Sunday, May 6, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before Ex on the Beach Week 3

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

Happy Sunday... and Ahead, all the action, reaction and interaction to this week's episode of Ex on the Beach... but before that, indulge yourself in the In-Between interactions of the cast after what went down on Episode 2 last week and this week's episode...

@ExOnTheBeach: Welcome to the nuthouse! 😘
@RomeoMiller: Sometimes we must look outside our own backyards to realize how big the world is and how blessed we are.
@imdroc15: I’m LIT... best MOOD ever!!!
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach Lol just trynna let the world know I’m single
@princeofnorway: Goodmorning everyone but Taylor and her friend apparently 😂
@princeofnorway: Looks like y’all get some free tea today 🍵
@princeofnorway: In the words of drunk Kai. Sucks to suck 🤷🏼‍♂️
@princeofnorway: A lot of “he said” “she said”.. We signed up for this though 🤷🏼‍♂️
@princeofnorway: Disclaimer: I’m not perfect either. ♥️
@TheRealJayJuice: Nah fam don’t buddy up to me after what I heard…and i don’t  wanna hear a word of disrespect
@giannahammer: In other news, you’re literally glowing from happiness in your vacation pics & i love that no one can take that away from you 😘💜 and imma need some workout tips after I pop this baby out to get my body looking like that 🔥🔥
@AS3_era: “Brah, it’s simple.. I ain’t never been to Hawaii so shit, here I am” 🤷🏽‍♂️ @ Minneapolis,…
@ExOnTheBeach: Pumping yourself up for a night out when you're on the hunt for a bae like...
@creaturesferris: Well thank you..everyone saw the look on her face lol...why were you so nervous 😬 @ChelskoOfficial ..she fucked me uncle
- @ChelskoOfficial: @creaturesferris Tbh I appreciate that u care so much about this topic that you continue to persist, cuz that means you maybe u actually did care about me even though it sure didn't seem like it. #ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: If you can’t beat em, join em’? 😂🤦🏼‍♀️ MERCH COMING SOON! Lollllll jk... kinda ... 😂😂
- @imdroc15: @ChelskoOfficial 😂😂😂 reasons why I love reality tv. I’m dead lol
@victoria_alario: So who’s hooked up with who on @ExOnTheBeach?! Find out here😘
@Sarah_Hyland: Ex on the beach gave us “SHE FUCKED MY UNCLE!” and I will be forever grateful.
- @ExOnTheBeach: @Sarah_Hyland YESSSSSS 👀 #ExOnTheBeach
- @NotoriousAJM: @Sarah_Hyland Iconic. No other moment compares🙌🏾 @creaturesferris @ChelskoOfficial #ExOnTheBeach
@BionicBrooks_: There are times where you feel your body screaming at you to stop when you're bettering yourself- dont listen.
@ChelskoOfficial: He might have deleted the tweet, but I screenshotted it! I’m flattered tho thank u! You realize that dress is worth more than you are right? LOL 🙌  #womenwithclass #andmoney #ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: I just have to say even w all the hateful comment I’m actually refreshed and shocked by the number of STRONG individuals on here speaking out for equality. It’s a beautiful day and age when we can see ppl working together to defend one another ☺️😍❤️🙌🏻🙏🏻 #love
@victoria_alario: I think my favorite thing about guys is how they blatantly don’t think before they say/do anything, and my favorite thing about girls is that we screenshot everything knowing they will eventually try to hide the evidence🤗 #ReceiptsDontLie
@cbmcnary: If you give mixed signals,  you will get mixed results.
@creaturesferris: I would like to apologize for offending anyone with my latest meme. It was in poor taste and not my intent to upset anyone, especially the trans community. #gangshit
@princeofnorway: We are the one @ Skid Row, Los Angeles
@princeofnorway: I know y’all saw me outchug @TheRealAnthonyM on his Instagram story 😏😏 that was two shots of ciroq, tequila and a splash of mango Fanta 😂
- @TheRealAnthonyM: @princeofnorway his cup had less, he started first, and I had an extra tequila shot in my cup 🤷🏻‍♂️
@keith_klebacher: They say “nice guys finish last” and that’s probably why we’re better in bed
@keith_klebacher: My proudest moment since being on Mtv was being at stagecoach and hearing someone yell “HE WAS ON ARE YOU THE ONE!” and in response I pretended to cry and yelled “NO I WASNT!”
@giannahammer: Little belly update for 22 weeks! 💙 can’t wait to meet you little guy 🤗😘 *ps! There’s a giveaway…
@CHEYnotShy: I need to be a event planner lol I love themed parties toooooo much
@ryanmalaty: “Being single’s overrated” -said no one who’s ever dated.
@kareem_fathalla: I sleep good at night knowing I ain’t doing no sucka shit to be accepted 💯

