Thursday, December 28, 2017

MTV Trifecta: Countdown to The Challenge - Vendettas

BY DC CUEVA                     
■ @DC408Dxtr  TW / IG / YT

Hi, hello, what's up, and welcome to the final 100 hours of 2017, as we prepare to enter year six of DCBLOG's never-ending journey Inside the MTV Trifecta. We hope you've been enjoying this Christmas break with all of the warmth, magic and excitement that comes with the holiday season and looking back on the year that was. As a record year for DCBLOG comes to a close with plenty of posts to come your way in the next few days, 2018 is now 4 days away. And we're ready to again tackle the daunting task of bringing you our signature coverage of our strongest passion in TV's most unique, dynamic, fascinating and exciting reality ecosystem of the MTV Trifecta.
   This year began with Season 5 of Are You The One?, where the shocking end result there saw the first time that a cast has left without the money, and ended just over a week ago with Season 6 and a furious, record-setting comeback. In between, we had two regular seasons of The Challenge that saw controversy, drama and competition all intersect, plus two new Challenge spinoffs which have seen Pros and Stars take on the Champs. Also, we've had drama on an island, down under, and by the Shore, and we have devoted well over 200 posts this year to MTV coverage... a record outfit combining the large quantity of covering all of these shows with the high-quality, best-in-class content you expect from this site.

Now, as we continue to enjoy Champs vs. Stars and Floribama Shore - for which our look at this week's episodes comes up tomorrow, the main event of this winter is fast approaching just a month after the finale of XXX: Dirty 30, and that would be Season 31 of The Challenge. Of course, we'll be covering that and the shows of the Trifecta wall-to-wall from every angle and every step of the way from this preseason preview right on through to the last act, both on-air and outside the episodes too. Also during this cycle, we'll also have a new American take on a popular MTV UK series that's meshed together the love of AYTO and the first twist Real World season of Explosion and given it a unique new brand of reality TV. Plus, there's a new show whose first glimpse came when they faced the Champs on Fear Factor and will soon take the spotlight themselves, among other things too.
   Of course, our principal focus is on "fifth major pro sport" and after what we saw on that long season we had this past summer and fall, and if what we saw there is proof of why you and I enjoy this show, then we shall expect the same thing for Season 31, Vendettas. MTV is bringing together some of the MTV Trifecta's most dynamic characters to the continent of Europe, and for the first time ever, The Challenge is looking beyond the boundaries of the shows we cover on that, Are You The One? and Real World to bring castmates from outside the MTV U.S. system to join the fan favorites. And just as it was on Dirty 30, they will do what they can to win at any cost, compete against one another in the kind of crazy, extreme and daring competitions we've come to expect from this show, along with all the love, politics and drama that makes this show so great.
   And the thing that brings the 28 competitors of this season all together are something that they have been holding in for some time that it takes for a new theme and format for all of this to finally play itself out not in social media, but on the place where it matters most: the playing field and the house they will call home this winter. And that offers the definition of the word that flat out means, "a prolonged bitter quarrel with or campaign against someone."

The Challenge: Vendettas is the twenty-third MTV Trifecta season that we have dedicated full blog coverage to on here, and coming up in the first of our two-part preseason preview, we'll offer you a look at what this season is all about, and a look at people who were chosen to take on this big season that awaits us. And this is just the beginning: later this weekend, we'll have our usual introduction to this season's crop of Challenge newbies, plus Andrew Kirk and I will discuss this new season as part of our two-part Reality Debrief that commences tomorrow.
   So, get yourself warmed up, put on your Under Armour uniform and Join In with us after the jump as DCBLOG kicks off the 2018 MTV Trifecta year, with our Countdown to The Challenge - Vendettas, coming up after the jump. See you there.

 #DCSocialPulse EXTRA 
(Advisory: contains adult language, please read with discretion)

First, there's no better way to begin our preview than with offering our exclusive look at the Trifecta and the on-air action as seen from social land. DC SocialPulse is the place offering all the action, reaction and interaction from cast, alumni and fans from the episodes and the buzz surrounding them, and we'll kick off our posts each weekend with 'Pulse diaries such as the one below. A vital element to our MTV coverage, this is our public service to you the fans, giving both the hardcore fans who watched it live the chance to experience it again, and those who rely on streaming services for their entertainment who sometimes have to wait for those shows to be posted on there, and then catches up on these diaries after you watch the episodes for the first time later on.
   Powered by the platform that is Twitter, here's how the buzz began back earlier this month, just days after the Dirty 30 Reunion Finale. And after the Pulse Extra, an introduction to this season's competitors and a look at what to expect in Europe.

