Friday, October 12, 2018

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before Final Reckoning Episode 13

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

Hey there folks, glad to have you here as we have arrived at the weekend. That only means one thing: DCBLOG and our view of the week that was Inside MTV Reality. This week sees the midseason finale of Floribama Shore, a possible make-up on The Challenge, and the traditional nighttime party on Are You The One, and secrets revealed on Teen Mom OG.
   We'll have the ladder of that covered here in this Pulse Extra here before our episode coverage commences here in a few hours. Until then, indulge yourself in not just that but also the in-between interactions for Team Challenge as we head into Episode 14 which we'll have here tomorrow night. Plus, prayers for a Challenge veteran and a look at an alum of Champs vs. Stars as she kicked off the biggest night in UFC history... all that is ahead.

UP TOP: Prayers for Vinny 
@TheAshleysRR: Vinny Foti— who starred on three seasons of MTV’s #TheChallenge– is currently in the ICU after reportedly suffering heart failure. Details:
- @TheMarkLong: @TheAshleysRR 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@CarleyJohnson: Anyone have updates on my fresh meat compadre @vinnyfotimtv ?  Crossing my fingers for you and ur family bud!
@HollywoodLife: Former 'The Challenge' star Vinny Foti is in hospital, sedated in the ICU.
- @DerrickMTV: @HollywoodLife Bro..🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😔 Not sure if you guys remember @vinnyfotimtv from @ChallengeMTV, but he’s it sounds like he’s in pretty bad shape. Just donated. Foti fundraiser …
@johnnybananas: Thoughts and prayers to Vinny and the rest of the Foti family 🙏 @ChallengeMTV
- @DerrickMTV: @johnnybananas Please Feel Free to help @vinnyfotimtv, his wife @KristaLVChateau and 2 kids. I donated a few days ago. I’m sure every little bit helps: …

