Sunday, March 16, 2014

DC Fan's View: Real World Ex-Plosion After Show #4, & Calling All FansAgain

Views expressed in Fan's View are only those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the viewpoints of DC Cueva or DCBLOG.

By DC Cueva, with Eric Ceballos
> @DC408dxtr, @EricC_Official

Welcome to DCBLOG's continuing coverage of Real World Ex-Plosion, and to the 5th edition of DC Fan's View. In this week's wild 9th episode, we saw Hailey get into it with Thomas, Jay get into trouble with Jenna over a video, and Jenny becoming jealous of Cory & Brian's "bropocalypse." We've had the two best episodes of this season air in back-to-back weeks, and it's safe to say that this Ex-Plosion season now joins that handful of others that I have enjoyed so much it becomes a standout favorite season. And we still have a few episodes left, including the potential of yet another roommate leaving and other things next week. And not to mention, we also had the debut of the trailer of The Challenge: Free Agents as well on the same day.

All season long, we've enjoyed bringing you the thoughts of not just the casts of The Real World and Are You The One? as they saw the episodes on Twitter, but also that of the fans & me as we saw them too. And we have also enjoyed our slate of fan chats which has expanded to also cover the RW After Show, and, of course, we'll be covering the upcoming reunions for both RW & AYTO. We'll have more on how we can involve you in our upcoming Reunion Revealed posts for them at the end of this article.

Today, we welcome back on here my first 2-time Fan's View guest, Eric Cabellos, @EricC_Official. Not only was he in the audience for the After Show for Episode 7 which aired two weeks ago - for which he gave us some great insight, but also after taking a little break, they then did the After Show for Episode 9 on Wednesday. Join us after the jump for Eric's view on this week's After Show with Nessy & friends, and the storylines of episode #9, a dramatic & explosive one to say the least.

> Editor's Note: As Eric is our first repeat guest here, instead of starting by asking about the general atmosphere as we've done previously, and with it being taped right after the one for Episode 7, for the first time we will jump straight into the particulars of this week's After Show.

DC: What's your thoughts on the Thomas/Jamie/Hailey triangle? And what we saw in the episode?
I understand haileys frustration. It would be hard for ANYONE to live in a house with their EX and their ex's new lover but she knew what she was signing up for. I mean, come on....she's the one who auditioned for it and it is called the real world EXPLOSION. She'd be crazy to have thought she was signing up for a walk in the park. Thomas and Jamie weren't in the wrong in any way. They had a relationship before they knew the ex's were coming...why should they have to walk on eggshells because hailey is around, you know?

DC: How about with happened w/ Hailey getting emotional & violent around Tom?
thought that was completely crazy. She went overboard...she took it to an unnecessary level and she's not as innocent as she let people believe. She fooled Eveeryone but I'm glad her true colors showed because before this episode they made Tom seem like a dick for "flaunting" Jamie in front of her. 

DC: I read your tweet on there, whats your thoughts on Tom trying to stay true to guy code?
I respect Tom for that! You simply don't rat on your's not cool. It wasn't Tom's battle to fight. It was between Jenna and Jay and he left it short and simple and let them deal with it. I respect loyalty

DC: What's your thoughts on Jay & Jenna? And what we saw in the episode?
Jenna is so sweet, I think because she's so silent and acts like she doesn't care...makes people think it's okay to walk all over her. Like Jamie said, she needed to have a bit more of a back bone and speak her mind. My boy Jay meant no harm. He was at a club, drinks were flowing, he got caught in the moment and kissed a girl. There was no crazy, hot and steamy make out session. Like I always say...blame it on the alcohol lol but does that make what he did okay? No but he apologized repeatedly and you can tell that he genuinely felt bad, he's not heartless.

DC: How about what happened on A/S with Jenna finally standing up to Jay, and everyone reacting?
was proud of her. I didn't think she would do that...but I was really proud of her and I think the audience, as well as the cast was like "oh snap! She spoke up and said what NEEDED to be said." Being in the audience, I could tell from her body language that it was hard for her to speak up so I was silently cheering for her lol 

DC: Your thoughts on Jay coming clean to Jenna about his mistakes?
it takes a lot of maturity and guts to do so, he knew he did wrong and repeatedly apologized. I was proud of him! I thought he was going to duck and dodge questions and make up excuses but he didn't do all 

DC: Your thoughts on the Jenny/Cory/Brian situation?
that whole thing made me laugh. The "bropocolypse" was hilarious. The scene where they ignored jenny was so funny lol but I feel for her...I'd be uncomfortable with my ex lover who I still care about and my friends with benefits hanging out. It's just plain awkward and not natural. But like Cory and Brian said...what choice did they have? Fight, argue and ignore each other the whole time they filmed? That would be unfair to them.

