Friday, May 8, 2020

DC SocialPulse BackTrax: The Challenge Total Madness - "Break Up with Your BF, I'm Bored"

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

We've made it to the second weekend of May, and where you all got to celebrate Cinco de Mayo at home a few days ago in this third month of the quarantine, and where on Sunday we'll be honoring that special lady in our lives. And we welcome you to an expanded weekend of episode coverage of The Challenge with us, DCBLOG, as Season 35 of Total Madness is into its second month and we offer you this special doubleheader of SocialPulse on this Mother's Day weekend.

The first month saw this program become the only game in town as sports has been in a standstill, and those hungry for action have been treated to plenty of goodies in the Czech Republic. And when we last Eastern Europe, the man known by his last name of a grizzly animal unleashed his latest act, as Bear decided to unload on a fire extinguisher, which sparked an argument among three of the ladies. We also had a scary challenge where Nelson was caught in a bout with hypothermia in the chilly waters, and a battle of the last two female champions saw Dee defeat Ashley.

It's time for the third cycle of players to get the next ticket out of Prague, and for the first of this weekend's double shot the cheeky Brit is at it once again, as he turns his eyes to a girl who's back in the game and has a man back home. Meanwhile, there's also a thrilling challenge for everyone as teams of four board a speedy car on its side, run like the wind, complete a puzzle and detonate a bomb all in one afternoon. And there's also an argument among two champions involving deli meat, and with this being a men's elimination week we may have our first major showdown in the purgatory among two bitter rivals.

After the jump, all the action, reaction and interaction of Week 5 of Total Madness on this delayed presentation of SocialPulse, BackTrax style... plus, more reaction from Team MTV on the birth of the first all-Ex On The Beach baby, and #2 for Mr. MTV. And welcome to the weekend everyone... we're glad to have you with us.

UP TOP: Welcome Mila Mae, and Countdown to Week 5 
@CoryWharton: Welcome Mila Mae Wharton  4/22/20 9:17 pm
- @DerrickMTV: @CoryWharton Very nice 
- @BionicBrooks_: @CoryWharton Hey Mila Mae 
@ChallengeMTV: Meet Cory and Taylor's daughter Mila! #TheChallenge35
@TeenMom: It's official. Ryder's going to be a big sister, and here's how @itskcheyenne reacted when she found out the news! #TeenMomOG
@itskcheyenne: New Episode tonight!! Ryder has to say goodbye to @CoryWharton as he leaves for the Challenge @TeenMom @mtv 7/8c
@itskcheyenne: New episode of @TeenMom comes on tonight! This is going to be a hard one to watch... 7/8c on @MTV
@itskcheyenne: Me all season.. @TeenMom
@itskcheyenne: "@TeeganBey_: Damn. now I want TACOS. Thanks #TeenMomOG @itskcheyenne" RT Shoot me too lmaoo
@itskcheyenne: "@TyanaMari: Ryder crying got about Corey leaving is destroying me right now #TeenMom #TeenMomOG" RT She was soooo sad...
@dclaire26: But seriously though this entire segment was amazing! @CoryWharton is a great father & @itskcheyenne has done a wonderful job at welcoming Taylor in Ryder’s life! Also, bravo to Taylor for being a great bonus parent when Cory has Ryder.    #TeenMomOG
@too_price: So is Teen Mom lying or was the challenge lying? Is Mitch his Cousin or his Friend?
@TeenMom: I... am... sobbing. Loudly crying face #TeenMomOG
@TeenMom: Sounds like the perfect plan, @itskcheyenne. Ok hand #TeenMomOG
@TeenMom: Presenting: #TeenMomOG's newest addition... Mila Mae! (Spoiler alert: She is SO cute!)
@TeenMom: Tonight on #TeenMomOG, @itskcheyenne comes to a decision about her and Matt's relationship... 
IG/@cheynotshy: Congratulations! She’s beautiful & Ry Ry can’t wait to meet her ❤️
IG/@iamkamiam_: She’s sooooo beautiful!!! Congrats !!😍
IG/@aimeeelizabethhall: Omg she’s so precious!!! Congrats to you both!! All your queens are beautiful!! 👑
IG/@mattielynnbreaux: Omgggggg those cheeks sha baby ❤️ congrats to you and @taylor.selfridge
IG/@josh_martinez_: Congrats brotha ❤️
IG/@joshmurray11 Josh Murray/Champs vs Stars 1: Congratulations, she’s beautiful, God is good!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
IG/@morganlolar Morgan Lolar/Temptation Island: OH MY GOODNESS!!!! So beautiful!! 💕💕
IG/@fred22jackson Fred Jackson/former Buffalo Bills RB: Congrats Bruh. 🙌🏾
IG/@kayla_sessler Kayla Sessler/Teen Mom: Congratulations to you and Taylor 💕 she’s beautiful 😍😍
IG/@realjohnnybananas: Amazing ❤️
IG/@emilylongeretta Emily Longeretta/US Weekly: Gorgeous ♥️
IG/@itsnovul Novul/singer: Congratulations Cory & Taylor! She’s beautiful !! 💕🌟
IG/@jenniferwestofficial: Congratulations!!! What a gorgeous little face 😍😍😍
IG/@ashleye_90 Ashley Smith/90 Day Fiance: So adorable! Congrats 🎀
IG/@jasminevillegas Jasmine Villegas/singer: Omg so beautiful !!!! 😍❤️
IG/@derrickmtv: Love the name
IG/@deenguyen: Beauty 😍🦋
IG/@jqskim: lil fatty. Congrats my boy!
IG/@cjkoegel: Awe hi Mila! She’s so beautiful! ❤️
IG/@tori_deal: ohhhhhh my goddddd she’s so beautiful!!!!💗💗💗
IG/@fessyfitness: Uh oh the world in trouble!! Mila X Ryder 🔥
IG/@v_cakes: Congrats to you & your beautiful growing blended family, Cory!
IG/@therealcamillap Camilla Poindexter/ABTV: Yay my name Mila 😍😍😍
IG/@jadecline_ Jade/Teen Mom: OMGGGG SHES BEAUTIFUL
IG/@andreadenver3 Andrea Denver: ☺️❤️❤️ congrats brother
IG/@bradfiorenza: Gorgeous ❤️✊🙏
IG/@ashleymariekelsey: Love her little face 😩😍🥺
IG/@dario.medrano: Congrats my bro 🙏🏽🙏🏽 god bless her and the entire Wharton family ❤️🎉
IG/@audreydiazz_: Ugh she’s beautiful 💕 congratulations you guys
IG/@makealacachola Makeala Cachola Congrats!!!!!
IG/@syl_marie_88: ❤️❤️❤️
IG/@kareem.fathalla: Congratulations brotha 🙌🏽 god bless 🤍🙏🏽
IG/@leximarsella: LOOK AT HER🥰😍 congrats you two! so beyond happy for you both! @taylor.selfridge @corywharton_ig 💕
IG/@jonicablubooth: 😍😍😍😍
IG/@cheymarie_fit: Congrats y’all! She’s perfect💕
IG/@jennleezy: Omg!!! Look at that little face!!!❤️❤️

