*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language and objectionable content. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its long length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***
Hello again, hope you're enjoying your Saturday night. Our view of the premiere of Season 2 of Ex On The Beach is still to come here, as a new group of singles invade Malibu to be followed by the first wave of exes from their past. Before that though, a Pulse Extra.
Often times the lead-up to any episode - most especially the premiere - is so big, that we have to split the timeline journal up into multiple parts, with the main one covering the episode to be featured later in its own post - and to save space and logistics. To that end, this Pulse Extra will feature the week-long buildup to it, along with in this case the 2018 finale of The Challenge in both parts of CT's wedding special, as well as the launches of new seasons & shows in the next MTV cycle... we'll explain two of them following the diary which, in turn, follows the jump break.
►UP TOP: CT Getting Married - Part 1
@ChallengeMTV: Is CT's own sister going to skip his wedding? Find out TONIGHT at 9/8c on @MTV 📺 #CTsGettingMarried
@shannanity: CT’s Wedding Special Airs Tonight on MTV!! It was so amazing to share this experience with him and Lili’s family as well as our larger Challenge family! https://www.instagram.com/p/BrQOjSeANww/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1hcqmxts79eg1 …
@WestonBergmann: I’ve got an interesting relationship with @louisehazel; it’s filled with love and respect but she also keeps me on my toes like a sister would. This picture was taken right after she… https://www.instagram.com/p/BrP8Y1dn67S/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1xbauo3x2sei9 …
@CaraMariaMTV: It really makes sense that i am with the right human when as anti marriage as ive been my whole life.... i can now breakdown my fantasy @ChallengeMTV @PaulCalafiore_ bridal party. But lets remove that misogynist zach. my cousin @banksy878 is #1
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV @ChallengeMTV @banksy878 So is this the part where I say “I do”?! Causeeee.... ❤️❤️
- @NataliaNegrotti: @PaulCalafiore_ @CaraMariaMTV and 2 others Lmfao PAULIEEEEEEEE. I love my mom and dad
@NataliaNegrotti: I think I’m gunna cry. *grabs hanky* @CaraMariaMTV I LOVE U... @PaulCalafiore_ I loves u too
- @PaulCalafiore_: @NataliaNegrotti @CaraMariaMTV Love you more Natalia!! We miss you!! ❤️❤️
@tonyraines: Difference between me and Santa is I deliver to the nice 😊 and the naughty 😈 Click the link to get a video message from me for your friends and family this holiday season! 🎅 @BookCameo #Cameo #MerryChristmas #HoHoHo #HappyHolidays #SantaTony
@JennaCompono: Thank you all soooo much for sending so much love and positive vibes my way after losing my puppy yesterday.. I’ve read every tweet, comment and DM and it sure put a smile on my face, thanks you guys 🥰 #sograteful
@TheOfficial_CT: CT goes to Boston in a last-ditch effort to convince his sister to come to his wedding... See what happens TONIGHT at 9/8c 📺💍 #CTsGettingMarried https://www.instagram.com/p/BrQdAS0g6XF/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1wjgyrxdmvd04 …
@ChallengeMTV: The big day has finally arrived! Tune into @MTV TONIGHT at 9/8c to watch Part 1 of CT's two-week wedding special 💍 #CTsGettingMarried
@johnnybananas: This is a very scary time of year for you if you're a pine tree around 6ft tall 😳
@Marie_TBD: Just found out I didn’t get invited to @CaraMariaMTV fake dream wedding... so..... if and when it ever happens - I’ll be outside the ceremony with this air horn.
- @CaraMariaMTV: @Marie_TBD Ive reconsidered. You are invited for the fashion styling/ comedic relief/ and security duty. Please accept my apology. ⚰️♥️
- @Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV Apology accepted... good thing I’ve been saving wedding dress inspo pics in my camera roll since Instagram started. Sorry, none are black.
@MTVDevinWalker: What a day to be alive! Be thankful and do something nice for someone🍻
@shannanity: "I am a bridge between two generations -- the OG generation and now this new crew. My OG crew is the original mean girls, which is Tina, Rachel and Veronica. And if I were to replace them with the Lavender Ladies of Ashley, Sylvia and Amanda, they would kill me."
@PaulCalafiore_: SIDE CONTROL!! ❤️❤️ @CaraMariaMTV @ilkbbozeman @georgiaharisonx
@WestonBergmann: We’re about to put on a clinic for how to crash a wedding. The two week special airs tonight! #CTsGettingMarried @ Miami, Florida https://www.instagram.com/p/BrQq6iQH5t6/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1jozjpvm9pgce …
@ChallengeMTV: Wishful thinking... Don't miss Part 1 of #CTsGettingMarried TONIGHT at 9/8c! 💍
- @DerrickMTV: TONIGHT!! 9/8C
@tonyraines: Thought I was invited to CT’s wedding but I was actually just hired for the entertainment 🎹 Check out the 1st part of CT and Lili’s wedding special tonight on MTV at 9/8pm central. #CTsGettingMarried @ChallengeMTV @TheOfficial_CT
@Viacom: .@TheOfficial_CT is getting hitched! The reality TV star, who’s been a key part of @ChallengeMTV for 14 seasons and is a @RealWorldMTV alumni, is getting married💍 in a two-part special on @MTV. Watch part 1 tonight at 9/8c. #CTsGettingMarried
@TheOfficial_CT: I. Do. 😍 @mtv 9/8c https://www.instagram.com/p/BrRDT1gAsjm/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=q5ownx1uksv2 …
@DerrickMTV: In case you guys were wondering who the Big Guys “Best Man” is!! Say hello to @thejohnnyhickey then head to @MTV!! #CTsGettingMarried in 30min!! 9/8C https://www.instagram.com/p/BrRM8BnljKh/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1nuxfy4z5x2fh …
@Marie_TBD: Nothing like a cold lonely winter night to watch a wedding! @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: Join CT on his new journey NOW by turning on @MTV! ❤️ #CTsGettingMarried
@MTV: Part one of the #CTsGettingMarried special starts right now! Watch + tweet along with @ChallengeMTV 💓
@tonyraines: The baddest man in @ChallengeMTV history is getting married and it’s on tv right now! #CtsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: It was love at first stink eye ❤️ #CTsGettingMarried
@lupitarubio_: Awwww I’m glad CT is happy 😭 #CTsGettingMarried
@AlexTheGreatzz: MTV houseguests making noise* Lili : Hey guys this isn’t The Challenge House so shut the hell up. 😂😂 #CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: CT and CJ are adorable ❤️ #CTsGettingMarried
- @tonyraines: Representing Team Dad Bod well my friend!! @TheOfficial_CT @ChallengeMTV #CtsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: When you and your friend are arguing but you have receipts 📲 #CTsGettingMarried
@jossie_flores: Hope you guys are watching #CTsGettingMarried ❤️ And meanwhile my commercial is playing in between 🤪 let me know how i look ❤️#exonthebeach #thechallenge
@jossie_flores: Giving a special shoutout to the cast of my music video for (Metele)🔥🔥🎥 !!!! Dropping dec.20th!!! Stay tuned ❤️ @MalibuDollFace @kimorablac @morgan_willett @Jay__Qs @realChadJohnson @tori_deal @ParkerCheyenne
@DerrickMTV: I don’t know about you, but this @TheOfficial_CT Wedding Special is pretty damn good and this one hell of a place to make it happen! #CTsGettingMarried
@TheOfficial_CT: No... yeah. I’m good. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrRTjvUgHh-/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=16dcy7x710cfc …
