Sunday, December 9, 2018

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Final Reckoning - The Reunion Part 2

*** Advisory: DC SocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're reading this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                      

Welcome back... on Sunday, July 8th, we published our preview post of The Challenge: Final Reckoning with our usual selection of brief capsules of the teams, what to expect from the season and more... now 154 days later here in Sunday, December 9th - almost five months to the day of that and on the 14th anniversary of this blogger's biggest fandom moment of meeting Linkin Park, DCBLOG brings the curtain down on our coverage of Season 32 of the fifth major pro sport and, in turn, the summer & fall portion of our MTV Reality coverage here.

The Reunion of this season is on - and while there's the usual drama and explosive fireworks that now define these end-of-season get-together's, there's more to come with our cast and host Dolph Ziggler, stepping in for The Miz. Last week, our friends and enemies got to dissect the shocking moment of the finale of Ashley stealing Hunter's money, the alliances of the LL's and the TYB's crumbling after they aligned to take over the game, and the various beefs that emerged during this long season.

The most notable of all of these is that of Bananas and Devin, and this week sees more of their staredown from what could have been a notorious pairing had it not been for the ladder flying back home to tend to the death of his late father. Also, Britni drops in to discuss what happened with her and Brad, discussion of the boss move by Kam and birthday girl Sylvia, and #TeamCaraMariE and Paulie. And when you think that this season has been full of drama, it all concludes on a high with one proposal you gotta see.

After the jump, the Pulse of Part 2 of the Final Reckoning reunion, along with the juicy scoop of a Challenge super-fan being exposed. Enjoy it, folks...

UP TOP: Challenge Stan Exposed 
@rashidblessed: Liz has a huge following in the challenge stan world. She identifies herself as a 17 year old high school girl who comes online after all of her homework is done and then spills “tea”, begs for money, and catfishes half the cast.
@rashidblessed: Liz has made many “friends” online using this fake identity. However, she slipped up when she got close with a few people on here and gave them her phone number... big mistake.
@rashidblessed: “Liz” didn’t realize that her phone number was actually connected to “her” Snapchat... so Twitter user **** was shocked when a name “Jay Gutierrez” appeared on her Snapchat underneath the same phone number that she had “Liz” saved as. WHEW CHILAAYYY
@rashidblessed: So ofcourse, being the nosey hoes we are. We put on our detective hats and started searching that name everywhere..... and then this came up... we had to be sure it was “Liz” and long and behold. We discovered that they follow “LizChallenge” on both twitter and Instagram...
@rashidblessed: So ofcourse this rumor started spreading like wildfire in one of the group-chats. And then someone (not me) created a troll account using “Jay’s” pictures to troll Liz. Within 30 seconds minutes Jay’s personal twitter and Instagram were PRIVATE and the troll account suspended
@rashidblessed: So then, Tra (twitter user @ trasreality) innocently went on Instagram live because he wasn’t aware. We all ran over there to just gossip and have a good time and everyone was going “live” with Tra. “Liz/Jay” was there and when it was her turn to go live... she vanished...
@rashidblessed: Let me go back to the whole Snapchat thing btw. This is what happened and how the whole mess started. RECEIPTS RECEIPTS RECEIPTS. !!!!!!!!!
@rashidblessed: So then a few days later, Tra goes live on Instagram again (cuz he’s that bitch 😻) & we all ran over there. This time “Liz/Jay” accepted the request to go live with Tra.... bitch ndndnsnsnsksnsks we were all shaking and anxiously waiting to see and the screen “froze”....
@rashidblessed: Like Cardi said.. “how f*cking convenient is that”.... so ofcourse she blames her connection and “tries” again... umm girl are u in the jungles of Africa ? How is your “connection” so bad that your screen goes “dark” and we can’t even hear your voice on Instagram live ?
@rashidblessed: *Sidenote* people are mad right now because they think “liz” deactivated to focus on school and that I’m using this as an opportunity.... girl that 26 year old chubby Mexican MAN is not in school! He works at Taco Bell lmfao!!!!
@rashidblessed: Ladies and gentleman. The REAL “Liz Vasquez” . “Jay” follows her on all social media. This poor woman is probably a family friend and doesn’t realize that a delusional 26 year old man who lives at home is using her name on social media for clout 😩  the name that inspired “Liz”..
@rashidblessed: “Jay” has sent everyone pictures of a blonde haired little girl whenever he would be asked what he looks like. It is never okay for a GROWN MAN to be identifying as a 17 year old little girl on social media. Mental illness
@rashidblessed: This was also her “finsta” (fake Instagram) .. her dumbass used her real twitter handle and added people 😩😩😂😂😂 ...
@rashidblessed: Liz said her birthday was November 13th and she scammed people out of money and pleaded for donations. “Jay’s” actual birthday is November 16th btw. I hope none of u sent that weirdo any money lmao
@rashidblessed: It is wrong and creepy to impersonate a 17 yr old girl online. I’m pretty sure it’s even illegal. Jay is a disgusting human being and if anyone is still defending them then oh well.. You’ve been warned.  That is all the tea for today ladies. Thanks for joining the tea party 💋💋
- @BritniNicol: @rashidblessed OMGGGGG THIS IS FUCKINNG EPIC!!! Who needs a cosmo or lifetime when you have Rashid the best voice over ever 😂😂
- @ItsCoreyTho: @rashidblessed Aren’t you the one catfishing as someone else and using a fake picture pretending it’s you? lol whew i'd like some kudos as I BEEN knew
@angelababicz: The nerve of these reality tv scallywags to talk shit while wearing my clothes 😂🤣
@angelababicz: My maid is missing!! If found please return her to my apartment . She responds to the name “Liz Challenge”. Please hurry my dishes piling up
- @angelababicz: @JustJem24 Sis we got catfished
@angelababicz: What are we upset about today Twitter?  I love my supporters because they aren’t afraid to go against popular opinion
@JustJem24: Me right now:
@JustJem24: "Hey @NevSchulman let’s do @CatfishMTV special where i co-host with you & we figure out @Lizchallenge_ identity..." RT This tweet feels hella weird now 🤷🏻‍♀️
@JustJem24: This this this this this this this this & this:
@jossie_flores: What’s the tea 🍵. Tonight on Twitter?
@NataliaNegrotti: Giggles
@JustJem24: "@shundawg: Since @JustJem24 was getting inundated with kid pics and "Liz" Drama I thought I'd do a #mashup #catfish #stantwitter " RT Ok I’m dying 😭. This is hilarious
@SHOTOFYAGER: I feel like @CatfishMTV could do a season comprised solely of @ChallengeMTV fans/“sources”. @JustJem24 could host. What do you say, @MTV? #Ratings #ChallengeMania🐟
- @kailah_casillas: @SHOTOFYAGER I’ve tweeted this numerous times and no one listens to me 🙄 such a good idea. “Catfish: trolls Challenge edition” @MTV we need this.
@JustJem24: If “fan accounts” continue to be rude to me over this Liz drama I will just block everybody 🤷🏻‍♀️... I support his/her account just like I try to support y’all’s bc I appreciate the promo y’all do for the challenge but I don’t have to follow/support anybody..
@JustJem24: "@K_Honeyyy: @JustJem24 You’ve been saying you were being catfished from day one so I don’t know why you’re supposed to be shocked and appalled now. 😂" RT I literally tweeted about going on catfish bc I knew something didn’t add up with his/her stories but also I didn’t care.... I just wanted the ☕️ he/she worked very hard to get 🤷🏻‍♀️😭.
@JustJem24: @ChallengeTea411 I feel like this tweet is shady AF but cool. I actually never told her anything, she’s the 1 who gave me all the ☕️& I have ALL the receipts to the prove this just like I know which cast members actually spilled the tea to her & I’ve always kept this info in my back pocket🙃
@Marie_TBD: I don’t understand how people STILL get #catfished. I know his social media handles, exes, besties, and net worth before I even respond.
- @BritniNicol: @Marie_TBD Bitch if I didn’t have morals ID BE SO RICH RIGHT NOW 😩😩😩
- @Marie_TBD: @BritniNicol Just do porn already lol pays way better than MTv ❤️ I’m not joking- and I’m not being petty or mean. You get what it takes tak🍑s
@Marie_TBD: Who is the host next to nev in the new season that hasn’t said a word all episode? He’s creeping me out. He’s always an inch away from Nevs neck. 😂 #catfished #catfish @CatfishMTV

