Sunday, January 31, 2021

DC ExtraTime: Remembering Garnett

BY DC CUEVA                        

Courtesy: IG @MissCaraMaria
As MTV's The Challenge has successfully provided us with the only source of competitive sporting action for much of the last ten months, there's been one notable absence from not just this current season of Double Agents, but also the preceding one of Total Madness. It's something that been welcome to those many detractors and perhaps robbing us of quality competition on the female side of things... but it's a hiatus that has been very much needed after going through so much drama while winning two Challenge titles, the first leg of the Champs vs. Stars trilogy and everything else that's gone along with it.

Of course, we are talking about Cara Maria Sorbello... who received the rookie treatment of going home first on Fresh Meat II over a decade ago, but who went on to becoming the prominent female face of the fifth major pro sport. She and her recently married cousin Jamie Banks stood atop the victory stand in venerable Berlin Olympic Stadium when won Battle of the Bloodlines in 2016, then two years later won all the $500,000 to herself on Vendettas... and she has been a consistent visitor to the final during her career -- ten of them in all. And of course, she has had to go through a lot of drama along the way -- from relationships with two bad boys that split up Challenge Nation, to dealings with so many competitors that are too many to count during her 10-year career.

Since leaving the War of the Worlds 2 final having to watch Team UK race off with the $1 million in Thailand, Cara has quietly gotten back to the serenity of the Frontier North of this vast nation of ours. And it's being far away from the hustle and bustle of the big city that Montana has been an ideal place for her to enjoy quality time with the most important figure in her life.

Anybody who knows Cara -- both personally from when she grew up in New England and from when she joined the MTV family and the social sphere who's joined with her on this journey -- knows that no relationship in her life is as precious, as valued and as beloved as that with her horse. Garnett has been the one constant in her life of the past twenty years, as Cara has nurtured her from when she was in school and college, in the Northeast and then in Montana, enjoying many rides along the trail in what the locals refer to as "Big Sky Country."

On the occasion of her 30th birthday last year Cara wrote of Garnett on IG, "My girl is 30 years old. We have officially been together 20 years today. Everything happens for a reason. Usually I am away filming during my birthday. Garnett had a rough winter but we made it through together because I was able to be here with her. I wanted a horse since I could breathe. She was the answer to my prayers (along with 14 years of horse obsessed nagging and 5 years of lessons and horse care learning). Despite arthritis and a chronic cellulitic leg and many near death scares... she is rockin on like a LION. My love for her is indescribable. Im thankful for all these years and memories and adventures and I toast to many more. So thankful I could be with her today and even more thankful she is still here with me. My soul. 🥂 LOVE MY GG! And to anyone who doesn’t get the “horse” thing... picture your dog but like way bigger and you can ride it on wild beach and mountain adventures. Pretty cool huh? 🥰"

Sadly, this past week she announced to her Instagram followers of nearly 500,000 that after living such a wonderful life of three decades but having had declining health in recent years, the painful decision was made to euthanize Garnett. It is, obviously, a painful feeling that those of us who have had to say farewell to their trusted animal companion only know. And her owner penned the following eulogy with a short but fond remembrance of her beloved horse...

 INSTAGRAM  @MissCaraMaria 
"When the warm neck that caught all your tears for 20 years isn’t there to hold you anymore... My lion is in heaven now. Her spirit was too big for her old body to hold her. I feel empty and heavy at the same time. I know you all loved her. And I made sure she knew how many lives she’s touched without even meeting them. She went as peacefully as anyone could ever wish for. I honestly don’t know who I am now without her."

Whether they've had the chance to visit her up on Montana or have just known the relationship she's had with her horse through social media, some of Cara's fellow competitors from her fifteen total Challenges sent her messages of condolence as she came to grips with life without Garnett by her side, but who has now gained a guardian angel watching her from up above.

● IG @paulcalafiore_: "You were without a doubt the best Mother that she could of ever asked for. Your love propelled her every single day and that has always been true. She knew how much she was loved every single day. I’m here for you every step of the way ❤️"
● IG @tori_deal: "I’m so sorry for your loss Cara! ❤️I know that’s that worst feeling in the world. Sending you so much love. Also I recommend reading “signs, the secret language of the universe” by Laura Lynn Jackson ❤️"
● IG @mtvashleybrooke: "I am so very sorry cara. I know how much you loved her 😭❤️ im always here for you"
● IG @coachjamie_otf: "Love you cuz she was amazing 😞"
● IG @justjemm_: "I’m so sorry Cara 💔"
● IG @jenniferwestofficial: "Oh Cara I am so so sorry for your loss 😞 I don’t doubt that Garnett know how hard your loved her with every last cell in your body. You have her a life that any horse would be lucky to have. I wish I could ease your pain. I know how hard it is to lose a pet. Like family they are. Sending you a massive big hug and try to think of all the fun times you had with her and how she made you smile and laugh. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕"
● IG @realjohnnybananas: "❤️❤️"
● IG @natalienegrotti: "OMG CARA I’m so sorry babe"
● IG @_ayiiia: "i’m sorry mama. love you"
● IG @aneesamtv: "So sorry for your loss!!!!!"
● IG @melindastolpmtv: "Oh honey 😞 I’m sooo soo sorry!"
● IG @derrickmtv: "Damn...send love! 💙🙏💙🙏💙"
● IG @kellyannejudd: "😔 I will always cherish the time we spent with Garnett. Happy I was able to know her."
● IG @justinavalentine: "awww i’m so Sorry 🙏🏼🙏🏼😢"
● IG @iamkamiam_: "I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️ I’m happy you both made each other so happy for her last days... always here ❤️❤️✨"
● IG @ninja_natalie: "So blessed I got to meet Garnett last year 🥺 she isn’t just any horse. She has so love in her, and a wise soul. I feel like you will see her again in your life ✨🙏"

And below, more snapshots of this precious relationship... Cara, we know your horse lived such a beautiful life, and Garnett will be sorely missed. You & your beloved companion are in our thoughts.