As you prepare for what happens tonight in Mexico, welcome again to DCBLOG as we review last week on Rivals III. Last week, we saw the teams strip down in the Mexican heat at the end of a grueling mini-final that separated the big dogs from the others in Bananas & Sarah winning. But we also had some controversy as the mystery behind a simple token saw Camila & Tony get caught cheating and being demoted down into the Jungle and sparing Nate & Christina. We also saw Vince and Thomas get into words, but also saw Tom get bad news from back home that, rightfully so, put family and health ahead of being in this Challenge and denied an elimination confrontation between Camila and the team the Power Team voted in, Nany & Wes.
Ahead, a recap of last week, our Winners List, the Fantasy Trax and fan reaction. Plus, ExtraTime offers thoughts on the eerie coincidence of watching last week and Challenge stars gather in New York. Join us here next.
Ahead, a recap of last week, our Winners List, the Fantasy Trax and fan reaction. Plus, ExtraTime offers thoughts on the eerie coincidence of watching last week and Challenge stars gather in New York. Join us here next.
● A NAKED MINI-FINAL: We begin our Wrap with the toughest mission so far this season and the one we feel will tell us who's in this thing. The competitors are faced with a five-stage challenge in the Mexican heat called "Would You Rather?", where they're dared to either do a physical challenge or eat gross food. There are cow brains and cow balls that the competitors are forced to eat to advance to the next checkpoint, and to add to that there's walls to climb up after each station, which also includes mattresses, a rock throwing contest and, yes, a puzzle. For the last part, the question poses whether the competitors can eat an entire birthday cake or go running around in their birthday suit...that is, of course, going naked. All of the teams decide to run without their clothes, and in the end it's Bananas & Sarah that win.
● TOKEN GATE: There's nothing like when controversy comes rolling into Challenge world...that's exactly what happens in Week 6 and being broken by TJ when he comes into the house for the vote. During that mission, cameras catch Camila steal the key of Nate & Christina, who as a result didn't finish that game out, and the Brazilian claims she accidentally took a key she & Tony thought were theirs, and then tossed it aside once she realized the screw-up. As ever, she freaks out as TJ has, just as it is for quitting, zero tolerance for cheaters and as she tries to plead her case, it goes on deaf ears. As a result of that, instead of Nate & Christina being sent into the jungle it's Camila & Tony. And to add to all of this, the politicking that was done successfully by Devin at the dinner leads Bananas & Sarah to send in Nany & Wes. And obviously, two best friends turned enemies are slated to face each other.
● TONY'S NEWEST INTEREST: The events of what happened there at that challenge isn't the only thing Camila & Tony would find themselves in. As he's gone onto these Challenges, he's gotten into the bathroom with Christina, into bed with Jessica and butted heads with even his brother Shane. Earlier in EP 6 - and with Jess gone, at the club Tony turns his eyes towards the girl who got close to Jamie - Ashley. She is looking for some comfort in the house after Jamie hooked up supposedly with Nicole, and when they arrive back from the club, both Ash and Tony end up in bed together. Both claim that nothing took place after hours, but the infrared night vision cameras and mics catch his underwear dropping. And for his partner, Camila and Devin find a connection in the club after his return, and they too also head into bed together too. What has this world come to?
● VINCE vs. THOMAS: Last season, we saw Vince stumble and Thomas feel Abram's wrath. Just after he & Simone got voted on, Tom gets into words with Bananas' cousin on the feeling that they got voted in because of a skirmish at beer pong. This sees Vince put Tom on the table, and at that same house meeting TJ also notices this fight and calls Vince out for that because of the zero-tolerance policy on violence, but is only given a slap on the wrist and tells him to not do it again or else.