@ChallengeMTV: The Challengers are divided up into teams of four and they must work together to detonate a bomb. See what happens WEDNESDAY on The Challenge: Total Madness at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge35
- @SwaggyCTV: @ChallengeMTV Wow, Bayleigh’s hair looks FIRE and there’s math involved?????? BET. Can’t waittttttt 🙌🏾  #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Challenge Total Madness Interview: Ashley Mitchell
- @TheAllanAguirre: Every time Ashley called me Honey with her cute Southern Accent, my heart expanded 3 sizes.
@SHOTOFYAGER: NEW PODCAST UP! @deenguyenMTV returns to #ChallengeMania to talk to me & @DerrickMTV about the first 4 episodes of #TheChallenge35, fire extinguishers, fighting over boys, Red Skulls, Wes & Johnny, Big Brother rookies & why she’s in Kansas!
@DJMelReeves: "@jaychallenge_: According to Daily mail this is Melissa’s baby daddy" RT At least you guys now know it’s not Kyle 
@ChallengeMTV: This week on #TheChallenge35 one Challenger risks it ALL.
- @_jennlee_: @ChallengeMTV That challenge looks crayyyyy
- @_nelsonthomas: @ChallengeMTV LegGo 🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏾‍♂️🏃🏾‍♂️ #Thechallenge35
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV Fireball? That’s my favourite drink

@DerrickMTV: Does she have the Winning Recipe or Recipe for DEE-saster?!  - REIGNING @ChallengeMTV CHAMP/CURRENT MVP @deenguyenMTV joins Me and @SHOTOFYAGER to walk us through her DANGEROUS GAME PLAY and the SHOTS she has already fired! #TheChallenge35  -
@ringer: (6) @LisaVanderpump, ‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ and ‘Vanderpump Rules’ vs. (11) @johnnybananas ‘Real World: Key West’ and ‘The Challenge’
- @johnnybananas: @ringer If I can't make it through the 1st round against @LisaVanderpump I quit life 
- @TheMarkLong: @johnnybananas @LisaVanderpump You got my vote 🗳
@ringer: (11) @johnnybananas, ‘Real World: Key West’ and ‘The Challenge’ vs. (3) @TylerJCameron3, ‘The Bachelorette’ #BestRealityTVCharacter
- @johnnybananas: @ringer No brainer... 
@johnnybananas: "@nmontalvo89: My 2 favorite guys @TylerJCameron3 @johnnybananas but I voted for Bananas because I’ve been loyal to him since I was 15 " RT Well I just happen to know a thing or  2 about loyalty! (Back me up here @sarahrice ) #VoteBananas
@joss_mooney: I miss Vegas...
@DerrickMTV: When your Female #1 takes a shot at your Male #1. Hear @deenguyenMTV explain WTF is going on with her and  the Unexpected @ChallengeMTV Alliance of a Lifetime!#TheChallenge35 #ChallengeMania  - NEW POD! The Aussie Deestroyer joins Me and @SHOTOFYAGER!
@ChallengeMTV: Josh tries to play some Wes level mind games on Wes! Will it work?TOMORROW on The Challenge: Total Madness at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge35
@mtvex: What an absolutely incredible series! Anyone else a bit emotional? It's not over yet - don't miss the series finale of #CelebEx tonight at 10pm on @MTVUK! 
- @Rogan_OConnor: @mtvex Season Finale with these crazy cats and kittens later... Then @ChallengeMTV Premiers straight after!!! What a night of telly 
@Rogan_OConnor: YES HOMIES!! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35 STARTS RIGHT NOW ON @MTVUK
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Top 10 Rivalries of Wes Bergmann’s MTV Challenge Career
- @TheAllanAguirre: Wes has had so many enemies and rivalries over the years that I was able to make a Top 10 List and some honorable mentions. Through 16 years of TV, he's feuded with so many different people from Darrell to Derrick to Kenny to CT to Bananas to Bear. Take a glance if you will.
@ringer: (11) @tjlavin, ‘The Challenge’ vs. (3) @SimonCowell, ‘American Idol’ #BestRealityTVCharacter
- @DerrickMTV: You know we’ve gotta let Simon feel the Wrath of @ChallengeMTV.. - Give this poll a little bump #ChallengeMania RT