DC: Are you surprised that both Cory & Brian are getting along well considering Jenny wanted them to hate each other, and how Jenny's upset about it?
yeah I was surprised. I thought they'd fight for sure...I'd personally dislike Cory if I was Brian simply out of Jealousy and I'll admit that. I don't think jenny was upset...I just think she was more like "wtf is this?!" Lol she didn't expect Cory and brian to have that level of maturity 

DC: How about of everyone else talking about this same situation?
I think all the OG's (LOL) all generally just wanted the exes to leave simply because of all the complications. None of them expected for the exes to get along with the originals or form a tight bond 10. Your thoughts on Tom and Brian arm wresting? The extras with Hailey/Cory, Cory/Brian & Jenna? And the sneak peek? - Cory had a torn ACL so Tom stepped up to the plate and put in work for his boy. He was up for the challenge! I respect that. I would've done the same for my friends. I think the whole hailey and Cory thing was innocent. Like Cory said, everyone was linked up except them two. They had to pass the time somehow. The sneak peek of Ashley coming back bugged me. I was anxious at how the cast would react to her making an appearance again, I personally would've seen her and been like "bye, there's the door." Lol I just found her actions unacceptable and she left for a reason...why bring her Back?

DC: What's your thoughts on this week's episode (and last week's)?
this episode was great. It was chaotic and peoples true colors really showed! It set the tone for the rest of the season

DC: Was there anything we didn't see in the final cut? (I.e. stories, other things)
well Doug the flower guy stayed and sat in the audience directly behind me. He got to stay for awhile which was cool!! And what they really didn't show was how Tom really had Brian struggling in the arm wrestling match. They made it seem like it was a 10 second, easy defeat but it wasn't. Tom had Brian sweating for a minute. The crowd was really pumped up

DC: Other than those we talked about last time, has your perception of the roommates changed, both from watching the episodes & being at the after show? (I.e. Hailey, Jenna)
Hailey. That's all I have to say lol she has a temper and had so many people fooled with her "sweet and innocent" persona. But like I said, I'm glad we got to see who she really is and her true anger and hatred towards Tom in that situation. I've always like Jenna and hope she continues to speak up for herself

DC: With a few episodes left, what are you looking forward to the rest of the season? And how have you been enjoying this season, now thru 9 episodes?
Eric: I 
love it. Every episode is Something new and with each episode, we get to know the cast better. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with hailey staying in the house and how she acts now that she embarrassed the hell out of herself haha I'm also looking forward to seeing what becomes of jenny and Brian 

DC: Are you a fan of The Challenge? What are your thoughts on Free Agents, and of the trailer? Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Eric: I love the challenge! Absolutely love it, my dream would be to be apart of "fresh meat". I love a good challenge and to play rough! Just like this season of the real world...everything is changed up and brand news. It's a whole new ball game. I'm excited to see what happens. I'm looking forward to seeing Chet Cannon, I love Chet. Also, Jordan Wiseley! Him and I were raised the same, have a similar upbringing and he's a real inspiration. He's a beast...everyone thought his hand would be his disadvantage but he's definitely proven himself! I'm always rooting for Jordan...he has no reason to be insecure about his hand. He's a great dude and that's all that matters. If he happens to read this...I'm rooting for you buddy! Always. Also, Jessica McCain :) I love Jess! She's gorgeous, sweet as candy and not afraid to be 100% herself and I love it. I'm excited to see her back on my TV. I hope she makes it far ❤️Love ya, sweetheart!

And that's that. Wanna send a huge thanks once again to Eric for his insights on the 2nd set of After Shows for Real World Ex-Plosion, as well as to Quantikia & Jay for their insights on the earlier After Shows. As it was with listening to Kevin, Kaitlyn and Drew for the reunions last year, it's always great to hear the inside scoop from, and the thoughts of, people who were there and help fill the gap between the studio and the show, and we most appreciate their contributions to this series of posts.
   And, as we told you during our last Fan's View, Eric is also a social activist, and in addition to helping spread anti-suicide awareness, he recently shared a struggle from his life that he wanted to share with everyone; check it out at And we've also included at the end of this post a pic of Eric wearing one of Jay's Craze Watches, which, as we mentioned back in our EP3 SocialPulse, is a watch line Jay started to help subsidize the hospital costs of his late mom, more is at & @CrazeWatches.

