Friday, October 5, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before Final Reckoning Episode 12, and Teen Mom

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

Nice Friday to all of you... the weekend is here, and that also means that our MTV Reality episode coverage is ahead here at DCBLOG. For starters, this week has seen one man take over the spotlight in the grand scheme of things... his name is Cory.
   Coming up, we'll have the reaction to him, baby mama Cheyenne and their kid Ryder crossing over into newfound territory in Teen Mom OG, along with a brief overview and thoughts on the Trifecta joining the mamas. Plus, the in-between interaction from The Challenge Final Reckoning before our episode diary covering Week 13 is posted tomorrow. See you after the jump...

@MTVCoryWharton: Honestly I just want to say Thank you to everyone 😁!! The amount of messages I’ve gotten since the video of me talking about Ryder has been crazy. But you guys legit make my day!! I’m nervous af for you guys to see my life 😬 but I just want to say thank y’all for everything🙏🏽
@TylerBaltierra: #TeenMomOG SEASON PREMIERE TONIGHT @ 9/8c on @mtv @catelynnmtv is taking over MTV’s Snapchat! @TeenMom
@emilylongeretta: I love this (by via @sarahhearon)! @MTVCoryWharton
@MTV: The #TeenMomOG cast toast their first moment together:
@WestonBergmann: Dare I say Cory and Cheyenne are going for co-parents of the year?  I’m tuning in tonight! @MTVCoryWharton @mtv @TeenMom
- @MTVCoryWharton: @WestonBergmann @MTV @TeenMom Dare I say 😂😂😂😂 crazy right 🏆
- @WestonBergmann: @MTVCoryWharton @MTV @TeenMom Ryder is one lucky girl to have you my man. If she ever starts a company she’s also gonna have the best startup mentor in the world just one phone call away.
@TeenMom: Who’s ready for a mother of a premiere? A 90-minute episode of an ALL-NEW #TeenMomOG begins right now on @MTV! 📺
@Marie_TBD: I love children as much as @lindsaylohan but never have I ever watched #teenmom until tonight. @MTVCoryWharton @TeenMom @MTV @ChallengeMTV
@Marie_TBD: Heard you’re a total bitch @F1abraham but knowing you sued MTV and got rehired thrice now  makes me think that perhaps you truly are an OG.
@Marie_TBD: Leave it to @MTV to make me regret not being a @TeenMom
@Marie_TBD: Sometimes a prison sentence is all a mom needs to get her shit together...  #TeenMomOG
@NataliaNegrotti: Watching @TeenMom for @itskcheyenne right now!!!
@Marie_TBD: MTV sent Farrah to @ExOnTheBeach in order to diversify next seasons #teenmom casting pool. Nelson went on #EOTB in order to to considered for any show Cory does ever.
@TeenMom: When Cheyenne met Cory. 💞 To when Cory met Ryder K. 👶 Let’s get you up to speed with @itskcheyenne! #TeenMomOG  (Video of them on AYTO, Real World and The Challenge)d
- @MTVCoryWharton: @TeenMom @itskcheyenne Trapped that ass 😈😈😈 lol now she’s stuck for life y’all thought I was playin.
@TeenMom: MY. HEART. 😍 @itskcheyenne #TeenMomOG  (GIF: Ryder - "Bye daddy, I love you!")
@TeenMom: "@lupitarubio_: Awwww Ryder said bye daddy I love you to Cory 😩😩😩😩😩😩 #TeenMomOG" RT I'm not crying, you're crying! 😭 #TeenMomOG
@Lanierbear: Ryder is so cute #TeenMomOG 😍
@TeenMom: Wise words from @MTVCoryWharton ✨ #TeenMomOG  (GIF: "You just gotta deal with what life throws at you," speaking to his friends including Tor'i from Ex On The Beach)
@Marie_TBD: Love Cory and Chey but before this season you’re telling me this was @MTV #1 show? People are weird.
- @JustJem24: @Marie_TBD Don’t be a hater sis....
- @Marie_TBD: @JustJem24 How’d you know I was subtweeting you ?
