Happy Memorial Day to all of you in blog land, and as we celebrate summer in America, the end is just about here for MTV's The Challenge: War of the Worlds. As far as we see it here, the Final in Namibia has already had plenty of drama taking place, and all that's left is a final Tribunal and an in-final elimination before the final exam continues along towards crowning a champion.
The 'Pulse of Part 2 of the finale comes your way here in just a bit, where by the time we're done with that we'll see who wins the whole thing. But for the time being, enjoy the in-between chatter in the MTV Reality community from before the finale, which also includes the Game of Thrones series finale, anticipation for the vets making a one-night-only return, and much more. And afterwards, more on a big summer happening taking place in just a few weeks... that's all ahead here.
►IN BETWEEN: #GOT Finale, EDC, Vets Return, and Others Go MIA
@ChallengeMTV: Georgia had a special request when she was in the back of the ambulance 🐻 #TheChallenge33 Georgia Gets DQ'd / The girl with the best endurance in the house gassed out in the first leg of The Final.
@georgiaharisonx: "@LAZYLADYGAMER: Finally sat down to watch @ChallengeMTV and one question why is @georgiaharisonx eating out of a dog bowl?!?! 😂🤣😂🤣🐶🐶🐶 #dogbowl #lol #thechallenge #mtv #worldofwars " RT Cause I’m a bad birch 🐶😂
@mtvrrdarrell: Man down!! As soon as Theo said we’re half way done Wes fell out 🤣#challenge33
@xZahida: I don't think you should be on twitter if you can't tell the difference between a serious tweet and a sarcastic one. Get your dead self back on Facebook please and leave me to laugh in peace at the witty offensive people that grace my TL everyday x
@TheFifthSport: @tjlavin might be the dirtiest player of all time, but he sure as hell isn't a liar-this is the most difficult Final of all time-The Death Path left us with @turabicamkiran @theo_campbell91 and Wes for the best shot-Check out our recap from the first half!
@ChallengeMTV: Some absolute legends on this list. Did we miss anyone? 🐐 #FlashbackFriday
- @TheMarkLong: @ChallengeMTV I’m my own list #GODFATHER
- @TheAllanAguirre: @ChallengeMTV @laurelstucky is literally the most dominant competitor in Challenge history(CT included). She carried the Grey Team on Cutthroat to 100k with Abram, won half the dailies on FM2, and eliminated the only competitors anywhere close to her on Free Agents and won despite Zach dying.
@DerrickMTV: HOLLYWOOD,CALIFORNIA!! 🤩 SATURDAY June 22ND!! 🍿#ChallengeManiaLIVE is comin your way!! (@hollywoodimprov) 📺 - SPECIAL GUESTS include: 🥂 @v_cakes shawnemerriman and “THE GHOST”himself-Alton Williams 👻 - …
@BigTymers228: Happy Birthday/Happy Belated Birthday!!!!! @Bruce_Lee85 #MTV #TheRealWorld #TheChallenge #HappyBirthday #HBD #Blessings …
@Karamo: Omg I was on the Real World 15 years ago and I sat down with @MTV to watch old clips of myself. Crazy! Click the link and watch baby Karamo. …
@kailah_casillas: I am soooo excited to announce that I am officially SYNDICATED! You can now catch #KickinItWithKailah every Monday on @HBRADIO_LV and ALSO every Tuesday on @dash_radio! This is unreal!
@ChallengeMTV: We've reached the end of the (War of The) World, but how will it all go down? 🌎💥 Find out THIS WEDNESDAY at 9/8c 🏆
@theo_campbell91: When you truly understand and know yourself, nobody can ever tell you about yourself. You will either agree with them as they will be right or disagree with them as they will be wrong.
@theo_campbell91: If I’ve learned anything it’s that patience is the key to getting what you want. Funny things happen when you stop trying to force it
@theo_campbell91: Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction. Just a 👍🏽 and if you say so. Usually puts most fires out
@ChallengeMTV: Rate Mattie's Rookie performance below! 👇 #TheChallenge33 Mattie Quits / Mattie can't complete the first leg of The Final.