SEASON REVEALED: December 5th 
@ChallengeMTV: Special delivery from @MarieeTBD! Tune into #ChampsVsStars TONIGHT at 10/9c to see a sneak peek of next season's @ChallengeMTV! 😱 #TheChallenge31
- @shannanity: @ChallengeMTV The Trailer for Challenge 31 airs tonight during Champs Vs Stars at 10pm
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV  Ohhhhh shhhh!!!! 🙌🙌
- @AceNichols33: @ChallengeMTV WHAT?!
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV  TUNE IN TONIGHT FOR A SNEAK PEEK OF NEXT SEASON!! #Challenge31
- @MarieeTBD: @ChallengeMTV Guess this one didn’t make the cut... LOL
- @ChallengeMTV: @MarieeTBD "The sh*t they didn't show" 😂
- @ChallengeMTV: @MarieeTBD  "The Sh*t They Should Have Shown." 😂 #TheChallenge31
- @JustJem24: @MarieeTBD This is my nightmare. I can barely handle ONE of you 😘
- @MarieeTBD: @JustJem24 Haha literally or na?
@JustJem24: So... There will be a sneak peak of #TheChallenge31 tonight on during @ChallengeMTV’s Champs vs. Stars.
@Rogan_OConnor: IT’S HERE! Sneak peek of @ChallengeMTV’s next season is on-air tonight at 10/9c during Champs vs. Stars! Watch with me on @MTV! #TheChallenge31
@JustJem24: "@Charlot22378: @JustJem24 @ChallengeMTV Are YOU on season 31???" RT I guess you’re gonna have to watch the trailer and see my girl 🙂🙃
@BradFiorenza: Sneak Peak of #TheChallenge31 TONIGHT on MTV during @ChallengeMTV’s Champs vs. Stars at 10/9c! DO NOT MISS THIS!!
@SylviaMTV: It's TRUE special sneak peak of The Challenge Season 31 tonight during Champs vs Stars!! #TheChallenge31
@BritniNicol: Sneak Peek of #TheChallenge31 TONIGHT on MTV during @ChallengeMTV’s Champs vs. Stars at 10/9c! DO NOT MISS THIS!
- @realitytvstars_: @BritniNicol Yesss can’t wait for single Britni next season! #AYTO3PopOffQueenkelsey 🎄
@MarieeTBD: Tj hates quitters... but perhaps I’m the exception to the rule. Tune in tonight for @ChampsVsStars to see a sneak peak of the new season of @ChallengeMTV @tjlavin #thechallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Have you heard? We’ve got a sneak peek at the next season of @ChallengeMTV! What do you think next season is? 🤔 Tune in at 10/9c to find out what it is! #TheChallenge31
- @CohenBrian_: @ChallengeMTV We’re doing this ALREADY?!?! Have they even announced the winners of season 30 yet?
- @BunimMurray: @ChallengeMTV We love #sneakpeeks! Don't miss @ChallengeMTV Champs vs. Stars #TONIGHT @ 10/9c on @MTV!
@joss_mooney: IT’S HERE! Sneak peek of @ChallengeMTV’s next season is on-air tonight at 10/9c during Champs vs. Stars! Watch with me on @MTV! #TheChallenge31 👀
- @HollyGShore: @joss_mooney @ChallengeMTV @MTV Ooooo record it for me I wanna see 🙊
@MTVDevinWalker: Tonight's the night #letsgo
- @KyleCGShore: @MTVDevinWalker @MTVDevinWalker absolutely incredible.......LETS GOOOOOOOOO! 🙌🏽
@CSUGradAkirk: I'm excited for season 31 of the challenge I am but we just ended season 30 and we're on ep 3 of champs vs stars
@CaraMariaMTV: Special extra surprise @Challengemtv news being announced TONIGHT during Champs vs. Stars! Watch @MTV at 10/9c  🍩😜
@n_zanattaMTV: Everyone is in the loop but me..🤗sorry I’m the last to know... IT’S HERE! Sneak peek of @ChallengeMTV’s next season is on-air tonight at 10/9c during Champs vs. Stars! Watch with me on @MTV! #TheChallenge31
@ChallengeMTV: .@MTVDevinWalker has BREAKING NEWS! You can watch a sneak peek of the next season of @ChallengeMTV TONIGHT at 10/9c during Champs vs. Stars! LET'S GO! 🙌 #TheChallenge31
- @MTVDevinWalker: @ChallengeMTV Let's gooooo
@KyleCGShore: ITS ON!!!! Sneak preview of @ChallengeMTV at 9/10 in the USA tonight during CHAMP vs STARS @MTV #Challenge31
- @ZNichols15: @KyleCGShore Who’s this guy?
- @KyleCGShore: @ZNichols15 "ZACH HELP ME" I Fucking love you Bro @ZNichols15 😂❤️🇺🇸
@SylviaMTV: Annnnd we're here! @ChallengeMTV
@MTVBananas: Going LIVE on Instagram in 5 mins, prior to Champs VS Stars with some BIG announcements! Head over now Insta: @RealjohnnyBananas #ChampsVsStars @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: 1 HOUR UNTIL THE SNEAK PEEK! What do you think our big announcement is?! Tune in to #ChampsVsStars at 10/9c to find out! #TheChallenge31@CaraMariaMTV
@JustJem24: "@aydeejay11: I saw my girl @JustJem24 so I know it’s gon be lit! #TheChallenge31 #Vendettas" RT Ayeeeee 🤗
@aprettybpgemini: So excited! This is gonna be one hell of a season! #MTVTheChallenge #epicseason #myguiltypleasure Love me some @MTVBananas & of course @tjlavin - especially the #trivia #challenges
@NataliaNegrotti: IT’S HERE! Sneak peek of @ChallengeMTV’s next season is on-air tonight at 10/9c during Champs vs. Stars! Watch with me on @MTV! #TheChallenge31
@ChallengeMTV: "@kardashiansvibe: sneak peek of #TheChallenge31 during #ChampsVsStars ?! feels like christmas already" RT You're welcome
@MTV_NellyT: TONIGHT! We’re giving you a sneak peek of the next season of The Challenge!! Tune in at 10/9c to @ChallengeMTV’s Champs vs. Stars to see it! #TheChallenge31
@ChallengeMTV: Who is this? Find out in the sneak peek of next season’s @ChallengeMTV coming up SOON during Champs vs. Stars! Watch now! #TheChallenge31
@ChallengeMTV: New Challenge, who dis? Find out during our sneak peek during Champs vs. Stars! Watch on @MTV NOW!! #TheChallenge31
@EW: MTV's The Challenge: Vendettas cast to feature a bunch of new players
@DaamnJoe: The Challenge Vendettas trailer 😱😱😱 @ChallengeMTV @MTV  #ChampsVsStars
@danalynne18: The Challenge Vendettas??!!! Okay January 2nd needs to hurry up! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge31
@__lyssajo: the new season of @ChallengeMTV looks sooo good omg i cant wait #TheChallengeVendettas
@RyanMichelle418: That commercial though! The Challenge: Vendetta 🔥🔥🔥#ChampsVsStars

