Monday, October 15, 2018

DC SocialPulse: Are You The One? Season 7 - "Once Upon A Crazy Party Time"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

Hey there, hope you had a good Monday. Because of matters beyond the control of this site, posts are just now being posted for the rest of what is now last week's episodes, all before this week's now two main episodes air on Tuesday. So, we're now into Are You The One? Season 7 and as the number of chances dwindle for the house, so does all the emotion in the house.
   Previously in Hawaii, Zak found himself at the heart of the matter when his player ways and the obsession he has with Bria was again a talking point for the house. He also gave everyone reason to shake their heads when he chose someone else to go on the getaway date when the fate button landed on him. And with the house seemingly going nowhere in the game itself, the house decided to shake things up and find out which of the power couples are a Perfect Match and which are not.
   Cali's strategy was of mixing up Cam & Kayla and Tomas & her while keeping Tevin & Kenya in tact, and she will find out if this extra truth booth in a matchup will work out. Meantime, Terrence J. gives the group something to finally cheer about when he now throws the annual wild fun-fest under the stars. That includes plenty of dirty dancing and wild behavior that may be enough for turn friends into frenemies. The man who's been a sleeping giant during this season finally gets more screen time, and it may be time for THAT power couple to perhaps say goodbye to the singles house.

We'll have all the action, reaction and interaction from last week's episode of Are You The One? ahead. Glad you've waited long enough... enjoy it after the jump.

@AREUTHE1: What do you think of Cali's master plan? 🤔 #AYTO
@Couturesworld: you don’t need a perfect relationship, you just need someone who won’t give up on you
@Couturesworld: My wife and I are gonna have like 3 different honeymoons
@caliraeofficial: One day you’ll meet someone who wants to touch your butt all the time. If that doesn’t make you smile....
@AREUTHE1: On the one hand, a confirmed no-match couple continued to explore their feelings for each other. On the other, a potential perfect-match made huge progress 👀 Rewatch the latest episode of #AYTO NOW!
@CallaJHill: I’m obsessed with Are You The One this season. @Couturesworld and I have be following each other for a few yrs and I’m JUST NOW realizing he is Andrew..... on the damn show 🤦🏾‍♀️
@Couturesworld: i appreciate effort. no matter how small, silly or irrelevant. i just really appreciate it
@Couturesworld: being called baby or babe by the right person is like heaven
@Couturesworld: don’t feel bad for knowing you deserve more
- @RamBamSam16: @Couturesworld Juiceeeeee I can not deal with all ur relationship tweets when I know ur so terrible at talking to girls lol 😂
@AREUTHE1: Asia might as well be John Cena, as far as Lewis is concerned, because he can't see her anymore! 👀 #AYTO
- @Kaylonilovee: @AREUTHE1 This shit is funny 😂
@giannahammer: Our Ayto season really had the most GORGEOUS girls, like damn still to this day not one of our girls weren’t beautiful 😍😍😍
@AREUTHE1: On an all new episode of #AYTO, Zak discovers new feelings for another girl in the house, and it isn't Morgan... ☕️ This Wednesday at 10/9c! 💕
@Kenyaa_NOT: The AYTO producers in the camera room while were getting drunk at a party
@briakristaaal: Lmao @ me “losing” my debit card, calling to cancel it after hours of looking, then finding it as soon as I get off of the phone 🙂🙂 Now I have to wait 6 business days for the new one to get here 🙂🙂🙂
@Couturesworld: “y’all talk” naw, we argue tho
@Kenyaa_NOT: Teyana Taylor as a singer is very slept on
@Kenyaa_NOT: Everybody pray for my roommate, ain’t nothing wrong w her ima just fuck her up for doing shit like this
@Couturesworld: I hate being second to those I put first.
@Kaylonilovee: delete the thread and it’s a wrap 🤷🏽‍♀️
@briakristaaal: Me, staring at the confessional screen in the AYTO house every morning
@NUTSIOOO: When you lose your dad, the person you love with all of your heart and soul, and a handful of your cast mates don’t even say shit to you. thank you Dad for letting me see some light in my surroundings. 🚮
@NUTSIOOO: I love u all. i can’t deal with responding to anybody right now, but just know that every single word. Every single prayer. Every single love and energy sent my way makes it just a little more bearable all because of u guys. i promise u one day when i can, I’ll give it all back.

@AREUTHE1: Brett and Kwasi got INTO it at the last matchup ceremony 🔥 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Danny boy thinks he's real slick 😂 Don't miss a new episode of #AYTO THIS WEDNESDAY at 10/9c! 💕
- @Daniel_Vilk: @AREUTHE1 😈
@MTVbrettski: Iced coffee or bust
@MTVbrettski: Real recognize it and you don’t speak the lingo
@caliraeofficial: I’m so thankful for fans who take their time to say nice things to us instead of judging us and being rude. #spreadlovenothate
@Kenyaa_NOT: Idc who’s doing what cus I’m doing me & I don’t wanna be like none of y’all
@Kenyaa_NOT: Lmk when y’all are done smoking flash drives
@JasmineeAndreaa: I’m at the age that if my parents call me and I say “What” and they don’t respond then It wasn’t that important  to continue the convo. Bc I refuse to walk all the way to them to be told some BS. If you really gotta tell me something then you can walk to my room to tell me 😂
@Couturesworld: show me you’re not like the rest
@blacuesta: Met my soulmate and this isn’t me being dramatic goodbye
@AREUTHE1: With only 4 episodes of #AYTO left, it's time to match up or throw down! 👊💥 Don't miss an all new episode TOMORROW at 10/9c!
- @zakmarkjones: @AREUTHE1 “see this is why I don’t drink” -@Lewdo2much #QuoteOfTheYear
- @KayCamUmagat: @AREUTHE1 I love us.
- @RamBamSam16: @AREUTHE1 When it takes 3 grown men to hold you back lol 😆
@Kenyaa_NOT: Can we get all the Mary Kate & Ashley movies on Netflix please? Billboard Dad was a smash
@Couturesworld: date someone who gives you chills just by the way they look into your eyes.
@Couturesworld: I really do pray my daughter never gets caught up with these fuckboys... and pray my son will never be one
@Couturesworld: it’s so embarrassing when you talk so highly of someone who ends up disappointing you
@AREUTHE1: Oh just f*ck my life up please 🙏 #AYTO
@lashtweets: our interview with @EmoneySunset is HERE!! The sound got a little wonky but the T was so pipping hot it’s worth it #ayto @AdamBongo

@AREUTHE1: When Kenya sees Tevin talking to Jasmine, she reveals her true feelings about him... ☕️ Don't miss an all new episode of #AYTO TONIGHT at 10/9c! 💕
@caliraeofficial: People hiding behind their fake accounts saying awful things. Like you don’t know me at all or what kind of person I am. Who are you seriously??? Weirdos
- @Kenyaa_NOT: @caliraeofficial They’re DONE with you Cali!! You’re doomed! 😂😂😂 btw this is clearly their first time typing on a keyboard
@zakmarkjones: "@MariahEllis_: @AREUTHE1 four??? how many more times am i gonna see zak tell another girl “i think you’re my match”" RT At least 4
@NUTSIOOO: if your intentions aren’t all the way genuine, please, from the bottom of my heart, stay the fuck away from me.
