Some Readers May Find Objectionable. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow
Welcome again to our continuing coverage of The Challenge: Free Agents and to DC SocialPulse powered by DCNOW for episode 8. Last week in South America, we had the most delicious challenge ever with competitors being wrapped in Suran Wrap and going through a lot of food on their way to a bun, fitting enough to begin the summer. And we also had the defining moment of this season so far: an elimination showdown between a 4-time champion and a brash rookie. And the ladder pulled off a gutsy risk/reward gamble only to be smothered in the battle by the veteran.
This week in episode 8, we see a rather interesting mission among the remaining competitors as they all get tangled up and try to strike a pose. But the drama this week centers around a steamy late night hookup by one of the challengers, and a romance that she has with another breakout performer this season is suddenly put in doubt when he is voted into elimination. After the episode diary and theWRAP, we'll take a brief look at how the underdogs have done well in recent seasons.
- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- If you haven't watched the episode yet, don't proceed with reading this post. But don't worry, DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.
So, join us after the jump for this week in Uruguay.
> The Buildup and Memorial Day
@laurelstucky: People can say anything ... And will say anything... But you don't have to believe it.
@laurelstucky: People talk simply just to fill time sometimes.
@laurelstucky: Relying on what others say about us creates a wobbly foundation of who we are. No one else defines us but us.
@laurelstucky: The right people will understand. Don't ever to look to someone else to tell you who you are.
@laurelstucky: If someone says something to you that you do not like you have every right to not agree. Just because it's said doesn't make it right.
@laurelstucky: Show it. Be it. Live it.
@CamilaMTV: No matter what, humble up. ✌️
@laurelstucky: @jordanmtv i think you used the wrong word, jordan. It wasn't your pride that was worth all that $$ but rather the integrity of your word.
@cohuttaMTV: I shoulda named him @bswiftmtv . #steakbone #mastiffsofinstagram
@JazMTV: Come follow me on
@BrandonDNelson: Coach used to say everyday you get better or you get worse but you never stay the same. Im gettin better today.
@TyrieBMTV: “@BrandonDNelson: Coach used to say everyday you get better or you get worse but you never stay the same. Im gettin better today.” Respect
@B_Brutality: But first lemme take a selfie
@KevinGonzalez_: Got a picture with Jay from Real World at #EDCNY
@KevinGonzalez_: @JayGMTV Thanks for the picture at #EDCNY. Hope you had a good time man!
@robb_schreiber: Whoever invented the upside-down dispensing ketchup bottle is a real G.
@JohnyZig: @robb_schreiber robb i invented upside-down dispensing ketchup bottles
@laurelstucky: Today hugging my little buddy
@JayGMTV: #edc #edcny #teamjayg
@AceNichols33: If you didn't see it yet, why not?! THE CHALLENGE FREE AGENTS *RECAP* - BADASS DRAW!
@TheJayDillinger: I don’t tell the people close to me how much I actually appreciate them. Gotta do better! #SpreadLove
@CaraMariaMTV: If only the world would focus on the victims names and faces and celebrate their lives rather than glorify the killer.....
@cohuttaMTV: Rockefeller, Morgan, Carnegie.. all bought and paid for elections. These were early American lobbyists.. just saying.
@BSwiftMTV: @cohuttaMTV I see you were just watching the documentary on the @HISTORY channel too #TheMenWhoBuiltAmerica #YouKnowImATriviaNerdOnTheLow
@cohuttaMTV: @BSwiftMTV @HISTORY me and you both friend..
@MtvJess: My Family parties are the perfect mix of crazy Hispanic and down home country 👌
@EmileeMTV: mtv #whaling
@JayGMTV: 4pm at the mushrooms under the big daisy
@CSUAKirk: @TheresaMTV will be joining me Tuesday to talk about everything #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@EmileeMTV: Welcome to Boston @JazMTV #roommates
@JazMTV: @EmileeMTV in so excited for Boston
@EmileeMTV: @JazMTV boston is excited for you and so is Amy. Woman almost took out a Pop Warner league when I told her the news
@JazMTV: @EmileeMTV I'm heated to do dps now then finishing pack woooohooo!
@MTV: Things are getting intense on #TheChallengeFreeAgents... Get caught up:
@EmileeMTV: Finally watching this last Challenge. They see me rollin, they hating.
@JamieChinaMTV: Apparently my city is no longer considered Houston... It's considered Clutch city 😂😂😂😂 YES
@JayGMTV: EDC NY was crazy. Now its time for Vegas. Flight in 2 hours
@JayGMTV: Airport selfieee haha. Vegas here i come
@LAURAleeMTV: Good morning! Time to start this Memorial Day off right with a little kick boxing!!
@DiemBrownMTV: Happy Memorial Day! Here's to the brave men & women who died serving our country. We thank you…
@KennySantucci: War is hell. Thank you, to those who were willing to do what the rest of could not. #mdw…
@EricBanks: Shoutout to all service men and women :: past and present:: thanks for everything
@tjlavin: Thank you...
@TheresaMTV: “The Navy Men's Swimming & Diving teams reenact Iwo Jima flag planting under water in their team photo.”🇺🇸
@CJKoegel: Thank you!
@TheMarkLong: To all the men AND women that sacrifice for our freedom...#ThankYou 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@CamilaMTV: Moning 'merica. 🎭🇺🇸😘 ( & Yes I know this is not an American flag 😉)
@CaraMariaMTV: Everyone starts somewhere.... baby steps....keep on practicing and eventually you will get it. So excited about today :) YAY!
@MTVBananas: To all our brothers, and sisters in arms. Especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. Thank…
@MTVtrey: I'm turning 26 this year, and I'm still finding clothes in my drawers from high school. #Wtf
@MTVtrey: And this goes without saying (as it does every year), THANK YOU to the men and women who keep our country safe. 🇺🇸 I owe my life to you.
@RobinMTV14: Just want to thank those who have risked or given there life so my family can have a free one. #MemorialDay bless your families.
@CaraMariaMTV: Johnny depp,miss swan, and catwoman walk into a challenge house on mtv #freeagents @laurelstucky…
@laurelstucky: @CaraMariaMTV oh wow those are great pix!!!!!!! i want to frame this
@MTVtrey: I don't post workout videos. And I don't tweet every time I go to the gym. But trust me... I'm working harder than you. #UnderdogLife
@TheMarkLong: @MTVtrey 👊👊👊
@MTVtrey: @TheMarkLong you know it brotha
@robb_schreiber: When I see a guy lifting with gloves on I instantly assume he's saving his hands softness for the handjobs he's going to peddle out later.
@JennyDelish: Happy Memorial Day everyone. Don't forget what it's really about. My prayers go out to your family and friends remembering.
@JennyDelish: I'll miss you forever Grandpa!
@NanyMTV: And this is why I love you @FOOLtellmewhy you crazy ass
@MTVBananas: A.B.T. Always Be Training! RT @IanSandor: Ran into Bananas the other day at the gym while #filming
@laurelstucky: @jordanmtv
@JayGMTV: Your basic
@MTVShowBlog: The #Challenge house loves a good costume! See @CaraMariaMTV's latest AMAZING getup up close and personal:
@Chet_Cannon: I like floral crowns, too, but wearing the entire garden on your head???
@JayGMTV: Chyllen in vegas with @BrandonDNelson #realworld meets #thechallenge
@ChallengeMTV: BEHOLD. When it comes to a costume party, @CaraMariaMTV @CamilaMTV & @laurelstucky sure know how to get it done!
@JazMTV: My last Tuesday in Texas before my new adventure in Boston tomorrow!!
@EmileeMTV: @JazMTV excited for your arrival :)
@JazMTV: @EmileeMTV I'm seriously courting down the hours! !! #bostonboud #cancunfamly
@EmileeMTV: @JazMTV either you need to get the hot cheetos out of your keyboard or we need to get you a new spell check lmao
@CamilaMTV: Don't live to fit the expectations of others, just live to grow into the person YOU want to be. ✨😘
@EmileeMTV: Challenge fans, follow on the @BeamlyUS app to interact live this Thurs. in The Challenge TV room. Link: #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: My best advice in life is "grow". When you pray, love, lose, travel, win, fail, grow so go, keep growing. #iwillnotquit
@MTVCoryWharton: Malibu #Californication
@JustJem24: Never underestimate the capacity of other people to let you down...
