Saturday, May 25, 2019

DC SocialPulse Extra: Before The Challenge War of the Worlds - Finale Part 1

BY DC CUEVA                        

Happy Memorial Day weekend to all of you in blog land, and here at the spiritual beginning of summer, we are almost at the end of Season 33 of MTV's The Challenge. And War of the Worlds in Namibia is on the edge of kicking off the final challenge with a prize pool of $1 million going to whoever survives one last battle in the desert.
   We'll have the 'Pulse of Part 1 of the finale coming up a little bit later, to then be followed by this week's Part 2 where the loot will be handed out. But before all that, indulge yourself in the in-between chatter in the MTV Reality community before we post that then, plus we'll look at a Memorial Day Weekend wipeout... that's all ahead.

IN BETWEEN: Mother's Day. Game of Thrones, and a 1st Look at Maury 
@ChallengeMTV: Paulie was so close both times, but hear from him why one loss was much harder than the other... #TheChallenge33
@jossie_flores: @DayDaVonne_ Sis you sure fucking murdered this season unmatched!!!!!  ✅
@xZahida: @georgiaharisonx @MattieLBreaux @DayDaVonne_ 😭 you are all the best kind of girls!! So extremely proud of you all ❤️
@georgiaharisonx: The only thing you should ever fear is fear itself 💫
@tjlavin: Well sometimes I get it right. 😂 RT @DayDaVonne_: It was on this night @tjlavin looked me in my face and told me “you’re a badd mothafucka” 😂😂😂😂😂 #TheChallenge33
@galaxysfaraway: @SHOTOFYAGER Ive listened to every #ChallengeMania ep & evry one is epic for a Challenge fan like me who been watching since RW/RR but by far my favorite guest has been @tjlavin 🐐🐐 cant wait to have him back on after this season to talk about War of the Worlds and this Death Path final ☠☠
@Rogan_OConnor: "@ChallengeMTV: Spanning over 50 miles of desert, this is the hardest Final ever 🏃 #TheChallenge33 " RT Fuck. That
@emilylongeretta: Have to say I’m STRUGGLING on the train this morning but it’s for a good reason: Was up late recording this week’s #WarRoom with @SHOTOFYAGER & @DerrickMTV! You don’t want to miss this one! #ChallengeMania, Patreons!
@MattieLBreaux: 103,000 Thanks Tweeties!
@MattieLBreaux: Go kick some 🍑 today
@MattieLBreaux: Bring on the seal tweets 😂😂😂 y’all funny 😁
@MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV: Turbo: I'm gonna miss Dee. Also Turbo: SIKE! " " RT Weak
@theo_campbell91: Yay I made the final :)
@theo_campbell91: @MattieLBreaux They won’t even give me a blue tick 🤨 @Twitter
@hbarfield13: @theo_campbell91 @ChallengeMTV Haha 😬😬😬😬
@NataliaNegrotti: @DayDaVonne_ I am Proud of u!!!
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥THE WAR ROOM IS UP!🔥@emilylongeretta joined me & @DerrickMTV to break down #TheChallenge33 last night and to talk about the season performances of both competitors we lost. We also chat #AvengersEndGame, a bit of #TheBachelor & of all things #TeenMom📲http://PATREON.COM/CHALLENGEMANIA
@Malik_MTV: Cara Maria out here skating to another final while you continue to stan flops.  The MF #GOAT #TheChallenge33 #WAROFTHEWORLDS
@JustJem24: "@RealityTvJarred: @ChallengeRewind @JustJem24 Well since the sun was up when they got to the challenge and it was dark by the time Zach & Nelson dug her I’m guessing a long ass time lol" RT 1. I always thought I was afraid of being buried alive but I’ actually not. 2. Still fuckin livid it took 2 grown men to get me out. 3. Between the uneven teams & the luck of the draw redemption bullshit this will forever be my least favorite season(to participate in and watch)
@PaulCalafiore_: Sometimes in life the hardest conversations to have are the realest conversations to have. Taking accountability for your actions comes first. Putting your ego aside comes second. Many things can be accomplished with accountability and without ego ❤️❤️
@georgiaharisonx: "@ChallengeMTV: Georgia is a mood 😩 #TheChallenge33 " RT When you get to the club and realise you forgot your id 😂
@ChallengeMTV: A Purge challenge sent home the last of The Challengers who would not make it to this season's Final. Rewatch last night's episode of #TheChallenge33 NOW on 💻
@ChallengeMTV: Da'Vonne rocked it on The Killing Floor all season long 💪 #TheChallenge33    Tug O' War: Dee vs. Da'Vonne  /  Dee and Da'Vonne take The Killing Floor in a test of strength.