@Marie_TBD: I want to babysit Ryder forever. 😍 @TeenMom #teenmomOG
@TeenMom: Same, @itskcheyenne 😂 #TeenMomOG  (GIF of her)
@TeenMom: 😬😬😬 @MTVCoryWharton #TeenMomOG  (GIF: Cory to Chey - "Why don't you just be single?")
@TeenMom: You have to admit this is pretty adorable. 💐 #TeenMomOG  (GIF: Cheyenne after Cory gives her flowers - "Wait, so the flowers really aren't for me?")
@TeenMom: And just like that, @itskcheyenne and Zach worked it all out. 🙌 #TeenMomOG  (GIF: "Boom.")
@champsandisms: I had no idea who this @MTVCoryWharton was before tonight but I am here for his level of dad-ness and adoration of his daughter. Bringing her flowers was beyond 💗 💐 #TeenMomOG
@JustJem24: Chey’s man is getting on my nerves & Bristol’s man needs an outfit change bc I’m tired of looking at this same grey shirt he’s been wearing.... #TeenMomOG
@xkayla_23: MTV added new girls because the “OG’s” stories are still the same old dry stuff. Maci: Still talking about Ryan. Cate: Still lazy, miserable and depressed. Tyler: Still hiding he’s really gay. Amber: Still sitting in bed, but now with a baby #TeenMomOG
@JustJem24: Tyler has outgrown Catelynn & he deserves a life partner not another person to feel responsible for... #TeenMomOG
@JustJem24: @MTV_NellyT knows best #teenmomOG
@TeenMom: 👀 @MTVCoryWharton #TeenMomOG  (GIF: "There's something there," talking to fellow Challenger Nelson)
@Marie_TBD: Watching a show that you’re on and reliving moments from an outside point of view is something that could be eye opening. Shipping Coryenne hard right now and hoping for a happy ending. 🤞❤️🙏🏻 @TeenMom
@JustJem24: "@Dani64511076: @JustJem24 I have enjoyed Bristol's story line so far. I do believe it's something that people should see. PTSD and how it effects families and partnership is something happening all around us that isn't talked about or shown enough." RT I completely agree. This is a storyline we truly need to see.... & I actually really like her so far which I wasn’t expecting
@JustJem24: Chey needs to teach a class on how to get a man bc sis has endless options. Boyfriend. Baby daddy. New boyfriend. Capitalize on your skill set girl #TeenMomOG
@itskcheyenne: thanks to everyone who came over to watch the first episode with us 💓💓 !!#TeenMomOG
@TeenMom: On last night’s #TeenMomOG After Show: @itskcheyenne and @MTVCoryWharton got real candid about their co-parenting relationship. 👀
@emilylongeretta: So, @MTVCoryWharton joined me on this week’s #WatchWithUs podcast and talked Cheyenne relationship, future on #TheChallenge & yes, his current status. … #teenmomog
@IamAlsoTJ_Jones: And then there were 4!!😊👨‍👩‍👧‍👦💙✨

@ChallengeMTV: If you missed the latest episode of #TheChallenge32, you missed one of the biggest power plays of the season. Watch it NOW on 💻👀
- @shannanity: @ChallengeMTV @MTV This tweet isssss approved by me 🐍🐍🐍
@DerrickMTV: Don’t forget to set your DVR’s!!!TOMORROW NIGHT after SNL, we all get to see if Mr. @MTVBananas passes or fails on his NEW ADVENTURE SHOW @1stlooktv premiering this SATURDAY NIGHT. But… …
@imdroc15: “Halloween coming, let’s have spooky sex, let me nut in you and we both get scared!!!”
@Marie_TBD: We live in a sad sad world. Our generation is uneducated and irrational.
@kailah_casillas: "@CoolGuyDelvyn: @kailah_casillas Should have went to the Cast party last night @kailah_casillas would have been nice to meet you! Didn't know you were a BB fan 😁 also love the hair 😍" I’ll be at the #BB20 wrap party in Vegas this weekend!
