Thursday, March 1, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before Vendettas Week 7 (BACKTRACKED)

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

It may be Thursday, but welcome to Our Weekend at DCBLOG, as we commence this week's ride Inside the MTV Trifecta a day earlier. We're commencing this earlier following the Olympic break of sorts to bring you all the action, reaction and interaction from not only this week's episode of The Challenge Vendettas, but also the two episodes that proceeded it which took place while I was binge watching the Games in Korea.
   We begin with the cast interaction in between Episode 6 and Episode 7 which took place before the Opening Ceremony and the Olympic action starting up, which drove this Challenge fan to his biggest sporting passion. Enjoy them below before we bring you the Pulse of Episode 7 later on tonight.

@ChallengeMTV: This week's episode of #TheChallengeVendettas reminded me of this iconic challenge from Bloodlines 👀 #TBT
- @JennaCompono: @ChallengeMTV I literally just had a panic attack again watching this
@BritniNicol: "@BRlTNI: the best showmance this season is definitely @BritniNicol & @CaraMariaMTV ❤️ " RT This is what women empowerment looks like💁🏼‍♀️ No hate, just love. No jealousy, just envy. #yourewelcome #takenotesladies
@BritniNicol: @MTV_NellyT is one of the best humans I know. Nothing but beyond respectful to women. All this bad talk about my booskie isn’t ok. Definitely from a pathological liar. Can’t wait for the reunion😘😘🖤🖤
- @MTV_NellyT: @BritniNicol Thank you @BritniNicol  👊🏽
@LisaPasco1822: "@ThatCoral: @LisaPasco1822 @RWRRHOTTIES tell @BunimMurray what you guys want....I’m in if they are." RT @BunimMurray can we get @ThatCoral the host of the Reunion show she would be awesome at it #CoralforVendettasReunionHost
@MTVBananas: The @Eagles parade is on! I wonder what the guy who ate horse shit had for breakfast? 🐎💩 #FlyEaglesFly
@AneesaMTV: Missing the parade is breaking my heart. #FlyEagelsFly
@robb_schreiber: The FOMO today is unbearable.
@JustJem24: I’m really considering moving to a beach town(east coast) & obvi key west is top of the list but what are  some other beach towns I should consider.. lmk y’all 👇🏼
@CaraMariaMTV: At the end of this month I will be old cara again. Booked my hair appointment for mermaid pirate hair. red one side/purple on the other- more dimension and a lot longer.... and bringing back a few of my old pirate dreads to the mix that i have missed so much! ;) YAYYYYY.
@CaraMariaMTV: "@DetTigersgrl: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV Am I correct to assume that the lying and denial that came afterwards is more a problem than the notes themselves? Or have we not seen how bad they get? If the person would have laughed and said “it’s me” at this point in the challenge would it have been as big a thing?" RT Yes. The lying and denial for this long. How someone could keep a straight face and hold a secret this long is unsettling. Plus the notes were mean.
@CaraMariaMTV: Im putting this in writing now for those who have accused me of being the @ChallengeMTV note writer. When you find out i am innocent, you must post a video yourself eating a bowl of mayonaise and saying  “i am sorry mistress cara” when you finish.
- @ChallengeMTV: @CaraMariaMTV hmmmmm... #TheChallengeVendettas
- @MTVBananas: @CaraMariaMTV So that means we still have 5 more days to say it was you? #NoteGate #TheChallengeVendettas
@kailah_casillas: I just took the biggest sip of coffee like an idiot and burned my whole tongue. I’m so mad at myself that I have to live like this for another two days now.
@kailah_casillas: Isn’t it crazy how putting on your headphones and listening to your favorite song can change your mood/ day. Like takeeee me away 💆🏻‍♀️
@n_zanattaMTV: Sometimes our biggest heroes and role models are ourselves. Life is meant to have its ups and downs to teach us a thing or two.  I just refuse to believe it’s to hold us back.
@SylviaMTV: Confession: I got to the same gas station because the lady attendant ALWAYS greets me with “hey beautiful, back again” she really knows how to start my day!
@ChallengeMTV: Friendships were made to be broken. We’re about to turn up the heat on this season of #TheChallengeVendettas 🔥
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV You guys have no idea.
