*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
■ @DC408Dxtr @ TW / IG / YT
As you get to enjoy some special Saturday NFL, going to the mall or just chilling on this Saturday, welcome back to DCBLOG's look at the week Inside the MTV Trifecta. Last night, we brought you a parrot and another bar brawl on Floribama Shore, and now we turn to some relatively tame action taking place on The Challenge: Champs vs. Stars.
Last week, the much anticipated stint of Terrell Owens on this season came to a merciful end when after his spat with CT he decided to bolt out of the game. He wasn't the only one to leave: the death of her father saw Ashley put family above all else in leaving, and for a moment it was as if another one was gonna leave too. Plus, we also saw dirty gameplay yet again, and the master of eliminations squares off in the arena with his closest friend, and someone you'll get to know in the new year.
Along with that, this week a team severely depleted by one's outrageous behavior, another's freak injury and her leaving receives a boost as a new player arrives to join the competition. Meanwhile, that Champs team and the Stars partake in an extremely physical challenge that brings, for the first of two weeks, the world's game into the fifth major sport. And as they struggle to keep themselves together, a newly formed alliance threatens to flip the script.
Ahead, all the action, reaction and interaction from this Challenge week which also includes some of those on Vendettas getting to mingle a bit as we head towards next month's premiere. And after the Pulse, we'll have info on an event taking place tonight featuring some Challenge favorites... all of that is ahead on the 'Pulse of Champs vs. Stars.
@ChallengeMTV: It's a good old fashioned Tug of War in this next elimination 💪 Check it out, Tuesday at 10/9c! #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Once again, @JODYHiGHROLLER will have to wait his turn to see an elimination 💥 Don't miss @RomeoMiller take on @WestonBergmann head-to-head, this Tuesday at 10/9c! #ChampsVsStars http://on.mtv.com/2BOYg45
@tjlavin: 🤙❤️RT @ChallengeMTV: Happy birthday to the incomparable @tjlavin! 🎂
@tjlavin: 🤙❤️RT @AceNichols33: Happy birthday to the man I think of every single time I’m about to give up on something and say “What would TJ do?” 😂😁💜 All the love, man! Happy Birthday @tjlavin! Thanks for always supporting me.
@MaybachDiamonds: Fun fact: champs vs stars was filmed at the luxe hotel same locations as th season 1 baby shower special so MTV has a group rate for that hotel
@MaybachDiamonds: T.O.’s a bitch
@MaybachDiamonds: The Miz even being there is absolutely huge the guy is a WWE champ
@MaybachDiamonds: Riff raff said gadzooks I’m outta here
@Marie_TBD: V is for Vendetta 🎭 @NataliaNegrotti is there no cheerleader emoji??!
@t_raines33: Made a snowman today ⛄️ I named him Jeezy
@Kmorrisx: T H E . H O L I D A Y After #TheChallengeVendettas ♥️ @MarieeTBD 🧚🏽♀️
@DerrickMTV: What you don't know about the challengemtv is that it really does brings a mobster mentality to… https://www.instagram.com/p/BccfeSGhHEg/
@Marie_TBD: "@SteacyC: @MarieeTBD @Scalabrine @ChallengeMTV I despised you on your season of Real World (sorry) but I'm digging you SO HARD on these challenges, girl! You've changed so much, but in the best way possible. You're sassy and smart and a total babe (although you were always a babe)." RT This made my day.... you’re gonna love the next @ChallengeMTV then!! LOL
@WestonBergmann: Buy my T-shirt’s!! Oh shit, I mean smart lighting that have sold millions.
@n_zanattaMTV: Don’t get mad when someone else starts to appreciate what you took for granted.
@DerrickMTV: NEW PODCAST!! AN EXPANDED VERSION of @ChallengeMTV and the New Coming of Competition to our SPORT. We're goin from @t_raines33 to Former @NFL Pro Bowler "LIGHTS OUT" @shawnemerriman. He's the 1st of this breed to compete on #ChampsVsStars! @LightsOutBrand https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2#episodeGuid=challengemania.podbean.com%2Fep-3-shawne-merriman-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1 …
@SHOTOFYAGER: Hey #ChallengeManiacs if you dig todays Ep. w/ @ShawneMerriman, tweet him+let’m know what your favorite part or quote was during his chat w/ @DerrickMTV and I on #ChallengeMania! Good stuff on @MTVBananas @TheOfficial_CT @mtvrrdarrell @CMPunk @terrellowens
@MTVBananas: I wonder if mermaids smoke seaweed?