@Kenyaa_NOT: I cannot wait for tonight’s episode I already have people PRESSED😩
- @giannahammer: @Kenyaa_NOT Lmfaoo when it’s episode 2 and you’ve been in the house and known these ppl for less than 7 days but apparently having options makes you SLUTTY AND ONLY WANTS ATTENTION
@MTVbrettski: Not shown in tonight’s preview of @AREUTHE1   Kenya: Wait why do I find you physically attractive for the first time rn.   Brett: Yeah why do you look GOOD?    @Kenyaa_NOT and I were in shock. And drunk.
@AREUTHE1: Cali's getting under a few people's skin on a new episode of #AYTO TONIGHT at 10/9c 👀
@RamBamSam16: Tonight’s episode has got me sooo embarrassed lol it’s sooo sloppy. And warning: I’m the worlds ugliest crier
@AREUTHE1: When you remember #AYTO is all new tonight at 10/9c 💃
- @Kaylonilovee: @AREUTHE1 @cam_viney I’ve been waiting for this episode all season 😂💃🏽💃🏽
- @KayCamUmagat: @AREUTHE1 Cam’s dancing is possibly the best thing I’ve ever seen in my life. 😂❤️
@MTV: When Kenya sees Tevin talking to Jasmine, she reveals her true feelings about him to Brett...  Watch it all go down during tonight's new episode of #AYTO TONIGHT at 10/9c! 💕  #AYTO
@mariae296: Some people are such buzz kills. I post something funny and y’all still send me some dumb ass message. Chill out and laugh. Go lay down for a few or something
@RamBamSam16: It’s about to get real Chicago up in here
@Daniel_Vilk: Big city dreamin’ @AREUTHE1 TONIGHT AT 10/9c #AYTO
@moemfletch: Mood for tonight’s episode ✨#AYTO @AREUTHE1 @JasmineeAndreaa
@RamBamSam16: When he thinks it’s all fun and games  meanwhile I’m thinking how I’m going to make his life miserable after this 😇 @Daniel_Vilk
@RamBamSam16: I wouldn’t go out last night so my friends carried around a giant cut out of my head and partied with it 😅 I love them
@briakristaaal: If my account is on private and you’re requesting to follow me JUST to talk shit, not only are you a hating ass bitch, you’re also a big ass fan 😁😁
@AREUTHE1: Tonight's episode of #AYTO will have you feeling 😱😱😱 Tune into @MTV at 10/9c to watch!
@tylersemicolon: Getting ready for #AYTO like
@Urge2Pose: Me on my way home to catch @AREUTHE1 on @MTV 📺 !!!

AS THEY SAW IT: "Once Upon A Crazy Party Time" 
@MTV: #AYTO starts right now! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @AREUTHE1 💫
@Kaylonilovee: a new @AREUTHE1 starts now on @mtv! Providing the commentary as usual 😉 TUNE IN!
@Kenyaa_NOT: AYTO time! Essketittttt😝
@briakristaaal: Turn ya TVs on!! An all new episode of @AREUTHE1 starts NOW! 🗣🗣🗣
@Daniel_Vilk: Well you SHOULD be stressed @tomasbuenos1 it’s week 7! 😨 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: Come on #POWERCOUPLES 🤞🏽
@Daniel_Vilk: I just like hyping up the beams SHUT UP CAM @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: 4 BEAMS !!!
@Daniel_Vilk: Lmaoo “power couple my ass!”🍑 @Kaylonilovee @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Oop they not a match
@RamBamSam16: Are @Daniel_Vilk and I one of those beams ?
@Urge2Pose: Not a couple ! Not a match !!!
@KayCamUmagat: 💔💔💔 #AYTO
@MTVbrettski: Shocker. No match #ayto #ayto7
@Kenyaa_NOT: 💔 breaks my heart for those 2 couples, love you guys!!!
- @KayCamUmagat: @Kenyaa_NOT I love you ❤️
@Daniel_Vilk: I look like the bully from Simpson laughing n pointing 😂👆🏼@AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: Y’all were so insensitive, their hearts just got broken...come on now
@Urge2Pose: Kayla’s outfit >>>>
- @KayCamUmagat: @Urge2Pose 😌💕
@AREUTHE1: Me, still unsure if this strategy is a good thing or bad thing 😩 #AYTO  (GIF of Kwasi and Asia)
@Daniel_Vilk: Well you still look pretty crying 😥 @KayCamUmagat @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @KayCamUmagat: @Daniel_Vilk @AREUTHE1 Thank you 💕
@AREUTHE1: Is this the only true power couple? 🤔 #AYTO  (GIF: "Power Couple my ass")
@NUTSIOOO: Doesn’t matter who’s a match and who isn’t. Still an amazing strategy. Great job @caliraeofficial ♥️  @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Nice rollie @zakmarkjones
@Urge2Pose: Kenya and Tevin do look good together 👏🏾
@Couturesworld: Cam and Kayla, that’s genuine. Perfect match or not, they work well together. @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: @Kaylonilovee speaking the TRUTH 🗣 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @Kaylonilovee: @Daniel_Vilk 😉
@Kenyaa_NOT: Don’t ever doubt us😏 #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: Who’s dumb enough to trust Zak with perfect matches! 🤔🤦‍♂️ @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Couturesworld: Dawg kayla has cried every episode @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @KayCamUmagat: @Couturesworld @AREUTHE1 I have a lot of feelings lol
@JasmineeAndreaa: Cam & Kayla... I’m crying now 😩
@KayCamUmagat: NUGGET! #AYTO
@briakristaaal: Crying at “If ya don’t know, now ya know NUGGET” - @TevG27
@cam_viney: No matter what, you’ll always be my number 1. @KayCamUmagat #AYTO
- @KayCamUmagat: @cam_viney Match or not, you still mean the world to me. 😌❤️ #AYTO
- @cam_viney: @KayCamUmagat You always will to me. 😘
- @Urge2Pose: @cam_viney Aww Cam 🙄🤧
@Kaylonilovee: Cam is so damn sweet! Him and Kayla are adorable 😩😩😩
- @KayCamUmagat: @Kaylonilovee Cam’s the sweetest most genuine person ❤️
@Urge2Pose: Kayla should of stayed with me 🤷🏾‍♂️
@Urge2Pose: @lroush95 Forreal lol
- @lroush95: @Urge2Pose Literally was just thinking the same thing
@Couturesworld: Zak said he’s not gonna kiss anyone else but Morgan... I give it til his next shot of tequila 😂💀 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: At least Zak knows he’s wrong 😂
@Daniel_Vilk: *5 min later* Zak why are u kissing the pizza 🍕 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@briakristaaal: The way Cam treats Kayla is the most beautiful thing 😭
@Daniel_Vilk: Don’t break a pinky promise Zak @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Kenyaa_NOT: Yeah cus a pinky swear means anything to Zak lmao #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: I take pinky promise’s too seriously...
