Saturday, May 26, 2018

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Champs vs. Stars III - "Champs Caught in Cross Fire"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

Happy Memorial Day Weekend, and welcome to this week's ride Inside The MTV Trifecta with DCBLOG. Ahead: the already steamy drama intensifies in Hawaii when a blast from the past returns, and we begin our look at the year and season that was in reality TV. But first, we begin with Week 6 of The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars as things begin to get interesting ahead of the dash to the cash.
   Last week in the spirit of the Stanley Cup, jumbo-sized hockey was the week's challenge and in fitting fashion, saw dirty play both in and outside the rink. In the wake of being traded the previous week, Ashley stated her plans to plot revenge to the team who she was traded to, while a twist of swapping out players for the arena saw the Red team in a spotty position, as Jozea was saved from an elimination that Wes would win to add to his elimination resume.
   For this week, we turn to ingenuity, slingshots and trying to stay up top above ground while finding yourself in the line of the "Cross Fire." One team has an even number of Champs and Stars on their team, and after the near whitewash the Champs had last season the Stars begin to plot their plan to take back control of their game. More politics take place with both teams ahead of the week's arena battle, but it's what happens after the final whistle that will send things into a tailspin.

All the action, reaction and interaction is ahead on this diary, plus find out how the Trifecta's biggest super fan saw this week's drama-filled episode of Teen Mom 2, as well as the Royal Wedding and a return of some good friends from an early summer vacation. All of that is ahead on the 'Pulse of Champs vs. Stars... and welcome to the weekend, and Summer '18. It's good to have you with us.

IN BETWEEN... - Royal Wedding, Teen Mom with Jemmye 
@JustJem24: Do we like the dress or nooooooo #RoyalWedding
@JustJem24: &&& can we all agree Amal Clooney is the best dressed guest #RoyalWedding
@JazMTV: Some of these people don’t know what to do with this pastor right now. He is preaching the good word y’all #royalwedding #amen
@JazMTV: I don’t think they realize this is a black pastor ...So the sermon will be about another two hours. #royalwedding
@DevynSimone: #RoyalWedding
@ChallengeMTV: The #RoyalWedding was nice and all, but this is our favorite (b)romance ❤️ #ChampsVsStars is all new this Tuesday at 10/9c!
- @WestonBergmann: @ChallengeMTV I have my fans, I have my haters, but no rational person can say I’m not hilarious
@Bruce_Lee85: The Vegas Knights are going to win the Stanley Cup.. and we’re gunna party so hard for the parade. I hope you’re ready @tjlavin @kailah_casillas @iammikeyp #VegasStrong
- @kailah_casillas:  @Bruce_Lee85 Preparing my liver now 🎉
@kailah_casillas: Omggggg G-Easy’s verse on 1942 about Halsey is so cute. I love them together.
@kailah_casillas: Sitting in traffic for 3+ hours and missing all the good stuff makes this shit not worth it. I said this last year but... 🤷🏻‍♀️🙄
@kailah_casillas: Walking into this weekend like...
@kailah_casillas: Sorry @laurelstucky, I had to post this. WHO DID THIS?? 😂💕 SO LAME 😂
@kailah_casillas: Within the next few weeks, I’ll be in LA hanging out with @MizzHogan & @scheana, then it’s @iammikeyp birthday weekend, then NYC with my bestfriend Nicole and my parents.. so many of my fav people all around the same time ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
- @MizzHogan: @kailah_casillas Can’t wait to see you little one
- @iamkamiam_: @kailah_casillas *Kam in NY 🙄
- @kailah_casillas: @iamkamiam_ YES!! We have no plans yet, just chillin in NYC. Come hang with us ♥️♥️♥️
@ChallengeMTV: Can Louise carry the Blue Team to another victory? Find out this Tuesday at 10/9c on a new #ChampsVsStars!
@ChallengeMTV: Something's wrong with Wes 😩 See what's up on a new #ChampsVsStars THIS TUESDAY at 10/9c!
@WestonBergmann: Cashier at grocery store: “that’s a whole lot of ginger” (referencing the literal LBs of ginger root I was buying)
@WestonBergmann: Thank you guys for all the wedding wishes today. It’s good to be the prince.
@iamkamiam_: I’m watching SNL strictly to see Queen @NICKIMINAJ 👑
@mikethemiz: That’s 1 @celtics Welcome to #TheLand #WhateverItTakes
@MTVBananas: Weekend vibes... 😏 #LakeLife #BananasDoingThings
@tombuelljr: Shoutout to ms. @JamieChinaMTV. Happy birthday old lady! 🎉🎈🎈
- @JamieChinaMTV: @tombuelljr Thank you grandpa 😘