@WestonBergmann: "@JackieGrillo: How has the #GreasePole not been a challenge on @ChallengeMTV? Gotta get some of those killers down to #Philly to win this. @johnnybananas @WestonBergmann @turabicamkiran @tori_deal @ZNichols15 …" RT Duel 1. We’ve done everything.
@kailah_casillas: Living by @BradFiorenza mentality, “Stay drunk so that I don’t have to get drunk” Happy Saturday!
@EmFitMTV: You know why I’m successful? Because of the people who showed up for me before I showed up for myself.
@ChallengeMTV: Theo currently sits in first place, but Wes and Turbo aren't far behind him. How do you think the second leg of The Final will shale out? 🤔💭🏆 #TheChallenge33 End of Leg One / Theo will enter the second leg of The Final in the pole position. Tune into MTV THIS WEDNESDAY at 9/8c to see who wins The War of The Worlds.
@ChallengeMTV: The end is nigh. Who will emerge from the ashes and claim the throne? 🔥
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Hahahahaha! That Hunter and Wes! 😆😆
@ImJoshOoo: @Nickky143 I was at the reunion too and can attest to this 110%. Her attitude became worse as the day went on. Lolo kept asking her questions and she didn’t respond. She literally walked off stage for 30 mins and came back saying that “she is so high, she wants to get high”. So disappointed
@kailah_casillas: EDC LV lets go.
@kailah_casillas: it’s EDC weekend, guys. It’s time to be a degenerate.
@kailah_casillas: EDC LV WERE IN. I’m so happy
@kailah_casillas: Almost into EDC. We sat in barely any traffic. @iammikeyp knows the secret routes 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
@kailah_casillas: Ok so. Last year I missed everything I wanted to see at EDC bc I was too fucked up 🙄 This year.... if I miss @AdventureDub....
@kailah_casillas: Sooo I just saw Kanye. They’re filming Kardashians at EDC apparently
@KirkMedas: I can’t believe tonight is the finale of Game of Thrones #GOTFinale
@blairherter: Just remember that no matter what happens tonight in #GameOfThrones, there are another billion amazing stories out there waiting for you to discover them.
@SylviaMTV: AND SO IT BEGINS! #GamefThrones
@MattieLBreaux: Whose ready for #GOT 🤓🤭
@MattieLBreaux: I haven’t watched #GOT yet 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️
@sharongitau Sharon/Real World London: These two, forever. #gameofthronesfinale #AryaStark #JonSnow
@loveistheammo: I can’t believe they made Bran queen.
@blairherter: Can’t wait for that 🔥🔥🔥Jon Snow/Drogon summer collab: Melt the Throne #GameofThrones #GoT
@itSabrinaK: I don’t know how to feel or what to think right now
@itskcheyenne: wow. hated the last two episodes
@loveistheammo: #GameOfThrones this shit is whack.
@AshleeFeldman: Low key wish the Night King won.
@MikeMGTV: I’ve never been more disappointed with a season finale #GameofThrones
@blairherter: Don’t worry, we’ll find something else to obsess about. You know what they say: when one Hodor closes another Hodor opens. GOODNIGHT, EVERYBODY! #Got #GameofThrones
@SimoneJKelly: I bing-watched #GameOfTrones over the last month, all 8 seasons and I must say I got pretty invested. Great show.! But the nerve of them to end the show like this😒....can’t lie, a little disappointed. Like, huh?!
@newguypaulypaul: Really disappointing ending to @GameOfThrones ...smh
@joe_torgerson93: Rewatching the first episode of #GOT and holy shit the foreshadowing is unbelievable !
@ShelbyYardley: Wow.... I can't believe it's over 😭 #GameOfThrones
@CamilaMTV: me after #GOTfinal: *feels sad *confused *tries to be positive about not having to keep up w/ tv schedule anymore *sadder *hates the episode *yells at tv *wonders where the fuck is drogon *wants to cry *cries *wonders why put self through this *searches for season1 ep1
@MTV_AMANDAG: I almost feel like at the end of Paradise Hotel the eliminated people are gonna vote who wins.... 🤔hmmmm.