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I see you boys #foreverfaithful
@t_raines33: To anyone wondering how I turned it around this season on The's the buzzcut ✂️  #TheChallengeVendettas  #GottaBeTheHair  @ChallengeMTV
@MTVBananas: Shoutout to those who know the difference between THERE, THEIR, and THEY'RE 👍
- @Kmorrisx: @MTVBananas LOL no comment 🌝
@Bruce_Lee85: My first time doing a design! IG “RoyleeTheBarber” #LiftedAndGifted #Vegas #MasterpieceBarberSchool
- @MTVBananas: @Bruce_Lee85  Little kid: Hey Mister can you do a design?  Leroy: Ever heard of Harry Potter? ⚡
@cohuttalee: You can get away with a lot on @ChallengeMTV . Lie, cheat, even steal. You can talk down horribly to folks. But for some reason tossing a pile of someone’s clothes really makes things escalate quickly.
@kailah_casillas: two things I like: bathrooms with good lighting & giant gum-ball machines. Thanks @BorgeousMusic 😂
@SylviaMTV: @kailah_casillas Been there done that... people will get happy again.. or they won’t either way, you know you don’t give a shit!
- @kailah_casillas: @SylviaMTV This is why we’re friends 💕
@JennaCompono: Never miss out on a good person that can make your life great just because they’re a little difficult, the good ones never come easy 🥠
@kailah_casillas: I hate getting up anytime before 11. I know I’m an adult and that I need to be responsible and do adult-like things...but I just hate... HATE... getting out of my comfy bed early 😴😴 but I get it, I have to sometimes 😿😿

@ChallengeMTV: Bananas and Kyle are back in The Troika! Who will they send into elimination? 🤔 Find out, Tuesday at 9/8c! 💥 #TheChallengeVendettas
@Rogan_OConnor: Still getting mad love from @ChallengeMTV fans weeks after only being the show for about 5 minutes 🤣 LOVE THAT!! 🤩😍🤩
@mtvrrdarrell: Shot out to all the Maneaters out there 👑 The real MVP’s #hall&oates
@v_cakes: It’s #NationalPizzaDay!!!  How are you celebrating?  Looking at you @Marie_TBD & @BradFiorenza 🍕 👀 🍕 👀🍕👀🍕
@t_raines33: 🍕🍕🍕 #NationalPizzaDay
@BradFiorenza: @BritniNicol I knew something was off.. 🤔 well, I like my shape.. sooooo.. 🤷🏻‍♂️
@ChallengeMTV: .@CaraMariaMTV sees a budding relationship Kyle as a win-win situation 🤷‍♀️ Will things go as she planned? Find out Tuesday on an all-new #TheChallengeVendettas, 9/8c on @MTV!
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV LMAO. Couldn’t find any other shot of me @ChallengeMTV whatever. #beerme
@hbarfield13: I hate dissapointing people... and I have this weird feeling a lot of people are about to be disappointed 😐 Then again some things in life are totally out of your control and sometimes we don't understand why. However, there is a reason behind everything!
@tjlavin: I like that idea.. RT @JakeScheidel: @BunimMurray @tjlavin I want nothing more than to see @hashtagfiggy and Tails on the next season of #TheChallenge. Please make it happen! #FigtailsOnTheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Let the games begin! 😈 Who’s ready for a twist on Tuesday’s episode of #TheChallengeVendettas?
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Who dat??
@Kmorrisx: I’m most definitely at an age where tolerating bullshit is just not even an option in life from anyone any longer ✋🏼
@ChallengeMTV: Mmmmm. Happy National Pizza Day! 🍕🍕🍕#NationalPizzaDay @NicolexoRamos
@FloribamaShore: Literally me rn. #NationalPizzaDay

@ChallengeMTV: Who's excited to see Brad in his first elimination since The Duel II!? 💥 Don't miss it, Tuesday at 9/8c on a brand new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas!
@ZNichols15: .@shannanity hasn’t acted this crazy since @MTVBananas dumped him for Natalie. #CrazyExGirlfriend #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV
@MTVBananas: @shannanity Was just about to brew myself some coffee, but this morning I'm in the mood for tea 🐸🍵 #TheChallengeVendettas
@Kmorrisx: The best place to get @MTVBananas attention is in fact on Twitter. The guy can be seen sometimes 3/4 days not on what’s app. How do Americans communicate ... email?
- @MTVBananas: @Kmorrisx False... Instagram DM is a much more effective method... You know this Kayleigh! 📩👀
- @Kmorrisx: @MTVBananas Hahahahaha 🙈🙈 I meant for everyday communication! Plus it’s your American accent I wish to hear.... so I’m all about the voice notes 😍😉
@CaraMariaMTV: Know whats great about having a woman’s body? You are always learning just how strong you can be.
