Sunday, March 12, 2017

DC SocialPulse: Are You The One? s5 - "Between a Rock & a Love Place"

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content 
and spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long
length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                     
β–  @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

As you all enjoy your Sunday, why not take a few moments out of this first day of Daylight Savings Time to have some time with us, DCBLOG, as we bring you the 'Pulse of the penultimate episode of Season 5 of Are You The One? from the Caribbean.
   Last week, an issue that's been hampering the house's road to 11 beams was brought up yet again by host Ryan Devlin in non-matches staying together, refusing to separate and leading the host to lose his mind yet again. But one pair who followed the order to move on after a previous non-match was Hayden and Carolina, and they returned from the eighth Truth Booth a Perfect Match, and giving the house something to smile as well as movement in the matchups.
   This week, the group finally lets loose in the house by way of achieving some much-needed momentum, but a fight during a house party between two guys may force the end to one of theirs' relationships with one of the girls. The group begins to take the game seriously by opting to go with strategy to tear couples apart and even consider taking, for the first time all season, the offer that could jeopardize their chances. And this also forces Shannon to choose between strategy and heart.
   Coming up, all the action, reaction and interaction of Episode 9 of this season, plus the group's weekend in L.A. to tape this coming week's reunion. And after the cast tweets on ExtraTime, a deeper look at the man who you saw on the After Match wanting to try his luck in the AYTO house, and why he might have an edge in casting thanks to having met two friends from the Trifecta.

β€’ As we begin, please note there is explicit language in many of the tweets below, but they are kept uncensored in order to retain the heat of the moment. So if you are mature enough, please read with discretion. :-)
β€’ Plus, if you haven't watched the episode yet, then do not proceed with reading this post. But need not worry...DCBLOG will compile all of these tweets into these posts after every episode so you won't be in the dark of how your favorites saw this all unfold.

Another house fight, strategy talk, adventures in L.A. and a Teen Dad...join us after the jump for the 'Pulse of Are You The One?.

@JoeyAmoia716: Let this shit show of a weekend begin πŸ‘‹
@Ozzymm11: be in my life, I'll never make you feel unappreciated.
 @MaybachDiamonds: she can like hayden but i like him more
@MaybachDiamonds: @RyanDevlin "make those new and deeper connections" how do you sleep at night man
- @RyanDevlin: @MaybachDiamonds soundly on a giant pile of money.
@iamkamiam_: Maybe it's a good idea to start packing for real this time πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…
@ItsAll_AboutTee: The fact I'm gonna see my babies today excites the hell out of me ! Or maybe I'm just excited to get them drunk tonight πŸ€”πŸ˜‚
@AS3_era: All of my cast mates will be here in LA some time this afternoon, meanwhile I'm still here in the studio.. πŸ™„ gonna be a long weekend #AYTO
- @tylerobrienn: Our buddy Jack Daniels is flying in with me today, he told me to say what's up @AS3_era
@HaydenPWeaver: Woke up with snow. Going to bed in the 70s. LA-bound ✈️
@Cas_martinezz: To anyone at the reunion tomorrow that's full of negative bs πŸ’πŸ»#ayto
- @MTVKathrynP: @Cas_martinezz Can't wait to see you nugget
- @Cas_martinezz: @MTVKathrynP I can't wait to see you baby!!! A couple more hours!πŸ’•
@iamkamiam_: I thought the last time I'd ever see all my cast mates at the same time was in the DR ... thought wrong πŸ˜… bartender lemme get #AnothaOne !
@tylerobrienn: @mikehalpern92 forgot his ID & had to wait for his boy to bring it so I had to spend a good 5 mins persuading the flight attendants to wait
@JoeyAmoia716: Why does @MTV always get me a middle seat when they book my flight to LA? πŸ˜πŸ”« 4.5 hours of hell
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Thanks Mtv for my window seats 😘
@giannahammer: ✈️✈️
@HaydenPWeaver: Thanks MTV for putting me next to this super hot chick on my flight
@itsFugazzi: @TayloriasSecret πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• (Pictures of them wearing XXII on their wrists)
@MTVjennifer: i love @TayloriasSecret & @itsFugazzi's tattoo's! i almost have the same one, just it's the roman numeral 32 with a heart!πŸ™ƒ
@tylerobrienn: *Inserts corny ass line in hopes of getting the most retweets & favorites as possible*
@itsFugazzi: I need a drink. More like 6
@TayloriasSecret: Seen the competition hmm not a challenge
@giannahammer: Men know how to pick up on the noticeable difference between a girl and a woman πŸ’―β˜πŸ½
@itsFugazzi: @AREUTHE1 reunion ready πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈπŸΈπŸ‘‘ – at San Francisco International Airport (SFO)
@itsFugazzi: Seems like all you got is hate for me. All you ever did was take from me
@TayloriasSecret: Sometimes it isn't about what we did and didn't do it's about what we're gettin through
@TayloriasSecret: To the people who think that I owe you shit, paybacks a bitch and you know that shit
@AREUTHE1: The dudes are going IIINN on the girl's exes in the deleted scene from this week's episode! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@Ozzymm11: Heading out to the reunion.. this weekend should be fun.
@iamkamiam_: A real one just landed, LA wasgood 😜?!! #AYTOtakesLA
@iamkamiam_: Girllllllllllll @itsFugazzi I got some tea for you soon as I land πŸ˜πŸΈβ˜•οΈ!! #AYTOlinkup #AYTOtakesLA
@ItsAll_AboutTee: With my favorite ppl 😘
@emblakeley: I can't believe I am saying this. I miss the AYTO house.
@giannahammer: Damn. If some of our cast would see the bigger picture, drama doesn't mean shit. We all went through this together man, damn πŸ‘€
@MTVkarikowalski: We about to find out who plays for what team ☝🏼 #reunion #ayto
@tylerobrienn: I'm gonna enjoy tf out of this
@giannahammer: Funny how much someone has to say on social media then walks past you in a hotel and looks straight downπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ‘‹πŸ½
@HaydenPWeaver: I'm just here for a check 🀐

@AREUTHE1: This scene had me STRESSED THE F*CK OUT 😨!! Watch the full episode here:
@carooduartee: Thank god for aspirin #hungover  So excited for tonight! πŸ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: 😻 #Caroden 😻
@itsFugazzi: 😈
@imdroc15: For all the drama that's about to happen at this reunion!! (GIF: "I'm feeling' excited!")
- @mr_ewilliams23: @imdroc15 When shawty say she coming threw I be like...... #TEAMCHOCOLATE
@itsFugazzi: Ya I know they wanna take my place, I can tell that love is fake
@itsFugazzi: Feelin myself
@imdroc15: I'm at the reunion and you can cut the tension in this room with a "plastic spoon" #AYTO
@AS3_era: Today. @ Santa Clarita Studios …
@iamkamiam_: That was CRAZY
@iamkamiam_: & tonight we turn up 😜!! LA πŸ™ŒπŸ½
@giannahammer: Love conquers all. …
@itsFugazzi: & now we draaaaaaank..with da best group of people ❀
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Perfect non perfect for sure πŸ’•βœŠπŸΎβœŠπŸΌ#ayto #mtv …
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Can I just say .... I will forever and ALWAYS will be team @iamkamiam_ .
@ItsAll_AboutTee: @TayloriasSecret I love you my black white girl
@brittany_baldi: always trust someone's ACTIONS not their words. learn their true intentions and how much they care about you πŸ‘½β€
@emblakeley: Me: eats horribly   Also me: why am I bloated and why is my face breaking out

@AREUTHE1: πŸ™… @RyanDevlin was TIRED of the bullsh*t! You've got to see the latest episode of #AYTO:
@carooduartee: I only speak the truth. If you got a problem with that.. You're fake.
@carooduartee: I like how y'all think you know who I'm tweeting about πŸ˜‚ Sometimes they're just tweets
@MTVkarikowalski: Back to NYC today 😊 but not for long ✈️✌🏼
 @AREUTHE1: I ship Mike & Mike πŸ‘¬β€οΈ
@carooduartee: Gonna miss you dad!! @mikehalpern92
@itsFugazzi: Just missing T πŸ’–I love them
@MTV_TeeBoogie: Giving @MtvMagicMike bad influential advice while down south πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‡πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜ˆ
- @MtvMagicMike: @MTV_TeeBoogie 100% seeing a priest to confess my sins and I have another 3 weeks to go πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚
@MtvMagicMike: To the girl chugging straight fireball from the bottle... it's a marathon--not a sprint
@AREUTHE1: πŸ™†πŸ™‹πŸ’ How are you doing in the #AYTOFantasyLeague? Are you in the lead? Lock your picks for the next episode:
@MTV: Is the @AREUTHE1 cast one step closer to winning thanks to this perfect match?
@shandathapanda: Taco Bell is always the best and worst decision of my life
@Cas_martinezz: All I asked for in 2017 was to do nothing but travel and so far LA ✈️ New York ✈️ TX ✈️ FL
@carooduartee: Being drunk at the airport has its pros & cons πŸ˜‚
@itsFugazzi: I wouldn't want a delayed flight with anyone else πŸΈπŸΈπŸ’• @ItsAll_AboutTee
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @itsFugazzi and ya know that πŸ’•πŸ˜˜
- @TayloriasSecret: @itsFugazzi @ItsAll_AboutTee I'm still so mad
- @itsFugazzi: @TayloriasSecret @ItsAll_AboutTee sucks for tay πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜­
- @TayloriasSecret: @itsFugazzi @ItsAll_AboutTee fuck all y'all
@TayloriasSecret: I could've layed in bed longer πŸ™„
@carooduartee: I mean who am I to hold your past against you
@iamkamiam_: I miss girls πŸ˜ͺ #AYTOtakesLA
- @TayloriasSecret: @iamkamiam_ I miss you ❀️
- @iamkamiam_: @TayloriasSecret see y'all soon though πŸ˜πŸ’•
- @TayloriasSecret: @iamkamiam_ πŸ˜›πŸ’•
@TayloriasSecret: Haters are lookin depressed
- @mikehalpern92: @TayloriasSecret good one
@iamkamiam_: "Nah but you can follow me on twitter" 😩 TRUE story lmao
@tylerobrienn: The boysh are back (minus Joey)
@Cas_martinezz: It's true we are related πŸ˜πŸ‘ΈπŸ»πŸ‘ΈπŸ» #twincannons #caswiththeass #ayto
@imdroc15: #TeamChocolate
@carooduartee: All of my "let's just be friends" Are friends I don't have anymore
@shannnonmaee: Spoiler alert: she's my perfect match πŸ‘ΈπŸ½πŸ’•
@TayloriasSecret: I miss my friends already 😩
@shannnonmaee: I'm not jealous, I'm territorial
@shannnonmaee: So with that being said, what's mine is mine so back off πŸ’…πŸ½
@tylerobrienn: Some people trying to get a response in my DM: "So I've been going through a lot lately and seeing you hook up w girls really helped me"
- @mikehalpern92: @tylerobrienn Tyler o'brien.. giving back to the community
@imdroc15: Everyone has a freaky side!
@tylerobrienn: "I've been so depressed and emotionally in a dark place & seeing you on are you the one changed my life" meanwhile I'm over here like
@AS3_era: Someone say chocolate? 🍫 Head to my boy @imdroc15's page for the details! #TeamChocolate…
@JoeyAmoia716: My reaction at the reunion along with half my cast
@iamkamiam_: Back to reality πŸ™ƒ
@carooduartee: This is why you shouldn't give us alcohol πŸ˜‚ @MTVKathrynP  #canyoutwerkinasplit #ozzymoralesphotography
- @MTVKathrynP: @carooduartee "Oh you think we can't twerk in a split? Watch us." πŸ˜‚ I'm so done.
@ItsAll_AboutTee: TNT .KamIAm.Banana. ✊🏼✊🏾✊🏽✊🏻 #Solid #mtv #ayto5 #whereskari
@TayloriasSecret: Kari must have said something funny πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ
@ItsAll_AboutTee: So glad yesterday came and went .
@ItsAll_AboutTee: It was NUTS.....
@ItsAll_AboutTee: I miss my girls already 😩

