■ @DC408Dxtr @ TW / IG / YT
As those of you who are working get settled into this work week or for those at home enjoying this holiday break, welcome back again as we take a look back at last week's episodes in the MTV Trifecta before new episodes of Floribama Shore and Champs vs. Stars air tonight, as does Part 2 of the Are You The One? Season 6 Aftermatch on Wednesday. Last week saw yet another bar brawl go down in Florida, but also included more infighting and bonding time with family and, of all people, a parrot. In SoCal, the one who had a stellar 2017 returns to The Challenge stage and pick up right where they left off from the Dirty 30 final. And after they pulled off the comeback of all comebacks in AYTO history, MTV's newest millionaires opened up on what's been happening ever since.
Owing to having devoted last week's WRAP to that miraculous ten-light 10th matchup to win that money in New Orleans, we'll have the first two shows covered here with recaps of the past few episodes coming up. Plus, more on that romance that was revealed on the reunion involving someone who masterminded that comeback and another who was on the losing end earlier this year; and two other family get-togethers. That's all ahead.
● COMING & GOING: First - Week 3 of Champs vs. Stars, where CT and Terrell Owens get engaged in an argument that stemmed from the Hall of Famer's arrogance around the Champs, just after he got in verbal jabs with Cory at the first Arena. It was after this spat that TO decides that he's had enough and before the 3rd challenge it's announced that had quit... good thing TJ Lavin wasn't here to give him the appropriate treatment. But that's not all...
After what happened with Camila in Week 1 and then Jenna's ankle that got her evacuated from not only this Champs vs. Stars season but also from Vendettas, you would think that despite them fully dominating this season that the Champs would be cursed... but then another player drops out. Earlier on, Ashley receives news from back home that her dad had been sent to the hospital after collapsing in his home. After competing in the Week 3 challenge, she receives the devastating word that he had died, and understandably she is overcome in sadness and understandably she leaves to tend to those matters privately.
Also the same week before that week's eliminations, it would appear that the Stars had also had their moment of someone leaving, but it's only a temporary one when Riff Raff bolts out of that Arena but returns before last week's competitions. And with the Champs being decimated by the girls being sent home without being actually eliminated, Tori comes to the rescue almost off of her stellar rookie season on Dirty 30 and being well-rested from the reunion just a short time ago.
● CHAMPS DOMINATE: Even with the team's changing female roster, it's as if the Champs have not been affected in any way, as they have been dominating this game as if they're the 1992 Dream Team and when one of their star players goes down with an injury the rest of the team picks up the slack. Even after Jenna's injury, the Champs dominate the Stars in the Slam Ball challenge like the one you used to see on the soon-to-be defunct Spike channel. Despite having to play one of the players twice due to the player disparity, it's no problem for the group as they win both games, and Zach is once again named MVP for the Champs for a second time.
A few short months after the U.S. men's national team crashed out of World Cup qualifying, soccer is the theme of not only last week's challenge but the one for tomorrow night. But instead of the small ball for the first of two weeks of the world game coming to the fifth pro sport, it's a giant ball like the one we used to play with at P.E. With that 6-feet ball going around all over the place, the match gets heated as the players find themselves battling the ball itself like a car going head-on. The Champs play four up in having the 10-on-6 advantage with not only one more man but also Zach who with his size has surely made the difference. And after scoring three goals in the first half, the team in blue add on five more for an 8-nil whitewash over the Stars.
And in the elimination battles, the Champs come away victorious to now be 7-1 in competition - the only blemish being Cory losing to Matt in the first elimination (more on Cory later). In what's more of a friendly battle than usual forged out of a game of ping pong with Romeo, Wes adds to his elimination legacy winning that one to make it 17 overall wins facing the cut (4 spinoffs and 13 on the regular shows). And for Tori, her being the newcomer and her being voted in again by Aneesa doesn't deter her a single bit in beating Shawn Johnson in the first female elimination this season.
● DIRTY PLAY & PLAYING THE GAME: During that week 3 Challenge, things come up for the Stars when Zach appears to have elbowed Romeo in their game, the bodyguard of the man who will host next year's Ex on the Beach U.S. gets into Zach's face but things don't escalate further. And in last week's game, Matt complains of the same thing of an elbow to the face in the soccer match, and complains about it afterwards given his organized sports experience.
