Sunday, October 7, 2018

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Final Reckoning - "The People vs Johnny Bananas"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

Well, hey there folks... are you fully recovered from a most eventful Saturday? We hope you are after we got to witness both in Las Vegas and in our nation's capital. And after a day's delay here we are at DCBLOG with the SocialPulse of The Challenge Final Reckoning... and by looking at how long it's been since it began just after the 4th of July and we're now into the serious business of the season, with the final and the $1 million to soon come over the horizon.
   Last week in South Africa, we all thought we had the moment of the season in elimination - but before that, Hunter hurled an insult of mentioning Ashley's family when she had her latest meltdown in the house, which may further deepen their team divide. As for that moment in Armageddon, Shane & Nelson made a bold power move when they opted against having an easy opponent by doubling down and choosing Brad & Kyle and winning handily. And in the week's challenge, the teams dealt with having to unlock themselves from a cage and running all the way to complete a puzzle, while that cage also had the answers to them.
   At night's end, it was Zach & Amanda who won their fourth daily challenge, and it looked on paper that they would be in the driver's seat to be in the final despite their disunity. But, as the saying goes "anything can happen," and this week they find themselves in the hardest spot of all: give in and work together or potentially face consequences as costly as any we might possibly see. That includes a joint plot by two resident cliques to get rid of this show's biggest name... and it leads to the most shocking battle in elimination of this regular season. And for the second time in twenty-four hours, the man who we pegged to have a big 2018 decides to crash the bash.

All the action, reaction and interaction from this week's episode is ahead for all of you just catching up or just wanting to relive it again while you watch it back over again... and you won't believe how everyone reacts to what might be the biggest shock so far this season. And on the day after many of you got to go out to see someone tie the knot near where you live, after the diary ExtraTime will trek to Music City USA as three Real World alums mark one of their own getting married.
   All of that is ahead on the Pulse of The Challenge 32. We're sorry we made you wait an extra day for it to come, but welcome on in... it's great to have you with us this Sunday Funday.

AS THEY SAW IT: "The People vs. Johnny Bananas" 
@ChallengeMTV: Walking into this new episode of #TheChallenge32 like 🔥🔥🔥 Tune into @MTV NOW to watch 👀
@TheMarkLong: Ready...Set....Go.......!!!! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@DayDaVonne_: Finally done answering those questions... well as many as I could anyway... go check out my AMA on my IG STORY
@DayDaVonne_: Oh look at that , it’s time for #TheChallenge32 🙃
@johnnybananas: Here we gooooooooooo! #TheChallenge32 #TeamBanony
@ChallengeMTV: Unless you're both OK with being Batman, Zach, you should never call Tony Robin. Just ask Bananas 🦇 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: "We're like Batman and Robin")
@johnnybananas: I'd like to welcome everybody including @MTV_NellyT to the Bananas Show 🍌📺 #thechallenge32 #TeamBanony #bananasvseveryone
@DayDaVonne_: That’s the hard part this season... you love one half of a team and hate the other half 😩 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: When Tony and Bananas can't convince people to vote against you 😂 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Shane)
@CaraMariaMTV: “WHAT ABOUT US?” -@kailah_casillas in the Vendettas flashback with arms open for a hug after we  fight to keep zach in the final- girl. Same. 🤣 @ChallengeMTV
- @kailah_casillas: @CaraMariaMTV Lol WHAT ARE WE, CHOP LIVER??? 😂
@Marie_TBD: Most important takeaway from this episode: eyebrows are everything. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@hbarfield13: Easy decision coming after Ashley and I for the other side. This is music to my ears ❤️ #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @hbarfield13 👀👀👀👀👀
@DayDaVonne_: Remember I told you guys Me and Johnny started talking game like 2 episodes ago ... the seed was planted at that time  #TheChallenge32
@NataliaNegrotti: When you wash dishes on tv. THANKS @ChallengeMTV @MTV for giving the world proof I was dishes 😜 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Kyle: F*ck you!  Paulie: No, f*ck you!  Daddy Brad: Guys, maybe if you take turns speaking, we can work this out!  (GIF of Kyle and Paulie fighting and Brad in between)
@WestonBergmann: When it comes to conflict resolution, no one is better than @BradFiorenza. BUT, he’s got his hands full in this redemption house. That’s some serious drama and shit talking. I’m here for it.
@DayDaVonne_: “Between you and Zach I’ll be hands on both of you” .....  I...
- @MTV: @DayDaVonne_ queen of any and all moods #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: STOP RAISING @BradFiorenza BLOOD PRESSURE GUYS!!!!!! 🤣 #TheChallenge32
- @BradFiorenza: @MTV_AMANDAG Seriously 🙄😂
@hbarfield13: I’m ready for an elimination at this point #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@CaraMariaMTV: "@torilhenry: @PaulCalafiore_ @ChallengeMTV and 2 others Here’s a hotter one " RT 👀 🔥 “i wish i was single going into this @ChallengeMTV so i could.......” - @PaulCalafiore_
@_The3rd: I love me some @DayDaVonne_ & @jossie_flores ! I feel like they’re more sided on the Cara and Johnny alliance #TheChallenge32 but Zach’s on that alliance also 🤣
@Lycia_BaBey: #TheChallenge32 all i know is if they do that whole weak ass lets throw @DayDaVonne_  in burn vote crap again  imma be pissed.
@ChallengeMTV: Paulie said he was going to come for Kyle's girl, and Kyle is responding in kind 😂 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: "I heard she's smokin' hot, so I might try and f___ her.")
@PaulCalafiore_: Well then..... #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: Don’t trust her @MTV_NellyT she’s a liar
@Marie_TBD: Read my recap tomorrow. @DayDaVonne_ I got you on the game cred @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
- @DayDaVonne_: @Marie_TBD ❤️
@ChallengeMTV: It's time for Jozea and Da'Vonne to pick a side 🤔 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: her - "We just made a deal with the Devil")
@ChallengeMTV: Me: I hate drama   Also me:  (GIF of Bananas watching from the window upstairs)
- @DayDaVonne_: @MTV_AMANDAG Lmaooo
@shannanity: they keep saying we are going to turn on each other but the LLs seem to be just fine turning on you 💅🏻
@Marie_TBD: Hahahah @MTVASHLEYBROOKE everyone in bar just laughed. “All 2 dollars?” Ripsssss cig @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@WestonBergmann: “All two dollars” - Ashley  Wes spits out his soda.