@iamkamiam_: Queening w/ my girls πŸ‘‘πŸ’…πŸ½πŸ’•!  #AYTO #Friends
@iamkamiam_: Filming for my YouTube channel tomorrow, I have sooooooo much tea to spill for yallllll πŸΈβ˜•οΈπŸ‘€!!!!
@iamkamiam_: 2 days until #AYTO though 😜
@iamkamiam_: Don't get scared if she has a rotation. You should be trying to prove why you're the only one worthy of your Queens time πŸ”‘πŸ”‘
@iamkamiam_: Guys scared they're being put in rotation πŸ˜‚ y'all been doing this for years don't be scared the tables turned 😜
@iamkamiam_: If you're truly a Queen, you'd never settle for a peasant πŸ‘‘πŸ”‘ #KnowYourWorth
@AREUTHE1: All it takes is a little country music and some twerking to win Hayden's heart πŸ˜πŸ˜‚
- @carooduartee: @AREUTHE1 Oh god πŸ™ˆ #puttingthehoeinhoedown
@AREUTHE1: Take a peek at Hayden and Carolina entering the #HoneymoonSuite for the first time! ❀️
@itsFugazzi: if i was you, I'd hate me too πŸ‘‘
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Tbt to my handsome no match @Osvaldo_270 . He hates this picture but I think he looks so good caught off gaurd ! 😌❀️
@ItsAll_AboutTee: 😘 @iamkamiam_ @itsFugazzi
@MtvMagicMike: Lesson 1. Day drinking at 12 and having to go out at night... recipe for blackout city. Forgot I'm not 18 anymore fml
@AREUTHE1: We checked in with @iamkamiam_ & @mr_ewilliams23 on how things were going in the #HoneymoonSuite πŸ’˜
@emblakeley: If and when you have an opportunity to tell your story, in the event that it can help others, don't be afraid to do it. Don't be ashamed.
@tylerobrienn: Legit just drove 20 mins in LA passing countless amounts of @Starbucks to get to the closest @DunkinDonuts
@iamkamiam_: When she lying to your face πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­
@AREUTHE1: The dudes are going IIINN on the girl's exes in the deleted scene from this week's episode! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
- @carooduartee: @AREUTHE1 They don't show the part that everyone was calling my ex a "thumb in plaid" πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
@tylerobrienn: LA Moves
@itsFugazzi: "If anything matters then everything matters"
@giannahammer: We didn't want you anyways Bogut πŸ™„ #cavs
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Since the bachelor wants to have a 3 hour finale , I think the AYTO reunion should be 3 hours ... πŸ™ƒ
- @TayloriasSecret: @ItsAll_AboutTee well it took fuckin 7 hours so
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @TayloriasSecret facts lol πŸ˜‚
@iamkamiam_: You'd be surprised at how much tv I don't watch

@BombshellChels: What on earth is the point of them still showing us Rachel when she's already the Queen B AKA the next Bachelorette πŸ‘‘ #TheBachelor
@BombshellChels: I literally just watched one guy sleep with 3 women in under an hour. HOW is this okay 😷 #TheBachelor
@KikiMTV: Literally all of America is obsessed with @CorinneOly so these other chicks can shut it....#womentellall
@KikiMTV: #TeamCorinne 🌹
@BombshellChels: If half these girls can get on #TheBachelor so can we @KikiMTV
@ohhhfrancesca: So much love this weekendπŸŽ‚πŸΈπŸ’•πŸ‘ΈπŸ½
@TayloriasSecret: I had fun with y'all πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈπŸ˜‚
- @mikehalpern92: @TayloriasSecret humble brag
- @TayloriasSecret: @mikehalpern92 TRUE!
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @TayloriasSecret holy shit . You got more followers watching you than a lot of these celebrities ! You go girl πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½
@mikehalpern92: Thank you bachelor and abc for showing that America really is a great country, we sure won't get it from the media #TheBachelor
@mikehalpern92: Ayto S5 could've had a whole blooper reel with just stupid stuff I did
@TayloriasSecret: I'm just trying to let the past, pass
@blacuesta: I wouldn't change a damn thing about my life. I wish everyone could experience the talks that happen at my house
@emblakeley: Baby girl. There's nothing wrong with you,in fact,you probably have too much going for you. And that's why you attract people who drain you.

@AREUTHE1: ONLY TWO MATCH-UPS LEFT! It's time the #AYTO house take this game seriously! 😀
@templetv: #TodayOnTUTV: @iamkamiam_ from @AREUTHE1 @MTV on @templetalktv playing the Dating Game🌹 with Temple students! See this and more at 1 & 9pm
- @iamkamiam_: When I was finding a new perfect match thanks to @templetalktv πŸ˜‚
@ftwgiovanni: Once this new show comes out I'm coming for everybody's head. I'm glad yah feel safe now
@ftwgiovanni: Idk who's worse, you #AYTO bitches who fuck everyone. Or the same groupie bitches in all our DMs
@ftwgiovanni: These season 5 bitches must be having a contest or some shit. You smashed MTVs whole roster.... proudly
@Cas_martinezz: I hate when people put up a front, just keep it real
@tori_deal: Every march 6th little magical elves put stars on my face so I can wake up with them on march 7th.... #birthdaygirl
@MTVjennifer: happy birthday @tori_deal ! ❀😘
- @tori_deal: @MTVjennifer @MTVPeterRomeo thank you !!
@imdroc15: Roses R Red, Violets R Blue, There's A Special Birthday Today  And Tori Deal Thats You
@AREUTHE1: Whatever the house is doing is NOT working, but Derrick might have a solution πŸ’‘! Don't miss a new episode of #AYTO TOMORROW!
- @imdroc15: @AREUTHE1 I have 3 College Degrees for a reason ;)!
@MtvNateSiebs: Yo whoever decided to put chicken with waffles.. I thank you. I'm forever grateful. You musta been smoking some good shit. πŸ‘πŸΌ
@mr_ewilliams23: Looking forward to tonight! 😊
@itsFugazzi: CABO IS BOOOOOKED w @TayloriasSecret OH MY GOD πŸ˜πŸ‘―πŸŒžπŸΉπŸΎ
@TayloriasSecret: CABO IN 3 WEEKS! πŸ₯‚πŸ @itsFugazzi
@TheRealJayJuice: We put the FUN in DYSFUNCTIONAL 🀘🏿#AYTO
@MTV_Chuckalodon: If you're a pretty girl at the gym and you think Im gawking you're wrong. In fact I'm scoping how much you're lifting and trying to beat you
@AREUTHE1: Currently trying to catch my breath! SLAY LADIES! 😍
@TayloriasSecret: This had me in tears ❀ thank you Heaven
@AREUTHE1: 🚨 NEW CONNECTION ALERT: Kathryn has found the key to make Michael laugh like giddy bih πŸ˜‚
@itsFugazzi: It's nice to be important, but more important to be nice
@RyanDevlin: Totally nailed that audition! as I walked to my car after totally tanking that audition.
@TayloriasSecret: Me and my man been through so much that's my partner in crime
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: I love watching cast members from different seasons of  @AREUTHE1 having Twitter fights lol. #thedramaneverends
@carooduartee: I love when people dm me telling me people from #AYTO are talking shit about me. You think I didn't already know? #theystayhating
@TayloriasSecret: I get to see my little babies tomorrow @MADDYhildebrand @TheRealJayJuice πŸ’•πŸ₯‚
@TayloriasSecret: When Kam and Hannah ignore me and @ItsAll_AboutTee
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @TayloriasSecret lmfao πŸ˜‚
- @iamkamiam_: @TayloriasSecret @ItsAll_AboutTee when tf was this ?! 😭 I mean you know where I was 😩
@carooduartee: Yo someone wanna lend me 5k real quick so I can move to Cali πŸ˜‚πŸ˜©
- @MTVKathrynP: @carooduartee let's go already
- @carooduartee: @MTVKathrynP waiting for you!!
- @shannnonmaee: @carooduartee @MTVKathrynP can you guys move here, I need roomies
- @carooduartee: @shannnonmaee @MTVKathrynP deal letzdoit
- @MTVKathrynP: @carooduartee @shannnonmaee I'm so serious. Please 😩
@tylerobrienn: Low key, my perfect match is @MTVKathrynP 's mom @palmerlilb
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Me and @TayloriasSecret are so annoying πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
- @TayloriasSecret: @ItsAll_AboutTee so extra πŸ˜‚
@TayloriasSecret: Going back to the old stomping grounds tomorrow 🍻
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Prolly gonna be single for the rest of my life .... but then again I kind of don't care πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
@TayloriasSecret: Instagram put me in timeout for commenting too much on Tee's live πŸ™„
@TayloriasSecret: Tee just exposed me on live I'm never commenting again 😩
- @AS3_era: @TayloriasSecret what she say?
- @TayloriasSecret: @AS3_era I can't even tweet it πŸ™„
@TayloriasSecret: @AREUTHE1 I just applied for season 6 cause it's gonna suck without me πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ
@imdroc15: #AYTO talk a lot of shit online but nothing in person.
- @TayloriasSecret: @imdroc15 HA facts
@carooduartee: You make my love come downπŸ’ž
@giannahammer: I've stopped down to the lowest of low levels, the only way out is up. Trust in love πŸ’œ

