Friday, March 2, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before Vendettas Week 8 (BACKTRACKED)

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

It might be Friday, but our DCBLOG weekend is already one day old as we continue to catch up on lost work due to the Winter Olympics break. Yesterday, we caught everyone up with what happened on Episode 7 of The Challenge Vendettas, where Brad won his first elimination in 10 years, and an invasion of three veterans and a girl who had an impressive 2017 to Spain.
   We'll bring you what happens there later tonight, but to get you in the mood for that, we bring you below the cast interaction in between Episode 7 of two weeks ago and Episode 8 from last week, before we bring you the Pulse of last week's Vendettas later tonight... a steamy episode to put it.

@ChallengeMTV: Did you miss the big twist on latest episode of #TheChallengeVendettas? You can watch it right here, right now: ⬇️
@jchidleyhill: For Valentine's Day @ShelAlexander and I had a podcast double date with @Marie_TBD and @SylviaMTV where they gave us alllllll the dirt on @ChallengeMTV's Vendettas. …
- @Marie_TBD: @jchidleyhill Too much sauce.
@mtvrrdarrell: Next weekend we will be in the city of brotherly love! #Philadelphia #medgift                            …
- @BritniNicol: @mtvrrdarrell It’s gunna be wildddddd
@JennaCompono: My niece Stella 😩😍 I can’t take the cuteness!!! #6daysold
- @ZNichols15: @JennaCompono Crazy Aunt Jean. 🙅‍♀️
@ave_tress: Word of advice: if you buy a big truck and you can't drive the big truck. don't own the truck
@ChallengeMTV: Good luck to @LindsJacobellis in the Women's Snowboard Cross tonight! Just pull out your inner-Challenge warrior and you'll do great 🏂 #olympics
@CaraMariaMTV: “I regret eating that donut”- said me never. #iatethree
@CamilaMTV: If you are not obsessed with your life, change it.
@iamkamiam_: You have to love yourself first!  Never forget to give thanks 🙏🏽💙
@iamkamiam_: I’m not rude, I’m real. Big difference.
@iamkamiam_: I don’t think I’ve ever hated someone in my entire life! It takes too much energy which I have no time for 😩 Loving is so much easier💕
- @iamkamiam_: @kailah_casillas Don’t worry, my lips are wayyyy bigger 🤷🏽‍♀️
@iamkamiam_: I think I’m obsessed with becoming the best version of MYSELF .
- @tori_deal: @iamkamiam_ Same queen
@MTVBananas: Be Savage... Not Average 🍌😈 #TheChallengeVendettas #WhoWroteTheNote #bananasdoingthings @MTV @ChallengeMTV @MTVBananas @Bruce_Lee85 @TheMarkLong
@blacuesta: Sending all my love to the families and loved ones of the 17 innocent kids that were murdered on a day that was supposed to be filled with love.
@blacuesta: When will mass shootings stop being normal? How did we allow for this to be normal? We should not have to say “another one?” When talking about mass shootings.
@blacuesta: Just listened/watched the music video for "The Break Up" by Machine Gun Kelly. These men about to be drunk af screaming this song w the boys and then secretly text their ex "I miss you" after

@ChallengeMTV: These two Brits think that @DerrickMTV and @joss_mooney are like a pit bull and a rottweiler, and one thing's for certain: their elimination is going to be a dog fight. Don't miss it, Tuesday at 9/8c! 🐶 #TheChallengeVendettas.
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV Rottweiler vs. Pitbull.. @Kmorrisx @DerrickMTV @joss_mooney 😈😈
@iamkamiam_: If they want you to do good, as long as it’s not better than them, CUT THEM OFF!
@kailah_casillas: My phone was in my back pocket, went go to the bathroom and my phone drops face first onto the tile floor 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have the iPhone 7 Plus Spider-Man edition now.
@ShelAlexander: ANOTHER BIG WEEK as @jchidleyhill and I were joined by @Marie_TBD and @SylviaMTV on #YouKilledIt. We got all the dirt on the note, Bananas & Natalie, Cara & Kyle and breakdown all the alliances inside the @ChallengeMTV house
@ChallengeMTV: Get ring-side seats for this @AREUTHE1 Battle Royale, ft. @tori_deal and @iamkamiam_, this Tuesday at 9/8c! 👊💥 #TheChallengeVendettas
- @iamkamiam_: @ChallengeMTV Hold up, she done made we wake my savage up 😈!  Can’t wait for Tuesday! Queen VS Queen👑
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV I get anxiety watching this. Get mad @iamkamiam_ !!! Cc: LOL @kailah_casillas
- @SylviaMTV: @iamkamiam_ My girl ain’t here to play games!!!!!
