Sunday, May 12, 2019

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge War of the Worlds - "Final Destination" (BACKTRACKED)

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Welcome back friends... we hope you got to enjoy your Mother's Day Sunday with your moms everywhere, and if you're a mom - we wish you a late, but better late than never, Mother's Day to all of you. On the competition front, we saw Manchester City hang on over Liverpool to win the Premier League and cap off an incredible week for English football, while on a Sunday of Game 7's in the NBA Playoffs, we're all still buzzing about Kwahi Leonard's buzzer-beater to send Toronto into a frenzy - the first walkoff in a series decider since "The Shot" by Michael Jordan 30 years ago.

As far as the fifth major pro sport is concerned, we are in the business stretch of a season of The Challenge that, thanks to it being shorter in length than Final Reckoning, has breezed by fairly quickly. And last we left War of the Worlds - earlier this weekend as we measure our time here, things began to get serious for the competitors as they encountered their toughest challenge yet, and the one that will usually tell us who has a serious chance at the cash: a endurance mission. The effects of that demanding task saw Turbo and Ninja & Dee get into a big argument and Hunter threaten to quit... but it's what happened in the preceding elimination that had everyone talking: Georgia beating Nany in a chair-based Killing Floor that had viewers crying foul.

But, there is one elimination that everyone loves and craves more than any other: players strapping on an American football helmet, crashing into each other inside a narrow hallway and trying to ring a bell located at the other side of the playing surface. That's what will go down this week for the season's penultimate trip into the Killing Floor, as one man will decide whether or not to risk it all in settling a feud spurred on by his power player girlfriend. Then, the competitors will board Challenge Airways -- with TJ Lavin as a pilot -- as they'll have to handle their worst fears for a plane ride like no other. And for a new rivalry that's affected three continents, a chance to right some wrongs as the players inch closer to the final - for which the week's top two competitors earn a bye to the final.

After the jump, "Final Destination" awaits the players left in the running for $1 million as we bring you Week 13 of War of the Worlds on this backtracked Challenge SocialPulse. And thanks for staying up for us tonight and wrapping up this amazing weekend with DCBLOG.

 AS THEY SAW IT: "Final Destination" 
@ChallengeMTV: An all new episode of #TheChallenge33 starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! Who's watching!? 🍿 (GIF: Turbo - "F___, I'm excited now.")
@MTV: Trapped in an airplane suspended high over the water with massive turbulence and the only way out is to jump??? Oh, AND you have to manage to complete a puzzle in your seat. Welcome to tonight's episode of #TheChallenge33 at 9/8c. ✈️   Sneak Peek: Challenge Airways / The Challengers must complete a puzzle from the inside of an airplane suspended high over the water.
@SwervoDev: Challenge Time #TheChallenge33
@brian_gregory90: IT’S CHALLENGE TIME!!! #TheChallenge33
@Katespinales07: #TheChallenge33 has started!!!! I love Wednesdays ! @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: *Crickets* #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Kyle - "You don't want to go against me?")
@MTV_NellyT: LegGo starting @ChallengeMTV with a HeadBanger!!!!  🚨🚨🚨 @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: Let's see if Theo can do his ex-ally a favor 🤞 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Cara - "Please do this, Theo")
@Ninja_Natalie: I promise no temper tantrums this time 😅
@Ninja_Natalie: Working to redeem myself 🙏🏼 Appreciate the REASONABLE honesty from you guys.