@alyg8or: Kwasi after finding out Cam and Kayla aren’t a match #ayto
@Couturesworld: Cali a boss ass bitch! @caliraeofficial @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@its_jasssy: IF YA DONT KNOW NOW YA KNOW 😂🤷🏾‍♀️ #AYTO @TevG27 @Kenyaa_NOT
@AREUTHE1: Zak setting the bar super high... 🙄 #AYTO  (GIF: "I promise I won't kiss anybody else")
- @Urge2Pose: @AREUTHE1 Lmfaooo 😂
@_ansxo: @Kenyaa_NOT STOP PLAYING W ME NUGGGGGET. Ya better be a mf match yo 😭😭
@ChelsaCee: Kayla better run back to Kwasi 😭😭😭😭😭 #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: I hear DAT Cali - “Don’t be mad at me, I’m just doing ME” @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@MTVbrettski: “Even if she’s not my match.... she’s my match” - Tomas  Uhhhh incorrect math on that one. #ayto #ayto7
@TevG27: How I felt the whole episode tonight👀🤐 ... Tune in RIGHT NOW😂 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO #AYTO7
@Daniel_Vilk: A “magical” night @tomasbuenos1 ! 🧙‍♂️ @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@MTVbrettski: We NEED to get more beams next week. Sick of seeing 4 or less. #ayto
@Daniel_Vilk: That was a good one @Urge2Pose 😂🤣 he more like a starved DJ Khaled tho @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Aye Moe bring your DJ Khaled ass here 😂
@Urge2Pose: I don’t be in the house with ten men lmfaoooo Lewis a clown 🤡😂
@RamBamSam16: @MoeElkhalil is my favorite person in the house
@Daniel_Vilk: You got LOTS to offer you good looking ass @MoeElkhalil FLAUNT it! 🙌 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Couturesworld: Moe is just misunderstood @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: #TrustTheProcess recruiting @caliraeofficial for the 76ers
@AREUTHE1: Me whenver I see Moe on my screen 😍 #AYTO  (GIF of him)
@KayCamUmagat: Awwwww, such a cute bro talk. #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: I love how the guys gave Moe a pep talk. We all love Moe even though it’s not shown much
@KayCamUmagat: Lewis is such a good friend. He gives some damn good advice. #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: Communication rule the nation 🙌 @Lewdo2much @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @Lewdo2much: @Daniel_Vilk Dat way 🤝💪🏾
@MTVbrettski: I’d rather watch Lewis than Chappell at this point #ayto #ayto7
@briakristaaal: Moe said “from some bruthas” LMAOOOOO I CRY
@Urge2Pose: 😂 let’s go Danny boyyy you got this
@JasmineeAndreaa: “Use your brain, Danny” 🧠
@Daniel_Vilk: And THAT was the Connection Police for y’all @Urge2Pose @Lewdo2much 👏👏👏 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Kenyaa_NOT: Ok na a scavenger hunt was a lit idea Sam I’m not even gonna lie👏🏽
@Urge2Pose: Danny = Gronk
@Couturesworld: Sam waiting for Danny after the scavenger hunt like... @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@briakristaaal: Oh fucking Kay @RamBamSam16 you DID that 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽🔥🔥🔥 A SCAVENGER HUNT?? We STAN!!! @AREUTHE1
@MTVbrettski: Fruity Pebbles in that bowl... if anyone was wondering #ayto
@JasmineeAndreaa: Sam this is the cutest thing Iv’e ever saw😩😩😩
@Kenyaa_NOT: Oh Sam u nasty nasty #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: Danny sounded so out of breathe walking from one room to the next 😂
@Urge2Pose: I hope Terrence is good 🙏🏾
@AREUTHE1: Gotta get sweaty really quickly, just how Sam likes him 💦 #AYTO  (GIF of Daniel doing push-ups)
@Daniel_Vilk: Glad to put some fire on the ice @RamBamSam16 🔥🔥 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: “He smells bad & I love It” ..... can’t relate
@RamBamSam16: My parents Gunna be pissed after seeing me in that black lingerie 😅
@lroush95: Who’s Lauren? #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: Lmaoo I’m like shit shit shittttt 🤔🤔🤔 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@KayCamUmagat: @RamBamSam16’s scavenger hunt is too fucking cute. #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Date with the lil bruh bruh 🔥
@Couturesworld: Me and Lauren should’ve been the ones going on this date. You would never beat me @lroush95 😏❤️ @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @lroush95: @Couturesworld No way, I’d def win 🙅🏼‍♀️
@AREUTHE1: Sam looking like a whole five course meal 🍽👅 #AYTO  (GIF of her in boom boom room waiting for Danny)
@Daniel_Vilk: I ALWAYS use my brain @JasmineeAndreaa 🧠 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: The camera guy making me nervous! 🖕🏼@AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@SavageBranch: “Moe bring your DJ Khaled ass over here” -Kwasi #AYTO
@PerfectMatchPod: Really hoping Sam asks Dan to homecoming at the end of this scavenger hunt #AYTO
@LeeLee_Rich: Did Kwasi just call Moe DJ Khaled lmaooo #AYTO
@KayCamUmagat: Fate Gods, pick Kenya! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Ok, to each their own, but this ain't it 😂 #AYTO  (GIF: Sam - "He smells... bad"
@AREUTHE1: Tevin going on the date? Y'all ready know what needs to happen next 👏 #AYTO  (GIF of Lauren and Kenya)
@Daniel_Vilk: I’m not good at scavenger hunts when I’m drunk 🍺 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Not the first time Tomas has had a rough night 😅 #AYTO  (GIF: Terrence J - "Tomas, you had a rough night")
- @JasmineeAndreaa: @AREUTHE1 Yalll stay doing Thomas dirty 😂🤦🏽‍♀️ #ProtectThomasAtAllCost
@Daniel_Vilk: Daniel don’t like dilemmas! 🙅🏼‍♂️ @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: Thank you @caliraeofficial sweetie ❤️ @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: I have to do some “stuff” 🍆🍑 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: If it’s kissing the Smooch Monsta knows exactly where that’s at! 😘 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: My very own mistress 😍 @RamBamSam16 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Kenyaa_NOT: Let’s go baby😝😝😝😝
@JasmineeAndreaa: Thomas gave the date button that Latin spin
@Daniel_Vilk: WHAT I don’t smell bad!!! @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: But how about me and Morgan fate got us together again 🤔 but aight
@Daniel_Vilk: Got Danny Boi feeling good in the morning😏 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Couturesworld: Lauren... honey, if it were us on this date you’d get left in the dust ✌🏼😏 @lroush95
- @lroush95: @Couturesworld You’re all talk Couture 🙄
@melissa_will16: @Urge2Pose and @TevG27 on one date like what more could a girl ask let’s be fucking real here
@MTV: @RamBamSam16 It was all in the name of love #AYTO
@Lewdo2much: Stop using that term power couple.... yall ain’t shit
@JasmineeAndreaa: Ain’t nothing better than a Terrance J party🎉
@Daniel_Vilk: There you go @briakristaaal HELL YEEEE @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Terrence got another twist up his sleeve? 😱 #AYTO  (GIF of Morgan, Kwasi, Kenya and Tevin reacting to him revealing a nighttime house party)
@melissa_will16: I don’t understand why not every single girl on @AREUTHE1 is not legit fist fighting for @TevG27 I would throw some HANDS for that man
@Urge2Pose: Aight Moe shaving the back he bouta get some action !