IN BETWEEN: UFC, Brees, and Cara Wants A Duel 
@ChallengeMTV: With Cory and Devin entering the house, does Bananas and his allies stand a chance? 🤔 #TheChallenge32
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥Almost 2 HOURS of Long Island’s own @JennaCompono on #ChallengeMania is UP NOW! This 1 was WELL worth the wait! We talk about the loaded episode of #TheChallenge32 & pretty much EVERYTHING you’d want to hear her talk about! Trust us, this is a good 1!📲 …
- @JennaCompono: @SHOTOFYAGER I’m happy I got to clear things up for you guys and what you all have been wondering! Thanks for having me 💕
- @allarie: One of, if not the best episode yet. Without a doubt the realest & most genuine , honest, laid back interview. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻@JennaCompono @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV
@JennaCompono: "@msf490: did anyone notice @t_raines33 gave @ZNichols15 his shorts ??? I love them 😂😩😍💜 @ChallengeMTV #finalreckoning #thechallenge32 @JennaCompono recognizes that butt I’m sure 😜 " RT Hahaha I recognize that butt from a mile away 😜
@DerrickMTV: “Busted Noses and Kissy Faces.” 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗  NEW PODCAST feat one half of @ChallengeMTV’s Prom King and Queen @JennaCompono. 👸🏼  @SHOTOFYAGER co-hosts!  #ChallengeMania 💥  iTunes and
@JennaCompono: Would love to hear all your thoughts on the podcast tweet me tweet me! ☺️
@DerrickMTV: "@joss_mooney: It looks like @DerrickMTV & I might be getting that rematch after all! I’ll be joining @MTVDevinWalker & @hbarfield13 at the DC IMPROV for Challenge Mania Live next Saturday, October 13.…" RT Oh fuck...😅
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Hey @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER I heard through the grapevine y’all are running a #ChallengeMania in Atlanta. You know I live in ATL, work at the aquarium (Got the hook up for behind the scenes) and know the people and city like the back of my hand right? #invitegotlostinthemail
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @MTV_Chuckalodon Well, @BritniNicol is one of our guests. So if you two are kosher, obviously we’d love to have the #Aquaman in the house! 🤙🏻 I’ll hit you up. #ChallengeMania🔱
- @BritniNicol: @SHOTOFYAGER I’ll play cool😈  XOXO, Your mermaid🧜🏼‍♀️
- @JustJem24: @SHOTOFYAGER Poor @SHOTOFYAGER is involved in the drama without even trying to be 😭😭😭
@JustJem24: "@tarheelnation1: Why does @JustJem24 have to comment? You're just as ignorant as the main ass face @MTV_AMANDAG" RT I commented bc I was there(prior to filming when we stayed in a hotel for a few days) and witnessed him talk about her nonstop... so yeah when he insults her after he chased her I think he should be called out....
@MTVCoryWharton: Literally don’t have the energy or time to start dating anyone. I guess when I meet someone that gives me those butterflies 🦋🦋🦋 then my mind will change. But right now I gotta focus on setting up my daughter for success!
@MTVCoryWharton: 🇸🇪🇳🇱🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇩🇪🇨🇲🇨🇮🇨🇲🇮🇪🙋🏽‍♂️
@Marie_TBD: This weeks @ChallengeMTV episode is a can't miss. I'm obsessed, I've watched it 35 times. There's a reason I'm on deck next for #ChallengeMania @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV #thechallenge32 #TeamCaraMariE Let's GO!
@ChallengeMTV: Tensions rise and friendships fall... ⬆️⬇️ #TheChallenge32 is all new, Tuesday at 9/8c!
@AneesaMTV: @DayDaVonne_ hey girl! Listened to your behind the scenes/the shit they edited out and it’s funny to hear how these people really treat and talk about each other. What has this show come to? I’m confused
- @DayDaVonne_: @AneesaMTV Hey lady ! Thank you for reaching out. I just wanted to set the record straight about everything that went down that night. People are quick to push the ABW narrative as if I didn’t have reason for going off like I did.
@shannanity: What’s it called when you hit rock bottom then turn that shit around - oh yea... A glow up 😂👌🏼
@t_raines33: #FreeTheSituation
@johnnybananas: Meet Mary Jane, my cohost for tomorrow nights episode of @1stlooktv where I try my hand at being a Cannabis Sommelier 😤🍷  #JohnnyGetsAJob #BananasdoingNEWthings #cannabis #stickyicky #CannabisFarmer #indica
@BritniNicol: Always have a best friend take your photos. Even when they’re... off... lmao😂
@kailah_casillas: You guys don’t understand how much I love October. It’s by far my favorite month because of the weather & haunted houses and Halloween.. ah I’m so excited.
@CaraMariaMTV: Tonight.
- @Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV I’ll get one if you give her the donation receipt at the reunion
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV All the head pats 😍😍
@PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV You ladies are fucking gorgeous 😍😍
@joss_mooney: Time to fly...✈️🇺🇸 #socksandslidergang