@JennaCompono: Rise and shine ! β˜€οΈ
@MtvJess: Life could have been so different but I'm glad it isn't  A simple life,a humble home a heart full of love and laughter..that's what I'm after
@MarieeTBD: Ladies:Don't come off desperate & reply quickly 2 ur crush. Wait a while. Meet someone else. Get married. Start a family. Keep him guessing.
@SylviaMTV: Today begins one of the best weeks in KC. #FanFestKC good luck to all who will be working it!
@v_cakes: @shannanity How much weight have you gained with that Burger King "prize"?
- @shannanity: @v_cakes stop trying to bring me down v!!!! πŸ˜‚
@JustJem24: #InternationalWomensDay
@iamtheophi: Good intentions will pave your way to hell.
@itSabrinaK: Find yourself a man that supports you and wishes you a happy international women's day β€οΈπŸ™πŸ»
@ammolog: #ADayWithoutAWoman should remind us all that without women, we wouldn't even be here.
@TrishelleC: "@TooFab: An exclusive look inside #RealWorld star @TrishelleC's sparkling New Orleans wedding (Photos)  " RT Thanks for the article! ❀
@people: #RealWorld star @TrishelleC says 'I do' in 'fairy tale' New Orleans wedding
@JayGMTV: I always appreciate when people ask for pics @SpringBreakWin sunchase pool party right now #springbreak #spi

@t_raines33: Overwhelmed with the love I received last night thank yall. Maybe next time I'll leave with tears of joy from winning #TheChallengeInvasion
@NoQuittersPod: This has truly been the biggest turnaround in likability I have seen ironically since ARod
@BarstoolJJ: Hey @Dario_medrano_ we see you seeing us over at @NoQuittersPod. You coming on next week?
@kailah_casillas: stay beautiful inside, badass outside & fearless always. But most importantly-- stay you. #nationalwomensday πŸ‘ΈπŸ»
@MTVCoryWharton: Everybody wants what they can't have. Then once you have it you are over it πŸ€” WHYYYYYYY
@madiwadi2by4: I LOOOOOOVE physical affection. like cuddling, holding hands, having my hair played with, hold my leg while you drive.. all of it, love it.
@JennaCompono: Hmm.. no appetite lately 😐 idk if that's a bad thing actually.. πŸ˜‚
@amazedbykay: I love rooting for @shannanity on The Challenge. Past two eliminations he's had me doing a standing ovation! Lol
@CamilaMTV: Happy #InternationalWomensDay to every woman, from every era, in every place in the world. 🌎 ✊️❀️ We matter. #IWD2017 #ADayWithoutAWoman
@MtvJess: We're women, we want EQUALITY! BUT treat us special....cause we're women πŸ™ˆπŸ˜–
@JennaCompono: HI friends! I was hoping someone could help me, I am looking for a contact in the modeling agency industry. Any help would be amazing!
- @shannanity: @JennaCompono ------ jenna ashley , ashley jenna @MTVASHLEYBROOKE
@MTVBananas: Super secret Banana project 🍌 πŸŽ₯ #BananasDoingThings #BananaSwag
@MTVjennifer: i am so drained. like literally drained. is this week over?
@shannanity: Just hitting the hay with my man!!πŸ†πŸ’¦ (I heard he likes my Tuk Tuk Boom Boom)

@ChallengeMTV: This will be an elimination for the ages! Watch the Champs go head-to-head in a new episode of #TheChallenge​Invasion, Tuesday @ 9/8c! πŸ‘‘πŸ‘ŠπŸ’₯
@ChallengeMTV: Here we go again πŸ™„
@JennaCompono: All my conversations with @Bruce_Lee85 have me like this πŸ˜‚
@ChallengeMTV: OMG congrats, @TrishelleC! πŸ˜±πŸ’
@kailah_casillas: Spring Break 2017 is gonna be wild.
@ChallengeMTV: Watch Zach's reaction when he confronts Jenna about THE RUMOR! 😱 #TheChallengeInvasion
@stackanna: I hope Ashley & Amanda learned not to belittle other women for fun. It's embarrassing for women in general. Grow up.. #TheChallengeInvasion
@MarieeTBD: #TBT to 23 and @robb_schreiber NOT resembling the ginger wolverine. #gingergains #hakunamatata
@MarieeTBD: If she looks at you like this..... run. #tbt β˜ οΈπŸ˜‚
- @JustJem24: @MarieeTBD My favorite
@MTVCoryWharton: You KNOW the food is πŸ’£, when you start to dance mid bite πŸ˜‚
@Dario_medrano_: It can't be done until it's done
@shannanity: My TBT > Ur TBT πŸ™ˆ #tbt #mtv #thechallengeinvasion
@kailah_casillas: They say, "you're a little much for me, you're a liability" @lorde βœ…

@AREUTHE1: BREAK IT UP BOYS πŸ™…! The thirst for that next perfect match has everyone losing their damn minds! Don't miss a new #AYTO TONIGHT at 9/8c πŸ’₯
- @mikehalpern92: @AREUTHE1 Hulk Smash!
- @imdroc15: @AREUTHE1 It gets real tonight!!
@TayloriasSecret: I really love Hannah, Tyranny and Kam so much. It hurts my heart that I don't get to see them all the time ☹️
- @itsFugazzi: @TayloriasSecret love you guys so much I can't wait til we can all be together all the time πŸ’•
- @iamkamiam_: @TayloriasSecret I'm so happy y'all are in my life LOVE YOU ALL !! ❀️❀️  we will link up soon babe πŸ’•πŸ˜˜
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @TayloriasSecret hurts my heart too baby . But it won't be long before we are together again love bug !
@ItsAll_AboutTee: It's private cause a lot of y'all just be watching to get info . If you're a real fan , follow me . πŸ˜‚then you can watch my lives every time
@thepoetsaint: Make sure you turn in to our #AYTO aftershow on @afterbuzztv where we will have @shannnonmaee @tylerobrienn & @MTVKathrynP as guests 9pm PST
- @MTVKathrynP: @thepoetsaint This will be a good one. πŸ‘ŠπŸΌπŸ˜
@carooduartee: You make my love come downπŸ’ž
@LyssCait: look up the definition of freedom and try to convince me everyone in America has it
@cambruckman: You ever have those days where you are extra appreciative!? So happy with my life and those who are in it. πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
@iamkamiam_: Today is for the QUEENS! We deserve equal rights! #FeminiSTRIKE
@whaattaafoxx: The shopping in California is so much better... ugh
@brittany_baldi: who are we kidding? everyday is #InternationalWomensDay spread love xo 🌷❀
@emblakeley: This is the real me. me I was before filming and the me I will be from now on. U guys got the worst of me physically & mentally on that show
@iamkamiam_: Exciting announcement tonight πŸ˜†!
@iamkamiam_: #AYTO tonight omgggggg !!!! πŸ˜†πŸ˜œπŸ”‘πŸ’•πŸ™πŸ½
@iamkamiam_: Our season ends next week and I can't wait to spill all this tea I been wanting to tell #TeamKam ! #AYTO
@TayloriasSecret: Stop leaving good women for these fuck girls at the club πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Waiting on mtv to send us the episode so I can have something to do ....
@imdroc15: In honor of National Women's Day, here's 2 gorgeous, strong, and intelligent women! #HappyBirthdayTori
@MTV: Derrick begins talking strategy on tonight's episode of @AREUTHE1 at 9/8c:
@MTVDevinWalker: #ayto5 is the biggest group of butt hurt tools I've ever seen. What a bunch of emo's I feel like taking back Sunday should have been the intro music for this cry baby season.
@AREUTHE1: Love is in the air πŸ’•! Hayden & Carolina enter the #HoneymoonSuite during tonight's new episode of #AYTO!
@iamkamiam_: The truth will come to light regardless, so just be upfront πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
@iamkamiam_: One thing about me is I own whatever I do , both good and bad.
@AREUTHE1: #TayDre may not be a match, but I still ❀️ them! #AYTO
@HaydenPWeaver: One more week of hell ❀️
@AREUTHE1: Tonight on the After Show: Derrick, Cas, & Ellie from season 2! Tweet me your questions using #AYTOAftermatch πŸ’«
@Cas_martinezz: Tune in tonight on the @AREUTHE1 Aftershow to hear what really went down in the house tonight by ME😏🍿 #aytoaftermatch #ayto
@iamkamiam_: Stayed on an excursion while the house stayed in madness #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: My 22nd birthday was one I'll always remember... πŸ’• Just ask Token ! We were LIT 😜 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: We're chatting it up LIVE with Derrick on the set of the #AYTOAftermatch! πŸ’« 
@MTVDevinWalker: … rare footage of @tori_deal vs @MikalaThomass in a high school track meet. Looks like #AYTOAllStars is gonna be πŸ”₯πŸ‘
@MTVkarikowalski: Soon the world will finally know!!!! πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ˜’
@TayloriasSecret: When you annoy the shit out of him but he loves you anyway πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ tune in y'all πŸ’•