@ChallengeMTV: You're talking to the Queen of Mean 👑 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Amanda to Zach - "Why are you acting like a bad bitch? You ain't no bad bitch")
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all keep in mind Nelson didn’t lie ... he kept it 100 with me, so much so that he told me AFTER they got rid of Johnny and Tony we were next (while asking for my vote) 😴 #TheChallenge32
@caylensvega: I’m still not over the fact that @KyleCGShore hated @PaulCalafiore_ because he was jealous about Paul and @CaraMariaMTV friendship and everyone thought that was okay, but when cara expresses how she feels she’s being ridiculous #DoubleStandards
@NaNaNaNaMATMAN: Can I just say that no matter what anyone has to say about @DayDaVonne_ and @jossie_flores, they’ve played a hell of a game so far. They were targeted since day 1 and are still in. #TheChallengeFinalReckoning #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: Yeah @MTV_AMANDAG is the Spawn of Satan to a bunch of Douchebags who get off trashing woman - but to a friend - she’s won of the most loyal people in my entire life (too loyal - I could use less honestly LOL)
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @shannanity LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
@PaulCalafiore_: Everyone walking into this vote like...... #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariaMTV: 👀...... let me summarize this poolside argument for you guys. @ChallengeMTV @ZNichols15 @johnnybananas
@Marie_TBD: Amanda is a mood. @MTV_AMANDAG YOU AINT NO BAD BITCH!! @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@Freaky_Ryder: @DayDaVonne_  @jossie_flores  are faves!! I pray they go far #TheChallenge32
@NataliaNegrotti: How did Zach get a baby pineapple on his bed? I’m missing out on a lot of important things in the main house #thechallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: “I didn’t say for her to die”...... I said that cuz Zach and I had a talk about HER wishing and plotting actual death upon ME. #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: They aren’t showing bananas in joss’ ear all fuckin night at the bar BEGGIN him to vote his way. Hence why I was fed up with it. And wasted 🤣 #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariaMTV: House Alliances in case anyone needs clarification   The “NAME YOUR FRIEND GROUP” ALLIANCE: Nelson/shane, Hunter/Ashley, Joss/Sylvia  WILD CARDS: Jozea/Davonne  / The “NO ONE LIKES US” alliance: Johnny/ Tony, Cara/Marie   @ChallengeMTV
@WestonBergmann: Both Zach and Amanda are right. In their rationales, and their ability to stay loyal. I don’t see either of them caving. I’m here for it.
@MTV_AMANDAG: Zach wants to go with an alliance that’s hanging by a thread instead of go with a STRONG side that’s never cracked once. GOOD IDEA ZACH. NOT. #TheChallenge32
@LisaPasco1822: I haven’t laughed like that in a while watchin a live. Best Live ever @KendalSheppard and @ToriFiorenza are so hilarious 🤣. Love their friendship and how they became friends that is some #FriendshipGoals for@sure
@ChallengeMTV: The Lavender Ladies' master plan is in motion 😈 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Ashley)
@MTV_AMANDAG: At this point in the game. Zach has already threatened to me that he was going to quit. Multiple times. HE CONTINUOUSLY THREATENED THAT SO I WOULD GO HIS WAY. UNREAL. #TheChallenge32
@johnnybananas: For those of you wondering the answer is YES... Amanda is as awful in person as she is on television #SpawnOfSatan #TheChallenge32
@bindoniam: @DayDaVonne_ is playing this game so good! I'm so proud 👏🏽👏🏽 #TheChallenge32
@MarieCaraDfnder: Derrick just asked everyone if they think @MTV_AMANDAG is a bitch and @Marie_TBD was not about it. So she came to the front and made everyone here raise their hand if they have ever been a bitch then said STFU @DerrickMTV 😂😂#TheChallenge32 #ChallengeMania
@Shemari_12: I love how Ashley says @DayDaVonne_ hasn't talked game to her all season...girl, you've been here for like 2 episodes  #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: Okay Back Story - From the beginning of this show Zach knew his alliances and Amanda’s alliances were not in sync
@shannanity: So the plan between the two of us was to whittle down the outer edges never letting on we were working together with his Number 1s being Kyle and Brad... Not Tony. I told him I’d respect that until as a Team Nelson and I couldn’t Once Zach saw the group of us running the house and whittling away at a Bananas Numbers without letting on what was happening he started to freak. He wanted to be in control and he realized he wasn’t. He had to trust Amanda’s alliance with the LLs and he didn’t because Every alliance he’s been on has turn coated or he has. So he couldn’t understand that we were committed to him through Amanda until the end. After his and Amanda’s fight he came to me to try and save Tony. I refused. I told him he could vote however he wanted but the LLs weren’t Budging, he then gathered all the LLs without me and begged them to send in Cara Maria and Marie. I heard about it and absolutely refused. We were throwing in Tony and Bannanita and doing the dirty work for him, letting him keep his hands clean so that he had a secure spot To the final. And now you see his response ...
@ChallengeRewind: @DayDaVonne_ might be the underdog of the season. She’s getting better weekly at the competitions and now she’s starting to play politics? #TheChallenge32
@WestonBergmann: Da’Vonne and Jozea should go with Tony/Zach/Cara. If I was them I’d rather be fourth on that sketchy totem pole than fifth on the Lavender Ladies’ totem pole.
- @johnnybananas: @WestonBergmann Just when I thought you couldn't get any dumber, you go and say something like this... AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!!! #JozeaAllDay #lavenderlosers #TheChallenge32
@Lizchallenge_: Zach calling someone a whore i thought y’all said he changed? #TheChallenge32
@johnnybananas: And that's how you tie a vote 😂🤣 #TheChallenge32 #TeamBanony
@hbarfield13: This episode has really shown me a lot about trust and honesty. I needed to see this 👍 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@ChallengeMTV: Now what? 🤔 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of lights flashing up)
@typicallyshook_: I love watching @DayDaVonne_ play these games. She needs her own tv show
@gobucks333: Damn I really wish @DayDaVonne_ and @MTV_AMANDAG weren't on different sides. I want them to work together soooo badd #TheChallenge32
@PaulCalafiore_: I’m sorry..... but if you didn’t get chills during that slow-mo walk down Zach just did..... then you have no right watching this show anymore #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Things just got interesting... 👀 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Zach - "We're going in," indicating him and Amanda can't come to agreement of who to put in and volunteer themselves into elimination)
- @NataliaNegrotti: @ChallengeMTV The moment I gained respect for @ZNichols15 #TheChallenge32
@johnnybananas: FULL MOTHERFUCKING SAVAGE @ZNichols15 #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: 🗣WATCH THIS BULLSHIT !!!!!  #TheChallenge32
@JedGallagher88: @DayDaVonne_ don't have to prove shit to ya vets, all this pick a side crap ugh ya be acting so entitled like she just a owes ya loyalty when ya don't even have her back beyond this one vote🙄
@iamkamiam_: That move 😂🙌🏽 #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariaMTV: Apparently @ZNichols15 thinks standing next to TJ in elimination is better than spending one more second next to the girl who verbally and obsessively attacked his girlfriend, who wished death on animals, who never stop comparing how many friends she has to others. @ChallengeMTV
@hbarfield13: Great job of politicking I can guarantee you this will not be soon forgotten #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@CaraMariaMTV: I mean. I stand with you @ZNichols15 .... but like not literally. Obviously. Fuck that elimination. 🤣🙌
@JennaCompono: Ohhh I’m proud of you 😍 @ZNichols15
@ChallengeMTV: Should Ashley & Hunter or Bananas & Tony step up and stop Zach & Amanda from going into Armageddon? 🤔 #TheChallenge32
@WestonBergmann: I have zero comments on that segment because nothing could possibly be added. That was the most amazing segment in the history of television. I’m here for it.
