*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
■ @DC408Dxtr @ TW / IG / YT
It's been an amazing weekend, and as we soak in all of what's left here on this Sunday, things are now getting into full-on heat mode in a state that, just these past few days, have seen both the heat turn up quite literally in a volcano erupting on the Big Island of Hawaii and several large tremors around our 50th State. We're talking about Week Three of Ex On The Beach.
Last week, our group of singles and a few of their exes were introduced to two of the big twists that will radiate throughout the season in the Islands: first, MTV veteran Derrick H. and Bad Girls Club alum Angela were whisked down to the Shack of Secrets, and just as what happened last year with him, a phone was center stage as she went through his device to go all in on him for his lies. His AYTO mate Andre arrived to scare his Season 5 ex Taylor and who would then be voted off the island in the first elimination, as did Chris' ex Chelsko who revealed a steamy secret of his cheating ways only to be blown back by a claim that she slept with his uncle... That turned out to be a lie when they went to the Shack to face the lie detector.
And just when you think it's gonna get more crazy, this week This week, things get even more twisted. One of the singles will begin to grapple with being the first of the original ten to move in to have another ex move into the estate Justin Bieber once called home. For another who has had it all good in landing the other member of Team MTV to move in, he also has to face the music with the ex he has most dreaded about coming here... one who also happens to be a vendetta of the girl he's seeing and who has a history of stirring the pot. And when Ex On The Beach has its first Getaway Date, things begin to go into absolute chaos -- both outside and then at the night formal... and it doesn't become a true reality show until things get as lit as you can get.
All the action, reaction and interaction of Week 2 of Ex On The Beach is ahead on this diary, as well as more Twitter beefing with the full blow-by-blow. And after the diary, we'll join a fellow roommate of one of the singles and two other MTV alumni who know what it's like to date an MTV star on the stage at Spring Break.
All of that is ahead on the Pulse of Ex on the Beach, and dive in....
Last week, our group of singles and a few of their exes were introduced to two of the big twists that will radiate throughout the season in the Islands: first, MTV veteran Derrick H. and Bad Girls Club alum Angela were whisked down to the Shack of Secrets, and just as what happened last year with him, a phone was center stage as she went through his device to go all in on him for his lies. His AYTO mate Andre arrived to scare his Season 5 ex Taylor and who would then be voted off the island in the first elimination, as did Chris' ex Chelsko who revealed a steamy secret of his cheating ways only to be blown back by a claim that she slept with his uncle... That turned out to be a lie when they went to the Shack to face the lie detector.
And just when you think it's gonna get more crazy, this week This week, things get even more twisted. One of the singles will begin to grapple with being the first of the original ten to move in to have another ex move into the estate Justin Bieber once called home. For another who has had it all good in landing the other member of Team MTV to move in, he also has to face the music with the ex he has most dreaded about coming here... one who also happens to be a vendetta of the girl he's seeing and who has a history of stirring the pot. And when Ex On The Beach has its first Getaway Date, things begin to go into absolute chaos -- both outside and then at the night formal... and it doesn't become a true reality show until things get as lit as you can get.
All the action, reaction and interaction of Week 2 of Ex On The Beach is ahead on this diary, as well as more Twitter beefing with the full blow-by-blow. And after the diary, we'll join a fellow roommate of one of the singles and two other MTV alumni who know what it's like to date an MTV star on the stage at Spring Break.
All of that is ahead on the Pulse of Ex on the Beach, and dive in....
EDITOR'S NOTE: Typically, our Pulse diaries begin with what happens in between the episodes airing and the buzz before the episode airs on the day. But for the sake of many of you and to relieve some pressure, starting earlier this year some of our diaries have been split into two with the main episode posts and aftermath to appear in its own post. That's where we begin... enjoy.
►AS THEY SAW IT: "Two Exes Don't Make a Right"
@ExOnTheBeach: BUCKLE UP. #ExOnTheBeach starts NOW on @MTV!
@MTV: #ExOnTheBeach starts right now! Watch + tweet along with @ExOnTheBeach 😳
@victoria_alario: Let’s see what goes down tonight #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Looks like we have a new romance brewing over here — @angelababicz, whatcha think about that? 🍑 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Faith - "Tor'i's sexy. He's very sexy.)
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach 🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮
@angelababicz: You got that right it could be an issue #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Just in case you didn’t think you heard this right, you did. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Cory to Taylor - "What's crazy is my daughter is 1 month older than my new sister.")
@angelababicz: Funny thing is I walked into the bedroom when they were in the closet and I turned around because I saw no threats 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ #StillDont
@victoria_alario: All I know is, thank the lord my zoomed in scary face hasn’t been on a flag yet #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Tears already? Well we know this is gonna be GOOD. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Taylor crying and Victoria consoling her)
@angelababicz: I’m crying because I couldn’t call my family on Thanksgiving not bc I gave a f*ck about any bitch #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: When bae wants a guys night but you were planning on some netflix and chilling…🙄 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Chelsko)
@ExOnTheBeach: Straight up holding my breath rn. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Cory nodding his head)
@RomeoMiller: Tonight's episode of #exonthebeach is going into the hall of fame! 👀😵👻 @MTV
@victoria_alario: YOU BETTER WERK @haleyreadxoxo! I love this sexy woman!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: YASSSS @haleyreadxoxo GIVE IT TO ME 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@imdroc15: Ok @haleyreadxoxo 🔥😏 #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: OKAY @haleyreadxoxo BABY BABY!🤤
@ExOnTheBeach: Gucci. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Chris - "I'm happy.")
@ExOnTheBeach: SORRY @ChelskoOfficial! #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Chris - "Um... can I say I still do?")
- @creaturesferris: @ExOnTheBeach @ChelskoOfficial even @ExOnTheBeach feels bad for you, get over it
@angelababicz: Ok I’m over this “international dj” can we just take him off the screen tysm
@ExOnTheBeach: When my crush gets a new girlfriend. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Haley - "He f___ed her, he loves me.")
@PurveyorsofPop: .@haleyreadxoxo's smile is almost as bright as that bathing suit 😍😍 #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: Can i return my ex and exchange him for @haleyreadxoxo? #ExonTheBeach
@angelababicz: I think I was happier to see @MTVCoryWharton come back alone than anything else 😭😭😭
@haleyreadxoxo: Chelsko doesn’t seem to happy to see me 😉 #ExonTheBeach
@allrealitychat: Legend Faith bout to turn the shit UP tonight #ExonTheBeach @faithstowers
@BionicBrooks_: As you can see things get real later 😳🤯 Stay tuned! #exonthebeach
@cbmcnary: I think I know what’s about to happen! 😳. I not at ease! @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: TFW your Tinder date walks in and looks even better than the pix #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Derrick in sunglasses)
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach I have to hit on at least one of Cris exes
@angelababicz: THE ELEVATOR NOOOO #Exonthebeach
@victoria_alario: NOT THE SHACK OF SECRETS PLEASE #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: AHHHHHH!!!!!!! I DID NOT SEE THIS COMING. 😱 #EXONTHEBEACH (GIF of Alicia in the Shack of Secrets)
@ChelskoOfficial: Me watching Cris do the SAME OLD SHIT
@creaturesferris: Yuckkkk now I’m stuck with two #exonthebeachus @ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: HERE WE GO !!!!! IM READY #Exonthebeach
@imdroc15: Are You The One Season 5 came in deep on ExOnTheBeach. I love that our season stays on tv! #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: .@ChelskoOfficial drinking wine and shading her ex is major mood #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: If by bed you mean ALICIA!!!! #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "I wonder if there's a bed down there.")
