Saturday, June 25, 2016

DC SocialPulse: Are You The One? Season 4 - "Punch Drunk Love"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long 
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
@DC408Dxtr / @DC408DxNow

The first official weekend of summer '16 is in full swing, and welcome again to DCBLOG's coverage of the MTV Trifecta as we cover the week that was. Ahead in our weekly episode coverage, an eventful week on Rivals III as a fight causes yet another DQ in Mexico, plus two proud men take action in the aftermath of the Orlando tragedies. But first, things are starting to heat up in Hawaii as we're through two episodes of Season 4 of Are You The One?.
   In last week's premiere, host Ryan Devlin gave our new set of 20 singles a twist right out of the gate as they were tested with finding love at first sight and immediately sent three couples on a date without a challenge. After they were chosen and everyone had gotten to know each other, it was musicians Tori and Prosper that were sent to the truth booth with an additional $250,000 at stake, but didn't turn out a match. Meanwhile, a love triangle formed in the house and caused an embarrassing first Matchup at first, but the house can thank their lucky stars that they got three beams.
   This week, the attention turns to that love triangle that formed last week, as when the relationship between John and one of the girls decides to take a turn, and he blows up. Meanwhile, the status of another of the house's couples finds itself in question when a trip to the Boom Boom Room doesn't go as planned. And Kaylen decides to drop a bomb on the house about her relationship with Giovanni that leaves the group with their jaws dropped.

We'll have all the action, reaction and interaction from Episode 2 from Hawaii and the lead-up to it as well as some of the buzz post-last week on Rivals III which we will have its episode covered for you here later tonight. We also have Team MTV's reactions to Game 7 of the NBA Finals, for which after the diary ExtraTime will join an alum of the original AYTO cast and two of her fellow Clevelanders as they celebrate something the North Shore has never experienced since 1964: a championship.

- As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
- Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

A guy from Nebraska loses his mind, a Boom Boom Room trip goes awry, and marriage talk just two weeks in. Join DCBLOG for the 'Pulse of Week 2 of Are You The One? Season 4 - coming up.

> Father's Day Weekend
@AREUTHE1: It's only the second episode and dudes are falling DEEP in love. DIS TEW MUCH! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
@MTVDevinWalker: @WestonBergmann @morbeen4444 @MTVBananas no brains all brawn for me. I just intimidate ppl with my stellar physique. #imabully
@MTVDevinWalker: @samhandler32 @cambruckman @MTV_Chuckalodon been hearing rumors we're creating a super group with @ZAKLONGO as the manager... ๐Ÿ”ฅ
@MTV_Christina: I have nothing but love for "Are you the one". I have nothing but love for everyone, actually. No room for hate in this heart. โ˜ฎ
@CHEYnotShy: over today and it just started.
@CHEYnotShy: Creeping on IG and you like a picture from weeks ago lol ๐Ÿ˜ง๐Ÿ˜ณ covers blown
@AREUTHE1: Bruh ๐Ÿ˜ฒ! Do you think John is trippin or could @JuliaRose_33 actually be his match?
@MTV_Christina: Oh hey, stranger @LaytonJones195 !
- @LaytonJones195: @MTV_Christina How you been? Miss all you crazy people... Haha
-  โ€@MTV_Christina: @LaytonJones195 right! Same here man. I've been great. Come visit SanDiego soon! โ˜€๏ธ
- @LaytonJones195: @MTV_Christina I know I probably should...
โ€@daxshepard1: I just don't know if that's gonna be possible, Morgan. #areyoutheone #NoOneDatHot
- @LyssCait: @daxshepard1 ๐Ÿ˜‚ amazing bc I've been on a parenthood binge the last few days! Thanks for tuning in Crosby!!!
- @daxshepard1: @LyssCait wife and I think you're the cutest (so far, seasons young).
- @MTV_JohnnyDrama: @daxshepard1 @LyssCait ๐Ÿ˜น
@MilleGabriellee: Do people think they see everything that goes on in the #ayto house? Surely mistaken. We're making a tv show you can't watch every move ๐Ÿ™„S
@MTV: Francesca tries to resist Asaf's charm in this deleted scene from @AREUTHE1:
@MTV_JESS: My question is how the ffff do military men snap me? Do they have Mtv ? How do they know me?
- @whaattaafoxx: @MTV_JESS Jess wtf kind of shit is this lol? Just bc someone is in the military doesn't mean they don't watch tv.
@MaybachDiamonds: I just want a girl who will treat me the way a @ChickfilA employee does
-  โ€@ChickfilA: @MaybachDiamonds It's our pleasure! Have a great day, John!
- @MaybachDiamonds: thanks @ChickfilA! you're the best!
@MaybachDiamonds: People want Hillary cause she's not trump and people want trump cause he's not Hillary. Isn't politics silly!!
@A_Bartolotte: Set goals. Stay positive
@blacuesta: I'm at that point of tanning where Idk if I've completely turned into a tomato or if I slightly got some color or if I'm a well done steak
@ayiiia_eliza: ThisJulia chick on @AREUTHE1 is such an attention whore with the #fatass remark.You insulted him first. #doublestandard #annoyinglittlegirls
โ€@ayiiia_eliza: This Emma chick is wifey though ๐Ÿ˜ she's sooooooo beautiful. All delicate and shit. #yum @AREUTHE1
@jenniknapmiller: My mom kept me from the west coast until 2014 because she said she had a feeling Californiaโ€ฆ
@whaattaafoxx: You're so cuteeee!!! @KikiMTV I love your snaps! And that romper
- @KikiMTV: @whaattaafoxx um hello boo we never talk anymore wtf ๐Ÿ˜œ thanks baby I appreciate it!!
- @whaattaafoxx: @KikiMTV Lol I knowwwww we'll catch up soon!
@EikeParis: Even tho I hated her on my season. I've got a girl crush on @blacuesta fo sho
- @blacuesta: @EikeParis Ya dat!!
@bycharlescurtis: How do competitors from @ChallengeMTV train for the insanity thrown at them? The answer:
@t_raines33: I'm thinking about pursuing a career in country music
@banksy878: 50 inch box jump not bad #goals
- @IamAdamKuhn: @banksy878 video
- @banksy878: @IamAdamKuhn I'll get one tonight ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป why you not believe ?
- @IamAdamKuhn: @banksy878 I believe you, that's pretty beast I just wanna see it.
- @banksy878: @IamAdamKuhn I kinda just did it randomly I never really tried for a max but thanks bro ๐Ÿ˜€
@MTVBananas : "@morbeen4444: @MTVDevinWalker is the ONLY AYTO person who is gonna takeover these challenges. He is a mix of @MTVBananas & @WestonBergmann!! Scary..." RT Hey Sergio you might wanna start spending a little less time around open cans of paint.
- @MTVDevinWalker: @MTVBananas haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate. don't be mad i posses all of your best qualities without any of horribleness.
@t_raines33: "@AlyviaSue: Why? Challenges getting to hard for you? โ€ฆ" RT Not at all. When it comes to the challenge, I'm just warming up.
@ChallengeMTV: I know what I'm doing this weekened...binge watching #TheChallengeRivals3 DO NOT DISTURB! ๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ‘€
@CamilaMTV: Come back to meeeeeeee @JennaCompono ๐Ÿ™†๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘ฏ๐Ÿ™†๐Ÿผ
@NanyMTV: Bourbon Street fiesta #NewOrleans
@MTVCoryWharton: Don't  #LosAngeles #California #powerfridays
@MTVCoryWharton: City lights ๐Ÿ”ฎ #downtownla #killion #losangeles #california #bayarea #shotxero @ Los Angeles,โ€ฆ
@tweetatchris: #Thoughts and #Prayers don't stop #hatred and #guns. #Orlando