- @MtvNateSiebs: @ChallengeMTV Who you guys got??! I got my girl @iamkamiam_ I love Tori but she’s been on 1 challenge and they actin like she a champ or somethin... KAM bout to take that shit over. Either way this bout to be a bomb ass elimination👏🏼😈 #TheChallengeVendettas
@MTVBananas: *hugs bruised Banana at the grocery store.   Me: Who did this to you?
@tori_deal: Epic battle coming up against @iamkamiam_ ! @AREUTHE1  PRODUCING SOME STRONGE CHALLENGERS! LEGO baby 🤘🏼
- @iamkamiam_: @tori_deal That moment Queens hold it down for @AREUTHE1 🙌🏽
@Marie_TBD: Are you #teamkam ? LOL @ChallengeMTV @Bruce_Lee85 @kailah_casillas #thechallengevendettas
- @iamkamiam_: @Marie_TBD Y’all 3 were the only Team Kam people cheering for me to come back ☺️💕
@JustJem24: Fans forget we are real people at times.....
@JustJem24: @ChallengeRWRR You don’t know the full story of why the video hasn’t been released. I understand your frustration but also please try to understand this is my real life & I am making the right decision for myself & there is more to what’s going on than ya’ll know about at the moment...
@JustJem24: One more thing regarding the YouTube video, I plan on doing an insta live this weekend(probably Sunday night) to explain everything to yall. So I will 💯 let y’all in on what’s going on/take ANY questions y’all have on that live, etc.
@MTVBananas: "@AlyssaNorwin: Honestly, @MTVBananas’ gameplay has been flawless this season and the note is just a tiny part of that. #TheChallengeVendettas #WhoWroteTheNote" RT You make a very compelling argument Alyssa 😉
@Bruce_Lee85: Hey Tweeps... go check out my latest IG story from today “RoyleeTheBarber” tell me what u think!! Any type of feed back is appreciated ✊🏿
@ChallengeMTV: .@guskenworthy, you inspired us on The Challenge: Champs vs. Pros, and now we wish you the best this weekend in the #Olympics! ❤️
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV this guy <3Cara
@TheMarkLong: Let’s do this @lindseyvonn !!!#2018Olympics #USAOlympics #WinterOlympics2018 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸⛷🎿⛷🎿
@TheMarkLong: Great job @nathanwchen ...way to finish strong #Olympics2018 #WinterOlympics #USAOlympics 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸⛸
@TylerDuckMTV: Nathan Chen. Sobbing! #pyeongchang2018
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: "It is better to be feared than loved if you cannot be both" 😊
@CaraMariaMTV: Just a small town girl. Livin in her not lonely world. She took her ginger horse goin anyyyywhereeee. ⛰ #bozeman #406 #montana ❤️☘️
@blacuesta: I just have a really important question: Am I invited to the baby shower @giannahammer @HaydenPWeaver   I give good gifts I swear
@TayloriasSecret: First thing I’m getting baby bean is camo pants @giannahammer @HaydenPWeaver 🤭
@JennaCompono: About to get the best sleep ever :) .. I get to sleep in, and it’s raining... Just missing one last thing !
- @kailah_casillas: @JennaCompono awwww I knew you missed me 💕
@kailah_casillas: looking for some booty ✨
@FloribamaShore: New friends! 🍕 #PizzaPatrol #MTVFloribamaShore #SiestaKey
@CarsonWall3: Nilson ❤️ @SiestaKey @FloribamaShore
@__GarrettMiller: When two 🌎’s collide 😜 @CarsonWall3 @nillythesquid #SiestaKey #FloridabamaShore

@ChallengeMTV: .@guskenworthy knows a thing or two about staying cool under pressure ❄️ Again, good luck in the #Olympics! We're rooting for you ❤️
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV I love you @guskenworthy 😍 you're the greatest #Olympics2018
@Marie_TBD: Once I learn how to get out of bed in the morning; it’s over for you Bitches
@Marie_TBD: I said it once and I’ll say it again... bangs are never the answer.
@t_raines33: Drakes Gods Plan video will make a grown mans eyes water 😭🤧
@MTV_NellyT: I’m going back back to Cali Cali !!!! LA stand up your boy just touch down
@DJMelReeves: 🙊
@ChallengeMTV: Will @AREUTHE1 Season 5 finally prove @MTVDevinWalker wrong and win something? Find out, Tuesday at 9/8c on a new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas! 💪
@CaraMariaMTV: The club isn't the best place to find a lover   So the bar is where I go   Me and my friends at the table doing shots   Drinking fast and then we talk slow
@Marie_TBD: Haters will see you walk on water and say it’s because you can’t swim.