@ChallengeMTV: The Stars might think they've got Wes right where they want him, but he's got other plans 😈 Catch an all new #ChampsVsStars this Tuesday at 10/9c! 
@Jada_Haynes98: New challenge theory: @WestonBergmann and @MTVBananas have so much beef cause they were once lovers where @MTVDevinWalker was conceived, wes & bananas were having some coparenting issues causing a rift in their relationship, making Devin pick Wes’s side making him dislike Bananas
@iamkamiam_: Face masks, sangrias, & wings kinda night ☺️
@ChallengeMTV: Sunday mood 😴😴😴  Don't miss a new #ChampsVsStars THIS TUESDAY at 10/9c on @MTV!
@TheAllanAguirre: I really wish the Challenge had more missions like they do on Big Brother and Survivor. It would be very fun to watch an endurance competition with all the gigantic guys trying to stay standing on a tiny perch
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Finally watching champs... @LouiseHazel will never be a champ because a coward only threatens when she's safe. The wise never antagonize a beast as lions don't raise cowards #champsvsstars
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: We've looked better @shannanity #champsvsstars #thechallenge
@iamkamiam_: Karma works and people stay forgetting that.
@BritniNicol: Goofy smiles and silly girls 🤗🧜🏼‍♀️
@BritniNicol: Lakes & rope swings 🤗🧜🏼‍♀️
@n_zanattaMTV: In life you’re not always going to remember what someone said to you, you will remember how someone made you feel. Continue to live the best life you can, wear your heart on your sleeve and be the best you.
@n_zanattaMTV: "@danknize: @kellyknize @TheGruntGuy and 2 others  Still feel so bad about not really liking @n_zanattaMTV a while lot before the show. She was the life of the party and so nice. Have to say I'm a huge fan of hers now. She's as real as it gets." RT That means a lot to me, like I said we all get edited but we do what we do and can’t control how they portray us. ☺️☺️☺️ 
@KendalSheppard: Look what Holly just sent me! 💟 Ah memories... #Roadrules #thechallenge #noregrets #champs  I forgot to @ them.. smh @v_cakes @EllGillingwater
@blairherter: That new Backstreet Boys song is 1999 STRONG and I’m all in.

@ChallengeMTV: Ashley's fate is in the hands of The Challenge Gods... Or rather, The Stars on the Blue Team 🙏 #ChampsVsStars is all new TOMORROW at 10/9c! 
@ChallengeMTV: Tony reaches his boiling point on a brand new #ChampsVsStars, TOMORROW at 10/9c 🔥 
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV 😡🤬🤯 #ChampVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Find out if Wes gets out of The Sunken Place, on a brand new #ChampsVsStars TOMORROW at 10/9c! ☕️
@ChallengeMTV: Are you Team Mama or Team Kailah? See who just talks the talk, and who can walk the walk on an all new #ChampsVsStars, TOMORROW at 10/9c! 👊💥
@kailah_casillas: Tomorrow on #ChampsVsStars — she’ll talk the talk but I’ll walk the walk 😉
@iammikeyp: She might not want to admit it but i know damn well @kailah_casillas was the kid that searched for her Christmas presents. 🕵🏻‍♀️
- @kailah_casillas: @iammikeyp WAS NOT 😒 I was about to go make you some hot tea but now go get it yourself.. and make me some too 🤪
@mikethemiz: Just landed in Boston from our European tour turned on the @cavs game and what voice do I hear in the background.  Mine. Love it. #DefendTheLand #WhateverItTakes
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎧Case of the Mondays?! IT’S PODCAST TIME! New #ChallengeMania up to kick off the week w/ @AneesaMTV dropping by to talk to me & @DerrickMTV about her injury on #ChampsVsStars, injuries, her casting story, her connection to a @survivorcbs favorite & MORE!📲
@BigTymers228: #ThingsICantStopDoing Watching Are You The One, The Challenge, & Ex On The Beach
@TheMarkLong: "@LisaPasco1822: Totally went on YouTube and found the episode of Even Stevens that @TheMarkLong was in  " RT How did I not win an EMMY for this role? 🏆🏆🏆 #Robbed
@MTVBananas: Hey Harry... I'm gonna hang by the bar... Put out the vibe 🕺🍹 #BananaSwag #FitChick #MensFashion #bananasdoingthings – at Beauty & Essex

