Thursday, March 14, 2019

DC SocialPulse: Ex On The Beach S2 - "Bad Romance"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Hey there, it's a Thursday and it's #ExDay... better known to those of you who watch the "Ultimate Relation++++ Show" known as Ex On The Beach. And for something as good as a good thing, very soon all good things will come to an end as we're nearing the end of Season 2 in Malibu.

Previously in SoCal, Maya had to face the music again in seeing someone from her past emerge out of the clouds and into the Shack of Secrets in her ex Perez, who no doubt was losing his mind there. But all focus was on The Challenge's representative in the EOTB house: Nicole saw her man Chad go on a date with her ex -- including a Nurys and Didi watching like Russian spies from afar, and then get woken up when Maddie's joke on her went so bad it sparked more fireworks.

The end of Episode 10 saw Nicole do a Camila -- which if you haven't been keeping up with The Challenge means going off on production off-camera and not on Twitter. And as we return to the house for Week 12, as it was with Janelle earlier on it's the consequences of her actions that may lead her out of town and leaving Chad with a broken heart. A spat in the house may also spell the end to this season's strongest bromance, just as it did with Turbo and JP out in Africa. But all eyes are on our returning star: what happens when the worst nightmare of our Bad Girl comes true on the beach?

Find out which familiar face pops up onshore as we'll have all the action, reaction and interaction of last week's episode ahead for you to check out and to catch up before tonight's drama goes down. But after the jump, we begin the 'Pulse of Ex On The Beach with the one thing that had everyone talking in MTV land last week, and more aftermath from episode 5 of War of the Worlds. Dive in...

 UP TOP: Something So Scandalicious... 
@MTV_AMANDAG: 🚨PSA: I appreciate all the support and I know I haven’t really spoke on anything...but I don’t want this blown up into something it’s not. I know their intentions were never to hurt me; it just went too far. It happens to the best of us. They’ve apologized. I’ve moved on.
@MTV_AMANDAG: I don’t want you guys to feel bad for me cuz thats not who I am. Production handled it the way they did and it is what it is. Nothing will change it. Lets all move forward and forever buy tape from the dollar store cuz that shit is A HELL of a lot less sticky. -I love you all! ❤️
@MTV_AMANDAG: 🚨PSA: I’m disgusted w/MTV & the way I’ve been treated about all of this shit ESP when I’ve been so calm/understanding. They want to silence me w/legal threats but go to the media & lie? LOL. After the reunion my career with MTV is OVER.  I don’t need their shit I promise u✌🏼
@MTV_AMANDAG: SO MTV STOP CALLING ME FOR NEXT SEASON BECAUSE THE ANSWER IS NO. Give my spot to some desperate ass kisser instead. 😘
@HaydenPWeaver: @MTV_AMANDAG 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@emilylongeretta: #TheChallenge’s @MTV_AMANDAG says the taping incident was not meant to hurt her & has been blown out of proportion …
@TheAshleysRR: #TheChallenge fans start petition asking MTV to take action after cast members discuss alleged assault of Amanda Garcia during #WarOfTheWorlds
- @GamerVev: @TheAshleysRR MTV has protected Bananas twice in the past year and they all involve another female being put in a situation they should never have been in.  There’s executives at MTV that care more about the reputation of Bananas than they do the success of the network/The Challenge.
@TheAshleysRR: #TheChallenge star Amanda Garcia says she's done appearing on MTV shows; says MTV tried to silence her “with legal threats” following alleged #WarOfTheWorlds assault:
@enews: #TheChallenge's Amanda Garcia spoke out after claims came out that Johnny Bananas, Kyle Christie and Theo Campbell taped her mouth shut as a prank.
@usweekly: #TheChallenge: War of the Worlds star Amanda Garcia was allegedly the victim of a disturbing attack that started as a joke but went too far.
@FentyyRashid: @MTV_AMANDAG We appreciate you queen!! Even when something does happen to you, you NEVER overplay the victim & rile people up. I wish some people could relate 😌🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣
@shboogies: "@Bad_N_Boozy: @shannanity The dating show and the Amanda assault all within such a short time frame... why are they trying so hard to cover for someone who needs to be done on MTV anyway?" RT ☕️
@Kailah_Garcia: @fckedwithpod @gigi__moreno and 2 others Why do y'all think about these tweets from Shane about the Amanda incident 👀
@shboogies: I keep thinking MTV/B&M are protecting Johnny but maybe they’re just protecting themselves. 2 incidents of alleged assault and both times a cover up. Sue city. That doesn’t explain why they still employ him. Nia called and she said “now THAT is a fkn liability.” #TheChallenge33
@freshmeat3me: stop covering shit up at the expense of human beings! and what are we going to do about this? @ChallengeMTV @MTV @BunimMurray
@CaraMarieNany: I don’t care who I stan, mtv is treating Amanda awfully. I feel bad for her in this situation. They’re wrong.
@DavonneKnight: @TrishelleC you werent lying when you say mtv wasn't  shit …
- @TrishelleC: @DavonneKnight I am NOT surprised by this. It is disgusting and disturbing reading the details but this is what they do. They’ll protect Johnny at any cost then threaten to sue the people who give them their jobs. They covered up Tonya’s sexual assault as well-it was filmed
@TrishelleC: "@Sylviadefender: @TrishelleC Yea but what does Johnny offer them that they need him so much. That’s what I’m lost about." RT Well Evan and the other douchebag, I forget his name were the Johnnys of the Challenge back in the day and they protected those 2 after what they did to Tonya. The fans like Johnny for some reason that is lost on me as well.  Idk but I feel for that girl.
@TrishelleC: "@btvs23: @TrishelleC Mtv needs to realize this is a different time. They can’t handle this like they handled Tonya. If this gets out beyond The Challenge fandom, they are going to have serious issues" RT I completely agree with you. The fact that people were ordered to film what happened to Tonya and didn’t step in just shows how sociopathic and careless they are. I’m surprised no one has died yet on that show. The lack of medical care is crazy too
@TrishelleC: "@Kailah_Garcia: @TrishelleC The other one was Kenny. I'm still disgusted that MTV covered Tonya assaulted up." RT Yeah and she like moved away and wasn’t allowed to talk about it to anyone which has to be hard. There’s no amount of money to make that ok.
@TrishelleC: "@momsneedbeertoo: @TrishelleC Ordered to film? And NO ONE STEPPED IN!?  How can they sleep at night knowing?  That is disgusting" RT Yeah the camera guys have ear pieces and the director tells them what to film. I’ve only had someone step in once bc I was about to get in a car with a drunk driver & he gave me money for a cab. Thankful for that but this was 2002. He would prob be fired now
@TrishelleC: "@Kailah_Garcia: @TrishelleC It pisses me off that they did that to her. The fact they protect these men disgusts me so much." RT And good for Shane for letting people know about this despite being threatened. Thats the right thing to do. I hope more people come forward.
@TrishelleC: "@shboogies: PEOPLE WERE ORDERED TO FILM IT???? holy crap yall... …" RT I wasn’t there but other people were and it’s not like they were “ordered” or be fired. But yeah the camera guys are told what to film.
@TrishelleC: "@momsneedbeertoo: @TrishelleC If these are the two instances coming to light, now, what else HORRIBLE has happened?" RT No telling but some of the cast is so desperate to be on the show and get the check that they’ll do anything including risking their safety and being  degraded.
@TrishelleC: @christineg2009_ I wasn’t comparing the two, I was comparing how the cast were intimidated into not speaking about something that was wrong and that the men on the show are constantly protected.
@TrishelleC: "@MarvinGrove: @witchvision @TrishelleC The Rape Allegation That Haunts MTV’s ‘The Challenge’ … via @thedailybeast" RT Wow never read that article. Bottom line, people should be taking better care of reality contestants and anyone committing an assault should be sent home and never hired again. Let’s see if Johnny still has a “job” after this.
@Opinionated____: So Amanda tried shutting the drama down and MTV still sent her threats after she was calm/ defusing the stuff with the articles...
@MTVBabicz: If MTV still allows Amanda to come to the Reunion after all this she better raise fucking hell and leave with a fucking BANG that leaves the whole challenge fandom shook for YEARS ! This is bullshit and that’s that.
@MTVQueengela: Lmao and before the cara fans celebrate and start talking Shit ... just know our faves are going on to bigger and better things and not stuck on the challenges for 60 seasons busting it open for rookies with girlfriends 🤧
@Adoomies1: The way Bananas literally bullies people on the challenge and gets protected was really never funny or entertaining. I’m glad Amanda is calling out MTV. Periodt
@KendalSheppard: @SFGNYYFan @TheAshleysRR Because she said "stop"
@cree_mrs: @TheAshleysRR That’s crazy why hide it because bananas is in it? Release the footage
@IQGurl: @cree_mrs @TheAshleysRR It's definitely because Johnny was a part of it they don't want to lose him the same way the production tried to cover up what happened to Tonya because it involved Kenny and Evan. It wasn't until Tonya sued they were forced to get rid Kenny and Evan.
@TrishelleC: "@ndlovesndcoiris: @Flinklaw @TrishelleC I understood Shane tweet as him not saying that he was the one threatened to being sued,  I read it as him saying Amanda was being threatened and he was speaking out for her" RT Ah I see. But still good on him for speaking out bc those guys need to pay for their actions.
@rachel_fitness: @MTV_AMANDAG Lawyer up! #internationalwomensday  Nothing should ever happen to a women on these challenges like that.
@MrsBGoodwin: @enews @MTV times have changed. Before you lose your biggest show it should be addressed, mtv you need to apologize to amanda instead of threatening her. Its sick that yall applauded and cover up sexual assaults. Physical assault on women by men etc.
@Kailah_Garcia: "@MTVBananas: Ok I’m all ready now! Where is the party! #AmandaIsntOnNextSeasonParty " RT You do realize Johnny sexual assaulted someone and that's why he isn't on Game of Clones right?
@Kailah_Garcia: Let me make this clear this is rumor, but he was suppose to be on and his parts is edited out.
@Opinionated____: Rachel, Katie, and Trishelle supporting Amanda. Ugh thank gosh cast members are making their voice heard. We really do love old schoolers. And ofc Shane and Sylvia for new school too ❤️❤️❤️
@gigi__moreno: Also Bananas every time he’s involved in something foul and needs MTV to cover it up for him. 😇
@MarieCaraDfnder: This isn't about whether we like @MTV_AMANDAG or not. This is about how women are treated on @mtv. What happened, happened. What makes this so GROSS and UNFORGIVABLE on part of @BunimMurray is the attempt at cover up. It's 2019 and we STILL trying to silence women? WTF.
@SylviaMTV: @H889Jamie @MTV_AMANDAG @MTVASHLEYBROOKE I support @MTV_AMANDAG 💯 I spoke with Her privately a long while ago when I had first heard what happened. I think @MTV is absolutely disgusting for continually covering up for certain ppl. I also find it disgusting that some cast would choose to try and dumb down the situation
@TrishelleC: "@IQGurl: @TrishelleC One cast member said that she had gotten really sick and waited around for medicine for hours before she had to bust in the producer's room the crazy part is they where just sitting there watching wait for medicine they really don't care for the people on the show." RT Yeah it took them days to get me to a hospital with a huge cut in my foot that eventually became infected. I literally had to beg them then the producer acted like a complete dick about it and berated me bc I couldn’t compete in water until it was healed