β–ΊAS THEY SAW IT: "Between a Rock and a Love Place"
@AREUTHE1: An all-new episode of #AYTO starts right now on @MTV ― watch + tweet with me! πŸ’˜
@MTVTV: This is my #AYTO face. It's starting NOW! πŸ’•πŸ”₯
@mikehalpern92: Giggly bitches unite #ayto
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Ayto starts now ! Turn your tvs to Mtv !
@LuvBenzoGrande: I'm so ready for this new episode @AREUTHE1 #AYTO πŸ˜πŸŽ‰
@carooduartee: Y'all are welcome for that PM BTW #ayto
@AREUTHE1: 2 WEEKS TO GO. Can the house pull it together in time? #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: I didn't find my match with strategy but this is all we have left 😩 #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: I have faith in this strategy. I trust derrick and Kari  #AYTO
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @iamkamiam_ and me duh
- @iamkamiam_: @ItsAll_AboutTee yes you !
@ItsAll_AboutTee: We have to use strategy ! #ayto
@AREUTHE1: .@imdroc15 isn't messing around with this plan right now! #AYTO (GIF: "Pour me up, man!")
@MTVkarikowalski: I LOVE how I spent days on this strategy with derrick but got ZERO credit...should've fucking saved my breath πŸ˜’ #ayto
- @ItsAll_AboutTee@MTVkarikowalski yea guess I'm nothing too πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
- @MTVkarikowalski: @ItsAll_AboutTee right tee...they show us all there working on it but nope no credit at all
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @MTVkarikowalski facts girl
@AREUTHE1: All this strategizing has me like... #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: This strategy is making me hear that check cash πŸ˜œπŸ€‘ #AYTO
@carooduartee: So do what you came here to do #ayto
@Ozzymm11: My privacy is my deal. If you violate that privacy and find shit you don't want.. should've stayed the fuck out to begin with. #wrappers
@AREUTHE1: Mood... #AYTO
@JoeyAmoia716: Here we go#ayto #fuckme
@iamkamiam_: Honeymoon Suite Shawty's πŸ’• #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Welcome to the Honeymoon Suite, @HaydenPWeaver and @carooduartee! πŸ’– #AYTO
@carooduartee: The honeymoon suite was SO SICK #AYTO
@MTVkarikowalski: Yeah Kari you can have credit for the shit strategy but not for the one that figured out the game ok thank you πŸ™„ #ayto
@iamkamiam_: Cas dressed up as Joey !!! I'm crying πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #AYTO
- @carooduartee: @iamkamiam_ So fucking cute
@carooduartee: I'm exactly what you're looking for huh? πŸ€” #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: I love these two πŸ˜‚ #AYTO (GIF: 'Joey' and Joey - "Perfect Match.")
- @MarieeTBD: @AREUTHE1 Goals. #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Cas & Joey are goals! #chickennugget #AYTO
@JoeyAmoia716: @Cas_martinezz  your a better Joey than me
@MTVTV: But like HOW CUTE IS "JOEY" (@Cas_martinezz) ?! #AYTO (GIF: "I love y'all, I love y'all, nah I'm just kidding.")
- @JoeyAmoia716: @MTVTV Love this girl
@AREUTHE1: .@imdroc15 and @tylerobrienn are ready to serve some Magic Mike realness 😎 #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Magic D&T lmao ! Well it was Magic H&E in that honeymoon suite lmao #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: I love how Michael got jealous πŸ’• turn on. #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: I love how Derrick didn't back down! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Oh sh*t... @mikehalpern92 isn't happy about this! #AYTO (GIF: "I'm going to f...... lose it in two seconds. He's not hooking up with her.")
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Oh shit mike . 😫 #ayto
@iamkamiam_: Gianna slayed being Pocahontas ! 😍 #AYTO
@carooduartee: Damn so mad I missed that Costume party tho πŸ˜‘ #AYTO
@ItsAll_AboutTee: I'm right here . What did you want to talk about ? #ayto
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Our producer al got his air time tonight πŸ˜‚ #ayto
- @JoeyAmoia716: @ItsAll_AboutTee fuck that scrub
@AREUTHE1: Should Michael have come between Kathryn and Derrick? #AYTO   Yeah! / Nah 😢   Vote 332 votesβ€’4 hours left
@iamkamiam_: #AYTO & chill type night
@AREUTHE1: That costume party went from 0 to 100 real quick... #AYTO
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: I wish @imdroc15 and @mikehalpern92 would have just thrown hands at one point or another they both had valid reasons to fight. #ayto #mtv
@mikehalpern92: Truth is I think Kathryn and Derrick make a great couple #ayto
@ftwgiovanni: This psychopath loves you tho @ohhhfrancesca ❀️ #AYTO
- @ohhhfrancesca: @ftwgiovanni LMFAO I need to see these commercials
@JoeyAmoia716: That Michael and Derrick scrap 😭
@AREUTHE1: Have @MTVKathrynP and @mikehalpern92 called it quits already?! #AYTO (GIF: Michael - "I'm not explosive.")
@A_Bartolotte: Watching ayto! Hope this strategy pays off for them..I figured out our seasons matches drunk in about a 3 day span lol. I miss this shit
@mikehalpern92: Whys she mad, I could've thrown hands and I didn't?  #ayto
@MTVKathrynP: Emotions are crazy in that house, y'all #ayto
@AREUTHE1: They say the eyes are the windows to the soul... Can the girls identify the guys by their πŸ‘ ? #AYTO (GIF: Ozzy - "This is gonna be a while.")
@MTVkarikowalski: Ryan would always give me so much anxiety when he would describe these challenges πŸ˜‚ #ayto
@iamkamiam_: I would've won this challenge ! I look everyone in the eyes when talking to them #AYTO
@MTVkarikowalski: Also fuck this challenge..least favorite πŸ˜’ #ayto
@MTVTV: Me, after FB creeping a person all the way to 2011. πŸ˜¬πŸ’πŸ» #AYTO (GIF: Alicia - "I'm a creep for that, aren't I?")
- @AREUTHE1: 62 weeks deep in your crush's Instagram like... #AYTO
@MTVTV: Me, after FB creeping a person all the way to 2011. πŸ˜¬πŸ’πŸ» #AYTO
@carooduartee: This challange looks dumb #bringtheexesback πŸ˜‚ #AYTO
@MTVkarikowalski: Guess it doesn't look like my date streak is continuing πŸ˜‚πŸ˜© #ayto
@MTVKathrynP: "My mom and I are identical twins except she has big tits and red hair" @palmerlilb
@MTVkarikowalski: "I really just want to know like are we a match" didn't we just PROVE that it wasn't even fucking possible at this point?? #ayto
@iamkamiam_: Tyranny makes me happy every episode! Lol #AYTO
@itsFugazzi: So according to the house "strategy" .. Joey is my "perfect match." Just playing by that now. #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Kari it is a popular game in NY πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚ #AYTO
- @MTVkarikowalski: @iamkamiam_ bitch where πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
- @iamkamiam_: @MTVkarikowalski lmaooo imma take you somewhere watch!
@mikehalpern92: Better fight this season.. Me and Derrick, or Taylor and the chair? #ayto
@AREUTHE1: .@Cas_martinezz finally won a date... with a No Match! #AYTO
@JoeyAmoia716: Way to not show me going down and giving Cass a kiss letting her know it's okay #why
@iamkamiam_: Mike & Cas πŸ˜’ waste of a date #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Omg Derrick & T !!! I think they might be a match #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: .@ItsAll_AboutTee + @imdroc15 are about to have the most lit date ever πŸ”₯ #AYTO
- @MTVTV: Dancing into a hug is the only real way to do it. πŸ’ƒπŸ» #AYTO
@carooduartee: CAS IS TOO CUTE YO #AYTO  @Cas_martinezz
@iamkamiam_: Kat & Ozzy omg 😩 #AYTO
@MTVkarikowalski: OH btw, in our strategy there were two options we had to try. Meaning if everything went as planned we could either win tonight or next week
@AREUTHE1: All my faves are splitting up! 😩 #AYTO
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Y'all I didn't care about who won I just wanted to get out that house !
@iamkamiam_: I'm happy Hannah is opening up and learning her worth ! #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Hannah & Joey are some of my fave cast mates #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Hannah & Joey are some of my fave cast mates #AYTO
@MarieeTBD: Oh hell no. #TeamCas @Cas_martinezz #AYTO @AREUTHE1
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Hannah has to go with strategy so she gets to know joey ! #ayto #whatifthatsherperfectmatch
@BombshellChels: I've never seen so much couple switching until this season πŸ˜‚ #AYTO  #SomeoneMakeMeAFlowChart
- @MTVTV: @BombshellChels we really need one tho #AYTO
- @BombshellChels: @MTVTV Let me know if you get your hands on one lol
@JoeyAmoia716: I'm sorry cass you didn't deserve that
@itsFugazzi: ITS WEEK 9 people!! Got to follow strategy & try and win this $$!! #AYTO
- @carooduartee: @Cas_martinezz Amen πŸ™ŒπŸΌ
@MTVDevinWalker: Don't ever do this... but I'm gonna live tweet this episode. God speed szn 5
@itsFugazzi: Not gonna lie... that was my best kiss in the house @JoeyAmoia716 #AYTO
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Can't wait until you guys see @imdroc15 and my date ! It was legit the best day of my life ! #handsdown #ayto
@iamkamiam_: That date looks so fun! #ayto
@MarieeTBD: @JoeyAmoia716 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO (GIF: "I was rooting for you, we were all rooting for you!")
-  @JoeyAmoia716: @MarieeTBD I know I know :(
@AREUTHE1: It's Getaway Date time for @ItsAll_AboutTee + @imdroc15 and @Cas_martinezz and Michael! πŸ’• #AYTO
@carooduartee: Flash back to when joey called me disgusting πŸ€”πŸ˜‚ #ayto
- @JoeyAmoia716: @carooduartee lol hey that was week 2 not 9
@iamkamiam_: They have no choice but to vote in D&T #AYTO
@MTVkarikowalski: How did I get all the worst dates y'all wtf is this πŸ˜‚πŸ˜© #ayto
@iamkamiam_: If Derrick and Tyranny are a match their name would be Dyranny πŸ˜πŸ’• I'm here for it ! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: From friends... to lovers? πŸ˜™ #AYTO (GIF: "You're the total package.")
@carooduartee: Hardest truth booth vote πŸ˜‚ #ayto
@MTVkarikowalski: Aww my beautiful @ItsAll_AboutTee looks so happy 😍❀️ #ayto
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @MTVkarikowalski omg I had so much fun . I'm so glad I picked droc
@iamkamiam_: He talk sh*t just like I do πŸ’• #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @iamkamiam_ True love. #AYTO
@py_zeebaby: Tyranny & Derrick are SOOO cute together though. 😍😍#ayto
@AREUTHE1: Do you think Derrick and Tyranny are a match? πŸ€” #AYTO   Yes / No   Vote 513 votesβ€’3 hours left
@itsFugazzi: @Cas_martinezz you liked Mike the whole time girl CHILL 🀚
- @Cas_martinezz: @itsFugazzi sorry i played the game and put my feelings aside week 2 in order to find my PM! Did I slut around and come in between you?! NO
@imdroc15: The night of that fight, I got kicked out the house and fined $1,500!!
@MTVkarikowalski: What's funny about this truth booth is that we actually convinced Derrick and Tee that we found a new strategy in which they were a match πŸ˜‚
@MTVTV: "He so sweet and he talks sh*t just like I do." @ItsAll_AboutTee that's how you know it's real. #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: They better NOT trade !!!! Knowledge over anything!!! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: This Truth Booth trade IS on the table this week ― Will they take the money? 😱 #AYTO (GIF: Ryan Devlin - "Trade or no trade?")
@imdroc15: @ItsAll_AboutTee you really showed me another side of you on this date... definitely Perfect Match potential!!!
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @imdroc15 you are so sweet ! I freaking love every part of you ! I'm so glad you were my date !
@MTVkarikowalski: I look mad excited because I feel like we about to add some money πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘ #ayto
@MTVkarikowalski: Y'all NUMBERS DONT LIE...let's get this πŸ’²πŸ’΅πŸ’ΈπŸ’° #ayto
@iamkamiam_: Knowledge ove strategy if I was in the house #AYTO
@RzBeach: I think they should trade #ayto !!!😁
@MTVDevinWalker: Unfortunately I just don't think @ItsAll_AboutTee has a match... sorry @imdroc15. My πŸ’° is on no match.
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @tia_jankoss @MTVDevinWalker @imdroc15 how stupid do you sound ?We ALL have matches head Ass !Like byyyyeeee OLD irrelevant cast mate ! πŸ‘‹πŸ½
- @MTVDevinWalker: @ItsAll_AboutTee me and @ZAKLONGO are casting for a new show and we think you'll be perfect for it... we'll have our ppl call you 😊
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @MTVDevinWalker @ZAKLONGO πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ
@AREUTHE1: They could take the trade... but they might not ever see the money #AYTO
@MTVDevinWalker: Don't take the trade fkn idiots!
@AREUTHE1: $150k it is! πŸ’° #AYTO (GIF of Tyranny & Derrick seeing "Trade Accepted" message on screen)
@iamkamiam_: I can't believe they traded !!!! I'm mad AF!!! #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Why take money over knowledge?! #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: I was confused AF in the honeymoon suite over this strategy #AYTO
 wait? who are you again? @Cas_martinezz forgot you were even on the show
- @Cas_martinezz: @itsFugazzi sorry girl I don't need to open my legs to get guys to like me. AND even then they still don't like you. #youreabully
- @MTV_JohnnyDrama: @Cas_martinezz The most savage shit in the history of @AREUTHE1
- @sheily_bunch: @itsFugazzi @Cas_martinezz honestly this beef is pathetic Hannah should just act grown and should've respected her SHE PULLED AN ALICIA
@AREUTHE1: TRADE ACCEPTED ! What do you think of the group's decision?  #AYTO  πŸ‘ / πŸ‘Ž  Vote 538 votesβ€’3 hours left
@iamkamiam_: When Joey told Cas this made me have so much more respect for him ❀️ #AYTO
@MTVkarikowalski: Yes let's go strategy!!! We COULD win tonight y'all!! there is a 50/50 chance if everyone is a team player #ayto
@Ozzymm11: The devil is coming out tonight. (screen shot of Ozzy's number of Twitter followers being at 6,666)
@MTVDevinWalker: YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. Y'all are dumber than I thought
- @BombshellChels: @MTVDevinWalker Ohhh Devin πŸ˜‚
- ‏ @ItsAll_AboutTee: @MTVDevinWalker  Coming from the same dumb asses that had 3 beams until week 10 . πŸ™„
- @imdroc15: @MTVDevinWalker 3 Degrees... idiot wouldn't be the best word for me. More like GENIUS!!!
@iamkamiam_: Joey knew Cas would be hurt but he still kept it REAL.. love him for this ❀️ #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Wish Joey could've taught certain people in the house to be  real 😩#AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Cas: It's okay Joey  Also Cas: πŸ—£ YOU'RE ALL A JOKE   #AYTO
@mikehalpern92: I'm was a bouncer for four years, I stomped on kids like that every weekend #ayto
@MTVDevinWalker: 150k split 22 ways?!?! Y'all just blew valuable info for 7k a piece #morons
- @ZAKLONGO: @MTVDevinWalker Tehnically with annuity & taxes it comes to $478
@MTVjennifer: seeing @Cas_martinezz cry is breaking my heart😭 #ayto
@MTVkarikowalski: Im team @JoeyAmoia716 because he was ACTUALLY trying to get to know someone who could very well be his perfect match #ayto
- @JoeyAmoia716: @MTVkarikowalski Thanks love
@MTV_JohnnyDrama: Honestly I feel so bad for @Cas_martinezz I know the feeling and it's literally the worst.
@KhamGSkates: My reaction right now #AYTO
@MTVkarikowalski: Call me too invested in this game but we signed up to find our perfect match right?? Or am I wrong? I really can't tell anymore #ayto
@Ozzymm11: You say you liked him and he calls you a mistake.. guess he saw through to you faster than I did.
@iamkamiam_: I hate that Cas got hurt, but Hannah was playing the game πŸ’” #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Your feelings will be tested! #AYTO
@tylerobrienn: Cas snapped πŸ˜‚
@MarieeTBD: Watching @AREUTHE1 like... #wheresalicia #teamcas #ayto #dragher
@MTVkarikowalski: Anything that y'all are thinking now is not even that important because y'all are about to find out who the real idiot of the house is #ayto
@imdroc15: @Cas_martinezz OMG, you didn't deserve that!! Just count my abs again and everything will be ok lol
- @Cas_martinezz: @imdroc15 I love you!!!!
@carooduartee: I like how Hannah's says it's not about her but when Ozzy hooked up with Alicia tho it was all about Alicia right?! #HYPOCRITE #AYTO
@mikehalpern92: Fugazzi fuget ozzy #hannahandjoey #ayto
@MTVkarikowalski: When tyler CANT POSSIBLY EVEN BE YOUR MATCH AT THIS POINT but you're still a fucking idiot!!!! #ayto
@iamkamiam_: This is why I didn't allow myself to really catch feelings until I saw that "Perfect Match" on the screen #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Should the house follow their hearts or follow Derrick's strategy? #AYTO   Their hearts ❣️ / The strategy πŸ“š   Vote 526 votesβ€’3 hours left
@MTVTV: IDK gurl but you are ADORABLE together. πŸ’• #AYTO (GIF: Shannon - "Follow my heart, or blindly follow strategy?")
@MTVDevinWalker: Just when you think szn5 couldn't get any stupider! (GIF: "you go and do something like this...")
@itsFugazzi: Damn.. can you say Twitter fingers? Lmao when was all this talk a few days ago? πŸ™„πŸ’€
@ItsAll_AboutTee: We got 150,000 extra ! #ayto
@mikehalpern92: If we fought we get kicked off the show, and I had my eyes on the maid next #ayto
@AREUTHE1: ONLY ONCE CHANCE LEFT. Get this match up ceremony right guys! πŸ™ #AYTO (GIF: "Let's Go!")
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Me and @imdroc15 are the first people to be traded in "are you the one" history ! #ayto
@tylerobrienn: I said "hiring a psychiatrist for your crazy ass" jokingly to Shannon.. what an edit πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ y'all crack me up
@MTVkarikowalski: Like Ryan says...we either win together or we lose together. If you didn't come to play as a team then why sign up for this game #ayto
@iamkamiam_: I was confused af! #AYTO
@TayloriasSecret: Why is everyone acting like this shit happened yesterday lol
@iamkamiam_: Knowledge is power in this game #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Perfect Matches @iamkamiam_ and Eddie don't really agree with the group's decision to take the trade... #AYTO (GIF: "Knowledge is power in this game.")
- @iamkamiam_: @AREUTHE1 Cause I need this money & not trusting their decisions
@Ozzymm11: Hey everyone, go listen to Famous by Kanye. Goodnight.
@MTVkarikowalski: @mikehalpern92 is so fucking awesome ❀️ if he is my perfect match then I really got the best one 😘#ayto
@AREUTHE1: Seeing some veeery different matchups tonight already... πŸ€” #AYTO
@BombshellChels: The ladies match up ceremony outfits have been πŸ”₯ this season #AYTO
@carooduartee: Save water, take showers together πŸ˜‚πŸ’¦ #ayto
@RzBeach: Yassss love the speech @Cas_martinezz πŸ’πŸ½slayyyy
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Is ozzy and Gianna a beam from week one ? Is strategy going to work tonight and give us more than 5 beams ? #ayto
@RzBeach: lol why did they zoom in on @imdroc15 face when he mentioned the strategy πŸ˜«πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: Seems like Shannon is choosing her heart over house strategy...  #AYTO (GIF: Ryan Devlin to Kari - "Sounds like you have a problem with her following her heart.")
@JoeyAmoia716: What the fuck Shannon? What a joke
@tylerobrienn: Do you guys think Shannon & I are a match??   Yes / No   Vote 1,335 votesβ€’21 hours left
@ItsAll_AboutTee: We got a liar in the house . Her name is shannon #ayto
@MTVDevinWalker: @RyanDevlin hairs looking pretty short... you gotta grow that flow back out
@LuvBenzoGrande: Shannon: 'my perfect match is...Tyler'   The house:    @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Even though Shannon picked the wrong person she did follow her heart . But what if it costs us the game ? #ayto
- @JoeyAmoia716: @ItsAll_AboutTee The fuck were you thinking
@iamkamiam_: If the house says strategy everyone has to be on the same page ! #AYTO
@MTVDevinWalker: Y'all can't even pick the rite ppl hahahaha. This is gonna be sweet. Let's goooo blackout
@tylerobrienn: Honestly, if it was anyone else but Shannon that did that, I would've absolutely lost my shit
@MTVkarikowalski: According to our strategy this idiot had two fucking options none of which were tyler, and she still picked him like the dumbass she is
@TayloriasSecret: This drama is why Andre and I were always taking naps πŸ€·πŸΌβ™€οΈ
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @TayloriasSecret y'all weren't taking naps πŸ™ƒ
- @TayloriasSecret: @ItsAll_AboutTee there's children on twitter πŸ™„
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @TayloriasSecret πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@ItsAll_AboutTee: #Keddy πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• #ayto
- @iamkamiam_: @ItsAll_AboutTee πŸ˜”πŸ’•
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @iamkamiam_  I know baby . I know . He didn't realize what he had πŸ˜˜πŸ’•
- @iamkamiam_: @ItsAll_AboutTee sucks when your PM took you for granted..
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @iamkamiam_ it's okay . I'm your REAL perfect match . ❀️
- @iamkamiam_: @ItsAll_AboutTee yes you are !
 @iamkamiam_: ....... #AYTO
@carooduartee: I tweet my opinion if you don't like it unfollow me don't waste your time tweeting hateful shit to me cause IDGAF
@itsFugazzi: They hate me cuz they ain't me. DUH πŸ‘‘
@tylerobrienn: She held it down for me the whole show, I had to reciprocate in that moment even though I didn't necessarily agree
@carooduartee: Ooooooh KAM & EDDY 😍 #keddy #ayto
@iamkamiam_: That's my match πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈlol.. #AYTO
@MTVkarikowalski: @tylerobrienn should've still lost your shit because this was a team effort
@iamkamiam_: Watch us get 4 beams again πŸ˜’#ayto
@BombshellChels: They are wearing matching outfits and y'all that they weren't going to pick each other? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #AYTO
@amazedbykay: That last commercial for AYTO second chances got me rollin! My curve game is strong. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜– Soulmates!?πŸ‘€
@AREUTHE1: .@Cas_martinezz has a message for Hannah! #AYTO (GIF: "Practice what you preach, girl.")
@RzBeach: Wow 😳 what just happened?
@RzBeach: My baby @Cas_martinezz is gorgeous
@RzBeach: Lmao @itsFugazzi is ruthless πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@ItsAll_AboutTee: No one was mad at Shannon .We just felt like she should've said something sooner and told the house how she felt .It's a team effort .#AYTO
@MTVDevinWalker: I mean if they blackout I'm gonna buy everyone that likes this a foamer. Gimmie the darkness Ryan!!!
@MTVDevinWalker: @AREUTHE1 @RyanDevlin God damn it!
@shannnonmaee: I just have too big of a heart. Always have, always will. #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: β˜„οΈβ˜„οΈβ˜„οΈβ˜„οΈβ˜„οΈ #AYTO
@MTVkarikowalski: I'm sitting there acting like I haven't already calculated how many beams were going to get in my head #ayto
@iamkamiam_: Okayyyy let's get this MONEYYYYY!!! #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Lemme stfu this strategy clearly working ! #AYTO
@MTVkarikowalski: Here's the deal, according to strategy we would either get 8 beams or 11 and win BUT Since the dumbass went against strategy, we're going into week 10 with a 50/50 chance AGAIN since We found out NOTHING new tonight except that the strategy was right, which we already knew πŸ˜’πŸ™„ #ayto
@BombshellChels: DAMN THEY DID GOOD πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: @tylerobrienn told me he got me β€οΈπŸ’• y'all couldn't understand this bond #AYTO
- @tylerobrienn: @iamkamiam_ will always have love for you Kam ❀️ would've been a whole different show had you not left the house early
- @iamkamiam_: @tylerobrienn I know hun always love though  β€οΈ
@ItsAll_AboutTee: One thing kam has never done is shut up . And she finally is ! #ayto #mybff
@AREUTHE1: WHAT A COMEBACK! 9 beams! πŸ‘ #AYTO (GIF: "This is what I call a comeback.")
@iamkamiam_: All we have to do is swap one couple for tha shmoneyyyyy!! #AYTO
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Yea @MTVDevinWalker we're so stupid , But we got 9 beams .
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Can we all agree that we filmed the reunion days ago and if you had something to say on Twitter you should've said it in person . #ayto
- @iamkamiam_: @ItsAll_AboutTee who poppin off πŸ€”?
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @iamkamiam_ girl who isn't . I'm annoyed .
- @iamkamiam_: @ItsAll_AboutTee nothing about me you and squad though right ?
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @iamkamiam_ text me