@JustJem24: Hey @Bravotv. I’m back in Nola if y’all want to put me on #SouthernCharmNewOrleans.
- @Learosesaba: @JustJem24 @Bravotv You need to be on a non Challenge show. You’re too special to be on a show with 30 contestants. You need a Bravo style “housewife-y” show where you go to brunch, drink wine with a group of sassy ladies, and talk shit. Or can someone get you to host Teen Mom after shows already?
- @ThatJennRhodes: @JustJem24 @Bravotv But do you really want to party with that cast? Lol 🤔 Maybe a different type of NOLA show... they’re boring ...
- @JustJem24: @ThatJennRhodes Girl.... my interviews about those fools would be solid gold... I. Have. So. Much. To. Say. 😭
@DJFishhh David/Virgin Territory: Lol I'm going to be on the Teen Mom 2 aftershow tonight, and I'm super excited to see my facial reactions to mommy drama.
@JustJem24: You’re the one that opened your mouth so you can blame yourself😭😭😭😭. End her @KailLowry.
@JustJem24: Brianna to Kail: What’s the issue......... Me:
@JustJem24: Also Brianna, if your mama wants to jump in then @KailLowry has the right to check her. Tell your mom to stay in her laneeeeeeeeee. Lawd now her comes the chipmunk. Bye Britney. Bye....
- @JtotheHellno: @JustJem24 @KailLowry Hopefully she keeps her word and quits. Let the trash take itself out.
- @JustJem24: @JtotheHellno Somebody show the whole family to the door...
@JustJem24: Britney how is my sister being ratchet...... Me:
@JustJem24: I don’t like calling people trash so I’ll call the entire family garbage instead.. #TeenMom2
@JustJem24: I knew @KailLowry CrossFit friend was going to come in hot... always keep a CrossFit chick with you. Those lunatics arent scared of anything #TeenMom2
@JustJem24: Ok these tweet is real petty. But when Brianna said she got a 3 room hotel, I was like why is your hotel bigger than your house where 5 people live? 🤔🤔🤔
@JustJem24: Y’all know I love Javi but I feel like I’m about to have to drag his ass. And i drags who needs to be dragged so 🤷🏻‍♀️
@JustJem24: Javi... you owe ALL of us apology for hyping Brianna up. I’m waiting.....
@JustJem24: @Javimarroquin9... We let shit go when you talked shit about Kail in front of the boys on the other episode... but now you’re disrespecting her for the dollar discount family? You’re tripping boo boo.
- @Javimarroquin9: @JustJem24 I did a long time ago publicly to kail 😩 I know someone has the screenshot. Hard to relive, but live and learn. Now let me go back to my hole
- @JustJem24: @Javimarroquin9 You know I still love you😘.. But I can’t let you live tonight....
- @Javimarroquin9: @JustJem24 Facts, all love! Imma go back to watching the game 😩
- @JustJem24: @Javimarroquin9 And I’m gonna go back to dragging you.. kidding kidding. I’m leaving you alone for the night 🙃
@G8rgirl74LA: @TeenMom please bring @JustJem24 to the show for interviews with the cast!  You want ratings?!? She’ll get them for you
@JustJem24: Oh so Brianna wants to talk to everybody’s baby daddy but her own?
@butdoyouloveit: I feel like Nessa does not know the history / doesn’t CARE about the show like @JustJem24 does!!! Girl needs to be replaced and @JustJem24 will give the people what they WANT!!!!
@JustJem24: David is controlling and if I had to guess, extremely abusive. It’s extremely sad how some women go from one controlling/abusive man to another... All this money. All these resources.. & Jenelle still can’t get the right help she needs to break the pattern #TeenMom2
@JustJem24: Dr Drew is fake help. Why have a doctor host if he isn’t gonna offer actual help? Hell, let me do the job, at least I would be entertaining...
@JustJem24: Queens stick together & know their power. @KailLowry @TM2LeahDawn @ChelseaHouska #teenmom2
- @ChelseaHouska: @JustJem24 Hell ya!
- @JustJem24: @ChelseaHouska Girl...... Your hair is always perfect.
@JustJem24: Bruh was that security guard on a hoverboard? I’m turning the damn channel. This is too much fuckery for me
@JustJem24: I mean im not team Jenelle at all butttttttt if I don’t fuck with you, don’t hug my mom... Also, this is Jenelle’s show. I hate the girlfriends that show up wanting camera time.. *looking at your McKenzie from teen mom OG*
@ChristiIsaacs03: @DivaATL1 @JustJem24 and 3 others  Exactly! This is self entitled temper tantrum. You work for MTV, they don’t work for you. Kailyn started that shit.
- @JustJem24: @ChristiIsaacs03 As somebody on mtv, I agree with the girls. We have a right to how our story is told. We have the right to feel comfortable in our work environment. Producers will push you over your limit if you don’t know how to leverage your power. Mtv doesnt own us. The talent holds the power
@JustJem24: Y’all. Jenelle learned most of her behavior for Barb... Barb is hilarious so we let her get away with shit but she’s bat shit crazy too....
- @Mirely: @JustJem24 Umm, have we forgotten the world of shit Barbara and Nathan spoke about one another??!! This is insane!
- @JustJem24: @Mirely I was just watching their scene and thinking the same thing. Barb hated Nathan when he was with Jenelle but now he’s the great guy? Barb needs to sit on my couch, I got some shit to say to her
@JustJem24: I love most challenge stan accounts but sometimes I see y’all tweeting shit that is dead wrong and I want to be like:
@JustJem24: "@lilliebug19701: @JustJem24 why do you dislike @_BrianaDejesus so much. What happened. There is something too this hatred towards her. Is it you & Javi had a lil something. (That's a guess).....Spill the. ☕ ur good at that." RT Why does it always have to be about a man? That’s very small minded. I just rock with @KailLowry hard, I have from day one even before I was  on mtv. Plus as a viewer of the show, I don’t like that girl’s vibes....
@trasrealitytv: @JustJem24 DRAG HA SIS
- @JustJem24: @trasrealitytv She better be glad I’m working on being a better person or I would have went full @lexoquence on her ass....
@JustJem24: I only watch #youngandpregnant for Bar’s mom. This lady isn’t real life...
@JustJem24: @simplystace913 Same. I have such a soft spot for her. I think she has so much potential. She’s not a bad person, she’s just really lost & makes bad decisions. Plus being on tv since the age of 16 doesn’t help you overcome your demons.. 
@JustJem24: The world will knock you down plenty. You don’t need to do it to yourself....
@sugarhigh106: @JustJem24 @KailLowry As someone who gives @MTVBananas so much shit for saying anything about a female's appearance this tweet seems a little hypocritical Jem....  Justsayin.
- @JustJem24: @Sugarhigh106 We are discussing somebody’s behavior not their looks. Try again bc you’re wayyyyy off. I never tweet about somebody’s looks just the way they act. You know things they can actually control..
@BombshellChels: Just watched that last episode of #TeenMom2 😐 Chelsea and Leah are normal, Janelle is constantly in abusive relationships and Kali is calling people trash when she has three kids by three different guys
@NurysKMateo: I fucking love @JustJem24 tweets! You stay calling everyone out and don’t give af, you’re definitely my type of girl!
- @JustJem24: @NurysKMateo Real recognizes real mamaaaa 😘😎

