Sunday, June 22, 2014

DC SocialPulse - The Challenge: Free Agents - "The $350,000 Pyramid"

*** Reader Advisory: DC SocialPulse Contains Adult Language & Content 
Some Readers May Find Objectionable. Viewer Discretion is Advised. ***

By DC Cueva
@DC408dxtr / @DC408dxnow

Welcome back to DCBLOG's coverage of The Challenge: Free Agents and to DC SocialPulse powered by DCNOW. Last week in Uruguay, we saw what turned out to be the last mission before the final that became a mini-final in itself. Those who won that week then faced a tough vote and what happened in the Draw saw two great females, or frenamies, face off against one another in elimination.
   And for where last week's episode ended, that's where this week begins, with that battle between those veterans. To the winners & the remaining players go a trip to Chile, and instead of a last mission everyone is forced to earn their way into the final through one last elimination and draw. And when the final challenge starts off in the rough rapids, one team struggles to stay afloat.
   Along with this week's episode tweets, the usual buildup to Thursday, the Friday hangover and both Father's Day and the NBA Finals, we will also look at how the cast, Team MTV and yours truly saw the USA's dramatic World Cup win over Ghana on Monday. And after theWRAP, we'll roll out the welcome mat to a new MTV show that might become the next guilty pleasure.

As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but I am keeping it uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- If you haven't watched the episode yet, don't proceed with reading this post. But don't worry, DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

So, following the jump, in addition to the episode tweets, join us for World Cup madness, birthday madness and much more.

> Happy Father's Day! Plus World Cup Fever and The Finals
@NanyMTV: Happy Father's Day to all you daddy's out there...
@TheresaTime20: Happy Pop's Day!!๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿ’™
@JamieChinaMTV: You know @MTVCoryWharton just serenading @Tam_Salinas with his classical ways๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽน
@JazMTV: Happy Father's Day to all dads! Especially mine Lloyd Reynaud RIP I miss you daddy!!
@laurelstucky: Nothing is expected of anyone. So, we should be thankful for the Good that we get. It is never guaranteed.
@MTVCoryWharton: Always a good time with these two !!!!jamiechinamtv @thomasbuellmtv #realworld #mtv
#dallas #texas
@JustJem24: A "daddy's little girl' is one who would rather get her hands covered in engine oil with her daddyโ€ฆ
@EmFitMTV: He taught me everything from how to make a play in midfield to how to string a bow... I feel his loveโ€ฆ
@EmileeMTV: I woke up in the Dollhouse likeee.... no bbq stains.  Just toothpaste #aquafresh
@MTVtrey: Happy Father's Day to all of the fathers deserving of the praise. Bless you guys
@EmileeMTV: Thinking of my beautiful girlfriend's who lost their fathers too soon today. @nanymtv @jazmtv @jonnamtv. Love you to pieces. ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
@jonnamtv: @EmileeMTV i love you.
@EricBanks: Happy Father's Day, but most importantly Happy 40th Wedding Anniversary to my parents:: they don't make em like you guys anymore:: #blessed
@EmileeMTV: 2 girls, one grill. How does one keep the flame going lmao coal and fluid.  No lightm yes we have a lighter. @nicolecaouette #help #hangry
@TheMarkLong: Happy FATHER'S DAY to this stud! #BOB #BestDADEver
@Knight_MTV: Father's Day always makes me nervous.  Still praying no one calls me and says Dad. Well at least for a few more years.
@MTVBananas: Thanks to @TheOfficial_CT inability to remember the actual dates of holidays, my dad go the Happy Fathers Day call a week ago! #FathersDay
@EmileeMTV: @MTVBananas @TheOfficial_CT same, ha
@AshleeFeldman: RIP Casey Kasem , listened to this man when I first learned what radio even was.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Ecuador's team is almost entirely black. Didn't expect that lol. ๐Ÿ’ช
@JustJem24: Hungover but the grind continues.
@EmileeMTV: The older I get, the more of an airhead I become. I swear I was more intelligent at 7 than 26.
@Knight_MTV: โ€œ@EmileeMTV: The older I get, the more of an airhead I become. I swear I was more intelligent at 7 than 26.โ€ Ya but that's not hard for u
@EmileeMTV: @Knight_MTV I pay your baby mama's child support. Don't make me pimp slap you ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ˜‚
@busdriversroute: @EmileeMTV It was all that coloring and nap time. We'd all be better off if we still did that
@dustinzito: Sometimes it doesn't matter what you say as long as you say it with Confidence and Charisma
@TheOfficial_CT: Happy Father's Day!
@KellyAnneJudd: The World Cup to me is like the Miss USA pagent to men. So much talent.. #WorldCup #hi
@robb_schreiber: What an ending to that Switzerland game!
@MtvJess: Double trouble ๐Ÿ‘ญ kasandge #trouble #love #prima #latina #loca
@CamilaMTV: Brunch & Sports all! day! long!!!๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ˜Žโšฝ๏ธ๐ŸŒด๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ’‹ #Brunch #Soccer #NBAFinals #wc14 #copa2014 #brasil #futebol
@susie_meister: Father's Day: another excuse for women to post their wedding picture on FB as a reminder of skinny days gone by.
@CamilaMTV: Who thinks Theresa should've been voted in instead of Cara Maria??? #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@CamilaMTV: God I love the #WorldCup ๐Ÿ˜ #sounexpected #FRAvsHON
@TheresaTime20: Bout' to take their money. #Bro #Pops #Scrillaaa๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ’ธ๐Ÿ€
@laurelstucky: Dad is great give us the chocolate cake. ๐ŸŽถ
@ThatCoral: @AneesaMTV you are looking GORGE!!! What is in the water over there? Call me let's FT.
@AneesaMTV: @ThatCoral haha girl I've been working out, back in school and I'm happy. Oh and I use @Kiehls haha yes. I should still have your number
@ThatCoral: @AneesaMTV YES!!! Call me girlie. So you can see the baby!! Miss you good lookin'- I want your trainer. Hook a sista up!
@ChallengeMTV: From the hottest hook-ups to the biggest WTF moments, see what #TheChallengeFreeAgents fans voted for!
@laurelstucky: Paddy Reilly's pic
@laurelstucky: Pic 2
@missashc: Happy Father's Day dad. Thank you for everything. โค๏ธ
@TheJayDillinger: I'm 2 albums and 1 mixtape deep already killing! #YungAndWavy
@CamilaMTV: Man, I love watching France play, they fulfill my thirst for good play. #wc14 #FRAHON #Copa2014
@TheRealNiaMoore: Carmelo may want to take his talents to south beach. But we don't always get what we want now do we? Lmao
@dustinzito: Happy #FathersDay to my Pops!
@dustinzito: and a Happy #FathersDay to me even though Louie hasn't gotten me a gift or anything:)
@robb_schreiber: I really hope people don't think I hate my dad because I didn't post a picture with him.
@DevynSimone: Happy Father's Day to all the dads who've never been called by the Maury Show. ๐Ÿ’‹
@CamilaMTV: #cidademaravilhosa ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’› #WC14 #Maracana #Copa2014
@iamNoorJ: Majestic Messi... #Wow
@CamilaMTV: Oh, Messi is alive. ๐Ÿ˜œ #WC14 #ARGvsBIH
@CamilaMTV: Not gonna lie, kind of sucks to not be able to pick up the phone and tell my daddy how much I appreciate everything he's ever done for me. ๐Ÿ˜ช
@CamilaMTV: #HappyFathersDay! Even thought my daddy is no longer here w/ me I will forever hold on to the memories we shared. Appreciate ur dad today.โค๏ธ
@MTV: Drama, drama, drama. Get caught up on #TheChallengeFreeAgents:
@CamilaMTV: #ARG better step up their game if they wanna get anywhere near a final.Winning Bc of #BIH's mistakes is weak.They're better than that. #wc14
@iamNoorJ: @CamilaMTV agreed camilazinhaaaa!
@TheRealNiaMoore: Now these are the boys I love. Great start!!! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ช #HeatNation
@robb_schreiber: Colbie Calliet sang the chillest version of The National Anthem.
@ChallengeMTV: Not #TheChallengeFreeAgents puppy face! Seriously though, @CaraMariaMTV #NailedIt!
@TheRealNiaMoore: Tony Parker ain't shit tonight. ๐Ÿ˜‹
@TheresaTime20: Ginรณbili lookin' like a modern day. Dr. J๐Ÿ€
@TheresaTime20: Sorry, they're so fundamentally sound it's not even comparable. We are watching the demise of the Heat. #Spurs
@TyrieBMTV: I fully expect Miami to win this game but gawd help your timelines if SAS wins the championship tonight. Gawd. Help. Your timelines.
@JamieChinaMTV: First time seeing yellowcard too๐Ÿ˜ haven't heard them since middle school!! Childhood memories haha
@Knight_MTV: To go to Brazil (brasil for @CamilaMTV ) or not to go? 1week deadline.
@TyrieBMTV: @Knight_MTV bruh. U go out there. U got out there and live the dream.
@Knight_MTV: Omg spurs making it rain from DownTown
@TheRealNiaMoore: I admit. I been watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians more than this game. Lmao I am a sore ass loser.
@Knight_MTV: This should show kids that individuals will get beat by a team every time. Enjoying the team play of the Spurs. @spurs #NBAFinals
@TheoVon: This should put an end to the @Jumpman23 or @KingJames argument. Jordan wouldnt have let his team go out like this.
@TheRealNiaMoore: One thing is for sure..Erick Spoelstra is no Gregg Popovich.
@JayGMTV: I got diamonds on my neck, Got patron in my cup
@TheRealNiaMoore: Basketball season is over. That's the worst part. Whether you a Heat or Spurs fan, if they lose tonight we all gonna be bored af lmao
@TheRealNiaMoore: I hate whoever made this shit ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ (you won't get it if you didn't grow up watching Fresh Princeโ€ฆ
@blairherter: Q-How do you beat The Heat? A-Never ever ever EVER EVER EVER miss a shot.
@MTVBananas: LeBron James had better hurry up and find God, because he's 6 minutes away from being CRUCIFIED! #miami #sanantonio #heat #spurs #NBAFINALS
@TamiRoman: When U put the 2best teams together, they fight it out but someone will win & someone will lose. BOTH teams are great w/great fans #playoffs
@LaToyaJMTV: At this point the game is over. Hand LeBron a tissue, and let's turn up for this win #Spurs
@TheRealNiaMoore: I give it to the spurs though. Those men are about their business. From preseason to now. They quietly came for blood and got the job done.
- @dc408dxtr: @TheRealNiaMoore they indeed did. The Spurs had this in mind the last 12 months & not only did they accomplish this mission, they dominated.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Fuck no I'm not a spurs fan so y'all quit asking me lol. But i can give credit where it's deserved. They ARE an incredible ball club. Period
@DevynSimone: Oh by the way.. #GoSpursGo ! ๐Ÿ€๐ŸŽ‰
@TheRealNiaMoore: Lebron better quit pouting on the bench like he bout to cry tho. You know how many jokes they gonna make on IG with those pics smh
@blairherter: Tim Duncan holding his kids and crying is my Graceland.
@MTVBananas: If you can't take the #Heat, get your ass out of San Antonio! #Spurs #miami #nbafinals
@TyrieBMTV: LAST YEAR WAS A FLUKE!!! Get the entire universal FUCK outta here @miamiheat #Spursin5 #SpursNation
@robb_schreiber: 1 of the greatest joys of my life has been watching the greatest PF of all time play basketball. Tim Duncan will forever be my favorite.
@thehappyhourwHB: I held this for good luck a few weeks ago because I KNEW where it was going!!! SPURS BABY! Tim-maaaay!!!
@TheresaTime20: GPops for President.๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธโœจ
@JustJem24: I would love to see the smile on Kobe's face right now...
@TyrieBMTV: Congrats to the San Antonio Spurs 2014 NBA champions! That's 5 bruh
@MTVBananas: They don't know it yet but a lot of kids in Africa just became Miami Heat fans! #nbafinals #spurs #heat #miami #lebronjames @kingjames
@TyrieBMTV: Don't u muthafuckas EVER call my team boring again
@TyrieBMTV: Last 2 yrs gave us some of the greatest display of basketball. One yr a close heartbreaking series the other DOMINANCE
@TheJayDillinger: I'm bringing Snapbacks to the arsenal!!!
@CamilaMTV: Win some, lose some. That's what keeps life interesting afterall. Hell of a game Spurs!! โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ’ค #HeatvsSpurs
@TheJayDillinger: Donโ€™t tell me show me
@CamilaMTV: ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹ #nitenite
@TheRealNiaMoore: Seeing Tim Duncan's kids crying in his arms made me smile. The old bastard deserved this one. It'll prolly be his last ring. Well deserved.
@TheRealNiaMoore: At least we got the World Cup and football in a couple months. And the Kardashians. Lord knows I have no interest in boring ass baseball lol
@TheJayDillinger: They donโ€™t support if youโ€™re humble but hate to see you brag
@MTVtrey: Congrats to the Spurs winning the 'ship. Not a big basketball guy but I appreciate humility and that team encompasses it. Well deserved