@Lizchallenge_: OMFGGGG ALICIAS ENTRANCE ICONIC!!!!!!!!!! #ExonTheBeach
@MTVJibbs: SHOOOK #ExOnTheBeach
@faithstowers: From what I hear I wasn’t the one doing the stealing ... 🏃🏾♂️💰
@imdroc15: The Shack Of Secrets ain’t shit... I hate it!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: This is way worse than I even thought #ExonTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: NOTE TO SELF: the shack of secrets is NEVER good! @ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: COME TO MAMAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
@ExOnTheBeach: Now we’re talking — LET THE GAMES BEGIN. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Alicia taking elevator ride up to the top to reveal herself as new ex)
- @ChelskoOfficial: @ExOnTheBeach I’m not! *sips wine*
@victoria_alario: Yup. My jaw was hung for a good 3 minutes #ExonTheBeach
@faithstowers: That’s a big house y’all! You gotta go all the way around the house to get to the girls closet... #jussayin
- @BionicBrooks_: @faithstowers Chilll 😂😂😂
- @faithstowers: @BionicBrooks_ Un huh all that talk about me being unattractive 😂 get yo life
@angelababicz: *tightens ponytail* #ExOnTheBeach
- @MTV: @angelababicz you were BORN ready #EXONTHEBEACH
@imdroc15: 😂😂😂 “Somebody’s weave about to get snatched” #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: Backstory: I genuinely thought there was a bed in the SOS for Taylor and Cory to consummate their relationship😂 I happened to walk past it earlier in the day and there was a mattress in there! I told the whole house! Boy was I wrong... #ExonTheBeach
@angelababicz: This is the first time I’ve seen Alicia since I fought her in NYC let’s just keep that in mind
@cbmcnary: @angelababicz going to tighten her hair tie when that elevator came up was the equivalent of a bull hoofing the sand 💃🏻🐂 @ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: Incase anyone doubted my wino-ness.. *bows*
@BionicBrooks_: This elimination is going to be one for the ages. @ExOnTheBeach #EXONTHEBEACH
- @ExOnTheBeach: @BionicBrooks_ SO EXCITED #EXONTHEBEACH
@victoria_alario: No idea what they ended up doing with that mattress or what it was for. But I can now confirm to all my housemates that Cory and Taylor did not have sex in the SOS, needless to say. #ExOnTheBeach
- @MTV: @victoria_alario can't wait till you go down there #ExOnTheBeach
- @victoria_alario: @MTV I can 🙄
@ChelskoOfficial: My expression when I see Haley say he would choose her over me when he cheated on her ... with me......
- @creaturesferris: @ChelskoOfficial Dude are you like mentally okay lol I caled you crying about how to get Haley back, Let the truth be told lol , not once did I cheat on her wth you....you wish lol @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeachus #jelous
@abbypants13: I fucking LOVE Angela!!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: When someone eats your leftovers in the fridge you were planning to eat
@victoria_alario: I swear Angela can do literally anything and still look 💯 #ExonTheBeach
@angelababicz: Tor’i doesn’t look like he’s over my attitude the way he’s holding me and whatever
@ExOnTheBeach: Yup. We wouldn’t expect anything less. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Alicia to Cory - "I'm gonna make this s___ hard for you now!")
@ExOnTheBeach: How I feel watching this episode: #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Alicia)
@cbmcnary: “She came in wearing all white like she’s and angel. She might be the devil!” @faithstowers hahaha I just lost it
- @BionicBrooks_: @cbmcnary Me too! 😂😂😂
- @imdroc15: @cbmcnary @faithstowers Lol bro i busted out laughing
- @faithstowers: 😂😂 you never know in the house of horrors @cbmcnary
- @BionicBrooks_: @faithstowers We didn’t even get there yet Faith slow down!
@imdroc15: Alicia preach... we were SINGLE!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@princeofnorway: Alicia 👀👏🏻👏🏻
@MTVCoryWharton: 😑 #ExonTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @MTVCoryWharton hey! #exonthebeach
- @BionicBrooks_: @MTVCoryWharton Man 🤦🏿♂️
- @JustJem24: @MTVCoryWharton I high key wanna fight you right now..
@BionicBrooks_: I was there and I still can’t believe all of this! 😳🤯 #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@MTVCoryWharton: Current Mood : 🚁 @ExOnTheBeach #ExonTheBeach
@victoria_alario: Meet @imdroc15 : full time premium chocolate part time DJ #ExonTheBeach
- @MTV: @victoria_alario @imdroc15 love me them chocolate beats #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Me justifying my behavior...every friday night. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "We need this.")
@imdroc15: Lol DJ Chocolate
@LouieRivera_: Yooo you the next tiesto? Lmfao @imdroc15 #exonthebeach
@angelababicz: Retweet if you think Tor’i is the fakest bitch in the house #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: risky business is providing alcohol to a house full of ex’s... #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach but LETS PARTY YA’LL
@ExOnTheBeach: SO, where does your loyalty lie!? 💘 #ExOnTheBeach
- @princeofnorway: @ExOnTheBeach Choose wisely
@cbmcnary: I bet you’re wondering what we’re drinking.... so were we.
- @jasminegoode_: @cbmcnary Lol so gross
@imdroc15: Noooooo... they didn’t hit the rewind button!! @ExOnTheBeach petty af and I love it! Lol
@ChelskoOfficial: So grateful for everyone who has been a part of this journey with me !!!! I love you all!!! ❤️❤️❤️
@haleyreadxoxo: Lmao at my lit ass 😂😂😂 #exonthebeach
@victoria_alario: Yet another week of me giving 0 fucks about anyone or anything in the house just tryna mind my business and catch a tan #ExonTheBeach
@JustJem24: I better not see any Alicia hate on my timeline or I will personally come for you.. #exonthebeach
@blacuesta: "@MichaelaOkla: Do u ever look at someone and be like “damn I can’t believe I used to check if you viewed my snap story”" RT THIS REAL AF
@giannahammer: Sometimes I get sad when Hayden goes back to Indiana but definitely not on Thursdays bc #exonthebeach keeps me entertained af 😂😂🤷🏽♀️ tv gold
- @HaydenPWeaver: @giannahammer It’s also the one hour every Thursday from 9-10pm that you stop texting back 😒
@uchaachi: me: how do they have such deep feelings for each other it’s only week 3 of #ExonTheBeach also me week 3 of AYTO:
- @nicole_spiller: @uchaachi Hahahah ITS TRUE!!! And the world needs to know
@kareem_fathalla: 😂😂😂 thats crazzzyyyyyyy
@princeofnorway: Woahhhh Derrick is a good guy..? 🤔🤔🧐
- @imdroc15: @princeofnorway Duhhhhhh bro!!! I’m a great guy lol
@angelababicz: Who wants to hire me as a hype woman? Anyone? Don’t all get up at once #ExOnTheBeach
- @haleyreadxoxo: @angelababicz 🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️
@skylermikkelson: @ExOnTheBeach okayyyyy maybe just one too many 😬
@shandathapanda: to go into a house still being fully in love with someone, to not only getting shit on by him but by other people is fucking hard -- y'all need to learn how to sympathize. alicia may look weak but that bitch is stronger and more caring than any of you will ever know #exonthebeach
@BionicBrooks_: Being a real dude/girl is so hard when so many people aspire to be plastic..