@MTV_AMANDAG: This is Zach punishing me for being strong, for being female and for having a better alliance than him and of course “the men!” He’d rather give up than work with a woman. That’s not a man - that’s a fucking child! 💯 #TheChallenge32
@BradFiorenza: WOW!!! 😮 that walk up to @tjlavin was epic @ZNichols15 #TheChallenge32
- @ChallengeMTV: @BradFiorenza @tjlavin @ZNichols15 Like a BOSS! #TheChallenge32
@MTV: @gobucks333 @DayDaVonne_ @MTV_AMANDAG that would be a dream team #TheChallenge32
@LaniJoy_25: It really is so nice and quite impressive to see @DayDaVonne_ & @jossie_flores playing such a strategic game on #TheChallenge32!! 👏🏼 Loving it!!
@CmOffender: @BradFiorenza has been on damage control duty all season #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning
@natxr4: @DayDaVonne_ and @jossie_flores that was awesome #FinalReckoning
@t_raines33: 🗣Savvvaaaagggggeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!! @ZNichols15 #TheChallenge32
@WestonBergmann: Damnnnn TJ, you’re so shady. I’m here for it.
@DayDaVonne_: I am tired ! This season stressed me out 😂😂
@ChallengeMTV: A MOOD 😱 #TheChallenge32
@JustJem24: @MTV_AMANDAG not wanting to walk down to TJ was literally me when my mama use to tell me to come get my whoopin.... #TheChallenge32
@hbarfield13: If you wouldn’t have said Ashley and I name you wouldn’t be sitting down there right now! Should have kept your word!
@johnnybananas: Hey @JennaCompono if things don't work out between you and @ZNichols15 send him my way! #TheChallenge32
- @JennaCompono: @johnnybananas Keep dreaming 😝
- @MTV: @johnnybananas @JennaCompono @ZNichols15 fully here for that relationship #TheChallenge32
- @JennaCompono: @MTV Hey he’s still mine!! 😂
@ChallengeMTV: BRING 'EM OUT BRING 'EM OUT BRING 'EM OUT! 🔥 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Devin and Cory emerging out as Mercenaries)
@johnnybananas: . @DayDaVonne_ is my spirit animal #TheChallenge32
- @DayDaVonne_: @johnnybananas ❤️✨
@MTV_AMANDAG: Ugh I’m so happy to see @MTVDevinWalker but not tonight NOOOOO 😩 #TheChallenge32
@LoveGators4ever: Of course they picked @DayDaVonne_  🙄 I’m so sick of them just putting her and Jozea in #TheChallenge32 And Shane needs to just shut up 🙄
@Marie_TBD: Cash it. @DayDaVonne_ #thechallenge32 @ChallengeMTV
@BossyCandyBarz: 🗣 YASSSSS @DayDaVonne_  !!!! #thechallenge32
@DontEndorseThis: @DayDaVonne_ is a FUCKING mood! Tell Ashley about herself. Yaaaaaassssss, girl. She ain’t have shit to say. #TheChallenge32
@emilyoshana: pop off queen! @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge32
@emilybettIotz: do not not not not come for @DayDaVonne_ ashley and hunter can dip no one likes y'all sit down #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: You can spin this any way you want but the reality is Amanda did not move, was in the midst of communicating in attempt to resolve the solution. Zach decided to “teach her a lesson” and throw them both in.  What is this lesson?
@shannanity: Toxic masculinity is a narrow description of manhood, designating manhood as defined by sex, status and aggression.
@shannanity: It’s the cultural ideal of manliness, where strength is everything while emotions are a weakness; where being a man is the yardstick of success. Listening and being lead by a female are the means by which your status as “man” can be taken away
@shannanity: The lesson here is that Amanda is less because she is not equal in Zach’s eyes, and our “alliance” and or “friendship” is not either because we are female and I am gay
@shannanity: I promise you if we were the right gender and sexual identity this would not have happened
@CharbarBishop: Ashley is more of a liar than anyone on this show, @DayDaVonne_ owes you NOTHING #TheChallenge32
@J_rome_12: I love you @DayDaVonne_ and proud of you #TheChallenge32
@NMyZ0N3: @DayDaVonne_ girl. This stressed me out. I feel u!
@Official_Dimari: Why tf does Zach and Amanda always choose @DayDaVonne_ and Jozea every time? It’s corny at this point.
@TonioSpeaks: @DayDaVonne_ @ChallengeMTV Girl that speech you gave, I need that on my mirror to look at everyday
@MTV_AMANDAG: EVERYONE (including production) thought I was gunna cave in and vote Ashley and Hunter. I refuse to go against my word. Period. #TheChallenge32
@johnnybananas: Office Body and Popcorn Muscles
@ChallengeMTV: Cory and Devin are coming into the game pretty late, so they have to win TWO eliminations to earn their place 👏 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: TJ Lavin - "They have to win both elimination rounds")
@JessTheWriter33: Y’all, @DayDaVonne_ is an A+ addition to the challenge. #TheChallenge #TheChallenge32
@WestonBergmann: Omg I’m melting right now. I don’t know how else to describe the jubilation I feel when Devin and Cory come out. I’m here for it.
@heyplaya: Damn.... why couldn't that mean @DayDaVonne_  was safe #TheChallenge32
@taylor43011: GO OFF MAMA DAY!!! @DayDaVonne_
@BMFluellen1: #TheChallenge32 When @DayDaVonne_ goes off, it's glorious!