@ToriFiorenza: I will only get married again if my future boyfriend sings speechless by dan+shay in his head everytime I walk in the room...too high of standard?! I think not...
@NataliaNegrotti: I’m at that age where I’m hanging on by a thread to still be cool to my little cousins... I think I have a few more years left 🙏🏽😂
@johnnybananas: Hey @jimmyfallon remember that time you told me I should get my own show? Well I did! @1stlooktv premieres after your Alma Mater, SNL tomorrow night ✊📺 #HostBananas @FallonTonight #WheresTheAfterParty @nbcsnl
@johnnybananas: You can't fall if you don't climb... Where's the joy in living your whole life on the ground ⛏  Join me as I explore Alaska on the SEASON PREMIERE of @1stlooktv TOMORROW night on @NBC on SNL ✊📺 #HostBananas #Alaska #BananasdoingNEWthings #Host @nbcsnl #bananasdoingthings
@TheMarkLong: Tune in tomorrow after @nbcsnl and check out @1stlooktv w/ @johnnybananas ...Congrats again JB, I hope it’s a huge success 🙌🏼 #NBC #MTV #Bananas #Godfather
@syrusmtv: B4 my Vegas 3day Banger I Got a good sweat 😓 I’m with my homie Laterian aka LT from Road Rules & The MTV Extreme Challenge! .... #Friday #Friyay #Sweat #Fit #Homies #MTVfamily #Friends… …
@ChallengeMTV: This was inevitable but now that the field is shrinking, Zach and Amanda have reached a crossroads. They have the power vote, but they can't agree who to use it... #TheChallenge32 is all new, Tuesday at 9/8c!
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Here we gooo!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Don’t miss this one. #thechallenge32
- @JustJem24: @ChallengeMTV @ZNichols15 never said my name in vendettas & always protected me bc of his loyalty to Knight. His loyalty is never wavering🖤
- @lizxreality: @ChallengeMTV *cue clip of tony telling kailah and cara he wants to send zach in right before the vendettas final.
@KyleCGShore: When someone who isn’t a Geordie uses the term “yyyy aye” it literally puts a shudder through my soul 🙅🏼‍♂️
@MTVCoryWharton: I’m just trying to rap ‘Drip too hard’ in somebody’s ear 👂🏽
@kailah_casillas: Dude. She couldn’t WAIT til October 3 for this?!!! MISSED OPPORTUNITIES. #LindsayLohan
@kailah_casillas: this is how you kidnap in Mykonos BITCH! #LindsayLohan
@iammikeyp: I think i just witnessed @lindsaylohan attempt to human traffic a family. I’m not 100 percent sure but i mean i think a woman punched her at the end of it.
@Marie_TBD: SHELLO HELLO 👋🏻You’re ruining agriculture! @lindsaylohan #dothelilo
@Marie_TBD: Season 2 of Lohan’s beach club or na?
@spencerpratt Spencer Pratt/The Hills: Dear @MTV please tell me @lindsaylohan chasing down alleged child traffickers will be on #lohanbeachclub
- @kailah_casillas: @spencerpratt I second this 🙋🏻‍♀️😂
- @brrriitttnnii: @spencerpratt @MTV @lindsaylohan It’s MTV, of course they’ll show it. It’ll be the new season of Teen Mom

@ChallengeMTV: From the Redemption House to the Main House, it's all out warfare 💥 #TheChallenge32 is all new this Tuesday at 9/8c!
@johnnybananas: When Kings become Queens 🤴👸 I'll be at @rupaulsdragcon NYC today getting a makeover from the one and only @gingerminj just in time for the season premiere of @1stlooktv tonight on @NBC after SNL 💅💃 #DragQueen #NYC #rupaul @RuPaul @RuPaulsDragRace
@1stlooktv: Alaska needs no filter. Join the adventure - #1stLooktv with @johnnybananas premieres TONIGHT after SNL!
- @mikethemiz: @1stlooktv Definitely watching tonight. You should to.
@t_raines33: Energy drink cost $2   One a day for a month cost $60  *Money saver  Buy pre-workout, usually cost $30, one scoop gives you more “kick” then an energy drink at half the cost.