@shandathapanda: lmao @imdroc15 i can't fucking deal with you
- @imdroc15: @shandathapanda 😂😂😂
@ChelskoOfficial: I love that they cut EVERYTHING out about Cris asking to be my friend and me saying “NO” .... even MTV can’t accept the dang truth 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
- @creaturesferris: @ChelskoOfficial I love when she talks shit lol ..give me more to watch..it’s like extra from the show lol
- @ChelskoOfficial: @creaturesferris “ i never talked bad about you” “I got ur back chels” #LIAR
@ExOnTheBeach: That smile ✨ #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Tor'i)
@imdroc15: Damn!!! Watching this, I really feel for Alicia... definitely a tough spot to be in #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Here’s the date you asked for you trifling little boy #ExOnTheBeach
@JillTheJew: The next time a guy breaks my heart, I want @imdroc15 to give me a pep talk. Help me through this, tell me I did everything right, call him a jerk😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@Irving_A07: I don’t know where @lexi__marsella has been my whole life, but I am in love 😍 #EXONTHEBEACH
@victoria_alario: Oh damn I looked cute! I was wearing heels at 9 am like who the actual fuck I thought I was #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Faith saw I was pissed and was like “don’t worry girl it’s just me” HAHAHHAHAHAHAGIRLBYE
@ExOnTheBeach: OKURRR. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Tor'i taking body shot off of Faith)
@faithstowers: That can not be fun having that many ppl coming for you. 😳 #coldworld
@Fineasslila__: Love watching #ExOnTheBeach best MTV show ever so far LOL
@angelababicz: I bring negative energy into your life? Sweetie the only thing negative is your checking account #ExOnTheBeach
@princeofnorway: @imdroc15 imma need that clip 😂😂 mMmMMmMmm
- @imdroc15: @princeofnorway Lol please find a way to get it lol
@BionicBrooks_: @cbmcnary Well now you see! Body 💉#exonthebeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Tor'i: "I smile when you walk into the room" Me: #ExOnTheBeach @BionicBrooks_
@PurveyorsofPop: Poor @creaturesferris has TWO exes when most people have none! Literally nightmare fuel. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: "Tori is very interesting to me" -@faithstowers sure, that's what it is. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: If you guys aren't gonna drink those drinks in the Shack of Secrets, I'm happy to help. @MTVCoryWharton @TayloriasSecret #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: I don't know what Alicia is saying about rekindling things with @MTVCoryWharton - didnt it end two weeks ago? Is the fire even out? #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Cory and Taylor look like they're in mourning now that Alicia has arrived 😂 #ExOnTheBeach @TayloriasSecret @MTVCoryWharton
@imdroc15: “MmmmmMmMMmMmm” Lol #ExOnTheBeach
@imdroc15: Lol I need that Gif please!!
@skylermikkelson: “You wanna bite of this? Isssszzzzzaaaamazing” Fuck. 🤦🏼♀️
@ExOnTheBeach: Literally all of us rn. 👀 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Alicia's face)
@ExOnTheBeach: Who do you think will be cut during tonight’s #CutOrCrush ceremony? #ExOnTheBeach
@kaygauder: if i could look like @angelababicz and/or @victoria_alario life would be great
@angelababicz: CHRIS YOU CAN JOIN THE FAKES THAT WAY 👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼
@cbmcnary: I should have charged people rent for ALWAYSSSS sitting on my bed and chatting it out with @MTVCoryWharton sitting on his bed.
@lexi__marsella: uh what happens if it’s a tie? @ExOnTheBeach
@LIB_Goddess: #ExOnTheBeach is like reality tv cross over heaven.....or hell idk #mtv
@victoria_alario: Every time I lift my hand in an interview I have a red cup in it #ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @victoria_alario what a great way to live <3 #exonthebeach
@ChelskoOfficial: "@GottiFreshBobby: But Chris the one who did Chelsko wrong, and spreaded the false rumor 🙄 #ExOnTheBeach" RT Amen
- @creaturesferris: @ChelskoOfficial #salty #jelousofmynewbishhhhh
- @creaturesferris: @ChelskoOfficial Someone is really mad lol
- @ChelskoOfficial: @creaturesferris Mad I wasted 2 yrs of my life on a fake friend.
@ExOnTheBeach: You have no clue what you're walking into right now, @RomeoMiller. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "Y'all don't look too happy over there, man!")
@ExOnTheBeach: Trust me, she will. Better watch the f*ck out. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Angela - "I'm coming for you!")
@lexi__marsella: peep me in the back lost AF this entire time btw #ExonTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @lexi__marsella ILY #exonthebeach
- @lexi__marsella: @ExOnTheBeach oh and how I love you💓
@victoria_alario: “Who doesn’t feel good?” me: 🙋🏼♀️🙋🏼♀️🙋🏼♀️ #ExonTheBeach
@haleyreadxoxo: Uh oh elimination time 🤨 #Exonthebeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @haleyreadxoxo hmmmm wonder what's gonna happen! #exonthebeach
@imdroc15: I’m always on the hot seat when it comes to Eliminations @RomeoMiller #ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @imdroc15 @RomeoMiller <333 #exonthebeach
@xxem148xx: This episode is absolutely crazy tonight @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: @angelababicz and everyone else that didn’t even know me had my back and yet after TAKING CARE OF YOU FOR MONTHS @creaturesferris CAN’T have my back. #amazing
@angelababicz: Chris changed his mind every other day about his feelings towards both Chelsko and Haley. Everyone knew were I stood since day one. I wasn’t a FLIP FLOPPER and that’s where Chris went wrong
@cbmcnary: No joke my heart is pudding right now just remembering the intensity of this elimination! @ExOnTheBeach
@imdroc15: Staring to see who’s gonna grab that last slice of pizza first lol
@angelababicz: You don’t know me but you WILL know me, KNOW THAT #wut #ExOnTheBeach
@kellwiththetea: What a messy elimination. #ExOnTheBeach
@allrealitychat: Time for Faith to turn this shit UP! LET'S GO @faithstowers #ExonTheBeach
@angelababicz: If you’re extra and you know it clap your hands 👏🏼👏🏼 #Exonthebeach
@creaturesferris: @ChelskoOfficial don’t you have like some rich boyfriend already lol ? Go fuck him for fame #sleep4fame
@ExOnTheBeach: This is all too much for me to take too, @angelababicz. #ExOnTheBeach (Video of Angela and Faith getting into fight)
- @BionicBrooks_: @ExOnTheBeach Thanks again @MTVCoryWharton 🤦🏿♂️😂 throwing me under the 🚌 all season I see 🤣 #exonthebeach
@faithstowers: If I’m wearing a dress and then go change into jeans and sneakers 👟 Issa a whole problem 😡
- @JustJem24: @faithstowers I fucks with you mama 💋
@angelababicz: Don’t “baby” me lil bitch
@ExOnTheBeach: WOWOWOWOW next Thursday needs to hurry tf up!!! 👀👀👀 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Alicia)
@MTV: #ExOnTheBeach starts right now! Watch + tweet along with @ExOnTheBeach 😳
@victoria_alario: Let’s see what goes down tonight #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Looks like we have a new romance brewing over here — @angelababicz, whatcha think about that? 🍑 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Faith - "Tor'i's sexy. He's very sexy.)
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach 🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮🚮
@angelababicz: You got that right it could be an issue #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Just in case you didn’t think you heard this right, you did. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Cory to Taylor - "What's crazy is my daughter is 1 month older than my new sister.")