> The Buildup: Monday - World Cup Fever Takes Over
@AshleeFeldman: Oh Monday. You sneaky little...
@EmileeMTV: They always say the hottest love has the coldest end, I can't stand the rain in July ๐ŸŽต
@EricBanks: Spurs like that group of old dudes you always give first game to at the park, then they end up runnin the court all day :: think on that!
@robb_schreiber: 23 years old and sporting a Justice League backpack. The amount of fucks given is at an all time low.
@TheMarkLong: @MTVBananas RT @Fact: 98% of our DNA is the same as a monkey. 70% of our DNA is the same as a slug. 50% of our DNA is the same as a banana.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Kendall and Kylie couldn't wait for me to get back. They practically slept on my face all night.
@robb_schreiber: On twitter straight flexing with the Champ.
@laurelstucky: Once we figure out what we want - we can get it. Maybe not right this second, but eventually.
@laurelstucky: Life can be very confusing. So, we do the best we can and learn.
@laurelstucky: We all have more to learn. We can all continue to grow and change at any point.
@laurelstucky: Whatever it is you think is stopping you - is only in your head.
@laurelstucky: Received this very lovely bracelet this morning. I โค๏ธ it. "Elephants are a symbol if good luck." - @J_Thizzle
@laurelstucky: There are so many good people in this world. Let's focus on that. And let our soldiers and warriors fight the bad. Xxo to the heroes.
@laurelstucky: Elephants are a symbol of good luck if their trunks are up because if their trunks are up they are happy. @WWF Keep #Nature happy and safe.
@laurelstucky: Why would we keep anything from being happy?
@robb_schreiber: Damn, Tony Gwynn passed away today. Super unchill, cancer. Super unchill.
@TheRealNiaMoore: The LAST thing Lebron would ever do is go back to dirty ass Cleveland. I literally roll my eyes every time I hear that foolishness ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@TheRealNiaMoore: He is without a doubt staying in Miami. Despite their tough loss, they clearly work. Spurs played flawlessly. But the Heat are still supreme
@JayGMTV: FREEEEEEEEEEE craze watch read the description in the pic! FREEE CRAZE watch
@cohuttaMTV: Dear #fitlife girls. Stay soft and tender. Strong may be sexy.. but I'm not down with humping a concrete block.
@laurelstucky: Music makes it all better.
@laurelstucky: @caramariamtv wanna know how I know you're my friend?
@robb_schreiber: I'm conflicted with Group Play. I love America, but I'm a big ass German too.
@EmFitMTV: God damnit Pepe. Why did Germany get all floppy like that. So dumb.
@JustJem24: Thank God for @dustinzito. I don't know what I would do without this kid always saving me
@TrishelleC: โ€œ@JustJem24: Thank God for @dustinzito. I don't know what I would do without this kid always saving meโ€ awwww
@JayGMTV: Want a FREEEEEE CRAZE WATCH. !????????!??? Just follow @jaygmtv  and @crazewatches  Post any pic of aโ€ฆ
@ChallengeMTV: Who's watching the World Cup?
@CaraMariaMTV: A healthy beautiful strong body doesn't come in a 2 day diet pill or an overnight cleanse. It comes with hard work and dedication. It is a life style change. The hardest part is getting started. Make the first step and push when you just want to quit. Know that we all struggle and we have all started with baby steps. Things will get easier. Be proud of the little things you accomplish... because those little things turn into big things... and before you know it you will be doing more than you ever thought possible.
@CaraMariaMTV: Girls like @NanyMTV @laurelstucky could lay in bed for a year n still kill a challenge #naturalathletes. I have to work my ass off #shortgrl
@ChallengeMTV: On second thought... 
@CaraMariaMTV: I'm only 5'4. I never played team sports in school. I'm just trying to do the best I can with what I've been given. :) Realize your weaknesses and do what you can to be better. (yes.. swimming included!)
@iamNoorJ: LETS GO USA!!! #IBelieveThatWeWillWin #IBelieveThatWeWillWin #IBelieveThatWeWillWin #IBelieveThatWeWillWin #IBelieveThatWeWillWin
@robb_schreiber: I smell more than just victory in the air... #USAvGHA
@MTVtrey: I love my country. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ #USA #USMNT #USAvGHA
@laurelstucky: I would just like to say a big congratulations to @Nanymtv for being the only person I know to have the most fun on a challenge ever.
@SarahRiceMTV: @laurelstucky @NanyMTV welcome to the "i love the challenge" club! (we're a small club.. with VERY few members)
@laurelstucky: I would also like to congratulate @Devynsimone for being one crafty, intelligent and cunning challenger.
@laurelstucky: I would also like to give a shoutout to the prettiest and sweetest (w bite) girl I know: @diembrownmtv I love being friends with you. #trust
@DiemBrownMTV: Awe love U &our chats Baby-girl! RT @laurelstucky shoutout to the prettiest &sweetest (w bite) girl I know: Diem I love being friends w/ you
@robb_schreiber: So @Rob_Anderson5 thinks I look like @AlexiLalas .. thoughts?
@laurelstucky: I also forgot to acknowledge that @nanymtv is one bada$$ chick. Nothing will stop her. She can take a massive @caramariamtv hit& keep going.
@NanyMTV: @laurelstucky just saw this. Thank you โค๏ธ
@AceNichols33: @laurelstucky @NanyMTV @CaraMariaMTV Agreed! I would take a massive Cara Maria hit and cry and go home and cry some more.
@laurelstucky: I see you negative people, but I am ignoring you.
@iamheathercooke: Hell yes! #USA
@TheoVon: Should i cheer?  We are beating a country that cant afford to eat.
@JustJem24: Ready to cheer on team USA #mericaaaaaa
@iamNoorJ: Aaaahhhhhhhh USA USA USA!!!!
@robb_schreiber: If you're not supporting or sporting America during this game than honestly.. you can go fuckโ€ฆ
@robb_schreiber: Damn.
@dc408dxnow: Good news: US has 1-0 lead over Ghana. Bad news: Jozy Altidore pulls up with a hamstring injury. Fans experiencing a range of emotions here.
@haileychivers: Really tho. Playing soccer is way more fun than watching it
@EDiamond007: U.S.A. _________ Everything
@shandathapanda: Hashtag soccer. Hashtag USA. Hashtag I get it.
@MTVtrey: Clint Dempsey never looks happy. Like ever. Not today. Not in his commercials. Not in magazines. Not anywhere.
@dc408dxnow: Well... Another player is down w/ Clint Dempsey w/ bloody nose. Jozy Altidore has strained left hamstring. Coach feeling tense now.
@MTVBananas: I wonder which team Landon Donovan is pulling for? @landondonovan #USA #Ghana #worldcup
@CamilaMTV: C'mon #USA!!! Step it up!!! Do it like they do in the discovery channel ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธโšฝ๏ธ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹ #WC2014 #USAvGHA #vamosBrasil
@MTVtrey: Whose hat is better - mine or his? I vote for him. ๐Ÿ˜‚
@EmFitMTV: The World Cup and front squats. Loving every second. โšฝ๏ธ๐Ÿ’ƒโค๏ธ #worldcup2014 #brasil #fifa @ CrossFitโ€ฆ
@dc408dxnow: Ghana has had the possession edge - 59%, &  the most shots - 19. But the U.S. has 1-0 lead & clock is their friend. Close to making it two.
@EmFitMTV: Shit.
@robb_schreiber: Fucking Ghana.
@robb_schreiber: You have ghana be kidding me.
@dc408dxnow: Oh my gawd! Just when you thought it was gonna be a nightmare, now it's the USA with the lead again. Just awoken my dad from his nap here.
@robb_schreiber: Fuck yeaaaaaaaaaah!
@busdriversroute: HAVE THEY STOLEN IT!!!!!!!!!!! WOWWWWWWWW
@blairherter: HEADER FT(maybe)W!!!
@EmFitMTV: Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES
@MTVBananas: Gooooooooooaaaaaal! #USA #Ghana #worldcup
@iamNoorJ: Yes! Yes! Yes! USA!!!!!!!
@robb_schreiber: What a header!!!!!!
@iamheathercooke: Finish it off boys!!!! #USA
@CamilaMTV: GOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!! โšฝ๏ธโšฝ๏ธโšฝ๏ธ #sweetgoal #PerfectTiming!!!!! ๐Ÿ‘Œ #USA #USAvGHA #WC14
@TrishelleC: #USA
@robb_schreiber: My voice is gone. I gave it up for America.
@dc408dxnow: Five minutes of stoppage time added to #USAvGHA, this will feel like the longest 5 minutes for the American fans here. #WorldCup
@iamNoorJ: Cmooonnnn Merica!!!! #IBelieveThatWeWillWin
@EmFitMTV: I feel so bipolar right now. #WorldCupProblems
@EDiamond007: USA!!! #WorldCup #whosnext
@CamilaMTV: C'mon #USA time to make history!!! After 3 #WorldCup loses to #GHA a win will be a beautiful come back! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ #WC14 #USAvGHA
@dc408dxnow: That's that. It's payback for the USA avenging its knockout losses by Ghana in '06 & '10. USA wins 2-1, great finish to this. #WorldCup
@KristynCole: And that world, is how it's done when you play with the USA!
@chrisdcomedy: All We do is win win win no Matta what! #TeamUSA
@CallherJade: Good game USA!
@robb_schreiber: I'm so happy. #USMNT
@MTVBananas: Team USA = The Red White and Blue ASS HAMMER!!! #worldcup #ghana #usa
@TheMarkLong: #worldcup ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ#USA #win
@andrewschulz: Don't ever tell the USA we can't do some shit.
@andrewschulz: This is what separates the US from the rest of the world. We don't live in reality. There's literally nothing we think we can't do.
@CamilaMTV: I am proud 2be #Brazilian-But I am also proud 2call #USA my 2nd home! This country has offered me so many opportunities &I am so thankful!๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
@robb_schreiber: One of the best, most intense, pride-filled sporting events I've ever seen. What a way to win. USA!โ€ฆ
@KatieSaria90: #TeamUSA ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
@robb_schreiber: What a passionate, proud performance. USA!
@heathermarter: ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
@iamheathercooke: Finally can sleep after #USA got the win! Long day ahead tomorrow! Soccer and golf!!
@iamheathercooke: People really have no life... Pity on them... Ain't got time for that... I'm traveling the world and playing ball! #lifeisgood
@iamheathercooke: And good night!!!!
@MTVCoryWharton: If it's not hard to get it's not worth it, I'm somebody that loves a fight.๐Ÿ’ฏโœ”๏ธโœŠ๐Ÿ‘Š
@JordanW_usa: First day at the #WilliamEsperStudio is in the books! An amazing place w even greater talent. Looking forward to the future!
@NanyMTV: Went fishing today for the first time at #CohuttaWilderness... @cohuttamtv gave me an A for effort ๐Ÿ˜ณ
- @ShimBo84: @NanyMTV @cohuttaMTV Hahaha bring back those old #tomboy ways Nany! Wild child with a good ol' country boy! Teach him some things! Haha
@robb_schreiber: Remember that time America beat Ghana. That was pretty sweet.
@CamilaMTV: Thanks for the love @mtv @ChallengeMTV ๐Ÿ’‹
@MTVCoryWharton: Nothing beats LA๐ŸŒดโ˜€๏ธ
@CaraMariaMTV: Bad Girl Confessional time: This one time...I went out and bought ex-lax "chocolate chips".... delicately placed them all over the frosting of a certain delicious chocolate cake..... and took away the toilet paper. He deserved it.
@TheJayDillinger: Can't help but smile when you see the plan in motion!
@MTVtrey: 11:11
@MTVtrey: .@Chet_Cannon I like this version slightly better than ours in Turkey. lol
@Chet_Cannon: @MTVtrey that cat was disgusting, lest we forget it was disintegrating
@MTVtrey: @Chet_Cannon oh I was referring to our Bohemian Rhapsody sing-along on the bus. I almost forgot about our stray friends out back, lol
@Chet_Cannon: @MTVtrey haha. That was a very musical challenge