@ChallengeMTV: The numbers are dwindling, and tough decisions are starting to be made. Where do Marie and Cara stand with the Lavender ladies? 🎯 Find out, Tuesday at 9/8c! #TheChallenge32
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Even if i werent aligned w @johnnybananas ... the girls would still come after @Marie_TBD next. Lets be real. 🤣 they aint coming for each other! Its ok marie. Lets fucking go.
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Burning all my turtlenecks Monday.
- @Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV Remind me to never wear turtlenecks ever again.
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV I love you guyssss!!!!❤️
@iamkamiam_: @Marie_TBD Well teach us how to do both since you have it down 😩
@t_raines33: Boneless wings are nothing more than chicken nuggets
- @ZNichols15: @t_raines33 Tony is passionate about wings
@RyanJohn__: Hunter, Nelson, and Cory trying to pretend like TYB stands for Team Young Bucks, when in reality it stands for thank you bananas, because without @johnnybananas they would have no storyline
@JennaCompono: This is what happens to @ZNichols15 when he leaves the barber a big tip 😂😂😂😂  “let me fix that for you a little more”
@ChallengeMTV: RT if you're TYB 🦌💪 #TheChallenge32
- @joss_mooney: @ChallengeMTV My boys...👊🏼😎💪🏼
@t_raines33: My little cheerleader 📣 #GeauxTigers
@johnnybananas: That time I got attacked by a Lemur 🐿 On tonights episode of @1stlooktv "Johnny Gets a Job" as an animal handler, Cannabis Sommelier, and Matchmaker. Catch it tonight on @NBC after SNL 📺🐊🐨🐦 #HostBananas @nbcsnl #BananasdoingNEWthings #Zookeeper #bananasdoingthings
@1stlooktv: Wine isn’t the only industry that requires a sommelier.  See how @JohnnyBananas does on #1stLooktv TONIGHT! @Trichome_inst @maxmontrose #alpenglowfarms #SouthernHumboldt #TheSoilChefs  #BenbowAppellation  #Terroir #interpening #cannabissommelier #sommelier #trichomeinstitute
@SHOTOFYAGER: 😵As BIG once said...”If you don’t you know!” @JOSS_MOONEY is our final guest for #ChallengeManiaLive DC w/ @hbarfield13 & @MTVDevinWalker! @DerrickMTV & Joss together for the 1st time since that EPIC ELIM! Next Sat 10/13 at the @dcimprov Tix at
@shannanity: To help pass the time I keep a journal in the challenge house...  Here’s a page for your enjoyment
@DayDaVonne_: Hold the people you “stan” accountable for their bullshit ... don’t be such a fan that if they tell you the sky is lime green you believe it 🙄 remember when you finish “stanning” you still have to be YOU ❤️
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🍑ATLANTA!🍑Tix are available for our LOADED #ChallengeManiaLive w/ @BritniNicol @cohuttalee @MTV_Chuckalodon & as always, @DerrickMTV! We’re coming to @punchlinecomedy club Sat. 11/3 for 4pm Meet&Greet & 6pm Live Show! Must buy both separately! http://ChallengeMania.Live  for TIX!🎟
- @BritniNicol: @SHOTOFYAGER Come play with us 😈  You guys know im NOT afraid to speak my mind and spill the tea 🐸☕️
- @MTV_Chuckalodon: @SHOTOFYAGER I’m actually really pumped to meet @cohuttalee and all of you!
@Morgan_MacAdam: Finally got a chance to hang out with @ToriFiorenza and as a bonus met the lovely @KendalSheppard
@PaulCalafiore_: She got me down on both my knees 😉😈 @CaraMariaMTV
@PaulCalafiore_: Let me interrupt whatever it is you’re doing...... because HOLY FUCK 🤤🤤 @CaraMariaMTV
- @CaraMariaMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ ♥️all yours
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎉BUT WAIT, THERE’S MORE!🎊DC, I know I told you we were done! I’m happy to announce that we’ve added @kailah_casillas & American Ninja Warrior’s @iammikeyp to the already LOADED 10/13 lineup of @hbarfield13 @MTVDevinWalker @joss_mooney @DerrickMTV! Tix at