@JOSHMBB19: Advice to the winner of #bb21 when you are walking out of the house keep your mouth closed or you will choke on confetti like I did. 😂😂 🤞🏽
@PaulCalafiore_: @dc408dxtr Thanks for the write up 💪🏼👊🏼
@MadisynSyzdek: @dc408dxtr @PaulCalafiore_ Love it. There is too much hate in the world to judge someone solely on what media portrays them as.
@Margie_Snz: @dc408dxtr @PaulCalafiore_ Love this. Very thoughtful and well-written. People harp too much on the character/edit someone is given. I'm a fan of his heart & competitiveness on TV but more so from what I see off of it. We all have struggles & fuck ups...the ability to work through & learn from them, then turn around & help others is what I applaud.
@ChallengeMTV: TJ had one more curveball to throw at The Challengers this season ⚾️ Don't miss the season finale of #TheChallenge33 THIS WEDNESDAY at 9/8c! 🌎🔥 Sneak Peek: The Final Tribunal Wes, Turbo, and Theo decide who will be going into the last elimination of the season, which might see them sent home before The Final is even over...
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎊NEW PODCAST UP!🎊@georgiaharisonx joins me & @DerrickMTV on #ChallengeMania for a fun chat about her life in the🇬🇧UK, #TheChallenge33, Hunter, Bear, elimination wins, the wicked @ChallengeMTV final, the marathon she ran after getting home & MORE!!! HERE📲 …
@DerrickMTV: They finally let me out of MY CAGE!! Tune into #TheChallenge33 FINALE this Wednesday 5/22 at 9/8c to see what I got into!! 😜🤘 - Had the honor of joining CHALLENGE LEGENDS @v_cakes ,@EmFitMTV and @mtvrrdarrell in a Special Challenge Event @UniversalORL you DON'T want to miss #ad
- @mtvrrdarrell: @DerrickMTV Who want the smoke 💨 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
- @KendalSheppard: @DerrickMTV I didn't know it was legal to carry guns that big! Can't wait for the return of the OG's!! #teamroadrules
- @apressley1406: It’s about time they let @DerrickMTV back on TV!! Can’t wait!!!! 👏🏼💪🏼👏🏼
@DerrickMTV: This Wednesday Night during “War of the World’s!!!”- #TheChallenge33 FINALE!! 9/8C @MTV
Where friends become enemies!! It’s going down! 😜🍿@UniversalORL @DerrickMTV: NEW PODCAST!! ⚔️ If you can’t get a feel for how BRUTAL this FINAL @ChallengeMTV is,take a listen to someone that LIVED and DIED by the SWORD,during the FINALE!🗡 - @georgiaharisonx BREAKS DOWN her ROOKIE SEASON for Myself and @SHOTOFYAGER 🎯. - 🎧🔥: …
@DayDaVonne_: 🤧
@DayDaVonne_: Lmao y’all are annoying .... 🗣 IM NOT AT THE AIRPORT !!!
@DayDaVonne_: Alright , when I go live this week ... don’t say I didn’t tell y’all
@DayDaVonne_: *ahem* I’m ... still .... HERE . Thank you ☺️
@DayDaVonne_: Do you finally believe I’m not doing season 34 now 😌
@KendalSheppard: I am absolutely not getting on a plane today. Side note: airports are the best place to catch pokemon.
@NataliaNegrotti: Safe travels everyone
@MTVDevinWalker: Hey LA I love you, but treat ur queens better. Too many gorgeous amazing talented ppl running around this city feeling the contrary. I get it, it’s a dog eat dog world but relax, the world needs more pick ups n less put downs ❤️🍾
@MTVDevinWalker: What an amazing turn my life has made in a year. Buy stock now. So many great things to come 🍻🕺🏻
@Rogan_OConnor: BRB..