Also last week in leading to that Tori/Shawn arena, the Stars get a dose of what this game is truly all about, even if the true winners in the end are the charities they're playing for. Aneesa & Tori aside, alliances emerge with the Stars, with Josh, Shawn and Kim joining up in feeling that they're the best their team has to offer now post-TO. On the other hand, they look at Justina with some dislike since she's been hanging out with the Champs more often, and she decides to bring Michelle and Ariane under her wing. Both then make their case to Matt to join, and after a 3-3 split down the middle for Shawn and Ariane -- and Riff Raff deciding to just burn his vote for Kim to make things interesting, in the end Matt chooses Shawn. And Wes applauds them for playing this game as it's meant to be.
After what happened with Camila in Week 1 and then Jenna's ankle that got her evacuated from not only this Champs vs. Stars season but also from Vendettas, you would think that despite them fully dominating this season that the Champs would be cursed... but then another player drops out. Earlier on, Ashley receives news from back home that her dad had been sent to the hospital after collapsing in his home. After competing in the Week 3 challenge, she receives the devastating word that he had died, and understandably she is overcome in sadness and understandably she leaves to tend to those matters privately.
Also the same week before that week's eliminations, it would appear that the Stars had also had their moment of someone leaving, but it's only a temporary one when Riff Raff bolts out of that Arena but returns before last week's competitions. And with the Champs being decimated by the girls being sent home without being actually eliminated, Tori comes to the rescue almost off of her stellar rookie season on Dirty 30 and being well-rested from the reunion just a short time ago.
● CHAMPS DOMINATE: Even with the team's changing female roster, it's as if the Champs have not been affected in any way, as they have been dominating this game as if they're the 1992 Dream Team and when one of their star players goes down with an injury the rest of the team picks up the slack. Even after Jenna's injury, the Champs dominate the Stars in the Slam Ball challenge like the one you used to see on the soon-to-be defunct Spike channel. Despite having to play one of the players twice due to the player disparity, it's no problem for the group as they win both games, and Zach is once again named MVP for the Champs for a second time.
A few short months after the U.S. men's national team crashed out of World Cup qualifying, soccer is the theme of not only last week's challenge but the one for tomorrow night. But instead of the small ball for the first of two weeks of the world game coming to the fifth pro sport, it's a giant ball like the one we used to play with at P.E. With that 6-feet ball going around all over the place, the match gets heated as the players find themselves battling the ball itself like a car going head-on. The Champs play four up in having the 10-on-6 advantage with not only one more man but also Zach who with his size has surely made the difference. And after scoring three goals in the first half, the team in blue add on five more for an 8-nil whitewash over the Stars.
And in the elimination battles, the Champs come away victorious to now be 7-1 in competition - the only blemish being Cory losing to Matt in the first elimination (more on Cory later). In what's more of a friendly battle than usual forged out of a game of ping pong with Romeo, Wes adds to his elimination legacy winning that one to make it 17 overall wins facing the cut (4 spinoffs and 13 on the regular shows). And for Tori, her being the newcomer and her being voted in again by Aneesa doesn't deter her a single bit in beating Shawn Johnson in the first female elimination this season.
● DIRTY PLAY & PLAYING THE GAME: During that week 3 Challenge, things come up for the Stars when Zach appears to have elbowed Romeo in their game, the bodyguard of the man who will host next year's Ex on the Beach U.S. gets into Zach's face but things don't escalate further. And in last week's game, Matt complains of the same thing of an elbow to the face in the soccer match, and complains about it afterwards given his organized sports experience.
Also last week in leading to that Tori/Shawn arena, the Stars get a dose of what this game is truly all about, even if the true winners in the end are the charities they're playing for. Aneesa & Tori aside, alliances emerge with the Stars, with Josh, Shawn and Kim joining up in feeling that they're the best their team has to offer now post-TO. On the other hand, they look at Justina with some dislike since she's been hanging out with the Champs more often, and she decides to bring Michelle and Ariane under her wing. Both then make their case to Matt to join, and after a 3-3 split down the middle for Shawn and Ariane -- and Riff Raff deciding to just burn his vote for Kim to make things interesting, in the end Matt chooses Shawn. And Wes applauds them for playing this game as it's meant to be.