@ChallengeMTV: Mama Day serving us all the iconic GIF realness we want and need 🙌 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: "F__ You Bitch," and making obscene gestures)
- @PLLAS_99: @ChallengeMTV @DayDaVonne_  A WHOLE MOOD👏🏾😂 Yes Mama Day didn’t come to Play😅🙃
@hbarfield13: TYB babyyyyy!!!! Wooooooh
@MTV: @PaulCalafiore_ I still have goosebumps #TheChallenge32
@DontEndorseThis: I had to rewind @DayDaVonne_ ranting six times! That shit was ddddeeeeeeppppp and I am here for it! Every damn syllable she enunciated.  #TheChallenege32
@kaithermans: QUEEEN @DayDaVonne_ PREACH TO THAT! #TheChallenege32
@shariischwimm: @DayDaVonne_ QUEEN SNAPPED YOU HAVE TO COME BACK FOR ANOTHER SEASON😭😭😭 #TheChallenge32
@JennaCompono: Win or lose you showed your loyalty and that shows the type of person you are ! So proud of you @ZNichols15
@maurojf24: @johnnybananas this just became the challenge: get rid of bananas 🍌🐐🤙 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Whose side are you on in this scenario? 🤔 #TheChallenge32
- @johnnybananas: @ChallengeMTV "Nobody likes you... You have no friends" 😂🤣 @MTV_AMANDAG
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV Damn that’s almost a bigger blow out than the poll she had involving Cara! Is Amanda now the most disliked Challenger ever? Let’s take a poll 🤣🤣🤣 #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: Imma need everyone who had a problem with my “Bitch” to keep the same energy OK
@brookcty: This is turning out to be a great season #TheChallenge32
@dramageek19: I love devin but why does he act like he's the only one that has sent bananas home? @CaraMariaMTV sent him home in bloodlines and @DerrickMTV sent home in dirty 30 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: "@vikkie: You sent YOURSELF in to save your homeboy? #TheChallenge32 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning" RT Loyalty, or stupidity? Time will tell... #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: That's going to leave a mark... 💥 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Zach's face getting hit by one of the tokens)
@shannanity: Remember when I threw a Challenge to stay out of an Elimination - well he just flat out walked and quit so keep the energy ✊🏻 On that bullshit TY
@Marie_TBD: They held @ZNichols15 for so long before he could do an interview. Shit was crazy. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: It's looking like Cory and Devin's time in South Africa might be cut short... 👀 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: "Goodbye, sweet prince")
@Iesbiansjesus: Honestly I see both sides of Zach and Amanda’s thing #TheChallenge32 but I hope it doesn’t fuck them over
@MTV_AMANDAG: We weren’t gunna vote in Joss and @SylviaMTV.  Wtf Zach is so stupid. THATS MY ALLIANCE. We had to go for Jozea and Day because everyone else was our FRIEND. It wasn’t cuz they were rookies. Nothing personal. #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: Before this even starts....How is this elimination fair for a girl/guy vs. a guy/guy team???? I’ll wait. #TheChallenge32
@Lizchallenge_: PREACH!!!! Amanda preach!!!!!!!!! Zach is a misogynistic man #TheChalleng32
@WestonBergmann: I’m at the edge of my god damn seat. I’m so here for it.
@DayDaVonne_: Lol you’re crazy if you thought I was gonna vote with the side of   1) the helmet   2) a bunch of people who didn’t even talk to me   3) the side of the person who told me STRAIGHT UP that after Johnny and Tony were gone I was next ...   #TheChallenge32
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ Do you, sis 👏 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: "@HTChallenge32: Zach: Tony will never vote me in   Also Tony:  #TheChallenge32 " RT Receipts... 👀 #TheChallenge32
@emilylongeretta: Me realizing tomorrow is only Wednesday #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: "@_NoHablaBS: 🖕🏽👇🏽👌🏽 who knew 3 hand gestures could hold so much power 😂 hell I even shut up 😂😂😂@DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenege32" RT Lmaoooo
@ChallengeMTV: ANOTHA ONE! #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Da'Vonne - "F___ y'all" with her flipping bird)
- @DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeMTV Lmaoooo 😂😂 I want this gif !!!
@ChallengeMTV: Zach and Amanda fall short in this elimination round! 😱 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Amanda falling down)
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all pay attention to which medallion AMANDA couldn’t knock off  #TheChallenge32
@PetwayTheGreat1: @DayDaVonne_  punked the dog shit out of @hbarfield13 and @MTVASHLEYBROOKE 😂😂😂😂.  Shut the fuck up!!! God I love my girl day!!!
@ChallengeMTV: So it wasn't a complete loss? 😅 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Zach - "Chicks dig battle scars")
- @BradFiorenza: @ChallengeMTV SAVAGE!!! 💥🚀💥 @ZNichols15 #TheChallenege32
- @KyleCGShore: @ChallengeMTV @ZNichols15 I Fucking love you 😂
@ChallengeMTV: I'M SCREAMING 😂💀 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Bananas - "They love me! They love me!")
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV When the LLs and TYBs Keep yelling that johnny is old news, washed up, not relevant etc but legit make everything they do revolve around @johnnybananas. And for having no friends he is STILL ALIVE BITCH! 🤣
- @ChallengeMTV: @CaraMariaMTV @johnnybananas Wound up! #TheChallenge32  (GIF of him)
- @johnnybananas: @CaraMariaMTV You're the only friend I need 👫
- @ChallengeMTV: @johnnybananas Her and those Hobbit feet #TheChallenge32
- @rloulu: @CaraMariaMTV @johnnybananas @ChallengeMTV When the day comes that, @johnnybananas & @CaraMariaMTV are no longer on the challenge...that is the day, I check myself into rehab.. why? Because they are & have been life... the haters can suck a cactus!