@ChallengeMTV: Theo is my alarm clock in the morning and Kyle is me 😩 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Theo pulling Kyle's leg)
@DayDaVonne_: I wonder if they’re going to show SOMEONE up there having PTSD while watching this challenge , and me comforting them 🤔
@ChallengeMTV: STAY LOW 👏 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Turbo - "If you don't listen to me, you're going to lose")s
@MattieLBreaux: Once a cheerleader always a cheerleader #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: @KyleCGShore lessss geaux
@ChallengeMTV: It's 1-1. Who you got!? 😱 #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: This was probably one of the hardest eliminations to watch 💯 #TheChallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @MattieLBreaux Literally me 😰 #TheChallenge33
@DerrickMTV: Uh-oh!!! @theo_campbell91 with the TACKLE!! The Finisher, maybe?? #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: This elimination was intense !!!!! I wish they had the girls do it.  #TheChallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: Probably didn’t breathe watching that entire elimination 😥
@ChallengeMTV: Great fight, lads. Both of you, RESPECT 👌 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of TJ congratulating Kyle on his effort)
@Ninja_Natalie: @KyleCGShore @theo_campbell91 you guys are towering SAVAGES. Thought those walls were going to break apart
@ohstilinskiis: turbo is the best sideline coach #thechallenge33
@MTV_NellyT: Dammm @KyleCGShore my money was you my Guy @ChallengeMTV
@emilycdohogne: I realize none of my personal friends care about this BUT Turbo is my favorite reality star on television #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: Say what you want .... @KyleCGShore played his ass off this season ... I’m proud of you Fav !! #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: "@tx3pug: Wow! Good job, Theo! #TheChallenge33" RT Who was rooting for Theo? Who was rooting for Kyle? SPEAK UP! #TheChallenge33
@kbbaus: Hell of a season for Kyle. He's one hell of a competitor. #thechallenge33
@_Simply_TT: Awe poor Kyle #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Cara *almost* feels bad for Kyle 😂 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of her)
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Respect equally to both 👊🏼
@ChallengeTea911: Best elimination of the season #TheChallenge33
@Majestic_Wonder: When Turbo gives you advice, LISTEN!! He knows what he's doing 💯💯 #TheChallenge33
@Irving_A07: In all seriousness though, Kyle grew a lot on me this season. #TheChallenge33
@FrailMary: I'm happy and sad at the same time. :/ #TheChallenge33
@GusSmyrnios: Hell of a fight brotha ✊🏼 Glad the challenge house brought the shore bros together 🙌🏼 @KyleCGShore @ChallengeMTV @FloribamaShore @mtvgeordieshore
- @ChallengeMTV: @GusSmyrnios @KyleCGShore and 2 others ok WOW THIS >>> #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Tormund isn't the only one who's got giant's milk running through his veins 🍼🍼🍼 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Turbo to Theo - "That's why I'm strong")
- @georgiaharisonx: @ChallengeMTV Miss these days with my boys ❤️❤️💫
@theo_campbell91: I was looking forward to the Paulie - Kyle faceoff after the listening to the smack talk for 7 weeks. Good move Paulie for not stepping down tho as you might not have came back. I got you tho g, let the big boss take out the big trash. You can call me the big smoke 💨
- @ChallengeMTV: @theo_campbell91 Great fight, ole boii #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Pulling up to this next challenge seeing heights over water and a beat up airplane likeee 😩 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Georgia - "Oh my god, we're all going to die")
@_Simply_TT: Turbo you excite me 😜😜😜 #TheChallenge33
@theo_campbell91: Big up @KyleCGShore for putting up the nastiest scrap I’ve ever had. Guy beat CT JT and Bear. He’s the only person who puts hisself down. Guy is tall and strong AF so don’t ever under estimate this guy is a dirty hard cunt! @ChallengeMTV #challenge33
@DayDaVonne_: Lmaoooooooo “NOPE” 😂😂😂😂😂😩😩😩😩😩 #TheChallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ NOT. ABOUT. THIS ONE. #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "Nope")
@QueenDayGrande: @DayDaVonne_  said time thee fuck out 😂😂 #theChallenge33
@sepooh89: @DayDaVonne_  😂😂😂 girl you are the show. Love you!!! #TheChallenge33 #waroftheworlds
@ML_in_FL: Hey @MTV can @DayDaVonne_ get her own show already?! Her commentary makes this season! 😂👏🏻 #TheChallenge33
@frankieendoondo: DADDY TURBO SAID REVENGE WILL BE SURVED #TheChallenge33 😈
@PhillipLikesTV: LOL @DayDaVonne_ like “timeout”. Nope. DEAD. This challenge gon be GOOOD. #TheChallenge33
@FentyDavonne: “Time to take my... Ra-Wenge” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 turbo is cute omg #TheChallenge33
@_RakkeL_: Dee is 100 percent wfong for coming for Turbo. It was a partners fight. She coulda had her friends back without repeatedly putting her screaming self in Turbo's face. #thechallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: To everyone who wants to see me get tortured.. here you go ✈️😢
@therealityroyal: Turbo king of revenge 😍😍😍 #TheChallenge33
@meechtargaryen: Turbo said: If you do something, you take back   -A proverb #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: @alexsaflocka That's MY man #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: We love a man in uniform 😍 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Turbo - "Time to take... my revenge.")