@ChallengeMTV: A conversation between Wes and Jordan about the biosphere's turf turns into a fight about respect. See how it goes down TONIGHT on The Challenge: Total Madness at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge35
@Rogan_OConnor: When lock down is over and she gives you the call... #TheChallenge35
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🏚Joining us to break down #TheChallenge35 tonight is someone who doesn’t live in The Mad’s someone who BUILT The Mad House!! Hall of Fame nominee @AbramBoise joins me & @DerrickMTV TONIGHT! Become a #ChallengeMania Patron to listen!
@MattieLBreaux: Gangs all here @KyleCGShore @Rogan_OConnor @BayleighDaily @Jay__Qs @DJMelReeves @CoryWharton @WestonBergmann #TheChallenge35
@MattieLBreaux: Yes that’s me! This was exhilarating. @ChallengeMTV tonight on @MTV 8/7c #TheChallenge35
@CoryWharton: Oooo you see those quick feet !!! 🏃🏽‍♂️ 
@johnnybananas: When it's the first day of class and your teacher tells you to take out your Syllabus #TheThreeWisemen #thechallenge35 @Rogan_OConnor @stephen_bear
@WestonBergmann: New episode tonight. I’m coming in hot as lava. #TheChallenge35 
@Rogan_OConnor: CAPTION THIS...  New Episode @ChallengeMTV Tonight 8/7c on @mtv #thechallenge35 @johnnybananas @stephen_bear
- @stephen_bear: @Rogan_OConnor 3 icecreams waiting for a couple of Richards 
@JOSHMBB19: It’s Challenge Day 🕺🏽New Episode @ChallengeMTV Tonight 8/7c on @mtv #thechallenge35
@deenguyenMTV: Why am I like this. I’m a loose cannon this season. Tune in tonight to find out all the tea @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@ringer: Can (11) @johnnybananas, ‘Real World: Key West’ and ‘The Challenge’ keep up the momentum and pull off the upset vs. (2) @KrisJenner, ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’? #BestRealityTVCharacter
- @johnnybananas: Kris Jenner works hard, but Bananas works harder #VoteBananas @KrisJenner
@tori_deal: Manifesting a new episode of @ChallengeMTV tonight 
@TheMarkLong: I’d like BULL TESTICLES for $2000 Alex @ChallengeMTV @joss_mooney @Jeopardy #Jeopardy #TheChallenge35
@JennaCompono: Make sure to watch a new episode of The @ChallengeMTV TOTAL MADNESS on @MTV tonight!
@ChallengeMTV: Ashley's time on this season may be over but she promises this isn't the last we'll see of her! Get ready to say goodbye to another Challenger TONIGHT on The Challenge: Total Madness at 9/8c on @mtv. #TheChallenge35
@joss_mooney: Those people that ask, “can I ask a question?” to ask another question...🤦🏻‍♂️
@KatieScottNews Katie Scott/Global News Canada: Happy Wednesday A.K.A Happy #TheChallenge35 day @ChallengeMTV  #TheChallengeTotalMadness cc: @stephen_bear
@Rogan_OConnor: Well shiiiiiiit.... what yarl doin? Because you know what day it is don’t ya?????? ITS CHALLENGE DAY BABY!!! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@DerrickMTV: She specifically told me to tell all the US WEEKLY’s,Entertainment Tonights, and Jay Leno’s that she wanted to save the best interview for last and that we better release it on @ChallengeMTV Day! - NEW POD! @MTVASHLEYBROOKE joins Me and @SHOTOFYAGER!
@ChallengeMTV: Don't burn your vote, vote for CT and Bananas!
@ringer: Wrapping up the region is the battle of two titans as (3) @OMAROSA, ‘The Apprentice’ takes on (2) @TheOfficial_CT, ‘The Challenge’ #BestRealityTVCharacter
- Omarosa 21% / CT 79%   11,260 votes · Final results
@ringer: Can (11) @johnnybananas, ‘Real World: Key West’ and ‘The Challenge’ keep up the momentum and pull off the upset vs. (2) @KrisJenner, ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’? #BestRealityTVCharacter
- Johnny Bananas 77% / Kris Jenner 23%   14,528 votes · Final results
@kmacisco: Honestly the friends i made through challenge mania are some of the most supportive people I have ever met lol
@regphalange_: IT'S CHALLENGE DAYYYYYYYYY ❤❤ @ChallengeMTV #TotalMadness #TheChallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I barely know anything that happens this season so I’m so excited to tune in!!!! #TheChallenge35 #TheChallengeTotalMadness
@ChallengeMTV: TWO HOURS until a brand new episode of The Challenge: Total Madness starts on @mtv! Who's watching? #TheChallenge35
@SHOTOFYAGER: NEW PODCAST UP!! @MTVASHLEYBROOKE returns to to break down #TheChallenge35 & let @DerrickMTV & I know what was really going down in that cold ass Bunker!!! #ChallengeMania
@ChallengeMTV: Tonight's Challenge is SO SICK we need to drop this bonus footage! Vote now for who's GoPro footage you want to see! #TheChallenge35
- Bananas 44.5% / Mattie 22.8% / Fessy 20.5% / Melissa 12.1%   3,797 votes · Final results