> The Buildup: Tuesday & Wednesday - More World Cup, Knight & Diem's B'days
@robb_schreiber: I am in no way ready for 90 degree weather.
@WestonBergmann: The results that strive from ambition is an addictive, habit-forming, rush.
@Chet_Cannon: I'll never be as cool as girls feel when holding their morning @Starbucks
@CaraMariaMTV: Aww you guys make me feel all warm n fuzzy
@SarahRiceMTV: I prefer my puns intended.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Um are you comfortable? Can I get you girls anything? Perhaps a beverage @therealniamoore? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜’
@JazMTV: I woke up this morning with the world at my fingertips!  Feeling very excited and happy :)
@JazMTV: I really need to get my screen fixed.  I miss taking selfies! #selfiequeen
@TheJayDillinger: #yungandwavy we here!
@ChallengeMTV: Baby, baby, baaaby! Can @NanyMTV handle the #CohuttaWilderness? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NanyMTV: @ChallengeMTV hahaha that is awesome
@JamieChinaMTV: My inner nomad is telling me it's time to go somewhere tropical๐ŸŒด๐ŸŒŠ
@MTVCoryWharton: What do you know about having faith in something you can't see.โœŠ
@CamilaMTV: Repin'โœŒ๏ธ#wc14 #brasil
@CamilaMTV: Vamos la #BRASIL!!! This is OUR home! OUR #WorldCup! Remember OUR roots & Let's do this!!!! ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™ #WC2014 #BRAvsMEX
@MTVCoryWharton: Listen, it's all in the EYES ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜
@TheRealNiaMoore: Mexico might actually beat Brazil I think ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
@shandathapanda: If I could sit on Oscar's face on Brazil's team, that would be pretty chill and stuff. ๐Ÿ˜
@NanyMTV: My view today #Georgia ๐Ÿ˜
@MTVCoryWharton: Nothing can beat Los Angeles.  Shoot by: @emann10 #photoshoot #poster #moretocome
@MTVBananas: Brazil v Mexico drinking game. If a player flops you take a drink! I was wasted 17 seconds into the match. #mexico #brazil #worldcup
@LAURAleeMTV: Watch for us on ESPN.  Dropping quarters in front of groups of people walking to the stadium
@CaraMariaMTV: Enter every activity without giving mental recognition to the possibility of defeat. Concentrate on your strengths instead of your weaknesses, on your powers instead of your problems. โ€“ Paul J. Meyer
@CamilaMTV: VAMO LA BRASILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!! ACERTA ESSE GOL!!!!! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ #quevontadedexingar #WC2014
@JayGMTV: I wanna go to Florida
@MtvJess: We are humans that train to be machines ๐Ÿ’ช sometimes we run off the course but we must regroup, refocusโ€ฆ
@CamilaMTV: Poor #JulioCesar playing alone in this b*tch!!!! CMON BRASIL!!! MOVE YOUR F*ng ASS!!!!! CMONNNNNN #VamosBrasil porra!!! #BRA #BrazilvsMexico
@MtvJess: God pours out blessings when we are faithful. #overwhelmed
@CamilaMTV: I'm angry. ๐Ÿ‘ฟ #WC2014 #BrazilvsMexico #BRA
@TheRealNiaMoore: Mexico is about to pull a major upset on Brazil I can feel it ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@CamilaMTV: Get #paulinho off this f*ng field already!!!! #BRA #wc14
@CamilaMTV: Even I would've scored that sh*t! God i miss Ronaldo! This sh*t is a joke! #WC2014 #BRAvsMEX
@JayGMTV: Lifting weights every day. Running every day and crossfit every day. Im ready baby
@dubbucksMTV: Go Brazil!!!!!!!!!
@TheRealNiaMoore: Guillermo Ochoa is a fucking animal!!!๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ
@TheRealNiaMoore: Mexico is gonna win or it's about to be a draw...
@CSUAKirk: I'm liking the mutual respect both teams are showing one another great sportsmanship on both sides #WorldCup
@CamilaMTV: Gotta give it to #MEX goalie! O cara e bom! #WC2014 #BrazilvsMexico
@robb_schreiber: I just want chipotle. Always.
- @NotoriousAJM: โ€œ@robb_schreiber: I just want chipotle. Always.โ€ Story of my life๐Ÿ˜ž
@CamilaMTV: Don't get it twisted though, win or lose, BRASIL ATE A MORTE!!!!!!!!๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™ #OrgulhoDeSerBrasileiro #BRA #VamosBrasil #WorldCup #eternallove
@NanyMTV: @DevynSimone Cohutta just spent 40 minutes cutting my weave out... #Keeper ๐Ÿ˜‚
@DevynSimone: โ€œ@NanyMTV: @DevynSimone Cohutta just spent 40 minutes cutting my weave out... #Keeper ๐Ÿ˜‚โ€ Such a keeper! Good think you proposed in Uruguay!
@cohuttaMTV: So I take the girl to Jacks River in the #cohutta wilderness yesterday and mtv runs an article on itโ€ฆ
@ChallengeMTV: Fresh Meat, Cutthroat, Rivals, Exes, etc...What do you think the next #Challenge will be?
@robb_schreiber: If spooning was in the Olympic Games I'd definitely take home at least a silver in the Big Spoon division.
@laurelstucky: Are you living your life in excess?
@Chet_Cannon: I've never watched 98 year-old men playing foosball, but I imagine it's as snooze-worthy as this Russia/Korea match. #WorldCup
@Chet_Cannon: Now it's exciting! #KOR #RUS
@CaraMariaMTV: "Itโ€™s the lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believe in myself." Muhammad Ali aka cassius clay. @tjlavin ;)
@CamilaMTV: To want it and to work for it are two different things. โœŒ๏ธ #WERK #setthebar #jetsetter
@rachel_fitness: Main thing I don't understand about #soccer if how you tie in a game - there must be a #winner #worldcup
- @dc408dxtr: @rachel_fitness ties only happen in group stage. No ties in knockout phase: two 15min extra periods (no sudden death), then penalty kicks.
@robb_schreiber: ..My likeness to @AlexiLalas is being recognized by more and more of my friends.
@CaraMariaMTV: Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles. โ€“ Alex Karras
@JennyDelish: If your aware of it take care of it
@ChallengeMTV: If you could have anyone as a partner on #TheChallenge, who would it be?
@laurelstucky: We all deserve to love madly and fully with all of our selves. And we sure as hell deserve that in return. Every. Single. One.
@robb_schreiber: Seriously though, remember that one time USA best Ghana to open the World Cup? That was so sweet.
@WestonBergmann: Should I get chipotle or a Big Mac?
@JustJem24: โ€œ@WestonBergmann: Should I get chipotle or a Big Mac?โ€ Bro get a Big Mac don't disappoint me.
@WestonBergmann: @JustJem24 I got Thai because everyone was so split
@JustJem24: @WestonBergmann I'm disappointed in you Wes!!! Nothing beat mcdonalds Thursday in Thailand... Highlight of our week
@WestonBergmann: @JustJem24 Recently tried to explain to friends how I would hide four burgers behind Diems salads and heat them up later and no one got it
@WestonBergmann: @JustJem24 I want Big Macs in Thailand and Thai food in America #Obvi
@JustJem24: โ€œ@WestonBergmann: @JustJem24 I want Big Macs in Thailand and Thai food in America #Obviโ€ ohhh the irony.... Cold fries never tasted so good
- @BIGPAPI926: @JustJem24 @WestonBergmann you could never go wrong with a Big Mac!
@laurelstucky: I can't wait for my favorite holiday. 4th of July. ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
@laurelstucky: I just love America.
@JustJem24: In my mind, in the perfect movie.. Tim Riggins and Six are coaching the Dillon panthers together #TexasForever
@BSwiftMTV: Sooo many of my old chicks got what they want &are getting engaged& I can honestly im happy for them cause that was not gonna be me lol
@MtvJess: Mindless thoughts to ease the soul....night y'all. ๐Ÿ’‹
@MtvJess: "I WILL NOT QUIT" @mtvjess never give up on your dreams and goals Hebrews 12:11, it will all pay off.โ€ฆ
@MtvJess: @jaygmtv rocking his @mtvjess #WOD t-shirt! ๐Ÿ’ช Get yours: ๐Ÿ‘‰โ€ฆ
@EmFitMTV: Need an extra challenge,superheroes?Instead of walking lunges in the 50s workout,do pistols! #21daysuperherochallenge
@laurelstucky: Kiss Me - @edsheeran
@laurelstucky: "settle down with me"
@laurelstucky: I still buy albums, I like to touch what I buy.
@laurelstucky: @devynsimone I'm excited for our party :)
@DevynSimone: โ€œ@laurelstucky: @devynsimone I'm excited for our party :)โ€ me too!
@laurelstucky: I wish you could italicize words on twitter.
@LAURAleeMTV: All you need is ignorance and confidence and the success is sure.
@laurelstucky: Love is a mystery. Is that a song? Cause that just came out of my brain.
@JustJem24: Happy birthday big head @Knight_MTV... I bet you end up peeing  on somebody tonight ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. Y'all wish this fool a happy bday..
@Knight_MTV: @JustJem24 thank you jem but I bought myself #Depends
@scooter5000: @Knight_MTV @JustJem24 oh jeez, another birthday night spent in county lockup.  happy birthday, RK.
@laurelstucky: If you didn't hear it from me, then it ain't right.
@DevynSimone: @laurelstucky & I are having a party next Thursday! Tell yo kids, tell yo wife, you're all invited! (Jk no kids allowed) but you are invited
@CaraMariaMTV: I still say Evelyn is the best female player of all time in the history of The Challenge. And we share a common enemy. #missyouEv
@TheRealNiaMoore: #MiamiHEAT by @roblo305 
Special thanks to @carefreelifestyle & @carefreesean ๐Ÿ˜Š
@laurelstucky: @MTVBananas hey. ๐ŸŒ
@DiemBrownMTV: Great seeing &catching up w/ U @ctyewalker my legs are now jello thx to those weighted squats ๐Ÿ˜œgood luck w/ ur 30 in 30 idea sounds so cool!
@MTVBananas: World Cup Halftime Score: Dutch 1 - Dutch 1
@CaraMariaMTV: Diary entry from the night i injured my hand. Reading old thoughts.
@CaraMariaMTV: Challenge diaries part2. Going back.
@CaraMariaMTV: Last entry i wrote before heading to elimination. Looking back on old thoughts and feelings. Only timeโ€ฆ
@MTVtrey: .@PlayStation suspended my account for a month. I guess not everyone appreciates receiving obscene images, lol. #OhWell
@laurelstucky: This is why I laugh deeply about having a "Burn Book". Exactly the opposite.
@MTVShowBlog: .@JohnnyReilly_ heroically acts as tugboat to @DevynSimone in our latest #FreeAgents GIF:
@JamieChinaMTV: Seriously considering running in this thunderstorm right now!! โ˜”๏ธโšก๏ธ
@dustinzito: Nothing better than a Steak for Lunch! #Ribeye #eatlikeaMan now it's time to get ready for my workout! #LeanBody like @RoyLee25mtv !
@EmFitMTV: HONORED to be competing in the @thecrushgames this year. I am not the best athlete by any means, butโ€ฆ
@MTVBananas: Today's special: Chili... Served extra hot! #spain #chile #worldcup #futbol
@CJKoegel: #AmericanHeartAssociation #charity run with @teamNYHRC
@EmileeMTV: All I want is a chocolate รฉclair ice cream bar, pleeeeeeeaaaase and thank you ๐Ÿฆ
@AshleeFeldman: And happy birthday to my most fav roomy of all time @Knight_MTV kid pissed in my closet and we are still friends #thatslove #nola ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ”ซ
@Knight_MTV: @AshleeFeldman hey love thank u
@TheRealNiaMoore: I hate saying the word "hate." Don't matter u talking about. Never a good word to speak. Even if you talking about the Spurs too. ๐Ÿ˜‹ Lmao
@EmileeMTV: @TheRealNiaMoore I hate lebron. :D :D :D
@Chet_Cannon: Friends should be more like balloons. I want floating friends.
@JustJem24: I've been taking shit light.. You don't wanna hear me trip...
@EmileeMTV: @jazmtv summer girls.
@CaraMariaMTV: There's always a lesson to be learned.... make peace with the difficult road ahead and embrace your challenge.
@MtvJess: Cayenne Peach stuffed chicken with rosemary, coriander, cinnamon, thyme leaves, bacon and cracked pepper omg ๐Ÿ˜ #chefjess
@ZachMTV: I just got my mom to ask me who HOVA is, so that was pretty cool. #smallvictories
@MtvJess: And dinner is served ๐Ÿ‘Œ #paleo #spicy #fitfam #fitfood #chefjess #love #cook
@RoyLee25mtv: About to own the night @SurrenderVegas
@MTVtrey: So we have racism and sexism. What would you call it if someone stereotyped based on zodiac signs?
- @Morgan_MacAdam: @MTVtrey crazy
@MtvJess: I SWEAR I am always burning out iphone chargers ๐Ÿ˜’ can someone make them jess proof?! #iphone
@JamieChinaMTV: I hate packing and moving๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘ so annoying!!
@EmileeMTV: A good hair day, white pants,  and an ice cream cone can really turn around an otherwise stressful day ๐Ÿ˜‚
@robb_schreiber: @Knight_MTV happy birthday brotha
@Knight_MTV: โ€œ@robb_schreiber: @Knight_MTV happy birthday brothaโ€ thanks brotha red.
@MtvJess: Follow @mtvjess For ๐Ÿ‘‰ Recipes  ๐Ÿ‘‰Inspirational Posts  ๐Ÿ‘‰ Positivity  ๐Ÿ‘‰Encouragement
@MtvJess: It's 10:40p and I'm already excited for breakfast #paleo #fitfood can still be amazing ๐Ÿ‘Œ #paleoโ€ฆ
- @Morgan_MacAdam: @MtvJess commitment!!! My girl! Looking good!
@JustJem24: I swear you're amazing...Should have seen it a while ago...
@MTVtrey: Storm by my house. Check out this bolt of lightning I caught on my phone. Good timing, eh?
@laurelstucky: Do we know how lucky we really are to live in America? Pretty damn.
@robb_schreiber: Sometimes you need to upload pointless pics on Instagram so it doesn't look like you post just selfies.
@JustJem24: When you find the good in someone.. Help the capitalize on it.. Especially when you believe in them
@JayGMTV: Doing some late night thinking...
@jonnamtv: "Well.. Bitches love kale..."
@AdamKingMTV: If you're a #Dodgers or #Lakers fan, make sure you follow @ramonashelburne for the most accurate information. Catch her tonight on #ESPN

> Challenge Thursday
@iamheathercooke: What I miss about the @MTV challenge... @UnderArmour swag!!! What I don't miss.. Stressing about eliminations ๐Ÿ˜ฃ
@iamheathercooke: Catching up on the challenge and once again nothing new!!! @CaraMariaMTV in an elimination and more drama! Girl can't catch a break!
@EricBanks: So who y'all got tonight on #FreeAgents @MTV @bunimmurray :: I wanna hear who ya got!
@EmFitMTV: Haha I can't get over how happy this dude makes me. This is our breakfast spot. His chair, my chair.โ€ฆ
@IWantMyEmTV: And I'm gonna shine homie til my heart stops ๐ŸŒŸ
@IWantMyEmTV: So excited to start the new job today $$$ #grindin
@JordanW_usa: Wearing @manueldelacruz Ladies and Gentleman. #MDLC #Fashion #CMModelsโ€ฆ
@JordanW_usa: Ladies and Gentleman, MANUEL-DELACRUZ #mdlc #fashion #designerโ€ฆ
@MtvJess: #WOD And Pose running done ๐Ÿ‘Œ No more shin splints for this gal ๐Ÿƒ #run #love #fitfam
@laurelstucky: Give love, get love.
@MtvJess: #TBT to the epic fight against @misscaramaria tried my best, fought my hardest and became an even more seasoned rookie. Walked away from this fight with a smile on face and fire in my heart โค๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ #mtv #thechallengefreeagents #love #fight #determination
@CJKoegel: Bands don't make me dance, BUT they do make me sweat. mensfitnessmag shoot #fitness #health #mensfitness
@NickBrownOnline: A #challenge #tbt in Honor of #mtv challenge Thursday nothing like a nice loss courtesy of the homie Wes to sadden your day lol. At least my Haircut was tight tho... Went out looking sharp for the cam smh. #duel2 #thialand
@AshleeFeldman: I'm running away... You can find me in Harry potter world. I'll be the big chick at hogwarts with a black lab.
@ChallengeMTV: Feeling down on your luck? Don't despair, the @JohnnyReilly_ commemorative coin is here!  #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTVShowBlog: Lady luck not on your side? Get your own commemorative @JohnnyReilly_ coin in honor of the most fortunate #FreeAgent
@DevynSimone: Some of you have been asking for a #tbt pic. Enjoy ๐Ÿ˜˜ I made it to the finals! Now it's officially game time! Part 1 of The Challenge: Free Agents finale is tonight!! Be sure to check it out tonight at 10/9c on MTV
@RealityRadioPod: A crazy episode of #TheChallengeFreeAgents tonight! And we'll be speaking with @DevynSimone all about it tomorrow!
@laurelstucky: With every person we truly love we take a piece of them with us always. It never ends, it never dies. Love will outlast everything.
@laurelstucky: In those times where it is tough, remember that everything that happens to us is happening for us. We can use every experience to be better.
@laurelstucky: We will survive those times that feels like we won't.
@TheMarkLong: Texas ALL NEXT WEEK...hope to run into some of you #TEXAS #TWEETERS @pocketprotein @heb
@BunimMurray: The wait is finally over! Who's ready to watch the epic elimination battle tonight?? #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@JustJem24: Heard once in dire time when you need a sign, that's when they appear...
@TheresaTime20: Will I be living my dreams or haunted by a nightmare? 
Tonight on mtv #FreeAgents ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
@CamilaMTV: Good #NYC times!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ’‹ #tbt @DevynSimone @scooter5000 @DisasterCaster
@TheresaTime20: Thanks @mtvbananas for returning the fav- ur the best๐Ÿ˜ & @nanymtv I appreciated it mucho!!โค๏ธ #Whoooa Cya 2nite! #TBT๐Ÿ”ฅ
@NanyMTV: @TheresaTime20 @MTVBananas love that pic of us
@NanyMTV: You cannot miss tonight's episode of #FreeAgents ๐Ÿ‘Š
@ChallengeMTV: As if tonight wasn't exciting enough,@MTVBananas & @TheOfficial_CT are taking over @ChallengeMTV & @MTV during #TheChallengeFreeAgents!
@CamilaMTV: Not bad to finish 1st half w/ at least one goal! Maybe this will give Rooney more motivation to score now. #URUvsENG
@CamilaMTV: It's fun to watch #URU play after been there while shooting #TheChallengeFreeAgents, such a beautiful country. #WorldCup #WC2014 #URUvsENG
@CamilaMTV: Who's rooting for #ENG just because of @onedirection??? C'mon don't lie, this is a safe place. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚ #WC2014 #ENGvsURU @Real_Liam_Payne
@CamilaMTV: #TheChallenge is about to turn into the hunger games 2night. Who's gonna survive? Laurel or Cara? @mtv @ChallengeMTV #FREEAGENTS
@NanyMTV: The life of owning an 800 lb dog ๐Ÿ˜‚ #Chub #CleanChub #Finally @ Athens, Georgia
@MTV: An epic elemination will take place tonight at 10/9c on #TheChallengeFreeAgents: @ChallengeMTV
@MtvJess: Not only a cute, cunning and a ridiculously awesome cook...I have impeccable style too ๐Ÿ‘Œ#fashionista
@sharongitau: The nation needed that!๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง #WorldCup2014
@iamNoorJ: wow wow wow #Suarez
@iamNoorJ: This world cup is making for some incredible games!
@CamilaMTV: Miss this girl! @nanymtv ๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’œ #tbt #nyc
@NanyMTV: @CamilaMTV miss you too mama ๐Ÿ‘ฏโค๏ธ
@iamNoorJ: First Spain now England wow... #WorldCup2014 #Upsets
@CamilaMTV: Tchau Tchau England... #WorldCup
@CamilaMTV: I love how @EmFitMTV turned  every1 on #TheChallenge #paleo #crossfit ๐Ÿ˜‚ Remember when they made fun bc u took it so serious? Oh the irony๐Ÿ’‹
@EmFitMTV: @CamilaMTV haha! Yup. Haters gunna hate until they realize it fucking WORKS ๐Ÿ’ƒ
@AneesaMTV: #tbt all types of edges haha
@ChallengeMTV: Don't miss #TheChallengeFreeAgents tonight at 10/9c!
@NanyMTV: When do you ever give me the chance to forget you? @MoWildd ๐Ÿ˜‚
@RoyLee25mtv: Everybody has a plan until the get punched in the face @TheOfficial_CT       ๐Ÿ‘Š #TheChallengeFreeAgents ๐Ÿ‘Š
@MTV: .@TheOfficial_CT will be taking over our Twitter tonight during #TheChallengeFreeAgents at 10/9c & @MTVBananas will take over @ChallengeMTV!
@CamilaMTV: Proof that I am Brazilian. Rockin' #carnaval in kindergarten ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ’ƒ #tbt #throwbackthursday #brasil
@JayGMTV: Training hard. It's My Time! Your core is everything. Finally able to do handstand pushups without aโ€ฆ
@IWantMyEmTV: Make sure to follow me on the @BeamlyUS app and join in on tonight's live chat in The Challenge TV room. #freeagents
@IamAdamKuhn: I'm excited for the challenge tonight! #challengefreeagents
@IWantMyEmTV: Who will have to toss their luggage down the stairs tonight?  Be sure to catch #freeagents 10pm on @MTV #TheChallenge
@JustJem24: Just got my ass handed to me but I low key enjoyed it :)
@MtvJess: #TBT Just the 3 of us @msmccain and daddy!!
@MtvJess: 1 of my greatest motivations to do well on #thechallengefreeagents I love you papaw so much! You andโ€ฆ
@JazMTV: #freeagents Who did you think will the elimination #laurel or #caramaria also #johnny or#leroy
@MTVBananas: I have an extremely urgent announcement! @TheOfficial_CT & myself are taking over @MTV Twitter acct during #FreeAgents tonight! #Cannonball
@MTV: @MTVBananas @TheOfficial_CT Things are gonna get wild...
@JustJem24: Just weighed myself and I weigh a lot more than I thought. I'm assuming this extra weight is my ass thou so it's whatever ๐Ÿ’
@MTVtrey: Had to use the library computer today. Guy in there next to me wearing headphones singing screamo music. I couldn't stop laughing #SoAwkward
@JustJem24: Who misses #teamsubtitles on the challenge? #tbt #mybitchhhhh @camilamtv ๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ‘ฏ
@JustJem24: Just realized that Tuesday was 5 months since i have been coke/dr pepper free... ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™Œ
@DannyWascou: Tonight's #TheChallenge #FreeAgents is an action-packed, emotional, CAN'T MISS episode! Tune in! 10pm @MTV @tjlavin
@TheOfficial_CT: Challenge Night! 10pm mtv
@DevynSimone: Meet Dr. Cannon
@MTVCoryWharton: Straight Chillin #LosAngeles
@DevynSimone: Does @UnderArmour even make heels?! What am I going to wear to this final?๐Ÿ’ƒ #TheChallenge #FreeAgents Final begins tonight 10/9c @MTV
@BrandonDNelson: I could get used to this.  #tahoe @ Harrah's & Harveys Lake Tahoe
@IWantMyEmTV: #challengefact @CamilaMTV & @JustJem24 saved me from falling off the balcony.. but not the top bunk. Slept with a mattress next to it after.
@CamilaMTV: Some moments are perfect... And this was one of them โ˜€๏ธ #tbt #BeachLife #Brasil
@JazMTV: Ct vs Leroy and laurel vs cara Maria.....who yall betting on!
@JazMTV: @EmileeMTV  and I having "I'll drink to that" moments! #cancunfamly
@ChallengeMTV: Just 1 hour until #TheChallengeFreeAgents airs and we let @TheOfficial_CT & @MTVBananas go wild!
@BunimMurray: Can Cara Maria stay in the game even with a broken hand? Let's find out tonight at 10/9c on @MTV #TheChallenge #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: CHALLENGE DAY โค๏ธ I'm not there but a lot of amazing athletes are!! Who is gonna tune in?!  #TheChallengeFreeAgents #mtv @mtv
@MTVtrey: Watching the Roast of Larry the Cable Guy on @ComedyCentral. Some of the stuff they're allowed to say on cable television is unreal, lol.
@TheRealNiaMoore: #BTS. Y'all know I don't do heights of any sort. Brought back memories of The Challenge lmao ๐Ÿ˜ฉ Theseโ€ฆ
@JohnnyReilly_: 10 minutes away from the challengeโ€ฆ
@MTVBananas: In 15 mins forward all Questions, Comments, Complaints to @TheOfficial_CT and myself at @MTV #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents #CrisisHotline
@ChallengeMTV: Uh oh, we've got double trouble! @TheOfficial_CT & @MTVBananas are taking over @MTV and it's about to get LOUD up in hurrr.
@RealityRadioPod: Go RSVP for our #TheChallengeFreeAgents discussion and interview with @DevynSimone tomorrow!!!
@MTV: I'm here I'm taking over @MTV! Let's get this Challenge started - @TheOfficial_CT #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@RealityRadioPod: Can't wait to get @DevynSimone's inside dish on tonight's insane episode! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CaraMariaMTV: No excuses. If i win i deserve the final. If i lose i dont deserve it. End of story. #freeagents

