*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
■ @DC408Dxtr @ TW / IG / YT
As you enjoy a Sunday Funday that includes playing in the snow, holiday shopping and watching zombies running around all over the place, DCBLOG's look Inside the MTV Trifecta has reached the week's principal focus. And after a bar fight for beer and players being eliminated while not really eliminated on shows which this week accounted for the two undercard appetizers, plus our juicy look at the Dirty 30 Reunion, we have now reached the main event. And for a season whose buzz began with the cast being revealed during the summer heat in August, premiered a month later as fall began, and which ends in the first week of December and with the holidays in the air, we have for you the season finale of Are You The One? Season 6.
It has no doubt been a trying season in this quest for love and money for this fall's crop of 22 single girls and guys leading Terrence J. to not surprisingly tag them with the dubious title, "worst cast ever." And what happened last week at the Matchup with them getting no higher than their season high of 5 beams and a failed first try at strategy by Keith did more to comprehend that. But also last week, the cast finally gained the kind of momentum that can get any AYTO cast anywhere: them gaining their first Perfect Match in the Truth Booth in Tyler & Nicole, as the cast went in with the gigantic task of trying to go 11 for 11 in two weeks.
With the house morale at an all-time low after their ninth trip to the backyard light show and many just ready for the flight home with unfulfilled promises, this week is, of course, the always intense and nerve-wracking tenth & final week. For one couple who have had feelings all season long, they get to push each other over the edge... that includes a precious stuffed animal. But as always, the focus is on the final Truth Booth and Matchup - and given the events of March 15th earlier this year, the onus is on this group to defy logic and the odds, and to execute the right strategy to get all the puzzle pieces together and hope this Hail Mary will find them in Eleventh Heaven.
You and us will find out if they do as we'll have all the action, reaction and interaction of the finale and the aftermath of the series' first 12th episode straight ahead, which also includes a birthday for the one who has killed it with his live tweets of all of these episodes. And after you find out if this impossible dream can come true or not, we'll offer a thank you to one of those who we featured on here during this six-month run around the MTV world.
One week, one shot, one chance, one last try for $1 million. After the jump, DCBLOG brings you the 'Pulse of the Finale of Season 6 of Are You The One? from New Orleans. Join us, will you?
EDITORS' NOTE: Usually the Pulse begins with all the lead-up into the episode beginning almost after the previous week's episode. But in a break in tradition with how long this MEGA diary is, we've moved not just the lead-up posts to their own Pulse Extra, but also those for AYTO Wednesday before the episode. Thus, we begin the Pulse with the episode itself, plus a separate section devoted to the last matchup ceremony and, of course, the aftermath. Enjoy.
►AS THEY SAW IT: The Finale - "Love by the Numbers"
@mtvcanada: Will EMoney, Zoe and the rest of the #AYTO house be laughing all the way to the bank? The season finale starts NOW.
@NurysKMateo: Ahhhhh I can’t believe the last episode is about to begin 😫 if you’re not already, TUNE IN TO MTV RIGHT NOWWWW #AYTO
@_gelesann: It’s about that time y’all #AYTO
@NurysKMateo: Ahhhhh I can’t believe the last episode is about to begin 😫 if you’re not already, TUNE IN TO MTV RIGHT NOWWWW #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: y’all better be watching @AREUTHE1 RIGHT NOW 👀 ! #AYTO
@_gelesann: Here goes one more chance #AYTO
@_gelesann: We are going home broke clap clap #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Miss me with the drama this week @nicole_spiller #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Here we fucking GO #AYTO
@audreydiazz: I'm gonna miss this 💔 Let's gooooo! 👏🏼🙌🏼 it's #AYTO time
@ayeejaeeee: shoutout to @NurysKMateo for that song ! 👏🏾 we’re going home broke! 👏🏾 #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @ayeejaeeee 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼 #AYTO
@uchaachi: Dimitri’s motivational speech: we’re either going to win or we’re going to lose......... #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: This is me any time I start losing. #AYTO (GIF: Nurys - “I’m over it.”)
@_gelesann: It’s hard coming back to the house so far behind #AYTO
- @MTV: @_gelesann 😂 #AYTO
@EmoneySunset: God Audrey from #AYTO is so sexy.
- @AREUTHE1: @EmoneySunset 🔥🔥 🔥 #AYTO
- @audreydiazz: @EmoneySunset You always knew how to put a smile on my face ❤️❤️ still waiting for you to rap to me 🙈 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Alright team, let’s try to make this final challenge worth it…😐 #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: matching with my boo @AliviaHuntxr #ayto
@_gelesann: But why was I running so fast #AYTO
- @AliviaHuntxr: @_gelesann Same
@ChallengeRewind: SHA BOO YA, SHA SHA, SHA BOO YA, ROLL CALL! @uchaachi and @tylersemicolon we’re ready for you guys #AYTO #TheFinale 🥂
@zoeinwonderland: Running like a fucking absolute antelope #AYTO
- @_gelesann: @zoeinwonderland We were racing 😂😂😂
@ayeejaeeee: let’s make the right decision tonight guys ! #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: I smoked y'all that's embarrassing #AYTO
@_gelesann: Michael and Keyana we back in week one??? #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: repping for the girls !! #ayto
@AliviaHuntxr: Why does dimitri already looked hella disappointed.. #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: well see.. 🙄 #ayto
@zoeinwonderland: Keyana deadass describing Michael lmao #loveumichael #scholar #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: hahah do i think michael is dumb and good looking? .. yes #ayto
@AREUTHE1: At least she called you good looking, @michaeldean2_0! #AYTO (GIF of Michael looking to the girls)
- @michaeldean2_0: @AREUTHE1 That’s what my teachers used to say...
@00Hitsdiidii: Keyana's reason why michaels her match: he's an idiot but he's cute soo it will do🤷🏼♀️
@tylersemicolon: Nurys: I got to know everyone! You could see me? .... isn’t the area in Malcolm’s ass dark? #AYTO
- @uchaachi: @tylersemicolon i'm calling the police
- @NurysKMateo: @tylersemicolon Coming from the guy that hung out in a corner by himself everyday and made no real connection... OH WAIT I forgot you had your ukulele #AYTO
- @dimitrivalentin: @NurysKMateo GOT EM!!!!!!!
- @tylersemicolon: @NurysKMateo My ukulele loves me 😂
@KeyanaLand: fucking michael 🤦🏻♀️ #ayto
@tylersemicolon: For this challenge all the girls had to answer questions about a random stranger MTV found in New Orleans #whoisdimitri #AYTO
- @dimitrivalentin: @tylersemicolon Lmao i hate you.
@AliviaHuntxr: You know my ass answered passive aggressive
- @dimitrivalentin: @AliviaHuntxr Yeah you didn’t want to go on that date anyway so figures...
- @kareem_fathalla: @dimitrivalentin @AliviaHuntxr stayed home with daddy 😏
- @AliviaHuntxr: @kareem_fathalla @dimitrivalentin 😛
@tylersemicolon: Keyana: I want someone dumb and good looking Michael: I wonder how my hair looks rn #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: Keyana don’t cry... It’s going to be alright! #ayto
- @KeyanaLand: @dimitrivalentin thanks boo ❤️
@zoeinwonderland: Michael is incredibly good looking and also incredibly good at losing challenges 🤷🏼♀️ #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: dude i honest think i’m crying bc i wanna go home and i think we’re gonna lose.. #ayto
@tylersemicolon: Is Keyana crying? Is the the sky blue? Is water wet? #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Of course Michael would lose 🤦🏻♂️ #AYTO
@uchaachi: When all else fails - blame it on Michael. Failed your test? Chill fam it was Mike’s fault you good. #AYTO
@kareem_fathalla: It’s your fault Michael
@audreydiazz: Its okay, it's always Michaels fault 🤷🏼♀️ #AYTO
@_gelesann: Michael it’s your fault #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Literally me rn. #AYTO (GIF: Audrey - “I’m Stressing.”)