@ChallengeMTV: Burn. It. Down. 🔥 The Challenge: Vendettas premieres Tuesday, January 2 on @MTV! #TheChallengeVendettas
- @MTVBananas: @ChallengeMTV 👀
- @n_zanattaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Not ready for this...way to soon! Oh well 🤣
- @HaydenPWeaver: @ChallengeMTV The best thing I saw was BRAD THE SAN DIEGO OG IS BACK
- @MarieeTBD: @ChallengeMTV Peep that footwork at 1:12 though. @AneesaMTV
- @MarieeTBD: @ChallengeMTV Next season will go down in @ChallengeMTV history. Instant classic; mark my words. We are SO back January 2 🔥 @mtv #TheChallengeVendettas
- @AliviaHuntxr: @ChallengeMTV Is it bad that I watched this and wished I was a part of it
- @giannahammer: @ChallengeMTV Yesssssss look at you @iamkamiam_ 😍😍😍😍😍🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
- @dimitrivalentin: @ChallengeMTV This trailer really has me hyped!! Waiting for that phone call like.. 💪🏽💪🏽
@mtvrrdarrell: Vendettas looks 🔥 @ChallengeMTV #VENDETTAS
@Aziza_Red: I’m screaming so loud!!!! I just saw my baby @iamkamiam_ for the new @ChallengeMTV season yasssss #TeamKam #GirlPower
@TwilaAmoure: Hold up...did I just see @iamkamiam_  in the trailer for the next Challenge!!?? IT'S ABOUT TIME!!! #teamkam
@a_fonsecaaa: @iamkamiam_ ON THE NEXT CHALLENGE YES QUEEN
@Steven_Plummer2: Great clip of next seasons Challenge season: Vendettas! #ChampsVsStars
@Steven_Plummer2: The best part of The Challenge: Vendettas season is that there will be no Camila at all on there! #ChampsVsStars
@MarieeTBD: "@lilshow1322: @ChallengeMTV @MarieeTBD Will you be sunburnt, chain-smoking and consuming too much alcohol while performing terribly as you did on the last challenge?" RT Same script, different cast lilshow 🍻
- @ChallengeMTV: @MTV It was @MarieeTBD, ya'll! See you on #TheChallengeVendettas!!! 😘
@danceonfordays: The new season of @ChallengeMTV , are you kidding me?? I'm gonna need January to get here like yesterday 🔥🔥🙌🏻 #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: She's back! See you on #TheChallengeVendettas, @CaraMariaMTV!! 😘
@cohuttalee: Love seeing ole @BradFiorenza back !! And with a beard like a damned Viking. #TheChallenge
@n_zanattaMTV: "@kashh_xoo: Sooo fucking pumped for #ChallengeVendetta ! @n_zanattaMTV is finally back 🤙🏻💯" RT Hahah let’s go lol
@kailah_casillas: @jackodanovich: @kailah_casillas When will the new cast list for Vendettas be released?" RT
@BritniNicol: YAAASSSS
@AneesaMTV: I see you @MarieeTBD #VENDETTAS
- @AneesaMTV: @MarieeTBD I do what I can 🤷🏽♀️
@MTV_AMANDAG: Omgggg I cannot wait to watch #TheChallengeVendettas!!!!! My babies better kill it!!!!!!❤️ YASSSS!
@DannyWascou: ven·det·tas (noun)  • Prolonged bitter quarrels with or campaigns against someone.   • The amazing next season of The Challenge.   #TheChallengeVendettas January 2, 2018
@iamkamiam_: "@eatthiskuche: @iamkamiam_ SISTER KAM CAN FINALLY STOP FRONTING ON HER IG LIVES. “what tea? Who is Leroy? I’ve been here the whole time.” " RT MANNNN 😭
@KatieC_412: Absolutely love the challenge and they’re already back with season 31 .. crying 😭🙏🏼
@kailah_casillas: Just so you know, she fucked with the wrong person 🤭😈
- @_ayiiia: @kailah_casillas I'll fuck all the right people and own up to it 🍆
@kailah_casillas: "@feistyfrank: .@MarieeTBD saying "You trust that bitch?" in this trailer is iconic. #TheChallenge31” RT Ain’t never trust a hoe 🤭🤭🤭
- @n_zanattaMTV: @kailah_casillas Kailah!!!!!!!!! Ughhh I’m going to vomit!🤢 this is going to be a long season
- @kailah_casillas: @n_zanattaMTV Lol NICOLE! You crazy ass, that’s all your fault 😏😉🤫😘
- @MarieeTBD: @kailah_casillas Haha I literally hummed “these hoes ain’t loyal” when I saw this
@v_cakes: @MTV_NellyT Except it is #TheChallenge31
- @MTV_NellyT: @MTV_NellyT Thank you @v_cakes 😀😬
@shboogies: Get on the winning team. 👑🙌❤️ @kailah_casillas #TheChallengeVendettas
@MTV_NellyT: #MTV #ChallengeVendettas #Season31
@JawadAhmed_6: Glad Brad is back for the new Challenge ! #ChallengeVendettas
@Itslluna: OMG 😱 #TheChallengeVendetta
@NurysKMateo: Ayyy so happy to see @iamkamiam_ representing #AYTO on the new season of #TheChallengeVendettas Can’t wait to see you fsu 💪🏽
- @iamkamiam_: @NurysKMateo Thanks babe 😘💕!
@CSUGradAkirk: Another reason to hate CM nows she hooking with her ex best friends ex #challengevendettas
@ItsAll_AboutTee: So proud of my bestie , the Queen @iamkamiam_ for being on this new and upcoming season of the challenge . You deserve everything that's coming your way and I'm so blessed to call you my friend . Win or lose , you're always #1 to me !
- @iamkamiam_: @ItsAll_AboutTee Love you girl! Putting on for APT 😂 and #AYTO5 of course lol 😘💕
@BritniNicol: “@Maloney08K: @BritniNicol Was that you kissing brad in the teaser?!?!?“ RT 😈😈
@BritniNicol: Damn.. some of y’all already pressed about the promo for #TheChallengeVendettas... you guys haven’t seen anything yet😂😂 yall complaining now.. just wait till you see the WHOLE show 😂😂 Thought Dirty 30 was wild?.. just wait😈
@BritniNicol: Going through my planner.. and finding that secret love note dropped by @CaraMariaMTV 😍☺️😘
@BritniNicol: "@ChallengeChatt1: Boom! Season 31 starts 1/2/18. Looks like a lot of fresh faces. Which cast members are you excited about seeing?  For me, it’s: " RT POWER TO THE NAKED!
@tjlavin: Good times coming @mtv challengemtv #mtv #challenge #vendettas
@emilylongeretta: #TheChallenge fans: there's a player NOT on the cast list that DOES appear in the trailer. And he's a fan favorite. Yes, I point it out here #TheChallengeVendettas
@CaraMariaMTV: Ive ***learned***: the shit talker always looks worse than the one they are trying to put down.
@CaraMariaMTV: "@realityobsess: interesting, i remember a certain someone saying none of the guys want to run a final with @CaraMariaMTV  .         @MTVBananas would disagree.  " RT Awww. My rotten @MTVBananas  🐐. We found love in a hopeless place! 🤣
 @JessAndreatta: I don’t watch mtv shows anymore due to being in Brazil butttt I’m happy to see @MTVDevinWalker & @n_zanattaMTV are back onnnn #challenge31 ! I miss you guys 💙 please kill itttttt 💋
- @n_zanattaMTV: @JessAndreatta Love you jess
- @JessAndreatta: @n_zanattaMTV Forever love you babe!
- @n_zanattaMTV: @JessAndreatta Forever is a long time you sure you mean it 🤣😘🤣😘
@tylerobrienn: You all aren't ready for @iamkamiam_
@blacuesta: UHM how fucking hot is my sister wife?! @BritniNicol #Challenge32 #TheChallengeVendettas
@hbarfield13: Wish I could have been on this season Vendetta. Looks like a fun crew! To the fans, the doctors wouldn't release me to compete 😔 #TheChallenge #Season31
@WestonBergmann: I’m so effin pumped that @BradFiorenza is back!! He’s such great TV. And for heavens sake, put the man on #ChampsVSStars!
- @BradFiorenza: @WestonBergmann LOVE & MISS you @WestonBergmann !!!  It's been too long family!!
@kailah_casillas: If at any point during Vendettas you think my makeup looks good.. proceed to @iamkamiam_... it was all her. my live-makeup artist🤭💅🏼💁🏻♀️👯‍♀️😘
@iamkamiam_: If at any point during vendettas you need a doctor, don’t call one because @kailah_casillas will be there 😊😊😊 with nail polish 😭😂
@ToriFiorenza: For the love it’s 2017 can we stop slut shaming girls, and giving guys props...I’m not a fan, not defending,  definitely could have showed more respect, and most importantly my sarcastic tweets will continue...but stop trashing these girls.#TheChallengeVendettas