AS THEY SAW IT: "Break Up with Your BF, I'm Bored" 
@SwaggyCTV: TURN TO MTV right now and watch ya boy turn up #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: The Challenge: Paranormal Activity #TheChallenge35  (GIF of Tori leading group at Ouija table)
- @JOSHMBB19: @ChallengeMTV We had a ghost in that house I swear #thechallenge35
@BayleighDaily: I HATED THE GHOST AND OUIJA BOARD ! It pissed me all the way off #TheChallenge35 y’all know I had my bible out at all time TF
@SwaggyCTV: EVERY TIME I saw them mf’s doing the Ouija board .. I LEFT. I remember one time they were doing it in the room with bayleigh sleeping. I literally came in the room. Woke bayleigh up. Carried her to my bed. I don’t rock with that man lol #TheChallenge35
@JOSHMBB19: The man with a plan you can’t stop the kid @stephen_bear 🙌🏽 #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Just going to leave this here, you're welcome. #TheChallenge35  (GIF of Josh, Dee, Cory and Fessy working out)
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV Yo this is sick @JOSHMBB19
@MattieLBreaux: Y’all see whose washing the dishes huh #TheChallenge35 Cinderella 
@MattieLBreaux: Hit em with the sausage 
@Jenifersays20: Don’t come for @WestonBergmann unless your ready . You gotta really be ready .  #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: All of us at home like... #TheChallenge35  (GIF of Rogan, Bear and Bananas)
@stephaniebeca: I am SO glad Aneesa is here this season  #TheChallenge35
@WestonBergmann: Me explaining to Jordan how he's disrespectful and mean. Jordan denying said statement whilst holding a four foot sausage in my face.
@deenguyenMTV: I can’t stop staring at that huge salami. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@Shanaynayneex3: Lmao Bear sitting on the couch. #TheChallenge35 #TheChallengeTotalMadness
@Rogan_OConnor: SPOILER: I still ate that sausage #TheChallenge35
@theogbig_t: @kailah_casillas I just got a memory flash back of Ed, the spirit in the bunker 
- @kailah_casillas: @theogbig_t lol Aw Ed, I miss that guy 
@MattieLBreaux: Sickest challenge #TheChallenge35
@MattieLBreaux: This gets your blood pumping #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: TJ Lavin appreciation post. #TheChallene35  (GIF of him getting out of the car, the competitors applauding, and him saying "Ya that's right")
@DerrickMTV: Team Jordan or Team Wes?? #TheChallenge35
@Rogan_OConnor: IVE ALWAYS WANTED TO SET OFF A BOMB That’s why you’re my fav @theogbig_t
@WestonBergmann: (Meme) "Me: You're playing opossum. Inner me: Rally the rookies and throw in Jordan"
@JOSHMBB19: This challenge was sick Af man I love this show 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 #thechallenge35
@MattieLBreaux: Team 3 let’s goooo @Rogan_OConnor #TheChallenge35
@Rogan_OConnor: Just did a shot of Tequila with Big T on the commercials, who’s next? @CoryWharton @AneesaMTV @WestonBergmann ?
- @WestonBergmann: @Rogan_OConnor I’m drinking wine with your ex but I’m down 
@ChallengeMTV: "@sayhellotokathy: All of these challenges are like mini-finals. I appreciate this #TheChallenge35" RT Always upping the GAME. #TheChallenge35
@BayleighDaily: That was so sweet of nany, Kailah and Wes to support Jay like that! love that! #TheChallenge35
@SwaggyCTV: That’s SUPER nice of Nany & Kailah & Wes to be vets and let him know it HAPPENS .. you f*cked up. But it HAPPENS. #TheChallenge35
- @kailah_casillas: @SwaggyCTV All the times I messed up and beat myself up about it ran through my head. That’s the worst feeling ever. Shit happens!
@ChallengeMTV: When you lie on your resume but end up getting the job. Grimacing face #TheChallenge35  (GIF: Bear - "Never seen a walkie talkie")
@BayleighDaily: WHO PUT BEAR ON MATH? #TheChallenge35
@dramabananna: Wes:What was the first number of the equation?  Jay:...  #TheChallenge35
@SwaggyCTV: BEAR SAID “REPEAT” I AM IN TEARS #TheChallenge35
@itsmeRRP: I love @MattieLBreaux. “I’ve been hanging out the car, giving the boys my number for awhile”  #TheChallenge35
@britbrat878: Mattie with the jokes #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: When mom says, "dinner's ready!" #TheChallenge35  (GIF of Nelson running in slow motion)
@deenguyenMTV: Guys elimination so I’m going to sit out on the math part.. not like I’m any good at math anyway.. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: Who's loving tonight episode so far? 🙌🏼 #mtv #thechallenge
@Jay__Qs: I can’t turn left ! #zoolander i fucked up whoops. #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@deniseweir__: LETS GET IN THIS TRIBUNAL @JOSHMBB19 @ThatStudMuffin @JenniferWestOf1 @SwaggyCTV #TheChallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: Team 4 AKA The Dream Team coming in hott!!! #thechallenge #mtv
@theogbig_t: Please don’t mess around with ouija boards! It all started of as a joke and I wanted to scare my bunker buddies... but I ended up scaring myself #TheChallenge35
@SwaggyCTV: Y’all gave a day trader in the stock market a math problem to do .. Goodluck everybody. #TheChallenge35
@SwaggyCTV: I’m a day trader in the stock/currency and crypto market. I did the problem in 2 seconds in my head but producers said we HAD to draw it out on the board. Either way, this is SUPER light work. You’re welcome. #TheChallenge35
@Rogan_OConnor: We had the perfect team to win... It was all my fault.. No excuses... Math is usually my thing... I fucked up... I apologise... you have no idea how bad I wanted this @_nelsonthomas @theogbig_t @MattieLBreaux #TheChallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
- @_nelsonthomas: @Rogan_OConnor I still look good!!! #Thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: (Loudly crying face emojis 3X) #TheChallenge35  (GIF: Cory - "I'm doing this for you Ryder")
- @CoryWharton: @ChallengeMTV RYDIEEEE
@BayleighDaily: @SwaggyCTV is freakishly GREAT with numbers . So there’s that !
@johnnybananas: When @stephen_bear tells you he knows how to think #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV #bananasdoingthings #thisviewisbananas
@GamerVev: King Swaggy did THAT!!! #TheChallenge35
@Rogan_OConnor: @WestonBergmannYou saucy bugger! Tell @_jennlee_ I say hey 
@johnnybananas: First time @CoryWharton has ever had problems finding the hole #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
- @CoryWharton: @johnnybananas Dammmit how did you beat me to it smh lol
@simonexkah: Ok @BayleighDaily and @SwaggyCTV math legends lol #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Swaggy C solving the math immediately #TheChallenge35