@DerrickMTV: Not sure if you guys know THISSSS?!?! But @ChallengeMTV’s “Champs vs Stars”  @karatehottiemma is OPENING UP the MAIN CARD for TONIGHT’s #UFC229!! @TeamKhabib vs @TheNotoriousMMA  LETS GOOOOO Michelle!!!
@tjlavin: Really good decision guys! Live to fight another day...
@kailah_casillas: As boring as it may be, khabib is WORKIN it on the ground #UFC229
@kailah_casillas: I’m no UFC expert (if anything I’m more of a @AriannyCeleste) but.. I think Connor is losing. #UFC229
@kailah_casillas: "@Heather27385096: @kailah_casillas Owned isnt the word.. other dude just laid on him." RT Ok I lied when I said I’m not expert in my last tweet. I know UFC very well. I’ve watched since I was really little. He didn’t “just lay on him”, he’s a wrestler. He was working the whole time.. kept him in his space & held BOTH his feet the whole round. Impressive.
@johnnybananas: Well that was entertaining #UFC229
@CaraMariaMTV: When you go to watch a UFC fight and it turns into SMACKDOWN
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Oh my God #ufc229
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: This is amazing!!!!!!! #ufc229
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Im such trash yo. I'm totally mesmerized by this cave man show. Can't help it #UFC229
@joss_mooney: Win or lose, @TheNotoriousMMA takes it like Champ. He’ll be back...🇮🇪👊🏼
@Rogan_OConnor: Khabib banned... Conor goes on lock down.. See ya for the Rematch in a year when Conor KO’s him ✌🏽
@Rogan_OConnor: Disgraceful behaviour from Khabib after the fight, you’d never see a true champion like Conor act like that...
@TheMarkLong: Khabib got the victory in the cage tonight, but probably lost a huge fan base outside of it ... #ufc229
@HaydenPWeaver: He said “I ain’t putting your mouth guard in” 😂😂😂😂
@HaydenPWeaver: Ferguson and Pettis are psychos. Covered in blood and both smiling
@HaydenPWeaver: God that was a stressful ass round. McGregor is so insanely tough.
@HaydenPWeaver: I cannot believe that just happened.
@HaydenPWeaver: McGregor straight up got ambushed AFTER THE FIGHT, what a disgusting ending.
@HaydenPWeaver: We were so close to Pacers/Pistons 2.0
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: I can’t believe Khabib just pulled a Ron Artest
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Khabib won the fight and then lost the night
@VINNYGUADAGNINO: Anyway back to the actual fight . Conor is a sick striker but better showman who has taken Ls. Khabib is a technical undefeated beast. That’s why I had Khabib winning
@Couturesworld: UFC 229 just turned into Monday Night Raw .... wtf
@Daniel_Vilk: WTF just happened at #UFC299
@JesseSebastiani Jesse Sabastiani/MTV Canada: Holy fuck boys that was a straight up street brawl
@chachigonzales Cha Chi/America's Best Dance Crew: THIS IS WILD 😂😂😂
@AaronCGShore Aaron/Geordie Shore: How did this kid jump the cage and steal it on Conor wtf!!!!  ROB TRAMONTE⚡️GUNSMITH CLOTHING CO.™️
@andrewschulz: Khabib is the Floyd Mayweather of MMA. Unbeatable but Unbearable to watch to the casual fan.
@andrewschulz: People will say the post fight melee is bad for MMA. Wrong. Nothing could be better for the sport. The amount of free press there’re gonna get the next month is 100% worth it. Khabib vs Conor 2 is gonna be HUGE!
@andrewschulz: Conor pulled up on Khabib’s people. Khabib pulled up on Conor’s people. I don’t see the problem.
@JeffDye: What a crazy ending! Is @ufc becoming @wwe ???
@Dakota_Meyer: Cmon @ufc don’t forget @TheNotoriousMMA started this and @danawhite promoted this behavior. He had it coming and I’m happy to see someone do it.
@Javimarroquin9: That’s what happens when you talk smack... 🤷🏽‍♂️ all seriousness though khabib was the all around better fighter
@Javimarroquin9: It goes both ways... didn’t Connor attach his bus? Not defending khabib by any means but they both have messed up
@CodyThrive: There are plenty of people who wouldn’t know Khabib’s name if it weren’t for McGregor promoting this fight. That was no way to thank him. Khabib should have taken his win and thanked Connor for the clout. What an idiot. #UFC229
@SteeloBrim Steelo Brim/Ridiculousness: Khabib will be stripped, Charges will be filed, Rematch will be next. Welcome to the UFC