@EmileeMTV: @JustJem24 baby girl. The people who let you down are just teaching you. Remember? Smile, 'cuz you're amazing at it. Xoxo
@EmileeMTV: Going to bed feeling super grateful for my fam and friends. Always appreciate your support when life gets weird 😚
@Jasmiinneee_: Look super gross but met @BrandonDNelson and @JayGMTV from The challenge & The Real World today at work! 😛
@JayGMTV: Oh yeaaaaaa. time for my Birthday! If you wanna come just rsvp to the email on the flyer. EVERYONES INVITED
@MtvJess: Working on SO many new things! Trying out yoga so I can not only learn to teach but respect and…
@MtvJess: I can't let myself fall back in to you, you're the kind of flame that sets my whole world on fire....
@EmileeMTV: RIP Maya Angelou. 😇 she definitely left her mark...which is what life is all about. #inspire
@robb_schreiber: Til I collapse Im spilling these raps, long as you feel em. Til the day that I drop youll never say that Im not killing them. Time for work.
@AneesaMTV: RIP Maya Angelou. What a beautiful, honest, and talented woman. You have inspired so many and will continue to do so.
@JennaCompono: I kinda miss real world :/ can we have our season part 2 :) @mtv @BunimMurray haha rt if u think it's a good idea :)
@CamilaMTV: You are who you are when no one is looking #rememberit
@NanyMTV: Got 'em sewn in this time... @CamilaMTV @JazMTV good luck trying to rip these babies out 💋😂
@MTVCoryWharton: Stop making life harder than, it already is!!✌️
@ChallengeMTV: Can it be Thursday? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@laurelstucky: Tomorrow is Thursday! #TheChallengeFreeAgents is on at 10pm on @MTV
@laurelstucky: Oh and P.S. We are halfway through #FreeAgents ... This is where it gets good. It's gonna go down.
@laurelstucky: Dang @mtvjess you look stacked
@MtvJess: @laurelstucky ha ha I just text you. I'm trying to get on @CaraMariaMTV level 💪💪💪
@NanyMTV: Do it til your legs start to hurt #GoToWorkGirl 👅
@TheresaMTV: 💁💆🌿🌸🙌
@laurelstucky: There will be high intensity and low intensity events. Keeping our keel even is the best bet. Not getting carried away with it.
@laurelstucky: Take in the kindness and leave behind the rest.
@MTVShowBlog: .@TheOfficial_CT says he and #Challenge rival @MTVBananas are "two brothers competing for the last piece of pizza."
@CamilaMTV: Wake up and live ☀️
@laurelstucky: We are never undeserving of happiness, good fortune and blessings. No matter, we all deserve to receive what is good in life
@CJKoegel: genegmb officially has the coolest office in #NYC. Ping pong tables and an in office gym. #trx #bosu…
@MTVBananas: CALI --> NYC #JetSettin
@JayGMTV: Chyllen with the homie @BrandonDNelson #freeagents #realworldexplosion
@JamieChinaMTV: 9 months and better than ever 👌
@LaToyaJMTV: We lost #MayaAngelou... RIP Queen
@ChallengeMTV: An all new #TheChallengeFreeAgents airs tomorrow at 10/9c. Here's a little refresher on what went down last week:
@TheMarkLong: Make sure you tune into @afterbuzztv tomorrow night for the #mtv #freeagents #challenge #aftershow…
@DevynSimone: I think Dr.Angelou would appreciate this. RIP Dr. Angelou
@MTVCoryWharton: People can be so quick to judge, no matter what it is they refer to their point of view.😐👋
@JamieChinaMTV: My twitter game has been horrible lately!!
@imalacey: Stop apologizing @NevSchulman U finally showed a genuine reaction to a crap person instead of trying to invent some excuse for their actions
@CaraMariaMTV: Last 3 in a row no draw... Lets keep this streak going!
@PeaceLoveJoi: This game is getting better and better! #heatvspacers
@TheRealNiaMoore: This one might come down to the wire. Do or die!! #HeatNation 💪🙏
@JustJem24: Clean sheets & a bottle of wine.. If only I had somebody to share them with.. Oh well more wine for me 😜😜...
@CamilaMTV: How crazy would it be if all these chicks were on #thechallengefreeagents?! 🙈🙊🙉 Who's your favorite??
@laurelstucky: Sometimes the best thing to do is to help others, even if we don't think they deserve it. People never forget those who've supported them.
@MtvJess: You don't have to be in heels and a bikini showing your goodies to be sexy. Strong is sexy too 💪❤️✨…
@MtvJess: Rocking my @AskTeamUA @UnderArmour in this shoot, love it!!!! #Fitlife #love #UA #tough #fitfam @TrinityTrainer3
@MtvJess: Watch #thechallengefreeagents THURSDAYS 10pm mtv #thechallenge #mtv @bunimmurray #bmp #reality…
@JayGMTV: Me and mario. This is why you dont go to #vegas
> Challenge Thursday
@laurelstucky: When someone speaks on something beautiful I cannot look away. It's the beauty in this world and our people that keeps me. #MayaAngelou
@laurelstucky: I am finding the person who I want to be.
@JayGMTV: I was raised on " if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all".
@laurelstucky: Had a dream that @Aneesamtv let me borrow her old car to smuggle napkins from cuba to the USA under heavily gun patrolled borders.
@B_Brutality: Didn't sleep for shit last night. I hate those nights where you wanna pass out and just can't but you're so tired you're like sick😔
@LAURAleeMTV: Ahhhhh big day soooo excited!! Coming out of retirement :)(: :)(: :)(: :)(:
@TheMarkLong: I'm about to take my first @VirginAmerica flight...heard good things. LAX--->New Jersey✈️🚀✈️
@ChallengeMTV: Now's not too late to start watching #TheChallengeFreeAgents! @Itslluna's recap will get you up to speed in no time:
@JustJem24: That's the phone call I've been waiting for 🙏😍🙌
@Chet_Cannon: "What's up, man?" "You don't remember my name, do you?" *cries
@laurelstucky: It is much appreciated, but never expected.
@ave_tress: Sometimes it's good to be back. #Michigan #country #family
@JohnyZig: @ave_tress he defiantly downgraded big time ave #nothingtoworryabout #keepstayingbeautiful
@ave_tress: @JohnyZig lol. Thanks. Shit happens. Im just glad I didn't waste anymore of my time.
@JohnyZig: @ave_tress no problem & dont worry 1 day ull find a man who will treat u right but just dont move 2 another state for him #grandmasknowbest
@laurelstucky: #Believe in your self every step of the way. Even when you don't #believe in yourself, do it anyway.
@EmileeMTV: This is not a loovee song, this a doin me and only God can judge song 👌
@JamieChinaMTV: Pho is where the heart is😍🍜
@JazMTV: Predictions on tonight's episode? ?
@JazMTV: Don't forget new episode tonight #FreeAgents download and follow me on to discuss the everything challenge!!
@JustJem24: Work hard in silence. Let success be your noise...
@MTVBananas: Today's NYC Weather Forecast: Partly sunny with a chance of Bananas
@MTVBananas: Hey @KennySantucci and @theevanstarkman what are a couple of scumbags like you doing on this glorious NYC day?!
@DunbarMerrill: Everything we need is already there. The challenge is letting go of all our stuff in the way...
@RoyLee25mtv: I need some swim trunks for tonight!! @EncoreBeachClub night pool party VEGAS
@MTV: Nany doesn't want to hurt Cohutta, but it doesn't seem to be going as planned on #TheChallengeFreeAgents at 10/9c:
@MTVCoryWharton: Quiet Confidence 😏😎
@laurelstucky: #Challenge tonight!!!!!!
@JayGMTV: ITS BIRTHDAY TIME! and EVERYONES INVITED Party with my for my Birthday at @pachanyc on Friday June 6,…
@MTVCoryWharton: I'm something like a Marley ✌️✊
@NanyMTV: And that's #life...
@CamilaMTV: Yesssssssss!!!! My favorite show is BACK! 💃 #SYTYCD
@CamilaMTV: Aww... Thanks for the collage guys!!! 💋💋💋 #throwbackthursday #TheChallenge #Rivals2
@JohnnyReilly_: Trash the hotel lets get drunk at the mini bar....
@cohuttaMTV: How do you like the view there sunshine? #tbt #the4horsemen #figure4 #wrestling
@PrestoMagicmtv: Estoy acá! Get ready for the Challenge tonight it's going to be a good one! #FreeAgents
@CaraMariaMTV: Spoiler alert: tweeting live with east coasters for tonights #freeagents. You have been warned ;)
@AneesaMTV: #tbt blonde and curly #20yrsold #jewfro #akward #battleodthesexes1
@ChallengeMTV: The challenges just keep amping up. Can't wait to see what tonight brings! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CamilaMTV: Following back all Challenge fans who follow me on @BeamlyUS & leave a question for me to answer LIVE tonight!!! 💋
@BeamlyUS: Calling all fans of The Challenge! Chat with your fave contestants during tonight’s episode. See who’ll be there.