@ChallengeMTV: Tony believes that Champs and Stars can put their differences aside. Don't hold your breath, Tony... #ChampsVsStars is all new TONIGHT at 10/9c! 🔥
@ChallengeMTV: Wes is still whipped and Ashley is still trying to throw the challenge. As Devin said, "good ole Blue Team!" Don't miss a brand new episode of The Challenge TONIGHT at 10/9c! 👀 #ChampsVsStars
@kailah_casillas: well, atleast my lipgloss is poppin 😉 @LilMama
- @tori_deal: @kailah_casillas Bruh this pic is fire 🔥
- @kailah_casillas: @tori_deal thanks gurlllll 😘😘♥️
@kailah_casillas: the #challengemtv Instagram story tattoo Tuesday with Kailah is 🔥🤪 #PizzaLife 🍕
@kailah_casillas: Do you think it’s a requirement that when you become royal that you have to wear crazy hats? I feel like I would feel very weird wearing those. Also, do they have a whole closet dedicated to just hats?
@TheOfficial_CT: Don’t miss Champs vs Stars Tonight! Goin’ to be… …
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Trying to stay on my diet on Taco Tuesdays
@ChallengeMTV: Big slingshots. Bigger drama. TONIGHT at 10/9c on a brand new #ChampsVsStars 💥
@MizzHogan: Us when we’re not challenging. Lol Love this one 👽 Watch @challengemtv CHAMPS vs STARS tonight on @mtv 10pm/9c
@jossie_flores: Me giving zero f**** on what these champs have to say lol my face says it all 😑 lol but @lilmama giving the champ girls a run for there money 😂🙌 tune in for an all new episode tonight! of #champsvsstars 10/9c on @mtv @ChallengeMTV
@mtvrrdarrell: HEY NYC! Come see me on stage live at the world famous @CarolinesOnBway w/ @DerrickMTV and @SHOTOFYAGER of the #ChallengeMania Podcast & @TheMarkLong + @EmFitMTV for http://ChallengeMania.Live 🗽on Sat June 2, watch us all Go Nuts on stage for live interactive version of their show!
@JennaCompono: Mamacitaaa
@n_zanattaMTV: About that... so you’re mad about that or the fact that I found someone else attractive and showed her attention? All eyes weren’t on you...🙄
@n_zanattaMTV: My current mood: ABSolutely wonderful 😘
@ToriFiorenza: "@nets1534: Had a great weekend and met some cool ass people @MelindastolpMTV @cohuttalee @ToriFiorenza  @laurelstucky " RT Such a fun weekend!! #medgift #ChallengeThrowdown
@JazMTV: After 2 years of being engaged I can finally start planning my wedding..Theme: Rustic Southern Traditional and Cape Cod Nautical. Colors: Mint green, peach and ivory!! #October2019 #texaswedding #CantWaitToBeMrsFougere
@TheRealNiaMoore: Acting a straight fool in London for the next week or so lol 🤷🏾‍♀️
@ChallengeMTV: NOBODY'S SAFE 😱 Don't miss a supertwist on a brand new #ChampsVsStars TONIGHT at 10/9c!
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV Ehhhh my bad, love you though @WestonBergmann
@shannanity: Huge Huge Twist in Champs Vs Stars tonight 🙏🏼😜 —— what do you think it is?
- @LouiseHazel: @shannanity Naked challenge??
- @shannanity: @LouiseHazel OMG if you were naked ratings would be crazy 😅😘
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @shannanity I'm dying 😂
@kailah_casillas: I’ve gotten into my fair share of twitter battles with cast mates and such... but... I feel like some things are better texted.
@kailah_casillas: HERE WE GO AGAIN. Typical Kailah... getting into all sorts or drama and trouble. Don’t forget to watch #ChampsVsStars tonight at 10pm EST on @MTV
@tori_deal: THIS GAME FUCKING HURT!!! Tune in tonight to possibly watch me cry... lol @ChallengeMTV
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Sarcasm is my one true love
- @MTVBananas: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE I thought it was @hbarfield13 🤔
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @MTVBananas @hbarfield13 Oh Johnny you know it's truly you 😍
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: What’s worse. Being put in this harness or being put on this team. #killme 😂😂😂 #thechallenge #mtv #champsvsstars
@t_raines33: Shots fired 🎯 #ChampVsStars
@LouiseHazel: Get the scoop on ‘Champ Vs. Stars’: … via @HollywoodLife
@HollywoodLife: .@LouiseHazel spills on all the #ChampsVsStars drama, why she returned to #TheChallenge & more! EXCLUSIVE:  @ChallengeMTV
@MizzHogan: When you start figuring out how this game works. It’s about to get verrrry interesting... .. All new CHAMPS vs STARS on @mtv TONIGHT at 10pm/9c !!!
@ChallengeMTV: Hang tight! A brand new episode of The Challenge starts in 1 HOUR on @MTV! 🙌 #ChampsVsStars
@JustJem24: My mood:
@JustJem24: "@JoannaS96420512: @JustJem24 should have her own Sirius XM show. Recapping all the MTV shows." RT I would love to be on the radio bc then I don’t have to brush my hair or put on make up
@MTVDevinWalker: Hello darkness my old friend 🌑 my face when I… …
@mikethemiz: *****EXCLUSIVE**** #MizAndMrs has a debut date JULY 24th on @USA_Network at 10pm. Today was a BIG day for @marysemizanin and I. #SDLive started with the announcement of the newest and most must-see show on TV #MizAndMrs and then I scored a win on the road to #MITB. #ImAwesome
@mikethemiz: Tonight’s Champs vs. Stars is filled w/ slingshots, boxes and a ton of drama...Drama...DRAMA! Don’t miss an all new @ChallengeMTV at 10/9c tonight! #ChampsVsStars
@BunimMurray: It's #Tuesday which means an all new @ChallengeMTV: Champs vs. Stars! #superpumped #MTV #supertwist #cantwait TONIGHT 10|9c #dontmissit
- @cohuttalee: @ChallengeMTV @MTV  Game on.