@ChallengeMTV: Zach has a message for Tony and Bananas from the Redemption House... 👀 #TheChallenge32
@CaraMariaMTV: Sooooo ive decided this @ChallengeMTV reunion im gonna just sit back with my popcorn and watch @DayDaVonne_ speak for the people. 🖕👉👌 🤣🙌🖤
@CaraMariaMTV: Also can someone make me a shirt with this gif on it? 🤣
@PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV @joss_mooney Your move Mooney 😉😈 @joss_mooney #AllBromo
@Marie_TBD: Gotta say Boston fans were good to us last night. Great game. So fun.
@joss_mooney: Blows my mind getting recognised in the US. So grateful. ❤️🙌🏼
@johnnybananas: To all of you who've continually criticized me for not having a real job... Put this in your pipe and smoke it! @1stlooktv #JohnnyGetsAJob
@ChallengeMTV: The perfect way to spend a Sunday? Pizza, tequila, and football 🍕🥃🏈   The best way to spend a Tuesday? Watching #TheChallenge32 👀  Don't miss an all new episode THIS Tuesday at 9/8c 📺
@johnnybananas: Nobody likes us... They fucking LOVE US 🍌💃🤴👸 #bananasvseveryone @CaraMariaMTV #TheChallenge32 #theyhateuscausetheyaintus @poolafterdark @harrahsresort
@CaraMariaMTV: BIG THANK YOU to @poolafterdark @harrahsresort @imdjhollywood @beatclan @andymtv22 for putting on an incredible event and for being amazing hosts for me and @johnnybananas  this weekend. Legendary as always!!!!
@hbarfield13: You know @joss_mooney is lit at dinner when he says “that guy is jet skiing the shit out of that jet ski” 😂😂😂
@joss_mooney: No bromo. @hbarfield13
@PaulCalafiore_: @joss_mooney @CaraMariaMTV Shall I get this party started bromo?! 😉😘 @joss_mooney
@DerrickMTV: Happy Birthday Butthead (@shotofyager)!! WAIT, you’d be Beavis because I’m a Butthead?! 🤔 OMG!! You’re the  Beavis to my Butthead!!! 😜 Hope you had an Awesome Day!! 🤘#ChallengeMania Baby! 🦖 …

@johnnybananas: "@JBananasNation: @joss_mooney @Clarence_Pryor @hbarfield13 Trying to be like Tony and Bananas huh?. Looks like you got some undercover fans. @t_raines33 @johnnybananas" RT Impersonation is the greatest form of flattery @t_raines33 #TeamBanony #bananasvseveryone
@Marie_TBD: My sister comparing the Salem witch trials to mean girls right now is everything. “All it took was one mean girl to start chanting witch, witch, witch!”
@smashingheads: LET’S GO! Our interview with @MTVDevinWalker is up now. We talk about the elimination “controversy”, trying to be less like @WestonBergmann, almost being on the Bachelorette, and the difference between AYTO and Challenge viewers: …
@Marie_TBD: One day till MY episode 😘🚨 @ChallengeMTV
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD They’re all your episodes, let’s be honest.
@ChallengeMTV: See who wins the next challenge, and find out what Cara and Marie's disadvantage is on a new episode of #TheChallenge32, TOMORROW at 9/8c! 👏
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Hahahaha my face.
@Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas Best friend tweets.
@faithstowers: All I know is, if Jamie lee Curtis doesn’t get Michael Meyers this year, I’m chasing her down to crystal lake on Friday the 13th !
@TheOfficial_CT: #mood …
@WestonBergmann: What I’m about to say will totally lose me man points, and I don’t care. I don’t fucking get camping. ⛺️ 🤷‍♂️
@joss_mooney: Be happy. Too many days are wasted comparing ourselves to others & wishing to be something we aren’t. Everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses and it is only when you accept everything you are and aren’t that you will truly succeed.
@CaraMariaMTV: Still praying to @BunimMurray / @mtv to see a @ChallengeMTV DUEL before i retire. No annoying votes or politics. Just straight up if you lose the challenge you call out your opponent other than that days winner. Straight competition and respect win or lose.  RT if you agree. 🙌
- @TheMarkLong: @CaraMariaMTV Did somebody say #DUEL ??? #godfather #peopleschamp
@ChallengeMTV: Last week's episode in a nutshell? 😩 Catch up on #TheChallenge32 NOW before a new episode TOMORROW at 9/8c! Link:
@DayDaVonne_: I just popped in to say hey.. I’m gonna go on back where I was... twitter’s a little too lit right now lol ✌🏾
@joss_mooney: #InternationalChestDay with @hbarfield13 👊🏼
@DerrickMTV: SATURDAY OCTOBER 13TH #ChallengeManiaLIVE, #WashingtonDC (@dcimprov) 🌪🌈  For the 1ST TIME since Me and @joss_mooney MAULED eachother,we will meet again.👺👹  SPECIAL GUESTS include:  @kailah_casillas @mtvhunter @mtv_devin @iammikeyp 🍿🥂  TICKETS:  🥒
@johnnybananas: Cupids Arrow VS Johnnys Banana 💘🍌 See who was triumphant on the last episode of @1stlooktv where I try my hand at matchmaking 🧚‍♂️❤ (LINK BELOW) #Cupid  @ThreeDayRule #HostBananas
@kailah_casillas: I’m hereeeeeee @Marie_TBD & @iamkamiam_ ... can’t wait to see you bitches.
@kailah_casillas: @DerrickMTV @Marie_TBD and 3 others Marie is not an LL!!!
@CaraMariaMTV: @joss_mooney 🙋🏻‍♀️ .... i mean when i have a good lookin model and an iphone i clearly kill it. Ahem @PaulCalafiore_
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV @joss_mooney Also, if you need a fluffer I got yo— I mean I’ll just be there for moral support if you need.....
@johnnybananas: "@_JordanNichole_: @johnnybananas @1stlooktv @ThreeDayRule Really enjoying the show so far @johnnybananas 👍👍👍" RT We're just getting warmed up 🔥🔥 @1stlooktv #HostBananas
@PresidentRamos: One of my favorite moments in challenge history was when everyone was calling home on dirty thirty & @JustJem24 asked if Beyoncé had her twins yet 😂
@MTVtrey: Congratulations @drewbrees! What an incredible accomplishment. 🏈
@blairherter: LEGEND #nfl #whodat #saints
@blairherter: Dude spent the one of the greatest moments in professional sports history thanking his coach, giving out love and teaching his kids a valuable life lesson.  Legend. Role model. 🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐🐐
@TrishelleC: Congrats @drewbrees @Saints Your city loves you!!! ❤️