@johnnybananas: Rinse... Repeat 💦🍌 #bananasvseveryone #ThisViewIsBananas #BananasDoingThings #throwback @ChallengeMTV
@paulawalnutsMTV: Who’s your favorite @ChallengeMTV cast member? Past and present...ready...go!
- @EmFitMTV: @paulawalnutsMTV @ChallengeMTV You!!
- @JustJem24: @paulawalnutsMTV You, Coral, Wes from real world🖤. @mtvrrdarrell. @DerrickMTV @v_cakes, @rachel_fitness from RR 💜.
- @DerrickMTV: @JustJem24 @mtvrrdarrell and 2 others Ahhhhh!! 😜 You da best Jem!
- @JustJem24: @DerrickMTV I have good taste 💅🏽. Also, old school CT should be on that last Hahahaha
@brittany_baldi: Being in @entertainmentweekly was cool |One of the most RAD experiences of my life! Getting to compete on one of the most badass long standing TV Shows of all time | With an all star cast and the most chill TV hostsWhat were your favorite memories of my rookie season? ⭐️👊🏼
@kailah_casillas: 4 hours til #kickinitwithkailah!!! This weeks guest: Jay Cutler 💪🏼💪🏼
@TheWrap: MTV's 'The Real World' Seasons 16, 17, 28 to Stream on Facebook Watch …
@rwmoments: The fans have spoken. Head over to @FacebookWatch to binge Real World Austin (2005), Key West (2005) and Portland (2013). They can be found on a brand new series page on FB Watch called "The Real World on Watch."
- @JustJem24: @rwmoments Hey zaddy.... @blackzeusfit 👅
- @crisstianjohn: @JustJem24 @blackzeusfit Besides your season, which Real World is your favorite?
- @JustJem24: @crisstianjohn Austin, San Diego(original) & Vegas(both original & back to Vegas)
- @CohenBrian_: @rwmoments Portland a HOF season
@CoryWharton: St. Lucia 🇱🇨
@BritniNicol: "@toadymontana_: ReWatching #TheOriginals and is that @BritniNicol i see 👀 #MtvTheChallenge " RT 😍😘😘
@ChallengeMTV: The War of The Worlds is ending, but the War of The Universe has just begun! Watch #TheChallenge33 finale TOMORROW @ 9/8c to see some of your favorite Challenge greats compete in a special edition of The Challenge at @UniversalORL! 🌎💥
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV You won’t believe your eyes 👀.
@DerrickMTV: TOMORROW NIGHT!! Tune into #TheChallenge33 SEASON FINALE 9/8C @MTV, to see Me, @EmFitMTV, @mtvrrdarrell and @v_cakes compete in “The Challenge,” at one of the COOLEST PLACES in the WORLD, (@UniversalORL)!! Twists, Turns, and a SURPRISE you definitely don’t want to miss!! #ad 🍿🎢
@DerrickMTV: Need more hype?? Head over to @ChallengeMTV’s INSTAGRAM LIVE!! Hosted by: @DevynSimone - “The Challenge” @UniversalORL #ad
@Ninja_Natalie: Legs already tingling for the LAST episode of War Of the Worlds #TheChallenge33 tomorrow 😱
@ChallengeMTV: You don't see a Challenger like Turbo too often, and you don't see sportsmanship like this too often either... 👏 Watch the season finale of #TheChallenge33 TOMORROW at 9/8c 📺 Sneak Peek: Turbo The Lion / Turbo helps Wes during The Final.
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Challenge War of the Worlds Episode 15: Dare I already say, the greatest final ever?
@MTV: @ChallengeMTV @tjlavin Congrats on your #MTVAwards nomination! There's only one week left to vote: 🔥💥
@tjlavin: This is pretty cool...