@AREUTHE1: When a cuddle session goes wrong ๐Ÿ˜ฏ...
@tori_deal: I can't believe another #ayto episode airs in two days !!! ๐Ÿ˜ @AREUTHE1 @MTV
@ohhhfrancesca: I love u guys
@asafgoren1: Sometimes i wish I could fast forward time,just to see if it's all worth it in the end. #missmom
- @ohhhfrancesca: @asafgoren1 zoro is so cute maybe cuter than you?
- @asafgoren1: @ohhhfrancesca we come together as a package..1+1. Just Zorro as a green card and I don't
- @ohhhfrancesca: @asafgoren1 I love you and zoro
@MTVDevinWalker: phones gone im not ignoring anyone. promise
@MaybachDiamonds: Shoutout to everyone who says "big things coming" then never do anything. Good job.
-  โ€@IamAdamKuhn: @MaybachDiamonds big things to come man
- @MaybachDiamonds: @IamAdamKuhn huge things coming dude
- @Tindel10: @MaybachDiamonds @IamAdamKuhn big plans coming up. Stay tuned.
@amazedbykay: "@IamAdamKuhn: I honestly had low expectations but after watching #Areyoutheone tonight I think this season is going to be pretty good.โ€ RT  It's going to be crazy!
- @IamAdamKuhn: @amazedbykay I'll be watching
@MaybachDiamonds: it would be fun to be back on @ChallengeMTV but i didn't try to fuck or fight anybody so I'm not sure if i'll get another invite
@blacuesta: Talk about a glo up ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ high school (2008) to 2016 ๐Ÿ™ƒ thank u dear lord for those prime 8 years ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป @falashaaa
@blacuesta: If you haven't started ur glo up just remember my glo up took a long 8 years. It can happen for anyone guys. Miracles happen everyday.
@BritniNicol: When your love @MTV_Chuckalodon has never watched Dirty Dancing ๐Ÿ˜ฆ๐Ÿ˜ฆ #you're welcome
@MTV_Chuckalodon: I've gone 26 years without seeing Dirty Dancing and tonight that streak is broken thanks to @BritniNicol
โ€@blacuesta: *Nate calls*  Me: what's up   @MtvNateSiebs : hold on wait hold on hold on wait wait hold on hold on hold on   ๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜’๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜’
@blacuesta: When @MtvNateSiebs snaps u while ur trying to take a selfie #Awk #WhyYouBlastingMe
โ€@blacuesta: Seriously best friends goals @MtvNateSiebs #Bestie4Ever
@MTVCoryWharton: I love {weird}the older I get ๐Ÿฝ๏ธ
@ChallengeMTV: .@vinnypigwant & @Dario_medrano_ play fantasy league. This weeks scores are IN!
โ€@CamilaMTV: Apologize for your mistakes, but don't ever  apologize for being yourself.๐ŸŒน
@MtvJess: Set your soul free....
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Photog: "did you bring pants?"  Me: "you must not watch the challenge"  #thechallengerivals3
โ€@CamilaMTV: This goalie though. Holy s*. Seriously saving Austria right now from getting crushed. #EURO2016
โ€@CamilaMTV: And this is how you play defense. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ #EURO2016 #Portugal
โ€@CamilaMTV: Ronaldo's hair though. On point. ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ #EURO2016 #Portugal
@CamilaMTV: WHAT IS HAPPENING #MexicoVsChile Wtf happened to Mexico?!!!!!! Chile is killin it.
@Jnut14: 30ยข richer with these dimes by my side @JennaCompono @briannajulig @CamilaMTV @ChallengeMTV @MTVChallenge28
โ€@NanyMTV: NOLA
@NanyMTV: New Orleans Stand Up #NewOrleansPride #PrayForOrlando
@tjlavin: The girl fights are always awesome
@tjlavin: These dudes are badass!!!
@tjlavin: Best fight in a minute!!! Nice work boys
@CamilaMTV: I just want to surf. ๐ŸŒŠ
@JustJem24: Happy 30th birthday to my angel... I will love you forever Ryan. Soulmates forever ๐Ÿ’™
@ave_tress: Happy birthday Knight!
@CamilaMTV: Happy bday โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’” @Knight_MTV
@CamilaMTV: Being in #NYC makes me miss @DiemBrownMTV so fckng bad. It's not the same without her. Cheers to her. ๐Ÿป
@SamIAmMTV: Move in day was 5 years ago. @MTV
- @AshleyMarieMTV: @SamIAmMTV Wow!!! Haha can we go back and try again?!
@TheOfficial_CT: My UnAcceptable... #unacceptable I invited Paul to a podcast in NYC on Thursday w Dave Portnoyโ€ฆ
@JazMTV: we all know Orange is the New Black comes out tonight. Don't be giving stuff away, I have a baby so I can't binge watch in a day. HahA ๐Ÿ˜‰
@VMilerman: I hope Chile bought Mexico dinner before they fuck them #MexVsChile #futball

โ€@stephenjohnii: Tomorrow @10/9c on #MTV ..#AYTO ep.2 ๓พ“ถ๓พ“ถ
@IAMPMUNA: But Who's Ready for Episode ll of @AREUTHE1 tomorrow!!??!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ It's about to go ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿพ #AYTO #MTV #IAMPMUNA #ProsperMuna
@ohhhfrancesca: @MTV_JohnnyDrama I love u Johnny
@ohhhfrancesca: Despite our differences, one thing the entire #AYTO cast has in common is that we're all fucking psycho. And that's why I love us๐Ÿ‘ช
@ohhhfrancesca: You guys make my life worthwhile. Haven't smiled this much in a few months.
@emmabsweigard: The best part about not wearing makeup is at the end of the day when you're tired & you don't have to get up to take it off
@LyssCait: I love Sunday nights knowing that when I wake up, I'll get to see the new episode before it airs ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ™‰๐Ÿ™Š #ayto
@MTV_Christina: Working hard. Good times to come. #focus
@MTV_JESS: Just found this ... I miss being in caliiiii w my goons ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ  @blacuesta
- @blacuesta: @MTV_JESS Aahahahhahaahhahhaha dying
@MTV_JESS: #happybirthday to my brotherbabyyyyy @primetimesiebs ! I love you soโ€ฆ โ€ฆ
@blacuesta: Happy birthday to my bffl @MtvNateSiebs you're older but not wiser ๐Ÿ˜‚
@MtvNateSiebs: Thank you everybody for all the birthday wishes, love and the support! I'm thankful for another finished chapter.๐Ÿ’ฏ
@BombshellChels: Thanks #AYTO for giving me such a great friend, happy birthday @KikiMTV โค๏ธ๐ŸŽ‚๐Ÿ˜
- @KikiMTV: @BombshellChels Bahaha I love you!!! โค๏ธ Thank you!!
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Happy bday big head! Luhhhhhh ya @KikiMTV
- @KikiMTV: @MTV_TeeBoogie Thank you @MTV_TeeBoogie love you!!!
@Much: The #MMVAs are really, really, really ridiculously good looking thanks to @ZAKLONGO.
โ€@ChallengeMTV: Still can't get over this...๐Ÿ˜ณ
@ChallengeMTV: A look at your remaining teams...we're about to turn things waaaaay up โฌ†๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅ
@NanyMTV: When in Nola...
@CamilaMTV: #NBAFinals #GameofThrones heart can't take this. ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ
@_Kazuhnova: Congratulations Jason you played yourself smh Haha
@_Kazuhnova: Its moments like this that I want to go on a massive Kanye west rant n just say whats on my mind n say my phone was hacked by my alter ego
@dustinzito: It's nice to the the #Ghostbusters movie with a full Girl Cast and not be a chick flick! #youghogirls
@JustJem24: Thank u to everybody who sent me good vibes & love yesterday. Esp @TrishelleC who went out of her way to make sure I was doing ok. I ๐Ÿ’œ yall
@Chet_Cannon: Sad news about Anton Yelchin. He was fantastic. RIP

Father's Day and Game 7
@cohuttaMTV: Happy #FathersDay to the coolest guy I've ever met. I love you Pappa and still wannabe just like you.
@MelindaStolp: Happy birthday to my fabulous mom and happy Father's Day to my amazing dad! Love them both dearly!
@TheMarkLong: Happy Father's Day to the greatest.
@Pratt_MTV: Happy Fathers Day to the man, the myth, the legend. #FathersDay #PrattDaddy
@t_raines33: @_Kazuhnova happy Father's Day homie
- @_Kazuhnova: @t_raines33 Happy Fathers Day to you too playboy
@JennaCompono: Happy Father's Day to the best dad in the entire world, love you โค๏ธ
@CaraMariaMTV: Recently Had to say good bye to one dad... But got to spend time with my other. Happy fathersโ€ฆ
@CamilaMTV: Happy Father's Day! โค๏ธ Wish my dad was here so I could give him a big fat hug. #ripdad I love you.
@MTVBananas: Happy Fathers Day @t_raines33 @DerrickMTV2 @BradFiorenza and most likely @Bruce_Lee85 ๐Ÿšผ #FathersDay
-  โ€@Bruce_Lee85: @MTVBananas Don't forget @vinnypig
- @vinnypig: @Bruce_Lee85 Good look son
-  โ€@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @MTVBananas @t_raines33 @DerrickMTV2 @BradFiorenza @Bruce_Lee85 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@MTV_NellyT: Happy fathers day. Just wanna take the opportunity to spread good vibes and positivity on thisโ€ฆ
โ€@mikethemiz: Wishing my dad...George, George Myzanin (didn't spell it wrong that's the way he pronounces ourโ€ฆ

