*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom... you do need those, after all. ***
Hello everyone to all of you in the blog world, and in case we've not spoken to one another yet, our best wishes to you for this New Year. We know this has been quite a first full week of 2021, and we hope you are safe, healthy and wish you love and kindness. And as we at DCBLOG begin our ninth year covering this world of MTV Reality, we start the second month of activity from just south of the Arctic Circle as we return to Iceland for The Challenge: Double Agents.
The first month of Season 36 of the fifth major pro sport began with TJ Lavin starting his 26th season at the helm and him dishing out plenty of twists to the cast. And last we were here, the competitors took to a moving 18-wheeler to grapple without harnesses... and it led to not one, but two players getting medically evacuated due to injuries suffered there. There were also consequences for one of the players in wanting to bring out into the open the secrets of the secret vote of who gets voted in, and Josh found himself in the heart of the drama with Devin, who found himself in elimination vs. Wes which he won.
As it was a year ago, whoever wins an elimination not only gives them some momentum in the short-term, but also in the long-run, a skull making them eligible for the final... and this week, the guy who loves to toast that foamer is more than eager to use that power to his liking. In the aftermath of the holidays, the agents will have something techy to try out for their week's challenge as they must blindly fly drones through a lava tunnel. But with partners changing each week now, loyalty will be tested in one new relationship... while another -- and possibly those of the other players -- could hinge on what goes down in the latest chapter of Hall Brawl.
After the break, all the action, reaction and interaction of Week 4 of Double Agents... plus, ExtraTime will shine a light on one who fought a brave fight against the disease that took the life of one of The Challenge's most beloved figures. Thanks for joining us and welcome... we're glad to have you with us.
► AS THEY SAW IT: "Duplicity"
@ChallengeMTV: Don't get it twisted, it may be a partner game but it's still every agent for themself! #TheChallenge36 is BACK this Wednesday at 8/7c on @mtv!
@ChallengeMTV: Tori is playing her own game so, where does Fessy fit into that? Find out TOMORROW on The Challenge: Double Agents at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge36
@ChallengeMTV: The agents must use a drone to help them locate a secret code and no one loves this mission more than their handler, TJ. Tonight on The Challenge: Double Agents at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge36
@ChallengeMTV: .@devynsimone is back at it AGAIN, interrogating our agents until they spill their biggest secrets on tonight's episode of The Challenge: Double Agents Aftermath. Don't miss it on The Challenge Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. Fire #TheChallenge36
@_nelsonthomas: Who’s ready for to night episode of the @ChallengeMTV to night 8/7c @mtv
@TheLionelGreen: It was only a matter of time before the #ManOfTheHour became a #ChampOfTheHour once again! AND NEWWWWWWWWW! @MLW #MLW #LioRush #MoneyweightChamp
@MLW: And NEWWWWWWWWWW MLW World Middleweight champion - @TheLionelGreen #MLWKings https://youtube.com/watch?v=oM75kiRmltM&feature=youtu.be
- @TheLionelGreen: @MLW It’s going to be a long year for the middleweight division because this title is staying with me! #MLWKings
@KhalafSammy: Since Lio Rush was released from WWE, he had no clear direction for his career. The indies helped him regain passion for pro wrestling. Specifically, GCW and MLW. I was super excited to see Lio in MLW and he’s now the middleweight champion. Congrats Lio #MLWKings
@TheLionelGreen: Currently sprinting to Iceland to compete on #TheChallenge36 ! Turn on @MTV now ✌🏽
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @theogbig_t is the best thing ever #thechallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: Well, it's Wednesday, you know what that means. #TheChallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: Devin and Tori seem like two actors in a high school play trying to remind each other that they hate each other, when in reality they are friends. #TheChallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: If I didn't love Big T already, her story means so much to me because I wasn't raised by my birth mom or dad either. WE STANNING BIG T FOR LIFE >>>>>> #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@theogbig_t: Love to everyone who’s lost a parent. Thank you to @ChallengeMTV for letting me share my story Folded hands #TheChallenge36
@rMtvChallenge: Big T (@theogbig_t) serves looks week after week. #TheChallenge36
@GamerVev: Omg Big T’s story I love her so much #TheChallenge36
@gandbroses: @ChallengeMTV starting a petition for a podcast or after show host gig for @theogbig_t her reactions are what is keeping this episode interesting #TheChallenge #thechallenge36
@nillis_gona: @theogbig_t is an international treasure and must be protected at all costs @ChallengeMTV
@TheLionelGreen: Watching this convo like .. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge36
@Nk3play2: #TheChallenge Lio is always just watching when some mess goes down.