AS THEY SAW IT: "Champs Caught in Cross Fire" 
@MTV: #ChampsVsStars starts right now! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @ChallengeMTV 💥
@ChallengeMTV: A new episode of The Challenge is coming in HOT 🔥 Tune into @MTV NOW to watch and tweet along! #ChampsVsStars
@WestonBergmann: The Stars may be winning at checkers right now...but they’re about to find out we’ve been playing chess.
@LouiseHazel: We ready for @ChallengeMTV #ChampVsStars are you???
- @DerrickMTV: @LouiseHazel Lol..
@Steven_Plummer2: I’ve been enjoying this season of #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Trust👏no👏body👏 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: Selita - "You're going in.")
@ChallengeMTV: Me when I ask for no mushrooms in my omelette and I see a mushroom 😩 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: Ashley - "I'm just pissed off.")
@ChallengeMTV: Wes is his own worst enemy, every season 🎯 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: CT - "Every time it's gone the opposite way you wanted.")
@ChallengeMTV: Wes is in the sunken place! 😩 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: Tori - "I'm not just taking it, I'm liking it?")
@ChallengeMTV: Stars: Ashley can't sabotage anything, she can't affect us.   Ashley: Hold my beer.  #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: "I'm gonna do my best to throw it.")
@LouiseHazel: Well said Booby @BooBysWorld1 #thetruth
@LouiseHazel: I think Wes @WestonBergmann has lost his mind if he thinks I’m gonna believe that crap! 💩
@LouiseHazel: Let’s gooooo! Shots fired #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Wes hanging there powerless is a perfect metaphor for him in this game 😂 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of him looking down from above)
@ChallengeMTV: Ashley is sooo petty 😂 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of her pushing around her boxes with her feet)
@ChallengeMTV: There's more strategy to this game than meets the eye 👏 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Jozea's feet standing on the boxes)
@ChallengeMTV: That's gonna hurt in the morning 😂 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Tony's ball hitting one of the girls on Team Red in that area)
@LouiseHazel: Come on blues!!!!
@kailah_casillas: Production told me specifically that I wasn’t allowed to hold the boxes with my feet. My bad I didn’t cheat 👀 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: IT'S TONY TIME 🎯 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Tony's ball hitting top box where Jozea was standing, and he falls down)
@kailah_casillas: Not only that but my feet wouldn’t reach even if I wanted to. #ChampsVsStars
@LouiseHazel: Go on @MizzHogan we see you!
@kailah_casillas: Lol go ashley! #RedTeam @MTVASHLEYBROOKE
@ChallengeMTV: Shane: Does anybody want to volunteer themself?  Kailah:   #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of her face)
- @shannanity: @ChallengeMTV Hahahhaha OMG this is great
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV Hahaha my faces this whole episode
@LouiseHazel: Good job @jossie_flores you are killin it!
@ChallengeMTV: Tony is getting played right now 😩 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: "I'm pretty much
@kailah_casillas: "@Ortiz___J: @kailah_casillas should’ve been the one to throw balls instead of Salita #ChampsVsStars" RT Trust me. They didn’t show it but I put up a fight. It was Selita birthday so they felt like that had to let her play....
@ChallengeMTV: Brooke is finally ready to play the game within the game 🙌 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: "I have no sympathy.")
@ChallengeMTV: Tony has been dominant this season, but still finds himself not in a position of power 🤔 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of leaderboard graphic, him at #1 with $3,700 raised)
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV Hence the frustration 😡 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: At this point, nobody should be surprised that Stars are voting against Champs, and vice-versa 🤔 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Kailah shaking her head)
@kailah_casillas: SO MANY THINGS??? That’s a fucking joke 🤣 I’m hanging.... my feet couldn’t reach... how the fuck would that be my fault? Fucking idiot. #ChampsVsStars
@LouiseHazel: Drake for MVP!!! @DrakeBell
@LouiseHazel: Good job blue team! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
@ChallengeMTV: 🌴🌴🌴 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: Drake - "She's such a bitch.")
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV OOOOOOOOO *insert foot into mouth*
@kailah_casillas: This conversation was so awkward #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: SHOTS.FIRED. 💥 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: Lil Mama - "Mentally, she's a bum.")
@ChallengeMTV: If you were Wes, who would you throw into elimination with the tie-breaking vote? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars
@kailah_casillas: Lol @t_raines33 was the best player on that team and they wouldn’t give him MVP. I would have said FUCK THAT and threw it just so that blue team didn’t get the power play. #ChampsVsStars
- @t_raines33: @kailah_casillas If it wasn’t for charity you know I would’ve girl #ChampsVsStars
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @t_raines33 I don’t understand why no one realizes if the red team would have won MVP we could’ve got two stars to go against each other two weeks in a row. Not only would champs have had power again but my charity would’ve actually had a chance to win 150,000 #champsvsstars #mathishard
@ChallengeMTV: Are you surprised that Wes saved Kailah? #ChampsVsStars  (GIF: "I'm a Champ.")
- @shboogies: @ChallengeMTV Real recognize real.
@ChallengeMTV: "This is perfect for Ashley. It's like a stripper box." 😂😭 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of her)
@ChallengeMTV: THIS POWER PLAY THO 😱 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Kailah is a mood right now 🙄 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Kailah's eyes rolling)
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV This 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼😹
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV Good job to my home girl last night 👏🏼 don't forget everyone, the money spent goes to a good friend of mine...anyway Proud you Elim queen #champsvspros
@LouiseHazel: I ❤️ @LilMama she’s a G!!
@kailah_casillas: "@kiaralyn2: Why is everyone trashing @kailah_casillas ...... Every season someone makes an issue w her then she’s a “b****” for responding." RT I’m never allowed to defend myself.
@ChallengeMTV: Who do you want to win this elimination? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: This elimination looks hard AF 😩 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of their battle)
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV Trying to get through life like....
- @shannanity: @ChallengeMTV The faces on this elimination!!!
@kailah_casillas @ChallengeMTV  #champsvspros
@kailah_casillas: Thanks @WestonBergmann, you saved my little butt. #TeamChamps #ChampsVsStars
@Jg5_era: @kailah_casillas gets prettier every season 🧐
@LouiseHazel: Power play!! @ChallengeMTV
@LouiseHazel: @ChallengeMTV Is there a third option?
@LouiseHazel: I really appreciate the hard work that you put in during nominations Shane 🤣🤣🤣 @shannanity
- @shannanity: @LouiseHazel Damnit I’m not able to see what’s happening 🤨🤨🤨!!! Ugh anyways - I am to please as always Louise 😍 you know at heart, I’m a nice sweet trustworthy person 😇
- @LouiseHazel: @shannanity 🤣🤣🤣
@LouiseHazel: Override!!!! @ChallengeMTV
- @shannanity: @LouiseHazel 😂🤣😅🤣😂
@shannanity: "@ChallCheapTalk: Ugh another twist to give the Stars a chance to make and win the final #ChampsVsStars" RT RIGHT
@kailah_casillas: I hate going into eliminations against my friends 😩😩😩😩 #ChampsVsStars
- @ChallengeMTV: @kailah_casillas must be the worst feeling ever #ChampsVsStars
@J_rome_12: Highkey this is the best season of #ChampsVsStars that I’ve ever seen.
@Steven_Plummer2: Lol @ChallengeMTV twitter page is like 5-10 minutes ahead of most others it seems like #ChampsVsStars
@TheAllanAguirre: Wes is the Tyrion Lannister of the Challenge. He is incredible at thinking on his feet, great at winning when his back is up against the wall, terrible when he's given the advantages and the power because he's so used to coming from behind.
@kailah_casillas: Lol when people say I can’t.... I have to show them i fuckin can 😈😈😈 don’t ever doubt me. #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Ashley nooo 😭 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of her hands making teary eyes)
@kailah_casillas: I was sad to see @MTVASHLEYBROOKE go 😿 #ChampsVsStars
- @shannanity: @kailah_casillas I love you @MTVASHLEYBROOKE - 🙏🏼prayers for next time
@ChallengeMTV: Not everybody is mad about this format change 🙃 #ChampsVsStars  (GIF of Tony)
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV With this group we should film the entire night and sell the footage to MTV...get your tickets here
@ChallengeMTV: The Miz introduced a new twist, and some are happier than others... #ChampsVsStars is all new NEXT TUESDAY at 10/9c! 👀

