Sunday, May 12, 2019

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before War of the Worlds Episode 13

BY DC CUEVA                        

Good Sunday Funday, hope you got to enjoy this Mother's Day with everyone you love including the most important lady in your lives. We continue to catch up on matters relating to The Challenge: War of the Worlds as far as our signature Pulse diaries are concerned, and after the jump it's the interaction leading into Episode 13 of this season, with Hall Brawl and a host donning a pilot's uniform, which means we have some turbulence coming for the challengers left to dispute their claim to be in the final. Our view of the Quarterfinal comes up in just a bit -- that is, if you're still up, but until then, here's some in-between interaction leading into the week before last.

@ChallengeMTV: Which friendship is the most surprising to you? 🤔
@DerrickMTV: It’s the Closest thing I had to a Hall Brawl. These Eliminations are always Hard-Hitting and never boring. Pumped to see what challengemtv and the newer crop of competitors has in store for us next Wednesday. 🎯 #FBF… …
@theo_campbell91: I tried stepping in with reason when @Ninja_Natalie was shouting at @turabicamkiran saying he’s only shouting back cos you’re shouting at him.. but she was on one of them crazy women rampages when making sense isn’t part of the game.. so I stepped back 😄
@MattieLBreaux: 102,000 Thanks Tweeties 😘😘
@TheFifthSport: WEEK 12 POWER RANKINGS ARE HERE! Did @turabicamkiran pass Wes for the #1 spot? How much did @hbarfield13 fall after almost quitting? Will @DayDaVonne_ fans EVER be happy? @DailyJorter let's us know! Check out our rankings segment on @LWCPodcast tomorrow!
@BritniNicol: ENDGAME WAS PHENOMENAL 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 I cried, then screamed, cried again, shouted some more. Oh then cried again😂
@blacuesta: YOOOOOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭 #Endgame was soooo gooooooooooood fuck
@JustJem24: 🐍🦋
@helloalievans: You can control whether you decide to apologize, but you can’t control if they decide to accept it. Say it, mean it, move on. #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Nany was basically done in by her former ally, Turbo. Talk about SAVAGE! 😩 #TheChallenge33    Chair'd Remains Elimination / Georgia and Nany battle on The Killing Floor.
@bbgirly26: Caught up on @ChallengeMTV. @turabicamkiran showed his class last night. How to honor your feelings and not attack until you process them. He’s the best competitor on the show in a long time and has made this season a joy to watch. We need to protect this man at all costs! 🙏🏻
@ChallengeMTV: That Friday feeling 🙌 #TheChallenge33
@kailah_casillas: partner in crime
@kailah_casillas: Hey @MTV, I never got in trouble in high school 🙄 I was always a rule follower, believe it or not! 👀😂 but you are right about us being one of the most unbreakable alliances 💪🏼👸🏻👸🏼♥️ #Jailah @JennaCompono …
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas I actually was the one with detentions and ISS lmao
@kailah_casillas: Cats outta the bag! I’m excited to announce that I’ll be in my 8th MTV show, How Far Is Tattoo Far! It’s starting to air May 23! Make sure you tune in to see what I got 👀🙈
@kailah_casillas: "@Jbabiczxo: @kailah_casillas Mikey is doing it with you right?!" RT Yeah me and my love @iammikeyp 😻
@iammikeyp: Yep I did @MTV_TattooFar with @kailah_casillas  Yes the tattoos are epic. You gonna like this oneeee 😈  💉
@MattieLBreaux: Just do you boo.... the 🌎 will adjust
@BritniNicol: Hope you all are as mesmerized by your weekend as I am with these lights 😜😘 📸: @provocateurphoto
@itskcheyenne: Still can’t believe @CoryWharton and I did @MTV_TattooFar 😂😰 new season starts airing May 23rd! #MTV
@TheMAURYShow: "@1stlooktv: @StephBeck10 @kaylinrichard13 and 3 others May 11 is a Saturday 🗓 that’s when #1stlooktv airs and this @TheMAURYShow segment " RT Tune-in to @1stlooktv- May 11th...This is one of the most shocking results we've ever had on the show in 21 years!  I don't know if there's ever a chance to mend their relationship after these shocking revelations!  #Maury21
@RobynTheReject: The challenge is the best competition show EVER I’ve been watching this shit for 10 years and I’m still not bored??  @ChallengeMTV
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨GUEST ANNOUNCEMENT!🚨#TheChallenge33 Standout & the woman NOBODY on The @ChallengeMTV wants to face, @MattieLBreaux is coming on #ChallengeMania to face me & @DerrickMTV NEXT WEEK! Send in your questions to be featured on the podcast!