@heirjordynn: lio and meechie be in the corner every episode wondering why they’re here #TheChallenge36
@Clarence_Pryor: Ready to feel THE LIO RUSH OF LIO RUSH?!? @TheLionelGreen Bring your RUSH energy level up to 11 on #TheChallenge ! #TheChallenge36
@Wynton_Mohorn: You better give it up to GOD. Start praying that HE gives you a great new partner. @mechiesocrazyy @ChallengeMTV @MTV #TheChallenge36
@MTVDevinWalker: Okay new @ChallengeMTV definition Crying - someone being mildly upset.
@iAMart_22: After watching #TheBachelor - which I’m absolutely loving so far - but I don’t know why I can’t shake off the thought of how the show would go if @MTVDevinWalker was The Bachelor. He would be an asshole but an honest asshole. Plus, his commentary would be gold.
@Lifewith_rich: Ughhh @iamkamiam_ is just that girl #TheChallenge
@_nelsonthomas: If @KyleCGShore and I can’t drive a car, what makes you think we can fly a drone.. @ChallengeMTV
@NamVoOfficial1: You guys ready for some new facial expressions? @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge36 #doubleagents
@TheLionelGreen: I hated this challenge so much #TheChallenge36 @ChallengeMTV
@DerrickMTV: And the winner of this competition goes to the person who practices flying drones?!! Add that to your to do list, future aspiring challengers! #TheChallenge #TheChallenge36
@WestonBergmann: The fact that today’s challenge is IN A LAVA CAVE is adding insult to my injury
@Bruce_Lee85: Tonight’s mission has me like #TheChallenge
@Bruce_Lee85: "@xojalyssa_: Lmfaooo @Bruce_Lee85 said im tellin mom i dont wanna play nomore cause tj laughin at us #TheChallenge36" RT 100% Accurate
@MTVDevinWalker: GOD I’m fkn good
@heyselmaa: @tjlavin laughing at everyone lmao & @Bruce_Lee85 "I don't wanna play no more" #TheChallenge
@taylorwhite_: "you need to come back with a different energy." lmao I'm dead I love @MTVDevinWalker #TheChallenge
@MarkhamEmily: @MTVDevinWalker First he’s sweet, then he’s sour #TheChallenge #thechallenge36
@_nelsonthomas: Who would’ve thought @tori_deal and @MTVDevinWalker win today’s challenge. Hopefully they remember we are AYTO!!! @ChallengeMTV
@_whitneyAM: TJ's laugh is so contagious lol #TheChallenge36
@_nelsonthomas: Damm @Jay__Qs and @JOSHMBB19 , who’s balls bigger @ChallengeMTV
@dramaxic: Fearless ???? Lmao where #TheChallenge
@iamkamiam_: "@lulu_w998: all I need is Kams recap video and I’ll be fed ☝🏾@iamkamiam_ #TheChallenge36" RT I got A LOT to say about this one too
@Jay__Qs: “These boots were made for walking.” @ChallengeMTV
@realitytvfnatic: @GamerVev even tho we didn’t see much of her due to the atrocious editing, she’s proven from what we did see that she had a bright personality and was one of the greater UK debuts. hoping we see her on a full season soon Folded hands
@JustJem24: Me watching this episode:
@iamkamiam_: Leroy always tryna get his 2 cents in #TheChallenge
- @Bruce_Lee85: @iamkamiam_ Mannnn shut yo hating ass up
- @iamkamiam_: @Bruce_Lee85 Least you responded to the right tweet this time
@_nelsonthomas: New Nick nameCall me psychic NellyT @ChallengeMTV
@iamkamiam_: Why wouldn’t Fessy vote the way Josh wanted?