@JasmineeAndreaa: Terrence also got a food truck that night too, Dad is really the best ❤️
@MTVbrettski: Done deal. I’m starting a bandana line. Spread the word. #ayto #ayto7
@Daniel_Vilk: Have Kayla sizzling Moe! 🔥 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: @cam_viney what you packing under that leaf👀👀
@Kaylonilovee: Danny’s confessional 😂
@briakristaaal: Another party Terrance??? HELL YEAAAAH @AREUTHE1
@JasmineeAndreaa: You can go Shave your back now #Meangirls
@MTVbrettski: wait Moe were you just shaving your back? 🧐 #ayto
@Daniel_Vilk: NEW YORK CITY🌃 and my Lifeguard Speedos represent! ✊🏼💯 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: This was the best party ever 😋 #AYTO
@NUTSIOOO: Moe just shaved his back for you @KayCamUmagat. Watch out @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @KayCamUmagat: @NUTSIOOO I am so honored.
@JasmineeAndreaa: Tequila brings out the freak in me 🙈
@AREUTHE1: We picked Daniel up off the corner after he auditioned for Lion King on Broadway 🦁 #AYTO  (GIF of him in confessional wearing lion costume)
@Daniel_Vilk: KING of the Jungle 🦁 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: Zak better start doing some push-ups you WEAK boi! @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: 🥛 & 🍪? Who’s the milk & who’s the cookies?
@AREUTHE1: Conservative Cam is looking absolutely LIBERATED on the dance floor 💃 #AYTO  (GIF of him dancing)
@Daniel_Vilk: Zak but you pinky promised Morgan you wouldn’t kiss anyone! 🤥 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Kenyaa_NOT: This is why I fucking love Cali, girl doesn’t give a FUCK. Get it mama! #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Tomas you let Zak do that bro 😂
@zakmarkjones: Just RKO’d her so hard @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Couturesworld: Dawg morgan came in there like OHHHHHHHH SO CALI’S WHAT YOU NEED NOT ME?!??? @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: I’m the trophy!
@AREUTHE1: Looks like Andrew is Team Cali 🌀👀 #AYTO  (GIF of him)
@RamBamSam16: Yes @moemfletch POP
@JasmineeAndreaa: Yes! Cali was my twerk partner!!!
@moemfletch: HMMM?
@MTVbrettski: Shit, if I knew body slamming Cali was the way to her heart maybe I would’ve switched up my play earlier #ayto
@AREUTHE1: Y'all this is basically Dirty Dancing 😭 #AYTO  (GIF: Daniel to Jasmine - "I'm going to throw you, ready?")
- @caliraeofficial: @AREUTHE1 Omg I’m dead
@LuvBenzoGrande: @Couturesworld when he saw Cali dancing 😂💀 #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: Wow zak that Dad bod couldn’t handle that marching band buton twirl you tried to do with cali😂
@AREUTHE1: *pretends to be shocked* 😱 #AYTO  (GIF: Morgan - "Zak's being an ass____.")
@Couturesworld: Zak just body slammed Cali 😭😂 @zakmarkjones @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @zakmarkjones: @Couturesworld when she says she likes it rough
@JasmineeAndreaa: Take a shot for everytime zak tells a girl “we could be a match” this season
@eestellaluna: Also, smh Cali for saying you’re Sam’s best friend and also saying your potential match is her main boo 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ #AYTO
@KayCamUmagat: MORGAN. YES! #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: Oooooouuuu tell em Morgan!
@Urge2Pose: Jasmine 😋  🥛 and 🍪
@Daniel_Vilk: Who loves my cute lion tail 🦁 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: I was really throwing that shit back on Kwas🤪
@Kenyaa_NOT: The way we’re drunk at this party ya’ll...absolutely ridiculous
@briakristaaal: Okay but at this party I was SMASHED within like .5 seconds @AREUTHE1
@cam_viney: This is my element. That’s all I’m saying. #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Lmfaooo i hate Cam 😂
@Daniel_Vilk: Damn @JasmineeAndreaa that thang jiggles! 🍑 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Kaylonilovee: LET’S GO CAM 💃🏽💃🏽
@Daniel_Vilk: 😂🤣 Cam UNLEASHED 🕺  @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@RamBamSam16: @Kaylonilovee comments about @cam_viney are giving me life LOL
@Urge2Pose: Cam got the best dance moves for techno 😂
@Urge2Pose: Aight Cali 😏
@briakristaaal: Lets go CAAAAAAAM 🗣🗣
@JasmineeAndreaa: Lewis is like “ayo Rapunzel let down yo weave”
@Couturesworld: Zak: “I’m gonna throw you” Cali: “ sure?” Zak:   @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@MTVbrettski: What y’all don’t see is Cam asking us to play avicii 900 times #ayto
@Urge2Pose: Zak need to hit the gym 😂
@tylersemicolon: Morgan popping up on Zak like: #AYTO
@RamBamSam16: This party was a bad idea
@AREUTHE1: It's not delivery... #AYTO  (GIF: Jasmine - "It's me, bitch")
@TevG27: I finally get to go on a date🙌🏾 took long enough🙄 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO7 #AYTO
@RamBamSam16: @zakmarkjones really showing off that dad bod by throwing Cali to the ground lol
- @zakmarkjones: @RamBamSam16 “I’m gonna throw you”  *throws her
@Couturesworld: Nutsa: “LoVe YoUrSeLf biiiiiiiiiiiiitch” @NUTSIOOO @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Zak be spitting that game 😂
@tylersemicolon: Cam: I told you things I never told anyone else   Kayla: I know Donald trump roleplay is a little weird but I accepted you   #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Kayla can finally throw away the MAGA hat Cam gave her #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Morgan: don’t walk all over me   Also Morgan:  #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Everyone who watches #AYTO after Zak said he wouldn’t kiss anyone else in the house:
@tylersemicolon: Asking Danny to solve a scavenger hunt is like asking Snooki to solve a calculus equation #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Cam dances like Napoleon Dynamite if Napoleon was black and worshiped  Donald trump #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Cali jus excited cuz she finally found a dick that works #AYTO
@NUTSIOOO: love yoself, biiiiiiiitch!