@ExOnTheBeach: Sunday scaries got me being like, HEY MONDAY...
@angelababicz: My high school reunion is rapidly approaching and there’s a 100% chance I’ll be getting escorted out
@BionicBrooks_: You’re not going to leave the same way you came.
@BionicBrooks_: Break out of that anxiety that is running through your brain 24/7.
@ChelskoOfficial: How I spend my time when I’m not going crazy in Hawaii fighting w my ex 😂
@ChelskoOfficial: Guess the truth of him knowing that I was truthful and faithful to him hurt him. Your loss “bro” @ExOnTheBeach @MTV #ExOnTheBeach
@Katiee_Mooree: Last time we saw Taylor, she said she wanted @princeofnorway back. Fast forward a little bit and now she’s with Andre 2.0 and Joe is living his best fucking life. Who’s winning this breakup again? 😂😂
@keith_klebacher: If you still constantly bitch and talk shit about an ex, no matter what you say you aren’t truly over them
@angelababicz: I hate when I mentally check out of something before actually leaving it
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Im waiting on this guy to treat me like shit , and prove me right ,so I can talk bad about men again .... 🙂
@victoria_alario: Every night I lie in bed thinking about the future and getting excited about everything I want to achieve. I set the bar so high for myself that even my goals have goals. I never want to say, “I made it, so I’m done now”... I want to keep going up forever🙏🏻
@victoria_alario: I swear there is no greater feeling than knowing you haven’t even come close to where you are destined to be yet, and that the best is yet to come. Just when you think it’s good, remember it gets better🙌🏻
@princeofnorway: I’d rather pee my pants that get up during #infintywar
@HaydenPWeaver: I’m at Topgolf and a police chase just happened on 69. Car with lights off being trailed by 15+ police cars. Everyone here gave them a round of applause
@JuliaRose_33: Take out with the top off 💪🏽
@blacuesta: Y’all don’t understand. It took me 25 years to be blessed with the most amazing friend group ever. The heartbreak of friends who did me dirty was 100% worth the people who are in my life now. Everyday I am astounded by the amount of love I have in my life.
@blacuesta: I promise you good people will come into your life. You’ll lose friends along the way but the reward of the people that come into your life after is well worth the pain. Keep your heart open and there will be people you meet that hold your heart with such a gentle nature.
- @AbrahamMichael_: @blacuesta Don't forget the 38 thousand plus people who follow you on here plus all the people on all your other social media pages. We all support the hell out of you too. You have a very devoted fan base.
- @blacuesta: @AbrahamMichael_ Absolutely! I have the best online family. You guys fill my life with laughter and great conversation. You guys taught me to not pay attention to the people who don’t like me. I am forever grateful for everybody on here. ALWAYS