@SHOTOFYAGER: I guess my previous tweet was a bit unclear. Our guests this next episode are...YOU GUYS! Well, as many of you as we could get to. Very fun show. 3+ Hours. #ChallengeMania #OneYearAnniversary #HappyAnniversary
@SHOTOFYAGER: Some of you might just be getting up for work, to begin your commute, to start your day. We started recording #ChallengeMania at 10pm, taped for 3+ hours w/ 10 guests. I stayed up all night cutting it together to make sure you East coasters had it w/ your coffee.☑️Just went up.🙏🏻
@DerrickMTV: NEW PODCAST IS UP!!🤰 -Over 10 Guests   -Over 3 Hours   Exactly 1 year ago, #ChallengeMania was🤱. SHOUTOUT to all the @ChallengeMTV MANIACS,CM PATRONS and CAST-MATES! Thank You for jumping on this Adventure w/ Me and @SHOTOFYAGER this past year!💙 iTunes:🧸 …

@ToriFiorenza: This year has been a filter has had some of my favorite hellos and some of my toughest goodbyes. #mytribe #lovehard #letgo
@Marie_TBD: I can never find a happy medium of heat during the winter in my car. I’m either freezing or melting. #FirstWorldProblems
@johnnybananas: There's no truer look of determination than the face of the dude trying to cram a bag in the overhead bin that doesn't fit. 🤬🎒
@johnnybananas: All of America listening to me during Tuesdays Reunion... 🤫 @ChallengeMTV #BananaFacts #bananasvseveryone #TruthHurts #ThankYouBananas
@Marie_TBD: Wish I would’ve conducted myself more intelligently. Once you start cursing and screaming valid points are lost. Live and learn people
- @BritniNicol: @Marie_TBD Sometimes you have to talk stupid to stupid 🤷🏼‍♀️ just so you know they understand. 😂
@kailah_casillas: @BritniNicol I say I’m going to stay calm before every reunion. Never once has that happened 😂
@Marie_TBD: It’s so hard to ignore trolls when you’re petty. One day at a time.
@JustJem24: Shoutout to my girl @kailah_casillas for already researching where to find an angel tree in Vegas 👏🏼👏🏼
@JustJem24: Here is a very basic article I found for everyone that hasn’t heard of an angel tree before... You can also google a @SalvationArmyUS near you for more local info Bc they are the organization that does 👼🏻🌲...
@JustJem24: My favorite part of Xmas is getting an angel off of an angel tree. Y’all, if you can afford to do this. Do it. It’s the best feeling in the world playing Santa to a child in foster care......
- @BritniNicol: @JustJem24 What’s an angel tree, my love? I’m sure I’m not the only one wondering! Whatever it is I want to know more, it’s sounds amazing.
@BritniNicol: So many people on insta write me asking for advice and I try my hardest to respond to each one! If I accidentally missed yours I apologize! I always feel bad when someone tells me I didn’t respond 😩
@kailah_casillas: Today & yesterday have been insane... like.. I can’t wait to announce so much shit that is about to happen. 2019 for @iammikeyp and I is soooo sick already. Ahhhh #excited 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@angelababicz: Imagine not having money for cigarettes or entry to the club so before you leave you have to ask your #familyfirst whewwww can’t relate
@JustJem24: Me when somebody I want to creep on is private:
@BritniNicol: Oooooh shit! I’m just now understanding who’s arguing with who. Damn I’m so out of the loop! I’m over here now like 🐸☕️
@Marie_TBD: I am thankful for people who put up Christmas lights outside their house. Thank you for the energy.
@johnnybananas: Sweet but twisted... Does that make me a Candy Cane? 🍭😈 #BananaClaus #christmastree #tistheseason #nyc – at Rockefeller Center
@johnnybananas: "@rosehasse: @johnnybananas They hate because you have had sustained success with the franchise, in a world where something bigger and better is always around the have continued to be a driving force" RT This 🙏
@johnnybananas: "@MTVBananas: Since some of you are obsessed with me and I’m on your mind 24/7 here’s my autograph, go put it on your fridge or frame it next to your bed or anything else you prefer. (Your welcome it’s free) " RT If they're hating it's because you're doing something right ✊ Keep doing Gods work 🙏 #TheyHateUsCauseTheyAnus #BananasVsEveryone #TeamBananas
@J_Cal83: Consistent part of my day to day life and is exactly what I needed to satisfy my obsession with The Challenge. This past year has been full of amazing experiences that have resulted in valued friendships through CM events. Very excited to see what's in store for this year. I've been a bit removed from the Challenge Realm lately but just wanted to give a huge shout to Challenge Mania for their 1 Year Anniversary. Initially I did come for @DerrickMTV but it didnt take long for me to become a fan of @SHOTOFYAGER as well. Challenge Mania has become a
@Marie_TBD: I have a love/hate relationship with Winter.

@ChallengeMTV: Tony didn't think Cory showed enough remorse for "Pastagate," and these once-friends might be in worse standing now than they were before... ☕️ Rewatch Part 1 of #TheChallenge32 Reunion NOW on, before Part 2 airs THIS TUESDAY at 9/8c! Link:
- @tonyraines: @ChallengeMTV @MTV Only way he would show sincere remorse is if I would’ve sustained a life threatening injury or died and I didn’t so let’s just move on.
- @XBRITNI_: @tonyraines @ChallengeMTV @MTV he literally said “if i could take it back, i would” HOW IS HE NOT SHOWING REMORSE? just say you wanna keep playing the victim & go
- @realiteasnapped: @XBRITNI_ @tonyraines and 2 others  Tea!!!!! He had the audacity to sit back the entire time Devin was in Bananas’ face & only got up when Cory ran ACROSS the stage to seperate it. He milks the victim role just as much as Johnny does & uses his twitter fingers just as much too. 😂😂
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🙏🏻1 year of #ChallengeMania. Over 3 million downloads. 5 live shows in 5 different cities. 3 NYC viewing parties. Shop alive & well. @DerrickMTV & I could not thank each & every 1 of you enough, especially our POD SQUAD at  - Year 2 will only be BIGGER!🙌🏻
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published The Challenge: Making the Show Better vs Being Good on the Show Chapter 1: The Top Banana
@Marie_TBD: Literally me during the entire 5 minutes and 30 seconds of @ArianaGrande #Thankunextvideo #ThankYouNextvideo #arianagrande ❤️❤️❤️
@Marie_TBD: This is the greatest video I have ever seen. @ArianaGrande THANK U, MORE ❤️❤️❤️ #ArianaGrande like in my feeeeeeeeels
@BritniNicol: Can we take a second and AWWWW over not just the Mean Girl reenactment.. but THE BRING IT ON & LEGALLY BLONDE REENACTMENTS 😍😍 @ArianaGrande BITCH YOU DID THAT😍😍
@JustJem24: Be your partner’s biggest fan.. 👏🏼
@kailah_casillas: Ok. That was the best music video I’ve ever seen. Wowwwww. Mean girls, Bring it on, 13 going on 30 and Legally Blonde 😱😱😱😱 Thank you, you outdid yourself @ArianaGrande 🙏🏼 #ThankYouNext
@kailah_casillas: And @KrisJenner being Reginas mom, THIS IS EPIC... 😱😱😱
@kailah_casillas: Ok I’m done, I’m way too excited about this.
@kailah_casillas: "@ninajones76: @kailah_casillas I watching your real world season for the 1st time..on the episode where Dione meets Kia 🙄 you all were at a club..I swear I saw your @iammikeyp in the background as a bouncer? And you talked to him? Was that him & did u all meet there?" RT He was MCing there! You just witnessed the day we met! 🥰♥️
@kailah_casillas: This “close friends” thing on Instagram is dangerous. All it takes it me being tipsy and thinking I’m sending something to my close friends & ooops I clicked the “add to story” button & now my life is ruined 🤦🏻‍♀️😂
@blacuesta: Omg @KrisJenner in the #thankunext video is iconic
@juliettep0rter Juliette/Siesta Key: “Thank you next, bitch” -kris Jenner #iconic
@ChallengeMTV: They say "all's fair in love, war, and Challenges," and Hunter and Ashley have two of the three boxes ticked. Before they were bitter enemies, they were much (much) closer... #FlashbackFriday
@tonyraines: Therapist: How bad is your social anxiety? Me: Sometimes I get nervous talking to myself.
@johnnybananas: Challenge your limits ✊ See how I stack up against against the American Ninja Warrior course on an all new episode of @1stlooktv  tomorrow night on @NBC after SNL 📺👀 #NinjaBanana #HostBananas #BananasDoingThings @ninjawarrior @mattiseman @Akbar_Gbaja
- @DerrickMTV: @johnnybananas It’s a Bird, it’s a Plane, NO, it’s a Bananja!!  Get em John!!

