Sunday, March 24, 2019

DC SocialPulse Extra: Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club - Geordie Shore Invades The Club

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Hey there... the weekend is coming to an end, and so is the summer for the VIP's who are calling Mykonos, Greece home at Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club. Their stay in LiLo's eclectic setting of an escape from reality has seen so much go down, but the sun will soon set on their amazing and often times stressful experience, as the season finale and one last wave is ahead of them. First things first though: the 'Pulse of Episode 11 from the Club.

Week 10 saw the group whisked off to sea for a day's excursion at sea on a fabulous yacht on the Greek sea... but the drama that has affected the group all season long didn't exactly stay at the villa where the house's stance of being against Brent once again put a damper on things. And the Vegas club promoter himself also had to endure having to see the one who he get away, Sara, find herself in the arms of one Billy as she began to explore romantic possibilities with the gentle giant.

Those of us who've been watching the global expansion of The Challenge, and those who are into MTV's most visible franchise, know about Geordie Shore, where Kyle has become a key figure the past year and where fellow Newcastle native Zahida had a hand in knocking off Johnny Bananas on War of the Worlds. This week sees two of those they lived with on several series of Jersey Shore's British equivalent, Sophie Kasaei and Nathan Henry, be the latest big names to drop by, and the hosts will pull out all the stops to please our friends from Tyneside. But when one of the VIP's decides to take their dedication to another level, they'll have to face some unexpected consequences, as does another in his quest to score Sara's heart.

After the jump, Geordie Shore invades Lindsay Lohan's Beach Club... thanks for joining us here.

 LOHAN BEACH CLUB: Episode 11 - "Mike Takes It Too Far"
@lohanbeachclub: If you're standing without underwear with bread in your cheeks, you might have just taken it TOO far. 😳 All new #LohanBeachClub Monday at 10/9c on @mtv!   Sneak Peek: Mike Has No Boundaries / #LohanBeachClub, Mondays at 10/9c on @mtv!
- @MikeMGTV: @lohanbeachclub Ok you’re welcome for some actual enter-taint-meant #LohanBeachClub
- @MTVJules: @MikeMGTV Mr. Smith, this is why we are husband and wife. 💗😂
@MikeMGTV: 😳
@MTVJules: @MikeMGTV I have rewatched this about 20 times today dying laughing every time. When George comes over and tells you to put your pants on.. 💀💀💀😂😂😂😂😂
@lohanbeachclub: Happy birthday @JonittaMarie! 😍🎂 #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: 🎉🎉 @JonittaMarie
@JonittaMarie: Thank you guys for all of the birthday love! I’m not ignoring your calls/texts my phone broke last night 🙂 I am alive and recovering andddd 25 years old .... WOAH.
@kailah_casillas: I wish my 23&me was done so that I knew how much green I should wear today if at all....
@lohanbeachclub: "Mike is naked, and I heard someone like put crackers in his ass****." 🙃 All new #LohanBeachClub TOMORROW at 10/9c on @mtv!   Sneak Peek: WTF Is Going On / #LohanBeachClub, Monday at 10/9c on @mtv.
@lohanbeachclub: Did Billy wait a little too late to start having fun in Mykonos? 🙃 Find out on #LohanBeachClub TONIGHT at 10/9c on @mtv!   Sneak Peek: Billy Kisses Another Girl / #LohanBeachClub, TONIGHT at 10/9c on @mtv.
@iammikeyp: This is the @kailah_casillas twerk
@gabigreeneyes: If you don’t clean like this, do you even clean at all? New episode of @lohanbeachclub tonight at 10pm on @mtv ! @JonittaMarie #LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: Tonight #LohanBeachclub do not miss it!
@kylemarve: Tonight. 10pm. @MTV @lohanbeachclub   #LohanBeachclub
@thesaratariq: This is how you get played like a 🎻 in Mykonos, b*tch.... new #LohanBeachclub tonight @ 10/9 c on @MTV
@MTVJules: So my sis brought a random home from the bar last night, I wake up this AM and first thing he says to me “ wait.. are you Jules from Lohan Beach Club??? ” I’m 💀. #LohanBeachclub
- @MikeMGTV: @MTVJules Run!
@panosofgreece: Honestly, these VIP hosts are losing their minds. What the f*ck is going on?! 🤦‍♂ Check out #LohanBeachClub TONIGHT at 10/9c on @MTV
@MikeMGTV: Love you all but hate you all for the right price 😜 New episode of @lohanbeachclub tonight. Gunna show @panosofgreece and @lindsaylohan that I am their strongest ASSet ❤️💜❤️💜
@MikeMGTV: She said “I don’t like Bi-Guys”  I said...