@_nelsonthomas: The conversation I was having with @CoryWharton, I was letting him know that I had a dislocated finger from the last challenge with @Bruce_Lee85. @ChallengeMTV
- @Bruce_Lee85: @_nelsonthomas I was just about to say that.. your thumb was swollen so bad bro
- @_nelsonthomas: @Bruce_Lee85 Bro I couldn’t close my hand..
@iamkamiam_: "@theresagodzalez: why didn’t kyle vote the way you wanted" RT We honestly never talked about which way we’d vote to each other we had a good understanding within our partnership. We did whatever we wanted.
@iamkamiam_: I wish we could see how EVERYONE voted tonight cuzzzz... #TheChallenge36
@RealityRadioPod: Did she really need to hear it twice Lee? @Bruce_Lee85 @iamkamiam_ #TheChallenge36
- @iamkamiam_: @RealityRadioPod He tried to come for me & I told him he didn’t even do it right so he redid it
@mtvrrdarrell: Nobody saw that comin @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge36
@DerrickMTV: Uh-ohhhh..guess who’s back... #TheChallenge #TheChallenge36
@Bruce_Lee85: Wow #TheChallenge36
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Wow wow wow wow. This is fucking insane #TheChallenge36
@iamkamiam_: "@TLDGray: I don't always agree with @iamkamiam_ & that's okay but seriously she is one bad chica.. I have nothing but respect for her, always speaking her truth, you can always respect a woman who owns her ish.. She is absolutely beautiful BTW @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge36" RT Thank you
@AneesaMTV: This episode is just full of weird shit
@_nelsonthomas: A fucking disservice !!!! Wtf!! I’m emotionally fck right now watching this... @ChallengeMTV
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Oh my.... I mean mind blown #TheChallenge36. Damn that is brutal
@JustJem24: The episode just 100% confirmed to me bc I know how much stuff truly goes on off camera that fessy and Tori definitely had something going on this season..
@iamkamiam_: "@MsKevin504: I can’t wait for @iamkamiam_ and @Bruce_Lee85 recap tomorrow cause I can tell there is a lot was left out of this episode. I need them to fill in the holes. #TheChallenge36" RT There really was. We will fill y’all in cause whew chile #TheChallenge
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Man ol man. That's fucked up imo #thechallenge36
@MTVDevinWalker: Annnnnnd another big brother snake shows his true scales...
@TheLionelGreen: I’ve seen a lot of heel turns in my day. But that boy Fessy top notch ! smh #TheChallenge36
@blackzeusfit: Fessy Fessy Fessy... Messy Messy Messy! Don’t talk a big game if you take the easy way out #TheChallenge36
@MTVDevinWalker: Let this be a lesson to all challengers. If I’m tryna sleep off a hangover don’t wake me up with some bullshit or Ull end up in a hall brawl against ur “friend”
@Jay__Qs: Shout to to my boy @_nelsonthomas smaller by height/weight but boy does this man have heart. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge @ChallengeMTV
@iamkamiam_: I’m cute AF in this interview #TheChallenge36
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Alot of people quite on here tonight #thechallenge36
@mtvrrdarrell: Hold ya head up @_nelsonthomas
@blackzeusfit: Man @_nelsonthomas is a true warrior fam! Dude is a stand up competitor. Wish I was there to show Fessy how hall brawl is done with someone his own size!#TheChallenge36 #clown
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I think some people forget this is long game sometimes. You need your friends. You need your alliances. Not just this season but every season #thechallenge36
@_nelsonthomas: Damm not only do I have a dislocated finger but this men had to play dirty... @ChallengeMTV
@JustJem24: I wanna throw Fessy’s suitcase off the balcony for doing Nelson this dirty..