@angelababicz: Funny thing is I walked into the bedroom when they were in the closet and I turned around because I saw no threats 🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️🤷🏻♀️ #StillDont
@victoria_alario: All I know is, thank the lord my zoomed in scary face hasn’t been on a flag yet #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Tears already? Well we know this is gonna be GOOD. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Taylor crying and Victoria consoling her)
@angelababicz: I’m crying because I couldn’t call my family on Thanksgiving not bc I gave a f*ck about any bitch #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: When bae wants a guys night but you were planning on some netflix and chilling…🙄 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Chelsko)
@ExOnTheBeach: Straight up holding my breath rn. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Cory nodding his head)
@RomeoMiller: Tonight's episode of #exonthebeach is going into the hall of fame! 👀😵👻 @MTV
@victoria_alario: YOU BETTER WERK @haleyreadxoxo! I love this sexy woman!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: YASSSS @haleyreadxoxo GIVE IT TO ME 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@imdroc15: Ok @haleyreadxoxo 🔥😏 #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: OKAY @haleyreadxoxo BABY BABY!🤤
@ExOnTheBeach: Gucci. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Chris - "I'm happy.")
@ExOnTheBeach: SORRY @ChelskoOfficial! #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Chris - "Um... can I say I still do?")
- @creaturesferris: @ExOnTheBeach @ChelskoOfficial even @ExOnTheBeach feels bad for you, get over it
@angelababicz: Ok I’m over this “international dj” can we just take him off the screen tysm
@ExOnTheBeach: When my crush gets a new girlfriend. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Haley - "He f___ed her, he loves me.")
@PurveyorsofPop: .@haleyreadxoxo's smile is almost as bright as that bathing suit 😍😍 #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: Can i return my ex and exchange him for @haleyreadxoxo? #ExonTheBeach
@angelababicz: I think I was happier to see @MTVCoryWharton come back alone than anything else 😭😭😭
@haleyreadxoxo: Chelsko doesn’t seem to happy to see me 😉 #ExonTheBeach
@allrealitychat: Legend Faith bout to turn the shit UP tonight #ExonTheBeach @faithstowers
@BionicBrooks_: As you can see things get real later 😳🤯 Stay tuned! #exonthebeach
@cbmcnary: I think I know what’s about to happen! 😳. I not at ease! @ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: TFW your Tinder date walks in and looks even better than the pix #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Derrick in sunglasses)
- @imdroc15: @ExOnTheBeach I have to hit on at least one of Cris exes
@angelababicz: THE ELEVATOR NOOOO #Exonthebeach
@victoria_alario: NOT THE SHACK OF SECRETS PLEASE #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: AHHHHHH!!!!!!! I DID NOT SEE THIS COMING. 😱 #EXONTHEBEACH (GIF of Alicia in the Shack of Secrets)
@ChelskoOfficial: Me watching Cris do the SAME OLD SHIT
@creaturesferris: Yuckkkk now I’m stuck with two #exonthebeachus @ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: HERE WE GO !!!!! IM READY #Exonthebeach
@imdroc15: Are You The One Season 5 came in deep on ExOnTheBeach. I love that our season stays on tv! #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: .@ChelskoOfficial drinking wine and shading her ex is major mood #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: If by bed you mean ALICIA!!!! #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "I wonder if there's a bed down there.")
@Lizchallenge_: OMFGGGG ALICIAS ENTRANCE ICONIC!!!!!!!!!! #ExonTheBeach
@MTVJibbs: SHOOOK #ExOnTheBeach
@faithstowers: From what I hear I wasn’t the one doing the stealing ... 🏃🏾♂️💰
@imdroc15: The Shack Of Secrets ain’t shit... I hate it!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: This is way worse than I even thought #ExonTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: NOTE TO SELF: the shack of secrets is NEVER good! @ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: COME TO MAMAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
@ExOnTheBeach: Now we’re talking — LET THE GAMES BEGIN. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Alicia taking elevator ride up to the top to reveal herself as new ex)
- @ChelskoOfficial: @ExOnTheBeach I’m not! *sips wine*
@victoria_alario: Yup. My jaw was hung for a good 3 minutes #ExonTheBeach
@faithstowers: That’s a big house y’all! You gotta go all the way around the house to get to the girls closet... #jussayin
- @BionicBrooks_: @faithstowers Chilll 😂😂😂
- @faithstowers: @BionicBrooks_ Un huh all that talk about me being unattractive 😂 get yo life
@angelababicz: *tightens ponytail* #ExOnTheBeach
- @MTV: @angelababicz you were BORN ready #EXONTHEBEACH
@imdroc15: 😂😂😂 “Somebody’s weave about to get snatched” #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: Backstory: I genuinely thought there was a bed in the SOS for Taylor and Cory to consummate their relationship😂 I happened to walk past it earlier in the day and there was a mattress in there! I told the whole house! Boy was I wrong... #ExonTheBeach
@angelababicz: This is the first time I’ve seen Alicia since I fought her in NYC let’s just keep that in mind
@cbmcnary: @angelababicz going to tighten her hair tie when that elevator came up was the equivalent of a bull hoofing the sand 💃🏻🐂 @ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: Incase anyone doubted my wino-ness.. *bows*
@BionicBrooks_: This elimination is going to be one for the ages. @ExOnTheBeach #EXONTHEBEACH
- @ExOnTheBeach: @BionicBrooks_ SO EXCITED #EXONTHEBEACH
@victoria_alario: No idea what they ended up doing with that mattress or what it was for. But I can now confirm to all my housemates that Cory and Taylor did not have sex in the SOS, needless to say. #ExOnTheBeach
- @MTV: @victoria_alario can't wait till you go down there #ExOnTheBeach
- @victoria_alario: @MTV I can 🙄
@ChelskoOfficial: My expression when I see Haley say he would choose her over me when he cheated on her ... with me......
- @creaturesferris: @ChelskoOfficial Dude are you like mentally okay lol I caled you crying about how to get Haley back, Let the truth be told lol , not once did I cheat on her wth you....you wish lol @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeachus #jelous
@abbypants13: I fucking LOVE Angela!!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: When someone eats your leftovers in the fridge you were planning to eat
@victoria_alario: I swear Angela can do literally anything and still look 💯 #ExonTheBeach
@angelababicz: Tor’i doesn’t look like he’s over my attitude the way he’s holding me and whatever
@ExOnTheBeach: Yup. We wouldn’t expect anything less. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Alicia to Cory - "I'm gonna make this s___ hard for you now!")
@ExOnTheBeach: How I feel watching this episode: #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Alicia)
@cbmcnary: “She came in wearing all white like she’s and angel. She might be the devil!” @faithstowers hahaha I just lost it
- @BionicBrooks_: @cbmcnary Me too! 😂😂😂
- @imdroc15: @cbmcnary @faithstowers Lol bro i busted out laughing
- @faithstowers: 😂😂 you never know in the house of horrors @cbmcnary
- @BionicBrooks_: @faithstowers We didn’t even get there yet Faith slow down!
@imdroc15: Alicia preach... we were SINGLE!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@princeofnorway: Alicia 👀👏🏻👏🏻
@MTVCoryWharton: 😑 #ExonTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @MTVCoryWharton hey! #exonthebeach
- @BionicBrooks_: @MTVCoryWharton Man 🤦🏿♂️
- @JustJem24: @MTVCoryWharton I high key wanna fight you right now..
@BionicBrooks_: I was there and I still can’t believe all of this! 😳🤯 #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@MTVCoryWharton: Current Mood : 🚁 @ExOnTheBeach #ExonTheBeach
@victoria_alario: Meet @imdroc15 : full time premium chocolate part time DJ #ExonTheBeach
- @MTV: @victoria_alario @imdroc15 love me them chocolate beats #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Me justifying my behavior...every friday night. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "We need this.")