@ChallengeMTV: Part 2 of #TheChallenge32 Reunion is sponsored by Kleenex (not really - it's BYOK) 🤧 Tune into @MTV this Tuesday at 9/8c to watch! 💍 The Challenge: Final Reckoning Reunion Part 2 | Tony Time One Challenger proposes to his long-time girlfriend on an episode of The Challenge that you'll never forget.
- @johnnybananas: @ChallengeMTV I sure can clear a stage 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️💨  #bananasvseveryone #Peopleloveme #challenge32 #reunion @ChallengeMTV
@tonyraines: #NoShaveNovember is over but I think the beard is here to stay 🧔🏻
@ChallengeMTV: Y'all, Shane really called the lawyers on Da'Vonne! 😂 Here's what happened... #TheChallenge32
@shannanity: The funny thing about dating is that your literally paying for someone to eat and learn about you so that they can go and talk shit about you to their friends for years
@johnnybananas: Baaah-Maste 🐐🐐🐐 Watch some GOATS do yoga tonight on an ALL NEW episode of @1stlooktv on @NBC after SNL 📺👀 #YogaPants #HostBananas #Yoga #bananasdoingNEWthings
@johnnybananas: Born to Pole Dance💃forced to Work 👷‍♂️ See if I can become the master of my pole on @1stlooktv tonight on @nbc after SNL 📺👀 #BananasDoingThings #PoleDancer #HostBananas
@kailah_casillas: Do you guys ever do your makeup on the couch in front of the TV because standing in the bathroom all the time is so boring or is that just me?
- @scheana: @kailah_casillas 98% of the time! Haha. I thought I was the only one!!!! 🏳️‍🌈
@NataliaNegrotti: LIFE UPDATE: Can’t wait to move to LA in 8 months and get a puppy!!!!! Wooohoooo this will be my first dog! I’m so excited I had to share
@JayGMTV: For those of you auditioning for @RealWorldMTV today... There’s gonnna be thousands of people trying out. You have to be different. You have stand out. Why should they choose you and not the other people standing next to you. WhAt makes you different/special?! #realworld #mtv
@JayGMTV: #realworld auditions are crazy right now. @RealWorldMTV  #nyc #realworldauditions
@MTVPeterRomeo: My buddy is auditioning for @RealWorldMTV in Manhattan today, and he told me sees numerous AYTO people there. How interesting.
@MtvJess: Truly though I do miss my old cast mates and the way @RealWorldMTV use to be 💔
@MtvJess: I’d do reality tv all over again, I’d do it now but Jesus ain’t given me wings yet so falling off buildings @ChallengeMTV ain’t my thing anymore 😂
@MtvJess: Rarely do I ever watch reality but DAMN I get it now, I get it 😂@FloribamaShore
@RamBamSam16: Lol my best friend applied for the real world
@JustJem24: No shade.... but why are #ayto & #bgc people trying out for #realworld. Aren’t most people on those shows real world rejects already.. Again no shade, just from what I’ve heard/know if you don’t make it thru RW auditions your info is passed onto those shows 🤷🏻‍♀️#askingformyself
- @BritniNicol: @JustJem24 After doing AYTO why would anyone do RW after? talk about a huge downgrade in that pay check 🐸☕️
- @JustJem24: @BritniNicol EXACTLY. RW doesn’t pay shit bc it’s a documentary technically so anybody that’s been on ayto/bgc that is auditioning is legit last resort trying to get back on tv.
- @BritniNicol: @JustJem24 100%!!
- @Danielle_NYC84: @JustJem24 Documentary is a bit of a stretch.
- @JustJem24: @Danielle_NYC84 It’s how the classify it in order to not pay shit except a basic ass “allowance.” It’s a long story but long story short the RW cast isn’t making reality tv money
@KevinDunn01: Always great catching up with a lifelong friend. We were matched on the show because the books said we wouldn’t get along. 20 years later we are still best of friends. Malik is an incredible human being. Glad we still enjoy chopping it up so much.

@ChallengeMTV: Britni is bringing the TEA to Part 2 of #TheChallenge32 Reunion ☕️ Find out why she and Brad broke up, THIS TUESDAY at 9/8c 🍿 Sneak Peek: The Breakup of Bratni Britni surprises the whole cast, and especially ex boyfriend, Brad, when she dishes on her breakup...
- @BritniNicol: @ChallengeMTV 😈😈 Let’s go.
@CJKoegel: "@jackkieedance: @GamerVev @CJKoegel I will never forget when Landon tried waiting for CJ but he took too damn long during the elimination 😂" RT What the show didn’t show you is that we all decided that we should throw the challenge so Landon and Carly didn’t have to kill themselves against us. This would allow them to come back to the house ready to take on the rest of the other alliance. Not saying we would have won either way hahaha, it was just so they didn’t have to beat themselves up trying to beat us. 😃 #thetruth #editing
@ChallengeMTV: There was plenty of polidicking this season, but a new couple emerged after The Final 💑 #TheChallenge32
@Kmorrisx: The fact my challenge beauties are visiting the Uk straight after new year makes me so happy for 2019. ♥️
@johnnybananas: 2 kings 🤴🤴 @1stlooktv #Checkmate #KingMe #HostBananas #Travel #bananasdoingthings
@johnnybananas: Get you a man who can do both 💪💃 ALL NEW episode of @1stlooktv just dropped 🔥🔥 (LINK BELOW) … #PoleDancer #HostBananas #bananasdoingthings
@DerrickMTV: "@Challengethoug1: @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV Loved the podcast! I think your podcast has United challenge fans. We haven’t really had a cohesive fandom." RT We appreciate it brotha!!! When it gets down to the “Needy Greedy,” we were hoping that no matter how bias @SHOTOFYAGER is or how much me and @MTV_NellyT hate eachother, that would happen. 😉 It’s the 2018th century bitchez!!! 😤🥳 …
@morgan_willett: One time in college I photoshopped my face on a Victoria’s Secret model. I still don’t know why but ENJOY & Don’t forget tonight is the best night of TV out of the whole year. Don’t argue with me #VSFashionShow
@Marie_TBD: Didn’t watch the @VictoriasSecret fashion show bc I was too busy shoving sprinkled popems in my mouth. What’d I miss?
@AshleyMarieMTV: What a fun weekend! ❤️