@AdamKingMTV: @KiddNamedDex Haha! Yeah, on Battle of the Sexes 2. I thought he would jump out of the way but he didn’t. My bad @DerrickMTV
- @DerrickMTV: @AdamKingMTV Lesson Learned: Never Play “Chicken” with 4 over-grown *ickheads and a Golf Cart. 🤨😜 But I’m glad the mystery has finally been solved 12 years later. 😆
@KendalSheppard: I just dreamt they had a #RoadRules Campus Crawl Reunion and all my castmates  ( @shannanity @rachel_fitness @mtvrrdarrell @thegreysauce @EricReeceJones ) were on the RV but I was replaced by @susie_meister . I showed up to curse them out but cried instead. Now I can't shake it😢
@shandathapanda: got ditched by a grungy ass dude for a girl w saggy ass tits last night so
@n_zanattaMTV: Flex on a Saturday 😘
@ChallengeMTV: Derrick v. Joss in: THE RING. One night only. DON'T MISS IT. Tuesday at 9/8c 👊💥 #TheChallengeVendettas
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV Feet fail me not @DerrickMTV #Diesel ⛽️
@MTVDerek: Prom 1988 with @ave_tress
- @ave_tress: @MTVDerek Can we all just say a big happy 30 to Derek?! @MTVDerek love you!!!
@TheMarkLong: I wish the #OLYMPICS were on every other month it ...go #TeamUSA #WinterOlympics2018 #WinterGames #USAOlympics 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@mtvrrdarrell: Boxing, All Star weekend & Gus all 2nite!! 👏🏽 let’s gooooo @guskenworthy #WinterOlympics

@blacuesta: deadass im on timehop and a pic of me and my ex from five years ago came up and bless his soul for loving me back then bc YIKES.
@blacuesta: my "awkward stage" lasted from middle school till like 2 days ago wtf
@blacuesta: Horrible timing: a book about my love life
@blacuesta: I'm doing the self-love one. The beginning of it. The pain you feel. It's sad. It's for people who can't put their feelings into words. It's to help the people who think they're alone. I am in this fight with you.
@blacuesta: I think social media has really fucked people up in a way where people want to make the public believe that their lives are perfection. It has created a "how can I be like him/her" mentality which defers your own personal growth and progress.
@blacuesta: I think theres a fine line between wanting to be someone/wanting their life and having someone who inspires you to be a better you.
@blacuesta: I have a lot of thoughts that I've jotted down over the past year about being broken, self-love, self-help, body positivity, anxiety, depression...everything. They aren't poems. It's not a book. Just thoughts. Keep a look out.
@blacuesta: Hey guys uh friendly reminder fuck ya chicken strips

@ChallengeMTV: Lee and Kailah are placing bets on Tuesday's elimination. Who do you think will be right? 🤔 Find out, Tuesday at 9/8c on @MTV! #TheChallengeVendettas
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV Lol me and you always makin bets @Bruce_Lee85 will I ever save Le this season? 🤷🏻‍♀️🧐
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Preciate the love @Bruce_Lee85 ✊.
- @kailah_casillas: @DerrickMTV @Bruce_Lee85 Haha you know I love you D!
- @DerrickMTV: @kailah_casillas @Bruce_Lee85 Booooo!! Wait! 🤨 I’ve gotta let that one slide since you picked Derrick over @TheOfficial_CT in the draft during #TheChallengeXXX 😜
- @kailah_casillas: @DerrickMTV 😘😘😘😘
@SHOTOFYAGER: I’M BACK! Appreciate all the kind words & wedding well-wishes!🙏🏻Thanks for bearing w/ @DerrickMTV & I during the last few weeks of less chatter & fewer podcasts. #ChallengeMania is BACK Tues w/ a🔥guest. How bout a NEW LOGO?! 👇🏻News on Merch, NYC Show+Guest Reveal Coming SOON
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥ALRIGHT MANIACS, since you were so cool the last few weeks while I was away, @DerrickMTV & I are giving the people what they want! THIS TUES on #ChallengeMania...Is that CARA MARIA’S music?! @CaraMariaMTV joins us!…
- @CaraMariaMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER God i hate this photo. Its like 10 years old. But yeah. Looking forward to it :)
@ThePME: The @ChallengeMTV Vendettas recap, Derrick vs @joss_mooney elimination preview, and classic Challenge stories w/ @DerrickMTV  Video:   Podcast: 

@Marie_TBD: Eat whatever you want. If people try to lecture you about your weight, eat them too.
@JennaCompono: Fun Fact: Alcohol increases the size of the “send button” by 89% 😂
@DevynSimone: Tomorrow I’ll be serving up the ☕️ on celeb relationships (and lawsuits) live on @WendyWilliams! Join us for the inside scoop - you know it’s going to be fun 😉! #HowYouDoin
@BritniNicol: @CaraMariaMTV has my ass wanting to move to Montana! That place is freakin always so beautiful!!!!