@erikalauren: Records are meant to be broken.  Happy #Game7 y'all!  Let's go @Cavs #allin216 #Cleveland #thisiscle #cavs
@erikalauren: This whole day has been one long panic fart.  Is it 8pm yet? #Cavs #allin216 #Game7 #NBAFinals
@erikalauren: Just want to take a sec to thank @TOWNHALLOHC for taking care of us all season long!  Best place to watch a game!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Let's do this baby #NBAFinals
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Fan photo bombed  #nbafinals #nba #finals #warriors #dubnation #goldenstate #warriorsgroundโ€ฆ
โ€@MaybachDiamonds: Regardless of what happens: crying Jordan face meme
@TheoVon: Hard to envision the Cavs winning in these jerseys
@erikalauren: Kyrie in beast mode!!!!! #Cavs
โ€@erikalauren: RT if you're having a heart attack! #Cavs #allin216 #NBAFinals
@TheRealNiaMoore: Cavs 1/14 in 3 pointers at the half. They don't stand a chance in hell if they keep that up
@erikalauren: O H I O
@TheRealNiaMoore: Kyrie got the coldest handles in the league tho no lie ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
@erikalauren: Cavs in 7! #ALLin216 #NBAFinals
@TheRealNiaMoore: Some of these fouls against the Warriors are hella questionable tho ๐Ÿ˜’
@erikalauren: Gee thanks for reminding us of our drought lol #cavs
@CamilaMTV: Who's gonna win?? ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€ #NBAFinals   54%Cleveland / 46%Golden State   1,483 votesโ€ขFinal results
โ€@JustJem24: How I feel about Ciara wearing sunglasses inside an arena.
@TheRealNiaMoore: Draymond so MVP right now thoโœŠ๐Ÿพ
@CamilaMTV: This game is making me shake.๐Ÿ˜ฐ #NBAFinals #4thQuarter
@TheRealNiaMoore: These refs literally ruin the game. Let these men play ball wtf man!!
@MaybachDiamonds: It's kyrie vs. nobody else is doing shit
โ€@_Kazuhnova: Let's gooooooo Uncle Drew!!! #Cavs
โ€@tjlavin: Who's winning the game..?
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I'm so fucking nervous  #NBAFinals
@CamilaMTV: I can't with this game. ๐Ÿค’๐Ÿค’ #NBAFinals #Game7 #CLEvsGSW
@jamiechung1: Dying #WARRIORSvCAVS tied game
@MTV_TeeBoogie: OMG LEBRON!!!!!!!!!
@tabron27: This game is about to give me a heart attack ๐Ÿ˜ #NBAfinals
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: I can't to wait to see Ayesha's Twitter after this
โ€@cthagod: Congrats Cleveland y'all need...I mean deserve it.
@cthagod: Can't slander Lebron James no mo. All Lebron slander is finish and done.
@jordancarlos: Marc Jackson has zero rings but talks about what it takes to be an NBA champion #nbafinals2016
@andrewschulz: Warriors. Soft. ๐Ÿ˜Ž
@SteeloBrim: Lebron NEEDED that! For the Legacy. He's one of the greatest ever and deserves. Showed me how much he wanted this throughout this series!
@CamilaMTV: Wow. What a beautiful moment for #Cleveland ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ† #NBAFinals #Game7 #CLEvsGSW
@andrewschulz: My man JR Smith got a ring. Nobody can't tell me nothing anymore.
@NickBrownOnline: LeBron just became a God
@KevinDunn01: That was a great game. Better team won. Congrats Cleveland. LeBron's legacy is complete now.
@erikalauren: MiraCLE on East 4th Street! #Cavs #allin216 #nbafinals #cavswin #nbachamps
@chrisdcomedy: I'm happy for Lebron James. Actually shed a tear and I've only been to Cleveland once to see 90s boy band sensation "Hanson"
@MTVBananas: Happy for Cleveland, but Lebrons still a pussy. #NBAFinals #CavsVsWarriors
@Chet_Cannon: "I'm on the team, too" -Lebron's teammates #NBAFinals
@stephencbuell: And kevin love... congrats bruh
@cthagod: Ayesha Curry really wants Lebron to stop giving glory to her God.
@andrewschulz: Y'all better give Bron his credit now. That's the 2nd greatest player ever.
@AshleighMorghan: I know cleveland is going dumbbbbbb!!!!!!! CAVS!
@TheoVon: The only streak Cleveland had is broken now
@dustinzito: You Did It @KingJames #ClevelandAgainstTheWorld
@CamilaMTV: Yes, you def did give it all you had @KingJames. ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ Congratulations #Cleveland!! #LebronJames #MVP #NBAFinals
@AshleighMorghan: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW! CONGRATS @cavs you beat GS on their home court!!!!!โ€ฆ
โ€@MTV_TeeBoogie: You cannot shit talk LeBron. His performance in the finals speaks for itself. I hope I see some dumbass comments lol
โ€@cthagod: One championship in Cleveland worth those 7 Lebron said he would get in Miami. Congrats to the 216.
@t_raines33: I just witnessed history #NBAFinals
@JLaValle: He's the king for a reason !!! Sick game ! #KINGJAMES
โ€@TAYLORIINA: .is that Usher in the back? He better sit down, you didn't play no basketball Usher ๐Ÿ™„
โ€@TAYLORIINA: Thank god the finals are over I was about to fight Lebron 1d for my boyfriend's attention
โ€@CamilaMTV: I wonder how heavy that trophy is. I think it might be my exact body size. ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ† #NBAFinals #Believeland #Cleveland
@mikethemiz: My reaction to the @cavs winning the NBA Finals. We won! The Miz, The Monsters and now....THEโ€ฆ
@Chet_Cannon: Side note, @KingJames was the only funny part in that Amy Schumer movie #NBAFinals
@AshleighMorghan: I'm emotional.
@realjknoxville: Congrats to the Cavaliers and the city of Cleveland. Also can't wait till @nbcsnl spoofs Doris Burke's monotone interviewing style.๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜‚
@AshleighMorghan: You gotta be from Ohio to understand man, whaaaaaatttttt!
@AshleighMorghan: Cleveland.
@TheRealNiaMoore: You must respect the fight that the @Cavs had in a sudden death situation like a 3-1 deficit.โ€ฆ
@StephenColletti: Congratulations, Cleveland Ohioan. And Clevelanders everywhere.
@AlexPhillipz: King James is the best off all time! #BAD #NBAFinals #Cavs
@AshleighMorghan: I'm sitting in my apartment, crying, WE did it.
@TAYLORIINA: Remember when everyone hated Lebron like.. An hour ago
@AshleighMorghan: We're just so dedicated, this was just the parking lot!! #cavsfans @cavs #cleveland #clevelandcavs
@amazedbykay: I was hoping Cali would take the win for the west but congrats to the Cavs! โœŠ๐Ÿพ #NBAFinals #game7
@IAMPMUNA: Ju heard! #KingJames! ๐Ÿ‘‘ All you bumass golden state bandwagon Lebron Hatin fuck faces!#TheChosenOne #AgainstAllOdds
@AshleighMorghan: Too hype. @cavs #clevelandcavs #allin #believeland #mistakeonthelake #216 #lakeerieโ€ฆ
@erikalauren: Pure joy. #Cavs #allin216 #NBAChamps
@AlexPhillipz: King James is the best of all time and has rightfully taken his throne. #BAD #NBAFinals #Cleveland
@erikalauren: Ian and I on the news freaking out during one of the tense moments! #Cavs
@MTVtrey: Anderson Varejู…o must be sick. Played 11 seasons in CLE, lost the finals last year, gets traded to GS and ends up losing in the finals again
@imalacey: I can't stop #laughing at the "champaign goggles" in the locker room. It's a little wimpy to worry about your eyes burning from celebration
@DerrickMTV2: #Clevland Cavs Tonight,#Chicago Cubs later this year. Congrats to all the ppl that wanted it THAT bad. Especially @KingJames. What a run..
@erikalauren: Tonight I witnessed a miraCLE: โ€ฆ #cavs #ALLin216 #NBAChamps
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Let's down our sorrows #dubnation
โ€@erikalauren: I could seriously watch the last moments of #game7 on repeat! #thecurseisbroken #cavs #nbachamps #onefortheland
@erikalauren: I'm goin down to the @ixcenter to be a part of the madness as the @cavs return home to #cleveland as champs!  Facebook live on @wmms at noon
@TheRealNiaMoore: Lebron was soaked with emotion. The man was crying, smiling, laughing, and celebrating all atโ€ฆ
@mikethemiz: I can't tell u how many times I've said "next year."  Something about CLE makes u believe thatโ€ฆ


@AREUTHE1: Are you ready for some #AYTO?! ๐Ÿ’ฅ
โ€@emmabsweigard: I can't contain my excitement for tonight's @AREUTHE1 episode
- @MilleGabriellee: @emmabsweigard @AREUTHE1 emmaaaaaaa same same same
@emmabsweigard: Your ex is an ex for a reason. If she doesn't want you, find something better. If you don't really want her, let her be. So many games.
@MilleGabriellee: Oh man new @AREUTHE1 tonight!!!! Who's ready๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฝ
@ohhhfrancesca: GUYS. Episode 2 of #AYTO airs tonight๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค˜๐Ÿฝ
@riv_gio: New episode of #ayto4 tonight at 10pm!
@amazedbykay: I am just really happy ๐Ÿ˜
@asafgoren1: Poor is the person who depends on a permission of Others TURN IT UPPPP #AREUTHE1 Today !!!!!!
@AREUTHE1: John is NOT ready to give up on @JuliaRose_33 ๐Ÿ™…! Could he be the Romeo to her Juliet? ๐Ÿ’‘ #AYTO
@stephenjohnii: Are You The One .. Tonight on #Mtv @10/9c ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ”ฅ
โ€@tori_deal: Who's ready for another episode of #ayto tonight !!!! areuthe1 shits about to be lit ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ #Mtvโ€ฆ
@amazedbykay: Yes, it's Monday so you know exactly what that means! #AYTO @ 10pm
โ€@nuhcole11: All new episode of #AYTO tonight!!
@emmabsweigard: We need prayers for tonights episode ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ So. Much. Drama.
@TalkNerdyWithUs: Exclusive Interview with @MTVMorganSt from MTVโ€™s @AREUTHE1 #AYTO  via @ShaMyaVenti @amehmancini
โ€@MikalaThomass: Tonight episode of #AYTO tho ๐Ÿ˜ณ....
@stephenjohnii: #Mondays ... #MTV #AYTO @10/9c ๓พ๓พฎŸ๐Ÿป
@LyssCait: AHHH just watched tonight's new episode of @AREUTHE1 & now I'm just as excited for all of YOU to see it too๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜Ž
@cambruckman: Believe me when I say that you guys do not want to miss tonight's episode! Things get real heated! @AREUTHE1
@MilleGabriellee: Okay so tonight's episode of @AREUTHE1 proves that me & @Victoria_mWyatt are everything. And it only goes up from here.
@emmabsweigard: Good news! Did my hair this episode!
@asafgoren1: Please tell me I'm not the only one Who's Excited For today's Episode of #AYTO @AREUTHE1 @MTV
- @asafgoren1: @MTV @AREUTHE1 addopt me please
@AREUTHE1: At work and all I can think about is what kind of dessert I should eat during tonight's episode.
-  โ€@riv_gio: @AREUTHE1 Classic you @amazedbykay
@amazedbykay: Things get real deep between my #MCM @rivgiov & I on tonight's episode of areuthe1 on @mtv ๐Ÿ™ˆโœจ Beโ€ฆ
@AREUTHE1: Looks like it's getting freaky in the #BoomBoomRoom ...I think? #AYTO ๐Ÿ˜ฏ
@AREUTHE1: Tonight's challenge is going to get a little umm ...sticky ๐Ÿ˜ท! Don't miss a new episode of #AYTO at 10/9c.
@nuhcole11: In my 23 years of life, I've learned 2 things: 1. Be nice to everyone, no matter what. 2. Don't get drunk in a romper.
@amazedbykay: I miss my #AYTO housemates today!
@amazedbykay: It's another epic night of areuthe1 tonight on @mtv @ 10pm ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿ˜œ I can't wait! Are you ready?
@asafgoren1: Some people been surprised that im answering to DM's. So yeah I may also follow back..
โ€@amazedbykay: Get ready for @AREUTHE1 tonight on @mtv @ 10pm ๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ
@AREUTHE1: .@emmabsweigard spilled ALL of the tea during #TalkOfShame ๐Ÿธโ˜•๏ธ
@CHEYnotShy: Ran into @MikalaThomass at the nail shop ! Small world ๐Ÿ™ƒ everyone watch her and the rest of the cast on @AREUTHE1 tonight!!!
- @MikalaThomass: @CHEYnotShy @AREUTHE1 like seriously what are the chances you'd be the one to sit down next to me at the nail salon ๐Ÿ™ˆ
@MtvMagicMike: Can't wait to see @MTVMorganSt drop some savage lines on #Ayto tonight lol
@LyssCait: I just said "do not pick Evan" out loud.. She picks Evan ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: Tonight is gonna be brutal ๐Ÿ˜“ #ayto #atyo4
- @Victoria_mWyatt: @MTV_JohnnyDrama Love you! Don't feel bad about having a HEART and EMOTIONS. Feel bad that some people can't appreciate that!
- @MTV_JohnnyDrama: @Victoria_mWyatt thanks babe love you too โค๏ธ
@Victoria_mWyatt: They will lure you in with the promise of love and a relationship & then drop you the second you show your flaws. Stay away from "they!"
@samhandler32: my true colors, who I am & what I stand for will be seen on tonight's episode ! (๐ŸŒน hint hint) 10pm et on mtv. enjoy!
โ€@LyssCait: I reuse to believe Jordan is a bad guy. #Bachelorette
@ZAKLONGO: I should've won an award for best-looking girlfriend on planet earth #MMVAs ๐Ÿ˜
- @_hannahrathbun: ๐Ÿ™ˆ love u  @ZAKLONGO
@ZAKLONGO: Big thanks to @Much for inviting us to the #MMVAs & everything they have done for me!๐Ÿ‡จ๐Ÿ‡ฆians do it better ๐Ÿ˜˜
@AshleighMorghan: Blasting MGK Til I Die on my way to work. :) #CAVS #CLE
@tweetconnor180: Don't sacrifice your happiness for money, I would rather smile with empty pockets than wipe my tears with hundred dollar bills.
@jenniknapmiller: Shout out to the random gal that took this slick Polaroid @ Morro Bay Beach

