼😂🤣
@JOSHMBB19: @MTV_AMANDAG was loyal af, and had so much heart I wouldn’t trade my partner for no one #thechallenge33
@JOSHMBB19: After everything all the game, and the madness I’m grateful for meeting all my roommates and the experience. In a short time I was a able to learn and grow so much and no other experience could give me that ✊🏽❤️ #TheChallenge33
@JOSHMBB19: go out swinging 👊🏽
@JOSHMBB19: Thank you everyone for all the support this season so grateful for all of it ✊🏽❤️
@HTChallenge32: If tonight truly was Amanda’s last episode ever, I just want to thank her for destroying evil and making casuals pressed for 5 seasons! Braver than the troops🇱🇷❤️
@MTV_AMANDAG: That fuckin camera thing was NOT that clear like they showing. Literally couldn’t see shit. (I tried em on after Josh wore em) #TheChallenge33
@MTV_AMANDAG: HA HA THIS MAKES NO SENSE. they are trying to show ashley mad at me politicking???? Nooo he was mad I wouldn’t sit next to him on the bus. THATS what started him and @JOSHMBB19. Seriously this season makes no sense. #TheChallenge33
@MTV_AMANDAG: I love you @JOSHMBB19 you have a heart of gold. I’m so lucky to have had you as a partner!!!!!!! Thank you for having my back it meant the world ❤️ #TheChallenge33
@MTV_AMANDAG: Gus and Jenna are fuckin losers. If Zach were there I guarantee Jenna woulda sucked the Cara fart out of his ass and said her name. FAKE AF LOLOLOL. I HOPE THEY LEAVE NEXT. THATLL SHOW EM WHAT A DUMB DECISION THAT WAS. #TheChallenge33
@MTV_AMANDAG: So wait where’s the clip of josh banging the stool on the table? Why are they cutting out so much I’m confused #TheChallenge33
@MTV_AMANDAG: If they woulda let teams restart that if we dropped we woulda won. THEY TOOK FOREVER. #TheChallenge33

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

So, some humble words from Amanda and Josh after their shot at handing Kam her first defeat in elimination on a regular Challenge season slip by literally when they were a step or two away from the finish line. Instead, it's Killa Kam and Ashley C. who take out the win there in being beneficiaries of that last minute miscue, although it's with them being back to back that raised some eyebrows among the contestants... Tonight, we should have more on offer from the Bear himself, while we have our season's first challenge involving anything related to water.

Tomorrow here, we'll have the 'Pulse of the Finale of Season 2 of Ex On The Beach America as a villain, a bad girl and a challenge return in time to find out if they and the rest of the house are truly over the exes. Plus, the truth is revealed through something that, if you watch daytime TV, you are used to seeing from the man who famously reveals those paternity tests. See you then...


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