@MTV: Me, two seconds after contacting my crush. #LohanBeachClub starts right now!
@lohanbeachclub: All new episode of #LohanBeachClub is HAPPENING NOW on @mtv! Tune in and tweet along with me. 📱 (GIF: Panos - "I'm a huge fan of this f____ing show")
@panosofgreece: Are u ready? #LohanBeachclub starts now!❤️❤️
@kylemarve: Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club right now on @MTV! #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: A secret bae? I like the sound of that. #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Sara - "I just hope this stays under wraps")
- @thesaratariq: @lohanbeachclub Lmao
@panosofgreece: Omg I’m gonna miss this bomber #gucci #LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: Stop coughing 😂😂😂😂 @JonittaMarie #LohanBeachClub
- @JonittaMarie: @panosofgreece I wish I could’ve 😩😆
@kylemarve: From what I’ve seen and heard, @mtvgeordieshore is way wilder than Jersey Shore. #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: Yo Kyle, say “like” one more time. #LohanBeachClub
- @BillyEstevez_: @kylemarve Taking shots every time you say it #lohanbeachclub
@BrentMarks: @kylemarve 2 for 2 on pep talks my dude 👊🏽😂 #LohanBeachclub
@kylemarve: Can’t have @BrentMarks sulking around the house. Hang out with the boys! We’re pretty fun guys. #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Let's see how this night is about to go. Cheers! #LohanBeachClub   (GIF of the guys toasting at the club)
@frankieendoondo: I wanna party with @gabigreeneyes and @may_yassine again. #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: Fun fact: almost fell off of the DJ booth when I was dancing on it in this episode #LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: @BillyEstevez_🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: WTF @BillyEstevez_ 🤦🏽‍♀️  #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
@kylemarve: Also, for everybody that doesn’t know, @BrentMarks nickname in Mykonos was “the butt-snorkeler” ...that’s why I called him that.  #LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: The Geordies are way worst than the jersey shore cast in real life 😂#LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: When you're trying to signal to your boy that they're f*cking up 🤦‍♂️ #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of Panos)
@lohanbeachclub: That's putting it quite mildly, @BillyEstevez_! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: "She's not gonna be happy")
@kylemarve: Lol @BillyEstevez_ looked up at me after he kissed that rando with the most drunk look in his eyes and mouthed the words “I fucked up bro” He immediately knew he made a mistake. #LohanBeachClub
@thesaratariq: Y’all see the sh*t I went through out there lol fml #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: .@mikemgtv, you up for the challenge? #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Panos - "If you can handle them", referencing to Sophie and Nathan of Geordie Shore)
- @MikeMGTV: @lohanbeachclub I don’t get ready, I stay ready 😜 #LohanBeachClub
- @panosofgreece: @MikeMGTV U were a bit more excited I would say.. 😂
@MikeMGTV: Let’s go @NathanHGShore and @SophieKasaei_ time to show y’all how we do it in Jersey 😜 #LohanBeachClub
@JonittaMarie: @kylemarve Thank you ❤️
@panosofgreece: Why do I look like just had bottox in this episode? 😂 I must be mad or something #LohanBeachClub
- @MikeMGTV: @panosofgreece Can you refer me? My forehead wrinkles are intense
@thesaratariq: What’s crazy is you guys only get to see a glimpse of it all. We were out there for 6+ weeks.... no phones or anything either while filming so I barely got to talk to my friends / family about the things I was going through. It was rough
@kylemarve: But, that night at the club was the most fun we had. @BrentMarks was telling chicks his name was ‘Richard’, @aristotlepolite was dancing like John Travolta, and then we all skinny dipped in the Mediterranean after the club. #LohanBeachClub
- @BrentMarks: @kylemarve Boys nights are the best nights, I’m catching on 😎 #LohanBeachclub
@Marie_TBD: Rumor has it that @MikeMGTV goes above and beyond to represent the lohan brand tonight by warming bread between his butt cheeks for the #LohanBeachclub guests. If that doesn’t scream #lilo I don’t know what does.
- @MikeMGTV: @Marie_TBD **Adds bread-warmer to my resume
- @MikeMGTV: @panosofgreece It was a bread role!! 😂😂🥖
- @panosofgreece: @MikeMGTV Really?? Omg😂😂😂😂😂😂
@kylemarve: Thank god they didn’t show the random girl I made out with at the club. No face, no case. #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Secure the bag! 💰 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Jonitta - "I'm gonna do whatever it takes")
@MikeMGTV: My “straight guy voice” is me at a circuit party 😂  #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: This @MikeMGTV as Lance shit is hilarious. #LohanBeachClub
@MikeMGTV: Did @aristotlepolite just invent tucking? #LohanBeachclub
@kylemarve: Lol @gabigreeneyes tried to throw me under the bus and ended up snitching on @BillyEstevez_. #LohanBeachClub
@may_yassine: Remember that time billy snitched on me for leaving the cabana, YES BILLY DID KISS THAT GIRL 😂😂 #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
@gabigreeneyes: Didn’t mean to snitch🙄 also am a terrible liar.... I’m so sorry 😭😭😭😭 #goldensnitch #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: I tried to take the heat off of @BillyEstevez_ by saying “not all the guys kissed people” and then I just kept randomly saying “OW!” to try and change the conversation. Didn’t work. #LohanBeachClub
- @lohanbeachclub: @kylemarve Kyle is the best friend we all need! #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: I highly doubt it. #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Kyle to Brent - "Can we have one night with no drama?")
@kylemarve: You love chaos, bro lol @BrentMarks  #LohanBeachClub
- @gabigreeneyes: @kylemarve @BillyEstevez_ That’s exactly what happen 😭😂😂😂
@BrentMarks: @JonittaMarie how fun was that day at the grocery store, from you running me into the wall in the grocery cart, to me showing you what the girl @BillyEstevez_ looked like. Great day 😂 🍿 #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: Nice of you to join us @mtvgeordieshore! Cheers! 🥂 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Nathan with Sophie - "Can we have a drink please?")