> As They Saw It: "The $350,000 Pyramid"
@JazMTV: Showtime! !!!! #freeagents #thechallenge
@EricBanks: Game on #challenge :: who ya got
@JazMTV: Here we go #TheChallenge  #freeagents
@MTV: #TheChallengeFreeAgents starts right NOW and @TheOfficial_CT is taking over!
@JayGMTV: Im looking forward to watching The Challenge Free Agents right now
@MTV: Let the Challenge begin. Awww snap! - @TheOfficial_CT #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTV: . @MTVBananas Yo Ct MTV just put two of Americas most wanted in the same Place at the same time!!! #BananasAndCt #freeAgents #THeChallenge
@MTV: . @MTVBananas Leroy you're in for a long day at the office my man! #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents #TheChallenge @RoyLee25
@MTV: . @MTVBananas Damn CT your interview! Couldn't tell if I was watching #FreeAgents or Lockup Raw! #BananasAndCT
@MTV: @MTVBananas Hopefully I wait another 2 1/2 years before I can go into another elimination again! - @TheOfficial_CT
@ChallengeMTV: @MTVBananas better hope CT doesn't win this one! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@IWantMyEmTV: When CT gets in that zone.. he is a wilder beast.  #BostonStrong
@JazMTV: Damnnnnnnn CT!!!!!!#!!!!!! #TheChallenge #freeagents  wtf!!!!!
@PrestoMagicmtv: What are you doing right? Watching the Challenge better be your response! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTV: #DryWallandSmoke #BeastMode - @TheOfficial_CT
@MTV: . @MTVBananas If that would have been a fence climbing contest Leroy would have had it in the bag!  #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@IamAdamKuhn: Challenge time!
@JazMTV: CT killed it!! But Leroy is awesome and everyone loves him!!!!!
@NanyMTV: We'll miss you Lil Lee @RoyLee25mtv
@MtvJess: If anyone has ever seen CT hit someone did they REALLY have any doubt?! #TheChallengeFreeAgents @mtv
@MtvJess: Tough challenge for two beef cake athletes!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTV: Tough break for my man Leroy. Won't be the same in the house without him! - @TheOfficial_CT #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@IWantMyEmTV: Cara Maria MTV FreeAgent still doing better than I did.. with a broken hand.
@TheJayDillinger: The official Go For Broke music video is in itโ€™s final stages been chopping up the scenes all day! #YungAndWavy
@NanyMTV: @laurelstucky is just a beast #PlainAndSimple #FreeAgents
@IWantMyEmTV: @CaraMariaMTV ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ
@MTV: . @MTVBananas I know, I know America... I'm a monster! #BananasAndCT #freeAgents #TheChallenge
- @OncewasNRuz: @MTV @MTVBananas will Bananas ever cut his hair? It haunted me in my dreams last week #TheChallengeFreeAgents lets get back to the buzz cut
- @MTV: @OncewasNRuz I was wondering why my hair was out so late last weekend!!! @MTVBananas
@MTV: Tough break @CaraMariaMTV, literally and figuratively. The only break she got was with her hand! - @TheOfficial_CT #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TyrieBMTV: No lie... Never thought I'd see the folk face off.. @RoyLee25mtv vs @TheOfficial_CT #FreeAgents
@JazMTV: Hell of a fight Cara Maria MTV FreeAgent you always see the brighter side of everything!  We ALL luv you!
@ChallengeMTV: @CaraMariaMTV the girl gave it everything she had #ouch #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTV: . @Mtvbananas Feel bad for @CaraMariaMTV . Gonna be hard to carry all that luggage with one hand! #Kidding #nothingbutlove #BananasandCT
@MTV: Bring on the Andes! - @TheOfficial_CT #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ChallengeMTV: Take me to the Andes Mountains with you! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@IamAdamKuhn: I literally shed a tear watching @CaraMariaMTV go home
@IWantMyEmTV: Honestly, who does the music? I want some Autumn to Ashes, not some sappy budget Sarah Mclachlan. This is #thechallenge, not Lilith Fair
@MTV: Love you guys! Keep your questions coming and keep watching #TheChallengeFreeAgents! - @TheOfficial_CT
- @BIGPAPI926: @MTV @TheOfficial_CT would you say #TheChallengeFreeAgents is one of your favorite challenges you've been on?
- @MTV: @BIGPAPI926 The Duel and Rivals 2 were my faves fo sho! - @TheOfficial_CT
- @BIGPAPI926: @MTV @TheOfficial_CT I dig it bro!! those 2 are also my favorites!
@MTV: . @MTVBananas "Here's to the Elite 8!"  #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@IWantMyEmTV: You my boy Blue @RoyLee25mtv  #freeagents... or pink.. whatever :)
@MTV: @iconicjauregui It was really a tough break for Cara. She put in a lot of work and you can't help but feel for her. - @TheOfficial_CT
@ChallengeMTV: Obviously packing the banana suit is a major priority! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TyrieBMTV: Smmfh if it's a duel and they don't unlock the cage door
@JazMTV: 5 challenges never made it to the second location. ..always came close :( #loser lol
@MtvJess: HOW GORGEOUS #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@brittany_baldi: Watching @mtv @TheChallengeMTV because it rocks. :-) #MTV #thechallenge
@MTV: . @MTVBananas THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL!!! Who's comin with me?! #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents
@MTV: Me and the boys hanging out, aka #SausageSoup! - @TheOfficial_CT #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTV: . @MTVBananas Just 4 partially naked dudes in a hot tub... #YoureWelcomeAmerica #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@IWantMyEmTV: This is not a soup, it is a country.  #freeagents
@MTV: Good luck gentlemen. I ain't goin in there! - @TheOfficial_CT #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTV: . @MTVBananas Jumping in that pool was the Worst idea ever! #Shrinkage #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@IWantMyEmTV: @NanyMTV I left you weeks ago.  You'll be aight. ๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ’
@ChallengeMTV: Woah, didn't see that one coming! #draw #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MtvJess: A DRAW?!?!?? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTV: Great twist @tjlavin ! You just pooped on my birthday cake! @MTVBananas BananasAndCT  #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@AshleyMarieMTV: I haven't watched this season of The Challenge but all these tweets from @mtv are making me curious about what is going on!! #fillmein
- @kaylaschneider1: @AshleyMarieMTV @MTV CT and bananas are running it tonight lol
@MTV: This needs to happen!!! @RobDyrdek @ChanelWestCoast @steelobrim @MTVBananas #BananasOnRidiculousness
@IWantMyEmTV: Why am I not surprised (iago voice) #freeagents
@JazMTV: Took a sip of my drink looked up saw the draw...didn't they just get there another elimination? ???
@cohuttaMTV: Hey here's a good shot! Right before you weenaheads voted me in. You know who you are!! Ha! #thechallengefreeagents #mtv
@JohnnyReilly_: will my luck end tonight? #FreeAgents #TheChallenge @MTV
@MtvJess: What do y'all think about this elimination?! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: Lol...they all look like they want to cry!! #freeagents  #TheChallenge
@MTV: What are the chances of everybody pulling a blank? @MTVBananas It always comes down to you and me brother! - @TheOfficial_CT
@MtvJess: #TeamCT Or #TeamBananas ?! #TheChallengeFreeAgents  Who's got it!!??
@JazMTV: Cutthroat part 2 lol!! Johnny vs ct
@ChallengeMTV: Can't believe two veterans and fan favorites are up for elimination! #rivals #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NanyMTV: see you in the final @DevynSimone ๐Ÿ’ƒ WE DID IT!
@DevynSimone: โ€œ@NanyMTV: see you in the final @DevynSimone ๐Ÿ’ƒ WE DID IT!" Yes we did Pookie!
- @CardellChris: @NanyMTV @DevynSimone congrats!!
- @NotoriousAJM: โ€œ@DevynSimone: โ€œ@NanyMTV: see you in the final @DevynSimone ๐Ÿ’ƒ WE DID IT!" Yes we did Pookie!โ€๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @kendallongg: โ€œ@DevynSimone: โ€œ@NanyMTV: see you in the final @DevynSimone ๐Ÿ’ƒ WE DID IT!" Yes we did Pookie!โ€ ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@MTV: As seen on CT The Johnny BanackPack available at @MTVBananas #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents
@MtvJess: #TeamLaurel or #TeamTheresa #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CaraMariaMTV: tried. Got flustered. Failed. Can only blame myself. Should have fought harder. Sorry guys.
@IWantMyEmTV: @JohnnyReilly_ pretty sure you lost 2 the famine in a potato sack race in past life. St. Patrick came back & drove all the snakes out for ya
@NotoriousAJM: @JohnnyReilly_ & @DevynSimone are going with me to Vegas real shit.
@DevynSimone: I'm not worried about those who say I shouldn't be there. Guess what.. I am there!  Sorry suckaaas! #TheChallenge
@JazMTV: Really @mtv you give them a puzzle!!! And I had to sacrifice my life against @laurelstucky my mother is not happy with yall lol
@CaraMariaMTV: If i deserved to be in the final i would be in it. It didnt work out. I def let myself down though.
@IWantMyEmTV: Puuuuuzzzzzles?! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
@MTV: The Battle of Broads with no brain cells! #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents #TheChallenge @laurelstucky
@laurelstucky: @MTV what that was rude
@DevynSimone: Theresa an say what she wants but let the numbers do the talking. Devyn: 2 challenges 2 finals. Theresa: 171715 challenges 0 finals ๐Ÿ˜ณ
@MTVtrey: @DevynSimone #ouch lol
@davidbloom7: @DevynSimone Although your math may be a little fuzzy, the numbers and the potency of the humor don't lie. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTV: Never thought I'd be in two eliminations in one episode! - @TheOfficial_CT #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Knight_MTV: Damn @JohnnyReilly_ the luck of the Irish is alive and well in you my friend.
@IWantMyEmTV: Why is it different if @DevynSimone likes to sit back, relax & enjoy her time but when vets do it, it's all good. Silence,  peanut gallery.
@MTV: Not sure if I'm about to go in against CT or Tom Hanks from Castaway @MTVBananas #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents @drunksocialite
@MTV: Gotta give it to @laurelstucky! Can't say she didn't earn it on #TheChallengeFreeAgents - @TheOfficial_CT
@IWantMyEmTV: Oooooh twitter is on fire right now ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™Š #freeagents
@ChallengeMTV: Laurel wins again, poor Theresa! #unstoppable #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JazMTV: @DevynSimone #preach #keepingitreal #luvu
@MTV: And theyre off!!! @mtvbananas #Puzzling #FreeAgents #BananasAndCT #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: I can't watch! #nailbiter #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTV: I just had a Will Ferrel from Old School blackout moment! Still don't know how I did that. @mtvbananas #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents
@JazMTV: Good challenge! Goodnight!  Lol
@MTV: Good job @MTVBananas! Wouldn't have it any other way. Until next time! - @TheOfficial_CT
@TheMarkLong: I'll choose a knock down drag out fist fight over a puzzle pyramid to go to the finals anyday. #MTV #thechallengefreeagents
@MTV: Tough break bro, always a pleasure competing against you my man! #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents
@ChallengeMTV: @tjlavin is not sugarcoating this challenge #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTV: Bananas Challenge Fact: After leaving Chile doctors removed a horseshoe made of gold from @johnnyreilly_ anus! #BananasAndCT #freeagents
@MtvJess: @MTVBananas always cracks me up ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ‘Œ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@IWantMyEmTV: I love the final 6. #freeagents congrats ladies, bananas, and gents.
@IWantMyEmTV: Wait, who was just orgasming up the mountain. That shit was hot.  #freeagents
@MTV: Hey @tjlavin instead of tomorrow, can we do the final challenge the day after tomorrow? @MTVBananas #bananasandCt #thechallenge #FreeAgents
@IcedCOfNewYork: @MTV I hope @MTVBananas win to become the 7-time champion. He's a true legendary Challenge veteran! He's my favorite and true role model.
@MTV: @IcedCOfNewYork Thanks Clarence, its fans like you who've made me who I am and keep me coming back for more! @MTVBananas
@IcedCOfNewYork: @mtv @mtvbananas No problem. It's an honor. Can we be friends? Come visit NYC this summer! Please? :)
@RobinMTV14: I know we can't think of what if's but really if Nanny had stuck to her vote. Who knows what @CaraMariaMTV  @TheresaTime20 fate might been.
@MtvJess: SMR while watching #TheChallengeFreeAgents then off to bed ๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด๐Ÿ˜ด #wods #quads
@ChallengeMTV: Climbing an active volcano!? You've got to be kidding me! #intense #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@DevynSimone: @MTVBananas you didn't want to be my partner Pookie?! ๐Ÿ˜‚ Girl I ain't mad. #TheChallenge
@TheMarkLong: Agreed!RT @itsMarkyMark_: @TheMarkLong @BunimMurray Old School vs New School challenge. The vets vs the youngins.
@MTV: . @MTVBananas: Looks like @ZachMTV pulled the @DevynSimone mush card first! God Speed brother! #BananasAndCT #FreeAgents #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: @MTVBananas throwing some shade @DevynSimone #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@IWantMyEmTV: I think this final is pretty fantastic.  #freeagents overall was a great theme and challenge. Hope it stays fresh, new, and fun next season
@MTV: @katmagjam #TheChallengeFreeAgents was never really an individual game, so it wasn't too surprising. - @TheOfficial_CT
@IWantMyEmTV: Prob won't though. :)
@DevynSimone: Wanna hear my commentary on tonights episode and my response to the haters? Tune into @afterbuzztv tonight after the show..#Unfiltered
@MTV: Well, thanks again guys. I appreciate it. This is CT signing out. Til' next time! - @TheOfficial_CT
@laurelstucky: RT @AmandaKayBrewer: Three second place finals and 8-0 in eliminations, @laurelstucky ๐Ÿ‘Š
@JazMTV: I love blocking people :)
@DevynSimone: That water is cold as hell! #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: And they're off! #whowillwin #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheMarkLong: Whoever runs the @BunimMurray twitter, tell the EXECS the fans want  #OldSchoolVERSUSNewSchool Challenge. Feel free to RETWEET! #unretired
@CamilaMTV: Man I can't remember last time I saw CT in an elimination. #freeagents is a total game changer. #thechallengefreea...
@DevynSimone: Alright take note... ur going to start to see a common thread with Zach and all his female partners.. I'm not gonna say anything..just watch
@IWantMyEmTV: My twitter account when it comes to these shows is all in jest.  That said, words are very powerful.. be careful how you use them.
@MTV: Hey @ZachMTV its gonna take you guys forever to get down river going in circles! #FreeAgents #BananasAndCt @MTVBananas
@DevynSimone: Am I Zach? You weight 75 times my size..but I'm able to overpower you? I'm no physics professor..but that doesn't seem right..#TheChallenge
@brittany_baldi: That kayak challenge with the raging rapids looks sick!! Watching right now @TheChallengeMTV #MTV
@MTV: This challenge is giving @NanyMTV childhood flashbacks! #freeagents @mtvbananas
@MTV: Don't go anywhere just yet! #TheChallengeFreeAgents after show starts right now! Watch:
@ChallengeMTV: Quick, someone save Zach! #cliffhanger #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MTV: Oh no @Zachmtv drowned! #FreeAgents @mtvBananas
@MTV: Hey @ZachMTV it wasnt a rock that tipped you guys. Your pecs and @DevynSimone wig made your canoe top heavy! @MTVBananas #FreeAgents
@IWantMyEmTV: Tweeting some1 you only know as a TV persona. .to "get cancer and die" have some respect. Stop filling the world w hate. Done for the night
@DevynSimone: I've gotten so many tweets form you guys tonight. I will address your questions, comments and more, in a few min on @afterbuzztv tune in!
@MTV: Its been real boys and girls, now go check out #TeamBananas @MTVBananas #FreeAgents #TheChallenge

