*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
As we enter the last 30 hours or so of 2018, we now present the 105th and last SocialPulse episode journal of this year, and the 272nd post DCBLOG has offered of what has been a busy and record-setting year for us going Inside MTV Reality. And for the tenth series this site has covered at least in part in the past fifty-two weeks, the weather is chill outside but the temperatures are rising for Season 2 of Ex On The Beach USA.
Last week, an all-star cast of reality icons ranging from Farrah of Teen Mom and The Bachelor's Bad Chad to those from The Challenge, Are You The One, Big Brother and others joined with Romeo Miller in Malibu to begin a new season of MTV's global reality franchise. As is always the case in any reality dating show, romances popped up amongst the singles before the arrival of the first waves of exes in Didi from Malcolm's AYTO cast and Maya's ex Kareem. We learned about a pet bringing to an end one-half of Malcolm's romance and tensions brew with two of the singles.
When the singles entered the house last week, there were only nine of them at the the masquerade party, and this week the tenth single will arrive at the mansion... and he or she will parachute their way into not just a house in the early lovey/dovey phase bit also a love triangle. If you watched the years-long stint our Teen Mom had, you know she can be fiery... and after what went down last week she may find herself in some drama once again with the house. And what happens when an Ex decides to stir the pot by spreading a nasty rumor?
After the jump, the Pulse of Episode 2 of Season 2 of Ex On The Beach, along with more of the drama involving one of last season's singles and his headline-making love triangle. Dive in...
@ExOnTheBeach: The singles are so over each other and are desperate for fresh meat, @F1abraham wastes no time telling @realChadJohnson how she really feels about him! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
- @realChadJohnson: @ExOnTheBeach Dude wut? #thismakesnosense #exonthebeach
- @realChadJohnson: @ExOnTheBeach @F1abraham Hmm
@MayaBenberry: On this day a Queen was born 💜🎁 #HappyBirthdayToMe
@F1abraham: Kids these days! - Rule #1. GO TO YOUR ROOM @ExOnTheBeach @MTV ALL NEW EP.2 THURSDAY 7PM 🤣🤣🤣🥳🥳🥳 #exonthebeach #farrahabraham
@MayaBenberry: Feeling the birthday love already. I love you guys so much!! ❤️😚
- @ExOnTheBeach: @MayaBenberry Happy Birthday! 🙌 We'll be celebrating during an all new episode of #ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT at 8pm 💃
@ParkerCheyenne: Last week was wild!! Who knows what’s in store for us tonight!?!? Things are really heating up in the Malibu house - TUNE IN tonight! @exonthebeach airs Thursdays 8/7c on @mtv #mtv #exonthebeach #seasontwo #wetandwild #realitytvgays #dramacentral #thecheyenneparker
@jossie_flores: Don’t miss an all new episode of @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach2 tonight at 8pm on @Mtv ! 😈🔥
@morgan_willett: Dear @instagram, if I wanted to swipe right, I’d get on Bumble. Sincerely, an angry millennial. ❤️ but seriously... don’t update your app.
@Kmorrisx: Thought I was honestly drunk scrolling though @instagram wtf have they done 😩
@imdroc15: So Instagram had on that Bird Box blindfold when they did this update smh
@iamkamiam_: IG changed that update so fast 😩😂
- @Kmorrisx: @iamkamiam_ I strongly dislike it 😩
@kailah_casillas: the glowwww 🧚🏻♂️
@MtvNateSiebs: Man first Snapchat went and fucked up, now Instagram? Whatever happen to if it ain’t broken don’t fix it? Some bulllllshit 🙄👎🏼
@caliraeofficial: WHAT THE FUCK INSTAGRAM. THIS ISNT TINDER. Gimme back my scroll
- @tomasbuenos1: @caliraeofficial Who tf is responsible for this
@juliettep0rter: Instagram: if it ain’t broke don’t fix it
@BionicBrooks_: I had a dream last night that my Instagram feed changed. Then .2 seconds passed and it was back the same. Oh wait, that wasn’t a dream.
@tonyraines: The power of word of mouth (or tweet of fingers in this case) is real... I never had any interest in watching #BirdBox but after seeing 690,000 tweets about it, I’m about to press play 🎥🍿
- @shannanity: @tonyraines I HATE IT TONY DONT GIVE IN
- @mtvrrdarrell: @tonyraines It put my ass to sleep 😴
@tonyraines: Update: #BirdBox is a great example of Netflix getting A-list stars to film straight to dvd quality movies. Not that bad of a movie and I appreciate the meaning behind it but if Sandra Bullock isn’t in it and it was in theaters it flops.
- @shannanity: @tonyraines Told you
- @MTVDevinWalker: @tonyraines Fuck it I’m rollin the dice too
- @BritniNicol: @MTVDevinWalker @tonyraines Me three!!! LETS GOOO!
@ToriFiorenza: @susie_meister I thought it was four??...either way, I’m now signing up for “married at first sight”...all time low. #thankssusie
@Marie_TBD: I wish we could go back to the good old days when you were casted for being you; and not for who you fckd. Just kidding - that’s always been a thing. Right @Harveywein
@Marie_TBD: Why do people act surprised when things end how they were expected too?
@Marie_TBD: For the New Year id like to get @tonyraines voice out of my head singing “some people get what they deserve.” It’s like the second it stops, someone else does something stupid and there it goes again 🎶
- @tonyraines: @Marie_TBD You can thank @Bruce_Lee85 for that
- @JustJem24: @Marie_TBD I hear this exact saying in @Bruce_Lee85 voice bc he’s the one that started that annoying shit. I find myself singing it daily 🤦🏻♀️
@Marie_TBD: History doesn’t repeat itself, WE do.
@kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD @shannanity @JustJem24 We don’t but even if we did, don’t you hate @shannanity as of right now? Or have you guys kissed and made up?!!!
@kailah_casillas: I KNOW IM NOT ONE TO TALK BUT SOMETIMES LESS IS MORE!!!! 😂😂😂 sometimes being quiet works better... or.. idk, take responsibility???? YIKES
@kailah_casillas: Yelp. I’m now second hand embarrassed 😂 that’s enough social media for me today.
@kailah_casillas: The Challenge world is always so unpredictable. I’m part of it & I feel like I’m always on the edge of my seat. It’s something new every damn week with these psychos 😂
@Marie_TBD: In my experiences, no one loves stripclubs more than people from Florida.
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD that’s me 🙋🏻♀️🙋🏻♀️ we also have awesome stripclubs though.
@DayDaVonne_: How come damn near all of y’all old accounts were suspended ???!!!!! On twitter acting up !!!! Lmaoo
@TheOfficial_CT: [The Bestman Speech] #rp aka My Bunker Hill Day Moment. I’m glad he waiting till the end of the night... @thejohnnyhickey “Id say the most important content behind the scenes of… https://www.instagram.com/p/Br6IlUCgU3v/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1umdho29uj0f …
@SylviaMTV: Had to squeeze one last closing in before year end!! I truly love what I do. #RealtorLife #RealEstate #Loughlin&Associates
@RamBamSam16: Welp I spent about $8,000 in Christmas gifts this year so there’s that
@ExOnTheBeach: #Blessed 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@00Hitsdiidii: "@realitystxn: Why is Didi always being pulled into drama. Can y’all let her relax 🙄😴" RT Lmaoo deadass Kendall
@realChadJohnson: I’m out in Colorado with my sister and her boyfriend just relaxing, skiing, and enjoying the holiday. But I’m for sure not missing exonthebeach tonight at… https://www.instagram.com/p/Br5ozbrh-YK-TGfA6h_rZ6XiQ4RcUc6msAP-bg0/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1kyajt32amsdv …
@CoryZ07: I guess I’m a bingo prize now 😂
@imdroc15: "@BAMXI_: Bird box : “she’s going through your phone” My dumb ass : " RT Me in the Shack Of Secrets on Ex On The Beach 😂😂😂
@Marie_TBD: Ladies if your S&M loving boyfriend gets posted naked on his “rumored” gfs page........ he’s just not that into you. #thankunext
@DarianV_: Brand new episode of @ExOnTheBeach on tonight!!