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: We did watch his #BigBrother season right?! #thechallenge36
@iamkamiam_: I’ll ttyt.. about to film this recap tf ASAP #TheChallenge36
@hortene: Why do people hate @MTVDevinWalker so much?! When he proves every time?!? Put respect on his name. So far he’s the only man that talks so much shit and actually come through. Stop Playing with him #Teamdevin #TheChallenge36
@findingtorrie: The @MTVDevinWalker episode I didn’t know I needed #TheChallenge
@rMtvChallenge: This is Devin's (@MTVDevinWalker) third daily win out of his 25 dailies, not counting spinoffs. Very efficient, he now has a win in an individual challenge, a team challenge, and a partner challenge. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@MTVDevinWalker: @Bruce_Lee85 Never!
@MTVDevinWalker: @_nelsonthomas @tori_deal @ChallengeMTV I tried to make deals but no one wanted to listen
@will_mast22: Tori: “yeah we won!!!” @MTVDevinWalker “I still don’t like you” @tori_deal:
@WestonBergmann: Tonight’s episode was called, “Duplicity”; my hour-long recap is live. Watch it right now!! -a recap of all the week’s drama on-and-off show / -analysis of daily & elimination challenge / -my pick for episode MVP & line of episode http://patreon.com/westonbergmann
@MTVDevinWalker: Attention all challengers! Remember when I said amber was lying about me yelling at her? Remember when I said fessy was a snake? Remember when I voted the way I said I would every time. I hope you’re all seeing a pattern here. Remember.
@teeharlow: not yall jumping on the @MTVDevinWalker train and i’ve been lusting after him since dirty thirty.
@dtorres54: @MTVDevinWalker is one of the top in the Challenge & no one can tell me otherwise. All these clowns wish they can play his game!!!
@smashingheads: No new episode recap tonight because we are recording tomorrow BUT we have released our interview with @MTVDevinWalker everywhere! It was a ton of fun and we love him. Audio: https://apple.co/39nVgy7 / Video: https://youtu.be/rrdumo-V2Fw
@SHOTOFYAGER: Part of me wants to Live Tweet #TheChallenge36 tonight. I love doing it & I realize we can all use a break. Other part of me thinks Twitter feed should be reserved for more important stuff today / tonight & to interweave snarky #ChallengeMania commentary w/ all this feels wrong.
@TheAllanAguirre: Devin trying to start drama with Amber M when she hasn't done anything all season #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Devin: Amber is trying manipulate all the men against me. *live look at Amber's manipulation* #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: MTV didn't give Liv an exit confessionals, so here's a pic of her looking hot af. She's still only 21/22, so she'll be back for more hopefully~ #TheChallenge #TheChallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: Is it just me or does anyone else want to see Nelson become a Twitch Streamer after this? I'd love to watch this man play Skyrim or the Last Of Us. #TheChallenge #TheChallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: When you lose in Among Us because your Crew Mates didn't get their Tasks Done. #TheChallenge #TheChallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: TJ watching everyone crash their drones #TheChallenge #TheChallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: I wonder what's harder, this daily challenge, or landing the plane in Top Gun for the NES #TheChallenge #TheChallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: They succeeded because Devin took the reigns. He gave her step by step instructions and told her where to fly. Other people were avoiding obstacles rather than giving a path. Imagine if your GPS randomly just went "WOAH GO LEFT RIGHT FUCKING NOW" #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Big T's confessionals at this point are like our live tweets before they happening. She got Tori pinned perfectly. Why she calling girls weak when her Boo Boo The Fool Ass threw herself in for what she thought would be a free Red Skull and lost. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Devin would have been so good on the Challenge back on like Seasons 1-5 before they got super physical. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Gabby's confessional about Fessy says this: "Look, I don't fuck with dude's personality that much, but he's 6'5 with big muscles, and there's quite literally nothing to do in this house. No Netflix. No Books. Just drink, workout, and maybe fuck." #TheChallenge #TheChalleng36
