*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Winter is now over, as far as those who measure the seasons of ecology have it... although the snow that fell in the Midwest this weekend might say otherwise. And as far as those who are working at Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club is concerned, they are heading towards the end of an eventful summer working for the queen of the Mean Girls in Mykonos, Greece, as she and business partner Panos went about making her new resort on the Mediterranean the place to be in one of Europe's premier summer destinations.
During this summer, the dozen VIP hosts -- Alex, Aristotle, Billy, Brent, Gabi, Jonitta, Jules, Kyle, May, Mike, Sara, and Challenge & Real World vet Kailah -- have all found themselves having to mix being in paradise with having the toughest work assignment ever. Some of them flew in as latecomers to the party, others were sent home for not giving 110% to their work, relationships were formed, and plenty of drama in between. And they've met familiar faces in AYTO host Terrence J. and Lindsay's ex Nico Tortorella, have dealt with questionable behavior from the resident Vegas party expert, and create the summer's most iconic & viral dance move in #DoTheLilo.
Last time out, the hosts welcomed Sophie and Nathan of Geordie Shore - the show that gave America new Challenge star Kyle, but what Mike did in pulling off his pants in public that found him in hot water with the bosses... and this week he will learn his fate. It will also be the case for the rest of the house as they will also learn by the end of their last few days in Greece of which VIP's will stay with her & Panos for a second summer overseas. But no summer in any MTV Reality show can end without one last piece of big drama, and in this case an attempt for one to make piece with the other hosts leads to fireworks with one of the VIP's.
After the jump, the Pulse of the season finale of Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club, as we bring the month of March to a close.
@lohanbeachclub: "A coward is the one who hits the person first." 😤 See how this all ends on the season finale of #LohanBeachClub TOMORROW at 10/9c on @mtv! Sneak Peek: Nobody Likes Brent / #LohanBeachClub finale, TOMORROW at 10/9c on @mtv.
- @kylemarve: @lohanbeachclub cow·ard /ˈkou(ə)rd noun 1. a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.
@kylemarve: Monday should be fun.
@panosofgreece: Bust down thotiana..😂
@lohanbeachclub: As the VIP hosts' time at the #LohanBeachClub comes to an end, @lindsaylohan and @panosofgreece reflect on the long journey. Don't miss the season finale TONIGHT at 10/9c on @mtv! 😌 Sneak Peek: Summer Reflection / #LohanBeachClub finale TONIGHT at 10/9c on @mtv!
@panosofgreece: Tonight! Season finale! Can’t wait!❤️❤️❤️ #LohanBeachclub
@MikeMGTV: Me tonight on #lohanbeachclub
@thesaratariq: season finale of #lohanbeachclub tonight... i feel like some of y’all will have this same reaction about tonight’s episode: 🤭🤦🏽♀️
@panosofgreece: Don’t miss tonight’s episode!
@may_yassine: If I shoot my shot, you block the ball and it ends up in your friends court... MIND YOUR BUSINESS.
@MikeMGTV: Do we deserve a redemption? @lohanbeachclub #beepbeepbitch
- @drerdz99: Y’all deserve MORE than that❤️😭 @MikeMGTV @MTVJules
@panosofgreece: All good things must come to an end, but this is just the beginning for some of these VIP hosts!😍😉 Watch the season finale of #LohanBeachclub TONIGHT at 10/9c on @mtv Thanks @mtv and @Viacom and of course @BunimMurray productions for this amazing opportunity that you gave me!
@panosofgreece: Also a big thanks to my bff and partner @lindsaylohan for including me in this amazing project❤️It was one of the most amazing experiences showing you guys a glimpse of what we’ve been through to built this bussiness! Love you all! New things coming soon.. stay tuned💋 #LohanBeachclub
@panosofgreece: "@AshleeWhite23: Dear @MTV, thank you for giving us the gift of @panosofgreece #LohanBeachClub @lohanbeachclub" RT ❤️❤️❤️❤️
@gabigreeneyes: Season finale of @lohanbeachclub and I’m a little emotional!