@KeyanaLand: yes malcolm !!! #ayto
@zoeinwonderland: “@lauurenwalshhh: It’s like they always zoom in on @zoeinwonderland boobs everytime they have her running in slow mo to a challenge #AYTO“ RT They were really swaying in the wind there
@uchaachi: “The way I thought she would answer” my mans Terrence low key just shaded Keyana #AYTO
- @KeyanaLand: @uchaachi right???
@dimitrivalentin: Fuck... I didn’t read the question.. I’m sorry y’all #ayto
- @dimitrivalentin: @00Hitsdiidii I’m sorry!! I really didn’t read that question i swear
@ayeejaeeee: I promise I was trying to lose this challenge but the matchmaker gawds said “sike bihhhh you thought” 🤦🏾♀️🤬 #AYTO
@_gelesann: I’m passing away #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Lmaoooo Jada and dimitri on a date 😂😂😂😂😂😂 #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: My worst nightmare came true.. nah bruh #ayto
- @AliviaHuntxr: @dimitrivalentin Lol stop
@zoeinwonderland: Shoutout to my impeccable color coordination and also my constant look of disappointment #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: oh great i get to spend the day with jada and dimitri arguing 🙄 #ayto
@kareem_fathalla: LAST truthbooth 😔 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: That look you give your friend when you need her to rescue you from the creep at the bar. 👀 #AYTO (GIF of Jada and her face reaction)
@_gelesann: Well we tried #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Yea, we suck at challenges too🤦🏻♂️ #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @TheRealAnthonyM OMGGG #AYTO
@audreydiazz: I'm seriously concerned for Dimitri's life. Jada's gonna throw him to the gators just you watch #AYTO
- @uchaachi: @AliviaHuntxr
@AliviaHuntxr: UN FACT: Keyana didn't actually start crying until AFTER she found out Malcolm won 😂😂 #AYTO
- @KeyanaLand: @AliviaHuntxr it wasn’t bc i won with malcolm. i love that boy !!
@_gelesann: They said the L word #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: We suck at games. One time we thought we could play hide and seek in a house full of camera guys that follow us #AYTO
- @uchaachi: @AliviaHuntxr that's a fine
@zoeinwonderland: Keith and Alexis have the most toxic relationship but I’m so here for it❤️ this is why I had to go on a dating show. Bc I condone these things. #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Awww keith and Alexis are so cute! Nothing could possibly go wrong :) #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @tylersemicolon mmmmmmhmmmmmm....#AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Still no math couples together in week 10..... smh #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: If they lose I’ll literally cry 😩 they don’t deserve to go through what we did #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Why she crying 😩
@BombshellChels: Hey Season 6 don’t let us Alums down by losing like Season 5 did 😂 #AYTO
- @HaydenPWeaver: @BombshellChels Eeeeeeeasy now
- @BombshellChels: @HaydenPWeaver You got your second chance you don’t count lol
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @BombshellChels Chillllll 😂😂😂😂
- @BombshellChels: @ItsAll_AboutTee You guys were were my favorite season though!! 😂
@lashtweets: Missed survivor to prioritize the AYTO finale ! #blessed 🙌🏻
@lashtweets: I know the answers to these questions better than they do. I think that says more about me than them 😳 #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: who thought it was a good idea to put me on a damn boat with Dimitri ? WHO ?! #AYTO
@_gelesann: Well this date should be interesting #AYTO
@uchaachi: Aw Dimitri really thought this date was gonna be cute, sexy, fun in the sky :/ #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: awh malcolm #ayto
@dimitrivalentin: What the hell is an airboat lmao #ayto
@zoeinwonderland: Dimitri deadass thought they had flying boats I’m done #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: counting down those seconds before @ayeejaeeee has @dimitrivalentin swimming with the gators 😂 #AYTO (GIF of them, Malcolm & Keyana on their air boat ride)
- @dimitrivalentin: @AREUTHE1 Hahahaha IM DONE !!
- @zoeinwonderland: @AREUTHE1 Dimitri deadass thought they had flying boats I’m done #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: this is going.. well.. #ayto
@zoeinwonderland: Watching dimitri and jada interacting #AYTO
@uchaachi: Malcolm left the house and all of a sudden I feel like I needa take on his role as the house basketball star smh WHY AM I DRESSED LIKE IM BOUT TO HIT THE COURT #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: like why ?! why Dimitri ?! #AYTO
@uchaachi: Our logic shifted from “they both like music so they’re a match” to “they hate each other so they’re definitely a match” Lord help us. #AYTO
- @audreydiazz: @uchaachi We're so fucked 😅🙈😂 #AYTO
- @iamkamiam_: @uchaachi Smart 😂
- @uchaachi: @iamkamiam_ girllllllllll who you telling
- @iamkamiam_: @uchaachi That’s what made us lose girl lol
- @tylerobrienn: @iamkamiam_ False
- @iamkamiam_: @tylerobrienn I’m not starting with you tonight 😭
- @AREUTHE1: @uchaachi LOL gotta do what you gotta do #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Reppin @RowdyGentleman w that dad bod shirt bc I’m still a frat star at heart #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: @uchaachi wearing someone's dad's clothes to truth booth pick. Aka that man that showed up on exes day#AYTO
- @uchaachi: @AliviaHuntxr #YouTried
- @AliviaHuntxr: @uchaachi You obviously didn't 😂
- @uchaachi: @AliviaHuntxr @kareem_fathalla come get your friend she mad you aint let her borrow none of your clothes 🙄
- @AliviaHuntxr: @uchaachi @kareem_fathalla IM JK LOVE U
@ayeejaeeee: i’m squaring up with everyone in the house ! y’all just gonna vote us in and think that’s okay !? #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: I’M SO CONFUSED!!! Do you all think @ayeejaeeee and @dimitrivalentin are a #PerfectMatch? #AYTO POLL: YES! - 13% / ABSOLUTELY NOT. - 60% / IDK I’M SO CONFUSED TOO. - 27% 2,413 votes - final results
@_gelesann: Will the two love birds be a match? #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: Lol uche with the wisdom .. #ayto
@ayeejaeeee: that’s the most accurate thing that girl has said . . I can put anyone in their place 😈 #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: malcolm was hungover all day.. he doesn’t know what he’s talking about .. #ayto
@tylersemicolon: Idk who this Dimitri guy is but this date is pure gold #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: could me and meech be a match ? 🧐 #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: So are they a match or nah??? Love and hate are basically the same right??? POLL: Yes - 26% / Nah - 25% / Hell Nah - 49%
@dimitrivalentin: Y’all are smart.. come on now. Match or no match? #ayto
@_gelesann: No match!!! We are so good at this game wait this isn’t how we are suppose to play? #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Another no match.... #AYTO fuck this
@dimitrivalentin: NO MATCH... told y’all #ayto
@uchaachi: Ethan always throw his hat hard enough for us to know he’s mad but light enough to not hurt it’s feelings #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: oh yeah dimitri ?? is that so?? #ayto
@ayeejaeeee: now it’s time to find my real match❤️ #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Strategy time 🙏🏻 #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: It’s definitely until the fat lady sings lmao #ayto
@_gelesann: If y’all only knew how long this night was #AYTO
@mrmoxamofficial: Im surprised yall still watching honestly 😂 #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Dimitri poppin out this truth booth like #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: Geles damn.. Emoney is amazing #ayto
- @_gelesann: @dimitrivalentin I think so too, thankfully we went on two dates and had plenty of conversation to get to know each other and if we would match up
@_gelesann: @EmoneySunset lyrics Zoë could be my one thing but geles could be my thing too.... damn he called it #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: I like my men with muscles and brains *cough cough* hey @keith_klebacher 😉 #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Let’s go talk Alexis 🕺🏻 #AYTO
@BRlTNI: jada after she found out her & dimitri aren’t a match #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Me and Ethan sparking some mf flames rn 😭💖😇 #AYTO
@uchaachi: “@gabby_belli: @tylersemicolon @uchaachi what am I gonna do after this week??? I won’t have your live tweets anymore ! 😅😫“ RT we still got the reunion tweets girl!
