Sunday, March 11, 2018

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Vendettas - "Rumor Has It"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

We're winding down this second weekend of March, which means hoops fans are now filling out those brackets, music fans are enjoying tonight's iHeartRadio Music Awards and the return of American Idol, and you can all rejoice to having that one precious hour of extra daylight - even if you lost an hour of sleep last night. And as DCBLOG looks Inside the MTV Trifecta, along with the jaw-dropping finale of Siesta Key one thing that's on everyone's minds this week in MTV land: The Challenge Vendettas and a season in Spain that's getting even more juicier by the second.
   Last week, Kailah finally had a chance to shine when she took advantage of Marie having a subpar night in the elimination chamber to take out an easy win as she looks to take the next step after just missing the final last year. She also took that momentum into the ensuing challenge, where after a game that took advantage of Spain being home to both Real Madrid and FC Barcelona, she, Tony and Zach formed the Troika upon them winning that soccer-themed challenge.
   After his spat with the man who he has had immense hatred since they competed on the season where he made the dirtiest move of all, this week Big D will find out if he gets his wish to get the showdown he has waited for with bated breath... perhaps someone who has shined this season may grant him his gift. And what happens when something that has become an all too common sight comes into The Challenge? Of course, the house is gonna blow up and blow up it will.

You'll experience all the action, reaction and interaction of Episode 10 with us ahead, including the blow by blow of yet another challenge twitter beef, and reaction to what happened on The Bachelor through those of another TV love fest. And on a Sunday that also sees that megahit series I don't even watch also air, stay around after the diary as ExtraTime will look at the latest series to feature the public's fascination with dead people to the web, with an AYTO alum.
    All of that is ahead on the 'Pulse of The Challenge Vendettas... it's great to have you with us this Sunday night.

@MTV: Did this @ChallengeMTV prank go too far? Don't miss a new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas tonight at 9/8c on MTV!
@ChallengeMTV: We all know about Devin's lucky streak on Rivals III, but how lucky will he be in The Ring? 🤔 Find out TONIGHT at 9/8c! 🍀 #TheChallengeVendettas
@shannanity: “The reunion is going to be 10 hours long spread over 15 weeks to wade through all the drama of this season”  - Reddit for the win
@shannanity: I think this guy I like got drunk and messaged me back bc I replied in the morning and it’s sat on read these last three days and now I’m afraid to like his new posts on FB bc I’ll look like a stalker
@shannanity: I’ve got some free time so I’ll go sit in a handicapped stall, scroll twitter and rip out my nose hairs said no one ever...
- @BritniNicol: @shannanity Hey frannnnd👋🏼👃🏼💧💧
@BritniNicol: "@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎙PODCAST DAY!!🎙NEW #ChallengeMania up! BRITNI (@BritniNicol) joins @DerrickMTV & I for a really fun chat about #TheChallengeVendettas, furniture, twitter feuds, @BradFiorenza, @AREUTHE1 casting story, …" RT Oh it’s gunna be SOOO good😍
@BritniNicol: "@Josh_Moon: Hey, sorry, #BachelorFinale rookie here. But so I get this. This dude proposed. Then decided to breakup. Then called the show producers first and told them. Then set it up so they could film the breakup. And never told this girl? This is the shadiest shit on TV." RT @MTVBananas when tf did you do The Bachelor!??? 😂😜
@JustJem24: My thoughts on tonight: Making a bad decision(especially on reality tv) doesn’t make me a bad person. I know Im a good person most days so I’m not gonna let this bad moment define me. People that truly love me will love me despite one bad judgement call.. #TheChallengeVendettas
@BritniNicol: If anyone tries to claim they’ve never done anything they are NOT proud of while drunk.. you’re a damn liar. I do not agree w my actions one bit tonight. But I have already apologized deeply to the only person this actually affected. And that’s all that matters. #fuckinmistakes
@BritniNicol: Touching the mattress is one thing, but touching personal property is another. I ALREADY KNOW THIS. And I couldn’t agree more w what a lot of you are saying. But WE ALL MAKE MISTAKES. No one is perfect.
@shannanity: I AM LIVING - airplane drama is the best and this NYC flight is delivering Chinese and pizza
@shannanity: Me when I see Kyle
@shannanity: I’m living for all this drama breakdown because hopefully I’ll get a free pass for all the fires I started while this blaze burns merrily away
@joss_mooney: En route to @TMZ @TMZLive this morning for @TooFab with @RobbyHHayes & @jasminegoode_ to talk all things Bachelor and hot topics...👀🙊
@Marie_TBD: Update: still no outfit.
@Marie_TBD: The day I start taking shit, is the day people stop talking shit. #never #bringemout
@ChallengeMTV: Tony looks up to Bananas, but he also knows how much of a threat he is. Will Tony shoot his shot? 🤔 #TheChallengeVendettas is all new TONIGHT at 9/8c! 😱
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV Shooters shoot 🔫
- @ZNichols15: @ChallengeMTV Kyle is a savage. Hands down.
@ChallengeMTV: Tune into The Challenge: After-The-Show TONIGHT, after The Challenge: Vendettas at 9/8c, to see co-host @GusKenworthy ask all the hard-hitting questions AND to see a sneak peek of next week's episode! 👀 #TheChallengeVendettas
- @BunimMurray: @ChallengeMTV http://TONIGHT.IS .THE.NIGHT! Watch an ALL NEW @ChallengeMTV: Vendettas  @ 9|8c & then stay for the @ChallengeMTV: After-The-Show. #dontmiss #mtv #omg #sneakpeek
@JustJem24: If Knight was still alive he would say at least Jem didn’t donate all of her clothes to charity like she did mine 😭😭. So this is in fact not the craziest clothing stunt I’ve pulled.. Knight got it a lot worse 🤦🏻‍♀️.
- @ZNichols15: @JustJem24 Knight also dumped Nanys suitcase into the pool with me on battle of the seasons. So some would say you helped his spirit live on. #TheChallengeVendettas
- @AshBilodeau: @JustJem24 Johnny does nothing but bad things and is loved for it 😒 It would just be hypocritical for anyone to hate on you for making a questionable decision one time.
- @JustJem24: @AshBilodeau When him or Ct do questionable things they are praised, when females do it, they are mean girls. Welcome to the the challenge of double standards.. it’s the same when a woman cheats on the show versus a man.
@iamkamiam_: MOOD:
@MTVBananas: @kailah_casillas When in doubt, BLAME BANANAS!!!I'd be in denial too if I had what is coming to you 😉 #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV @Kmorrisx
- @v_cakes: @MTVBananas This sounds like another note your “sister” wrote
@ChallengeMTV: Rumor has it that this is one of the best episodes of The Challenge, ever 😱 Don't miss it TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallengeVendettas
@CaraMariaMTV: Cara is not impressed 😑@ChallengeMTV
@iamkamiam_: Issa Killa Kam type of night. Don’t forget to tune in to @ChallengeMTV 😈
@kailah_casillas: Contrary to what she said in her oh so well written statement (🙄), I threw the luggage, not for air time, but bc @Kmorrisx was deliberately spreading lies about me in the house. Like I’ve said all week, if it’s not addressed in the episode, I will after 👏🏼
- @SylviaMTV: @kailah_casillas Has anyone seen @Kmorrisx  own episode of bullying?... as @MTVBananas would say... OHHH wait he’s fucking her so it doesn’t count... @ChallengeMTV
- @Kmorrisx: @kailah_casillas I exposed @Marie_TBD alliance which unfortunately exposed your room.I understand ur upset over me exposing you as u had @n_zanattaMTV protecting u throughout the show then you secretly plotted against her as well as cara. Don’t accuse me of lying because you game has been exposed
- @kailah_casillas: @Kmorrisx You, my friend, are delusional. You were the weakest person in the house and chose to try and create lies to save yourself. Turning all of the girls against each other is smart, til you get caught.
- @n_zanattaMTV: @Kmorrisx Thought we were friends🤨
- @Marie_TBD: @Kmorrisx To be fair.... I exposed myself. LOL
- @Kmorrisx: @kailah_casillas Weakest person yet u plus 3 others don’t make u strong. If anything Hun, makes u the biggest coward going
- @DJMelReeves: @kailah_casillas Weak? Weak is needing a gang of people behind you to protect you. Kayleigh stood solo and fought her ground. As far as I can see you acted like a mean girl destroying her things, & then stood in a room giggling like a child. That makes you the weaker person not her
- @Sonja791: @DJMelReeves You were her BFF and fucked her man behind her back then rubbed it in her face on TV! I'm sure that hurt her more then some girls she hardly knows throwing some clothes around...JS
- @DJMelReeves": @Sonja791 I didn’t fuck her man. We had a bad fall out, hated each other, then I kissed someone she liked.  Now we are friends. Shows you how ruthless and forgiving we can be
@n_zanattaMTV: This is going to be one hell of a night!?! Damnnnn challenge women what?!?!??
@Kmorrisx: Tonight’s Ep FYI #TheChallengeVendettas  (Pic of Note)
@JustJem24: Honestly if we’re mean girls, I call Regina George... @kailah_casillas @BritniNicol... @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas
- @kailah_casillas: @JustJem24 Well considering I’m wearing a devil costume bow tie... I guess I call the devil?
@Jonnyboyy10: girls of @ChallengeMTV have to start a HS drama cat fight just to be somewhat relevant. Casting on the female side has been a joke the last few seasons.oh lets throw personally belongs over a balcony and try to be cool! @RealityRadioPod @TheSteamer @CSUGradAkirk
- @RealityRadioPod: @Jonnyboyy10 Yep... just a bunch of try hards... they don’t have any genuinely interesting personality/storylines so they resort to extra ratchet ness that’s tired, sad, and pathetic..
- @CSUGradAkirk: @RealityRadioPod @Jonnyboyy10 It’s more about the drama now which sucks been like that the past few years
@ChallengeMTV: It's Challenge Day and you know the drill! Tune into a new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas TONIGHT at 9/8c and play #TheChallengeTrivia LIVE for a chance to win a signed Challenge jersey! 🙌
@MTVjennifer: if there is a snow day tomorrow, all my friends in hoboken better be ready to be bums & drink wine with me. maybe i’ll cook too🤷🏼‍♀️😂🎉
@Marie_TBD: I love you @kailah_casillas
@ChallengeMTV: Me mentally preparing for a new episode of The Challenge 😤 Tune into @MTV in 1 HOUR to watch! #TheChallengeVendettas
@CaraMariaMTV: Me right now over the drama. @ChallengeMTV
@MTVBananas: *Opens Twitter  Googles: "How do I write a prepared statement"  #TheChallengeVendettas
@MTVBananas: A live look at the girls before tonights explosive episode 😲⌨ #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV @Kmorrisx @kailah_casillas @JustJem24 @BritniNicol @SylviaMTV @NataliaNegrotti
@iamkamiam_: I love it when @Bruce_Lee85 grabs my?? 😍
- @Bruce_Lee85: @iamkamiam_  😘😍❤️
@Kmorrisx: Mood
@JermaineKing: I've never been so nervous & excited to watch a @ChallengeMTV episode in my life! #TheChallengeVendettas 😀😳😁😱
@StraightLoonz: Beyond excited for tonight’s episode of #TheChallengeVendettas
@t_raines33: During this episode I want y'all to remember this moment from last season #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV @MTVDevinWalker  (GIF of )
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @t_raines33 Damn