- @t_raines33: @MTVBananas Bro 😂
@kailah_casillas: Same smirk every season 😏😂
- @KyleCGShore: @kailah_casillas I honestly can't get the sound of your laugh out of my head! 👀👴🏼 #Frank
@ChallengeMTV: What goes up, must come down! And only one will come out on top 👏 #ChampsVsStars is brand new, Tuesday at 10/9c! http://bit.ly/2BZb3BY
@ChallengeMTV: Same. Check out the trailer for the next season of The Challenge 🔥
http://on.mtv.com/2BPJaeF #TheChallengeVendettas
@MTV: The next season of @ChallengeMTV is about to expose some deep vendettas: http://on.mtv.com/2BTri3h
- @iamtheophi: @MTV Awhhh shit
- @DerrickMTV: @MTV 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
@MTV: Meet the season 31 cast of @ChallengeMTV: http://on.mtv.com/2j30rNM 🔥
- @DerrickMTV: @MTV @BradFiorenza be lookin Beefy! #FreedBrad #FearTheBeard
@ChallengeMTV: Justina Valentine: Team Champs or Team Stars? 🤔 Check out a new #ChampsVsStars, Tuesday at 10/9c! http://on.mtv.com/2iEoe2z
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV I think she senses a VICTORY if she can swing her way to be @JennaCompono's REPLACEMENT on the Champs Team!! Could even out the Girls!! #JustSayin!! Tues 10/9C @MTV 😜
@BritniNicol: "@lilmamakayy94: If the first episode is a cliffhanger for vendettas I swear to god " RT Lmao actually, almost exactly how Vendettas played out 😂😂😈😈
@BritniNicol: @iamkamiam_ @universaldance3 Missing you babygirl!!! Even though FT was short last night, it was still amazing to see that face😘😘
@Kmorrisx: @MTVBananas I love you ♥️
@tori_deal: I wish I could read texts between @G_Eazy and @halsey ... they're probably amazing 😍
@ItsAll_AboutTee: "@BRlTNI: Which AYTO5 rookie are you most excited to see on Vendettas? #TheChallengeVendettas" RT Kammmmm!!!!!!!!!!😈😈
@ChallengeMTV: The next challenge will involve a lot of kicking and screaming 👟💥⚽️ Don't miss #ChampsVsStars, Tuesday at 10/9c! http://on.mtv.com/2iEoe2z
@banksy878: I think me and @WestonBergmann should have a blindfold soccer rematch ⚽️🤔#letsgo
- @WestonBergmann: @banksy878 You don’t want these problems
@MTVtrey: Merry Christmas from the St. Thomas boys @ Bensalem, Pennsylvania https://www.instagram.com/p/BcgO2j2jeK0/
@DerrickMTV: The NEW CHALLENGE PODCAST gets pretty SERIOUS once we start talking about @terrellowens and he… https://www.instagram.com/p/BcgJIl0Bh-b/
@tori_deal: I'm yours 😘
@kailah_casillas: Hey big sis. Can’t wait to see your face @MarieeTBD
@ChallengeMTV: GOOOOOOOAAAAAALLLLL! ⚽️ Don't miss an all new episode of #ChampsVsStars, Tuesday at 10/9c! http://on.mtv.com/2iEoe2z
@ChallengeMTV: The Stars are looking very dysfunctional right now 👀 #ChampsVsStars is all new, Tuesday at 10/9c! http://on.mtv.com/2iEoe2z
@joss_mooney: Who’s excited for @ChallengeMTV 👀 Started 2nd f Jan on @MTV 30 challengers 1 winner 👀
@Marie_TBD: Since slut shaming is no longer acceptable; what does one call a slut? #AskingForAFriend
@ChallengeMTV: These Stars are shining bright like a diamond ✨ Don't miss an all new #ChampsVsStars, TOMORROW at 10/9c on @MTV! http://on.mtv.com/2kVzegi
@SHOTOFYAGER: Get your #ChallengeMania 🎙🎧questions for @JustJem24 in to @DerrickMTV and I TODAY!! We’ll be grilling her on #ChallengeVendettas but anything #RealWorld #Challenge #ChallengeXXX #Dirty30 #RivalsII #MTV IS FAIR GAME!! #KetchupWithJemmye #ChallengeAccepted
- @DerrickMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER HOT DAMN!!!! 🔥🔥🔥
- @Marie_TBD: @JustJem24 @DerrickMTV How does history/relationships play into a challenge strategy?
- @DerrickMTV: @Marie_TBD Good question 🤔....might have to show @ChallengeMTV alum some love on this one, @SHOTOFYAGER
@JustJem24: Y’all I’m sitting down with @DerrickMTV for an episode of #ChallengeMania tonight. Be sure to send him any questions y’all have for me. Nothing is off limits ☺️
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I always get a lil depressed during the holidays. Must be my low Elf esteem.
- @TheMarkLong: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE Oh yeah, well i had to take @MTVBananas to to doctor’s office yesterday...he wasn’t PEELING well 😏🍌😷
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Omg people it was a joke, hence the word elf. I think everyone know I don't have low self or elf esteem
@CaraMariaMTV: @KyleCGShore You know how that reverse psychology works on me. And if i am going to be queen of the north...... ;)
- @KyleCGShore: @MTVBananas I honestly struggle to have sex now unless you are watching me 👀
- @CaraMariaMTV: @joss_mooney @KyleCGShore and 11 others just ONE?!???!??!!??! 😱
- @MTVBananas: @CaraMariaMTV Get a (bath) room you two...
- @CaraMariaMTV: @KyleCGShore Better get that banana cam @MTVBananas
- @MTVBananas: @CaraMariaMTV Get a (bath) room you two...
- @CaraMariaMTV: @KyleCGShore So "kyle sorbelitalianame" is out of the question?
- @KyleCGShore: @CaraMariaMTV If that's how am I'm going to get in and stay I've got no choice have I me little petal! 😘👀😂✈️🇺🇸
@ChallengeMTV: A wild @MTVBananas appears! 🍌🕵 Don't miss an all new #ChampsVsStars, TOMORROW at 10/9c!!! http://on.mtv.com/2kVzegi
@Kmorrisx: R E D 🍷♥️
@ChallengeMTV: There's no shortage of vendettas on the next season of The Challenge. Don't miss the season premiere, Tuesday January 2 on @MTV! 💥 #TheChallengeVendettas http://on.mtv.com/2BPJaeF
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV My vendetta was the photographer from @ChallengeMTV invasion/dirty30. Don't worry... He got his. #TheChallengeVendettas
@kailah_casillas: If you’re in the Philly area, come see me & @iammikeyp at Down nightclub this Thursday! Maybe a little special appearance by @iamkamiam_ 👀♥️
@SHOTOFYAGER: @DerrickMTV is back in the podcast game w/ 2 monster guests, @T_Raines33 + @ShawneMerriman. Next up, @JustJem24! If you wanna get #ChallengeMania the SECOND it goes live, Subscribe✔️on iTunes. If you want us to reclaim that #1Spot you can Rate✔️Review✔️Tell Your Friends✔️
@ChallengeMTV: Hmmm 🤔 @CaraMariaMTV @WestonBergmann
- @WestonBergmann: @ChallengeMTV She’s not wrong. And I’ve got a soft spot for that dork. But I’m not gonna let her take the fun out of getting rich AF and spending the money on idiotic things even Bananas wouldn’t buy.