@princeofnorway: When I got back from New Orleans my gf used some website on my phone to automatically delete tweets 60 days or older to save me from hate about tweets from 2013 when it was socially acceptable to post full song lyrics with “n***a” in them. And I can’t for the life of me find the website again to turn it off and now all of my Twitter gold is temporary. So enjoy it while it lasts :(  At least someday when I have kids they won’t be able to see how much of a petty bitch I am 🤸🏼‍♂️
@TayloriasSecret: Me when someone speaks to me in Spanish and I don’t know anything their saying but I’m trying to pay attention like I do
@TayloriasSecret: You do something to me
@TayloriasSecret: Do you ever feel so happy you could cry bc that’s me right now
- @angelababicz: @TayloriasSecret That’s weird bc last time I checked I wasn’t with you soooooooo
@TayloriasSecret: I hate when I order a drink then they give it a to me and ask “are you old enough to drink” like ya I’m not old enough I’m just ordering it so you can ask for my id and realize I’m only 16 like yes give me my glass of wine and let me be a wino
@lexi__marsella: if the sun isn’t up, I shouldn’t be up
@angelababicz: I get road rage behind slow walkers
@ChelskoOfficial: Adulting? Or refusing to adult ? Idk 🤷🏼‍♀️😂
@imdroc15: You ever meet someone and they’re so sexy that you just wanna make babies with them!
@imdroc15: Fun Fact: @victoria_alario was #1 crush on Ex On The Beach. Everyday I would say “V Fuck It Up” and she’ll start twerking 😍 lol
- @imdroc15: @victoria_alario DUH!!!!!! 😍💍👶🏽
- @victoria_alario: @imdroc15 Is this how you felt when you met me? Imagining a swirl cone baby?
- @victoria_alario: @imdroc15 Seriously my favorite!!! I think I miss that the most... season 2 plz?!
@angelababicz: You men get on my nerves
@RomeoMiller: Bold! Diverse! Outspoken! Congrats on the Emmy beauties! Well deserved @jeanniemai @TameraMowryTwo @AdrienneBailon @LoniLove | #TheReal
@princeofnorway: Life is good
@angelababicz: Believe them when they show you
@angelababicz: I get a stomachache every time I see a commercial for Thursday’s episode of #ExOnTheBeach 🤮 it’s a rough one for me... for multiple reasons 😔
- @TayloriasSecret: @angelababicz Lmao we’re all suffering this one
- @angelababicz: @TayloriasSecret Just promise you’ll hold my hand ok
- @TayloriasSecret: @angelababicz If you promise to hold mine
@blacuesta: Someone put Kanye in rice ASAP
@TheAllanAguirre: I love drama, but the EOTB US people are so fucking extra.
@marcodelvec: I hate catching feelings because it always comes back to bite me in the ass
- @imdroc15: @marcodelvec You gotta bite her booty before the feelings bite you in the ass
@creaturesferris: My boy @princeofnorway we f*cked shit up on exonthebeach ex_on.the_beach… …
@angelababicz: I need new music 🎵 what’s your favorite song right now? Put me on fam
- @marcodelvec: @angelababicz “Who Let The Dogs Out” -Baha Men
- @angelababicz: @marcodelvec Go to bed Marco
@giannahammer: Big day for lil baby and mommy and daddy today! Haven’t talked about what’s going on but I think I’ll film and post a video about it depending on how things go! Talking to God a little extra today 💙💪🏽
@giannahammer: Unrelated to the baby it’s been a pretty rough week. Sometimes you just can’t get anything to go right. 😒 my sweet little black kitty ran in front of our car and died today and I’m literally so fucking pissed. Rip little Luna ☹️😞
@giannahammer: watching/experiencing a pet die is extremely tough. it’s bad enough that you lost them but you also don’t ever get to lose the memory of the experience. Nightmares man. Still get them of when my puppy was attacked and killed that shit is AWFUL. 😒
@giannahammer: Not to get all dark and gloomy  I’ve had pets die growing up but only this past year have I experienced a pet dying traumatically. I feel for everyone else who’s ever gone through that, seriously 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
@MTVKathrynP: Honestly the worst part about these Justin Timberlake memes is that it’s gonna be May & im still wearing a jacket
@n_zanattaMTV: Don’t ever get mad when your ex is happy or in love with someone else, you had your shot and it just didn’t workout. Sorry not sorry 💋
- @imdroc15: @n_zanattaMTV Ight now Nicole... tweets like this gone have MTV casting you for Ex On The Beach lol hahahahaha
@zoeinwonderland: My tweets aren’t funny any more and I’m pretty sure it’s because my antidepressants are working??? I think I need to develop a drinking problem or get a second deadbeat dad
@nicole_spiller: You have one life, so don’t live it according to how It appeases others, do what makes you happy in the moment always
@TheRealAnthonyM: I can’t take this any longer... I haven’t seen Avengers so I am buying a ticket and going to watch that shit by myself. Until then. Goodbye twitter

@ExOnTheBeach: SH*T IS ABOUT TO HIT THE FAN. This Thursday Get ready for a CRAZY new episode this Thursday on MTV!
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach I want no parts with what’s about to come up that elevator nope not today
- @ExOnTheBeach: @angelababicz Hmmmm...I what it could be... #ExOnTheBeach
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach Can it finally be some drama not involving me!? Find out this Thursday :)... it’s about to be crazy!
@BionicBrooks_: Thursday is going to be wild 🙈
@BionicBrooks_: People will literally be so rude to you but when you stand your ground they try to make you feel like the bad guy... Man get over yourselves people.
@BionicBrooks_: It’s not that hard to be a nice genuine person and you will get that in return.
@BionicBrooks_: The prettiest people do the ugliest things.
@angelababicz: New car smell is the best. First person that farts in it is getting ejected from the vehicle try me
@ExOnTheBeach: If the ex everyone thinks is coming actually shows up, all I can say is...GET THE F*CK READY 👀 | #ExOnTheBeach is all-new this Thursday!
- @BionicBrooks_: @ExOnTheBeach I’m here for you dawg @MTVCoryWharton 😳
@RomeoMiller: Dear (future) Queen, you should know I already plan on investing into a castle far far away the day I decide to get married...
@RomeoMiller: Just want ya to know that Fairy Tales are more than true. - Your (future) Romeo 💕💍
@ExOnTheBeach: Time to mark your territory, @PaulCalafiore_!
- @lexi__marsella: @ExOnTheBeach if you want me, claim me
@ChelskoOfficial: When You Find Out Your Ex Got Thrown In Jail At Coachella 😂💅🏻
@angelababicz: Who did it better? #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Trying to figure out which ex is gonna show up to the house this Thursday like...
@tylerobrienn: You can lose it twice as fast as you got it
- @zoeinwonderland: @tylerobrienn My alcohol privileges in the AYTO house
@zoeinwonderland: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory really inspired me as a kid to chase my wildest dreams, like staying in bed all day and not working for 20 years despite having literally nothing wrong with me
@audreydiazz: Hey lovesss new video is up on my channel!!💕💕 A lot of people requested it so here it is!! My casting process for AYTO 😁 …
@IamAdamKuhn: Turned 28 today and have realized that birthdays are overrated once you pass 21.