@TeenMom: Can you keep a secret, @MTVCoryWharton? 👀 Find out what happens at @itskcheyenne's family barbecue on tomorrow night's #TeenMomOG at 9/8c on @MTV.
@MTVCoryWharton: Co-Parenting at its finest ❣️
@TeenMom: A brand new episode of #TeenMomOG starts right now on @MTV! Are you watching + tweeting along with me? 📺
@TeenMom: Is another baby in the near future for @itskcheyenne…? 👶 #TeenMomOG  (GIF: "It's just what's going to happen."
@TeenMom: Uh oh… 👀 #TeenMomOG  (GIF: Chey - "I'm not sure if my dad really knows.")
@TeenMom: Don’t slip up now, @MTVCoryWharton! #TeenMomOG  (GIF: "What?")
@TeenMom: .@itskcheyenne is NOT happy right now. #TeenMomOG  (GIF: "Seriously?")
@BombshellChels: I only watch #TeenMomOG for Ryder sorry @itskcheyenne 🤷🏽‍♀️

@ChallengeMTV: IT'S CHALLENGE DAY! 💪 #TheChallenge32
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Favorite day of the week 😍😍
- @ZNichols15: @ChallengeMTV 😂😂😂😂
@SHOTOFYAGER: Feel free to start sending YOUR QUESTIONS for @Marie_TBD, who is returning to #ChallengeMania this week. BUTT be sure to tune in to tonight’s @ChallengeMTV episode & use your HEAD to think of some questions based on that too. Have a feeling #TheChallenge32 tonight might come up.
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🏛DC! We are bringing your @ChallengeMTV favorites to The @DCImprov THIS SATURDAY, 10/13! @DerrickMTV & @joss_mooney together again for the 1st time since that EPIC Elim! @kailah_casillas! @MTVDevinWalker! @hbarfield13! 1pm M&G, 3pm Show - 🎟Tix avail at 🇺🇸
@DerrickMTV: kailah_casillas gonna be in the HOUSE this SATURDAY 10/13 🙌 🍿 • 🏛DC! We are bringing your challengemtv favorites, to @dcimprov THIS SATURDAY, 10/13! Myself & joss_mooney together again for… …
@RachD1214: The epic Marie vs Sylvia fight goes down tonight! Here a preview of the fight from MTV! #TheChallenge32 @Marie_TBD  @SylviaMTV
@Morgan_MacAdam: Today is the day of Queen @Marie_TBD 👑 episode! DILLY DILLY! #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Tonight’s new @ChallengeMTV episode has my favorite challenge ever as well as my favorite challenge moment ever. Don’t miss this one!!! #teamcaramariE #thechallenge32 (And no it’s not the headbutt)
@ChallengeMTV: Everyone has their breaking point, and Marie and Sylvia have reached theirs 💥 #TheChallenge32 is all new TONIGHT at 9/8c 🍿
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV “Nobody likes me, no ones my friend... I’m so funny.” @SylviaMTV summing up my @ChallengeMTV persona in one minute. Lmao 😂
- @SylviaMTV: @Marie_TBD @ChallengeMTV 😂😂😂 oh Marine, how did we ever make it through this house?!?
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD @SylviaMTV @ChallengeMTV Marie take your backpack off, make yourself comfortable... lol
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas You know I’m most comfortable in a backpack/fanny #Doratheexplorer
@CaraandMarieFan: Me while reading @Marie_TBD ‘s recaps. Should be another great one tomorrow! Happy Challenge Day everyone 💛
@MTV_AMANDAG: Who’s ready for snow tomorrow! 👀❄️❤️
@Marie_TBD: Shoutout to @CaraMariaMTV for knowing a bish can handle herself.
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD @CaraMariaMTV You guys relationship is a mind fuck.
@TheOfficial_CT: Keep this man AWAY from the Challenge! #justsayin #rp  (via @andriragettli) …