AS THEY SAW IT: "Rumor Has It
@ChallengeMTV: Buckle up, this is going to be one wild ride 🚗 #TheChallengeVendettas starts NOW on @MTV!
@t_raines33: From what I heard this is the best episode in a long time....let's go! #TheChallengeVendettas starts right now 👊
@ChallengeMTV: Devin wants one thing and one thing only: To face Bananas in The Ring 🔥 #TheChallengeVendettas (GIF: "Let me light him up.")
@ChallengeMTV: Kailah, would you feel bad about voting in Bananas? 😂 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF of her shrugging her shoulders)
@MTVBananas: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Johnny Bananas Show 🍌🎩 #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV @mtv
- @ChallengeMTV: @MTVBananas @MTV Love you 👏
@thepizzapopo: Devin: “give me Bananas...” #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: Bananas is going to be PISSED 😱 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF of the pics of him, Nelson and Leroy on the deliberation board, with Cara saying "Johnny! Get down here.", and Kyle's jaw dropping)
@t_raines33: Easy for Kailah to say Bananas name because he said her name last week, Zach has too much history with him to say his name, it basically comes down to me.......this is tough. #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: The tables have turned, literally 😩 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF: Bananas - "So this is what it feels like over here.")
@ChallengeMTV: Another thing Bananas has said is "all's fair in love, war, and Challenges." 👏 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF: Tony - "Don't play this game with emotions.")
@ChallengeMTV: (GIF: Devin - "Rumors have started to circulate.")
@iamkamiam_: Girl code 💕 #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: Devin admiring his handy work 😂 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF of Elmo and fire)
@MTVBananas: Mr Steal yo girl 😉 #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV @mtv
@kailah_casillas: That steamer was right outside my room. I heard all of the drama for my bed 😴
@t_raines33: @@@
@ChallengeMTV: The truth comes out! 😱 #TheChallengeVendettas (GIF: "A Dramatic Re-Enactment" as Kyle and Kayleigh kiss in an acted manner)
- @Rome_at_Home: @ChallengeMTV Put this up against The Shape of Water #TheChallengeVendettas #Oscars
@iamkamiam_: That reenactment though 😭😂  #TheChallengeVendettas
@MTV_AMANDAG: Idk guys... I think @MTVDevinWalker meant to say fingerbanged. #TheChallengeVendettas
- @ChallengeMTV: @MTV_AMANDAG @MTVDevinWalker Hi 👋
@thebbnisa_: I love this episode!!! #TheChallengeVendettas
@coco_snixx: Theres no one more real or more amazing than my girl .@JustJem24 She actually gives a shit about her friends & family.She made me feel the most confident I have felt in a longass time&I had the damn best time with her. She’s seriously beautiful inside&out -that defines her.Not tv
@WilliKilliams: Wait did @JustJem24 just say "Johnny stop running your mouth" #TheChallengeVendettas
@drunken_bravado: I love @JustJem24 “we can move her out” 😂😂 god can’t wait for the rest of this ep I’m sweatin #TheChallengeVendettas
@X_Weston: @JustJem24 “aww I love Johnny Cochran.” 😂😂😂😂 #thechallengevendettas
@EmilyDEldridge: @MTVDevinWalker is just taking notes from the "note-torious" @MTVBananas book. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas
@kailah_casillas: "@AmyTheLifeCoach: @kailah_casillas with fighting words “we just need you to lay down and die” . Girl that’s rough #TheChallengeVendettas " RT Well 🤷🏻‍♀️
@mtvrrdarrell: Daaaaayuuuuuum💣💥🔫 @ChallengeMTV #Vendettas
@ChallengeMTV: Strike while the iron is hot 🔥 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF: Kyle - "Now is the time to pull the trigger.")
@MTV: @Marie_TBD @ChallengeMTV the swiss invented chocolate Marie  and cheese and cows #TheChallengeVendettas
@eorlins: I honestly think I might turn off #thebachelor #AftertheFinalRose because I cannot stand Lauren nor Arie. They’re awful. So excited to NEVER see either of them again after tonight. I’m doing it. Time for #TheChallengeVendettas! Byeeeeee
@ChallengeMTV: Kailah to Kayleigh ✋ #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF: "You can't sit with us.")
@iamkamiam_: Lemme get my friend 😩  #TheChallengeVendettas
@iamkamiam_: I love my boots though lol #TheChallengeVendettas
- @ChallengeMTV: @iamkamiam_ QUEEN
@JuryHouseVet: #TheChallengeVendettas turned Bad girls club
@ChallengeMTV: O.D. 😱 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF of Jemmye, Kailah and Britni teaming up to throw Kayleigh's clothes down the balcony to the floor)
@MTVBananas: If only @JustJem24 showed this much initiative during Challenges, she might actually win something for once! #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV
- @JustJem24: @MTVBananas And you’ll never win again.. #cursed
- @TylerDuckMTV: @MTVBananas Never Change. You know how to crack my ass up!
@ChallengeMTV: MOOD! #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF of Kayleigh trying to go after the mean girls, but being restrained by Kyle, Tony and Nicole)
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ChallengeMTV We got her lol
@CaraMariaMTV: “No one likes you @Kmorrisx” - uh. I do. 🙋🏻‍♀️I never had a problem w her. Shes always been cool w me. So thats at least one. @ChallengeMTV @thechallengevendettas
@n_zanattaMTV: "@EmmaSpaulding25: Whats going on with @JustJem24 and @n_zanattaMTV 😯 @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas" RT Hmmmm wouldn’t you like to know 🤣
@n_zanattaMTV: "@joylinn_: Dude poor @n_zanattaMTV it seems like she always has to be holding someone back in these challenges lol #TheChallengeVendettas" RT Hahaha I gotta I don’t like drama or fights I will back that
@iamkamiam_: I knew My ratchet ass signed up for love and hip hop 😂 it makes sense now   #TheChallengeVendettas
- @ChallengeMTV: @iamkamiam_ Omg I love you
@MTVDevinWalker: Well let this be a lesson.... don't ever say my name... ever 😂😂😂😴
- @hbarfield13: @MTVDevinWalker Shots fired
@MTVBananas: "@RebaSeagull: This is my favorite episode of @ChallengeMTV yet. Ever. Drama. Fire. Bananas. @MTVBananas #thechallenge #challenge" RT Are you not entertained 🍌🍌🍌
@MTVBananas: Look on the bright side @Kmorrisx ... At least @kailah_casillas didn't urinate on your stuff 🐶💧👠👜👙 #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV @mtv
- @kailah_casillas: @MTVBananas Lol . I’d rather you pee the bed any day than lose to @MTVDevinWalker 😂
- @DJMelReeves: @MTVBananas 😂😂😂
@t_raines33: On this episode of Bad Girls Club: Vendettas....
@ChallengeMTV: (GIF: Cara Maria - "I don't support a gang of people coming at you. Like, that's not okay. Grow up.")
@MTVBananas: Preach @CaraMariaMTV 👏👏👏 @ChallengeMTV @MTV #TheChallengeVendettas
@xxjonaslovato: Cara the voice of reason 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 @CaraMariaMTV  #TheChallengeVendettas
@iamkamiam_: I understand their intentions. But their actions were wrong. #TheChallengeVendettas
@ClaudiaOduro_: Kam a real ass bitch #TheChallengeVendettas
@hbarfield13: Why don't you just meet me in the middle?
@ChallengeMTV: Bullying is never ok. Be part of the solution at . #TheChallengeVendettas (GIF: Kam - "Nobody's ganging up on nobody.")
@CaraMariaMTV: I would never. Ever. Go in someones face and say “no one likes u. No one wants u here”. Thats some mean shit.  And ive had it said to me before. So i get it. No one should be talked down to and ganged up on that way. @ChallengeMTV
- @kailah_casillas: @CaraMariaMTV You’re such an angel. Someday I I hope to pray to God & be you.
@kailah_casillas: VICIOUS????????? Wowwwwwwwwwwwww @Kmorrisx you were a fuckin asshole, every season you were on in the UK. Now you wanna play victim? THATS HILARIOUS.
@n_zanattaMTV: "@MTV: @Marcie_01 @n_zanattaMTV Nicole is always there to hold someone back #TheChallengeVendettas" RT I do not believe in bullying ever. It’s never okay to make someone feel less of a person. I’ll hold you down. 😝
@kailah_casillas: Was I right? No. But does karma always come back?.... yep @Kmorrisx
@MTVBananas: Sending you hugs and KISSES 😉 from across the pond @Kmorrisx .... Chin up girl ✊ #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV @mtv
@Fischytweets: “She’s homeless in a mansion” @JustJem24 .....commentary at its finest. Love this girl
@StraightLoonz: @Bruce_Lee85 with the TRUTH  #TheChallengeVendettas
@sue112: #TheChallengeVendettas > #TheBachelor
@iamkamiam_: I let my friends know if their wrong. Still my friend though, we all make mistakes 💕 #TheChallengeVendettas
@r_d_johnson: This episode is legit insane. #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: Damn, Natalie still out here working 👏 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF of her and Nelson on the couch outside)
@hbarfield13: If I become a Father to a little boy one day, me and my little dude are going to be best friends. I swear we will probably break everything valuable in our house playing ball 😂
@davidk____: Ask @DerrickMTV about people touching other peoples stuff. #Sacred #TheRuins. Honey and feathers on the family pictures by @MTVBananas. #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: Dad's pissed 😡 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF: TJ Lavin - "That's f____ed up.")
@JustJem24: We don’t tolerate being mean girls? But we let a racist win an entire season 😭😭
- @HPBateman: @JustJem24 Jemmye from fucking full court
- @Chocol8Bombshel: @JustJem24 Ok ... I’m sorry but I have to agree with Jem on this one
@ChallengeMTV: I'M SHOOOOOOOOOK 😱 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF of Nelson's jaw dropping as Bananas is picked)
@iamkamiam_: TONY MADE A PLAY! #TheChallengeVendettas
@BadAdviceSL_FAN: Sorry but @JustJem24 and @kailah_casillas making good TV👏🏻 #TheChallengeVendettas
@Marie_TBD: Nelson right now @MTV_NellyT @ChallengeMTV #thechallengevendettas
- @ChallengeMTV: @Marie_TBD @MTV_NellyT Me af
@lvavv: When you aren’t really feeling someone and then they fuck over one of your friends.... #meangirlwhennecessary @JustJem24
@MTV_AMANDAG: @t_raines33 that speech doeeeee. BAAAMMMMMMM 😂 YASSSSS!!!!!#TheChallengeVendettas
@BadBrad757: Best Season Yet.  #TheChallengeVendettas
@TeamSuperTrin1: Uuuummmm, Tony just did what now??? #TheChallengeVendettas
@tayyke_meaway: Tony slander is no longer allowed. Put some respect on his name okay! 😭 #bigboymoves @Raines327 #TheChallengeVendettas
@LittlestWinslow: MTV THRIVES on drama like this episode. Then they’re gonna have TJ lecture @kailah_casillas @JustJem24 and Brit. What the fuck ever. Producers are LUCKY to have Kailah and Jem. #TheChallengeVendettas 🤷‍♂️
@hennis_jennifer: @hennis_jennifer @JustJem24 And what about @CaraMariaMTV throwing Jordan's bag in the pool last season
@JazMTV: Finally someone made a power move 👏👏👏👏 #TheChallengeVendettas
@hbarfield13: Legit watching @ChallengeMTV Vendettas and not being there has me doing push-ups between every commercial. This is torture 😐
@LastQueens__: WHAT A PLOT TWIST. OOMMGGG #TheChallengeVendettas #TheChallenge
@MTV_AMANDAG: Finally someone pulls the trigger and it’s even BETTER that it’s his own homie hahahahaha. Wow I love this show. #TheChallengeVendettas
@bananasfuturew1: @JustJem24 was soooo happy about Tony’s decision 😂😂
@ChallengeMTV: Heroes get remembered, but legends never die 👏 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF: Zach - "Tony cemented his place in Challenge history.")
@ImSarahRice: I just LOVE all you @braincandypod #brainiacs tweeting about our show!! It warms my heart to read!! Thanks for the love! 💗 🍭🧠
@briughh: Atta boy t-Raines @t_raines33
@ChallengeMTV: Y'all better hope Bananas doesn't come back, because we all know what happens when you get on his bad side 😤 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF of the moment from Rivals III when he says, "I'm gonna take the money and run, Teej.")
@reebuggx: I've seen worse done to newbies on these shows. a freakin racist won an entire season. but the whole world is calling out @JustJem24 @kailah_casillas and @BritniNicol, that makes sense 🤷‍♀️
@n_zanattaMTV: "@DevynRanae: @n_zanattaMTV is my favorite on this season omg" RT You’re my fav
@AsSmallAsAGiant: @ChallengeMTV This is the greatest season ever
@JazMTV: As far as the mean girl crap I just saw Not even going to comment on that BS!  #notcool #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: This is smack talk at it's finest 😂😂😂 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF: Devin - "I hope he brought his glasses."
@ChallengeMTV: (GIF of the boards of both Bananas and Devin)
@MTV_AMANDAG: @MTVDevinWalker has me CRYING LAUGHING OMGGGGGGG. His fucking interviews are SO FUNNYYYYYY!!!!!! Hahahah #TheChallengeVendettas
@t_raines33: It's Tony Time...I gave you your shot, @MTVDevinWalker don't miss! #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV
- @n_zanattaMTV: @t_raines33 I love you!!!
@n_zanattaMTV: At the end of everything I will back @t_raines33 I may not agree with everything you do however  I’ll support you!
@MTVBananas: A Banana reaction is one hell of a reaction 🍌☠ #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: Who are you rooting for!? 🤔 #TheChallengeVendettas
@cortknee412: Mannnnn @JustJem24 is not a bully and doesn’t have to apologize to that snake...she’s playing victim #challengevendettas
@xoheartinohioxo: @JustJem24 @tjlavin We have seen MANY TIMES competitors have their suitcases fucked with. @ZNichols15 just mentioned how him and Knight (r.i.p. 💔) tossed Nany's in the pool, @CaraMariaMTV with @JordanW_usa stuff, Tonya & Beth ETC. ETC. Not to mention the other shit people have done antagonizing.
@jswarley29: @hennis_jennifer @JustJem24 @CaraMariaMTV Or when Wes poured a drink over Cara Maria's head and also told her everyone hates her?  Or when CT called Big Easy a fat ass loser as he was basically dying on the side of the road?  Those were ok?  We remember everything. #TheChallengeVendettas
@MTVjennifer: literally squeezing anthonys leg watching this elimination #TheChallengeVendettas
@MarcToddd: This is such a visual and tactical challenge...I love it 😱 #thechallengevendettas
@00Hitsdiidii: I AM ON THE EDGE OF MY MOTHER EFFING SEATTTTT 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳. #TheChallengeVendettas