● FAMILY > CHALLENGE: In our time covering the Trifecta, there are several things that outweigh this show: school, career, family and health, and it's those last two reasons that are more important. When calling back home in Dallas to check in on his family, Thomas finds out that his girlfriend is in the hospital feeling sick and, we assume, it's a serious matter as she is in the emergency room. It's with this in mind that, while they are voted in and scheduled to join Wes & Nany in the skull draw to determine who faces Tony & Camila, he and Simone come in street clothes instead of their uniforms. And Tom lets TJ know that because of this medical emergency up in the Metroplex that he has to leave and be by her bedside, and the host is more than respectful of him in saying "That's exactly what you should do," and lets them go with nothing but best wishes for a speedy recovery. By the way, Wes & Nany pick out white skulls and there's elimination... The battle between her & Camila is off for now.
● BANANAS & SARAH: Obviously, what happened on Exes 2 when she voted him in right on the spot of that last regular mission and ultimately got him knocked out remains fresh, but when you have the champ and the one who won her last Challenge because of that move paired up, things should start to click. That's exactly the case for Bananas and Sarah, and what we saw in Week 6 is any indication this could be the start to a run to winning this season and their odds have improved. All they just need is to keep this thing going, not have to worry about getting this thing off course as we head down the road, and they'll be in the final at the end.
● THOMAS: As much as a lot of us wondered why he's been on these last three Challenges, for this one Thomas earned more of my respect this time. Unlike what happened to Brandon, Tom's reason was much more valid: his girlfriend (not the one he met on his RW season, Jamie - or his ex Hailey) was in the hospital emergency room in Dallas, and it's for a serious matter whenever that happens. He made the right call to fly out of Mexico and place, rightfully so, family & health above being on this Challenge to be with his girl when she and her family need him the most, and received TJ's and everyone else's support. He earns standing in the 'List.
► Weekly Point-Scorers
Order (C-Competition, D-Drama, R-Romance, B-Bonus)
1. CAMILA: 140 Pts. (C-10, D-65, R-65)
2. DEVIN: 125 Pts. (C-25, D-35, R-65)
3. BANANAS: 90 Pts. (C-50, D-10, R-3)
T-4. SARAH and TONY: 70 Pts.
T-6. ASHLEY and VINCE: 60 Pts.
T-8. NANY & WES: 55 Pts.
10. CHEYENNE: 50 Pts.
T-11. Three Tied with 40 Pts. each: AMANDA, KELLYANNE and NELSON
14. THOMAS: 35 Pts.
T-15. DARIO & NICOLE: 30 Pts.
T-17. Three Tied at 25 Pts. each: CORY, JAMIE and JENNA
20. CHRISTINA: 15 Pts.
21. NATE: -20 Pts.
22. SIMONE: -35 Pts.
► Top 10 Total Point-Scorers
Players already eliminated are shaded out
1. CAMILA: 310 Pts.
2. ASHLEY: 255 Pts.
T-3. NANY and TONY: 160 Pts. each
5. BANANAS: 140 Pts.
T-6. AMANDA and VINCE: 130 Pts. each
8. DEVIN: 125 Pts.
9. SARAH: 110 Pts.
T-10. JAMIE and JESSICA: 100 Pts.
► Category Key Scorers & Big Scores
● CAMILA: In addition to competition points listed below, Camila earned 65 Drama points: 25 pts. each for female crying/meltdown for receiving news from TJ of her & Tony being sent into jungle, and another 25 for the same reasons in talking this DQ in the bedroom with Nany, plus another 10 pts. for verbal fighting with Tony in the kitchen and 5 pts. for crying after seeing Nany & Wes draw white skulls. Camila also earned 65 Romantic points for two open mouth kisses with Devin (15 pts. each) and 20 for having sex with him.
● DEVIN: Along with competition and nudity points below, Devin earned 35 additional Competition points for puking two times (10 pts. each) and joining an alliance with Bananas & Sarah (15 pts.), plus 15 Drama points for giving a toast in the bar.
● BANANAS & SARAH: Along with competition and nudity points below, Bananas & Sarah each earn 50 Competition points for winning the mission (10 pts.), joining an alliance with Amanda & Nelson (15 pts.) in addition to the one with Devin & Cheyenne above (15 pts.). He also earns 10 Drama points for verbal fighting with Thomas, and 15 additional Romance points for nudity after winning the mission; she earns 5 Drama pts. for crying during confessional about her relationship with Bananas.