> After Hours and The Friday Hangover
@MTVtrey: I'm not sure how other former Challengers feel, but I know for me, it's really hard to watch the season's you're not a part of. @MTV
@CamilaMTV: You gave it your all @caramariamtv every step of the way! Be proud of that. God knows best &your life off the show needed you.๐Ÿ‘Š
- @CaraMariaMTV: Thank u missy 
- @CardellChris: @CamilaMTV @CaraMariaMTV Great job Cara!
@TheOfficial_CT: @mtvbananas mtv
@laurelstucky: Be nice, be nice....
@robb_schreiber: Solid 250. I'll take it.
@TyrieBMTV: Robb my dude but he know what it is next time I see him
@EricBanks: Let's take em down!RT @TheMarkLong: Whoever runs the @BunimMurray twitter, tell the EXECS the fans (cont)
@NanyMTV: Thanks for all the love tonight tweeters โค๏ธ #UntilNextTime #FreeAgents
@ChallengeMTV: Whoa, that was insane! Hear what @laurelstucky @DevynSimone + @ZachMTV have to say about the episode now: #FreeForAll
@Knight_MTV: โ€œ@calvy5: The final just started and I'm still wondering why @Knight_MTV wasn't on this season.โ€ I'm handing out the checks to the winners
@paulawalnutsMTV: My girl @EmFitMTV is in @WomensHealthMag so proud of you darlin!!!! She's always doing big things...or lifting them:) #unleashed
@DevynSimone: On @afterbuzztv right now. Tune in now
@CamilaMTV: Pp are asking if I'm wearing a baby thong & I'm not sure... #brazilianproblems
@laurelstucky: Hey Theresa all that shit you talked how does it feel to eat it? I'm sorry I had to.
- @AceNichols33: @laurelstucky yes and yes and yes and who is Theresa?!!!!!
@MTVBananas: Couldn't agree more! #Vets #BananasAndCt RT @ohsnapcarpenter: @MTV @TheOfficial_CT deserved to be in that final with Bananas"
@IWantMyEmTV: Missed ridiculous beach nights with @frivolas and friends.  @JazMTV you've been initiated. Oh BAYBEH lawlzz
@JustJem24: Y'all who went home?
@JustJem24: Hey @NanyMTV I'm team YOU
@JustJem24: The fact Chris Brown's bitch ass thinks it's ok to call his GIRLFRIEND a bitch on insta just pisses me off. Females that will never be ok
@JustJem24: & maybe not letting a guy(especially one I'm romantically & sexually involved with) call me a bitch makes me a feminist but I'm ok with that
@DevynSimone: If you're in NYC you're invited to watch the Season Finale of #TheChallenge #FreeAgents with @laurelstucky & me next Thursday @SideBARnyc
@jackiecost: @MTVChallenge25 has nany gone into a elimination this season?
@MTVChallenge26: @jackiecost No but @NanyMTV won 5/10 missions, which is 50% of the challenges. She deserved her spot on the final.
@jackiecost: @MTVChallenge25 @NanyMTV o for sure she's a beast! hope she wins it all!
@NanyMTV: @MTVChallenge25 @jackiecost FINALLY! Someone said it.
@MTVChallenge26: @NanyMTV @jackiecost Just stating facts, you deserved it.  #FeistyLatina #WCE #Kickass
@JustJem24: @NanyMTV @MTVChallenge25 @jackiecost also karma is a real life thing. Nany's final appearance should have been in battle of the seasons
@NanyMTV: @JustJem24 @MTVChallenge25 @jackiecost thank you Jem โค๏ธ
@MtvJess: I'll just take a few steps back as you self destruct, I'm no superman and I'm sure as hell not gonna save you now...
@MtvJess: Don't lie, the truth is circulating out there on social media โœ‹ #kayybyee
@MtvJess: I swear, if Jesus didn't love me and I didn't know him I would probably follow through with about 89% of the evil things that I think....
@MtvJess: Someone say a prayer #princesshulk is off to bed ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜ด
@BrandonDNelson: Just saw the homie Cara Maria Sorbello take a respectable 'L' & she's better, lb. for lb. than the toughest challenger, period.
@murtzjaffer: Tomorrow at 2 PM EST / 11 AM PST @RoyLee25mtv joins me on the #MurtzShow to discuss  #challengefreeagents @spreecast
@RoyLee25mtv: Hey CHALLENGE FANS !! Thanks for all of the kind and supportive tweets tonight ..  I hope it was an entertaining season for you.. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
@JamieChinaMTV: "Do you want Molly?"  Eww you're disgusting.... Stop...
@BrandonDNelson: Stealing phones now lol ... Revenge... Best served accurately and scolding hot.
@ChallengeAddict: Congrats to @BradFiorenza and @AbramBoise for having the #1 Most Memorable Male Elimination in Challenge history!
@BradFiorenza: @ChallengeAddict thanks, @AbramBoise is a beast & I'll never forget that day!
@AbramBoise: Just watched the video& stoked to even be a part of it. I forget that I even did the shows & it's cool 2 remember:) thanks @ChallengeAddict
@ZachMTV: Spoiler alert: I'm not dead, I did not drown. But if you can, avoid water sports with African American females. @DevynSimone
@AshleeFeldman: @ZachMTV guess our secret is out... I thought we did such a nice job of hiding my third trimester. #singlemomprobz
@ZachMTV: @AshleeFeldman when I imagined how this announcement would be made this wasn't how it went, but this is much better. Thanks gem_523.
@ZachMTV: Remember this? _johnnyreilly theofficial_ct @mtvbananas #ctsponcho
@MTVShowBlog: War buddies @DevynSimone and @ZachMTV look back on their shared #Challenge history and that infamous kayak-flip:
@JustJem24: What I'd give to make you coffee.. Find out how you like your eggs...
@CJKoegel: Because taking a selfie is what you should be doing during a 5k #sike zeligstagram genegmb nyhrc
@EmFitMTV: I wish I could explain how much it refuels me to read/see the posts on IG of the #21daysuperherochallenge. Nothing makes it more worth it โค๏ธ
@JustJem24: So proud of this human.. @EmFitMTV you deserve it baby girl ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ˜˜
@EmFitMTV: @JustJem24 โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ thank you so much, boo. Means the world.
@IWantMyEmTV: Her favorite song on the radio, sing along cuz it's one we know.  It's a smile, it's a kiss, it's a sip of wine, it's summertime ๐Ÿฆ
@susie_meister: Enjoy my devolution on MTV's Road Rules. Please excuse my mom jeans and cackle.
@MTVShowBlog: It's time to get down to business! Which male and female competitors do you think will win #FreeAgents?
@RoyLee25mtv: Today is a good day. #recessfriday @EncoreBeachClub #Vegas
@RoyLee25mtv: EDC WEEKEND is here in Vegas... Doing the happy dance @EncoreBeachClub
@MtvJess: No distractions โœ‹  ๐Ÿ‘‰Dates can wait ๐Ÿ‘‰Bad food leads to regret ๐Ÿ‘‰Social media ISN'T more important than sleep!  #work #recover #focus
@MtvJess: I don't NEED a man....
@CaraMariaMTV: Do not ask why good things happen to bad people, you can not put value on lessons learned though struggles.
@CaraMariaMTV: "I can't believe it" -Luke "That is why you fail" - Yoda
@JustJem24: For so long I've been chasing all the wrong things. Feels good to finally see the bigger picture...
@laurelstucky: @NanyMTV @DevynSimone Nice job, ladies. Did you see that? Nany with 5 Challenge Wins, Devyn with 4 and myself with 4. Hey. Whatup.
@robb_schreiber: Getting all my sheeeiiiit done early at work so I can coast into this weekend.
@heathermarter: No no no no, no. No matter how many times you call. No.
@laurelstucky: @nanymtv hey sorry if you thought I walked around expecting to win... I don't expect to win. I have to work my absolute hardest.
@NanyMTV: @laurelstucky nah, it was only when we got to the final & it was just me and Dev left. Felt like you thought you had it in the bag already.
@laurelstucky: Love you nany @nanymtv
@NanyMTV: Love u more! RT "@laurelstucky: Love you nany @nanymtvโ€
@CaraMariaMTV: The moment you stop getting a second chance... is the moment you are reborn. You become who you should have always been. Seize it.
@CaraMariaMTV: Life's "kill card" won't kill you, but the way you handle it shows everything of your character.
@CaraMariaMTV: Time to stop waiting on phone calls and start living life. Adios.
@susie_meister: I see you guys really recovered from the devastation of Maya Angelou's passing. I haven't seen a quote in days.
@NanyMTV: Happy Friday kidz ๐Ÿ˜Ž
@Chet_Cannon: Every phony flop (redundant) deserves a red card. So annoying. #WorldCup
@murtzjaffer: Going live w @TheChallengeMTV 's @TheresaTime20 in one hour!  Join to ask her your #challengefreeagents Q's
@murtzjaffer: It's @TheChallengeMTV day at  @TheresaTime20 joins me at 2 PM EST.  @CaraMariaMTV joins me at 9 PM EST. #freeagents
@Chet_Cannon: Right this moment, a girl is telling a guy she "never received your text last night"
@laurelstucky: Take yourself out of it.
@TheJayDillinger: If loyalty was money 90% of yโ€™all would be broke!
@MTVBananas: Andiamo Italia! #ItavsCrc #Azzurri #worldcup @footballitalia
@TheRealNiaMoore: I like to watch.
@RealityRadioPod: Come join us at 6pm/ET for a Challenge Chat w/ @DevynSimone!
@susie_meister: FACT: People who complain about being "crazy busy" are 15x more likely ask me to play Candy Crush Saga
@EmFitMTV: I love my ocean. โค๏ธ Joining, renewing or donating to @Surfrider during #worldoceansmonth keeps the stoke alive!
@ChallengeMTV: Find out what @laurelstucky admires most about @CaraMariaMTV right now on #TheChallengeFreeAgents Free-For-All!
@MTVCoryWharton: 3 classes left!!! 10$ a person, Idaho and Ocean in Santa Monica, CA 9-10:30 a.m #Ybrfitness
@EricBanks: Life isn't about the amt of $ you make or status u achieve: Life is about the awesome opportunities, friendships, & the journey #embraceit
@CamilaMTV: I can't believe this score right now. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #ITAvsCRC more power to #COS, but def unexpected. #WC2014
@murtzjaffer: Going live w @TheresaTime20 from @TheChallengeMTV #challengefreeagents in 5 min.  Join us NOW!
@BSwiftMTV: Well helloool Monterey bay/San Jose!!..Just landed in Northern California and it's absolutely gorgeous! โ˜€๐Ÿ˜Ž#NoHumidty #AwesomePpl #LoveIt
@MTV: Missed #TheChallengeFreeAgents after show last night? Watch now:
@TheJayDillinger: Canโ€™t stand ppl that constantly talk shit on the ppl that arenโ€™t there. I just wanna be like do something in your life worth talking about!
@iamheathercooke: glad midsommar frรฅn sverige!!!
@CamilaMTV: No mercy #FRA โšฝ๏ธโšฝ๏ธโšฝ๏ธ #FRASUI #WorldCup
@MTVBananas: The look on our faces moments before the theofficial_ct and @roylee25mtv elimination! @zachmtvโ€ฆ
@Chet_Cannon: So tired of phony outrage. #OffendedAmerica
@MTV: I'm still not over last night's #TheChallengeFreeAgents:
@CamilaMTV: #worldcup affects on me... ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿ˜‚
@ChallengeMTV: It's time to go #BeastMode! Watch all the epic battles from #TheChallengeFreeAgents:
@TheresaTime20: @busdriversroute @murtzjaffer @CSUAKirk Thx 4 chatting & BIG THX 4 doing everything u do to help contribute to the success of our show!XOโค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜˜
@EmFitMTV: Wanna know what I did today? Oh. Just sat at the DMV FOR OVER THREE HOURS....... Why must I lose everything?!?
@EmFitMTV: I actually got someone to join my next challenge though, and he shared some pretty good books for me to Amazon. So I'll count it as a W
@CaraMariaMTV: Treat each time... as if there is no next time.
@TheresaTime20: Sorry it's only NATURAL.๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ‘‘
@robb_schreiber: Ladies and gentleman of Philadelphia, I'm here working for you. You're welcome.
@MtvJess: I don't NEED a man....what I DO need is....
@robb_schreiber: The Freest locker in the gym.
@MTVtrey: The one thing that prevents me from falling in love with soccer is the flopping. Players barely get touched - act like they're dying. #GetUp
@TheresaTime20: โ€œGodโ€™s thoughts are higher than ours. His dreams are bigger than ours. Get ready to go where you've never been before.โ€โค๏ธ
@MTVtrey: With no car, the gym closed, and my work done, my Friday night will consist of playing Pokemon on my phone. Yes, I am an adult.
@MTVCoryWharton: My man got famous for being locked up. We'll ain't that a bitch!!!!!
@BSwiftMTV: Great night so far with Good company! #DowntownSanJoseCaliifornia
@bdoll82: @TyrieBMTV Love & miss you, boo... ๐Ÿ’›
@TyrieBMTV: @bdoll82 :) u too love. Happy to see u smiling
@bdoll82: @TyrieBMTV thank you.. It's close.. It's an almost-there smile.. ;) luv you. ๐Ÿ’“
@TheJayDillinger: Check my new video for "Go For Broke" from the #BlackGatsbyAlbum - โ€” #YungAndWavy #HipHop #Music
@ChallengeMTV: Our #FreeAgents discuss how it felt when @tjlavin dropped the bomb on them about the final draw:
@CamilaMTV: Happy weekend y'all! ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ‘™โœจ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’ƒโ˜€๏ธ