● THE NINTH ROOMMATE: Over in Florida, while there are eight nice & fun people we're seeing here it's as if there is a hidden ninth roommate in the Floribama house. Kayla Jo first popped up back in Episode 2 that aired in the first week, but she's much older than the housemates at 30, but someone who's as flirty as a twentysomething. She bonds with Gus over their surnames being emblazoned in ink, but Jeremiah hooks up with her in the hot tub then go to the bedroom to seal the deal upstairs.
Then last week, Kayla Jo returns for some hang out time with Jeremiah, much to Nilsa's dismay having to once again take over the space with just eight beds and adds, "Kayla Jo is the definition of a barnacle. She's just clingy and no one likes clingy. So that's definitely not gonna fly." But when she provides the guest with pizza and the good stuff, K.J. stirs the pot to tell Aimee to stop smoking. When she leaves, Jeremiah folds up the leftover pizza plate under Nilsa's shoes... she's not happy.
● (NEW) FAMILY MATTERS: Meanwhile, it appears that a gulf has developed between the girls and the guys in the house as if we're in the Real World Brooklyn house and reliving those prank wars with the mice in Red Hook. One night while Jeremiah is doing things with Kayla Jo, Nilsa goes to the gator phone to ring up her ex-husband who's been cheating on her. Codi decides to play tough on her but throwing some digs at her in mentioning her ex and stooping low to wanting some plastic surgery done on her. Aimee does her best to bring the house together and compensating for being the slacker at work as part of the beach staff with having to make taco soup that leaves the roomies having to scramble for the rest room.
Later, the house heads over to Kortni's house where they meet up with her mom and teach their pet parrot to say "thot." As they get to know the newest adopted family of the wild one, Gus opens up about how an injury saw him miss out on joining the military, while Aimee tells them about dropping out of high school. But when they return home, the girls gossip about Kayla Jo being a Wiccan and her unusual spirituality, which draws Gus' and Jeremiah's attention and calls for a house meeting to confront the chatter about his girl. Then, the conversation goes into his disrespect towards women when Jeremiah refers to Nilsa as a woman. Things get heated with them, and when they suspect that he is being disrespectful to females, Gus almost breaks down.
● BAR BRAWLS: After indulging in Aimee's soup, the house goes out to local bar Donovan's for dollar draft beer night, and when you have an MTV cast, cameras and locals in the same place and alcohol all around, things are guaranteed to blow up. And while they chug away, have shots, do some line dancing and doing talking, what one local does riles up Nilsa in telling her to stop acting like a beautiful girl, she stars to cry as Aimee becomes her source of comfort. And when they take a break outside, a local girl starts to blow away insults her way, Kirk then steps up to her defense to threaten to beat up her boyfriend. And this place goes from Dollar Draft Night to Fight Night as a bar brawl goes off... it appears that it has brought this divided house together. That's not all...
At the end of last week's episode comes another fracas: the group heads to a bar called Newbies, and Gus gets very excited seeing some of his out-of-town friends join him. But during a grown-up version of that game we all played as kids in Jenga, a friend of his tells Gus that a bystander made a homophobic slur in reference to his hair, and adds, "That is so offensive and so degrading. I am not going to put up with it." This leads Gus to go off on him and the man pushes him before security steps in to break things up. And when it appears things have calmed, Candace decides to go after three guys who they feel called Gus that naughty name. And when she tells the offender, "We the same height, boo!", the tormenter again pounces, and Kirk, Aimee and Candace erupt. Now the question is, will this lead to jail time? We'll find out tonight.
Then last week, Kayla Jo returns for some hang out time with Jeremiah, much to Nilsa's dismay having to once again take over the space with just eight beds and adds, "Kayla Jo is the definition of a barnacle. She's just clingy and no one likes clingy. So that's definitely not gonna fly." But when she provides the guest with pizza and the good stuff, K.J. stirs the pot to tell Aimee to stop smoking. When she leaves, Jeremiah folds up the leftover pizza plate under Nilsa's shoes... she's not happy.
● (NEW) FAMILY MATTERS: Meanwhile, it appears that a gulf has developed between the girls and the guys in the house as if we're in the Real World Brooklyn house and reliving those prank wars with the mice in Red Hook. One night while Jeremiah is doing things with Kayla Jo, Nilsa goes to the gator phone to ring up her ex-husband who's been cheating on her. Codi decides to play tough on her but throwing some digs at her in mentioning her ex and stooping low to wanting some plastic surgery done on her. Aimee does her best to bring the house together and compensating for being the slacker at work as part of the beach staff with having to make taco soup that leaves the roomies having to scramble for the rest room.