@ChallengeMTV: Mood ✨ #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF: Devin - "It can only be described as Nirvana.")s
@MTVBananas: Win or Lose I still booze 🥂🍌 #BananasOut ✌ #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV @MTV #BananasDoingThings
- @ChallengeMTV: @MTVBananas @MTV @DJMelReeves WHO WORE IT BETTER!? 😂
- @DJMelReeves: @MTVBananas You stole my flag 😱
@ChallengeMTV: Tony just earned himself a new Vendetta 🔪 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF: Bananas - "This war is far from over.")
@blacuesta: @JustJem24 I am deceased
@MTV_AMANDAG: I cannot fucking imagine how @MTVDevinWalker feels rn cuz I am LIT AFFFFFFF!!!!!!! Hahahahahahah hahahahahahaha best Challenge moment EVER!! BYEEEEEEE #TheChallengeVendettas
@nillythesquid: Damn... #TheChallengeVendettas is sickening to watch right now. Bullying is 100% intolerable....
@MarcToddd: HOLY HOLY HOLY HOLY SH*T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😱😱 I can’t believe @MTVBananas is eliminated!! #TheChallengeVendettas
- @sheen_is_back: @MarcToddd @MTVBananas #TheChallengeVendettas That. Never. Happens!!!
@ChallengeMTV: (GIF of Kayleigh exiting after announcing she will be quitting after what happened to her in the house)
@MTV: Don't go anywhere -- The Challenge: After-The-Show starts right now!
@ChallengeMTV: Grab a foamer and don't go anywhere, because The Challenge: After-The-Show starts NOW! #TheChallengeVendettas
@Jilly_ashley: OMG @BritniNicol your hair looks amazing on the after show!! #TheChallengeVendettas #MTVWinterBreak
@ChallengeMTV: @challengemtv__ @MTVDevinWalker HOW WE DOIN!?
@kailah_casillas: If you don’t want your panties picked up off the bathroom floor, don’t take them off. #TheChallengeVendettas
@Marie_TBD: Kay 💔 @Kmorrisx
@ChallengeMTV: If you thought this week's episode was 🔥, wait until you see what's in store next 😈 #TheChallengeVendettas
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV Oh hi #TheChallengeVendettas
- @mtvrrdarrell: @ChallengeMTV Put me in coach!! 👏🏽 #VENDETTAS
@iamkamiam_: Keep telling people to not sleep on people from #AYTO 💅🏽 #TheChallengeVendettas
- @ChallengeMTV: @iamkamiam_ FACTS!
@t_raines33: Sometimes all you need is a little alley-oop #ByeByeBananas #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV @MTVDevinWalker @MTVBananas
- @ChallengeMTV: @t_raines33 @MTVDevinWalker @MTVBananas KINGS
@ChallengeMTV: "Johnny was so confident, he didn't even pack his bags." 😱 #TheChallengeVendettas
@blacuesta: All I’m gonna say is @MTVDevinWalker is that bitch. He did that. I Stan.
@_bstarrr: For the record, @JustJem24 @MTVDevinWalker and @ZNichols15 are killing the interviews this season 👏🏼😂 #TheChallengeVendettas
@kailah_casillas: I don’t care about @Kmorrisx & @MTV_NellyT... she told everyone that I was throwing @ZNichols15 & @t_raines33 under the bus and betraying out alliance.... she also told @n_zanattaMTV that I was going plotting against her. This fucking bitch is a LIAR.
@Lizchallenge_: You are one of a kind miss Kayleigh i love you! One of the most down to earth nicest people i know @Kmorrisx ❤️❤️
@ChallengeMTV: .@guskenworthy is #TeamBananas! 🙌 #TheChallengeVendettas
@CaraMariaMTV: In case i need to say it louder for the people in the back: jordan was a dick to me/talked down on me all season. Sent me in redemption. Said i looked like a man and no one wanted to run a final w me. So yes. I set his floatable luggage in the pool. Alone. #notbullying
@ChallengeMTV: Who's your Zaddy? Gold, silver, and bronze 🏅 #TheChallengeVendettas
@Kay_Elle_28: No matter what...I still ❤️ @JustJem24. #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: Who's the horniest in the house? 🍆 #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: Who's the biggest backstabber? 🔪 #TheChallengeVendettas
@Mason_zenI: I ❤ @CaraMariaMTV for sticking up for @Kmorrisx #challengevendettas
@IsntDaveOne: 😄 I'm loving Devin on #TheChallengeVendettas after show!
@reyslord: I am loving Gus' shade lmfaooo #TheChallengeVendettas
@itsLEnri: @guskenworthy looking like a whole snack on that white couch. #TheChallengeVendettas
@Marie_TBD: A win is a win. #messymarie @ChallengeMTV #thechallengevendettas #gold
- @ChallengeMTV: @Marie_TBD 🏅
@blacuesta: Twitter is on fucking fire
@ChallengeMTV: Who peeped that sneak peek at next week's episode 👀 #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: "You win some, you lose some, but you come back to fight another day." 👏 @MTVBananas
@Marie_TBD: I’m messy orrrrrrr LOL @BritniNicol @ChallengeMTV #thechallengevendettas #babycubprotection #cattycouch
@ImSarahRice: I hear this week’s episode of #TheChallenge is a must see! I’ll be watching it LIVE on Friday and YOU can join me!!👉
- @susie_meister: @ImSarahRice And we have two episodes to watch! Double trouble! Who should we cold call?!
- @ImSarahRice: @susie_meister DEVIN! Obvi!! @MTVDevinWalker,  keep your cell on!! We’re gonna #lightitup
- @susie_meister: @ImSarahRice Oh, and it’s gooooooood too.
- @susie_meister: @ImSarahRice @braincandypod I dare say, this changes everything...
@Itslluna: I hope we see @Kmorrisx and @DJMelReeves in other seasons! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas
@MtvNateSiebs: Twitter got me TOOO excited for tonight’s episode! I’m tryna see this drama!! I’m tryna see this W!!! I’m tryna see this damn show! Hurry up West Coast! 9pm!👏🏼👏🏼⏳⏳ #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: FYI this is happening on The Challenge: After-The-Show right now 😂 #TheChallengeVendettas
@Jilly_ashley: I have to say, yes it could have been avoided with @Kmorrisx, but I have met @kailah_casillas before and she really is a sweet person.  #TheChallengeVendettas #MTVWinterBreak @WinterBreakHM @ChallengeMTV
@lupitarubio_: The real goat is back next episode! The MAN @mtvrrdarrell #TheChallengeVendettas
@klphoen: @CaraMariaTea2 @CaraMariaMTV That’s one of the things I really Love about Cara. She’s loyal and doesn’t change her loyalty every 5 seconds but if you screw her that loyalty is gone and she’s not trusting you fully again
@ChallengeMTV: We've got some good ole fashioned BP, Challenge style! Who are you rooting for: @MTVDevinWalker or @guskenworthy? 🏓 🍻 #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: Dev and Brit killed that ish! 🔥 #TheChallengeVendettas
@NataliaNegrotti: Speechless
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: "@18challengefan: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE has the same reaction as I do at the end of every episode this season. So happy we get to see her next week. This show is going to shit & Season 32 will be no different, especially with 85% of the Vendettas…" RT 😂  that face though. I'm either making that a Nicole for crying or when i find out the elimination
@nixonnm: I’d love to see @ImSarahRice come back as a mercenary next on @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas @tjlavin make it happen! 🙏🏼
- @ImSarahRice: Well I’ve got a special announcement coming soon! Make sure you’re listening to the @braincandypod to hear! 🤫😏
@ToriFiorenza: Didn’t watch, but i don’t live under a rock so I’ll say this:::i don’t condone bullying, but if you are Sane after living in the challenge house for five weeks, there is something wrong with you.  Everybody makes bad decisions after wk 4...everybody!#TheChallengeVendettas
@ToriFiorenza: Lol I’m tapping out...just letting y’all know- that house brings out the worst in people...not defending. Bullying doesn’t end bullying.😘#knockitoff #endbullying 💕
@blacuesta: The BB fan in me is wondering if bananas is the new James? Does Natalie have a thing for guys whose names start w the letter J? Also both pranksters? Is Natalie’s strategy to always be in a showmance? Does bananas make Natalie eat bananas to get him rock hard? I have questions
@emilylongeretta: We've seen people's luggage get thrown in pools before but @MTVBananas says it was completely different, something he'd never seen before on this season of #TheChallenge. Read his explanation:
@ChallengeMTV: Looks like the fans agree with @guskenworthy’s picks!
@blacuesta: "@MTV_Iwan: @blacuesta Omg i love you would u do another challenge u always get screwed over" RT im just generally not very good lol my social game weak as fuck and im just weak as fuck in general lmaoooo
- @Irving_A07: @blacuesta You need a fair chance!! Brandon screwed you over, and you didn’t get a fair shot on Dirty 30!! You can do it!!
- @blacuesta: @Irving_A07 i technically got a fair chance on dirty 30. I went into an elimination twice and lost fair and square both times. I had chances to pull through but didnt you win some you lose some
@CaraMariaMTV: Well. Judging from instagram/twitter polls its Lookin like a dead heat toss up between green/red. may have to do a wardrobe change midway @ChallengeMTV reunion. Im overdue in the dress department anyway. Maybe i flip my hair n do purple first half/red the 2nd. #iwantitall