@DerrickMTV: Uhhhmmm...I think @JustJem24 broke my Twitter after she asked people to send in questions for the Podcast, @SHOTOFYAGER. 🤔 Interview w/ Jemmye available tomorrow. Hopefully my Twitter will be working again. #TheChallengeXXX #TheChallengeVendettas #ChallengeMania 😆
@DerrickMTV: NEW PODCAST feat @JustJem24 -DEC 12th. @hbarfield13 PODCAST -DEC 14th. NEW @eminem ALBUM-DEC 15th. Challenge Throwdown for a Cause EVENT-Yorkville, IL-DEC 16th. #ChallengeMania #MedGift #REVIVAL FOLLOW my Co-Host @SHOTofYAGER on Twitter. Yo @t_raines33..#ThatSongThou ✌️🎄
@shannanity: My MO these days is to get drunk and randomly choose to go in on someone who “did me wrong” last night I got drunk and totally went on a rant in my head against it. Im in a relationship with twitter y’all 😂🤷🏽♂️
@CamilaMTV: Almost forgot how much I love being behind the camera 💕🙏📸 Got to spend the day with this… https://www.instagram.com/p/BclV6rXFOnx/
@WestonBergmann: I’m convinced the difference between being in shape VS not being in shape is a matter of lighting
@JennaCompono: It might take a year. It might take a day. But what’s meant to be will always find it’s way 😌.
@MTVCoryWharton: Back at it again, thanks for all the support on #ChampsVsStars 🙏🏽 I’m glad I got to raise money for The Kids Food Basket Organization🙌🏽, Look out for a brand new season of @ChallengeMTV January 2nd on @MTV #TheChallengeVendettas
@MTVCoryWharton: Public enemy #1 👹 January 2nd @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas
@ChallengeMTV: Well, well, well. Look who we have here 👀 #ChampsVsStars is BRAND NEW, TONIGHT at 10/9c! 🙌
- @MTVjennifer: @ChallengeMTV YAHS BITCH YAHSSSSSS FINALLY @tori_deal
@ChallengeMTV: "Nobody's Twitter fingers are stronger or more seasoned than hers." 💪 We asked the cast of #TheChallengeVendettas who the biggest Twitter troll was, and their answer is hilarious 😂 http://on.mtv.com/2BPJaeF
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV I will always love you. @MTVDevinWalker
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV 👀
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV Dodging grenades. 👹 lmao
@CaraMariaMTV: "@RachD1214: The official The Challenge Vendettas' series banner for the MTV Page! Featuring @CaraMariaMTV and @MTVBananas themselves! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeVendettas " RT A lil close there @MTVBananas.
@DerrickMTV: "@SHOTOFYAGER: ⏰⏰NEW #CHALLENGEMANIA PODCAST!!⏰⏰#JemClass is in session! Find out who, #AccordingToJem could be the new @ChallengeMTV #Franchise (some1 who debuts on #ChallengVendettas) and the most …" RT ROLLIN!! 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
@DerrickMTV: NEW PODCAST w/ justjemm_ is ROLLIN!! Hear about the Prank never heard around the World, but only… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bcm7JVghyD8/
@joss_mooney: Get me to the gym...😤💭
@v_cakes: Wait, you just changed it again from @mariesmtv to @MarieMTV back to @Marie_TBD & at some point last night it was @Marie_Mtv_ - WHAT IS GOING ON? GET IT TOGETHER!
@Marie_TBD: It seems I may have bumped you out of the coveted “most hated” spot. Every show needs a heel!! @kailah_casillas
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD back off Marie.
@Marie_TBD: Hate me while you can; cause baby soon you’ll be a fan 😘
@CaraMariaMTV: I am a woman. So, this is a womans body. It developed itself to do epic things. Like throw this 120 weight over my head a few times. your body is beautiful if it suits your needs and makes YOU happy. #kickrocks https://instagram.com/p/Bcl68ARFawP/
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎧🎧NEW PODCAST ALERT!!🎧🎧 @JustJem24 joined @DerrickMTV and I on #ChallengeMania to talk about all the new cast on #ChallengeVendettas, ketchup, Kailah, Nelson, good edits, bad edits, answer YOUR questions and a whole lot more. This episode is a JEM! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2#episodeGuid=challengemania.podbean.com%2Fep-4-jemmye-carroll-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1 …
@DerrickMTV: "@Christina4683: @DerrickMTV @JustJem24 @SHOTOFYAGER #ChallengeAccepted #ChallengeMania I literally squealed w/excitement when I seen the title for this Epi! I adore this women & Im so glad that she returned to the Challen…" RT She really is a Jem!! 💎
@n_zanattaMTV: @laurelstucky Some people have nothing going for them you and I have too much going on to be focusing on that. Positive vibes sending your way, we got this.