@imdroc15: Lol DJ Chocolate
@LouieRivera_: Yooo you the next tiesto? Lmfao @imdroc15 #exonthebeach
@angelababicz: Retweet if you think Tor’i is the fakest bitch in the house #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: risky business is providing alcohol to a house full of ex’s... #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach but LETS PARTY YA’LL
@ExOnTheBeach: SO, where does your loyalty lie!? 💘 #ExOnTheBeach
- @princeofnorway: @ExOnTheBeach Choose wisely
@cbmcnary: I bet you’re wondering what we’re drinking.... so were we.
- @jasminegoode_: @cbmcnary Lol so gross
@imdroc15: Noooooo... they didn’t hit the rewind button!! @ExOnTheBeach petty af and I love it! Lol
@ChelskoOfficial: So grateful for everyone who has been a part of this journey with me !!!! I love you all!!! ❤️❤️❤️
@haleyreadxoxo: Lmao at my lit ass 😂😂😂 #exonthebeach
@victoria_alario: Yet another week of me giving 0 fucks about anyone or anything in the house just tryna mind my business and catch a tan #ExonTheBeach
@JustJem24: I better not see any Alicia hate on my timeline or I will personally come for you.. #exonthebeach
@blacuesta: "@MichaelaOkla: Do u ever look at someone and be like “damn I can’t believe I used to check if you viewed my snap story”" RT THIS REAL AF
@giannahammer: Sometimes I get sad when Hayden goes back to Indiana but definitely not on Thursdays bc #exonthebeach keeps me entertained af 😂😂🤷🏽♀️ tv gold
- @HaydenPWeaver: @giannahammer It’s also the one hour every Thursday from 9-10pm that you stop texting back 😒
@uchaachi: me: how do they have such deep feelings for each other it’s only week 3 of #ExonTheBeach also me week 3 of AYTO:
- @nicole_spiller: @uchaachi Hahahah ITS TRUE!!! And the world needs to know
@kareem_fathalla: 😂😂😂 thats crazzzyyyyyyy
@princeofnorway: Woahhhh Derrick is a good guy..? 🤔🤔🧐
- @imdroc15: @princeofnorway Duhhhhhh bro!!! I’m a great guy lol
@angelababicz: Who wants to hire me as a hype woman? Anyone? Don’t all get up at once #ExOnTheBeach
- @haleyreadxoxo: @angelababicz 🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️
@skylermikkelson: @ExOnTheBeach okayyyyy maybe just one too many 😬
@shandathapanda: to go into a house still being fully in love with someone, to not only getting shit on by him but by other people is fucking hard -- y'all need to learn how to sympathize. alicia may look weak but that bitch is stronger and more caring than any of you will ever know #exonthebeach
@BionicBrooks_: Being a real dude/girl is so hard when so many people aspire to be plastic..
@shandathapanda: lmao @imdroc15 i can't fucking deal with you
- @imdroc15: @shandathapanda 😂😂😂
@ChelskoOfficial: I love that they cut EVERYTHING out about Cris asking to be my friend and me saying “NO” .... even MTV can’t accept the dang truth 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️
- @creaturesferris: @ChelskoOfficial I love when she talks shit lol ..give me more to watch..it’s like extra from the show lol
- @ChelskoOfficial: @creaturesferris “ i never talked bad about you” “I got ur back chels” #LIAR
@ExOnTheBeach: That smile ✨ #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Tor'i)
@imdroc15: Damn!!! Watching this, I really feel for Alicia... definitely a tough spot to be in #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Here’s the date you asked for you trifling little boy #ExOnTheBeach
@JillTheJew: The next time a guy breaks my heart, I want @imdroc15 to give me a pep talk. Help me through this, tell me I did everything right, call him a jerk😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@Irving_A07: I don’t know where @lexi__marsella has been my whole life, but I am in love 😍 #EXONTHEBEACH
@victoria_alario: Oh damn I looked cute! I was wearing heels at 9 am like who the actual fuck I thought I was #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Faith saw I was pissed and was like “don’t worry girl it’s just me” HAHAHHAHAHAHAGIRLBYE
@ExOnTheBeach: OKURRR. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Tor'i taking body shot off of Faith)
@faithstowers: That can not be fun having that many ppl coming for you. 😳 #coldworld
@Fineasslila__: Love watching #ExOnTheBeach best MTV show ever so far LOL
@angelababicz: I bring negative energy into your life? Sweetie the only thing negative is your checking account #ExOnTheBeach
@princeofnorway: @imdroc15 imma need that clip 😂😂 mMmMMmMmm
- @imdroc15: @princeofnorway Lol please find a way to get it lol
@BionicBrooks_: @cbmcnary Well now you see! Body 💉#exonthebeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Tor'i: "I smile when you walk into the room" Me: #ExOnTheBeach @BionicBrooks_
@PurveyorsofPop: Poor @creaturesferris has TWO exes when most people have none! Literally nightmare fuel. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: "Tori is very interesting to me" -@faithstowers sure, that's what it is. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: If you guys aren't gonna drink those drinks in the Shack of Secrets, I'm happy to help. @MTVCoryWharton @TayloriasSecret #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: I don't know what Alicia is saying about rekindling things with @MTVCoryWharton - didnt it end two weeks ago? Is the fire even out? #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Cory and Taylor look like they're in mourning now that Alicia has arrived 😂 #ExOnTheBeach @TayloriasSecret @MTVCoryWharton
@imdroc15: “MmmmmMmMMmMmm” Lol #ExOnTheBeach
@imdroc15: Lol I need that Gif please!!
@skylermikkelson: “You wanna bite of this? Isssszzzzzaaaamazing” Fuck. 🤦🏼♀️
@ExOnTheBeach: Literally all of us rn. 👀 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Alicia's face)
@ExOnTheBeach: Who do you think will be cut during tonight’s #CutOrCrush ceremony? #ExOnTheBeach
@kaygauder: if i could look like @angelababicz and/or @victoria_alario life would be great
@angelababicz: CHRIS YOU CAN JOIN THE FAKES THAT WAY 👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼👈🏼
@cbmcnary: I should have charged people rent for ALWAYSSSS sitting on my bed and chatting it out with @MTVCoryWharton sitting on his bed.
@lexi__marsella: uh what happens if it’s a tie? @ExOnTheBeach
@LIB_Goddess: #ExOnTheBeach is like reality tv cross over heaven.....or hell idk #mtv
@victoria_alario: Every time I lift my hand in an interview I have a red cup in it #ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @victoria_alario what a great way to live <3 #exonthebeach
@ChelskoOfficial: "@GottiFreshBobby: But Chris the one who did Chelsko wrong, and spreaded the false rumor 🙄 #ExOnTheBeach" RT Amen
- @creaturesferris: @ChelskoOfficial #salty #jelousofmynewbishhhhh
- @creaturesferris: @ChelskoOfficial Someone is really mad lol
- @ChelskoOfficial: @creaturesferris Mad I wasted 2 yrs of my life on a fake friend.
@ExOnTheBeach: You have no clue what you're walking into right now, @RomeoMiller. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "Y'all don't look too happy over there, man!")
@ExOnTheBeach: Trust me, she will. Better watch the f*ck out. #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Angela - "I'm coming for you!")