@Urge2Pose: Nutsa toughhhhh !!!
@Daniel_Vilk: I love Nutsa giving life advice while shaking that booty on Lewis 👌@AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Couturesworld: Nutsa:  *stops twerking*  *...,gives relationship advice*  *resumes twerking*  @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: Nutsa speaking straight FACTS❗️
@briakristaaal: "@1017linna: So am I the only one who seen @briakristaaal and Morgan dancing together 🤨" RT @moemfletch 👀👀 “everytime I drink, you drink, deal?”
- @moemfletch: @briakristaaal Lmao we were coolin hard af 😂💓✨
@JasmineeAndreaa: Morgan’s vibes with this zak fight gives me life👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@RamBamSam16: Slap him for all of us @moemfletch !!!!
@Urge2Pose: Cali didn’t just say you know he’s a dick 😂
@Urge2Pose: Lmfaoooo tell em Nuutss 😂
@Couturesworld: Morgan you’ve been saying your match wouldn’t treat you like this to Zak for the past 6 weeks 😭 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Cali 👏🏾
@MTVbrettski: I’m Nutsa.... welcome to my Ted Talk #ayto
@AREUTHE1: Preach, girl 🗣 #AYTO  (GIF: Nutsa - "Love yourself, bitch!")
- @JasmineeAndreaa: @AREUTHE1 Why Lewis look like he at the 8th grade dance Happy he’s getting a dance from a girl 😂
@JasmineeAndreaa: Did anyone peep Kenya and me dancing 👀
@Urge2Pose: Oh shit “Moe what are you doing to me”
@Kenyaa_NOT: Kayla when Moe said he’s feeling her
@AREUTHE1: Paws off, Zak. #AYTO  (GIF of Morgan slapping him on the arm)
- @KayCamUmagat: @AREUTHE1 This is my favorite gif. @moemfletch
- @zakmarkjones: @AREUTHE1 that was honestly so hot
@Daniel_Vilk: Moe is great he said I like you so you better like me @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: 😂 Moe too soon bro 😭 she still likes Cam a lot
@KayCamUmagat: I’m so proud of you @moemfletch 😌 #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: Me and Cali are PLUR 💚🔊 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Danny don’t get in trouble broo 😂
@AREUTHE1: Moe's feeling a little horny tonight 😈 #AYTO  (GIF: "I'm feeling you.")
- @kareem_fathalla: @AREUTHE1 Im crying 😂😂 this is perfect
@Daniel_Vilk: See that’s how you carry a girl Zak and NOT drop her 💪🏼 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@RamBamSam16: 😑😑😑😑 bruh
@JasmineeAndreaa: Oh god, I’m glad they didn’t show alll of me and Kwasi’s dance moves because I’d have to put parental control locks for my parents TV’s
@Lewdo2muc68: Nutsa got me lookin hella big lol I love it
@Urge2Pose: Aww Lewis
@lroush95: I watch @cam_viney bust these dance moves out at @JoeMamasMotown EVERY WEEKEND #myfavorite
@KayCamUmagat: I’m sorry, Moe. I just need a little more time to gather my thoughts. #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: @caliraeofficial is a great dancer 🕺💃 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Kenyaa_NOT: “U look so cute and u got that ass out” Lew comforting someone
@zakmarkjones: Damn we were passing her around like an STD that night @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Danny you just was in the boom boom room with Sam bro 🤦🏾‍♂️ you whyling
@AREUTHE1: I'm LIVING for this commentary by Asia and Andrew 🎙 #AYTO  (GIF: her - "Danny's gonna be in trouble tonight")
- @Kaylonilovee: @AREUTHE1 had the DJ been playing some slaps, I would’ve been dancing my ass off too 🙄
@MTVbrettski: Contrary to popular belief watching this party.... MTV did NOT give us drugs #ayto
@NUTSIOOO: Moe flirting: I got you water! Kayla: o!
@Daniel_Vilk: @RamBamSam16 with those HAWK eyes🦅 I’m def going extinct ☠️ @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@RamBamSam16: @briakristaaal helping me meanwhile I channeled her inner crazy lol
@JasmineeAndreaa: Sitting back and watching the drama like...
@TevG27: @Daniel_Vilk was really gettin it👀 go ahead Dani boiiii 👏🏽👏🏽😂 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Couturesworld: Bria gives the best pep talks @briakristaaal @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Don’t cry Sam 😔
@Daniel_Vilk: Tequila makes a man do a lot of crazy things @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Sam: He's rubbing his d*ck all over her! His sweaty, sweaty... I'm sorry, can you repeat the question? 😅 #AYTO  (GIF: "He's rubbing his d___ on his ass")
@JasmineeAndreaa: This is exactly why Sams a bitch bc guys do this to her 😩
@KayCamUmagat: @Lewdo2much is, again, such a good friend to Sam 😌 #AYTO
@Couturesworld: “I know where you live bitch” hahahaha we all live in the same house duhhhhhh @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Mood 😤 #AYTO  (GIF: Sam - "It's just better for me to just hate everybody")
@Daniel_Vilk: DON’T go back to the Ice Queen Sam 🧝‍♀️ @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: I know where you fcking live bitch 😂
@RamBamSam16: I’m still so hurt by this
@briakristaaal: Don’t I give the best pep talks?? “STOP FUCKING CRYING YOURE A BOSS ASS BITCH”
- @Kenyaa_NOT: @briakristaaal THIS IS WHY YOURE MY BFF!!!!! The realest❤️Kenya
@KayCamUmagat: “It’s just better for me to hate everybody.” 😢 #AYTO
@lroush95: @moemfletch Love u too ❤️‏
@Daniel_Vilk: Don’t cry Samantha ☹️ @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Silverl76236313: #ayto Sam....u went wrong when you got advice from Bria... the crazy don jumped right outta her and into u
@challenge_mct: I need Bria to be my hype girl for every situation in my life... #ayto @briakristaaal
@shanekiamoenaey: @JasmineeAndreaa i see you! #ayto
@AREUTHE1: Who do you think is right in this situation? 🤔 #AYTO
- @Lewdo2much: @AREUTHE1 Team Sam
@LuvBenzoGrande: @briakristaaal "you're a boss ass bitch and you're not going to let people see a tear drop from your eye" OK WE ALL NEED A FRIEND LIKE BRIA IN OUR LIVES 🗣👏 #AYTO
@ImperfectPert: Kwasi and Jasmine... I’m here for it!!! #AYTO
@Yup_ImBreBre: Kwasi and Jasmine😍 #AYTO
@nikkilauretta: LOVEEEE this scene with @briakristaaal 💖 #womensupportingwomen
@moemfletch: Can we see cam dance again
- @KayCamUmagat: @moemfletch Please? #AYTO
@RamBamSam16: @briakristaaal thanks for having my back and reminding me exactly who I am. A FUCKING BOSS
@TevG27: Wait how’d I get in the mix👀🙊 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: OOP! 👀 #AYTO   (GIF: "I know where you f___ing live, bitch!")