@iammikeyp: Check out @kailah_casillas from MySpace 🤣🤣🤣
- @kailah_casillas: @iammikeyp Take this down!!!!! Now!!!!
@iammikeyp: Look at this loser from Myspace
@kailah_casillas: Looks like #KailahBeachHouse lasted longer than Lohan Beach House... 🤷🏻‍♀️
- @iammikeyp: @kailah_casillas Kailah beach club is still open and poppin tho 🤷🏼‍♂️
@JustJem24: One hour in and I’m obsessed with @ParadiseHotel. This is the summer content we deserve. #ParadiseHotel
@johnnybananas: Say "Bye Bye Bye" to your undies 👙 as you say hello to the new @NSYNC frontman Johnny Bananas 🕺🎙 We're taking it back to the 90's on an ALL NEW episode of @1stlooktv this Saturday on @NBC after SNL 🍿😊 @realjoeyfatone #nsyncforever #1stLooktv #ThisViewIsBananas
@1stlooktv: 🚨Don’t miss the extended video of @johnnybananas and @WestonBergmann at @TheMAURYShow - dropping TOMORROW only on the #1stlooktv YouTube channel: …🚨
@1stlooktv: TFW you remember tomorrow is Friday. #1stlooktv @realjoeyfatone @johnnybananas
@BrentMarks: One of my biggest pet peeve’s is when people dm me asking, “Hey in Vegas this weekend, anything going on Friday or Saturday?” No people, there is nothing going on in the summer on a Friday or Saturday at one of the biggest tourist destinations in the world, smh🤦🏽‍♂️ #helpmehelpyou
@MTVRWRRQuotes: Rumor has it that the original plan for #Challenge34 was Old School vs. New School... a challenge that fans have been wanting for so many years. However MTV were VERY against it, so the theme has been changed to something “more marketable”.

@ChallengeMTV: CT on 'The Duel.' Bananas and Tony on 'Final Reckoning,' and more. Here are some other times that Challenge front-runners bottled their chances at the worst possible time. #TheChallenge33
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV The dreaded FINAL, before THE FINAL 🤬🔫
@jossie_flores: Summoned the strength of the black panther!! 😂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! @DayDaVonne_ ❤️
@jossie_flores: Happy bday sis 🥰🔥 @DayDaVonne_
@JustJem24: Happy birthday to a real one @DayDaVonne_ ... I appreciate so much about you Day. 💜
@DerrickMTV: We don’t always hit back-to-back HOME RUNS on #ChallengeMania, but when Me and @SHOTOFYAGER do?! @theo_campbell91 and @MattieLBreaux ladies and gentlemen! Two Rookies in the FINALS! Take a listen to their VOYAGE through the @ChallengeMTV WAR!🛡 - 🎧: …
@ChallengeMTV: Paulie's title hopes slipped right through his fingers, literally 😩 #TheChallenge33   Paulie Gets Injured The Challenger has a scary moment during the daily.
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV Me every time I have to rewatch this 😂🤣
@zuefeltxo: I wasnt a huge @PaulCalafiore_ fan... and I think it has a lot to do with his TV personality or editing but I actually shed a tear watching him fall and seeing how upset the rest of the cast were. Dude has heart and is a really good competitor and I can respect that #challenge33
@SHOTOFYAGER: For all of you claiming that @WestonBergmann has been carrying @hbarfield13 all season & using him during #TheChallenge33, I just want to see some clear-cut photo evidence. #ChallengeMania
@KendalSheppard: Back in the day we appreciated our fans. Thanked them for support. Thanked them for pushing us to do better. We knew that without them there would be no show. And we were grateful for the opportunity. Now the common cast quote is, "I'm here. I'm great. Get used to it."
@HollywoodLife: .@WestonBergmann and @JohnnyBananas took a lie detector test to determine if they're obsessed with each other -- AND THE RESULTS ARE IN:  #TheChallenge33 #1stLook @1stLookTV
@johnnybananas: 🚨EXCLUSIVE VIDEO ALERT🚨 Find out once and for all who's obsessed with who, and who rides whose coat tails! The much anticipated @TheMAURYShow lie detector results are in posted and will SHOCK YOU 🤯 Only on the @1stlooktv YouTube channel  @WestonBergmann
- @ChallengeFanVet: This was super entertaining and basically proved everything we already knew about @johnnybananas & @WestonBergmann - they know EXACTLY what they’re doing and have been for YEARS!! Every piece of this rivalry works in thei favor at all times no matter what. Well done, boys.