- @ZNichols15: @t_raines33 If only you could scoop bud heavy into a shaker cup and catch a cheaper buzz.
- @t_raines33: @ZNichols15 There’s no substitute for the king of beers 🍻
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: The winners circle. You weren't invited. #thechallenge #invasion #bb #survivor #amazingrace @ Voodoo Rooftop Nightclub …
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: "@GLENNNBX: Ok.... about last night!!! What a fun time!! Big Brother / Survivor/ MTV - All hanging!! A few champions in this photo!!! 🤑🤑👍🏼🥃🍺🍸👍🏼👌🏼 #BigBrother #survivor #mtvchallenge #RealityAllStarReunion " RT You the best Glenn ❤️💙
@NataliaNegrotti: I have so much respect for people who  have unintentionally pushed the limits by being themselves, being different, being weird, being original and not caring what anyone else thinks!
@ChallengeMTV: SOSS was able to work together and avoid coming in last place which was key in the last challenge, since the last place team is going to receive a major disadvantage at the next challenge 👏 #TheChallenge32
- @SylviaMTV: @ChallengeMTV I’m certain we came in 2nd in this one lol but who knows @joss_mooney clearly we weren’t at the same challenge!
- @joss_mooney: @ChallengeMTV Who cares...look at those 🍑’s!! 👀 #SOSSdoesntskiplegday 😂
@rebeccaplover: Finally met my idol @CaraMariaMTV and she made me soooooo happy!!!! @PaulCalafiore_ was soooo nice!! Love them both! #ChallengeManiaLIVE #mtv #mtvchallenge
@shannanity: If you were Zach - Would you willingly work with a gay guy and three girls dominating The Challenge and securing your chance to win a Million Dollars or would you just say “Fuck It - Bros ✊🏻“ and throw it all away? What do you think he will choose?
@iammikeyp: We will be at the Reality Reunion tonight party tonight at @OmniaLasVegas ! Come meet @kailah_casillas and i and tons of other reality stars! @HollywoodGene are you ready??
@t_raines33: Her: Come over   Guy: Can’t, cars outta gas   Her: Guess I shaved for nothing  Guy:
@TheOfficial_CT: This is how it went down in Boston. 🎬 (via @sportsnation) #GoSox …
@kailah_casillas: It was so nice to meet you guys! @iammikeyp and I enjoyed watching you all season and had a good time partying with ya! @AngelaRummans1 @TylerCrispen2
@kailah_casillas: So after Real World (which has phones and email) it took me living in my aunts basement for a month alone to get back to my normal self after all of the cameras. I really don’t understand how the BB20 ppl are in Vegas partying. I respect it, but damn.
@syrusmtv: Party w/ Post Malone in Vegas #LikeArockstar #Lit 🔥  #SyLifeStyle #SyThePartyGuy .... #GoodVibes #Sunny #Rage #Drinks #Blunts #Bottles #Vodka #Summer #2018 #Fun #PicOfTheDay #Music… …
@BytesPodcast: Today, Sept 29 marks the 15th anniversary of one of the most underrated, entertaining, and physical seasons of The Challenge-The Gauntlet. #TheGauntlet15Years
@TrishelleC: "@BytesPodcast: This season had a great cast of 28 Real World & Road Rules alum!   @ThatCoral @v_cakes @TinaBarta @mtvrrdarrell @mikethemiz @rachel_fitness @TrishelleC @KatieCooley26 @thegreysauce @AbramBoise …" RT This was such a fun challenge!
