Tuesday, June 7, 2016

DC WRAP: The Challenge Rivals III - Episodes 4 and 5

BY DC CUEVA                     
@DC408Dxtr / @DC408DxNow

Welcome back again to DCBLOG as we continue our ride through the Trifecta and Rivals III. Week 5 saw the third mission of this season, and the second elimination as well, see the demise of a team with finals experience as them trying to work together and inexperience get the better of them. A night of name calling saw the week's power team face a decision of whether to safeguard their best friend or have their teammate's back as her enemy is making life in the house a living hell. And the only team who was eliminated from this game returned as a replacement team.
   We will cover not only Episode 5 of this Challenge but also Episode 4 for reasons we'll explain there after the jump, plus a check into fantasy scoring, winners list and fan reaction. And on DC ExtraTime, we will join with a key figure from last week as she tackles the huge challenge she has ahead of going to culinary school, along with my memory of the man who's called The Greatest. Join us next.


As we mentioned here last week, there's a policy to covering Challenge episodes in our Wrap that if a cliffhanger occurs in any episode, then the write-up for the episode where that occurs is tabled over to the post covering the next episode; hence, we only covered the Real World Go Big finale on last week's Wrap. This week, we will cover not just that episode as well as the latest one.

NANY VS. CAMILA: And we begin our wrap with frenamies, and after TJ called off the week's Jungle after Leroy & Averey's medevac and would instead throw a house party along the lines of what we've seen on AYTO. While most of the house gets down and dirty with a DJ and become kids again with a piñata, Nany and Camila are fighting once again, all because of a dirty rumor cousin Nicole started and told her. The guys are eavesdropping on this and ultimately get caught, but in the end Nany realizes that she got into this fracas for no reason and this was just a misunderstanding but still it puts a hurdle in their friendship.

AMANDA & AYTO VS. EVERYONE & RW: Amanda made quite a splash when she & Nelson moved in back in Week 3. Well after the fiesta ends at 3:45AM, a drunk Tony is on the patio when Amanda wakes him up by asking why his show - the OG of the Trifecta - is better than her dating show. She gets loud to where she calls him a B, while Jess not only tries to cool things off but gets disgusted at him. The house awakens to this and when you get in the face of her partner, it's clear Camila will go off as well, and she and Amanda go at it, face-Palm included. Meanwhile, the AYTO camp goes off on Christina because of her alliance with Jenna & Vince, and when they're in their room, Briana bolts away and threatens to go home. But that's just the beginning of it.

BRANDON BOLTS: Last week, we looked at Brandon and him becoming friends with Mike Posner and Jack Black...let's hope he's OK after what we saw in EP4. Late at night, he calls his girlfriend back home and realizes that he misses her. Dario, who lives in Vegas as well, does whatever he can to convince him to stay but it goes for not. On the streets, partner Briana yells at him after he convinced her to stay after that blowup above. When they show up for the next mission, TJ gets a hold of this news and asks anyone if he wants to go home, and Brandon steps forward to say so. With the words, "Don't take care, hope to see you never," that pretty much sums up why he doesn't like people who quit on this show and also why, as we brought you last week in the 'Pulse, another fellow quitter - Jay - went all in on Brandon on Twittwr after he mocked him for what we saw in the Exes 2 final.

DIVING IN MEXICO: For the third challenge that began on Episode 4 and goes into Episode 5, the teams must cross four platforms above water with a monkey bar; team farthest along or the fastest wins. In a preview of what awaits us with diving in Rio, all of the teams fall short of competing the sweep as all the teams fall down into the water like dominoes, and we saw Ashley take a bad fall almost to a barrel near her and took a bad gash. Camila does a flip into the water that saw her float in the end, and Jamie also spills as well when EP 5 begins. Finally, when all is done, it's Cory & Ashley who are given the win and power team status based on who was quickest by the time of their fall despite her wipeout.

ASHLEY VS. SIMONE: The previous week, Simone complained of a torn butt hole after what she had to endure in that challenge that meant nothing and left Thomas and everyone speechless. In EP5, Monie once again gets involved in big time drama as she gets into it with Ashley after she overhears her talking of her & Cory's plans to take her & Thomas out, with everyone else listening to it as if they're at a daytime talk show. This also has bearings on the choice Cory makes, as he has been buddies with Thomas since their Real World season. But after talking to what would be easy choices of Nate & Christina and Amanda & Nelson, the power team opts to go after Simone & Thomas as the 2nd team alongside the AYTO 4 kids on the premise of her being the house's most annoying person.