@johnnybananas: When you get the results back from your @TheMAURYShow lie detector test 😆 The EXCLUSIVE clip is now live and available at  @1stlooktv
@1stlooktv: Leaving the office like... BYE BYE BYE. #1stlooktv with @realjoeyfatone and @johnnybananas is all new tomorrow after SNL on NBC!
@1stlooktv: A 15 year rivalry all comes down to this. Who's obsessed with who? @johnnybananas and @WestonBergmann Watch the EXCLUSIVE video on #1stlooktv's YouTube channel now:
@1stlooktv: Name a better rivalry. We'll wait. @johnnybananas and @WestonBergmann Watch the EXCLUSIVE video on #1stLooktv's YouTube channel now:
@johnnybananas: Wes has been living a lie since the day he was born! @1stlooktv … @WestonBergmann
@1stlooktv: "Absolutely horrendous." -@johnnybananas on his '90s style Watch #1stlooktv TONIGHT after SNL on NBC!
@kailah_casillas: On a scale of 1 to blackout, how drunk was I at Chippendales the other night? (I forgot I took this picture and just found it at the bottom of my purse 😂)
@iammikeyp: "@kailah_casillas: Don’t forget to tune into #KickinItWithKailah this Monday at 5pm EST on @HBRADIO_LV ft. @Bruce_Lee85! 💫 " RT You don’t wanna miss this one with Leroy!! @Bruce_Lee85
@BravoTV: Missed 5 seasons of #SouthernCharm? Bless your heart. @CameranEubanks is here to fill you in. Catch up before the Season Premiere this Wednesday @ 8/7c!    Southern Charm RETURNS this Wednesday @ 8/7c

@ChallengeMTV: Big Brother is evicted, and the reigning Champ reaches another Final 👀 #TheChalleneg33   'Judgement Day' Challenge / The Challengers must complete an obstacle course that's suspended high over the water.
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🙏🏻As a THANK YOU to our patrons for getting us to where we are today, we recorded & posted a BONUS PODCAST featuring a candid interview w/ The Godfather @TheMarkLong that will only ever live at  - Available NOW for all #ChallengeMania Patrons! GET IT! 💪🏻
@JustJem24: Is 30 too old to have a @jonasbrothers poster hanging up in my room? I could be fancy and frame it 🤷🏻‍♀️
@JustJem24: Hi I’m drunk but I just wanted to come on here to say I’m thankful for @kailah_casillas.
- @kailah_casillas: @JustJem24 Aaaah for once I’m not the drunk one!! This is rare. I am so thankful for you ♥️
@ChallengeMTV: Me: I'm not dramatic.  Also me:
@ChallengeMTV: Eight year olds: "Your mom." Other eight year olds:
@RachD1214: Fun fact! @turabicamkiran shares the same birthday with one of the OG champions, Los Jackson, who won Challenge 2000. Both won 6 daily challenges and never touched an elimination during their season. Also, there a 30 season difference between both seasons. #TheChallenge33
@RachD1214: Throwback to Fresh Meat with these cute photos. I only have these, and I thought they was awesome shots of the two teams who ran Fresh Meat!!! #TheChallenge33 @DerrickMTV @ThatCoral

@mikethemiz: Happy Mother’s Day to the women who guide, push, support and love me for the man I am.  There’s nothing better than seeing the love my wife and 2 grandmas give to my daughter. I love you. And to all the moms out there #HappyMothersDay @marysemizanin
@tonyraines: Happy Mother’s Day to all loving, amazing Moms out there!!! #happymothersday
@tonyraines: Happy Mother’s Day to the most loving, caring, selfless woman I know. Who is not only amazing to Isla but both of my little girls...I love you so much and thank you for everything! #HappyMothersDay
@TeenMom: Happy #MothersDay to our ladies of #TeenMomOG + #TeenMom2, and to all of our fans and strong, hardworking moms out there! 💞
@itskcheyenne: Happy Mother’s Day ❤️
@itskcheyenne: wishing these lovely moms a blessed Mother’s Day @CatelynnLowell @AmberLPortwood @MaciBookout 💕
@shannanity: I wanna say a big Thank You to the women who have shaped my life @EleshaBarnette @v_cakes @rachel_fitness @EssBeeEff @SylviaMTV @MTV_AMANDAG @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @MeredithQSuits thank you for raising me
@MattieLBreaux: Happy Mother’s Day to All. Most importantly @Breaux2Janene xoxo
@SylviaMTV: Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms our there and yes that includes those single dads busting their butts too and to the women who are moms in their hearts unable by gods will. A special Mother’s Day my sweet mamma as well! ❤️
@blairherter: Happy Mother’s Day!! You. Are. Everything! We love you! And a special, extra WE LOVE YOU to those single moms out there showing us all what true perseverance really is! Be❤️ #MothersDay2019 #mothersday
@itsarifitz: happy mother’s day to the grannies and aunts and dads and cousins and family friends that were never our moms, but raised us like they were.