@TheAllanAguirre: You gotta love Josh trying to instigate a fight with Jay because he thinks he can beat Jay in elimination, but doesn't have the votes just yet to get it done. This is was something that Frank Sweeney would do a lot, but Josh ain't Frank Sweeney #TheChallenge #TheChallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: Josh want Jay in elimination if he goes, which is ironic, because last season, he had the opportunity volunteer to face him in Balls In, and instead let Rogan go. Not sure if that's him learning from a mistake, or over-correcting. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: 12/23 votes went to Nelson/Amber -- Nam/Lolo, CT/Big T, Jay/Theresa, Amber B, Nany, Gabby, Natalie, Kaycee, Aneesa. Looks like Kaycee rallied to save Jay after Josh tried to get him in. I believe 7-8 votes went to Jay/Theresa, the rest burned. #TheChallenge #TheChallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: I don't know why people think is going to be a female elimination. Mechie is out here without a partner, he needs a guy to go home to get a partner. Then again, you might have forgotten he was on the show all together. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: Forreal tho.. FUCK FESSY. Fuck his stance. Fuck his whack ass personality. Nelson is the type of friend to volunteer himself for elimination for you. To go behind his back, ask to be put in against him, THIS EARLY in the game is fucked up. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge36
@TheAllanAguirre: If Tori really hated Devin, she would have let Nelson rock his ass in Hall Brawl. They really are best friends. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: You have to play dirty sometimes, but this early and to a loyal ally is some real fucked up shit. Stealing half a million dollars is like robbing a bank. It's bad, but it makes sense. This is like stealing $50 from your mom's purse. Scummy. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: For reference: Fessy: 6'5, 245 lbs, 4.78 (40 yard dash time), Top Collegiate Tight end. Fastest and biggest guy in the house. Nelson: 5'8, 180 lbs, former Strip Club Manager. Codenames: Double O Nelly T, Scuba Nelly #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: This game was built for Fessy. Nelson is just a guy who works out a lot, but his ass is fighting and pushing back no matter what. Fuck Yeah, Nelson! #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Yo what the fuck, that's a facemask violation. That's a 15 Yard Penalty. I feel like if someone puts their hands through your mask on a helmet, you should be legally allowed to bite their hand as hard as you want. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Fessy decided to face someone who he had 60 lbs on, was faster than, was his loyal ally, and even decided to play dirty/hurt his friend, and won by less than .1 seconds. Good Lord, Nelson is a beast. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Nelson is now a career 9-4-1 in eliminations. Despite having the 3rd most elimination wins by a male competitor in Challenge history, this is somehow his most impressive performance. It's one of the greatest losses in Challenge history. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Also, congrats to Fessy I guess. You're 2-0, looked shady as hell in the process, and have an awesome new partner. Congrats, you're a meathead, son. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: The last time Leroy and Aneesa "partnered" up #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Mechie and Amber each with their eyes closed, hoping for a new partner. They might combined to weigh one Fessy, but they're at least a damn good-looking team!#TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Challenge Double Agents Episode 4 Recap: 10 Biggest Takeaways #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge https://t.co/VIOWQ1HxwP?amp=1
- @TheAllanAguirre: EPISODE 4 RECAP !!!!! I breakdown: Josh v Jay / Devin/Tori's Fake Rivalry / The Epic Hall Brawl / Amber v Devin / The Daily Challenge / Big T being Legendary / Scummiest Moves in Recent History? #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Here's the thing, had Fessy done this in one of the final eliminations of the season to get a Skull, than it's a move you'd have to make in order to win. It's just the fact that he did it THIS EARLY. That's why it's scummy and idiotic. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: "@jaychallenge1: Omg Fessy was telling Nelson the day before elimination he wanted to travel the world with Nelson and they talked about moving in together" RT Fessy was telling him there'd be a bedroom for him, Nelson, Haleigh, Gabby, Tori, and Jenna.