PORTLAND MELTDOWN: Team Portland have been a Challenge force for the past few years, but this Rivals III season hasn't been kind to them. This is best epitomized by what happened with bitter rivals Jessica and Johnny at mission #3 when she did poorly and he scolded her as they finished last and were put into elimination. They face those who draw the black skull, which are Amanda & Nelson, and this comes after Devin & Cheyenne were reintroduced back into the game just after they were the first ones out. In the Jungle itself, Amanda & Nelson kill it as they overwhelm J & J and her knowledge of the complicated puzzle brings them to the win. And once again, Johnny goes after Jess for what she did that cost them what was surely an easy win. And here's an interesting fact: RW PDX will not be present in a Challenge final for the first time since we first saw them on Rivals II.

Without much the say, my Winners of the Week are: ASHLEY, CORY, AMANDA & NELSON.


Weekly Point-Scorers
Order (C-Competition, D-Drama, R-Romance, B-Bonus)
1. ASHLEY: 75 Pts. (C-40, D-20, R-15)
T-2. CORY and NELSON: 50 Pts. each (C-40 & D-10 each)
4. SIMONE: 30 Pts. (C-20, D-10)
T-5. Two Tied at 20 Pts. each: AMANDA (C-20) and BANANAS (C-5, R-15)
T-7. NANY & WES: 15 Pts. each (C-15 each)
T-9. CAMILA & TONY: 10 Pts. each (D-10 each)
T-11: Two Tied at 5 Pts. each: JESSICA (D-5) and SARAH (C-5)

Top 10 Total Point-Scorers
Players already eliminated are shaded out
1. ASHLEY: 195 Pts.
2. CAMILA: 175 Pts.
3. NANY: 105 Pts.
T-4. SIMONE and JESSICA: 100 Pts.
T-6. Three Tied at 90 Pts. (AMANDA, NATE & TONY)
9. BRANDON: 85 Pts.
10. JAMIE: 75 Pts.

Category Key Scorers & Big Scores
ASHLEY: Ashley scored the following - 40 Competition points: winning a regular mission (10 pts.), joining an alliance with Nany & Wes (15 pts.) and breaking an alliance with Thomas & Simone (15 pts.); 20 Drama points in getting into two verbal fights (10 pts. each) with Simone and then yelling at Cory for putting Simone into Jungle; and 15 Romance points for nudity.
COMPETITION - Cory earned 40 Competition points for reasons stated above with Ashley. Nelson earned 40 Competition points for pulling a white skull in the Jungle and then winning the Jungle, both 20 pts. each, for which Amanda also earns 20 for that win, and Thomas & Simone for pulling skull as well. Nany & Wes earn 15 pts. for joining the alliance, and Sarah & Bananas earn 5 pts. each for coming in second in mission.
DRAMA - Camila and Tony got 10 Drama pts. each for their verbal fight after the mission, as did Simone for her fight with Ashley; Nelson and Cory earn 10 pts. each for their toasts. Jessica earned 5 pts. for female crying.
ROMANCE - Bananas earned 15 pts. for nudity in showing his butt during the mission.

 #DCSocialPulse FAN'S VIEW 
Now, your reaction to Episode 5, and feedback from the Forum...