@zoeinwonderland: Hey ex bf’s ya hear that??? I DONT DESERVE TO BE CHEATED ON!!!! #AYTO
@TroutyC4: That moment when you realize that it's the AYTO season finale 😩😭 I am really gonna miss @AliviaHuntxr 😩 She's the best girl in the house no question! 😭
@zoeinwonderland: Honeyyyyy we were just talking strategy 😭😭😭😭 #AYTO
@realitytvstars_: Omg @lexoquence is TV GOLD! #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Me and Alexis were suppose to be talking..... thanks Michael #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: They say revenge is sweet...but it looks like revenge is covered in beer to me! 🍻 #AYTO (GIF of Alexis chugging a beer can in front of Michael in the patio)
@EmoneySunset: “@mackjus415: my boy @EmoneySunset got that bay area mouthpiece @AREUTHE1 #AYTO“ RT All day bruh
@reallyintoblog: For real @EmoneySunset & @zoeinwonderland would make the CUTEST Couple ever. I can see it! @AREUTHE1 #ayto https://wp.me/p8lsG0-1F0
@_gelesann: Hahah Geles got what she deserved..... okay drunk geles chill #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: oh lex baby ! what is you doing !? #AYTO 🤦🏾♀️
@KeyanaLand: #ayto
@lexoquence: lol wow this is bad
@tylersemicolon: Emoney is THE GoAt #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Ohhhh fuckkkkkk😨 #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Alexis went full dry hump but I don’t hate it #AYTO
- @ayeejaeeee: @zoeinwonderland LMFAO ! 😂🤦🏾♀️ dead ass tho
@uchaachi: Michael right now peeping the damage he’s done #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Had to be Michael..... #AYTO
@lexoquence: My hearts literally racing lmao #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: Alexis pulled a me 👌🏼 and a Kareem all in one night 💦 #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Petition to get my butt more airtime bc anything that comes outta my mouth is honestly pretty lackluster #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: Michael is a terrible liar lmaooooo #ayto
@KeyanaLand: just own up to it!! #ayto
@tylersemicolon: Michaels definition of shotgunning a beer #AYTO
@universaldance3: THIS FUCKING CAST! GOLD! #AYTO
@CaraMariaHive: @EmoneySunset my sis @zoeinwonderland is a dime top of the line cute face small waist with a big behind #AYTO
@_gelesann: Shut up for real... Michael... he would never.... #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: OMG BRIDGET!!!! WHAT!!! KEITH NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! #AYTO (GIF of him putting Alexis’ teddy bear into the fire)
@zoeinwonderland: NOT BRIDGET!!!!!! #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Keith right now #AYTO
@uchaachi: Footage of Bridget 0.8 seconds before her burning at the stake #AYTO
@lexoquence: Wow you are a fucking psycho @keith_klebacher #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: RIP to a real one ! Bridgette you will forever be the 23rd cast member ☹️#AYTO
@tylersemicolon: This is a video of Michael whispering #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @zoeinwonderland 😐🆘 #AYTO
- @lexoquence: @zoeinwonderland I love u
- @zoeinwonderland: @lexoquence I love u more
@tylersemicolon: Michael doesn’t give a double dog damnnn #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: who thought it was okay to put a fire pit in a house full of crazy people ? WHO ?! #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @ayeejaeeee good question. #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: What pre workout did Keith take damn!! #ayto
@lexoquence: You're welcome @uchaachi #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Alexis sacrificing herself to the pool gods #AYTO
- @lexoquence: @zoeinwonderland I love u
@_gelesann: I just want to win this money 😩 #AYTO
@_MearBear: @keith_klebacher burning @lexoquence childhood memory
@AliviaHuntxr: He was goin for more firewood and I said nah bruh u ain't #AYTO
@universaldance3: Now, Keith crossed the line! He would've been paying for me a new pair of shoes! @lexoquence you better get his ass!! #AYTO
@uchaachi: “@sar_endipity13: But queen @uchaachi just eating like usual 👑 💕“ RT lmfao alwaysssss
@nicole_spiller: and that my friends, is what a toxic relationship looks like 🤷🏼♀️ #AYTO
@audreydiazz: Michael would be way more likeable if he stoped thinking with his dick smh #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Y’all would fuck over the strategist 🤦🏻♂️ #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Idk bout you guys but I was roasting some tasty s’mores on that fire The disrespect #AYTO
@BombshellChels: This episode is going fast as hell getting straight to the point, I love it 😂 #AYTO
@idontgiveaCRAFT: My face at #AYTO right now
@iamkamiam_: Issa match 👀 #ayto
@iamkamiam_: Damnnnnnnnnn #ayto smh
@iamkamiam_: Ripping up clothes? I’d be ready to fight #AYTO
@giannahammer: Bruhhhhh alexis done fucked up but the teddy bear?! The boots?! Lmfaoooo wtf y’all a mess 😭😭😂 #ayto
@HaydenPWeaver: That was up there with Devin trying to run away. #AYTO
- @BombshellChels: @HaydenPWeaver Trying ... @MTVDevinWalker actually ran away 😂
@lexoquence: Idk if a million dollars is even worth my favorite childhood memory, my $300 cowboy boots from my grandfather who passed away the previous spring, or the dress I went to the truth booth in that i planned to sell on eBay, but whatever I guess. 😒 @keith_klebacher #AYTO
- @jessnotarabbit: @lexoquence @lexoquence you should’ve fucked Michael after that shit. OMG. 🤬🤬🤬
@hyghforthis: oh shit I definitely nominate Keith and Alexis for Exes 3 after this fight #AYTO
@AliandAniThomp: Keith and Alexis are so toxic it's insane. Keith is soon cray, I honestly don't even want him dating Carolina. That behavior is not ok. #AYTO #AYTO6
@_gelesann: It was a rough night #AYTO
@lexoquence: Monster lex #AYTO
@badGalReeri: Are You the One is so entertaining. Thank you my friend @zoeinwonderland for being insta famous and getting me to watch this shit. Lmao
@KeyanaLand: will i get my apology tonight ?? 🤔 #ayto
@erikbond: My god @zoeinwonderland in a bikini is everything I ever needed and then some #ayto
@TheRealAnthonyM: Fun fact: I made Keith breakfast that morning❤️ bro love #AYTO
@_gelesann: Ethan or Clinton..... ugh I’m confused #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Alexis looking the mirror #AYTO
@DuchessOfProse: Get you a match you looks at you the way Alexis looks at Bridget. #ayto @AREUTHE1
@_britslife: When @lexoquence and I were little her pap died. I’m talking 5 or 6 years old. I remember sitting on my bed and just crying with Bridget. Bridget was at our sleepovers. There’s just somethings you don’t do. @keith_klebacher, you are literally the skim on the bottom of my shoes.
@uchaachi: “@its_jasssy: @uchaachi PLOT TWIST: Uche was eating her perfect match all this time😦 #AYTO “ RT I'M CRYING
►AS THEY SAW IT: The Moment of Truth
@_gelesann: Match up time #AYTO
@Josephineg0314: @zoeinwonderland is beautiful and she honestly is the best😭
@TheRealAnthonyM: Matchup ceremony time 🙏🏻 #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Me too, @zoeinwonderland...me too 💘 #AYTO (GIF: “I’m So Scared.”)