@AREUTHE1: Stay tuned ―  the #AYTOAftermatch starts right now on @MTV! ⚑️
@carooduartee: DROCK ON THE AFTERSHOW #AytoAftermatch #teamchocolate
@BombshellChels: If they only had 10 matches they would have just won #AYTO
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @BombshellChels yes girl !
- @BombshellChels: @ItsAll_AboutTee too bad there's always someone who goes against the group πŸ€¦πŸ½β™€οΈ
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @BombshellChels girl don't get me started,  I don't want to relive this negativity πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
- @BombshellChels: @ItsAll_AboutTee my house only got 2 beams week 9 and Connor and I were already a confirmed match lmfaooo
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @BombshellChels oh yea you couldn't even help the house out cause y'all were already in the honey moon suite !
- @BombshellChels: @ItsAll_AboutTee girl I would have lost it if I had to stay in that house the whole time, I still thank the lord everyday πŸ˜‚
@AREUTHE1: .@imdroc15 and Season 2's Ellie are joining us for tonight's #AYTOAftermatch! 😍
@ItsAll_AboutTee: God,  Ellie's voice is so cute 😍😍 #aytoaftermatch
@MTVKathrynP: Omg I love @whaattaafoxx #AYTOAftermatch
@BombshellChels: "@chelssss27: @BombshellChels how many beams did they get? I'm at school and missed the episode ☹️" RT 9, they killed it
@shannnonmaee: Kari, you had your chance to speak up at the reunion, why are you so loud now?
@ItsAll_AboutTee: I'm so #teamchocolate ! #aytoaftermatch
@MTVkarikowalski: You could either live in a delusional world or face the facts, now we have one fucking week left and there is 50% chance we could lose #ayto
@RyanDevlin: Did I swear at anyone on this week's #AYTO? (or was it all just internal like normal)
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @RyanDevlin you cursed us out this week in your head . Not out loud this time !
@AREUTHE1: "I didn't like him, and that was the perfect time to let him know." - @imdroc15 about tonight's fight πŸ’₯ #AYTOAftermatch
@A_Bartolotte: lol Ellie's so cute. Get it girl
@AREUTHE1: WIll the house win or lose the money on next week's season finale? Tweet #AYTOWin or #AYTOLose to cast your vote! #AYTOAftermatch πŸ’°
@ItsAll_AboutTee: What teen mom auditioned for "are you the one " ? #thiscantbereal #why #ayto
@iamkamiam_: @itsFugazzi was one of the ONLY girls who kept it REAL this season
@iamkamiam_: @itsFugazzi can get to know whoever she wants. Nobody should jump to conclusions and feelings unless PERFECT MATCH is on the screen.
@iamkamiam_: I hate when women fight over a man! Like why dont y'all both drop him and get y'all rotation up together?  #AYTO
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Javi relax . You're not coming on #ayto
@ftwgiovanni: @whaattaafoxx is low key one of my favorite people
@tylerobrienn: Not for anything but week 6 I did go around the whole house trying to get people to vote Shannon & I into the booth
@axcrunner09: OMG yes to @Javimarroquin9 for next season on @AREUTHE1
@AREUTHE1: Teen Mom 2's @Javimarroquin9 sent in his audition tape for next season of #AYTO πŸ˜‚ #AYTOAftermatch
@MarieeTBD: Jealous of the @AREUTHE1 kids. LOVE this show. @MTV Forget Exes/Rivals theme.. match us #realworld alum w. our #perfectmatch @ChallengeMTVπŸ˜‰
@BombshellChels: YESSS here's the flow chart I just asked for πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ #AYTOAftermatch
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Oh Gawd #AYTOAftermatch
@Cas_martinezz: Mad respect for @JoeyAmoia716 to come clean and tell me what happened #ayto #fruitloop
- @JoeyAmoia716: @Cas_martinezz Love you chicken nugget
@tylerobrienn: Here was the logic.. Shannon and I sat together weeks 3,4, & 5 and we got 4 beams each time. But Ozzy told Hannah he loved her, so they went
@AREUTHE1: "We both agreed that we could be each other's match, but she didn't pick me." - @imdroc15 on Shannon's decision tonight #AYTOAftermatch
@iamkamiam_: The truth hurts but you gotta respect it πŸ€·πŸ½β™€οΈ
@JoeyAmoia716: Who would've thought I was in the running for biggest player hahaha
@AREUTHE1: 8 out of 11 girls in the house? Daaamn, @imdroc15 πŸ‘€ #AYTOAftermatch
- @whaattaafoxx: Team @Cas_martinezz all freaking day! Them hoes ain't shit boo.
@ItsAll_AboutTee: I was twerking on droc all the time #AYTOAftermatch
@MTVDevinWalker: "Little drinking little Xanax" @AREUTHE1 @AYTOAllStar @whaattaafoxx this explains so much.... #aytoaftermatch πŸ˜‚
@MTVkarikowalski: If ANYONE even thinks that I wouldn't say in person the things I say on Twitter then you're fucking wild #ayto
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Drunk . Fun. Broken . #AYTOAftermatch
@YEAHThatsSHAY: Derrick got around very sneaky lol #AYTOAftermatch
@MTVkarikowalski: But then again I don't have to say's literally out on national television for the world to see πŸ˜‚ #ayto
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @MTVkarikowalski I had to make you drink to shut you up at Dre's house the other night πŸ˜‚
- @MTVkarikowalski: @ItsAll_AboutTee Exactly..I literally always speak my mind and give zero fucks
@tylerobrienn: It is absolutely wild how much doesn't get aired though..
@MaybachDiamonds: @MTVDevinWalker I'm your biggest fan say hi to me
@AREUTHE1: πŸ“ž @Cas_martinezz is on the line now talking Joey & Hannah's hookup! #AYTOAftermatch
@MTVKathrynP: @Cas_martinezz love ya babe ❀️❀️❀️
@ItsAll_AboutTee: What y'all don't know about tonight's episode isss..... that we played hide and seek that night ! πŸ˜‚
@tylerobrienn: Sorry guys.. even though my name was thrown around the most this season on it, you may never see me on #AYTOAftermatch
@carooduartee: I LOVE CAS SO MUCH RN #AYTOAftermatch
- @Cas_martinezz: @carooduartee I love you baby!!πŸ’•
@AREUTHE1: Who should @Cas_martinezz be mad at? πŸ€” #AYTOAftermatch   25%Joey / 15%Hannah / 60%Both   813 votesβ€’Final results
@RzBeach: Omg @whaattaafoxx is hilarious lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£
@mikehalpern92: Are you kidding, he's so short I could've stepped on him and hung him on my belt like an ornament #ayto #aytoaftermatch
@giannahammer: Shit I didn't even watch the episode and twitter is already seeming better πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@MikalaThomass: Some of these season 5 people are on another level. Like how do you talk to each other like this.. you're all bullies
- @tylerobrienn: @MikalaThomass #KeyboardWarriors
- @MikalaThomass: @tylerobrienn like you can tweet and throw jabs as much as you want... if you're a bad person nobodys going to like you. That's it
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Going live on Instagram in a little bit to give you some tea on this weeks episode ! What they didn't show , info on the date , ect ect ..
@iamkamiam_: This is the part where the entire cast goes live on insta lol #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Just know that reunion was LIT #AYTO !!!!!!
@ItsAll_AboutTee: I mushed the FUCK out of alicia . Stay tuned next week . πŸ™ƒπŸ˜˜
@AREUTHE1: You said the house will #AYTOWin the money next week! πŸ† #AYTOAftermatch
@iamkamiam_: Our reunion was more like a Love & HipHop reunion πŸ˜‚ #AYTO !!!
@iamkamiam_: I know who Derrick was under the staircase with πŸ˜‚πŸΈβ˜•οΈ #AYTO
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Cash me at the reunion BITCH, how boud dah! 😘 #imushthots #dontyouevercomefortee
@MaybachDiamonds: Everybody bother @MTVDevinWalker until he responds to me it's super important
- @MTVDevinWalker: @MaybachDiamonds hi john 🍻🍻
- @MaybachDiamonds: @MTVDevinWalker follow me back so I can call you  dude get online now and hurry up and follow me it's an emergency
@AREUTHE1: The preview for next week's reunion tho... #AYTOAftermatch
@carooduartee: That sneak peak of the reunionπŸ˜‚ #itwasLIT #aytoaftematch
@iamkamiam_: We made it clear at the reunion that everyone with "twitter& IG fingers" needs to speak up! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: That's all for tonight's episode of #AYTO! Don't forget to tune in to next week's season FINALE―trust me, you don't wanna miss it! 😱