@kylemarve: Hey, everyone who said they were a fan of me before tonight’s episode check back in after this season finale and let me know if you still feel the same way. It’s a ride lol #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: Oh, and @BillyEstevez_ and I are flying down the 101 to watch the season finale of #LohanBeachClub, if any of our enemies want to finish the job.
@MTVJules: Just found my diary from Mykonos... nobody knew I was writing EVERYTHING down 👀 #LohanBeachClub
@MTVJules: Who wants the ☕️ after the episode tonight?
@mtvcanada: Lindsay puts her foot down when she talks to Brent and Kyle about their fight on the season finale of #LohanBeachClub, coming up next!
@MikeMGTV: I need @DannyPellegrino ‘s final thoughts on @lohanbeachclub
@Viacom: .@MTV's @lohanbeachclub debuted as one of the top new cable shows of the 2018-19 season among young adults. Tonight, the show wraps up season 1. Watch the finale at 10/9c and tweet along using #LohanBeachClub.
► AS THEY SAW IT: The Finale - "Lindsay's Final Four"
@lohanbeachclub: The season finale of #LohanBeachClub is HAPPENING NOW on @mtv. 😢 Tune in and tweet along with me! 📱 (GIF: Jonitta - "I'm about to cry")
@panosofgreece: Season finale of #LohanBeachClub starts now!
@panosofgreece: Sorry @MikeMGTV but you took it too far...😏 #LohanBeachClub
- @MikeMGTV: @panosofgreece NO RA-GRETS! 😂
@lohanbeachclub: No nudity on a family beach! #LohanBeachClub (GIF: Lindsay - "That's unacceptable")
@kylemarve: Wait...what? @MikeMGTV is out? #LohanBeachClub
@MikeMGTV: Panos be like #LohanBeachClub
- @panosofgreece: @MikeMGTV Hahahaha ❤️❤️❤️
@kylemarve: That’s a trash ass way to get fired. Sorry @MikeMGTV #LohanBeachClub
@MikeMGTV: Well when you let everything slide that y’all have don’t come to me about limits ✋🏻 #LohanBeachClub
@MikeMGTV: You got @thesaratariq over here being the only one siding with Panos like #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: Everyone was getting emotional and crying that @MikeMGTV got fired and I’m just in the background trying to keep a straight face 🤦🏽♂️😂 #HeGone #LohanBeachclub
- @MikeMGTV: @BrentMarks You do realize that even though I’m gone I’m literally the biggest winner from all this and you’ve made yourself look consistently terrible... like you do realize that right? #LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: You are still one of my 🌟 @MikeMGTV #LohanBeachClub
- @MikeMGTV: @panosofgreece Thank you @panosofgreece. I hope this opens up the world to you all
@lohanbeachclub: Sorry to see you leave @mikemgtv! #LohanBeachClub (GIF: Panos - "I actually feel really bad about it")
@MikeMGTV: Why is @BrentMarks tough as fuck in his confessionals 🤔 #LohanBeachClub
@BillyEstevez_: @BrentMarks the confessional gangsta #LohanBeachclub speaking up when no ones around 😂😂😂😂
- @BillyEstevez_: @BrentMarks You called your mom over a girl you knew 2 weeks😂😂😂 #LohanBeachclub
@kylemarve: lol @BrentMarks is so talkative during these private, locked door confessionals... #LohanBeachClub
@MikeMGTV: Awww @may_yassine you learned! Love you ❤️❤️❤️ #LohanBeachClub
- @may_yassine: @MikeMGTV 😂😂😂😂 haven’t cried since