@ChallengeMTV: Angela and Kam's beef goes back to the beginning of the season when the two got into a heated argument at a premiere party, and they still look ready to fight at Part 2 of #TheChallenge32 Reunion 💥 Tune into @MTV TOMORROW at 9/8c to watch 🍿
@JustJem24: Go inside and listen to your body, because your body will never lie to you. Your mind will play tricks, but the way you feel in your heart, in your guts, is the truth. #mondaythoughts
@rachel_fitness: "@marybeckah: This season had the great Alliance of OG girls @ThatCoral @v_cakes @rachel_fitness plus a great friendship with @shannanity #thechallenge #mtvchallenge #battleofthesexes2 #bots2 #mtv #mtvcast #mtvfans …" RT Fun times!
@n_zanattaMTV: I go into everything with no expectations, I’ll never be disappointed and I’ll always make everything I do count. Positive vibes, positive mind.
@Marie_TBD: I always keep the same energy LOL #naplife
@Marie_TBD: Can someone please send me the meme of Jem on vendettas when she looks in shock at car challenge. Thank you
@Marie_TBD: “No shade” is always shade. #stayshady betches
@shannanity: Hey Guys!! Me and @iammikeyp teamed up to throw you the BEST NYE party of the 2018 century! I even heard that Cara wannabe @kailah_casillas is going to show up!! Check us out …
@CoryWharton: The worst is when someone’s voice doesn’t match how they look 🤭
@BritniNicol: I’m the actress.. but Jozea and Day never once showed any of this hype to me when they had the chance.. they waited till I got eliminated.. but I’ll keep sittin my actin ass here sippin my tea on all yalls hypocrisy & plays😂  *yes I didn’t tag.. this’ll get around I’m sure🤗
@SHOTOFYAGER: "@tonyraines: I’m seeing alot of controversy surrounding the Elimination between Me/Bananas and Nat/Paulie. I think we might need another Challenge Mania podcast to clear this up! @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV #TheChallenge32 #EliminationGate" RT Later this week, on #ChallengeMania...@DerrickMTV & I finally find out what @TonyRaines meant by THIS cryptic tweet! Tony Time returns to the podcast THIS THURSDAY to recap #TheChallenge32 Reunion & his & @johnnybananas exit in the last elimination before the @ChallengeMTV final!
@SHOTOFYAGER: "@justjr_ohgood: This latest #challengemania episode with @faithstowers was another great episode! I am hoping since we are getting near the 100th episode that they are saving @ThatCoral for that episode @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER please make this happen" RT That would be amazing. A guest totally fitting of that milestone episode. What do you say, @ThatCoral? Maybe we finally make this thing happen for #ChallengeMania Episode 100? We’re on 88 now. Even WE can schedule this thing within 6 weeks or so, right? #ChallengeMania100
@BunimMurray: Road Rules Semester at Sea cast to reunite on Homecoming Voyage twenty years after first sailing together.  Jon Murray to join cast for a discussion about how their lives were impacted by the SAS experience.  Cabins still available on Dec 28th voyage.
@jlsupreme: Remember @v_cakes first ever daily win? She beat every female and man on the show @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge32 #TheChallenge #TheGauntlet1 #MTV

@itskcheyenne: I am tired of everyone asking me.. I am NOT pregnant 🤦🏾‍♀️ my sister is having a baby NOT me
- @CoryWharton: @itskcheyenne That’s what you get for posting a pic saying that then 🙄
@TeenMom: Tonight on #TeenMomOG, @itskcheyenne and @CoryWharton are becoming (god)parents! Witness their special moment on a new episode at 9/8c on @MTV. 🎉 Sneak Peek: The Godparents  #TeenMomOG is all-new tonight at 9/8c on @MTV!
@CoryWharton: A brand new episode of @TeenMom  tonight🙌🏽 See my reaction to finding out that I’ll be a godfather 😁 @MTV  9pm ET 📺 #TeenMomOG
@MTV: #TeenMomOG starts right now! RT if you're watching + tweeting along with @TeenMom 🦋
@TeenMom: @itskcheyenne I'm here! 🙋‍♀️ #TeenMomOG
@TeenMom: It’s almost been a whole year since Ryder came into @CoryWharton’s life! ✨ #TeenMomOG
- @itskcheyenne: @TeenMom Awwwww🥰
@TeenMom: Congratulations to the new (god)parents! 🙏  #TeenMomOG
@CoryWharton: I’m sallltyyyy 😑 I put a poll up on ig asking ppl if Ryder looked like me or not, anddddd most ppl said No Lol As a FATHER I’m hurt 😢😪 lol  so what did I do... I took that shit down like a boss 😏
- @MTV_NellyT: @CoryWharton #BossMoves lol
@itskcheyenne: My family celebrates EVERYTHING.. so yes we are always having a party 💁🏽‍♀️🎉 #TeenMomOG
@TeenMom: Okay, @itskcheyenne! 👀 #TeenMomOG
@JustJem24: Lawd I look away from the tv for two minutes and whose voice do I hear.. @MTV_NellyT 😭😭. #TeenMomOG
@JustJem24: @MTV_NellyT on #TeenMomOG literally makes my night
- @MTV_NellyT: @JustJem24 Love you sis
@JustJem24: @itskcheyenne do you have a single cousin or uncle or something? I’m trying to attend these lit ass family functions. #TeenMomOG

CHALLENGE TUESDAY, and Sylvia's B'Day 
@SylviaMTV: Walking into my 30s more confident than ever! 20s I’ve grown so much from all you taught me  I’m proud of the woman I’ve become! Strong, intelligent, independent, successful and ready to take on the next decade! So Cheers to being Thirty , Flirty and Thriving!! 😉 #DirtyThirty
- @joss_mooney: Happy Birthday @SylviaMTV!! 🖤
-- @SylviaMTV: @joss_mooney Love you Joesph!! Thank you!!
- @faithstowers: Happy birthday beautiful! @SylviaMTV
-- @SylviaMTV: @MTV_AMANDAG Love you Demanda! Thank you!!
- @MTV_NellyT: Happy Bday !!!!! @SylviaMTV
- @angelababicz: @SylviaMTV Happy birthday queen!!!
- @shannanity: @SylviaMTV Happy Birthday Sly Dog 😍😘
@SylviaMTV: Good god guys. I can’t post a picture without something being said. It’s my tongue on the bottom of my teeth... #Thanksforyourcomment
@iammikeyp: Happy Born day my dude! @RealRonnieMagro
- @kailah_casillas: @iammikeyp Happy Birthday Ron! @RealRonnieMagro 🎊🎉🥳