@ChallengeMTV: Ok West coast, we didn't forget about you! #TheChallengeVendettas starts NOW on @MTV! Tune in and tweet along 🙌
@ChallengeMTV: Moves are being made 💪 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF of Leroy reacting to him being on the big board)
@ChallengeMTV: Devin is admiring his handy work 😂 #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF of him drinking some tea)s
@ChallengeMTV: It's going DOWN 😱 #TheChallengeVendettas
@blacuesta: to be clear idc if ur into bananas or tacos bc i like both nor am i trying to start a rumor :)
@ChallengeMTV: GOOSEBUMPS. EVERYWHERE. #TheChallengeVendettas
@whaattaafoxx: @MTV Everybody that touched my shit would have been knocked the fuck out. NOBODY TOUCHES MY SHIT.
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Bullying and ganging up on someone is never okay. Grow up and deal with things like an adult. #thechallenge
@_gelesann: Shoutout to @MTV for calling a spade a spade #TheChallengeVendettas
@jerryhomskeeze: Congratulations Kailah you’ve just become the new Camila #thechallengevendettas
@AliviaHuntxr: ok kailah keeps repeatedly saying that she was a bully on her uk shows but like people are allowed to change and this is the reason why people don't
@00Hitsdiidii: TONY REALLY JUST DID THAT?!?! OH.EM.GEEEEEE #TheChallengeVendettas
@kareem_fathalla: Letsss goo!!!! Tony is a boss for that move!
@kareem_fathalla: Wack elimination
@kareem_fathalla: Tony shitting himself right now 😂
@NurysKMateo: THIS EPISODE WAS GOLD. Congrats @MTVDevinWalker you’re amazing! #TheChallengeVendettas
@AliviaHuntxr: Man why she gotta quit. Like don't leave and say "I would come for kailah if I was here again" BITCH U IS HERE SO DO THE DAMN THING
@kareem_fathalla: Bruh Britni drunk af 😂😂
@kareem_fathalla: I know exactly how Britni feels bro we used steal shots to get drunk before matchup 😂 shit we even got an assistant fired because we took the liquor before matchup without asking
@kareem_fathalla: Brad probably watching britni at this after show like
@lexoquence: @MTVDevinWalker’s vocabulary turns me on than anyone’s physical ability...
@ChallengeMTV: LET'S GO! #TheChallengeVendettas  (GIF of Devin)
@ChallengeMTV: The battle may be over, but the war definitely isn't. Thanks for watching! #TheChallengeVendettas