@NataliaNegrotti: I’m taking over the Challenge Instagram today and going live at 8pm ET! Come join me and figure out what happened here 🤭 @PaulCalafiore_ @iamkamiam_ @ZNichols15 @jossie_flores #thechallenge32 @ChallengeMTV
@shannanity: Issa 🐍🐍🐍
@Marie_TBD: When your sweatshirt says #EastCoast and your face does too. 😂😂 do not miss tonight’s @ChallengeMTV episode. #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: The Cast of Final Reckoning is reuniting soon, and we want to know: what questions do you have for the cast this season? 🤔 Ask below! #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Head over to @ChallengeMTV Instagram and see Natalie answer all of your boring questions. 😂😩#thechallenge32 #mood
@ChallengeMTV: Do you think Bananas prays to The Challenge Gods with Devin back in the game? 🙏😂 See if they have mercy on him on a new episode of #TheChallenge32 TONIGHT at 9/8c!
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV Hahahahahahaha
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV Lol I love that none of us knew what the others were saying but we all kinda said the same shit 😂
@shannanity: I’m excited to see everyone’s reaction to tonight’s episode
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @shannanity @MTV_NellyT Aw this is so cute
@ChallengeMTV: The Lavender Ladies x TYB alliance revert to dirty tactics to try and beat Tony and Bananas in the daily, and with the whole house against them, Tony and Bananas better post a good performance if they want to stay out of Armageddon... #TheChallenge32 is all new TONIGHT @ 9/8c 🔥
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Is it true that Paulie (the POS that he is) slept with you, @MTV , @Viacom , AND @BunimMurray prior to going on Final Reckoning so that it ensured a redemption house on his rookie season? Asking for a friend 🤷🏼‍♂️💁🏼‍♂️😋 #TheChallenge32
@Marie_TBD: Cut the “bully” shit, I’m no victim. When my backs against the wall I push back. Literally and Figuratively. Can’t wait for tonight! #thechallenge32
@CaraMariatea3: "@MTVRWRRQuotes: Brand new episode of #TheChallenge32 tomorrow at 8/9c.. let us know which squad you’re rolling with... 🍌 / 💜 #FinalReckoning " RT Don’t you just love the fact that there’s double the amount of men in the actual game than women. #Sarcasm
@danielleee12: It’s Tuesday so you know what that means!! A new #Challenge32 is on tonight so no better day to sport my #ChallengeMania #TeamCara shirt than today 🥊🤗 #keepinitweird #FinalReckoning @CaraMariaMTV ❤️
@PaulCalafiore_: Who else is like me when 9 pm EST hits?! All new episode of The @ChallengeMTV is on TONIGHT! On the only network where I can use a Bruno Mars reference to describe my happiness... @MTV 😎 #TheChallenge32
@PaulCalafiore_: @SylviaMTV @ChallengeMTV @MTV Because you know me and you know that I start EVERY morning with a Bruno song!! 😂🤣 #YouGetMe
@Marie_TBD: "@SylviaMTV: @Marie_TBD @JessAbrego6 @shannanity I’m pretty positive Marnie took herself out... on an emotional night 😂" RT She’s right I didn’t get kicked out I removed myself LOL 😂😂
@Marie_TBD: For the last time I am not an LL, I am a loser. Nobody likes me!!!!!!
@joss_mooney: Top Golf...🍻🏌🏽‍♂️⛳️
@Bruce_Lee85: Today I completed my 1500hrs of Barber School “Royleethebarber “ let  my journey begin 🙌🏿✂️😎
@kailah_casillas: Everyone go congratulate @Bruce_Lee85 for finishing barber school today! ✂️
- @Bruce_Lee85: @kailah_casillas Thanks Kailah 😊😘
@JustJem24: I’m just gonna leave this here...