@ExOnTheBeach Christmas took all of the nice out of us, TONIGHT it's time to get naughty! 😈 Don't miss an all new #ExOnTheBeach at 8/7c on @MTV! 🙌
@princeofnorway: The worst part about LA is that none of the people with money have jobs. You can’t go anywhere at any time of any day and not run into a bunch of cunts
@RomeoMiller: It’s @ExOnTheBeach Thursday babbbbby!!!
@jossie_flores: Tune in right now to watch the @ExOnTheBeach ex-tra edition!! Unseen footage 😜 Before the new episode at 8pm #ExOnTheBeach2 #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: IT'S GOING DOWN! #ExOnTheBeach is ALL NEW in just ONE HOUR at 8/7c on @MTV! 😈
@mariblu102: Excited for @ExOnTheBeach tonight! I better see @angelababicz , not the same without her.
@BadGirlJanelle: I’m a Ride or Die Chick. Better Get You One! 😉👊🏾 #ExonTheBeach
@Mackemdrummer: When you bring your boy around your girl..and all of a sudden he’s a comedian 👀
- @kareem_fathalla: @Mackemdrummer Lmaooo
@Jay__Qs: Day one @jossie_flores hammered! Haha this is great, I never got to see this! #stayloco bro
@jossie_flores: Omg I was so drunk 😂😂😂 @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@jossie_flores: Just in case you missed it !!! 😂🤣 I was so drunk !! Thank you @BadGirlJanelle for getting me to bed !!! @ExOnTheBeach #ExonTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @jossie_flores 😂 funniest sh*t EVER! #ExOnTheBeach
- @DayDaVonne_: @jossie_flores Lmaoooooooo I’ve missed drunk JOZEA, that LISP is the funniest shit ever !!!
- @jossie_flores: @DayDaVonne_ Awww @DayDaVonne_ can’t wait till we do it again !!!! 😜🥂 I’m lisp only comes out when I’m super lit i don’t know why 😂😂😂
@maddiesullivan1: An all new episode of @ExOnTheBeach airs tonight at 8/7c on @MTV !!!! Who’s watching ??
@realChadJohnson: There’s so many dudes! #ExOnTheBeach
@MTV: Tensions between @MayaBenberry and @KingReemo are still high on #ExOnTheBeach, but @F1abraham is around to intervene! Don't miss a new episode TONIGHT at 8/7c!
@BadGirlJanelle: I don’t know what type of Liver @jossie_flores got but I need to go and find it so I can buy me one on eBay 😂😂😂 P.S. my name is Janelle and not Cheyenne 😩 This is a bonus clip from Episode 1.. stay tuned for ep 2 @exonthebeach tonight on @mtv 8/7c #exonthebeach
►AS THEY SAW IT: "Being Shady 101"
@ExOnTheBeach: #ExOnTheBeach starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! RT if you're watching + be apart of the conversation using #ExOnTheBeach 🙌 (GIF: Romeo Miller - "Everybody gather around")
@ParkerCheyenne: @ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeachUS Season 2 Episode 2 just started ! Tune in and watch it with me!!! I’ll be going live on Instagram later to answer questions and interact with y’all!
@00Hitsdiidii: NEW EPISODE OF @ExOnTheBeach on @MTV RIGHT NOW!!!!
@jossie_flores: Time for a new episode on now !!! #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach 😈🔥😜
- @MTV: @jossie_flores @ExOnTheBeach we’re watching 😬😬 #ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: Brand new episode of @ExOnTheBeach starts right now east coast!
@morgan_willett: We’re baaaaack! Don’t miss a new episode of @ExOnTheBeach TONIGHT🔥 8/7c @MTV
- @ExOnTheBeach: @morgan_willett @MTV Yasssss Morgan! #ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: Let’s find out what happened in the SOS. New @ExOnTheBeach episode is on RIGHT NOW! 💔🏝
@efriebs: @ExOnTheBeach is about to be messy af this season 😂
@coreybrooks34: My exes aren’t gonna like this one. Catch me on @ExOnTheBeach tonight 8/7c #eotb
@ExOnTheBeach: When you're trying to kill a bug and it won't die! #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Cheyenne - "I'm not going away")
@Jay__Qs: Jareyyyy !!!!! Welcome to the house #exonthebeach #Goodluck @coreybrooks34 @ExOnTheBeach @mtv #welookgoodtogether #stayloco
- @coreybrooks34: @Jay__Qs 50% of me and 50% of you is 100% better than Morgan ☕️
- @Jay__Qs: @coreybrooks34 Savage hahaha
- @morgan_willett: @coreybrooks34 You’re such a ray of sunshine. How has a girl not snatched you up yet?!?
- @Jay__Qs: @coreybrooks34 Lmfaoooo
@jossie_flores: Yes maya !! Tell his ass @MayaBenberry #exonthebeach #ExOnTheBeach2
@realChadJohnson: Kareem coming in hardcore underdogged in this situation damn #ExOnTheBeach
@morgan_willett: I’m team @ParkerCheyenne on this one #ExOnTheBeach2
@NicolexoRamos: Me watching tonight’s episode of #ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @NicolexoRamos woooo messy! #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: When tea is being spilled but it's too loud to hear it! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: Maya to Farrah and Didi - "Bitch, I can't even hear good")
- @BadGirlJanelle: @ExOnTheBeach I was really trying too 😂
@Mackemdrummer: A bet?😱😱 I Bet @MayaBenberry gone whoop Kareem ass this episode #ExOnTheBeach
@jossie_flores: It’s Gucci b***** 😂 @ParkerCheyenne #exonthebeach
@MurraySwanby: Five minutes in and I’m DYINGGGGG @ExOnTheBeach 🏖 @mtv
@ExOnTheBeach: Mom: So if your little friends get sent to hell you’re going to go to? Me: (GIF)
@realChadJohnson: How’s everybody apologizing so quickly wtf #exonthebeach
@NicolexoRamos: ITS GUCCI BITCH my fav line of the night #ExOnTheBeach
@Jay__Qs: #guccibitch @ParkerCheyenne you’re the man #exonthebeach
@angelababicz: It’s Gucci BITCH @ParkerCheyenne #ExonTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Now wait a damn minute @F1abraham @ParkerCheyenne! This won't last! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of them making up)
@angelababicz: Say it louder QUEEN @MayaBenberry #exonthebeach
@RobTiniOfficial: Awwww @ParkerCheyenne and @F1abraham too cute.
@ExOnTheBeach: .@realChadJohnson has finally reached his breaking point! 🐣#ExOnTheBeach (GIF of him drinking eggs)
- @realChadJohnson: @ExOnTheBeach The gains don’t wait for arguments to end. #protein
- @MonteJr5: @realChadJohnson Wise words.... 12 eggs a day will keep the ex's away #ExOnTheBeach
@realChadJohnson: "@SequesterFanBOY: Damn this #ExOnTheBeach2 announcer really hates @realChadJohnson 😂😂" RT Good point. What’s with that?
@MurraySwanby: You go #GlenCoco @ParkerCheyenne
@NicolexoRamos: These little dusties #ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: He just drink 8 eggs? 😂 #exonthebeach
@RobTiniOfficial: How is @MayaBenberry crying, upset, blindsided and still looking like a gift from baby Jesus?! Thank u lord 🙏🏽
- @MayaBenberry: @RobTiniOfficial Awww thank you baby!! I love you 💜
@ExOnTheBeach: Waiting to see @Mackemdrummer's #VPL #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of man with binoculars)
- @RobTiniOfficial: @ExOnTheBeach You don’t need those binoculars
- @ExOnTheBeach: @RobTiniOfficial OOP! #ExOnTheBeach
@SwagguhBarbii: @ExOnTheBeach @MTV got the sexiest host @RomeoMiller & it’s Thursday so you know who I’m choosin’ & watchin 🥰❤️😋💦 “wherefore art thou bae” 😘
@angelababicz: Oop @00Hitsdiidii said Issa personal problem 🤭
@angelababicz: I love watching everything that happened before I washed up onto @ExOnTheBeach 😂 pure entertainment
- @ExOnTheBeach: @angelababicz ☕️ #ExOnTheBeach
- @ParkerCheyenne: @angelababicz RIGHT!?!?