> As The Fans Saw It
@ShimBo84: The #challenge is almost over. Hope they get a solid cast for next season! Bring back @RobinMTV14 & @robb_schreiber! Make it happen @mtv!
@ShimBo84: The only think this #challenge is missing is @ThatCoral commenting. Still the funniest chick Real World produced. Haha.
@Itslluna: Get caught up with #TheChallengeFreeAgents @ZachMTV @MTVBananas @NanyMTV @NanyMTV @DevynSimone @RoyLee25mtv
@neyasivera: Dibs on @MTVBananas
@DjJesseJ: Tune In Tonight #FreeAgents #Thechallenge @afterbuzztv Aftershow at 8pm pst Live on @DJJesseJ
@BIGPAPI926: The anticipation of tonights episode is killing me!! @ChallengeMTV @MTV #FreeAgents @TheOfficial_CT @CaraMariaMTV @RoyLee25mtv @laurelstucky
@busdriversroute: With the NBA & NHL over America can put its full focus on the Finals of the fifth sport, The Challenge. And by America I mean me. Just me.
@MLaRose3: I really hope @TheresaTime20 wins this Challenge. That sexy Puerto Rican deserves the win ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ”ฅ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Itslluna: Recap of last week's episode! #TheChallengeFreeAgents @ChallengeMTV
@CSUAKirk: speaking with @TheresaTime20  tomorrow 2 PST 5 EST  #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@matt_marcello: Pulling for @CaraMariaMTV tonight ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
@DjJesseJ: Yall Excited for #FreeAgents #Thechallenge @afterbuzztv Aftershow? Tonight at 8pm pst Live on @DJJesseJ
@Itslluna: Who do you think will be eliminated? #EpicBattle @TheOfficial_CT @laurelstucky @CaraMariaMTV @RoyLee25mtv
@lashtweets: Are you caught up on the #freeagents RHAP-ups? Subscribe at and make sure you don't miss a minute @busdriversroute
@lashtweets: I'm most looking forward to seeing who's right tonight, @busdriversroute or myself #TeamTeresa vs #TeamNany #RHAP @ChallengeMTV
@DjJesseJ: WHO WILL BE NEXT? #FreeAgents #Thechallenge @afterbuzztv Aftershow at 8pm pst Live on SHARE UR THOUGHTS
@davidbloom7: With the NBA playoffs over, I think it may be time to start really covering #TheChallengeFreeAgents again. Potential running diary alerted.
@MLaRose3: Lets get it going! #TheChallengeFreeAgents #BananasAndCT @MTV
@kendallongg: FINALE PT. 1 ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kaylaschneider1: Please let there be some miracle and @CaraMariaMTV wins!
@busdriversroute: One thing I won't miss when Free Agents is over. Hearing the same quotes over and over from the intro. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: @busdriversroute that's every season now. Lol they need to throw it back like they used to.
@busdriversroute: @NotoriousAJM I would do ANYTHING for the ritual tribe dances again.
@NotoriousAJM: @busdriversroute lmao classic Duel 2 right there๐Ÿ‘
@davidbloom7: @MtvJess @SarahRiceMTV @PrestoMagicmtv @JazMTV @JustJem24 Will you be making surprise appearances tonight? #thingsthatwouldbeamazing
@kendallongg: CT about to murder this wall ๐Ÿ‘Š #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: So what you're saying is that @TheOfficial_CT is good at a challenge that involves punching something really hard? Shocking #FreeAgents
@BIGPAPI926: YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! my boy @TheOfficial_CT pulls out the win!!!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents @MTV
@J_Medd: No way my dude @TheOfficial_CT was about to lose that elimination ! #TheChallenge
@kendallongg: Zammmmmn @laurelstucky is flying through this wall like it's her job #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@JanelMcG: This is kind of sad to watch... #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@J_Medd: .@CaraMariaMTV had no chance. ๐Ÿ˜” #FreeAgents
@Challenge24MTV: What a challenge performance by @CaraMariaMTV !! Luck just wasn't on your side this time sweetheart. Hope to see you again!
@NotoriousAJM: I feel broken. ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜• #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@emilyquedenfeld: poor cara maria .. she def deserved to win she's been a beast all season .. plus I wanted laurel out soooo bad #thechallenge #freeagents
@emilyquedenfeld: heartbroken for my mans @TheOfficial_CT I always want to see him be the number one winner .. Johnny def got so lucky this whole season
@kendallongg: See this is the scene they showed in the first episode so I knew @CaraMariaMTV got eliminated :(( she's honestly my favorite person on here
@davidbloom7: The star of this season of #TheChallengeFreeAgents? @CaraMariaMTV - just an incredible showing from a most worthy veteran.
@Challenge24MTV: Wish they would've picked a different elimination. That was like a field goal kicking challenge with one athlete having a broken foot.
@busdriversroute: Every season I think, "I would love to do a Challenge, that would be awesome." Then I see the final and realize I'm quite happy on the couch
@Challenge24MTV: If I hear the word MOUNTAINS I'm not gonna be jumping up and down enjoy, maybe that's just me though. #FreeAgents
@davidbloom7: Yeah @MtvJess & @LaToyaJMTV u got eliminated, but u can always hang your heads high knowing you were eliminated by the great @CaraMariaMTV
@busdriversroute: I love when the contestants appreciate and reflect on their Challenge careers. It just makes it seem more real. Wow I'm a loser #FreeAgents
@TheSteamer: Not sure why but watching Johnny Bananas get off that plane made me think of this. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: I'm guessing the volcano wasn't the only thing that was smoking in that 20 mile range.
@MLaRose3: Time for Devyn to go though
@kendallongg: Theresa talk so much shit ๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜’ devyn could be you any day #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheSteamer: No way did any of them really believe that they were going to the final with 4 left. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@davidbloom7: โ€œ@JazMTV: 5 challenges never made it to the second location. ..always came close :( โ€ I like how "the second location" is now a thing.
@RWChallengeFan: I think it'll be a draw to determine captains
@Itslluna: A Draw this soon?! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: You're telling me Bananas, who has done 18 finals, didn't figure out that someone wasn't making the cut before the final? #FreeAgents
@RWChallengeFan: So sad to see her go, but her heart and determination will go on and continue to inspire @CaraMariaMTV
@davidbloom7: โ€œ@MtvJess: A DRAW?!?!?? This is just the toughest of moments. As original trailer suggests, @DevynSimone and @NanyMTV for the win!
@busdriversroute: Johnny Portland. Um, let's hope that nickname doesn't stick @JohnnyReilly_
@Itslluna: WHAT?! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Itslluna: #TeamLaurel @laurelstucky
@kendallongg: My girls are IN THE FINALE ๐Ÿ˜œ๐ŸŽ‰ @DevynSimone @NanyMTV #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Did Devyn just really say "crap I'm going to the final"?!?!?!?!?!? WHY IS SHE THERE????? #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kaylaschneider1: @busdriversroute I have never hated a challenger so much. Not even bananas because at least he earned it...
@busdriversroute: @kaylaschneider1 God this is so bad
@kaylaschneider1: @busdriversroute fucking terrible! Like they really couldn't come up with anything better?
@J_Medd: Only a Zach and CT would've been better. Hopefully CT pulls through ! #TeamCT
@kendallongg: I'm not worried about Laurel. She's going to wipe Theresa up, down and all around Chile #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheSteamer: Devyn is rapidly becoming my least favorite person on The Challenge. Zero reason for her to be there. #FreeAgents
@busdriversroute: @TheSteamer Beyond done with her. She needs to never come back after this sorry display.
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute She needed to never come back after BOTS.
@Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer it's sad that she hasn't done one thing and will probably end up not finishing the final. Weak final elimination round
@TheSteamer: @Jonnyboyy10 She is fucking awful. Not even entertaining.
@Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer she's sad! This women's final won't be entertaining.
@kendallongg: But on a more serious note, @MTVBananas backpack 2.0 could be tonight ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ญ  #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@davidbloom7: Opinion: the draw needs to go. It's decision quality should be questioned.  #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheSteamer: This final elimination sucks. Make it a how bad do you want it. Puzzles? Enough. #TheChallengeFreeAgents #FreeAgents
@brianteng2014: what a episode of the challenge free agents
@busdriversroute: Can someone tell me who said for the final elimination "lets do puzzles." I need to have a word with them. And by word, I mean a punch.
@kendallongg: Aye I like the new weave in the commentary ๐Ÿ˜˜ @DevynSimone
@J_Medd: Devyn saying Laurel is a robot. ๐Ÿ˜‚ #ChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: Take a page out of Survivor's playbook and make this a pure endurance challenge. That's what this season deserves. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@brycecr: @busdriversroute yeah I don't like this at all. Devyn and Johnny totally got a pass, which makes for a less exciting final.
@busdriversroute: @brycecr I would've loved to seen a four way elimination. Last place goes home
@brycecr: @busdriversroute totally agree. And something physical. Don't make these ppl earn it by pounding it out then kill them on a puzzle.
@NotoriousAJM: That awkward moment when you don't know if to root for @MTVBananas or @TheOfficial_CTโ€ฆ
@AceNichols33: Challenge time!!!!
@NotoriousAJM: I think I'll go for CT๐Ÿ‘
@lashtweets: shows up at draw, acts shocked theres a draw #freeagents
@murtzjaffer: Nooooooooooooo not CT and Bananas #challengefreeagents
@murtzjaffer: If you are not watching #challengefreeagents right now you are missing history @MTVBananas @TheOfficial_CT
@EricKashuba: Now I am extra sad, my favorite two competitors went home in one episode @CaraMariaMTV @TheresaTime20 ๐Ÿ˜ฅ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@busdriversroute: Actually yes @ZachMTV you could write a better script. THEM NOT DOING PUZZLES!!!!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute @ZachMTV The final elimination is normally the most bad ass. This is the weakest one of the season.
@NotoriousAJM: Everytime @TheresaTime20 cries, I just want to punch every person that has ever made her do it.
@Itslluna: This is stressful to watch! @laurelstucky @TheOfficial_CT @MTVBananas @TheresaTime20 @mtv #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: It's a @MTVBananas vs. @TheOfficial_CT final round elimination and I'm half paying attention. Something is wrong with this picture @MTV.
@MLaRose3: They couldn't do something physical this time? I mean how epic would that of been?
@AustinTamesis: So happy this bitch is gone. Hate her #ByeTheresa #TheChallenge
@Challenge24MTV: Your awful quiet for someone who made it to the Final @ZachMTV
@JanelMcG: Finally a puzzle... we all know CT would probably beat Johnny in a physical challenge... this is a fair equalizer. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@TheSteamer: Bananas has 4 Challenge wins but this is by far his best performance to date. Solid in challenges, steps up in eliminations. #FreeAgents
@JanelMcG: Bananas just won this game... #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: Always hard to see CT lose.
@AustinTamesis: Damn. #ByeCT #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: "Yea, I'll be back." - CT. By far the best part of this episode and maybe the season. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@Jeff_Rabinowitz: Dumbest thing of all time on these shows #bananasAndCT @TheOfficial_CT you still a beast
@matt_marcello: Mtv needs to stop bringing johnny bananas back to the challenge ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–
@kendallongg: This batch who made it to the final is actually a great one. Nobody has won besides @MTVBananas #TheChallengeFreeAgents ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ
@davidbloom7: #TheChallengeFreeAgents power rankings pre-finals: 1) @MTVBananas 2) @ZachMTV 3) the volcano 4) @JohnnyReilly_
@lashtweets: i dont like this double draw/puzzle elimination. Hear about why on our next #RHAP up @busdriversroute
@JanelMcG: So this is gonna be a story line for the final?? Will Devyn finish? Seriously lol #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@busdriversroute: @JanelMcG Happy with the puzzles now?
@JanelMcG: @busdriversroute Well it didn't matter once Devyn pulled that blank. The girls side isn't gonna be suspenseful at all.
@davidbloom7: #TheChallengeFreeAgents power rankings pre-finals: 1) @laurelstucky 2) @NanyMTV 3) @DevynSimone 759) Devyn's hair
@busdriversroute: @davidbloom7 I think you have Devyn too high. She should be # 760 behind her hair.
@kaylaschneider1: I think everyone knows this is @laurelstucky challenge to lose!
@BIGPAPI926: I think were gonna die tomorrow @MTVBananas #TheChallengeFreeAgents #BananasQuotes
@busdriversroute: Honestly, I wouldn't put it past MTV to have the final be outracing an exploding volcano. That would give new meaning to "Ex-plosion."
@J_Medd: My two favorites @TheOfficial_CT & @CaraMariaMTV got eliminated. 
@lashtweets: original power rankings i wrote down as prep for the first #rhap up. i wavered since then but i had it nailed
@VeryVal13: At the end of the day @laurelstucky is a beast and no one can beat her        This is a game and she played it       Haters shut the fuck up
@MLaRose3: So stupid how they're pairing people together for the final. Such a dumb idea honestly. They really shit the bed on this one
@TheSteamer: If you donโ€™t want to be in the Final and arenโ€™t excited to compete, you shouldnโ€™t be there. #TheChallengeFreeAgents #FreeAgents
@busdriversroute: @TheSteamer Could you imagine if before the finals LeBron went, "Damn I really just wanted to go on vacation this week."
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Itโ€™s sickening.
@busdriversroute: Am I the only one who kind of likes them mixing up the pairs for the Final? Fits with the theme of the season. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kaylaschneider1: @busdriversroute it's very different! I like it!
@brycecr: @busdriversroute I like it too. If there were no pairs, laurel would obviously win. The guys are a little up in the air. It's a good twist.
@Karisa5282: @busdriversroute It is pretty sweet and sine no one knew it, it couldn't factor in to politicing
@TheSteamer: I felt bad for @TheMarkLong pairing up with Aneesa in the Duel 2 final. I feel bad for all of the guys in this one. #DevynSucks #FreeAgents
@IcedCOfNewYork: Hey @MTVBananas. It's Clarence. I believe in you because I know you'll win to become champion 7 times. GO FOR IT WITH YOUR BURNING SPIRIT!
@davidbloom7: For the record, @MtvJess you would have been a great partner on EVERY phase.
@NotoriousAJM: For this to be a "solo" format, we sure haven't had that many solo missions this season. IJS #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@NotoriousAJM: You say it's #FreeAgents, but when there's a team challenge, there's pressure to vote however the team wants you to.
@AceNichols33: YESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @laurelstucky #thatsall
@davidbloom7: @laurelstucky and @MTVBananas are a dream pairing. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@kaylaschneider1: As I thought @devyn in last place #whatajoke #freeagents
@TheSteamer: This is the fucking final and itโ€™s playing out like the first challenge. Stop casting zilches like Devyn. Stop. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@MLaRose3: The elimination of the century would definitely be @ZachMTV vs @TheMarkLong #OldSchoolvsNewSchool #SonvsDad
@TheSteamer: So basically, the menโ€™s competition will be decided by how bad Devyn sucks in each part. That seems fair. #FreeAgents
@busdriversroute: @TheSteamer Or how good everyone does with Laurel. #GlassHalfFull
@TheSteamer: @busdriversroute Devyn sucks a lot more than Laurel is good.
@DjJesseJ: GET READY FOR #FreeAgents #Thechallenge @afterbuzztv Aftershow at 8pm pst Live on @DJJesseJ
@busdriversroute: I'm having second thoughts about liking this final. Maybe if there were 3 actual female competitors. But, um, yea, Devyn... #FreeAgents
@kaylaschneider1: @busdriversroute she's doing exactly what I thought she would! What a pathetic start to a final.
@Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer not only will she kill herself in a final, she may as well end up killing Zach with her shitty performance
@lashtweets: EPIC episode of @TheChallengeMTV #freeagents cant wait to #RHAP it up with @busdriversroute
@busdriversroute: This weekend: RHAP-up with @lashtweets and interview with @TheresaTime20. Check it all out here!
@AceNichols33: Volcanos are volcanos and like... Volcanos are scary. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@ccaliri01: I want to be on @MTV @RealWorldMTV the challenge because I want to prove to all who underestimate me what I am capable of. #determination
@davidbloom7: It is time to burn some oil after midnight. Retro running diary. Let's kick it. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@PinedaStephanie: I've come to the conclusion, that when @CaraMariaMTV wins! It'll be for something big! That girl has heart and it'll be payed off!
@busdriversroute: Twitter was a lot of fun tonight. At least that was the one bright spot of awful decision making by MTV with their elimination choices.
@Itslluna: I agree. We have learned from The Challenge that you can never underestimate the underdogs @sarkoffagus @DevynSimone
@BIGPAPI926: true challenge fans all know we'll see @TheOfficial_CT again
@JanelMcG: Oh dear Lord, listening to @DjJesseJ @roxystriar strong Cara Maria's ego is nauseating... lol
@JanelMcG: @DjJesseJ @roxystriar How exactly did Theresa play a sneaky game? She made a stupid move once. And that's it. That was her game.
@roxystriar: @JanelMcG @DjJesseJ no way she was sneaky the whole damn time! You even heard Devyn say it tonight
@JanelMcG: @roxystriar @DjJesseJ I think this calls for a nice little reunion with Devyn, Theresa, and Cara next week!
@VeryVal13: And @DevynSimone is the only black person left ...
@NotoriousAJM: #gauntlet4 please @BunimMurray @MTV
@AceNichols33: The Challenge would honestly be shit without you @tjlavin! I love your face. Coming to Vegas in November to celebrate my 30th! Must meet.
@tjlavin: @AceNichols33 for sure!
@AceNichols33: Happy that Theresa went home and I like people in the final Challenge. Let's go! #WhoIsTheresa?
@JanelMcG: @AceNichols33 Man I hate it so much. It's not even suspenseful now.. Devyn and Nany have no shot. And Bananas isn't gonna lose to 2 newbies.
@MTVChallenge25: @JanelMcG @AceNichols33 mhm it was never really suspenseful none of of the other 13 girls had chance against Laurel, maybe Cara.
@AceNichols33: @MTVChallenge25 @JanelMcG word! Hahaha
@AceNichols33: Just realized that the final challenge is next week and the recap will be late for that! Lol Vidcon problems.
@TheSteamer: โ€œLaurel wanted to come on this to win games and kick assโ€. Um, is that a problem? #TheChallengeFreeAgents #FreeAgents
@IcedCOfNewYork: Hey @MTVBananas! Thanks for tweeting me back. I would be honored if we can be friends soon? Can we? :)
@Itslluna: Great @afterbuzztv #TheChallengeFreeAgents can't wait for next week! @DevynSimone #MotivationalSpeech
@JanelMcG: So @CaraMariaMTV's cries fake tears and then she accuses @TheresaTime20 of campaigning? No wonder your luck sucks. @DjJesseJ @roxystriar
@Itslluna: @DjJesseJ and @roxystriar have my dream job. @afterbuzztv #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@roxystriar: @Itslluna @DjJesseJ @afterbuzztv I feel truly blessed all of the time :)
@JanelMcG: Great show tonight btw @DjJesseJ @roxystriar I know I give y'all crap for your opinions but I do enjoy hearing them lol @afterbuzztv
@roxystriar: @JanelMcG @DjJesseJ @afterbuzztv were boston kids! We can take some crap-- it's all love!!
@murtzjaffer: So happy I joined #teamlaurel when she first graced a challenge. @laurelstucky is the greatest.
@murtzjaffer: Long live the king @MTVBananas #challengefreeagents
@murtzjaffer: @laurelstucky simply my favourite :)  with the clutch wins, the confessionals and most of all, always being real. So excited for you!!!
@RWChallengeFan: Do these people not know being social is apart of the game, take notes from @DevynSimone she kicks ass in that department
@RWChallengeFan: Love that @NanyMTV is in the finals, bring home the win!!
@TheSteamer: @roxystriar Agreed with your Cara comments. This season was about her, Laurel, and Bananas. They owned it. Cara deserved better.
@CSUAKirk: Time for the #challengefreeagents
@CSUAKirk: Good effort by both guys @RoyLee25mtv  and @TheOfficial_CT  wish it was openheimer tho #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: Glad @RoyLee25mtv  says he's gonna keep going the dude is a great guy #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: @laurelstucky  is a machine plain and simple  great game @CaraMariaMTV  you played your best game ever #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: I like @ZachMTV  and probably a lot of America had no clue where the Andes mountains were guess they going to Chilie #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: The last draw #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@murtzjaffer: Tomorrow at 2 PM EST / 11 AM PST @RoyLee25mtv joins me on the #MurtzShow to discuss  #challengefreeagents @spreecast
@CSUAKirk: @murtzjaffer @RoyLee25mtv @spreecast roylee is the man
@CSUAKirk: @TheOfficial_CT  vs @MTVBananas  III wow #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: These puzzles remind me a lot of fresh meat exiles #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: Hate seeing @TheresaTime20  struggle with these #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: I hope you keep your head up high @TheresaTime20  #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: Like or dislike who's in the final this game was designed for players like @DevynSimone  or @JohnnyReilly_  to be in the final #freeagents
@dc408dxtr: @CSUAKirk @DevynSimone @JohnnyReilly_ It's remarkable right? Two straight finals for Dev, same for Team Portland. Can't believe it myself.
@CSUAKirk: S/o to @JohnnyReilly_  making the final all Portland guys have made a final @TheJayDillinger  @JordanW_usa  #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CSUAKirk: Will be talking with @TheresaTime20  tomorrow 2 PST 5 EST   #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@jdix1990: Not gonna lie I almost cried when @TheOfficial_CT got eliminated tonight #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@jdix1990: Oh and on a happy note I am so pumped @NanyMTV and @DevynSimone are in the final #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@EricC_Official: I'm barely watching #TheChallengeFreeAgents & now I see why #PoorZach was trending today ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
@CardellChris: Awesome hot tub in this new crib!! #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CardellChris: I've come to the conclusion that final challenges start with a kayak race.
@CardellChris: FUN FACT: There are 1,500 active volcanoes worldwide. ๐ŸŒ‹ #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@CardellChris: I'm betting that @MTVBananas and @laurelstucky will win 1st ๐Ÿ†, get the ๐Ÿ’ฐ on the ๐ŸŒ‹
@CardellChris: @tjlavin Great job hosting the challenge they could not do it without you!
@CardellChris: @DevynSimone Great job! Go win that money!!! ๐Ÿ’ฐ
@CardellChris: @NanyMTV Congrats on final! I'm very proud of you and your accomplishments!! You were one of my favorites this season and best wishes! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
@CardellChris: @laurelstucky Congrats on the final! You really are killing it this challenge and best wishes!
@CardellChris: @TheOfficial_CT Sorry to see you go but you rocked this season! Take care!
@CardellChris: @TheresaTime20 Sorry to see you go but you did amazing and I hope to see you on future challenges! You are also very attractive! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
@CardellChris: @MTVBananas #teamBananas Johnny made it to final! ๐ŸŒ๐ŸŒ
@CardellChris: Kudos to @MTV @BunimMurray and @tjlavin for a job well done on one of the best seasons of the challenge!!