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @AREUTHE1 She’s a fuckinnnnn bosssssssss. Yasss girl!!!! 🔥 #AYTO
@_Kallyy: everyone needs a @briakristaaal in their life to let them know they’re boss ass bitches
@Daniel_Vilk: Teddy Bear Security came RIGHT to the rescue!!! 🚨 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@findura_4: I'm just over here waiting for Kenya to lose her shit over Jasmine and Tevin #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: Had to be the big lion I am🦁 and carry away @RamBamSam16 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@kareem_fathalla: When @briakristaaal talks you respond YES COACH!! #AYTO
@JasmineeAndreaa: Sam really quoted Kevin Hart. “No titty no nipple having ass bitch “
@Kenyaa_NOT: “I’m gonna go eat a popcorn shrimp, BYE👋🏽” LMFAOOO Cali is a whole mood! #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Dam Sam ! 😂
@MTVbrettski: Meanwhile at the party.... I’m laying Nutsa on the ground like we’re solo in a locked room #ayto
@Daniel_Vilk: The face when you know you fucked up @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: 🤦🏾‍♂️ un cuffable
@JasmineeAndreaa: “I’m going to go eat popcorn shrimp. bye” - ICONIC
@allrealitychat: Cali is UNBOTHERED. I'M FUCKING WEAK! #AYTO
@moemfletch: Why was @KayCamUmagat in the background like that lmao
@zakmarkjones: Can someone tell me what Kayla was doing just standing there behind Danny and Sam??? @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @KayCamUmagat: @zakmarkjones I was looking at the aerialist! 😂
@MTVbrettski: Breaking News from Sam.... apparently Cali has no nipples #ayto
@Daniel_Vilk: I know how to make a person smile again 😁 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Morgan: don’t walk all over me  Also Morgan:  #AYTO
- @moemfletch: @tylersemicolon Dis tru lol
@JasmineeAndreaa: Tev why you trying to drag me back into the drama🙃
@briakristaaal: “I’m gonna go eat a popcorn shrimp, bye.” @caliraeofficial is my entire mood @AREUTHE1
@Kenyaa_NOT: “Can u tell me what he says about me” 😩 LMFAOO ALL OF US IN 6th GRADE #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Aye Tev i didn’t know this was going on 👀
@MTVbrettski: Danny rethinking his actions rn #ayto
- @Urge2Pose: @Kenyaa_NOT 😂😂😂
@Urge2Pose: Kenya beat Tevin’s asss 👏🏾
@RamBamSam16: I guess when I’m drunk I like to quote ppl lol
@moemfletch: Will my energy towards Zak last more than 10 minutes????? Probs not #datingpushover #doingmybest
- @KayCamUmagat: @moemfletch I WAS LOOKING AT THE AERIALIST. 😂
@Kenyaa_NOT: LMAOOOOO ok now that THAT is over..😅
@MTVbrettski: I have a confession Ken.... I had the spins BIG TIME during our talk #ayto
@Daniel_Vilk: She L😍😍😍😍VES HIM @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @Daniel_Vilk @RamBamSam16 we love a king of the jungle #AYTO
@RamBamSam16: Coincidence that I quoted a comedian?? @Lewdo2much 🤨
@KayCamUmagat: She said she loves him! So cute! ❤️ #AYTO
- @zakmarkjones: @KayCamUmagat I was so confused😂
@LuvBenzoGrande: @MTVbrettski is the sweetest guy ever ❤ I love that he was there for Kenya when she needed him #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: OOP the L-bomb coming out! 💣 #AYTO  (GIF: "I love him.")
@MTVbrettski: Alexa - play “I’ll be there for you” by Bon Jovi   @Kenyaa_NOT #ayto
- @Kenyaa_NOT: @MTVbrettski I owe u my life, watching that back is cringe
@KayCamUmagat: I love Kenya’s and Brett’s friendship too. #AYTO
@moemfletch: Kenya and Tevin >>>>> anyone else
@Lizzy101235: @MTVbrettski is such a sweetheart in comforting @Kenyaa_NOT ♥️ #AYTO7 #AYTO
@briakristaaal: @MTVbrettski I thought this said “the shits” at first glance 💀💀💀
- @MTVbrettski: @briakristaaal That too 🤫
@Couturesworld: Anyone see me putting ranch dressing on my egg whites 🍳😭💀 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @Couturesworld i see everything #AYTO
- @KayCamUmagat: @Couturesworld 🤮🤮🤮
@JasmineeAndreaa: I did nothing wrong and still ppl are pressed 😂
@RamBamSam16: I gotta start wearing makeup in these confessions
@Couturesworld: If @lroush95 and I were on this date 👀🙌🏽💁🏼‍♀️🙋🏻‍♂️ @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@lroush95: The scene y’all actually wanted to see... @caliraeofficial #ayto
@briakristaaal: Why did I have that pillow balanced on my forehead??? :///
@RamBamSam16: I love how they didn’t show me handing it to @Daniel_Vilk for a good two hours before I forgave him
@JasmineeAndreaa: In cali’s defense she was just having fun she even got with me... still the best kiss I ever had 💋
@MTVbrettski: Miraculously.... none of us were hungover the next morning..... and I can understand every word Tomas is saying. And Bria and Zak could be a match #ayto
@Couturesworld: Kwasi on this date like... @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@briakristaaal: @Urge2Pose had to carry me to the couch after that party bc I passed out on the bench in the backyard 😭😭 a real one #unseenfootage
- @Urge2Pose: @briakristaaal 😂 big facts ❤️ gotchu
@Urge2Pose: I don’t loose broooo
@JasmineeAndreaa: I legit was talking about Kwasi to Tev 🤷🏽‍♀️
@Urge2Pose: I’m a winner 🏆😌
@caliraeofficial: Getting tons of messages saying how revolting and disgusting I am. I’m a whore and need mental help. I was dancing with one of my friends in the house. I was prompted to say what I said about Danny. And I am not the only person who danced with him.