Now that we have this season's RW After Shows in our rear view mirror, it pales in comparison to the task that we have in store for you next. With it having just taken place recently, the next two editions of DC Fan's View will be covering the end-of-season reunions for not just Real World Ex-Plosion, but also Are You The One? for our DCBLOG Reunion Revealed series. And with that in mind, I have a huge mission for those in the social media world and for those who are as passionate about these shows as I am. And if you're a super-fan who got the opportunity to see all of your favorite cast members from these shows face-to-face last weekend, then this one is just for you.
   Around the time of the finale of both shows airing in a couple weeks, I'll be doing my best to reach out on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and other social media avenues to as many of the reunion audience members as I can to get their input for my Reunion Revealed posts for RW Ex-Plosion and AYTO, which we will post shortly after they air. In much the same manner as my buddy Andrew Kirk does very well in involving me & the MTV fan-amily in the dialogue on his webcasts, I will again aim to do the same thing in these blog interviews on here, just as I did so successfully covering the RW Portland & Rivals II reunions and this season's RW Ex-Plosion After Shows, all to great acclaim.

If you were in that studio being a bare witness to all the events at either reunion last weekend, all you have to do is to either tweet, follow or send me a direct message to my Twitter @DC408Dxtr, or for those who aren't on twitter, just send me an email to and we'll set up things (i.e. asking for your email address privately via DM, ask for others if they would want to join in, etc.). Of course, with our utmost & great respect to MTV, I'll wait until after the reunion airs for me to ask for your insight. All I just need to do is to watch the reunions again after their original airings to write down notes & put together the right questions for me to ask.
   Then, I'll be emailing a questionnaire for you to fill out - there is not a phone or Skype interview. You'll have a week to answer as many questions in the form as you can, but answering every single question would be beneficial to us. And you should preferably reply back to me within 7-10 days of when you receive it in your inbox. As always, the quicker you reply, the faster I'll be in posting it. But to meet the high demand and exceptional fan interest in these shows, I do have these two important deadlines: 
- For RW Ex-Plosion, it's Friday, APRIL 18th, 10 days after it airs and after the premiere of The Challenge: Free Agents, so I can have something RW-related to post during it; 
- And for Are You The One?, on Friday, APRIL 11th, for after most international fans see the reunion, which will be over a week after it airs for the first time here.

So, if you got to be in the audience at either reunion, make sure to jot down notes on everything you got to saw, and be ready to answer all the questions I'll be asking you after it airs. Plus, please don't mind the length of the email you'll find in your inbox - it'll be anywhere from 25 to 30 questions.
   But, DCBLOG will make the effort to cover every single aspect of the reunion & the season, plus clear the air on things we didn't get to see or needs some clarification. And, of course, we'd love to hear about anything we didn't get to see in the final edited version, along with some behind the scenes scoop as well. Here, I am providing a platform for you to talk, or vent, on the biggest storylines from the season. I love being able to hear what's on your mind and DCBLOG is the ideal place for this.
   Once again, the mission if you choose to except it: if you went to either the Real World Ex-Plosion Reunion in New York, or the Are You The One? Reunion in L.A., either tweet, follow or send me a DM to Twitter @DC408dxtr, or email me to to set things up. I look forward to hearing from you about it and hope that you'll be able to open up & tell all once the reunion has aired. We love to hear your Fan's View and reveal everything from your RW Ex-Plosion & AYTO Reunion experience.

So with that, that is that. In addition to our Fan's View posts, of course we'll be busy covering the rest of the season of both RW Ex-Plosion and Are You The One?, as well as the lead up to The Challenge: Free Agents. My Twitter hubs is where to find twitter alerts to interviews, articles and any DCBLOG posts located at @DC408dxtr, while my newly-launched DC NOW account, @DC408DxNow, is the new home of my live tweeting of MTV episodes and major events.
   For now, hope you enjoyed this edition of Fan's View and Episode 9 of Real World Ex-Plosion. And until we blog again, have fun and thanks for reading.

- DC

From @EricC_Official: Eric wearing Jay's Craze Watch

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