@shannanity: @CaraMariaMTV Agreed! Kill it! That’s what he said...not me
@shannanity: @MTVBananas Double false I reached out yesterday still haven’t heard back
@KyleCGShore: @shannanity You’re not showing me anything that thousands of people haven’t seen before; press have been talking shit about me since I was 21 I assure you. I had contact with the surgery and got a big pay cheque for going with it - honestly get on a flight, you could use the hair yourself.
@KyleCGShore: @shannanity @Marie_TBD As for the Cara bullshit - get a grip man, you’ve got something twisted here. I don’t sort things over keyboards and phones, I’ll wait until I see you face to face. See you soon @shannanity - can’t wait to give you a big fucking hug! 🤗
@shannanity: All tweets deleted bc life is short and My point was seen and heard.  Guess you were right - I am a dick! Can’t wait for that hug 🙏🏼
- @kailah_casillas: @shannanity “I’m gonna stop being shady & be nicer” *3 hours later* 🔪💣 Hahaha we love you! Shit happens.
@ToriFiorenza: Every year I come up with a word to focus on...last year it was “stillness”- so fitting for my control freak self...This year its “present” and be in the moment. What’s your word? #myintent
@SylviaMTV: I love @Marie_TBD always and forever!
@ChallengeMTV: The best is yet to come! Tuesday’s episode of #TheChallengeVendettas is about to be game-changer with new twists and turns 🌀
- @DerrickMTV:  @ChallengeMTV Will old vendettas be revisited or new ones be formed??
@MTVBananas: "@Challengemtv___: OMG! @shannanity calling out @KyleCGShore for talking about @Marie_TBD behind her back with @CaraMariaMTV (part 1)☕😩🙊🙈 #TheChallengeVendettas @braincandypod @NoQuittersPod @TheClemReport …" RT Still waiting for @JustJem24 and @v_cakes to weigh in on this blatent attack by @shannanity on @KyleCGShore based solely on his appearance. Must not fit their definition of "Body shaming" or "Bullying" 🙄 #Crickets  #TheChallengeVendettas
- @shannanity: @MTVBananas @JustJem24 and 2 others And just to be clear - the attack was on being “fake” but at the end of the day I was blackout drunk and pissed he called me a dick and the whole thing is stupid and immature and exactly something I would do so 🤷🏻‍♂️ no surprise for sober Shane to wake up and see 🔥he started   Don’t worry I got the calls!
- @v_cakes: @MTVBananas  You’re such a little pussy.
- @MTVBananas: @v_cakes Better than being a massive hypocrite 🙄 #YouMad #TheChallengeVendettas
- @v_cakes: @MTVBananas I don’t live for Twitter. I have a life & relationships that reach further than this platform. I didn’t know about anything until I received a text from Jem asking me abt Shane. I called Shane. I was talking to Shane on the phone when you Tweeted this shit.
@shannanity: Learn a Lesson from me Kids! Don’t drink and tweet, don’t attack someone based on their appearance - it’s not a cute look! If someone calls you a dick, call them. Let them know your feelings were hurt. Lashing out via tweets is dumb 😂 here’s to living and learning
- @KendalSheppard: @shannanity I love you and your insight. Takes a strong person to admit wrong doings *cough @MTVBananas *  Although not your brightest moment, your intentions will always shine bright in my heart. I LOVE YOU!! 😍
- @ZNichols15: @shannanity Manopause
@ChallengeMTV: If you could #AskBananas anything, what would it be? How does he keep in shape? What’s up with him & Natalie? Ask away and find out soon... #TheChallengeVendettas
@v_cakes: I didn’t realize that I’m expected to defend the entire cast just because I stand up for myself.  I’m pretty sure @KyleCGShore can take care of himself & doesn’t need me to chime in.
@kailah_casillas: I’m always so relieved when I have a wild night out & wake up with nothing on my Snapchat. Like YAAAAAAS GO ME 👏🏼
@braincandypod: We coldcalled @Marie_TBD today to talk about the mystery note on #Vendettas & got double trouble because @JustJem24 was there too!

@blacuesta: havent ranted in a minute it was long overdue. thats all for todays rant folks. work towards loving you. compete with yourself. you get the love you give yourself.