@MtvJess: If you want to see me you have to be prepared to have dates and hangouts at a anomalous times like, breakfast dates at 4am can be a thing ๐Ÿ˜‚
@ThomasBuellMTV: GoT was on one this episode!!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: To all of my #thechallengerivals3 girls. I love all you girls so much. @ Union Square, Sanโ€ฆ
@MTVBananas: I need something more than coffee, but less than crack.
@ChallengeMTV: This is the face of Mondays...๐Ÿ˜ซ
@KellyAnneJudd: Hesitant to post this, as I know there are a lot of hotheads who don't want to read what exactly we are asking..
@MTV_Christina: MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Text DISARM HATE to 644-33 ! #standup #vote
@MTV_Christina: Fuck the hate. #lovewins #standup #vote #OrlandoLove
@ChallengeMTV: This is the weirdest challenge ever...What's even going on here? ๐Ÿค”
@ChallengeMTV: Say WHAAAAAAAAAAT?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
โ€@t_raines33: My guilty pleasure of the week #TheBachelorette
- @TaeganP: @t_raines33 mine is "are you the one" lol
- @t_raines33: @TaeganP It should be #TheChallengeRivals3
@t_raines33: Game recognize game, Jordan. #TheBachelorette
@t_raines33: "@DanJ_official: @t_raines33 Would you trade doing Challenge for a chance on the Bachelorette?โ€ RT Not a chance
@MTVBananas: Solar Powered Banana ๐ŸŒž๐ŸŒ #FitChick #BananasDoingThings ๐Ÿ“ท@hannahteter #LakeTahoe
@MTVCoryWharton: You know I got the sauce
@JustJem24: Overheard an older lady say it's more important he kisses your feet daily than your face. The truest statement my ears have ever heard
@TrishelleC: โ€œ@CLAUD_nine_: just finished watching the challenge battle of the seasons and @dustinzito and @TrishelleC totally should've won" RT Agree! ๐Ÿค—
-  โ€@Chet_Cannon: @TrishelleC @CLAUD_nine_ @dustinzito no. I should have won.
@JustJem24: Who gives a shit if he's mad at u. You run this shit not him. If he's mad u can go grab another bae until he gets un mad. #TheBachelorette
@JustJem24: If JoJo is a real chick she'll call her ex & let him have it, in front of ALL the other guys so they see she plays no game #TheBachelorette

@stephenjohnii: One hour till #MTV #AYTO ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฏ
@AREUTHE1: Less than an hour until #AYTO! Let 'em know, @asafgoren! ๐Ÿพ
- @asafgoren1: @AREUTHE1 L'Chaim for my Favorite Show @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @RyanDevlin: @AREUTHE1 ALMOST TIME!!!!
@MilleGabriellee: If I am not fed by the time #AYTO comes on... I apologize now for my #hangry tweets.
@IAMPMUNA: 20 mins til showtime!!! 10/9c @AREUTHE1 on @MTV
@ohhhfrancesca: Aaaaah 10 minutes until #AYTO! I'll be live tweeting the whole thing๐Ÿ˜š
@AREUTHE1: It's about to go DOWN โฌ‡๏ธ! T-Minus 9 minutes ๐Ÿ•›๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•‘๐Ÿ•’๐Ÿ’ฅ #AYTO
@MTV: Get your popcorn ready, it's almost time for @AREUTHE1. #AYTO
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: So to all the future haters I'm about to gain from tonight's episode just understand I'm only human I make mistakes like everyone else.#ayto
@KikiMTV: Pretty excited for tonight's episode ๐Ÿ˜ˆ๐Ÿ˜‡ #AYTO
โ€@riv_gio: Im live tweeting tonight, and periscope tomorrow! #AYTO #ayto4