● COMPETITION - Nany & Wes each earn 20 pts. for drawing white skulls in the jungle, plus she earns 10 pts. for puking; In addition to Devin & Cheyenne and Amanda & Nelson for their alliances, Dario & Nicole earn 5 additional Comp. pts. for finishing 2nd in the mission. Obviously, Christina & Nate lost -30 pts. for not completing the mission as a result of Camila tossing aside their token. And as this mission contains a mass-start, all players earn 10 pts. each for being the first team to do a mission, as well as 15 pts. for nudity during the mission.
● DRAMA - Vince earned 35 Drama points for his fight with Thomas: 10 for verbal fighting and 25 for physical fighting. Christina scored 20 pts. for having a meltdown after losing her token, while - aside from the -60 for the non-injury related DQ which I feel it shouldn't be as severe because of it being a family emergency, Thomas earns 40 Drama points for his verbal fights (20 pts. each) with Vince and Bananas, and 30 Romantic points for calling his girlfriend (20) and mentioning it publicly (10) in the jungle before announcing departure due to her emergency.
● ROMANCE - As this mission sees all players strip down naked for its 5th and final checkpoint, all players except Nate & Christina earn 15 Romance pts. each for nudity. Ashley and Tony each earn 35 R pts. each for them having sex (20 for coitus and 15 for nudity), while KellyAnne and Christina each earn 15 pts. for their open mouth kiss at the club.
#DCSocialPulse FAN'S VIEW
Now, fan reaction to last week with just me and fellow insiders...
@dc408dxnow: Last week we had a team melt down and another return after all these changes in this thing. Now what's gonna happen this week? #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: After being separated by what happened long ago, Cory & Cheyenne are seeing each other. And now there's Camila & Devin... What what? #DCNOW
@dc408dxnow: Well, the man who played Kiki last year now is now w/ a champ. And Tony's done it again w/ Ashley. Love's in the air here #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Jamie is feeling T'd off about Ash getting w/ Tony. He was w/ Team 11 last year, now it's her. And now we have a mini final of sorts here
@dc408dxnow: So, a several stage mission here w/ a food contest. Brains or balls. Flashing back or forward to what the final has on store w/ vomits.
@dc408dxnow: Some teams have advanced, others are stuck having to go thru this. Over the wall to next station in the heat, Jamie & KA in 1st
@dc408dxnow: This is a 5-stage mission as they're into lap 2, and rock throwing. Jenna knows this feeling being in the lead, and there's the rope.
@dc408dxnow: Big D & Chey in last, bad decisions of choosing getting best of some teams. Next one is mattresses and Jenna's doing it again
@dc408dxnow: Simone is proving herself, while KA & Jamie made bad choice. JB/Sarah in lead, Nate frustrated. Now there's a puzzle once again. Sarah happy
@dc408dxnow: What's this? Jenna & Vince screw up, don't use their own mattress and now they're in last. That's a bad break for them. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Nicole & Dario take care of their puzzle, and so does Simone & Thomas. This is the one that will equalize this as KA/Jamie are dead last
@dc408dxnow: Now, this mini-final now has gotten a bit revealing... Birthday cake or birthday suit? There's naked people all over the place. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: The luckiest people are those people on the standards & practices dept. who have to hide the goodies as we like to say. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And after Nate & Christina finish last, now there's a question here of who stole that key? I feel things might get more interesting #DCNOW
@dc408dxnow: Sarah & Bananas are the power team, and last time both were mentioned in the same sentence things got testy in that last mission on Exes 2
@dc408dxnow: They're talking to Amanda/Nelson, Devin/Chey & Tom/Simone; Amanda's right that they should save the big move for later on, D has other ideas
@dc408dxnow: Last year, we saw Devin pull off a massive move, now he's dealt w/ JB/Sarah and wants them to take Wes out this early on. That's huge #DCNOW
@dc408dxnow: And we now see Vince & Tom get into words... My friend here saying that the guy we saw last year is now returning & that's not a good sign p
@dc408dxnow: Wow. Vince provokes Tom and now what's gonna happen? I think this could cause another downfall. But he's lucky it's just a slap in the wrist
@dc408dxnow: Vince is lucky he's staying, and now we have a result of Token Gate and Nate & Christina called for it and they'll get the call here.