@JayGMTV: All scruffed out for my usual airport selfie. Heading back to New York to make @F1abraham birthday party
@EmFitMTV: SO excited to announce my giveaways for this Challenge! My giveaways include things I LOVE, it's like…
@JazMTV: Anyone else counting down the hours till the challenge #freeagents
@laurelstucky: Tonight @ 10 @JohnnyPolygon @PianosNYC
@MtvJess: At it again @ibrahimjess working her magic on my locks ❤️ #love #stylist #paulmitchell #thebest #hair
@MTVCoryWharton: Oooo Social Media has Changed the Game!!!📱😬
@DevynSimone: Make sure you catch the beginning of tonight's episode. You don't want to miss the 1st ever #Challenge funeral! #RIPTamera
@EmileeMTV: Cancun #FreeAgents got axed, who's next to pull that stoooooopid kill card?! 😱😱😱 tune into mtv at 10pm…
@tjlavin: Thanks for the support guys!! mtv @dannywascou much live guys! timhedberg @producercourt smitalya…
@JazMTV: It's definitely different being in Boston but I'm loving every second. New chapter of my life :)
@ChallengeMTV: 2 hours until #TheChallengeFreeAgents starts! Hope your ready to be wrapped up in another exciting episode ;)
@JazMTV: Seems like this challenge is colorful and bodies being wrapped. Yeaaa my kind of challenge..2 hour's counting
@DevynSimone: @MTV #Tamara
@laurelstucky: Send Fan Mail to Laurel Stucky 1471 1st Avenue #349 NY NY 10075
@CaraMariaMTV: I hear you will be in for a strapping good time tonight on #freeagents
@BeamlyUS: Reminder: cast members of @ChallengeMTV will be chatting EXCLUSIVELY in Beamly tonight! See who here: #FreeAgents
@BrandonDNelson: Even though I'm long...
@RoyLee25mtv: 30mins until #FreeAgents comes on .. Let's Goooooo
@LAURAleeMTV: Wow. I have been waiting for this day for months. What an incredible feeling getting back on my pole…
@MTVBananas: 15 mins till showtime! #FreeAgents @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: Get your popcorn ready #TheChallengeFreeAgents starts in 5 minutes!
@CamilaMTV: #TheChallengeFreeAgents starts in 3 minutes!!! Come ask me questions!!! 😉
@MtvJess: 4 minutes Til #TheChallengeFreeAgents #teamjess
@MTVNate: Turned 25 today. Thx for all the well wishes from the friends and fam. #timetogetfaded
> As The Cast Saw It: "Strike A Pose, There's Something to It"
@MTV: #TheChallengeFreeAgents starts right NOW! RT if you're watching with me! @ChallengeMTV
@DevynSimone: #TheChallenge starts now!
@MTVBananas: Game time!!! #FreeAgents @mtv
@JazMTV: Here we go! ! #freeagents come follow me at and chat live with me & other cast members! Xoxo
@DevynSimone: #RIPTamara
@ChallengeMTV: Uh oh. The banana suit AND a burial for Tamara?! This is TOO much already. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: And the shenanigans begin! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Saddest funeral ever! #FreeAgents @mtv
@JustJem24: @PrestoMagicmtv you are the fucking man 😎😎😎
@ZachMTV: How drunk is @cohuttaMTV thata boy!!
@cohuttaMTV: @ZachMTV thanks for lap sonny boy.
@ZachMTV: “@cohuttaMTV: @ZachMTV thanks for lap sonny boy.” #manlove #naponagiant #rockyandbullwinkle
@ZachMTV: All you see is feet and sheets!!! @JohnnyReilly_ is so hot!!!
@ZachMTV: “@koppa34: @ZachMTV @MTVChallenge25 @JohnnyReilly_ wonder how Avery is feeling after that scene. Ouch” who cares #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVBananas: Poor @cohuttaMTV had no idea what he was getting himself into! #FreeAgents @mtv
@ChallengeMTV: AHHHH!!!! I can't deal, @JohnnyReilly_ & @NanyMTV! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@PrestoMagicmtv: .@NanyMTV You make this show...a show! Congratulations
@NanyMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv I love you with all my heart. Thank you for being you rookie ❤️
@NanyMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv ROOMIE* haha💋
@ZachMTV: You gotta respect @NanyMTV 's honesty.
@NanyMTV: @ZachMTV thank you 😘
@IcedCOfNewYork: @ZachMTV @NanyMTV is Nany. She's being herself. She's being more focused. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: Devyn has the best commentary. I luv her #freeagents
@DevynSimone: “@JazMTV: Devyn has the best commentary. I luv her #freeagents” 💋💋
@MTVBananas: Careful @cohuttaMTV you might be stuck to that mattress! #freeagents @mtv
@MTVBananas: So at this point @JohnnyReilly_ and @cohuttaMTV are practically related! @mtv #freeagents
@DevynSimone: Thanks for all your support guys. She will be greatly missed #RIP Tamara. Follow her spirit @DevynsWig
@Knight_MTV: I'm rooting for @JordanMTV #freeagents @mtv tonight what about you @MTVBananas lol
@JordanMTV: My Man! Haha “@Knight_MTV: I'm rooting for @JordanMTV #freeagents @mtv tonight what about you @MTVBananas lol”
@TheMarkLong: I guess a lot of fans want #Vets versus #Rookies for an @mtv #Challenge ...maybe @BunimMurray will hear this and make it happen. #mtv
@AshleyMarieMTV: @TheMarkLong hahaha you verses me?
@TheMarkLong: @AshleyMarieMTV lol yes @BunimMurray listen up! #secretallianceshowmancecity
@AshleyMarieMTV: @TheMarkLong @BunimMurray hahahaha!! I say do rookie paired up with a vet. . .#justsayin
@TheMarkLong: @AshleyMarieMTV @BunimMurray I'm down! 💪😛💪
@MTVBananas: Dude @JohnnyReilly_ you're a liar! You said you didn't eat Mexican!!! @MTV #freeagents
@Knight_MTV: Don't hat the player (@NanyMTV ) or the game, people like us just do it damn well, ehhh Nany?
@MtvJess: Well this challenge will certainly spice up anyone sex life #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@EmileeMTV: Devyn always slaughters the one liners. I die at her wit.
@Chet_Cannon: Did I miss Devyn's weave's funeral? #TheChallenge
@EmileeMTV: Nany is a free bird. 💜
@DevynSimone: Why does this Challenge look like a darn sex contraption? #TeamDevyn
@JazMTV: Still luv Nany! !
@DevynSimone: My thought process behind picking my team = Who can lift my big ass? #TheChallenge #TeamDevyn
@ZachMTV: I love when we compete in our undies #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@CaraMariaMTV: whoever goes up first has to hold the longest... so... up i go! wish me luck ;) #freeagents
@DevynSimone: Our guys @ZachMTV @TheOfficial_CT were so awesome helping the girls! Great job guys! #TeamDevyn #TheChallenge
@JustJem24: My girl @laurelstucky keeps it real. That's why we vibe 😘😘😘😘
@EmileeMTV: I feel like I could have done alright on this one. #yogibear
@ZachMTV: As I was tying these girls up all I really wanted to do was drop my nuts on their foreheads. #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@DevynSimone: Do not try this at home.. or in your bedroom. This was NOT comfortable! #TeamDevyn #TheChallenge #ForTamara
@MtvJess: Is my butt REALLY that big in person?! @missravennnn #bootybootybooty 🙈
@DevynSimone: Look how badass #TeamDevyn looks! High Five guys! Couldn't have picked a better team! #TheChallenge
@Knight_MTV: @JordanMTV you know I love u dawg, give me a call tonight
@busdriversroute: @Knight_MTV Yo Knight you coming back next season? That punch better not have banned you for life.
@EmileeMTV: I want people to stop underestimating @PrestoMagicmtv @presto. He's proved himself #freeagents
@PrestoMagicmtv: Thanks @EmileeMTV but something's never change and its just the way it is.
