Saturday, May 19, 2018

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Champs vs Stars - "Fire in the Heart, Ice in the Veins"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

As you all enjoy this Super Saturday with the Royal Wedding and the FA Cup Final on the same day in Britain and a big event weekend in America as well, why not take a break from your festivities for this week's trip Inside the MTV Trifecta with DCBLOG? Ahead: the tables turn in the Ex On The Beach house, but we begin with the second half starting off on The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars III.
   Last week, the toughest challenge yet saw emojis collide with hits and tackles, and when the dust was settled Brooke had joined the infamous quitters' club (though she escaped somewhat from getting scolded) and Aneesa had to withdraw with a sprained ankle. And the other side of Ashley returned when a surprise twist was laid on the group in her being traded from her team, and leading to chaos on her part.
   For this week, it's only natural that our challenge takes place when the oldest trophy in North American sports is being contested and that this very diary is posted on the day those north of the border look forward to the most, as a life-sized game of jumbo table hockey takes center stage a few hours before Hockey Night in Canada. However, there may be dirty play on offering in the trader plotting revenge for last week's twist, and instability on the part of the team who did that one dirty.

We'll have all the action, reaction and interaction from Week 5 of Champs vs. Stars ahead, along with Team MTV celebrating Mother's Day. And after the journal, when happens when someone flies into your house expectedly? ExtraTime will head into the Funny File to look at when a bird flies into the house that a 3-time Challenge finalist calls home… and it was caught on camera.
   It's all ahead on the Pulse of Champs vs. Stars... and welcome to the weekend. It's good to have you with us.

@ChallengeMTV: This challenge looks cool as puck 🏒 Don't miss a new #ChampsVsStars, Tuesday at 10/9c!
@ChallengeMTV: Happy #EatWhatYouWantDay! 👅🍽
@WestonBergmann: I’m formally announcing my retirement from the challenge so I can begin training for the next Olympics.
@ImSarahRice: . @MizzHogan !! You made the SMARTEST decision!!! Don’t let these guys tell you anything else!! You’re a badass and we are sooo #teambrooke !! #ChampsVsStars
@MizzHogan: First showcase that lead to my first record contract. I played Norah Jones and Stevie wonder on a black grand piano, then danced my ass off. 13 years old, almost 14. This was a good day.
@kailah_casillas: When I uber home, I’ve started to not walk straight to my apartment, I’ll walk past it and stand for a while. That’s how paranoid I am about things. You never know who wants to know where you live and come back. Scary world out there.
@kailah_casillas: I’m 25 years old & have cried every single time I’ve been eliminated from the Challenge. These 11-year-old kids on #ChoppedJunior never freakin cry when they get chopped. I need to be more like them... and I need them to also teach me how to cook.
@kailah_casillas: EDC Vegas is next weekend 👀 🎉 🎶
@shannanity: Went to a psychic today, got read for filth about my self-esteem and self-worth. .... HEY VICTORIA, TELLING SOMEONE THEY’RE EMOTIONALLY UNSTABLE AND HAVE A SKEWED SENSE OF SELF FUCKING DOES THE OPPOSITE OF YOUR INTENTION. Anyways - im going back tomorrow for a cleansing
@shannanity: Apparently my new nickname amongst cast members is Shanesus so thanks for that 😂😊 @shanesusig
@t_raines33: "@kayla_cline5: Brian just asked me what time it was and without hesitation I yelled back Tony Time @t_raines33 it was perfect 😂" RT It’s always #TonyTime somewhere! 😂
@tjlavin: A little morning joe w my new friend who’s been on the streets since… …
@WestonBergmann: If you say, “I’m not basic”, you’re as basic as they come.
@itsJennyDelich: It’s 11:11 on the 11th. Who knows what I’m talking about? #1111
@cameraneubanks: Ever since I shared my story, I've heard from many of you about your excessive sweating. For those with #hyperhidrosis, it can take years to get diagnosed by a doctor. I was lucky my mom was there for me since day one. #HappyMothersDay #AD SweatHappens
@frankcsweeney: One down, one to go to a #DoubleDoctor, and it’s been a wild ride so… …
@JennaCompono: How is there no FaceTime voicemails yet... iPhone you’re slackin
- @kailah_casillas: @JennaCompono I tweeted the same thing a few weeks ago! Great minds think alike 👯‍♀️
@DerrickMTV: He really loves me.  He really really does. Lol.

@ChallengeMTV: Ashley is saltier than a pretzel 😱 Catch a new #ChampsVsStars, Tuesday at 10/9c!
@shannanity: Next @ChallengeMTV episode I’m blackout drunk at the nominations... DONT JUDGE ME JUST ACCEPT
@iamkamiam_: I forced myself to become a morning person, and I love it.
@kailah_casillas: You should be able to turn down your TV brightness as easy as you can the volume just like an iPhone. Like I’m trying to sleep and want to hear the TV a little but I wish I could dim it so the brightness wasn’t keeping me up. I can’t be the only one...
@DJMelReeves: "@Lyndseyburn2: I’m loving @mtvvendettas but @DJMelReeves should of been in it longer tv gold she brought the drama get her back for the new season #mtv #TheChallengeVendettas" RT Thank you 😘
@JennaCompono: Insomnia once again 🙄