@ChallengeMTV: Vanessa is 50/50 to show up at CT's wedding! 😱 #CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: CT's THAT Boston dude! He's going to mend fences with his family so you best believe he came with the Dunkin! ☕️ 🍩 #CTsGettingMarried
@sVseuINwsqsYWtK: @ChallengeMTV Its so happy watching CT getting married
@PLLAS_99: Watching @ChallengeMTV #CTsGettingMarried & I’m Honestly so Happy for him.. I hope everything works out❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Is that CT or Cuban Pete? 💃 #CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: Relationship goals 🍕 #CTsGettingMarried
@DerrickMTV: “Stop being a little baby girl and grow up!!” Lili to @TheOfficial_CT #CTsGettingMarried 😆😆😆😆
@CaraMariaMTV: Wedding fashion. Bachelor party on the left. Wedding day on the right. Which do you prefer? #CTsGettingMarried @mtv @ChallengeMTV https://www.instagram.com/p/BrRSV7TA0ni/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=19hxya8eogicw …
@hello_ImEvan: Thought the drama of #TheChallenge was emotional. It’s got nothing on #CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: Getting home after a long day like... #CTsGettingMarried
@thebrentwolff: @TheOfficial_CT and Lili make such a cute couple! #CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: When you're sad because @ChallengeMTV is almost over but then you remember there's a Part 2 next week 🙃 #CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: More drama AND The Challengers arrive! Next week on Part 2 of #CTsGettingMarried 🍿
@DerrickMTV: “Put your balls on and ask her!” CT’s Mom to @TheOfficial_CT #CTsGettingMarried 😆😆😆😆
@kodakbmw: It's like the good old days all over again when #thechallenge @ChallengeMTV has ALL of your favorite Challengers #RW #RR #FM on 1 show how it used to be: I'm so excited to watch #CTsGettingMarried 2 week break from the people from the other shows on it #FranchiseFirst #CongratsCT
@CaraMariaMTV: I love cts sister. Gorgeous. Strong. Straight up. Boston beauty. Shes a G. #CTsGettingMarried @ChallengeMTV
@PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV @MTV @ChallengeMTV If your left leg is the bachelor party outfit and your right leg is the wedding outfit.... can I visit you between the festivities? 😉
@JustJem24: Reflecting back on 2018 and the times I’ve been let down by a man that thought he loved me... but the thing about men..... when they love you, they know.....
@kailah_casillas: I hope you all are as happy with how your 2018 turned out as I am. We can’t have it all & everyone makes mistakes but I’m so happy that I grew, made amazing memories, gained new friendships, accomplished goals & didn’t have any steps backward. I’m excited for 2019❣️
@kailah_casillas: When people say “did you miss me?” Lol UH NO, ACTUALLY, NO NOT AT ALL
@JennaCompono: On Instagram there are always girls working out & when I click to watch it, their hair and makeup is always on point...they aren’t sweating in their light colored pants & they seem to inhale & exhale at the right moments during the workout... hmm🤔I couldn’t be anymore opposite😂
- @JustJem24: @JennaCompono We talked about this nonstop as we looked gross/covered in sweat running nonstop in the redemption house(thinking we would get a fair shot to get back in the game).. One thing I can say about Jenna is she works so hard& thou we didn’t have a fair chance I lost weight bc of her 🖤
- @JennaCompono: @JustJem24 Lmao aww jem! We did workout and sweat like animals in the redemption house, and we would kill the workout on the stairs 💪🏼 aww miss you!
@kailah_casillas: @JustJem24 Oh wow lucky you, I gain weight whenever I hangout with her because she’s a candy enabler 👀👀👀👀👀🍭🍬🍫🥣🍻 @JennaCompono
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas Lmao remember invasion we told production “even if we beg and cry for snacks please don’t give it to us” then we would get so mad at them when they said no and would try and get someone else to ask them for it 😂
@JustJem24: I’m honest with y’all(good or bad) so I have to vent bc I know so many females will relate. Ive been eating pretty decent daily. Ive been doing nonstop workout classes & I cried so hard this morning bc my body isn’t what I want it to be. I don’t understand why I can’t see results
- @JennaCompono: @JustJem24 Don’t you dare give up! Goals don’t happen overnight and I personally think you look amazing! Keep your goals high because it always pays off ! Be patient, head up, you got this! 💕💪🏼
@JustJem24: It’s heartbreaking to try so hard & not be happy with your results. It’s even more heartbreaking to see friends who don’t workout look skinner than you in every picture.... & I don’t know what to do but to keep trying...
@JustJem24: I cried but Im going to keep trying bc I feel better when I do better & regardless of the results I want appearing or not, I love myself & some1 else will love me too & the same goes to anyone going thru this, love yourself 1st, love yourself best💜. I get the struggle yall🖤
@CoryZ07: And here comes the drama.. 🤦🏻♂️ @exonthebeach season 2 premiers next Thursday on @mtv
@MTV_NellyT: At @Gloveworx 🥊 putting in work with my bro @CoryWharton. Lets get to work.
@NurysKMateo: Tonight was a great night because I got all the things I love... pizza, henny, weed and bomb dick 😌
►EOTB PREMIERE WEEK: Hunter Speaks Out, Amanda vs. Challenge Mania's Scott, Cara/Paulie vs. Bananas, and Teen Mom
@hbarfield13: Thank you all for the love and support I’ve received since the conclusion of Final Reckoning. It hasn’t been easy on me and I struggle with it daily. I’m not perfect never claimed to be. I make mistakes, my half a million dollar mistake will not define me! I’m still a Champion!
@hbarfield13: Ashley and I BOTH said things I’m sure we wish we could take back some of it you got to see but MOST of it you didn’t. Regardless I would have never taken the money she was my partner and she deserved it just as much as I did. I’ve forgiven but Karma NEVER forgives...
- @defense12brad: @hbarfield13 She may have gotten all the money but she lost the respect of millions of people while you gained respect from your hard work. It’s not $500,000 but that’s worth something. I’m sure you’ll use it as motivation to kick ass next season!
- @hbarfield13: @defense12brad Thank you
- @andrewshep1996: @hbarfield13 Hunter, you’re a champion, you deserve that title a lot more than she does. Bring back more in the future for us👍. Team Hunter all the way #TeamHunter @hbarfield13 @teammtvhunter
- @MTVRWRRQuotes: @hbarfield13 First AYTO cast member to win a challenge, still a pretty big deal! Youngest guy to win a Challenge too!! #FunFacts 👍🏼👑
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @hbarfield13 Champion in our book, brother! #ChallengeMania
@TheOfficial_CT: Great article about me and my best mate in the Improper Bostonian. #linkinbio #habit @theimproper @thejohnnyhickey habitmovie https://www.instagram.com/p/BrTbK-1A40C/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=dm11kgz49plp …
@ExOnTheBeach: Here's to hoping you find true love @F1abraham, at least drama is one thing you won't have to search for! 😅 | All new season of #ExOnTheBeach premieres in just ONE WEEK at 8/7c, on @MTV! 🌊 💔
@angelababicz: Ex on the Beach 2 or Fight Club 2? 🤔 You decide ONE WEEK FROM TODAY 12/20 at 8/7c @ExOnTheBeach
@natesestok: 2018 started with a break up and ended with a blow up.