@EmileeMTV: "@PrestoMagicmtv: Thanks @EmileeMTV but something's never change and its just the way it is." #tupacproblems
@CaraMariaMTV: Crossfit coach @ZachMTV - makin the colors and throwin the kids up in the swings. Follow the leader #freeagents
@ChallengeMTV: Am I the only one who thinks this challenge looks EXTREMELY uncomfortable?! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ZachMTV: Nothing's more exhilarating than being tied up in your undies, and baking in the Uruguayan sun. #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@DevynSimone: Everyone looks so sexy in this #Challenge.. and by everyone i mean CT. #TeamDevyn
@NanyMTV: I broke my challenge curse #FreeAgents
@Chet_Cannon: Haha. #TeamDevyn smoked that! #TheChallenge
@DevynSimone: So that was Tamera's twin sister Tia she won this challenge in Tamera's honor. @DevynsWig #TheChallenge #TeamDevyn
@cohuttaMTV: @NanyMTV you make me smile. I'll make you pancakes. See you soon chickadee. 😘
@NanyMTV: @cohuttaMTV you're my fav 💖
@MTVBananas: And that folks is how you shit the bed on a Challenge! #FreeAgents @MTV
@ZachMTV: Slow motion high fives are so much more erotic #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@CamilaMTV: I would've killed to do this challenge 😋 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Chet_Cannon: .@CamilaMTV so you could blame everyone else when your team lost? Haha
@CamilaMTV: @Chet_Cannon oh jeez, 1st off I just blamed you not everyone else. 2nd off, ur still holding on to that? It's time 2let go 😘
@Chet_Cannon: @CamilaMTV estou a brincar...kinda
@ZachMTV: I am now missing out on 5:30 am ass taps, sweaty high fives, and increasing pain thresholds, no wonder I'm depressed. @jmmaser @B_Maser_10
@RosesRevolution: Who's watching @MTVChallenge25 tonight? Our song "Down" should be coming up! #FreeAgents, @MTVsoundtrack #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: Women's #WOD #crossfit tanks in <3 #TheChallengeFreeAgents #TeamJess #crossfit
@MTVBananas: The newest/smallest member of #TeamBananas #JaxHealy Photo: lbelle1
@MTVCoryWharton: When the cats😼 away the mice🐁 will play!!!
@DevynSimone: Who's it gonna be? #TheChallenge
@JazMTV: Wow!
@CamilaMTV: Who do y'all want to leave tonight??? #thechallengefreeagents
@PrestoMagicmtv: Free ride free ride all day all I've had are free rides #BS #Whatever #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@DevynSimone: #TeamDevyn united on the field and in voting. Anyone catch that?#TheChallenge
@Chet_Cannon: Preston? I swear I'm the only challenger who believes in eliminating tough competition before a final. It's simple logic. #TheChallenge
@kaylaschneider1: @Chet_Cannon he was the only guy left that all the others could def beat. CT wasn't thinking when he threw out Preston's name
@MTVBananas: @caramariaMTV not voting me in was immediately followed by a monkey flying out of my ass! @mtv #freeagents
@DevynSimone: She may be wild and she may be cray but I love @NanyMTV 💋💋💋
@NanyMTV: @DevynSimone love you more Dev! 💋
@JustJem24: Fuck. @NanyMTV & @cohuttaMTV are adorable 💏💑
@JazMTV: I luv Preston and he's a competitor people sleep on and shouldn't! #teampreston
@CamilaMTV: In the 6 challenges I've been on I have never had a free pass & I'm thankful for that Bc it's made me very appreciative of everything.
@ChallengeMTV: .@cohuttaMTV <3
@TheMarkLong: I'm driving...who went home? #thechallengefreeagents
@MTVBananas: My first draw ever. Never been so nervous! @prestomagicmtv #freeagents @MTV
@PrestoMagicmtv: If you draw that kill card I'm walking off set! @MTVBananas @MTV
@RoyLee25mtv: “@MTVBananas: My first draw ever. Never been so nervous! @prestomagicmtv #freeagents @MTV”RT F-off I'm in the draw every week lol 😂😂
@MTVBananas: Just added "Fucking Bird Rescuer" to my resume! @MTV #freeagents
@Chet_Cannon: Every challenge I say to throw in big hitters and people look at me like the "smelly" kid #TheChallenge
@TheMarkLong: Read my last tweet again in 14 minutes! #thechallengefreeagents
@RoyLee25mtv: Tonight's elimination 🙊🙈🙉 #FreeAgents
@JohnnyReilly_: always chillen in the draw #loveit
@DevynSimone: Look and we didn't even have to make her mad by voting her in! #TheChallenge Laurel vs Aneesa is an epic match. #TeamDevyn you're welcome
@PrestoMagicmtv: Nooooooooo @cohuttaMTV I have so much respect for this man!
@ZachMTV: Giant hallway full of dude? sounds like Preston's dream has come true!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@Chet_Cannon: Throw big people in...except @ZachMTV. He's too cool to eliminate #TheChallenge
@DevynSimone: @cohuttaMTV is killing me with his commentary. #FeelinFroggy
@MTVBananas: Ahhh snap! @prestomagicmtv vs @cohuttaMTV ... A true clash of the TITANS! @mtv #freeagents
@ChallengeMTV: Good fight @PrestoMagicmtv! Until next time! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CaraMariaMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv - epic fight! @mtv #FREEAGENTS
@PrestoMagicmtv: Thanks @CaraMariaMTV @MTV
@DevynSimone: @PrestoMagicmtv really did an awesome job this season. He was a fighter! Proud of you!
@BSwiftMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv and @cohuttaMTV you guys went hard! Good stuff fellas!
@JustJem24: Damn these are two bad bitches @AneesaMTV @laurelstucky
@JustJem24: @PrestoMagicmtv still hadn't made it home from South America yall😂😂
@EmileeMTV: I'm for voting in the toughest competitors. Sorry you'll squash me. Lmao
@CamilaMTV: I am rooting for whoever wants it more & who has the best intentions at heart. I'm no one to judge who that person is RT @baeske1978
@DevynSimone: This season has had so many epic elimination match ups.. And even better ones to come! #TheChallenge @MTV
@cohuttaMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv has got some heart people. Don't let the boy fool you. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NanyMTV: Get it Stucky #FreeAgents #MyGirl
@DevynSimone: A part of me wonders what if feels like to have to run into @laurelstucky then the other part thanks God my behind is at home. #TheChallenge
@EmileeMTV: @laurelstucky a physical specimen. 😚 #freeagents
@ChallengeMTV: Good job @AneesaMTV--I'm sure we will see you again! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@DevynSimone: @AneesaMTV is still the elimination queen. Make no mistake.
@DevynSimone: And then there were two... Props if you know what I'm referring to. #TheChallenge
@MTVtrey: @DevynSimone not that hard to figure out, lol
@PrestoMagicmtv: Don't cry for me Argentina - oh wait they have no clue who I am here. See all of you next time. Glad to show America I'm not weak!
@MTVBananas: #BananaSwag
@TheresaMTV: @AneesaMTV U are AMAZING!! Thank U for being U!!!😘😘 Ani DiFranco - Both Hands
@CamilaMTV: #tbt @CaraMariaMTV despite what pp say or what you think, I have always rooted 4you. Good luck to u &everyone left! 💋
@CaraMariaMTV: @CamilaMTV back at you my little brick house brazilian
@CaraMariaMTV: Congrats to my partnah @laurelstucky for defeating an elimination destroying machine @AneesaMTV - amazing fight by both! @mtv #freeagents
@AneesaMTV: @CaraMariaMTV @laurelstucky @MTV aww thanks babe. It was a good fight.
@ZachMTV: Sometimes you win sometimes you lose. But rarely do you play "he loves me not" with a Uruguayan flower. @Chet_Cannon
@Chet_Cannon: .@ZachMTV I hope TJ reprises that for the final. One petal at a time. You pull 2 at a time...disqualified!
@Knight_MTV: @NanyMTV gettin it girl getting it in
@jonnamtv: @nicolevirrey i know! you never know what can happen on #freeagents.. now i get to sit back and root for my girl @NanyMTV
@PrestoMagicmtv: When the loses of your life bless you with amazing things you count your blessings and keep your head high!
@EmileeMTV: Wake up @jazmtv 😂
@IamAdamKuhn: I missed the challenge!!! Dam! Can someone fill me in?
@Knight_MTV: I shaved off all my hair on my body, besides head and face, so I'll be more aerodynamic for fighting
@MTVBananas: Love you too TJ! But I still feel the need to see other people. RT @tjlavin: I love the guy! @BananasNation
@cohuttaMTV: You kids should be as intelligent as I know you are.. and follow my @The_Lucent !! #rocknroll
@MtvJess: I should be packing butttt it's a mixture of twerking and flexing 🙈 @LisaAtencioGrim
@MtvJess: Wine in and no clothes packed in my bag.....see the correlation there! But it's all good #NYC tomorrow to tear shit up with. @missravennnn
@EmileeMTV: Rasheedas going off about Texas and football. She hates Charles Barkley now
@MtvJess: If you don't like country music...get out 👋👋👋👋
@B_Brutality: You can't rip out someone's heart and then ask to be friends. Friends don't shatter friends world. No no I don't wanna be friends.