@NicolexoRamos: @00Hitsdiidii face at the pool has me weak #ExOnTheBeach
- @00Hitsdiidii: @NicolexoRamos Lmaooo it’s like I wanted to leave but then I wanted to be nosey so I was just stuck😂
@ReneeSchneck: There’s not enough money in the world to pay me to be on a show with my ex. You couldn’t even pay me to be in the same room with my ex for a day. How is this show real?! @ExOnTheBeach
@jossie_flores: This new episode is messy 😂 #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: All new episode of @ExOnTheBeach on @MTV NOW!!!!
@angelababicz: A 10th single!!!! Could it be?? 👀👀👀
- @ExOnTheBeach: @angelababicz A mess girl! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@Mackemdrummer: @MayaBenberry & @BadGirlJanelle always trying to creep up on a brotha 👀👀👀 I’m clean ladies 😌 #exonthebeach
- @MayaBenberry: @Mackemdrummer Mmmhmmm....FOR NOW 👀
@sjmedd: The 10th single is an ex 😯 #ExOnTheBeach
@Jay__Qs: Mo wtf! @morgan_willett #exonthebeach
- @morgan_willett: @Jay__Qs SOMETIMES I AM NOT VERY ELOQUENT OK. #EXOnTheBeach2
- @Jay__Qs: @morgan_willett @MayaBenberry Agreed love ya sis @MayaBenberry
@jossie_flores: Not with me looking like Fabio with those glasses😎☺️ Lol 😂 @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach2 #exonthebeach
@00Hitsdiidii: Can we talk about my glow up though? YOUR GIRL WAS FIT OKAY #ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: "@Fiercegemini: @BadGirlJanelle when is your ex arriving? Im only here for u #ExOnTheBeach" RT Stay tuned @DarianV_ #ExOnTheBeach
@ParkerCheyenne: Damn I look LIT!!! Wooooo this episode is TOO MUCH !!! Hahahha #defendittothedeath #notgoingaway
@__Janettttttt: Maya and Jenelle are best friend goalsss ! #ExOnTheBeach
@morgan_willett: Hey @SouthwestAir you not having WiFi on my flight is making it very difficult to tweet about @ExOnTheBeach ....in case you care...
@maddiesullivan1: Cheyenne: 1 Chad: 0 😂 #exonthebeach
@morgan_willett: LOL @ me and @Jay__Qs thinking things are going to be smooth sailing for us #exonthebeach2
- @Jay__Qs: @morgan_willett Then mr. Abercrombie walks in ! @coreybrooks34
@ExOnTheBeach: Me coming back to get ANOTHER free sample 👺 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of man in mask)
@maddiesullivan1: 😂😂😂😂 @realChadJohnson drinking raw eggs #ExOnTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
@ExOnTheBeach: Is @Jay__Qs....SALTY? 😂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "Jesus.")
@angelababicz: False alarm
@jossie_flores: Hello @coreybrooks34 Finally the return of #Cozey !! 😜 #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
- @coreybrooks34: @jossie_flores We back bb!! Let’s goooo 😝
@BadGirlJanelle: What’s up Abercrombie & Fitch??? 😂😂😂 @coreybrooks34 #exonthebeach
- @coreybrooks34: @BadGirlJanelle Haha I’ll take it doll 💁🏼♂️
@Marie_TBD: Wait. I think Jay is my favorite. @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach
@realChadJohnson: Douche tickler
@00Hitsdiidii: Corey ain’t here for the gamesssss #Exonthebeach
@Mackemdrummer: Jays face when he saw Corey for the first time #exonthebeach
@RobTiniOfficial: @coreybrooks34 Corey Brooks?! More like story books you Fuckin Prince Charming @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
- @coreybrooks34: @RobTiniOfficial Hell mother freakin yeah ❤️
@Jay__Qs: Hey @coreybrooks34 don’t be a “ douche tickler” @realChadJohnson #givemeakiss #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@junterhohnson: If the #EOTB narrator narrated my life, I would definitely feel more motivated to get my shit together. @ExOnTheBeach
@jossie_flores: We need more of jozea in this episode 😂🥂 #ExonTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: I need @DarianV_ for dick and comfort. And in no Particular Order 🤷🏽♀️ #ExOnTheBeach
- @DarianV_: @BadGirlJanelle Good dick is comfort 😉
@MayaBenberry: You gotta love @BadGirlJanelle for the honesty. Dick & Comfort please!!
- @BadGirlJanelle: @MayaBenberry Yassss #ExOnTheBeach
@MTV_NellyT: Who’s watching @ExOnTheBeach !!! #drama #drama 🔪🔪
@morgan_willett: It’s all fun and games until you have your face with a bunch of arrows coming from it. Why y’all gotta do this to me @ExOnTheBeach
- @ExOnTheBeach: @morgan_willett You did this to yourself sis! 😂 💅 #ExOnTheBeach
@allrealitychat: Janelle is fucking Gold. Period. I've said it every single day since they started filming and i will continue to do so #ExonTheBeach
@DarianV_: @BadGirlJanelle looking sexy 😍 I think I’m going have to pop up outta this water 😏
@maddiesullivan1: Damn @coreybrooks34 🔥 you’re looking good #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach @MTV
- @coreybrooks34: @maddiesullivan1 @ExOnTheBeach @MTV Thanks bb 😚
- @MTV: @maddiesullivan1 @coreybrooks34 @ExOnTheBeach HOTTIE ALERT #ExOnTheBeach
@Wynton_Mohorn: @MayaBenberry @BadGirlJanelle Yep. Janelle is definitely #BAEGoals. ❤❤❤ @MTV @ExOnTheBeach #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: Welcome @MurraySwanby 👋 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of his entrance)
@morgan_willett: Help I’m behind- THOUGHTS SO FAR.... yeaaaah this gif and @realChadJohnson saying douche tickler sums it up. #ExOnTheBeach2
@ExOnTheBeach: Will @ParkerCheyenne be willing to take the risk with @MurraySwanby again? #ExOnTheBeach (GIF: "I'll get my heart broken again")
@MurraySwanby: She’s Here 🏖 @ExOnTheBeach
@morgan_willett: I Stan @Mackemdrummer and @MayaBenberry ❤️ called you two as a couple from day 1! #exonthebeach2
- @MayaBenberry: @morgan_willett You called it at the pool party ☝🏽😚
@jossie_flores: @morgan_willett is in a pickle 😂 #ExonTheBeach
- @morgan_willett: @jossie_flores Ya could call it that....
@ExOnTheBeach: This cannot happen @morgan_willett!! Your man would look like he'd belong on the US dollar! 😂 #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of Jay)
- @morgan_willett: @ExOnTheBeach Sweet Jesus, now I’m going to have nightmares about this face.
@Mackemdrummer: Every time Cheyenne speak he remind me of boomhauer from “KING OF THE HILL” 😂😂
@AnnT1ff: @realChadJohnson is the only reason I watch #Exonthebeach. The man is fucking hilarious 😂
@coreybrooks34: What’s wrong with my personality @morgan_willett 🤔
- @morgan_willett: @coreybrooks34 Here’s an example “how do you like your eggs... fertilized?” 😝
- @Jay__Qs: @coreybrooks34 @morgan_willett @morgan_willett what’s wrong with my looks?
@lizxreality: Cheyenne, Janelle, and Maya. That’s it. That’s the tweet. #ExOnTheBeach
@DarianV_: @realChadJohnson why you sitting like that 😂😂
- @realChadJohnson: @DarianV_ Wish I knew man lol
@ExOnTheBeach: When a women washes her hands with you just know there's no coming back! @MayaBenberry #ExOnTheBeach (GIF of her in front of Kareem)
@ExOnTheBeach: .@realChadJohnson "There's d*cks EVERYWHERE" @F1abraham: (GIF: "We need more guys in the house")
@K0nigi: Somebody send my therapist!!! Me everyday 😂 @ExOnTheBeach #ExonTheBeach
@nillythesquid: Who’s watching ex on the beach?! We are up next! #MTVFloribamaShore
- @JustJem24: @nillythesquid Me and you best believe I’m team you.... 😘
@jossie_flores: 😂😂😂😂😂 #Exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
- @MurraySwanby: @jossie_flores I’m that whole fucking #SNACK in your hand Henni!!! 🍴 #eatup Lol
- @jossie_flores: @MurraySwanby 😂😂😂
@ParkerCheyenne: Just saw @MurraySwanby ‘s intro on @ExOnTheBeach and I’m DEAD. Biiiiiitch is HILARIOUS!