@kylemarve: "@frankieendoondo: Hey @kylemarve how much you charge to cook someone a dinner ?!? Asking for a friend #LohanBeachclub " RT I tried to Seamless food to the villa.  #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Lindsay is hilarious! 😂 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of her)
@BillyEstevez_: There’s the troof #LohanBeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: I'm sorry @BillyEstevez_, but you gotta hold this L. #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Sara - "Way to f___things up for yourself")
@ladybluecries: Atleast Billy is being a man and telling Sara the truth. #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: @BillyEstevez_ showing his true colors that I’m not the only POS after throwing shade my way the entire season. At least @thesaratariq knew I wasn’t trying to front and be someone I’m not. I do kind of feel bad but still loving it at the same time 🍿 #lohanbeachclub
@kylemarve: It was like Christmas when we went grocery shopping in Mykonos. We’d get the credit card and buy the most random shit. Did we need Chocolate Greek Churro-O’s? No. Did we buy them? Yes. #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: “Do you walk around naked?” -@SophieKasaei_ “Not Yet” -@MikeMGTV ...welp.  #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Is Brent living for this right now? #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of him winking)
@MikeMGTV: How far will I go to do a good job? #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: That took Panos way off guard! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of him taking off his sunglasses and looking at Billy)
- @panosofgreece: @lohanbeachclub 😂😂😂
@panosofgreece: @BillyEstevez_  #LohanBeachClub
- @BillyEstevez_: @panosofgreece That convo took a sharpppp left 😂😂 #LohanBeachclub
@kylemarve: Why does @panosofgreece pronounce @BillyEstevez_’s name like “Beallly”?  “Beallly do you have a crash on her?”  #LohanBeachClub
- @panosofgreece: @kylemarve @BillyEstevez_ Hahaha he is always gonna be my favorites Bealllly😂
- @BillyEstevez_: @panosofgreece ‼️
@A_Walker1908: @JonittaMarie and @BrentMarks are the only ones that stay bout they're $$$ #LohanBeachClub
@gabigreeneyes: Lmao CAN WE PLEASE STOP BRINGING UP MY LACK OF CLOTHING THE FIRST DAY 😭😭 I thought we were past that 😂😂 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Get it Mike! (Or Lance. Whatever name you prefer!) #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of him taking bodyshot off of Sophie)
@panosofgreece: @MikeMGTV I said make them happy not give them a happy ending😂 #LohanBeachclub
- @MikeMGTV: @panosofgreece ... but then why is it okay for @BrentMarks 🤔😜 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Lindsay and Panos with the top down blasting Cardi B is such a mood! 🙌 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of them in the car)
- @panosofgreece: @lohanbeachclub ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@kylemarve: “I don’t have any shorts to swim” -@NathanHGShore  “Say no more fam” -@MikeMGTV   #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: Me: I'm going to sleep at a decent time tonight.  My mind at 3a:   #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of Gabi and Jonitta having fun cleaning the house)
@lohanbeachclub: Did he actually get naked on the beach? #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of Alex imitating Kevin from Home Alone)
@panosofgreece: Omg poor George  🤦🏽‍♂️😂#LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: @MikeMGTV not going to lie that was hard to watch 👀 🍞 #LOHANBEACHCLUB
- @MikeMGTV: @BrentMarks Do we need to bring up your vomit covered face? 😜 #LohanBeachClub
@MikeMGTV: "@MC_Peay: Oh lord Mike Wild n out today! 🍑👀😂 #LohanBeachclub" RT Going above and beyond! It’s all about money at the end of the day right? #LohanBeachClub
@panosofgreece: Really WTFFFFFF #LohanBeachClub
- @MikeMGTV: @panosofgreece I’m still sorry 🥺
@lohanbeachclub: I have no words. #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Panos - "What the f___ is going on?")
@kylemarve: My boy @MikeMGTV committed to the fucking job this day. He’d give you the shirt off his back AND the shorts of his ass. #LohanBeachClub
@BillyEstevez_: Lindsay trying to speak Greek though!?! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #LohanBeachclub
@kylemarve: It could be interpreted a lot of different ways, but I don’t think @MikeMGTV taking his shorts off makes you look like a horrible person tho @lindsaylohan  #LohanBeachClub
- @MikeMGTV: @kylemarve Thank you Kyle 🙌🏻
@gabigreeneyes: "@jacey_demoya: “She forgets to get dressed” lmao @lindsaylohan I’ve never seen @gabigreeneyes wear more clothes than on the show😂😂 #lohanbeachclub" RT LOL THANK YOU! I’m usually more naked than a bra 😂😂 check my IG #LohanBeachclub
@MikeMGTV: "@gamegirl311: I’m mad at MTV tho, for blurring Mike’s ass haha #LohanBeachClub" RT They could’ve afford the rights 😜 #LohanBeachclub
@EnriqueM1982: Can we talk about the complete hypocrisy that is coming out of Lindsey and Panos, you ask to do whatever, you pimp out your other staff, and then @MikeMGTV shows his ass, and you all get morals and draw lines...I don't understand #LohanBeachClub
@JackieA59: @MikeMGTV - No swim suit? No problem! He aims to please his clients! Lawd have mercy! 😂🙈 #LohanBeachClub
@lohanbeachclub: If your boo didn't buy you flowers, did they really apologize? #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of Sara finding flowers for her on the table)
@lohanbeachclub: I love you @thesaratariq! ❤️ #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of her being comforted by Jonitta)
@kylemarve: I actually advised @BillyEstevez_ to not buy flowers. Not because I wanted him to be a dick, but because I think his face to face apology was sufficient enough. #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: Original plan was @JonittaMarie wanted to write my name on that card for @thesaratariq since that’s how things should of ended with me getting the final 🌹 🤷🏽‍♂️ #LohanBeachClub
- @BillyEstevez_: @BrentMarks @JonittaMarie @thesaratariq But we all know you only bully women, kiddo #LohanBeachclub