@ave_tress: Great news everyone! With your support, I have made it to the next round! So thank you! thank you! seriously couldn't do this without you all!!!  Don't forget that if you donate, every donation helps Homes for Wounded Warriors!!! @JAH4WW #givebackmcg
@JazMTV: Once kids are sleep on Saturday night.. it’s Live PD time!! It’s the new COPS show! Lol. #LivePD #LivePDNation
@johnnybananas: My dude @kanyewest is a tough act to follow but i'm gonna do my best! 90 minutes till the epic premiere of @1stlooktv on @nbc after SNL. #HostBananas @nbcsnl #BananasdoingNEWthings #1stLooktv #bananasdoingthings
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @johnnybananas Trump lovers taking over.....sadly 😭
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @johnnybananas Let's not talk about each other hunny.... I got things to say 😘

@ChallengeMTV: When a Lavender Ladies alliance member wins the challenge 🎉 #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Get to know baby RiRi on MTV2. Apparently my real world season has been playing! #STTHOMAS
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD Lol what a season. I feel like so much weird shit happened....  That came out wrong. I loved your season.
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas Shut it lol
@Marie_TBD: "@MonsonLily: @Marie_TBD currently rewatching ur season. Watching u get ready to meet Max for a date lmaooo " RT Haha where is it playing!?
@JennaCompono: @ZNichols15 @BradFiorenza I’m scared to ask what mine would be
- @BradFiorenza: @JennaCompono @ZNichols15 I’m not.. 😂 what are we looking at @ZNichols15 ?
@johnnybananas: For those of you who were too busy getting drunk during last nights premiere of @1stlooktv you can stream it here 🐻🍻 #HostBananas #Alaska #bananasdoingthings
@johnnybananas: "@MorriMW: @johnnybananas as a traveler I loved your show, man. You've done well for yourself getting from the RW to getting paid to journey the world and have fun on network TV. Congrats and keep up the great work!" RT Appreciate the support man! Just gettin warmed up ✊📺
@johnnybananas: "@ilovetacos1204: @johnnybananas @1stlooktv I loved this show! Johnny is hysterical and this show is so fitting for him! ❤️" RT Thank you!
@MTVDevinWalker: Let’s go mayfield
- @t_raines33: @MTVDevinWalker Bold move brother but I like it!
@joss_mooney: This time next week I’ll be in Florida sipping on an ice cold beer with @hbarfield13 🍻
- @hbarfield13: @joss_mooney Uh ohhhhh momma the boys are back in town 😈
@ChallengeMTV: Awe, they're really starting to like each other! 🤗 #TheChallenge32
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV 🤨
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV What did I tell you about posting pics without my permission. You’re a dead man.
@DayDaVonne_: 💋🔥
@MTVCoryWharton: 🍋 Le mon 🍋
@johnnybananas: Some bonds never break 🙈🙉🙊 #JEKDynasty #Buddies #Legends @KennySantucci
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🙏🏻Boston, you were incredible yesterday. I hope you all left as fulfilled & happy as I did. Want to thank the amazing staff at @HowlBoston & our Stellar SQUAD of @CaraMariaMTV @MTVDevinWalker @banksy878 @PaulCalafiore_ & as always @DerrickMTV! Most fun crowd we’ve ever had!🤙🏻
@SHOTOFYAGER: 💐We always do a posed photo on stage after a #ChallengeManiaLive so everyone can snap a good shot, & this Saturday in Boston we decided to do one of them “prom pic” style.🤣📸@CaraMariaMTV
- @CaraMariaMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER Amazing photo from an amazing event from a professional run rockstar. Thank you @SHOTOFYAGER for putting on such a great show and making everyone happy :) the added touch of vip lanyards and posters to all fans was so sweet. Hope to do many more!
@CaraMariaMTV: "@Gerth929: Great time at challenge mania meeting @CaraMariaMTV and @DerrickMTV. Both incredible people and legends of #thechallenge.  #challengemanialive #mtvchallenge @ChallengeMTV " RT David! Thank you for coming out! So many selfies haha. ♥️
@GLENNNBX: I got to meet & hang with some of MTV challenge vets!! Really sweet girls Ashley & Kailah @MTVASHLEYBROOKE  & @kailah_casillas
@t_raines33: All this knowledge literally at our fingertips and most of us waste it on social media 📱 🤦🏻‍♂️
@TheMarkLong: This is how I feel about the weekend coming to an end...