@blacuesta: I love myself. I have grown to love every part of me unconditionally. I love myself bc I keep moving forward despite my setbacks & flaws. I love myself bc not only do I know what I bring to the table, I also know better than to eat w someone who doesn't match my energy.
@blacuesta: If you sitting there like "they haven't texted me back they must not like me" that's inner self doubt. Every morning tell yourself that you have the world and more to offer and someone would but LUCKY to love you and I promise that you won't care if you get a text back or not
@blacuesta: you get nowhere when you "wait" for someone elses text to you just so you can respond. It's 2018. Give a fuck who texted who last. Congrats, now yall both look stupid waiting for each others text
@blacuesta: If someone wanna speak to you, trust me, they will. None of us are playing games anymore. Wanna talk? Speak up. Wanna play games? I'll find someone who wont.
@blacuesta: I hate the "texting" rules. If you text me goodnight last and wake up and I havent texted you back yet bc im sleeping/waxing my nose hairs/talking to myself in the mirror and you wanna tell me something then heres a wild concept.....just text me.
@blacuesta: If I wanna tell you something and you havent texted me back yet  guess what  I'm gonna text you what I wanna tell you  its that easy folks
@blacuesta: aint nothing that irritate me more than a "I was gonna tell you but you hadn't texted me back yet" person
@ChallengeMTV: What would CT do on this season of #TheChallengeVendettas? Kick back this Saturday and get your @TheOfficial_CT fix:
@JustJem24: Saturday slay
@Marie_TBD: This made me LOL @Kmorrisx 💦
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: In honor of @jimmyg_10 and the @49ers, and mostly a reason to post a picture in lingerie 😜😍…
@TylerDuckMTV: Holy Shit!!! Move over Valerie Cherish, there’s a new #RED in town!! #AmericasFirstGold #SnowboardSensation #slopestyle #PyeongChang2018
@spencerpratt: I was actually star struck meeting @MTVBananas cause @heidimontag #Vendettas stan
- @MTVBananas: v That's funny I heard she's a @WestonBergmann fan. Which would explain her questionable taste in men 😂 @MTV @heidimontag #MakeSpeidiFamous #TheChallengeVendettasJohnny
- @WestonBergmann: @MTVBananas I hate you
@spencerpratt: blessed to be on same flight as @MTV legend and superstar @MTVBananas 🍌🔥
- @MTVBananas: @spencerpratt Apparently legends fly in packs 🛫🤘
@giannahammer: Finally got to see @iamkamiam_ last night, miss you and love you always 💜 Got to see someone special last night ☺️every time we meet up it’s like we never left 💜… 
@WestonBergmann: US soccer fans: this has been a heartbreaking year. It’s stilll tough to fully digest what happened. This article is an interesting postmortem & advice for where we go next. I agree with a lot of his points but think there’s more to it than this. Thoughts?

@ChallengeMTV: Who ticked off @CaraMariaMTV? 🤔 Find out on all-new episodes of #TheChallengeVendettas, Tuesdays at 9/8c on @MTV!
@BritniNicol: The temptation to move back to the islands w me pup at the end of the year is really itchin me crazy!!! Anyone who know me.. knows when I want something, I say fuck it and go for it. Last year changed drastically, the year before that did, so why not drastically change this one😍 Hawaii life! Oh I miss you haha. From laying on the beach w my turtle friend to actually laying on the beach w real friends 🤗🌴🌴 #takemeback #luckyilivedhawaii
@DJMelReeves: I love Sunday. Sitting at home wearing mismatched pjs with last nights makeup still on.
@MtvNateSiebs: Happy birthday to the best Perfect Match a guy could ask for!! I’m so grateful for you and you don’t look a day older than this picture !!👏🏼😂❤️ Love you @whaattaafoxx ‼️‼️❤️❤️
- @whaattaafoxx: @MtvNateSiebs I can’t believe you did this right now 😭😭😭
@JessAndreatta: HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER💙 most of my life’s favorite moments include you! I love you so much, have a blast today! I wish you an amazing day & an even better future! You deserve the world bcuz of that huge heart you have! @whaattaafoxx #soulsister
@MTVBananas: Went to Times Square looking for the Naked Cowboy, but had to settle for @spencerpratt 🙃🍻 @MTV
@BritniNicol: Thankfully he can handle all my weird shit🤦🏼‍♀️ @BradFiorenza
@tori_deal: Just messing around.