@ChallengeMTV: Can CT defend his title? Keep watching #ChampsVsStars every Tuesday at 10/9c to find out! 🏆
@ChallengeMTV: Bananas: What do you have!? Wes: I have a BMW, a Porsche, a monster truck, a house, and 30 companies. Bananas:    Me: 😂
@shannanity: Dear God - it’s me again. 🙄 I know.... anyways please let them pause, consider and scroll through at least two more pics before they swipe.  Amen
@kailah_casillas: definitely thinking about pizza.
@iamkamiam_: Cause it’s my favorite thing to do, just making sure I’m not crazy 😹
@CHEYnotShy: Ryder had her first swimming lesson today, I cried lol my baby is getting so big
@BrunoBttencourt: I always leave it all out in the table. I’ve always stayed true to myself, therefore I don’t have to look back in the past and say “what if”? Strong personalities always attract the RIGHT personalities point blank.
@JennaCompono: when @kailah_casillas knows your favorite cooking spice and lets you know they made another flavoring of it 😍
- @kailah_casillas:  @JennaCompono Lol I know what you like. Every time we’re at a restaurant “no Jenna, don’t try that, you won’t like it” 😂
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas But here u will love this bread *awkwardly grabs entire loaf while someone else tries to grab a piece” lmao “no no pass her that pizza she won’t like that one” 😂

@ChallengeMTV: Why does @DrakeBell look like he's about to risk it all for that steak? 😂 #ChampsVsStars is all new TOMORROW at 10/9c! 👀
- @DrakeBell: @ChallengeMTV I was just hungry... 😆
@shannanity: If you’re over 30 and don’t have read receipts turned on, you’re a fuckboy who’ll never find happiness
- @JustJem24: @shannanity Disagree. Unless you pay my phone bill it’s not your business when I  read your text or decide to respond back. If you’re over 30 and care if people read your texts/respond immediately you’re a crazy person😭.. #loveyou 😘
@MizzHogan: My face while trying to figure out the game of “mind chess” on Champs vs Stars. Pretty sure I stopped caring at this point and teamed up with someone very unexpected who knew the game better than I did.  WHO do you think it is?! It’s about to get complic…
@ChallengeMTV: Ashley's rocking a new jersey but does the Blue Team have a chance when she's still playing for the other team? Find out on a new #ChampsVsStars TOMORROW at 10/9c! 🏒
- @kailah_casillas:  @ChallengeMTVLol DONT FUCK WITH @MTVASHLEYBROOKE #RedTeam ♥️
@Bruce_Lee85: On everything this was @iamkamiam_ yesterday 🤣🤣🤣🤣
- @iamkamiam_: @Bruce_Lee85 You like it 😒
- @Bruce_Lee85: @iamkamiam_ I do 😎
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: #mcm @boobygang 😍 #champsvsstars #thechallenge
@kailah_casillas: Some girl at the bar just said “hate takes a lot of admiration” and I really felt that.
@WestonBergmann: The challenge is gym class dodgeball for bratty adults armed with a budget and a grip of one liners
@cohuttalee: For you Yorkville, Illinois folks.. this weekend be sure to force @mtvrrdarrell to tell you exactly what took place in that little back alley Thai “lounge” we walked into in Patong Beach. Surely to God he hasn’t forgotten. See you soon kiddos. Sorry Darrell. @TheGruntGuy
@itsJennyDelich: You asked for it, here it is: TRUTH ABOUT REALITY TV | WHY I DECLINED THE CHALLENGE | DIARIES OF A #BOSS
@TheRealNiaMoore: Draymond irresponsible as hell! The game barely even jumped off. If that's what he on tonight then he is bound to get another tech tonight smh
@MtvJess: THANK YOU 🙏🏽 everyone who kept their eyes open and spread the word. She is back home safe!  My continuous gratitude 💕
@ToriFiorenza: Y’all I’m so freaking excited to hang out with some old friends, and meet some new ones...come play with us! Five more sleeps until the Challenge throwdown in Yorkville,IL. @TheGruntGuy