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In my time following The Challenge going back to when I dived into Battle of the Seasons II back in 2012, we have had just about every conceivable format used: individual, pairs and teams spanning rivalries, exes, playing one on one and those from outside the Trifecta joining in the establishment veterans. This time, this new season will have another new format for which there won't be as much intrigue surrounding it for those outsiders to know about until it airs, and for which it will leave the players guessing about it till the moment they find out about it from the mouth of TJ Lavin.
   Back in October, a special Forum post looked at the first inklings of what would become this season of Vendettas when rumors got out to fans about new cast members joining the show for the first time not only in a trio who felt sour about what went down earlier this month on their original show, but also something that came to a shock to those who have been watching The Challenge for a long time. That would be of new blood from outside the Trifecta conglomerate invading almost like a storm riding in from the Atlantic in those from MTV's international reality series Ex on the Beach and Geordie Shore, and contestants from across the former Viacom way in Big Brother.
   Regardless of whatever show they first appeared on or what has gone on since then, there is something that threads together these people as they travel to where this Challenge will go down in the country of Spain: each and every single member of this cast all have personal vendettas against a particular person on this cast. For this season, just as it was last season on Dirty 30, every player will be competing for themselves and not for their team. And for the first time in the modern Challenge era, there will be only one winner, as they will compete for the final prize that could potentially exceed $500,000 -- if that's the case, he or she will be the all-time single-season prize winner ever.
   The format of this game will be the same as in past seasons with a daily challenge and elimination, but will also tap into both Invasion and the Are You The One? spinoff, Second Chances, for inspiration behind one of this season's twists: the winners of each mission will pocket money for their individual bank accounts, and when players are eliminated one by one, their money will be added into the final prize pot. There, when we reach the final during the springtime, the won who emerges victorious wins that final prize pool along with whatever they had going heading into the start line.
   In another major twist, "Grenades" will be awarded to players who win their elimination round will give them a chance to return the favor and get back at anyone else in the house that they may have a vendetta against. This will range from pulling a Bananas and stealing an entire bank account from another player, forcing others to be shackled together during another mission, or selecting players who can't sleep the night before a challenge. No doubt, this will cause a major shakeup to the action going on, and will surely bring the level of deception, doubt and drama to new heights inside.
   These are two twists to this game that promises to keep everyone on their seats because you never know what might happen next, and this may be just the beginning with other twists TJ and his team might have up their sleeves... so as they say, stay tuned.