@TheRealDianaB: All the guys are d-bags, @TheRealAnthonyM is the best looking of them all #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: Daaammn who's imprisoned manz is that #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Malcolm with the most nonchalant vomit of all time lmao #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Eewww he really just threw up #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: Lorddddd my mother needs this 🙏🏽 #AYTO
@audreydiazz: Honestly at the rate we're going we're gonna be sorry season six #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Can we go from 5 to 11 beams!? #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: Malcolm is me when someone asks what my 5 year plan is #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: If we lose we're selling Nicole's disrespectful dress and splitting the profit. #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: My girl Geles KILLLLLIN IT givin me Kimmy K vibes 😭🔥 #AYTO
@_gelesann: I’ve learned a lot this entire experience and right now, I hope I didn’t pick wrong, well here goes a million dollar choice #AYTO
@nicole_spiller: I be having all sorts of faith for no good reason 😂 #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Having no input on any strategy... is so painful #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Ladies choice for the final matchup 🙌🏽 #ayto
@dark_lattee: #AYTO CLINTON LOOKING DADDYISHHHH @mrmoxamofficial 😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤
@TheRealAnthonyM: Me watching this matchup ceremony #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: I’m so here for Shadrey 😍❤️ #AYTO
@audreydiazz: I'm tearing up again ❤️ I love you shad #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: Shad is the NSYNC revival we all deserve #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: shad ! yassss you recognized your match was a queen ! I love it #AYTO
@_gelesann: All the feels, Ethan whoever your match is they are one lucky girl! #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: Ethan speaking to my god damn soul ❤️ #AYTO
@_Mockefeller: @zoeinwonderland omg that dress
@TheRealAnthonyM: Me and Alexis? 🤔😏 #AYTO
@_gelesann: Nicole and Tyler almost lost it when Alexis chose Anthony #AYTO 😂
@Lamarya_Denise: @_gelesann looked so pretty! 😍 #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: Anthony and Alexis?!? Did not see this coming #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: “@reallyintoblog: Me watching @EmoneySunset talking about he would treat @zoeinwonderland @AREUTHE1 #ayto https://reallyintothis.com/are-you-the-one-season-6-on-mtv/ … “ RT SAME
@LaurenMitchell7: @zoeinwonderland ‘s dress for the match up ceremony 🔥💯 that is def your color
@kalliefornia16: @nicole_spiller looks so good yasss 😍🙌🏾
@Josephineg0314: @nicole_spiller is slaying that dress ❤️
@_gelesann: But like why do they always show me when they call Anthony 😑 #AYTO
@esmerrxo: When @nicole_spiller left to the honeymoon suite and got to enjoy New Orleans #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: Anthony this is Alexis .. lol #ayto
@TheRealAnthonyM: Tyler & nicole when Alexis picked me #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: Not gonna lie if I came back from the honeymoon suite to see Alexis and Anthony I'd probably start throwing hands #AYTO
@helaienie25: Omg @ayeejaeeee @_gelesann @NurysKMateo @audreydiazz @lexoquence are looking great 😍😍
@iamkamiam_: This suspenseful music doesn’t help calm my nerves at all 😒 #ayto
@TheRealAnthonyM: I had to bring out the olive suit with the Gucci shoes 😏 #AYTO.
@a1exalynn: @zoeinwonderland girl that dress. I’m obsessed. Watched this whole season for you and @EmoneySunset #ayto
@kareem_fathalla: I’m so nervous right now.. #AYTO
@esmerrxo: @_gelesann in that Red Dress though 👏🏻✨ #AYTO
@giannahammer: No matter how crazy the girl gets, it’s literally impossible to dislike @lexoquence 🙃😂🙌🏽 #ayto
@universaldance3: Shad made me come around. Couldn't stand his ass at first, but he's actually cool. Just understated #AYTO
@afrizzlee: Praying to the light beam, boom boom room and honeymoon suite gods that these kids win tn 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 @AREUTHE1 #AYTO
@lashtweets: It's cool that they let Keith come along and drive the boat #AYTO
@lashtweets: Best part of #ayto? Knowing I'll get to hear @AdamBongo and @CohenBrian_ deal with this hot mess
@zoeinwonderland: “@torirubin: @zoeinwonderland trying to save Bridget from the fire is the best part of this entire episode 😂😂😂 @lexoquence #friendshipgoals #savebridget“ RT Had to save her for my girl :❤️
@uchaachi: Week 1 Keyana to Michael: #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: damn list them all.. #ayto
@dimitrivalentin: Michael yes you are a player!! #ayto
@Tiaaamack: can we all say shout out to @lexoquence for not killing Keith... #ayto
@BombshellChels: I’m going to need Michael to write @KeyanaLand an apology letter after this if they are a match #AYTO
- @KeyanaLand: @BombshellChels yes girl!!
@DanasAnElephant: I love @lexoquence because she doesn’t pretend to be someone she’s not and if you don’t like her, there’s probably something wrong with you..🤷🏼♀️
@uchaachi: Michael's apology tour: stay tune for more tour dates in 2018! #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: When my friends start fighting and I’m late to the drama…#AYTO (GIF: Tyler - “I Have No Idea What’s Going On Right Now”)
@KeyanaLand: “@arealitytvhoe: if they win the entire house owes @KeyanaLand 500k from week 2 #AYTO“ RT !!
@_gelesann: How are these matches looking #AYTO
@AytofansFB: We’re ready to accept #Queen @KeyanaLand as our lord and savior #AYTO #AYTO6
@reallyintoblog: if they win, this is @KeyanaLand to @michaeldean2_0 #AYTO @AREUTHE1 https://reallyintothis.com/are-you-the-one-season-6-on-mtv/ …
@miumiumoe: They did my girl @KeyanaLand soooo dirty this season #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: keefa don’t you cry , mama Jada will always be here to wipe your tears ❤️ #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: Maliviolm ❤️❤️❤️ #AYTO
@ChallengeRewind: 🗣🗣🗣 Michael doesn’t deserve @KeyanaLand #AYTO
@_gelesann: I love keith and Alexis both just maybe not together 🤷🏽♀️ #AYTO
@iamkamiam_: Why don’t they look confident #ayto
- @mrmoxamofficial: @iamkamiam_ Our pockets dry because of matchup outfits, we need that return on our investment 😂 #AYTO
@00Hitsdiidii: It's go timeeeee 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: Nurys damn you looking beautiful tonight!! #ayto
- @AREUTHE1: @dimitrivalentin beauty queeeeen #AYTO
- @NurysKMateo: @dimitrivalentin You look pretty handsome too 😏 #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: Keith those tears touched my heart #ayto
@zoeinwonderland: Keith crying has me crying 😭 #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @zoeinwonderland ugh my heart #AYTO
@kareem_fathalla: Omgomgomgomg
- @AREUTHE1: @kareem_fathalla I CANNNT #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: will we do it ?! #ayto
@AREUTHE1: FOR THE FINAL TIME: How many beams do you think we’re getting tonight? 💡 #AYTO POLL: 06% 1 - 4 / 23% 5 - 8 / 71%9 - 11 4,958 votes•Final results
@TheRealAnthonyM: Can we be the biggest comeback in #AYTO history!? #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @TheRealAnthonyM let's see let's seee #AYTO
@_gelesann: I’m nervous #AYTO