- @BayleighDaily: @TheAllanAguirre Y’all he actually talks like this when he’s explaining stuff I’m crying @SwaggyCTV
@BayleighDaily: OUR GROUP WAS THE BEST ! @DJMelReeves has the cutest accent & @CoryWharton is literally kicking himself for that whyyyyy ! #thechallenge35
@theogbig_t: Yaaaass @DJMelReeves & @BayleighDaily  + @KyleCGShore on a team together 
@WaynieTDot: I respect Kyle's honesty #TheChallenge35
@Caramariastea: Swaggy & Bayleigh BOTH doing the hardest part of the daily mission AS ROOKIES & completing it? They’re just the new power couple. I don’t make the rules ! #TheChallenge35
@RyanGrande15: Bayleigh and Swaggy carrying their teams 👏🏼 #TheChallenge35
@WestonBergmann: I’m gonna use my stimulus check to buy Jordan a new haircut
@fessyfitness: Proud of the BB FAM 👏🏽👏🏽 @JOSHMBB19 @ThatStudMuffin @SwaggyCTV
@ChallengeMTV: Every time TJ calls someone a loser an Angel gets its wings. #TheChallenge35  (GIF: "Are losers")
@SwaggyCTV: Super easy. You’re welcome. Gang. 3/5 tribunals. I do this. #TheChallenge35
@AneesaMTV: Damn it. 2 seconds. Shit!!!!!!!!!
@JOSHMBB19: Shoutout to My team they crushed it. First tribunal Win of the season let’s Gooooo 🙌🏽🙌🏽 #thechallenge35
@deniseweir__: #TEAMBIGBROTHER KILLING IT @JOSHMBB19 @SwaggyCTV @BayleighDaily @ThatStudMuffin @fessyfitness #TheChallenge35
@fessyfitness: F**k why didn’t I run?!!!?! #thechallenge35
@GamerVev: I’m cackling at him dominating this early on in the season Flop where? Swaggy C fucking y’all up #TheChallenge35
@Dee_Dee2112: Yasssssss @SwaggyCTV coming through w/ the W 👏🏾 #TheChallenge35
@LaurenBlack12: .@JennaCompono is me whenever I see an ice cream truck. #happyrun #thechallenge35
@GaVarres_: THIS is Swaggys 3rd tribunal & this is only his rookie season. Even some of these VETS are not coming in this hard 👏🏾 @SwaggyCTV ATE. The haters HATE to see it!  #TheChallenge35
@DJMelReeves: I loved our little team @BayleighDaily @KyleCGShore @CoryWharton
- @KyleCGShore: @DJMelReeves @BayleighDaily @CoryWharton TEAM PREGNANT.......apart from me and @BayleighDaily
- @DJMelReeves: @KyleCGShore You will both not be far behind me and Cory with babies 
- @KyleCGShore: @DJMelReeves Or @BayleighDaily and @SwaggyCTV could just adopt me and then everyone will be caring for Children 🤷🏼‍♂️
- @BayleighDaily: @KyleCGShore @DJMelReeves @SwaggyCTVAhaha as long as you bring the dog ! 🤷🏽‍♀️
@fessyfitness: "@CherrieBomb26: @fessyfitness SECOND AGAIN?!?!?!" RT Story of my life this season
@too_price: Child… we have had 5 Tribunals so far. Swaggy has been in 3! ICONIC #TheChallenge35
@fessyfitness: Where is that war of the worlds 1 tribunal set up when you need it hahaha
@ipadgett44_v: @JOSHMBB19 did THAT! #TheChallenge35
@deniseweir__: YASSSS TEAM 4👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 BEST BIRTHDAY GIFT I COULD EVER ASK FOR!!! @JOSHMBB19 @SwaggyCTV @ThatStudMuffin @JenniferWestOf1 #TheChallenge35
@josh_paul12: This guy @SwaggyCTV is becoming a favorite of mine! He always has the right ingredients to get these team victories
@deenguyenMTV: @WestonBergmann and Bananas. Okay I see. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Relatable. #TheChallenge35  (GIF: Nany to Aneessa - "Ok")
@theogbig_t: Nothing gets past nany! #TheChallenge35
@JOSHMBB19: This is the first szn I walk in stacked with friends why make new enemies when I’ve already targeted a past player. #thechallenge35
@BayleighDaily: I don’t think y’all understand how stressful nominations were for me. I hated them!!! #Thechallenge35
@Jay__Qs: How I feel about another elimination. Seriously? #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@fessyfitness: Leave jay tf alone already lol
@fessyfitness: Burn votes piss me off
@_eteeweeteee: me when wes voted for kyle #TheChallenge35
@theogbig_t: @Jay__Qs I didn’t vote for you @ChallengeMTV
@AneesaMTV: Ummm @Jay__Qs who didn’t vote for you though???!!!
@deenguyenMTV: I’m sorry @Jay__Qs. Friends? @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@Queen_tingzz: Make sure y’all tune in to Nat and Kam’s live after the episode
@JOSHMBB19: Honesty felt bad for jay being a fan and Rookie constantly getting targeted the kid handled it well 👏🏽#thechallenge35
@Jay__Qs: Why you so obsessed with me ? #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@JenniferWestOf1: When lockdown is over and the gyms reopen....  Me:
@blackzeusfit: Wow so many scared legends in a bunker. When do they have to start proving themselves? When’s the last time we’ve seen a single “legend” not get sent home by a rookie in like 3 seasons? #TheChallenge35
@MattieLBreaux: At least they brushed their teeth #TheChallenge35
@GamerVev: Swaggy supporting Jay!  #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Me having an existential crisis at the bar. #TheChallenge35  (Pic of Kyle)
@ChallengeMTV: Bear loves a bathroom make out. #TheChallenge35  (GIF of spy cam in bathroom spotting him and Kailah kissing, and cutting to confessional of him cheering and saying "Yeah!")
@BayleighDaily: The music and editing for this situationship is actually so good #Thechallenge35
@AneesaMTV: I’m crying bear right now. These interviews are epic
@BayleighDaily: @MattieLBreaux GREAT POINT
@SwaggyCTV: @JOSHMBB19 My dawg ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾 Let’s enjoy this tribunal 🤘🏾
@sadgirlhq: @MistaCarter89 It’s all fun and games until they have to go against each other....already feel bad for whoever has to go against Fessy. 
@IamDMVixen: Oh Kailah..  #TheChallenge35
@SwaggyCTV: @iamkamiam_ You feel me ... Can’t be playing with Jesus like that man lol
@theogbig_t: I’m so glad they show the clip of @JennaCompono running, it was literally the most fierce and beautiful moments #TheChallenge35
- @JennaCompono: @theogbig_t Hahahaha I remember being so embarrassed with you all there cheering lmao 
- @JenniferWestOf1: @theogbig_t @JennaCompono Yessss it belonged on the cover of runners weekly 
@johnnybananas: Bear is a FOOKING LEGEND @stephen_bear #thechallenge35
- @stephen_bear: @johnnybananas Good times 
- @JenniferWestOf1: @johnnybananas @stephen_bear Hahaha fuckkkkkk I didn't notice that! 
@ChallengeMTV: Me at any given time. #TheChallenge25  (GIF: Wes - "Now I'm like spiraling into depression")
- @Ninja_Natalie: @ChallengeMTV What feels like day 294747 in quarantine...
@Ninja_Natalie: @Jay__Qs @ChallengeMTV Go get that workout 💪🏼
@ForeverShan: I have never seen anyone more naturally made for TV than @stephen_bear. This n____ is hilariousssss #TheChallenge35 TheChallengeTotalMadness
@SwaggyCTV: @fessyfitness Because Jay was down there dude lol