For this winter's competitors, all of them have vendettas with at least one person on this cast: whether it's a rivalry, a betrayal that took place in a love triangle, or a love square that took place overseas that those in America have no idea about... it runs the full gamut. As it was for Dirty 30, this should be a cast that should satisfy everyone: big names that Challenge fans have grown up with have and are used to, newcomers to the show getting their feet wet in the Spanish sand, and those new to the MTV world who are ready for their closeup.
   Below are the cast with their names linked to social media handles where available, and we've added emojis to denote the affiliations of the MTV newcomers... a British flag indicates they're part of the British invasion, while a house signifies Big Brother. Rookies are denoted in blue, finalists are in red, and gold for those who have won a title in the past.

● ALICIA ROOKIE - For Alicia, she not only enters her first Challenge, she also does so with not only one but two vendettas who are also rookies, and who all endured ultimate heartbreak on AYTO Season 5. There, Alicia pursued a relationship with Eddie, just after he and Kam emerged from the Truth Booth as a perfect match. That late night fling after the fact did not end well for Alicia, as both that friendship and relationship came crashing down. Now that she's here for the first time, Alicia hopes that her snakey reputation will be be turned around in Challenge land.

● BRAD CHAMP - Eleven seasons and seven years after he won his Challenge title on Cutthroat, Brad returns with his eyes set on adding another jewel to that crown. With a history that dates back to when he got cuffed in San Diego and a fight that cost him an almost inevitable title, this time Brad's eyes are on Tony who he promised on Twitter to send home. This is a test to see whether his past instincts will sent him packing, or will the experience of doing of these and his physical stature will show up to Europe.

● BRITNI - After a good showing as a rookie on Dirty 30, it's no surprise that Britni comes into Vendettas guns a blazing on all cylinders. Now being fully independent after her breakup with AYTO crush Chuck, she's unafraid of being that flirty girl, and perhaps she might have her eyes set on one of the guys here. As for the game, after a poorly executed burn vote on Leroy that led to his Dirty 30 ouster, Brit found herself with a vendetta for herself that she might have to face here. But for now, how will she fare in her second Challenge? Time will tell.