@JOSHMBB19: Happy Mother’s Day ❤️
@aimeehall1001: Happy Mother’s Day. I really was blessed with the sweetest Mom in the world. I love her so much.
@WestonBergmann: I’m pretty sure some of you guys have no idea how hot your mothers are. So on that note, keep posting appreciation photos. #MothersDay
@cbmcnary: I love you Mom!
@briakristaaal: Happy Mother’s Day to all the bad ass mamas out there 👑✨
@IamTJ_Jones: Never a dull moment with these too. Always pushing me to be better and to smile along the way. My team is 💪🏾💰!! Happy Mother’s Day. Love you guys! @IamAlsoTJ_Jones
@ChallengeMTV: Who's going to take home the title: a Vet or a Rookie? 🤔   #TheChallenge33 Final kicks off THIS WEDNESDAY at 9/8c! 🏆   The Challenge: War of The Worlds Finalists Announced
@ChallengeMTV: Big Brother is evicted from #TheChallenge33 🙅
@ChallengeMTV: Me trying to slide in his DMs 😩 #TheChallenge33
@joss_mooney: Home time...✈️ Bali you’ve been amazing!!
@kailah_casillas: the irony.
@JustJem24: Short hair don’t care 💅🏽
@JOSHMBB19: I though making club appearances was fun but we picked up a new gig crashing bat mitzvah all year 😂😂😂
@SHOTOFYAGER: 😈Just dropped another surprise for our Maniac Patrons over at ! Something you guys have been asking for all year! An EXCLUSIVE 35 minute clip from our first ever http://ChallengeMania.Live  at @CarolinesonBway from June of last year! ENJOY! #ChallengeMania😵
@turabicamkiran: Turkish Serial #KertenKele 🦎 #KARAKEMAL
@Ninja_Natalie: Look who’s hanging out in LA 😄 Happy 33th Birthday you babe! 🎂 – at Santa Monica Aerial Rings/Bars/Park
@DerrickMTV: Kawhi!!! HOLY SHIT! That bounce tho?! #NBAPlayoffs
@joe_torgerson93: I’m so happy right now go sports
@joe_torgerson93: I AM STRESSED OUT
@HaydenPWeaver: That’s our boy 😢 he grows up so fast
@HaydenPWeaver: I added titanic music because that’s what we’re suppose to do right
@JustJem24: RT if you don’t watch #GamefThrones so I don’t feel alone.
@itSabrinaK: Game of thrones has me fifty shades of fucked up right now
@loveistheammo: I’ll just leave this here #GOT
@MattieLBreaux: Another @GameOfThrones 👏🏻
@MattieLBreaux: So intense!
@MattieLBreaux: I may need some wine 🍷 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
@blairherter: Hey @GRRMspeaking: finish them. Make this right.  #GameofThrones
@blairherter: We thought winter is coming meant Night King but it really meant ash Dany is the big bad LOLZ TRICKED US.  #GoT  #GameofThrones
@blairherter: Prediction: all is forgiven when #GameofThrones ends with a 94-minute tracking shot of Arya making her way to Daenerys before sticking Needle into her face 814 times.
@blairherter: Selina Meyer 4 The Iron Throne #GameofThrones
@CamilaMTV: I CANNOT FUCKING BELIEVE DEANERIES. HOLY FUCK. DID NOT SEE THAT COMING. IF she gets John Snow killed legit tears will come down my stupid face right now I am so pissed. don't tell me what happens. but tell me what happens. no. don't tell me. #GameofThrones
@CamilaMTV: THAT'S HOW SHE DIES???...THAT'S HOW SHE FUCKING DIES???? #GOT I could think of a MILLION ways to have gotten revenge on Cersie and what actually happened is most definitely NOT IT! hate. this. episode.