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Well I've decided to get all my @ChallengeMTV castmates $25 gift cards.... To Hermès. Spend it wisely
@KyleCGShore: The Challenge starts in the U.S.A on January 2nd on MTV at 10pm. Really was the greatest expierence of my life. Pushed my mind, body & soul to the limit, Proper buzzing to get my first American Tv show under my belt and met some amazing people...Make sure you tune in!✈️🇺🇸❤️
@tori_deal: Why did I think walking in like this was a good idea lol. Tune into #ChampsVsStars tonight @ChallengeMTV
- @DerrickMTV: @tori_deal How about when you won that Gold Medal?? 🙊
- @iamtheophi: @tori_deal See Tori you cold as hell 🙏🏾🤘🏾
@ChallengeMTV: Did you see who will be joining The Champs team on an all new #ChampsVsStars? 🤔 Tune in TONIGHT at 10/9c to watch 👀
@mikethemiz: Nobody works harder than the host on @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars WATCH tonight 10pm est on @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: Want to know how you can win your very own autographed Challenge jersey? Watch #ChampsVsStars TONIGHT at 10/9c to find out! 👀
@MTV: .@RomeoMiller and @WestonBergmann go head-to-head in tonight's #ChampsVsStars elimination at 10/9c: http://on.mtv.com/2ANp31c @ChallengeMTV
- @WestonBergmann: @MTV Yeah, this was poor planning on my part. I never want to find myself in a battle with my bff.
@AneesaMTV: This basically sums up my time around @emfitmtv #champsvsstars #mtv https://www.instagram.com/p/BcnlWK6BtH9/
- @EmFitMTV: @AneesaMTV 😍😍😍😍 Tune in tonight! @mtv #champsvsstars
@MTVBananas: There are fans, and there are BANANIMALS! Ladies and Gentlemen... My #1 fan, my ultimate hype man, my buddy @Clarence_Pryor ! Give him a follow it'll make his day 🍌🏅#BananaSlamma #ChampsVsStars @challengemtv @MTV @KennySantucci @Marie_TBD @JustJem24 @tjlavin
- @KendalSheppard: @Clarence_Pryor @MTVBananas and 6 others I don't know what's happening but your video makes me think Bananas could be *gulp* a good guy...
- @MTVBananas: @KendalSheppard Alright... Who hacked Kendals Twitter account?
@BrunoBttencourt: Life is truly about enjoying it for yourself , through your own eyes and experiences. You have to be selfish and not please people. Take it from someone who invested and just focused on everyone else’s happiness around them. You have to live for you.
@MTVtrey: Every time I hear that “Havana” song, I picture the Minions from Despicable Me singing “Banana-o-nana”. Somebody please make this a reality!!
@ChallengeMTV: "It's not how you start, it's how you finish." The Stars have gotten off to a slow start, but can they turn things around? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars is all new TONIGHT at 10/9c! @ArianeAndrew http://on.mtv.com/2BaHmzB
@DerrickMTV: Yyyyeah....that's pretty much what it looked like. GET READY for TONIGHT'S @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars with a Warmup!! NEW PODCAST w/ The Queen of Commentary!! https://twitter.com/shotofyager/status/940705051512836098 …
@DJMelReeves: So just seen a clip of me & @n_zanattaMTV wrestling 😂🙈 I don't remember a thing from that night. I'm terrified to watch what I said or did 🙈🙈🙈🙈😂😂😂😂
- @n_zanattaMTV: @DJMelReeves Hahaha don’t worry I had you safe the entire night you know that, 😘you kicked my ass though got me to the ground real quick 🤣
@Kmorrisx: I N M Y Z O N E 🧚🏽♀️
@shannanity: I really wish more people would realize that I’m not a real person, I’m just pixels on a screen with literally 0 thoughts and emotions. Abuse me verbally, spit on me and sexualize me. I’m here for your consumption.
@ArianeAndrew: What am I thinking? Find out tonight on the #TheChallenge at 10/9c #ChampsVsStars https://www.instagram.com/p/Bcn15b1ndj9/
@MTVShows: We all feel you, @JODYHiGHROLLER 😂 #ChampsVsStars is keepin it REAL! Catch the NEW episode on TONIGHT @ 10/9c on @MTV! #nonewfriends
@ChallengeMTV: A new episode of #ChampsVsStars starts in 1 hour and this is me http://on.mtv.com/2BaHmzB
@ChallengeMTV: On your marks, everyone! #ChampsVsStars is brand new in 1 HOUR on @MTV! 👀 http://on.mtv.com/2BaHmzB
@AneesaMTV: Make sure you watch the new episode of #champsvsstars on @mtv at 10pm tonight. #twinminds https://www.instagram.com/p/Bcn8gk2B6cH/
@AneesaMTV: Happy Hanukkah to all my people!!!
@MTVCoryWharton: Champs 💪🏽 Vs Stars⭐️ Tonight on @MTV
@kailah_casillas: I might be super late hopping on the bandwagon but... should I buy some Bitcoin right now? Or is it too late and not worth it?
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: "@ansmith130: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE Real housewives of mtv!" RT Now that's an idea right there ladies and gents!!!
@MTVBananas: T-Minus 10 mins until an all new episode of #ChampsVsStars @ChallengeMTV
@ArianeAndrew: 5 more minutes to a brand new episode of #ChampsVsStars! What’s popping? Are we going to win for tonight and win some money for our charities! Let me tell you that the struggle has been real
►AS THEY SAW IT: "When Push Comes to Shoving Stars"
@MTV: #ChampsVsStars starts right now! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @ChallengeMTV 💥
@ChallengeMTV: A new episode of #ChampsVsStars starts right now on @MTV! Are you watching + tweeting along? 🌟 (GIF: "LET'S GO!")
@itskimglass: Here we go .... Champs vs. Stars...