@NurysKMateo: I wanna delete my Instagram and just fall off the grid so bad but there’s money to be made 😑
@jossie_flores: Your doing the lords work 😂😂😂😂💀 @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach Premiers Thursday dec.20th on @mtv
@jossie_flores: BAD BOYS!!! 7 more days !!! @ExOnTheBeach #exonthebeach are you guys ready ?😜
@MTV_NellyT: No I’m not a model, I just want some attention... @estudios_official 📸 #nude #blessedup #smile #mensfashion #model @ExOnTheBeach
- @joss_mooney: @MTV_NellyT Bro, are those your Challenge thermal shorts you’re wearing with your name on?! Have you even taken them off since we filmed bro? 😂
- @MTV_NellyT: @joss_mooney Never lol @ChallengeMTV
@RamBamSam16: Someone stole my debit card and spent $400 at target 😑. I consider myself lucky because I was about to put my AYTO $ in the bank a few days ago but didn’t have time. Could have stolen a lot more
@ExOnTheBeach: Can I live? 🗣 #ExOnTheBeach
@BionicBrooks_: @ExOnTheBeach SZN 2 in Malibu. Y’all ain’t ready.
@Jay__Qs: Oh Lordy Lordy Lordy. Let all the @ExOnTheBeach drama begin. Fights for days ! #ohshiiiii
- @angelababicz: @Jay__Qs Me vs. you. Swing set. After school. Be there.
@angelababicz: I literally forgot 80% of my season 1 castmates hope they’re doing amazing but 😂😂🤣🤣
- @BadGirlJanelle: @angelababicz Sis you not the only one 😩😂
- @angelababicz: @BadGirlJanelle Imagine having to sit back and watch the real queens continue to get booked 😂😂 can’t relate.. we’re busy!
@jossie_flores: Are y’all ready for day 1 jozea 🥴🍺😂 #exonthebeach Premiers in 7 days !!!!! 🤦🏽♂️
@MayaBenberry: Less than 7 days away 💔 @ExOnTheBeach
@lohanbeachclub: Tuesdays are about to get RED HOT! 💋 Check out the OFFICIAL TRAILER for #LindsayLohansBeachClub, coming to @MTV Tuesday, January 8th at 8/7c. See ya in Mykonos, @lindsaylohan! 🥂
@Marie_TBD: Gratitude is so gangster.
@Kmorrisx: Honestly .... it’s almost the end of the year. I’m at a point in my life where if I see read or acknowledge the smallest thing aimed towards me I’ll just block. I have no patience for random ppl to be wasting time hating on someone they don’t even know. Read that again!
@Kmorrisx: It honestly baffles me girls will relentlessly call other females names for how they behave on tv. But then will comment on that persons social media the most vile comments. What makes you any better of a person. You go out of ur way to say cruel things to a stranger. Honestly 🤦🏽♀️
@johnnybananas: Dear Santa.... Awww fuck it, I'll just buy my own shit 🎅💩 #NaughtyList #Christmas #bananasdoingthings
@Bruce_Lee85: @johnnybananas @DrizzyDre26 @JennaCompono @MrPerfect_Ty @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @WestonBergmann @TheDioneG @MichelleUlibarr @iammikeyp @kailah_casillas I Challenge you all to give back this holiday season !! 🙌🏿😊
@shannanity: Turns out I’ve been in a sour mood since Dec 6 but I’m laughing now so I think we can say goodbye to that version of me for a week at least 🙃
@WestonBergmann: Helllllo...ladies. As requested, shirtless and pant-less photos. The catch is, if you enjoy this photo you might be into child porn because I’m 15 here. @ Blue Valley North High School https://www.instagram.com/p/BrT27F8n8V9/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=qvz4c3959l0z …
@SHOTOFYAGER: "@AlyssaJones624: 3/4 Lavendar ladies have been on #ChallengeMania @MTV_AMANDAG we are waiting on you! @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV" RT Facts. Let’s go, @MTV_AMANDAG! Give the people (and @shannanity) what they want! #ChallengeMania
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @SHOTOFYAGER @shannanity I heard your podcast is biased so I’d rather die than go on it.
- @realiteasnapped: @SHOTOFYAGER .... he “seems to like her” but went on the podium & called her a bi*ch at one of the events???? ok Scott, ok. 👍🏻
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @realiteasnapped Ya @SHOTOFYAGER I also heard about this as well. Hmmm unbiased eh? LOL. 🤔
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @MTV_AMANDAG Yeah, I mean, I’ve got nothing for this one. Had a feeling that might come back around, @DerrickMTV. 🤬
- @DerrickMTV: @MTV_AMANDAG @SHOTOFYAGER A podium...like at a town hall meeting? Lol.
- @DerrickMTV: @MTV_AMANDAG @SHOTOFYAGER @shannanity Yeah, don’t die!! Lol
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @MTV_AMANDAG As much as this response is entirely on-brand, so I certainly appreciate it in a way..I still don’t get who keeps claiming that “our podcast” is biased. Cast? Listeners? Have your friends that have come on complained, Amanda? @DerrickMTV seems to really like you.😥#ChallengeMania
- @AceNichols33: @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV LOL... it's THAT serious. She would rather DIE. Welp. 🤷🏼♀️
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV I’ve heard from cast & from listeners that you guys are biased. I don’t have the time or desire to argue with a middle man about ppl I could give a fuck less about. 🤷🏻♀️ and I like @DerrickMTV but I don’t need to go on a podcast to prove it.
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @NamasteWithNany @DerrickMTV To be clear, we’re not Anti-Anybody. We’re Pro-Anyone from @ChallengeMTV who cares about the people who support them. That includes those who respectfully decline our show. It’s all good.
@MTV_AMANDAG: Ppl.🤦🏻♀️ I’ve been asked on multiple podcasts, including the ones you are tagging me in. Lol. I will take a hard pass on them all. If you wanna know more about me follow me on Twitter. Follow me on IG. Follow me on Snapchat. Cuz the only person that can tell you about me, IS ME. 💯
@briannajulig: We are so excited to announce our little peanut coming July 2019! Greatest surprise we could have ever asked for... me and John are so blessed to have such an amazing and supportive… https://www.instagram.com/p/BrVahdfFta3/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1qaja2x0anufp …
@WestonBergmann: I have a very serious request. Serious. Sincerely serious. We need to stop calling it tea & start calling it lava. Lava makes more sense & sounds cooler. Plus we have a nice little 🌋 emoji. Cus lava boils over, ruins towns, kills people, is hot/juicy. Let’s make this a thing
@WestonBergmann: That reminds me...I have serious lava. It’s so good you guys won’t believe me. But in due time it will come out. 🌋 🌋 🌋
- @kailah_casillas: @WestonBergmann I’ll get on board with this.
@WestonBergmann: Why do I feel like I’m always being watched? @ Miami, Florida https://www.instagram.com/p/BrWcP8FHspp/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1srgbp5fe7rn8 …
@CaraMariaMTV: Spa day!
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV Dayummmmm.... you got a man or nah cause I’m trying to lock that down 😈
@ExOnTheBeach: Breaking up isn’t hard to do, just take it from these guys! 😂👏 | #ExOnTheBeach premieres Thursday, 12/20 8/7c x @mtv 💅
@morgan_willett: I never believed I was thaaat dramatic... until I watched this. Good morning from my tears 😂 T-minus 6 days @ExOnTheBeach
- @MattieLBreaux: @morgan_willett I can’t wait 😎
@angelababicz: June 20th has come and gone... where’s my money at?
@angelababicz: I may never see that money again & that’s ok... as long no other female gets frauded by this scam artist again. And for those in similar situations, I pray you see the signs I missed and have the courage to LEAVE because you queens deserve MEN not boys. 👑
@RomeoMiller: Yea, it’s really December.