@ChallengeMTV: Whose side are you on? 🤔 #TheChallenge33
@theo_campbell91: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV 1 of Most epic comebacks I’ve ever seen! Absolutely smashed it @CaraMariaMTV Real champ
@CardellChris: I wanna say Jenna and Zack are a beautiful amazing couple and I appreciate their presence on the challenge! They are an inspiration to anyone who is looking for a solid beautiful relationship! Thanks for having them! @MTV @BunimMurray @ZNichols15 @JennaCompono
@xZahida: @WestonBergmann Aw Wes, do you remember anymore Geordie words I taught you? 😂😩Congrats on the win!! Sorry we picked you 😬
@xZahida: @MattieLBreaux I love you too!! From the minute we met at the airport I knew we were gonna be good friends in there ♥️ thank you for everything xxx
@LonChair: I just love that they showed @MattieLBreaux & @xZahida’s talk. Something authentic between the drama ❤️❤️ #TheChallange33
@KyleCGShore: "@JennaCompono: I have to say @KyleCGShore told me multiple answers to tell to Zach during elimination.. he full out told me it sucks seeing 2 of his good friends against each other but he def helped out a lot" RT Still stand by it and I helped both of them just wished they could of both stayed 🤷🏼‍♂️
@KyleCGShore: "@JennaCompono: The fact that @KyleCGShore is in a  skirt and pigtails is EVERYTHING right now 👧🏼" RT 😂😂😂😂😂
@KyleCGShore: "@JOSHMBB19: Lost some good friends tonight. 2 of my closests allies left in one night. But proud of @MattieLBreaux and @KyleCGShore they earned it 👏🏽 #thechallenge33" RT @JOSHMBB19 Thanks brother it’s nice to get the credit unlike everyone else just bringing it down 🤷🏼‍♂️
@HedrichFiles: HOLY. SHIT. KYLE WITH THE UPSET OF THE CENTURY! What a sneaky good performance. Taking out CT and JP was impressive AF. Good on ya @KyleCGShore  #TheChallenge33
@twocentsbylamia: @KyleCGShore DID YOU JUST BEAT CT!! Been watching the challenge for 14 season and this has been one of the most EPIC eliminations 🔥
@KyleCGShore: "@ChallengeMTV: Bananas and Leroy. TYB. And now JP and Turbo - here are the most memorable bromances in Challenge history! Which are your favorite? 👯‍♂️ …" RT Dammmmmm @BradFiorenza and I deserve this so much. Thank you @ChallengeMTV especially after everything I put him through last season 👀🤷🏼‍♂️😂
@KyleCGShore: @xZahida @stephen_bear I FUCKING LOVE YOU TWO 😂
@KyleCGShore: Bears the man 👬 @ChallengeMTV
@KyleCGShore: "@xZahida: Ahead of tonight's ep I just want to say thank you to my friend @KyleCGShore who I've known since my teen years! He's seen me on some of my worst days.. I'm so grateful I had you on my @ChallengeMTV journey as well as my life! Thanks for looking after me and having my back 👊🏽❤️" RT It was an absolute pleasure to have you with me on @ChallengeMTV love you too bits and am sure I will see you over the next few weeks for a good old drink! 👀💙
@_AlienAndrea: I like the player @KyleCGShore has turned into.  #TheChallenge33
@KyleCGShore: "@DayDaVonne_: Oh FUCK YOU KYLE !!!!! That was your strategy ?! @KyleCGShore" RT 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 sorry @DayDaVonne_ but they never ever once invited me to play poker 👀
@KyleCGShore: @kailah_casillas I was so out of it with pain meds I didn’t feel a thing 😂
@KyleCGShore: "@MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV @DayDaVonne_ @KyleCGShore Hahahahahaha @KyleCGShore and I spent twenty minutes talking to Bear about jumping on that table. Hahaha fuckin epic." RT 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@KyleCGShore: @ChallengeMTV @DayDaVonne_ It was so fucking funny I can’t believe he actually did it. I’m literally still laughing now 😂
@KyleCGShore: Last night on the Challenge were I convince Bear to ruin the game of poker when I start screaming “FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW” to the camera men has me fucking crying with laughter, I Fucking love that man! #TheChallange33 #TeamBear
@KyleCGShore: "@DayDaVonne_: Fun fact ... my hand wasn’t really stuck in that tire .... my ass was just procrastinating because I was tired 😩 #TheChallenge33" RT 😂
@KyleCGShore: @ZNichols15 is the fucking man, love you brother 🙌🏽
@KyleCGShore: "@WestVirgYinzer: @KyleCGShore Dude you are so underappreciated in the Challenge world. Constantly making deep runs in the game and provide us with drama, hook ups, strategy and hilarious commentary.  Hope you stick around for a while my guy 👊🏼" RT Tell me about it 😂🤷🏼‍♂️👀
@Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV @KyleCGShore @DayDaVonne_ Yellow is your color Kyle!
@xZahida: Thank you for the support I am truly grateful for the lovely messages I have received and I'm glad people got to see me for who I am. And thank you @ChallengeMTV for such an unforgettable experience 🙌🏽 #thechallenge33
@xZahida: "@ChallengeMTV: Me when the lights come on at the bar 😩 #TheChallenge33 " RT FFS 😂
@xZahida: I'm sooo ready for a summer in my favourite place #IBIZA 😍
- @Kmorrisx: @xZahida Ughhhhh were going Ibiza this year that my friend is a fact
@courtneyxbrown: @xZahida my favorite rookie this season 🥰❤️ sad to see you go but hope to see you again love 💕 #thechallenge33 @ChallengeMTV
@JazMTV: @DayDaVonne_ girl you had me crying and ready to fight for you last night!! You owe me a drink in the future lol! Luv ya girl! Glad you are the on challenge and killing it!!
- @DayDaVonne_: @JazMTV Thank you beauty ! ✨✨ and yes,  drinks on me 😂😂
@azelin: @SHOTOFYAGER After last night’s Challenge episode, Paulie is now top 100 all-time in daily wins. Moving up that list quickly. Also, Wes now has as many elimination wins as daily wins, illustrating how much of an underdog he’s been in his career.
@NataliaNegrotti: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV Thanks for sending him packing right after I went home.
@SHOTOFYAGER: ⚔️NEW WAR ROOM PODCAST UP!⚔️@DerrickMTV & I break down last night’s episode of #TheChallenge33, discuss the party everyone is talking about, I cast an Old School v New School v Middle School Season & we take YOUR QUESTIONS at  #ChallengeMania #TheWarRoom🎧
@Marie_TBD: "@BellaBe96: @Marie_TBD You’re not even on the season .. stop getting your ass in the middle of everything sis . THANK YOU" RT FYI to this comment & similar ones; I may not be on this season- BUT U are most definitley not on any season. I have the right, way more than any of u, to have an opinion considering I know these people firsthand. So while u all share ur “knowledge” I will continue to share mine.
@Marie_TBD: Realllllly over winter in New York.
@Marie_TBD: PS. Never needed a vendetta for a callback. I’m fking hilarious.
@Marie_TBD: Does anyone else get more offended about things when it comes to the people you love vs. yourself? Like say whatever you want to me, but if you fck with my fam/friends we have serious issues.
@Marie_TBD: My dad once told me “Happiness is knowing the ones you love most are happy” and I felt that.
@Marie_TBD: Gonna need @MTV to put @TiffanyPollard on ANY show ever or better yet @BacheloretteABC - aren’t you in need of a queen? #ilovenewyork
@mari80m: @turabicamkiran @ChallengeMTV @MTV Turbo you're hot 🔥🔥🔥 you were raised well! We need more men like you! Thank you!
@jeppsc: I want to marry @turabicamkiran he is the true definition of what a man should be.gِrdüğüm en iyi kalbe ve ruha sahipsin. I hope i said that correctly turbo 💖
@JennaCompono: You will continue to suffer if you have an emotional reaction to everything that is said to you. True power is sitting back and observing things with logic. True power is restraint. If words control you, that means everyone else can control you. Breathe and allow things to pass.
@InTheEmbers: @PaulCalafiore_ The best part? Last season of #TheChallenge, they tried to write you off from your time in Redemption House...but now you keep winning challenges this season, which REALLY makes them crazy.
@PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Who doesn’t love a good hair twirl?! 😂☺️
@JOSHMBB19: One of the biggest struggles of being on tv, has to be getting over certain situations and having to relive  that shit months later. still learning how to let shit go.
@Marie_TBD: Ninja Natalie gives me big d*ck energy and I mean that in the nicest way. #thechallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Yet ANOTHER Challenge Champion was sent packing last night 💼✈️ Rewatch the latest episode of #TheChallenge33 NOW on 💻
@Ninja_Natalie: Gawd past nights episode of #TheChallenge33 was exhausting 🐻👊🏼 Thankfully I have @JOSHMBB19 there for support 💗 thx BB
- @JOSHMBB19: @Ninja_Natalie 😂✊🏽❤️