Later, the house heads over to Kortni's house where they meet up with her mom and teach their pet parrot to say "thot." As they get to know the newest adopted family of the wild one, Gus opens up about how an injury saw him miss out on joining the military, while Aimee tells them about dropping out of high school. But when they return home, the girls gossip about Kayla Jo being a Wiccan and her unusual spirituality, which draws Gus' and Jeremiah's attention and calls for a house meeting to confront the chatter about his girl. Then, the conversation goes into his disrespect towards women when Jeremiah refers to Nilsa as a woman. Things get heated with them, and when they suspect that he is being disrespectful to females, Gus almost breaks down.
● BAR BRAWLS: After indulging in Aimee's soup, the house goes out to local bar Donovan's for dollar draft beer night, and when you have an MTV cast, cameras and locals in the same place and alcohol all around, things are guaranteed to blow up. And while they chug away, have shots, do some line dancing and doing talking, what one local does riles up Nilsa in telling her to stop acting like a beautiful girl, she stars to cry as Aimee becomes her source of comfort. And when they take a break outside, a local girl starts to blow away insults her way, Kirk then steps up to her defense to threaten to beat up her boyfriend. And this place goes from Dollar Draft Night to Fight Night as a bar brawl goes off... it appears that it has brought this divided house together. That's not all...
At the end of last week's episode comes another fracas: the group heads to a bar called Newbies, and Gus gets very excited seeing some of his out-of-town friends join him. But during a grown-up version of that game we all played as kids in Jenga, a friend of his tells Gus that a bystander made a homophobic slur in reference to his hair, and adds, "That is so offensive and so degrading. I am not going to put up with it." This leads Gus to go off on him and the man pushes him before security steps in to break things up. And when it appears things have calmed, Candace decides to go after three guys who they feel called Gus that naughty name. And when she tells the offender, "We the same height, boo!", the tormenter again pounces, and Kirk, Aimee and Candace erupt. Now the question is, will this lead to jail time? We'll find out tonight.
In the three-year history of Are You The One?, we've had romances that have blossomed during and after the cameras stop rolling and after the lives of the 125 singles who've been on its six seasons have returned to normal. From Ethan & Amber of Season 1 to Gianna & Hayden of Season 5 (a likely candidate for one of our 2017 Reality Awards this week), couples who are either perfect matches or no matches have found love thanks to this guilty pleasure, and after what we saw on Part 1 of the Season 6 Reunion, we have our latest romance... and like one that entered the Dirty 30 house but dissipated rapidly in Tori & Derrick H., it's one between those from separate seasons, and between one who won money and another who lost on Season 5 earlier this spring.
Of all the romances we have seen on Season 6, the one that stood out the most was that of Keith & Alexis... with so much drama that took place between them including his dirty move of putting her beloved teddy bear Bridget to sleep, it was a focal point of the first half of the reunion. And after he helped put together the plan that brought joy to him and the cast, their relationship was a roller coaster after they left New Orleans, from giving it a try to where things went downhill afterwards. Given that only a handful of relationships forged on the show work in the long run, it's obviously hard for these kinds of romances to blossom after all of the drama is played out for family, friends and fans everywhere to watch in their living rooms.
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IG @carooduartee |
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IG @KeithK93 |
Keith posted on Instagram afterwards, "So I guess my secret bae isn’t so secret anymore! I’d like to thank @Mtv for the experience and making it possible for me to meet this girl. I can honestly say that I couldn’t be happier and I can’t wait to see where life takes us ❤️ @carooduartee #ayto #mtv #keefa #kingkeefa #keefalina #caroleefa #yupp @areuthe1." And Carolina added in an IG video montage, "So glad MTV did something right by bringing you into my life 💕 @keithk93 😍."
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Two portraits to share with you here with one week left until Christmas...
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IG @T_Raines |
Needless to say, it's been an eventful 2017 for Tony and Shane, and in the IG photo to the right he captioned, "Sometimes it takes a loss to bring family back together...I love y'all." Earlier this month, his grandpa passed away and added in a photo of him and his grandparents to remind us of how important it is to spend that valuable time with family: "I made the mistake of not visiting him enough and I don't want anyone making the same mistake so go hug your grandparents and tell them you love them...RIP Paw Paw."