@ChallengeMTV: Strictly business? Not so much 🙈 See @CaraMariaMTV’s new strategy in this sneak peek of Tuesday’s #TheChallengeVendettas: 
@paulawalnutsMTV: Finally catching up on @mtvvendettas  and I don’t know which is scarier....having a vendetta with a great competitor or a single @MTVBananas #unleashed #watchout 😆
@KyleCGShore: Working with Tru Travels has been an absolute pleasure. Some of the people we’ve met and memories we’ve made will truly remain with us forever. Thank you to everyone involved and all the people we met that became family.....till next time! ❤️✈️🌏
@BritniNicol: Don’t ever break a woman’s heart. We’ll just become everything you never wanted us to become😘😈 #karma
@MTVBananas: Wildflowers don't care where they grow 🌾⚘🍌 #BananaSwag  #TheChallengeVendettas @Kmorrisx #BananasDoingThings
@blacuesta: how is everyone doing on this fine sunday
@blacuesta: You ever just be chillin and all the sudden ur vagina is like damn why isn’t there a dick inside me?
@JazMTV: Im really into watching the Curling events! This is like a stay-at-home moms perfect event, I would be a beast at sweeping!!! 😀😀 #WinterOlympics2018
@TylerDuckMTV: Mirai Nagasu just saved the world with her 3-Axel!!!!! #Sobbing #TeamUSA #PyeongChang2018 #NeverGiveUp
@kailah_casillas: This is a huge moment for me and @iammikeyp relationship. HUGE. He hates fish... but.. I had him try cooked Salmon & he likes it 😱 I’m so excited to make salmon at home for us now. #ProudGF
@JennaCompono: I think it takes me longer to get ready for bed than getting ready for a night out #goodnight 💤
@iamkamiam_: Can’t be friends with someone who can’t laugh at their self
@DerrickMTV: Ya’ll thought the other shows coming on challengemtv was an INVASION??? You ain’t seen nothin… 

@ChallengeMTV: Who's excited for @BradFiorenza's first elimination since The Duel II? 🙋🙋🙋 #TheChallengeVendettas is all new TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV! 
- @BradFiorenza: @ChallengeMTV Loved this entire season!! #TheDuel #TheChallengeVendettas
- @iamkamiam_: @ChallengeMTV @BradFiorenza @MTV 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️
@Marie_TBD: You ever just wanna take someone by the hair and bash their face in?
- @ZNichols15: @Marie_TBD Yes. But only 5 of your 7 personalities tho.  The other 2 and me are cool.
@DJMelReeves: “I’m not flirting with him, I’m having a conversation with him” 😂 been getting moaned at for “flirting” with people since my first tv show 🙈
@realChadJohnson: 212lbs 5% bodyfat and pissed. Ready for any challenges thrown my way.
- @MTVBananas: @realChadJohnson By "any challenges" do you mean ANY Challenges 🤔 @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: Brad finds himself in Troubled Waters in The Ring. Will he sink or swim? Find out on a new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas TOMORROW at 9/8c! 🌊 
@TrishelleC: You guys. This is a really difficult night for me. #CelebrityBigBrother and #TheBachelor on at the same time as snowboarding #OlympicGames2018 😖 that’s ALOT of tv for one night
@KendalSheppard: Watching the #OLYMPICS and eating @Hersheys to support @ApoloOhno @jrcelski and @AaronVaughnTran who share my hometown 😁 #FederalWayProud
@ChallengeMTV: Who remembers when @BradFiorenza squared off against @EricBanks in elimination on The Duel, and the prize was an Xbox? 🎮 Don't miss Brad's return to The Ring on a new #TheChallengeVendettas TOMORROW at 9/8c! 💪…
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Let the countdown begin..
@ChallengeMTV: If you think you know who wrote THE NOTE, you could win $3,100! Tweet us your guess before tomorrow night’s episode using #WhoWroteTheNote for your chance! You must WATCH LIVE at 9/8c to see if your name shows on-air during #TheChallenge​Vendettas! 🕵 #Sweepstakes 
- @MTVBananas: @ChallengeMTV Shit just got REAL 🕵️‍♀️✏ #WhoWroteTheNote #TheChallengeVendettas
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Go ahead and get you some 💸💸💸 and then come watch me on “The Challenge” FB Page LIVE at 8:30PM tomorrow night!! #WinterIsHere
@MTV_NellyT: I'll NEVER forget where I came from. Every success and failure has its own lesson 📚 Roll with… 
@blacuesta: At a point in my life where I have the best friends I’ve ever had in my entire existence. Grateful for all the fake friends who did me dirty Bc I would have never found the people I have now.