@mikethemiz: Happy 1st Mother’s Day @marysemizanin I wish I could be w/ you on this special day. I want u to know I love and appreciate you for everything you do.  You are a success story and are the most beautiful person inside and out I have ever met. ❤️❤️❤️ #HappyMothersDay
@mikethemiz: Happy Mother’s Day mom.  Now that I’m a parent I am finally starting to really understand the sacrifices you made to raise me into the man I am today.  Thank you.  #HappyMothersDay
@tjlavin: Happy Mother’s Day to the lady who led by example and showed me what… …
@kailah_casillas: Happy Mother’s Day ladies! And for those of you who aren’t moms... don’t forget to look in the mirror today and remember that your mom created a badass bitch 💪🏼
@AneesaMTV: Happy Mother’s Day to this kind, loving, strong, and beautiful… …
@iamkamiam_: Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there! I hope every Queen has an amazing day 💐❤️
@BritniNicol: Happy Mother’s Day you bad ass momma bears out there! & to all of us mommies who lost our peanuts before they could meet this world.. it’s STILL a Mother’s Day for us too🖤 HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!
@MTVBananas: Mamas boy 👼 #HappyMothersDay #MamaBananas #MothersDay #BananasDoingThings
@NataliaNegrotti: Happy Mother’s Day to all the mama’s out there #staybeautiful 🌷
@AshleyMarieMTV: Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful momma’s out there! 💐💕
@blacuesta: Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms, mom-to-be’s, and the mamas who lost their children. We are all appreciated and each circumstance takes strength.
@blacuesta: Happy Mother’s Day to ME   I still count
@angelababicz: Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there! GIVE YOUR MOM A BIG HUG AND KISS FOR ME TODAY💐💕
@angelababicz: Blessed I get to spend this Mother’s Day with my momager who comes to my rescue when I’m stranded in Nebraska 😭😭 a real one
@TayloriasSecret: Happy Mother’s Day to all the hot lil mamas out there 💐👑
@faithstowers: Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers In the universe! Also to those that are trying to be mothers as well.
@CHEYnotShy: Happy Mother’s Day! ❤️
@RomeoMiller: Mama, just know because of you I’m fearless! I love you and #HappyMothersDay to you and all the beautiful Mama’s of the world. 💕💜✝️
@lexi__marsella: HAPPY MOTHERS DAYY to all the amazing, wonderful, beautiful mamas out there and single dads filling those shoes💓
@DerrickMTV: S/O to all the Bad Ass Moms out there giving everything they’ve got… …
@RachD1214: @MTV_AMANDAG @JustJem24 and @BritniNicol in the @TeenMom preview for Mother's Day! Representing @ChallengeMTV !
@v_cakes: Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms out there but especially to those of us who have lost a child & find that this day has a grey cloud over it.  Know that you are not alone, we are a tribe of strong women the whole world over ❤️🌍🌎🌏❤️
@JazMTV: Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing beautiful mommas out there today!! 😍😍😍😍😍😘😘😘💕💕💕💕💕
@CamilaMTV: Happy Mother’s Day! 🌷 
@jamiechung1: She’s a fighter. Worked 2 jobs to support 2 kids. When things got tough it was my mom that pulled us through and put food on the table.
@MikeCManning: To the woman that still loved me when I was 3 feet tall and would set everything on fire...🤦‍♀️ #HappyMothersDay #Mom
@KendalSheppard: Being a mom means solving problems that should never exist. #HappyMothersDay
@blairherter: A very #happymothersday to this legend. Crushing the mom game since Day One.
@therealkimj: Happy Mother’s Day to all the mamas out there regardless of the circumstances you brought life into this world which is the most beautiful thing you can do 💙💚💛🧡
@KaramoBrown: #HappyMothersDay to my mommy. I wouldn't be the man I am if it wasn't for your love, warmth &  encouragement! This Mother’s Day is even more important because my mom is having some serious health issues and it makes me cherish you even more than I already do. LoveU #PrayersPlease
@EmoneySunset: Happy Mother’s Day to every Mom except for Brenda that wasn’t cool to throw that baby in the dumpster.
@__GarrettMiller Garrett/Siesta Key: Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mother’s out there.
@_BG_Gomes Brandon/Siesta Key: Happy Mother’s Day to all the lights of our lives 😘😘