@illest_sunO7: Watching the season finale of @lohanbeachclub and it 🗣 better be worth the watch #LohanBeachClub however I know it’ll be worth it to see @JonittaMarie 😍🙃 and @may_yassine, @thesaratariq
@lohanbeachclub: No sympathy from Brent's corner. #LohanBeachClub (GIF: "I don't really f___ing care")
- @BrentMarks: @lohanbeachclub Known each other 5 weeks and ya’ll crying 😂 #LohanBeachclub
- @MikeMGTV: @lohanbeachclub I mean it was mutual
@MikeMGTV: I have no regrets, and don’t have time to have anything but love for all the ambassadors including @lindsaylohan and @panosofgreece. Thanks for an amazing summer 💜 #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: The guys in the house just were not worth my energy, it was comic relief 🤷🏽♂️ #LohanBeachclub
@kylemarve: Honestly, @MikeMGTV getting fired the way he got fired fucked the whole mood of the day up. Who wants to party when the heart of the house just got sent home? #LohanBeachClub
@MikeMGTV: "@Jhasegawa25: So, did the clients really ask him to take his pants off? I thought that was what he suggested. Either way, still a bad call #LohanBeachClub" RT It was demanded
@kylemarve: Behind the scenes, we all actually refused to party after he got fired. @MikeMGTV delivered a “Friday Night Lights” type speech and told us to go have fun. #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: My plan as soon as the finale ends: #LohanBeachClub (GIF: Gabi - "Take hella shots")
@BrentMarks: How many different Sara’s are there 🤔 #LohanBeachclub
@BillyEstevez_: I love my #LohanBeachclub fam. Through the BS, ups and downs, y’all will always hold a special place in my heart ❤️
@gabigreeneyes: I’m late, but I still disagree with @MikeMGTV being fired. I think a lot of us have taken things too far and everyone else got more chances... if anyone deserved another chance it’s him.
- @MikeMGTV: @gabigreeneyes 💜💜💜💜
@panosofgreece: Sorry but I really don’t get how getting on someone’s shoulders to party is an act of humility.. #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: There's a lot of testosterone in the air today! #LohanBeachClub (GIF: Alex - "All that straight man energy")
@kylemarve: Want to know why I made a big deal out of carrying a 190lb man on my shoulders to deliver a bottle? These are pictures of me at the hospital the night before with a leg injury. @BrentMarks knew that. #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: The guys had more drama than the girls #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: I love @kylemarve but it’s literally not that serious. It’s our last day let’s just have fun. I think a lot of alcohol and built up tension led to anger that AT THE MOMENT (other moments it was) was not justified. #LohanBeachClub #UnpopularOpinion
- @kylemarve: @gabigreeneyes You’re wrong. I respect your opinion but you have no idea what was said in that cabana.
- @gabigreeneyes: @kylemarve You’re right! I only saw one side, what Brent was saying to us and I can’t take that from you. Luckily it’s all in the past now!
- @gabigreeneyes: @kylemarve Got you babe 😈 #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: Yo @kylemarve you mad bro? 😂 #LohanBeachclub
@kylemarve: Sorry you were stuck in between that exchange @stumblyalex lol #LohanBeachClub
- @stumblyalex: @kylemarve I don’t even go here.