@NataliaNegrotti: "@katiebeckmann: @ChallengeMTV @MTVBananas was the brain and @NataliaNegrotti had the pen... " RT Sis if you only saw my hand writing... ask @JustJem24 and @Marie_TBD $hit ain't cute
@JustJem24: @NataliaNegrotti let me go thru her planner on Saturday and the handwriting is nothing like the handwriting of the note so I think she may be in the clear #whowrotethenote
@JustJem24: I’m over 500 subscribers so y’all just may be getting a #whowrotethenote video after tomorrow’s episode..  we gotta get to 1k thou..... so subscribe please 👇🏼 …?
@JustJem24: "@GracieYoungFav: @ChallengeMTV #WhoWroteTheNote honestly I think it’s  @JustJem24" RT Well you ain’t winning any money boo boo.
@iamkamiam_: Ok I’m social in person but not on social media. Unless you’re on my YouTube channel... make sure you hit subscribe too ☺️
@iamkamiam_: You ever dated someone who was ugly then they started treating you like you were the ugly one 🤔
@Marie_TBD: I think @ChallengeMTV should pay ME $3100 for my PTND (post traumatic note disorder.) #thechallengevendettas #whowrotethenote
@Marie_TBD: 🤔🤔🤔 @ChallengeMTV @MTVBananas 😂 #thechallengevendettas
@aimeehall1001: I think @MTVBananas wrote the note. #whowrotethenote #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: 🚨@SylviaMTV has BIG news: before tomorrow's episode, tweet @ us who you think wrote THE NOTE using #WhoWroteTheNote to enter our #Sweepstakes for your chance to win $3,100! The winners name will appear LIVE on air during tomorrow's episode of #TheChallengeVendettas at 9/8c!
- @SylviaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Who doesn’t like free 💸💸💸 and a juicy scandal for entertainment?!?! Don’t for get get to tweet @ChallengeMTV #WhoWroteTheNote for a chance to win $3,100 on who YOU think wrote the note! #TheChallengeVendettas
@Bruce_Lee85: #WhoWroteTheNote @iamkamiam_ spilled the tea
@JennaCompono: Humble enough to know that I’ve got a ton of flaws. But wise enough to know that my heart is pure and my soul is as dope as they come. 👑
@ChallengeMTV: "@ko8eLechuha24: @ChallengeMTV I’m going with @Kmorrisx. Why? Idk, it’s just a guy feeling after looking at the suspect🕵🏻‍♀️ line up. #whowrotethenote #TheChallenge #TheChallengeVendettas #sweepstakes" RT Rookies bringing the drama? I’m here for this theory! We’ll see tomorrow at 9/8c!! #WhoWroteTheNote
@n_zanattaMTV: I have the best job in the world and the @nyknicks chose to represent us!
@n_zanattaMTV: "@MikelJay23: @SylviaMTV @ChallengeMTV My guess would be that @n_zanattaMTV wrote the note📝 happens to tell @MTVBananas about it and basically their somehow stirs the pot and gets the whole house all hyped up with more drama!Hehe #WhoWroteTheNote #TheChallengeVendettas #Sweepstakes🕵🏽‍♂️" RT Ohh yeah that’s what I did last season I wrote love notes to my girl, this year I def stepped my game up... idiot 🤣
@JustJem24: Y’all...... I’m only 200 away from 1k on my @YouTube channel.. thank you to everybody who subscribed & let’s finish this tonight …?
@MtvNateSiebs: Today’s kids will never know that the stoop kid was afraid to leave his stoop...😣 #TweetLikethe2000s
@ChallengeMTV: This was one of Brad's last eliminations, and it got heated! See his return to The Ring TOMORROW at 9/8c on #TheChallengeVendettas! 👊💥  
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV @BradFiorenza’s makin his way back in THE RING tomorrow, but i know someone else who is 😉. Stop by  TOMORROW NIGHT 8:30PM ET for some PRE-GAME. Shit’s about to get KRAZY 🤪🔪.