@ChallengeMTV: Who do you think has the more valuable alliance: Zach or Amanda? 🤔 #TheChallenge32 is all new TOMORROW at 9/8c! 💥
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV @MTVASHLEYBROOKE we are fab 🤣💁🏻‍♀️
- @t_raines33: @ChallengeMTV Amanda has basically sacrificed herself for Ashley to go to a final before and given my recent track record I know why people wouldn’t trust me. There’s so much to this that 280 characters cant cover it all, just tune in...I’ll be doing an Insta live after the episode.
@kailah_casillas: I’m pretty sure we’re.a couple now
@mikethemiz: Things have changed since I was a cast member on The Real World: Back to New York. #AWNewYork …
@n_zanattaMTV: Life’s a game and we’re given the ability to make our own moves. Just remember we will all die in the end so make every move count.
@shannanity: If you were Zach - Would you rather: Coast to a million dollars with the Lavender Ladies Alliance or Throw a fit because your partner is a girl, FUCK WOMEN and potentially lose it all?
@BritniNicol: Be calm & chase the sun 🤙🏼🌞
@MTV_AMANDAG: Getting ready for tomorrow’s shit storm likeeee.....
@1stlooktv: The reviews are in. Here's what our fans had to say about the season premiere of #1stLooktv with @johnnybananas:
- @johnnybananas: @1stlooktv I smell an Emmy🏆
@shannanity: I have a high level of rage and lust today - why are these two always paired?!?
@shannanity: Anyways else tired of being abandoned by people you should have abandoned a long time ago? ✋🏽 Party of One seeking like minded individuals 😂
@ChallengeMTV: TOMORROW: It's an elimination you have to see to believe 👀 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Zach and Amanda took 1st place in the "Caged In" challenge, but that was the easy part. Now they have to agree on who to vote for with their power vote, something that's becoming harder and harder as more teams get eliminated 🤔 #TheChallenge32 is all new TOMORROW @ 9/8c!
@NataliaNegrotti: They try and knock me down and I keep on flourishing
@CaraMariaMTV: .... walkin by the build a bear window like.... 💀  #booty
@johnnybananas: Thanks to each and every one of you who tuned into the premiere of @1stlooktv ...Your support means the world to me 🙏 Alaska was just the tip of the iceberg, just wait I've got in store for you this season 😳🤪 (Premiere Link 👇👇) … #HostBananas
@johnnybananas: "@marinovictamara: @ChallengeMTV "I honestly do believe that Amanda is the spawn of Satan." @johnnybananas legend 😂😂😂 " RT Am I wrong?
@kailah_casillas: What a duo @ThatStudMuffin 😂💕
@t_raines33: @JSWHITE1979 He’s anything but a snake 🐍 you’re thinking about @shannanity
@Marie_TBD: MTV is doing a couple/bestfriend version of the UK @justtattooofus ? Isn’t the entire premise based on feuds and incredibly vulgar/awkward permanent ink jobs? Americans are boring AF. Live a little.
@MTV_AMANDAG: Me and @SylviaMTV right now #GOBRONCOS
- @SylviaMTV: @MTV_AMANDAG Me at the thought of touching anything related to the broncos!
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @SylviaMTV TAKE IT BACK SYLLY!!!!!!!!!!! 😧
- @SylviaMTV: @MTV_AMANDAG Biiiihhhhh BYYYYYYEEEEEE! He ain’t no BAD BITCH 😂😂😂😂
@SylviaMTV: I’m out here thinking I’m having a heart attack... let’s go #ChiefsKingdom
@SylviaMTV: See @MTV_AMANDAG you Do love horses.. even if they are orange and blue 😂😂@ChallengeMTV just out here spreading LIES!!!”😂😂 #donkeylover
@MTV_AMANDAG: Here you go @SylviaMTV 🤣

@MTV: Cory and Devin are BACK on a new episode of #TheChallenge32 TONIGHT at 9/8c! 🔥🔥🔥
@ChallengeMTV: Cory and Devin are BACK! And some teams are happier to see them than others... 👀 Don't miss a new episode of #TheChallenge32 TONIGHT at 9/8c! 🔥
@Marie_TBD: Somedays I amaze myself; most days I look for my phone while holding it.