@shannanity: When Zach and Amanda were competing Johnny was dancing gleefully, he was so happy one of his biggest threats was gone. The LLs were devastated. Never in a million years would we have chosen this for her or Zach
@johnnybananas: Nobody loves me 😭 #TheChallenge32
@heyplaya: ok @DayDaVonne_  please win this Armageddon!! #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Hey Day, is it Cory and Devin? 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge32
@MTV_AMANDAG: Did anyone see how much that medallion was moving. Interesting how it never came off. 🧐 #TheChallenge32
@WestonBergmann: I’m so here for Cara’s eye roll 🙄
@ChallengeMTV: Me watching this elimination 😱 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Marie and Cara watching)
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaooo why is the “go to” always “YOU DONT HAVE FRIENDS” .... 😂😂😂😂😂
@MTV_AMANDAG: The only “lesson I learned” is that Zach has 0 respect for women, has 0 intelligence when it comes to this game and that he obviously cares more about punishing a woman for being strong than WINNING A MILLION DOLLARS. #TheChallenge32
@TwizleyGold_: @DayDaVonne_ is such great TV. she is just a walking meme i love her!! 😭😭💜💜🥳💜😊 QUEEN SLAYVONNE! #TheChallenge32
@Freaky_Ryder: Ashley tread lightly sis...u just got in the house!! only thing you did was give a lil head!! you dnt want it with @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariaMTV: Sooo the “friends” of the two teams being fought over have zero intention of coming down on their own. We just watching it happen🤣 @ChallengeMTV
@PaulCalafiore_: When @DayDaVonne_ points when she snaps...... that’s when you know she ain’t playing..... trust me, I would know 😂🤣 #TheChallenge32
@MarieCaraDfnder: Lol Zach legit broke is nose and doesn't even care. Just like w.e just get me away from Amanda. #TheChallenge32
@PaulCalafiore_: But are you living on a prayer @CaraMariaMTV ?! #TheChallenge32
@NataliaNegrotti: I love when my bestie @jossie_flores is on my tv screen #thechallenge32
@shannanity: Johnny is the greatest player in the game - he and his partner convinced Zach, their biggest threat to a million dollars, to throw himself in by constantly shit talking Amanda every second of every day. Instead of listening to them call Amanda “evil, the spawn of satan” etc
@shannanity: He could have seen her heart and her ability to get him to the end. Unfortunately HE GOT PLAYED BY TONY AND BANNANAS LOL embarrassing
@johnnybananas: Jozea all DAY!!! 🕺 @jossie_flores #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariatea3: “Whatever happens, We go in and we fight” - Cara  WHEW! A COMPETITOR!  #TheChallenge32
@WestonBergmann: Let’s be honest with ourselves here...Devin is so sexy when he wins. There. I said it. I’m here for it.
- @MTVDevinWalker: @WestonBergmann 😂lookin like a whole snack
@KatieDD: I just saw @BradFiorenza blink for the first time and it was weird.
@lisachron81: @BradFiorenza hasn’t been able to catch a break all season. He deserves a win after all this!!! #FinalReckoning
@Jhasegawa25: I love that @jossie_flores and @DayDaVonne_ are not going down without a fight They’ve come a long way from BB #TheChallenge32
@ViriGaxi_bp: @MTV_AMANDAG Girl you are the “villain” in this show, everyone is going to hate you even if you are right. Zach has always talked down to women and he couldn’t stand you having any control! Thank you for standing your ground and not letting him walk all over you like everyone has!!
@modestvixen: I'm hormonal as hell but I'm legitimately over here screaming at my TV for @DayDaVonne_ ....Lady you know I love you dealing with this anxiety rooting you on! (And I swore I'd never cheer for Jozea yet here we are 😂) #TheChallenge32
@IamkingLance: @DayDaVonne_  and @jossie_flores  has really proved themselves on the challenge honestly no matter the outcome of this Armageddon they are top tier players ❕‼️
@B_cariA: This elimination has me shookkkk!🤯 #TheChallenge32
@PaulCalafiore_: @DayDaVonne_ Hmmmmm...... the same one it seems.......
- @DayDaVonne_: @PaulCalafiore_ How convenient 😴
@JacksonG_22: @DayDaVonne_ You looking badass with that music in the background and you jumping on that rope 😩💪🏼
@CaraMariaMTV: Ding dong the witch is gone. @ChallengeMTV
@DayDaVonne_: I was over it ... the clique shit was too much. Don’t try to talk to me because you need my vote..  I’m good love,  enjoy 😴
- @Sha_boogi3: @DayDaVonne_ Whew. Don’t do another damn challenge because you got me ready to fight. Sit your ass at home!
@Iiveviction: @DayDaVonne_ & @jossie_flores always gave every elim and every daily their all <3 the more they competed the better they got..... every elim(redemption challenge) they either won or they were seconds from winning
@ChallengeMTV: Stick a fork in this one, it's done! 🎉 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Lavender Ladies embracing Cory after they win elimination)
@ChallengeMTV: When you realize you're on the wrong side of the numbers in the house 😅 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Tony)
- @johnnybananas: @ChallengeMTV Quality > Quantity
@DwayneJay: ...I don't care what ANYBODY says, @DayDaVonne_ and @jossie_flores are the hardest working team this season. They've been busting their asses literally since the BEGINNING!! Respect my faves dammit! #TheChallenge32
@SimoneSezzz: @DayDaVonne_ And where was her “friends” when she was being forced to go in?! Smh
@MarieCaraDfnder: @DayDaVonne_ and @jossie_flores may  be rookies but they are ALL heart. #TheChallenge32 Great job!
@ChaleWaves: LET'S GOOOOOOO @MTVCoryWharton @MTVDevinWalker #TheChallenge32 #TheChallegeFinalReckoning
@ChallengeMTV: Now Zach is also going to be in the Redemption House with Kyle and Paulie? LET'S GOOO! #TheChallenge32  (GIF of him reacting)
@hbarfield13: TYB all three together back in the game it’s time to make some moves 😈 #thechallengefinalreckoning
@MTV_AMANDAG: I love @MTVDevinWalker like a brother and there’s no one else I would want to lose to. GO IN AND FUCK SHIT UP!!!!!!! Love you! #TheChallenge32
@kellybothwell: YESSSSSSSSSS TYB🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 #TheChallenge32 @hbarfield13 @MTV_NellyT @MTVCoryWharton @MTVDevinWalker
@HipsterKimby: I love how @CaraMariaMTV  & @Marie_TBD  are just chilling through the whole drama
@Marie_TBD: Wait for it.
@shannanity: I’m going private soon screenshot what you want you have 15 min
@ChallengeMTV: Things are about to get interesting 😈 #TheChallenge32  (GIF
@DayDaVonne_: 🗣 LET THE RECORD SHOW : We didn’t just get our ass kicked !   They didn’t blow us out .. it was neck and neck !   #TheChallenge32
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ You killed it, sis #TheChallenge32
- @DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeMTV ❤️❤️❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Next time on #TheChallenge32... 👀
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Honestly I think I’m bad ass 😂
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV & I got sent home for a push. smh.
- @itsbritlike4sur: @kailah_casillas Wait..: does she not get sent home????