@tjlavin: Pretty cool... vote for us if you want... … #awesome @mtv challengemtv @dannywascou …
@mikethemiz: SPRING FINALE OF #MizAndMrs 10/9c on usa_network if you have questions on this episode or any other episode leave them in the comments section of this post and I will answer them at 10:30pm EST. Enjoy!!!! …
@kailah_casillas: after every crazy weekend our house is A DISASTER bc everyone uses our place as a hangout/ home base 🙄 anyway, it’s SPOTLESS & all the laundry is done & candles are lit, this is the best feeling ever 🥰♥️... until Mikeys bday this weekend when it’s a disaster again 🙄
@thehills: We have SO much to catch up on! And the next chapter is here. 📖 Mark your calendars — #TheHills is back Monday, June 24th on @MTV.
- @00Hitsdiidii: @thehills My heart is whole again. THANK YOU BABY JESUS I CANNOT WAIT 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
@DayDaVonne_: We love a good Instagram story 😌
@DayDaVonne_: I feel like deep down, y’all know the truth. I love you guys for wanting me to be apart of this season... buuuuut just remember .... everything happens for a reason
- @NataliaNegrotti: @DayDaVonne_ I am proud of u I admire u. Ur an amazing mother and just a great person. Ur strong and smart AF u finish puzzles quicker than Einstein truly a queen. This season does not deserve u
@ChallengeMTV: IT'S FINALE DAY! 🙌 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: WHO WILL WIN: 🔘 International pride 🇺🇸🇬🇧🇹🇷 🔘 Their share of $1,000,000 💰 🔘 The hardest Final ever? 🏃♀️🏃 Tune into @MTV TONIGHT at 9/8c to find out! 🏆👑 #TheChallenge33
@ChallengeMTV: The second leg of The Final is going to test The Challengers both mentally and physically 🤓 #TheChallenge33 Tune into @MTV TONIGHT at 9/8c to watch! 🍿 Sneak Peek: Work Smarter, Not Harder / The second leg of The Final contains a math equation, which the solution to unlocks a lock which will release a kayak that the Finalists must use.
- @BunimMurray: @ChallengeMTV Is this enough of a lead for Wes to be able to pull ahead from everyone and catch up to Turbo, or will Theo catch up? Make sure to tune in tonight to The Challenge: War of the Worlds. It all ends tonight at @9/8c. #Waroftheworlds #TheChallenge #Turbo #Wes #Theo #SeasonFinale
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Top 10 Greatest Final Runners in Challenge History
@mtvrrdarrell: What up people’s! Tune in tonight #TheChallenge33 SEASON FINALE 9/8C @MTV, to see Me & @v_cakes take on @DerrickMTV & @EmFitMTV and compete in “The Challenge,” at one of the COOLEST PLACES in the WORLD, (@UniversalORL)!! Twists, Turns, and a SURPRISE 👀😲 #ad
@DerrickMTV: Get your @ChallengeMTV SEASON FINALE started w/ a BRAND SPANKIN NEW episode of #ChallengeMania!! - TEAM UK’s @georgiaharisonx stopped by and answered all the Highs and Lows, in the Gnarliest Season EVER! @SHOTOFYAGER #TheChallenge33 ITS ON! 🎧🔥 - 🎧🔥: …
@DerrickMTV: TONIGHT!! During #TheChallenge33 SEASON FINALE of “War of the Worlds,”-it’s going down!! All Worlds will collide!! 9/8C @MTV 🚀🚀🚀🚀 - Need more hype for “The Challenge” @UniversalORL??? Check out @ChallengeMTV’s IG LIVE hosted by @DevynSimone which is up right now! #ad 🚀🚀
@JohnRyanVisuals: Since @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER always talk about each challenger possessing superhero qualities what better way to show that than an @Avengers poster with the @ChallengeMTV finale tonight! #WarOfTheWorlds #TheChallenge33 #ChallengeMania
@KendalSheppard: I just flew in and BOY are my arms tired! I thought I was going to Thailand to join this girl..
@KendalSheppard: So I hopped on the first flight out to solid ground to catch the return of the OG's tonight on @ChallengeMTV !! I can not WAIT to see these guys in action..