@dc408dxnow: So last week we had Camila floating in the water after that bad fall. And as ever, she's irate at Tony for what happened, but she's alright.
@dc408dxnow: And now she's saying she's done with him. Now Amanda & Nelson are up against Bananas & Sarah. This is about trust here and how will they do?
@dc408dxnow: The vets are halfway thru. But Amanda falls and they're in deep trouble. Sarah trying to hang on and now one left. And she also falls at 4.
@dc408dxnow: Portland vs. Wes/Nany now and Jess trying to get to the first one and she falls. This is unfortunate. Free ride for the vets now.
@dc408dxnow: Jess can't make it to 1st station, Nany can't jump w/ Wes. Now Kelly & Jamie vs the clock. This is a struggle. He falls. Wow.
@dc408dxnow: Gosh, gosh, gosh. That was a rough challenge there w/ previews of what's ahead in Rio w/ competitors falling off like dominoes. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: But @MTVCoryWharton and @MTVASHLEYBROOKE are now power team... He's now won 3 of the last 4 regular missions dating back to Bloodlines
@dc408dxnow: And once again, Johnny & Jessica go into the Jungle. Cory consulting w/ who'll go in w/ Tom. There's chance Simone could go in
@dc408dxnow: Cory made valiant gamble last season as rookie to earn his cash, and he's dealt w/ vets. Now w/ Nate-Christina. What's next for him?
@dc408dxnow: Ashley now talking to the girls about Simone and how she wants her gone. Now Monie going off in her and it's getting tense in that bedroom
@dc408dxnow: The vets are listening outside and Bananas says it's like a daytime talk show. Monie daring her to vote in, Cory has a big choice now
@dc408dxnow: Per the PR doc I have, there's a new EP for this show, it's one of the same producers w/ worked on Wes' RW season over a decade ago, saw a BTS show on RW many years ago and she was on that crew that documented that great season over there down in Texas in 2005
@dc408dxnow: Now what? Cory's also angry too. Now which 2 teams they will send? Nelson & Amanda, & who else? Could be down to 2 teams but you never know
@dc408dxnow: Simone going in w/ Tom. It's just her only, hopefully all will be cool w/ the guys.
@dc408dxnow: I remember watching AYTO1 where Monie went off on Shanley after the 2nd TB match and that's the epitome of what she is all about right there
@dc408dxnow: Now before what's finally the 2nd jungle after what we've been through the past couple weeks, now @tjlavin has another twist up his sleeve.
@dc408dxnow: And ahead of what's going down in 2wks in Hawaii, now @MTVDevinWalker @CHEYNotShy have been granted another shot at money. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Now the Draw... Tom draws white. Nelson... safe. As she shares as Ashley, Simone is safe. Amanda going into jungle vs. Portland.
@dc408dxnow: Weight for Me. Puzzle at the top, pieces at the bottom, a rope sending the girls aloft and looking to be faster & solve it. Winners stay.
@dc408dxnow: This is a complicated puzzle and now it's gonna take several tries to get it all right as the girls put it all together.
@dc408dxnow: Jess is stressing out about this puzzle. It's evenly matched for the guys, but Jess is being puzzled. But Amanda is proving herself here
@dc408dxnow: Advantage Amanda here as Jess just continues to not figure this all out. They're gonna go crazy down in San Marcos & Denver if they win
@dc408dxnow: Advantage Amanda here as Jess just continues to not figure this all out. They're gonna go crazy down in San Marcos & Denver if they win
@dc408dxnow: What an awkward feeling it has to be for Team Portland. They went here as rivals, and it's gonna stay as is as they're headed home.
@CSUGradAkirk: I hope they don't ever start an episode mid challenge again so strange  #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: Love when @ImSarahRice  gives credit when credits due to her teammates that's what makes her a great partner #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: Dario and Nicole pretty much got a get out of jail free card with that
@CSUGradAkirk: Looked like Jamie was pushed by Kelly Anne #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: Explosion killing this challenge @JennaCompono  with Vince winning the first and @MTVCoryWharton  and @MTVASHLEYBROOKE winning this #rivals3
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk and dating back to last season, they've won the last 4 regular missions here, 3 by Cory.
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr dudes beast mode!!
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah, you were on target w/ having high hopes for him, now he's about to add more to his rookie go w/ another big move perhaps
‏@CSUGradAkirk: I think @MTVCoryWharton  made that deal with Wes because he trusts Nany more then mr. Bergman #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE  ask @shandathapanda how Simone talks to the guy your into behind your back it happened to her first
- @shandathapanda: @CSUGradAkirk @MTVASHLEYBROOKE lol truuuuuu
- ‏@CSUGradAkirk: @shandathapanda @MTVASHLEYBROOKE some people never change do they Shanley
@CSUGradAkirk: Love the insert @MTVBananas  confessional in between girls fights nobody narrates fights better than mr bananas #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: Simone thinking she's running her team is hysterical #rivals3
‏@CSUGradAkirk: Really wish @dustinzito  would've been one of the replacements hoping your on season 29 two seasons off is two too many
‏@CSUGradAkirk: Logically it was the right choice to being Devin and Cheyenne would've loved more possible pairs but see why they brought them back
@CSUGradAkirk: This is like that game on battle of the seasons the one the guys had to be under water #thechallengerivals3
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah, this is very similar to what happened there in Turkey w/ Sam, Camila and EZ quitting
@CSUGradAkirk: @MTV_NellyT   Didn't care for ya much on ayto but after you and @MTV_AMANDAG killed that jungle you've won me over dude good job tonight