@KaylaColette: @Ninja_Natalie you have to be my favorite newbie!! Not only are you a badass in the challenges but you are also smart when it comes to the strategy of the game.
@Ninja_Natalie: "@msdeenguyen: Bear attacking @Ninja_Natalie dress sense? Mate focus on the competition and not personal jabs 🐻🙅‍♀️ #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV" RT Mah gurl 🙌🏽
@Ninja_Natalie: Take NO shit. & Never disrespect.
@Marie_TBD: That escalted quickly 👀
@drewwerd37: Cara loves to talk shit about other relationships as if her man didn’t basically cheat on her and yet she took his dumbass back #TheChallenge33
@Kailah_Garcia: Cara has no room to talk about relationship at all. #TheChallenge33
@jsimpkins0902: Cara this is a game!!! quit making EVERY.THING about your damn relationship!!! #TheChallenge33 #annoying
@FentyyRashid: Bravo to jenna for seeing RIGHT through that awful, FAKE speech that Cara was giving about “women”. Girl just vote him in and stfu, don’t pull that card when it benefits you. Bye 👋 #TheChallenge33
@FentyyRashid: Cara is such a nasty manipulative individual. She has been friends with Zach for YEARS and watched him talk to woman like trash but now all of a sudden when he does the same thing to her she’s all about “women” and empowerment? GTFOH fraud #TheChallenge33
@FentyyRashid: Da’Vonne and Zahida both have such toxic partners (Zach, Bear) and they have to go down with them. This is such bullshit and very infuriating #TheChallenge33
@Opinionated____: And Jenna ENDING Cara? Don’t throw the girl card only when it applies to you bitch! Zach’s always treated females like trash.
@HTChallenge32: You know you’re in the wrong when ZACH AND JENNA side with AMANDA. Lawd if that aint a clue sis... whew #TheChallenge33
@HTChallenge32: Bear is about to be so hated by the casuals and I’m living for it. The legends always get the grandmas mad! #TheChallenge33
@lizxreality: Wait is Zach really putting up a fight to save Amanda? What am I watching? #TheChallenge33
@uhColt45: Omg Jenna snapped on Cara. Stick up for your man sis. #TheChallenge33
@VileIris: Cara talking about how unhealthy Zach/Jenna are while simultaneously getting cheated on by Paulie is actually kinda poetic. #TheChallange33
@actualgreatest: Sorry but Jenna is just being a good girlfriend. You defend your significant other in public. But I get why Cara wouldn't understand that. #TheChallenge33
@aasjklaa: Jenna just dragged cara lmfao  #TheChallange33
@GamerVev: "@NewChallengeFan: Stop pumping up Da'vonne as the elimination queen lmao. She went in because she was'nt strong enough to win challenges. If yall want to argue about Cara FM2 : her and Darrell seem too strong…" RT Imagine being this ignorant. Last place doesn’t automatically get sent into elimination this season.... She went in because they feared her and wanted her out of the game.
@GamerVev: Bear said so is your dress sense 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 a fucking ICON!!! He in here dragging everyone 😩🙌🏼💀 #TheChallenge33
@HTChallenge32: Welp, any casual who said they rigged final reckoning so that Ashley beat Hunter let me show you Exhibit A of today’s challenge and his god awful endurance💀💀💀
@FentyyRashid: How does cara get the SAME edit every season? She always just happens to be eaves-dropping in the hallways with sad music playing in the background as people are talking about her lmao... the victim editing is actually very cringeworthy now #TheChallenge33
@RealityTvJarred: "@Chic011518368: @ChallengeMTV Zach, Kyle & Amanda are just trash! Why Don’t the leave her alone? They all just want her as a rival partner 😩 " RT Why so they can lose? Cara lost Rivals 1, 2, and final reckoning which was basically another rivals. Lol and she’s starting to get more enemies than allies. 🤷🏻‍♂️😂
@Ninja_Natalie: Wringing out the disrespect like... 💦 💁🏻‍♀️ #thankyounext
@itsthechampagne: The Power of the Podcast: I am more invested in MTV's #TheChallenge than ever before thanks to #ChallengeMania. Hosts @DerrickMTV and @SHOTOFYAGER have built the ultimate resource for the show's fans in a little over a year. It's great for us and the franchise. #TheChallenge33
@DerrickMTV: "@WestonBergmann: How the hell are they not counting Champs Vs Stars eliminations?! Those people are way harder to beat than people like @JOSHMBB19. So that wasn’t my 14th win, that was my 19th win. No other man is even in double digits." RT Quick Question:🙋‍♂️ If you’re taking your 5 Elimination Wins from Champs vs Stars, are you giving @johnnybananas, @CaraMariaMTV, @mtvrrdarrell, @TheOfficial_CT, @tonyraines and @EmFitMTV another @ChallengeMTV Championship?? P.S.-I’ll take my 11 Regular Season Elimination Wins. 😉
- @WestonBergmann: @DerrickMTV @johnnybananas and 6 others Yes, I think their final wins count. Especially season one and three. And Google says you’ve only won eight...with one incredibly damning loss. 😉
- @DerrickMTV: @WestonBergmann @johnnybananas and 6 others Maybe we can debate this in a few weeks on #ChallengeMania, but in the mean time, can you tell Google to fix that win column for me and put “Bag of Shit” next to that loss. Thanks! I know you got pull! 💩
- @tonyraines: @WestonBergmann @DerrickMTV and 6 others Gotta count season 3 of CvS. The final was legit and consisted of 2 challenge legends, a NBA player, a professional dancer, an Olympian, and of course yours truly 😉
@ToriFiorenza: I gave up coffee for lent and I’m not doing well. Just wanted y’all to know...the struggle is real.
- @cohuttalee: @ToriFiorenza I would live longer giving up oxygen for lent.
@ToriFiorenza: @JazMTV Oh I’ll check in on you often,That’s brutal. I thought about giving up wine, but Jesus loves wine, so...🤷🏻‍♀️
@MTV: Guess who’s getting a style makeover just in time for festival season?? Don’t miss @GusSmyrnios and @iamkamiam_ on a new One Style Fits All next Tuesday!
- @iamkamiam_: @MTV Omggg has too much fun doing this makeover!! 😆
@iamkamiam_: I’m vibrant lol.
@BigTymers228: Happy Birthday!!!!!! tori_deal #ToriDeal #Beautiful #Youthful #Model #Singer #Musician #MusicArtist #MTV #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #AreUThe1 #AreYouTheOneSeason4 #AYTO4… …
@tori_deal: Birthday vibezzzzz 💫🌟 ty for all the wishes! I love you guys
@CSUGradAkirk: I would take a Jozea who is far less athletic then Baer to be @DayDaVonne_   partner he’s so arrogant and the fact that he quit the challenge gives him no reason to talk all this crap #challenge33
- @Jonnyboyy10: @CSUGradAkirk @DayDaVonne_ Honestly tho besides like Josh would you take Bear over any other male? I’d say no unless I’m missing someone lol
- @CSUGradAkirk: @Jonnyboyy10 @DayDaVonne_ I’d take josh over Baer honestly.  He’s proven that he’s a winner and he’s someone that people know isn’t fake he’s a straight shooter.
- @Jonnyboyy10: @CSUGradAkirk @DayDaVonne_ That aspect yes. But in challenges idk if he’d be better. Plus josh can rub people the wrong way but so does Bear
@WestonBergmann: An open letter to Crossfitters: We. Don’t. Care. How. Much. You. Can. Deadlift.   Sincerely, The people of the internet
@WestonBergmann: Bananas asking MTV to build him a redemption house this season. @ChallengeMTV @johnnybananas
- @johnnybananas: @WestonBergmann In case anyone out there still isn't convinced that that Wes' Banana obsession is unhealthy, this is what he's tweeting at 8am, 2 weeks after my elimination. Hey @TheMAURYShow please send help 🙏🤤🍌 #ImYourDaddy #StayObsessed
- @WestonBergmann: @johnnybananas 1st, there’s nothing weird about being up at 8AM unless they’re quasi-unemployed, like you. 2nd, I GUARANTEE you’re more obsessed with me, than I am with you. But finally I agree with you on something ... @TheMAURYShow, can you help us? I want proof that I’m the FATHER: of truth.
- @Marie_TBD: @WestonBergmann 😂😂😂
@kailah_casillas: Aside from an edit button, it would be pretty cool to have a “lock” button on twitter so make it so that people can’t comment anymore. I tweeted about Teen Mom almost a week ago and people are still commenting on the post. Let’s move on, people 👏🏼👏🏼
@kailah_casillas: boob update: 6 weeks post op & I’m allowed to workout again AND I don’t have to wear a sports bra 24/7 anymore. I’m back to normal life! Yay. Off to buy a bra 🏃🏻‍♀️
@kailah_casillas: Also, the timing couldn’t have worked out any better. Vegas pools open this weekend..... 👙☀️
@iamreyvasquez: Just spotted @kailah_casillas, @Bruce_Lee85 and Nany together. Real World Las Vegas Generations 😭
@JOSHMBB19: No one is going to give you a handout, get after it and Make it happen for yourself
@alexkidwell: As expected, Ninja Natalie is a perfect fucking fit for #TheChallenge33