@JustinaMusic: Tune in to the @ChallengeMTV tonight on @MTV to see me get ownedddddd 😹😹😹 10/9c
@AneesaMTV: This basically sums up my time around @emfitmtv #champsvsstars #mtv https://www.instagram.com/p/BcnlWK6BtH9/
@WestonBergmann: Fucking women, amirite? @JustinaMusic @arianeandrew #ChampsVSStars @ Tulsa, Oklahoma https://www.instagram.com/p/Bcnfa1sgHy7/
@ArianeAndrew: Most girls would be like do you like my glasses but really what they mean is do you like this… https://www.instagram.com/p/BcoEHxonTj4/
@ChallengeMTV: A #ChampsVsStars spin on Tug of War 💪 Who do you want to see take the W in this elimination? (GIF of Wes and Romeo's arena)
@haydxan: Best day of the week #ChampsVsStars
@ArianeAndrew: This elimination is intense! Who you think is coming back? #TeamRomeo or #TeamWes?! #ChampsVsStars
@AlsinaGivens: @RomeoMiller vs @WestonBergmann here we go #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Now this is some life advice I could get on board with, @WestonBergmann 🍕 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: "Sometimes it pays to eat the whole pizza.")
@ChallengeMTV: FRIENDS FOREVER 😭 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Wes to Romeo - "Good job, man.")
@MTVBananas: When you can't decide between pancakes or waffles 🤔 #ChampsVsStars @challengemtv @mtv #Bananasdoingthings @TheOfficial_CT
@ChallengeMTV: PLOT TWIST 💣 @tori_deal has come to save the day! #ChampsVsStars (GIF of her entering the house)
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @ChallengeMTV Yayyy for the champs!!! @tori_deal can get this team back on track 💪🏼 #champsvsstars
- @tori_deal: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE Thank you girl💜 you were very missed
@tori_deal: Here we go ! @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: .@tori_deal showing up to #ChampsVsStars like... 💁
- @MTV: @ChallengeMTV wow, WE LOVE A QUEEN
@kendallongg: OMFG @tori_deal IS ON YESSSSSSS #ChampsVsStars
@jassribasuxxx: Oh shit fucking Tori!!! #champsvsstars
@DerrickMTV: I just wanna know if that was @tori_deal rapping into her own intro?? #ChampsVsStars @ChallengeMTV
- @tori_deal: @DerrickMTV " Numb the pain with the money Numb the pain with the money Numb the pain with the money "
- @DerrickMTV: @tori_deal YESSS!!
@ChallengeMTV: Alright, guys, here it is! Tweet #ChampsVsStars 10k times to unlock your chance to win an autographed Challenge jersey! 👕💫
@AneesaMTV: I don’t if I told y’all, but I love @WestonBergmann
- @WestonBergmann: @AneesaMTV Ahhh I love you too!
@ChallengeMTV: "@coco_snixx: .@tori_deal .@AneesaMTV .@EmFitMTV 👸🏼👸🏽♥️♥️♥️ #ChampsVsStars" RT Kween, Kwayne, Kuh-ween 👑👑👑 #ChampsVsStars
@MTVBananas: Ladies and gentlemen... My girl @tori_deal rollin straight outta bed, and onto The Challenge! #TangledHairDontCare #ChampsVsStars @ChallengeMTV @MTV
- @tori_deal: @MTVBananas @ChallengeMTV @MTV Lmao I was still drunk....
@ChallengeMTV: You heard the man, TWEET NOW! #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: When your friend tries to tell you what you really did last night... #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Riff Raff - "I don't really f___ing remember. Don't remind me.")
@ArianeAndrew: I can only laugh at Riff! He is living his best life! #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: When push comes to shove... it's Push Ball time! 🔴 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of this week's challenge)
@ArianeAndrew: I mean I can’t cry over spoiled milk! Homie G here now so let’s get this W and leave that baggage at the door #ChampsVsStars
@itskimglass: That Eye Roll tho ?! 👀😬😍 why I look like I have Jodi Arias eyes #Yikes lol ha
@JustinaMusic: TUNE IN NOW #ChampsVsStars
@krystalt85: Tuesday night = #ChampsVsStars night!!! Gotta watch my @MTVBananas @TheOfficial_CT @WestonBergmann!!!
@ArianeAndrew: The struggle tho... #ChampsVsStars
@sjmedd: Riff Raff a savage LoL #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: "@DunksGirlMeme: @ZNichols15 tree trunks for legs! #ChampsVsStars" RT "My legs are stronger than all The Stars' legs combined." - @ZNichols15
@ChallengeMTV: That #TheChallengeVendettas tease thoooo 🔥
- @challengemtv__: @ChallengeMTV “You are a total and complete piece of shit”- @MTVDevinWalker YASS TALK THAT SHIT BOO🙌
@ChallengeMTV: *DJ Khaled Voice* ANOTHA ONE 🔑 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: 8-0! The Champs Team take another win! 🙌 #ChampsVsStars
@DerrickMTV: Is it me or do @ZNichols15 and @TheOfficial_CT look like Lions amongst Zebras?? @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: .@AneesaMTV is the real MVP! That's +$5,000 to @afspnational 🙏#ChampsVsStars
@DerrickMTV: This is bologna!!! @mikethemiz YOU NEED TO BLINDFOLD the CHAMPS TEAM!! 🤦♂️@ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Aneesa voting in Tori AGAIN, just like on #TheChallengeXXX 😈
@DerrickMTV: A-NEESA A-NEESA A-NEESA!! @AneesaMTV @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars
- @AneesaMTV: @DerrickMTV @ChallengeMTV Love you
@sashakrew: Aneesa never passes up a chance to throw in tori LMFAOOOO #ChampsVsStars
@ArianeAndrew: Let the claws come out... #ChampsVsStars
@AneesaMTV: @EmFitMTV and @tori_deal killed this challenge. I couldn’t have praised for more fierce women on my team. We are here for charity and we were all aware of that. I’m grateful for what I’m fighting for and who my teammates are #grateful
@ChallengeMTV: Looks like the Stars Team is about to get their hands dirty @JoshAllanMurray 😈 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: "If they wanna play it that way, then fine.")