@ChallengeMTV: Watch Devin confront Bananas backstage at part 2 of #TheChallenge32 Reunion, TONIGHT at 9/8c! 💥
- @tonyraines: @ChallengeMTV How tf I get pulled into this?! Only thing on my mind is not fucking up my proposal I’m about to do in front of the whole world! 😳 💍 #TheChallenge32 @ChallengeMTV
- @johnnybananas: @tonyraines You definitely should have stuck up for Devin... Kinda like he stuck up for you the night you "Slipped" and body slammed yourself on the driveway 😏 #TheChallenge32 #Reunion
- @tonyraines: @johnnybananas Best “self” body slam ever. I should be a fucking stunt man.
- @johnnybananas: @tonyraines That slip was more convincing than the Wet Bandits in Home alone
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeMTV And the Time just keeps tickin!! NEXT on #ChallengeMania: (@tonyraines)!! ⏰ 💍  iTunes: 🧸 …  Non-iTunes: 🧨
- @KingMarcooss: @ChallengeMTV CT in the background 🍕🍕
- @jgouley: @ChallengeMTV If anyone else had said what @johnnybananas  said to Devin it would not be this big of a deal. But because they all have to hate on him and Devin needs his camera time it's become the main focus of the reunion.  It wasn't really even a dig at his dad, but at Devin.
@Marie_TBD: If you don’t like a situation, remove yourself from it. You’re the only one who
can change your surrounding.
@Marie_TBD: Deep into a serious conversation I asked @NataliaNegrotti what her vices were and she said..... Candy. 😂😂😂❤️❤️ Our love/hate relationship is officially all love on my end.
- @NataliaNegrotti: @Marie_TBD Lol a few hours later... Natalie loses her debit card. We r supposed to be friends Marie it’s meant to be. JUST LET ME LOVE U JEEZ!!!!
@Marie_TBD: The new bachelor is a former NFL tight end and virgin... what a catch.
@SHOTOFYAGER: READY☑️SET☑️LISTEN!☑️@FaithStowers stops by #ChallengeMania to tell @DerrickMTV & I why CT is like JAX from VPR, whether she has another @ChallengeMTV in her near future, what every1 sees in Kyle, if she’s really on #TeamCara & MORE!📲Avail on iTunes & at
@SHOTOFYAGER: ☃️http://CHALLENGEMANIA.LIVE  NYC 2! Alright everyone! Tix are now on sale for our 1st live show of 2019! We will be returning to @CarolinesonBway on Sat. Jan. 26! 1pm M&G/3pm Live Show w/ Special Guests …
- @DerrickMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER Man!! At the very least, the FLYER looks like a CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!🎄
@TrishelleC: "@north_fam_BP: @VitalVegas maybe another @MTV @RealWorldMTV ? lolololol....@TrishelleC is waiting on #standby" RT Haha def NOT waiting on standby. 2 real world season for me is enough 🤣
@AshleyMarieMTV: On set the next two days and I have littles here too. 😍 My favorite place to be!
@johnnybananas: Get your dollar bills ready... Next on stage Rosé 💵💵💃 #MakeItRain @1stlooktv
@jossie_flores: Are you ready for part 2!!!!  Of #TheChallenge32 reunion!!🥶😈
@ChallengeMTV: WARNING: Part 2 of #TheChallenge32 Reunion might cause excessive crying. BYOT (bring your own tissues) 🤧 Tune into @MTV TONIGHT at 9/8c to watch 💍
- @tonyraines: @ChallengeMTV “Only thing I can think of that’s better than winning a million dollars is Alyssa making me the happiest man in the world....”
@tonyraines: Tony Raines Gets Choked Up as He Pops the Question in "The Challenge: Final Reckoning" Reunion Clip
@joss_mooney: At the end of the day if you’re happy, f*ck what anyone else thinks.
@faithstowers: Cut on the tv to find out my name still being brought up over there at Sur.... #relax I can’t relate
@shannanity: I’ve always been told I have beautiful eyes but to me, my eyes are beautiful because they have always seen things that our invisible to everyone else. …
@NataliaNegrotti: Since I’m on the naughty list and def getting coal for Christmas this year... I talked to Santa and I’m giving not 1, or 2 but 3 of you presents! Check out my special giveaway on Instagram …
@CaraMariaMTV: Hold on to your horses. Part 2 of #TheChallenge32 Reunion is gonna be a hell of a ride. 😈🤣@ChallengeMTV @PaulCalafiore_
@MTV_Chuckalodon: Can’t think of what to get that crazy loved one that loves trash reality TV? Starting Dec. 19th I will be recording personalized videos on Cameo from the gorgeous snowy Durango, CO. Book yours now before it’s full up! Check out my Cameo profile:
@J_Cal83: #ChallengeManiaLive coming back to NYC you bet @haileyerinn and I got our tickets. I couldn't miss the opportunity to meet Queen Marie and @KennySantucci . Looking forward to seeing @susie_meister @DerrickMTV @SHOTOFYAGER @LindsayTheOtter again. They always bring the 🔥🔥🔥
@BritniNicol: See you tonight, bitches😈  #TheChallenge32 #Reuniontime
@BritniNicol: Dropping tea tonight at the reunion on @ChallengeMTV at 9/8c.. clearly with no fukcs given😈 See yah there😘 #TheChallenge #ReunionTime #Comeonandgetyourfriends
@BritniNicol: 😈💋
@BritniNicol: #ItsBritniBitch #TheChallenge #Reuniontime 😈😘
@BritniNicol: Fuck it didn’t upload the moving gif! Fuck have to repost haha
@ChallengeMTV: Before you watch CT tie the knot next Tuesday, tune into Part 2 of #TheChallenge32 Reunion TONIGHT at 9/8c to see a sneak peek of his wedding! 💑💍
@ChallengeMTV: Love is in the air! Tune into Part 2 of #TheChallenge32 Reunion TONIGHT at 9/8c to get your first look at 'CT's Getting Married' ❤️
@Kmorrisx: 1 of the best feelings in the world is when you stop caring about things you couldn’t stop thinking about.
@JustJem24: Those photos @BritniNicol posted on insta are straight 🔥🔥🔥. Maybe I should be a photographer😭
- @BritniNicol: @JustJem24 DIBSSS!! You’re mine😈
@JustJem24: So @Saints owner Gail Benson apparently walked into the @Walmart on Tchoupitoulas in New Orleans and paid off 100,000 worth of layaway. She just took so much stress off of so many Nola families. This news literally just put me in the best mood. #WhoDat
@CameronRealone: The Angela army on Twitter tonight can't wait to tweet . And watch our queen @angelababicz  on the Challenge Reunion part 2 tonight
@ChallengeMTV: Tony's popping the question and CT's Getting Married 💍 Tune into @MTV in 1 HOUR to watch Part 2 of #TheChallenge32 Reunion, and to see a sneak peek from CT's wedding special, which airs next Tuesday! 😱
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🔥YOUR TURN!🔥Send in your questions for @TonyRaines, now and after tonight’s Reunion Part II of #TheChallenge32! Podcast will drop This Thursday! #ChallengeMania #TonyTime #TonyTellsAll
@TheShaneRaines: Tonight’s the BIG night!💍🙌🏼🥰✨ I couldn’t be there in person supporting my big bro but at least I’ll be able to watch it go down with all of you tonight!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! @tonyraines @ChallengeMTV #tyingdownTony #stealingAlyssa #makingitRaines #TheChallengeFinalReckoning
@TheOfficial_CT: Congrats Bud!  #rp @t_raines33  - She said yes!!! 💍 👰 ... Tonight I get to share one of the biggest and most emotional moments of my life. alyssagiacone #SheSaidYes #MyFiance… …