@mikethemiz: In London and I can’t watch #GOT 🤬

@ChallengeMTV: Me walking into work on Monday morning 😩 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: ICYMI, we finally found out who's obsessed with whom... 🍌🍊
@DerrickMTV: Woke up thinking I did something really fukked up last night, then I realized it was just Dany flying the Dragon in a made up TV show. #GoT
@BritniNicol: Can we talk about how bad the GOT episode was last night??? I’m so over it. #GameOfThrones
@blacuesta: Idk why people r mad about last nights GOT episode....the only thing I’m mad at is that Cersei’s death wasn’t that bad
@SHOTOFYAGER: Imagine all those people who got a Dany/Khaleesi tattoo over the past 8 years.😬They all just basically woke up from having filmed an episode of “How Far is Tattoo Far” where their boyfriend really had it out to get them. 🔥🔥🔥🐉#GameofThrones #ChallengeMania
@WestonBergmann: I’m pretty sure college these days is just modeling camp
@turabicamkiran: @theo_campbell91 😂😂😂😂❤️❤️❤️❤️
@DerrickMTV: BONUS PODCAST feat “The GodFather”-@TheMarkLong!🎯   -Maury Show Face Off🎯  -Unbelievable Eric Neis Stories🎯  -Nolan Twins Follow Up🎯  -Adventures w/ @Goldberg and Celebrity Apprentice🎯  -Mark’s Thoughts on  #TheChallenge33 🎯  -@SHOTOFYAGER 🎯  -TONS MORE... 🎯
@theo_campbell91: @turabicamkiran 😄😄😄😄😄 the maddest guy I’ve ever come across 😄👏🏽👏🏽
@Rogan_OConnor: “Quiet one” with the Queen  @VickyPattison 👑
@TurabiEmel: Turbo is quite literally ready to devour the competition 🍽 #TheChallenge33 Finale begins THIS WEDNESDAY at 9/8c 🏆@turabicamkiran
@DayDaVonne_: Oh the Challenge Mania interview dropped .... hmm 🤔
@simonetti_nikki: I’m not saying that my 3 yr old is training for @ChallengeMTV but he does wake up each morning to do a puzzle, carb loads like a mf, he’s amazing at mental warfare and cute af so he’d kill it in the showmance dept. 🤷🏻‍♀️ #ChallengeMania @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV
@joss_mooney: Bali its been a pleasure...✌🏼 I wish I could stay to explore even more but it’s time to get back home for now. The pictures don’t even do the settings of this place justice. It has to be the most beautiful place I’ve travelled too. I can’t wait to come back already...🖤
@JennaCompono: ☺️
@kailah_casillas: One hour til #KickinitWithKailah! Don’t forget to tune into @HBRADIO_LV to hear me interview Leroy @Bruce_Lee85!! You don’t wanna miss this one 👀
@johnnybananas: 🚨NEW EPISODE🚨 @WestonBergmann secretly wanting to be my friend is only ONE of the many memorable moments from Saturdays episode @1stlooktv . Check out the FULL EPISODE now (Link Below)  #IamYourDaddy #ThisViewIsBananas #bananasdoingthings
@TeenMom: Love. Strength. Hope. Family. 💞 A journey 10 YEARS in the making. Celebrate when #TeenMomOG returns Monday, June 10th on @MTV!   Ten Years of Teen Mom OG / #TeenMomOG returns Monday, June 10th at 9/8c on @MTV.
- @itskcheyenne: @TeenMom @MTV clearly I have not been apart of the @TeenMom family for 10 years, I am very proud and honored to have gotten to know these beautiful moms! Congrats on 10 years!!!
- @gigi__moreno: @TeenMom I’m not crying. You’re crying.
@itskcheyenne: my man is so thoughtful ❤️ yesterday he text that I had a Mother’s Day surprise coming today and he hired a private chef to cook for my mom, sister, and I 😋 I feel so loved 😍

@ChallengeMTV: Turbo is an "actual Superhero," and Theo wants to know why he "has to compete against him." 😂 Check out this sneak peek from Part 1 of #TheChallenge33 Finale, airing TOMORROW at 9/8c! 🏆   Sneak Peek: Turbo Charged / Turbo practices running on a full stomach to better prepare himself for any possible eating hurdles in the Final.