@HaydenPWeaver: At this point I'm embarrassed and disgusted of myself to participate and affiliate with these people from these MTV projects
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Alicia put her cape on at the reunion and THOT she was about to stand up to me . She THOT. Got her ass mushed ! Like byyyeee #ayto
@mikehalpern92: Are you kidding, he's so short I could've stepped on him and hung him on my belt like an ornament #ayto #aytoaftermatch
- @imdroc15: @mikehalpern92 Yea talk a lot of shit on twitter but in person you sitting down like a little bitch!
- @mikehalpern92: @imdroc15 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@imdroc15: @mikehalpern92 I don't do the Twitter shit! If you really about that life I live at Sterling Alvarado in San Diego, CA. Pull up little girl!
- @mikehalpern92: @imdroc15 Let's get it! Buy me a round trip and can I stay at your place?
@shannnonmaee: Some people wanna hide behind a computer screen, you had your chance to speak up? Instead you indirectly talked about me? Sit back down.
@shannnonmaee: You didn't say shit when we fought in the house, at the hotel in the DR or 4 days ago & you blocked me so I can't see you tweet about me LOL
@shannnonmaee: AND HOLD UP!! it's #internationalwomensday so on a brighter note, let's continue to uplift all women and not just ones we choose to uplift πŸ’•
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Y'all done made me wake my savage up ! 😘
@carooduartee: All this drama gives me a headache, imma go workout✌🏼
@giannahammer: The biggest joke of the show is the money. People lose their minds over that shit. Gotta stay focused on yourself, and I'm one to talk πŸ˜’πŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ’œ
@giannahammer: Barfing at the people in my cast comparing "relevancy" yo if this show is the best you've got going for you.... shit πŸ‘€
@giannahammer: Anyways, back to my drinks at the bar βœŒπŸ½πŸ’ƒπŸ½
@tylerobrienn: & it's not that I didn't want to do #AYTOAftermatch , they just wouldn't have me but hey.. β˜•οΈπŸΈ
@whaattaafoxx: I was drunk afffff lol @AREUTHE1
@whaattaafoxx: Team @Cas_martinezz all freaking day! Them hoes ain't shit boo.
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Let me stop entertaining these muppet looking fans πŸ˜‚
@CHEYnotShy: Watching @AREUTHE1 like 🀣🀣😱😱 he slapped him!
@HBJaguar: 2 minutes into the #AYTO Aftermatch show and @whaattaafoxx got Terrance J saying "can we say that on TV?" Ellie don't you ever change πŸ™ŒπŸΎ
@CHEYnotShy: @imdroc15 I just laughed so hard watching that "fight"
- @imdroc15: @CHEYnotShy Lol so much wasn't shown πŸ‘ŠπŸΎ lol
- @CHEYnotShy: @imdroc15 lol did you guys make up
- @imdroc15: @CHEYnotShy I don't like him!!!!
@MTVkarikowalski: On another note...I am so excited to be flying out to South Padre, TX tomorrow with my two bffs @iamkamiam_ & @JoeyAmoia716 😏πŸ”₯🏝🍹 #ayto
@MTVkarikowalski: If you're out on spring break in South Padre Island COME PARTY WITH US & Inertia Tours 🍾🍻πŸ₯‚πŸ˜ˆπŸ˜˜@iamkamiam_ @JoeyAmoia716 #ayto
@MTVkarikowalski: HAHA this bitch Shannon subtweeted some shit regarding me a couple days ago and then blocked me so I blocked her back and now she wants To act all tough and say I blocked her first? Lmao YOU sit the fuck down before I fly back to LA and do what I should've done when I had the chance, but sorry for not beating ur ass like u expected me to, because you're irrelevant so I wouldn't even break a nail for you
@MTVkarikowalski: Last tweet about this fake ass garbage, when we were at the reunion we were asked QUESTIONS, it wasn't like fight who you want to fight
@MTVkarikowalski: Lmao I'm not making anything known that wasn't known before. I don't need a reunion to explain something the whole world can see πŸ˜‚ If Terrance asked my opinion about a specific person or event I would've went in, but it was already obvious..y'all will see more next week  People out here fighting about petty shit like who hooked up with who...meanwhile I'm worried about the real shit like let's get this money
@giannahammer: Meanwhile in real life
@ItsAll_AboutTee: She THOT she was about to get up and not get mushed . #teedontplay
@cambruckman: AYTO 5 right now β˜•οΈπŸΈ... I don't know what's better, the show or the twitter fights!
@Ozzymm11: honestly, i just want to be happy
@iamkamiam_: @TayloriasSecret bish where ?
- @TayloriasSecret: @iamkamiam_ right lmao
@JoeyAmoia716: Sick of seeing all these washed up scrubs from past seasons talking shit! Yall don't know shit so go jump off something #pullmorewhiteskulls
@JoeyAmoia716: Y'all can hate me for what I did with Hannah but wouldn't y'all wanna know why someone was your perect match? #noregrets
- @itsFugazzi: @JoeyAmoia716 Right lol who caressssss.. I enjoyed every second 😘
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Which one of those three couples should switch to give us 11 beams next week ?  #ayto
@TayloriasSecret: Yeah.... hes with Alicia πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
@shandathapanda: my head hurts and i don't kno if it's bc i drank alcohol last night or if i need alcohol now
@itsFugazzi: Daaaaatsss maaaa guuurllll @ItsAll_AboutTee πŸ˜­πŸ’–πŸ‘‘
@itsFugazzi: "Sweatpants, bun tied, chillin with no makeup on." Explains me on #AYTO to a T πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­
@MTVkarikowalski: @JoeyAmoia716 getting ready for spring break three hours before our flight at Walmart πŸ˜‚ "Kari what do you think about these" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­πŸ˜­
@Javimarroquin9 Javi/Teen Mom:  Appreciate the love yesterday on @AREUTHE1 ☺ maybe one day I'll find it. πŸ˜‰
@JoeyAmoia716: Idk what's worse... this 800 pound lady next to me or the lady who can't stop coughing in front of me 😫 sick of flying
@carooduartee: Nobody's perfect. But you're perfect for me. ❀️