@MTVBananas: Might be the single best decision you will ever make! RT @angeelombardoo: Just ordered one of your hats Bananas better be worth it"
@Knight_MTV: @MTVBananas hey bro when u sending me my bananas hat or shirt
@MTVBananas: As soon as you send me your address! RT @Knight_MTV: Bananas hey bro when u sending me my bananas hat or shirt"
@cohuttaMTV: Headed to Atlanta. #countrygoldradio #kawlija @ The Open Road
@JustJem24: If your man is the only thing you got going for you then you're basic 💁
@JustJem24: I see so many women giving up their dreams for their mans and it literally kills me. Y'all can both do shit. Y let his dreams become ur life
@TyrieBMTV: Hmmm.... Rivals 2 body with exes conditioning.... Solid 230. #FuckinRight
@JayGMTV: Back in New York
@EmileeMTV: "I have a self appointed name..." "ya?" "Big daddy flava and the freshness."
@laurelstucky: Thanks @CaraMariaMTV not looking forward to next week
@RoyLee25mtv: West Coast What upppp!! #FreeAgents THE CHALLENGE IS ON 👀👏👍
@MtvJess: 5am flight out to NYC, thank God for vodka and concealer 👌 time to take this one hour nap ✋
@MtvJess: 💥FOR SALE💥 Blue and white unisex T's!!! #thechallengefreeagents #crossfit #lift #teamjess #love…
@AneesaMTV: @PrestoMagicmtv how cute is this
@AneesaMTV: Aww you guys are the best. Thank you so much for all the love. It was a tough battle. You win some, you lose some #freeagents #adioaamigos
> Friday Hangover in NYC, Jess & Theresa in The City, Cara Maria's Fashion Choices
@MtvJess: Blessed to have another day, bummed to not have gotten any sleep. #GodisGood #blessed #nosleep ✈️
@MtvJess: 😂🙈✋ #dead
@MtvJess: See you soooooooon @missravennnn @EmileeMTV @TheresaMTV 💋
@MtvJess: It's 5am you know you're wrong for bringing your babies on a plane this early....good morning y'all
@MTVtrey: Donald Sterling was declared "mentally incapacitated" by some 'experts'. Last I checked, he was racist - not retarded.
@TheresaMTV: 9 pairs of heels for a 2 day trip.😳😫😒#Fuxkin'Problems👠
@CaraMariaMTV: Off to new york to film the @mtv #freeagents reunion.... And i legit have nothing to wear. Clueless. #help
@EmileeMTV: So excited to see @MtvJess and @NanyMTV 💜💜💜
@MtvJess: @EmileeMTV @NanyMTV you here?!
@paulawalnutsMTV: Walking to work and I get random congratulations from bump must really be bumping :)
@NanyMTV: Buffalo ✈️ NYC
@MtvJess: Love this city 🗽🍎🚖 #NYC
@CaraMariaMTV: So the general consensus seems to be to go naked. Right then. Thanks for clearin that up for me.
@MTVShowBlog: .@DevynSimone says a final goodbye to her beloved #FreeAgents wig, Tamara:
@EmileeMTV: Heading to NY to see my tenderonis. Have a great weekend, friends. :) Repost @cc1449
@EmileeMTV: #RIPTamara @DevynSimone
@SometimesISAAC: Tonight we will rage... Ill be jumping off in edgewood for a bit to get... Well dont you worry about…
@SarahRiceMTV: That moment u realize u've been listening 2 the Sirius Kids radio station for an hour, but haven't had any kids in the car for over 45 min.
@ZachMTV: Let's play a game, we'll all watch @BSwiftMTV eat a 5 course meal, whoever lasts the longest without puking wins.
@BSwiftMTV: “@ZachMTV: Let's play a game, we'll all watch @BSwiftMTV eat a 5 course meal, whoever lasts the longest without puking wins.” Lol
@MTVBananas: It was far more dangerous for those birds to be locked in a house with us! RT @allysonwx0 Saving those birds was my favorite thing ever 😂
@cohuttaMTV: I swear NYC drivers will blow their horn at a damn squirrel running across the road. Patience is a dying trait. Sad sad.
@cohuttaMTV: Oh.. and for those of you who derive joy from the faults of others just know that at your core you're a hypocrite with a confidence issue.
@AneesaMTV: Finally watched last nights episode. Not too shabby. Loving these slo-mo's this season @BunimMurray @TheresaMTV love you
@TheRealNiaMoore: I almost cried. So proud of @therealniamoore today was their first swim! I was too scared to let go of…
@JazMTV: Road trip! @emileemtv #nyc
@MTVBananas: You've seen a rabbit in a hat, ever seen a Banana in a tire?! @kennysantucci has! @ CrossFit GSP
@MtvJess: Taking on the city @theresamtv #mtv
@MtvJess: NEW YORK HELL YEAHHH! Ha ha #NYC #bigapple #shopping #mtv #love @theresamtv 💋
@TheresaMTV: Sex In The City!!!❤️ 👠@mtvjess #NYC
@tjlavin: Hanging w these dudes... @imaginedragons are some of the nicest kindest dudes you could ever meet. We did some good stuff today w the @lifeisbeautiful people and it's pretty rad!
@jonnamtv: sinceeee ya'll asked for pics.. and my instagram @jonnamannion is currently sucking.. i updated my header photo thing #technologyilliterate
@MTVCoryWharton: All the things money can't buy: ✌️🙏💪 The 3 most important things in life. Sometimes I need that reminder.
@EmileeMTV: I ain't Santa but I got something for these bad bitches too 🎅👌
@ChallengeMTV: Will @laurelstucky turn on her best friend @CaraMariaMTV? Sneak peek next episode: #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CaraMariaMTV: Just saw a preview of the upcoming "fight" with @laurelstucky .... it stemmed from something which will not be shown i guess. #editing
@CaraMariaMTV: Braving the reunion taping with no dreads... Lighter make up.... And probably cowboy boots. Comfy.…
@jonnamtv: so it took me an hour to get more than one photo on the same thing.. and my cropping job is shitty.. but #atleastmyweavelooksfly
@CaraMariaMTV: View from my hotel room! Thanks for the sweet digs mtv! Off to explore nyc now.
@TheresaMTV: Where are the Apples? I'm in the Big Apple & I don't see any apples?!?!🍎
@Chet_Cannon: Another niece came this week! Hello, baby!
@BSwiftMTV: Beautiful day in the UpperEastside..Loving This weather! #NYC #StrollThroughTheCity
@mar8e: @swiftmtv where r uuu Oh. Now I know, reunion?
@BSwiftMTV: @mar8e I'm Walking down 77th and Lexington where u at? And na no reunion I got eliminated an episode be4 to be on the reunion
@ChallengeMTV: Bet you're dying to watch last night's episode over and over again. Well here ya go:
@MTV: Is #TheChallengeFreeAgents crew in this for love or for money?
@TheresaMTV: @MtvJess Like A Bo$$💁👑🎎
@MtvJess: This just happened ha ha @theresamtv #shoes #nyc#ouch #fashionista
@MtvJess: Latinas just wanna have funnn 👭 #repost #love @theresamtv #nyc
@MtvJess: Shoe shopping 👠💋👌
@iamheathercooke: That awesome moment when you meet @tiesto 😍
@EmileeMTV: So you're saying there's a chance
@MTVBananas: It was magical! RT @addieeeek: This was glorious Bananas"
@MtvJess: Too obnoxious 😂👏 @TheresaMTV
@BSwiftMTV: @MtvJess @TheresaMTV where are you two at in the city!? I just got out of meeting here
@MtvJess: “@BSwiftMTV: @MtvJess @TheresaMTV where are you two at in the city!? I just got out of meeting here” hotel bar bb
@MtvJess: “@scooter5000: @MtvJess @BSwiftMTV @TheresaMTV my name is swift and i'm fancy and i go to "meetings."” 😂👏👌
@BSwiftMTV: “L “@scooter5000: @MtvJess @BSwiftMTV @TheresaMTV my name is swift and i'm fancy and i go to "meetings."” 😂👏👌” hahaha 😂oh shut up scoots!
@cohuttaMTV: @NanyMTV you iz da kewlest 😘
@cohuttaMTV: #hacked by @NanyMTV 💋💋💋💋
@MTVtrey: Guy at the gym doing crunches while playing on his cell phone at the same time. You mean to tell me you can't put it down for 2 mins? #OkSir
@MTVtrey: Well I keep trying to post this link of the Best Happy Meal Toys of the 90's but it's not working. Wanted to share. Feeling nostalgic
@MTVtrey: It's kind of irrelevant anyway considering they left out the best one... uh, the Power Rangers!