@alexsaflocka: Turbo is so precious!! #TheChallenge33
@ShoBusyLivin: Turbo wants blood.  He wants revenge.  #TheChallenge33
@tx3pug: I really loved Turbo, Ninja Natalie, and Dee this season. I hope they make up eventually!! #TheChallenge33
@fruitlo0pzZ: Turbo is adorable  #thechallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: TJ's got their boarding passes ready along with two standby tickets straight to the Final!!! 🎟 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "I have your boarding passes")00000
@MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV Let’s FLY #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: It’s like the producers were like hmmm what are some things Da’Vonne is afraid of ....  heights ✅  large bodies of water ✅  airplanes ✅   Let’s put them all together and see what happens 😩  #TheChallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ Who CC'd you on our email thread!? 😂 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Mattie's thinking "Jesus take the wheel - heck, just anyone but TJ please!" 😭 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of her doing sign of the cross before challenge begins)
- @Clarence_Pryor: @ChallengeMTV I feel the same way @MattieLBreaux! #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV I hope my luggage makes it 😂 #TheChallenge33
@allrealitychat: Da'Vonne's face right now lmaoooo, she know this shit ain't for a slim thug like herself! She tryna hold it together but she ready to lose it lmaooo ain't you, @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: U can see my nerves in my face 😂 @ChallengeMTV
- @ChallengeMTV: @MattieLBreaux Literally praAaAaAyinggg #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: @Ninja_Natalie 😂😂😂😂 phones on airplane mode 🏆
- @Ninja_Natalie: @MattieLBreaux @ChallengeMTV Gurl I FELT you, and I was sitting all the way in the front row
@DayDaVonne_: “Turbulence” ....  #TheChallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ TURBULENCEEEEE!? #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeDfnder: Oh my gawd this challenge is terrifying 😱 #TheChallenge33
@BROOKLYNSTAR211: Big  challenge   go right  to the  finals  #TheChallenge33  everyone  better  give  it  their  all
@dwashtweets: Turbo is pressed, okay yeah they’re extra & blah but let it go bruh! #TheChallenge33
@dramageek19: So if I drink milk will I be strong like turbo #TheChallenge33
@therealityroyal: TURBO’S MILK STORY >>>> #TheChallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: I’m that psychopath that secretly loves turbulence on a plane 😈➿✈️
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all I was legit terrified on this challenge ... it felt so real !!! This wasn’t like a normal challenge , this was some horrific shit that could actually happen. And my damn imagination HYPED IT UP even more than what it actually was 😩 #TheChallenge33
@Jhasegawa25: Ninja still talkin all of this shit. Turbo will talk to you when he wants to talk to you. #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Why does Dee look like this on that airplane right now 😩 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of group going on rough boat ride in the lake)
@ChallengeMTV: Yup. Literally never stepping foot on an airplane again 🙅 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Cara - "This is f_____ up and traumatic for some people.")