@Steven_Plummer2: Is Tony ready to step up? #TheChallengeVendettas
@TheAllanAguirre: I wonder if it was a tough choice for @t_raines33
@TheOriginalDre_: Wait wasn’t Bananas the guy yo “BULLY” @CHEYnotShy on Rivals 3? & Chucked a pillow @ Camila on Dirty 30? Oh yeah he was. Everyone makes mistakes, but clearly @JustJem24 @kailah_casillas @BritniNicol we’re tired of her bs. It WAS wrong. But shit happens. #thechallengevendettas
@challengecrazed: Hmmmmm so Bananas kept saying he would nominate himself to go in....... yet is now trashing Tony (on IG)..........
@TheOriginalDre_: I’m sorry, nothing against the UK girls but they really throw the word “Bully” around like it’s candy. They were NOT “Bullied” is it right that @kailah_casillas @JustJem24 @BritniNicol did? No, but it’s reality TV & they’re human. Chill out #TheChallengeVendettas
@shboogies: Kayleigh sure was all smiles & giggles when Kam and others were coming for Melissa but now she’s a victim? Lololololol #TheChallengeVendettas
@Steven_Plummer2: I’ve liked this episode so far! #TheChallengeVendettas
@Juanderful19: Very disappointed in @JustJem24 & @BritniNicol..... can’t stand bullying 😠 hopefully they learned their lesson after this #TheChallengeVendettas
@Steven_Plummer2: This drama is madness #TheChallengeVendettas
@Steven_Plummer2: Boooo Kailah 👎👎 #TheChallengeVendettas
@Steven_Plummer2: Let’s hope we get Devin vs. Bananas #TheChallengeVendettas
@Juanderful19: FUCK YEAH TJ DRAGGING THEM #TheChallengeVendettas
@Steven_Plummer2: That was awesome by TJ there #TheChallengeVendettas
@Steven_Plummer2: Holy crap Tony with the MVP move! #TheChallengeVendettas
@Steven_Plummer2: We’re getting Devin vs. Bananas!
@TheOriginalDre_: @t_raines33 DID THAT. WHATTTTT💀😱 shook. #TheChallengeVendettas
@shboogies: DOES TJ APOLOGIZE TO LEROY FOR CAMILA? Oh but MTV didn’t write that for him to say. They wanted that to go away. The Kayleigh shit was wrong, but so was the Camila stuff - to a much worse degree. Get your shit together @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas
@TheAllanAguirre: As @WestonBergmann would say: SOMEONE'S GOING HOME TONIGHT!!!
@Itslluna: Yaasssss @guskenworthy! Drag her! #TheChallengeVendettas
@TheOriginalDre_: I LOVE Gus but don’t come for @kailah_casillas  #TheChallengeVendettas
@TheSteamer: “We’re going to see if Bananas just barks and can’t bite”. You dumb fuck, he beat you in the finals of #Rivals3. He’s won SIX challenges. Fuck off, you wannabe. #TheChallengeVendettas
@murtzjaffer: I am a huge @MTVBananas fan and am broken. A terrible end to a terrible day.
@TheOriginalDre_: How is @MTVDevinWalker wrong for using a hookup to get what he wanted in the game, BUT Bananas did the same maybe even worse on Bloodlines to @CaraMariaMTV to stir the pot & benefit his OWN game. Mic dropped 🙂#TheChallengeVendettas
@TheOriginalDre_: #TEAMDEVIN LETS GO BROTHA GET THIS DUB‼️‼️‼️ @MTVDevinWalker #thechallengevendettas
@CohenBrian_: Kaliah legitimately peed the bed a few months ago and now is judging another woman’s outfit? God bless these lunatics. #TheChallengeVendettas
@nillythesquid: Honestly my thoughts on tonight’s episode of #TheChallengeVendettas I can say that everyone had made mistakes, everyone has done something that wasn’t cool, and everyone has said stuff they immediately regretted, BUT not everyone’s mistakes are aired on national television
@RiverC_Official: Crazy how my boy @t_raines33 stepped on the scene only a few yrs ago, was seriously hurt & had his spleen removed but still came back, was legit bullied by EVERYBODY online but I’ve always loved the dude even when ppl bullied me for being a fan. Look at him now! #Legend 🙌🏽
@murtzjaffer: As a big fan of Bananas, even I can appreciate how tough he is to beat in an elimination. Nice win @MTVDevinWalker. And good for you to shake your vendetta’s hand after.
@CohenBrian_: Good lord if @tjlavin ever expressed that level of disappointment in me I’d just crawl in a hole and die. No coming back from that. #TheChallengeVendettas
@Jonnyboyy10: Everyone knows Devin would’ve gotten wrecked if it was anything remotely physical @ChallengeMTV
@TheAllanAguirre: If you've been on the show for 13 years, you can't complain about losing on a puzzle. It's the Challenge. You know that the game makes you do mental stuff, it makes you do wacky stuff, and it's on you to win.
@TheAllanAguirre: Fun fact: @ImSarahRice hasn't been eliminated on a Challenge since Obama's first term
@CohenBrian_: The Princes Who Were Promised in Devin and Tony were finally realized tonight. When this show hits, it’s simply phenomenal.
@SandersCSS: @CSUGradAkirk @RealityRadioPod Bananas because it was solo! Devin won on his own. Plus Nate and Cory never had a rivalry. We’ll probably never see Nate again too. Cory won in the long run! Devin’s victory on Vendettas was for Cory!!!! Bananas got beat! 👊🏾#bam #TeamYoungBucks #TheChallengeVendettas
@CSUGradAkirk: This whole rumor thing is kinda lame if you ask me and the fact people didn’t know it was Devin that started it makes them as dumb as they look #challengevendettas
@CSUGradAkirk: Welcome to the bad girls club bad girls #challengevendettas
@CSUGradAkirk: The sad thing is all three girls will be on #finalreckoning  #challengevendettas
@CSUGradAkirk: I guarantee you those three have lost a lot fans tonight #challengevendettas
@CSUGradAkirk: And the fact that Nelson is being so petty and not making sure that Kayleigh is ok is pathetic too #challengevendettas
@CSUGradAkirk: Way to go @tjlavin for ripping them apart #challengevendettas
@CSUGradAkirk: It’s Tony time!!!!  Wow!!!!! #challengevendettas
@CSUGradAkirk: The way @t_raines33 worded his vote was freaking epic!!!! #challengevendettas
@CSUGradAkirk: It looks tony will win rivals four and go home with no money now haha #challengevendettas
@AceNichols33: Am I in a zoo with crazy fucking animals?!! Basically, yes. #TheChallengeVendettas
@AceNichols33: Oh.. and people used to throw other people's suitcases and shit in the pool.. wasn't that like.. the same shit? #TheChallengeVendettas
@AceNichols33: Ooooohhh @tjlavin got serious quick... I was even ashamed for a minute and I didn't do shit! 😂 #TheChallengeVendettas
@AceNichols33: Wowwww @t_raines33 done did that thoughhhhh! #TheChallengeVendettas
@dc408dxnow: We begin. And the troika of Tony, Zach and Kailah at work to come up with who Devin wants to go up against: they're thinking bananas, Leroy and Nelson. And this is gonna get a bit more tense.  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And they're headed to the dinner to try and plead their case to not get a date with Devin.  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Bananas is telling them to go with Nelson or else. But Tony is also thinking about his kids back home and how this might be beneficial to them if he cashes.  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Devin wants to break bananas & Natalie, and Kay & Nelly. And Kay has been hooking up with JB. And there's some pot stirring going on in here. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Bananas thinks he's in this soap of sorts. Natalie doesn't know what's going on either. And Dev is talking to everyone as JB is feeling clueless about this.  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Kay now talking to Cara and Kyle about this supposed kiss. And a reenactment of that went on there and this is gonna be a tough scenario with this rumor mill possibly going wrong or this being the one that brings the champ down.  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: The ladies talking to Natalie about what she should do. This lady went into this and things might possibly explode.  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: They're out and about. And they're thinking of what might happen and Tony talking to Kyle about what choice he should make. And the girls' focus is on Kay.  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Kay calling JB a fool - to make it PG friendly. And earlier before this aired there was something with Kay and Kailah. So we're seeing this unfold a bit before the real fireworks unload.  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: The girls are bringing the beds of Kayleigh and Natalie up above. And now we have a Tonya situation going on here: they've brought the bed and clothes off the stairs and things are about to go off.  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Those overseas who've watch #ExOnTheBeach & who saw her on her CBB UK season know that Kayleigh is a pop off queen of MTV UK and we've just seen why she's been on two of those seasons of the show were gonna be seeing not that far away. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Kay is gonna take a breather tonight here after what's gone down, and I'm sure folks here have been introduced to what kind of drama she's been offering to those outside of here
@dc408dxnow: As they enter the ring, TJ brings up the bullying from last night and comes down hard on the girls and says to not do it again. Votes tied with Bananas and Nelson. And now Tony in the crucial spot of having to pick between them for Devin's opponent.  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Devin gets his wish… Bananas is his opponent. And this has shades of what happened when Jordan had his shot and it backfired. Now it's this man's chance to take down the champ.  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And this is a puzzle they have to light up in its totality to get the win. And there's a slight lead for the champ. And looks like it could be the same result as it was at the wall…  #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Devin's coming back on this man. And would it be something if he does it again?
@dc408dxnow: Well… he brought back his whole #AYTO cast from the dead a few years ago. Now he's done the seemingly impossible. @MTVDevinWalker takes down Bananas by just a few percentage points & had to come back late to pull this thing off. This changes everything, right? #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: We saw this man get involved with a girl who once dated a Teen Mom's ex & it became a tough thing to watch. Then he got red cups & a coin and used his knowledges to pull off a incredible fight back. Now we have Devin's shining moment here. Quite a night.  #DCChallenge