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IG @SwiftMTV |
Those who still remember that summer of 2012 spending those summer Wednesdays watching a season that felt more like Siesta Key than your usual drama-filled MTV season, but no doubt enjoyed talking with the cast on Twitter and listening to them on podcasts. And those who did watch were glued to what happens when seven strangers got stranded on Hassel Island and from the start immediately pair up and leaving that one who didn't get a chance to fend for himself. This was the scenario when Trey, Robb and Swift got close to Laura, Marie and LaToya, respectively, and from playing dressup and pranks to that outsider Brandon battling soberness & drugs and the relationship drama, there was some juicy storylines to suffice too. As Swift captioned in the photo above, "Happy holidays from the St. Thomas Boys."
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And that will do it for now. As we roll towards the end of this 2017 MTV year, there's no shortage of discussion among the others that cover the Trifecta, and here's where you can hear them...
● A podcast that's been on fire since it began last month has been Challenge Mania with Derrick K. and Scott Yeger (@AShotAtYeger). Continuing the tradition set forth by Bulldog's former Ultimate Challenge Radio podcasts, this month they have been joined by three competitors from the Dirty 30: Tony, Jemmye and Hunter as they discussed that season gone by in Colombia, Tony's thoughts on the war between veterans and rookies, some unaired tea from Jem on her well-documented phobia of ketchup, and Hunter being in the middle of the Derrick/Nelson fight. Kameron Wimbley from Champs vs. Pros also stopped by to offer thoughts on the spinoff and analysis on Champs vs. Stars, and you can listen to all of those shows on Podbean and iTunes.
● After talking to Cara Maria following her 2nd place finish on Dirty 30, Reality Steve was joined by Johnny Bananas as he discussed his experience on Dirty 30, just about everything from his Challenge career including what goes down again tomorrow with his rivalry with Wes, and his appearance on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. Check out that podcast here, plus a chat he did with Survivor alum Eliza Orlins and coverage of The Bachelor franchise.
● In closing out a stellar season of covering Are You The One? top to bottom, AfterBuzz TV was joined for their discussions of the finale and the first part of the reunion by, of course, several of the castmates. After the finale, Keyana, Zoe and Shad stopped by as they discussed the comeback, everything that took place in the mansion and the disbelief that they had won $1 million after so much hardship. And after the reunion, Joe, Audrey, Ethan, Keith and Tori joined in to chat things up, which you can hear on the AfterBuzz site.
● And check out Rob Has A Podcast and its MTV coverage with Brian Cohen (@CohenBrian_), Ali Lasher (@LashTweets) and Adam Buongiovanni (@AdamBongo). The trio brought their 2017 MTV coverage to an end as they discussed episodes 11 and 12 of this AYTO season which you can hear at RHAP, which has Survivor all covered there before this week's finale airs.
We have one more post in this week's DCBLOG wave, and if you feel that we forgot about that one story that had everyone buzzing in and outside the Trifecta over the weekend... we didn't. We'll have more on the big news that emerged with Challenger Cory announcing his entry into parenthood with AYTO alum Cheyenne on a special dedicated ExtraTime in a few days, which will also look at their relationship during Rivals III last year, all as he prepares for a packed 2018 which has gotten even more busy in now becoming Team MTV's newest daddy.
And with the usual reminder to bookmark this site for our unique look Inside the MTV Trifecta, over the Christmas weekend next week Andrew Kirk and I will have Part 1 of the 2017 Reality Debrief as we'll look at The Year in The Challenge. There's still time to send in your questions on the fifth major pro sport and 2017 in reality TV by tweeting your questions to us at @DC408Dxtr or @CSUGradAKirk with the hashtag #AskDCBLOG, or dropping a line to The deadline to have your Challenge questions in is by this Friday night for inclusion in our look back at Invasion, Dirty 30 and Champs vs. Pros & Stars, plus our first look at Vendettas.
And schedule provided, make sure to join yours truly on DCNOW for Floribama Shore coming up later tonight on @DC408DxNow. But for the time being, thanks for checking us out and enjoy the week ahead, and Happy Holidays to you and yours.
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