- @turabicamkiran: @ChallengeMTV 😈🇹🇷😈
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV Is that... catering that he’s eating? If so, that in itself is a challenge to get down 🤢😂
@mikethemiz: Tonight I scare the 💩 out of Marjo on an all new #MizAndMrs on @usa_network 10/9c
@xZahida: My lil sis is in year 11 starting her exams this week & can't wait for school to be over. She doesn't even realise she's going to hear the school bell for the last time ever to let her know it's time to go home & when she's my age she's gonna wish she could go back just for 1 day
@xZahida: If I have any younger followers in y11, good luck with your GCSE's ❤ & cherish these last few weeks in school! I had some of my best (and worst) days there lol but I do miss those days 😂
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥NEW PODCAST UP!!🔥@DayDaVonne_ joins me & @DerrickMTV on #ChallengeMania after an epic turn on #TheChallenge33 for a chat about her journey from #BigBrother to @ChallengeMTV, her success on W.O.T.W., Live Feeds, playing w/ Bear, Cara, Wes & MUCH MORE!📲 …
- @shundawg: @SHOTOFYAGER One of my fave episodes! @DayDaVonne_ speaks with such great emotional inflictions in her words. I'm sure she can make any bedtime story the most entertaining thing I have her heard. Loved this podcast! #adoptme
@JustJem24: It’s 74 in Nola right now & 47 in NYC. This is why I moved back to Nola...
@TheMarkLong: "@carab1985: I mean... if they want to cast @TheMarkLong, long-time BB fan and Godfather of #TheChallenge, or @WestonBergmann, master strategist and comp beast, I'll be totally okay with that. If not, you keep your cross-overs. #bb21 " RT Hey @WestonBergmann you wanna have a “secret” alliance??? 🤫 @Kassting
@WestonBergmann: @TheMarkLong @Kassting I’ll only trust you on the challenge. On BB you’d be too mischievous. I’d partner with Screech or Mr. Belding.
@ChallengeMTV: The hardest Final in Challenge history. Period. 🌎🔥 The beginning of the end to The War of The Worlds begins TOMORROW at 9/8c on @MTV 📺    Sneak Peek: The Death Path / The only thing standing between The Finalists and their share of $1,000,000 is a 24-mile race through the desert, called "The Death Path." And that's just part one...
- @turabicamkiran: @ChallengeMTV @MTV 1.000.000$ 🏃🏃‍♀️🏃🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏼🏃🏾🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Dang I legit thought we were gonna ride in a helicopter w/@tjlavin ...then this One ⭐️ UBER shows up 😒
- @PaulCalafiore_: @ChallengeMTV @MTV Looks like fun 😈😈
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV An experience of a lifetime!  Forever grateful for this opportunity💯
- @theo_campbell91: @ChallengeMTV Finally. You can see how this was no joke. Just another day in Paradise 🤨
@DayDaVonne_: Thank you everybody for the birthday / Mother’s Day wishes this past weekend , y’all are amazing ! I love and appreciate each and every last one of you. Thank you ✨❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Will Ninja be able to continue, or will the heat, exhaustion, and dehydration stop her from continuing? 😓 Find out on part one of #TheChallenge33 Finale! 🏆 Starting tomorrow at 9/8c 📺   Sneak Peek: Knocked-Out Ninja / Ninja goes down during leg one of The Final.
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV Straight up blacked out... I forgot this even happened until I watched this clip 😵
Good job #TheChallenge33 you’ve pushed me to the limits 💀
@PaulCalafiore_: @TheMarkLong @WestonBergmann @Kassting Now this is a season I would watch
@MattieLBreaux: No longer waiting.... I’m gunna take it 🦖
@MTV_NellyT: The fastest way to turn your day around is to make someone else smile... laughter is priceless and contagious 💯 #blessed #unclenellyt
@Ninja_Natalie: "@Akbar_Gbaja: Yo @mattiseman what are you doing? We’re not Ninjas, we host @NinjaWarrior. 😳🤣 " RT Sometimes the ninja spirit is too much for the body to handle ✨😂🙌🏼 @mattiseman
@Ninja_Natalie: It’s been cloudy for a full month in Los Angeles, and people are legit blaming slow WiFi cuz of the clouds ☁️
@ChallengeCara: OH MY GOD @georgiaharisonx IS THE NEXT GUEST ON CHALLENGE MANIA YAAAAASS I can’t wait!!