@ChallengeMTV: Will The Mercenaries sweep the competition on #TheChallengeVendettas like Zach and CT did on Bloodlines? Find out, Tuesday at 9/8c! 🤔 
@MTVBananas: "@LimeyLobster: @NickyEyess @MTVBananas It’s likely, but that wasn’t the point I was trying to make. Looking at what he’s done for the past 10 years it’s clear that what he is using as his main source of income has an expiration date sooner rather than later and it’s all tied to MTV. S&S don’t have that problem anymore" RT Just so we're clear... I get paid to be on MTV. They DON'T get paid 👏 to talk about ME 👏 being on MTV 👏👏  #IllTakeTheMoneyAndRun
@joss_mooney: Self appreciation day...give yourself a hug! 👐🏼☺️
@MTV: Look who came to join the fun on the latest episode of #TheChallengeVendettas: 
@Marie_TBD: Apparently I’ve been living under a rock. Ladies, powder gel manicures = game changer.
@Marie_TBD: Whenever I’m on a dating app. anyone with a 6 pack is a hard no. We clearly have nothing in common.
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @Marie_TBD Omg I'm dead
@Marie_TBD: I’m an A- drinking partner............ because there’s always room for improvement.🍻
@Marie_TBD: Anyone else have 12+ insta “friends” get engaged today??
@CaraMariaMTV: Ok squirrel friends. Im stepping up my game and going “extra” this reunion. Chucks n leggings are staying in the closet. Help me find stuff like this:
- @JustJem24: @CaraMariaMTV Girl. I have so many options of dresses I want to wear but that will look wayyyyyy better on your little fit ass. About to text you soooo many options 💋
@ChallengeMTV: "Body her!" 💥 Check out this sneak peek from a new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas, Tuesday at 9/8c: 
@WendyWilliams: MONDAY: @DevynSimone gives us the inside scoop on the latest news from Hollywood and @People’s @JeremyParsonsTV reveals what pop culture headlines top Wendy’s Hot 5 list.
@DevynSimone: "@thatbitchkirbi: @DevynSimone The best way to honor Tamara's memory would be to come back at least as commentary. Does @tjlavin need a color commentator a la @chrissyteigen?" I concur! I’ve been trying to tell @BunimMurray and @MTV. They’re missing out!
@JustJem24: I will stay gentle no matter but i endure, I am so much more...
@JustJem24: I exist in two places. Here, & whenever you are 🖤
@MTVBananas: Stay wild my child 👼🤘 #UncleBananas #Ophelia #FitMom #bananasdoingthings
@ToriFiorenza: Some people truly suck the life out of everything...and I actually feel bad for them. #suchasadlife
@kailah_casillas: This is random but I’m so happy that this silly reality tv show that we do has given me so many amazing friends. Just feeling grateful.
@kailah_casillas: Atleast it was a vodka soda 🤷🏻‍♀️😂
@kailah_casillas: FUCKKKK I’m sitting with @iammikeyp at a bar and.... I just accidentally took a sip of the girls drink next to me.. NOOOOO
@AneesaMTV: Instead of telling me what you’re gonna do, just do it. #actionsSpeakLouderthanWords
@mikethemiz: What's the word for when you've done nothing for nearly two years so you keep reminding people you did something good once? Oh yeah, Finn Balor. #AlwaysInTheBackground
- @ThatCoral: @mikethemiz That was a good one babe...real good one.
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Homeless guys , regular guys , rich guys , athlete guys  , celebrity guys , hell all of them suck . And I blame Mtv for not finding me a real perfect match .
- @NurysKMateo: @ItsAll_AboutTee Hey @mtv @AREUTHE1 Tee & I need another chance at love since y’all played us 😒 Lmk what’s good
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Y’all ever find out some shit you didn’t want to know but wanted to know and now your feelings hurt because what you wanted to know was true? Cause same .
@HaydenPWeaver: One thing that’s annoying about the tv experience is people judge what we do in the real world afterwards as work. “Wow that’s what you do after MTV?” yes Jan I didn’t win a fucking Emmy for my role as an alcoholic on MTV it’s back to 9-5
@HaydenPWeaver: I photobombed two Black Panthers last night
@HaydenPWeaver: Never do East vs West again. Tonight was brilliant

@ChallengeMTV: Normally, it's not a good thing to be a backseat driver... Don't miss a heights-above-water challenge like you've never seen before, TOMORROW at 9/8c! 🚗
@BritniNicol: When someone tries to say my reunion outfit didn’t look good and was classless... bitch I know I looked good as fuck that day and that outfit was fucking fireeeee🔥🔥 Nice try though, jealousy is the ugliest trait😉💁🏼‍♀️ wait till this reunion, cunts😘
@joss_mooney: Today I’m going to @WaltDisneyWorld to run around like a 7 year old...😁🤩
@shannanity: Day 2 of being unable to function due to unbearable sadness from Call me by your name book and movie
@Kmorrisx: M O N D A Y . M O O D 😍
@DJMelReeves: I look like bambi today trying to walk upstairs after doing legs in the gym 😩
@BritniNicol: There’s Taylor girls.. and there’s Lana girls.. I’m more of a Lana kinda girl🤷🏼‍♀️
@ChallengeMTV: This might be the worst knock Lee has taken in his Challenge career 😱 Watch this scary sneak peek from an all new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas, on TOMORROW at 9/8c 👀
- @MTV_NellyT: @ChallengeMTV @Bruce_Lee85  “Some People Get What They Deserve” 😂😂😂😂
- @ZNichols15: @MTV_NellyT Damn!