- @MurraySwanby: @ParkerCheyenne Umm first of all sir. Lol
@DarianV_: Have a show called @realChadJohnson had a car at 16 😂
@DarianV_: This heatin up 👀 #exonthebeach
@ExOnTheBeach: .@MurraySwanby IS MESSY and we love it! #ExOnTheBeach (GIF)
- @MurraySwanby: @ExOnTheBeach 😇😇😇
@jossie_flores: Messy ass Kareem smh!!! Learn to throw shade!!! #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@realChadJohnson: I still don’t understand that fight and I don’t think i ever will #EXOnTheBeach
@realChadJohnson: #EXOnTheBeach
@00Hitsdiidii: Yea it’s a no for me dawg #CornyKareem #Exonthebeach
@BadGirlJanelle: So Kareem had a plan to destroy my girl’s @MayaBenberry reputation with LIES all because she didn’t want to give him another chance??? PATHETIC #ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: "@kiara__renee: She had something incurable and was knowingly spreading it around but you were just begging to be with her.... im confused.... #exonthebeach " RT WHICH ONE IS IT?!! 🤷🏽♀️
@maddiesullivan1: Hahahahaha why don’t they make a show called I’m 16 and I got a car @realChadJohnson @ExOnTheBeach @MTV #exonthebeach 😂 🚘
@ExOnTheBeach: Okay @00Hitsdiidii #ExOnTheBeach (GIF)
- @00Hitsdiidii: @ExOnTheBeach HE GOTS TO GO
@ExOnTheBeach: *comes in the house peacefully* your mom: (GIF: Farrah - "Go up to your room")
@jossie_flores: I’m so ratchet eating while I’m talking 😂😂 #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: There’s a line. Then There’s another line. He went wayyyyyyyyy past that shit. Smh #ExOnTheBeach
@Kenyaa_NOT: Kareem a bitch lol, anywayyyy
@Mackemdrummer: What is going on right now??😱😱 #exonthebeach
@JustJem24: Being shady 101. Step 4: Dont post the screenshots of the group chat on twitter.. @Marie_TBD @kailah_casillas 😭. #ExonTheBeach
@DerrickMTV: Ohhh shit!!! @coreybrooks34 and @NicolexoRamos with the REU-NATION! 🙌 @ExOnTheBeach
@DerrickMTV: Make em cry @coreybrooks34!! 😜 #ExOnTheBeach
@itskcheyenne: It’s Gucci bitch 😂 best line so far
@kailah_casillas: Yooo did that dude really just say she has something incurable on camera?!!! whether it’s true or not, that’s fucked up #ExOnTheBeach
@kailah_casillas: I vote @shannanity should be on the next #exonthebeach!!! he’d be killin it right now.
@Marie_TBD: Kareem IS CORNY!!!!!!!! #exonthebeach
@jossie_flores: @F1abraham saying go up to your room !!!! So funny !! @ExOnTheBeach #EXOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Love when queens support queens. @MayaBenberry and @BadGirlJanelle are friendship GOALS #ExOnTheBeach
@neilcain1234: Can we get a @BadGirlJanelle show?!?! I’m obsessed! #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Tonight's episode just started and I already need a drink to get through all of this drama. #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Diandra, Janelle and Farrah listening in to the Shack of Secrets like: @00Hitsdiidii @BadGirlJanelle @F1abraham #ExOnTheBeach
@08Jayhawk: Morgan you’re my only ex in here #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Morgan when her second ex, Corey, shows up @morgan_willett @coreybrooks34 #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Jay when Morgan's OTHER ex Corey walked in #ExOnTheBeach @Jay__Qs
@Gemini3690: I love when the narrator rolls out the charts! #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Morgan trying to choose between Jay and Corey #ExOnTheBeach
@TheRealGabeG: Okay life lesson for Cheyenne: NEVER get back with somebody that cheated on your ass multiple times. Dump that dude man... #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Me trying to follow Farrah and Chad's argument #ExOnTheBeach
@PurveyorsofPop: Once a (Teen) Mom, always a mom. Someone has to be the mama bear around here! @F1abraham #ExOnTheBeach
@Gemini3690: Farrah in mommy mode... "Go To Your Room" #ExOnTheBeach
@BuddyLuv_: I'm sure Maya and Janelle roaming around together is gonna create earthquakes at some point #ExOnTheBeach
@morgan_willett: All I have to say is @MayaBenberry is stunning, incredible, amazing... basically every good adjective possible and she never deserved to go through that. Get outta here with that Kareem 🚮
@RobTiniOfficial: @00Hitsdiidii “ok, yeah but how old are you” love that dynasty shade 😂😂😂 @ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: 😂😂 @F1abraham talking to Kareem like he’s one of her kids... 🗣🗣🗣 GO TO BED!!! #ExOnTheBeach
@ExOnTheBeach: THAT'S A WRAP! Y'all enjoyed tonights episode? Next Thursday on #ExOnTheBeach we're sending some as*es home! ✌️
- @00Hitsdiidii: @ExOnTheBeach Dammmm am I really about to go home right now?! Tune in next Thursday & FIND OUT💁🏼♀️☕️🐸
- @JDVibezzz: @ExOnTheBeach Who is that coming out that water at the beginning 👀🤔..... T U N E I N N E X T W E E K !!! FOR MORE @ExOnTheBeach ON @MTV
- @JDVibezzz: Damn @00Hitsdiidii you going home already? 🤦🏾♂️🤔
@jossie_flores: This house is f******* crazy !!! #exonthebeach
@kailah_casillas: Shady Shane vs Farrah for #ExonTheBeach3 LETS GO.
@MayaBenberry: Yassss @ParkerCheyenne for having my back!!! #FamilyFirst 💜👊🏽
@nillythesquid: Tell him @00Hitsdiidii you a real one! #ExOnTheBeach
@Genveevb: @MayaBenberry Wether you have anything or not doesn’t even matter. He just showed the whole world what kind of person he is and that will follow him around forever 🤷🏻♀️ you’re beautiful, we all make mistakes (dating weak ass men) keep growin n glowing girl #ExOnTheBeach
@codyddaiglle: take me back to NYC with @TheShaneRaines & @NicolexoRamos 😚
@Chicagojewlz: Dear @ExOnTheBeach I never thought I'd say this... but thank you for Chad. His commentary is everything. Just let him do the voice over for all MTV shows. #ExOnTheBeach
@realChadJohnson: "@Bartlett8284: @leland777 @ExOnTheBeach @realChadJohnson You should watch him on @FamouslySingle He got such a bad edit on #TheBachelorette He’s actually very sweet and kind. #ExOnTheBeach" RT ✌️
@BigTymers228: I'm sad to see @MayaBenberry cry after Kareem reveal about her situation it's unfortunate that she's going through this on the show today on her Birthday
@DerrickMTV: “Mr. Callin his Shots” @coreybrooks34 in the buildin!! #ExOnTheBeach
- @coreybrooks34: @DerrickMTV Haha shooters shoot bruhh 🔥
@kailah_casillas: I love the narrator on this show #exonthebeach
@MurraySwanby: Me astonished when the pot I’ve been stirring boils over and 🔥 burns the house down @ExOnTheBeach
@BadGirlJanelle: I’m going to always have your back sis @MayaBenberry 👯♀️👯♀️👯♀️ #RideOrDie #ExOnTheBeach
@natesestok: Did anyone noticed the obvious similarities between ME and the @coreybrooks34 and Jay mash up combination dream guy??? @morgan_willett
- @coreybrooks34: @natesestok @morgan_willett Hahaha we still don’t amount to your greatness homie
@Mackemdrummer: “Cant we just drink and bang” @ochocinco 😂😂😂😂
@ddiaamonndd: Kareem really say upstairs and said “she got me up here crying” DUDE ARE YOU FR, YOU THE ONE SPREADING RUMORS RUINING HER REPUTATION #ExOnTheBeach
- @MayaBenberry: @ddiaamonndd RIGHT!! I’m so confused 🤦🏽♀️
@DQ_the_Man: @MayaBenberry You deserve better than that douche wad for cheating, lying, and disrespecting you. I hope you find your love this season. ❤️❤️ #ExOnTheBeach
- @MayaBenberry: @DQ_the_Man Thank you!!! I was so hurt that he would do all of that because I didn’t want him back. I’m still shocked & hurt rewatching all of it.