@MTV: "I think Corey and Jozea just broke up." Don't miss a new episode of #ExOnTheBeach tonight at 8/7c!
@ExOnTheBeach: Nurys, Cheyenne, & Angela are summoned to the beach, and it looks like Angela will finally reach her breaking point! 😱 Find out who will be shaking sh*t up on an all new #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT! 💅
@jossie_flores: If you took Jozea, Maya, Janelle, Nicole, Farrah, Angela Out of the show what would the season have been ? Exactly so be grateful there are real ppl like us that keep it 100% so that you guys can have some MF entertainment! Next time you have an opinion think about that!
@coreybrooks34: Gaining knowledge, experience, and perspective I lack through exploration and its led to greater things.  Rather than limiting yourself to the endless possibilities,… …
@MayaBenberry: When you’re a good woman. They will ALWAYS try and come back 🏆
@MayaBenberry: When @BadGirlJanelle wakes up randomly in the middle of the night to tell you she loves you 🥰❤️😢 >>
@BionicBrooks_: Tonight we will be live! You don’t want to miss it! Make sure you follow me now on
@FlorenceGermono: What day is it @ExOnTheBeach @coreybrooks34. Best day ever!!  Can’t wait to see what transpires tonight !!  I’ve seen the previews and Oh my Gawd... it’s going down!! Get your popcorn ready people!!
@jossie_flores: Mood on tonight’s all new episode! Don’t come to me with BS i Need facts who ,what,when,where period! Because i would love to address everyone! i have never been known to bite my tongue if i have a problem with someone trust me you will know it ! #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Better????? Better??? #ExOnTheBeach
@maddiesullivan1: Who’s ready for tonight all new episodes of Ex on the Beach ?? #ExOnTheBeach
@MTVjennifer: day 4 of sick in bed & my ass is ready to tweet during the episode tonight just sayennn #ExOnTheBeach
@MTV_NellyT: Damm !!! Tell me how you really feel ⁦@morgan_willett⁩ 🤣⁦@ExOnTheBeach⁩ tonite 8/9c ⁦@MTV⁩
- @ExOnTheBeach: @MTV_NellyT The SHADE! #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Brace yourselves, things are popping off TONIGHT! 💥 You don't want to miss an all new #ExOnTheBeach starting at 8/7c only on @MTV! ⚡️
@realChadJohnson: “I’M ON YO’ TV TONIGHTTTTT” @ExOnTheBeach @MTV 8/7 central
- @ExOnTheBeach: @realChadJohnson We love this song! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: Only 45 minutes until a brand new episode of #ExOnTheBeach ❤️😈
@morgan_willett: Me every time I get on Twitter and think it’ll be somewhat of a less toxic place... 😯🤣
@ExOnTheBeach: Hope y'all are PERCHED! Only 30 minutes away from an ALL NEW #̶M̶e̶s̶s̶y̶O̶n̶T̶h̶e̶B̶e̶a̶c̶h̶ ̶ #ExOnTheBeach 💅
@angelababicz: Y’all ain’t ready for my twitter fingers tonight WHEW CHILLAY #ExOnTheBeach
@MurraySwanby: Me staring off into the ocean.. Wondering where it all went fucking wrong 😂 .. #exonthebeach
- @NurysKMateo:@MurraySwanby The accuracy tho 😂
@MurraySwanby: Take me back out on the yacht 🛥! #YachtParty @ExOnTheBeach — new episode starting in 10mins! @MTV
@jossie_flores: Calling out everyone ! On @ExOnTheBeach tonight! Because I’ve had enough of the he said she said if you have an issue say it to my face because there’s no MF room for the bullshit! Period and for those who know me know that i always speak my mind no matter what !
@MurraySwanby: @angelababicz Can you both throw me in the middle of this and just tag-team me? 😝