@itskimglass: Welp... There Goes That! #SMDH
@AneesaMTV: Aww and sachels hug @ZNichols15 you’re so sweet
@ArianeAndrew: Lol bye let’s see how that works out for ya! Karma is a biotch!!#ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Keep tweeting #ChampsVsStars! 10k mentions unlocks your chance to win a signed Challenge jersey!!! #ChampsVsStars #ChampsVsStars #ChampsVsStars #ChampsVsStars #ChampsVsStars #ChampsVsStars
@DerrickMTV: Ohhhh s***....@tori_deal gets hit with the 💣💣💣
@ChallengeMTV: It's eat... or be eaten. #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Justina to Michelle - "It's either you put your neck on the line or they chop it.")
@ChallengeMTV: It's crunch time for the Stars Team! Do you agree with their plan to play dirty? 👀 #ChampsVsStars POLL: Yes - 70% / No - 30%
@TheSportsLede: #ChampsVsStars is getting lit, Tori gets sent in as soon as she comes in as a re-inforcement. Welcome to The Challenge.
@AneesaMTV: Ps don’t sleep on my wife @JustinaMusic she’s a beast. That woman took more hits than anyone and she still was walking straight without a complaint #ididthat #lovemearedhead
@meldorn84: Riff Raff is giving me LIIIIFFFFEEEE!!!! 🤣😂🤣😂 #ChampsVsStars
@MTVBananas: Damn Justina what a snake! You remind me of... Well... ME! 🐍🍌@justinamusic #ChampsVsStars @ChallengeMTV @mtv
@ChallengeMTV: RiFF RAFF just threw a wrench in this vote! 😩#ChampsVsStars (GIF: "I'm not lookin' for new friends. I don't give a lovely s___.")
@ChallengeMTV: It all comes down to @ItsMattRife. Who is he gonna choose?! 😱 #ChampsVsStars
@AneesaMTV: Of course I’m voting in @tori_deal they just had to bring her fine athletic ass on. Fair is fair and this young Lady is whole grown adult. Grateful to call tori a friend. 😘🤗
@sashakrew: Go off Josh dnhdhzgzigzksu #ChampsVsStars
@itskimglass: Looks like we’re a little behind in the vote swing ... 👀😬😬
@cristinaciac: #ChampsVsStars I LOVE RIFF RAFF HES SO FUNNY
@roman_paul08: All I'm saying is they better not pick @ShawnJohnson to go into elimination 😐 #ChampsVsStars
@katiejoules: Riff raff: “zoom in on his face”😂 #ChampsVsStars
@carlajlezin: .@JODYHiGHROLLER is just all over the place but I’m not even mad about it 🤷🏾♀️ #ChampsVsStars
@5sos4ever16: My favorite show @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars
@JustinaMusic: These alliances are gettin hot & heavyyyy 🔥🔥🔥 #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: The Stars Team is finally playing the game and i'm here for it 😈 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Wes - "I'm proud of them playing the game!")
@DerrickMTV: @JODYHiGHROLLER steady makin plays @ChallengeMTV. #ChampsVsStars
@ArianeAndrew: At elimination like... #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: It's @ShawnJohnson vs. @tori_deal in this week's elimination! And someone is really excited about this 😂 #ChampsVsStars (GIF: Tori - "This is the sickest thing ever!")
@AneesaMTV: Ps @tori_deal is my spirit animal/ younger blonde self. I support her 1000%
@itskimglass: Why can’t I be Neapolitan ?! Why I gotta be confined to just one... lol #FyoBoxCT 😜😂🤣
@itskimglass: 🙋🏾♀️okay okay.... I did finish his whiskey... 😬🤣😂 sorry @JODYHiGHROLLER #hedidntthinkiwould lol
@JeremiahBuoni: .@ItsMattRife with the split decision vote😂😂😎 #ChampsVsStars #trl
@mtvrrdarrell: 3 TV Break ups 😂...💀@ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars
@brogalaann: 3 tv break-ups vs 3 olympic gold medals 😆 @tori_deal @ShawnJohnson #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: This ain't @tori_deal's first rodeo! 👀 #ChampsVsStars (GIF of her and Shawn in elimination)
@CaraMariaMTV: There should have been a height requirement for that elimination. Haha poor shawn. Good job @tori_deal #champsvsstars
- @tori_deal: @CaraMariaMTV 💋💋
@ChallengeMTV: (GIF of Tori getting hug from the group)
@ChallengeMTV: It was another successful night for the Champs, but will The Stars be able to finally pull it together? Find out on an all new #ChampsVsStars next week! ⚽️
@BullionJordan: I don’t want anyone to go home, but super happy to see the Stars play the game! #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: CONGRATULATIONS! You tweeted #ChampsVsStars 10k times and unlocked our jersey giveaway! RT this for your chance to win! 👕🎉 http://on.mtv.com/2BcExOr
@AneesaMTV: I will take full credit for @tori_deal fearlessness when it comes to eliminations. Just kidding- that women is a whole other species. Our team is full of strong women who were all ready to fight #ChampsVSStars #champs #mtv #strongfemales
- @tori_deal: @AneesaMTV Lol 😂😂
- @EmFitMTV: @AneesaMTV @tori_deal all the love
@AneesaMTV: That moment when you thought there was a spelling error but wasn’t 🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️🤷🏽♀️
@DerrickMTV: #TheChallengeVendettas gonna be on 9/8C...just saw that..
