Monday, December 31, 2018

DC ExtraTime: A Team MTV Christmas 2018

Photos & Videos Embedded Below Courtesy of Instagram

BY DC CUEVA                      

Very shortly, the year of 2018 will come to an end -- a year that, in an MTV sense, has seen the channel return to its glory days. More viewers are watching the channel than in recent times thanks to the channel doubling down on something it does just as well as doing music: reality TV. And we here at DCBLOG have been on top of every ebb and flow of the goings on of that world, with a specific focus on The Challenge, Are You The One, Floribama Shore and Ex On The Beach, and a few other shows to keep us busy in doing 272 blog posts... the most of any one year for our site.

The holidays are a time for everyone to come together to spend the last two weeks of the year to enjoy the magic of the Christmas holidays, party down the last hours of the year as what is taking place tonight, and look back on the year that was and plan ahead for the new year which begins in a matter of hours in the U.S. and has already begun in much of the world. For a handful, there's a lot of be happy about -- 23 people with 1,000,000 reasons, while for others they are just glad that they can finally put 2018 to rest.

For an MTV family that have had much to celebrate and so many headlines to create in the past 52 weeks, the Christmas week gave them the opportunity to open Christmas presents, spend time with family and even use the merriest day of all to reveal big life-changers. There have no doubt been a lot of news in the past week with the revelations of what happened to Paulie and Cara Maria, with Nelson's arrest, and Twitter drama in between. But instead of focusing on those, we'd thought about sharing with you the positive moments and those life-changers in this final ExtraTime of 2018.

Below, a few memories from Instagram from part of the entire MTV community on Christmas.



A post shared by Tony Raines (@t_raines) on



A post shared by Ryder K (@thatsryderk) on






A post shared by Mike "The Miz" Mizanin (@mikethemiz) on


 JAVI of Teen Mom


A post shared by Cody Calafiore (@codycalafiore) on

 KWASI of AYTO Season 7



This holiday season has been amazing. Today I partnered with @carriebernans to sponsor holiday shopping sprees to kids who’s Christmases would be lacking otherwise and a power lunch to @benihana . What’s even better is, our initial budget for each kid was $250 and David of the WiseHeart Foundation, Inc. matched our budget for each kid, giving them $500 each for their shopping spree in ADDITION to Target contributing $50 gift cards totaling out to each child having $550 to buy toys, clothes, school supplies, games, and whatever else they wanted/needed for the holidays!! They got sooo much stuff and for them all, it was their first time experiencing hibachi and they were ecstatic! Thank you to David, @target , the amazing Target managers, all the volunteers! We hope to sponsor so many more kids next year. You do NOT have to be rich to give back. Do what you can and create that domino effect of love! Happy Holidays! ❤️❤️❤️
A post shared by Candace Renee Rice (@thisiscandacerenee) on


 JULIETTE & ALEX of Siesta Key

A post shared by Juliette Porter (@juliettep0rter) on



A post shared by Samantha💟 "Sammi Sweetheart" (@sammisweetheart) on

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For five MTV'ers who got to compete on a Challenge and a sixth who appeared on an Are You The One season, Christmas was the ideal time to announce to social media big news coming to them. A few decided to give their significant other the ultimate holiday present: an engagement ring and an announcement to the social media community that they got engaged under the Christmas tree. For a few, a present just as good as announcing that you're getting married: you're becoming a parent. And for one, family reconciliation.

Next summer will mark ten years since The Real World Cancun took over Mexico and Spring Break, including having a hand in introducing an electronic music duo named LMFAO. Season 22's resident heartthrob was CJ Koegel, who we then featured earlier this fall getting to fulfill a lifelong dream of getting to go to The Ellen Degeneres Show, and then getting to dance with the talk show's in-house DJ Twitch. On Christmas Day while he was with family, it was his puppy who got to ask the question to his girlfriend - through a message on the back of his shirt, of course. And for someone who loves Christmas more than anything else, CJ's big moment was of being engaged around the tree.

Five years ago, we first saw Bostonian Johnny Reilly enter The Real World Portland house, where he fell in love with Arizonan Hooters girl Averey Tressler and her dog Daisy, but then broke up before he went onto The Challenge Free Agents. As a rookie, he rode a bit of Irish luck in dodging every kill card to make the final, and finished 2nd to Bananas. He may not have emulated that success in his two succeeding starts in having to deal with his ex and his Portland vendetta, but on Christmas Day he proposed in the traditional way to his girlfriend in the snow... She got to say yes.

A flaw of Final Reckoning was that because of the opening Purge, we never got to see Jemmye, Britni and Jenna make as quite a mark in South Africa as they did in previous Challenges. And them going to redemption and then home was all the more stinging to Chuck Mowery, who never got to fulfill the potential any rookie aspires to once the game begins. But after that breakup with the Georgian, he found his own perfect match and in the weekend before Christmas, Chuck proposed to a girlfriend he met after that heartbreak, and they became engaged.

For Jenna's sibling partner on Battle of the Bloodlines, December 2018 has offered not one, but two gifts under the tree for Brianna Julig. Two weeks before Christmas, she posted a Instagram of a sonogram revealing that she has become pregnant with her first kid to come next summer. And on Christmas Eve, she further stamped this month to be the best one ever when she accepted her boyfriend's engagement proposal around the tree. Brianna isn't the only one to announce a yuletide baby: RW St. Thomas newlywed Laura Waller revealed her second baby to come in the new year.

Back in fall 2014, the cast of Season 2 of Are You The One had a big task to follow after Season 1, and one of those who came to Puerto Rico was Kansas native Shelby Yardley. She was in a love triangle with Dario and Nate during that season, and while she didn't find true love there -- Shelby eventually found her own perfect match. And on Christmas, she and her boyfriend got engaged.

And for a new member of the MTV family this year, Christmas afforded one the opportunity to bury the hatchet with her ultimate vendetta and create this year's version of Miracle on 34th Street.
   Those who saw her reality debut in summer 2016 know about the rivalry between soon-to-be 2-time Ex on the Beach houseguest & Final Reckoning rookie Angela Babicz and her counterpart on Bad Girls Club: Twisted Sisters, sister Kristina. The two never got along after their parents divorced, and they cut ties when they had a big blowup. Angela didn't last the entire BGC15 season after a couple fights, while Kristina lasted the whole season dodging several fights herself.
   When the entire Babicz family got together for Christmas this past week, both Angela and Kristina - referred to on their season as "The Competitive Cuties" were in the same room. They took a picture on Instagram with the now least-known half of the siblings captioning, "WE'RE BACK BITCHES! We gave you what ya wanted" with fire emojis, while the now 4-time reality star added, "A Christmas miracle."

A post shared by Angela Babicz (@angelababicz) on

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This is the 273rd and final DCBLOG post of 2018... a year that once again has seen this site offer a record number of posts to covering ten seasons in the course of 52 weeks. Without elaborating much - and saving those thoughts for our 2017-2018 Reality Debrief double year in review soon, it has been an incredible year covering the shows you love and the stories behind them too.
   This site marked our fifth anniversary over the summer, and I am proud of the great body of work this site has been able to offer here... your support continues to drive this site to keep on writing and to translate this love of the most talked about shows in television into the passion for the written word I have and putting out the finest content each week. And of course, 2019 will be just as busy for fans like me who watch and those who cover these shows for sites and webcasts like mine.
   It's been our pleasure and our privilege to once again take you Inside MTV Reality with us, and look forward to what the new year has in store. To you from me, DC Cueva, a safe, peaceful and a very Happy New Year.


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