@ExOnTheBeach: Don't do it. #ExOnTheBeach
- @lexi__marsella: @ExOnTheBeach PREACH IT BABE @imdroc15
@cbmcnary: I’ve decide I’m not a fan of the quick reply “HAHA” “!!” And “👍🏽👎🏽” on iPhone.   It’s the equivalent to opening the freezer and finding an empty tub of almond Milk ice cream. There’s Zero substance to digest when you open it!
@thepoetsaint: #exonthebeach fans!! We have another amazing aftershow scheduled for you on @afterbuzztv this week. Not only do we have @BionicBrooks_ AND @ChelskoOfficial in the studio but we also have @tylersemicolon from #ayto season 6 joining us as a guest host! Tune in! Thurs 8pm PST! 🔥🔥
- @uchaachi: @thepoetsaint TYLER. IS LITERALLY THE INTERN WHO KEEPS COMING BACK AT AFTERBUZZ. Anyways guys watch this !!!
@ExOnTheBeach: HEY @TAYLORIASSECRET and @MTVCORYWHARTON...are you guys ready for tomorrow's episode???? 😈 #ExOnTheBeach
- @AREUTHE1: @ExOnTheBeach I KNOW I AM 💥💥💥 #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: If you wanna date me all you have to do is ask and ima say no
@lexi__marsella: I’ll literally cancel plans to stay home and do nothing..
@lexi__marsella: the volcanoes in Hawaii are errupting tomorrow on @ExOnTheBeach #TakeCover
@ExOnTheBeach: The easy part is finding her, the hard part is remembering her name...🙊 | Don't miss a new #ExOnTheBeach tomorrow at 9/8c!
- @creaturesferris: Hahahha @ExOnTheBeach
@AREUTHE1: Ready to find YOUR perfect match? 💘 Come find love with #AYTO and apply to be on the next season NOW: 
- @BritniNicol: @AREUTHE1 Come play w us 😈
@giannahammer: Wait this girl really just hit on Hayden while I went to the bathroom 😂😂 and my bump is showing big time today she definitely didn’t miss it 😩😂
- @TayloriasSecret: @giannahammer SLAP HER
@giannahammer: Alright Hayden lol
@ItsAll_AboutTee: You might not miss me now , but you will . 😛
@blacuesta: There’s nothing worse than someone ur interested in that doesn’t get ur humor