LAST CALL: The Bachelor, and Wes Praises Big D 
@KikiMTV: It’s insane to me that he claims he didn’t cheat. Emotional cheating is 100% a thing. Don’t act like you weren’t chatting it up with Lauren behind Becca’s back for weeks. #thebachelor
@KikiMTV: Arie is an awful human being. 36 and acts like a teenage boy. Disgusting. #thebachelor
@KikiMTV: Lauren said, “he went about this in the most respectful way” Girl you’re an idiot and clearly have no compassion...just like your old ass man. #thebachelor
@KikiMTV: Arie ALWAYS BLAMES THE WOMAN! To Lauren: “I could see the doubt in your eyes so I got scared” To Becca: “you were working all the time and we were apart” You’re pathetic, dude. #thebachelor #worstbachelorever
@KikiMTV: NO SHAME! They literally have ZERO SHAME. #Thebachelor
@KikiMTV: The only thing worse than being the most hated man in America would be the chick who is dumb enough to date him. 🤷🏽‍♀️ #thebachelor
@giannahammer: I am beyond pumped for this bachelor finale and ready for the everyone to drag Arie for being a real POS for his little “decision” 😤😤😤
@giannahammer: Oh my god just realized OF COURSE ITS A TWO PART so we gotta wait for all the roasting to happen tomorrow 🙄🙄🙄😑
@HaydenPWeaver: Me backtracking on all the times I stood up for Arie earlier in the season #TheBachelorFinale
@HaydenPWeaver: Every reality series needs their dud season to recharge the next season.  I’ve experienced it firsthand.