> And As I Saw It on #DCNOW
@dc408dxnow: Well, we waited an entire week to see @laurelstucky & @CaraMariaMTV in the same elimination battle, and finally it's game time. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: But first things first, it's @RoyLee25mtv vs. @TheOfficial_CT. The champ from last year vs. a competitor w/ much to prove. Game time.
@dc408dxnow: And it's @TheOfficial_CT who wins this battle over @RoyLee25mtv. And @MTVBananas knows he's in some trouble here. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: It's tough for @RoyLee25mtv to go home early again, but gotta give it up to him for staying classy both winning & losing. See you in Vegas.
@dc408dxnow: Now it's @laurelstucky & @CaraMariaMTV. And you would think Cara is a underdog due to her hand, & Laurel's farthest along here. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: .@laurelstucky comes away the winner, and nothing but silence for @CaraMariaMTV. Mixed emotions for everyone here. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: It's very tough to see @CaraMariaMTV lose, but gotta give it up to her for staying strong all throughout this season. See ya soon Cara Maria
@dc408dxnow: And TJ has told the competitors, they're going to the Andes mountains to contest the final, and perhaps the last mission & elimination too.
@dc408dxnow: #TheChallengeFreeAgents #EliteEight @TheOfficial_CT @MTVBananas @ZachMTV @JohnnyReilly_ @laurelstucky @TheresaTime20 @NanyMTV @DevynSimone
@dc408dxnow: And they've changed venues from a phat house in Uruguay to a river-side cabin in the Andes mountains, and a volcano within sight in Chile.
@dc408dxnow: .@ZachMTV knows Chile is a paradise for those who live for the outdoors, and this might be an improvement over his first final in Namibia.
@dc408dxnow: Now our elite eight is in the wilderness in Chile & now we find out this is the last draw. No mission, straight to determining the #SuperSix
@dc408dxnow: The Draw: @ZachMTV @NanyMTV off to the final! @JohnnyReilly_ goes as well, you're the luckiest guy right now JR. #freeagents
@dc408dxnow: That means @MTVBananas @TheOfficial_CT have a rubber match in Chile. @DevynSimone is safe, & TheresaTime20 & @laurelstucky go for the ladies
@dc408dxnow: Team Portland for the 2nd straight challenge go to the final. I'm so proud I have followed this cast from the beginning. #teamportland
@dc408dxnow: Now it's @TheresaTime20 & @laurelstucky in the last ladies elimination. And it's a puzzle, not like the other eliminations we've seen here.
@dc408dxnow: I thought it would be Laurel, Theresa and Nany for the girls, Bananas, CT and Zach for the guys. This is unpredictable. #FreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: And Theresa is catching up on Laurel after she had an early lead on her, gonna come down to who can get these puzzles down quickly & right.
@dc408dxnow: What can you say about @DevynSimone? Two challenges, two finals. It's pretty remarkable. #teambrooklyn #thechallengefreeagents
@dc408dxnow: And as @TheresaTime20 is struggling putting together those last puzzles, @laurelstucky comes away the winner, off to the final. #freeagents
@dc408dxnow: So tough for @TheresaTime20 to lose, especially with being so close to the money. See you soon Theresa, I guarantee you'll win one of these.
@dc408dxnow: And two straight puzzles, two straight wins. @MTVBananas goes to the final. And @TheOfficial_CT's reign ends. #TheChallengeFreeAgents
@dc408dxnow: With @NanyMTV going to the final, it's 4th time in last 5 Challenges that Vegas XXV has been represented in #TheChallenge final mission.
@dc408dxnow: .@ZachMTV: two Challenge finals in 3 seasons, great bounce back performance from the DQ he had last season in Thailand. #thor #freeagents
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVBananas @ZachMTV @JohnnyReilly_ @laurelstucky @NanyMTV @DevynSimone have arrived for the final challenge. It's time for decide this.
@dc408dxnow: First 3 stages: guy/girl pairs, with partners being traded after each. Last two: individual. And all eyes on the summit. Money: 125/35/15.
@dc408dxnow: They're off and running and as many expected, @MTVBananas @laurelstucky are in the lead, they're clear faves to win this thing.
@dc408dxnow: .@MTVBananas @laurelstucky way out in front, @NanyMTV @JohnnyReilly_ in 2nd, @ZachMTV @DevynSimone in 3rd. Zach/Dev in trouble.
@dc408dxnow: And at the end of all this, @ZachMTV is trying to stay afloat, and so is @DevynSimone. Just the beginning to #TheChallengeFreeAgents final.

With the circumstances of having to table a entire week's recap for what happened at the wall last week, we will kick off theWRAP with episode 10 from a couple weeks ago. And after being sent to the hospital for the night, Cara Maria finds there is a split in one of the bones in her hand after winning over Jessica in the previous week's elimination. Most of the remaining competitors are happy to have her again, but they're concerned of whether she's medically cleared to fight on. Laurel came in to check up on Cara and knowing her time could be cut short. When Laurel asks how she's doing, Cara instantly wants to hear an apology from her for her recent behavior towards her. Laurel doesn't take time to apologize to her, and Cara doesn't want to hear for her as she storms out of her room. And when the group joins TJ, he updates the group of what's been happening to Cara Maria, and tells her that she can stay if she wants. She's obviously relieved but he's warning her that she's staying at her own risk, and that no exceptions will be made.
   For what would be the season's last regular mission before the final, the players are paired off co-ed for Crossover, and offered a preview of what would await them at the final. This required the teams of Zach/Theresa, CT/Cara Maria, Leroy/Laurel, Bananas/Nany and Johnny/Devyn to cross a huge pond and retrieve puzzle pieces buried underground, and repeat the feat alternatively in every trip across. And using those puzzle pieces, they must use them to solve a puzzle. Thor & T.Time have an early lead which they attained for most of the time until they got to the puzzle, where Bananas & Nany would overtake them to win the mission, as Zach & Theresa settle for 2nd and CT & Cara Maria come in 3rd and sending the Detroit duo & the underdogs into the draw.
   As the team with the dibs this week, Bananas and Nany had to decide whether to put in Zach or CT and Theresa or Cara Maria. Some lengthy deliberation would ensue before they decide to vote CT in, with the belief that either him or Zach would beat Leroy and come back regardless. And while both would send CT in for the guys, they are actually split in the girls vote: Bananas votes in Cara, and Nany initially votes in Theresa. That constitutes a tie, and in another twist that certainly everyone up in arms, TJ tells Bananas & Nany that if they can't come into a consensus on which girl they would vote in, than they will be sent into elimination, not everyone else. It obviously shook everyone including me, and that forces Nany to switch up her vote to Cara Maria. Cara gets upset and goes after Theresa who she feels is supporting Nany, and Theresa gets upset as well.
   So, then it comes to The Draw. And before I proceed with talking about this, I did mention last week that I actually had to go to the bathroom in the last 4-5 minutes of the episode, and knowing there was that Challenge Mania special that was on afterwards which I wanted to watch, I literally did not want to wait 10 minutes to do what I had to do, if you know what I mean, ;-). But there, Leroy flips over the kill card again, so he will face CT. And Devyn flips over a blank card, which means Laurel will face Cara Maria in the Wrecking Wall, a game which clearly benefited Laurel and gave Cara a disadvantage considering the injury she had. And then we waited a whole week for it.