> AS THEY SAW IT: "Punch Drunk Love"
@AREUTHE1: AYE! The #AYTO party begins NOW! ๐Ÿ’
@nuhcole11: Buckle up it's about to be a tear-filled bumpy ride #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: I was soooo sure @tori_deal & @IAMPMUNA were a match! ๐Ÿ’” #AYTO
- @MTV: @AREUTHE1 @tori_deal @IAMPMUNA still heartbroken over this tbh #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Let the shenanigans begin!!! #AYTO
@schmelllanie: #ayto time!!!!
@nuhcole11: "A little kid that got his bike stolen" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ nice one @stephenjohnii #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Damn, John! Lift your head up โ˜ #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: I've never seen more of an attention whore in my life ๐Ÿ˜ท
@AREUTHE1: I like it SAUCY, not CHEESY! ๐Ÿ• #AYTO @JuliaRose_33 (GIF: โ€œI like pizza, but not extra cheesy.โ€)
โ€@riv_gio: @samhandler32 you fucking Alien. Love you bro!
@AREUTHE1: COME THROUGH, SAMANTHA ๐Ÿ’ ...err I mean @samhandler32! #AYTO
@nuhcole11: Sam and Alyssa ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ #Salyssa #AYTO
@MtvMagicMike: Savage lines so far... @asafgoren1 "feel like it's the opera show" lolol dudes a pimp
@AREUTHE1: Rolled out of bed this morning like... #AYTO
โ€@ZAKLONGO: Love the fake run in to the challenges ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
โ€@nuhcole11: #FunFact @LyssCait was the clumsiest cast member ๐Ÿ˜‚ Always falling down #AYTO
@riv_gio: I picked the wrong time to have dinner! FML
@tori_deal: You guys are so cute @samhandler32 @LyssCait  ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ@AREUTHE1 #ayto
@MilleGabriellee: Literally watching this challenge makes me sick all over again ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท @AREUTHE1
@ohhhfrancesca: Hahahah this was honestly one of my favorite challenges ๐Ÿ˜› #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Time for the first #GetAwayChallenge! ๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ’ฆ๐ŸŒถ๐Ÿ›๐Ÿฎ #AYTO
@BombshellChels: Haha def glad we didn't have this challenge I hate peanut butter ๐Ÿ˜ #AYTO
@nuhcole11: #AnotherFunFact I was so so hungover during this challenge. Worst day of my life. #AYTO
@ohhhfrancesca: "We're gonna lick it like we're enjoying it"- Asaf๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
@nuhcole11: He makes you want to throw up with his cheesiness? Yet you choose him for as your partner for the challenge? (GIF: โ€œHUHโ€)
@nuhcole11: I almost puked just hearing everyone else puke #AYTO ๐Ÿ˜ท
@MilleGabriellee: "Bitch stop it!"
@AREUTHE1: C'mon @Victoria_mWyatt! It ain't THAT bad โœ‹ #AYTO
- @MikalaThomass: @AREUTHE1 @Victoria_mWyatt nope... It was that bad
@AREUTHE1: oooo, y'all NASTY! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Looking at AWL of y'all like... #AYTO
@nuhcole11: First place mother f*ckers! @MTVMorganSt High five partner! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: This is John's DREAAAAAMM! โœจ #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Daddy Morbucks is awesome๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ @MTVMorganSt
@tori_deal: Who doesn't love yogurt ๐Ÿ˜ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: In case you didn't know... #AYTO
@samhandler32: HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL 4!!!
@cambruckman: The tomato paste was honestly the worst out of all the paste! I was gagging the whole time ๐Ÿ˜‚ #ayto4 #ayto @AREUTHE1
โ€@amazedbykay: Tomorrow I'll be telling the story on SNAP (๐Ÿ‘ป @amazedbykay)  about how I sent an ex to the ER because I broke his, you know. ๐Ÿ†
@ohhhfrancesca: YAAAAAAAAY Asaf and I get to go on a date!!! #AYTO
@LaytonJones195: Watching #areyoutheone #mtv I remember when Had to draw a hot air balloon with my tongue in our #Challenge #lighthearted #Lictionary #WonThatChallenge #AndManyMore
โ€@AREUTHE1: Y'all kicked ass, @asafgoren1 & @ohhhfrancesca! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘ #AYTO
- @asafgoren1: โ€@AREUTHE1 When u want to win as bad as you want to go to the Boom Boom Room. Then you'll be a winner ๐Ÿ˜€
โ€@MilleGabriellee: Is this just the dumbest shit you've ever heard or whatttt
@BombshellChels: I've never seen anyone want to go into the truth booth so early and so bad ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
โ€@MilleGabriellee: @stephenjohnii impression of @MTV_JohnnyDrama is amazing!!!!!
@AREUTHE1: The ONLY thing that matters tbh! ๐Ÿ’… #AYTO
@ohhhfrancesca: Thank you Victoria and Camille for being real as fck #AYTO
- @MilleGabriellee: @ohhhfrancesca Any time. Any time.
@MilleGabriellee: You ever get sick of listening to someone lie? #fakeaf
โ€@amazedbykay: I got you guys! Tomorrow I'll announce an hour before I Snap the penis breaking story! ๐Ÿ˜‚
โ€@emmabsweigard: Too nice? Hmmmm ..... John found out thru the grape vine Julia didn't like him, he said screw her, then Julia got pissed and came back. Well
@riv_gio: Cats out the bag now you hairy man @asafgoren1
- @asafgoren1: @riv_gio i gotta keep that body Clean Of Hair, Fats and Donuts
@MilleGabriellee: @MikalaThomass interviews ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ sweetest girl I've ever met
- @MikalaThomass: @MilleGabriellee loveee you๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•
โ€@AREUTHE1: The shade! But I see you @MikalaThomass & Cameron ๐Ÿ‘€ #AYTO
@schmelllanie: @MilleGabriellee you're amazing โค๏ธ keep speaking up - lovinn it ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ  #ayto
-  โ€@MilleGabriellee: @schmelllanie This! โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
@emmabsweigard: John + Julia ... ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ™ˆ @AREUTHE1 @mtv
@nuhcole11: Cameron and Mikala are goals. Look at the way he's looking at her! #AYTO
โ€@BombshellChels: I'm loving @MikalaThomass & Cameron they better be a match ๐Ÿ˜ #AYTO
@ohhhfrancesca: Omg boom boom room... #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Time for a little #BOOMBOOMROOM action! #AYTO
- @asafgoren1: @AREUTHE1 SHave so many secrete to tell..on My Snapchat..
@MilleGabriellee: And then the douche bags come out ๐Ÿ’€
@ohhhfrancesca: Fuck I cannot watch this scene #AYTO
โ€@ohhhfrancesca: I didn't want to fuck yet SUE MEEEEEEEEEE #AYTO
@GlynCoconut: The face of whoever has to clean the Boom Boom Room @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@nuhcole11: Is Asaf a fuck boi?  91%Yes. Duh. / 09%No, he really likes Fran!  137 votesโ€ขFinal results
@riv_gio: "Its like the Oprah show" -said the greatest man ever @asafgoren1 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @asafgoren1: @riv_gio lol it's my favorite show..from the shreeeee haha
- @riv_gio: @asafgoren1 I fucking love you!
@AREUTHE1: Don't leave me hanging out here ๐Ÿ† #AYTO
@ZAKLONGO: @asafgoren1 hahaha you're the best #OprahShow #AYTO
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: Here we go @afterbuzztv ๐Ÿ˜“ @ North Hollywood, California
@stephenjohnii: Whoever has John's bike... Please contact @AREUTHE1 .. He just got it ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @MilleGabriellee: @stephenjohnii @AREUTHE1 ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
 โ€@MilleGabriellee: I mean...I see a lot of you feel my pain  LOL try living it
@LaytonJones195: Lets be honest here the Boom Boom Room is what it is.... It's not the cuddle room! #AYTO #BOOMBOOMROOM #AreYouTheOne #AreUThe1
@ohhhfrancesca: I honestly expected my first Boom Boom Room experience to go better๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜ž #AYTO
- @asafgoren1: @ohhhfrancesca At least i ate a fish Paste for you
- @AREUTHE1: @asafgoren1 @ohhhfrancesca you guys are a mess ๐Ÿ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: Who you running from, @riv_gio? #AYTO
@riv_gio: Fucking sunburn ๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜”
@MilleGabriellee: @MTVMorganSt press A to jump!
@nuhcole11: This date was SO MUCH FUN!! That ball was a blast!! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Time to play with some BALLS! ..whoa that sounded weird ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
- @asafgoren1: @AREUTHE1 Go Hard and almost break ur shoulder, or go home..without almost breaking ur shoulder.๐Ÿ˜‚
โ€@nuhcole11: Morgan and I matched swimsuits on accident! #AYTO #PerfectMatch ?
@MilleGabriellee: @emmabsweigard "it's gon be me!!"
@AREUTHE1: .@emmabsweigard is ready to see John and @JuliaRose_33 go down in ๐Ÿ”ฅ #AYTO
- @emmabsweigard: @AREUTHE1 soooo over them ๐Ÿ˜ถ
โ€@ohhhfrancesca: Literally I was so upset dude #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: .@asafgoren1 is a SAVAGE! #AYTO (GIF: โ€œI didnโ€™t come all the way to Hawaii to find a little sister.โ€)
- @asafgoren1: @AREUTHE1 Because a little sister can't provide me a green card ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@MilleGabriellee: @asafgoren1 just breaking hearts
@tori_deal: Damn @ohhhfrancesca I feel for you after that date girl โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ
@nuhcole11: She wouldn't hookup with you, so now she's you're little sister?? #Next #AYTO
@ohhhfrancesca: That feeling sucks. Literally got friendzoned so hard. #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: #cringe
@tabron27: Not watching #AYTO tonight but posting this in honor of tonight's episode โค๏ธ@MTV_JESS @ohhhfrancesca @stephenjohnii
@BombshellChels: Never heard of anyone wanting to hook up with their little sister ๐Ÿ˜ณ @ohhhfrancesca glad you said no girl lol #AYTO
- @MilleGabriellee: I really love the @AREUTHE1 fans tho! You guys are crazy af!!! You all could be cast ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: Fortune cookie?! John, chill OUT breh! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: I mean maybe some of the "dating problems" are that people don't tell the truth. Which is why they suck at dating ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”
@LuvBenzoGrande: @emmabsweigard reaction if John & Julia isn't a match #AYTO
@ohhhfrancesca: Me rn #AYTO
@nuhcole11: This John and Julia date #AYTO
@asafgoren1: As You can see, I dont think too much. Be4 something.I do &say what i http://feel.Life 's short.People will judge us anyway.Be urself
@amazedbykay: So who you think going in the truth booth?
@MilleGabriellee: Boom. I said it.
โ€@emmabsweigard: MY GIRL @MilleGabriellee preaching !!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@ValennaFans: "John and Julia need to go in the truth both bc they're both idiots!" @MilleGabriellee #spiritanimal #ayto
@nuhcole11: I love you @MilleGabriellee ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚#AYTO
- @MilleGabriellee: @nuhcole11 I love you more nikkkiiiiiiii
@AREUTHE1: ...and the moment we've ALL been waiting for! #TruthBooth #AYTO
@KikiMTV: I know this feeling....times 5 ๐Ÿ™ƒ #AYTO
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV Only once and done for me ๐Ÿ˜œ
@amazedbykay: #AYTO I'm not here to throw shade on other cast mates, we all got embarrassing moments. Don't forget that. Keep it cute ๐Ÿ’‹
@MilleGabriellee: When my mom is texting me her @AREUTHE1 commentary! You know it's real!
@nuhcole11: The moment of truth.... Will Julia and John be a match made in heaven? Or is all hell about to break loose? #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Are John & @JuliaRose_33 a match?! #AYTO   32%Yes / 68%No   281 votesโ€ขFinal results
- @krvb0s: @AREUTHE1 lowkey think they are a match #ayto
@emmabsweigard: Asaf I was already wearing a black tank top. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
@KikiMTV: โ€œ@katfeminoxo: Julia is the @KikiMTV of this season.โ€ rt Why on earth do you think that??
- @BombshellChels: @KikiMTV @katfeminoxo oh god ๐Ÿ˜‚
@PauliesBB18: I really hope they aren't a match. It'd be much more awkward if they were. @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@ohhhfrancesca: If you're not ready to "boom boom", then you're not ready and if the guy isn't okay with that, then byeeeeee #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: I love my #ayto cast mates but damn!!!!
โ€@AREUTHE1: โ€œ. @fifjauregui: @AREUTHE1 wish they were a match so they could leave and Emma could enjoy herself ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„โ€ RT LEAVE @emmabsweigard ALONE! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Cause we really needed a truth booth for these results ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‡
โ€@nuhcole11: NO MATCH!!! OH SHIT!!! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: ACTING ON FLEEK!!
@MilleGabriellee: Someone give this girl an award.