@ChallengeMTV: The tables have turned and Wes is in an uncomfortable position 👀 Don't miss a brand new episode of The Challenge TONIGHT at 10/9c! 👏 #ChampsVsStars
@shannanity: Me when another cast member I can’t stands pic appears in my feed bc someone I follow liked it
- @JustJem24: @shannanity Wait I thought everybody was your best friend? 😭😭
@shannanity: I’m a living fairy tale. Made eye contact at gym and it turned into a date. I need to go play the lotto now
@shannanity: 🚨🚨ALARM REPORT🚨🚨 his name is Luis, he is a lawyer and he’s taking me to dinner tonight at 8:30 🤣😊 OK OK
@shannanity: 2 weeks til The Gay Pride month of June and my aneroxia still hasn’t kicked in. Not Cute God - help a brother out down here
@shannanity: If you’re having a good day - remember that Meghan Trainor won Best New Artist during the 2016 Grammys.  Our world is fucked.
@iamkamiam_: Going car shopping this week and I have no idea what to get 😩 I’m stressed!
@iamkamiam_: Best online clothing boutiques? I need a few dresses and some summer clothes.
@t_raines33: Taking over @ChallengeMTV’s Instagram! Head over and check it out before tonight’s all new episode at 10/9c! #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Wes is in between a rock and a hard place, and here's how he got there 👀 See what happens next on a brand new #ChampsVsStars TONIGHT at 10/9c!
@HollywoodLife: We caught up with @Kailah_Casillas about all that #ChampsVsStars drama and MUCH more! EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW:  #TheChallenge @ChallengeMTV
@WestonBergmann: I wish email was a person so I could punch him in the face
@shboogies: “If you’re going to act weak, people are going to perceive you as weak.” 🔥👏🏻❤️ @kailah_casillas @HollywoodLife #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@kailah_casillas: This is so weird. Lol also that bio makes me uncomfortable. “Always horny!” Wtf 😂
@mikethemiz: You’ve played the arcade game but how would you do at life-size table hockey? 🏒 Find out how our Champs and Stars fair TONIGHT at 10/9c on @ChallengeMTV  #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Ashley sabotaging her own team is a little like cutting off your nose to spite your face! 😭 Check out an all new episode of The Challenge TONIGHT at 10/9c to see if she goes through with it 👀
@iamkamiam_: I hate phone tag. How does someone not answer 2 minutes later?
@ChallengeMTV: Get your game faces on! A new episode of The Challenge is on TONIGHT at 10/9c! 🏒 #ChampsVsStars
@AndyHerren: Yanny has always been one of my favs on The Challenge!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Who you yellin at Shane!? Gonna watch tonight?  It'll be a good one!  #mtv #thechallenge #champsvsstars
@t_raines33: Ready for that slap shot! 🏒 Watch an all new episode of @ChallengeMTV’s Champs vs. Stars tonight at 10/9c! #ChampsVsStars
@kailah_casillas: I’m #TEAMLAUREL. I don’t hear YAMMY at all. So crazy.
@MizzHogan: You can take the girl outta the south...
@MizzHogan: My Lil lady in action! How sweet @kailah_casillas
@MizzHogan: This one’s a nail biter for sure... CHAMPS vs STARS airs tonight on @MTV 10pm/9c !!!
@LouiseHazel: Mood... make sure you check out tonight’s episode of challengemtv… …
@HennessyCB: When you are thankful for what you have, you are always rewarded with more.
@TheAllanAguirre: Pole Wrestle is the greatest physical elimination in challenge history. I ranked all 24 times we have seen the game played in its various different formats.
@TinaBarta: Had a great idea for a Challenge @MTV @BunimMurray .  Use a bunch of us "drama's" and create a community.  We have our own house with family but have to create a successful community.  Housewives on steroids that is not gender specific. Budget would be insane.
@TinaBarta: @v_cakes @shannanity You both need to come to my new house and pool for my birthday June 14th.  Mini reunion!?
- @v_cakes: @TinaBarta @shannanity Tina, I would rather hang with you than get head in an alley any day.
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🗽NEW PODCAST UP!🗽 The man who will be joining @DerrickMTV @TheMarkLong @EmFitMTV & I on stage @CarolinesonBway in NYC on June 2nd for http://ChallengeMania.Live  is TODAY’S GUEST on #ChallengeMania & he brews some SERIOUS stew & serves it Tony’s way🥣HERE↘️ …
@Rogan_OConnor: Right, Fuck me...  Just did the Challenge Mania Podcast with @SHOTOFYAGER & @DerrickMTV 😅😅😅  Not sure how much of that they can use but I would like to apologise.. TO ABSOLUTELY NOBODY! 🤘🏽  What a show! Can’t wait to hear it back!! 😁 @ChallengeMTV
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @Rogan_OConnor This episode is going to run next week, guys. But let me tell you, & I mean this sincerely...@DerrickMTV & I taped this today & this is no joke, one of my favorite #ChallengeMania podcasts we have EVER done. And we’re keeping ALL OF IT, @Rogan_OConnor! #StayTuned🦏
- @DerrickMTV:  @Rogan_OConnor Every time I wonder how we’re gonna top the next one, and then a guy like this comes along...🤷‍♂️. #TheRhinoHasArrived 🦏
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨🚨NEXT UP on #ChallengeMania is ANEESA (@AneesaMTV) who joins @DerrickMTV & I to discuss her unfortunate🚑 exit from  #ChampsVsStara, injuries, #TheChallengeVendettas & to answer YOUR QUESTIONS! So get them in now! This episode will be taped tomorrow & run THURSDAY, May 17th!
@n_zanattaMTV: Family photo just missing one! @Zanattafor62 you’re amazing sis, love you! @AshleyZanatta
@BritniNicol: I’m finally catching up on American horror story! This last season is CRAZY!!!!!!!! Like wtf. So many twisttttttt.
@JustJem24: I low key want to change my hair color.. any suggestions of what color I should do 🤔
@VMilerman: Let me highlight something for everyone. When I post a photo of myself in a swimsuit or something tight, I am not seeking your approval or attention. I am congratulating my self for doing it, I am showing off that I don’t need to be 100 pounds to be comfortable anymore. I win.
@KaramoBrown: So honored to be apart of this new @parentsmagazine series where my kids and I get to share our journey to becoming a family. See a clip below and click the link to watch the full video.
@mtvrrdarrell: See you in a week Yorkville!! Come hang out with me and my Challenge Fam. Need tickets 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾  #yorkville #medgift #challengethrowdown #chicago
@JennaCompono: At the end of the day, I’m not perfect by any means but my intentions are good, my heart is pure and I love hard. 👑
@NicolexoRamos: Me: I met a guy   Me: (two days later) Nevermind.
@mtvrrdarrell: 😂 #DubNation
@shannanity: went to see my ex who broke up with me 2 days after Valentine’s Day a day ago & he has the dried roses I gave him hanging over his artistic dead tree bed frame. So the physical token of my love is what u or someone else is looking at when ur fucking. NOPE-u just got blocked again
@kailah_casillas: It’s crazy how one or two wrong turns in life can lead to such sad circumstances.
@DrakeBell: Happy Birthday! @MirandaCosgrove
@ChallengeMTV: TFW you only have to wait one more hour until the premiere of a brand new episode of The Challenge 😄 Tune into @MTV at 10/9c to watch! #ChampsVsStars
@AneesaMTV: @ChallengeMTV @DrakeBell Haha dying.