@morgan_willett: 25 & feeling the love ✨ THANK YOU for all the birthday wishes and thank you to everyone who helped me celebrate the past couple of days. I truly am so lucky!
@kailah_casillas: I am more than proud of #KickinItWithKailah, this is exactly what I feel like I’m meant to be doing. If you missed this weeks episode with Leroy, here’s the link!
@georgiaharisonx: Tomorrow I’m on #challengemania woth @DerrickMTV tune in gang ❤️❤️💫
@MattieLBreaux: Tuesday’s are for @Topgolf  Such a fun time 👌
@MTVAwards: @lindsaylohan CONGRATS QUEEN! The #DoTheLilo dance from @lohanbeachclub is nominated for Most Meme-able Moment at the 2019 #MTVAwards 💃 Vote now at ! 🌴
- @MikeMGTV: @MTVAwards So does this mean I can get a ticket bruh?
@MikeMGTV: Showing up to @MTV @Viacom asking politely for a ticket to the #MTVAwards like
@HaydenPWeaver: Did you guys know Steph and Seth Curry were brothers?????
@JustJem24: Challenge stans are messy ☕️ & y’all know I I love it...
@georgiaharisonx: Tomorrow I’m on #challengemania woth @DerrickMTV tune in gang ❤️❤️💫
- @SHOTOFYAGER: 🤔That reminds me, send us your questions for @georgiaharisonx #ChallengeMania🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
@kailah_casillas: No one can dispute that the early 2000s had the best Disney original movies: Halloween Town, Johnny Tsunami, Smart House, Luck Of The Irish..... the list goes on.

@ChallengeMTV: One want redemptions. Another wants to prove they still have it. And some just want the money. But one thing's certain: everybody wants to win 🏆 #TheChallenge33   Sneak Peek | Part 1 of The Challenge: War of The Worlds Finale / Part 1 of the HARDEST Final in Challenge HISTORY kicks off TONIGHT at 9/8c on MTV 📺
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV LES GEAUX #TheChallenge33
@MTVAwards: 👑Who are you rooting for to win Reality Royalty at the 2019 #MTVAwards?👑 Vote now at  and see what happens Monday, June 17 at 9p on @MTV!
- @MattieLBreaux: @MTVAwards Vote for @ChallengeMTV   😛😛😛✅✅✅✅
- @Ninja_Natalie: @MTVAwards CHALLENGE REIGN 🏆
@MTVAwards: @ChallengeMTV did you hear? You’ve been nominated at the 2019 #MTVAwards! Vote now at  🍿
- @ChallengeMTV: @MTVAwards We invented the genre and are still going strong after 33 seasons 💁👑
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV @MTVAwards 📠
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Wes is a Villain, a Star, and a Challenge Icon. Can he end it all with one big win?
@eonlineTV: This exclusive sneak peek from @ChallengeMTV finale is INTENSE
@turabicamkiran: “KİM BİRİNCİLİK İاİN ضLMEYE HAZIR? SADECE BEN.” ⚜️👑⚜️ #thechallenge33 #Turbo #TurboTurabi #Turabi @challengemtv @mtv
@MTVRWRRQuotes: It’s finale time!! #TheChallenge33 #WarOfTheWorlds finale begins tonight! With only ONE winner... who do you think is going to take the crown? 👑 🌍
@BigTymers228: Me Meeting Actor & Comedian Pete Holmes @peteholmes #PeteHolmes #UglyAmericans #ThePeteHolmesShow #Crashing …
@juliettep0rter: Embrace your fuck ups because they help you become who you’re supposed to be💕😊

@ChallengeMTV: This is not like any other Final in Challenge history. This is no joke. Part 1 of #TheChallenge33 begins TONIGHT at 9/8c 🏆  Sneak Peek: Georgia Struggles / Georgia has an emergency during The Final.
- @xZahida: @ChallengeMTV 😭😭 it hurts me so much to see you like this @georgiaharisonx! I am so immensely proud of you every day ❤️
@mtvcanada: Who ya got? #TheChallenge33 final begins TONIGHT at 9e/6p. Catch up at !