@lexi__marsella: peep me in the back lost AF this entire time btw #ExonTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @lexi__marsella ILY #exonthebeach
- @lexi__marsella: @ExOnTheBeach oh and how I love you💓
@victoria_alario: “Who doesn’t feel good?” me: 🙋🏼♀️🙋🏼♀️🙋🏼♀️ #ExonTheBeach
@haleyreadxoxo: Uh oh elimination time 🤨 #Exonthebeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @haleyreadxoxo hmmmm wonder what's gonna happen! #exonthebeach
@imdroc15: I’m always on the hot seat when it comes to Eliminations @RomeoMiller #ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @imdroc15 @RomeoMiller <333 #exonthebeach
@xxem148xx: This episode is absolutely crazy tonight @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: @angelababicz and everyone else that didn’t even know me had my back and yet after TAKING CARE OF YOU FOR MONTHS @creaturesferris CAN’T have my back. #amazing
@angelababicz: Chris changed his mind every other day about his feelings towards both Chelsko and Haley. Everyone knew were I stood since day one. I wasn’t a FLIP FLOPPER and that’s where Chris went wrong
@cbmcnary: No joke my heart is pudding right now just remembering the intensity of this elimination! @ExOnTheBeach
@imdroc15: Staring to see who’s gonna grab that last slice of pizza first lol
@angelababicz: You don’t know me but you WILL know me, KNOW THAT #wut #ExOnTheBeach
@kellwiththetea: What a messy elimination. #ExOnTheBeach
@allrealitychat: Time for Faith to turn this shit UP! LET'S GO @faithstowers #ExonTheBeach
@angelababicz: If you’re extra and you know it clap your hands 👏🏼👏🏼 #Exonthebeach
@creaturesferris: @ChelskoOfficial don’t you have like some rich boyfriend already lol ? Go fuck him for fame #sleep4fame
@ExOnTheBeach: This is all too much for me to take too, @angelababicz. #ExOnTheBeach (Video of Angela and Faith getting into fight)
- @BionicBrooks_: @ExOnTheBeach Thanks again @MTVCoryWharton 🤦🏿♂️😂 throwing me under the 🚌 all season I see 🤣 #exonthebeach
@faithstowers: If I’m wearing a dress and then go change into jeans and sneakers 👟 Issa a whole problem 😡
- @JustJem24: @faithstowers I fucks with you mama 💋
@angelababicz: Don’t “baby” me lil bitch
@ExOnTheBeach: WOWOWOWOW next Thursday needs to hurry tf up!!! 👀👀👀 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Alicia)
@imdroc15: This might not be The Challenge but damn this Elimination is epic!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Tor’i got hit with the 2 piece no biscuit 🍗🍗👊🏻👊🏻
@creaturesferris: @ChelskoOfficial oh wait you do lol, you cheated on him with me what like...3 weeks ago #caught @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeachus
- @ChelskoOfficial: @creaturesferris @ExOnTheBeach I’ve never cheated. I’m not YOU.
@uchaachi: me when my boyfriend said he didn’t eat without me but i see an IN N OUT bag in the trash #ExonTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: "You don't know me but you will know me" YAAS QUEEN @angelababicz #ExOnTheBeach
@lexi__marsella: that’s it? thats what you’re leaving us with @ExOnTheBeach? put me in the shack is secrets, that’s less torture than this! #IsItThursdayYet?
@victoria_alario: One hour is really not enough for #ExonTheBeach ... I’m gonna need another two please & thank you
@princeofnorway: Faith won this episode
@cbmcnary: @ExOnTheBeach Lean back. Lean back... that’s about all the dance moves I have in my bag of tricks. 🤷🏽♂️
@cbmcnary: @ExOnTheBeach The drama wasn’t hard to find!
@BionicBrooks_: DON’T NOBODY SAY 💩🤬🙅🏿♂️ #Exonthebeach
- @MTVCoryWharton: @BionicBrooks_ You should of said something!! how did I know you did body shots
@LouieRivera_: Not gonna lie, I had to rewatch those last couple minutes. Shits crazy! @ExOnTheBeach 🤯
@BigTymers228: Tonight's Episode Of #ExOnTheBeach Was Crazy
@BigTymers228: People Can Say What They Want @imdroc15 Is My Dude Regardless
@creaturesferris: Hahaha admit to your shit ...just responding to you ...I’m losing brain cells. @ChelskoOfficial @ExOnTheBeach
- @ChelskoOfficial: @creaturesferris I'm not sure what's bigger.. his🧠, or his 🍆? Cause none really exist tbh🙌💁♀️. #YouGotAProblem #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: You guys are actually making my phone crash maybe y’all should calm down right with me 😭😭😭😭
@lexi__marsella: Yo @taylorswift13, I’m really happy for you, I’ll let you finish but @faithstowers has the best one liners on @ExOnTheBeach!
@BionicBrooks_: @creaturesferris bro why you do me like that though?!
@BionicBrooks_: Y’all talking like I was in a whole relationship after 1 week. #exonthebeach
@Steven_Plummer2: Anyone watching #ExOnTheBeach?
@Steven_Plummer2: Damn what a twist #ExOnTheBeach
@Steven_Plummer2: Cory with a woman... surprise surprise #ExOnTheBeach
@Steven_Plummer2: Cory has a situation on his hands #ExonTheBeach
@Steven_Plummer2: Things getting heated between Cory and Alicia 🔥😬 #ExOnTheBeach
@Steven_Plummer2: That ending... I definitely missed something at some point in this episode #ExOnTheBeach
@TheAllanAguirre: Cory told Taylor, "I appreciate you" as she was on top of him. He told Nelson the same thing when he helped him up the barracks in the first Challenge of Invasion. This got me fucked up. #ExOnTheBeach
@TheAllanAguirre: The funniest part about this @victoria_alario @cbmcnary and @skylermikkelson triangle is that none of them are right for each other (except maybe a vic and skyler combo), but they most definitely are gonna fight thinking they are right for each other.
@imdroc15: It sucks having two close females friends hating each other. And it’s hard af to try being there for both of them! #ExOnTheBeach
@A__Dollaz: Taylor and Angela are really bullies. #ExOnTheBeach
@allrealitychat: MVP of the night is QUEEN FAITH! TURN'T SHIT UP AND CAME AT 5 PEOPLE AT ONE TIME BY HER DAMN SELF! A NEW REALITY TV QUEEN #ExOnTheBeach @faithstowers
@ChelskoOfficial: TUNE IN TO HEAR @BionicBrooks_ & I REVEAL THE TRUTHHHHH
@shelbz925: 💀💀💀💀 Alicia said “”Plus @TayloriasSecret is looking pretty slutty rn” UHHHHH are you not aware you are wearing the exact same thing as she is... 🙄 girl you need to stop and go back home!! #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: “Y’all acting like I was in a relationship after a week” NO YOU WERE ACTING LIKE IT tf
@imdroc15: When the weed hits you sooner than expected lol
@faithstowers: It’s okay to stand up for people. What are we if we don’t stand together when it counts
@ChelskoOfficial: Cris is giving me no attention :( But tbh, I don't want his attention LOL #betterwithoutyou #ExOnTheBeach
@kerissa_99: “ I don’t care what faith is going through, don’t come for my girl, ima have her back, & don’t worry I got you boo “ YESSS CORY!😩 like yesyesyes!😩@MTVCoryWharton & @TayloriasSecret #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: PS I didn’t care who got sent home 🤷🏼♀️ I was calling Chris out for completely different reasons that night. Had no personal issues with any of the exes, my issue was with Chris lying on my name about something that wasn’t even shown #ExOnTheBeach
@victoria_alario: So let’s not get that twisted. Cause I’m no bully over votes. I would’ve crushed my damn self if that were an option. #ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: IM SWEATING. #ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: ABOUT TO SPIT THE TRUUUTHHHH @afterbuzztv 8pm
@ChelskoOfficial: Ok, I'm not going to sleep for a week. Ugh. #ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: Haley should have slapped @creaturesferris harder and get that ugly smirky mug off his face. #ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: I may not be perfect, but I deserve better than that 😌
@juliettep0rter Juliette/Siesta Key: Team @TayloriasSecret !!!