- @kailah_casillas: @itsbritlike4sur I’m not sayin she did or didn’t, just sayin that I, in fact, did lol
@kailah_casillas: (I love @SylviaMTV and her crazy ass. this is no shade at her ♥️)
@lexi__marsella: all I hear bahhh bah baaahh #thechallenge

@CaraMariaMTV: The real MVP this episode was that one Medallion that was super glued on for both rounds. Didnt budge. I would hate to ever face that thing in an elimination. 🤣 the force is strong with that medallion! @ChallengeMTV
@MTV_AMANDAG: Just wait for the bomb we are dropping at the reunion. ZACH IS GUNNA LOSE HIS SHIT. I CANNOT WAIT. YOUR SECRET IS GETTING EXPOSED HUNNNNY. 😈 #TheChallenge32
@jerseybreed: Praying @DayDaVonne_ & @jossie_flores have luck on their side for a third time! Pull that double cross!!! #TheChallenge32
@uheartjenn: So @DayDaVonne_ was neck and neck with a male/male team and almost beat them!! QUEEN!!! #TheChallenge32
@SweetTea_Pie: @DayDaVonne_ so proud of you! For people to say you and @jossie_flores dont deserve or didnt put in the work! You guys did for being rookies you guys have killed it! #TheChallenge32 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning #HopeToSeeYouBack
@IWearTheCrownB: I  DONT EVEN CARE YA'LL WORK HARD AS HELL AND ARE A BETTER TEAM THEN HALF OF THE PEOPLE LEFT IN THAT HOUSE UGHHH @DayDaVonne_ @jossie_flores I'm mad my damn self and I was never in the running for the million
@VetoSlut: I am so fucking proud of @DayDaVonne_ ❤️
@clcox3906: @DayDaVonne_ Love this!!! You might be one of the smartest people in the main house!
@rashidblessed: S/O to the iconic MEME QUEEN who did her m’f thang as a rookie coming from abcompletely different show and fought hard all season! This shit ain’t fair & I hope u come back and win the whole thing. @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge32
@annmarie_moore: @DayDaVonne_  is officially my new favorite competitor on @ChallengeMTV.
@DayDaVonne_: Great episode
@HalfricanTime: @DayDaVonne_ Took me a second to realize who "the helmet" was then I remembered this season's recession.... 💀💀💀
@sha_mar_ee: What “lesson” was Zach trying to teach Amanda? Do as the man says? A woman’s opinion doesn’t matter? Even though we’re on a team since im bigger/stronger you have no say? I’m lost. #thechallenge32
@nightwaves4: @MTV_AMANDAG Thank you for standing up for the women of the Challenge and women everywhere. You held your ground against a misogynistic teammate who thought you would cave. I was sad to see you lose but you will have respect for that move forever. 👍
@MTV_AMANDAG: @hbarfield13 & @MTVASHLEYBROOKE r like family to me. My word is EVERYTHING. At this point, all I can say is I stayed true to who I am. Do I wish they would have stepped up? Of course. But in the end I took a million dollar bullet for them & lost. It is what it is. #TheChallenge32
@DayDaVonne_: That’s why I laugh when people hop in my mentions talking about “keep that same energy” ... sweetie, Whether it’s social media, in person, over the phone, message in the sky lol  my energy is pretty consistent 🤷🏾‍♀️
@usweekly: Smart or crazy? Let's discuss @ZNichols15's huge move on #TheChallenge32. Recap by @PaulCalafiore_:
@18challengefan: I love the fight and the fire that @MTV_AMANDAG has in her every season.  People dislike her because shes doing what others are scared to do and scared to say.  I’m a fan of Zachs but she called it like it was... it’s 100% his fault they were in there.
@TheMarkLong: Hey @t_raines33 you know I’m #WestCoast what should I expect later tonight on @ChallengeMTV ??? #TheChallengeFinalReckoning 🤷🏼‍♂️
- @t_raines33: @TheMarkLong @ChallengeMTV You ever seen a chihuahua and a pit bull fuck? If not tune in...
- @TheMarkLong: @t_raines33 @ChallengeMTV 😂💯✅
@MTV_AMANDAG: The way Zach talks to/treats women is completely unacceptable. ALWAYS STAND UP FOR YOURSELF. FUCK THAT. #TheChallenge32
@PaulCalafiore_: WOW!! WHAT A FUCKING EPISODE!! Check my recap for @usweekly here!! LINK BELOW: 👇🏼👇🏼 #TheChallenge32
@Steven_Plummer2: Fuck off Ashley and Amanda #TheChallenge32
@Steven_Plummer2: HELL YEAH ZACH! #TheChallenge32
@Steven_Plummer2: THATS 👏 WHAT 👏 YOU 👏 GET 👏 AMANDA #TheChallenge32
@emilylongeretta: “A bad player” who keeps fighting her way back in when you haven’t proven yourself once? 🤔 #thechallenge32
@emilylongeretta: Check out that new papa @MTVCoryWharton #thechallenge32
@Steven_Plummer2: It’s good to see Cory back! #TheChallenge32
@Steven_Plummer2: Cory and Devin with the upset! #TheChallenge32
@emilylongeretta: ...but did Zach and Amanda pack their bags? #TheChallenge32
@CohenBrian_: Soooo can I cut out the parts where I gave Zach credit for his growth and maturity from last week? #Challenge32
@CohenBrian_: Da’Vonne has 100% never seen or heard of Cory or Devin before in her life. #Challenge32
@emilylongeretta: Umm @ChallengeMTV I need a gif of @CaraMariaMTV watching the first competition looking shocked.