@AneesaMTV: @ToriFiorenza is also my spirit animal. Haha. 😘😘
- @ToriFiorenza: @AneesaMTV Total spirit animal...can we go back on one of these and wreck havoc? I mean like wine drinking New Zealand sheep chasing days 🤷🏻♀️😂😘😘#spiritanimal #comeseeme
- @AneesaMTV: @ToriFiorenza Girl do not play with me. I will have a “pilgrimage” in my room and we will find ourselves #soulsisters
@ChallengeMTV: WEST COAST! An all new #ChampsVsStars starts NOW on @MTV! Tune in and tweet along ✊
@dc408dxnow: Romeo taking on Wes, and ground control is the game they're playing, as they try to buzz a buzzer and try to move towards the buzzer
@ChallengeMTV: Who has more TENACITY! @WestonBergmann or @RomeoMiller? 🤔 #ChampsVsStars
@dc408dxnow: Wes dominated these eliminations this summer, and it shows again in a quickie matchup. Another win in this arena. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And @RomeoMiller heads off, but I have an idea that we might hear from him again on here soon. #DCChallenge
@ArianeAndrew: WestCoast... @ChallengeMTV is on now.. #ChampsVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: First of all, it always* pays to eat the whole pizza 🍕 #ChampsVsStars
@CSUGradAkirk: “Sometimes it pays to eat the whole pizza” @WestonBergmann gotta put that on a t-shirt #champsvsstars
@ChallengeMTV: Bring 'em out, bring 'em out, bring 'em out! @tori_deal 🙌 #ChampsVsStars
@dc408dxnow: And wouldn't you know it, here comes @tori_deal to the rescue after her stellar rookie Challenge. And she comes in as the Champs are now gaining momentum despite losing all these players. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: So this is the 4th series Tori has been on in the past 18 months. Cashed in all three of them, will cash again here bc of charity being beneficiaries of all of these players efforts
@dc408dxnow: Tori had an awesome run, no one better to not only replace the champ girls but also being able to continue her stellar run here.
@CSUGradAkirk: @tori_deal back on my tv again glad she’s there to help represent the challenge team! #champsvsstars
@ChallengeMTV: BiG MOOD @JODYHiGHROLLER ✊ #ChampsVsStars
@dc408dxnow: Riff Raff was missing but he's been found and anxious to get back into this. But is he able to?
@CSUGradAkirk: Terrible male casting choices for the stars team needed someone like Gus Kam or Louie that show heart #ChampVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Push has officially come to shove! 😤 #ChampsVsStars
@dc408dxnow: Push Ball: soccer, 20-min match here and last time they had this on a Challenge, Preston ran away with MVP honors in that match there on Uruguay. And Wes is a soccer fanatic from him having gone to KC matches, this'll be up his alley here
@dc408dxnow: Stars will be at a man up to begin this match here and again some dirty play w/ CT getting into Matt's face
@dc408dxnow: Wes is that soccer fanatic who goes to matches of Sporting KC and he gets that first goal. Now Zach makes it 2-nil.
@dc408dxnow: Wes now has a brace, 3-0. This is what the Stars did not want to see in the Champa going out this lead at the first half break.
@ChallengeMTV: When it comes to determination, The Champs have it 🙌 #ChampsVsStars
@dc408dxnow: Justina feeling the brunt of this. And over the bar like this is the sport of hurling and its 6-0. Then 7 as bananas has 4 points now.
@dc408dxnow: This is an absolute rout. Champs will win this by a mile as the ball goes over Ariane's head. And it's an 8-0 clean sheet for the red.
@CSUGradAkirk: Now if the champ guys would’ve Darrell or Jordan they would’ve been even more dominant then they are doing right now #champsvsstars
@ChallengeMTV: Congrats, Aneesa! Well deserved 👏 #ChampsVsStars
@dc408dxnow: Girls elimination week, and the Champs choose Aneesa as their MVP. And for LVP, Tori likely going in, but we saw what happened just months ago if we can still remember.
@dc408dxnow: Pool night, and the group enjoying their time in there. And for the stars, a lot of deciding on what they should do here
@dc408dxnow: Justina now thinking of playing this game differently, as she talks to Michelle about the potential alliance taking place between the stars… something we didn't see much earlier
@CSUGradAkirk: @JustinaMusic is hysterical on #ChampsVsStars girl is great on wild n out and she’s doing awesome on the challenge
@dc408dxnow: Raff has some Jacuzzi Diamonds on. And the Stars are talking about what should be their plans w/ now alliances being revealed being put in the open
@dc408dxnow: We have an alliance forming here with 4 v 2. And Matt being asked by Josh about what he should do, along with RR.
@dc408dxnow: Nominations: Champs: Aneesa votes in Tori again as it was in Colombia. Stars: Ariane has 3 votes, Shawn has 2, Kim has 1. Michelle votes Shawn.
@dc408dxnow: Divide in the Stars side, and Matt has potential tiebreak vote here
@dc408dxnow: Matt votes in Shawn. The Stars brings out what a potential flaw in every 2-team challenge has: when alliances form and a team is not in full agreement this is what happens, a total disconnect. #DCChallenge
@CSUGradAkirk: For a non athlete Matt is a pretty strong dude #ChampVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: The Stars are finally learning how to play the game 😈 #ChampsVsStars
@dc408dxnow: Tori taking on Shawn in this first female elimination. The shining star of this summer & fall vs a star of that American gymnastics dynasty. And Shawn comes from the same city the breakout star of last season came from in Lolo Jones.