@lohanbeachclub: Bringing a little Vegas to #LohanBeachClub. ✨ (GIF of Brent being carried on Alex's shoulder with champagne in his hand)
- @BrentMarks: @lohanbeachclub In a league of my own fellas, take notes 📝 #LohanBeachclub
@kylemarve: Hold on one sec, the reason I was mad at @BrentMarks was because he was using us to make one last attempt to get @thesaratariq back from @BillyEstevez_. Got me out here looking like a fun-hater. Drink as much as you want, but keep me out of the chess match. #LohanBeachClub
- @panosofgreece: @kylemarve @BrentMarks and 2 others He actually wanted to use your shoulders 😂
@may_yassine: I’m making my dad watch #LohanBeachClub he doesn’t even really speak English 😂🤷🏽♀️
- @lohanbeachclub: @may_yassine Awww! #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: Lol @BrentMarks delivered the bottle then says: “BETTER THAN FLOWERS RIGHT?” ...as a shot to @BillyEstevez_’s flowers the day before. Billy is a boy. Leave me out of this shit, Brent. #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: @panosofgreece you know I’m your guy, shouldn’t be a tough choice but guess we’ll see 👀 #LohanBeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: The girls' reactions to the presentation >>> #LohanBeachClub (GIF: Gabi - "That gave me life")
@lohanbeachclub: .@BrentMarks...why did you have to say that?! #LohanBeachClub (GIF: Jonitta - "Right when I started to empathize for his ass")
@may_yassine: Listen I was black out drunk leaving the beach club☝🏽#LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: Time for a 👊 fighttttt #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: Someone had to do it 🤷🏽♀️ he had it coming #LohanBeachClub
@mercedesfit22: The last 4 are tough to guess 🤔 #LohanBeachClub
@JonittaMarie: After you give him the 10th chance and he messes up again 🙄#lohanbeachclub
@gabigreeneyes: @BrentMarks shouldn’t have called @kylemarve a bitch. It was unnecessary. You just had to “stir the pot”. #LohanBeachClub
- @BrentMarks: @gabigreeneyes @kylemarve Just calling it like I see it 🤷🏽♂️ #LohanBeachclub
- @gabigreeneyes: @BrentMarks @kylemarve Pot calling the kettle black 🤷🏽♀️ #LohanBeachClub
@porschagirl4198: @kylemarve so glad you hit Brent! He is a dick!! Gotta stand up for yourself!! You have been nothing but kind to him. He was instigating the whole thing.
@panosofgreece: Thank god I didn’t get too much involved this time. It was Lindsays turn😂 @kylemarve @BrentMarks #LohanBeachclub
@thesaratariq: season finale #LohanBeachClub #LohanBeachClub #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: And it was at this moment, @kylemarve knew he f*cked up. #LohanBeachClub (GIF of him walking off)
@lohanbeachclub: Me looking at desserts while I'm on a diet #LohanBeachClub (GIF of Billy)
@Cassy4xo: Thank you @kylemarve. Sincerely, everyone who watches #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: I do it twice a day if we're being honest. #LohanBeachClub (GIF: Lindsay - "It's good to cry")
@MikeMGTV: Wtf I’m so mad I missed this #LohanBeachClub
- @kylemarve: @MikeMGTV Bro...too soon lol
@may_yassine: Wait a minute .... didn’t @BrentMarks say he didn’t care that mike got fired and now that Lindsay showed up he decides to say he’s upset mike left that’s why he called kyle a b*tch ? #LohanBeachClub
- @lohanbeachclub: @may_yassine @BrentMarks I peeped that too! #LohanBeachClub
- @may_yassine: @lohanbeachclub @BrentMarks 👀👀👀👀👀
@lohanbeachclub: PLOT TWIST!! 😳 #LohanBeachClub (GIF of Jonitta and May reacting to getting news that Kyle has been fired)
@kylemarve: When was I bitch? When I was there for you to talk when Sara dumped your ass? When was I bitch? When I was talking you out of jumping off the back of the yacht? #LohanBeachClub