@angelababicz: Thank you for all of your love support especially on a night like tonight ❤️ I felt like you were all right there with me and for that I’m forever grateful. Love y’all #ExOnTheBeach
@creaturesferris: It’s like you talk so much Shit on twitter but then texting me and telling my friends you mis me lol...@ChelskoOfficial like stop dude its annoying
@angelababicz: Sorry if you’ve slid into my DMs recently and I ignored you. I thought I had something real LOL now would be a good time to shoot your shot tho
@angelababicz: My IG is so slow right now nothing is loading I’m calling the cops
@ChelskoOfficial: CRIS @creaturesferris IS AN "INTERNATIONAL DJ" .. he goes from one side of the room to the other to flirt with random girls... and then cheat on them #ExOnTheBeach
@TheOriginalDre_: Idgaf what anyone says. This is reality TV. @angelababicz & @TayloriasSecret aren’t perfect & being in that environment they’re gonna react. Queens till the end. FOH with that “bully” bs. #ExonTheBeach
@shadesofgregory: Alicia got the whole house shook days before she even came in the house #ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: Once AGAIN I’m asked to throw @creaturesferris just like mtv did and I STILL refuse to throw him under the bus. I am admittedly a broke struggling artist myself. But when u say u have my back and then throw me under the bus, we got BEEF! Watch the TRUTH ->
@blacuesta: Alicia is awesome. I love her. She’s the shit. I’m not watching #exonthebeach but from all these tweets I just wanna say she’s the bees fuckin knees.
@cambruckman: Watching @ExOnTheBeach gives me anxiety and I’m not even on it 😂
@PurveyorsofPop: Where's my beautiful man to let me cry on his abs when shit is rough.
#ExOnTheBeach @imdroc15
@00Hitsdiidii: Twitter vs. reality:
@PurveyorsofPop: OK so either @ChelskoOfficial or @haleyreadxoxo will be BFFs or worst enemies, there is no in between. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: "They're in a love triangle and it's an evil triangle" -@faithstowers Illuminati confirmed? #ExOnTheBeach
@CHEYnotShy: We are not taking step mom applications.
- @ToriFiorenza: @CHEYnotShy Girl. 😂😂...this is the funniest thing I’ve read in hot minute. #notqualified #donttouchmybaby
- @Anairam181194: @CHEYnotShy This was filmed months ago, she was in Ryder’s birthday. Why are you saying these things to make him look bad? When all he talks about is Ryder and how much he loves her? Don’t get me wrong, I love all three of you! You, Ryder and Cory! Just asking tho
@s6naa: Corey threw Tor’i under the bus for what? Faith was being a real bitch and ain’t even say shit. 😂 #Exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: What a night for Angela.... #ExOnTheBeach
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach Will Angela survive the wrath of Angela? Tune in next week to find out
@ExOnTheBeach: "@EbonyBowBoa: #ExOnTheBeach last nights episode goes down in history as most intense reality episode" RT STILL 👏🏼 NOT 👏🏼 OVER 👏🏼 IT 👏🏼
@thepoetsaint: Yo. So last night, we had another great #exonthebeach aftershow on @afterbuzztv. @BionicBrooks_ & @ChelskoOfficial gave us that behind-the-scenes info and @tylersemicolon was a natural as our guest host. Tune in next week for more ☕️ #whitegirlmusic #gettingmad #deletedtweets
@cohuttalee: @MTVCoryWharton If you had to choose between doing this show again or a show where you got 1 root canal every 4 days what would you pick?
@vendettascara: from the Alicia/Taylor/Cory situation, no one is in the wrong. Alicia’s hurt because she loves Cory, Cory was respectful, didn’t badmouth her and broke up with her just because he wasn’t feeling it (and that’s okay), and Taylor just wants Alicia to respect her relationship
@carlieczajkowsk: Grew to adore and love Alicia so much after ayto and to see her get treated like this is absolute a shame 🤮 #exonthebeach
@tylerobrienn: Scary part is, they don't STD screen before MTV shows..
@NurysKMateo: So I had a dream that the world was ending and I could only pick one person to be with... I chose my ex 🤦🏽♀️ So now I’m curious, if the world was ending and you could only pick one person, who would you chose? (not family)
@angelababicz: Whenever I’m feeling down, @victoria_alario reminds me that I’m rich and flourishing and if that’s not bestie goals idk what is
- @victoria_alario: @angelababicz Down to ride to the very end ✊🏻
@angelababicz: Wait so I’m a bully because someone lied to my face and I called them out about it? Lol it’s deeper than votes people. This isn’t the challenge there’s no money on the line so cut it out 😂🤣🤣
@ExOnTheBeach: That's your man, @TayloriasSecret!!!! #ExOnTheBeach Catch a new #ExOnTheBeach every Thursday on MTV!
@angelababicz: Call me crazy at least you’re calling 😝😜
@angelababicz: The reason why I tweet and delete is just to remind you that you ain’t shit, while also letting you know I’m not going to continue giving you life by having your name on my feed #NoFreePromo.. especially when you owe me money 🤑🤑
@angelababicz: Run me my money and then we’ll talk
@angelababicz: I hate the way Instagram comments are set up now like I can’t even keep up with my own shit talking 😩
@victoria_alario: Anyone good at screenshotting from episodes on their laptop/computer rather than cell phone? Trying to get a bunch of images for a new blog post on #ExOnTheBeach but I legitimately suck at it. 🤦🏼♀️
@angelababicz: You knew it was gonna be some shit when they cut to me saying “He’s so genuine and open and honest with me...” mtv petty for that 😒😒😒😒😔
@angelababicz: When @TayloriasSecret said “You don’t need to be that close biiiiiiitch” I felt that
@angelababicz: Currently read all of your comments under the pic I just posted on Instagram! Head over and drop your thoughts
@jasminegoode_: It’s Fri-Yay!!! And so many exciting things are about to happen!! Ayyeee 😬🙏🏾 🔥
@imdroc15: It’s dope seeing how much love ExOnTheBeach is getting... and it’s crazy cuz the best is still yet to come. Shit hasn’t even gotten real yet!
@CHEYnotShy: Ryder booked her second campaign with GAP!! 🙌🏾🙏🏽 God is so good!
@faithstowers: I thought your 1st day boo was going to behave lol don’t put that on me 😂 #haveseveralseats
- @angelababicz: @faithstowers Once a homewrecker, always a homewrecker 🙂 #TakeAWholeBench
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz What home?! Throw the whole trailer away 😂
- @angelababicz: @faithstowers Oh you mean the one I paid for supporting myself and HIM? You can keep the trailer and all those problems 😂😂 welcome home bitch
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz 😂😂😂 ok now I gotta laugh at this one! @BionicBrooks_ what’s sup playa?! You got ya feet up on the table while Angela vacuum the floor?! Tell me it ain’t so!f
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz I think you are confusing dirt with all this melanin.... Tell ya doctor he missed a spot. Ya brain ma
@angelababicz: "@FlashGThe3rd: @angelababicz bae you to pretty to be arguing on Twitter 🤦🏽♂️" RT You’re right I’m gonna leave these peasants to talk amongst themselves 😘
@JustJem24: @faithstowers Y’all messy AF and I’m here for it 🍵
- @faithstowers: @JustJem24 Only thing messy was my back after those body shots 😋
@ExOnTheBeach: DRAMA 👏 EVERYWHERE 👏 | Catch up on last night's #ExOnTheBeach NOW:
@BionicBrooks_: Just so you know, my sis a true queen and she won’t stan for none of this. Just a heads up, for any of y’all status chasing females talking slick on my name 🤗☺️
@BionicBrooks_: That bully mentality weak af just so you know. Run that same talk when you got a strong black woman in your face.