@TheRealNiaMoore: 🏀🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@MTVCoryWharton: Greg Oden is in the Game????😯😂😂😂
@TheRealNiaMoore: Love it when young players can respect a vet's advice. (Cole/Lebron) That says everything about his maturity. He'll be a great player👌
@KennySantucci: @SarahRiceMTV some of the best commentary I've heard in a long time on the Aftershow. Keep it up.
@cohuttaMTV: We walkin. @nanymtv #nyc #hams @ Times Square 42nd st.
@NanyMTV: cohuttaleemtv's video
@CaraMariaMTV: Tonight might be hair washing night. Maybe. Not making any promises. #dirtybitchprobs
@NanyMTV: The only glass of sweet tea in NYC #SaysCohutta @cohuttamtv @ Virgil's Times Square
@CaraMariaMTV: Dude h&m in nyc is like a nightclub. Live dj n line for dressing room. Haha. Oh city life!
@CaraMariaMTV: That awkward body type where what fits my waist will rip on my shoulders and back. Sigh. Linebacker problems?
@CaraMariaMTV: Bout to try on the most hideous things i can find at h&m nyc and will post photos. Dying laughing here entertaining myself
@CaraMariaMTV: Dressingroomdisasters #awkward
@CaraMariaMTV: Hideous on the rack.... Totally bad country in the dressing room. #awkward
@CaraMariaMTV: Because.... Overalls and space pants. Thats why.
@MTVtrey: 11:11
@CamilaMTV: #TGIF 😋
@EmileeMTV: Hotel selfie. 😂
@CaraMariaMTV: Fake it til you make it! If you are shaking in the inside but act strong on the outside...People believe what they see. #Perceptionisreality
> As The Fans Saw It
@PinedaStephanie: Ready to see @CaraMariaMTV @laurelstucky @MtvJess dominate again :) #freeagents
@TheSteamer: Not sure if I’m more excited for #FreeAgents or the Spelling Bee tonight.
@JohnyZig: @TheSteamer lets hope those kids spell better then the challengers
@busdriversroute: With Rangers Game 6, Thunder/Spurs, Spelling Bee AND Challenge tonight I just have one thing to say to my remote...
@NotoriousAJM: “@CamilaMTV: Aww... Thanks for the collage guys!!! 💋💋💋 #throwbackthursday #TheChallenge #Rivals2” 😩😔 miss you Camilla
@DjJesseJ: BANANAS! YALL EXCITED 4 #FreeAgents #Thechallenge @afterbuzztv Aftershow? 8pm pst Live on @DJJesseJ
@busdriversroute: Who's got two thumbs and will be going to The Challenge Free Agents reunion? THIS GUY
@CSSandersSNE: @busdriversroute You always go! Good for you though. Have fun. When do they film it?
@busdriversroute: @CSSandersSNE It's on Saturday in NYC
@CSSandersSNE: @busdriversroute Thanks. I didn't apply this time around. Been pretty busy. I didn't even know it was this Saturday. Should be fun!
@busdriversroute: Could you imagine if The Challengers had to spell the same words as these 13 year olds? They don't even know how to spell disguise.
@busdriversroute: Do you think Dr. Bailey ever gets the urge to pull a rope and drop the kid in water if they spell a word wrong like my man @tjlavin?
@kendallongg: FREE AGENTS TIME
@busdriversroute: What the hell am I watching? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: #RIP Tamara. We'll miss you🙏
@loco4laurel: They must not have a lot of footage for this episode... #weavefuneral #freeagents
@busdriversroute: You want to know why Preston is not stressed? Because he knows he has 0 chance of winning. Kind of takes the edge off no? #FreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: @busdriversroute no truer words ever been spoken👏👏👏
@RWChallengeFan: This is not news, we all know @NanyMTV is adorable #FreeAgents
@kmacisco: Where can I get a @cohuttaMTV? I'm heartbroken I can't make it to see you on me some love ❤️
@RWChallengeFan: Oh shit.....
@busdriversroute: An @AdamRoyerr sighting! Man can the Challenge use a shot of adrenaline from him in the future #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@RWChallengeFan: Remember the days when clues were texts and not notes on a cell phone #freeagents
@GoldenGreggy: I see you ;) @JohnnyReilly_
@NotoriousAJM: Knight is a fool😂
@kendallongg: “@MTVBananas: Dude @JohnnyReilly_ you're a liar! You said you didn't eat Mexican!!! @MTV #freeagents” 😂😭🙊
@GoldenGreggy: “@MTVBananas: Dude @JohnnyReilly_ you're a liar! You said you didn't eat Mexican!!! @MTV #freeagents” RIP to Gregory who died reading this
@kmacisco: "Looks like a crazy sadistic sex swing" sounds like it's up @CaraMariaMTV's alley
@kendallongg: I love @CaraMariaMTV's mermaid look 😍 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Very smart pick @JohnnyReilly_ with Bananas. He knows Bananas would vote him in, now he doesn't have that chance. Well done #FreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: Can I just say I'm proud of how far @MtvJess has come this season. Definitely showing what she's got.
@Msqueenbee2194: @NotoriousAJM @MtvJess I agree she didn't make it far in rivals because she had a weak partner. I think her or @DevynSimone deserves to win
@NotoriousAJM: @Msqueenbee2194 @MtvJess I swear people be sleepin on you Jessica! Show em whassup!!!!
@kendallongg: This challenge looks dope as hell #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@GoldenGreggy: But @DevynSimone @JohnnyReilly_ are both awesome, can both teams win? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@GoldenGreggy: This challenge confuses me #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@RWChallengeFan: I love this mission #freeagents
@kendallongg: Let's pray CT doesn't touch the ground 😰 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@GoldenGreggy: “@PrestoMagicmtv: Thanks @EmileeMTV but something's never change and its just the way it is.” Then they gonna feel dumb when you @ the final
@RWChallengeFan: There ya go #TeamDevyn @DevynSimone
@kendallongg: I'm so excited @DevynSimone @NanyMTV and @CaraMariaMTV are all safe this week! 🙌🙌👏👏 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@GoldenGreggy: Nany's like 60% of these challenges I swear #TheChallengeFreeAgents lol no joke
@busdriversroute: Elimination rounds, spelling bee co-champions, chase for the cup...TOO MUCH IS HAPPENING
@kendallongg: I love picture wars 😂😂😂 never take me seriously though
@GoldenGreggy: Oh now y'all can say Preston's name ? @PrestoMagicmtv #shade #thechallenge
@kendallongg: Dead at Theresa thinking she could actually take out @laurelstucky or @AneesaMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Juanderful19: I kinda want @AneesaMTV or @TheresaMTV to take out @laurelstucky lol
@kendallongg: Bet money @DevynSimone throws in Theresa 👀
@NotoriousAJM: Damn that's some low ass shit.
@kendallongg: I'm pissed @AneesaMTV was thrown under the bus #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: What depresses me is that these people say they're playing a Free Agent game, yet they cast TEAM votes! Vote for yourselves not the team!!!
@NotoriousAJM: Just to let you all know, @RuthieAlcaide would've been PERFECT for this season. #TheChallengeFreeAgents @BunimMurray @MTV
@kendallongg: I want @AneesaMTV to go against Theresa so baddddddd #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: Devyn gets nah votes for today. Voting in Aneesa is stupid.
@kendallongg: I'm so nervous for this elimination 😫 😰 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: Y'all see Cohutta? He ready to kick SOMEBODY ass tonight!! @cohuttaMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@RWChallengeFan: What game are they playing??
@kendallongg: Theresa skating by as usual 😒 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Did @tjlavin just drop a Billy Madison reference? Wow. INFINITE PROPS
@NotoriousAJM: Bruh Cohutta is ready to cut a bitch real shit.
@kendallongg: I don't want @AneesaMTV or @laurelstucky to go 😭😫 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: PRESTON😱😨 WTF??? He tried.
@kendallongg: I'm proud of how far Preston has made it this season 👏 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kendallongg: Two undefeated competitors. Lawd Jesus take the wheel and my soul 😰😖😱 @AneesaMTV @laurelstucky #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: So just to recap MTV used this elimination on Cohutta/Preston instead of Jordan/Bananas? Interesting choice...
@JanelMcG: @busdriversroute I don't think the outcome would've been different. Cohutta vs Preston was actually a good.
@NotoriousAJM: The face made when @PrestoMagicmtv charged at @cohuttaMTV <>
@NotoriousAJM: I'm on the edge of my seat.
@Juanderful19: Fuck.... @AneesaMTV I wanted you to win :(
@kendallongg: Theresa is so petty. Bitch you know your time is up next week. All the girls left can and will mop your ass up #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@zachh24_: HAHA SUCKA @notshambo #aneesawho #laurelisbetter #freeagents
@kendallongg: Good job @laurelstucky 💪😘
@kaylaschneider1: I'm happy that @laurelstucky won but not quite sure how I feel about the preview to next week....