@Kenyaa_NOT: Kareem out here cheating w 6 girls in 1 day, boy YOU the one w a disease😩
@prettygrl_rocky: Watching #ExOnTheBeach2 Kareem or whatever is such a douche bag
@prettygrl_rocky: Farrah sent that little boy to his room 😂😭 I can’t #ExOnTheBeach2
@prettygrl_rocky: Why would this dude say his ex Gf has an std to make her look bad? But in reality he is making himself look bad too
@kareem_fathalla: I don’t like all this slander on my name y’all.. can y’all put an extra E in his name or something 🤣 #ExOnTheBeach
@NurysKMateo: The #ExOnTheBeach house was wilddddd before I got in there! Imagine how it’s gonna be once I get there 😳
@MayaBenberry: A big shoutout to @BadGirlJanelle, @F1abraham & @ParkerCheyenne for going to WAR for me!! 💔🏝
- @NurysKMateo: @MayaBenberry Don’t forget @00Hitsdiidii ‼️
@NurysKMateo: "@MTV: @RealityTvJarred someone find her for me #ExOnTheBeach" RT I’ll be there soon my loves 🥰♥️
@MayaBenberry: That moment in the house showed me why my @ExOnTheBeach cast mates would be my family for life 💜
@morgan_willett: @Jay__Qs @coreybrooks34 You both are perfect the way you are dammit
- @coreybrooks34: @morgan_willett We know. Thank u, next 💁🏼♂️
@ParkerCheyenne: “ITS GUCCI BITCH!”
@allrealitychat: WAIT, i just rewound that! Janelle was drinking that bottle of water that was thrown at Kareem! Let me find out the Bad Girl came out THAT quick and for her girl, Maya! @BadGirlJanelle a true legend out in these streets! #ExOnTheBeach
@daddycrispen: maya and cheyenne’s friendship💛🤧 #ExonTheBeach
- @MayaBenberry: @daddycrispen @ParkerCheyenne is bae for life 👯♀️
- @ParkerCheyenne: @MayaBenberry Oh FOE LIFE FOR SURE! Love you QueenMaya! #happybirthday
@morgan_willett: @ExOnTheBeach ....TOUCHة
@johnnybananas: Packs 2 hours before a trip, unpacks 3 months after coming home...
@HollywoodLife: .@morgan_willett is spilling on her hookup with Chad Johnson, relationship with Jay Starrett & more. Exclusive interview: http://hollywood.li/bUZ4mTv
@MayaBenberry: S/O to @00Hitsdiidii too!! I never knew she had my back like that until now. Thanks love. You a real one 💜
- @00Hitsdiidii: @MayaBenberry Got you!! Happy birthday girl❤️
@MayaBenberry: Now it’s time to celebrate a REAL QUEENS birthday. Turn upppppp!! 💜✨
@alexkidwell: Corey Brooks is like if a wooden boy came to life and then was allowed to grow up thinking he was normal. #ExOnTheBeach2 #ExOnTheBeach
- @coreybrooks34: @alexkidwell What is that on your chin bro lmao 🤣
@brycecr: What does jay have that Cory doesn’t have? A personality. Easiest question ever. #ExOnTheBeach
@CurtClark: "...before Dad comes in and takes home gold." What the what? #ExOnTheBeach editors...at least BB editors knew better than to let Corey talk this much.
@MattieLBreaux: Can we just talk about @morgan_willett on #ExOnTheBeach @MTV 😉😎
- @morgan_willett: @MattieLBreaux 😘😜
@JustJem24: "@marisa_molinaro: @PaulCalafiore_ @JustJem24 I AM a therapist actually and I agree with every comment that Jem made. You are a perfect example of an emotional abuser and my heart hurts for these women. Take some responsibility or please sit down, you’re really just embarrassing yourself at this point" RT Thank you 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼.
@allyvenier: Why is Chad drinking raw eggs and why does NO ONE care? #ExonTheBeach @ExOnTheBeach
@Jay__Qs: @morgan_willett @Jon_Pardy @malojavs Excuse me but if he washed up we both know he would be mine over you. Hands down.
@CSUGradAkirk: I gotta say I don’t think I would’ve ever said this but two episodes in I’m really liking Jozea . He’s super funny and charismatic! #exonthebeach
@CSUGradAkirk: And the reason why I say this is I didn’t like Jozea on big brother and champs vs stars. He being partnered with Dayvonne made me like him because I love Dayvonne. But now I’m a Jozea fan #exonthebeach
@CSUGradAkirk: Farrah to Kareem just now #exonthebeach
@realChadJohnson: When the same 3 followers like and retweet your #ExOnTheBeach Tweets @MTV @ExOnTheBeach
@alexkidwell: Corey’s just triggered because the facial hair in this picture reminds him of that goat he set on fire.
@PurveyorsofPop: "IT'S GUCCI BITCH!" @creaturesferris is that you? #ExOnTheBeach
- @creaturesferris: @PurveyorsofPop Come on you know what’s up
@ToriFiorenza: 2017 my word was...Stillness 2018 my word was...Present 2019 my word is...Reframe To reframe the way I look at things, to always see the good and find the joy. What’s your word? #myintent @myintent
@ExOnTheBeach: Who is a better fit for @morgan_willett 🤔 @Jay__Qs or @coreybrooks34? https://on.mtv.com/2CFeXlF #ExOnTheBeach
@hbarfield13: This is MY perspective and I’m NOT justifying anything. But if it doesn’t pertain to me, or involve me. I will have NO opinion on the matter! Life sucks and I refuse to make it worse for anyone! People do things for God only knows what reason so let THEM deal with it!
@Marie_TBD: In 2019 leave me the fck alone: Hurting someone is not love. Its vile. Disrespecting them, makes you pathetic. Trying to manipulate them, means you lost control. Blaming them is a deflection of your own faults.
@F1abraham: These memories mean the world RIP today is Derek’s 10th Anniversary of his car accident https://www.facebook.com/FandSAbraham/videos/1888969384561788/ …
@F1abraham: 10 ANNIVERSARY OF LOSS OF DEREK UNDERWOOD , SOPHIA ABRAHAM DAD: http://youtu.be/ZSBlwZcE-vc?a via @YouTube
@F1abraham: These last couple of days have been some of the best days in my life , today is the 10th Anniversary of Sophia’s Father, Derek Underwood, the love of my life’s car accident 12/28/2008 that changed my life forever. Seeing Sophia spend the night at her dads parents house https://www.instagram.com/p/Br9KyAlB4T5/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=4fufdav4s41y …
@ExOnTheBeach: It's only been a week in the house and things are ALREADY starting to get HELLA shady! 😅 Watch the latest #ExOnTheBeach NOW! https://on.mtv.com/2ET0YKD
@00Hitsdiidii: "@aeb92094: The way @00Hitsdiidii handled herself in last night episode of @ExOnTheBeach , you go girl. Moving on, moving forward, but still holding respect for not only others but herself. This is why you’re my favorite 👏😌#ClassyHumbleRespectful" RT Your girl is learning, thank you🤗❤️
@angelababicz: Anyways I’m going to London y’all want sumn?
@realitystxn: “I think the tea is more hotter upstairs” : me looking for drama #ExOnTheBeach
@tonyraines: Calling school: Hi, my daughter will be late today because she can zip her jacket by herself.