- @BrentMarks: @BillyEstevez_ @JonittaMarie @thesaratariq Nightlife isn’t for the weak and I just wanted to showcase everyone’s weaknesses which is why I didn’t gun for you because you are good at your job 💁🏽‍♂️ #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: Not going to lie, I had to swallow my pride and was so nervous to talk to @thesaratariq because even after everything, I do love and still care about that girl despite how things turned out 😔 #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: But that note that was with the flowers lol. @BillyEstevez_ was at the beach club with a crayon like... #LohanBeachclub
@MikeMGTV: So from what I saw;  My clients were raving ✔️  A lot of money was made✔️  Everyone on the beach was happy.✔️   And my ass looked great✔️ #LohanBeachClub   I’ll take my ticket to continue on with the brand now please 🥺😘
- @lohanbeachclub: @MikeMGTV Let's not. #LohanBeachClub
@JonittaMarie: Billy asked me to get Sara flowers and I did but on the first note I wrote    TO: beautiful    FROM:ASSHOLE 😆    #lohanbeachclub
- @MikeMGTV: @JonittaMarie Damnit I forgot about George 😂
@panosofgreece: "@ToriAprilPerry_: THERE IT IS 🤣🤣🤣 @panosofgreece #LohanBeachClub " RT I wish u could seen what I’ve been through to do this interview. The crew was crying😂 and I couldn’t say the words #LohanBeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: This was a very mature approach @BrentMarks. Good job! #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: "I want to at least be friends")
@gabigreeneyes: Thank you to @BrentMarks for sticking up for the fact that they showed up super late and didn’t need to complain 😂😂❤️
@BrentMarks: Words can’t describe how pissed I was when Geordie Shore just threw my s*** everywhere 😡 #lohanbeachclub
@MikeMGTV: This royalty free music I’m dead #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: So @BrentMarks and I were going to rip these British reality tv stars a new one, for showing up to our dinner 2 hours late, talking shit about @gabigreeneyes’s cooking, and fucking with Brent’s toiletries.  #LohanBeachclub
- @gabigreeneyes: @kylemarve I appreciate you guys 😭❤️
@lohanbeachclub: When someone asks me to name my talent #LohanBeachClub  (GIF: Sophie/Geordie Shore - "I cry")
@may_yassine: Oh GOD, I should have kept my mouth shut. Here we go with the tears 😭😂 #LOHANBEACHCLUB @lohanbeachclub
@BrentMarks: @JonittaMarie was whispering in my ear during that prayer “throw shade” 😂 #lohanbeachclub
@lohanbeachclub: This prayer though! 😂 #LohanBeachClub   (GIF)
@kylemarve: Yes, @may_yassine did cry a lot. Like...a lot. But we are a family there and we don’t know these people. You don’t drag family in front of strangers/company.  #LohanBeachclub
- @may_yassine: @kylemarve Facts ☝🏽 but I wouldn’t call everyone on the show family. Love u 💖
- @DQ_the_Man: @kylemarve @may_yassine No matter how much tears she’s shed, she stood strong in the end and shined. For that, 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: Wait, @BillyEstevez_ you wear glasses?  #LohanBeachclub
@jacey_demoya: Wow did @BrentMarks really say something nice about @gabigreeneyes ?! Thank you for sticking up for my girls cooking😂 #lohanbeachclub
@MikeMGTV: I wana know who was doing @BrentMarks & @NathanHGShore’s highlighter and why I wasn’t offered any 🤪😂 #LohanBeachClub
@BrentMarks: I am me, I am who I am, I won’t change but if you take the time to peel layers back and get to know the real me. You’ll find a sweet and caring person who has a lot of love to give ♥️ #LohanBeachClub
@ChelseaAMusic: @may_yassine calling out Brent for all the crap he's caused now that's a friend & an awesome person right there!! ✊😊 #LohanBeachClub
@kylemarve: What you guys didn’t see was us playing a drinking game that night and my bff @BillyEstevez_ daring @may_yassine to kiss me instead of making her kiss @BrentMarks, like we agreed. Thanks bud. #LohanBeachclub
- @may_yassine: @kylemarve I’d rather jump off the cliff
@sspicer31: @BrentMarks mad respect for always speaking your mind no matter who it offends! That’s keeping it real 👌🏽
@kylemarve: Last day of work at the Beach Club. How long have we been here? Is Trump still president?  #LohanBeachclub
@MikeMGTV: Did @lindsaylohan just become @RuPaul!? #LohanBeachClub #RUPAULSDRAGRACE
@may_yassine: Finally a day for us to turn up at the beach club 🙌🏽 #LOHANBEACHCLUB
@lohanbeachclub: Wait. Mike got fired?! OH SH*T!!! 😱 #LohanBeachClub  (GIF of Gabi's face reacting)
@panosofgreece: Time to choose guys. What do you think? Who should continue on with our brand? #LohanBeachclub
@kylemarve: Is this a “day off” day off? Or another test? Stay woke. #LohanBeachclub
@BrentMarks: And there goes @MikeMGTV 👋🏽 #LohanBeachClub
@00Hitsdiidii: 1 hour of traffic just to get home.. the @lohanbeachclub it is📺🥂
@BillyEstevez_: You fuck up, own up to it. Face your problems #LohanBeachclub
@thesaratariq: I see that some of you are saying I spent too much time dealing w/ boy drama while I was working out in Mykonos but I hope y’all consider the fact that this is a reality tv show... so if you really think about it... I was putting in overtime. Lol #LohanBeachClub
@frankieendoondo: Only a few other MTV legends have had an episode named after themselves.  @MikeMGTV you are a legend. PERIODT
@thesaratariq: And of course, it’s always HER fault, never his. Women are seen as weak when we show emotion like we’re not human. This is the world we live in
@Kenyaa_NOT: 🧐Why is Kyle so fine.. #LohanBeachClub
@CleverTiana: I understand @BrentMarks so much! When dealing with the past, sometimes it makes you put certain walls up and not let people in. Then they think you’re the “bad guy” when that’s not always the case. I can relate so much. Respect.
@kylemarve: Watching the west coast airing of @lohanbeachclub in the hills with @thesaratariq @MikeMGTV @aristotlepolite @BillyEstevez_. #LohanBeachclub
@JonittaMarie: This is the last chance to prove that we deserve to continue with the Lohan brand 😬 sh*** about to get REAL! #lohanbeachclub
@JonittaMarie: Dear future husband, To make you happy.... 😊 #lohanbeachclub
@MikeMGTV: You like my ass? Gee thanks! Just squatted 😜 #LohanBeachClub @ArianaGrande
@panosofgreece: Thank you all for watching tonight! Season finale comes next week and a lot of new things are on the way...❤️❤️❤️ love you all! 💋 #LohanBeachClub