@MattieLBreaux: Puzzle pieces flying everywhere 🤦🏻‍♀️ #TheChallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @MattieLBreaux Puzzle pieces, and Dee #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: For reference... #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Dee lifting up her seat)
@shay91_: "bread crumbs and cheetos flying everywhere" - @DayDaVonne_  ma'am please 😂😂😂😂
@ChallengeMTV: Meanwhile, in the cockpit... 😈 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of TJ smiling while in the pilot's seat)
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all see Tj in the front laughing ???!!! Lmaoooooo  🗣 DisreDAMNspectful !!! 😂😂😂
- @ChallengeMTV: @DayDaVonne_ He's having a little TOO much fun #TheChallenge33  (GIF)
@ChallengeMTV: Me trying to remember the last thing that was said in my Snapchat chat 🤔 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Cara)
@DayDaVonne_: That was the worst !!! Them damn pieces were flying everywhere !!!  #TheChallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: Crap I’m gonna start practicing sudoku while crashing my car, to prepare future challenges 🧩🔥🚑 #thechallange33
@ChallengeMTV: Me: I shouldn't jump to conclusions.   Also me:  (GIF of Dee jumping into water)
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Exit row please 🙋🏻‍♀️
@JustJem24: I love you @KyleCGShore. My forever cousin 🖤
@ChallengeMTV: Hunter's real rival in this game 😂 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "I am so sick of sucking at puzzles")
- @Kmorrisx: @ChallengeMTV This would totally be me every puzzle 🤷🏽‍♂️
@Ninja_Natalie: Omg @MattieLBreaux cheering on @msdeenguyen WHILE she’s still solving the puzzle 😭🙌🏼 You the real MVP #thechallange33
@LWCPodcast: Quick acknowledgement to @MattieLBreaux.... she’s supporting Dee while she’s still finishing her puzzle. Truly a queen. #TheChallenge33 #StirThePotWithLWC
@tarafaith16: every @ChallengeMTV Wednesday my heart rate rises throughout the whole episode 😳😂 #TheChallenge33
@DerrickMTV: SHOUTOUT @theo_campbell91 and @KyleCGShore for giving us the @ChallengeMTV BANGER of the season!! Good **** fellas! ✊ Besides puzzles, it’s what makes The Challenge, The Challenge! 😉 #TheChallenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: That was the elimination of the season right there, and to me the only potential #ChallengeManiaAwards nominee for Elimination of the Year that we’ve seen so far. Really solid showing from @theo_campbell91 & @KyleCGShore. Both guys should be proud. #TheChallenge33 #ChallengeMania
@leftwardbound: Live shot of @theo_campbell91 & @hbarfield13 on #TheChallenge33 #MTV
@ChallengeMTV: Cara's becoming a staple in these Finals 👏 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of her on her knees)
@DayDaVonne_: I’m so supportive .... even though some of y’all swear I’m a hater 😏
@leekworld101: Let’s just say @DayDaVonne_ is reality tv Gold her commentary is everything!!! Disagree let’s argue
@_beecm: Queen Cara Maria making her FOURTH FINAL #TheChallenge33
@CrashAttract: Going straight to the final!! Cara! Sweet!!! #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Note to self: don't ever piss off Turbo 😰 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: "You deserve it")
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Noted 😬✔️
@ChallengeMTV: Whyyy is Day so unbothered though 💅😂 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of her)
@DayDaVonne_: "@Jhasegawa25: Damn, they ain’t even let @DayDaVonne_ get dressed. 😂 #TheChallenge33" RT Maaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnn 😩
@ChallengeMTV: Facts are facts 📠 #TheChallenge33  (GIF: Cara - "This is the best looking Tribunal I've ever had")
@ChallengeMTV: If you were in the Tribunal's shoes, who would you vote into elimination? 🤔 #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: I just wanted to take a shower and shampoo / condition my hair 😩 #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: @ChallengeMTV Lmaooooo 😂😂😂
@Ninja_Natalie: Taking back what I threw down. It’s rough, but I respect what needs to happen 💪🏽@turabicamkiran #TheChallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @Ninja_Natalie @turabicamkiran 👏👏👏
@missangie22: @DayDaVonne_ you really went up there with a towel on?!😱 🤣 you are my fav of alllll time! No fuxs given!