@CSUGradAkirk: @MtvJess  you know what you need is a big team challenge where your with people that will believe in ya
@CSUGradAkirk: The duct tape is actually pretty hilarious not gonna lie Simone good move hahhahaha #MuchoMas #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: Looks like the Vince I hated from last season is coming back next week
@dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk got thoughts on tonight buddy?
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr crazy what just transpired on the after show didn't see that coming with my guest and Jamie
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk wow what happened? I was freshening up before bed and just missed it
- @CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr unseen footage leaving it at that
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk they had sex again? Well, can't wait to catch that int on Friday
- ‏@CSUGradAkirk: @dc408dxtr watch it bro
- @dc408dxtr: @CSUGradAkirk yeah okay.
@busdriversroute: Good lord Jessica SUCKS. Like truly SUCKS. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: Wes has made this exact same speech every single season. It's actually remarkable. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: I'm exhausted just listening to Ashley and Simone yell that much. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: This episode is SEVERELY lacking some Jenna wisdom. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: I was secretly hoping TJ would just cancel the elimination again. Some people just want to watch the world burn. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: Group cheering reaction = Devin and Cheyenne are coming back. 💯💯💯💯 #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: Keep this is mind...after 5 weeks we will have have lost one (1!!!!!!!) team due to elimination. What a wacky season. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: Jess is so bad even MTV's usual reverse edit didn't even come true. #TheChallengeRivals3
@busdriversroute: Theme for this episode. #TheChallengeRivals3
@CSUGradAkirk: @busdriversroute  the distain for Jessica is strong man lol
- @busdriversroute: @CSUGradAkirk call it like I see it
- ‏@CSUGradAkirk: @busdriversroute wish I could sway you differently but I'm giving up on that lol
@lashtweets: Alright friends, I'm watching live and I'm optimistic. Let's do it #TheChallengeRivals3
@lashtweets: Cry when you get voted in, not when you bottomed out. Maybe more than monkey bar training next time? #TheChallengeRivals3
@lashtweets: Is it just me or does Ashley's arm look fine right now? #TheChallengeRivals3
@lashtweets: Jess's look is more #TheChallengeRivals3   67%Kim Possible / 33%Lara Croft   57 votes•Final results
@lashtweets: Who wore it best? #TheChallengeRivals3 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cj6bMS1UkAA4Jh7.jpg
@lashtweets: Vince and Jenna officially got the rawest deal, second to Simone's bum #TheChallengeRivals3
@lashtweets: I LOVE a scrawny guy calling a girl "heavier" OKJOHNNY #thechallengerivals3
@lashtweets: Tony with the line of the night "messing around with me she's probably not too bright" 😂 #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: Gearing up to watch #TheChallengeRivals3 and no, I'm not drinking. And yes, I'm serious.
@AceNichols33: Nicely done @MTVBananas & @ImSarahRice! Way to work those poles! #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: 😂😂😂 @MTVASHLEYBROOKE #TheChallengeRivals3 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cj6ZfL7VEAEc7RB.jpg
@AceNichols33: Nelson is just a bad name. #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: Daaaaammnnnn @MTVCoryWharton ain't got time for these hoes and these hoes is @ThomasBuellMTV and Simone
@AceNichols33: Oh finally we've made it to another Jungle on this season of #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: Hahahaha @JohnnyReilly_ was really trying hard to find three nice things to say about @MtvJess 😂😂😂 #TheChallengeRivals3 wow
@AceNichols33: OMG weirdo @MTVDevinWalker is back!!!!!! YAS!! More alien filters to come in the future recaps?! #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: Hey @tjlavin I love that @Torque1net shirt you're wearing during the jungle! #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: Black skull lives matter, y'all. #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: Simone ran back up there acting hard as fuck just cuz she picked the right skull on accident. #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: Fuck I'm soooooooooooo upset right now........ RAWR!!!!! #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: Not Bananas, farewell my friend 💜 #TheChallengeRivals3 @JohnnyReilly_
@AceNichols33: Hey @MtvJess don't beat yourself up so hard over some puzzles. Sad you're gone! Wahhhhh!!!! #TheChallengeRivals3
@AceNichols33: All aboard the banana boat!!!! 🍌
@RealityRadioPod: Yes!! Congrats @MTVCoryWharton and @MTVASHLEYBROOKE!!! #TheChallengeRivals3  My team since DAY 1!!!! @MTV
@RealityRadioPod: .@CamilaMTV can stir the pot because she's a vet! She paid her dues. 😉  #TheChallengeRivals3
‏@RealityRadioPod: I would never send my bro into an elimination! ExPlosion has to stick together! #TheChallengeRivals3
@RealityRadioPod: If @JohnnyReilly_ and @MtvJess knew then what they know now, they probably would have thrown the first elimination. #TheChallengeRivals3
@CardellChris: #DCChallenge FORUM Feedback... - 1. This challenge seemed rough with those who fell in water. - 2. Cory was kind of backed into a corner with Ashley being upset over the Simone drama. - 3. Amanda and nelsons win made a good impression with ayto ppl but I feel the public opinion is tied on the vets vs ayto. - 4. It think it was hard for Johnny and Jess. Johnny can't stand her and made that known after loss. - 5. Aftershow was good typical drama.  - 6. I think the top three are 1. Bananas Sarah 2. Jenna Vince and 3. Devin and Cheyenne.