AS THEY SAW IT: The Reunion Part 2 
@ChallengeMTV: Time to sit back, realx, and enjoy other people's drama on Part 2 of #TheChallenge32 Reunion! 🍿 Tune into @MTV NOW to watch...
@iamkamiam_: Reunion timeeee
@iamkamiam_: Certain things are off limits. Seriously.
@iamkamiam_: People heal differently.
@ChallengeMTV: Bananas has that effect on people 😂 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: "I just cleared off the whole stage")
@ChallengeMTV: Tony doesn't agree with Bananas' comments ☕️ #TheChallenge32  (GIF: "I might have reacted the same way")
@ChallengeMTV: Day and Angela are a mood 🍿 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of them watching Bananas and Devin's staredown)
@ChallengeMTV: Bananas seems genuinely sorry, is this enough? #TheChallenge32  (GIF: "I'm sorry, Devin. I'm sorry.")
@PLLAS_99: Final Chapter of #FinalReckoning Starts Now @Marie_TBD Its been a Wild Ride, I’m gone miss you on my TV... Love you Girl😭❤️ #TheChallenge32
@johnnybananas: Ashley is like a tube of cookie dough that learned how to pout @MTVASHLEYBROOKE #TheChallenge32 #Reunion
@ChallengeMTV: Here's your first look at CT's two-part wedding special, starting next Tuesday at 9/8c ❤️ #CTsGettingMarried
- @KendalSheppard: @ChallengeMTV I feel like I could watch a whole season of this.. @MTV 👀👀
@jossie_flores: I think bananas is not in the wrong in this one period!!! #thechallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: BURN 🔥 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Amanda - "She got your man and your check")
@jossie_flores: PSA .. never take an edible before filming  #TheChallenge32 😂😂
@JustJem24: I’ve been saying for years that CT’s feet stink and his wifey just confirmed it 😭😭😭.
@Jonnyboyy10: Devin can’t accept a Bananas apologize because it will mean less screen time for Devin
- @TheSteamer: @Jonnyboyy10 That’s basically it. Devin is a giant fraud.
- @RealityRadioPod: @Jonnyboyy10 Yea at this point Johnny has apologized off camera and on camera, so I'm not sure what more Devin expects. That's more than I would expect from Bananas.
@ChallengeMTV: IT'S BRITNI, BITCH! 💁 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Surprise, bitches")
@jossie_flores: I love brad!!! He’s a great guy @BradFiorenza
- @BradFiorenza: @jossie_flores Back at you family!!!
@ChallengeMTV: "He's not the first man to disappear on me after a good f*ck." 😳 #TheChallenge32  (GIF)
@jossie_flores: And the Oscar goes to me 😂😂😂 #thechallenge32
@iamkamiam_: That green wine though 🥂😂#TheChallenege32
- @ChallengeMTV: @iamkamiam_ It has that effect 😂 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Da'Vonne: I didn't degrade you. Also Da'Vonne:  (GIF: "I called you bats__t crazy, which you are")
@JustJem24: What is a basic I love you program and how do I get on one of those? @BradFiorenza 😭
- @ChallengeMTV: @JustJem24 Yes, I would also like to know... Asking for America 😅
- @MeelzTV: @JustJem24 @BradFiorenza The basic “I love you” program is $7.99/month. Premium package, $12.99/month.
- @BradFiorenza: @MeelzTV Enough said... 🤷🏻‍♂️
@jossie_flores: Britney girl like i said don’t bull shit a bullshitter @BritniNicol #TheChallenge32
@kayleemtv: My good sis @BritniNicol being the star of the reunion from the comfort of her own home. #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeFanVet: “We were not on an I Love You Program” - @BradFiorenza 🤣🤣🤣
@ChallengeMTV: When you can't keep a secret for more that 0.43 seconds 🙊 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Sylvia - "Paulie and Cara had sex")
@sabbs2018: Omg a “consistent I love you program”! Best thing I heard so far!!! Thank you @BradFiorenza for that! ❤️🤣
@ChallengeMTV: Paulie sending secret texts about Cara? ☕️ #TheChallenge32  (GIF of him)
@ChallengeMTV: WOW, Paulie and Kyle's tattoos are almost identical! That's a helluva "coincidence," huh Paulie? 🤔 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Kyle showing his tattoo)
@jossie_flores: Love that tattoo @PaulCalafiore_ 🔥 #TheChallenge32
@ToriFiorenza: This is so trashy and sloppy...There is a time and place to address certain actions, and national television is NOT the place to discuss the bedroom. @bradfiorenza you handled that with class. #thechallengereunion 🙌🏼
@iamkamiam_: No bumper sticker on my Bentley 😩😂  #TheChallenge32
@Bella_Morris12: Leave it to @Marie_TBD to have everyone always laughing 😂❤️
@DerrickMTV: The Ultimate Autograph?! OMFG!! 🤦‍♂️ @ChallengeMTV  #Done
@ChallengeMTV: Just like real sisters ❤️ #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Cara on Marie - "We still hate each other, it just depends on the minute")
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV If this ain’t friends I don’t know what is.
@jossie_flores: Come on partner @DayDaVonne_  We look like some fine chocolate 🔥🔥 #TheChallenge32
@Ehooper02: @Marie_TBD “I’m gonna keep happening to ya if ya don’t shut up” lmaooooooo
@jossie_flores: @CaraMariaMTV i like you 😁 #TheChallenge32
@loudmouth25: Honestly @KyleCGShore tattoo looks more like @Marie_TBD than @CaraMariaMTV #challenge32
@iamkamiam_: This is sooooo entertaining, I’m  all smiles lol #TheChallenge32
@SoShaydee: I really, really like @Marie_TBD   She helped make the show for me.  #TheChallenge #TheChallengeReunion #TheChallenge32
@NUTSIOOO: Oz is the best thing that has happened to my life in a while
@JustJem24: Can’t wait to wear @Marie_TBD jumpsuit on #NYE #TheChallenege32
@southlife1983: I mean, what does it take to get @JustJem24 to host this reunion instead of some WWE guy who’s never hosted anything?
@iamkamiam_: 💅🏽✨ #TheChallenge32
@keish121: y'all @Marie_TBD is one of the funniest humans on TV she really doesn't give af and she's real af... #FinalReckoning
@ToriFiorenza: I’m on a mission to get @Marie_TBD as my partner, she is legit friend/partner goals #teachmeyourways #funnychica #thechallengereunion
- @Marie_TBD: @ToriFiorenza Hope you can eat shit 💁🏼‍♀️😂❤️
- @ToriFiorenza: @Marie_TBD I’ll eat’s the crazies in the house I’m going to need you to handle...clearly I got the easier side of this partnership.
@iamkamiam_: My legacy can NEVER be undone 🥂✨  #TheChallenge32
@iamkamiam_: Shoutout to those tears @SylviaMTV 💕  #TheChallenge32
@iamkamiam_: Girl handle power better!  #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Kam's power move was undeniably brilliant, but would it have been more impressive if she had thrown in "stronger" teams? 🤔 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Angela - "That's why I was so unimpressed")
@iamkamiam_: I won every elimination on my rookie season & on this season. Super proud of myself #TeamKam #TheChallenge32
- @SHOTOFYAGER: @iamkamiam_ Dare I say a shoe-in for a Rookie of the Year nomination at the 2018 #ChallengeManiaAwards...🏆
@ChallengeMTV: Sylvia didn't take home first place or the $1,000,000 prize, but she did take home this 🏆 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of her holding award for "Best Supporting Actress in a Challenge")
@iamkamiam_: @SylviaMTVdeserved that award!  #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Kam and Angela keepin' that same energy! 😱 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Angela to Kam - "Shut the f___ up")
- @Marie_TBD: @ChallengeMTV “What the hell?” - @iamkamiam_
@Jonnyboyy10: Kams move was highly overrated. Correct me if I’m wrong but didnt Jozea/Day end up going into elimination? A lot of praise for a move that sent one of the worst teams into elimination #thechallenge32
@iamkamiam_: My power move was to make a STATEMENT. Not to plot against any team in particular ✨ #TheChallenge32
- @TylerHanley: @iamkamiam_ @ChallengeMTV Love the humility, too. 😉 Teasing. You did great, Kam. An awesome addition to the cast.
@mixmesome: @MTVBananas @iamkamiam_ Yet she is one of the faces of the show, and has one of the most legendary game plans ever. Bye
@keish121: That's why they call her Queen @iamkamiam_ #TheChallenge32 #FinalReckoning
@oheyitsnico1: @iamkamiam_ that was the greatest power move ever!
@jossie_flores: My face between these girls fighting 😂😂😂 #TheChallenge32
@iamkamiam_: "@DannyOrtegaaa: Queen of being unbothered @iamkamiam_ 🥰👑 #TheChallenege32 @ChallengeMTV" RT Always 💅🏽😊
@Marie_TBD: He said, she said, I might’ve said — it’s a game. Rando for the bark doe. Sorry I’m NOT sorry. #thechallenge32 @ChallengeMTV
@JustJem24: @iamkamiam_ during this fight is this unbothered mood I want to be all of 2019...  #TheChallenge32
@DontClapatJanae: They put Jenna in the audience BITCH I SCREAMED SKSKSK #TheChallenge32
@Aderabaybee: Put some respect on @iamkamiam_ name please and thank you.
@amy_foti: @iamkamiam_ is the definition of being unbothered 💅🏻
@itslenaa: @iamkamiam_ is a whole MOOD! Lmao #TheChallenge32
@AgnesJean256: Omg Zach and Amanda!  #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: lol at Zach's "apology." 😂 #TheChallenge32  (GIF)
@ChallengeMTV: When you're getting yelled at by your mom and you can't get in a word 😩 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Bananas - "Stop saying 'how,' I'm about to explain it")
@ChallengeMTV: SAME @laurelstucky 🙏 #TheChallenge32  (GIF: Zach - "I wish she was here")
@ChallengeMTV: Everyone on that stage who's in a relationship when Amanda says she has a bomb to drop 😅 #TheChallenge32  (GIF)
@_TVLiveTweeter: @iamkamiam_'s ultimate plan to make sure her vote went the right way still goes down as the biggest masterplan of ALL time! 😁👏🏼 #TheChallenge32
@jossie_flores: FYI if that move didn’t happen me and @DayDaVonne_ would have been in the finals !!! We where sitting pretty 🤷🏻‍♂️ #TheChallenge32
@iamkamiam_: I can’t wait to watch that wedding special 😍😍😍
@keish121: Not bust it open lol @faithstowers became my new favorite today #FinalReckoning #challenge32
@iamkamiam_: "@mixmesome: I love you kam and you looked absolutely gorgeous this season and killed it in every aspect of the game. Can't wait to watch you on seasons after this 😌🤗 😘😘 @iamkamiam_" RT Thanks babe 💕
@Irving_A07: Love them or hate them, but @angelababicz and @faithstowers are good competitors. They did well in all the challenges and were killing that mercenary elimination #TheChallenge32
@haleighcasillas: Laurel 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #TheChallenge32
@HTChallenge32: Zach every season: "Whore, bitch, slut, swamp donkey, women are inferior"  Zach every reunion: "I apologize I shouldn't have said any of that"   *cycle repeat* #TheChallenge32