@PaulCalafiore_: #StillHere
- @ChallengeMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ OKKKK 👏😂 #TheChallenge33
- @ChallengeMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ I'm actually screaming tho #TheChallenge33
@_jerseyapples: @DayDaVonne_ pleaseeeee be on next season! This show won't be the same without you!  #TheChallenge33
@Ninja_Natalie: Me watching tonight’s tribunal: #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV
@melbrown0: @DayDaVonne_ please never change 😂 Please come back next season. You’re gold.
@Ninja_Natalie: Me every 15min awaiting my fate...
@FentyDavonne: Da’vonne went RIGHT back to her shower lmaaaoooo!! Sis it tired of these people voting her in lmao she gives ZERO fucks at this point 🤣🤣 a queen  #TheChallenge33
@GamerVev: “I’m not politicking shit” @DayDaVonne_ ain’t EVER scared of an elimination 🗣🗣🗣 #TheChallenge33
@shxrell: WE LOVE A BLOWOUT @DayDaVonne_  #TheChallenge33
@heaven_or_hell5: DA’VONNE ROCKING THE NATURAL HAIR YAS SIS🥵🥵🥵 #TheChallenge33
@NotoriousAJM: COME ON WASH DAY!!!! PUSH THROUGH INCHES!!! @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge33
@CourtneyLizR: DaVonne with the INCHES and the THICKNESS. The BOUNCE. I STAN. @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeRewind: I repeat, I LIVE for @DayDaVonne_ #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Me: *sees a roach in my apartment* #TheChallenge33  (GIF of Day packing her bags)
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV 😂😂😂😂😂
@TheChazStump: @DayDaVonne_ #challenge33 i love your confidence and your acceptance of what happens happens, you’re killing it this season!
@MGFANATIC202: Love how @DayDaVonne_ and @PaulCalafiore_ relationship has grown since that Day at the jury house!!
@ChallengeMTV: Oh so it's like THAT huh 😡 #TheChallenge33  (GIF of her going into floor)
@ChallengeMTV: Next week on #TheChallenge33...  💪 A tug-of-war elimination...  👋 A purge challenge...  🚑 An injury...
@MattieLBreaux: Thanks to all who tuned in @ChallengeMTV
@g_moXX1: Give my girl @DayDaVonne_ a break got damn it.... 🤬 #TheChallenge33

@RealityInternn: When’s the last time a rookie, who was clearly not a layup, made the final without going into elimination? Good job Turbo! #TheChallenge33
@allrealitychat: @DayDaVonne_ does A LOT of things, she delivers Grade A confessionals, she wins dailies, she exemplifies and represents for the culture and she books flights while handling shit in the Killing Floor. We love the queen of the Killing Floor #TheChallenge33
@ScottBoscan_: How many times have @DayDaVonne_  gone into elimination this season? Give her a break! Come on! Either way she sends girls packing so I expect nothing less #TheChallenge33
@freddy25: Definitely rooting for @DayDaVonne_ in this elimination! You got this girl! #TheChallenge33
@DayDaVonne_: Welp ... will I get my third elimination win for the season or will this be the end of my journey ? See y’all next week to find out 🤐
@Ninja_Natalie: DAMN YOU @ChallengeMTV making me feel ALL the feelz humanly possible in 24hrs. 😡😤😒😬😟😢😭😵☠️ #TheChallenge33
@WestonBergmann: "@robmci16: The Challenge War Of The Worlds Fantasy Scoring Leaders through Episode 12: 1) @WestonBergmann…" RT Thank you for quantifying what everyone knew was gonna happen before episode one
@WestonBergmann: "@TomTrackAcs: Yo @WestonBergmann how does it feel to singlehandedly revive The Challenge? Asking for a friend. I def don’t scream LETS GO WES at the tv" RT It feels good but it’s a lot of pressure. I’ve got to get daily massages for my back. But recovery is going quite nicely.