@ChallengeMTV: This Challenge tested will, strength, endurance, and communication 👏 #TheChallenge33    Day of Wreckoning Challenge / The Challengers must move heavy scrap metal from one pile into a dumpster very far away that will ultimately be weighed. The team with the heaviest load wins.
@MattieLBreaux: Day 3 @NFLDraft  LEGEAUX
@MattieLBreaux: Y’all, thanks to all who said hey this weekend! It was my pleasure! Hope you all enjoy Nashville! Ya girl is taking the night and day off tomorrow 😎😘
@MattieLBreaux: Also, congrats to all the guys whose dreams came true this weekend! Well deserved! We see you! @NFLDraft
@MattieLBreaux: Also, Nashville you rocked it this weekend! Big 👏🏻 to all who worked instead of played!
@kailah_casillas: I told you guys, it’s over for the blonde bitches.
@kailah_casillas: I’m obsessed.
@ChallengeMTV: Talk about close calls 😱  Head over to our Facebook page to see the top two wipeouts! 💻 Link:    9 Unforgettable Challenge Wipeouts
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Im gonna be that guy...missed @KatieCooley26’s 2 black eyes from going face first in the water.   #CutThroat    #TeamBlackAndBlue ✊
@mikethemiz: We asked the bull to lick who he thinks would win in a Challenge...Solid choice.  @johnnybananas @ChallengeMTV @1stlooktv
- @johnnybananas: @mikethemiz Bullshit 🐃💩
@johnnybananas: "@MelSchwa: Whilst waiting for friends at the bar I shall watch Johnny Bananas play with animals @johnnybananas @1stlooktv " RT You mean Weigh a Tortoise? This is serious business Melissa 🐢 @1stlooktv
@WestonBergmann: My Turkish brother @Turabicamkiran @ Istanbul, Turkey …

@ChallengeMTV: Let's settle this once and for all 👏 #TheChallenge33 is all new, Wednesday at 9/8c! 🍿   Pre-Hall Brawl / The Tribunal give the nominated male Challengers a chance to throw themselves into elimination before casting their own votes.
@SHOTOFYAGER: Flying into Sunday like @tjlavin #ChallengeMania
@RobGagnons: Taping TONIGHT with @vanillapresley at @FalloutComedy! See @johnnybananas in his first ever Comedy Rap Battle!
@tjlavin: This Wednesday night on @mtv the challengemtv is a good one... #goodtimes …
@mikethemiz: This picture was taken from the next episode of #MizAndMrs  Go ahead caption it...
@BritniNicol: Happy Sunday from the bug & I☺️😘
@ChallengeMTV: DID TJ JUST SAY THE WINNERS OF THE NEXT CHALLENGE GO STRAIGHT TO THE FINAL!? 😱😱😱 #TheChallenge33    Unfinished Business / Kyle and Paulie have a score to settle, and the next challenge takes the competition to all new heights.
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Way back when, @johnnybananas and Kenny had the choice to go in and this is what happened. Wondering if @tjlavin will let @PaulCalafiore_ pick, and if he’ll take the bait. What’s more important: The Moment or Getting to the Next Step? 💰
- @turabicamkiran: @ChallengeMTV I would like to see in killing floor   @PaulCalafiore_  vs @KyleCGShore    It s gonna be AMAZING.    2 Man fighting for 1 girl.   😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈
@RobbyHHayes: Stagecoach ragecoach
@Rohankohli55: @dc408dxtr: #DCBLOG" RT BROTHERS
- @CodyThrive: @dc408dxtr @dylanpollley and 2 others Great article DC. Those guys are ballers. Youtube > tv
@itskcheyenne: btw, we got Ryder’s heart exam results back and we are ALL GOOD! Thank god ❤️🙏🏽 thanks to everyone who reach out 💕
@itskcheyenne: Back from vacation and running to go get my baby girl 💕 next trip she’s coming this was too hard
@ChallengeMTV: All aboard Challenge Airways! Have your boarding passes at the ready for a new episode of #TheChallenge33, this Wednesday at 9/8c 🎟
@johnnybananas: Three little pigs 🐷 🐷 🐷 @mikethemiz #FunnyFarm #Bananasdoingthings #AnimalRescue
- @1stlooktv: @johnnybananas Coming 🔜 #1stlooktv!