@Itslluna: We need @DayDaVonne_ on EVERY challenge! Her commentary is gold! #TheChallenge32
@Steven_Plummer2: Cory and Devin with the sweep #TheChallenge32
@emilylongeretta: Aww Zach wearing Tony’s shorts ♥️ #TheChallenge32
@emilylongeretta: “Real friends head butt.” @Marie_TBD laying down the law #thechallenge32
- @Marie_TBD: @emilylongeretta Facts
@Itslluna: Zach and Amanda were the strongest team up until tonight and I really thought that they were going to make it to the final without seeing an elimination #TheChallenge32
@Itslluna: This was Amanda’s second time sacrificing herself for Ashley on The Challenge. I get that friendship is important but I wonder if Ashley would ever do that for Amanda 🤔 #TheChallenge32
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🍌Told y’all we weren’t announcing ALL the guests for tonight’s viewing party for #TheChallenge32 at @eastendbar! This #ChallengeMania fiesta is BANANAS! @johnnybananas @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV
- @johnnybananas: @SHOTOFYAGER Surprise 🎁🍌
@johnnybananas: "@MTVBananas: Yes This Happen! @johnnybananas Thank You once again for a great night! I’ll be defending you all the way until my wheels fall off! Team Bananas All Day Every Day " RT Appreciate the support my dude! #TeamBananas
@johnnybananas: Want more Bananas?! Enjoy! @1stlooktv
@CaraMariaMTV: Wanna know the real MVP in forcing that tie vote to happen? ☕️
Read on.... ….  @ChallengeMTV @Marie_TBD
@tjlavin: Whoever rt’s you most I’d say! Haha you’re awesome RT @Valthehbic: @DerrickMTV Y'all are making it far too difficult to decide who I want to use to send my next cameo, Derrick, @johnnybananas or @tjlavin decisions decisions lol
@UndauntedA: Be The Change You Want To See In The World.. Shop Now @tjlavin Collection or Go Use the Custom Site. …  #undauntedapparel #mtv #thechallenge #finalreckoning #finalreckoningmtv #thechallengefinalreckoning #tjlavin  #thechallenge32 📸 @KelllyBobby
@emilylongeretta: HUGE thank you to each and every person who came out to #thechallenge32 viewing party tonight. We had a BLAST meeting you all and can’t wait for the next one!  @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV
@ymsmitty68: Zack is such a PIG why is Amanda a whore because she doesn’t bow down to him!!! He is a loser!!!!
@MTVDevinWalker: @MTV_AMANDAG Is a total and complete g for fighting against an obvious bullshit choice. If ur down with bullshit hate on Amanda if ur not don’t it’s that’s simple
@CSUGradAkirk: #TheChalleng32  my reaction to what Zach did just did
@CSUGradAkirk: When the house disrespects day constantly why should she not be loyal to anyone she don’t own the lavender lady shit #thechallenge32
@CSUGradAkirk: Well the trilogy wasn’t an epic failure for my boy @MTVCoryWharton  #thechallenge33
@CSUGradAkirk: Zach is such freaking meathead #thechallenge32
@TheMarkLong: This elimination, SHAKE IT OFF, is dumb...
@Marie_TBD: The Macarena goes to every song if you have rhythm. Bet.
@wave107083: Totally fan girling right now, and have the best fiancé ever for hunting down all the challengers for me to get pictures with!! You all made my birthday so awesome! @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER @LindsayTheOtter @Marie_TBD @iamkamiam_

@ChallengeMTV: What do we think about this? Also, do we think Hunter & Ashley or Bananas & Tony should have stepped up to the plate and taken Zach & Amanda's spot? 🤔 #TheChallenge32
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨How about another #ChallengeMania guest you guys have been asking us for all year?! The one & only Ms. @JennaCompono will be joining me & @DerrickMTV later this week, so get us YOUR questions for the podcast! We ain’t done yet! The hits just keep on coming! 🙌🏻#TheChallenge32
@SHOTOFYAGER: Thanks to everyone who came out to watch #TheChallenge32 w/ us at @EastEndBar, including @Marie_TBD @iamkamiam_ @JennaCompono & @JohnnyBananas!🙏🏻Could not have asked for a better group of @ChallengeMTV-Maniacs in the house either! @DerrickMTV @emilylongeretta & I thank you all!
@Kmorrisx: I honestly don’t have much in common with most ppl. I just read some tweets and it’s a hard no
@KyleCGShore: If I’ve had a few coffees and I’m scrolling through instagram literally everyone is getting a like.
@KyleCGShore: If you know, you know. 👀
@CaraMariaMTV: ATLANTIC CITY.... its goin down again. Come show bitches just how much no one likes us this Friday at @poolafterdark @harrahsresort @johnnybananas
@shannanity: Depression is cunning. Not only does it erode your self - worth, but it draws those to you who do the same.
@iamkamiam_: Sending positive vibrations your, please accept them 💕✨
@iamkamiam_: I had so much fun at #TheChallenege32 watch party last night @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV ! Shout out to all the #TeamKam fans, I was so overjoyed with the amount of love and support you all showed me! Will def vlog next time! Love you all! Please send me photos from last night❤️✨
@iamkamiam_: I never understood how anyone can have a problem with the word “Queen” a term I use to uplift EVERY woman. *continutes to spread more love and not be bitter 🤷🏽‍♀️* 💕✨
- @Marie_TBD: @iamkamiam_ Just out here doing Queen things
@JennaCompono: That one time I thought you were being sweet coming to hot yoga with me but soon to find out you just wanted to sweat off your nose cast 😂🤦🏼‍♀️... So proud of you ❤️ @ZNichols15
@Marie_TBD: Stop coming for @SylviaMTV - if you think I didn’t have a big part in that fight you’re wild. I instead think we should praise her bringing headbutts back. 😂
- @SylviaMTV: @Marie_TBD Lol like a give a shit about what these people think 😂 I do appreciate you for this though.
@Marie_TBD: Well I tossed Ashley across a room that night when Cara lost it in the bedroom.
@shannanity: When another team is able to drive a wedge between you and your partner by calling you less of a man for listening to her and you sacrifice a Million Dollars for them to stay in the game - YOU GOT PLAYED
@michecha13: @MTV_AMANDAG How about the way you treat other women? That doesn't seem to bother you! Must be because @ZNichols15 is a man, that the double standard applies huh? And I'm pretty sure @CaraMariaMTV stands up for herself and you all hate her for it so GTFO you hypocrite.
@Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV @PaulCalafiore_ Get a room
@Marie_TBD: Here's my @ChallengeMTV recap! I dive deep into the nominations and give myself and @DayDaVonne_ the credit our minds deserve. Let me know what you think. ALSO - DO NOT MISS NEXT WEEK!!! #thechallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Next week: BOTS Marie comes through and @CaraMariaMTV gets her fire back. I cannot wait for it. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@johnnybananas: Got Em 👌 #GotEm #5thyear #bananasdoingthings #SAFTB #thechallenge32 @barstoolsports
@TheAllanAguirre: I'm so grossed out by Zach "trying to teach a lesson" to Amanda. Amanda is a 25 year old nurse who has worked good jobs and done right by her family by stepping up the plate. Zach is a privileged white male who breaks up and cheats on girls by ghosting them.
@faithstowers: @DayDaVonne_ came through with the hand signals ! 🖕🏾👉🏾 👌🏾 #TheChallenege32 #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@ChallengeMTV: Zach took a SHOT last night in elimination but luckily for him, "chicks dig battle scars." 💥 #TheChallenge32
@tjlavin: 🤙❤️RT @SupriyaSurender: @JennaCompono @ZNichols15 This move and @tjlavin are the only two things that haven’t gotten on my nerves this season. Could not have loved it any more! 🙌🙌
@ZNichols15: My apologies to @DayDaVonne_ and @jossie_flores, I put you two through hell all season long, and you guys handled all the adversity like champs.