@wakingintheden: @turabicamkiran Congratulations 🍾🎉🎈🎊 I cannot recall anyone having a better rookie season on @ChallengeMTV most people love you or wanna be you right now I’m rooting for you #TheChallenge33
@MonaTurabi2: I dont care about tribunal anymore. let me live my hapiness, Turbo is in FİNAL 😃😃😃👏👏👏💪💪💪💪#thechallenge33 @turabicamkiran
@SednakayaT: Turbo Turabi kesinlikle finalde ؛a؛ırdık mı hayır🤗 Helal olsun kral👑 ضlüm meydanına hiç çıkmadan finale çıktın acaba bu bir ilk mi😀 seninle gurur duyuyoruz ھampiyon🙌🙌🙌🙌 Congratulations turbo 🇹🇷 #TheChallenge33 #TurboTurabi @turabicamkiran @turboturabiteam @ChallengeMTV
@Ninja_Natalie: @Jesus_Cankul @turabicamkiran You right. He didn’t deserve it
@CassShank: @turabicamkiran good job man.. people show their true colors under stress. Natalie threw you under the bus 1st chance she got.. #TheChallenge33 #Trustyourgut
@ericamarie71815: YESSSSS!!!!🙌🙌🙌 My week is made perfect because @turabicamkiran won airplane challenge competition and is going straight to finals!!! This makes me sooo happy!!! Much love to you TURBO!!!💙💙💙 @ChallengeMTV
@caramariateaa: Congratulations to @turabicamkiran & Cara Maria for winning one of the scariest and hardest challenges to date & earning their spot in the final! #TheChallenge33
@TheFifthSport: @turabicamkiran IT WAS #QueenCara & #TurboTime tonight! @theo_campbell91 proved he is not messing around, @PaulCalafiore_ talked the talk... until he didn't, and @hbarfield13 couldn't finish a puzzle if $1M depended on it. Read the NEWLY formatted recap!
@mikaykayswag25: NEVER GET ON TURBO'S BAD SIDE!! Lesson learned😳😳😳 #TheChallenge33
@turabicamkiran: Good job sister CARA #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: Cara's managed to make the Final without hitting The Killing Floor once - and to her credit, she's won a ridiculous amount of daily challenges. But who did the Vet say she wouldn't want to face if she did find herself in elimination? 🤔 #TheChallenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: ⚔️NEW PODCAST UP!⚔️Fly or CRASH into THE WAR ROOM over at  & hear @DerrickMTV & I discuss the epic Hall Brawl from #TheChallenge33 last night, how Cara Maria made history, whether Paulie made the right call, Turbo’s revenge & MUCH MORE! #ChallengeMania ✈️✈️
@rhapups: This week on The @ChallengeMTV a close elimination sends one top competitor home, the competition tests the players ability to focus, a fight from last week impacts the voting and two people make the final. #RHAP @CohenBrian_ @lashtweets @WillFromAmerica
@PostaMgzn: Survivor'da 2 kez ؛ampiyonluk ya؛amı؛ olan Turabi اamkıran'dan büyük ba؛arı
@gazeteistiklal: Turbo Turabi'den büyük ba؛arı! The Challenge'da final
@b_hakimiyet: Turabi اamkıran'ın büyük ba؛arısı!
@CaddeMilliyet: Turabi اamkıran'ın büyük ba؛arısı
@SONTV_: Turabi, Amerika'da tarih yazdı!