@AREUTHE1: ONLY TWO BEAMS AWAY! Looks like Derrick's strategy came through πŸ™Œ
@MTVkarikowalski: See ya soon Texas!!! ✈️😏πŸ”₯πŸ»πŸΉπŸπŸ˜œπŸΎπŸ’‹β˜€οΈ #springbreak
@JoeyAmoia716: Next time I'm bringing a parachute for a carry on
@MTVjennifer: literally going down my timeline after the #AYTO episode& jesus i thought the castmembers from my real world season had twitter dramaπŸ˜³πŸΏπŸΈβ˜•οΈ
@Cas_martinezz: I'm happy I stayed true to myself, Knowing my worth, and most of all… …
@thepoetsaint: Definitely one of the most lit #ayto aftershows we've had yet. Shout out to @imdroc15 @tylerobrienn @shannnonmaee @MTVKathrynP & @tori_deal
@thepoetsaint: This perfectly sums up last night's #AYTO aftershow on @afterbuzztv
@SINSEDONTPLAY @NinoLlanera @_abbyvega
@AS3_era: "I can't stand you guys, you're ruining the game"  And we're just like..
- @TayloriasSecret: @AS3_era @AREUTHE1 πŸ˜˜πŸ’πŸΌ
@tylerobrienn: This really sums up my experience with @AREUTHE1
@starcasm: #TeenMom2 dad @Javimarroquin9 auditions for @AREUTHE1, Season 2's @whaattaafoxx wants to have his baby!  #AYTO
@giannahammer: Few more days till I can stop hiding the most important thing in my… …
@iamkamiam_: You ever looked at yourself in the mirror and thought "Damn I'm cute AF 😍" ?
@JoeyAmoia716: @imdroc15 thought I had the most hookups at 6... who were your 8 lol?
- @imdroc15: @JoeyAmoia716 Everyone but Kam, Taylor, and Shannon
@mikehalpern92: Stranger just told me I look like Michael from ayto.. I'm flattered.
@iamkamiam_: When you're packing & realize how much clothes you don't have πŸ˜…
@iamkamiam_: I wish I could say that you knew my worth..
@imdroc15: I still can't believe I got fined $1,500 and kicked out the house in Episode 9. #AYTO
@imdroc15: When she calls me Chocolate Daddy! Lol
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Me and bff smoking on facetime @iamkamiam_
@ItsAll_AboutTee: The fact that I can talk to my three bffs everyday all day and not get tired of them >>> @iamkamiam_ @itsFugazzi @TayloriasSecret
- @iamkamiam_: @ItsAll_AboutTee We really lit #Squad 😘❀️
@iamkamiam_: I'm so proud of successful women πŸ’•
@tylerobrienn: Way too blessed to complain
@MikalaThomass: If only you spent half as much time building each other up as you do tearing each other down
@ZAKLONGO: Started editing #AYTO Prank Calls Part 3... its incredible. Hope I can upload from shitty Thai Wifi πŸ™πŸ½ @MTVDevinWalker
@LyssCait: @AREUTHE1 season 5 has more drama on Twitter than their own showπŸ‘€πŸ‘€
@RyanDevlin: Just met @kevinbacon so 2017 is looking up. @SixDegreesofKB @thisbar
@IamAdamKuhn: "I'm just gonna have a few drinks🍺"  My famous last words πŸ™ˆ
@camkobo: Just got a casting call for parental control.. if we are bringing that back @mtv let's bring back next and room raiders
@AS3_era: Been there, done that.. Can y'all please do better? It's 2017 for God sake.