AS THEY SAW IT: "Fire in the Heart, Ice in the Veins" 
@ChallengeMTV: A brand new episode of The Challenge starts NOW on @MTV! Who are you rooting for? #ChampsVsStars
@MTV: #ChampsVsStars starts right now! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @ChallengeMTV 🌟
@ChallengeMTV: The Stars opened Pandora's Box 😱 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Ashley)
@djklutch: And another one! Tonight’s episode of @challengemtv #ChampsVsStars features our song #DontStop! Tune in to @mtv at 10/9c!
@kailah_casillas: Yay #ChampsVsStars is on!
@WestonBergmann: I’m in car for next three hours so please tweet me play-by-plays of tonight’s challenge! 💋
@kailah_casillas: "@AsToldByGaby: When you are catching up on eps of @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars and you see @kailah_casillas rocking that @fgcu shirt! Yas, rolling up in this #MTV with that eagle pride 🙌 #WingsUp 🤙 #Represent #FGCUAlum " RT AYE
@ChallengeMTV: Is Tony ready to settle down? 💍 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: "She deserves a ring.")
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV The longer I talked to @SelitaEbanks and @LilMama, the more expensive that ring got! 😂 #ChampsVsStars
- @LouiseHazel: @t_raines33 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@ChallengeMTV: When your BFF encourages you to take tequila shots and you're not mad about it 🙊 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Devin pointing at Jozea)
@kailah_casillas: Hahaha a bunch of fucking PSYCHOS #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: When the teacher asks who was making all the noise and looks right at you 👀 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Louise and Ashley)
@ChallengeMTV: I aspire to be this level of petty some day 😫 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: Ashley - "I'm gonna try to score on my own goal.")
@kailah_casillas: Hahahaha I fucking love @MTVDevinWalker
- @ChallengeMTV: @kailah_casillas Back off, he's mine 😍 #ChampsVsStars
@kailah_casillas: TORI THOSE SHOES ARE FUCKING PINK 😂 @tori_deal #ChampsVsStars
- @ChallengeMTV: @kailah_casillas @tori_deal 😍😍😍
@ChallengeMTV: "@i_Am_Remix: I have to break up with my bf cause he made me miss the first 10 mins of @ChallengeMTV...#ChampsVsStars" RT The only logical solution. #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: What sport DIDN'T Wes play growing up 😂 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: "I played all the way up to high school")
@ChallengeMTV: When you have no idea what you're doing but you try to appear busy 😭 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of a stall tactic by Team Blue)
@LouiseHazel: Game on!!!! @ChallengeMTV
@challengemtv__: Can Wes please come back to a regular season? I miss him on them so much.😭 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: GLOVES ARE OFF 👊💥 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of a hockey fight!)
@kailah_casillas: "@danalynne18: @kailah_casillas lmao you looked thrilled to be benched for the first round😂😂. #thechallengechampsvsstars" RT I’m from Florida. We don’t play hockey. I knew I prob wouldn’t be good at this 😂
- @ChallengeMTV: @kailah_casillas Aren't the @TBLightning in the playoffs lol #ChampsVsStars
@LouiseHazel: Booby @BooBysWorld1 for MVP!!!
@kailah_casillas: Lol fun fact: holding that hockey stick felt wrong no matter how I held it... i had no idea what I was doing out there #ChampsVsStars
@t_raines33: More distracted by @shannanity’s yelling than @jossie_flores defense skills, too be honest. #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Tony with the backhanded, buzzer-beating, top-shelf SNIPE 🏒 #TonyTime #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of the winning goal)
@ChallengeMTV: Is this the next MVP? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: Booby - "If you want to win, put Booby in.")
@ChallengeMTV: Who deserves MVP? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars
@t_raines33: Back slap? Slap shot? All I know is 1 second left means it’s...TONY TIME!! 😂⏱🙌 #ChampsVsStars
@LouiseHazel: Gwaaaan @t_raines33 goal
- @t_raines33: @LouiseHazel 🙌🙌🙌 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: When you were so confident in something and then you get your world rocked 😳 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Jozea's face reaction)
@LouiseHazel: Go off @jossie_flores
@AlexTheGreatzz: “Guys I don’t feel too good “ 😂😂  #ChampsVsStars #TooSoon??
@ChallengeMTV: No, Wes! Don't swear on Bootstrap! 😱 #ChampsVsStars   (GIF: Booby - "If you put your dog you better be serious!")
@kailah_casillas: Lol the blue teams conversion about who should get MVP is so fake. We all know Booby is gonna get it. There’s no way they’ll let tony, a CHAMP get that shit, come on #ChampsVsStars
- @LouiseHazel: @kailah_casillas They’re not fake - we’re just doing what you guys do. Go through the motions
@Steven_Plummer2: I guess you shouldn’t have traded for Ashley M, Louise lol #ChampsVsStars
@kmacisco: Whoever at @mtv was like “yea, let’s call Jozea the flop from BB a star and put him on another show” needs to be FIRED immediately
@Steven_Plummer2: Jozea embarrassing himself there #ChampsVsStars
@kailah_casillas: *Kailah sips wine* #ChampsVsStars
@LouiseHazel: SLAY!!
@1LadySky2Blu: Let’s be honest it’s not who deserves MVP, it’s politics #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: "Blue" on three, "brah?" 😩 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Wes and Booby and Drake)
@t_raines33: *sits quietly in the corner* 🙉🙊🍿 #ChampsVsStars
- @ChallengeMTV: @t_raines33 *please don't notice me*
@ChallengeMTV: OK Jozea, we see you 👏 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: "I'm gonna come back from that f___in elimination.")
@taho_cross: @DrakeBell still making good tv on #champsvsstars
@kailah_casillas: Lol @shannanity that morning 😂
@wtfjag: DRAKE speaking up for himself (and he is usually the quiet one). Good for you calling WES out. Am glad they are playing finally #ChampsVsStars #TheChallenge @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: "@CrashAttract: Drake with steak again 😂😂 #ChampsVsStars" RT Still a better love story than Twilight. #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: So you tell me, do you think Wes is worried about going into elimination? 😂 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: "I've sent home the most people in the history of this show.")
@ChallengeMTV: ASKJDFGEH THIS POWER PLAY ARE YOU JOKING!?!? 😱 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Tori falling off her chair)
@kailah_casillas: Lol Kailah with the “just lettin you know” #ChampsVsStars
@LouiseHazel: WTF!!! SWITCH!!!! @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars
- @ChallengeMTV: @LouiseHazel I know at least one person who loves this! #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: If you were in Booby's shoes, who would you throw into elimination? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars
@LouiseHazel: I LOVE 💗 THE CHALLENGE @ChallengeMTV @MTV #ChampsVsStars
- @ChallengeMTV: @LouiseHazel OK, maybe two 😂 #ChampsVsStars
@kailah_casillas: Warlock is the answer @MizzHogan #ChampsVsStars
- @MizzHogan: @kailah_casillas Lol yeah exactly
@thetopangahx: This power play is the best!!!! Biggest game twister 😂😂😂 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Karma's a WHAT!? 😂 @jossie_flores #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: "B-I-C-T")
@ChallengeMTV: Who are you rooting for!? Cast your vote below! #ChampsVsStars
@TheSavageHour: The Power Play this season is EVERYTHING #ChampsVsStars
@LouiseHazel: Credit where it’s due @BooBysWorld1 was right on this one! ☝🏽
@MTVDevinWalker: @BEAUcasperSMART just said "Devin is a great athlete" let's just forever remember that #ChampsVSStars
@MTVDevinWalker: FUCK! Me vs @WestonBergmann what have I done to deserve this ☹️😩😐?!?!?
@LouiseHazel: I cast my vote for Wes! Whose side are you on? #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: HE SAID THE MAGIC WORDS 💥 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: Wes - "I'm gonna do a good, ole-fashioned headbanger.")
@kailah_casillas: Lol @MTVDevinWalker DID KARATE DONT FUCK WITH HIM #ChampsVsStars
- @ChallengeMTV: @kailah_casillas @MTVDevinWalker Crouching tiger, hidden Devin! #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Devin draws first blood! 😱 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of him winning first round)
@MTVDevinWalker: @kailah_casillas 😂❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Wes is pulling out the MOVES from his old playbook 👏 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of him sending Wes for the takedown)
@kailah_casillas: Lol @TheOfficial_CT looked like he had a few glasses of wine before that interview 😂
- @ChallengeMTV: @kailah_casillas @TheOfficial_CT THIS GIF HAS NEVER BEEN MORE RELEVANT! #ChampsVsStars
@Bad_N_Bearded: @WestonBergmann is a legend in the Challenge ..  #ChampsVsStars
@LouiseHazel: C’mon @WestonBergmann we actually really like you!
- @ChallengeMTV: @LouiseHazel Why vote him in then? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Me watching this elimination 😰 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of man sweating)
@jossie_flores: Hahahahaha thought you can get rid of me 😂😂😂 think again got them shook 😂😂😂😂 @challengemtv @mtv #champsvsstars
@shandathapanda: i guess i should know my worth even when it comes to ppl who i think are my friends
@1LadySky2Blu: Look at the champs putting on a show #ChampsVsStars
@t_raines33: This elimination is anyone’s game! 😬 Let’s go @WestonBergmann, bring it home for the Blue! #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Wes continues to improve his already-dominant elimination record 💪 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of him claiming tag)
@ChallengeMTV: @WestonBergmann Wow, you literally just did a backflip then beat up your friend... #ChampsVsStars
- @WestonBergmann: @ChallengeMTV This makes me sound like a bad guy 😢
@jossie_flores: Bye @MTVDevinWalker 😌👋😂 @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@LouiseHazel: Hahaha true @LilMama
- @kailah_casillas: @LouiseHazel Haaaaaaaa wow we’ll see about that 🤣😉
@ChallengeMTV: You are NOT the one! 😩 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: Devin - "I am NOT the Ultimate Challenge MVP")
@ChallengeMTV: "Mentally, she's a bum." Those are fighting words, @LilMama! Don't miss an all new #ChampsVsStars, next Tuesday at 10/9c! 👊💥
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV THATS LAUGHABLE
- @MTVDevinWalker: @kailah_casillas #JiuJitsu 😐