@ChallengeMTV: The Knight King: Knock knock, b*tch.  Bran:   #GameOfThrones #GOT
@ChallengeMTV: I might never fly again after watching this challenge 😩 #TheChallenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🥳Happy Monday, Maniacs! No new podcast today but happy to let you know that @DerrickMTV & I will be dropping a brand new #ChallengeMania tomorrow w/ @msdeenguyen & then ANOTHER podcast for you guys later in the week, likely Thurs, maybe Friday w/ @MattieLBreaux!#TheChallenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🚨NEW PODCAST UP!🚨DEE (@msdeenguyen) joins me & D (@DerrickMTV) for a double dose of D on #ChallengeMania! We discuss her time on #TheChallenge33, where she is STILL kicking ass! Hear how she made her way onto the show all the way from Australia & MORE! 📲
@ChallengeMTV: Hall Brawl has given us some of the best elimination moments in Challenge history, so let's revisit some of them from past seasons before this Wednesday's new episode of #TheChallenge33 gives us another round of our favorite elimination game 💥   Hall Brawl: Zach vs. CJ / Despite being dominated by CJ in the early rounds, Zach hung in there to win this elimination in dramatic fashion 💪
- @JazMTV: @ChallengeMTV This elimination was awesome so proud of how CJ did. I felt horrible I lost it for us ☹️
- @kailah_casillas: Hey @ChallengeMTV, can you post more throwback like this?! Signed, everyone.
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV Lol @Marie_TBD has always killed the T-shirt game
- @tonyraines: @ChallengeMTV On a scale of 1 to 10   Zach’s performance: 8   Zach’s celebration: 11
- @MTV_NellyT: @ChallengeMTV Lit🔥💯
@theo_campbell91: It’s 2019 and there’s still no button you can press on your t.v so you can find you remote control 🤨
@DerrickMTV: NEW PODCAST is UP!!🔥🦈  - Game of @ChallengeMTV Thrones still in site for @msdeenguyen!! Will she continue Swimming w/ Sharks on her own,or will the Twists and Turns blow up in her Face?!🔥🦈  - Take a listen as Me and @SHOTOFYAGER test Dee’s waters: … 🔥🦈
@cbmcnary: Many people don’t know that food and beverage cartons should be recycled.  It’s going to take effort from us all to get this planet back on track.  So here’s a friendly reminder from @recyclecartons and me! #recycleyourcartons #earthdayeveryday
@MKBHD: Shoutout to everyone else who hasn't watched Game Of Thrones OR seen EndGame and just had a straight up productive weekend 🤓
@johnnybananas: I come with limited baggage 👜 #ThisViewIsBananas #Texas #BananasDoingThings #mondaymotivation
@JennaCompono: Couldn’t look anymore opposite... but couldn’t be anymore similar #soulsisters
@JennaCompono: What in the actual f*ck... so cops can write you tickets without actually pulling you over now? You just get a surprise ticket in the mail ? Lol insanity if you ask me.
@JennaCompono: Turns out it’s from Ohio.. I swear Ohio is so shady when it comes to tickets & cameras. I’ve gotten more tickets in Ohio in a month than I have my entire life.True story.. I drove through Ohio and a plane clocked me.. cop pulls me over 3 hours later and gives me a ticket.
@WestonBergmann: Partner me with someone that can’t swim for the swimming challenge - and we win. Partner me with someone that can’t run for the running challenge - and we win. Dispute this only if you hate hard facts. @ Tulsa, Oklahoma …
@johnnybananas: I learned something in Arizona today. Taco cat spelled backwards is still taco caT 🌮🐱