- @callhercat: @kylemarve We all still fans. 🥰
@kylemarve: Is there a “real way” to be called a bitch? Asking for a friend. #LohanBeachClub
@thesaratariq: lol me and jonitta stay eavesdropping... #lohanbeachclub ☕️
@TheRealVelez: #lohansbeachclub is double standard club @kylemarve and @MikeMGTV got fucked over
@qveeenRay: @kylemarve did the lords work #LohanBeachClub
@Pep_pep926: @jennyannx0 @lohanbeachclub @panosofgreece needs his own show... where he travels the world, judging peoples work ethic
@kylemarve: America, you’re welcome. #LohanBeachClub
@marisairven: @kylemarve and @MikeMGTV in 1 episode?! 💔💔 breaking our hearts!!!!! 😢 they deserved to be there the most!!! Sooo sad rn! #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: And there goes @kylemarve byeeeee 👋🏽 #LohanBeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: How do y'all feel about this? 👀 #LohanBeachClub (GIF of Billy after he finds out of Kyle's firing)
@kylemarve: Yes, I should have 100% been fired. But they only got it half right. @BrentMarks and I should have been sharing an aisle on a flight back to America. #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Two down, few more to go! #LohanBeachClub (GIF: Aristotle - "Another one gone")
@BrentMarks: Alright let’s see who I can get fired next. Decisions, decisions 🤔😈 #LohanBeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: OMG. I needed a laugh right now! Thanks @aristotlepolite! 😂 #LohanBeachClub (GIF of him getting scared by a tree)
@kylemarve: I still regret putting my hands on @BrentMarks, but let me pose a couple of questions to our sponsors in Greece: Question 1: If I called you a out of your name what would be the consequence? @panosofgreece @lindsaylohan #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: Question 2: Did you bring us 7,000 miles to Greece to be chastised, harassed, disrespected and degraded by someone who is supposed to be equal to us? #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: And most importantly, Question 3: This “brand” we are fighting to be a part of stands for what? Because from the eye test, the “Lohan Brand” seems to be defined by misogyny, verbal abuse, greed, and an alarming amount of emphasis on money over integrity. #LohanBeachClub
- @kailah_casillas: @kylemarve Go awwwwwfffff Kyle yes.
@lohanbeachclub: Awww. I'm gonna miss watching mom and dad on tv! 😍 #LohanBeachClub (GIF of Panos kissing Lindsay on the side of her head)
- @panosofgreece: @lohanbeachclub That gets me emotional ❤️❤️❤️ I miss summer
@gabigreeneyes: Honestly, I think they were just looking for reasons to fire people in the end. #LohanBeachClub
@g_shen26: @kylemarve are you as @gabigreeneyes in love ? I need answers 😤😤😤 Sincerely, supportive & only a lil salty
@lohanbeachclub: I'm living for all of these montages! 👏 #LohanBeachClub (GIF: Panos - "That was my favorite moment as well")
@BrentMarks: Seeing me and @thesaratariq makes me sad 😔 #LohanBeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Opa! #LohanBeachClub (GIF of Lindsay and Panos waving handkerchief in air)
@panosofgreece: OPAAAA #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: that kiss on your forehead @may_yassine 🥰 I know it made you feel better ❤️ #LohanBeachClub
@SylviaDSuarez: Aristotle is the best looking guy! No wait...Kyle is. No no! Alex is. No Mike is! For real though I want to go to Mykonos #LohanBeachClub
@thesaratariq: regardless of what happens w/ #lohanbeachclub i’m so happy to have met everyone and learn so much from @panosofgreece & @lindsaylohan ♥️🙏🏽 opportunity of a lifetime ✨