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So, just as we saw on Real World Cancun ten years ago when partying with LMFAO cost punk rocker Joey his job, it's hanging with stars that leads to someone getting the pink slip. Mike's choice to take off his pants leads to being the third VIP to getting fired just before the final days in Greece, and tonight may see many more fireworks before we say "αντιο σας" to the Club for the season.
   And unless you come to this site from outside the U.S., if you are unfamiliar with Sophie, Nathan and the rest of the Geordie Shore cast, we plan to offer our customary introduction to them and some notable figures from the British version of Jersey Shore in a future installment of "Someone You Should Know" and maybe "Who Are These Newbies? if the opportunity is given to them to follow Bear, Kayleigh and the rest of the Brits to come onto The Challenge.

To come here next is the Pulse of The Challenge: War of the Worlds, as Sophie and Nathan's fellow Brits are in an alliance as they try to keep afloat amidst the American plans to shoot them down... plus the season finale of Ex On The Beach 2. We'll leave you with the in-between interaction and the St. Patrick's Day buzz before this week's episodes, including the Brits taking time to remember Love Island UK cast member Mike Thalassitis - who took his own life last week. We'll talk to you then...

IN BETWEEN: Before Challenge Week 7 and the EOTB2 Finale 
@xZahida: Very shocked and saddened to hear about the news about @MikeThalassitis! So young 😪 My heart goes out to his family and friends at this difficult time. Read in peace Mike ❤️
@Kmorrisx: The news of mike makes you realise no matter how much you speak or know a person. U don’t have a clue what they are really going through. Only this week we were laughing and joking. To now this. You my friend had A true heart and will forever be missed. #RIPMikeThalassitis ♥️🙏🏻
@Kmorrisx: “In your eyes I see the light” ♥️
@Kmorrisx: I posted this today and if it offends anyone....That is not my intention. It’s just real life facts that people need to understand.
@georgiaharisonx: Everyone see’s the darkness in the world sometimes, even when they seem to be the brightest spark in the room. Take a deep breathe count to 10 and ask yourself am I… …
@joss_mooney: You have to be the energy you want to attract. If you desire to live a life you love, emanate love & happiness. Be around those that encourage it, not those who urge you to take it away. Bad vibes will take you everywhere but up, so make good vibe living a priority.
@ashleiighwoodx: For a lot of people, there is a strong link between being on reality television and mental health. Having a strong support system is key, and to any of my fellow reality show participants: I understand you and I GOT YOU.. whenever and wherever. ♥️