@SHOTOFYAGER: It might feel like @DerrickMTV & I are asking you guys for questions for guests 3x a day now, but I told y’all I was back from Spain! SEND IN YOUR QUESTIONS for @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars standout LOUISE HAZEL (@LouiseHazel), who is ALSO coming on #ChallengeMania REAL SOON!🙌🏻
@LouiseHazel: Well done 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 @MTVDevinWalker congrats on securing 💰 for your charity!
- @MTVDevinWalker: @LouiseHazel Congrats on not being a pawn 🙏 although it's more fun when the #champs are... thanks for ruining our fun!
- @LouiseHazel: @MTVDevinWalker Any time! Respect bro 👊🏽
@kailah_casillas: I might be biased but this season of #ChampsVsStars stars is 🔥
@t_raines33: Next week on #ChampsVsStars I continue to hate my team and we get thrown yet ANOTHER super twist... Don’t miss it Tuesday at 10/9c. @ChallengeMTV
@taylorwhite_: The best showmance on #ChampsVsStars is and always will be @WestonBergmann and @MTVDevinWalker
- @MTVDevinWalker: @ChallengeMTV @taylorwhite_ @WestonBergmann Me too 😩
@jossie_flores: Tonight’s episode 😌🔥🔥🔥 @ChallengeMTV @MTV #ChampsVSStars
@kailah_casillas: "@kellyy__xo: Yesss !!! @kailah_casillas hasn’t done anything impressive on her seasons other than bully tf out of people …" RT Except win 4 out of the 5 eliminations that I’ve been in and make it to the final on my 3rd season & win 25k+... ya nothing too impressive at all 😂
@youarehomeforme: Screw this Power Play. Pinning two of my favorite guys against each other @WestonBergmann @MTVDevinWalker 😭 #ChampsVsStars
@poseysharmann: Wait I use to live down the street from the theater in @MTVDevinWalker's charity and I'm crying because it's 100% a beautiful theater that's fantastic for the community #ChampsVSStars
@BpThechallenge: My respect towards @MTVDevinWalker for supporting the arts with his charity #TheChallenge #ChampsVsStars
@rachelalbers: I wish my friends hyped me up the way @tori_deal hypes up @MTVDevinWalker. #ChampsVsStars
@JustJem24: Just spilled ice cream on my brand new comforter. Im actual trash.
@BEAUcasperSMART: I missed tonight’s episode, where can i watch It?
@ChallengeMTV: WEST COAST! An all new episode of The Challenge starts NOW on @MTV! Tune in and tweet along 😍
@TheAllanAguirre: Only 11 Men in Challenge history have 5 elimination wins. @WestonBergmann has 5 elimination wins in Challenge Spinoffs alone.
@TheAllanAguirre: Fun fact: The last time CT was voted into elimination was Season 25 Free Agents, during the final 5 when Bananas could only vote for CT or Zach. In total, CT has only been voted into elimination once in the last 9 shows he has done (counting spinoffs)!!!!!
@BooBysWorld1: 👀🍿🤩.. #ChampsvsStars who’s watching
@CSUGradAkirk: Casper is a worse version of bananas dude is terrible yes your in the majority but no need to rub in @MTVASHLEYBROOKE  face #ChampsvStars
@CSUGradAkirk: Is it just me or does ct as a goalie look like he weighs 35 pounds more lol #ChampsVsStars
@CSUGradAkirk: Jozea self confidence cracks me up now he’s got the female stars on his team going in lol thank you for  casting him on the challenge lol #ChampsVSStars
@CSUGradAkirk: Did Casper just call Devin a good athlete he’s smart but gonna be honest good athlete no #ChampsVSStars