AS THEY SAW IT: "Bad Romance" 
@ExOnTheBeach: Ever heard of trouble in paradise? 😩🌴 An all new #ExOnTheBeach starts NOW on @MTV 💅 RT if you're watching 📺 + live tweet with us using 👉 #ExOnTheBeach
@RomeoMiller: What if I walked up from the beach. Would you let me into the @ExOnTheBeach house? I give good back rubs and make the best breakfast 🥞😏🤷🏾‍♂️ha. New episode tonight tho. Tune in! @MTV
- @ExOnTheBeach: @RomeoMiller Wooo 😍 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@jossie_flores when you try to use the bathroom in the house 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Yeah, that's not gonna happen")
- @jossie_flores: @ExOnTheBeach 😂😂😂😂😂
@Mackemdrummer: @realChadJohnson is the modern day Johnny Bravo 😎 I got high off how much hair spray he used 😂😂 Love you bro #ExOnTheBeach2
- @realChadJohnson: @Mackemdrummer Hahaha gotta keep the hair on right
@maddiesullivan1: Not a fan of Jozea🤷🏼‍♀️
@ExOnTheBeach: *favorite song plays*  no one:  me:  (GIF of Chad)
@BabiczTaylor: Oooh @natesestok vs Chad. Get him Nate @ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: If you know me you know I wasn’t the one eating Jozea’s salad cuz if it’s green, I ain’t eating it 🤷🏽‍♀️😂 #exonthebeach
@MonteJr5: Lol playing drums with a water bottle amongst drama happening all around me is my peak #ExOnTheBeach #calmcoolcollected
- @MurraySwanby: @MonteJr5 And i was playing whatever the fuck makes that rattling sound on your washboard abs 😆. #partoftheband
- @MonteJr5: @MurraySwanby Hahah we almost have a full band now
@BadGirlJanelle: Who’s watching @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@maddiesullivan1: Violence is never the answer🥴 #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Everyone in the #ExOnTheBeach house when Romeo walks in
@PurveyorsofPop: Physical violence is No Bueno #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: me to Nicole #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Hell hath no fury like a @jossie_flores when someone ate all his salads. #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: In @jossie_flores defense, a lot of the exes were literally just chillin 🤷🏻‍♀️ If you’re not here trying to make a connection...
- @jossie_flores: @angelababicz Thanks sis !! ❤️🤷🏽‍♂️🔥🔥 right shit i couldn’t even walk around without bumping into someone 😂
@RobTiniOfficial: Honestly just just make your life really easy: tips by @Jay__Qs have some drinks, chill with rob:)
@RobTiniOfficial: Caught flexing with @Jay__Qs #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: It's about to get real at this Cut or Crush ceremony 😩 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF of Jon Stewart munching on popcorn)
@BionicBrooks_: I like the way @coreybrooks34 is playing this game 😊🤘🏿
@angelababicz: Corey just liked to go rogue for the sake of being annoying. He didn’t give af about anyone’s damn feelings please 😂 #exonthebeach
- @coreybrooks34: @angelababicz What are feelings?  I just wanna annoy you bb 😇
@NurysKMateo: Mr. save an ex strikes again @coreybrooks34 love you ❤️❤️
- @coreybrooks34: @NurysKMateo Whole squad on my back ❤️💯💁🏼‍♂️
- @coreybrooks34: @NurysKMateo Ily bb 🤟🏼
@MurraySwanby: @realChadJohnson just here for the #malibooty
@ExOnTheBeach: Commercial BREAK! ☕️ Who do we think will be packing their bags? #ExOnTheBeach
@whit___ney: @coreybrooks34 out here having all the girls backs. We love a good man #ExOnTheBeach @00Hitsdiidii @NurysKMateo
@PurveyorsofPop: Chad: Nicole is definitely over Nate  Nate:  #ExOnTheBeach @natesestok
@PurveyorsofPop: Angela to Nurys before the Cut or Crush Ceremony #ExOnTheBeach @angelababicz
@angelababicz: When I told y’all I was gonna steal your men I MEANT THAT 🗣🗣🗣🗣 #exonthebeach
@sickoshucks: @natesestok YOU LOOK SO CUTE AT THE CUT OR CRUSH CEREMONY #ExOnTheBeach2
@Chynarosa: Isn’t it funny how the tables turn. Damn Nurys was team Angela now she don’t like her. 😂 crazy how quick stuff changes.  #ExOnTheBeach
@maddiesullivan1: Who is about to go home??? ?!! 😳 #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@morgan_willett with the important MESSY questions! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF: "Is Nelson really worth arguing over?")
@Mackemdrummer: Perez looks like one the klumps 😂😂#ExOnTheBeach2
@Shashakay_: Who's missing me this episode, cause I know I am 😝 #exonthebeach #mtv
@ExOnTheBeach: .@RomeoMiller: "Jozea, how many people you want to go home?"  @jossie_flores:  (GIF)
- @BadGirlJanelle: @ExOnTheBeach I mean he did have a point 🤷🏽‍♀️
@angelababicz: It was all fun and games when it was Darian now that it’s your ex issa problem #ExOnTheBeach
- @BadGirlJanelle: @angelababicz Nelson told the whole house he didn’t want to be in a relationship with her and homegirl  been big mad ever since 😂   Thought Darian was going to be her rebound 😩 but the hoe got kissed and DISMISSED. 🙅🏽‍♀️ #ExOnTheBeach
@MurraySwanby: Don’t sweat the elimination they say.  My body: I’m goona sweat profusely 💦 even in a mesh shirt.  @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Who will be going home? 😩 #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: You can see in my face how much I truly didn’t give af 🤷🏽‍♀️
@NurysKMateo: Fun fact: right before this in my interview they asked me who I thought had my back and I genuinely said Angela because I didn’t think there was any bad blood... thought wrong lol
@Shashakay_: THE BOY WAS HUNGRY, give him a break @jossie_flores #Exonthebeach #MTV
@angelababicz: If at first you don’t succeed try again 😂😂 I got the time! Trust THAT #exonthebeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Romeo: One ex will be eliminated tonight   Jozea:  #ExOnTheBeach @jossie_flores
@Shashakay_: GO OFF SIS @angelababicz
@MurraySwanby: Idk how Nate didn’t have more cuts in his 🍍.. that guy was #AnnoyingAsFuck 👋
@ExOnTheBeach: .@realChadJohnson: "Have you thought through what you're doing?"   @natesestok: "hAve YoU Thought ThrouGH What YOu'rE dOinG?"  (GIF of SpiderMan pointing at each other)
- @natesestok: @ExOnTheBeach @realChadJohnson Ohh the edit
@angelababicz: Awwwww @natesestok don’t go!!! 😭 #exonthebeach
@NurysKMateo: Alexa play survivor by Beyoncé 💁🏽‍♀️
@Shashakay_: Chad is a dumbass @ExOnTheBeach
@Shashakay_: @ParkerCheyenne has the cutest little evil laugh. I love it 🥳
@Shashakay_: @natesestok you're my favorite @ExOnTheBeach
- @natesestok: @Shashakay_ If only @ExOnTheBeach knew what they were doing and had us together 🤷🏻‍♂️
- @Shashakay_: @natesestok @ExOnTheBeach Shoulda 🤒
@JDVibezzz: Things heating up #ExOnTheBeach
@maddiesullivan1: Didn’t Nate just say that he blamed chad for the drama and now he’s blaming me??!! 😂 #ExOnThebeach
@DoctorGP08: @angelababicz @natesestok Nate you are doing the right thing expose chad as a treacherous traitor i know there was something off about him and now i see it
@queenb0414: @natesestok the finest one on ex on the beach😭😭😭😭
@BadGirlJanelle: Nurys is a scary ass hoe. She talks shit behind ppl’s back and either turns into a victim or tries to be your best friend so you won’t beat her ass. 😂  #ExOnTheBeach
@JDVibezzz: This day really had me confused #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: Side note: I looked super cute at tonight’s elimination ceremony 😊
- @coreybrooks34: @NurysKMateo You always lookin cute af bb
@BadGirlJanelle: I’m glad my sis @angelababicz put her in her place 💅🏾 #ExOnTheBeach
@MurraySwanby: The whole cast of @ExOnTheBeach during #elimination ceremony 🍍
@angelababicz: DUSTY MUSTY AND CRUSTY #ExOnThebeach
@MurraySwanby: The whole cast of @ExOnTheBeach once we get back inside for #drinks and #familytime
@angelababicz: In the real world... come on sis
@PurveyorsofPop: Cheyenne: The next ex better be a chef to take care of us!  Rob:  #ExOnTheBeach @RobTiniOfficial
@PurveyorsofPop: Diandra eating a taco in the middle of a fight is a whole-ass mood. @00Hitsdiidii #ExOnTheBeach
@maddiesullivan1: I love @coreybrooks34 so much ! #ExOnThebeach
@MurraySwanby: True-Er words were never spoken.. all you bitches would’ve died if @RobTiniOfficial didn’t slave away in that damn kitchen 🍴
@Mackemdrummer: Why do people always have to start taking off shit to fight 😂😂#ExOnTheBeach
@coreybrooks34: Idk if anyone has noticed but I’ve gotten my way in every elimination ceremony this season 💁🏼‍♂️ told y’all in the beginning to keep your loved ones close 👀
@realChadJohnson: I’ll be live tweeting with Los Angeles tonight @ 8:00 @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach @mtv
@MonteJr5: My boy @coreybrooks34 doing the lords work #ExOnTheBeach
- @coreybrooks34: @MonteJr5 Blessing the world one ex at a
@Shashakay_ @jossie_flores is THE Queen Bee
@ExOnTheBeach: RIP #Cozea 😢 #ExOnTheBeach  (GIF)
- @coreybrooks34: @ExOnTheBeach Lmao bros fight it ain’t over 💁🏼‍♂️
@allrealitychat: Nurys and Diandra KILL me with all this energy in the confessionals but possessing NONE of it in person! Yall really go up for this clownery #ExOnTheBeach
@MurraySwanby: Y’all the #ExOnTheBeach cast live-tweeting on twitter cracks me the Fuck Up! 🤣😂
@Shashakay_: @MurraySwanby @realChadJohnson this was a good one, why aren't we watching this together right now ??
@angelababicz: I just wanna know where all this energy for @jossie_flores came from 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ this is all news to me #ExOnThebeach
- @jossie_flores: @angelababicz Right 😂🤷🏽‍♂️
@Shashakay_: On a side note I miss @RobTiniOfficial and all his cookings 😩😩 @ExOnTheBeach
@Shashakay_: EX'S ARE THE WORST @ExOnTheBeach
@NicoleStan8: Awww @natesestok was right. Chad ended up hurting Nikky #EOTB #ExOnTheBeach2
@coreybrooks34: "@cwalesh30: @coreybrooks34 finally getting the air time he deserves! Everyone deserves a man that fights for them the way Corey fights for the food. ❤️ #ExOnTheBeach" RT My cup overfloweth 💁🏼‍♂️ taking care of my people
- @JDVibezzz: @coreybrooks34 Like I said in the house thanks for saving shorty for ya boy 🤙🏾
- @coreybrooks34: @JDVibezzz You the man JD!!!
@flexmaynard: Was Nate connecting w diandra BECAUSE. I SHIP THAT!!!!!!!!! @00Hitsdiidii @natesestok fuck whoever cut Nate’s ass I would’ve loved to see diandra connect w Nate #EXONTHEBEACH
@lovelyalmaliz: Can we please see more of @MonteJr5 #ExOnTheBeach
@kia_swinton: I don’t get how everyone is not all over @MonteJr5 #ExOnTheBeach😍
@angelasdavonne: WHY  KING NATE HE DOESNT DESERVE CHAD IS SO UGLY @natesestok #ExOnTheBeach
@JoshsBandana_: I’LL TELL NICOLE YOU SAID HI LMAOOOO. KING NATE!!! @natesestok #ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: " @MrStealYourMan6: @BadGirlJanelle idk why they save these sister wives when they ain't connecting with anyone" RT Not a fucking soul 😂😂 they gotta stop casting ppl who only got Fucked and not claimed 😩 #ExOnTheBeach
@JDVibezzz: I gotta go live after this episode sheeeeesh #ExOnTheBeach