@ChallengeMTV: Watch the moment where Bear makes his sole mission to get Wes out of the game 🎯 #TheChallenge33   Dirty, Stinky, Rat / Tensions between Bear and Wes continue to rise as Bear vows to get his revenge on Wes in The Tribunal.
@MrAshleyCain: "Here we drew a line across the desert... A line the enemy dare not cross!" 💀 - Nah, he was actually probably just talking some shit... Funny shit though! 🤣 @stephen_bear #TheChallenge33
@MrAshleyCain: Massive things to come this year... I'm happy, I'm excited and I'm ready to go 100! 2019... LETS HAVE YA!
@MrAshleyCain: Let's stop hating and start appreciating... & if you don't like someone's life/success that isn't hurting/affecting you or anyone else, then keep your bad minded opinion to your fucking self! HOW BOUT DAT! 💁🏽‍♂️
@SHOTOFYAGER: FYI...No need to let us know when you’re going to “skip an episode” or it’s a “hard pass” for you. When a movie comes out that I have no interest in, I dont go to the theater & wait on line just to tell the guy behind the counter “It’s a NO for me.” - it’s OK to just not listen.
- @Marie_TBD: @SHOTOFYAGER Awwwww someone hurt your feelings scotty?
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @Marie_TBD They’re not insulting me when they do it. They’re saying “I dislike this cast-member”, so my feelings are fine. It’s just unnecessary.
@Marie_TBD: Someone said I looked 25 last night. That’s all.
@Marie_TBD: Is Mercury still in retrograde or am I actually losing my mind?
@Marie_TBD: I dont care, i love it.
@Marie_TBD: Signing off. ☠️☠️☠️😂
@shannanity: To the people wondering if their outcry mattered - just know that it did and we are thankful for you ✊🏻😘
@ChallengeMTV: STILL HERE 👏 #TheChallenge33
- @jossie_flores: @ChallengeMTV Yes that’s my MF bestie ❤️ you better fucking know it !!!!! Show them sis !!!!
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Hey @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV ..... can we get them a shirt? 😂🤣
@MattieLBreaux: Let the shenanigans begin 🍀
@DayDaVonne_: Ok I need help .... 🙄 Here we are AGAIN . I’m sitting here with friends and they’re trying to convince me that dating apps are “IT” .. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 now y’all remember my bumble story and how that whole night went down right ?? Smh PTSD 😩 .. 
- @JazMTV: @DayDaVonne_ Do what makes you feel comfortable. I met my fiancé on Match now we have 2 kids, dog,,house, boat and getting married in Oct. So it’s very possible to meet you soulmate on a app l! 😃😃
- @DayDaVonne_: @JazMTV Thank you Jaz !!! ❤️✨

@ExOnTheBeach: Nelson was lucky enough to return to the house, and take the place of an ex Maddie, but should she have been the one to leave?✌️ #ExOnTheBeach
@KendalSheppard: @angelababicz @MTV_NellyT Why are you so angry? All the time?? I'm seriously concerned. If you ever need to talk my DM's are open.
- @angelababicz: @KendalSheppard @MTV_NellyT All the time?Do you know me outside of my tweets?If you did you’d know this man robbed me, slandered my name on National tv, &continues to degrade me publicly. Why is it when a woman chooses not to lay down &die when a man disrespects her, she’s labeled angry?I have questions too
@angelababicz: Just had an eye opening conversation with @KendalSheppard... really put things in perspective for me. 💖
@angelababicz: @coreybrook34 Sorry I was busy changing my number since your boyfriend decided to blast it. Please reread my tweet and get back to me, as I clearly said I paid his “share”. I paid my share of 432, his share of 432, and the roommate paid his. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. 
- @realChadJohnson: @angelababicz That’s still only $900. What kind of dumpster were y’all living in? Because I could have rented 10 of them.
- @angelababicz: @realChadJohnson I see like Borey Brooks, math isn’t your strong suit either. Let me break it down for you- 432x3= $1296. Lay off the snow Sad Johnson 🤧
- @realChadJohnson: @angelababicz That’s still horrible. Where can you rent anywhere in California for $1296?That’s less than a third of my rent are you living in a pizza box?
@cbmcnary: Rise and shine,  it’s St Paddy’s Day Parade time! 🍀
@jossie_flores: Meet your new president of the United States of America 2020😎🤵🏽🔥
@MayaBenberry: It’s official. My summer heaux anthem song is Freaky x Tory Lanez 😈🏆💦
@NurysKMateo: I have a window display for @TrueReligion WHO WOULDVE THOUGHT! 😱 God is too good 🙏🏽❤️
@ExOnTheBeach: Hope your fits are fresh! 💥 We're just a few days away from the season finale of #ExOnTheBeach ✨
@BionicBrooks_: got the crowd going dumb, but I ain’t no damn fool
@angelababicz: How’s everyone’s Saturday going? ✨
@00Hitsdiidii: @joshshandana_ Did she just call herself an upgrade?! LMAO SOMONE SCHEDULE MY FUNERAL FOR NOW CAUSE IM☠️☠️ 
- @angelababicz: @00Hitsdiidii How you gonna claim to be someone’s upgrade whole time you can’t even get their name right 🥴😂 TyReEeeeeeee head ass
@BadGirlJanelle: If you have a toxic person in your life... REMOVE THEM. No matter how much it hurts. The person you’re becoming will Thank You in the Long Run. 🙏🏾
@maddiesullivan1: I am rewatching some Ex on the Beach episodes and rewatching Chad just REpisses me off
@mariae296: The people calling the cast of DSAL ugly and “skanks” are the same profiles that have no pictures on their feed or less than 300 followers. Let me remind you that you are nobody to us. Don’t come for my castmates and not expect to get a clap back.
@kylemarve: Thanks for inviting us by for #thebachelor Season Finale @JustFabOnline #LohanBeachClub
@kailah_casillas: why be anyone else when I can be me? @iammikeyp @DJPaulyD @scheana
- @scheana Scheana/Vanderpump Rules: @kailah_casillas Action shot of me trying to get the hair out of my face 😂 🏳️‍🌈
@kailah_casillas: why be anyone else? @DJPaulyD @scheana @iammikeyp
@kailah_casillas: "@DrunkLohan: @lohanbeachclub I think it will be @kailah_casillas . She’s been in the exile house and will make a return and win this first season of your challenge and steal the money and run" RT No thanks
@DJran: This @usweekly article makes me miss  my roomies! @cameraneubanks @BradFiorenza @jamiechung1 @RobinMTV14
- @cameraneubanks: @DJran @usweekly and 3 others Love and miss you Big Rand!!