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Now, as summer vacation begins for many of you (including my kids who've just started their summer break last week), those of you in high school or college are looking for jobs to help pay the bills and kill the downtime until it'll be time to hit the books again at summer's end. One of those options you might have is working for the neighborhood restaurant and doing what you would normally do in your kitchen and make some munchies for yourself or helping mom prepare food for a summer house party. But of course, imagine what that is like in making food for more than just family and friends in a whole town who comes in every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
   When we offered a Look back at gone but not forgotten MTV shows a couple years ago, one of the shows featured was House of Food - eight wannabe chefs moving into a house in the Hollywood hills, getting schooled by top chefs with an apprenticeship at stake. What does it have to do with this piece of ExtraTime? The person profiled here not only was the one who got ridiculed by her rival partner for what we saw this week (and even getting grilled by one of my fellow MTV insiders on their podcast as well), she's now pursuing a passion she's had for some time with aspirations on making it big in the kitchens of the country's top restaurants.
From: ICE Institute (ice.edu)
   Of course, I have followed the journey of the last pre-twist, Real World cast from just after filming ended in Oregon. We first saw Jessica as that naïve girl from the Triangle region of North Carolina who came to RW PDX and had to deal not only with Johnny but also Jordan as well, got "Thirsty" with J-Deezy, developed a "rivalry" with Anastasia and became BFF's with Nia. She's proved what's she made of on four of these Challenges, but now after what happened on Rivals III and spending time out in LA, her focus turns to not only making it big in the Big Apple, but also making an impact as a chef. And considering the unfortunate ending to last week's jungle, she's very much ready for a new challenge in her life that she will more than excel at.
   Last month as she started her education at the Institute of Culinary Education - a prestigious culinary school in NY, Jess admitted to getting star struck and almost got to the point of shedding tears seeing that master chef himself, Gordon Ramsey. And when asked about what her goals were in her class, she told the students in the classroom that she wants to be the female Gordon Ramsey - that's quite a big goal in mind but something she hopes will eventually arrive at. The ICE Institute already has some notable alumni who've appeared on various food shows across the cable dial...that's how prestigious this college is in culinary circles.
   Cooking schools are vocational institutions dedicated to educating the art and science of cooking and food preparation, and helping prepare, develop and nurture the next generation of professional chefs. Programs at these institutes can range from small ones for amateur novices who want to learn about food to a full college course for those having eyes on following Gordon, Wolfgang Puck and others and become a full time chef - even including working in an actual restaurant. A few of my fellow high school friends can relate to Jess in having gone of culinary school themselves, in addition to Harrison, Lorena, Amanda, Jake, Suki, Will, Brian and Gillian on HOF.
   Shortly after this Rivals III season premiered, Jess penned a blog post on the ICE Institute site about this new challenge she has of being a culinary student, the journey she has been on before we got to see her on TV three years ago, and how it's taken until now for her to finally figure out that making food is her future. She documented the process of applying to ICE, touring the school's state-of-the-art, new campus in the Battery Park City district of Manhattan, adjusting to life in the Big Apple, and of course that first day as a new student. It was no doubt a great sight for her to see her name stitched up on her uniform as she went into her first day and proceeded into pursing her passion. There was no one holding her back as was on previous Challenges...Jessica felt like she was in her own element, and it's good. She has now met her perfect match in cooking.
   The last paragraph in her post featured a quote we see all the time, where her dad told her, "If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life." She adds, "I say if you're lucky enough to find your passion in life, pursue it and let it set your soul on fire." The question now is, "Will we see Jessica back again on these Challenges?" It'll be up to her to answer that, but if Rivals III was the last time we've seen her on MTV, she now has a great future ahead of pursuing what she loves to do. Maybe the next time we see her on our TV's is of showcasing that delicious food as a former reality TV castmate turned next great chef.