● CARA MARIA CHAMP - Eleven seasons, a Challenge title and winning Champs vs. Pros... all of those make Cara Maria the bettor's favorite for the girls here. But her second place finish on Dirty 30 came at a price in creating some vendettas en route to Argentina: she was blindsided by Kailah which led to words at the reunion, while Marie blasted her on Twitter. With them in the house, the redhead knows she is in for a fight and will hope that her beast mode status will keep her out of eliminations, a place that she has called her second home. But anything can happen for Cara.

● CORY 2x FINALIST - For the newest member of the MTV Trifecta's parents club, Cory has been to two finals but while he's been that ladies man, the competitive side of him hasn't excelled to that ultimate potential we saw on Bloodlines. He is here on this season for a questionable strategy of revealing his cards of declaring a hit list against the veterans last season on Dirty 30. The result: he created a vendettas with the most notorious one in Bananas. They are adoring Times Square in advance of this season, and will this eventually led to a finals showdown? Stay tuned.

● DEVIN FINALIST - For the man they tagged as the "luckiest man on earth" in last season's Awards, Devin has sure made a name for himself with being witty and keeping it real with humor. With his reputation for being that master manipulator and with Wes' help, Big D is turning his focus towards Bananas, but having been in two challenges with him the question will be of whether he's studied his enemy long enough to finally emerge from ginger's shadow to get under his skin and exploit the weaknesses of the champ? Vendettas will afford him the perfect chance to exactly that.

● EDDIE ROOKIE - As noted above, Eddie found himself as part of not only history of the wrong kind on Are You The One? earlier this year, but also that mid winter's night in the Caribbean. First, he and Kam were a Truth Booth match, the next her friend Alicia took him for a treehouse kiss... and a love triangle that saw him gain two vendettas were born. Eddie is anxious to follow Hayden's lead and be the only ones from their cast to win money, and hope to not only have the charm to woo the house but also prove himself as a rookie here.

● JEMMYE FINALIST - For someone who made her return last season on Dirty 30, Jemmye is feeling antsy to finally notch a Challenge crown. In Colombia, she used her political wits to almost make it to the end, most notably causing some drama when she pulled the Double Cross to pit besties Kailah and Jenna in elimination, which ultimately came back to bit her. As we head into Europe, we ask whether she has learned from the mistakes which have made her a villain of sorts or whether she can continue on and finally win.

● JOHNNY BANANAS 6x CHAMP - Johnny Bananas is no doubt the face of this Challenge world, and with the most Challenge titles and prize money you can ask if there's anything left for him to conquer. But after the dirtiest move ever pulled off in taking Sarah's money on Rivals III, one thing has added to his name: the list of vendettas which include Cory, Devin and Nelson. Plus, he also enters this season for the first time in a long while as a single man. So, will he reconcile with them to get to the final? Will his past come back to bite? And what does single Bananas has in store?

● JOSS 🇬🇧 ROOKIE - To the first of our five British imports: Joss is a fitness instructor by day and a model by night from Manchester, England. For the overseas fans who watched the first season of Ex on the Beach in 2014, he had, as wrote, a banging good time being linked to three exes of that first season. His ex Kayleigh also makes the short hop from the Northwest of England to the southernmost point of Spain for Vendettas, and the question is of whether she will be in his way or whether he will hold up against his counterparts from across the pond.

● KAILAH - Since she first made her mark on Invasion, Kailah is certainly one who's no stranger conflict and arrives here with more vendettas than her fellow competitors. As a rookie, she quickly drew the lines of alliances and they targeted her. Last season, she misled Cara Maria into that they were in an alliance, only to send the Bloodlines champ into Redemption and into words on the VMA red carpet and on the reunion. Kailah has certainly burned a lot of bridges thanks to her political game, but will that cause her downfall or will she overcome those to win? We'll find out.

● KAM ROOKIE - If what we saw from her and her outspoken persona on AYTO Season 5 is an indication, then Kam will sure leave her mark and shake things up as a Challenge freshman. Her BFF Alicia stole her match Eddie from under her nose and with them in the house she should no doubt carry on her promise to get revenge. She's also on a mission to not only settle things with them but prove herself and do whatever she can to prove that her castmates are more than just their show's only losing cast... but also follow in Tori's lead and make a deep run perhaps to the money.

● KAYLEIGH 🇬🇧 ROOKIE - To us Americans, Kayleigh is almost unknown, but it's not the case for those in Britain. Hailing from outside Swansea in Wales, she's appeared on Seasons 2 and 5 of Ex on the Beach and on last year's U.K. Celebrity Big Brother - and was booted out of the ladder for getting into a fight. As she makes her U.S. debut, she finds not only her ex Joss in the house, but also something she has in common with Kam: her former best friend Melissa who she hasn't talked to in years. Will her domineering ways come to haunt her or will she make friends and prevail here?

● KYLE 🇬🇧 ROOKIE - The lone representative of the Shore franchise that just made its U.S. return, Kyle from Geordie Shore is preparing to take on his stateside competition while also hoping he wins over the ladies. He comes from the Northwest of England, the heart of the Geordie world in Tyneside, and is no stranger to living in that mad house for five seasons. But his time there led to a Twitter beef with fellow Team MTV'er Rogan. As he prepares for his first American exposure, Kyle hopes his past gets left behind and focus in, or perhaps him being the ladies man could do him in.