@ChallengeMTV: This grueling elimination saw yet another Challenge great get eliminated from the game 💼✈️ #TheChallenge33   Sandbag Burn / Da’Vonne and Bear and Leroy and Shaleen go head-to-head in an elimination that requires strength and stamina.
@ChallengeMTV: Trying to bring in all the groceries at once like... 😩 #TheChallenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨TOMORROW. LAVA.🌋STEW.🥣We talk to the man who has been masterminding this entire season of #TheChallenge33 so far...@WestonBergmann joins me & @DerrickMTV for over 2 hours on #ChallengeMania 🦕🦖HOLD ONTO YOUR BUTTS @ChallengeMTV fans! This one is a good one! Subscribe now!📲
@LWCPodcast: No Holds Barred: Interview with @PaulCalafiore_  Out Now on All Platforms! Nothing is off limits. Nobody is safe. 💯  ☠️iTunes: ☠️   ☠️Spotify: ☠️   ☠️SoundCloud: ☠   #TheChallenge33 #WaroftheWorlds #MTV #StirThePot
@Marie_TBD: Happy Saint Patricks day!
@cbmcnary: I will not be using iMessage today so all my text show up green! 🍀 #happystpaddysday
@WestonBergmann: The look you make when everyone makes fun of gingers year round and then pretends they are one all day today. #stpatricksday #genuinegingers @ Overland Park, Kansas …
@WestonBergmann: Having a little red in your beard does not make you a ginger. Especially today you fairweather fans. The real ginger has spoken. 👨🏼‍🦰 🍀 🇮🇪
@johnnybananas: "Happy the one day of the year it's socially acceptable to look like @WestonBergmann day" 🤡🍀#StPatricksDay #GingerVitus
- @WestonBergmann: @johnnybananas Better red than grey
@WestonBergmann: Being a ginger on St. Paddy's day is like being Jesus on Christmas
@tonyraines: Little throwback from me and the only true Irishmen I know 🍀 #HappyStPatricksDay @KyleCGShore
- @KyleCGShore: @tonyraines My guy 💚🍀
- @kailah_casillas: @KyleCGShore @tonyraines Lol and then Kyle wore that stupid shirt to try and sway your vote 😂😂😂 good times, good times.
- @tonyraines: @kailah_casillas @KyleCGShore And it worked
@KyleCGShore: St Patrick’s Day I fucking love you! 🍀💚
@JOSHMBB19: Happy St. paddy’s day from the keys 🏝✌🏽
@CaraMariaMTV: Special twitter appearance today only. To flood your timeline with ☘️ CHEERS!
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV Oh hey there 😉
@CaraMariaMTV: .... something about a bunch of drunk strangers finding common ground eating pizza and singing Sweet Caroline at 2am that really restores my faith in humanity. ☘️ 🍕
@CaraMariaMTV: My Gingerbred stays green all year. ☘️
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV 😂🤣😂🤣
@PaulCalafiore_: On a scale of 1 to Cringe..... #TeamCringe
@Marie_TBD: Happy Saint Patricks day to the only leprechaun I’ve met in person @PaulCalafiore_
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD @PaulCalafiore_ 😂☘️
@CaraMariaMTV: Lastly, I must take today to acknowledge how truly lucky I am for being hand selected to live in the super exclusive and most sought after Penthouse Suite of the Your Minds Hotel, *rent free*... all year round. #blessed ☘️
@MattieLBreaux: The green in my tattoo counts right 😜🍀
@Marie_TBD: Keep it moving. #bigmood
@Marie_TBD: In before paul replies back with something like “It doesn’t take luck to win a challenge, it takes perseverance.” 🍀
@Marie_TBD: The service that Kanye/Kim attend on Sunday sounds a lot like a Kanye West concert. #kardashian
@kailah_casillas: Lol find yourself a friend like @Marie_TBD 🔥
@kailah_casillas: #GameOfClones @ParisHilton edition 😂
@kailah_casillas: I’ve never been more proud to be @JustJem24 friend. Cc: @Marie_TBD
@ZAKLONGO: Carbonara with @itskcheyenne x Sugo Sunday. Full episode: 
@giannahammer: Our first St. Patrick’s day! 🍀💚💚💚
@HaydenPWeaver: I’m fine. I’m not freaking out about this stretch at all. Nope..
@MTVbrettski: People throw green on and act like going out drinking with friends is a new thing
@WestonBergmann: Can someone tell us where to file our permit to go bear hunting? @stephen_bear @ South Africa …
@johnnybananas: Save a horse, ride a Banana 🐎🍌🤠 @1stlooktv #CowboyBanana #HostBananas #1stlooktv @OldTucsonStudio #BananasDoingNewThings – at Old Tucson
@MikeMGTV: Hope you’re all having a great St. Patrick’s Day! 🥴🍺🍀
@DeenaNicoleMTV: Happy St. Patrick’s day!!  (He hated the hat 🤣) …
@SammiSweetheart: 🍀🍀Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 🍀🍀
@msdeenguyen: Happy St Patty’s day to my favourite ginger ☘️@WestonBergmann @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge
@blacuesta: Tonight is already a shit show and I’m not even at work yet
@TheShaneRaines: 💚
@itskcheyenne: Praying Ryder is good to me on this flight 🥴🙏🏽
@TheSteamer: If you would have told me that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar would be the person to so succinctly sum up The Challenge I’d have thought you were crazy. And yet here we are. Kareem nails it. #TheChallenge33
@NurysKMateo: Actions speak louder than words. There’s just something about a man SHOWING you he cares, rather than just speaking on it
@NurysKMateo: started GOT and I already know I’m about to be obsessed
@00Hitsdiidii: Life is G R E A T 🥂
@imdroc15: It’s something about a woman that can dance and not just twerking but I’m talking dance dance 🤤😏😍!!
@BadGirlJanelle: You can’t come to LA on No Bum Shit... You’ll get Exposed QUICK 😂😂😂😂 Right sis @MayaBenberry
@JDVibezzz: My shorty come first even on bad terms ❤️🖤
@CodyThrive: Congrats to @makanime on completing her 21 day challenge. I’m ready to see how she does on a season of N&A XL. She’s done 40 days and she’s done 21 days naked. Now she’s gotta do 40 days naked! #NakedAndAfraid #MTVstranded #MakaniOnChallenge @NakedAndAfraid
@Karamo: I’m done. Night. 😢