โ€@ohhhfrancesca: Omg John crying I can't rn... #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Aww damn! Two #TruthBooths down, Eight more to go! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: @MTV_JohnnyDrama I love you brother.
@riv_gio: Here we go! Let the drama begin
โ€@nuhcole11: John's poor little heart! Chin up @MTV_JohnnyDrama #AYTO
@BombshellChels: Did they ever even kiss?? Why is he crying ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
@J__Rdz: I know Emma is happy af rn lol #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@ohhhfrancesca: "You're match is gonna be soooo lucky" I'm DEAD. #AYTO
โ€@MilleGabriellee: What pages? What? Where?
@riv_gio: Smh at @amazedbykay with yah nosey ass lol
- @amazedbykay: @riv_gio Boy bye lol I was there for the tea ๐Ÿธโ˜•๏ธ Don't hate ๐Ÿ˜‚
@MilleGabriellee: Kick harder please.
@nuhcole11: I had a front row seat to this argument like  #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: The tears are SO real, bruh ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
@michelledanzig: Dude, it's episode 2 and I'm already drowning in the man tears. @AREUTHE1 #AYTO ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
โ€@LaytonJones195: She not having it bro! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne #AreUThe1
@MilleGabriellee: "What do you feel in here Julia?"
-Nothing. Absolutely nothing
@ohhhfrancesca: "The truuuuth booth woopdie fucking do!" Lmao John you fcking kill me #AYTO
@emmabsweigard: P I love you I love you!!!!! @IAMPMUNA
@nuhcole11: RIP to that wall #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: .@MTV_JohnnyDrama is PISSED! #AYTO
- @DerrickMTV2: @AREUTHE1 DAMN Truth Booth!! It's all that Machine's Fault!
@LuvBenzoGrande: @AREUTHE1 why does John keep crying about Julia, the truth booth says 'Not A Match' move on..๐Ÿ’€ #AYTO
@riv_gio: @IAMPMUNA has a contagious laugh ๐Ÿ˜‚
@Seanlofficial: @amazedbykay 's reaction is priceless: #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Gasp! Omg! Violence in the #AYTO house!!
@amazedbykay: YALL STOP LAUGHING AT ME ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’€ #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: This is why we can't have nice things!!!! ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
@MilleGabriellee: Please preach @Victoria_mWyatt
@MilleGabriellee: @MTV_JohnnyDrama what is violence?
- @MTV_JohnnyDrama: @MilleGabriellee stfu ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@amazedbykay: Uh oh y'all, it's coming! #AYTO
@ohhhfrancesca: Yes Victoria literally my best friend she's real as fuck #AYTO
@emmabsweigard: My two best friends SLAY SO HARD @Victoria_mWyatt @MilleGabriellee
@riv_gio: When #Baelen holds it down and can take care of herself ๐Ÿ˜
@MilleGabriellee: @samhandler32 going in for the kiss
@ohhhfrancesca: Why'd she throw that bowl of salad tho...that's a waste of food #AYTO
@nuhcole11: RIP to that bowl #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: I'm literally @amazedbykay in this moment! #TakeYoAssHome #AYTO
@stephenjohnii: Whoops ๐Ÿ™Š did I do that ๐Ÿ˜
@MilleGabriellee: My brother in law goes "now the show is getting entertaining" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@nuhcole11: @cambruckman Forever being our house bodyguard #AYTO
@IamAdamKuhn: This guy is in love and they have never even kissed?! #areyoutheone
@tori_deal: Girl I'm so mad you threw a bowl full of food! I would have eaten that ! @amazedbykay @AREUTHE1 #ayto lol ๐Ÿ˜โค๏ธ
@MilleGabriellee: Can't even read the other cast members tweets cause dis tew much!!!!!
@AREUTHE1: Walk away, @MTV_JohnnyDrama! JUST AWAY! #AYTO
@riv_gio: Why they got me walking around in my draws like that! Lol yah foul
@AREUTHE1: Did y'all catch @samhandler32 kissing @MTV_JohnnyDrama tho?! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
- โ€@LyssCait: @AREUTHE1 @samhandler32 @MTV_JohnnyDrama lmfao why Sam.. Why
- @MTV_JohnnyDrama: @LyssCait @AREUTHE1 @samhandler32 because that's what friend do Lyss ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ
- @MTV_JohnnyDrama: @AREUTHE1 @samhandler32 honestly thats what friends are for @samhandler32 thanks for loving me at my worst buddy ๐Ÿ˜˜โค๏ธ
@ohhhfrancesca: Is someone gonna explain why Sam's nails are painted ... ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
@emmabsweigard: Hold on. Why is Julia blaming all of this on the truth booth? Why can't he be real with John and say how she feels? Confusing.
@BombshellChels: I remember our second match up , we lost 250k ๐Ÿ™ƒ #AYTO
@nuhcole11: Gentlemen's choice! Ow ow! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Square never happened?
@AREUTHE1: Why you playing games, @MTVMorganSt?! #AYTO
- @MTVMorganSt: @AREUTHE1 Life's a dirty game, you gotta play dirty to win it
- @MTVMorganSt: @AREUTHE1 that face you make when you look at a math problem in class and have no idea
- @amazedbykay: @AREUTHE1 @bruhitsstyles @MTVMorganSt why Gio neck bigger then his head? ๐Ÿค” lol
@ohhhfrancesca: John literally showed up to matchup in a SWEATSUIT that night bc he did not give a fck๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Why did this episode go by so fast?!?
@MTVMorganSt: Always trust the man in the suit. ๐Ÿ˜Ž@AREUTHE1
@amazedbykay: You guys are the loves of my life! I haven't laughed so hard in my life! Thank you for the support! But @MTV_JohnnyDrama & I are GOOD!
@AREUTHE1: This was @MTV_JohnnyDrama on the inside #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: "Boo bear" ๐Ÿ™ˆ #goals @MikalaThomass
@LuvBenzoGrande: @AREUTHE1 there's only 15 minutes left in the episode, what the hell #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Leave it to Daddy Morbucks to fuck shit up!
-  โ€@asafgoren1: @MilleGabriellee im the hebrew (heart) breaker
@amazedbykay: @MTV_JohnnyDrama & I were day ones, still are! He was upset, I was upset that he was tripping on us & not her. So I reacted to his reaction
- @MTV_JohnnyDrama: @amazedbykay and now she's my fucking girl
@nuhcole11: Morgan and Alyssa?? I can honestly say no one saw that coming #AYTO
@emmabsweigard: We wasted a truth booth because Julia couldn't tell John to his face that she didn't like him. ๐Ÿ™„ She had to use the truth booth. UGH!!!
@amazedbykay: Two wrongs don't make a right! But, we def made up 15 MINUTES LATER! Like two big babies โฃ@MTV_JohnnyDrama knew he messed up lol
@emmabsweigard: Prosper is so cute! @IAMPMUNA โœจ
- @IAMPMUNA: @emmabsweigard ๐Ÿ˜š
@nuhcole11: That blue really suits you @samhandler32 ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿผ #AYTO
@heyyy_tay_tay: WHY WOULD HE PICK ALYSSA ?? BOI. You messing up the game with this random ass choice. #AYTO
@loher5: Is it just me or do Cameron and Mikayla remind y'all of @amberleeMTV and @EDiamond007?? ๐Ÿ˜ #AYTO
@Yariimar7: @samhandler32 and his blue nails lol That dude is hilarious! #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: โ€œ@BabyRachaell: @AREUTHE1 I think Morgan looks like Johnny bravo.. No?? โ€œ rt I might have to agree ๐Ÿ˜ซ #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Always wanted to commentary when I was younger. Clearly my thing!
@emmabsweigard: You're MY boo bear!!!!!!!! @MikalaThomass ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿฆ„๐Ÿฆ„
@amazedbykay: Thank you to all you beautiful spirits who are here for me & @riv_gio ! You guys are everything! ๐Ÿ’› I mean that! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Some of this cast should have went on @DatingNaked because clearly that's what they're good for ๐Ÿ™Š
@riv_gio: Smooth move @samhandler32
@nuhcole11: And Sam swoops in on his horse like a knight in shining armor! ๐ŸŒบ #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Tomorrow stay tuned for my blog about tonight episode! You'll get all the details on me & @MTV_JohnnyDrama mishap & me & @riv_gio alone time
@allyjefff: Okay @LyssCait & @samhandler32 are goaaaalz ๐ŸŒน
โ€@tori_deal: Thank you for picking me tonight ๐Ÿ˜™ @stephenjohnii  #ayto
- @stephenjohnii: โ€@tori_deal You know it ๐ŸŒน
@AREUTHE1: This was such an adorable moment ๐ŸŒน @samhandler32 & @LyssCait ! #AYTO
@nuhcole11: Did Kay just say marriage!?! ๐Ÿ’ #AYTO
@BombshellChels: Y'all know @amazedbykay must be putting it down if she's got him already talking about marriage ๐Ÿ˜œ #AYTO
- @amazedbykay: @BombshellChels GIRL ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜ฉ Don't get me started!
@AREUTHE1: WHOA!!!!!! ๐Ÿ’ #AYTO (GIF: โ€œHeโ€™s Talking About This Fingerโ€)
@amazedbykay: @samhandler32 SO ROMANTIC! ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐ŸŒน
@riv_gio: #TakeNotes
@emmabsweigard: I had two milkshakes today and hot Cheetos. Monday's are cheat days.
@nuhcole11: Obviously they saved the best for last! ๐Ÿ˜ #AYTO
@LaytonJones195: Marriage! #AYTO #AreYouTheOne #AreUThe1
@ohhhfrancesca: Already talking marriage well damn #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: That would kinda really suck**** @nuhcole11
โ€@riv_gio: @lovejae23 @amazedbykay mom and dad
@nuhcole11: "That would kinda suck..." No hard feelings @MTV_JohnnyDrama ๐Ÿ˜˜ #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: I'm all about them beams! How many do you think they'll get?! #AYTO โ˜„  64%1-3 / 32%4-5 / 03%6-8 / 01%9-10   302 votesโ€ขFinal results
@ACTUALLYDOMINIC: Ryan: "Nicole... What if... John's your match?"   Nicole:   #AYTO
@LaytonJones195: 1 Beam #AYTO #AreYouTheOne #AreUThe1
@amazedbykay: Y'all make me wanna meet up with everyone of you & hug you๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ˜
@MilleGabriellee: So clearly my stank face was for a reason but you'll have to read my blog tomorrow to find out why!
@AREUTHE1: Get you a man who can do both! #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: @asafgoren1 ouch
โ€@stephenjohnii: Will this be the blackout? #MTV #AYTO
@MilleGabriellee: Thank God this episode is over lmao
โ€@emmabsweigard: โ€œ@NikkiB077: "If we blackout I'm gonna blackout"- @emmabsweigard coming in hot with the quality one liners #AYTOโ€ RT I think I'm the one liner QUEEN this season.
โ€@AREUTHE1: Good job guys!!! #AYTO
- @MilleGabriellee: @AREUTHE1 nah
@asafgoren1: Your Favorite Couple So Far...  54%Kaylen&Gio / 26%Mikala&Cam / 20%Sam&Alyssa   679 votesโ€ขFinal results
@MilleGabriellee: "Oh shittttttt we in thiss!!!" #ayto
@nuhcole11: 3 beams again!! Man we're kinda really good at this game!! #AYTO
@ohhhfrancesca: 3 Beams!!! Again...But not bad! #AYTO
@LaytonJones195: 3 Lights was the best possible outcome! #AreYouTheOne #AYTO #AreUThe1
 โ€@EDiamond007: Amber and I have to turned into late night #ayto junkies thanks to @mtv and #ayto
@BombshellChels: Dear season 4 you're definitely a lot better at these match up ups than we were last season ๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
- @RyanDevlin: @BombshellChels TRUTH
- @schmelllanie: @BombshellChels I second this.
@MilleGabriellee: Well guys that was fun!
@Brisxyda: I got the info down from tonight๐Ÿ˜‹ @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@nuhcole11: Having to wait another week for a new episode... #AYTO
@niyaleem: @AREUTHE1 I swear @amazedbykay and @riv_gio better be a match because if they are not I won't be able to watch this show with out crying.
@ohhhfrancesca: LMAO yes they snuck that whip in there๐Ÿ˜‚ #AYTO
@24Levine: When you take @AREUTHE1 so seriously ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป #AYTO
@ohhhfrancesca: Thank you guys so much for being so supportive of me. Despite everything, Asaf & I made a strong connection & this is only the beginning๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’˜
@Victoria_mWyatt: I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. Thanks for making me laugh!
@stephenjohnii: Now who is hype for @AREUTHE1 next week ?? ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
@EDiamond007: How I feel when I watch #ayto matchup ceremonies every season
@nuhcole11: The amount of love I feel from you all tonight is amazing!! Until next week, love ya long time! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป #AYTO
@cambruckman: I chose Julia because John was my friend in the house and I was the only one he was ok with her sitting next to! We didn't want more drama!
- @MikalaThomass: @cambruckman hahah I love you cam ๐Ÿ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: Here's a deleted scene from tonight's episode! The cast was ๐Ÿ”ฅROASTING๐Ÿ”ฅ @MTV_JohnnyDrama! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ
- @emmabsweigard: @AREUTHE1 "We were both born on Earth" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ "John JR." ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @nuhcole11: @AREUTHE1 ๐Ÿ™Š๐Ÿ™ˆ
-  โ€@MTV_JohnnyDrama: @AREUTHE1 I completely understand where they are coming from. @MTVMorganSt @nuhcole11 @asafgoren1 @ohhhfrancesca
- @ohhhfrancesca: @MTV_JohnnyDrama lmaoo but we love u