@Marie_TBD: Daily reminder that @JennaCompono and Nany are best friends 😂
@Marie_TBD: Last year @MTVASHLEYBROOKE brought toxic Britney Spears vibes to the Champs reunion stage ... this year, I’d like to suggest another appropriately themed classic. #thechallenge32 #lavenderlatex
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @Marie_TBD Crazy. I already bought this
@emilylongeretta: Yeahhhh, tonight's episode of #TheChallenge32 is OUT OF CONTROL. So why watch alone? Join @SHOTOFYAGER, @DerrickMTV, @Marie_TBD and maybe some surprise guests and we can all freak out together!
- @DerrickMTV: @emilylongeretta That is a GREAT POINT Emily!! On top of that, if the episode doesn’t keep  @Marie_TBD’s Basket Case Mentality, I will!! 😉 See you guys TONIGHT! 😜
@ZNichols15: @TheMarkLong You will 100% have a dinner date with the toilet.
- @TheMarkLong: @ZNichols15 Sometimes in life you have to embrace the pain just as you do the pleasure 🚶🏽‍♂️💨Mark Long
@CaraMariaMTV: @JustJem24 MTV asked Garnett to come in as a mercenary next season. 🤣
@CaraMariaMTV: just as much as fans tweet sweet things...undercover fans diligently invest their time tweeting nasty things. I see fans argue w screen names but cant see what they wrote because i already muted them previously. Repeat offenders thinking i see their tweets🤣 #MUTE_OVER_BLOCK
@CaraMariaMTV: @t_raines33 👀
@johnnybananas: "@tarissastone: We hear it’s #bananaday. @MTVBananas @johnnybananas Tuesdays are for the 🍌 man. " RT This 🤗
@shannanity: Issa CHALLENGE DAY!!!
@shannanity: I mean this friend @MTV_AMANDAG
@shannanity: Ladies what’s your response when a man tries to “teach you a lesson?” ::asking for a friend::
@shannanity: Today is the day of judgement - I think the litmus test of intelligence is - “Would you voluntarily give up the most secure chance of a million dollars the house has because your partner is a girl?” - I’m pretty sure we can base a Yes or No just on that alone
@shannanity: If you’re not Following me your going to want too. This episode needs all my Tea and I’ve been brewing it for months
@Kmorrisx: “Make sure a Yes to someone else is not a No to yourself” ♥️
@shannanity: I’m nipping this whole “you don’t have friends” conversation right now. THE ENTIRE HOUSE USES THE WORD “FRIENDS” TO DESCRIBE ALLIES.  Yes - telling someone they “don’t have friends” is childish and annoying. In the context of THIS GAME the word is used in the context of ALLIES
@shannanity: Ally comes from the Latin word alligare, meaning "to bind to," like nations who are allies in wartime — they will act together, and protect one another. You can also use ally as a verb, meaning "join forces with
@shannanity: So when you’re pointing out “You don’t have Friends” you are actually saying No one wants to be in an alliance with you 👌🏼
@BritniNicol: Soooo I’m pretty sure a year ago today @ChallengeMTV just witnessed us survive our terrifyingly intimating journey up the Rock of Gibraltar 💪🏼&fam! We survived haha. so if any casts members are going through some shit RN..remember what we survived today.. a year ago😂 #wedidit
@ZNichols15: This is me reading everyone’s opinions.