@ChallengeMTV: Who could forget when Ty and Leroy were inches away from winning, only to have victory snatched away from them at the last second? 😱  Rewatch arguably the greatest Hall Brawl in Challenge history before watching tomorrow's brand new episode of #TheChallenge33 💥   Hall Brawl: Leroy and Ty vs. Jordan and Marlon / Jordan and Marlon pull off one of the best-ever comebacks in an elimination to seal the upset.
- @blackzeusfit: @ChallengeMTV Not all wins come with grace. But that day we made history hands down! #beastmode
- @TripleBeees: @ChallengeMTV TUH
- @JustJem24: @ChallengeMTV Team @blackzeusfit forever 🖤
- @blackzeusfit: @JustJem24 Hell yuh thanks 😉 team Jem #4Life
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Moral of the story is, Ty was always a bust. Solid win for @JordanW_usa and @blackzeusfit! Tough for @Bruce_Lee85?! 🤬
- @EricBanks: @ChallengeMTV Best ever? I dunno, I think I worked Wes over pretty good; but you all don’t like showing anything positive about me🧐🤔🤷‍♂️😂 oh well!
@EricBanks: @DerrickMTV | now they have posted almost all past hall brawls EXCEPT mine on the official page! Hahaha the shade they throw is beyond comical! But they are quick to show the clip of me almost dying 15 yrs ago 🤷‍♂️😂😂
@DerrickMTV: Tomorrow Night @ChallengeMTV... #HallBrawlisComing ⚔️🛡 😳
@1stlooktv: The best way to see LA? From the sky. Watch an all new episode of #1stlooktv Saturday after SNL! @johnnybananas
- @johnnybananas: @1stlooktv 🍌🚁 #ThisViewIsBananas
@ChallengeMTV: TJ's got everyone's boarding passes at the ready, and two tickets to The Final on standby 🎟 #TheChallenge33
@iamkamiam_: I really love traveling & so happy I constantly do something I love so much 💕✨
@iamkamiam_: I met some of the coolest people today because my hairstyle is a little bit more approachable lol.
@EricBanks: A big thank you @mikethemiz  last night Brett, @jduncanib  and I had a blast! The Jager Bombs afterwards got me tho! 🤷‍♂️ #sorryforpartying
@WestonBergmann: The price I’d success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand. @ Tulsa, Oklahoma …
@ChallengeMTV: Another battle that goes down in Challenge history as one of the best ever is this Hall Brawl-esque fight between Derrick and Davis 💥  Watch it NOW and don't miss another new episode of #TheChallenge33 ft. everyone's favorite elimination: HALL BRAWL! TOMORROW at 9/8c 📺
@NataliaNegrotti: Fun Fact: My first girlfriend was in middle school I have been dating girls and guys my whole life. I open up in my latest YouTube video and share why I decided to create a brand I could be proud of because I’m finally free to be my true self
@JustJem24: New hair 💇🏻‍♀️
@JustJem24: I miss our girl but thank god she’s saving an entire show right now 💅🏽
@beardbrand: @dc408dxtr @robb_schreiber and 2 others Wow, what a transformation.  -Randa
@Couturesworld: Where’s my thotiana?
@MikeMGTV: It’S GuNnA Be MaY #LohanBeachClub