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV Ugh! So hard to watch🙈🙈
- @MTVBananas: @MTV_NellyT What exactly is the point of your tweet? Are you implying that @Bruce_Lee85 deserved this horrific injury? Nelson... "It's better to let people continue thinking you're a fool, than open your mouth and remove all doubt." #TheChallengeVendettas @MTV @ChallengeMTV
- @kailah_casillas: @MTV_NellyT It’s an inside joke people, chill 😂
@Marie_TBD: You don’t have to watch what you say, if you watch what you think. Trying to better myself and my mind, one thought at a time.
@BritniNicol: OOOOOH SUNNY DAYSSS, oh sunny days🎶  So excited to start planning this end of the year trip back to the place I call home w @BradFiorenza 🤗 #islandsofhawaii #luckyilivedhawaii #takemeback
@n_zanattaMTV: "@takingbackanni: Finally catching up on The Challenge: Vendettas (aka just finishing the first episode).... literally 😍😍😍 over @n_zanattaMTV all over again ...and I love her friendship (that I’ve seen on IG) with @NataliaNegrotti! 💙 2 people I love from different shows being friends..yessss!" RT I’m starting to feel lost without her, she’s in Florida and I’m having withdrawals 😢
@CaraMariaMTV: You know you live in Montana when: you literally run out of people to swipe left on....🤦🏻‍♀️ 🐄
@ChallengeMTV: 🚗@Kmorrisx is geared up for this next challenge! Will she drive ahead to the next one, or be stuck in reverse? Find out on #TheChallengeVendettas TOMORROW at 9/8c!
- @Kmorrisx: @ChallengeMTV In the bag..... yeah right in my dreams 😂😂😂😩😩😩🤦🏽‍♀️
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Mogli!!!!! @Kmorrisx
@cohuttalee: One more reason @DerrickMTV is my friend. @ChallengeMTV
@MTVBananas: ATTENTION: I'll be doing a  @Reddit_AMA Tomorrow at 2pm PT / 5pm ET on behalf of @ChallengeMTV. Burning Questions/Insults... FIRE AWAY 🔥🍌 #AskBananas @MTV #TheChallengeVendettas @reddit
@syrusmtv: I liked a @YouTube video  Cory Wharton Exposes MTV THE CHALLENGE and explains a Domestic Violence situation
@iamkamiam_: Happy birthday Queen @rihanna 👑❤️!!!
@t_raines33: If I was a Superhero #GreenArrow
@BradFiorenza: Come watch tomorrow nights episode of #TheChallengeVendettas w/ me in Yorkville, IL no cover / bowling after🎳..
@ChallengeMTV: In honor of The Mercenaries' arrival on #TheChallengeVendettas, rewatch the greatest surprise elimination in Challenge HISTORY, and watch a new episode of The Challenge TOMORROW at 9/8c! 👏
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV Seriously the craziest thing I’ve watched dude.
@DerrickMTV: Almost 15 years ago, I had my 1st “SURPRISE, you’re facing THAT GUY!” @ChallengeMTV related BATTLE. Tuesday Night 9/8C @MTV, @jossmooney will have his. #TheChallengeVendettas #BackInTheRing (Part 1)
@MTV_NellyT: Attention people. I'm only going to address this one time because I think it's a big deal. It is an inside joke between @Bruce_Lee85 and I. I would never want to see any harm come to any of my cast members. #TheChallengeVendettas #FamilyDay
@Kmorrisx: You Live you Laugh you Love and you Learn 💯
@CaraMariaMTV: "@pan14: I drew this rendition of @CaraMariaMTV because the wife and I are always team Cara Maria. Plus it's fun drawing a genuine badass. #warrior #fighter #digitalart #thechallenge #fanart #TheChallengeVendettas …" RT OMG ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! This is AMAZING!
- @DerrickMTV: @CaraMariaMTV Can this be our #ChallengeMANIA Podcast IG plug for tomorrow’s show @SHOTOFYAGER?! Holy cannoli!!! #CaraMariaArmy
@ChallengeMTV: Don't miss this King and Queen on #TheChallengeVendettas after-show TOMORROW after a new episode of The Challenge at 9/8c! 🙏
- @iamkamiam_: @ChallengeMTV It’s Lit 😜😏
@t_raines33: These shoulders hold up so much...