@TheAllanAguirre: My last Challenge tweet of the night (I think): Kam deserves a lot of credit for upgrading Leroy's style. This man wore UnderArmor T-Shirts on this show for a straight decade. He's looking like someone I want to hire as my personal barber. #TheChallenge36 #TheChallenge
@emilylongeretta: Who on #TheChallenge36 feels betrayed by Fessy?
@drerdz99: Yo what is happening... I can’t believe I’m saying this. Much respect to Nelson. #TheChallenge36
@RealityTvMimi: This episode went from 0 to 100 REAL QUICK #TheChallenge #TheChallenge36 #TheChallengeDoubleAgents
@jaychallenge1: Omg Tori exposing Josh!!!!! She told Nelson when filming ended Josh didn’t want to go against Nelson in that elimination that it was for the camera
@jaychallenge1: Ok so Amber M said her and Devin got into a big argument right before Big T started talking about her childhood so that’s why Devin came at her... they made it seem like it was out of nowhere
@CSUGradAkirk: freaking @tjlavin having a field day watching these teams epically fail at this challenge #TheChallengeDoubleAgents
@CSUGradAkirk: Why is Devin not a fan of Amber M did I miss something here? This seems really vague and a lot of grey areas in this. #TheChallengeDoubleAgents
@CSUGradAkirk: I don't hate on Josh like most of the die hard challenge fans do I find him to be a character thats needed on the show but he's really forcing rivalries like with Jay really dude! #TheChallengeDoubleAgents
@CSUGradAkirk: Was Amber M a good casting choice for the most recent AYTO didn't watch the season cause of no cable but like she doesn't seem like a standout character in my eyes #TheChallengeDoubleAgents
@CSUGradAkirk: I freaking hate how BB plays this game super shady guys and gals from BB #TheChallengeDoubleAgents
@dc408dxnow: We haven’t heard from Amber M here all this season so far up until right now. And she’s letting the others know about that chat with Big D… #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Several years ago for the holidays, I got a bargain & bought myself a drone. But so far, I have not been able to use it yet bc the phone I had was not compatible w/ the app that can operate those toys. But now that I’ve upgraded I can use that for some weekend flying at the park.
@dc408dxnow: These teams just can’t get to the code… and they have to ask those who are into tech & film to find out what on earth is going on. And I need some help on how to operate my own drone when I get used to working on those. And when @tjlavin is laughing, something is up… #DCNOW
@dc408dxnow: Most of these teams have had difficulty with operating these drones and having them die on them. And this is all about communication more than anything. Tori & Devin were the only ones to get to the end of this, and Amber M is feeling resigned to probably going in. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: They’re in the crater: and they see a hallway. We’re about to see the latest chapter in that legacy of the brawl in the hall. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: This is a big deal here… and then there’s that. This game as we’re seeing it is not getting turned upside down. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Game over. This is some emotional roller coaster. And things may never be the same with the both of them after what transpired here tonight. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And then Fessy makes another move on the field. Aneesa gets burned… so does the Young Bucks. And Leroy goes with his old partner. And Mechie joins up with Amber M. Wheels just keep on turning, and who knows when it’s gonna stop. #DCChallenge
@kyleschallenge: I laughed so much when Amber said to Devin “you haven’t won anything” when he won AYTO Second Chances with ease lmfao. Maybe not the same as The Challenge but he still got the bag @MTVDevinWalker
@amba1210: Want to make a couple of things clear about last night’s episode. 1st I NEVER said Devin was all up in my face cursing & lying. I wouldn’t have been that calm if that was the case. 2. Yes I didn’t make friends in the beginning because bitches were moving funny AF
@amba1210: 3. I’m not the type to talk about people and smile in their face aka I’m not a fake bitch. 4. I didn’t care who I would go against in elimination. A lot of the girls wanted to go against me because I was small... Me? I didn’t care who I went against because I’m not pussy.