@MTV_TeeBoogie: Out the office! Let me go see what fuckery these AYTO people did this week lol
@amazedbykay: "@24Levine
QUESTION: @amazedbykay @riv_gio if y'all aren't a match is the wedding still on? #AYTO #wewantanswers @AREUTHE1" RT Sway don't have the answers ๐Ÿ™ˆ Stay tuned
@samhandler32: ๐ŸŒน ma lady @LyssCait
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: In @afterbuzztv studios interview for areuthe1 @ North Hollywood, California
@emmabsweigard: Slaying. Mixed children???? Yes please
@hbarfield13: If you love, love hard. Loving hard can teach you so many valuable life lessons. I promise you will grow as a person from loving hard!
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @hbarfield13 HALLMARK HUNNER!!
-  โ€@hbarfield13: @MTV_TeeBoogie damnnnnnn Hunter back at it again with the hallmark speech!
- โ€@MTV_TeeBoogie: @hbarfield13 I used to roll everytime you started lolol I knew I was gonna be enlightened ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @hbarfield13: @MTV_TeeBoogie I'm like a philosopher of love even though I suck at it ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @hbarfield13 you got me doe boo ๐Ÿ˜˜
- @hbarfield13: @MTV_TeeBoogie for lyfe ๐Ÿ˜‚โค๏ธ
โ€@hbarfield13: No one I mean no one can take away the love you have for someone or something! Love to a fault, because love is eternal!
@hbarfield13: Don't use any physical traits to try to gain advantage in this life. Instead use your pure spirt. Watch just how rich your life becomes!
@MilleGabriellee: SN: I wonder what's gonna happen next week!! @AREUTHE1
@MilleGabriellee: I'm so weak!!!!!!!
@MTV_TeeBoogie: @emmabsweigard ohhhhh. Advocate of interracial. High fuckin five
- @emmabsweigard: @MTV_TeeBoogie You already know ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @emmabsweigard giiirllllll.  Come slide through the crib. I got ramen and Netflix ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @emmabsweigard: @MTV_TeeBoogie I got hot Cheetos and Bachelorette on !!!!!! @JoelleFletcher is bae !!!
- @MTV_TeeBoogie: @emmabsweigard Lolol haven't seen not one episode ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜… since it was made. Break thy cherry dear ๐Ÿ––๐Ÿฟ
@MilleGabriellee: You guys are cracking me up on here and snap!!! Just read my thoughts in the morning. I'm too tired from this shhhhhh
@MilleGabriellee: I really love the @AREUTHE1 fans tho! You guys are crazy af!!! You all could be cast ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
@MilleGabriellee: I need to go to bed and I'm still reading your tweets ๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น bahhhhh
@MilleGabriellee: Another day where I'm grateful to heaven for being so kind to me and blessing me with saints to slay with @emmabsweigard @Victoria_mWyatt โค๏ธ
- @emmabsweigard: @MilleGabriellee @Victoria_mWyatt love love love love you guys
โ€@amazedbykay: Check out these DELETED SCENES ๐Ÿ˜‚
@LyssCait: Anyone else notice @samhandler32's nails painted to match mine? ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿฝ Too bad we didn't lock-in together ๐Ÿ˜ž #salyssa forever
@MilleGabriellee: You ever hear someone's voice in your head and it makes you wanna gauge your eyes out ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Lmao. I just got out the shower and was staring at my ๐Ÿ† like DAYUM kid ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
-  โ€@amazedbykay: @MTV_TeeBoogie ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ˜‚ I'll be telling the story on snap tomorrow
@MilleGabriellee: I just wanted to say heyyyy๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹ to all the fake ass people that used to talk shit about me but love me now ๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ˜š๐Ÿ˜š  #youdabest
@amazedbykay: Would you like to see me on @ChallengeMTV ? ๐Ÿค”  91%YES / 09%NO   131 votesโ€ขFinal result
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Lmao @tweetconnor180. He is totally comfortable using the old 1985 emojis in texts " ;) , :) , etc " ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
- @tweetconnor180: @MTV_TeeBoogie lol
-  โ€@MTV_TeeBoogie: @tweetconnor180 please don't beat me up sir. I sowwy lolol ;)
-  @tweetconnor180: @MTV_TeeBoogie I'm gonna fight you ...: with hugs
- @BombshellChels: @tweetconnor180 @MTV_TeeBoogie awww you two ๐Ÿ‘ฌโค๏ธ
- @tweetconnor180: @BombshellChels @MTV_TeeBoogie love you match
โ€@MTV_TeeBoogie: @tweetconnor180 please don't beat me up sir. I sowwy lolol ;)
@stephenjohnii: How @Drake reacted to me in preview of next episode of @MTV @AREUTHE1 ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
@hbarfield13: โ€œ@anniebelle18: @hbarfield13 did you think you were in love with any one on the show after two weeks ? You seem to have a good head on your shoulderโ€ RT We had ten beautiful women on our show, after week 2 I was still learning personalities so no I couldn't be in love
โ€@MTV_AMANDAG: Y are all these guys cryin? If they are tryin to be on nxt szn I hope they kno its called the BACHELOR not the BITCH-LOR๐Ÿ˜‚ #TheBachelorette
@riv_gio: "@katieviel1
is it bad that I want @riv_gio to actually marry @amazedbykay THEY ARE SO CUTE ๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’" RT Kaylen Zahara Rivera has a ring to it
@stephenjohnii: Goodnight world ๐Ÿ’ค๐ŸŒŽ
@amazedbykay: It's happening West Coast! 2min #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Who do you guys think is going to win this challenge? #AYTO
@amazedbykay: Who do you guys think is going to win this challenge? #AYTO
@amazedbykay: I knew @tori_deal was using yogurt as lube ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ
- @tori_deal: @amazedbykay Lol !!! The things I wish I never revealed about myself to @LightheartedTV lmao
@amazedbykay: I love how @AREUTHE1 commercials are played on @VH1
@emmabsweigard: Bitch stole my look!!!! @stephenjohnii :) #bandanastyle
@LaytonJones195: They wouldnt stand a chance! Bring in the real competitors! I would bring something the never seen! #TheChallenge
@amazedbykay: Take Notes ๐Ÿ˜‚ I can't stand you @riv_gio
โ€@MTV_JohnnyDrama: Honestly @amazedbykay I love you girl you are such an amazing friend I'm so glad I have the privilege of having you in my life!!!
- @amazedbykay: @MTV_JohnnyDrama I love you more! I'm so happy to have you in my life as well! You know I always got your back! โฃ
- @MTV_JohnnyDrama: @amazedbykay I know you do Kay and you know I'll always be there for you no matter what! Whoever messes with you messes with me. #ayto
- @amazedbykay: @MTV_JohnnyDrama thanks Johnny! โฃโœจ
@amazedbykay: @riv_gio just called me PETTY LABELLE! ๐Ÿ’€
โ€@amazedbykay: So accurate! He is so smart! ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ˜‚
@LyssCait: Who thinks there would have been a 4th beam of light if we sat together?! ๐ŸŒน #ayto
@riv_gio: Somebody buy me a ticket to Cali so I can visit #PettyLabelle herself @amazedbykay
@amazedbykay: So what did you guys think about tonight's episode?! ๐Ÿ™ˆ Tag 3 friends who think me & @rivgiov areโ€ฆ
@MikalaThomass: Thank you @MTV_JohnnyDrama for clearing up the fake ass situation on @afterbuzztv  ๐Ÿ™ˆ
@amazedbykay: Y'all can't even handle me tweeting John ๐Ÿ˜ฉ๐Ÿ˜‚
@LyssCait: "Hey Alyssa, I had leftover pizza in the fridge last night, have you seen it?"
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: Love you my man @riv_gio hope everything is going well for you! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ’ฏ
- @riv_gio: @MTV_JohnnyDrama you too brother! Ill be on periscope tomorrow telling the world about the real John. Who apologized and has a huge heart!
- @MTV_JohnnyDrama: s@riv_gio bro that means so much to me! I really hope you come to LA soon it would be bomb to see you brother!
- @MTV_JohnnyDrama: @riv_gio bro I'm on it ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @amazedbykay: @MTV_JohnnyDrama @riv_gio same here, my blog & periscope will be explaining everything.
- @riv_gio: @MTV_JohnnyDrama ill be there soon. Gonna start a gofundme lol to reunite me and Kay ๐Ÿ˜‚
- @MTV_JohnnyDrama: @amazedbykay @riv_gio I honestly couldn't ask for better friends to have in my life. It's truly such a blessing.
@stephenjohnii: It wasn't over.... And it still isn't over ๐ŸŒน
@Victoria_mWyatt: I'm a little insane but all I want is someone to not give up on our want to grow together.