@busdriversroute: @Knight_MTV Yo Knight you coming back next season? That punch better not have banned you for life.
@busdriversroute: Big win for @laurelstucky. I'll have the pleasure of speaking with her early next week. Be on the lookout for that. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: I had not seen a more gut-wrenching female elimination since Coral Vs Beth on #Gauntlet3. GREAT job @AneesaMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@brianteng2014: tweeting and retweeting almost anything about todays episode of mtv challenge free agents like crazy
@TheSteamer: Trying to call into ABTV to talk #FreeAgents and the phone is busy. Just not my season.
@TheSteamer: “I think I deserve to be in one” - Preston, on a Challenge Final. On what basis does he “deserve” to be in one. EARN it! #FreeAgents
@brianteng2014: @TheSteamer well look at big easy he made to the finals
@TheSteamer: @brianteng2014 There have been some bad players who made it there and some that won, but it’s not something everyone is entitled. Earn it.
@brianteng2014: @TheSteamer like who
@TheSteamer: @brianteng2014 Tonya, Katie, Rachel, and Johanna all have wins. Sometimes luck plays a part but stop thinking you deserve it.
@brianteng2014: @TheSteamer toyna won inferno 3 katie won inferno 1 racheal and johanna won gauntlet 3
@EricC_Official: Switched cable companies so I'm anxiously awaiting to see my boo @MtvJess put in work on #TheChallengeFreeAgents 💘💪 @MTV @TheChallengeMTV
@NotoriousAJM: #Challenge26 #Gauntlet4 #RookiesVsVets @BunimMurray @MTV
@NotoriousAJM: I really want old heads back tho. Ruthie, Theo V., Mark, Rachel, Derrick, Jodi, Brad, Coral, Katie, Dan, Landon @MTVsChallenges #Challenge26
@NotoriousAJM: Still can't believe Tamara is gone. Why is it always the good ones? 😞 #RIP🙏
@AceNichols33: TIME TO WATCH #THECHALLENGEFREEAGENTS! I'm flipping all the fucking cards over like a boss tonight, y'all!
@CSUAKirk: love the burial tamera got @DevynSimone #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: is the special with kenny on tonight? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@dc408dxtr: @CSUAKirk no, per Scooter they actually moved it to after EP10 in a couple weeks.
@CSUAKirk: @dc408dxtr thats the night before my bday nice!
@CSUAKirk: in case you didn't know this guys @cohuttaMTV is the one guys should wanna be when it comes to dating he's so awesome #freeagents
@CSUAKirk: what an weird love triangle #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CardellChris: I love @NanyMTV as a person and competitor who is a awesome person. wish people would stop with the criticism of her.#TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: so glad @TheOfficial_CT and @MTVBananas are on separate teams #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: I would've had @JohnnyReilly_ winning over @DevynSimone on paper Devyn's team was weaker but how bout it #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: either way for the draw it'll be rivals going each for the girls #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: I love how much you've grown since Vegas @NanyMTV you've changed for the better #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@EricC_Official: Lmfao Cohutta "So now I'm gonna squeeze her ass & rock her to sleep" 👏😂😂 @MTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: ttt today junior lol @tjlavin is the man #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: Preston vs @cohuttaMTV pretty even matchup in this particular elimination round #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: @cohuttaMTV is the most underrated in this game people should watch out #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: @AneesaMTV has wanted thi since Rivals #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: @AneesaMTV you gave it one hell of a try have been watching you since 03 #TheChallengeFreeAgents
> And As I Saw It on #DCNOW
@dc408dxnow: We start off with @MTVBananas @RoyLee25mtv & company leading the procession burying @DevynSimone's wig. #RIPTamera #TheChallenge
@dc408dxnow: At the club, we see @NanyMTV & @cohuttaMTV kissing. And she's fearing about her liking him. And then she's w/ @JohnnyReilly_. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Oh wow. Looks like we have another threesome on this thing, and just with the first one this involves PDX. And vegas flashback. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Now the day's mission: and it's stretching as part of it. @DevynSimone @JohnnyReilly_ are captains, & this appears to be rather interesting.
@dc408dxnow: And once again @PrestoMagicmtv gets picked last, so does @MtvJess. We saw lightning strike twice, now will it be a hat trick for Preston?
@dc408dxnow: We've got Johnny & Cohutta on the same team, gosh with this threesome, how are they gonna coexist? At least they're doing well here.
@dc408dxnow: The objective here is they're trying to have a couple players hang on & be first w/ all 7 in position. #TeamDevyn in the lead.
@dc408dxnow: And it's @DevynSimone & her team that take the win! And @laurelstucky knows her team didn't do well. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: After all that, Nany talks about how this might affect her relationship w/ Cohutta. And Dev & Laurel talking about who they might vote in.
@dc408dxnow: The voting process comes, and they vote Aneesa for the ladies, & for the guys, it's Preston who also receives unanimous vote. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: Aneesa & Theresa have a talk after, & know they could be going up against one another if the 50/50 chance comes up positive. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: And they earlier had a flashback to RW Vegas2 & what happened last time Nany was in a house threesome. She wouldn't want to look back on it.
@dc408dxnow: And Cohutta & Nany are hanging out by the window prior to the Draw knowing that either one of them could be going home. And then it comes.
@dc408dxnow: And in the Draw, Laurel reveals the kill card for the ladies, while Cohutta does the same for the guys. Preston knows he has a chance now.
@dc408dxnow: And tonight's elimination game is Oppenheimer. And we kick off w/ @PrestoMagicmtv vs. @cohuttaMTV. It can go either way. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: After a sprint in the first one, now it's a battle in the 2nd as @cohuttaMTV won Game 1. And he survives to sweep away Preston 2-0.
@dc408dxnow: He goes home, but after a great run @PrestoMagicmtv definitely proved us wrong & showed he can stay with the big names. Good on 'ya Preston.
@dc408dxnow: Now it comes down to @AneesaMTV vs. @laurelstucky. after Laurel wins H1, she beats Aneesa...just barely. By milliseconds. #freeagents
@dc408dxnow: It's a great feeling for Laurel winning that draw, while it's the opposite for Aneesa. And Nany & Cohutta are relieved & in bed. #freeagents
Now to theWRAP, and we begin with the leftovers from last week's barbecue. After meeting its demise in the tomatoes at the Sausage Party, Devyn & the rest of the competitors held a funeral by the pool to say farewell to her wig, Tamera. Bananas (dressed in his halloween bananas costume) and others joined Dev to mourn the loss of her beloved wig, which we also saw during BOTS too. Fans might be wondering why this put in the first few minutes of this, but it's very funny.
And Devyn was also at the heart of the week's challenge when she headed up one of the two teams, while Johnny led the opposition in Hold That Pose. The objective: have their entire teams suspended for a full 60 seconds while holding onto their ropes. Each member had 4 separate color-coded ropes with their sizes varying by length to make it a difficult task for the teams to put themselves into position. On paper, Johnny's team was tipped as the favorite since their strategy was to place people based on size and strength. But as we always see, winning missions are decided on the field, or the sand for this one, and Team Devyn just held hung onto their ropes, and in the end they pulled off the win.
Aside from striking a pose and mourning a friend, much of this episode surrounded one of the few remaining couples left in the house. Now that Jordan has left Laurel behind after last week's elimination loss, the title of house couple has now been passed to Nany & Cohutta. After a night out, we see her sleep with Johnny on the couch, and she's afraid of telling Cohutta about that because she fears that she will make him mad. After avoiding talking to him all day, along with both fellas being on the same team in the mission and with a flashback to what happened in Vegas to boot, Nany first talks to Preston on the patio about why she's feeling mad about possibly betraying him. Ultimately, she fesses up to Cohutta about what happened with her & Johnny, and he's understanding of her. Cohutta wants Nany to open up more, allow more people into her life and able to handle these rough situations.
Unfortunately, Cohutta is up for elimination and the possibility of a loved one potentially going home and heartbreak for the other is very much real. It's something Devyn knows very well after what happened with Big Easy on BOTS, but this week she didn't have to worry about it as her team won and they have the voting dibs. For the first time this season, a team vote is a unanimous one, and the guys send in Preston because they feel he's clearly the weakest player left, even with what we've seen from him. And for the girls, they give acclimation to Aneesa so they won't have to worry about getting Laurel mad for voting her in yet again.