@ChallengeMTV: SHE SAID YES! 💍 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Tony and girlfriend Alyssa kissing after he proposed to her)
@ChallengeMTV: PS when his voice cracked I cried a little (a lot) 🤧 #TheChallenge32  (GIF of Tony getting on his knee and asking Alyssa to come on stage)
- @BradFiorenza: @ChallengeMTV Possibly my favorite moment in challenge history!!! #TheChallenge32
@LastQueens__: I LOVE LOVE AND IM HAPPY FOR TONY #TheChallenge32
@LilMzK22: Awwwwww Tonyyyy!!! 😍😍🤗🤗 #TheChallenge32
@Brklynchica: A happy ending!! Tony proposed!!! Awwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!#TheChallenge32
@jossie_flores: Awww you guys !!!! @tonyraines #TheChallenge32
@tonyraines: 13 years in the making.....
- @ChallengeMTV: @tonyraines SO HAPPY FOR YOU BOTH ❤️
- @DerrickMTV: @tonyraines @ChallengeMTV 😆😆😆
- @Marie_TBD: @tonyraines Congrats to the prom king and queen!!!!!! Make more babies!!!!!!!
- @imdroc15: @tonyraines CONGRATS!!!!!!! This just motivated me to contact the girl I dated 13 years ago lol
- @JustJem24: @imdroc15 Don’t disturb that girl’s peace....
@alexsaflocka: OMG IM GONNA CRY 😭😍 #TheChallenge32
@LastQueens__: Tony & Alyssa 💛  I’m here for it  #TheChallenge32
@_laney2x0: TONY TIME!!!!!! I’m in tears 😭😭😭 Congrats man #TheChallenge32
@SydneyNicolex_: Awww Tony!!! #thechallenge32 #thechallengereunion
@stanIeigh: CRYING AT THIS PROPOSAL #TheChallenge32
@jossie_flores: And that’s a wrap folks !!!  Untill next time #thechallenge32
@faithstowers: Congrats to @tonyraines and his beautiful fiancé. 👰🏼🤵🏼
@jossie_flores: Me and @DayDaVonne_ we’re the rookies that could this season period!!!! #TheChallenge32
@ToriFiorenza: I Love this proposal...can the challenge go in the direction of #thebachelor  instead of #fightclub! 💖 #thechallengereunion  Congrats @tonyraines and Alyssa!
@PaulParmar1: I love @BritniNicol she’s a star, an icon, a beauty & a funny hilarious legend #TheChallenge32.
@sarahhJo_XO: my favorite part of The reunion was definitely @BritniNicol YASSS BETCH SPILL THAT TEA!!!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 #TheChallenege32
@BritniNicol: If I wanted to be a fucking nun I wouldn’t do reality tv. Guess what, I’m very open about basically everything in my life, no shame. TF makes y’all think that if I’m willing to be sexual ON TV, that I’m not gunna talk about it openly? Fake ass prudes
@BritniNicol: And you know what. @MTV asked me to send them this for the reunion but I ignored it bc I wanted to really confront only one person and one person only. But I’m sick and fuckn tired of being called the liar and the fake. So here yah go fraud fucking city
@JustJem24: For the record: the story @BritniNicol told tonight on the reunion is the exact story she told me the day or two after it all happened.. you may not like the girl but she’s always honest 🖤
- @BritniNicol: @JustJem24 Thanks jem! Let them fucking hate. Fake can’t handle real. I love you.
@ChallCheapTalk: Zach is bitter that Laurel reminded everyone that Zach cried and got carried by a girl in a final 😂 MY QUEEN 😍
@TheSteamer: Uh, Zach, we all actually saw Free Agents…….. You were awful in the final……. Laurel performed much better….. It’s not really up for debate. #TheChallenge32
@mtvsreality: Laurel the psycho ended Zach LMAOOOOOO #TheChallenge32
@AgnesJean256: I remember Zach crying! So Laurel is right!  #TheChallenge32
@Shamar_Bryce: Laurel spilled tea #TheChallenge32
@RealityRadioPod: Ok what we're not gonna do is talk trash about Laurel while she's not there to defend herself... #TheChallenge32
@GamerVev: “Good well I’m going to keep happening to you if you don’t shut up” 😂🤣😩💀
@lizxreality: Every single segment is getting more and more uncomfortable. Send help. #TheChallenge32
@ryanpittman97: I’m so sorry but Cara & Paulie are  a joke, he has absolutely no respect for her, only seeing her as a sexual object of his desire and she can’t even realize it #TheChallenge32
@jarred1227: Lmfao Tony just exposed TF out of Cara I’m deadddd😂😂😂😂 #TheChallenge32
@lizxreality: Just letting everyone know I muted my TV and was looking down at my phone for the entire Britni segment. I knew that shit was gonna be cringe and I get second hand embarrassment so easily lmao. #TheChallenge32
@BritniNicol: "@boomhauer38: @BritniNicol Maybe tone it down And little over the top...thank god a camera wasn’t on me when I was young because growing up isn’t easy.But I’m still down for brit because her free spirit makes her who she is" RT Sorry not sorry.. I’ve always been over the top💋 #getoverit
@BritniNicol: "@MarieCaraDfnder: @MarieCaraDfnder @BritniNicol And my partner? He didn't give 2 sh*ts cause he's a secure, grown man. Was happy I got some over do closure and we moved on with our life. This has nothing to do with you and Chuck and everything to do with Brad's insecurities. Glad you stood up for yourself." RT all of thisssss lol
@BritniNicol: "@PaulParmar1: Da’Vonne annoyed me tonight. How are you gonna call Britni crazy when she had her ex legit leave & never got closure?" RT A bitch can only call you crazy SO MANY GOD DAMN TIMES BEFORE YOU HAVE TO LET A BITCH SEE FUCKIN CRAZY👏🏼 I’m fucking done. Done being nice and ignoring the bullshit.
@BritniNicol: Got the pot on a nice boil.. logging off now while you all argue with yourselves 😈
@BritniNicol: ‼️‼️ YOOOO!!!  Head over to @afterbuzztv for a little bit on tonight’s topic and more😈☕️🐸 love you guys!! NIGHT💋💋
@johnnybananas: It wouldn't be Christmas without Ginger Bread Men and Ugly Christmas Sweaters, so I've combined them both 🎁 QUOTE TWEET the Challenge Vet you think is on my Ugly Sweater, and @ 3 FRIENDS for a chance to win FREE merch from  #BananaClaus #TheChallenge32
@AmberBlackman11: I’m pretty upset I won’t be having @Marie_TBD on my tv anymore for a while!! Someone get this girl her own show! #TheChallenege32
@kailah_casillas: 🎄♥️

@ToriFiorenza: @BritniNicol Let me clarify- I’m not saying you have to be a mute or a nun, and you can call him out on his actions/BS(that’s something we have in common) stories for days...however, we have two small children that didn’t sign up for this, and you could have presented that way better.
@ToriFiorenza: We are in complete control over two things in the life: your actions and your words. Choose both wisely. 😘 I love y’all, be kind to everyone.
@BritniNicol: “Omg you said Illinois wrong!” Well bitch you pronounce Hawaii wrong so wtf is the difference? Sorry not sorry I’m not a mainlander 🤗  #islandlife
@MTVChallengeMed: I don't know where @ChallengeMTV is going from here. But @Marie_TBD you have a fan for life. It was good having you on our screens again. You're the humor and you joy the world needs. Good luck to whatever you end up doing on or off the show in the future  #TheChallenge32
@RealityShowStan: Are y’all high or..? You can tell that the bomb that @MTV_AMANDAG was gonna drop is something that would ruin Zach’s life because he was quiet asf when Dolph asked her about it. Usually Zach would be like “Say it Amanda, go ahead Lavender Loser.” But he was indeed, on hush mode.
@c_kissesluv: Lol Zach can’t be mad at Laurel because she was just stating facts 😂😂 that boy big Soft!!!! #thechallengereunion #mtv
@NataliaNegrotti: Sometimes I feel like I made the wrong choice. I had to choose between doing The Bachelor and Big Brother and I chose Big Brother. What do you guys think did I make the right decision?
@schmelllanie: Catching up on the @ChallengeMTV reunion .... I’m sorry, but when did it become cool to fist fight? We’re adults... go take a boxing class or scream into your pillow. Better yet, go sage yourself and get the evil out 🤦🏽‍♀️ #Challenge32 #challengereunion #reunion #mtv
@Opinionated____: Finally watching the reunion. Whew. Cara and Bananas both need their asses kicked. Let me go into the stage and pull that bitches hair.
@tjlavin: If you don’t like this one good riddance but I think you’ll be super stoked you stuck around!!! 🤙👊❤️RT @Notes2Strangers: @tjlavin @ChallengeMTV @TheChallengeMTV One more season is all I got left in the tank! Need a really good fill up to keep goin! Thanks @tjlavin 😃
@tjlavin: You will NOT be disappointed RT @DZabrdac: @tjlavin @Notes2Strangers @ChallengeMTV @TheChallengeMTV I hope @tjlavin is correct when saying go with one more round! I’m also an OG watcher so I’ll just sit here and wait with 🤞 things get better!!
@tjlavin: This season coming up you will see the hardest shit we’ve EVER done.. I promise... RT @2RPro: @tjlavin @Notes2Strangers @ChallengeMTV @TheChallengeMTV The final was weak TJ very disappointing
@tjlavin: I promise it will be the hardest stuff we’ve EVER done. RT @RichieHero7: @tjlavin @Notes2Strangers @ChallengeMTV @TheChallengeMTV @hella_trezza Tj better be right and the final challenge better not be as tough as a sixth grade field trip.