@CaraMariaMTV: So @PaulCalafiore_ played for @RutgersU .... aka @RUAthletics .... aka the SCARLET KNIGHTS....and 6 years later ends up with...... 🤣♥️🗡 …
@DayDaVonne_: Seeing Your tweets this morning about last nights episode really makes me happy!!  Y’all are amazing, it’s crazy seeing people who were saying “GET THOSE BIG BROTHER PEOPLE OUT OF HERE” @ the beginning are now like “WE’RE ROOTING FOR YOU GUYS” 😂  We appreciate it ❤️
@d87james1: And on another note @iamkamiam_ relies on herself to strive, to get through eliminations/comps. She never stood behind a man or men to get her to where she needs to be. Not on The Challenge and not in LIFE! That’s why she is a Boss, That’s why she is a Queen! Take notes...
@ChallengeMTV: Jozea and Da'Vonne picked a side, the Mercenaries returned, and Zach and Amanda made the ultimate sacrifice... Rewatch the latest episode of #TheChallenge32 NOW! 💻👀 Link ⬇️
@johnnybananas: Happy National Boyfriend Day 👬 #TeamBanony @t_raines33 #boyfriend #thechallenge32 #couplegoals #bananasvseveryone #bananasdoingthings #bromance
- @t_raines33: @johnnybananas It’s official! 👨‍❤️‍👨😊🤣
@Marie_TBD: These guys throw a great party. If you’re in the DC area they’ll be there next weekend for #Challengemania with Hunter and Devin. I’d be there if I could be!
@Marie_TBD: "@ChallengeFanVetL @Marie_TBD’s giggle right there took me straight back to every single time a teacher got mad at somebody in school. I couldn’t hold it in." RT I feel this in my soul. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge32
@t_raines33: Anybody else get this alert today? #TheChallenge32 @ZNichols15
@t_raines33: This one hit me me right in the feels  @MTVsChallenges @ZNichols15 #TheChallenge32
- @ZNichols15: @t_raines33 Me too bud, I still have nightmares about that one tag
- @JennaCompono: @t_raines33 I literally cannot take you two 😂
@JennaCompono: Confidence is silent... Insecurities are loud 🥠
@JustJem24: "@Maundicia: So Joss out here mimicking black women via racial stereotypes and saying Amanda is disgusting and looks like a little boy? Amanda behaves in a disgusting way, but the girl is beautiful and for white Joss to mimick a black woman in that racial way....CANCELED. #SMH #TheChallenge32" RT He was obsessed with amanda before filming started and that’s the real ☕️
@ChallengeMTV: Zach volunteered as tribute to protect his friends in one of the most shocking moves in Challenge HISTORY! What do you think of the decision? 😱 #TheChallenge32
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Remember when @MTV_AMANDAG did the same exact thing or na?
@Marie_TBD: I’ll take “bullies” over misogynist douche for 1 million Alex. #thechallenge32
@Marie_TBD: This wasn’t about Zach. In fact it’s not even about the challenge - this is how I feel always.
@Marie_TBD: Still running with that victim edit I see....
@xSuicidalPanda: When Final Reckoning premiered, Swaggy C was still in the Big Brother house. Let that sink in. And we still have 11 teams in the game.

▪      ▪      ▪

Well, if your memories can date back to Real World Portland and the bombshell that Jordan's first Challenge partner, Marlon, laid on the house five years ago that he had sex with a guy, Anastasia was left saying, "Wow Wow Wow!"  That's pretty much the reaction we had watching this episode, and we're getting close, believe it or not, to when things will finally get close to the final.


Next year will mark ten years since a cast who had a hand in setting the table for LMFAO's worldwide breakthrough got to share quarters for the first time when Real World Cancun debuted the day before Michael Jackson died. Last week, we featured Season 22's heartthrob, CJ Koegel, getting to dance on Ellen, and now a lady who he lived in Suite ME with is officially taken.
   Late last month, Jonna Mannion became the latest member of the MTV Reality family to officially become a married alum when she and her fiance got to say their "I do's," nearly two years after a proposal that took place on Christmas night 2016. She was that girl who came to Cancun off of a stint winning Discovery Hub's Endurance, then went onto three Challenge seasons, was one of the girls Zach got to date before Jenna (and had to put up with on Exes 2), and who had the fortune of getting to know a roommate - a fellow Phoenix area waiter - before moving into Suite ME in 2009.
   That roommate, Derek Chavez, and fellow Cancun'er Emilee Fitzpatrick joined Jonna for her big day. Derek wrote on Instagram, "When ur best friend gets married you celebrate. So happy for you Jonna.. you deserve nothing but the best. You made the most beautiful bride. Congratulations." Em added, "Friends that GROW together stay together. I love you @jonnamannion!! Thanks for sharing your special day with me. The second I met you I knew we would be friends forever. I didn't care how many of your weaves I had to step on, because I'd always brush them for you at the end of the day."
   And despite rain getting the best of some best laid plans outdoors, the newlywed captioned, "I loved every minute of it, it was the wedding of my dreams. Thank you to all that came." The rest of Team MTV all gave their congrats to Jonna, and the trio also got to hang with two other Real World alumni who like the newlywed call Nashville home: Ammo from RW Go Big and Dirty 30, and Davis Mallory from RW Denver, a few Challenges, and like Ammo is an aspiring musician.

And on a side note: the horror flick that features Emilee, Ammo's Vegas roomie Sabrina Kennedy and AYTO's Brittany Baldi, The Habit, finally has a release date. The horror flick, which stars fellow MTV newlywed C.T., will hold a grand premiere in the Boston area on Halloween Eve, with a national release to follow. DCBLOG featured a look at the making of the film back in January 2017, and it comes at a fitting time with the two-time Champ & two-time Champs/Stars MVP having his recent wedding day being filmed for a special to air as part of the Final Reckoning finale activities, for which the reunion tapes this coming week in New York.

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For many of you, this is a three-day holiday weekend, and in that spirit you don't have to wait until tomorrow for the back-end of our Pulse doubleheader, which usually appears as a Saturday/Sunday deal. That's because the Pulse of this week's Are You The One? is coming later soon... and there, you'll find out how this year's crop of lovers can handle strategy over heart when they try to see if their plans can get them closer to the cash. See you for that here later... talk to you then.


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