- @angelababicz: @BionicBrooks_ Wait so you do know they’re going to show you completely belittling and shutting Faith down next week right lmao think before you speak kind sir
@angelababicz: Not about to go back and forth with someone whose name is saved in every guy’s phone as “Pizza Hut” nope not today 😂😂
@teennick: Show of hands if you can't get enough @DrakeBell 👋👋 Watch half of your fave #DrakeandJosh duo compete on @ChallengeMTV's #ChampsVsStars on Tuesdays at 10/9c!
@imdroc15: Reality tv wouldn’t be the same without Twitter. Twitter just adds another level of drama and I love it!
@BionicBrooks_: Ps. Don’t throw nothing this time. 🤭
- @angelababicz: @BionicBrooks_ Throw me the money you owe meeeeeeeeeee
@BionicBrooks_: When their lips get bigger and so do the lies and betrayal 😂😂
@faithstowers: Back to a fun positive day! I hope everyone had breakfast and read their bibles before the club tonight 🙌🏾
@BombshellChels: So #ExOnTheBeach is definitely my new favorite show at least on AYTO we got paid, on here they are going through pure hell for free 🙅🏽♀️😂
- @imdroc15: @BombshellChels Lol they should definitely give money to the ex that last the longest because we legit go through hell. Thank God MTV pay good to go on the show 🙏🏾
@imdroc15: "@CaraMariaHive: @imdroc15 King of receiving checks from MTV. #BananasWho" RT And them checks pay amazing 🙏🏾!!! #blessed
@angelababicz: The fact that race is even getting mentioned in this beef right now is so cringeworthy to me. There’s too much racism that exists in the world already, why do some people need to fabricate its’ existence in a show that’s meant to be funny and entertaining? WE NEED TO DO BETTER
@angelababicz: You can’t trust ANYBODY, not even the man you sleep with
@ChelskoOfficial: I apologize for any tweets that were clearly out of character I had someone helping me that was misrepresenting me. From now on I will be the only one tweeting on my behalf.
@BionicBrooks_: Friendly reminder: No one got to read the message in the bottle though and yall already shade like there weren't shots set up for me. #mandown
@BionicBrooks_: I just wanna know why they never showed what the message said on our date 🤔#exonthebeach
@BionicBrooks_: Come on now you sat up here and lied to all of our faces. I’ve done nothing but tell you the truth and be honest with you. So now that you’re talking crazy it will be dealt with 🤗
@angelababicz: For a lot of this to be coming from someone I once cared very deeply about is disheartening to me. He clearly not someone I should be wasting any of my energy on.. not then, not now
@imdroc15: Mood when watching all the twitter beef lol
- @lexi__marsella: @imdroc15 grab the popcorn and let’s cuddle up because I am here for it🍿
@lexi__marsella: this is an @faithstowers appreciation tweet✨ #goldengoddess
@faithstowers: If your “friends” don’t wanna see you win they are not really your friends. Some of these “besties” really are obsessed and just want your life. Be careful.
@angelababicz: Female intuition is our strongest superpower ladies. Never take it for granted 👑
@ExOnTheBeach: Sorry boy! #ExOnTheBeach
@ChelskoOfficial: I hate all of this pain based off of fake “reality” I loved Cris & will always have love for him. We were too toxic and we both know that, but in the end of the day if he ever really got thrown in jail I would be there to visit, AND put money on his books 😂 🙌🏻
@marcodelvec: We dem bois
@helga23kgmailc1: No bullshit but @TayloriasSecret @angelababicz & @victoria_alario is the queen of this show ❤️👑 and @MTVCoryWharton is the king 👑 good job MTV ✅❤️ we definitely need more than a hour to watch this start on tv 🙏🏽
@BionicBrooks_: I mentioned “Strong Black Women” because I was raised by a gang of them. Therefore, if any woman wants to step out of line and disrespect me. They’re going to have deal with the whole gang.
@BionicBrooks_: I was in no way insinuating that I am not attracted to white women. I love all women clearly 🤗 just not the fake ones who act like they’re down for you but they aren’t.
@BionicBrooks_: I’ve never once called anyone out of their name, but I get called all types of names and people think that’s ok. I don’t fight with females, so I’ll let my sis handle my lightweight.
@BionicBrooks_: At the end of the day I was busy minding my own business and still got thrown all the bs.
@mrdavis25: Let’s take a camera 🎥.. to everyone’s real life off #Exonthebeach who y’all think would be getting the most airtime 😂😂😂😂😂 @princeofnorway
@Tindel10: One day we’ll leave this world behind. So live the life you will remember!!!!!
@angelababicz: When you got everybody BIG MAD...
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Wow... What an episode. Before this season began, our friend and member-elect of the MTV parents club, Hayden from AYTO Season 5, DM'ed me that one of those who shared that house with him last year called Ex On The Beach "...by far a way worse of an experience than AYTO." Well, the person who coined that phrase is Taylor... but as much as she and the rest of the singles and a few of the exes might hate it, to us things are getting good in Hawaii.
As we go through a spring slate that's proven that even a spinoff Challenge season can bring just as juicy the goodies as an actual season, and this new series in Ex on the Beach, we are reminded of two situations that would make anyone in this community cringe. One, there's the feeling of having to live with an ex -- something Cory has been through before and now in Hawaii. The other is something he knows very well of dating someone from MTV and whose roommate happens to be her perfect match... and that offers the context to this story from South Padre, TX that wasn't included in our Postcards from Spring Break 2018 last month.
The three people we are talking about are Mike from Are You The One Season 3, Morgan from AYTO Season 4 and Jay G. from Real World Ex-Plosion, who along with Cory had went through this rather Ex-Plosive scenario in San Francisco. Jay had dated Jenna for a few years before he was cast to go on Season 29 of the show that Ex on the Beach now occupies as a jewel in this TV triangle. Those who watched that season not only saw Cory have a pregnancy scare aside from being part of a love triangle with housemate Jenny and her ex turned fellow baby dad Brian, but also saw Jay and his player ways get exposed by the Barbie Beast - which also saw the exes go on Battle of the Exes 2 a year later.
For Morgan, he had hooked up with now Challenge hot shot Tori on their original season in 2016, then as perfect matches were paired up on Second Chances last year. And that Australian trip came after she had dated his roommate Mike after she returned from Hawaii, before Mike went off to Seattle for Real World Bad Blood and cheated on her there, which in turn saw their breakup upon him going home. And had Tori been one in the EOTB house with them and Derrick, who knows what could have happened... good thing Tori is on Tuesdays instead of on Thursdays.
Like the others in the MTV family who make their way down to South Padre or to Cancun when the college kids who are anxious for taking a vacation from their studies to let loose, the guys had the chance to work with Spring Break tour operator Inertia Tours to help them make their experience easy. We happened to have unearthed a YouTube video where Mike, Morgan and Jay had the chance to hype everyone up on stage... enjoy it below, dance moves included.
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When we return, we'll be taking a trip to the madness of another kind: the biggest music festival around. Some Postcards from Coachella... straight ahead.
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