@WestonBergmann: I’m weirdly obsessed with the NFL combine. As in, I’m barely more in awe of the players as I am in my awe for my awe of the players.
@WestonBergmann: Sometimes your mentees do you proud...and sometimes they doing you really fucking proud!!! If anyone asks I taught him everything he knows, minus the athletic part. I’m still working on that part.
- @HolyHotDang: @WestonBergmann My wife is new to the Challenge but she's watched the last 3 or 4. The whole time Devin was doing his thing, I kept telling her "man, this reminds me of Wes so much". It was so great to watch.
- @WestonBergmann: @HolyHotDang Marrying man!
- @CaraMariaHive: @WestonBergmann You haven't been athletic in a while. You've always failed at your attempts to get Bananas out. Devin is 100X better.
- @WestonBergmann: @CaraMariaHiveDevin definitely is 100X me...but I’m pretty sure fruit juice and I have had only had one go it and I won.
@WestonBergmann: "@LisaRSanders1: Man, @MTVBananas is 0-4 in his last 4 eliminations. @mtvrrdarrell , @WestonBergmann , @DerrickMTV & now @MTVDevinWalker beat him! (No Riff Raff doesn’t count. he threw it!). Looks like Bananas isn’t the competitor that he claims to be. Who’s the layup now? #TheChallengeVendettas" RT Dear Are You The One players, this is what I mean when I say quantitative
@WestonBergmann: "@MTV: @ActuallyAlexis @MTVDevinWalker @WestonBergmann clearly got that diploma #TheChallengeVendettas" RT I both love and hate that I literally own two schools yet my most famous academic accreditation comes from MTV