@angelababicz: My ex pulling up to the beach on public transportation like #ExOnThebeach
@MTV_NellyT: I leave the house and @jossie_flores goes crazy. What you put in that sauce @RobTiniOfficial ? @ExOnTheBeach @mtv
- @RobTiniOfficial: @MTV_NellyT @jossie_flores and 2 others That special sauce
@ExOnTheBeach: BITCHHHHH @BionicBrooks_ is BACK! 😩 #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of him emerging onto the beach)
@maddiesullivan1: Adios Nate 👋🏻✋🏻👋🏻✋🏻 #ExOnThebeach
@Shashakay_: Yeah @ExOnTheBeach why couldn't you have brought @natesestok earlier 🤪
- @natesestok: @Shashakay_ Yeah! Why? 😂😂  a lot of duds before
@Shashakay_: @ParkerCheyenne better get his muscles ready 😳 @angelababicz
@BionicBrooks_: Hey sorry I’m late 🤗😈@ExOnTheBeach
@JDVibezzz: Awww shit that boy Tori pulled up #ExOnTheBeach
@Shashakay_: Give the girl her money back @BionicBrooks_
@MTV_NellyT: Soo this @angelababicz ex 🤣😂, damm do you have a type 🍌🏀🤴🏽 @ExOnTheBeach @mtv
- @angelababicz: @MTV_NellyT More like 🍌🐱🤴🏽 but yeah you got me there
@PurveyorsofPop: RIP Cozea. Please respect my privacy during this very difficult time. #ExOnTheBeach @coreybrooks34 @jossie_flores
@cwalesh30: @coreybrooks34 finally getting the air time he deserves! Everyone deserves a man that fights for them the way Corey fights for the food. ❤️ #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Angela when her ex Tor'i walked out of the water  #ExOnTheBeach @angelababicz
@BadGirlJanelle: The #ExOnTheBeach house had a couple of bums now that I think about it 🤔😩😂
@angelababicz: I moved out of his “house” as in apartment I was paying for BOTH HIS SHARE AND MINE BECAUSE HE DIDNT HAVE A DOLLAR TO HIS NAME. The nerve of this mf to bite the hand that literally fed him!
@angelababicz: I didn’t come to talk I came to COLLECT 💰💰💰 #ExOnThebeach
@BionicBrooks_: I’m a bum?! 😘💋 @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: It's so hot on the beach @angelababicz thought @BionicBrooks_ was her $$$ 😂 #ExOnTheBeach  (Video of her going off on him)
@maddiesullivan1: Soo @ParkerCheyenne is my favorite #ExOnThebeach
@angelababicz: He took care of me? I got to LA and this man was washing plastic utensils. Shit was pathetic. I stuck around & upgraded his entire life because I cared about him... only for him to take advantage of me and steal from me the second I didn’t have access to my phone. Shameful!
@angelababicz: And let’s be clear... me going off on him doesn’t mean I still have feelings for him. I would come with the same energy at stranger who stole from me 🤷🏻‍♀️#exonthebeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Chad in the house since Nicole left #ExOnTheBeach @realChadJohnson
@Irving_A07: “You’re not blocked, you’re just unfollowed” 😂💀 @realChadJohnson #EOTB #ExOnTheBeach
@maddiesullivan1: Straight up didi is a bitchhhhh like BITCHHHH
@ExOnTheBeach: Now that @NicolexoRamos is gone @maddiesullivan1 thought it was the perfect time to make a move, @realChadJohnson had other plans ☕️ #ExOnTheBeach
- @realChadJohnson: @ExOnTheBeach “You’re not blocked, you’re just unfollowed” #ExOnTheBeach
- @00Hitsdiidii: @ExOnTheBeach LMAO IM FUNNY
@BionicBrooks_: “Adopt a thot” was the phrase. #ExOnTheBeach
@maddiesullivan1: Lol ohh I like how they don’t show Chad trying to flirt with me the past week ha ha. That’s why I was so shocked by him saying that.  #ExOnThebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Enjoyed tonight's episode? Next on #ExOnTheBeach, we're getting down to THE TRUTH! 💅 Don't miss it all unfold next Thursday at 8pm
- @twerkin4chicken: @ExOnTheBeach LOOK AT @F1abraham & @BadGirlJanelle !!!!! They’re back!!!
- @BadGirlJanelle: @twerkin4chicken 👀👀👀 Sshhh don’t tell nobody 🤫
@BadGirlJanelle: 🗣 Ain’t nothing worse than an Ex who OWES YOU MONEY. Boy if you don’t #CutTheCheck 💵  #ExOnTheBeach
@BionicBrooks_: Eventually your lies always catch back up with you .