@ChallengeMTV: Did Booby miss a huge opportunity? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: This Power Play is a GAME CHANGER! 😱 Can the Champs recover? #ChampsVsStars
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎙GUESS WHO’S BACK!🎙The @ChallengeMTV Mount Rushmore’s ⛰ DARRELL (@mtvrrdarrell) joins me & @DerrickMTV on today’s #ChallengeMania to reveal himself as our 3rd http://ChallengeMania.Live 🗽guest & talk #TheChallengeVendettas, #BrewTheStew at Tony⌚️& MORE! …
@TheSurrealLife: @ChallengeMTV @LouiseHazel @LouiseHazel & @BEAUcasperSMART have been playing smart this season .. now we see this episode that @DrakeBell & @BooBysWorld1 know what they’re doing as well and aren’t easily swayed. Champs weren’t ready for the Stars to play like this and the fans love it 😂👌🏽👏🏽
@BEAUcasperSMART: @MTVDevinWalker I was just tryn to be nice. Clearly athleticism is NOT one of your strong suits lol. 😂🤷🏻‍♂️
- @BEAUcasperSMART: @MTVDevinWalker And let’s be honest.... How athletic were you tonight? 🤔 You couldn’t even beat Ron Weasley @WestonBergmann 😂😂😂
@shannanity: @kailah_casillas I’ve watched the video like 5 time with my sister. She was like WTF is wrong with you 😂🤣🤷🏻‍♂️
@Kmorrisx: #Thechallengevendettas is now on UK Mtv 🔥
@shannanity: 1) my psychic told me 3 days ago to beware a foreign guy whose pet just died because he’s a liar and he’s married. Que to yesterday on my dinner with a foreign guy and I’m like, oh btw, did you per just die and he says YES y’all. And I, as a joke, tell him that my psychic said..
@shannanity: 2) beware a foreign guy he’s a liar he’s in a relationship. Anyways, he gets a funny look on his face and Im like OH MOTHER FUCKER so then I’m like, “was she right - u got a weird look?” And he says No and dinner ends and Im all Never Again with this one and go home. Now it’s..
@shannanity: 3) today and he’s blowing up my phone asking me to call him. Dude is freaking trying to explain his on again off again relationship and our dinner was just to be friends etc (that’s not what your hands or lips told me) and I start manically laughing bc my psychic is the REALEST..
@shannanity: 4) BITCH and I now owe her a smoothie.  Needless to say I hung up the phone mid laugh.  😂🤣🙏🏼 PEACE
@shannanity: Y’all I’ve friended and spied on this really hot guy who pretended I didn’t exist six years ago and he finally isn’t hot!!! YAY!!! I can unfriend him and move on! Thank you karma 😊☺️
@shannanity: If you're feeling like you're loosing touch with your friends, follow someone you both don't like and sporadically send your friend screenshots of said person failing at life. Nothing cements a good friendship better than laughing at someone else's misery. #WednesdayWisdom
@SHOTOFYAGER: Just taped #ChallengeMania w/ @LouiseHazel talking #ChampsVsStars & her @ChallengeMTV future & @DerrickMTV & I have decided to drop that one for y’all TOMORROW! Subscribe now & hear it first thing! @AneesaMTV & @Rogan_OConnor shows will go up NEXT WEEK! 📲 …
@MizzHogan: "@PamelaGrossJill: it was a DELIGHT to have @MizzHogan on #TheChallengeChampsVSStars @afterbuzztv recap last night! catch it here :) …" RT This was so fun! Hear how @kailah_casillas  worked her way into my heart, my love for @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @shannanity and @tori_deal and what it’s like behind the scenes on @ChallengeMTV  !!!!
@MizzHogan: This was so funnnnnnn! Thanks @afterbuzztv !!
@kailah_casillas: listened to The Challenge Afterbuzz with @MizzHogan. 1st off, thanks Brooke for having my back... but I want to set the record straight and say that i never claimed to be a role model.. & I’ve never EVER disrespected my parents. My clap back to Selita was in self defense.
@kailah_casillas: I understand that people can be “entertaining” without being disrespectful. That’s never my intention. But I’m never one to allow someone to talk sideways to me. I standup for myself.  These “kids” you speak of should do the same.
@kailah_casillas: It was hard to listen to such a biased take on a situation on the part of the interview panel. I was listening with my mom and we were both like whyyyy does my name keep getting dragged through the mud. Ok rant over.
@kailah_casillas: You can tell everyone on my flight is flying into Vegas for EDC. So may girls with colored hair and shit 😂
@kailah_casillas: So Thursday we’re celebrating @BorgeousMusic birthday AND THEN EDC this weekend 😱 I’m preparing my liver.
@ChallengeMTV: From #ChampsVsStars, to this Rivals I battle, Wes knows how to win eliminations 💪
@MTV_Candice: @Bruce_Lee85 Remember when one of my extensions slipped out my head and you used it for a bang?? "Cookie Monster BOOM!" 😂😂😂😂😂😂💀 You know I had to get you with this one especially cause it's your birthdayyyyyy!!! Happy Birthday big cuz I love youuu!! 😚
@iamkamiam_: Happy Birthday @Bruce_Lee85 😂💕
@kailah_casillas: Everyone go tell @Bruce_Lee85 happy birthday! 🎁 33 and killin it. But don’t tell him I said that, actually... just make fun of him for being old as hell 😉🤭 time to party this weekend! 🎉
- @Bruce_Lee85: @kailah_casillas 🤣🤣🤣🤣 when I get back it’s on 😎
@WestonBergmann: There have been a total of 8 male eliminations in the history of the Champs VS Stars series. I have been in, and won, five of them. Two of them against Challenge champions, one against an Olympian, another against a D1 basketball player, and Devin.
@ChallengeMTV: What do you hear? Yanny or Queen? 👑 @laurelstucky #laurel #yanny #yannyorlaurel