- @Jonnyboyy10: @ChallengeMTV Not gonna lie this elimination had some bogus rules. The flags were so flimsy you could sneeze and the flag would tear off.. @TheSteamer @CSUGradAkirk @RealityRadioPod
@MTVBananas: Somedays you havr to make your own sunshine 🌥🌞 #fitchick #NYC #mensfashion @WHotels #NewYorkCity @PSDunderwear #bananasdoingthings
@JustJem24: @coco_snixx is tweeting an interesting #whowrotethenote theory. Y’all go peep 👀👀 her tweets #TheChallengeVendettas
@blacuesta: Come for @MtvNateSiebs you come for me too and you don’t want this type of drama
- @MtvNateSiebs: @blacuesta Trusttttt!! You don’t want those problems!👏🏼👌🏼💯
@JustJem24: Y’all I hit 1k which means tomorrow post episode I’ll be filming a video and then ill post it Wednesday 🖤. Also, if you haven’t subscribed yet, do it Bc I won’t be spilling any tea on twitter tomorrow, it’s all going down in the video #JemmyeExplainsItAll
@ChallengeMTV: Oh hey, @AneesaMTV and @TheOfficial_CT 👋 What are y'all doing here? Find out on a new episode of #TheChallengeVendettas TOMORROW at 9/8c! 🤔
@imdroc15: Just cuz they follow you, don’t mean they fuck with you! #RememberThat
@BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV is getting me hyped and ready for this episode tomorrow! #whowrotethenote #TheChallengeVendettas 
@kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD: but what if it was a small group of people conspiring together? 👀 one with the idea, one girl who wrote it & one deliverer? not that I know anything but... I have a feeling 🕵🏻‍♀️
@kailah_casillas: "@ddlovato: I don’t understand why people feel the need to express their negativity on the internet for the world to see as if the world actually gives a shit about their nasty opinions anyway. " RT couldn’t have said it better myself.
@MTVBananas: Jemmye may look like a sea creature, but she definitely doesn't swim like one...  #TheChallengeVendettas @ChallengeMTV
- @JustJem24: @MTVBananas @NataliaNegrotti will you please ask your fake boyfriend to leave me along
@ChallengeMTV: "@lerriesrockets: @ChallengeMTV Kam wrote the note #WhoWroteTheNote" RT Rookie of the year or sleuth of the year? You decide! 👀 @iamkamiam_ #WhoWroteTheNote
@ChallengeMTV: "@preston_lloyd02: @ChallengeMTV #WhoWroteTheNote Kailah because she looks like she has neat handwriting and was acting sus the whole time.  Also her vendettas are in that room." RT The theories keep pouring in, @kailah_casillas... 🤔 #WhoWroteTheNote
@ChallengeMTV: "@John61807185 @ChallengeMTV I think britini wrote the note  #WhoWroteTheNote" RT Would that make Brad partner in crime? #whowrotethenote @BritniNicol @BradFiorenza
@ChallengeMTV: "@hannah_clemets: #whowrotethenote Victor!!  @ChallengeMTV" RT Interesting...makes himself likeable to all, then comes in with the attack! #WhoWroteTheNote #DarkHorse @elfitvic
@ChallengeMTV: "@CateeBrady: @ChallengeMTV NicoleZ! #WhoWroteTheNote" RT She was pretty silent through it all... @n_zanattaMTV #whowrotethenote
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Ohhh brother hahha yeahhhh I got a secret can you keep it ;)
@ChallengeMTV: "@HavensMommy26: @ChallengeMTV Johnny Bananas #WhoWroteTheNote" RT That would be taking his pot-stirring to the extreme... 🤭 #WhoWroteTheNote
@kailah_casillas: "@preston_lloyd02: @ChallengeMTV #WhoWroteTheNote Kailah because she looks like she has neat handwriting and was acting sus the whole time.  Also her vendettas are in that room." RT how does one look like they have good handwriting? Lol I’ll take the compliment though, thanks.
@kailah_casillas: I wanna know which of your friends actually participated in this fake convo 😂
@JustJem24: I want to move to the beach but don’t know where to go 😫
@v_cakes: I think she’s coming back to SF with me!  I was thinking of naming her Betty BUT I’m not 💯 set on it.  Any other ideas for names?  She was born on 8/1 & is only 2 lbs 🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾 #bettyandveronica
@iamkamiam_: The tea is scorching hot doeee 🐸☕️☕️
@n_zanattaMTV: "@kailah_casillas: @rachelkellhell @shboogies Nah @n_zanattaMTV has horrible handwriting lol" RT I swear I just think people are stupid lol I write like I should be a doctor it ain’t me 🤣

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Who Wrote That Note? And what happens when people you didn't expect come to show up? We'll have it all when we return.


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