@diancuh: Someone make a gif of @kailah_casillas flicking everyone off because that’s a mood #ChampsVsStars
@ProgressiveYeti: @kailah_casillas Adds to her impressive win total. She’s taken out some great competitors! But she’s got a long way to go if she’s going to catch up to the elimination total of the guy who initially saved her, @WestonBergmann
@kailah_casillas: For those of you who say I suck and that I’ve done nothing.. my elimination record is now 5 wins, 1 loss 😉  thanks to @SylviaMTV 😒😒😒😛😘
- @SylviaMTV: @kailah_casillas Well at least you’re still a winner in my book Queen!
- @ReyesMichelle95: @kailah_casillas 3 Challenges + 1 spin off (so far), (5 elimination wins), (1 final), (over $20K made) 🤗
@LouiseHazel: Good job 👊🏽 @kailah_casillas
@LouiseHazel: This pretty much sums up tonight’s episode #ChampsvsStars
@jossie_flores: These thick thighs came in handy😉🍗🔥🔥🔥🔥 #ChampsvsStars @ChallengeMTV
@Marie_TBD: My face when people are still hating on @kailah_casillas for no damn reason. #whyyoumad #ChampsVsStars Kailah
@Marie_TBD: Spent the night watching #forensicfiles sick in bed and I’d like to point out the murders were mostly, if not all, committed by a man with a mustache. #foodforthought
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @Marie_TBD Hipsters = murderers
@MizzHogan: We see whatcha did there, @drakebell 😉
@CSUGradAkirk: The power play has just screwed the challengers  part of me likes it part of me fiinds it kinda annoying #ChampsVsStars
@kailah_casillas: Lol so I’m sitting at a table eating with @scheana mom and our friends. @iammikeyp & her go to the bar to get a shot and a girl walks by and says “omg wowww that’s Kailahs boyfriend with Scheana” 😂😂 stop, people are so annoying.
@kailah_casillas: Were at a party and @iammikeyp was about to fight this dude... they made up and I SWEAR 5 mins later I heard the other dude say “but did you touch my drum set”
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas @iammikeyp I wish I could be as famous as you
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD nooooooo I just wanna be like my big sis
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas Say yes to the next 5 drinks passed to you and you’re on your way!
@ChallengeMTV: Should the other #ChampsVsStars contestants put some respect on Kailah's name? 🧐
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV yes. the answer is yes.
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I don’t understand why no one realizes if the red team would have won MVP we could’ve got two stars to go against each other two weeks in a row. Not only would champs have had power again but my charity would’ve actually had a chance to win 150,000 #champsvsstars #TheChallenge
- @t_raines33: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE If only the flux capacitor on my Delorean wasn’t broken 🤦‍♂️ #ChampsVsStars
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @t_raines33 I was telling you this from the beginning butthead, but I think no matter what you'll do great tone. I was trying to play my best game
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I tried explaining this to all champs on blue, but no one would listen to me then the power plays fucked over and over!!!
@t_raines33: @kailah_casillas @LilMama Get ‘em #ChampsVsStars
@shannanity: I can’t figure out if this psychic is actually doing energy healing or if I’m just getting a natural high off of someone paying attention to me
@kailah_casillas: "@AnissaWood3: The entitlement from @kailah_casillas is nauseating.   @TheOfficial_CT deserves it more but he’s humble about it.  You need to take a lesson from a REAL CHAMP @kailah_casillas  Let me know how that works for you! ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻" RT Cewl
@ChallengeMTV: Just when The Stars thought they had a stranglehold on this game, @mikethemiz threw a curveball that will completely change the game 😱 Rewatch last night's episode of #ChampsVsStars NOW on! 💻👀
@allofthejuice: If only @t_raines33 and @WestonBergmann caught onto these MVP power plays earlier, then they could've followed @MTVASHLEYBROOKE's suit and thrown challenges, giving champs on Red team power to throw in blue stars. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Ashley had the right idea the whole time 👍🏼
@becauseitsbeth: I don’t understand why people think @kailah_casillas is a weak player???? She wins way more than she loses! And she has proved that she is good at puzzles MULTIPLE times.
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I’m gonna try to leave petty Labelle back at home next season #nopromises #thechallenge #mtv #champsvsstars
@shannanity: I want everyone to know that I’ve been operating under a curse for the last 37 years and I can’t be held responsible for my actions during that time. Sorry and thank you.
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🍿NEW PODCAST UP!🍿@DerrickMTV & I spend more time w/ @Rogan_OConnor on #ChallengeMania than he spent on @ChallengeMTV but as you’ll hear, it was meant to be! He joins us to tell some great stories, talk about Joss, Kyle, Cara, Kayleigh & to #BrewTheStew!🥣 …
@TheGruntGuy: #challengethrowdown is taking the U.S. by storm, if your a @mtv @ChallengeMTV fan you don't want to miss these events. GO TO  for tickets. We are hitting #NEWYORK , #ORLANDO , #AUSTIN , #MARSEILLES AND #LOSANGELES
@JustJem24: So.... whose coming? I’ll also be attending Orlando for sure and maybe Austin :). Link for all events here:
@JustJem24: 💜💜💜
@blairherter: Time to end the debate. It’s not Jordan. Not Lebron. 3rd Quarter Warriors are the 🐐. #NBA
@VMilerman: There’s something about a southern drawl that just got me like......
@JennaCompono: Life lesson: What you do now will come back to you in the future. Life has a funny way of making you deal with what you make others go through 👑 🤣
@JustJem24: I just looked over my @TeenMom tweets and my most petty tweet was the most liked/Rt.. Y’all are so messy and encourage my shade wayyyyy too much 😭😭😭
@MTVBananas: My hobbies include: Continuing to shove as much shit as possible into my garbage can without actually taking it to the curb.
@n_zanattaMTV: She knows what she’s worth, that’s why she just keeps smiling...💋
@Marie_TBD: Tweet a little louder I can’t hear you from the ALT list 🗣
- @JustJem24: @Marie_TBD Tweet a name. @ that person. Finish this story. Or text me a name & I’ll do it
@t_raines33: With this group we should film the entire night and sell the footage to MTV...get your tickets here