@medyafaresi: Turabi اamkıran'ın büyük ba؛arısı
@Acuncom: 'Turbo Turabi' The Challenge yarı؛masında finale kaldı! #thechallenge #turabi
@ncenter92: “What people give me, I always take back. This is my life.” - Turbo @ChallengeMTV by far the best cast member to be added in years.
@leannetrauzzi: I really hope Turbo places in the Challenge final and gets some of that money. He's such a beast and he's actually so smart and strategic. 😬💪🏻
@EmilyySchultz: #TURBO AND #Tormund need to be besties.  They both love their milk.🍼🤣🤣🤣 #TheChallenge #GameOfThrones  @mtv @ChallengeMTV @GameOfThrones
@turabicamkiran: Turbo ❤️ milk.  #turboTurabi #turbo #turabi #TheChallenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨NEW PODCAST UP!🚨#TheChallenge33 Standout @MattieLBreaux joins me & @DerrickMTV to talk about her  @ChallengeMTV debut, how she got her start on Party Down South, training, who was almost her original partner, where she stands w/ Kyle today & MUCH MORE!📲 …
@EricBanks: "@johnnybananas: @ChallengeMTV So if I'm CT's backpack, does this make @WestonBergmann Big Easys Fanny pack 😂 @EricBanks " RT 😂🧐🤔🤷‍♂️ Perfect analogy | Hope you’re well brotha was just talking about you Monday with @mikethemiz
@ChallengeBBook: we do not deserve you, @tjlavin #TheChallenge33
@caramariateaa: RECORDS CARA MARIA SORBELLO HOLDS  - Most elim wins for females   - only female SOLO champ in history   - most finals ever made by a woman   - most CONSECUTIVE finals ever made by ANYONE EVER   - most consecutive daily mission wins   - ONLY FEMALE TO BEAT A MALE/MALE TEAM IN A FINAL
@HedrichFiles: Jordan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Paulie   FOREVER!   Jordan made one of the all time ballsiest moves in Challenge history, it didn’t pay off but at least he had the guts to stand behind his declaration against Bananas. Paulie wimped out. Bottom line.  #TheChallenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: ⚔️Anybody else notice that the only people left on #TheChallenge33 w/ more than one @ChallengeMTV season under their belt are Cara, @hbarfield13 & @WestonBergmann? If you don’t think this is a changing of the guard, your TV is broken.📺🚫#ChallengeMania
@HedrichFiles: "@LWCPodcast: Honest Question.  Is Cara Maria the Female GOAT of The Challenge?  Why or why not? Comment below ⏬⏬⏬⏬ #TheChallenge33 #WarofTheWorlds #MTV #Goat #podcast" RT Cara Maria is the LeBron of The Challenge. Accumulated an insane amount of great stats, constantly gets to finals + a few titles. But she’s never instilled the fear that Emily/Laurel/Evelyn has. Cara plays to avoid going into elims, everyone plays to avoid Em/Ev/L in elims.
@helloalievans: Challenge Airways: the only airline with a ONE WAY TICKET TO THE FINAL ✈️ #TheChallenge33
@BMFE_POD: Kyle won 2 eliminations, sent home fucking CT, and stayed this far dealing with all of Cara and Paulie’s bullshit. He won this season
@ChallengeMTV: Last night's episode was fittingly called "Final Destination." If you missed it, watch it NOW on 💻 #TheChallenge33
@kailah_casillas: helllooo
@mikethemiz: The Rock has never looked so #Awesome HAPPY BIRTHDAY @therock 😎 …
@PsychoTTT1: ‼️𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐁𝐎 gave his friend Theo a tactic and after the killing floor, he won and now he will go straight to the final. Great success of King 𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐁𝐎‼️  Congratz To 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐨⚜️👑⚜️  #TheChallenge33 #KingOfWar #TurboTurabi #Theo #MTV @turabicamkiran @theo_campbell91
@NAGiHANKARADERE: Ba؛arılar ؛ampiyon 👏👏👏 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷 @turabicamkiran
@ChallengeMTV: Here's Turbo's secret on how he got so big and strong 🍼 #TheChallenge33
- @georgiaharisonx: @ChallengeMTV My boy 😂😂😂
@rosiegraceheids: Sooooo happy that @turabicamkiran is going directly to the finals. Most deserving person there. 👏🏼 @ChallengeMTV
@shnickyshnoo: I don’t wanna get too excited because it’s still early,but @turabicamkiran is becoming 1 of the best challengers I’ve seen on @ChallengeMTV
@tjlavin: I promise it’s super nuts!!!! RT @traciwilson: @tjlavin @ChallengeMTV That was a fantastic challenge.  This whole season has felt more old school -- expecting an EPIC final that will really push people to their limits!  Great season so far, TJ!