@ChallengeMTV: The seats may be cramped, but we have plenty of room for baggage 💺💼
ALL ABOARD CHALLENGE AIRWAYS 🗣 TONIGHT at 9/8c 📺 #TheChallenge33   Sneak Peek: Challenge Airways / The Challengers must complete a puzzle from the inside of an airplane suspended high over the water.
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV TONIGHT... Set the DVR and grab the popcorn 😛 I love this! So much power 💯  @msdeenguyen so proud of you girl
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV For those who have airplane AND height anxeity... we feel you
@Ninja_Natalie: ITS CHALLENGE DAY.  I've been waiting to relive this next challenge since it happened  ✈️😅  #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: @Ninja_Natalie I love this
@MattieLBreaux: You know what day it is @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@DerrickMTV: She might be afraid in this clip, but  @msdeenguyen didn’t hold back on the NEW POD w/ Me and @SHOTOFYAGER !! Take a listen and get WARRRRRmed UP! 🔥🦈 #ChallengeMania   - iTunes: 🦈 …   Non-iTunes: 🔥
@turabicamkiran: The Challenge ‘ın En ضnemli Oyunu. Kazanan En İyi Erkek Ve Kadın Finale اıkacak.  🛫Turbo Hava Yolları 🛬 It’s #TheChallenge33 Time.  It’s #TurboTurabi Time 🇹🇷 @ChallengeMTV @MTV   #Turbo #Turabi #TurboHavaYollarıTranslate Tweet
@BritniNicol: You can always tell how happy a girl is by 3 things: Her eyes, her smile, & her glow 😍
@1stlooktv: For @officialDannyT, AKA Machete, cars are more than simply a hobby. Watch an all new episode of #1stLooktv Saturday after SNL on NBC! @johnnybananas
@1stlooktv: THIS. IS. BANANAS. 🎉 We just hit 10K subscribers on YouTube  🎉  If you haven't subscribed yet, you're missing out! #1stlooktv @johnnybananas …
@ChallengeMTV: Me watching tonight's episode of #TheChallenge33 😂 Tune into @MTV at 9/8c to watch 📺
@ChallengeMTV: Probably the most infamous Hall Brawl to date... Wes vs. Big Easy 💥 Will tonight's elimination give us another magical moment? Tune into @MTV at 9/8c to find out 🍿 #TheChallenge33   Hall Brawl: Wes vs. Big Easy / Wes has his bell rung by Big Easy, literally.
- @EricBanks: @ChallengeMTV 🧐🤔🤫🔥🔄⬆️
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV And this is what Memorable Challenge Moments are made of: Ding 🛎 #HallBrawlisComing (@EricBanks wit da Throwback)
- @johnnybananas: @ChallengeMTV So if I'm CT's backpack, does this make @WestonBergmann Big Easys Fanny pack 😂 @EricBanks
@MrAshleyCain: Yo the @ChallengeMTV episode 3 on tonight at 9pm on @MTVUK - Tune in and see a big episode people! 👀💥💪🏾
@SHOTOFYAGER: ⚔️We will have a brand new edition of THE WAR ROOM up at  tonight right after #TheChallenge33 & then tomorrow @DerrickMTV & I will be dropping our interview w/ @MattieLBreaux at , iTunes, Google Play, IHeartradio & everywhere else!📲
@SednakayaT: Bugün günlerden Turbo Turabi Team👑  #TheChallenge33 #TurboTurabi
@WestonBergmann: Reason # 4738 why I both hate and love The Challenge: tonight I’m gonna jump out of a crashing airplane with no parachute and I’m not even exaggerating. @ChallengeMTV
@JeremiahBuoni: Time to Focus up🛑 Read Below👇🏼 • There has been a lot of amazing opportunities that have come my way in the past 2 years.  From being casted to one of MTV’s top hit reality tv shows… …
@RealityRecaps: Hey #TheChallenge33 Fans!  We'll be live with @PaulCalafiore_ & @CaraMariaMTV to recap tonight's episode & take your questions!  👉WHEN: 5/3 FRIDAY 9PM EST   👉FAN US HERE NOW SO YOURE ALERTED WHEN WE GO LIVE:    👉SEE ALL OUR SHOWS:
@johnnybananas: 🚨NEW EPISODE ALERT🚨 Join @tomsandoval1 @twschwa and myself for a Scrub, Clubs, and some Bubb 🛁⛳🍾 This Saturday on an ALL NEW episode of @1stlooktv on @NBC after SNL 📺👀 #TheLinkupYouNeverKnewYouNeeded #HostBananas #vanderpumprules #BananasDoingThings #1stLooktv @tomtomweho
@DayDaVonne_: This is my ENTIRE mood for the rest of the season ..... 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge33 ... tonight 9/8c on #MTV 😏
@ChallengeMTV: When you realize there's only 1 hour left until a brand new episode of #TheChallenge33 😱
@MattieLBreaux: It’s almost showtime @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge33
@mtvcanada: "Challenge Airways" offers plenty of legroom, but your descent will be a little bumpy. Now boarding with a new episode taking off in 5! #TheChallenge33

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Ahead - and right after you fans out west check out tonight's Game of Thrones, the Pulse of Episode 13 of War of the Worlds. See you soon...


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