- @Bruce_Lee85: @tonyraines Lmaooo that will forever be my favorite saying 🤣🤣
@Marie_TBD: Really wanna wear @KimKardashian purple Selena Halloween costume for New Years. (I know Selena wore it first but I felt more people would identify the fit this way.) help me find it/something similar! Please and thank you.
@Marie_TBD: I feel like 2020 is going to be a standout year for me..... now what to do with 2019.
@ExOnTheBeach: Everybody alright after #BirdBox? 😅 #ExOnTheBeach
@Bartlett8284: Ugh I hate hearing Murray say he cheated on Cory. 😢 No wonder @CoryZ07 was always paranoid when they went out. Good reason to be. 😡 #exonthebeach
- @CoryZ07: @Bartlett8284 🤷🏻♂️ worst 3 years of my life.
@KingPetteaBlog: Watching @ExOnTheBeach and everything I suspected on #WhatHappensAtTheAbbey was right. @CoryZ07 was disrespected by someone who he loved 🥺 that’s so sad honestly. Murray is trash. #EXOnTheBeach How do y’all cheat on someone who loves, accepts and wants to build a future with
@amazingraccoon: #exonthebeach thoughts: 1. Put @MayaBenberry on The Challenge. 2. Put @MurraySwanby in my arms. 3. Put @BadGirlJanelle on EVERYTHING.
@morgan_willett: Sitting in bed writing New Years resolutions and thinking back to 2018... wowow so blessed. Each year I think won’t surpass the next and I’m always proved wrong. Count ya blessings, be thankful and good things will come. I’ll step off my soapbox now, Happy Friday 💕
@tjlavin: I’m pretty proud of what you’re about to see! 🤙👊RT @HomeDePaz: @tjlavin huge fan of yours tj but get the challenge production in line and back to the Rivals days with legitimate physical prowess. None of this drama crap. We need your input in there or Im out
@johnnybananas: Hey NEW YORK!!! Don't spend New Years Eve, trying to figure out what to do for New Years Eve 🤑🍾🕺🎉 #NYE #newyearseve #SaratogaSprings #bananasdoingthings
@jossie_flores: Me and @ParkerCheyenne After watching #birdbox #netflixmovies @netflix
And still trying to understand what we saw 🤔😂 #exonthebeach @ExOnTheBeach
@jossie_flores: Caption this😂👇🏽 #exonthebeach
@jossie_flores: So after all of this hype i finally watched #netflixmovies #birdbox and i still don’t get it I’m soo confused 🥴🤔🤷🏻♂️ i have so many questions !!!!!😩 #exonthebeach @netflix @ExOnTheBeach
@ParkerCheyenne: My feelings towards ANY negativity...including on social media! #bekindtooneanother @ExOnTheBeach
►LAST CALL: The Cara/Paulie/Danielle Triangle Continues...
@enews: Danielle Maltby's publicist shared a fiery message to Paul Calafiore on Twitter: "Karma is coming for you. Fast."
@shay91_: Lmao at that fool ending the live as soon as Jemmye(@JustJem24) was about to ask her question
@JustJem24: "@justanchorless: Paulie sees @JustJem24 show up and ends the live 😂" RT I had a question too and he didn’t wanna answer it. 😭
@JustJem24: Hey @PaulCalafiore_ did you only go live right now bc Danielle & Cara are possibly releasing an article together today 🤔. Ps, I’m not on any side. I just find your timing interesting considering my bachelor source told me to expect an article from them soon!
@JustJem24: Also @PaulCalafiore_ if you want to get Cara back, you should take some responsibility for what happened. You obviously hurt her enough for her to leave you so own up to your actions in this shit show... Also, maybe not speak on her when she’s mad at you. But what do I know 🤷🏻♀️
- @PaulCalafiore_: @JustJem24 That’s funny...... where were you to comment on the timing of Danielle’s article while Cara and I were in Disney? Only here to discredit the man? Typical of you Jem. Also, don’t try and beef with me here, I’ll never want you as a challenge partner.
- @PaulCalafiore_: @JustJem24 Did I not take responsibility for what I did? Once again Jem. Sit down. I owned up to EVERYTHING.
- @JustJem24: @PaulCalafiore_ A therapist would say you made excuses for everything you didn’t take responsibly. Also, speaking on Danielle alleged suicidal threats wasn’t ok. If you “loved” her you wouldn’t have mentioned that out of respect. But you needed that story... to make excuses for yourself
- @PaulCalafiore_: @JustJem24 Ohhhhh don’t @ me in this one I see...... our open relationship had ZERO restrictions. She was talking to Kyle and I understood she needed to do what she needed to do to separate from him. The same way I did with Danielle.
- @PaulCalafiore_: @JustJem24 Are you a therapist? No? Ok, there goes your opinion on the matter.
@fxckingmayra: Y’all can talk shit but @PaulCalafiore_ is owning up to everything and no one is perfect. If @CaraMariaMTV can’t see that the Ex is trying to break them apart now that they were exclusive then that’s too bad for her.
@JustJem24: This is strictly my theory & I have no concrete evidence but I think maybe cara & Paulie were in an open relationship w/ restrictions(such as no talking to exes, eg: Daniella and Abram) & Paulie not only broke that agreement but also lied about it the entire time he was with Cara
@JustJem24: "@That_MikeyMo23: @JustJem24 Not even kidding I thought Paulie, Cara, and Natalie were in a 3-way relationship for the longest time 🤷🏻♂️" RT So did a certain group chat I participate in 😭
- @PaulCalafiore_: @JustJem24 That’s funny...... where were you to comment on the timing of Danielle’s article while Cara and I were in Disney? Only here to discredit the man? Typical of you Jem. Also, don’t try and beef with me here, I’ll never want you as a challenge partner.
- @JustJem24: @PaulCalafiore_ I already have Jordan on lock for a rivals partner and he’s way more of a beast than you. Thank you, next!
- @PaulCalafiore_: @JustJem24 You’re never coming back Jem. Hate to break it to you.
- @JustJem24: @PaulCalafiore_ If I’m never coming back then why are you soooo worried about being partnered with me? You’re contradicting yourself on twitter just like you did in those texts exposed text messages boo..
@PaulCalafiore_: No one will know Cara’s and my story until this next season airs. That’s when we both truly knew we were meant for each other and wanted exclusivity. We chose each other then. You’ll understand why I want to fight for this since it’s been ripped from me. I love her. Going dark.
@CaraMariatea3: Fun fact: Being in an open relationship, doesn’t mean you lie. Case closed
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariatea3 We just recently became exclusive. Look up the definition of an OPEN relationship. Open relationships are don’t ask don’t tell....... also, please tell me where I lied in my live? Don’t try and spin this shit.
@JustJem24: Honestly at this point, I want cara and Natalie to date. Let’s leave men in 2018 ladies...
@JustJem24: Never underestimate a man’s ability to make you feel guilty for his mistakes...
- @MTVjennifer: @JustJem24 god i know this all too well
@emilylongeretta Emily Longeretta/US Weekly: Let's try to break this down. https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/pictures/cara-maria-danielle-maltby-release-texts-from-paulie-calafiore/ …
- @JustJem24: @emilylongeretta Told y’all it was happening ....
@kenndeb_: Hey @MTV can we have a show where @JustJem24 spills all tea?
@DayDaVonne_: "@realityfnatic: @DayDaVonne_ Thoughts on the Paulie situation?" RT I have none, it’s none of my business ... “how you get them is how you’ll lose them” .... and that’s THAT on THAT 🙋🏾♀️
@DayDaVonne_: @CaraMariaMTV Right girl. After he did to you, what you did to ol girl .... right ??
@DayDaVonne_: "@THEOnlyNonya: @DayDaVonne_ @CaraMariaMTV What he did to that chick from big brother, and Lexi, and Danielle, and now Cara. Sis she doesn't seem like the problem in the pattern, there is only on constant..." RT Lol he’s far from innocent but he’s not alone in being wrong, if you have KNOWLEDGE that someone is in a relationship and you WILLINGLY decide to mess around with them , YOU ARE ALSO WRONG.. period .