@MTV: Nicole is looking for someone who is comfortable in her own skin and someone who isn't afraid to let loose. Will she find the one during #GameOfClones tonight at 9/8c?   Game of Clones Sneak Peek: Twerking For Love / #GameOfClones Thursday, 9/8c on @mtv
@GameOfClonesMTV: Looks like @n_zanattaMTV and the clones are ready to have a body party! 🍑 Catch a new episode of #GameOfClones TONIGHT at 9/8c on @mtv!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @GameOfClonesMTV The way my body twerks now is another story 🤦🏼‍♀️ we can have a good time though 😝
- @iamkamiam_: @GameOfClonesMTV Can’t wait to see who she picks!
- @Marie_TBD: @GameOfClonesMTV . @n_zanattaMTV i’m screaming 😭
@GameOfClonesMTV: I just want someone to stan for me as much as @imdroc15 stans this supermodel! 😩 Watch #GameOfClones TONIGHT at 9/8c on @mtv!
@imdroc15: All Smiles knowing my episode of @GameOfClonesMTV starts tonight!! Tune in, it’s gonna be epic!! #GameOfClones #MTV
@mtvcanada: TONIGHT: #AYTO and #TheChallenge star Derrick Henry (@imdroc15) meets seven singles - each made over to look like Gigi Hadid - on a new episode of #GameOfClones at 10e/7p!
@imdroc15: Point Blank. @GameOfClonesMTV #GameOfClones
@GameOfClonesMTV: Any takers? 👑 #GameOfClones
@GameOfClonesMTV: Note to all of my exes. 📝 #GameOfClones
@imdroc15: @GameOfClonesMTV damn y’all blessed me with some gorgeous women!!! #GameOfClones
@KailLowry: So awkward 😂😂😂 #gameofclones
@GameOfClonesMTV: My back hurts from looking at this! #GameOfClones
- @n_zanattaMTV: @GameOfClonesMTV When all else fails do the 🐛 #GameOfClones
@imdroc15: I love the wall twerk 👌🏾🔥 @n_zanattaMTV lol hahaha
@GameOfClonesMTV: Plenty of fish in the sea. 🐠 #GameOfClones
- @n_zanattaMTV: @GameOfClonesMTV Who else is just looking for the right one!?! #GameOfClones
@n_zanattaMTV: @imdroc15 Hahah we need to be watching this together the 6 pack game is strong yeahhhhh
@imdroc15: Now y’all know this damn shirt was eventually getting unbuttoned 😏🙈!! Lol #GameOfClones
@GameOfClonesMTV: .@imdroc15 was so prepared for this moment. Baby oil and all! 😂💪 #GameOfClones
@GameOfClonesMTV: My back hurts from looking at this! #GameOfClones
@GameOfClonesMTV: With the day I've had, this is DEFINITELY a f*cking mood! #GameOfClones
@GameOfClonesMTV: I can't predict who @n_zanattaMTV is gonna pick. Who do y'all think? #GameOfClones
@GameOfClonesMTV: Not gonna lie, I just KNEW Kaba was gonna be out the door! #GameOfClones
- @n_zanattaMTV: @GameOfClonesMTV Lmaooo whatttt I’m glad to know how you really feel 🤗
@GameOfClonesMTV: Not that type of carpet fam! 😂 #GameOfClones
@GameOfClonesMTV: When your bestie calls you with the tea of the day ☕️ #GameOfClones
@GameOfClonesMTV: You know Nicole won't turn down any challenge! 👠 #GameOfClones
@imdroc15: Any takers 😏!? @GameOfClonesMTV #GameOfClones
@ZAKLONGO: Since @mtv stole the #GameOfClones concept from my Youtube pranks... i think it’s on fair i’m on next season🤷🏻‍♂️
@n_zanattaMTV: "@Keillani08: @n_zanattaMTV I’m not into girls, but can I just say I’m into you 😍" RT 😘😘😘
@n_zanattaMTV: "@KabaforniaLove: When @n_zanattaMTV asked me about dating women #gameofclones " RT 🤣🤣🤣 I should have said do you know what it’s going to be like dating this woman!!! 😏
@imdroc15: "@JoshsBandana_: If it doesn’t work out with any of the clones, I vote @imdroc15 for the next Bachelor 😂😍 @BachelorABC #GameOfClones #TheBachelor" RT Lol First Black Bachelor ✊🏾🍫👑!!!!