- @panosofgreece: @thesaratariq Love you so muchhh
@panosofgreece: Sorry guys but I’m always gonna be a bit of a shitster ❤️❤️💋 but I love you all #LohanBeachClub
@gamegirl311: @may_yassine might cry a lot but who cares. She made it to the end & that’s what matters. Also I’ll wash any dishes you don’t want to! 😘 #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: @lindsaylohan and @panosofgreece showed us, in Mykonos @BrentMarks is untouchable. #LohanBeachClub
- @BrentMarks: @kylemarve throwing straight knowledge at ya’ll 🙌 #LohanBeachclub
@may_yassine: That moment with the girls comforting me almost made me cry 🥺♥️ thank you ladies for being there for me #LohanBeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: It's the moment we've all been waiting on. Who's gonna be continuing with the Lohan brand? 👀 #LohanBeachClub (GIF of VIP's dancing on last night)
@krystalrosamin1: Praying it’s my bbys that get picked 🙁🙁 @aristotlepolite @JonittaMarie @gabigreeneyes & @may_yassine !!! #LohanBeachClub
@DQ_the_Man: @may_yassine Thanks for the memories of #LohanBeachClub, from the ups and downs, and I’m so glad you made it this far. You rocked it May!! 💖💖💖
@panosofgreece: That’s my bff 😍 @lindsaylohan #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: What a full circle moment! #LohanBeachClub (GIF of Jonitta and Gabi embracing after receiving news of them contuining with Lindsay)
- @d_marco_polo: @lohanbeachclub congrats @JonittaMarie @gabigreeneyes @BillyEstevez_ !!#LohanBeachClub
@JadoreLaMode215: It was nice to watch May grow and get more confident #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Feeling good, @BillyEstevez_? #LohanBeachClub (GIF of him after getting news of him staying with Lohan brand)
@ladybluecries: Billy. Ok cool. #lohanbeachclub
@allrealitychat: go head, Billy #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Wait...what's happening? I can't handle another plot twist!! #LohanBeachClub (GIF of Lindsay tearing last envelope in half, indicating that she will choose last two candidates to continue with her)
@BrentMarks: @may_yassine saying she had a feeling she was going to get picked just made me lol 😂 #noshot #LohanBeachclub
- @may_yassine: @BrentMarks You acting tough in your confessionals and changing stories and not keeping that same energy makes me LOL you being scared of kyle and running away when you got out the car was funny too. We know you’re scared sis 🤷🏽♀️ #LohanBeachclub
- @BrentMarks: @may_yassine Hahahaha I’d say I can’t wait to see you next season, but I won’t lol bye 👋🏽 #LohanBeachclub
- @may_yassine: @BrentMarks We all know how bad YOU need this in your life, I’m good either way not pressed at all 😂👋🏽 #LohanBeachclub
@gabigreeneyes: Really grateful for my opportunity with @lohanbeachclub. I honestly couldn’t have imagined how much I would love working in Greece and how much I would love reality tv. #thankful #LohanBeachClub
- @MTVJules: @gabigreeneyes @lohanbeachclub Proud of you bbgirl
@TwiinsWorld: Congratulations @gabigreeneyes & @JonittaMarie I knew it
@frankieendoondo: @gabigreeneyes THE UNDERDOG FROM DC IN THE FINAL 4 !!! #LohanBeachclub
@SNiFFiNbuTT: Okay so now the TRUE plot of @lohanbeachclub is revealed... it was only to try and salvage Lindsay Lohan’s reputation and get people to like her again... RIP @kailah_casillas @iammikeyp @MTVJules & @kylemarve legit the 4 people on the show I liked the best... #doodoobeachclub
- @kailah_casillas: @SNiFFiNbuTT Lol I love this post but you got the wrong Mike hehehe @MikeMGTV @iammikeyp 👀😂😘 also, if that was her plan, she didn’t execute it ever well... if anything, the opposite.