- @fessyfitness: @SwaggyCTV Facts but I’ll wait to answer this after purgatory lol
@MattieLBreaux: @_nelsonthomas the braids work nelly t
- @_nelsonthomas: @MattieLBreaux @BayleighDaily killed it!!!
@fessyfitness: Okay but looking back, why didn’t i tell my people in the tribunal to at least nominate me to see if i liked the elimination
@_nelsonthomas: I’m a good option @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@johnnybananas: The first time you kiss a girl in middle school @stephen_bear #thechallenge35
- @stephen_bear: @johnnybananas It was the hand in the pocket trick that made it .. weive all been there 
@_nelsonthomas: @WestonBergmann I love you @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@theogbig_t: Wows watching these episodes and taking note of everyone’s beef! #TheChallenge35
@stephen_bear: This season is defo total madness..  @ChallengeMTV #thechallange 
@BayleighDaily: @WestonBergmann was coming for peoples heads the whole damn episode #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Josh: me and Wes have a rivalry   Wes:  #TheChallenge35
@theogbig_t: "@everybody911: @theogbig_t should literally be on @ChallengeMTV every season I don’t even care bout her competing she’s just sooo happy and fun just put her in the house chilling with everyone" RT I love this thank you 🙏🏿🙏🏿
@Nanymartinezxo: Wes was plotting against josh last season... what’s not clicking? Ofc Josh doesn’t trust him #TheChallenge35
@johnnybananas: We've got ourselves a good old fashioned HEAD BANGER #TheChallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
- @Rogan_OConnor: @johnnybananas Johnny made me do it 🤷🏽‍♂️
@theogbig_t: @AneesaMTV looks hot af in her confessionals #TheChallenge35
@derpy_smiler: TJ really giving everyone the talk #TheChallenge35
@AntEstradaMusic: @WestonBergmann defined #ThugLife
@SwaggyCTV: Jay’s my bro. Loyalty is everything. Not going down there. #TheChallenge35
@kimmyyKO: @SwaggyCTV i picked u as my team captain for my BB pool for your season and was soo sad when u got booted and all the mess surrounding it. super happy to see u and @BayleighDaily thriving on a diff platform #TheChallenge35 
@ChallengeMTV: Once again at the end of this elimination only ONE GUY will be qualified to run this final. #TheChallenge35  (GIF: TJ Lavin - "It's ridculous")
@JOSHMBB19: It’s still early in the game and I was one of the few friends jay had coming into the game didn’t feel right going against him. #thechallenge35
@_nelsonthomas: The legendary elimination !!!! Balls In Who do you think is going against @Jay__Qs ? @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
- Nelson 7.7% / Rogan 79.4% / West 12.9%   286 votes · Final results
@ChallengeMTV: "@girlonthefly17: This elimination looks so good #TheChallenge35" RT Balls In never disappoints! #TheChallenge35
@lupitarubio_: Wes dont care Face with tears of joy #TheChallenge35
@Gr8WhiteShaRkK: Kailah fell right into the Bear Trap #TheChallenge35
@girlonthefly17: You know drama is about to go down at this club #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Jay said let's GO. #TheChallenge35 (GIF: "Just come down Rogan. You say you want to go let's go")
@TheMarkLong: Live shot of me watching this elimination @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@AneesaMTV: @Rogan_OConnor I think everyone ate that sausage
@DerrickMTV: “Wanna play with Fire, lets get BURRRNED!!” I love it!! #TheChallenge35 -Burn Baby BURN!!! 
@_jennlee_: I love watching people compete in Balls In #thechallenge35 #letsgetdownanddirty
@ChallengeMTV: Who do you want to see win this elimination? #TheChallenge35
- Jay 78.5% / Rogan 21.5%   18,837 votes · Final results
@DerrickMTV: Welcome to @ChallengeMTV!! Im lighting your ass on FIRE!!! #TheChallenge35 
@_jennlee_: Wait what?! On fire?! #thechallenge35 good thing @Rogan_OConnor plays a fireman sometimes
@DerrickMTV: The Evolution of Balls In is they LIT THAT MOTHERFUCKER ON FIRE!!
LETS GOOO!!! #TheChallenge35 
@SwaggyCTV: Rogan ain’t have to use Jay’s head to kick himself back up. That sh*t was bad. Smh. #TheChallenge35
@KyleCGShore: "@girlonthefly17: Can Kyle narrate my life? I love his accent @KyleCGShore" RT I could give it a shot Eyes
@KyleCGShore: "@sam_rose98: Yes @KyleCGShore we see you rocking that robe #TheChallenge35 #MTV" RT My Granny bought me that for Christmas! 💪🏼👌🏻
@JOSHMBB19: If you could hear that slam it was BAD Face with look of triumph #thechallenge35
@DerrickMTV: Cliffhanger?!!! Really?!?  Motherfuckers are on Fire!!! WTF?!!! #TheChallenge35
@BayleighDaily: That trailer for next week just gave me so much anxiety help #thechallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: @tjlavin checking on Jay is too cute like so concerned that he may be dead 
@WestonBergmann: Survivor is harder than the challenge. Cut to this elimination.
@johnnybananas: Last time Jay was battling CT... This time he's battling CTE Dizzy face #RoganSmash @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge35 @Rogan_OConnor
@johnnybananas: Rogan Smash @Rogan_OConnor #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@deenguyenMTV: Spoiler alert: I am in love with Rogan and always have been. We may be with child we may not be @ChallengeMTV  #TheChallenge35
@DJMelReeves: "@llamchopss: Wait I just realized @DJMelReeves was pregnant and driving a car on its side damnnnn girl #TheChallenge35" RT I’m not a regular mom I’m a cool mom 
@JennaCompono: Hope you enjoyed this episode! Not looking forward to next 🤦🏼‍♀️ Goodness I’m so annoying 
@DerrickMTV: Do you think Jay gets up or Nah, the Rhino ended him-GAME OVER?? #TheChallenge35
@KyleCGShore: See what should of happened is Jay should of dropped to his hands and knees, let Rogan fall over his lifeless body and then crawl his way to victory!!!!.........that’s what I would of done I call it the WINNING DOG! 💪🏼
@DJMelReeves: My baby is gonna have some amazing stories to tell. The first part of my pregnancy with her was spent filming the challenge, going up in helicopters, dropping Grenades, climbing out of moving cars whilst there on two wheels. Then being born in the middle of a pandemic.
- @KyleCGShore: @DJMelReeves Her therapy is going to cost a fortune 🤷🏼‍♂️
- @DJMelReeves: @KyleCGShore Not as much as my therapy after having to share a bunk bed with you.
@MikeyG_TBD: I’ll always love Jailah. The ultimate Yin Yang of The Challenge #TheChallenge35
@DerrickMTV: I don’t care how much people tune in for the drama, the scene that @ChallengeMTV and @Rogan_OConnor just put on will always be the face of the franchise in my eyes!  #TheChallenge35 