@ExOnTheBeach: It's the most WONDERFUL time of the year 🎵 | You don't want to miss #ExOnTheBeach premiering in 6 DAYS at 8/7c on @MTV! 💔
- @angelababicz: @ExOnTheBeach 🙆🏻♀️💁🏻♀️
@jossie_flores: Dating advice from me too you 🥰 #exonthebeach #eotb2 6 more days!!!! @MTV @ExOnTheBeach
@angelababicz: Can’t wait to leave 2018 in the trash where it belongs 🚮 starting off 2019 in London with people I love... can y’all guess who I’m going with? 👀🇬🇧
- @faithstowers: @angelababicz Omg why is this girl so pressed
- @angelababicz: @faithstowers Ain’t nobody in the mood for Long John Silver’s 😩😩
@Kenyaa_NOT: Am I the only one extremely excited to watch eotb bc of Farrah? The fact that she’s so delusional makes her so entertaining, I can’t even picture her having relations w anyone I am so excited
@CaraMariaMTV: @johnnybananas Johnny the feet jokes are getting old and about as weak as your elimination record.
- @johnnybananas: @CaraMariaMTV Oooh that comeback is almost as dirty as your choice in men 🤫 CC: @KyleCGShore
- @CaraMariaMTV: @johnnybananas @KyleCGShore You bringing up old trash is almost as dirty as your recent hook ups leaving you for TYB. At least I upgraded. 🍆
- @johnnybananas: @CaraMariaMTV Says the girl who was traded in for a Lavender Loser cc: @KyleCGShore @MTVASHLEYBROOKE
- @shannanity: @johnnybananas I don’t think you can call the #1 highest winnings Challenge Champion a loser 🤷🏻♂️
- @angelababicz: @CaraMariaMTV Here you go dragging me into your mess yet again. Let it go!
- @CaraMariaMTV: @johnnybananas @KyleCGShore Johnny rereading all of his comebacks like...
- @PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV @johnnybananas @KyleCGShore Oh shit 👶🏼🍌
- @Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV @johnnybananas 👀👀👀👀👀👀
- @Archeswrestling: @CaraMariaMTV @johnnybananas He's facing athletes. You're facing @BritniNicol or @kailah_casillas or some other model. Unless it's a puzzle. C'mon. If you had to go against men you'd get killed. You know this bc you complained all season. Not being mean but its true. Challenge is male athletes female models
- @kailah_casillas: @Archeswrestling This is the first time in my whole life I’ve been told that I’m not an athlete... & also the first time I’ve been called a “model”. Thank you for making my day, you big idiot 😌Kailah Casillas
- @PaulCalafiore_: @johnnybananas Says the guy who let that POS run games on his so called challenge sister like that and never put him in his place even after he backstabbed you the season before as a rookie CC: Everyone who watched Vendettas and Final Reckoning
- @johnnybananas: @PaulCalafiore_ Whoa who invited this guy to the party 🤨👎
- @CaraMariaMTV: @PaulCalafiore_ Im not sad that he traded me in for a grimy used car salesman rookie...Im just disappointed. @johnnybananas
- @CaraMariaMTV: @johnnybananas @KyleCGShore @MTVASHLEYBROOKE I would tell you to go fuck yourself but I’m pretty sure you would be disappointed.
- @Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV I don’t know what you’re talking about but I like this GIF
- @PaulCalafiore_: @johnnybananas Re-evaluate your allies. I wouldn’t mind seeing you make another final. Unless you wanna keep going into every season with people who say they got you until they stab you. You like being the underdog, but even underdogs need some people in their corner 🤷🏼♂️💁🏼♂️
@CaraMariaMTV: Friday night @ChallengeMTV training. 🤣
@Archeswrestling: @CaraMariaMTV @johnnybananas He's facing athletes. You're facing @BritniNicol or @kailah_casillas or some other model. Unless it's a puzzle. C'mon. If you had to go against men you'd get killed. You know this bc you complained all season. Not being mean but its true. Challenge is male athletes female models
- @JustJem24: @Archeswrestling Cara went against and beat men to be the first solo winner of the challenge yet you are still being a misogynist asshole to her... . Men fucking suckkkkkkk
@JennaCompono: It’s the most wonderful time of the year 🎄❤️ @ZNichols15 #11daysuntilchristmas !!!
@CoryWharton: It’s hard for me to take Kayne serious, ever since he said that reckless shit about slavery 🤡 Drake’s music is better 🙌🏽
@JustJem24: This J Woww/Roger dramaaa is 3 much... Curious to hear what y’all think of all of this.
@JustJem24: Happy couples dont broadcast everything online. So the next time you are feeling jealous of an online relationship remember their constant need for validation from others means something is lacking in their relationship.... Or they are just hugeeee attention seekers 🤷🏻♀️
@MtvNateSiebs: Go to the gas station to grab a drink... walk out with a tub of cotton candy, 3 donuts, and some candy. Had to go back in for the drink🤦🏻♂️😬 #whyamilikethis
@ChallengeMTV: Heeere's TONY! And Cara, Leroy, Wes, Derrick, and Shane! 🙌 Don't miss Part 2 of #CTsGettingMarried TUESDAY at 9/8c ❤️
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV Time to CRASH A WEDDING!!! 🤓 C.J. knows what’s up 😉
- @Bruce_Lee85: @ChallengeMTV Wedding Crashers 💁🏾♂️😎
@Marie_TBD: WhT is going on Twitter!!!!! LOL where have I been ? updates 👀👀!?
@ExOnTheBeach: .@jossie_flores is ready to find the one, but what will happen when sh*t hits the fan? 😲 | #ExOnTheBeach premieres this Thursday, at 8/7c on @MTV! 🌊
@ExOnTheBeach: .@MackemDrummer is experiencing a small case of déjà vu with @F1abraham in the house, which has him ready to risk it ALL! 🍑 Will he shoot his shot? 👀 Find out Thursday at 8/7c on @MTV! #ExOnTheBeach
@ChallengeMTV: Saturday mood 💃
@CaraMariaMTV: Funny how those who know the least always seem to speak the loudest.
@Marie_TBD: As someone who has seen their parents go through a divorce. The jwow and Roger story really makes me sad. Now what did Kanye do?
@Marie_TBD: Get a damn edit button @Twitter this is OUTRAGEOUS now.
@Marie_TBD: I’d like to point out it is very time consuming to fight a couple on twitter when you’re single.
@JustJem24: Me and the guy next to me were legit both dancing hard AF on the same beat so we rolled down our windows and we were both listening to back that ass up 😭
@itskcheyenne: @CoryWharton You spent $20 on a candle.. I need proof
- @CoryWharton: @itskcheyenne Relax , I swear when you drop Ryder off tomorrow 😁 you will smell the pumpkin nutmeg pie 🥧 and the cinnamon pecan swirl 🔥🔥🔥
@kailah_casillas: As much as everyone dislikes #PeteDavidson, I really hope he’s ok & has either friends or family with him right now 🙏🏼
@kailah_casillas: Twitter is out of control right now
@kailah_casillas: may your crush never ignore you the way @Drake is ignoring @kanyewest 🙏🏼♥️
@iammikeyp: Pete Davidson basically posted a suicide note and the comments towards it are horrible. I just read someone say “just do it already” ...the fuck is wrong wit you “stans”?
- @Marie_TBD: @iammikeyp I dislike Pete Davidson a lot but this is so sad. People are cruel.