@kylemarve: Asks management to deal with problematic employee. Deals with problematic employee myself. Gets dealt with by management. #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: "@KyleighWegener: Lindsay: It’s just... paper. #LohanBeachClub #MeanGirls " RT Not gonna lie, this is all I could think about! 😂 #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: Honestly there was never a doubt in my mind that I was going to get picked. Can’t wait to continue growing the brand and for next season @lohanbeachclub 🙌 #LohanBeachclub
@kingd0mbarb: Omg @lindsaylohan just tore the last invite in half and gave it to two people! #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: How many times did we ask you as bosses and the people we look to as management to help us with Brent? @panosofgreece #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Same tbh! #LohanBeachClub (GIF: Lindsay - "Panos I think nearly had a heart attack")
@kylemarve: I told @BrentMarks privately, verbatim “You could kill someone on Lohan Beach Club property and Lindsay would say ‘oh that darn Brent’ “ #LohanBeachclub
@EmbarrassSpread: Yay! My cuties @BillyEstevez_ and @aristotlepolite made it!! 😍😍 #LohanBeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: .@aristotlepolite is a Greek God. I mean...have you seen his Instagram? #LohanBeachClub (GIF of Lindsay)
@lohanbeachclub: I'm using this reaction in my group chats whenever I'm confused. #LohanBeachClub (GIF of May)
@may_yassine: If I cared about that ticket I would be crying just saying ☝🏽 #LohanBeachclub
@thesaratariq: make sure you read my recap with @usweekly after tonight’s episode of #lohanbeachclub ♥️
@kylemarve: But again, thank you for the opportunity @panosofgreece and @lindsaylohan. Had a sick summer, got a good tan, and the chicken dish at @lohanbeachclub is to die for. 10/10, would recommend. #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: I just want to party with @panosofgreece one time. Can we make that happen? 👀 (GIF of him dancing)
- @panosofgreece: @lohanbeachclub I’m always gonna be the party animal of mykonos so please come all❤️❤️❤️😂💋
@WhoTrendedIT: Did you hear? @thesaratariq and @lohanbeachclub are responsible for trending #LohanBeachClub in America. You can trust the robot.
@lohanbeachclub: Well ladies and gentleman, this is how you end a season of #LohanBeachClub in Mykonos bitch! 💃 (GIF of Lindsay dancing)
@kylemarve: Congratulations @BillyEstevez_ @gabigreeneyes @aristotlepolite @JonittaMarie! #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: Me in our apt when @BillyEstevez_ and @aristotlepolite leave for Season 2. #LohanBeachClub
- @BillyEstevez_: @kylemarve @aristotlepolite 😫😫😫 chill bro
@MikeMGTV: Yo when @kylemarve walked into the Mykonos bar with me after getting canned I was GAGGED!!! Here we are getting lit as fuck lmao 🔥🔥🔥🔥 #LohanBeachClub
- @kylemarve: @MikeMGTV We got wasted in the hotel that night lol
@panosofgreece: Thank you all for watching guys! Thank you for your love and support! We had a blast this summer❤️❤️❤️ #LohanBeachclub
@_ayiiia: yooooo @thesaratariq not getting picked? she was the most qualified and professional. wow. what a shit show. #lohanbeachclub
@_ayiiia: "I'm giving brent a chastity belt" "@thesaratariq gives her heart away too quickly." @lindsaylohan you're a joke. excusing a man and punishing a woman for doing the same thing.
@BrentMarks: Awww @panosofgreece could see me running my own club one day. That was very sweet, I hope one day though it’s you and I building an empire together 🙌 ♥️ #LohanBeachclub
@MaiaMitchell Maia Mitchell/The Fosters: @MTV renew @lohanbeachclub or else 🔪🔪🔪
- @thesaratariq: @MaiaMitchell the people have spoken @MTV @lindsaylohan @panosofgreece #lohanbeachclub
- @panosofgreece: @MaiaMitchell 👊👊👊👊❤️💋
@may_yassine: So many people wanted me to get fired since day one and guess what bitch I made it till the end 😌 stay mad.
@BillyEstevez_: Yo @MTV, where are the @BrentMarks work highlights #LohanBeachclub
@mariae296: Wait so are we just gonna forget that Lindsey Lohan tried to kidnap two little boys?
@stumblyalex: @MikeMGTV @kylemarve Omggggg Panos!!! 😍❤️
@kylemarve: So...#LohanBeachClub Season Finale. How do we feel? Let’s talk.
- @MTVJules: @kylemarve SO UNFAIR!! All my booze was taken from me AND I had security outside my hotel door all night for THREE DAYS . This is some BS...