@MTVBananas: Future Johnny Bananas 🍌✊😂 (Volume Up) #TeamBananas #Bananimal #TheChallengeVendettas @mtv
@Bruce_Lee85: Candy for a haircut, Bribery at its finest, check out my story on IG #Royleethebarber 😎😂😂
@JustJem24: Come find me on days I can’t find myself.....
@JustJem24: I was a Michael B Jordan groupie yearssss before anybody even knew who he was & now everybodyyyyy is in love with my man and honestly... I’m not here for it. Y’all can all go back to y’all’s basic crushes & leave me and my man alone.
@TheMarkLong: I just got invited to the @CBSBigBrother #celebritybigbrother finale and afterparty ...I feel like I’m being recruited by the @Yankees 😃 super pumped! #cbbus
@MTVCoryWharton: @t_raines33 2 queens 👑
- @t_raines33: @MTVCoryWharton I got 2 queens, you got 1...catch up lol seriously tho let's link up soon. They gotta meet!
@kailah_casillas: I swear every time I post a new pic I have at least 3 or 4 comments that say, “omg you look exactly like ____.” 🙄 like chillllll lol I just look like me 🤷🏻‍♀️✨
- @DerrickMTV: @kailah_casillas You do kinda look like that emoji thou...🤷‍♂️😆
@whaattaafoxx: I see the future without you, the hell was I doing in the past? Now that I've learned all about you; A love just like ours wouldn't last, I won't fall for your games so don't hate me when I say that you don’t do it for me anymore
@iamkamiam_: You ever been in a relationship with someone who doesn’t even know you exist? No? Ok nvm 😩
@iamkamiam_: Everyone gets introduced to Killa Kam in a few hours! Can’t wait 😜
@lexoquence: Why the fuck are we, as a species, worried about things like money and social status when WE COULD BE DOING SOMETHING USEFUL LIKE, OH, IDK, FIGURING OUT WTF HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE MAYBE?!?!?  Ugh someone explain life to me plz
@blacuesta: Guys. I haven’t tweeted all day. I was on a day “date” and it turned into an all day/night “date” 😇
@blacuesta: Tbh if this goes somewhere and it takes away my tweeting time then he’s cut off
@blacuesta: my favorite answer for any question that someone has for me in 2018 is why?

@ChallengeMTV: Here's why @KyleCGShore isn't the biggest fan of heights 😂 Don't miss his performance on #TheChallengeVendettas TONIGHT at 9/8c!
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎈IT’S CARA MARIA DAY!🎈Not only did @CaraMariaMTV join @DerrickMTV & I on today’s special episode of #ChallengeMania but she stayed on longer than any guest ever & answered a TON of your @ChallengeMTV…
- @DerrickMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER The Invasion!!!
@iamkamiam_: I literally hate fake smiles, I won’t smile back 😒
@thepoetsaint: So I have the pleasure of sitting in on the @ChallengeMTV aftershow on @afterbuzztv with @jenna_bussiere and @DprChristopher and we will have none other than @MTVBananas as our special guest in the studio!! 9pm PST! Don’t miss it!!
@ToriFiorenza: In what voice do you narrate your life story?! You have been given a voice to show the world where your heart is, choose wisely.
@cohuttalee: @DerrickMTV @VMilerman @ChallengeMTV Oh good grief 🙄
- @DerrickMTV: @cohuttalee @VMilerman @ChallengeMTV Yeah and i don’t stop til there’s blood dripping out of my eye...
- @cohuttalee: @VMilerman @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV Helmet and all.
- @VMilerman: @cohuttalee @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV Is this his like bedroom face? Hawt
@BritniNicol: 🚨🚨🚨 fur parents!!!!! They’ve found the same ingredient that puts dogs down in these dog foods!!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨 last month Amara got kibbles n bits and stayed so sick!! So glad I followed my gut and got her different food immediately!!!!
@joss_mooney: 🚨 IT’S FIGHT NIGHT!! 🚨 Me VS @DerrickMTV in a BIG elimination tonight!! 👊🏼  Tune into @ChallengeMTV tonight on @MTV!! #TheChallengeVendettas
- @DerrickMTV: @joss_mooney Ohhh shit!!! Is he just a PRETTY BOY or do those BIG MUSCLES pack a PUNCH?!?!
@cohuttalee: Getting a shot in the asscheek at the Dr. doesn’t come with near the sense of accomplishment now as when I was a kid 😐.
@DerrickMTV: "@kegan_bragg: @DerrickMTV Be honest D. How did this elimination compare against past ones for you personally?" RT Check out my IG: @DerrickMTV!’ Im playing a marathon of battles! Personally I’ve never been a part of anything where 2 dudes BEAT THE SHIT out of each other for that long...have you seen what @joss_mooney looks like?