- @Rogan_OConnor: @DerrickMTV Wow.... from one of the real O.G’s I am honoured good sir 
@DerrickMTV: Can we get a Time Check on that Elimination, if that is the end?! Trying to figure out if that was faster than the CT Backpack.. #TheChallenge35
- @Rogan_OConnor: @DerrickMTV I was thinking this.... Love it or Hate it... did I just break a world record? 
@JennaCompono: Before everyone starts talking shit..YES I AM ANNOYING & I CRY WHEN IM STRESSED ON THE SHOW...People don’t realize we are not in the right mindset & we tend to over react in these places ESPECIALLY LIVING IN A BUNKER. Oh well couples argue if you can’t relate good for you 👏🏼
- @MattieLBreaux: @JennaCompono You Don’t have to explain yourself mama
@RealityRadioPod: There needs to be a rule where you can’t vote the same person into elimination back to back. #TheChallenge35
- @DerrickMTV: @RealityRadioPod THE RELIC should be in every Challenge! Reward the elimination Winner!
@CohenBrian_: I do want to watch people run a lot and carry heavy things. I just prefer to do it AFTER #survivor when it leads to drunken shenanigans. #TheChallenge35
@sjmedd: Wes is smart getting into Jordan’s head #TheChallenge35
@StevenPlummer22: I’ve been waiting for Jordan vs. Wes since Exes 2 when they first argued #TheChallenge35
@shadesofgregory: The way Bear is pursing Kailah don’t sit right with me #TheChallengeTotalMadness
@GamerVev: Imagine asking to go against the smallest guy in the house specifically in a physical elimination & being “honored” to do so. Rogan truly is a pussy #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Two men fighting over who has the worse set of Facial Hair. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: The thing about the Jordan and Wes fight is that Jordan's thrown a lot of digs at Wes over the years regarding his Challenger career, his body, etc. This was bound to happen. However, Wes throwing a weird cheap shot at Tori was just uncalled for. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Dee: Solved the puzzle in the 1st challenge very quickly. Tori: Generally competent and intelligent. Bananas: 20 season Challenge Veteran. Who is doing the math for Team 2? This Guy:   #TheChallenge
@TheAllanAguirre: Besides when he talks in the 3rd Person, Swaggy C has been really solid this season in the challenges. #TheChallenge35
@regphalange_: From all the things these people did, math is their biggest problem? Put some math in your workout routine @ChallengeMTV #TotalMadness #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Cory wasn't able to find the right hole. Shocking. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: I know it's been a whole week, but I'm still thinking about that security guard and hope he's doing okay #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Not gonna lie, kinda feels a lil similar. I like Josh more though.  #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Jenna: Jay is going in, if not, my name is Brooke. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Why do people wanna face the guy who beat CT?  - Kyle lost 3 elims in one season / - Cory lost to Matt Rife and Nate / - Josh has never won an elimination / - Bananas is 2-11 in his last 13.   THERE ARE JUICIER RED SKULLS OUT THERE.  #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Here's the thing, until someone gets throw into 6 elimination in one season, then the can complain because that would be a new record. So I don't feel bad for Jay. I just think it's dumb to target him when he's obviously better than a lot of guys in the house. 
@TheAllanAguirre: Not gonna lie, that was a pretty damn good kiss. On the scale of kisses in reality show history, it's up there. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Kailah looks like someone who is disappointed that she cheated, but then realizes she was dating a guy named Mikey P.  #TheChallenge35
@Sportsaddict524: Kailah bf gotta fight bear. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Me watching the best hookup/indiscretion on the Challenge in 5 years #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Here's the thing, Josh isn't a bad player at all. Was Wes right in saying Josh is the worst player? Jordan, Wes, Bananas, Nelson, Kyle, Fessy, and Rogan outrank him outright.  I'd maybe take Jay, Cory, and Swaggy over him too. So then it's just Josh and Bear #TheChallenge35
@actualgreatest: Jordan is the guy at the gym who feels the need to tell you your form is wrong because it's not how he taught himself despite a trainer telling you your form is fine.
@TheAllanAguirre: Josh does get under Wes's skin, and that's what's an important to note! Josh is capable of throwing Wes in and affecting his game. The two aren't on the same level, and the rivalry is a bit one-sided, but Wes definitely does get bugged by Josh. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: I love Josh, but Wes got murdered in a Hall Brawl this like and was still talking shit like three minutes later. Humbled was the wrong word. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Josh has 50 pounds on Jay. He should be trying to get that Red Skull. Not only that, but a win would completely shut Wes and his haters up. I don't see him having an easier shot a skull this season. #TheChallenge35
@Jay__Qs: What a cliff hanger ! @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge35
@fessyfitness: Me next nomination ceremony if @Jay__Qs makes it back in the bunker! #thechallenge35
@SwaggyCTV: Our reaction to Jay vs. Rogan, Kailah & Bear, and Wes vs. Jordan/Josh  Hope y'all enjoyed Episode 5 of MTV's The Challenge Season 35. New episode next Wednesday at 8/7c ✊🏾 #TheChallenge35
@_jennlee_: @ChallengeMTV Ouch even I felt that from my couch
@WestonBergmann: I guess I forgot to mention that he TRIED to throw a glass of OJ in my face but I was too fast for him and punched it out of his hand.
@WestonBergmann: I walked towards him and he threw a glass of orange juice in my face. But they missed it. That’s what he was cleaning up when I left.
@deenguyenMTV: @Jay__Qs call me. Let me make it up to you. I promise I’ll be different this time round. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@MTVRWRRQuotes: How gross was last nights episode? Very disappointed by the actions of some players on this season.. it’s almost embarrassing.Also, you can’t blame editing.. you said/did those things. P.S I love @Jay__Qs #TotalMadness #TheChallenge35
@itskimwebster: The star of tonight’s #TheChallenge35 episode is this #salami. Hands down.
- @MattieLBreaux: @itskimwebster Omg I just giggled out loud Web 