- @AREUTHE1: @_gelesann i'm shaking #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: Nervous AF RIGHT NOW #ayto
@Josephineg0314: Also @AliviaHuntxr to me looked amazing man 😭❤️
@annielkozak: My favorite thing is, even when he's blurred in the background, you can see @tylersemicolon's perfect white teeth GLEAMING. #AYTO #AYTO6
@maldonadoernes3: @zoeinwonderland is the baddest girl in the show .. so fucking gorgeous 😭❤️ #ARTO
@00Hitsdiidii: We have to break our 5 beam record cmonnn
- @AREUTHE1: @00Hitsdiidii the moment we've all been waiting for #AYTO
@esmerrxo: If @KeyanaLand and Michael are a perfect Match everyone who gave her shit for wanting be with Michael is going to feel so dumb 🤦🏻♀️😂 #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: I Want to make history tonight, let’s gooo!!! #ayto
@lexoquence: Keep em comin baby keep em comin!! #AYTO
@_gelesann: Geles come one girl you had one job #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: BREAK THE SEAL!!!!!! #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Can we break the 5 beam max!? #AYTO
@realitytvfan00: If @KeyanaLand and @michaeldean2_0 are a match she saved y’all fools from a blackout 4 episodes ago. Just sayinnnnnnn!! #ayto
@chelseadahlia: if michael & @KeyanaLand are a match (which im sure they are), the whole cast needs to send her a percentage of their earnings.. without her they would have blacked out in week 2 #AYTO
@TheRealAnthonyM: Broke the seal!!!! #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: LETS GO thats 6!!! #ayto
@homegirlashleyy: Less be honest if @zoeinwonderland and @EmoneySunset are a match...they are the cutest PM in #AYTO history 😍😍
@missy_orourke: What I learned from #AYTO this season is that I want to be BFFs with @zoeinwonderland plz
@dimitrivalentin: ITS GETTING REAL #AYTO
@AREUTHE1: Anyone else feel like they’re gonna throw up? Kk cool. #AYTO
@DntCallMeAngel: Honestly @zoeinwonderland was the baddest this seasons and Ethan was the funniest so I hope they a perfect match
@dimitrivalentin: 1 MORE!!! #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: NINE FUCKING BEAMS #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: Me rn
@lashtweets: Michael learned a lot of fake lessons #AYTO
►ELEVENTH HEAVEN, and The Aftermath
@_gelesann: WE DID IT!! WE WON!!! A MILI A MILI, but why am i crying right now ❤️🍾🎉😭 i just want to go back to the house rn #AYTO
@dimitrivalentin: WE DID IT!! BIGGEST COMEBACK EVER !!! #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: 1 FUCKING MILLION DOLLARS ! mama I made it ! 💰💸
@lexoquence: If we get a 10 we got 11 ;) #AYTO
@uchaachi: Visual representation of my journey in the house: #AYTO
@keith_klebacher: I FUCKING DID IT #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: WE FUCKING DID IT! we won a million dollars! #ayto
@ayeejaeeee: who said we wasn’t going to win ? i’ll wait . . 🙇🏾♀️ #AYTO
@uchaachi: If any of y’all have anything negative to say to me from this day forward - refer to this tweet: #AYTO
@tylersemicolon: Best comeback ever? ⚪️ Cavs win after warriors blow 3-1 lead in NBA finals
⚪️ Patriots win after being down 25 to the falcons in the Super Bowl 🔘 Are You The One? Season 6 wins 1 million dollars after being the worst season in MTV history #AYTO
@mrmoxamofficial: Now y’all mad that we won 😂😂 #AYTO
- @iamkamiam_: @mrmoxamofficial I know which season needs a return on our investment 😭
@AliviaHuntxr: We did it. #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: i’d like to thank the matchmaker gawds ! & most importantly my PERFECT MATCH @keith_klebacher for making this possible !❤️💰 #AYTO
@lexoquence: $1,000,000 mother fuckers... that's right. "worst in #AYTO history" MY ASS!!
@nicole_spiller: UNREALLLL!!!!! #AYTO
@ayeejaeeee: MOOD 💰🍾 #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: All of the cast members right now reminiscing on this moment #AYTO
- @audreydiazz: @AliviaHuntxr THATS LEGIT ME RN! 😂😭😂
@dimitrivalentin: I Was Legit Crying y’all!! Can’t wait to help my mother out. She’s done so much for me #AYTO #ILOVEYOU
@CohenBrian_: Meh I’m happy for these crazy kids. #AYTO Also, lololololololololololol Season 5 (aka Derrick)
@KeyanaLand: I TOLD ALL OF YOU SO, SO KISS MY ASS! #ayto
- @ChallengeRewind: @KeyanaLand 🗣🗣🗣 PUCKER UP BEETCHESSSS
@iamkamiam_: OMGGGG congrats #AYTO6 🙌🏽💕 Must be nice 🙃
@tayannx94: Like can we know if @kareem_fathalla & @AliviaHuntxr are a thing .. I mean damn Daniel. #AYTO #AYTO6 congrats though y’all on the win.
@zoeinwonderland: Me and Audrey crying in the background bc we went from poor to moving out of our houses ❤️ #AYTO changing my damn life
@allyyy_5913: @KeyanaLand saved the season yalllll #ayto
@TheRealAnthonyM: Can’t believe we did the impossible 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 #AYTO
@_gelesann: We did the impossible love my #AYTO FAM
@katrinariya1: All ya hoes owe @KeyanaLand an apology from saving you from a blackout and keeping that money $ #ayto
@zoeinwonderland: BIGGEST COMEBACK IN HISTORYYYYY and it feels so good 😭😭❤️ #AYTO
@KeyanaLand: i’ll take my “i’m sorrys” and “thank you’s” in the form of cash.. #ayto
@alyshaissassy: Y'all The real winner was @KeyanaLand on #AYTO
@AliviaHuntxr: Y'all I'm fucking crying this is real
@tylersemicolon: This is my formal apology to Keyana for making fun of her all season I’m sending Michael to bring you flowers #AYTO
- @KeyanaLand: @tylersemicolon i literally hate you
@tessaroseyb: Okay wait, @AliviaHuntxr and Malcom are really cute. #AYTO
@Merryabraha: Yeaaay, now i can see @uchaachi @mrmoxamofficial @AliviaHuntxr and Kareem post cute pictures 😍 #AYTO
@CaraMariaTea2: @AliviaHuntxr looked so good during this ceremony omfg. YAS QUEEN #AYTO
@ItsAll_AboutTee: Congrats to AYTO 6 tho . I'm happy for y'all but still salty about losing .. 😂😘
- @uchaachi: @ItsAll_AboutTee lmfao I LOVE YOU imma take you out for drinks girl 😆😘
- @iamkamiam_: @ItsAll_AboutTee VERY. That’s just my RBF face though 😩
@ayeejaeeee: going live NOW !
@MomOfTwo1408: My mind is blown with #AYTO right now... went from 1 to 1 million real quick.. btw @KeyanaLand I think u deserve so much better than what Michael treats you like.. you saved the house from a blackout a few weeks ago but you don’t hear anyone saying thank you..
@TheRealAnthonyM: GOT THE FULL $1,000,000 BABYYYYYYY!!!!!!! #AYTO
@drxnkx: @KeyanaLand i'm so happy you won, after all this celebrations when are y'all going to thank keyana for those extra 500k
@CaraMariaGang: Now that #Ayto is over @AliviaHuntxr & @_gelesann really need to slide to The Challenge!!!!! @ChallengeMTV @MTV make this happen!
@TheRealAnthonyM: Now reunion time next week 🕺🏻 #AYTO
@reaIitytvs: Reminder that @KeyanaLand saved them from blacking our the second matchup ceremony 😂
@JoanneCarisa: @KeyanaLand saved everyone from a black out where’s her apology from everyone in the house ?
@AliviaHuntxr: Going live in like 30 mins. I'll let the rest of them take it first haha
- @AJFrancis410: @AliviaHuntxr Congrats shorty! I was legitimately shocked
@nadiahamdanii: @KeyanaLand saved them from that blackout just remember that 🙌🏾🙌🏾💰 #Ayto
@lexoquence: Thanks for the 7th grade flipping the camera off preview for the reunion NEXT WEEK! @AREUTHE1 @mtv 🤙🏼
@audreydiazz: I'm legit crying rn, I can't believe we did it!! I love you all so much #ss6 #AYTO
@Irving_A07: I really hope they all give @KeyanaLand an extra 5k for saving them from a blackout #AYTO #AYTO6
@AREUTHE1: WHAT A F*CKING SEASON! NOT OVER THIS. OMGGGGG. WE OUT (until next week). #AYTO (GIF: Kareem - "We Out This M_____F_____."