@DerrickMTV: Almost 15 years ago, I had my 1st “SURPRISE, you’re facing THAT GUY!” @ChallengeMTV related BATTLE. Tuesday Night 9/8C @MTV, @jossmooney will have his. #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: ATTENTION EVERYBODY: @MTVBananas will be doing a @Reddit_AMA TODAY at 5pm ET, so think of anything you may want to ask him now! 🤔🍌 #AskBananas #TheChahllengeVendettas @reddit
@joss_mooney: Day 2 at @WaltDisneyWorld!! Magic Kingdom...😁🤩
@HeatherRenaye92: Tonight I get to watch my boy @DerrickMTV kill and elimination! I don’t know who I want to win more, him or @joss_mooney. Either way, it’s gonna be good! #TheChallengeVendettas
@AneesaMTV: You know what really bugs me? People on Snapchat singing/rapping and only know every 10th word in the song. You’re so annoying #stopalready
@ChallengeMTV: Challengers will fall, and the number of Vendettas will rise 💥 #TheChallengeVendettas is all new TONIGHT at 9/8c, followed immediately by The Challenge after-the-show after-show!
@DerrickMTV: "@robbol2k95: Get to watch the match of the century today between @DerrickMTV and @joss_mooney. #TheChallengeVendettas " RT You know it
@iamkamiam_: It’s @rihanna Bday & The Challenge comes on tonight? Best day EVER 😭🎊👑💕!!!
@ChallengeMTV: .@elonmusk got nothing on us 🚗⬆️ #TheChallengeVendettas is all new TONIGHT at 9/8c, followed immediately by The Challenge after-the-show!
@DevynSimone: Hey guys! It’d Dating Tip Tuesday! I’ll be hanging with @JohnFugelsang and answering your questions. 🎧Tune in today to SiriusXM Insight #121 at 2:30pm ET! 📞Call in at 877.9.SIRIUS to get your question answered! #DevynOnDating
@kailah_casillas: don’t forget to watch #TheChallengeVendettas tonight on @mtv — what’s gonna happen to @Bruce_Lee85????!!!! 😳😳😳😳
@kailah_casillas: Some of the shit I agree to do makes me question my own sanity. #TheChallengeVendettas
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’m Bat shit
@JustJem24: It’s our choices that matter in the end. Not wishes. Not words. Not promises. Choices
@JustJem24: "@sharktats: @CaraMariaMTV Just for the record,the female demographic would love to see strong females over hot guys on the billboard in Time Square. I’d rather see you,Veronica and Jemmye anytime over the guys." RT Preach.... Cc: @ChallengeMTV
@joss_mooney: Tune into @MTV tonight for a BIG ELIMINATION on the @ChallengeMTV against @DerrickMTV 👀 I’ll be going LIVE on The Challenge instagram in the next few hours!! 👀
- @DerrickMTV: @joss_mooney Look at the big fukker...looks like im staring at the Red Hulk. Good thing I brought my Alter Ego to the party. Sheesh.
@JayGMTV: Are you sure you dont wanna come to #springbreak with me! 😂. This is out DAY PARTY, imagine what…
@Kmorrisx: When your casually dating a guy is it acceptable that the guy likes girls provocative pictures on Instagram .....
@MTVBananas: How I prepare for an all new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas 🍌🖕 #SuckMyAssTJ @tjlavin @ChallengeMTV @MTV #BananasDoingThings
@iamkamiam_: Umm... yeah 😅 Tune in to my first elimination tonight ! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas
@joss_mooney: DING DING...🛎 Watch me throw @DerrickMTV around like a rag doll tonight on the @ChallengeMTV at 9/8c @mtv!!  #prayforderrick #TheChallengeVendettas 🙏🏼
@iamkamiam_: Everyone’s reactions in the background 😂
@ChallengeMTV: You've never seen an elimination like this 👀 See the epic conclusion TONIGHT at 9/8c on a new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas 💥
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Get your front row seats ready...
@MTVBananas: Head over to @reddit for my @reddit_AMA at 2pm PST/5PM EST... Ask me ANYTHING, insult me about EVERYTHING 😁🖕 … #bananasdoingthings #TheChallengeVendettas
@Marie_TBD: Tonight on @ChallengeMTV I go zero to 100... REAL QUICK. #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: See how the rest of this sidewalk showdown went down between @MTVBananas and @JustJem24, on The Challenge "After-The-Show" after-show, TONIGHT after #TheChallengeVendettas at 9/8c! 👀
@DerrickMTV: DING DING...🛎  Can someone plz tell @joss_mooney to post another pic w/ his shirt off before tonight’s ep so everyone can see how STRONG his MUSCLES are, and then I can SHOW EVERYONE how strong their NOT!! Can’t wait to play w/ your #PopcornMuscles 🍿💪. #TheChallengeVendettas
- @joss_mooney: @DerrickMTV ...You don’t have to ask me you go pumpkin 😉😘  You big strong man youuuu 😂😂😂
- @DerrickMTV: @joss_mooney So yeah, if I lose tonight...these are the muscles that toss me around like a Rag Doll...(For the record.)