@ChallengeMTV: The Challenge: Final Reckoning has finally ended. Did you catch part 2 of the reunion? If not, watch it now on 💻 #TheChallenge32
@ChallengeMTV: Before CT walks down the aisle, take a stroll down memory lane as some of the Challengers (and wedding guests) relive their favorite memories of CT ❤️ #CTsGettingMarried
@ChallengeMTV: She said yes! Rewatch the most heartfelt moment of the season ❤️ #TheChallenge32
@tonyraines: My proposal in its entirety 💍 Thank you to everyone who made this possible and a special shoutout to @johnnybananas for the amazing camera work. #Engaged #Fiance #WeddingTime #SheSaidYes #Proposal #TheChallenge32 #Reunion #NewYork
- @SHOTOFYAGER: Congrats, guys! @TonyRaines discusses this and a lot more w/ me & @DerrickMTV on #ChallengeMania TOMORROW!💍#TheChallenge32

LAST CALL: My Followers Speak Out 
@CSUGradAkirk: How in the  hell did Brad maintain  his composure in that segment @BradFiorenza  you are a standup guy and glad you didn’t let that get to you
@CSUGradAkirk: I teared up when @tonyraines  was proposing I’m very happy for you and Alyssa! would love to get you back on my podcast to catch up on everything
@CSUGradAkirk: I made tweets saying that I’m probably done after this season due to my frustration honestly this show will never be the show that I fell in love with at 13 but I don’t think I’d ever stop watching this show the challenge is a show that I’ve grown to love as a teen got to Interview over 60 something maybe more fact check please @dc408dxtr  over my mid twenties and I will continue to watch and occasionally tweet but I won’t be over excited me cause it’s not worth it to be honest
@TheSteamer: @CSUGradAkirk @dc408dxtr and 2 others It may be recency bias but I’d agree with that. If it’s not the worst it’s definitely up there. Poor casting. Poor challenges. Poor rules. Poor execution. And with all of that working against it it lasted way too long. The glory days of The Challenge are behind us.
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer @dc408dxtr and 2 others  The sad thing is the male cast wasn't that bad (for what we will get in today's challenge) but the female cast is horrid. 99% drama with 1 or 2 being competitive. Challenges/eliminations are watered down along with finals because the female cast we quit week 3
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer @dc408dxtr and 2 others I just think it dragged on. Go back to the daily challenge/elimination per episode. If you have to go over by 10 mins each week so be it. There's no reason a season should last 5 months. I don't mind redemption either, but make it 1 comeback not 5.
- @RealityRadioPod: @Jonnyboyy10 @dc408dxtr and 2 others Yea that’s what did it for me. The redemption format was too much, mercenaries joining the game was unfair, and that final is officially the worst of all time.. even Gauntlet 2 final was better.
- @Jonnyboyy10: @RealityRadioPod @dc408dxtr and 2 others i didn't even finish it because i knew the outcome prior. I don't like purge challenges either. The voting is like the 1 positive from the season.
- @RealityRadioPod: @Jonnyboyy10 @dc408dxtr and 2 others With all those changes, I think the cast would’ve been good. I don’t think Faith, Angela, Kyle, Jenna, Britni, Veronica, CT, Cara, and the mercenaries were needed. But everyone else I feel brought interesting gameplay and competition.
- @RealityRadioPod: @Jonnyboyy10 @dc408dxtr and 2 others Had it been a straight up challenge with same cast, no purge, mercenaries, only 1 redemption, and a better final.. I think we’d feel better about this season.
- @Jonnyboyy10: @RealityRadioPod @dc408dxtr and 2 others I don't mind Jenna. She minds her own business majority of the time. Keep Jenna and get rid of Amanda. it's hard to admit but the female cast will be bad going forward with the weak competitors
- @TheSteamer: @RealityRadioPod @dc408dxtr and 2 others The lack of consistency in the pairings also hurt the eliminations. Can’t really have a bad ass comp if it’s two guys against two females.
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer @dc408dxtr and 2 others That's a reason why pairs just need to go away at least for a few seasons. I know we are getting it next season but at least it'll be female/male teams
- @TheSteamer: @Jonnyboyy10 @dc408dxtr and 2 others That’s the problem. The pool to draw from the men is much better than the women. So it’s more imperative they bring back even someone like Cara. It’s insulting they aren’t better about casting females. Angela and Faith are only there for drama. Enough.
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer @dc408dxtr and 2 others angela, faith, marie, amanda, kayleigh, etc.
- @RealityRadioPod: @Jonnyboyy10 @dc408dxtr and 2 others I think we actually have decent female competition. They’re just not as entertaining as before and try way too hard. But competitively, they’re not bad. And they actually stand up to Johnny, Zach, and others, which is more than what female cast did in the past.
- @TheSteamer: @Jonnyboyy10 @dc408dxtr and 2 others Obviously them too. I singled out Angela and Faith because they were specifically added this season.
- @RealityRadioPod: @Jonnyboyy10 @dc408dxtr and 2 others Jenna brings nothing to the show. She doesn’t have to be crazy dramatic or anything, but not even charming or personable.. she’s not meant for TV.. have no idea why they continue with her but call someone like Avery from RW Portland boring lol
- @RealityRadioPod: @TheSteamer @dc408dxtr and 2 others I think the competition for both men and women is solid for next season. It’ll be interesting to see how everything plays out. Hopefully it’s not too drawn out and no one returns to the game or just joins out the blue.
- @TheSteamer: @RealityRadioPod @dc408dxtr and 2 others  Jenna is a decent competitor (much better than I initially gave her credit for) and is sympathetic. That is a good offset.
- @Jonnyboyy10: @TheSteamer @dc408dxtr and 2 others Yea she's like the Joss of the females, even though Joss is a way better competitor. She's quite and doesn't cause much problems. I get MTV wants Drama, but i'd prefer more Joss/Leroy type competitors
- @TheSteamer: @Jonnyboyy10 @dc408dxtr and 2 others If they insist casting people like Amanda then you need people to counter that. Likability goes a long way.
@lashtweets: I finished watching both #thechallenge reunion episodes about 2 hours ago and I am still feeling profoundly upset by the devin/bananas segment. I took on the emotional weight of what bananas said while I watched and i can't shake it
@lashtweets: Last podcast for the season just wrapped. Another difficult one for me that I take way too personally. I tried. Overall, a great season of #thechallenge thanks everyone who tunes in #RHAP

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Wow, what a season, and what a trilogy. More to dissect from this season when we get to discuss it on the Debrief over the holidays. And in case you missed it, Tony's proposal is embedded below.

On that note, though this Challenge season has finally ended our 2018 at DCBLOG is far from over with just a few weeks left before 2019 begins. We have that Debrief that we'll finally have the time to work on here, coverage of Floribama Shore and possibly CT's wedding special to come, and then we'll shift the attention to Ex On The Beach with both our preseason preview of it and, for the first time, a two-part "Who Are These Newbies?" to cover the cast of Season 2 of the American version of the international love fest. And there's some other things, too also.
   For now, we'll talk to you then as our ride Inside MTV Reality rolls on. Enjoy your Sunday everyone.


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