@Couturesworld: Logically we should keep Tevin and Kenya as a beam and not risk a $500,000 blackout @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @Urge2Pose: @Couturesworld @AREUTHE1 😂 that was @moemfletch 😂 she was in the back the whole time 😂
- @Urge2Pose: @moemfletch @Couturesworld @AREUTHE1 😂 sorry
@JasmineeAndreaa: I wish I was on that date with @Urge2Pose 😩
@AREUTHE1: It's Mr. Steal Yo Girl 👋 #AYTO  (GIF of Kwasi)
@briakristaaal: Wait, @caliraeofficial you like girls when you’re drunk?? Wanna get drunk together?? 👀
@Urge2Pose: Oooh Asia smart
@allrealitychat: NOW before everybody start their bullshit  Kenya and Tevin had OFFICIALLY established that they were rocking w/ each other frfr a couples episodes ago, Kenya has been faithful and Tevin ass knew goin and talking w/ Jasmine NOW would fuck w/ Ken.  So don't come for Kenya #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: Shirtless boyzzz @Couturesworld 💪🏼💪🏼 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@RamBamSam16: I’ll rip your dick off @Daniel_Vilk
- @Daniel_Vilk: @RamBamSam16 Yeee ok that never happened
@AREUTHE1: Would you send in Tevin and Kenya, or be confident they're a match and save the Truth Booth for someone else? 🤔 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Bad Bossy Classy 💜
@JasmineeAndreaa: Kenya & Tevin.... I respect that🤞🏽
@cam_viney: @Couturesworld @AREUTHE1 Your honor, I object on the grounds that this is the most asinine proposal I’ve ever heard. 🤦🏽‍♂️
@HalimaJay: I need a friend like @briakristaaal when I’m drunk and in my feelings to remind me who tf I am. #AreYouTheOne
@TevG27: Is @Kenyaa_NOT my match what y’all think??
@AREUTHE1: Tevin to his mom: Hi, mom! Kenya to Tevin: Who tf is that b*tch!?  (GIF: her - "Sometimes you're too friendly")
@MTVbrettski: Bittersweet mane.... trynna see us get this perfect match but I don’t want two great friends to leave #ayto
@KayCamUmagat: #TEAMKEVIN 😍❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💕❣️💞💓💗💖💘💝 #AYTO
@Daniel_Vilk: Damn no date #2 of Kwasi n Morgan where Kwasi talks about his “King” again 😂 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @moemfletch: @Daniel_Vilk I wish it happened too ):
@AREUTHE1: Call in the "Loyal Navy!" We ship 🚢 #AYTO  (GIF of Tevin and Kenya kissing)
@Fshitup_allyNKH: Tevin is a dick. Why are you talking to Jasmine about her FUCKING with kwasi ? #AYTO
@ERIEbodyLOVESme: was kwasi sleeping with jasmine? #AYTO
@Lewdo2much: It’s too early for a BS strategy lol
@Daniel_Vilk: I like watching Tevin and Kenya @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@supthosteph: "If you're so scared to lose, you'll never win... and that's in life" - @Lewdo2much 🙌🏾
@Lewdo2much: Tevin never been no damn playa lol smh
@moemfletch: Can I just say that @caliraeofficial is the best kisser in the house. That is all.
@JasmineeAndreaa: Despite our differences I had Kenya’s back that night. She was drunk af and I carried her to the toilet and helped her throw up and fed her pedialyte when no one else helped her. I have feelings too so let’s not make me out to be this horrible person.
@kareem_fathalla: Fuck if they a match or not, WHO was in the McLaren Terrence !? #AYTO
- @briakristaaal: @kareem_fathalla The questions that need answers ‼️
@Kenyaa_NOT: 🤞🏽🤞🏽🤞🏽
@Lewdo2much: When Andrew speak
@KayCamUmagat: IS IT A MATCH?! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Do you think they'r a perfect match!? 😱 #AYTO  (GIF of Kenya and Tevin in Truth Booth)
@Urge2Pose: Wtf did i just say ? 😐
@Daniel_Vilk: Always have optimism! 🙏
- @moemfletch: @Daniel_Vilk @AREUTHE1 SMH
- @moemfletch: @Kenyaa_NOT The CRUELEST
@Kenyaa_NOT: What y’all think?! @TevG27
@Couturesworld: ANOTHER episode of them not showing the cute little romantic ass dates I took two girls on... smh 🙃 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
- @BDavisPSawyer23: @Couturesworld can u guys show this stuff and not zak likeeeee we don’t care about someone who just wants ass hahahah #ayto
@moemfletch: “SAY IM NOT DICKMATIZED” @zakmarkjones
@Urge2Pose: Oh next episode bouta be interesting!!!!! #Ayto
@JasmineeAndreaa: I got played & now I’m out here playing them to try and protect my heart😅
@shaynb24: I only come here for @tylersemicolon tweets on Wednesday nights 😂😂😂
@tylersemicolon: Morgan standing up for herself? Are cows flying? Is the sky falling? #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Moe: I’m feelin you   Kayla: ...   Moe: ...   Kayla: ...   Moe: ...   Kayla: ...   Moe: hello?   Kayla: sry I jus threw up in my mouth   #AYTO
@ieshadear: @tylersemicolon sir i’m following: no one’s #AYTO commentary is comparable
@tylersemicolon: Slow motion footage of Cali this episode #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Watch Bria tell people to get their shit together is like watching someone make a peanut butter and ketchup sandwich it jus don’t look right #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Sam’s new nickname is Sherlock homes after figuring out after 8 weeks that Cali, does in fact, live with her  #AYTO
@efriebs: @tylersemicolon still having the best tweets week after week is the best thing to come from the ayto franchise #ayto
@tylersemicolon: Sam: “no nipple ass bitch”  Me:  #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Everybody in the world after Kenya said she loves a person she met a month ago:  #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Kenya: I love Tevin because after he has sex with other girls he always apologizes   #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: I’m not a fortune teller but Tevin and Kenya’s “future together” probably only lasted about 24 hours after they left Hawaii   #AYTO
@MTVbrettski: I know what happens and I still hate this cliffhanger #ayto
@AREUTHE1: Next time on #AYTO, Jasmine is making MOVES 👀
- @JasmineeAndreaa: @AREUTHE1 Its week 9 I’m trying to catch up... gosh🙄
- @Kenyaa_NOT: @JasmineeAndreaa ..AND we made out🤷🏽‍♀️
- @JasmineeAndreaa: @Kenyaa_NOT Now that would have been good TV 😂
@BBstanatic: Nutsa’s motivational speech mid twerk is everything #AYTO
@briakristaaal: Are Tevin and Kenya a match?? FIND OUT NEXT WEEK🤪🤪
@KayCamUmagat: That preview 😮 #AYTO
@Urge2Pose: Oh next episode bouta be interesting!!!!! #Ayto
- @Kaylonilovee: @Urge2Pose 👀👀👀
@Urge2Pose: Ima bouta get tight 🤦🏾‍♂️

@AREUTHE1: They've been A1 since day 1, but are they a Perfect Match? 🤔 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Terrence threw the house a party, and all hell broke loose. Also, Tevin and Kenya were sent to the Truth Booth 🙏 Rewatch last night's episode of #AYTO NOW! Link ⬇️
@angelababicz: Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...