@ExOnTheBeach: Will the one who got away get a second chance??? Hmmm idk about that. 😇 | #ExOnTheBeach is new TONIGHT on @MTV! Catch a new episode TONIGHT at 9/8c!
@lexi__marsella: retweet if you’re tuning into the @ExOnTheBeach sh*tshow that’s going down TONIGHT on @MTV 8/9c!
@lexi__marsella: have you ever met someone and it all clicks? like you’re the reason this country has to put directions on shampoo.
@angelababicz: Good morning! What a beautiful day to get played on national tv 🙂🤗
@victoria_alario: Last night I discovered that if I were on @AREUTHE1 instead of @ExOnTheBeach my perfect match would be @audreydiazz and now I just demand a do-over of this whole thing🙄
@shandathapanda: my friends are literally trying to light their farts on fire
@thepoetsaint: It’s #ExOnTheBeach day!! Will @imdroc15 be in the house another day? Will @TayloriasSecret be going into the “shack of secrets”? Tune into our @afterbuzztv aftershow as we break it all down w/ @BionicBrooks_  @ChelskoOfficial  and guest host @tylersemicolon! 8pm PST. Super litty!
@ChelskoOfficial: #stilltrue TONIGHT @ExOnTheBeach ON @MTV 9/8c!!!!!
@RomeoMiller: Shoutout to everybody behind the scenes that made this show a success. | @ExOnTheBeach (new episode tonight on @MTV)
@samiralovesrko: #ExOnTheBeach tonight 🙌🏻
@ChelskoOfficial: Tonight is going to be an amazing night! Who's excited?!! #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Hey @BionicBrooks_, that ain't @angelababicz...😏🔥 | The heat is rising on an insane new #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT! Sneak Peek: A Shot At A New Romance #ExOnTheBeach is new TONIGHT at 9/8c on MTV!
- @BionicBrooks_: @ExOnTheBeach I’m certain, that’s too much melanin for one television set 📺. Make sure you check out tonight’s @ExOnTheBeach  to watch things blow up! 😈🤯🤬 #exonthebeach
@ChelskoOfficial: I’m not about @NICKIMINAJ unless I’m in an AWFUL mood then I’m like YASSS GURL PREACH!!!!
@angelababicz: Lmao y’all need to understand that the first time you’re watching all of this go down is the first time I’M WATCHING. I had no idea about the extent of this #exonthebeach
@ChelskoOfficial: #stilltrue
@ChelskoOfficial: Join @BionicBrooks_ & I TONIGHT on @afterbuzztv 8pm CALI time !!! #afterbuzztv  #abtvexonthebeach
@BionicBrooks_: When they're real quick to claim you on the first day, but not about telling you how they planned on being with their ex from the get go..  #exonthebeach
@ChelskoOfficial: DAYUMMMM @faithstowers I GOT WET JUST WATCHINNG THAT!!!!! Tffffff!!!!!! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
@ChelskoOfficial: “Awwww ur as good at lying about loving me as I am at faking orgasms” @Beno_ldn feels that #mood tho 😂
@ExOnTheBeach: BRING ON THE DRAMA, BABY!!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: Taking over the @ExOnTheBeach instagram starting now! Make sure to tune in💃🏼
@imdroc15: Yep I’m holding my homie  @TayloriasSecret back from a fight this episode... trust me, you don’t wanna miss this episode! #ExOnTheBeach
@skylermikkelson: I wonder what we were talking about? 🤔 Tune in tonight to find out @ExOnTheBeach on @MTV at 8/9c
@faithstowers: Get you a girl who can do both. Elevate and you make you look good. #lennykravitz
@ChelskoOfficial: My response when he says “u got an attitude”
@ExOnTheBeach: "@Sarah_Hyland: Ex on the beach gave us “SHE FUCKED MY UNCLE!” and I will be forever grateful." RT HEY @Sarah_Hyland if you thought last week's #ExOnTheBeach was crazy with THE UNCLE, wait until you see TONIGHT'S — wanna watch along with me??? 💘🙌🏼
@ExOnTheBeach: Lookin' for some drama like... #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Tonight’s @ExOnTheBeach episode will have you like
@creaturesferris: WHOS READY FOR M*THA F*CKIN @ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: Gotta love finding YOUTUBE videos about the tweetwar u had w ur ex LOL!
@angelababicz: Catch a few of them tonight on a brand new episode of @ExOnTheBeach
- @imdroc15: @angelababicz @ExOnTheBeach I wish they had a chocolate trash bag for me :)
@imdroc15: Lol enjoy your fun now because your time is coming soon and these same fans are going to go in on you!
- @JustJem24: @imdroc15 Your @ button broke boo? 😏
- @imdroc15: @JustJem24 Oh it’s coming soon!!! Just can’t spoil anything yet. You know how these MTV contracts be
@imdroc15: Screenshot this cuz I promise it’s going to happen lol!
@angelababicz: This is what happens when @victoria_alario falls asleep and leaves me unattended with WiFi
@angelababicz: The world is gonna see what a POS you are tonight. I’d be mad too #ExOnTheBeach
@HaydenPWeaver: Seeing #InfinityWar again tonight and I’m just as excited as premiere night
@giannahammer: Hayden’s so nice forcing himself to watch Infinity War again with me 🤗🤗😉😘
@ExOnTheBeach: We got 1 HOUR until #ExOnTheBeach is HERE!!!
@faithstowers: When he see you trying extra hard for his attention but he doesn’t have many options so .. why not #exonthebeach #youtriedit
@BionicBrooks_: When somebody eats the leftovers in the fridge that you been plotting on ALL day! #exonthebeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @BionicBrooks_ THE. WORST. #EXONTHEBEACH

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Ahead, the Pulse of Week 3 of Ex on the Beach. See you soon...


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