LAST CALL: "Welcome Back My Friends..." 
@FloribamaShore: High tides. Higher hair. Hi, season 2! 👋 #MTVFloribamaShore returns Tuesday, June 19th at 10/9c on @MTV.
@pimpfriedrice_: #IssaWrap 🙌🏾🙌🏾 It’s been a looong, crazy, and dope ass summer break and the entire world will get to see the fun at the beach house in the coming weeks but I’m so #BLESSED to touch down back in Memphis less than 12 hours before my little brothers graduation!
@pimpfriedrice_: Somebody don gave this mane a diploma! Congratulations Rayray! How I come back and my little brother taller than me in heels lol... can’t beat him up no more
@pimpfriedrice_: It took a long time and 3 broken combs but it’s beautiful! #NewYorkReadyAlready :)
@pimpfriedrice_: Me: Let’s take a shot!  /  Others: What? Why?  /  Me: Cause the sun shining... / **takes shot** / Me: Let’s take another shot! / Others: WTH! Why?  / Me: Cause the grass green 🌱🌱
@GusSmyrnios: Well... I'm back 🙈 #I'mstillalive #barely #floribamashore #season2 #comingsoon #mtv
@GusSmyrnios: Gave my all to filming this season, one of the best yet most stressful things I've ever gone through but I'll love my floribama family till my last breath ✊🏼 Can't wait for everyone to see! #floribamashore #season2
@KirkMedas: What. A. Fucking. Summer. Y’all are in for a damn treat
- @GusSmyrnios: @KirkMedas @FloribamaShore Much love for you my brotha ✊🏼
- @KirkMedas: @GusSmyrnios @FloribamaShore Back at you bro!!! Family son
@KirkMedas: So much shit went down. Holy shit 🤣🚑🚓🎉💸🍻👊🏾🙀 #MTVFloribamaShore #Season2
@JeremiahBuoni: It’s been a crazy roller coaster ladies and gentlemen, but I can’t wait for everyone to see what happened this summer.  Wait and see what happens, ITS WORTH THE WAIT😏 #FloribamaShore #whatasummer #Season2 #getready #HereWeGo
@K0nigi: What’s up bitches!!
@K0nigi: Don’t stop won’t stop 👅
@nillythesquid: Yo yo yo what’s up what’s up, the squid is back
@nillythesquid: Chi chi’s up 😜
@nillythesquid: Who’s ready for SZN 2?
@nillythesquid: It’s safe to say I wont be wearing makeup for about 27 days, my face needs a break from all the paint
@aimeehall1001: I’ve missed y’all. 😘
@aimeehall1001: I’ve been gone for a hot minute, Someone send me all the new music I need to download.
@aimeehall1001: Omgg @iamcardib Be careful is EVERYTHING 🔥🔥🙌🏼🙌🏼❤️❤️
@aimeehall1001: I love you. @pimpfriedrice_
@aimeehall1001: Whenever I’m having a bad day I just watch this. @codibutts @FloribamaShore
- @codibutts: @aimeehall1001 @FloribamaShore That’s the voice of an angel. 😇😇😇😇#AmericanIdol #TheVoice
@4shogan: Thanks to the great cast of Floribama Shores!! What a season 🙌🏼 - They are released back into the world... Watch out! 😉 @K0nigi @codibutts @JeremiahBuoni @GusSmyrnios @pimpfriedrice_ @aimeehall1001 @nillythesquid @KirkMedas
@FloribamaShore: High tides. Higher hair. Hi, season 2! 👋 #MTVFloribamaShore returns Tuesday, June 19th at 10/9c on @MTV.
@codibutts: Y’all get ready we’re back! @FloribamaShore
@GusSmyrnios: Well.. it's about that time again 🌊 Tuesday, June 19th all the shenanigans is back! @FloribamaShore season 2 coming in hot with 24 episodes !  Make sure to stay tuned 😉 #MTVFloribamaShore
@K0nigi: @FloribamaShore #MTVFloribamaShore  👅👅👅
@nillythesquid: Chi chi’s up for Tuesday’s! Season 2 premieres June 19th 10/9c @FloribamaShore @MTV #MTVFloribamaShore #mtv
@KirkMedas: THE TIME IS HERE FOLKS!!! Season 2 premieres Tuesday, June 19th!!!! Get excited!!!!! Esketit!!! #MTVFloribamaShore @FloribamaShore @MTV
@JeremiahBuoni: Well everyone the wait is over!!!.... On Tuesday… …
@pimpfriedrice_: Tuesday mane!!! Chi chi’s up!! We back in the thang like we neva left.. all poppin off on June 19th! Get schready!! @FloribamaShore @MTV #MTVFloribamaShore #Chichisup @nillythesquid @KirkMedas @codibutts @GusSmyrnios @JeremiahBuoni @aimeehall1001 @K0nigi
@codibutts: Tuesday June 19th Y’all we’re back! @FloribamaShore
@aimeehall1001: Omg @nillythesquid and @K0nigi are trying to come get me from Alabama. I guess they forgot about my “don’t talk to me for one week” rule. 😂