β–ͺ    β–ͺ    β–ͺ 

Well, as I tweeted that night, the cast has established some type of momentum that they need if they want to succeed, and they are taking advantage of it. We saw the group take the trade offer for the first time all season in taking $150,000 instead of seeing if Tyranny & Derrick were a match, and it may prove beneficial as analytics sites have them as a no-match - and hopes may have all but dashed there. Derrick also got into a fight with Michael which saw the tall guy break up with Kathryn, but he also devised the strategy that has brought them to nine beams.
   And now, all that's left is to make one switch that will give them the cash, and there's one week to make it all happen. Quite a comeback from where they were a few weeks ago, and in a year that's seen comebacks in basketball, baseball, football and on Wednesday before this episode aired -- F.C. Barcelona overcoming a 4-1 aggregate lead on Paris Saint-Germain to win 6-1 in the second leg of their home & home series in the round of 16 stage of the UEFA Champions League. Much more on where Team 22 stands on the WRAP coming up on Tuesday.


And as you saw on the After Match, a person who made an appearance there came from a show that, if he is casted might be a most interesting storyline to watch in the next Trifecta cycle. Okay, so we've mentioned a good deal about how Teen Mom has been key in bringing viewers to Are You The One? and Catfish, much the same way that The Voice on NBC helped introduce viewers to the season's biggest new hit, This is Us, among other shows that's aired after that show.
   But there is something to mention about that guy, and perhaps this may see the returning of the favor we saw in someone who dated a Teen Dad get on AYTO himself. If you were with us for Season 3 two years ago, you may remember Kiki, who was a girlfriend of Ryan Edwards, who was for years husband to Maci Bookout when she and the O.G. were on hiatus from shooting...we offered that story there. Well, we may have something on our hands come later this year.

Someone who's been a key figure on Teen Mom 2 is Javi Marroquin, who was the first husband of Kailyn Lowry, and where both actually tied the knot the same night the season 1 cast sealed their $1 million. As everyone knows by now, Javi and Kail recently went through a very public breakup and those who have been watching the show the past year and have read the tabloids or so have seen this play out in front of more than simply family and close friends. Him also serving in the Army - including a tour of duty in Qatar - also helped to complicate matters, as well as having to share custody of one of her two sons, which has been no easy task given what's happened to the both of them.
   In case you missed it, here's the transcript of Javi's words from the After Match when he checked in via Skype to tell everyone that he has just sent his audition video in hopes that he can have a rebound girl on Are You The One?.
"Hey, what’s going on everybody? This is Javi. Most of you probably know me from Teen Mom 2 β€” got my little koozie here. So if you do, you probably know my story β€” what happened to me β€” and you know I love to love. I’m out here looking for love. I just can’t find it. It’s not in the DMs, it’s not anywhere. I can’t find it. So if you do know about me, you know I got a three-year-old little boy. He means everything to me. And, yeah, I’m just trying to figure out who’s the one, trying to take somebody out on a date."

Well, if his dream does come true, logistics get worked out and he becomes the latest to make the crossover in the MTV world after what we saw with Mike going from AYTO Season 3 to Real World Bad Blood, he will have made at least two friends with Team Trifecta. And he met both of them last year while at the MTV Video Music Awards festivities in the New York, for which we'd like to share those pics with them from his Instagram @JaviM9.

First, someone who we will be seeing in over a week from now on AYTO Second Chances is Giovanni, and of course we saw much of the drama on Season 4 last year revolve around him: his dealings with Kaylen, him getting close to eventual perfect match Francesca and getting into a fight with Stephen. We also showed you him making moves on the girl who that aforementioned Mike made moves on and led to him being shown the door by his castmate Tori - Jordan, and the Wolf has been making moves musically in posting weekly tracks on SoundCloud. This first photo is of Gio being in the middle of not only Javi, but also Original Girl Farrah Abraham.

And second, there's him, a Real World'er and a girl from the Bad Girls Club. On the far left is Jay from Ex-Plosion, who knows a thing about being in love and getting caught for it...take what happened in San Francisco for example. And sandwiched in between them is Rocky Santiago of Oxygen's Bad Girls Club. For a primer on her, she came onto Season 10 of the show when it took place down in Atlanta when she was a replacement roommate for one of the girls who was kicked off, then reappeared on Season 13 - Redemption. Rocky also appeared on its spinoff All-Star Battle where she left after both an argument with one of the competitors and when her dad passed away, and then on ASB 2 where she made it to the end as well.

Javi has been in the news lately for the wrong reasons, but imagine if - just if - he was casted on Season 6 of Are You The One?  It's a probability and if Magic Mike can do his thing on two Trifecta shows, it could happen with Javi going for love.

β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ   β–ͺ

That will do it for this week's 'Pulse diaries, with one post left...that would be the WRAP. Coming up there, we'll look from the Strategy Room where Team 22 stands with one Truth Booth and Matchup left to go, plus recap the past two episodes of The Challenge, offer you all the related particulars and all else. And next week, a busy week of sorts with our preview of AYTO Second Chances to kick off the weekend along with our posts surrounding the AYTO Finale and Week 6 in Thailand.
   Thank you for checking us out, and until we talk again here on Tuesday, talk to you then - or in just at bit on DCNOW. Enjoy your Sunday and your week ahead.


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