@HaydenPWeaver: Y’all think just because someone has money/fame that they can’t be depressed or think they’re invincible to hate comments online. There’s so many trash people on social media that don’t realize they could be accountable for someone’s suicide someday
@johnnybananas: In France ANYTHING GOES!!! Watch Bananas the Butcher toss his meat around a French market on an ALL NEW episode of @1stlooktv tonight on @NBC after SNL 🇫🇷🍖🥩👨🍳 #ViveLaBanane #BananasTheButcher #Butcher #France #Steak #FoodPorn
@SarahMcCBurke: When you couldn’t get together for Halloween so you turn your group costume idea into your friendship Christmas card. And yes, I’m wearing Matt’s wedding tux. Merry Christmas from my Fab 5. #QueerEye #Fab5 …
- @Karamo: Yes this is amazing @SarahMcCBurke
@Marie_TBD: Big dreams !!!! Little cuz love ❤️ @Mar8e Instagram
@CaraMariatea3: Fun fact: Cara Maria and Evelyn Smith hold the record for “most consecutive daily challenge wins” for the females winning a total of 7 missions in a row on a challenge season. @ChallengeMTV
@kailah_casillas: I’m always so impressed by child actors and actresses. How do they get them to remember all those lines and convince them to act?!!! I bet they’re bribed with candy. That’s gotta be it.
@kailah_casillas: chilly Vegas nights = plaid shirts & Timbs ♥️
@ExOnTheBeach: Our version of paradise comes with a dash of drama @realChadJohnson, hope you make it out! 💅 | #ExOnTheBeach premieres Thursday, at 8/7c on @MTV! 😅
- @realChadJohnson: @ExOnTheBeach I made it... slightly
@ExOnTheBeach: .@NicolexoRamos has very specific qualities she needs her baby daddy to have, and double dipping isn't one of them @realChadJohnson ☕️ #ExOnTheBeach
@Adoomies1: Clinton and Uche + Swayleigh 😭😭
@ChallengeMTV: There's a storm coming, and it's not just The Challengers! CT's wedding is threatened by the weather in this sneak peak from Part 2 of #CTsGettingMarried 🌩
@kailah_casillas: Living on the west coast is hard because I’m just starting my party when all my friends drama starts super late night for them. I’m getting drunk texts while my party is just starting lol
@MTVDevinWalker: Johnnys so mad everyone figured out he sucks hahaha
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @MTVDevinWalker What did I miss lol
@MTVDevinWalker: @MTV_AMANDAG just keepin the haters stressed #gopats
@kailah_casillas: I love how if @MTVDevinWalker tweets about Johnny unsolicited, people are like “this is how you stay relevant feeding off of Johnny” but if Johnny tweets about females unsolicited people think it’s HILARIOUS. like what the fuck.
@kailah_casillas: "@stephani3x: @kailah_casillas @MTVDevinWalker Devin is obsessed with johny" RT Atleast Johnny knows Devin. Devin doesn’t know you & here you are commenting on his posts. Looks like you’re obsessed.
@kailah_casillas: I’m in a mood today. Don’t even dare.
@CoryWharton: @itskcheyenne you better talk about me the same way Cardi B talks about Offset 💯
- @itskcheyenne:@CoryWharton Protect the baby daddy at all cost 😂
@CoryWharton: Food is so Lovely T H E E N D
@CamilaMTV: Tell someone you love you love them. Too often we feel it but never speak it. ❤️
@Marie_TBD: Subtweet to thots who plot
- @Kmorrisx: @Marie_TBD 👇🏻😂
- @Marie_TBD: @Kmorrisx Thanks for following me.
- @Kmorrisx: @Marie_TBD Thanks for being a crazy Bitch 🥰
@Kmorrisx: Sunday’s ☃️
- @kailah_casillas: @Kmorrisx I just wanna take a second to ask what everyone else is thinking. DO YOU LOOK PRETTY EVERYDAY??? Like honestly you do your hair and makeup and look picture ready everyday...??!!! I swear I do my makeup and hair once a week, idk how you have time. I’m impressed.
- @Kmorrisx: @kailah_casillas Hahaha nooooo I only take pictures when I’m photo ready. On days off I look like mowgli. Trust me 😂😘
- @Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas I say a prayer everyday that filters don’t go out of style.
@WestonBergmann: What does it say about you if you don’t like dogs and even the Grinch has one?
- @Marie_TBD: @ExOnTheBeach Giant teddy bear. Best part.
@MTV_NellyT: Change is everything. Change if your not happy, change your setting, change your friends, CHANGE YOUR LIFE. I didn't see this change coming. Are you ready for a change?
@Jay__Qs: Hi world. Good morning or afternoon. Whatever. I love you. That is all. 💩
@BadGirlJanelle: I love all of my supporters!!!! Seriously you guys fucking rock and I hope God blesses you all ❤️❤️❤️
@ChallengeMTV: Monday got us like... 🙃 Don't miss Part 2 of #CTsGettingMarried TOMORROW at 9/8c! ❤️
@WestonBergmann: Merry Christmas ya filthy animals @hbarfield13 https://www.instagram.com/p/Brfnn-WnaYY/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=x4jr5d9b7mj …
@Kmorrisx: When girls post a pic with their guy but tag him as “no, nice try, next, keep wishing” it’s not even funny. It’s actually quite sad.
@CaraMariaMTV: @Kmorrisx No. U really are that prettu every day. I see you without makeup in the mornings. U are annoyingly pretty.
- @Kmorrisx: @CaraMariaMTV Ugh u can’t talk. Extension free naturel here 💅🏻😘
@TheOfficial_CT: Nobody and nothing can rain on my parade!!! Except the rain, maybe... 🌧Don’t miss Part 2 of #CTsGettingMarried TOMORROW at 9/8c ❤️ https://www.instagram.com/p/Brf9xvQAD51/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1oxo934pv6z7e …
@Kmorrisx: @Marie_TBD @iamkamiam_ @kailah_casillas Ur all crazy. U all seen me 1st thing in the morning to my homeless looking days. Behave 😂🤦🏽♀️
@Marie_TBD: @kailah_casillas Good thing you don’t get paid for likes cause your tweets fail pretty hard. LOL
@ChallengeMTV: Lili's reaction... 😂 #CTsGettingMarried
@tonyraines: The holidays are this Dads favorite time of year!! Make sure you get the Dad in your life the gift he deserves! Go to the link in my bio or http://tonytime.store for this long sleeve and more #DadStrong #HappyHolidays #MerryChristmas #TisTheSeason 🎁🎄🎅
@CaraMariaMTV: WE GOIN TO DISNEY WORLD! @PaulCalafiore_
@iammikeyp: Last Christmas with | @Marie_TBD @iamkamiam_ @DJPaulyD @iamkamiam_ & @SylviaMTV 🎄
@Marie_TBD: I feel like in my efforts to remain hopeful, I’ve become delusional. 💔💔💔💔
@CaraMariaMTV: Just a @Marie_TBD appreciation post for the sister i love to hate... or hate to love. Either way theres a sprinkle of both. See you in jersey!
- @Marie_TBD: @CaraMariaMTV The shirts weren’t planned... but my Fanny pack was. It always is. #investinyourfanny ❤️❤️❤️ I love this though it made me smile :) since me and @NataliaNegrotti are cool now can we ALL do a photo shoot together? 😂 @PaulCalafiore_
@TheOriginalDre_: Can’t wait to film my next szn of The #caucuschallenge - hopefully some of my fav challengers tune in & support us!🤪🙌🏼 https://youtu.be/x42N2HN7tBI @ChallengeMTV @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @MTV_AMANDAG @SylviaMTV @kailah_casillas @Marie_TBD @shannanity @BritniNicol @JustJem24 #thechallenge32
- @kailah_casillas: @TheOriginalDre_ I’m excited for it
- @JustJem24: @TheOriginalDre_ I think if you’re a challenge fan you should pay attention to @TheOriginalDre_. He doing some dope things & his creativity is everything. Kid will be famous one day so join the bandwagon now y’all 😘
@TeenMom: It’s officially been a year since @CoryWharton has been in Ryder’s life, and @itskcheyenne is calling for a special celebration on tonight’s #TeenMomOG season finale. ✨ Sneak Peek: The First Year / Don't miss tonight's #TeenMomOG season finale at 9/8c on @MTV!