@keith_klebacher: "@ParkerJames2323: @keith_klebacher deserves a little more money than the rest! Lol don’t know how they pulled it off! #AYTO" RT I charge a 5% commission fee so... #ayto
@NurysKMateo: *plays a milli by lil Wayne* I CANT BELIEVE WE ACTUALLY DID IT 😭 after all the BS, the argument, the heartache... WE DID I‼️🎉💰💰 #AYTO
@keith_klebacher: @lexoquence sorry, I hope you’re share of the million helps a little 😬 #ayto
- @lexoquence: @keith_klebacher U still suck but thanks! & it's"your".. honey...👌🏻
- @lexoquence: @jimmy_guerriero I will buddy boy I will! As much as I would like credit @MTV and or @LightheartedTV for this win, because @keith_klebacher FUCKING SUCKS- Keith did figure it all out. This one goes to him 🍻 #AYTO
@EmoneySunset: We won the money and I'm going to Vietnam!!!
@The_Pauly_V: @EmoneySunset and @tylersemicolon were the funniest guys on the show @zoeinwonderland and @nicole_spiller were the the best girls on the show Yeah, I get how they are perfect matches, and I cheered for them all season, so I’m happy 😂
@carolinamorris: @audreydiazz you and @AliviaHuntxr are my favorite. Always keeping it real
@uchaachi: "@eatthiskuche: A @ItsAll_AboutTee, @iamkamiam_, and @uchaachi link up? Say no more, the edges aren’t ready " RT THIS.
@ChallengeRewind: Thank you @uchaachi, thank you @tylersemicolon. We didn’t deserve your live tweets this season 😭🙌🏽 #AYTO #TurnUpTyler Happy Birthday!
@EmoneySunset: Yo @zoeinwonderland I'm hella mad they cut out our sex scene. #AYTO
- @zoeinwonderland: @EmoneySunset SAME I’m sick of seeing that weak shit in the boom boom room 😒
@lexoquence: Y'all tune into my insta @ lexoquence in about 10 min; I'll be going live WITH BRIDGET! #AYTO @MTV And my perfect match
@00Hitsdiidii: "@infamousAshia: MY BEST FRIEND IS A FUCKING WINNER" RT What we doing with this MILL THOUGHHHHH
@SaulVilla16: Saddest part of #AYTO ending is that I will no longer get to see the most beautiful girl on the show @AliviaHuntxr 💔😭
@uchaachi: gonna go live tomorrow since my whole cast is on live tonight 😅 also all your questions will be answered at the reunion... TRUST. #AYTO
@zoeinwonderland: "@MichaelaOkla: @zoeinwonderland is a match with Ethan because SHE’S FUCKING HILARIOUS TOO she’s not just one of the hottest people ever she’s literally so smart and funny and I need u ppl to start recognizing that thank you" RT ILYSfM
@keith_klebacher: @ayeejaeeee the sit on my face offer still stands, just saying #perfectmatch #ayto
@nicole_spiller: I’d like to give a BIG big thank you to @keith_klebacher for digging our asses out of a very deep hole and killing It with the strategy!! I always trusted ya Keefa ❤️ #AYTO
- @keith_klebacher: @nicole_spiller Thanks baby! Im GOAT #2 behind tom Brady
@lexoquence: T- however many minutes it takes my perfect match to stop pooping til we do live #AYTO @TheRealAnthonyM
@_gelesann: I’m so glad I made the right choice, the match makers definitely knew what they were doing #AYTO #MILLIONDOLLARCHOICE
@00Hitsdiidii: YERRRRRRR Perfect match ALERT🗣
@amazedbykay: I’m baffled that people believe that certain reality tv show schemes are real. What Tea is there to spill if folks had a brain? 😅😂
- @00Hitsdiidii: @amazedbykay Seriously
- @giannahammer: @amazedbykay Can we say this a little louder or ☕️
@amazedbykay: I been told y’all REALITY TV is a INDUSTRY... the ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY. But y’all don’t wanna hear that.
@audreydiazz: This past summer I legit did the unexpected and hands down the most… https://www.instagram.com/p/BcY0WPwnmJTIg1YjTtmweCLhpwnxj9yxiGNrdA0/ …
@MaybachDiamonds: Omg you guys are the ones! 🎊🎉
@blacuesta: Congrats to season 6. Blow the money. YOLO #ayto
@blacuesta: There’s some tea on my TL and I need it to fucking spill RN
@BombshellChels: Best feeling EVER congrats guys!❤️💸🎉 #AYTO
@BombshellChels: But seriously SOMEONE needs to talk to the match makers about these matches 😂 #AYTO
- @HaydenPWeaver: @BombshellChels Out of 63 possible perfect matches, only 1 is dating. Someone’s gotta get fired
- @MikalaThomass: @BombshellChels @NotoriousAJM I can’t remember who was seasons ones first match 😬
- @BombshellChels: @NotoriousAJM @MikalaThomass We are legit only missing 2 girls on this thread lol
- @MikalaThomass: @BombshellChels Sameeeee 🙌🏼
- @BombshellChels: @iamkamiam_ I need a whole new set of match makers before they even think of casting for season 7 😂
@cambruckman: Seriously the most random matches this season! 😂
@iamkamiam_: Only 1 match too and they did it 😳 wow #Ayto good job!
@tylerobrienn: It didn't occur to me that they would make us lose after they demanded we help cover up some things that happened that ultimately would've canceled the show #MeToo #Unjust
- @HaydenPWeaver: @tylerobrienn Thank you for this.
- @JackieOProblems: @tylerobrienn Wait WHAT?
- @CaraMariaGang: @HaydenPWeaver @challengecrazed PLEASE EXPOSE PRODUCTION FOR THE CRAP THEY ARE
- @HaydenPWeaver: @CaraMariaGang They know exactly how I feel about them and it’s got nothing to do with the money
- @HaydenPWeaver: @challengecrazed It’s more about the cover-up attempt that’s more disturbing
@tylerobrienn: First off, congratulations to szn 6 for winning $1,000,000. I hope you invest it wisely & enjoy it. I'm glad you don't have to know what it's like to walk away with any negative energy due to losing.
@iamkamiam_: When you’re the first match of your season >>> #ayto
- @BombshellChels: @iamkamiam_ The best 🙋🏽
@iamkamiam_: I’m having flashbacks! #ayto
@iamkamiam_: Why don’t they look confident #ayto
@ItsAll_AboutTee: "@eatthiskuche: Kam: as soon as I get a chance imma mop the flo with this hoe. Alicia: oh dear why did I sign up for this oh lord save…" RT Bruh y'all childish 😂
@iamkamiam_: @AREUTHE1 I’ll take some too!
@giannahammer: Welp what do ya know another season wins AYTO...... 🙂 #AYTO #ihateyoubutCONGRATS 🎉🎉🎉
@ItsAll_AboutTee: We are the only season that will never ever ever ever experience the feeling of winning .
@HaydenPWeaver: Congrats #AYTO season 6 to winning just in time for tax season
@Ozzymm11: Fuck Y’all. #ayto
@ItsAll_AboutTee: "@ouch: have you ever wanted to ask a question but you didnt because you knew in your heart that you wouldnt be able to handle the answer?" RT Yes . Why did MTV choose season 5 to be the season to lose? 😂🤷🏽♀️
@iamkamiam_: No need for gofundme this time around 😂😂 right @ItsAll_AboutTee #ayto ?
- @ItsAll_AboutTee: @iamkamiam_ Lol facts 😂😂
@giannahammer: Season 5 still goes down in history as lossssers but whateva 🙄😘 bring on season 7
- @realitytvstars_: @giannahammer Y’all were robbed. These dumbass matchmakers
@reaIitytvs: what I want for season 32: @ItsAll_AboutTee to go on so her @iamkamiam_ and @BritniNicol can be an alliance 💞
@carooduartee: Well that was hard to watch 😅 #stillsalty #ayto
@uchaachi: "@kristennsimonee: Me knowing that @uchaachi & @tylersemicolon are going to be spilling all the tea while tweeting during the reunion 👏🏼 #AYTO " RT you already know 😏
@uchaachi: "@ObeyShawna: So do we have to wait until the reunion to find out who’s dating who from season 7? 🤔 @AREUTHE1 @TerrenceJ @zoeinwonderland @uchaachi @tylersemicolon @EmoneySunset @lexoquence @kareem_fathalla @AliviaHuntxr @audreydiazz @nicole_spiller @NurysKMateo …" RT all your dating questions will be answered on the reunion!