@ChallengeMTV: Tonight... The Redemption House becomes the Reckoning House as Paulie and Kyle square up for round 2 🛎 Don't miss a new episode of #TheChallenge32 at 9/8c! 💥
- @TJSpencer1230: @ChallengeMTV Everyone worried about the fight and I'm just looking @Kmorrisx walking around with thigh high socks and daisy dukes in the background 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
@syrusmtv: 3 Day Vegas Banger🍾💨💦 Reality Weekend in Vegas🥃 @saygerv kailah_casillas cristinacoria_ @DayDaVonne_  @mtvashleybrooke  Pool Party Sponsored by TVpartyApp ..... #Survivor #RealWorld… …
@MTV_AMANDAG: To work together or to not work together.... THAT is the question. Tune in tonight for an all new episode of THE CHALLENGE FINAL RECKONING!! 🔥
@MTV_AMANDAG: Depending how tonight’s episode goes....I may or may not be going LIVE on my IG to spill the REAL tea. Stay tuned! #TheChallenge32
@NataliaNegrotti: Caption this:
@DayDaVonne_: New episode of #TheChallenge32 tonight 9/8c .... #Mood
@ChallengeMTV: Yes, you did hear TJ correctly. These guys have to win TWO eliminations to earn their spot in the game 😱 Can they do it? 🤔 Find out TONIGHT at 9/8c... #TheChallenge32
@johnnybananas: Often imitated, never duplicated 🙈🙉🙊 #JEKDynasty @kennysantucci @thebaitshop #Buddies #Legends #brothers #loveyourbuddytour  #theyhateuscausetheyaintus
@SHOTOFYAGER: ❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓You never know who is going to show up at #TheChallenge32 Viewing Party. All I will say is we KILLED it with the Surprise Guests! #ChallengeMania @Marie_TBD @DerrickMTV @iamkamiam_ @eastendbar 🤫
@ChallengeMTV: *Devin voice* LET'S GOOO! #TheChallenge32 is all new in 1 HOUR on @MTV! RT if you'll be watching 🙌
@Marie_TBD: @t_raines33 OOOuuu Tony don’t you do dat. It’s actually called a filter. Here’s the original and I beg you to be too   Oops I just read Facetune but still don’t be John. You’re so much better.
@Marie_TBD: Not tonight Satan.
@PaulCalafiore_: Who’s excited for an all new episode of The @ChallengeMTV tonight?! 9 pm EST on the only network that’ll allow me to grab @CaraMariaMTV and jump off stage with her.... @MTV 😉😘 #TheChallenge32
@johnnybananas: T Minus 10 Minutes 🍌 #TeamBanony #TheChallenge32
@WestonBergmann: The @ChallengeMTV is starting in one minute! I’ll be live tweeting my incredibly important opinion on everything.

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We led off this Pulse Extra with Cory and Cheyenne's Teen Mom debut and from the looks of it, there won't be the kind of big melodrama occurring with the other three OG moms and fellow newbie Bristol Palin. But they do have something to offer that they hope will be embraced by those who watch this weekly soap opera, and will allow us Trifecta fans to get ourselves a bit more comfortable watching this show for the first time, joining TM superfan Jemmye.
   We got to see, quite amazingly, Cory chatting with fellow TYB bud Nelson and Ex On The Beach castmate Tor'i in the premiere despite not being credited as part of the MTV family (like what happened when they only branded Fresh Meat II champ Carley as that "local girl" on Real World Back to Vegas). Cameras documented them getting to meet the Floyd family, got to meet her boyfriend Zach and her & Cory at lunch debating whether it's right to just be a single mom or have someone on your side to help out.
   And there's the subject of co-parenting, something both the OG moms and their TM2 counterparts deal with: Catelynn & Tyler co-parenting their 1st child with Carly's adoptive parents, Maci & ex Ryan with Bentley, Kailyn & Jem's friend Javi with Isaac… the list goes on. Things are progressing well with Chey and Cory overseeing Ryder… and I can relate in a way to this as one of my first nephews, a 10-year-old, has a co-parenting agreement with my cousin and her now ex-husband.
   It is a win for those who believe that just being friends and just having this common effort to help the new baby in her early years is the right strategy. It is a calm scenario compared to what viewers have seen with the other moms in the franchise and what's reportedly taking place now with Baby Tadison. Those who might moan that the show has sold out might open up a bit more to Chey, Cory and Ryder.

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Tomorrow, we have the 'Pulse of this week's Challenge as Cory makes his Challenge return - and for the first time as a new dad. Plus, we'll also venture to Las Vegas to meet the new stars of reality television in those who've just spent their summer in the Big Brother pad. As Brian Cohen at the RHAP likes to say, Until then... have a good one.


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