@TooFab: See how the WILD first season of #LohanBeachClub concludes:
@JadoreLaMode215: You know what. Billy and Aristotle were good employees. Drama free. The best way to be #LohanBeachClub
@frankieendoondo: Y’all @JonittaMarie really is the First Lady of Mykonos & #LohanBeachclub . SIS SAID “ THIS AINT THE LAST WE’VE SEEN OF HER”
@kailah_casillas: I got my 23&me results back and they’re really surprising. 8% African 🤨 my mom is white af... full blown 50% European. My dads side (which his parents were both born in Puerto Rico) is a crazy mix of Spanish/ African/ Asian/ Native American... PR ppl are from all over huh 🇵🇷
@MTVJules: This Paris Hilton thing will never go away huh... lol Lindsay wasn’t a boss from hell.. I just don’t think she knew what was going on and there was just no communication.
- @kailah_casillas: @MTVJules Gotta disagree, love you though.
@frankieendoondo: Last #lohanbeachclub Recap. ALL 12 OF THEM “kailah included” should be very proud of themselves. Thanks for showing us how they party in Mykonos bitches ✌🏾
@lohanbeachclub: I can't believe it's over!!! 😭 What was your favorite moment from #LohanBeachClub?
@kylemarve: The last 8 months have been an exciting but exhausting ride. I see and appreciate all the love and support. Keep it coming. I’ll try to respond to as much as I can. I’m taking a technology timeout for the day, but back in the office tomorrow.
@kylemarve: Keep your hands to yourselves and I’ll see you guys soon.
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So, the summer season ends at the Lohan Beach Club, but not before three bits of drama. First, Mike learning that what he did of taking it too far with that nudity with the Geordie gang was enough for him to wipe out a productive summer by being fired. But that didn't prepare us for what went down in the finale: Kyle physically going off on Brent when the Vegas guy's plans to leave town in being civil with everyone backfired. And lastly, Brent being one of the handful chosen by Lindsay and Panos to return for a second summer... and that came when she took a cue from TJ Lavin to offer a twist to everyone on who she would pick when she tore up that last envelope. Also joining them for a sophomore trip are Aristotle, Billy, Gabi and Jonitta... and who would've thought the two girls would come full circle after that fight earlier on. All in all, quite a memorable summer.
And for the season's last word, Sara had this to say on Twitter just after the finale aired...
TWITTER @thesaratariq
"my thoughts on the #lohanbeachclub season finale: ♥️🙏🏽
"Living with a bunch of people you've never met before in a foreign country, it's hard. It's extremely hard. Having to re-live everything that I went through that summer in regards to the personal relationships I formed, how my story unfolded... it's been hard but it all came with the experience and it has made me a stronger person today.
"There was no handbook given here. I worked extremely hard everyday but my personal endeavors got in the way of my job. Which I don't agree with because I tried to leave everything at the house and put a smile on my face while at work but I guess it wasn't enough. I took a lot from Lindsay and Panos as well as filming a reality tv show so that's that .
"I guess Lindsay was not okay with what I did with Brent and Billy but she was okay with what they did to me. With that being said I am hopeful for what's in store for me even if it isn't with the Lohan brand but we'll see... Lindsay is known for being unpredictable. xo"
If you weren't with us here earlier, if you might have noticed that we skipped over one important detail of this last week of March in MTV Reality. We haven't forgotten about that, as we'll be offering the Pulse of this week's first part of the Reunion for Ex On The Beach Season 2 as part of next week's blog coverage... not just that there was a cliffhanger at the end of that first part, but also because of what we have in store for you next.
For our next endeavor here, we'll be taking a Look at yet another romantic reality dating show MTV is giving us to add to AYTO, EOTB and Game of Clones. It's A Double Shot at Love with DJ Pauly D. and Vinny as twenty single girls -- including an AYTO alum -- will compete to score the hearts of Jersey Shore's resident bromance. We'll introduce you to the suitors, the pickers and offer the backstory to the previous iteration of A Shot at Love coming up here at midweek, along with some other good stuff planned for your enjoyment as we enter the month of April. See you then...
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