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

So, two confirmations of power in Challenge land this week: Tony netted the game-winning goal to continue his golden run of the past year and perhaps solidify himself as the favorite going into the stretch run to the final. Another who may figure in the discussion is Wes, who beat Devin in a grueling elimination battle to make it 18 overall wins there, but certainly a bittersweet one in sending home the man he's helped mentor here and on Rivals III. And that was made possible by MVP Booby using the switch to save Jozea from being put into a certain elimination battle that he would've be destined to lose anyway to Ginger. Things are getting good as we'll have more on this later.


For those of you who watched The Challenge Invasion and Dirty 30 last year, you know that from the outset Kailah got to bond instantly with Jenna and the sisterhood known simply as Jailah began. This continues the journey the Barbie Beast has had in the Trifecta since she was one of those who helped to turn a reality original upside down and then become a three-time Challenge finalist. And what's been happening in Hawaii on Ex on the Beach - which we'll cover tomorrow - bears an exact similarity to what she, Cory and those who took up residency in San Francisco went through back in 2014.
   In a nearly exact parallel of what the baby daddy had to endure for the first of two times in his MTV career, he and the OG's began by enjoying what they felt was a typical Real World season with nothing to worry about. But little did the originals have any idea of what would await once they went on a weekend excursion a month into their Bay Area stay when the crew remodeled their house and carefully flew out four of the exes to join one who had already lived in the City to surprise the seven when they arrived back. In Jenna's case, she had to put up with her ex, Jay, and his ways with women - including doing what Alicia did in the Shack of Secrets and show the footage of him getting caught in the act. And we saw them again on Exes 2 (don't ask us about that, by the way).
   That brings us to this little bit from the Funny File: some years ago, my family found a bird flying into our house and this blogger got scared a bit as my dad chased that bird around. This past week, Jenna's social stories caught a bird flying into their house and she shared that with her Instagram and SnapChat followers. Making an appearance in the video is Jenna's sister Toni-Anne, their mom, and their brother as they followed the bird around... and we have embedded their adventures below.

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And as while we try to follow that bird, we'll have a recap of the past few episodes of Champs vs. Stars in a few days including a trip to the Strategy Room to find who has the edge going into the crunch time as the start line for the dash for the cash comes into view. But tomorrow, Cory and the originals find themselves at the other end of a game-changing twist coming to EOTB, and the man who flexed his strategic muscle a year ago gets another shot to change the game.
   Meanwhile, this is another big weekend of events here in mid-May, not just the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Windsor and the FA Cup at Wembley Stadium with Premier League powerhouses Manchester United and Chelsea. In Baltimore, it's the Preakness Stakes, and in Las Vegas, it's the kickoff of the 2018 summer music season with the Billboard Music Awards and the biggest event in electronic dance music, the Electronic Daisy Festival... and it also shares billing in Sin City with the Vegas Golden Knights playing tonight in the Stanley Cup Playoffs. The events in Vegas, along with the Preakness, are the focus of DCNOW this weekend, and we'll have it all covered at @DC408DxNow starting shortly.
   Thanks for checking us out here, and see you then... enjoy your Saturday everyone.


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