@dc408dxnow: Camila/Tony are caught tossing Nate/Christina's token. They're sent in. Now Wes/Nany sent in along w/ Tom/Simone. Amazing. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Tony is irate, and so is Camila. And she's blaming everyone in the house. And the crazy one has returned once again. Quite a game changer.
@dc408dxnow: Nany talking to Wes about this game and how he should play this now instead of rely on politics. Now Tom calling his girl... Well.
@dc408dxnow: Tom finding out his girlfriend has a serious medical problem & makes right call to head out & be there at her bedside. Much respect. #DCNOW
@CSUGradAkirk: Devin and Camilla would've never predicted that #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: The somber music during the brains and balls eating part was so weird #thechallengerivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: This challenge is way better then part one of the bloodlines final crazy it's only challenge four #TheChallengeRivals3
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk I agree, they moved that this sort of mini final we normally see at halfway or late in the season a little early.
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr yea this isn't as intense as the mini final in exes 2 or seasons but this is better than part 1 final of bloodlines
@CSUGradAkirk: #vincefail is back hahahaha #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: I hope @AceNichols33 uses #dadbod in her recap @ThomasBuellMTV #thechallengerivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: Devin is a freaking genius that's how you play this game #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: Vince is dumbass #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: #spoongate @CamilaMTV hahahaha #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: Spoken to @ThomasBuellMTV three times the dudes a stand up guy made the right decision glad your gf is doing ok man!
@CSUGradAkirk: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE were you saying Tony being cute foreshadowing for this episode hahaha #thechallengerivals3 on my podcast that is
@CSUGradAkirk: I hope if they bring season one ayto on next season look at new people @wesbucklesmtv @shandathapanda @IamJoeyDillon @kklusby @illBeJacy
@dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk thoughts on tonight bud?
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr eh I'm liking this season not loving too many teams going home not being eliminated in elimination round I get this one tho
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah, for Tom I agree he made the right call to put family over all this, much respect to him to head out when it's necessary
@busdriversroute: Would anyone object if they brought in Chad and Evan as new random replacement teams this season? #TheChallengeRivals3 #TheBachelorette
@busdriversroute: Can we get back to watching Christina make out with Nicole? #MakeTheChallengeGreatAgain #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: Good God that's Tony's music! #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: You cannot make this up. How this eerie timing of @tjlavin rocking the Muhammad Ali shirt? #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: Sarah: Puzzle Person Vince: #VinceFail TJ: Master of the Universe The Challenge world is back in order. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: DON'T BACK DOWN SARAH #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: If there was more liquor in that drink Devin would've offered up his first born to Bananas. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: Camila is two seconds away from flailing on the ground in a temper tantrum. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: So Camila's cheating and Bananas firing the first shot at Wes meant nothing. Weird season (but super fun ep) continues. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: Definitely a minority opinion: Really enjoying this season. Embrace the lunacy and shit show. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: 100% Confirmed. @lashtweets @AMikeBloomType.
@lashtweets: Solid episode of #TheChallengeRivals3 tonight. cant wait to discuss with @busdriversroute and special guest @AMikeBloomType #RHAP
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As everyone knows, all three shows of the Trifecta and all reality shows outside of Big Brother are filmed months of advance before we see these episodes on our screens. Taping of the most recent Real World took place last fall (for which I was in Las Vegas during its first week of filming), while the new Are You The One? season that debuted Monday which we'll dissect for you here on Friday was just filmed this March & April. And for this Challenge, it was filmed in Mexico in November & December during the time when Mexico's weather is more ideal to have it take place during late fall & early winter than it would be during the sweltering summer.