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As you saw above, we included the reactions of everyone in Team MTV - Trifecta and otherwise - to last week's events at UFC 229 in Las Vegas. Of course, it's remembered not for it being promoted as the biggest fight yet for the UFC, but more notably for the drama that went down after Khabib Nurmagomedov's 4th round submission win over Conor McGregor. There will be consequences for those involved and many won't look at MMA's biggest promotion the same way again after the post-fight brawl that erupted afterwards, but amidst all this there was someone of interest to Challenge fans who took part in the main undercard proceeding the main event.

If you watched Champs vs. Stars I last winter, Michelle Waterson was one of the ten Stars who were chosen from both sports and entertainment who got to compete against Bananas, Emily, CT and the rest of the Veteran incumbency who comprised the Champs side. Of course, the Champs totally dominated the whole season with those three aforementioned Champs teaming to win the final and $150,000 for charity. But when it came to having a group who would have to match up against Team Champs in the final, Michelle, The Bachelor's Josh Murray and the outstanding Star of CvS I, Wild 'N Out's Justina Valentine, were given that unenviable task, and they did win one stage of the multi-stage final to prevent the Champs from having a totally perfect season.
   Going into Champs vs. Stars, Michelle lost her last fight - a submission to Rose Namajunas, then conceded a decision to Tecia Torres days after her first trip to elimination on the show, but bounced back with a split decision win over Cortney Casey in April. On Saturday, Waterson faced off against Felice Herrig in the opening bout of the main PPV card (her second appearance on a major card after appearing on FOX cards) and decisioned her opponent to begin what was no ordinary night for the UFC. And now with Ronda Rousey out of the picture - and also getting to meet with Chris Pratt after the win, she is now aiming for a title shot in the women's strawweight division and a rematch with Namajunas - who lifted the belt last year.
   The long-term implications of what went down in T-Mobile Arena will soon be felt for everyone connected to the sport, and it's already been felt in both Conor and Khabib being suspended pending a hearing later this month on the circus that took place afterwards, and the champ already has his purse being withheld. But at its heart, fighters who align themselves to the UFC relish the opportunity to do what they do best to the world, and despite the black eye of what took place there are a handful who fight under the banner who put their skills and even family over everything else. One of them is Michelle, and after the fight she talked about how she wanted to win for her family and wanting another chance at the Champ.

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Coming up at 10PM Eastern Time, the Pulse of The Challenge Final Reckoning, as a headbutt, heights and a make-up take over South Africa. See you then...


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