@MTVDevinWalker: For all of you saying @t_raines33 is fkd in future seasons... take a look at the now. @MTVBananas has no one. He'll come crawling back like the worm he is. Tony just mind fkd ur "goat". Deal with it. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!! And for all of you that said I'd never beat @MTVBananas ... Hahaha! Get used to it. I'm not going anywhere. The phallic fruit just got beat by his self proclaimed weakest opponent. #scrub #loser #totalloser #overthehill #allidoiswin and I drink foamers #🤘🍻
@MTVDevinWalker: Let's just recap @MTVBananas season... barley beats an injured @Rogan_OConnor, completely used by @NataliaNegrotti, exposed by @KyleCGShore, played by @Kmorrisx, dominated by @t_raines33, and ... beaten by me..! Hahaha! Better luck next year ya fool

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Well, did they say in the lead-up to this that, " joke it's one of the best episodes ever 😱"? Well, that was something. Seems to always be saying that here.... more on all this on an expanded WRAP coming up at the end of the weekend. And on the topic of the love-fest...


The sight of seeing AYTO's most notorious alum fulfilling his promise to take down his Vendetta with help from someone who's on his way to becoming Breakout Performer of this season when Andrew Kirk & I finally get to do our Debrief in the springtime offers the segue-way to his original show's most notable cast. At this time in early March of 2014, in real time the Season 1 cast filmed their reunion where Amber & Ethan Diamond got engaged on their way to ultimately become parents for the first time... they'll do it again later this year as she is now pregnant with her second child.
   In TV time, Episode 8 - which aired tomorrow four years ago - saw they and the rest of the house turn their attention to the two remaining love triangles in the house that ultimately decided the game and saw them win $1 million. One member of the threesome that eventually decided the game was featured last week in that Tampa comedian turned man on the street reporter JJ. The other triangle involved saw an Ole Miss alum and a future local news journalist, Mississippi native Kayla Lusby, in the middle with two guys trying to win over her attention: one was Chicago native and Stephen Curry lookalike Wes Buckles, and the other is our focus here.
   Colorado native Ryan Malaty was that guy who MTV described as, "a quirky, playful guy with exotically hot looks." With his charisma and good guy demeanor, he attracted the attention of the ladies in Hawaii, and he eventually found himself in a friendly battle for love with Kayla just after he went all over the house looking for his journal just after they moved into the house. It wasn't until later that Ryan and Kayla were put into the Truth Booth, but they returned a no match - only for her to get another shot with Wes the next week, and they were on their way to the Honeymoon Suites. But if you remember their Matchup outfits from that first season, who can forget Ryan putting on his Aladdin outfit? And when he made it onto CBS' Let's Make A Deal, of course(!) he had to wear it.

IG @Medalion_R
Last year around the time of the most recent Season 6 premiere, we looked at the Netflix movie #RealityHigh, for which Ryan had a small role in a film inspired by Lindsey Lohan's Mean Girls -- perhaps fitting for this bit to be posted after such an episode we saw on Wednesday. Well, Ryan has landed another acting gig: this time as part of the cast of a show that's the latest to take the public's enduring fascination with zombies to the Go90 mobile entertainment platform: My Dead Ex.
   The series synopsis reads, "My Dead Ex is your classic, will-they-won't-they romance story. Charley is living your typical teenage girl’s life. Ben, Charley’s not so secret admirer, isn’t living at all. But a little thing like death can’t stop these two teens from falling in love. Or maybe it can." This show, sees its main characters played by Katherine Hughes and Ryan Lee explore dating, high school life and feelings for one another, with Malaty playing one of the supporting roles.
   The series debuts on March 20 for those who want to binge-watch it on Go90 (the Verizon-owned platform where Ashley K. from Champs vs. Pros, Invasion and true perfect match of AYTO alum & 4-time Challenger Dario did the web series The Runner two years ago), but the pilot episode will receive a test-drive at this weekend's South by Southwest festival in Austin, TX... the trailer is embedded below for your enjoyment.

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As mentioned, due to the past month being given to this blogger getting to binge-watch the Winter Olympics, an expanded edition of the WRAP is ahead with our top moments of the past month of Vendettas, plus thoughts on the bullying that took place in the house on this week's episode. We'll also reveal our latest power rankings and a look at what the future holds with fourteen people left in Spain and much still left to be decided. And on a lighter note, there's another baby on the way... find out who in the MTV fam is about to become a parent. That comes up tomorrow - but for now have a great Sunday and week ahead.


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