When Episode 6 of Rivals III aired last week, it was five days after the passing of Muhammad Ali, and this has been all part of a month that has not been a good one for obvious reasons in the world we live in, with the two tragedies that took place in less than 48 hours in Orlando just two days later. So, to be honest with all of you, it felt a bit creepy to watch this episode when we saw TJ Lavin wear a T-shirt bearing the image of Ali and "People's Champ." It was an eerie coincidence to have this episode air and for him to wear that shirt of a man who won the heavyweight championship three times and became a larger than life personality both inside and outside the ring, and when he battled Parkinson's became so beloved in his life after boxing.
There have been millions of tributes taking place all over the world in the week or so after Ali's death, but in an unintentional way, seeing one of the best to take the BMX stage wear a shirt bearing the name of the greatest human being a generation of sports fans have ever known feels surreal.
There have been millions of tributes taking place all over the world in the week or so after Ali's death, but in an unintentional way, seeing one of the best to take the BMX stage wear a shirt bearing the name of the greatest human being a generation of sports fans have ever known feels surreal.
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Credit: IG/@CamilaMTV |
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And that will wrap it up for the Week 5 edition of DC WRAP. As you prepare for tonight, there's plenty to talk about from this past week. Here's where to find them and other things:
● With the two competition shows of the Trifecta now in full swing, you can now expect a double dose of the MTV RHAP with Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) & Ali Lasher (@LashsTweets): first for the discussion of last week's episode, they were joined by Mike Bloom as the trio discussed the naked challenge, Token Gate and all else. And just posted today is their pod covering Monday's AYTO 4 premiere with all the usual first relationships and the love at first sight twist right out of the gate. Check out past shows and his YouTube for all your Trifecta fix from Brian & Ali.
● Also check out The Brain Candy Podcast with Sarah and Susie and their Back to Reality web series on YouTube. Check out their Episode 6 recap posted yesterday plus chats with veterans Mark Long and Sarah Grayson, and for a podcast chat with TJ.
● Check out Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33) and her recaps on her YouTube channel and much more as well. This weekend and yesterday, she posted not one, but two episode recaps for episode 5 two weeks ago and episode 6 last week. She also has weekly chats with fellow Challenge icon Coral, as well as the AfterBuzz TV recap as well at
● Recently, Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) on Reality Radio Podcast (@RealityRadioPod) had their first interview of this Challenge season as Ashley joined AK to discuss the vote and all else of her debut Challenge season. Listen to the podcast here, plus check out past shows there on Blog Talk and more. Also check out Andrew's Power Rankings which were just posted on his blog as well.
● And for those still recovering from what happened on the season finale of Real World Go Big a few weeks back, CeeJai joined Don't Be Scared to share her thoughts on the fight at the end of that stay in Vegas including her thoughts on Jenna, and all else. Listen to it here.
As we now head into once again covering two shows airing at the same time in Rivals 3 and AYTO 4 - and despite having a new work schedule, it does allow me to still devote as much time to doing DCBLOG around those days during the course of the summer, and we'll continue to work just as hard each week to bring you our unique coverage of the Trifecta and our upcoming sports posts. When you can, please help spread the word of this site by sharing my links on your social networks so that your fellow fans can check out our insightful posts that go beyond the screen.
With the usual reminder of tonight's episode and to join the discussion at #DCChallenge starting at 10PM PT, tomorrow is Game 6 of the NBA Finals as the Warriors look again to cap off their record setting season by closing out the Cavs on the road in Cleveland. We'll have all the action on DCNOW at @DC408DxNow at 9PM ET, plus weekend coverage of golf's U.S. Open in Pittsburgh. And of course, chat it up with me at @DC408Dxtr on Twitter and Instagram.
Thank you for reading and until we talk to you here on Friday with our premiere diary for AYTO 4 and later tonight on DCNOW, enjoy the rest of your week and stay safe.
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