@DayDaVonne_: "@THEOnlyNonya: @DayDaVonne_ Oh sis I agree, if you steal a man get ready to have him stolen from you, but it kinda seemed to me like you were tryna shift the blame to Cara with the "What YOU did the ol girl" instead of what YALL did, they are both at fault PERIOD." RT Oh no, it’s definitely a “YALL”... I’m not taking a side... just stating a few facts.
@DayDaVonne_: "@megatron_jones: @DayDaVonne_ Okay, but you missed us. " RT I did !! 😩
@DayDaVonne_: Y’all weird 😂
@fxckingmayra: @TayAllDay1213 @JustJem24 @PaulCalafiore_ Exactly, what would anyone do when someone keeps telling you that they want to die and not to leave them. How can you turn your back on that after you already hurt them by cheating.
@PaulCalafiore_: @DayDaVonne_ @CaraMariaGang @CaraMariaMTV I never cheated on Cara Mamma Day.... Cara is the ONLY person I’ve been having sex with. You watched us get serious this season. You know how fucked the situation was with Danielle.
- @DayDaVonne_: @PaulCalafiore_ @CaraMariaGang @CaraMariaMTV IF you did something , own it .. apologize and then move on... but if you didn’t do anything... then stand firm in your truth.
- @PaulCalafiore_: @DayDaVonne_ @CaraMariaGang @CaraMariaMTV I owned everything I did wrong
@johnnybananas: Twitter > BirdBox ☕🐸 #TeaTime
@emilylongeretta: For those who feel the need to come at me, someone who just reported a STORY when two people came to me, chill. I'm not involved. I'm doing my job sharing what two people wanted to share. And a third side will be shared too.
@kailah_casillas: The shit women will believe when they’re in love...
@MTV_AMANDAG: She’s a professional victim and this is allllllllllll just a publicity stunt. Blah blah blah fuck you, next.
@DayDaVonne_: "@anna12345marko: @DayDaVonne_ @CaraMariaGang @CaraMariaMTV You said Paulie did to Cara the same thing Cara did to his ex gf. That simply isn't true, cause Cara didn't owe his ex anything, and he did to Cara (and his ex). You can say she was naive if she believed he wouldn't cheat on her too, but she shouldn't be blamed for his actions." RT She didn’t owe her the respect as a woman not to fuck her man ? Who raised you ? 🧐 They were BOTH wrong
@JennaCompono: "@MsAmandaDolly: @JennaCompono LOL all of the Challenge alums are exploding on twitter and Jenna's over here like "fuck ya chopt"" RT What can I say, a girl loves her salad 🥗 😂😍
@JennaCompono: "@thiccdrink: Challenge Stan Twitter is blowing up! And then there’s @JennaCompono tweeting about Salad." RT Haha I just feel I can’t give my opinion on something I know nothing about.
@usweekly: Cara Maria and Danielle Maltby have released texts and photos to show Paulie Calafiore was fooling them both.
@kailah_casillas: I was gonna leave this alone but after reading it, I can’t stay quiet. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS DELUSIONAL SHIT
@DayDaVonne_: Well , that’s all the time I have for today... it’s been real If you’re mad and wanna express it , make sure you @ me
@Djewlie: Paulie’s definition of love - I love Cara / - Bashing her by revealing really private thing / - It’s not my fault it’s Danielle cause she lost 40 lbs and made suicide thought / - But I really love Cara / - Bashing her again / - I went to Mexico to tell Danielle that I love Cara
@MTVchalleenge: and this is what I call, back to my brand 🌊
@JustJem24: "@Kleopatra_hr: @PaulCalafiore_ @JustJem24 We allow her to comment because she is the best commentator on the show :D Jemmye is there to entertain us, she is our voice." RT 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
@condorianflex: @JustJem24 That moment when one of the most despised rookies tells a veteran Challenge alumni, with a great social media following, "you're never coming back..."
@ashleey_purnell: Was here for @JustJem24 all 2018 you can bet your ass I’ll be here for her all 2019
@n_zanattaMTV: So do you want to be my girlfriend in 2019? 🤣 wanna try again @JustJem24
- @JustJem24: @n_zanattaMTV Yuppppppp 👩❤️👩👭👩👩👦
- @kailah_casillas: @n_zanattaMTV I ship
- @Marie_TBD: @n_zanattaMTV @JustJem24 I ship it 😂😂👀😂
- @Marie_TBD: @n_zanattaMTV This is the love story the world wants!!!!!!! @MTV @usweekly @JustJem24 @n_zanattaMTV
- @n_zanattaMTV: @kailah_casillas I don’t know what’s going on in the MTV works without you and a few other cast members 🤣🥰🤣🥰
- @Marie_TBD: @n_zanattaMTV @JustJem24 and 2 others I’m the real messy queen
- @n_zanattaMTV: @Marie_TBD @JustJem24 and 2 others I don’t know if you support us or you’re already trying to ruin us, you can’t be bringing other “ex” people or states up. 🤣
@n_zanattaMTV: Everyone thinks I saved you but for some reason I think you’re the one that saved me 🖤
@MusicSportsFan: I am sorry, but with everything happening now, @JustJem24 deserves the #ChallengeManiaAwards for best commentary. She is the best.
@RealitySteve: And there you go... https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/pictures/cara-maria-danielle-maltby-release-texts-from-paulie-calafiore/ …
- @JustJem24: @RealitySteve We may have to do a podcast break this down 🤔🤯
@blacuesta: "@MissBangtan_93: •Blames both women •Throws them under the bus •Airs out both personal lives •Humiliates & disrespects them…" RT Bitch I am THREWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
- @NotoriousAJM: @blacuesta We tried to tell everybody😴😒
- @blacuesta: @NotoriousAJM We really did!!!!!! Since BB!!!
- @v_cakes: @blacuesta He’s a joke of a man. I overheard him brainstorming his Challenge takeover while we were in the redemption house & I’ve never looked at him the same way. I saw his truth a long while ago, happy his shit is being exposed. And I hope these leaked details derail him & his agenda.
- @v_cakes: & by Challenge takeover I mean he’s taking over the actual show. Wants to be a regular. Get invited back every season. Collect that paycheck. Basically take advantage of the career it can offer that BB never did. And CLEARLY he will do it at any cost, @ the expense of women’s ❤️s
- @blacuesta: @v_cakes He’s been like this since he was on BB. The stuff he says is alarming
@JustJem24: "@AlyssaJones624: @JustJem24 would you prefer a show or would you settle for a podcast. We gotta make this happen for you" RT I would settle for a podcast. I just don’t want to have to do all the work. 🤷🏻♀️
@JennaCompono: Hi I miss your ass! 😘 @kailah_casillas I second guessed tweeting this because people are going to think I literally miss your actual ass 🍑 😂
- @kailah_casillas: @JennaCompono I miss you so much! (You know you miss looking at my literal ass) 😂 we need to do #jailah reunion soooooon 👭♥️
@JennaCompono: You know when you’re so tired you become delusional? Yeah that’s me.. time for bed 🤦🏼♀️ 😴
@kailah_casillas: "@VMilerman: @MaymeKate @kailah_casillas Once I sniffed glue and texted 67 people in my phone book “ Owls are just night chickens..” this dude and I could be friends" RT High on glue Violetta = seemingly sober Paulie. I’m done 😂😂😂 V we need to hangout drunk or maybe sober sometime please
@kailah_casillas: What a great day to be a part of twitter. Often I hate it. But today, I love it. Good night everyone! ♥️ off to philly tomorrow. I’m sad to be leaving my parents 😥
@realChadJohnson: This is a comment that I received on Instagram from your employee Lina Betancourt. Please have a talk with her. This is unacceptable. Thank you. @Colsubsidio_Ofi
@Marie_TBD: “I bought a car when I was young. Why don’t they have a show called Chad bought a car when he was 16.” Yessssssss @realChadJohnson 😂😂😂 I unfortunately chose car over child too. #EXOnTheBeach
@HollywoodLife: #TheChallenge star @JennaCompono opens up about why her relationship with @ZNichols15 is stronger than ever http://hollywood.li/BPQaeFp
@LKrebsPR: Lexi and I had a very kind and open conversation. It says a lot about her how understanding she was. I hope everyone in this situation can move forward and heal, including him. I will not be touching on this subject again.