@MTVCeeJai: Bless you..... Yeah, you๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ
โ€@JustJem24: Pay close attention to the particular thoughts you use to deprive yourself of happiness
@JustJem24: Grew up with guns in my house. Guns in my dad's vehicles. Guns everywhere. I understand guns & I don't believe they should be everywhere.
@JustJem24: You people who love your guns so much should have to sit down with the family members of #columbine #sandyhook #orlando. I can keep going
@JustJem24: The easy access to purchasing a gun & the type of guns available to purchase are problems, how does every American not see this?
@Nicky_Showtime: I'm like that one kid in your high school that's kinda cool...but thinks death metal is good music and rides the short bus.
@Nicky_Showtime: Sometimes I feel really smart, but the I turn off MTV and I feel dumb again.

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So, our first love triangle of this season has been settled as far as what the science has to say, as John and Julia were sent into the Truth Booth, emerged as a non-match and sent John into a state of frustration with a hole in the wall being the most notable casualty. We saw Asaf and Francesca go on a date and head into the Boom Boom Room, but that trip to Poundtown didn't turn out as well as they had hoped. And we saw Giovanni not only pick Kaylen at the second matchup but also reminded her to keep that finger open for a wedding ring, which left everyone amused.
   In the end, they are unchanged at this pace with three beams, but at this early part of the season, that's not bad. Safe to say, this Season 4 cast is playing this game better than last year's cast, and we know what happened to them at this very point when they blacked out. We'll recap this episode for you, as well as the happenings down in Mexico, on DC WRAP on Monday.


Sometime here in our Summer of Sports, we'll have a special post offering a look on what happened on Father's Day night when the seemingly impossible happened in Oakland, and what led up to what is so far the sports story so far in 2016. And if we thought the comeback Devin and his AYTO Season 3 cast pulled off was incredible, it's JV compared to what LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers pulled off on the Golden State Warriors and win the NBA title after being down 3-1 --- the first team to do so. For one of those Northeast Ohioans who had endured so much heartache and frustration over the past 52 years, this is a once in a generation event that has united all of the North Shore.
   When I wrapped up my DCNOW live tweets of Game 7 of the NBA Finals last Sunday, I thought of people from the Cleveland area who I'm sure were celebrating this very title: retired Cavs radio announcer Joe Tait, longtime Cleveland weatherman Dick Goddard, and three members of Team MTV who come from the nation's 19th-largest TV market and now what it's like to be on top of the world.

โ— First, there's a member of the first Are You The One? cast who comes from the town where LeBron grew up and calls home once again in Akron. June 19, 2016 now joins that March night two years ago when Ashleigh and her original cast basked in the glory of winning that $1 million. When we met her she was that total package who's gorgeous and down to earth, but had become attracted to low-lives before going to Hawaii. While everyone else in the house was making headlines, she was one of the few who had a supporting part in that first season in not having much screen time. But Ash was part of the final outcome when she & JJ were the last to lock in in, what turned out to be, the last matchup of the only AYTO season that's seen its cast win in less than ten tries.
   She moved out from Ohio to L.A. after that season to pursue her lifelong ambitions of acting and modeling, but she kept true to her roots in following the Cavs during this improbable title run. Her reactions from social media went something like this...
@AshleighMorghan - IG: "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH IM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW! CONGRATS @cavs you beat GS on their home court!!!!!"
@AshleighMorghan - TW: "I'm emotional. You gotta be from Ohio to understand man, whaaaaaatttttt! I'm sitting in my apartment, crying, WE did it."

And it's as if this was her destiny for her Cavs to finally have this championship moment: she also appeared in a TV commercial for the team as well during last year's playoffs.

Erika (2nd from left) with co-hosts
Bill Squire, Alan Cox & Cody Brown
at WMMS (credit: @BillSquire)
โ— Second: Last week, we discussed Real World alums now entertaining people through the intimacy and power of local radio, and one of them was Erika of Real World D.C. As her station, Cleveland's WMMS, serves as co-flagship station of the Cavaliers Radio Network (alongside sister station and AM giant WTAM), it's no surprise that Erika, one of the co-hosts of The Alan Cox Show on the rock station, has done her part in the station's role as FM home of the team. Erika offered her live tweeting of the series on her twitter hub @ErikaLauren and also on the station's twitter account too. A viewer in the Cleveland area even spotted Erika and her boyfriend on the local postgame show on ABC affiliate WEWS at one of the many viewing parties around town when they celebrated their title last Sunday.
   When the team arrived back in Ohio on Monday, Erika was at the airport to welcome the team back, and she had a moment with the hometown man once reviled for his decision but is now a hero for reversing the 52-year championship curse - all of that you can check out on the WMMS site here. And while the victory parade took place outside their studios on Wednesday, Erika unfortunately had to go to work but did get to talk to the city's other world champion - UFC Heavyweight Champion Stipe Miocic on the Cox show that same day.

โ— And third, there is the most famous Clevelander in the Trifecta family and, of course, we had to save him for last. Fifteen years ago this summer, we were introduced to Mike The Miz on Real World Back to New York, and so began a ride that's taken him from doing that season with Coral and then do five Challenges to get to where he is now. With that persona that made him famous, The Miz made the jump into the world of wrestling after that RW: from Tough Enough runner-up and the regional scene, to the WWE in becoming one of its most well-known personalities. The Miz has won several WWE titles as world heavyweight, tag-team and intercontinental champion since he entered the promotion, and is the reigning secondary champion. And he's now added movie star to his resume with being part of WWE Studios' The Marine franchise.
   It was no surprise that given his Cleveland roots, Mike was rooting for his hometown Cavs to take the title and like so many was overwhelmed at that moment the final buzzer sounded in Oakland. His reaction video from Instagram is embedded below, while his accompanying montage pic reads, "I can't tell u how many times I've said "next year." Something about CLE makes u believe that no matter how many people say ur team will not win u just still believe they can. Probably why we call it Believeland. We believe anything can happen at any given moment. And the wait is finally over. The Moment was last night. Thank you @kingjames @cavs we are #Champions #AllInCLE"

This is the Crรจme de la crรจme of a run of sports fortune for Cleveland after all these years of futility, with Miocic lifting the title in KO fashion over Fabricio Werdum on the same night an ESPN 30 for 30 film on Cleveland - Believeland aired (cameras were at the parade for an updated ending to the film that will air next month); while the Lake Erie Monsters returned the Calder Cup - the title of the American Hockey League - to Cleveland just a week before the Cavs' shining moment.
   Last year, the 37-year drought of a horse racing Triple Crown winner was broken by American Pharoah, and both Boston and Philadelphia snapped long city title droughts earlier this decade, most notably the Red Sox reversing the curse twelve years ago also in comeback fashion. Who knows, another title drought could come to an end this year. Cubs or Indians next, perhaps?

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That will do it for the Episode 2 edition of the AYTO4 'Pulse, but our weekend here is just starting up. Later tonight, the Pulse of an explosive Episode 8 of The Challenge Rivals III, plus later here the WRAP and perspective on the events of that episode. But most especially, we'll be providing a look at how two men, who are proud to be who they are this weekend, are remembering the victims of the Orlando tragedy and to take action on gun control. And in the coming week, a special dedicated edition of ExtraTime will look back at the very first Rivals season that premiered five years ago.
   In the meantime, DCNOW @DC408DxNow has a big night of live sports coverage starting soon, with Keith Thurman and Shawn "Showtime" Porter squaring off in a welterweight title bout in Brooklyn, while the U.S. National Team plays Columbia in Copa America, and the Olympic Trials for Men's Gymnastics take place in St. Louis. Follow all of these events at my live twitter hub coming up later.
   For now thank you for reading, and be sure to rejoin us later tonight when DCBLOG's coverage of the MTV Trifecta continues. See you soon.


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