@amba1210: 5. I didn’t manipulate the men in the house.... I just think Devin was mad that I had more game than anyone in the house 6. The people who was talkin shit about me in last nights episode hasn’t even won a Challenge YOU LOSERS (Ashley Voice) 7. Good Morning
@amba1210: Oh and one last thing! The reason why I was calm with Devin is because he wanted the same reaction out of me that he got from Josh... I wasn’t about to give that man what he wanted Nice try tho
@amba1210: I shall throw a party for next weeks episode! You’re all invited
@amba1210: If it were up to me I wouldn’t have been anyone’s partner. Saying they happy I’m their partner but telling everyone else otherwise
@amba1210: And no I’m not about to listen to that boring ass podcast to hear people talk shit about us “small girls” but can’t even say it to us....
@amba1210: I’m not mad at Nelson for not wanting me as a partner, I get it lol I’m a rookie. But for my game I knew it was too risky to partner up with another rookie. Just sucks to see how people really feel.
@amba1210: This is why I surrounded myself with positive people & by people I mean Big T
💀 💀 💀
We didn't hear much from Amber M. during the first month of this season, but she has the last word on what was quite the episode... a chilling reminder of perhaps what not to do in the early part of this game. It wasn't just long ago -- about 51 weeks ago tomorrow (as we talk to you on Sunday, Jan. 10) that Fessy and Nelson joined Cory for he & Taylor's gender reveal over Golden Globes weekend after the events of what transpired in the last stages of the Total Madness season. But after what we saw this week, that friendship may never be repairable. Quite a night, right?
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Instagram @CheyAnnShaw |
This past week, someone else who also fought the battle with the disease that took Diem so soon also succumbed to that fight... and though she is not as well known as her, she nonetheless still garnered a great deal of support from the world of fitness influencers. Bodybuilder and fitness blogger CheyAnn Shaw was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer back in August 2016, and promptly started chemo after diagnosis that autumn to the point where it would be in remission a year later. But after her 27th birthday last year, she shared with her followers that the cancer had returned as she again went into chemo and spent most of the year fighting a second battle that would ultimately claim her life on Monday.
Her Instagram account, @CheyAnnShaw, painfully announced her death in revealing, "With heavy hearts, we are sad to announce that our beautiful girl Cheyann has been called home to heaven. Thank you all for your support and encouragement over the years. If there's one thing Cheyann taught us is that no matter what battles we face, we can always find a reason to smile through them. 🦋 ✨" Her mom, Darci Clark, added in that post, "My heart is breaking today, our baby girl lost her long battle with ovarian cancer. She fought until the bitter end. She is a true warrior and survivor. She will be truly missed and will forever be in my heart."
One who crossed paths with Chey was Nicole, who offer a remembrance of her on Twitter after her passing: "She was an amazing woman who fought so hard. Her presence lit up a room and her smile was contagious. May you forever RIP and I hope you're smiling down on us. I miss you Chey." And in an Instagram post of her meeting Chey she captioned below, "May you rest in the sweetest peace Chey, God has a angel by his side. You were literal sunshine. Every room you walked into warmed up, every person you encountered felt the positivity you exuded. On your toughest days you still saw the silver lining. If any of you are looking for positive inspiration, look at this beautiful woman and what she stood for, what she believed in. She was so much brighter and bigger than what she faced."
Just ahead, something to add some cheer to what has been a dark start to the new year -- new babies, a pandemic-friendly gender reveal and an engagement: four members of the MTV family celebrate the holidays with some big news. Be sure to join us then.
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