@MTV: #TeenMomOG starts right now! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @TeenMom 😘
@TeenMom: But is @CoryWharton the one for @itskcheyenne? 👀 #TeenMomOG
@itskcheyenne: Who’s watching @TeenMom 🎉
@TeenMom: Okay, who else is crying? 🙋 #TeenMomOG
@TeenMom: Here’s to a year of fatherhood and a lifetime of of happiness ❤️ @CoryWharton #TeenMomOG
- @CoryWharton: @TeenMom I just want to say THANK YOU GUYS! @TeenMom For letting me share this past year of fatherhood with everyone. It’s true my been life changing 🙏🏽
@TeenMom: We need this to happen! 😩 #TeenMomOG
@MTV_AMANDAG: I can’t help but roll my fuckin eyes at some of these moms. THANK GOD FOR @itskcheyenne saving this gd show. FRFR. #TeenMomOG
@itskcheyenne: Celebrate those around you ❤️
@OKMagazine: Grab the tissues! ‘Teen Mom’ star Cheyenne Floyd throws an emotional one-year anniversary party of her daughter, Ryder, meeting Cory Wharton for the first time.
@ExOnTheBeach: 𝑮𝒓𝒐𝒘𝒕𝒉 (/ɡrōTH/ noun) 1.the process of being able to rest in front of your ex, and compliment them on their greatness...NOT! 😅 #ExOnTheBeach
- @coreybrooks34: @ExOnTheBeach 💀💀💀💀💀💀
@Jay__Qs: 2 days and counting ! @ExOnTheBeach @MTV hopefully you still love me in the morning ;)
@Jay__Qs: Soooooo yes it’s true I’m using twitter again. And I must say, let’s get weird.
@jossie_flores: MY Music VIDEO (METELE) DROPPING IN 3 MORE DAYS YALL READY?!!!! 😜 #metele #exonthebeach
@NurysKMateo: Moving is such a bittersweet feeling.. I wanted nothing to be as far away from Maine as possible but all I want is to be able to drive home and see my fam 😭
@ExOnTheBeach: C'mon @morgan_willett, being in a house with your ex can't be THAT bad! 😅 | #ExOnTheBeach premieres this THURSDAY 8/7c only on @MTV! 💅
- @morgan_willett: @ExOnTheBeach Who had a better crying on camera face... me or @KimKardashian
@Mackemdrummer: I hope everyone is just as exciting as I am about @ExOnTheBeach 😱😱
@ExOnTheBeach: Ever heard of a ménage à trois? 😂 #ExOnTheBeach
@RomeoMiller: New season of @ExOnTheBeach premieres Dec 20th (Thursday) on @MTV at 8pm babbbyyy!!!
- @ExOnTheBeach: @RomeoMiller 🙌 It's going down! 🌊 #ExOnTheBeach
@RomeoMiller: That moment you see your future ex 😂😍😅 @ExOnTheBeach
@MayaBenberry: 2 more days until @ExOnTheBeach 💔
@MayaBenberry: It’s not my fault I like my men athletic 🤷🏽♀️
@MayaBenberry: I’ve grown so much this year. I can’t wait to see what blossoms from all these life lessons in 2019 🌸
@coreybrooks34: Sunny with a 100% chance of trolling my exes on exonthebeach starting this Thursday on MTV💁🏼♂️ @ Los Angeles, California https://www.instagram.com/p/BrjXFo0l4czXKsBzteVpV-6H_EdBdi5j50GG800/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=dou812lqunjg …
@BadGirlJanelle: Get to know me better 👉🏾
@Marie_TBD: I’m pumped for @ExOnTheBeach
@jossie_flores: I’m so f***** thankful for my ex!!! #exonthebeach premiers this Thursday on @Mtv !!!! 🔥😈 #arianagrande #thankunext @ExOnTheBeach
@ChallengeMTV: Lili gets last minute nerves in Part 2 of #CTsGettingMarried, on TONIGHT at 9/8c 👰
@PaulCalafiore_: @CaraMariaMTV Simple as that baby, you’re my person ❤️❤️
@PaulCalafiore_: You miss 100% of the boobies you don’t grab 😂🤣 @CaraMariaMTV
@CoryWharton: ✍🏽:Don’t trust ppl that use 2in1 Shampoo and conditioner OR Ppl that put ketchup on there eggs !!!!
- @MTV_NellyT: @CoryWharton I swear you have a 2in1 at the crib 😂
- @CoryWharton: @MTV_NellyT No sir I can’t do that. These Luscious curls won’t accept it
@WestonBergmann: I wonder how many of us would be put in jail if society could watch our dreams
@CaraMariaMTV: @Marie_TBD @NataliaNegrotti @PaulCalafiore_ Lmao yes. On the beach. And i want to sprinkle them on my twitter and instagram timelines for a month.
@ChallengeMTV: Don't miss Part 2 of #CTsGettingMarried TONIGHT at 9/8c, with the entertainment being provided by none other than @tonyraines! 🎹
@tonyraines: You know you’re getting old when everywhere you go they call you “sir” 👴🏻🤣
@tonyraines: Tonight things are getting weird!! @ChallengeMTV Check out this extended deleted scene of me and @shannanity after CTs wedding #CtsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: You're invited to Part 2 of #CTsGettingMarried, on @MTV TONIGHT at 9/8c! 👰
@kailah_casillas: Holy shit it’s cold in NY. HOLY SHIT.
@TheOfficial_CT: Tonight. PART 2. 9/8c @mtv challengemtv #imnotcryingyourecrying #yohabloespanoltho https://www.instagram.com/p/Bri7kJVARKH/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1925s9nfnhe7k …
@tonyraines: In honor of CT tying the knot tonight here’s a throwback of when he helped me win my 1st anything on MTV 🏆 #TeamDadBod 4-Life @TheOfficial_CT @ChallengeMTV #CtsGettingMarried
@WestonBergmann: Can you believe that CT and I were enemies for a decade and tonight I’ll be witnessing his nuptials in the final episode of this mini series? @ Miami, Florida https://www.instagram.com/p/Bri1RRGn2_8/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=74rqhqxpbzj7 …
@TrishelleC: "@Dillybop08: @HTChallenge32 @TrishelleC doesn’t get the credit she deserves. And she was the only of the 4 to make the finals on her comeback season." RT I would also like to point out that if Dustin didn’t have me in the finals, he would still be in the desert of Namibia trying to figure out the puzzles lol
@Marie_TBD: Today was a good day. I hope everyone is getting the news they’re hoping for this week as well.
- @Kmorrisx: @Marie_TBD Today’s not going to be a good day for u unless u answer the call I just gave u 2 mins after u posted this 🌚
@ChallengeMTV: Grab a date and throw on your Sunday best because Part 2 of #CTsGettingMarried starts in 1 HOUR on @MTV! 💍✨
@Marie_TBD: Hahahahaha I didn’t realize your “2018 Snap Story” included pics/videos you DID NOT post. Whewwwww. Chilleeeee hahahahaha @Snap #2018snapstory #snapchat
@JustJem24: This year for Christmas I just want apologies...