@RachD1214: New preview of the finale :( This makes me sad... #TheChallenge33
- @georgiaharisonx: @RachD1214 I just hope everyone doesn’t see me as weak or someone who is giving up when they see clips like this. I don’t even remember this happening I was completely and utterly not in my right mind from dehydration. Been dreading watching this bit back x
- @georgiaharisonx: @RachD1214 @Ninja_Natalie how can you look at me in that state and think of your game I’d think fuck hope my mates alright she looks fucked ! 😂 xx
@xZahida: @georgiaharisonx WEAK? Are you kidding? You're the complete opposite. You're still getting up despite falling, you get up and carry on every time!! You're so strong Georgia and if that was me I would have lay there on the ground like a pancake n gave up. You're incredible❤️
@Ninja_Natalie: @georgiaharisonx You didn’t seem like you babe. The heat was a strong demon that bit us all that day. I think nothing less of you at any point him this final. B/c we all know who was the one who woke up the house with 1000k runs on the treadmill at 7am 😉
@WestonBergmann: If one more fast food cashier through a window takes my order and says “I accept your challenge,” I’m gonna have some legal fees. Just gimme my chicken nuggets. And don’t forget the extra sauce.
@WestonBergmann: The face you make when you’re woke to the bullshit that’s about to be unleashed onto you @ Overland Park, Kansas …
@ChallengeMTV: Need some #WednesdayWisdom? Mattie's got you covered 🙃 Don't miss the marathon (and then some) of a Final, starting TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV 🍿 #TheChallenge33
@turabicamkiran: ⚜️👑⚜️🦁⚜️👑⚜️ It’s #TheChallenge33 Time.  It’s #TurboTurabi Time 🇹🇷 @challengemtv @mtv  #Turbo #Turabi
@ChallengeMTV: The Challenge: War of The Worlds was a global phenomenon, and now the  season is coming to an end! 🌎 Will an American keep the title at bay, or will an international Challenger take the throne? 👑 The two-week finale event starts TONIGHT at 9/8c 📺 #TheChallenge33
@MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV @MTV Genius 😂
@Ninja_Natalie: All the blood went to my leggies, I almost forgot how to read English 💀 #TheChallenge33
@JOSHMBB19: Pride yourself in being a good person, Shit is rare now a days.
@itskcheyenne: PSA 🗣 I am not Cory’s keeper, please stop coming to report EVERYTHING he does that you may or may not approve of. I am not the twerk police, let that man live. We raise Ryder together and that it is all! 🤯
- @JustJem24: @itskcheyenne Yo.. I wanna be the twerk police 😭
@ChallengeMTV: Me "trying" to keep calm, knowing #TheChallenge33 Finale starts tonight 🙌
@ChallengeMTV: Fill up your cup, take a seat, and turn on @MTV because Part 1 of #TheChallenge33 Finale starts in 1 HOUR! 🍻
@CodyThrive: I know it will never happen because the girl who casts the challenge is a complete dummy but man @kelleywentworth would be great on #thechallenge33 #Survivor
@WestonBergmann: I solve puzzles professionally; figuratively and literally. The final airs tonight! Will I win $750K? My dog sure hopes so cus I promised him the fancy dog bones I do. …
@MattieLBreaux: Y’all ready? #TheChallenge33 @ChallengeMTV

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So many of you are taking advantage of this extended weekend to mark the unofficial start of summer here on this Memorial Day Weekend. That includes clubs being open a day early on Thursday night in Las Vegas, and nightclubs across the country and the Vegas poolside dayclubs taking advantage of the three & a half days that kick off these 104 days of the hottest season of the year, taking us to Labor Day Monday in September.
   It's likely you are reading this at yours or a neighbors house enjoying barbecue, backyard pool parties and basking in the sun, or perhaps getting to pregame for a night out. In the instance of this trip to the Funny File, one person who we saw on the same Season 6 of Are You The One? that gave us Diandra, Nurys and Malcolm, Anthony Martin got to invite friends over to kick off MDW a night early than everyone else.
    In this clip, he decided to ride on the shoulders of one of his friends holding bottles of Cristal champagne in his hands in his living room, like those girls who bring them to clubgoers on a typical Friday or Saturday night in the club. As he will realize, that was not such a good idea... find out below. And if the rumors on the forums are right, we may see him again on our TV's soon.

In a moment, Part 1 of The Challenge War of the Worlds Final, as Cara, Georgia, Mattie, Natalie, Ninja, Theo, Turbo and Wes go for $1 million. See you shortly.


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