● LEROY 2x FINALIST - After what happened that chaotic night a few months ago, you can see why Leroy is everyone's favorite: jokes, grinning and being everyone's friend.  That exactly wasn't the case on Dirty 30 when he was blindsided by Britni's burn vote and then by Veronica afterwards, and he hopes to redeem himself here. RoyLee hopes that those who burned him go by the wayside and he will also have the support help of Bananas and most everyone else as he goes for something he hasn't tasted before: a Challenge title. No one perhaps will be more deserving than him.

● MARIE - At first glance, you'll find Marie as the girl next door from Staten Island who has made us laugh in her time on The Challenge and most especially on her original Real World season in the Virgin Island. But behind that is a competitor who is devious and cunning... take her taking a jab at Cara for example. She's taking a page from Johnny to be ready to rile others up and become a rumor mill for the house. Will Marie use those to use those politics to get her to the end of the game or will those who are her vendettas take advantage of her and try to end her home ASAP?

● MELISSA 🇬🇧 ROOKIE - Former pageant queen Melissa has not had much time where drama hasn't been on her mind. This Liverpool native has been on two seasons of Ex on the Beach (one of whom involved an ex who just left Geordie Shore, Gary "Gaz" Beadle), and has had a fair share of blowups in the house. She arrives in the house having to deal with her frenemy Kayleigh when she hooked up with her former BFF's love interest in that EOTB house, similar to Alicia/Eddie/Kam. Her cheating and devious ways may make her an early target, but hopes her DJ skills will keep this house lit.

● NATALIE 🏠 ROOKIE - To the first of our Big Brother crossovers, and Natalie who we first saw on Season 18 last year and who nearly came away victorious. She's a former NFL cheerleader who knows how to entertain and work her way to the top thanks to event coordinating. On BB18, she got her vendetta Victor evicted from the summer house, only for him to do what Jordan did on Dirty 30 and battle his way back into the game and returned the favor. As they enter these uncharted waters, will revenge be on her mind again, or will it be a different story?

NELSON FINALIST - Last we saw him was getting booted for getting into a fight on Dirty 30... but Nelson is determined to not only avenge that but also prove that some who goes on MTV for love on AYTO can also play with the big boys on The Challenge. On Invasion, he came within seconds of taking down CT in the final, and like Cory, Nelly T. is making it clear that the veterans' time is just about up. He's out to prove that what happened in Thailand was no fluke and follow in what Tori did this year: go from the love house to king of The Challenge house.

NICOLE R. - She may be that small, but don't let that fool you: Nicole R. is like any other competitor: feisty, headstrong and tough as nails. She lost in the second Redemption challenge on Dirty 30 when food was in order and it proved to be her undoing, and she is back for another chance. Nicole also comes here with some vendettas too: when she went around that Colombian house telling them to vote out Team Jailah, they immediately got word about that. Will Kailah return the favor here, or will the master of makeup finally make it all the way to the final?

● NICOLE Z. FINALIST - We first saw Nicole three years ago on Real World Skeletons, and though she's in her second season she's already established herself as one of the strongest girls here in Spain. She made it to the final on Invasion and came out of that season by getting this show's strongest female competitor Laurel to lean the other direction. But along the way she also established a vendetta in former Chicago roomie Sylvia, among others. But that won't stop her from making a run at joining that champions club.

● ROGAN 🇬🇧 ROOKIE - Our last British export is Rogan, who comes to us from Stratford in East London where the 2012 Olympics' main venues were based. He comes here after finding himself in houses full of exes on two seasons of Ex on the Beach, which included not only Kayleigh & Melissa but also a few from Geordie Shore. He's a model who is anxious to take on the vets and prove he won't be one to forget. Yes, Rogan's used to getting his way with the ladies, but will he muscle his way to the end... or will Kyle being here in the abode eventually lead to fireworks?

● SHANE - For Road Rules veteran Shane, he returned to Invasion after many years away and became that season's breakout star. He's doesn't feat being able to stir the pot, and in Thailand he got to bounce around alliances and caught Nicole's ire. With a fiery temper and not as many even-keeled people making their way into the Vendettas house, it will be hard for him to keep his mouth shut, and changes are if what happened in Asia is an indication it will happen again here. For Shane, all he needs to socialize and stay calm if he wants to claim a title for the first time.

● SYLVIA - Earlier this year, Sylvia arrived to her first Challenge and recorded a couple elimination wins on Invasion including taking down Kailah in the first Fortress. However, her game may find itself in jeopardy because of her relationships with those she shared a Real World house with: she gave into the peer pressure of her teammates and voted into elimination Tony, and it also got Nicole riled up. As she enters here a sophomore,

● TONY - As Tony enters his fifth straight Challenge, he's had as tumultuous a relationship with The Challenge as what's been happening outside the cameras. He's found himself in some precarious situations over the years: him and brother Shane getting into fisticuffs on Bloodlines, a kiss that shook his game and personal life on Dirty 30, and juggling being a daddy to two kids. He's hoping that the run that almost got him to the final was no fluke and to earn his first check to bring home... that is if he can steer clear of the Twitter drama he had with Brad going in.