@Viacom: The Challengers arrive this week on #CTsGettingMarried! The two-part special is an extension of the long-running reality competition @ChallengeMTV and documents the 14 season alum @TheOfficial_CT’s wedding 💍. Don’t miss part 2 tonight at 9/8c on @MTV. #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: Part 2 of #CTsGettingMarried starts RIGHT NOW on @MTV! 💒
@MTV: Part two of #CTsGettingMarried starts right now! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @ChallengeMTV 😘
@ChallengeMTV: CT: My family might not come to the wedding, it might rain... What else can go wrong? CJ: Hold my juice, fam.
@ChallengeMTV: Lili's father going to check up on Lili right now 😅 #CTsGettingMarried
@tonyraines: CT talking to CJ after getting LiLi upset 🤣🤣🤣 #CtsGettingMarried @ChallengeMTV
@tonyraines: LiLi I apologize in advance #HereComesTheParty #CtsGettingMarried @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: CT's worlds are colliding! 💥 #CTsGettingMarried (GIF of fellow challengers surrounding him)
@ChallengeMTV: Leroy: I won't let anything bad happen. Lili: Everyone who says that is full of sh*t. Me: (GIF)
@ChallengeMTV: When she doesn't believe you're one of the guys and you can't go to the bachelor party 😩 #CTsGettingMarried (GIF of Cara)
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @ChallengeMTV Fun fact: the guys literally HATE when she says she’s “one of the guys” and tries to tag along. They literally refer to her as their annoying wannabe little brother that won’t go away. Hahahahah. 🤣 #CTsGettingMarried
- @CaraMariaMTV: @ChallengeMTV I mean... the groom invited me. Why would i not be allowed to support my friend just because I dont have a penis?
@ChallengeMTV: Lili's number one concern about the bachelor party: (GIF: "Stripper juice everywhere")
@tonyraines: I love you man!! 😭😭 #CTsGettingMarried @ChallengeMTV
@T1V_1018: She called CT a marshmallow 😂😂😂 #CTsGettingMarried
@MTV_AMANDAG: Hahahahahaha I fucking love Lili. BYE HORSEY BITCH. 🤣#CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: When mom catches you coming home past curfew 😰 #CTsGettingMarried (GIF of Leroy)
@kailah_casillas: My ears are ringing, I feel like someone is talking about me. 👀
- @tonyraines: @kailah_casillas Apparently you got mistaken for Cara 🤣🤣🤣 #WrongHairColor #CtsGettingMarried @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: So happy for you, CT 🙏 #CTsGettingMarried
@MTV_AMANDAG: @shannanity “Believe me you don’t wanna get stuck with her” Hahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahaha 🤣 fuckin hilarious #CTsGettingMarried
@kailah_casillas: I’m not watching the #CTWeddingSpecial bc I’m out, but I kinda know what’s happening & id like to clear this up. Lily is not confusing us. I met Lily in Vegas & again in LA. She knows I’m Kailah, she knows Cara is Cara lol #WasntMe #DontBlameMe
- @CaraMariaMTV: @kailah_casillas I didn’t remember meeting her before. The boys mentioned that she might have been thinking of when you were with Mikey filming Champs/Stars. Lili was with CT then. 🤷🏻♀️ there was no shade meant there.
@ChallengeMTV: CT: It's Miami, it always rains. I'm sure it will stop. Miami rain: (GIF)
@Joellegee: CT is such an innocent soul. I really could cry. #CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: This broment between CT and Leroy is everything 😩❤️ #CTsGettingMarried (GIF of Leroy cutting CT's hair)
@ChallengeMTV: (GIF of CT talking to his dad)
@MTV_AMANDAG: I love keeping you cry babies WOKE 🤣 hehehehehe
@tonyraines: "@EricaPischel: So is @tonyraines the next one to get a wedding show?! 😍🙌 #CTsGettingMarried" RT If y’all want it....retweet this!! 👰🎩💒 @MTV #TonysGettingMarried
- @JustJem24: @tonyraines We 100000% want it. @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: CT: Do you have any marriage advice? Lili's father: (GIF of CT talking to his dad)
@ChallengeMTV: This is a moment 😭 #CTsGettingMarried (GIF of Vanessa coming to visit CT)
@challenge_mct: Ct’s sister showed up !! Okay y’all won im crying. #CtsGettingMarried
@sarahmarie3422: Seeing CT’s sister walk in has me like: #CTsGettingMarried
@IsntDaveOne: omg when CT started crying, I started crying too! 😭😭😭 #CTsGettingMarried
@DerrickMTV: S/O to all the “BROMENTS!!” -@TheOfficial_CT @Bruce_Lee85 @ChallengeMTV Lol! 😜 #CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: Not everyone is thrilled about this surprise 😩 #CTsGettingMarried (GIF of Lili in tears)
@Marie_TBD: CT’s sister is beautiful and this wedding sucks. There. I said it.
- @MTV_AMANDAG: @Marie_TBD What???? You didn’t like the wedding?? Bitch whyyy
- @Marie_TBD: @MTV_AMANDAG The wedding was beautiful. The drama before gave me anxiety for them. You’re such a troll lol
- @ToriFiorenza: @Marie_TBD Weddings are stressful. I Love love and hate weddings😳...there I said it. (I didn’t watch it yet, speaking in general so keep your negativity and don’t @ me) 😘
@JustJem24: I have a huge lesbian crush on CT’s sister.
@ChallengeMTV: CT reading his vows in Spanish is the most adorable thing I've ever seen 😍 #CTsGettingMarried (GIF of Lili laughing)
@PaulParmar1: So happy for CT & Lilli 💜💜 they’re both great #CTsGettingMarried @TheOfficial_CT
@brookcty: CT is so adorable 😂 #CTsGettingMarried #TheChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: OFFICIALLY Mr. and Mrs. Tamburello 💑 #CTsGettingMarried (GIF of CT and Lili kissing after being declared husband and wife)
@ChallengeMTV: One big happy family 👪 #CTsGettingMarried (GIF of CT, Lili and CJ walking down aisle together)
@Marie_TBD: MTV just gave me an anxiety attack for 40 minutes. Congrats..........................................................................................................................................? @MTV #CTWeddingSpecial
@tonyraines: CT talking Spanglish 🤦🏻♂️ it was hard enough trying to understand him before!! 🤣🤣 #CtsGettingMarried #WheresTheSubtitles @ChallengeMTV
@Cesaroni22: I'm so loving Lili's wedding dress #CTsGettingMarried
@dramageek19: I’m getting a little emotional here. Ct saying his vows in Spanish just warmed my heart. #CTsGettingMarried
@silverstakeontv: He’s so happy 😭😭😭 #CTsGettingMarried
@MukeeftNiamm: Ct saying his vows in Spanish is the cutest fucking shit #CTsGettingMarried
@boutbrittt: okay ct saying his vows in Spanish though 😭😭 #CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeChatt1: Can’t wait for the Rivals 4 pairing of Lili and CT’s sister. #CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: He deserves it ❤️ #CTsGettingMarried (GIF: Cara - "I want him to be happy")
- @CaraMariaMTV: Im there for CT and I hope the best for him. We all do. Thats all I will say.
@Marie_TBD: I love tent weddings without bugs.