@LKrebsPR: I rep many celebrities that have had very public relationships/break ups/cheating scandals that i have never once touched upon on social media the way i have in this situation. This situation was different. The evidence speaks for itself.
@LKrebsPR: The last thing i will say about this matter publicly is to @lexi__marsella who deserves a huge apology. I was manipulated and led to believe some horrible things about her that i never dreamed a person could make up.
@CaraMariaMTV: No. Im not ok. You can stop asking now.
- @JustJem24: @CaraMariaMTV But you will be 💕💜 & you did the right thing by telling your side of your story..
- @ToriFiorenza: @CaraMariaMTV Oh sweet sister, We’ve all been there...just feel it all, don’t mask it, Bc you have to deal with the pain of it at some point...it doesn’t feel like it today, but on the other side of heartbreak is some of the greatest joys. Love you 😘
- @JazMTV: @ToriFiorenza @CaraMariaMTV I’m sorry to see you go threw this Cara! Nobody deserves to be treated the way you have been especially with everyone in you alls business!! You are strong hunny and have a beautiful ❤️❤️ and soul!! 😘😘
- @KendalSheppard: @ToriFiorenza @CaraMariaMTV Tori, should I send her a pamphlet?? #iftheshoefits @narcopathaware Thinking of you Cara💖
- @K_Honeyyy: @CaraMariaMTV “I deserve the world. He is not the victim.” —Remind yourself as much as possible today! ❤️
- @SenoritaAcevedo: @CaraMariaMTV You are a Phoenix Cara. I’ve watched you since you started the path to being the strong, “plays with the big boys”, badass gem you are today. Your final test is to see better through the bullshit, but honey... you got this! ... and you will rise up out of this!
- @MarieCaraDfnder: @CaraMariaMTV Love you. It's ok to not be ok. ❤️
@angelababicz: Guys maybe if we pretend none of this love triangle drama exists it’ll just go away
@CaraMariaMTV: Lies are purposeful. Lies are not a mistake. Open relationship= open and honest communication about *everything*. It is progressive, yes. But it is still a RELATIONSHIP.
@CaraMariaMTV: Danielle is the only voice and opinion that matters when it comes to my start with Paulie. We spoke. She has forgiven me. You can put your pitchforks down now.
@_ayiiia: @CaraMariaMTV i’m sorry you’re hurt my love. take the time to heal yourself , it might take long or it could be short but time heals everything. write it out, ride it out and feel. it’ll pass. everything always passes. i love you and thinking of you. text me. ♥️✨
@ToriFiorenza: Just realized when I’m over a guy, I put them in “Do Not Disturb” mode on my phone...#perfectmode 🤔#thankunext
@RealitySteve: One word: sociopath
@JustJem24: "@BananazHana: Can we have a @MTV show where @JustJem24 breaks down the drama each week. Just give her a talk show, we will be grateful af" RT #JemmyeExplainsItAll
@ZNichols15: "@Pmcasillas: @Challengemtv___ @PaulCalafiore_ @CaraMariaMTV My question...WHO was wearing the lingerie? Cara or Paul??" RT Kevin’s mom is savage. @kailah_casillas
@JazMTV: I always knew that Paulie character was a joke. I never liked him on BB.He is seriously hurting two women , creating unnecessary drama and for what....15 minutes of fame!! Karma better be coming for his ass soon!! #ThatsMy2Cents
@usweekly: “I don’t want any of it to be true because I know how I feel about him and I know how we were together. I want all of that to be real so bad,” .@CaraMariaMTV says on our #WatchWithUs podcast
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I have a great idea since everyone is trying to get as much media as possible off drama....SISTER WIVES
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I stopped using Twitter cause yall way too serious. I can't even make a joke without a whole Fandom have seizures 😂 awesome, mission accomplished
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: "@Thorfist7373: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE and we're still missing @shannanity's side of the story. all year long Paulie was promising him that he was just acting straight for Social Media, but really loved him. Poor poor Shane." RT This is 100% true 😂😂😂 jkjkjk
@angelababicz: Can we collectively agree to leave begging to be on reality tv shows via twitter in 2018 or ?
@MTVtrey: There are certainly days where I miss filming Challenges and doing all of the extra stuff that comes along with it. And then every once in awhile, I stumble across the drama surrounding some cast members online and really feel like I’m in a better place without it.
@MTVtrey: The Challenge is not a real place. The people are not real people. Everyone involved is trying to execute a persona that they want the world to see - a version of themselves that isn’t accurate. Each instance is calculated, everything from the interviews to just simply living
@MTVtrey: I didn’t step away by choice - I wasn’t wanted anymore. I’ve accepted that. But the distance has offered clarity that you can only get from a hiatus away from the fakeness. I hope that, eventually, the other roommates will gain their own clarity and real life back.
@NataliaNegrotti: I’ve been silent trying to spend time with my family and living my real life meanwhile trying to process this whole situation. It’s a tough one since I’ve been close with both parties. I’m going to stand by @CaraMariaMTV because I know from beginning to end what she’s experienced
@emilylongeretta: This week's #WatchWithUs podcast was a very emotional one. Cara and Danielle called in together to tell their side of the story, followed by Paulie who told his. Listen below: Non-iTunes: https://simplecast.com/s/afac2254 iTunes: https://apple.co/2Rp7yyU
@Marie_TBD: One day I hope to be popular enough to drag my ex on social media. Not a joke. V serious.
@Marie_TBD: Gotta make a spam account these days too be funny.
@CodyThrive: I wish there was a fan run YouTube channel dedicated to piecing together reality tv drama. #BB20 #TheChallenge #ExOnTheBeach
@usweekly: .@PaulCalafiore_ breaks down during the #WatchWithUs podcast, says he just wants to fight for “the girl who I consider the love of my life.” Listen:
@DerekKoloski: Who else think its kind of sad how all of these challenge people are jumping in to attack paulie? especially people like Kaila. Its sad to see many people jump in to get attention over this. Paulie is obviously mentally ill. Laughing at someones downfall is gunna come back on u
- @kailah_casillas: @DerekKoloski Publicly talking about relationship problems= public reactions. You saying that Paulie is mentally ill is more insensitive than I’ve been about this whole thing. Pipe down.
@DerekKoloski: @heyhannmoore Im just saying, people laughing at someones down fall does no good for anyone and only brings back negativity onto themselves. I mentioned kailah because she was clowning it but she also knows what its like to be laughed at and clowned. Just my opinion 🤷🏽♂️
- @kailah_casillas: @DerekKoloski I’ve only clowned the deserving clown. I’m here on team Cara and Danielle and Lexi and whoever else he screwed over. Have been the whole time.
@Marie_TBD: Am I allowed to publicly address you guys yet? @kailah_casillas @JustJem24
- @kailah_casillas: @Marie_TBD I guess you’re off the hook due to good behavior. But this is a probationary period 👀😂♥️
@Marie_TBD: **** Refreshing your twitter feed to see if other people find you as funny as you find yourself ****
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So, Farrah once again taking center stage this week as she turned into a true mom for a moment when she told Kareem to retreat to his room as everyone is turning on him thanks to a secret Murray stirred up about him and Maya... and it looks like he is the Vegas sportsbook's favorite to be the first Ex to get evicted from the EOTB house when the season's first Cut or Crush elimination takes place. And we also saw the tenth Single move in a week later when Corey from Big Brother joined the house, where he finds himself in a love triangle with Morgan from that summer show and Jay from Survivor. A lot of those who are into CBS reality, including my buddy Andrew Kirk, will be seeing that trifecta with great interest.
Tomorrow, the final post of 2018 as ExtraTime will spend some time around the tree with gifts, Santa and even a few surprises... It's a Team MTV Christmas 2018 as we bring the curtain down on what has certainly been an incredible year in MTV Reality and an even amazing year for us covering it here. Also, you're invited to join me on New Year's Eve on DCNOW @DC408DxNow for a final countdown to the new year with a special #DCPlaylist. See you then...
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