● VERONICA 3x CHAMP - After a long hiatus, Veronica returned this summer on Champs vs. Pros, but it was on Dirty 30 that she reminded us of her original Challenge "bad girl" reputation. She proved why she still has the manipulative skills needed to excel at this game: she exploited a poorly executed burn vote to throw Leroy into elimination last season, which not only got him sent home but also created a vendetta for her to face. Will he have that last laugh, or the devious political game and experience earns Veronica her record-breaking fourth win?

● VICTOR 🏠 ROOKIE - For our last rookie and second Big Brother representative, Victor comes here having gained status of "America's Favorite Player" inside the Big Brother 18 house. As mentioned earlier, when he was evicted last year he won a Redemption-like second chance and got to send home the one who sent him packing, Natalie. He is also charming, too... and will that and his strategic wits defy the odds and bring him to the final, or will that feud he had with her ignite again in Spain and get sent home without another second chance?

● ZACH CHAMP - Lastly, someone described as "unfiltered and unafraid": Zach is looking forward to another shot at another title. He has been dominating competitors since he first emerged five years ago, but has also had to endure hurdles and blunders too -- him finishing 3rd on Free Agents most notable. Thor can often been spotted politicking with Johnny but it's as if he's left behind in all the discussion. His goal is to overcome that and hope that he can power his way through the field en route to the final.

Now, this would be of where we would answer the question a lot of you diehard fans might be asking after reading this post, "Who Are These Newbies?", and to help introduce the first-time competitors to all of you to make sure you don't meet them for the first time on next week's premiere. But just as it was with Invasion, because of the influx of the ten people from four shows in and outside the MTV Trifecta who are new to this show -- and for those new to the show in reintroducing one of those champions above, we'll let you give your eyes some rest after this post and table our usual, expanded look at them for their own post coming up later this New Year's Weekend.
   But after what we got to see on Dirty 30, a lot of us are really anticipating the chance to sort of forget about the bad taste that one of those who won gave us that cast a cloud over that landmark season. Again, we're anticipating a few of these old-schoolers can prove that their absence hasn't hurt them a bit. We're looking forward to what happens next for those who are now the two prominent faces of this show in Bananas and Cara Maria, as with the man being tabbed as the next one can possibly do here and maybe win and secure the future for his new baby daughter. And what can the new British Invasion do in their first time on American airwaves? Or of what those who spent a summer in that SoCal house can fare making that unprecedented former Viacom crossover.
   We here at DCBLOG are all ready, and we hope you are too. Let's get this all started.

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Yesterday, Andrew Kirk (@CSUGradAKirk) got a chance to talk for the first time to fellow fan and blogger Allan Aguirre (@FebreezyFresh) as they discussed this Vendettas season and all things Challenge on the Big Time Reality TV show on Andrew's YouTube channel. Check out that chat from yesterday here, plus check out Allan's site which has previews of all of the competitors on this Challenge season posted there right before the premiere, among other things.
   And Andrew will be joining me here over the New Year's weekend as we will offer our look at the Year in The Challenge on this site's Reality Debrief 2017 year-in-review, plus our Year-End Awards which will be up on New Year's Day before the premiere. Due of some things, I want to apologize to everyone for not getting that up as advertised on Christmas Day, but hope to have that and all of our year-end coverage when we can. We would never want to not deliver on our promise of getting you these important posts, so be patient and we promise to have that up for you as soon as possible.

As for now, our next piece of business is to bring you our look at Tuesday's Champs vs. Stars and this week's Floribama Shore, and that will be up tomorrow. On Saturday, we'll have our Vendettas edition of Who Are These Newbies? as we'll introduce you to the newcomers of this Challenge and look back at Brad's Challenge career. And should it be taken care of now until then, New Year's Eve will be Part 1 of the 2017 Reality Debrief year in review.
   Then comes the task of covering next week's premiere, which DCNOW will live tweet that on my live twitter hub @DC408DxNow, offer polls and chatter @DC408Dxtr and the conversation which you can join in at my own hashtag, #DCChallenge. And after we give all of you the opportunity to watch the episodes live with everyone else on Jan. 2 or later on, rejoin us on the first weekend of the New Year for our all encompassing episode coverage: not only traditional episode recaps but also SocialPulse play-by-play of the premiere and our trademark bits of ExtraTime after the episode coverage focusing on the people and stories of the shows you love.
   So be sure to bookmark this site for all things MTV Trifecta and the high quality coverage you expect from this distinctive fan site. And when you can, help us by tweeting and sharing our links on your favorite social media avenues so more & more of your fellow fans can check out our unique look at the MTV world, and introduce new fans to our highly-acclaimed content that we know they and you will enjoy.

That is our look ahead at The Challenge Vendettas... hope you enjoyed it as we inch our way towards 2018. Until tomorrow, thanks for checking us out and see you then.


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