And when they do go into The Draw, Aneesa gets her wish of having Laurel flip over the kill card, which she does and sets up a strong battle between them. For the guys, Cohutta gets sent into the arena, leaving of course Nany with a lot to worry about. This week sees the Oppenheimer game for the 2nd time this year, and Preston is excited about going in circles because he's taller than Cohutta and has a good chance. Not to be, the end it's Cohutta who's faster and easily wins both of his races to claim his first elimination win this season. Then it's ladies last as Laurel and Aneesa face off. They bang into one another but Laurel beat Aneesa, just by a narrow margin, in the first heat. Then this Phelps-like thing happened in the 2nd round, and we have the same thing happen too. Aneesa has been the elimination queen over the years, but this week isn't her time even though she put up a strong effort and the tears get the best of her. Laurel prevails once again.
> Winners of the Night
- Cohutta: At several times this season in this section of theWRAP, we've talked about the great comeback campaign Cohutta is enjoying this season. For someone who's not been on this show since Ruins, it's clear that he has definitely made his mark as if he never left. We've seen him excel in many of the missions, as well as entertain us with his commentary. This week, he was at the heart of this episode with the continuing saga of him & Nany. But on the field, he performed best when it mattered most when he went into his first Draw. Despite not being as tall & strong as the rest of the guys' field, him winning this week's elimination in comfortable fashion adds more cred to what his bio suggested before all this that he could outrun the alpha males, and he's already outlasted four previous guys finalists. This has my colleague Andrew Kirk tipping Cohutta as this season's most underrated player and that the other competitors should keep their eye out. He might as well play his way into the final.
- Nany: As for Cohutta's soulmate, being one of the first from Team MTV, along with Laurel, to follow me here socially, and having enjoyed watching her since Las Vegas, I've been able to follow Nany on all four of her shows. Given that flashback to what she went through when we saw her for the first time in the Hard Rock, Nany has definitely come into her own on these Challenges, and is a lady who's becoming one of my favorites, as well as a good competitor. Her being part of the winning team this week, along with the drama she had with the cowboy & Johnny, easily makes her one of the winners of the night. Nany knows how to get far into the game only to come away empty-handed towards the end of all this. But with the girls field now down to only six and some top contenders already fallen, I'm now convinced that she could possibly make her way to her first final.
- Preston: Though he lost, Preston walks away as not someone who goes home this week (or at least, stays in South America for that matter), but someone who's proud to have proved the doubters wrong and gaining a ton of respect. We always love to cheer for the underdog, and Preston gave us reason to believe in those everydayers who aren't as athletic or as strong as everyone else. What's made this run so impressive is that, in addition to not worrying about Knight, he's done this without Jemmye on his side representing Team NOLA. Being the one who was the most unlikely of clutch performers when he stole the show in the soccer challenge, he is certainly not the Preston that we first saw in Turkey. And if there's one person who epitomizes the unpredictability of what this Free Agents format is all about, Preston is that poster boy. Don't be surprised if he becomes a regular.
- Devyn: It's very clear fans do miss Kenny & Evan on these Challenges (if you google them you'll know why they've not been on since Rivals). But for someone who's carrying on the role of the show's fellow house comedian, at least for this season, Devyn has certainly filled that role brilliantly in the two challenges she's been on. On both BOTS and here on Free Agents, she's certainly brought comic relief to an otherwise intense atmosphere. And the way this week began with her owing a nod to her fallen wig, Tamera, was one of the most hilarious things I've seen on this franchise, along with her being Miss Free Agents on Best of the Worst. As it was for Preston, she has become a underdog that fans love to root for, and being the leader of the team that won this week's mission makes her one of my winners.
Now a little perspective, and a few weeks ago I talked about the unpredictability of this season and how it compares to what we've seen in other sports. This week, we'll talk about the underdogs.
I have been enjoying this Challenge and it's volatile nature, and there's nothing more I like than when there's people that we don't necessarily think of as a strong force be given an equal playing field to do well and possibly go deep in this individual Free Agents format. Seeing what we've seen from the likes of Preston, Devyn, Latoya, Jessica and Cohutta this season has made this exciting to watch and give them a chance to compete with the likes of Bananas, CT and Laurel who are still favored to win.
While I'm a relative newcomer to this world having joined with BOTS, I've seen in these four challenges I've watched how underdogs have been able to hang with the big names. Some examples:
- Mike on Rivals, where he came in to replace Adam and joined Leroy, who ironically is his best friend (other than now his fiancé), and though not maybe as strong a competitor as his LeanBody buddy, still made an impact as the bromance went all the way to the final, all without going into elimination.
- Cara Maria came in to replace Naomi on Rivals II, and she was given a lukewarm reception by everyone else in week 2. But her experience, coupled with two jungle wins & winning the last mission, ultimately helped her & Cooke go to the final and earn them second.
- Team Brooklyn described themselves as a group of misfits, and had some difficulty early on. But after a couple arena trips, Chet, Sarah, Devyn & JD finally crashed the alliance bash by winning the week 7 & 8 missions and eventually went to the final.
- Preston has been through this before, last season as well with Knight. They won a jungle and were lucky enough to outlast strong competitors like Zach/Trey & Leroy/Ty to get to the last guys jungle.
- Though infamous for quitting in an arena Dev was in, Big Easy was strong enough to beat Wes in the very first elimination battle on BOTS, especially with the hastily-put together Fresh Meat team.
Note that I included only these examples as, of course, I only started watching Challenges regularly back w/ BOTS, and only caught little snippets of other seasons. But I'm sure other fans can tell me of other competitors on who were not favored to do well but ultimately prove everyone wrong and exceed their expectations by making a deep run and contend. We see this all the time, especially in March Madness and majors in golf & tennis, of those who aren't as talented or well-known making a great run (sometimes winning the whole thing) and earning newfound fame. It's something I always like as a sports fan who's been brought into Challenge world, and Free Agents is proving that those who aren't as strong & speedy could have the best time of their lives & make those everydayers proud.
If you've got other tales of the underdogs, leave me a thought or two down in the comment box.
Finally, yesterday in New York, MTV taped the Free Agents Reunion, and that means it'll be time soon enough for DC Fan's View and our latest installment of Reunion Revealed. Shortly before the season finale in a few weeks, I'll be approaching fans in the audience, and if I'm lucky enough they provide the Fan's View of it coming up at the end of the season. So, if you got to spend a Saturday afternoon with some friends to Times Square, be sure to jot down some notes from yesterday; you know I'll be waiting to hear from you and provide you the platform to talk about it on here. And I'll have the contact details coming up on next week's edition of SocialPulse.
As we wrap things up, a few brief webcast reminders...
- And after what happened in the Draw, Reality Radio (@RealityRadioPod) got the first opportunity to talk to Aneesa after the Elimination Queen lost to Laurel:
- Beforehand, Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) got to talk to Theresa, also about the season thru 7 weeks, including her first-ever elimination win and her history with the lady she beat, Camila:
- This week, Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) will speak to Laurel about all that has happened so far in her first challenge in three years at Brian also went to the Reunion and look for his insight on it on there then. Also check out his IG @BCohen228 for his pix with the cast.
And if you haven't noticed, just recently I joined with some of the cast from this season and signed onto Beamly. There, you can chat with cast members and other fans about the show, the season and so much more, including during episodes when they air out east. And I plan on going on that site after episodes air in the Pacific time zone on Thursdays to do dedicated mini-chats with west coast fans on the Free Agents page. So, log on to and search "DC Cueva."
As for here, make DCBLOG your destination for all things Free Agents; from our SocialPulse diaries to my own stories offering a rather unique perspective on the season and the people, we have it covered here. Today DCBLOG celebrates its 1-year anniversary, and in addition to the year in review I posted earlier today, I plan on tweeting some of my favorite articles from the past year in the coming week. Coming up here, I'll offer my personal memories of some of the cast of this Free Agents season, plus with summer having unofficially started, check out my post on it from yesterday.
If it's happening now, it happens on DCNOW, my other twitter hub dedicated to live tweeting shows, sports & events, located at @DC408DxNow. Of course, that's where I live tweet Free Agents on Thursday, Catfish on Wednesdays, new episodes of House of Food once they're posted, and starting on Thursday, Game 1 of the NBA Finals and a rematch of last year's epic series when the 2-time defending champion Miami Heat travel to San Antonio to meet the Spurs. Obviously, DCNOW should have its busiest night yet with Free Agents to come on afterwards here, you don't have to zap channels or choose one or the other here.
Of course, can't forget about my primary account @DC408Dxtr and the usual tweets, chats with fans & followers and Team MTV, and alerts to MTV-related show material & DCBLOG posts; along with my Instagram, also at @DC408dxtr. So now until I talk to you on twitter & back here at the 'Blog, thanks for reading, have fun and have cool. See you later, and Happy Birthday DCBLOG.
- DC
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