@KyleCGShore: Top bunk crew tonight at 8/9c America MTV everyone tune in and let me know what you think, honestly it’s an absolute war!!!! 🙌🏽🇺🇸🎥
@MTV: Challengers will fall and Vendettas will rise on tonight's episode of #TheChallengeVendettas at 9/8c on MTV.
@Bruce_Lee85: Looking at this picture of myself sends chills through my body! I am terrified of heights, and…
- @JennaCompono: @Bruce_Lee85 I’m pretty sure u photoshopped something out of this 🤔😂
@ChallengeMTV: This elimination between @DerrickMTV and @joss_mooney might prove to be too much for even @Bruce_Lee85 and @MTVBananas to handle 😱 DON'T MISS IT, TONIGHT AT 9/8c! #TheChallengeVendettas
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV 😆😆
@joss_mooney: Going live on @ChallengeMTV Instagram at 8:30pm (eastern time)...head over to ask me some questions.  Keep it clean peeeps...😉✌🏼
@ChallengeMTV: You KNOW we're gonna have to talk about tonight's episode 👏 Don't miss The Challenge After-The-Show immediately following #TheChallengeVendettas at 9/8c! (welcome back, nessnitty 👋)
@n_zanattaMTV: Tonight’s got me like ayeee who’s ready for the challenge tonight?!?!?
@iamkamiam_: Idk if I’ll be able to watch @joss_mooney VS @DerrickMTV tonight ! Too brutal 😭🙈
- @DerrickMTV: @iamkamiam_ Sounds like “Killer Kam’s” about to watch a horror movie 🎥 😆🍿🔪
- @iamkamiam_: @DerrickMTV Seems like I’m about to have more nightmares 😭
- @DerrickMTV: @iamkamiam_ Welcome to the @ChallengeMTV FAMILY!! I believe it safe to say you’ve been initiated! 😜🔪
- @iamkamiam_: @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV 😈 thank you!
- @DerrickMTV: @iamkamiam_ @ChallengeMTV Lol
@iamkamiam_: Shmood: feeling like Kam The Scammer 💅🏽✨
@iamkamiam_: Had me question wtf made me sign up for this show in the first place 😩
@DerrickMTV: "@Jg5_era: @DerrickMTV vs @joss_mooney @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas #letsgetreadyyyyyy " RT LETS GOOOO!!! 😜
@JustJem24: Y’all should probably watch @joss_mooney & @DerrickMTV murder each other tonight on @ChallengeMTV even thou I obviously didn’t 🤦🏻‍♀️ #Vendettas

@ChallengeMTV: TFW @DerrickMTV and @joss_mooney are going round after round in the most brutal elimination in Challenge history 👊💥 Don't miss it in 1 HOUR on @MTV! #TheChallengeVendettas
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Can we give away $3100 to the best “oh fuck” face...🤷‍♂️...What? Not noteworthy 📝??   😜
@t_raines33: Tonight's episode is complete madness! Don't miss it #TheChallengeVendettas
- @ZNichols15: @t_raines33 I look pretty relaxed for what’s about to happen.
- @n_zanattaMTV: @t_raines33 Myyy uhhohhh face
@iamkamiam_: Tune in to the Challenge Aftershow after tonight’s episode of #TheChallengeVendettas 🐸☕️
@HollywoodLife: Get your first look at @DerrickMTV and @Joss_Mooney's INTENSE elimination in this EXCLUSIVE #TheChallengeVendettas sneak peek!  @ChallengeMTV
@BritniNicol: "@BRlTNI: @BritniNicol reaction to the joss vs derrick elimination😂 she always gets so into the eliminations lol " RT @ChallengeMTV get me like😱😱 #TheChallengeVendettas
@Marie_TBD: I’ll be live tweeting @ChallengeMTV with West Coast tonight... East Coast, I’m expecting play by plays from my tweeple. #thechallengevendettas
@jacquelinegrae: @ChallengeMTV Tune in to MTV at 9/8c to see one of the most epic eliminations since @TheOfficial_CT carried @MTVBananas like a little backpack. @DerrickMTV vs. @joss_mooney WHO WILL WIN?
@kailah_casillas: For the record, tonight’s battle between @DerrickMTV & @joss_mooney was the most intense elimination I’ve ever seen in real life, for real. Fucking insane. Can’t wait to rewatch it in 20 mins on @mtv #TheChallengeVendettas

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An epic elimination, plus a prank that will knock your socks off. The Pulse of Week 8 of The Challenge Vendettas is ahead.


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