@Mackemdrummer: I still can’t believe we won 🙏🏾🙏🏾#AYTOFinale
@MTVjennifer: bro a commercial?! foreeeaaalll😒 #AYTO
@MTVjennifer: dear @AREUTHE1 season 6...i feel like you were all touched by an angel this match-up. congrats guys! i don’t know how thaaaa fuck ya did it, but congrats😂👏🏼🎉🍾 #AYTO
@BombshellChels: "@uchaachi: Dimitri’s motivational speech: we’re either going to win or we’re going to lose........." RT He’s clearly watched every season of #AYTO ever
@RedSoxNation52: .@audreydiazz @_gelesann @lexoquence @AliviaHuntxr @zoeinwonderland @nicole_spiller - Wedensday's wont be the same without y'all on #AYTO - hopefully some of y'all do challenges or other shows in the near future! Congratulations on winning this season. Great upset win!
@BrianSmithNB: They may have made a great comeback, but there’s only one best comeback ever @MTVDevinWalker @BritniNicol @MTV_AMANDAG @MTV_NellyT #AYTO
@NurysKMateo: I think I found my perfect match... oh hey there Dimitri 👋🏾😏 #AYTO #PM
@Kay_Millz10: Is this show rigged? Maybe. Are these matches gonna last? Probably not. Will I be watching if there's another season? Absolutely. #AYTO
@tylerobrienn: I'm not done
@dc408dxnow: Well. One more try. Off we go… #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: The vibe in Bourbon Street: amazing and incredible as always. In the #AYTO house: it's much different & thinking about taking their leave. But anything can happen as we have seen in the past.
@dc408dxnow: Last challenge: they'll be choosing different people to go into the #TruthBooth. And here, deal breakers as they answer questions with spots on the date available.
@dc408dxnow: Keyana takes out four people in that 1st question. And Dimitri takes out three.
@dc408dxnow: 2nd question: all except Malcolm & Joe get question wrong. Just those two will face off for Keyana. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Dimitri & Jada. Keyana & Malcolm. Weak dates for the crew. But we have seen some odd #perfectmatch pairs over the years here, so don't be surprised if they get a match here by just randomness of the matchmakers. #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: The last three final challenges in #ayto have been up to clear chance which is straight whack
@dc408dxnow: The date… what else? A ride on an air boat in the Mississippi. The house has in essence a toss-up to see if they begin tonight's matchup with two beams. And no cast has gotten just one going into the last light session tonight. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: .@dimitrivalentin & @ayeejaeeee are the last to go in the #TruthBooth. And this is the earliest we've had this go down here at :20 past. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: We had a #PerfectMatch who went onto a Rivals. Now we have those who don't see eye to eye go in here.
@dc408dxnow: And a ninth No Match of this season in the #TruthBooth. No cast has achieved that in an #AYTO season before, but now comes the strategy talk to perhaps salvage $1 million and underdog status.
@dc408dxnow: Keith once again taking the strategy wheel along with Jada. This is his second chance at this & if he succeeds, he becomes a hero. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: They're engaging in all of this talk on the next to last night of this whole experience trying to scrap their way to the cash. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Keith now talking to Zoe as Alexis is with Mike. And now the heartthrob and the WV girl are making out.
@dc408dxnow: And Michael and Alexis are kissing, and Keith catches them having some drinks together and that has led Keith to possibly lose his mind. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Keith takes her hat and now he's planning some warfare. And there goes the teddy bear into the fire pit and she is about to go off too. Now it's revenge. #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: Wait Keith threw Bridget in the fire damn! #ayto
@dc408dxnow: Well, one hookup has left this house divided. But this will be all moot if they get to 11 in less than 30 minutes.
@dc408dxnow: Last matchup. Girls pick. They're all anxious for a comeback to rival what we had two years ago or a deserved final result like they've been having all autumn long. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Geles is the first to pick here. And she is freaking out knowing how important this is, and she goes with Clinton. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Audrey next up and picks Shad. Zoe picks Ethan. Alexis opens up to Terrence about what happened to her & Michael last night and Bridget going down. And she picks Anthony. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: She didn't go with strategy and went with the random pick of picking someone who has the same first letter in the alphabet. That could be the difference. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Keyana sticks with Michael who has been with five girls all season long including just a bit ago here. And he apologizes for what he did to her and she accepts this before this all ends. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Nurys picks Dimitri. Another random pick, as Alivia picks Malcolm. And Uche picks Joe. And Jada is with Keith, which were the ones who put this plan together.
@dc408dxnow: Keith is feeling speechless. Terrence says this will be a monumental comeback: but when Devin & co. won, it was 8 lights to paradise - that's the record jump. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: Now comes the hardest part since Season 2: the last matchup. The last lights to be lit. And money & confetti if they get to this place. #AYTO
@dc408dxnow: And my next own tweets will be if the dream dies or if the spirit of resiliency this region has had will be blessed on this group.
@dc408dxnow: Somehow… Someway… They find a way to prove anything is possible. They are in ELEVENTH HEAVEN. $1,000,000. #AYTO
@CSUGradAkirk: My heart was racing then never been so nervous for a reality show #ayto
@dc408dxnow: Of course tonight, the cast came in w/ 1 Truth Booth match and no bigger than five beams in the matchup. But the unique thing about this show: it can end at any time with all the lights being lit. That's exactly what went down here tonight. So, history repeats itself. But in a good way at least.
@CSUGradAkirk: this might be a hot take but I think #AYTO6 might be my third favorite of the six behind season 1 being on top and season 4 in second
@IamAdamKuhn: Congrats to Season 6 of #AYTO on the win. Now don’t blow all your earnings in the first year.
@MTVDevinWalker: And on a night that should be about @AREUTHE1 Szn6 all I can think is that this officially solidifies #aytoszn5 as the dumbest group of moderately attractive 20 somethings ever to be on @MTV ... Cheers to being the best at something Szn5 🍻🕺🏻#woat (worst of all time) 🤗
- @ZAKLONGO: @MTVDevinWalker Never give up... unless you’re on szn 5🤷🏻♂️
- @mikehalpern92: @MTVDevinWalker Unbelievable, people know what went down yet they perpetuate this bullshit.
- @tylerobrienn: @MTVDevinWalker Quit acting like you don't know the real story.. & as I recall you guys were allowed to use objects & had one less couple, no? Fuck outta here
@carooduartee: The truth defends itself
@AREUTHE1: This reunion has gotta come faster! 🆘
@TheRealAnthonyM: Mood 😏
@deja9499: ARE YOU THE ONE SEASON 6 HANDS DOWN THE BEST AND HOTTEST CAST 😍 @AREUTHE1 @00Hitsdiidii @kareem_fathalla @TheRealAnthonyM @_gelesann @audreydiazz @AliviaHuntxr @lexoquence
@Crystalls13: Imagine how different season 6 of AYTO would have been if they sent @KeyanaLand and Michael in the truth booth week 1 or 2 They could have been in the honeymoon suite for 8 weeks and Michael wouldn’t have caused so much drama in the house because he was banging everyone.