 Summer of Sports 

Before we wrap up our Challenge coverage this week, last weekend the world mourned the loss of the man who is known simply as The Greatest, Muhammad Ali. I was born in the '80s, so I have no recollection, obviously, of watching live any of the fights he fought in. If you're a fight fan, it's likely that you asked your dad or grandpa about where they were when his great fights took place. They've likely told you of his first fight with Joe Frazier in 1971 amid the social & political environment of the time and Ali returning after being banned from boxing for refusing to be drafted into the army. Or of when he won the heavyweight title for the first and second times against Sonny Liston and George Foreman. And there's so many other stories too.
   However, there is one memory that sticks out to me, and being this strong fan of the Olympics and the Olympic Movement for a long time, I remember watching the Atlanta Olympics and the opening ceremony on that mid-July night in 1996 when we all saw him light the Olympic flame. I was surprised and amazed that a man who had suffered from the effects of Parkinson's disease would step into the spotlight and receive the flame from swimming legend Janet Evans and delight the crowd in the Olympic Stadium. It was a bone-chilling moment seeing the greatest athlete of the '60s and '70s light the cauldron.
   The story behind Ali's moment in Atlanta came about by way of Dick Ebersol, a protoge of sports TV icon Roone Arledge who led NBC Sports for over 20 years as leader of its Olympic coverage and an inspiration to me, who suggested to the head of the Atlanta Olympic Organizing Committee (and now chairman of Augusta National Golf Club), Billy Payne, that the 1960 Olympic gold medalist should light the flame, and not their idea of Atlanta native, 1984 Olympian and several-times heavyweight champion Evander Holyfield.
   After making that suggestion a year before the Games, and lots of speculation, it was Ali who moved everyone in the stadium, to viewers like me, and to Ebersol and his NBC team in the truck. It was Dick's choice to have a man stricken by a disease that would ultimately claim him 20 years later deliver one of the signature moments of an eventful Olympic fortnight.

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And that will wrap it up for the Week 5 edition of DC WRAP. As you prepare for tonight/tomorrow's Rivals III EP, there's plenty to talk about from this past week. Here's your road map:
● This week, there is a double dose of the MTV RHAP with Brian Cohen (@BusDriversRoute) & Ali Lasher (@LashsTweets): first they discussed last week's EP, debated Jessica's place in Challenge lore, the Ex-Plosion camp and the returnees, and you can check it out here...you may hear a familiar friend ask one of the questions. And over the weekend, BrAli kicked off their coverage of Are You The One? Season 4 with their traditional preview pod, evaluating the entire cast in only a way they do. Check out that show here, plus past shows and his YouTube.
● Also check out The Brain Candy Podcast with Sarah and Susie and their Back to Reality web series on YouTube. Check out their Episode 5 recap just posted earlier yesterday and supplementary live chat, plus chats with veterans Mark Long and Sarah Grayson, and thebraincandypodcast.com for a chat with Susie's reality TV producer husband.
● Check out Ace Nichols (@AceNichols33) and her recaps on her YouTube channel and much more as well. Due to matters taking place outside of Challenge world, she will do an Episode 5-6 double feature coming up this week, plus weekly chats with fellow Challenge icon Coral, as well as the AfterBuzz TV recap as well at afterbuzztv.com.
● And last week, Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) on Reality Radio Podcast (@RealityRadioPod) had their first interview of this Challenge season as Ashley joined AK to discuss the vote and all else of her debut Challenge season. Listen to the podcast here, plus check out past shows there on Blog Talk and more.

With the usual reminder of tomorrow's episode and to join the chat at #DCChallenge starting at 10PM PT, tomorrow is also Game 3 of the NBA Finals as the Warriors and Cavaliers resume their battle in Cleveland as LeBron and co. look to get back in the series. We'll have that game for you on DCNOW @DC408DxNow starting at 9PM ET, with a new episode of Dude Perfect to take place in between. And be sure to follow DCNOW for all things Super Summer Sixteen.
   And with the usual Heads Up to rejoin me here this weekend for our best-in-class Trifecta coverage and to ask you all to help spread the word about DCBLOG, we've got another post coming up here shortly. In a special edition of DC FORUM, I'll offer my thoughts on the controversy that surrounded top-notch MMA journalist Ariel Helwani over the weekend. Hope to see you there, if not tomorrow on DCNOW and then on the 'Blog this weekend. See you in a few moments.


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