@KendalSheppard: Thank you all for the positive tweets and thinking of me in my absence! 💜💙💜
@MattieLBreaux: How do you like your steak dear 😛
@DerrickMTV: TONIGHT!! 9/8 @MTV Runnin into the WAR like.... - @UniversalORL #TheChallenge33 #ad
@itskcheyenne: Last night NY and taking Ryder to see Frozen on ice 🎉 so excited to see her face
- @CoryWharton: @itskcheyenne Awwwwww shit get her some cotton candy and popcorn and she will be good lol
@JazMTV: Just got the call my wedding dress and veil have arrived! 143 days till the big day!! #imgettingmarried
@ChallengeMTV: The hardest Final in Challenge history concludes in ONE HOUR on @MTV! Are you ready for the epic conclusion? #Challenge33
@EmFitMTV: Tune in to @mtv tonight for the finale and you’ll get a little taste of me back on the CHALLENGE 😍😊 #TheChallenge33 #UniversalOrlando @ChallengeMTV
@DerrickMTV: Not gonna be your average walk in the park for couple o challengemtv G.O.A.T.’s!! The Challenge @universalorl just moments away!! - TONIGHT 9/8C @MTV during #TheChallenge33 season finale-WHERE WORLDS COLLIDE!! #ad… …
@MTV_NellyT: Let go @hbarfield13 !!!! @ChallengeMTV #TYB
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Diverting our attention from what's coming up in a moment here to what's ahead: If you were with me on my social outlets on finale night, as is always the case for when something big takes place it becomes the ideal platform to launch something I have planned next -- especially the annual big vacation out of town that I take every year... and perhaps there may be two of them to come this year. I've used the Rio Olympics and premiere night of the last Challenge to reveal to everyone my two most recent trips to Las Vegas... and for War of the Worlds, something different.
Summer is when we will all have plenty of time during the 104 days in between the Friday that kicks off this very Memorial Day weekend until Labor Day Monday that brings the curtain down on the hottest season of the whole year... and that includes traveling. And while I've been to Vegas nine times, a few times to Southern California, and also to New York and Hawaii too, one place I've not been to since I was a kid has been the Reno/Lake Tahoe area. You can thank the allure of its bigger city to the south and the proliferation of casinos on Indian reserves near the Bay Area and around Northern California for that reason to not take that five hour drive across the state line.
But that will change on Father's Day weekend when, in less than three weeks from right now, I'll be heading up to Northern Nevada and The Biggest Little City in the World: Reno. The reason why me, my family and everyone in my inner circle of relatives will be taking that long drive up to the Arch is that one of my cousins will be getting married there during a time where we'll be celebrating not just them but also my niece's birthday playing in the midways of Circus Circus, and Father's Day with my dad in the casinos... and perhaps celebrate in the bars if the Warriors get the three-peat.
It may be a new/old vacation destination, but the plans will be the same. As an out-of-town traveler, I'll be mixing pleasure of sightseeing, gambling & fun with the precious family-first time watching a great moment for my cousin. And for those of you who follow me socially, I'll be swapping blog work for using my broad social network to bring you my adventures of what I'm referring to as #DCVegas Presents: RENO WEEKEND. From #DCNOW @DC408DxNow to stories, live hits and more on Instagram @DC408Dxtr, SnapChat @DC408Dxtr1 and beyond - including launching a new presence on a few new channels... it'll be a great weekend ahead.
And to add more to those three days: as it was last year when Are You The One? 7 debuted two days before #DCVegas '18, The Real World Atlanta on Facebook Watch will debut the same week as my trip... I plan to watch and live commentate on the season premiere on my platforms during the lead-up to the main event beginning on Friday, June 14th and continuing to Sunday, June 16th - perhaps to Monday if needed should the NBA Finals go that deep. As they say, don't miss it.
As for now, the bigger question is: Who will win? Cara, Wes, Hunter, Ninja, Theo or Turbo? Find out with us when the 'Pulse of Part 2 of the Final of War of the Worlds comes your way next.
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