And that's where this week kicked off. But before the main event, there was the undercard in the guys' battle between CT and Leroy. Given the strength both fellas have, both guys fly up the wall, but it's CT who goes slightly faster than Mr. Lean Body and CT comes away the winner and Leroy having to deal with another early exit, his 3rd straight after his Rivals final appearance. Then comes Laurel vs. Cara Maria. And given that she's the strongest competitor left among the girls, Laurel just puts up a good pace, while Cara struggles to make holes in that wall, both among her injured hand and her good hand. Laurel wins the battle to notch her 8th straight elimination win, remaining undefeated in the win-or-go-home battle, and ending Cara Maria's winning streak after five straight wins. And after Laurel beats her, she gives her a hug and apologizes, and Cara knows it's for not just her win as they do it on civil terms. Looking forward to what might happen at the reunion.
   This brings back a question I had with the Bananas/Jordan battle: do I think that it was the right elimination game for Laurel & Cara Maria to contest? As it was for what happened there, not necessarily. If they competed in one where there's multiple rounds rather than just one & done - like Oppenheimer or Balls In, than it would've been fairer, and Cara wouldn't have had to deal much with the disadvantage she had on the wall, and would've adjusted more than often than in the wall.
   Then after all that drama, TJ tells the group that they are leaving behind Uruguay and flying to Chile for their final challenge. For Theresa, Nany and Johnny, they celebrate their first change of location; while for the five others who have gone through this before, Bananas, Devyn, CT, Laurel, Devyn and Zach know that when they change locales, it brings about huge battles and adjustments too. The cast flies from Uruguay on the east coast of South America, to the west coast and the Andes Mountains in Chile, and upon arrival at their cabin, the birthday boy Bananas (as we post on Sunday, June 22) spots an active volcano within their view. It's pretty much no coincidence that the end is near.
   Folks who follow The Challenge know that since Rivals, there has been a change of scenics for the final. But fans also know that twists can be expected just before the final, and this week was no exception. I thought that there would be one more mission to be contested to determine who earns the automatic berths into the final, but instead when they all arrive to meet TJ in Chile, all of the Elite Eight will have to earn their way into the big dance through one more Draw & elimination instead. And when Zach, Nany, JR and Devyn flip up blank cards, it's Laurel & Theresa and CT & Bananas who will all have to, as they would say, "win and get in." And it's worth noting that from Cutthroat up until Rivals II last year, the winners of the last very last elimination battle before the final would ultimately carry their momentum right into the winners circle.
   For the last elimination, it's not the Wall again, or Oppenheimer, Balls In or Tug, it's Puzzle Pyramid. And competitors have to successfully complete three puzzles in the shortest time to win. And unlike the last elimination in Uruguay, it gave the four competitors more of an equal and fairer shot to win. It's ladies first in this last battle as Laurel and Theresa go up first, and after Laurel opens up an early lead going into her 3rd puzzle, Theresa, who had been stuck at station 1, quickly closes the gap. Then, it appears that Theresa had completed the trifecta, but she makes a mistake and lost time. Laurel then solves her last puzzle, calls for TJ, and Laurel takes the win & earns her spot in the final.
   And for the guys, it was the rubber match between Bananas and CT. As I wrote in my Rivals II cast memories post last year, we talked about them being part of two famous moments: CT putting Bananas on his back to give JB his last elimination loss, and Bananas returning the favor the very next season on Rivals in the last elimination battle. This time, there would be no physicality involved, though this one was just as nerve wrecking as their last two battles. In a carbon copy of the ladies' battle, Bananas would get to the top first before CT, and then when the Bostonian caught up eventually the Californian would rack up a wire-to-wire win to earn the last spot in the Super Six.
   For that last elimination, do I think it was the right game for it? I won't join in the conversation, as for what I've mentioned a lot here, I'm still new at this, and I don't mind what game they would play. But this season has, just as it was on BOTS2, had the chance to test every aspect of the well-rounded competitor, and one of them is skill and brain. And instead of testing everyone's physicality as everyone wanted for this last battle, they went a different route and dared Bananas, CT, Laurel & Theresa to earn their way into the cash by doing puzzles. So, I'm not surprised that they went this way to determine who would go into the final. For the competitors who win this season, they have to be good all-around, not just specializing in the physical, mental or strategical aspects of it, and also being able to handle endurance and skill, something that will be precedent for the finalists.
   Then, we get to the starting line in the battle for individual supremacy: Bananas, Devyn, Johnny, Laurel, Nany and Zach joining TJ for the Free Agents final. The rules, as outlined by Mr. Lavin, is that it will be a 5-stage affair, with the first three being with a coed partner, and then the last two will be individual. And for those three opening rounds, the partners will change at every checkpoint, which means every guy will complete a stage with each of the girls, and vice versa. It gives the guys cause for concern over being paired with Devyn, but also levels out the playing field to give everyone an equal shot early on before the business end of it late. As always, the cumulative times from each stage will be added up to create the final standings, and the lowest overall time walks away with $125,000 in hand. And for those to collect the $35K 2nd & $15K 3rd place prizes as well, they must complete the final.
   First up, it's a kayaking challenge where all the competitors maneuver their way down a river of white water rapids. The teams are Nany & Johnny, Bananas & Laurel and Zach & Devyn. Being that they are the strongest competitors left, it's no surprise that Bananas & Laurel go off not just with the lead right off the horn, but a huge advantage over everyone else. Nany & JR have some problems in fighting the H2O, but they are maintaining their 2nd place position. Finally, there's Zach & Devyn, who appear to have no control over their kayak and are having communication problems unlike the other two pairs. Z & D are captured going around in circles, going backwards on the river, and eventually their boat capsizes. A rescue raft eventually spots Devyn, but Mr. Nichols is nowhere to be in the water as he is dragged by the rapids. The question now is, will Zach make up time to catch up to everyone else?
   And it's only just the beginning, it should be a fantastic conclusion to this unpredictable season come Thursday, along with the reunion. Now, we're tabling our Winners of the Night for our last SocialPulse post of the season, and we'll be offering some parting shots about the four who came up short of the final in our preview post on Wednesday. But to wrap things up...

We are heading towards that spot where there's no Real World or Challenge to look forward to, but as always I'm not concerned even one bit. I've been occupied in the last two offseasons by some great people who I've talked to from outside the RWC world from other MTV shows. But there's a new RW season to take place in Chicago very soon, the 2nd season of Are You The One? ongoing right now in Puerto Rico, and another Challenge presumptively taking place over the summer.
   And in the MTV world, there's new seasons of Teen Wolf, Teen Mom, Ridiculousness, and new series in Finding Carter and Snack-OffAnd for me, I'm anticipating another new series that will air in that prized spot of following Chelsea, Jenelle, Kailyn, Leah & friends, just as it was with Are You The One? earlier this year. And if all goes according to plan, this might as well become the show this summer that will be worth losing a bit of sleep for.
   On Wednesday before Catfish, I had the opportunity again to welcome a few new members of Team MTV. And guided by hearing about it from my colleague Andrew Kirk on his weekly Challenge recap on SpreeCast, I gave a follow and tweeted my "welcome to Team MTV" message to some of the cast of "Virgin Territory." Here's our conversation as I put them through the initiation process...
- @dc408dxtr: #NF @DJFishhh @KyleDansereau @Lisa_Potts_ @CrazyKeyy @mik_sims @emilyelizabeth of #VirginTerritory, welcome to #TeamMTV. Can't wait for 7/16
- @DJFishhh: @dc408dxtr @KyleDansereau @Lisa_Potts_ @CrazyKeyy @mik_sims @EmilyElizabeth Neither can we! Lots of interesting stories to be heard
- @KyleDansereau: @dc408dxtr @DJFishhh @Lisa_Potts_ @CrazyKeyy @mik_sims @EmilyElizabeth idk how to use twitter yet! idk if im doing this right but thank you!
- @dc408dxtr: @KyleDansereau yeah, I know. Don't worry Kyle, you've got a month to learn how to use this before it all debuts in four weeks from now.
- @KyleDansereau: @dc408dxtr i def need to sit down and have a twitter 101 bc i am so lost and confused on what i am doing!
- @KyleDansereau: @Lisa_Potts_ @dc408dxtr @DJFishhh @CrazyKeyy @mik_sims @EmilyElizabeth on the side note! The full preview was just on!!!!!!!
- @DJFishhh: @KyleDansereau @Lisa_Potts_ @dc408dxtr @CrazyKeyy @mik_sims @EmilyElizabeth Is it awesome?
- @KyleDansereau: @DJFishhh @Lisa_Potts_ @dc408dxtr @CrazyKeyy @mik_sims @EmilyElizabeth scratch that, semi full preview๐Ÿ˜ณ
- @emilyeIizabeth: @KyleDansereau @DJFishhh @Lisa_Potts_ @dc408dxtr @CrazyKeyy @mik_sims @EmilyElizabeth this is craaaazy๐Ÿ˜
- @DJFishhh: @emilyeIizabeth @KyleDansereau @Lisa_Potts_ @dc408dxtr @CrazyKeyy @mik_sims @EmilyElizabeth I just want it to air already! A month too long
- @KyleDansereau: @Lisa_Potts_ im so lost, i never used twitter lol
- @Lisa_Potts_: @KyleDansereau Since you're such an Instagram wizard, I think you will get the hang of it :)
- @KyleDansereau: @Lisa_Potts_ lmao๐Ÿ˜ welll๐Ÿ˜ณ thats easy take selfie n go
- @Lisa_Potts_: @KyleDansereau That's true. Your IG is basically a mirror for you ๐Ÿ˜
- @KyleDansereau: @Lisa_Potts_ ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ hey shhhhhh๐Ÿ˜›

The docu-series follows in the lead of other MTV shows that have tackled the always-popular and thought-provoking topic of sex. And it will look at the lives of 15 young adults from across America, including Kyle, Lisa, David & Emily, as they go through the usual complexities of being in a romantic relationship, and the complicated and emotional decision they all will face of whether or not to have sex or stay being a virgin. And from watching the trailer, it looks like there will be a lot of drama and unique stories that will offer me a sojourn from the madness that I've been through the last six months. We'll be taking a more deeper look at Virgin Territory before its premiere on July 16th.

A few reminders before we wrap this week...
- Andrew Kirk (@CSUAKirk) got the chance to talk to Theresa once again to debrief her time in Uruguay, including that last elimination loss, the last vote in Uruguay and much more: the way, thanks AK for plugging this blog on your recap last week, as always appreciate your support.
- Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) also spoke to Theresa about her stint on Free Agents: Also be sure to listen to his wrap of this week's episode with Ali Lasher @LashTweets on there, and check out for his rankings & his write up on the Reunion which he went to, once it airs.
- Murtz Jaffer (@MurtzJaffer) had the opportunity to talk to not only Theresa, but also Cara Maria as well as they talked about her elimination loss and recapped what was a devastating end to a promising season for CM. Both interviews are at, and with a new season of Big Brother taking place, be sure to follow him on twitter during the season too.
- Reality Radio (@RealityRadioPod) had the chance to talk to Devyn about her unlikely run to the Free Agents final:, along with other things too.
- and check out the blogs of two of my fellow Challenge fans and followers: last week's Fan of the Week, Luis Enrique (@ItsLluna), and the retro running diary of this episode from David J. Bloom (@DavidBloom7) -

And finally, DCBLOG has a casting call for those who went a week few weeks ago to the Free Agents Reunion, which will air after Thursday's season finale. Very shortly, I'll be working my social media contacts to reach out to super fans of the show to give their thoughts for my Reunion Revealed post which we'll have on here a week or two after the finale. I'll be looking to hopefully line up an attendee to complement Bus Drivers Route's post on it afterwards, but I'm also interested in getting additional viewpoints as well so we can present a diversity of viewpoints on here.
   If you attended it back on May 31st in New York, then either tweet. follow or send me a DM to my Twitter @DC408dxtr or for non-twitter users, email me and we'll set things up (i.e. asking for your email privately via DM, ask others if they would want to join in, etc.). We'll, of course, be respectful to MTV to not talk much about it until it airs on Thursday, and then I'll just need to watch the reunion again to write notes and put together the best questions I can ask. I'll then email a form for you to fill out, and you'll have a week of when you get it in your inbox to answer as many questions as you can (which will be anywhere from 25-30 Q's and covering every aspect of the reunion & season that will & won't be seen), but answering all of them would be beneficial.
   As always, the quicker you reply, the faster I'll be posting it. But to meet the exceptional demand & fan interest, I do have a deadline of Tuesday, JULY 15th) for replies to be turned in, so I can have something to post while the buzz is still fresh and to provide a unique, insider's view that fans can't find anywhere else. I look forward to hearing your Fan's View and reveal everything from your Free Agents Reunion experience here on DCBLOG.

As for now, if you're a Challenge fan haven't bookmarked DC BLOG yet, do so ASAP! Coming up on Wednesday, I'll be previewing the final, which will also include for the first and only time this season, my predictions on who will win. Plus on Tuesday, we'll have the story of The Challenge's official clothing provider, Under Armour and how it helped revolutionize the world of athletic wear. And if you missed a tweet or two from the other episodes or want to get caught up, then we have you all covered, with this & all previous editions of DC SocialPulse documenting the twitter interaction plus episode recaps. Links will be in my preview post or by searching this site, keyword "Free Agents SocialPulse."
   With with the Free Agents finale & reunion, the USA's last group match against Germany and the NBA Draft taking place on the same day, it's a good time for me remind you to give me a follow to my live twitter hub, DCNOW at @DC408DxNow. I'll be live tweeting the last week of World Cup group matches on there, along with Catfish and some special retro live tweeting which I'll be doing during the summer, I'll announce which show or event I will do on there on Monday. Likewise, follow my primary account @DC408Dxtr for the usual tweets, chats with fans & followers and Team MTV, and alerts to MTV-related show material & DCBLOG posts; along with my Instagram, also at @DC408dxtr.
   And follow me on Beamly at search "DC Cueva", where you can chat with cast members and other fans about the show and much more, including when the episodes air out east. And I'll be on the Free Agents page after the finale & reunion air out west to do mini-chats with fans and those on "Team No Sleep' to get your point of view.
   Until I talk to you on twitter & back here at the 'Blog, thanks for reading, stay cool and see you then. And to my grandma back in the Philippines, rest in peace.

- DC

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