@jossie_flores: You missed me ? 😜😎
- @DayDaVonne_: @jossie_flores 🗣 HE’S BACK !!!!!!
@jossie_flores: All I’m saying that ppl better come correct at @DayDaVonne_ @angelababicz @NataliaNegrotti @PaulCalafiore_ because I’m in a very petty mood oh so petty ...  P.s That’s All💅🏽
@jossie_flores: Hmmm it’s almost that time to check some ppl 💁🏽‍♂️😎..... I’m back bitches hahaahahahahahahahahhahahaahhaahhahahahhabahahahahhahahah ....
@BionicBrooks_: I’m back and I’m better.
@00Hitsdiidii: I’m back like I never left😉
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Samantha yasssss
@ItsAll_AboutTee: These dance moves republican is doing I’m HOLLERING😂😂
@ItsAll_AboutTee: What are these dance moves 😂 I’ve had to rewind this tv 7 times I cannot 😂😂😂😂😂😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Come on fate button and pick Kenya 😩
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Bruh mtv is about to cut this shit off before we find out if they a match or not and I’m about to be PISSED.
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Yassssss Kenya and Tevin going to the booth !
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Ugh y’all get in my nerves . ARE THEY A MATCH OR NOT DAAAAMMMNN 😩😩 @MTV @AREUTHE1
@MTV_AMANDAG: Omfgggggg is it the FATE button or the FAKE button?!? At this point just let them choose their dates so it doesn’t look as rigged! Jesussssss. 🤦🏻‍♀️ #AYTO
@MTV_AMANDAG: Omg I love Kenya and Tevin 😩 if they aren’t a match this show is CANCELLED!!!!!! #AYTO
@MTV_AMANDAG: If they “to be continued” our asses I’m gunna fuckin flippppppppp!!!! Omgggggg🤬  #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: @MTVbrettski dont rub it it #AYTO
@briakristaaal: Me in tonight’s episode @AREUTHE1
@ThatMusicGeek1: Aw Kenya so upset right now I feel so bad but Brett right there helping her out and comforting her is so sweet ❤️ #AYTO #AYTO7
@alinatalks2much: Brett is a GREAT friend. Good job 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 this is a real bro!! Tevin make sure he’s your best man #AYTO
@relica85: Brett is the MVP for this #AYTO
@DEKEDAISY: calis always drunk and high af glad i stopped stanning her after the brett incident #ayto
@mostlybts: Brett looks like an 80s heartthrob  #AYTO
@ThatMusicGeek1: Friend goals Nutsa, Brett, and Bria giving the best kind of advice and help when needed to people 👏🏻 #AYTO #AYTO7
@mariae296: Me watching the fairtale party after I snuck away from my honeymoon suit #ayto7
@Fshitup_allyNKH: Nutsa AND Jasmine ARE the best #AYTO
@Sincerely_Rosey: Bruh if Kenya would've just asked Tevin what they were talking about she would've just known they were talking about how Jasmine was feeling Kwasi 😂 sis that's ya man c'mon now #AYTO
@CohenBrian_: If aliens come to earth and need to see what life is like to determine our survival I’d be proud to show them AYTO season 7. #AYTO
@Couturesworld: are you today’s date cause you’re a 10/10
@cam_viney: At the end of the day I have nothing but love and respect for the entire #AYTO Season 7 cast. You’ve got to have thick skin to go on a show of this nature. Whether we were tight, fought, or never spoke, I’ll always back you up.
- @briakristaaal: @cam_viney I STAN!!!!
@zakmarkjones: @Kenyaa_NOT 😂😂😂😂 made it a whole 2 hours.  #personalrecord
@MTVbrettski: #ayto #ayto7 @mtv @AREUTHE1
- @MTVbrettski: @AREUTHE1 Walked straight outta Narnia
@danceislife22: The only thing I love more than Bria on #AYTO is @briakristaaal on twitter
@JasmineeAndreaa: "@cocolashay: Also, why does Tevin care what Jasmine is doing? Did I miss something? #AYTO" RT I was wondering the same thing 🤔
@RamBamSam16: My mom is the pop off queen
@xppandax: The sad thing is that Morgan is TOO PRETTY for Zak 😒 #ayto
@Kenyaa_NOT: Some of y’all on here talking about me drunk venting to Brett “I’m not buying this act” BITCH CUS ITS NOT FOR SALE. Acting like I’m tryna prove something to y’all, I’m drunk bitch🤣 fuck outta here & I DO LOVE THAT BOY, periodT.
@mm_mouse7: Moe said a lot of women don't understand his hospitality and the cultural aspect of it and I'm just like ... that sounds fine to me ❤ he seems super chill @MTV @AREUTHE1 #ayto #mtv
@mariae296: It's all about you, girl   On your 16th birthday   Pay attention to you, girl   Everyone has to do just what you say   You get your very own spotlight tonight   'Cause it's all about you   Yeah it's all about Pearl   You're the birthday girl
@AREUTHE1: Kayla has Moe feeling some type of way, but is sis feeling him? 🤔 #AYTO
@Kenyaa_NOT:  @briakristaaal BITCHHH HEKUS&3!7 SKSKSKSKSK🤣🤣🤣
@Kenyaa_NOT: @briakristaaal @AREUTHE1 LMAO A FACT❤️
@briakristaaal: Talkin’ that shit w ya back to me, just know it ALWAYS get back to me 🤪
@Couturesworld: if u wanna date n not break my heart hmu
@Kenyaa_NOT: I have too many funny captions for this
@RamBamSam16: I either wanna be Wonder Woman or an old lady for Halloween 🎃
@tomasbuenos1: Cali is an amazing person and all these hate is unwarranted. Editing is one hell of a tool. If y’all would’ve seen the things I did in Cancun 2015 y’all would’ve sent the fbi on my ass.

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

So, we know it isn't an AYTO season without it, and we had it there in Episode 11: the host throwing a nighttime party for the house, and it sees what happened with Tevin talking to Jasmine just before his date with Kenya that has seen them go from being close to now being apart... it may be moreso the case if Tev and Kenya are a match. We'll find out if that's the case come Wednesday.

When we return here, the week's main focus: the summer finale of Season 2 of Floribama Shore. Stay with us...


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