@Marie_TBD: Dear future reality ⭐️ don’t depend on a +1 for a callback. The show should always need you, much more than they would ever need two.
@Marie_TBD: Crazy loves company 👯‍♀️
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD that’s why we’re friends 👀😂♥️
@Marie_TBD: She takes 1 candy for the flight and off we goooo 🛫✈️🚀🛸
@Marie_TBD: NEW YORK IM HOME!!!!!!!!!!!
@SylviaMTV: 13 Reasons why Season 2 ... Starting NOW!
@hbarfield13: That moment when you truly find your purpose in life and that God has Finally answered all your prayers >>>> #blissful #loveconquersall
@hbarfield13: My shadows dancing without you for the first time
@MTV_AMANDAG: Hiiiiiii tweeeeters! 🤗
@MTV_NellyT: Hi Twitter...what’s the News aka (drama)today 😂
@KyleCGShore: Absolutely loved the experience today Dukeata had my first ever fitting can’t wait to see my bespoke suit made! 🥂 #JoinTheClub

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

So, at the end of the two-team portion of Champs vs. Stars III, we're proven again that Tony is for real - whether or not you like it's #TonyTime in him landing the finishing move in taking down the win for Team Blue once again. And after we saw Kailah take out Ashley, we saw Mike The Miz deliver the news to everyone of another game-changing twist in the remaining fourteen players now being split into pairs for the rest of the season, right up until the final. More to come on all this on the WRAP coming up before Tuesday's episode.
   And as you saw on Last Call above, without making mentions here we'd like to welcome back some of our friends from their early summer vacation the past few months. And if we have an idea of what you all have been up to, we'll look forward to having the pleasure of your company coming up in the near future... in fact, as was posted earlier tonight, we began our countdown to Season 2 of Floribama Shore in showcasing Codi treating us to some Carpool Karaoke with Aimee upon them driving away from Panama City Beach... that link is posted here.

Still ahead: there were two dramatic entrances into an MTV Reality show this week: Angelina shocking everyone in the Jersey Shore Family Vacation retreat in Miami, and the other on the other show of our interest this spring. And in the wake of the exes finally getting their way in Hawaii, find out which of them will get a chance to again flip the script when we'll bring you the Pulse of Ex On The Beach coming up tomorrow. And on Memorial Day night, we'll have Part 1 of our 2017-18 Reality Debrief as Andrew Kirk joins yours truly to discuss the past year & a half in the reality world.
   But first, we have a late night ExtraTime treat ahead this Memorial Day Saturday: we'll head to the gorgeous town that has become well known for gorgeous beaches, a sultry MTV show and lavish parties. Stay with us...


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