@BamaKnight: When @tjlavin is smiling in a broke ass airplane with the challenger's in fear, you know it's a good one. #TheChallenge33
@HedrichFiles: This hall brawl elimination ABSOLUTELY lived up to the hype! Tip of the cap to both @theo_campbell91 & @KyleCGShore both were truly smashing heads in this one!! #TheChallenge33

@MTV_NellyT: It's sad to see that not all US Challengers are going to the final. This is our show, and you let outsiders come in and humiliate y’all it's embarrassing !!! Especially all the vets that got eliminated early. I guess we know their roles 🗣😈🤡🙎‍♀️ @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@MTV_NellyT: Shout out to all US challengers still in the game. LegGo US 🇺🇸 @hbarfield13 @PaulCalafiore_  Cara Maria Da’vonne Rogers  Shout out to @WestonBergmann LegGo !!!!!
- @PaulCalafiore_: @MTV_NellyT @hbarfield13 Everyone wanna see me go. What they fail to realize is.... I’m the US Vets best shot at keeping that title in our hands. These foreign competitors are NO JOKE.
- @MTV_NellyT: @PaulCalafiore_ @hbarfield13 Bring home the Gold bro !!! 🇺🇸 #NoExcuses
@PaulCalafiore_: Props to @KyleCGShore on a hard fought season. I made it hell for him and he kept coming back. If I had known then what I know now, I wouldn’t of targeted him as hard. I take no pleasure in competing against an injured man, but he definitely left it on the field and showed heart!
- @xZahida: @PaulCalafiore_ @KyleCGShore Wow never thought I would see this and I like it 👏🏽♥️ can we sit in the same room without fighting now? 😂
- @Kmorrisx: @PaulCalafiore_ @KyleCGShore Ahhhh I love u both ♥️

▪   ▪   ▪   ▪   ▪

Nelson and Paulie offering some final words on the week that gave us some idea of who's in it to win it, and it's the ladder who might have squandered a chance at going up against Kyle and instead opting for Theo to face off against the pirate in elimination... and the sprinter came away victorious in postponing a seemingly inevitable battle for later. And in "Crash Landing," we saw Turbo and Cara Maria finish in the top two of the three in not only forming the tribunal but also clinching spots in the final. But there is one more trip to the Killing Floor awaiting the women left in the game before one more Purge will set the field for the $1 million final... that comes your way later as Mama Day awaits whoever goes in to face her.

Well - as is always seems to be the case around here, we got a bit ahead of ourselves in revealing what's to come in our blog coverage... with today being Mother's Day and having to endure two hours-long power blackouts disrupting matters, our look ahead at Ex On The Beach Season 2 will come your way here in the time in between now and this week's episode airing... and last week's Pulse will be up prior to this week's diary. And also ahead, we'll be taking a look at the show that has everyone crazy and on their toes for whatever ink will appear on their bodies... our look at How Far is Tattoo Far - and its British equivalent Just Tattoo of Us -- will be part of this coming week's view Inside MTV Reality. We'll see you soon.


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