@ringer: Will there be another Situation smackdown, or will Mr. Bananas move on to the Final Four? In the Sneaky MVP region, we’ve got (1) @ItsTheSituation, ‘Jersey Shore’ vs. (11) @johnnybananas, ‘Real World: Key West’ and ‘The Challenge’ #BestRealityTVCharacter
- The Situation 51% / Johnny Bananas 49%  34,543 votes · Final results
- @johnnybananas: This dude hasn't been seeded this well since his days prison #FreeBananas #DontDropTheSoapMike @ringer @ChallengeMTV
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I never thought I would say this but.... LET’S GO @johnnybananas
@WestonBergmann: This is the only season I’m ever gonna be better looking than Jordan, so let me enjoy it
@ringer: Stage five of the Bear Trap, the end of Jay’s underdog magic, and the good salami. #TheChallenge. @andrewgrutt:
@johnnybananas: The @Ringer Reality Final Four is set! See if @GordonRamsay can take the heat, or if I need to kick his ASS OUT THE KITCHEN ▪︎Voting starts TOMORROW #chefbananaskitchen @GordonRamsay @challengemtv @foodnetwork @snooki @TheOfficial_CT
@SHOTOFYAGER: WOW. @ChallengeMTV is crushing this @ringer bracket. Both @TheOfficial_CT & @johnnybananas in the FINAL FOUR. #ChallengeMania
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @SHOTOFYAGER Yassss. Reality started here and it'll end here!! 
@ringer: The matchup between @ItsTheSituation and @johnnybananas is so close, the only way to properly decide the winner might be with a dance battle. Face with tears of joy#BestRealityTVCharacter
- @johnnybananas: @ringer This Situation is Bananas SoapBanana #FreeBananas #DontDropTheSoapMike
@WestonBergmann: Alright family. I’m gonna need you all to get over the fact that Bananas once hit me so hard with a cutting board that it broke in half on my ass. Please vote for him. @johnnybananas
- @johnnybananas: My rock
@ChallengeMTV: Wes and Jordan's fight had the whole bunker SHOOK. In this deleted scene we see how Tori felt about being brought into it. #TheChallenge35
- @kailah_casillas: @ChallengeMTV Lol I love how lost I look in this clip
@ETCanada: .@SwaggyCTV & @BayleighDaily join @theikawong to discuss the differences between competing on #TheChallenge35 and #BigBrother Plus, the rookies open up about their impressive performance on the show thus far
@ChallengeMTV: Jay's third round in purgatory isn't going so smoothly...
@deenguyenMTV: Dee: Why do they hate me? Wes: You’re cocky and arrogant. Dee: I learn from the best tho @WestonBergmann #TheChallenge35
@blackzeusfit: Don’t care calling it what it is Rogan is a coward!!! #TheChallenge35
- @blackzeusfit: Jay out of anybody in the bunker deserves to be there and has proven it since day 1.... yo this grade A pisses me off on a whole new level!!! #TheChallenge35
- @blackzeusfit: @Jay__Qs If you do another challenge fam I’m definitely supporting you 100% You definitely set the bar high for future rookies!!!
@TheRealAnthonyM: Another episode of The Jay Challenge #TheChallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: A rivals 4 would be lit... Think about it. Jordan & Cara, Georgia & Rogan, Tori & Turbo, Me and any fucking legend it seems Name your 1st place duo...#thechallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @Jay__Qs @ChallengeMTV Love you buddy! It I was still there I would have fought for ya
- @Jay__Qs: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE @ChallengeMTV Don’t stress it ;)
@Rogan_OConnor: Apologies for not tweeting after hitting @Jay__Qs last night.. I’d had too many tequilas and didn’t want to drop any spoilers... I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say I hope he wakes up and kicks my ass next week #TheChallegne35 @ChallengeMTV

💥  💥  💥

Will Jay join some elite company and become the latest rookie to notch an elimination hat trick, or will a man who skated his way to the crown last year notch #1 in a game of Win or Go Home? The answer to that, plus love getting in the way of two relationships and high speed in the streets, all comes your way on the 'Pulse of this week's episode of Total Madness... tomorrow afternoon at 4:30PM ET/1:30PM PT... unlike what we saw there, you only have to wait one day than one week.

But first, just ahead on this Friday evening we'll travel back in time to when an all-time Real World original was the victim of some airport madness on the modern-day version of Candid Camera. Stay with us...


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