@ChallengeMTV: Though it's impossible to deny the brilliance of Paulie and Ninja's performance this season, their solid showing has attracted the attention of their enemies - the UK alliance 🎯 #TheChallenge33   Sneak Peek: RIP Paulie / The UK alliance toast over their newest target. The Challenge: War of The Worlds is brand new, this Wednesday at 9/8c!
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Shots fired! R.I.P. who??
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Wait.... I thought I was a shit Challenger?!?! Why would anyone want to target me or not want to run a final against me?!?! 😉😘
@Marie_TBD: Screenshots go both ways you know. Ya ever think if I was, i dono, as fcked up as they say I am they’d have evidence too?
@Marie_TBD: Still havent spoke a word to the guy since I blocked him in January when he literally sent the same SOBBING video (minus tears) to all of her friends. It was V similar to the insta live he posted once while dressed like Peter Pan crying for forgiveness.
@Marie_TBD: Why do people get so mad when you tell the truth... especially when its the SAME truth they told.
@Marie_TBD: @LWCPodcast TBH with everyone I did call Paulie. I’m not embaressed of seeking help when I was not mentally well. This makes him no less of a sociopath.
@Marie_TBD: Just bc I respond to something doesn’t mean I’m bothered... it means I’m petty.
@Marie_TBD: Embracing your crazy makes you less crazy #accountability
@Marie_TBD: Did I make a deal with Panatalie before the final? 1000% - Did I make the same exact deal with Sylvia & Joss after Nat ran 25 minutes in the wrong direction during part 1? 1000% - Does that make me a flipflopper or a decent gambler? #askingformyself
@Marie_TBD: “Thou shall not try me.” -MOOD 24:7
@Marie_TBD: PSA 🥰
@Marie_TBD: Haters will say “I’m obsessed,” normal people will say I’m hilarious.
@Marie_TBD: “Making fun of people is not funny” comments are the #1 reason comedy is dead. #RIP standup and not taking life too seriously.
@turabicamkiran: KING OF THE ELIMINATION GAMES 👑 #TurboTurabi #TheChallEnge33
- @PaulCalafiore_: @turabicamkiran These eliminations look fun 😎🤓
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🌋NEW PODCAST UP!🌋@WestonBergmann is back on #ChallengeMania, conveniently right when he’s sitting on top of the world, or at least, WAR of the Worlds! He joins me & @DerrickMTV to break down #TheChallenge33, the rookie class, Bananas, Zach, Bear & MORE!📲 …
@CaraNinjaMarie: After a very busy weekend, I finally finished up the last bit of #ChallengeMania with 1 of my faves, @CaraMariaMTV - always enjoy hearing from this beautiful knight💜 And always excited when @SHOTOFYAGER & @DerrickMTV ask 1 of my questions; TY😁 Another great stew-filled episode!
@joss_mooney: Find someone who knows you’re not perfect but treats you as if you are.
@johnnybananas: Coming into Monday like... 🤠 ☠ @1stlooktv #StuntManana #CowboyBanana #StuntMan @OldTucsonStudio
@JOSHMBB19: Stay humble, stay grounded, stay real 👊🏽
@cbmcnary: *Alexa,  how do you know you over did it on st Patrick’s day?*
@mikethemiz: I can’t wait to meet you, support you, help you, guide you, teach you, but most of all love you.  #Boy or #Girl????
@JennaCompono: Why must drama between people ALWAYS be posted on social media?? Do what I do text or message them 🤷🏼‍♀️
@alabaman8493: Some of us are just enjoying Twitter. No drama, no dragging, no shooting of shots, no curve, no crisis. We are just to laugh, Retweet and quote "LMAOOOOOO 😂😂😂".
@WestonBergmann: Man meat sandwich @ Albany, New York …

@angelababicz: Anyway I’m leaving for Mexico tomorrow and I might just be linking with some of your faves 👀 stay tuned
@cbmcnary: I was standing in line at a smoothie joint today.  The employees had no idea I was in there and I over heard them talking about how fun the Revel Social was for st paddy’s day!  All the hard work is paying off and I have never felt more proud!
@NicolexoRamos: Hey thotiana what’s it like in New York City I’m a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty buss it down


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