@dc408dxnow: Tori takes her first two battles as the champs form a pyramid as if were in PE. And that's it. 3-0 shutout as the champs have taken this season by the throat. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: This is only Tori's 2nd elimination battle after she won that one early on. And this continues this stellar run that has seen her get accepted into this world quickly & on the verge of big things to come. #DCChallenge
@CSUGradAkirk: These mini challenges are the best things to happen you can see how much fun the challengers team is having #ChampVsStars
@ChallengeMTV: Well played, girls! Congrats to both @ShawnJohnson and @tori_deal for a fierce elimination 👏 #ChampsVsStars
@EmFitMTV: I didn't get to watch tonight but 1. I love @tori_deal. 2. I am proud of my otter @AneesaMTV. 3. My team is stacked lol
- @tori_deal: @EmFitMTV Can't believe I'm on a team with you! Ya legend!! ❤💋
@tori_deal: "@kasara_ann: Why isn’t queen @tori_deal going to be on the challenge vendettas 😭" RT Took a little break to make sure my mental health was good! I was pretty messed up after that reunion! But I'll be back 😈
@JustJem24: If you haven’t yet, go listen to my #ChallengeMania podcast. I spill some te☕️, throw some shade🌴, & discuss all things @ChallengeMTV with @DerrickMTV & @SHOTOFYAGER
@DerrickMTV: The EXES sound like AXES!! Ruthless!! Get an exclusive glimpse on these NEW ATTITUDES COMIN HOT 🔪from someone that's ALWAYS COMIN IN HOT! 🔥New Podcast feat @JustJem24!! https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2#episodeGuid=challengemania.podbean.com%2Fep-4-jemmye-carroll-24b00f90dd1700f333f1ee8f1a4eedd1
@ChallengeMTV: When push comes to shove, it's push ball time ⚽️ #ChampsVsStars
@AneesaMTV: I couldn’t have been happier to get MVP and win money for my charity @afspnational - #mtv #champsvsstars
@ChallengeMTV: These rookies will fit right in on #TheChallengeVendettas 👌 Don't miss the British Invasion, Tuesday January 2 at 9/8c! 🔥 @joss_mooney @Kmorrisx @DJMelReeves
- @joss_mooney: @ChallengeMTV 👀👀👀
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV subtitles please.
- @n_zanattaMTV: @kailah_casillas Hahah and y’all thought I was bad 🤣😝 I’m just going to say I’m from MTV the UK and call it a day 😏
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV Meet my new friends from across the pond... easy on the eyes eh?
- @SeeElleEmm: @ChallengeMTV @joss_mooney and 2 others Can anybody tell me what part of the UK that accent is from?
- @DJMelReeves: @SeeElleEmm We're all from different parts of the UK. I'm from Liverpool @Kmorrisx is from Wales and @joss_mooney I think he's from Manchester?
@MTVjennifer: legit the second time this week i had such a real feeling dream that i was on the @ChallengeMTV😅🤔
@kailah_casillas: "@Nck1425: @kailah_casillas @iammikeyp Thats fair then! Fuck what all these fucking haters say then. I see you on snapchat yinz happy as hell !!! Live that up!!!" RT I just think it’s comical that people ask about this but it’s totally normal that on the show when everyone fucks and dates everyone 😂 come on.
@kailah_casillas: "@jholran: @kailah_casillas @iammikeyp Follow up question: Do you continue to share these friendships because you three are mature, non petty, cool af, genuine people who continue to value these friendships that you have created, and if so, why do people continue to obsess with or try to find something wrong with it?" RT Of course! Mikey & I live together. When Jenna comes to Vegas, she stays on our couch. She’s my bestfriend. Her and Mikey are friends. I don’t ever even think about it.
@ChallengeMTV: We're counting down The 12 Days of Challenge Christmas 🎄 http://on.mtv.com/2Aj0k3Q
@tombuelljr: It may have taken longer than the norm, but your boy graduated 😎🎓🎓
- @MTVCoryWharton: @tombuelljr My boi did It, proud of you homie 🍾🍾🍾🍾
@ChallengeMTV: Apparently @KyleCGShore has a vendetta against @Rogan_OConnor for sleeping with his ex-girlfriend ☕️ #TheChallengeVendettas premieres Tuesday, January 2 at 9/8c! 🔥 http://on.mtv.com/2BPJaeF
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV Oh damn! Who’s gonna stay longer? 👀
@mandamay91: @MTVBananas I'm really enjoying @ChallengeMTV #ChampsVsStars & think it's awesome that u all are doing this for charity. This Friday marks 1 month since this little guy started his year long journey of Chemo for a…
- @MTVBananas: @mandamay91 Remember, the human spirit is stronger than anything that can happen to it 👼 Send me your info so we can get your little guy hooked up with some gear! Be strong buddy, you're the REAL CHAMP ✊ @kaseyharveySD #DiemStrong @MedGift @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Everyone knows I lost my dad this year, but last month I also lost my pawpaw(my mom's dad). He was my bf. we went drinking, gambling, &dancing everytime I was in town. He was so outlandish, hilarious, and my backbone. How do you lose the only two men you ever loved in one year?
▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪
Well on Champs vs. Pros, Wes turned back the clock to his total domination of the eliminations when he was in prime form on The Duel in winning three earlier this summer, and here amidst having to compete against his closest friend in the quarters Romeo, he adds to that resume notching a 17th overall win - counting the 3 on Pros, the 1 here and the 13 on the regular shows. And the other star of the night is Tori, who after a stellar run on Dirty 30 picked up right where she left off winning the female arena, taking down Shawn Johnson. More to come on the WRAP tomorrow.
A reminder for our friends out in Chicagoland: tonight some of The Challenge's big names are gathering for a special fundraiser in Yorkville, IL, near Fall Out Boy's hometown of Naperville. Johnny Bananas, Derrick, Cara Maria, KellyAnne, Nany, Jenna, Zach, Britni and Chicago's very own Brad will all gather for a night of partying and bowling in honor of the great Diem Brown and her MedGift foundation, as well as for military veterans. Ticket info and more is located at Event Sprout, and we'll be sure to share with you their night here next week.
As for now, coming up ExtraTime will turn back the clock to one of the most memorable Challenge seasons ever, as we focus on five people who competed on The Gauntlet III, including that infamous final. Stay here with us.
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