@MikeVandenHvl: @KeyanaLand is the #1 girl in the house for how she acted all season 🤷🏼♂️loyal even after he didn’t deserve it, stayed out of drama, didn’t get overly jealous when her guy was literally the biggest hoe in the house 🙃 stay real queen
@BigTymers228: Congratulations To The AYTO Season 6 Cast @audreydiazz @NurysKMateo @_gelesann @ayeejaeeee @00Hitsdiidii @michaeldean2_0 @keith_klebacher @zoeinwonderland @KeyanaLand On Winning The 1 Million Dollars & Winning AYTO It Has Been A Real Blessing Meeting These Awesome People
@kareem_fathalla: Just rewatched the ending of the finale again. What a freaking feeling! 😩🙏🏽
@kareem_fathalla: Side note: I decided to be a man and actually train legs yesterday.. and I think I’ll be needing a life alert necklace for next few days 😰 #cantwalk
@Mackemdrummer: I feel so blessed 🙏🏾
@StinciBeOnIt: I’ve been checking Twitter for the #ayto6 cast apology to @KeyanaLand for saving y’all from a black out. Y’all made her seem crazy. #ayto #keyanadeservesanapology #thisseasonhadmeSTRESSED
@EmoneySunset: I'm gonna miss being in your living rooms every Wednesday night. We made amazing memories together.
@00Hitsdiidii: Thank you to everyone that congratulated me, love you all & appreciate it❤️
@GusSmyrnios: I wake up every morning and thank God that I was cut from Are you the one season 5's cast on the final casting call, lord knows I would have got in trouble in that house 😂 plus no prize money 😅 #ayto #allinGodstiming #spilledbeans
- @mikehalpern92: @GusSmyrnios People may know you as Gus from floribama shore, but you’ll always be the fake ex from ayto5 to me.
@thepoetsaint: Yo! Shout out to #AYTO Season 6 for having the biggest comeback in reality TV history! Congrats on getting that W! 🍾🎉🎊Make sure you tune in to our aftershow next week on @afterbuzztv where we will discuss the first half of the reunion w/ @_abbyvega & @asafgoren1!
@thepoetsaint: When your co-hosts and guests looked like they stepped out of a American Apparel catalog. Special thanks to @KeyanaLand @zoeinwonderland & Shad for being our guests on the #AYTO season finale aftershow on @afterbuzztv. Also shout out to our extra special guest Hennessy 🐶
@JayGMTV: Did the #ayto cast really@pull that off. Dayummmm
@mikehalpern92: Watching them celebrate the eleventh beam yesterday like... #ayto https://www.instagram.com/p/BcaT3MIHeC4/
@keith_klebacher: It started as a joke but have I now earned the right to be called King Keefa?
@NurysKMateo: I think I found my perfect match...😱 honestly I never thought… https://www.instagram.com/p/BcaeTzYFFwf3WN453fyh2cvVrZ_A52lwqs9KWM0/ …
@whaattaafoxx: It's crazy to think that when I'm 80 I'll look back and know that one of my favorite memories and best summer's was filming AYTO & making new friends... no family.. #ForeverGrateful
@CCHDuff: Still need more @AREUTHE1 after last night's finale? I chatted with some of the cast about what went on behind the scenes — and @ayeejaeeee and @Mackemdrummer hinted there was even more drama yet to come —> http://bit.ly/2BK1vtA
@tylersemicolon: If this isn’t your fav moment we need to talk #AYTO
- @lexoquence: @tylersemicolon I would take him up on that offer tyler... it's a matter of time before god strikes u dead since geles and Anthony weren't a match... #IPUTMYLIFEONIT
- @tylersemicolon: @lexoquence Alexis don’t make me burn Bridget again
- @lexoquence: @tylersemicolon Bridget doesn't come near boys any longer.... sorry she's a lesbian now
- @keith_klebacher: @tylersemicolon My favorite moment was when we all got a million dollars...
- @tylersemicolon: @keith_klebacher Close second
- @EmoneySunset: @tylersemicolon The fact that this couldn't even get me laid on the show means I was hopeless from the start.
@TerrenceJ: 🙏🏽 RT @toriannwaka01: After watching season after season, @TerrenceJ is the change the @AREUTHE1 needed for S6 to win that $1 million dollars. Telling the contestants straight & pushing them when they needed it most. That was a stressful final match up. #ayto6
@lexoquence: I AM WATCHING @EmoneySunset ON WILDIN OUT RIGHT NOW OMG!!!!
@MarieeTBD: Congrats @AREUTHE1 fam! Loved you all. Now..... who’s dating who!?
- @JustJem24: @MarieeTBD I actually hate all of you except Alexis. But still curious about the answer to this question
@EmoneySunset: Never associate somebody's maliciousness with their skin color, political beliefs, or religion. They're just assholes.
@MaybachDiamonds: If any Ayto’s need advice on how to blow it all on cocaine and gambling lemme know
@AREUTHE1: When you remember that you have to wait until WEDNESDAY for the #AYTO Reunion Part 1 🙄
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In my Season 5 Finale Pulse, I was left saying "Just unbelievable" after the last cast tweets. For this one it's the same thing, but also with a sense of the impossible... and they just did. And if Terrence J.'s word during VMA weekend that "It's gonna be the craziest season of Are You The One? ever," Season 6 indeed takes the cake. More to come tomorrow on the AYTO Season 6 finale WRAP.
Back in September, DCBLOG reached a significant milestone: 500 posts during this site's five years of operation, and last weekend came another one: an unprecedented 200 posts for a single year, with roughly one month left in 2017. To take cricket terminology, this double century smashes, by a mile, the 140 articles that was posted on this site last year, and the 103 that I did back in 2014 - the site's first full year of operation. This year for me has been a banner and rewarding one around here.
You can attribute that number to us having enjoyed two seasons each of The Challenge and Are You The One? airing this year, but also spinoffs of both series and two other new shows -- Stranded with a Million Dollars and Floribama Shore -- all of which given our wall-to-wall coverage here. But along the way with our weekly Pulse diaries and WRAP recaps, there's also the many dedicated ExtraTime stories that's been posted here along with occasional Forum posts and other things.
The quality of the body of work is one thing that's more important than bringing eyeballs to the site despite making all efforts by just yours truly of driving fans and readers like you to my baby here -- all of which I'm proud of and consider this to be the gold standard. But sometimes, it's the reaction I get from those I've featured on this site that means so much more and something that drives me to bring you the outstanding coverage you expect. We'd thought about sharing with you one of those.
One of our most popular posts this year was one that was posted three months ago: an ExtraTime feature on one of The Challenge's biggest fans, Andres Rodriguez, and his group of friends in his hometown of Secaucus, New Jersey as they took part in several seasons of their homemade creation, The Caucus Challenge. They took their love of watching the fifth major pro sport, and turned their take on the show into the biggest happening in their neighborhood.
Just recently while down in Florida attending to his first year in college outside of where he spent his childhood and adolescence, Andres posted a video on his YouTube vlog offering a look at his greatest creation and offering. When I watched that video on a lunch break, I began to understand more the impact my site and these posts has had on fans who not enjoy what I do but also find those interesting people touched by this common love of MTV reality TV. Check out that video below.
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Unlike the last time AYTO went down to a win or go home week and like the one that took place two years ago, there's a lot more TO a momentous night in the Big Easy, and the WRAP will have it all covered for you here as we'll devote our entire recap to the stretch run in New Orleans coming your way tomorrow, with plenty of historical overtones. We're sure that the Season 6 kids have made a strong case for being rewarded with some of our year-end awards later this month.
While we try to catch our breath after this incredible comeback, as announced in our FORUM Special on The Challenge XXX Finale Reunion on Friday, DCBLOG is inviting you, the fans, to have a voice in our year-end Reality Debrief in two weeks. If you got questions on AYTO, The Challenge, Survivor, Big Brother or other shows for me and pen pal Andrew Kirk to answer, send them to @DC408Dxtr or @CSUGradAKirk on Twitter and include the hashtag #AskDCBLOG in your posts. Questions via DM are also welcome as is plain old email to dc408dxtr@icloud.com. We hope you'll bring us some good questions as the time to look back has arrived.
All that's left for us here is to say, That's all for now here... see you tomorrow as we continue our look Inside the MTV Trifecta. Stay warm, and have a great week ahead.
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