@MTV_AMANDAG: Omg I loved that he did his vows in Spanish. Awwwww so cute! 😩 #CTsGettingMarried
@MTV_AMANDAG: Her dress is LIFE 😍#CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: Thank you all so much for coming on this journey with us! Much love from the Tamburellos ❤️ #CTsGettingMarried (GIF of CT and Lili sharing first dance as married couple)
@tonyraines: Fun fact: Me, @MTVDevinWalker , @TheOfficial_CT , and LiLi all watched the Super Bowl together in Cali during Champs vs Stars and I can personally tell you she is perfect for CT, I’ll keep the details of that night to myself lol but congrats again 🙏 #CtsGettingMarried
@Marie_TBD: Lilly does look gorgeous though ❤️ Hope the entire fam is in a better place now. #CTsGettingMarried
@MissBangtan_93: @CaraMariaMTV CT is literally like your brother. Yalls friendship spans almost a decade. Idk what's so hard to understand about that.🤔
@KatieCooley26: CT’s wife is muy bonita. Her dress! 😍#CTsGettingMarried
@tonyraines: "@fitgirl1218: Pretty sure @tonyraines was the only one crying at @TheOfficial_CT wedding lol... it. Was. Adorable 😍😭 #CTsGettingMarried " RT Had something in my eye 😭 #CTsGettingMarried
@Marie_TBD: Please reply with your best EEEEK Gif. I EEK often and I need more reply expressions.
@MTV_AMANDAG: @Marie_TBD Hahahahahaha miss you bitch let’s go to Dave n busters sometime
@tonyraines: "@fitgirl1218: Pretty sure @tonyraines was the only one crying at @TheOfficial_CT wedding lol... it. Was. Adorable 😍😭 #CTsGettingMarried " RT Had something in my eye 😭 #CTsGettingMarried
@shannanity: I hope everyone enjoyed @TheOfficial_CT and Lili’s wedding as much as I did! So special creating forever memories with his family and our challenge family. Love you all in our own unique ways @Bruce_Lee85 @CaraMariaMTV @DerrickMTV @WestonBergmann @tonyraines and Alyssa!
@Brianna24886296: I loved hearing @shannanity on #CTsGettingMarried 💒 he was the most genuine cast member shown in that segment and showed so much respect for Lily and CT. Also, Lily is a badass and I’m obsessed with her. @ChallengeMTV
@shannanity: I am so blessed with a wonderful life and people I enjoy who find joy in me! Celebrating Chris and Lili’s wedding was a full circle moment for me - Did you enjoy it as much as me? https://www.instagram.com/p/Brjk0YAAT9z/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=gei13hxkp6zi …
@CaraMariaMTV: Family ♥️ tonight was happiness! @WaltDisneyWorld #WaltDisneyWorld @PaulCalafiore_ @banksy878
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@SiestaKey: And we are LIVE! 📺 Are you watching with us over at the #SiestaKey Facebook Page? https://www.facebook.com/siestakeymtv/videos/354933435328162/ …
@SiestaKey: LOVE AT YOUR OWN RISK 🌊 Secrets are never safe in #SiestaKey. We’re back with an all-new season Tuesday, January 22nd at 9/8c on @MTV. Siesta Key | Season 2 Trailer / #SiestaKey returns on an all-new night and time Tuesday, January 22nd at 9/8c on @MTV.
@usweekly: New cast members means new drama! #SiestaKey season 2 has arrived:
- @chloe_trautman: @usweekly Season 2 finally
- @_BG_Gomes: @usweekly #SiestaKey 👀👀👀 I promise it was worth the wait!
@_BG_Gomes: Patience is a virtue
@thekelseyowens: FINALLY😆😆 January 22nd baby!!! #siestakeymtv
@CarsonWall3: January 22nd @mtv @SiestaKey 🌊
@MadissonHaus: We’re back 😉 @SiestaKey @MTV #SiestaKey
@statenislandmtv: What doesn’t kill you, makes you a boss! 🙏 Mark your calendars, #MadeInStatenIsland is coming to @mtv on Monday, January 14th at 10/9c!
- @Marie_TBD: @statenislandmtv Welp. Gotta rep...... I’m not sure if I’m mortified or intrigued. @mtv
- @kailah_casillas: @statenislandmtv all I wanna know is how the F is @Marie_TBD not on this?
@KarenGravanoVH1 Karen Gravano/Mob Wives: New Show finally here!!!! this is definitely something you are not gonna want to miss....Bosses aren’t born, they’re made! 💪 So excited to announce our new show #MadeInStatenIsland is… https://www.instagram.com/p/Bri_Wc3HB-Q/?utm_source=ig_twitter_share&igshid=1s4d5cbpqrzoi …
@GonzalezJustin_: Bosses aren’t born, they’re made! 💪 So excited to announce our new show #MadeInStatenIsland is coming to @mtv on Monday, January 14th at 10/9c! Be sure to follow @statenislandmtv to get all the updates! 🙏 more promo coming soon stay tuned 😈
@GonzalezJustin_: At the top it’s a different view Show airs janurary 14th we’ve received more hate from our own islanders then anyone else smh 🤦🏽♂️ what happen to this generation
@vic_huertas: @statenislandmtv MAKE SURE YOU WATCH MY SHOW #grateful
@dennieaugustine: @statenislandmtv 💜💜💜💜💜
@karinaseabrook: If you sit on Twitter & hate on other people’s blessing no matter what it is. Your an ugly person inside & out nothing will block my blessing especially not some bitter jealous nobodies😛😋😝🤪 #GoodMorningWorld #MTV
@karinaseabrook: Please continue to talk about us in group chats, every social media site you have, in cars doing nothing with your life & SPREAD THE FUCKIN WORD 🤩 I luv it #KeepTalking
@718cp: I get love from everybody who is somebody on Staten Island .. if ya not fuckin w me get ya weight up cause ya name don’t ring bells. GOD BLESS 🙏🏽 #Firsttweet #Scaredgotochurch I got nothing but love to spread so don’t hate .. PARTICIPATE 🙏🏽☑️
After an incredible first season in summer 2017 which then resumed in January of this year, Siesta Key returns for its much anticipated Season 2 on January 22. If our story this past summer of Alex, Juliette & friends getting to hang out with a camel & a snake at an over-the-top Egyptian fiesta was something, then the sophomore season that's to come will not all be about fun in the sun.
The entire cast joined with two Siesta superfans and US Weekly's Emily Longretta on Facebook Live on Monday to help launch the countdown to Season 2, whose trailer promises more fireworks and heartbreak than it was when the debuted began last year. And there will be greater stakes this time around as #JALEX may find themselves in rough waters thanks to a rival of his in Juliette's ex returns to town. There are also new boos and old friends coming in that will only add to what promises to be a season just as good as when it all began for the group.
And for the latest new show to have the prestigious launchpad of following MTV's most-watched shows - Siesta, Floribama, Ex and AYTO included, soon it'll be the turn of the latest new show to take up residency in the most remote island in all of New York City. From a star of VH1's iconic Mob Wives Karen Gravano, Made In Staten Island will focus on a group of eight natives of this borough as, as MTV writes, "they battle each other and the odds to step out of the shadows and change the reputation of the island," with ties they have to mafia families there.
Since news of that season was revealed on Tuesdays, just as it was for Jersey Shore trolls have gone after the show and Viacom itself for once again putting their island under a different spotlight than what they want their island to be represented on TV. Their claims are of the links to the mob, the fact that the cast have Italian American ties, and fearing that bad behavior will again take over the island. But, things may change in the cast wanting to throw hatorade at everyone else once actual episode footage begins airing in the leadup to its January 14th debut.
As is traditional for any show that we might not cover weekly but would want to give at least some coverage to it, DCBLOG will offer "The Look" - a preview & look ahead at both these shows, as well as Li-Lo's Beach Club - coming up in January.
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Tomorrow, the Pulse of the Premiere of Ex On The Beach Season 2. Enjoy your Saturday...