@ExOnTheBeach: 🗣"Run me my money BITCH" Angela just went HAM on Tor'i 👉  #ExOnTheBeach
@natesestok: I am no longer an ex on the beach... 😉
@MTV_NellyT: Should I go live tonite on ig and give my thought about @angelababicz and nurys fight 😶 ? @ExOnTheBeach @mtv
@MTVjennifer: nate > chad #ExOnTheBeach
@realChadJohnson: "@MCrapser: I would really like to know what @realChadJohnson thought process was kicking @NicolexoRamos ex out of the house instead of his own who caused all the problems?🧐🥴🤔" RT Because he’s annoying and I do not like him. There’s your explanation.
@DayDaVonne_: @angelababicz Sis .... lmaooooo
@DayDaVonne_: Whew honey ... if bb21 so happens to be all stars I just want to go on record that my contract will be over by then lmaoooooooooooo #ThirdTimesTheCharm
@DayDaVonne_: So not one queen was a Taurus ... I was waiting on a Taurus to come out ....  We really are a rare breed .. wow ✨
@angelababicz: "@rheannaesloca: @angelababicz girl we believe you. Like honestly this was exposed the minute it happened. And real fans know he cheated first when it was New Year’s Eve or whatever and he was texting some girl planning to meet up with her and then tried to get with chelsko" RT THE REAL ONES KNOW
@realChadJohnson: Jozea is the most delusional man on earth. Who is he? Why does he think he runs the house? #ExOnTheBeach
@Marie_TBD: Catching up on #ExOnThebeach - some of you never learned manners and it shows.
@errca314: ShE hAs A gUiLtY cOnScIeNcE Sooo Imma talk to my credit card company and tell them they have a guilty conscience. Bc they stealin money from me too. #interest #creditcards @angelababicz #ExOnTheBeach Don't be stealing money
@realChadJohnson: Just so everyone knows, the money that Tor’i  supposedly “stole” after he was allocated to use the money for food and living expenses, was only $300. 😂#ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
- @angelababicz: @realChadJohnson Is “$300” enough to clean your shit stained carpets? If so he can just forward you that check I’m good 🥴
- @krlehr: @realChadJohnson @Challengemtv___ @ExOnTheBeach You say allocated like he was her child and she left him money for food while mommy was away for the week. Point is he stole money that wasn’t his I don’t care if it was $3 or $300 @angelababicz isn’t his mom she didn’t need to take care of his ass
@MayaBenberry: Men always say that women are the gold diggers, fame whores, clout chasers but it’s clear that that title belongs to most of our male cast of #ExOnTheBeach
- @angelababicz: @MayaBenberry I’m gonna start sending them “good morning beautiful” texts since they wanna act like bitches 🥴
@MayaBenberry: Tori isn’t the only bum on our cast. I don’t know why certain people are fixing their mouths to say ANYTHING to anyone when they barely have a dollar nor apartment to their name  🌚 #ExOnTheBeach
- @angelababicz: @MayaBenberry From Bros on the Beach to Bums on the Beach real quick 💯
@MayaBenberry: It doesn’t matter if Tori took a dollar or $5000. What doesn’t belong to you isn’t yours to take #ExOnTheBeach
@Marie_TBD: One day your trash, next day your class. Pick an energy cause the world sees through you. #eotb
@jasmineeandreaa: People are going to talk shit about you whether you do good or bad. What matters is how you handle it. If you’re still threatening to fight someone bc “they have your name in their mouth” then sis please head back to high school bc that immature mindset should’ve been left there
@MonteJr5: @natesestok @ExOnTheBeach I'm mean mugging someone damn lolol
@RodgerKlotz: @realChadJohnson Yo you honestly easily became my favorite reality tv star hahaha I hope you go on ten more shows... you are fucking hilarious
@realChadJohnson: That kid had to leave. So annoying and couldn’t even make any sense in conversations. If you’re gonna go get my girl outside the house then go give it a try. #ExOnTheBeach
@realChadJohnson: Why do you need names when everyone has been saying you’re a “mean girl”. That’s the general consensus. I’m letting you know you look like a dick on tv. And now you made it way worse. #ExOnTheBeach
@coreybrooks34: Y’all wanna know why the exes kept me instead of Farrah?  THAT’S WHY 💁🏼‍♂️❤️@ExOnTheBeach
@coreybrooks34: Not that I wanted to stay lmaooo😂
@MonteJr5: @ExOnTheBeach @realChadJohnson @natesestok Hahaha very awkward moment
@realChadJohnson: Just so everyone knows, the money that Tor’i  supposedly “stole” after he was allocated to use the money for food and living expenses, was only $300. 😂#ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@natesestok: Make a Meme best gets posted on my IG
@natesestok: Chads trying to drag me (rookie on tv) into getting him more shows.. listen guy I make money in my real life. I don’t feel like paying to get your Altima fixed 😂😂 or helping you get out of an credit card debt
@realChadJohnson: Tor’i was a straight shooter, super chill guy. @BionicBrooks_
- @BionicBrooks_: @realChadJohnson You already know my brotha! Let the people see how this one plays out 🤘🏿
@MayaBenberry: The thirst for clout is disgusting #ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: Men always say that women are the gold diggers, fame whores, clout chasers but it’s clear that that title belongs to most of our male cast of #ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: It’s sad giving your all to someone only for them to take advantage of you. That type of betrayal cuts deeper than anything 💔 #ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: Be careful how you treat people 👊🏽
@MTV_NellyT: Ok @realChadJohnson then why don’t you pay @angelababicz  the $300‼️‼️ sense you wanna stay relevant 😂🤣 @ExOnTheBeach  @MTV
@Marie_TBD: Who bought the food? @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@Bruce_Lee85: I have shit to do tomorrow.. But Nany is in town. Soooooo... 🤷🏽‍♂️ @iammikeyp @kailah_casillas #FuckIt
@Marie_TBD: These girls really out her beefing over NELTSON!? GTG.
@MonteJr5: @realChadJohnson has plenty of "clout". I dont think he is trying to get more. He is just giving his 2 cents. Claiming he is chasing clout sounds like a guilty conscious to me
@MonteJr5: Also think its funny that some of the OG's take pride that they are singles ..... you suck at dating ,that's why you're on the show, thats why youre an OG. Weird flex. #teamexs #ExOnTheBeach
@Marie_TBD: Can the beach house throw 20 dollars into a pool and repay Tori’s debt please?
@Marie_TBD: Faux tears. Faux everything.
@natesestok:  @angelababicz I find you to be a wonderful house mate, and I love the Angela Army who supports me and trash’s anything in my path 🤷🏻‍♂️ #oopssorry
- @angelababicz: @natesestok Mi corazon 😩
- @natesestok: @angelababicz I find you to be a wonderful house mate, and I love the Angela Army who supports me and trash’s anything in my path 🤷🏻‍♂️ #oopssorry
@angelababicz: Thank you for tuning into another glorious episode of Angela on the Beach! Tune in next week to find out which castmates create imaginary beef with me on social media after realizing my pizza rolls get more air time than they do xoxo Let’s chat later #ExOnTheBeach
@NicolexoRamos: Truly just disappointed
@MonteJr5: I kept things fair with everyone. Helped everyone out. Sticking up for a friend, not creating beef. Tired of the blind undeserved arrogance I see on here. I don't care about air time obviously. If I did, I would just act vile and obnoxious. Boom, Air time. That's easy, no thanks
@jossie_flores: @MonteJr5 @coreybrooks34 On what exactly?
@MayaBenberry: I can’t wait until the reunion airs 😈 YouTube video coming soon w/hella receipts. Stay tuned #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: "@Conner1198: @realChadJohnson @ExOnTheBeach So you're telling me that he can't pay @angelababicz $300..... 😫😂🤣" RT Right? If you wanna defend your “boy” make sure you’re not dragging him in the same breath 🤦🏻‍♀️
@MayaBenberry: Um...Why do people block you to talk shit?! I don’t understand it 🤷🏽‍♀️ #sayittomyface #ordontsayitatall
@MayaBenberry: I know violence isn’t always the answer but some of you never got a whooping from your parents & it shows...
@angelababicz: Happy #InternationalWomensDay to my exes since they wanna act like bitches
@NurysKMateo: Happy #InternationalWomensDay 💖 the best girl group to do it 💁🏽‍♀️ #Fab4 …
@NurysKMateo: I peep shit and stay quiet but y’all better not be shocked when I do you the way you do me 🤷🏽‍♀️
@tonyraines: Happy International Women’s day! May my 2 babies grow to be strong, courageous women who make their voice heard! And to my beautiful Fiancé thank you for being the glue that holds this family together, I love you! #GirlsRunTheWorld #InternationalWomensDay
@MattieLBreaux: Women should be appreciated everyday 💯👏🏻  Keep empowering queens🔑
@JOSHMBB19: Happy international women’s day ❤️
@johnnybananas: These women move mountains every day... Here's to every day being Womens Day ♥️👩‍👧‍👧 #internationalwomensday #Family #mamasboy #womensday
@NataliaNegrotti: Happy International Women’s day only to the real women who lift other women up and push them to success. Also, a special shout out to my baby girl who is currently eating Cheetos on the bed. Te amo bebe mيa 😜 #InternationalWomansDay
@JuliaNolan_: Always got my back ✊🏻 Happy #InternationalWomensDay babes 💕 @_LizNolan
@faithstowers: She swears she never knew me ...  happy #InternationalWomansDay !
@CamilaMTV: Shoutout to all my badass women out there 🤟🥂💕💕 #InternatinalWomensDay …
@itskcheyenne: I have thoroughly enjoyed watching  this season of @ExOnTheBeach 😂 🤷🏽‍♀️
@itskcheyenne: watching Ryder & Baaz sleeping like two little perfect angels ❤️ life is good
@MurraySwanby: "@caliqt2008: Dang @ExOnTheBeach really isn't about @MurraySwanby and @ParkerCheyenne anymore I guess that's ok because it means they r doing ok right" RT Haha true, i wish they showed all the cute moments me and @ParkerCheyenne had on the show 😌❤️. But it was drowned out by all the drama.
@NurysKMateo: Just in case y’all needed to be reminded... I’m STILL that bitch 😎
@whaattaafoxx: Y’all I don’t like Morgan. Is it just me?! Something about her just makes it hard to trust her. #eotb #ExOnThebeach
@alexkidwell: “Ladies, is this really worth it?? It’s messy Nelson!” How has MTV survived for this long without @morgan_willett lol #ExOnTheBeach
- @morgan_willett: @alexkidwell Just speakin’ the truth, man. 🤷🏼‍♀️
@alexkidwell: LOL it takes some real shitty, self-absorbed behavior to make me side with Corey Brooks but damn Jozea is being a real piece of shit haha #ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: #MayanMafia where you at? 🏆
@RomeoMiller: Every day is Womens day in my eyes.
@F1abraham: #FREEFARRAH gear is here! Wear it! Show it! Get ready for the first #exobthebeach reunion! @mtv @ExOnTheBeach …
@natesestok: @MayaBenberry Luckily I am not one of these people lol #independent 😂😂😂
@natesestok: Don’t talk about me when you can’t even unblock me
@natesestok: Don’t these two clowns know to @ me when they speak.
- @00Hitsdiidii: @natesestok LMAOO someone come get their child 😂
@00Hitsdiidii: If you guys want to see why today’s the best day of my mother freaking life, check out my story : @diandradelgado_
@00Hitsdiidii: "@KellyEmerald: @00Hitsdiidii Your Instagram story just made my day I AM CRYING 😂 “Story-motha-freaking-time” 🤣😂🤣😭🤣 You are hilarious!" RT This is the best Friday of my life. I SAVED A FREAKING DOG I CANT BELIEVE IT.
@MTV_NellyT: @realChadJohnson @angelababicz and 2 others The same reason why you felt like you had to put your two cents in.
- @realChadJohnson: @MTV_NellyT @angelababicz and 2 others To protect someone who is a good person? I am, but you’re definitely not doing that. So it’s not for the same reason. Don’t make me Kareem you.
- @realChadJohnson: @MTV_NellyT @angelababicz and 2 othersWhat lol
- @realChadJohnson: @MTV_NellyT @angelababicz and 2 others This is fun we should do this more often lol
@ExOnTheBeach: There's only one song that could describe last night's #ExOnTheBeach 😩 "Alexa, play "Bad Romance" by #LadyGaga"
@ExOnTheBeach: Petty Betty clocking in 💅 #ExOnTheBeach
@realChadJohnson: If you had to choose between $100k a month for the rest of your life, or marrying your soul mate and living paycheck to paycheck what would you choose
- @NurysKMateo: @realChadJohnson SOULMATE?! SOULLLLMATEEE?!
- @realChadJohnson: @NurysKMateo It’s possible. Maybe we’re on TV because our soulmates are “extra” like us and eventually we just have to figure out which other person on TV our soulmate is. I firmly believe this.
@AbbyZinger: Today I wrapped on Ex On The Beach s2. Wow, what an experience. My first time in the field, and a return to post as well. Fights were watched, drunks were put to bed, silly montages were assembled. Fucking fantastic season. Hope y'all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it 💖
@BionicBrooks_: It’s funny when they switch and pick a side.
@BionicBrooks_: You’re a sheep 🐑 if you follow the narrative the media gives you.
@BionicBrooks_: That’s it right or wrong. Just tell the truth.
@BionicBrooks_: At the end of it all you’ll see who all of the true liars are and that’s facts.
@BionicBrooks_: Trust me your worst enemy can be right by your side in dire times. Stay woke.

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

Wow, quite a outburst from the bad girl.

Well, we can finally say for the first time in a few weeks, you are now up to date on everything Inside MTV Reality. But we have tonight's activities to watch there in Malibu before we go on a ride into this week's episodes. And in addition to the Pulse of all of those, we'll head to the wilderness to catch up a girl who's taking her talents from being Stranded with a Million Dollars to now baring it all on a show that another well-known MTV family member tried out and struck out last year.

Meanwhile as you sit through this Thursday, a big event weekend is ahead of us: the unveiling of the 68-team field for the 2019 NCAA Tournament, the first big golf tournament of 2019 in The Players Championship, St. Patrick's Day, and tonight: the iHeartRadio Music Awards. Follow DCNOW on Twitter at @DC408DxNow for all the sports and music to come in the next few days. Enjoy those and tonight's Ex On The Beach, and talk to you here this weekend.


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