*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***
Welcome back everyone, as we at DCBLOG roll along with our SocialPulse doubleheader for The Challenge: Total Madness. Last night on a Backtracked basis, we brought you the action, reaction & interaction of Episode 5 from Prague, where we saw the Swayleigh express continue to hold their grip on the game being part of the tribunal again thanks to a 4-team challenge, while Bear got himself in some hot water when he sprayed a fire extinguisher around, which ignited one of two blow-ups among the girls while the other fight saw Wes & Jordan argue with deli meat.
Our third trip to the purgatory saw two-skull holder Jay make his choice for who he wanted to face off instead of letting the tribunal do the picking for him... and he is facing off against Rogan - who didn't even have to prove himself when he went from being purged out as a rookie to becoming king last year. Whoever is victorious will then find themselves & the rest of the crew wanting to audition to be stuntmen with a high-speed challenge inspired by the Fast & Furious franchise. And two-thirds of the Holy Trilogy find themselves in some love drama: one dealing with cheating may have this new fling be all for naught, while the Barbie Beast tries to keep afloat a relationship of her own.
After the jump, the back-end of this week's special SocialPulse doubleheader as we bring you Week 6 of The Challenge Total Madness... plus a rematch for two power vets as they go for another prestigious crown. Thanks for joining us, we're glad you're here again...
We begin the prelude to Week 6 with something that was sorely missed during this springtime: a bracket. Bill Simmons' Grantland successor site, The Ringer, held a March Madness-style tournament to whittle down the biggest stars in reality TV, and like in college basketball's biggest tournament it saw plenty of upsets. And it led to... an all-Challenge final. See for yourself below.
►UP TOP: Bracket Mania, and Countdown to Week 5
@ChallengeMTV: Ever wanted to help Bananas or CT get to a final? Now's your chance! https://t.co/MRmDZrlNMw?amp=1
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I just posted this on my Facebook because I love it Red heart Georgia got me on that second though!!! Good times @ChallengeMTV
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: You guys might hate him, you May be obsessed with him ... but do it for the @ChallengeMTV fam @Ringer
- @johnnybananas: @MTVASHLEYBROOKE Does this make us Twitter official? ❤
@SHOTOFYAGER: 👌🏻THREE Massive #ChallengeMania Podcasts up for you all, not even including the Mad House w/ @AbramBoise! Ep. 174 w/ @deenguyenMTV -- Ep. 175 w/ the return of @MTVASHLEYBROOKE -- Ep. 176 w/ @TheMarkLong @cliff_hogg @mtvrrdarrell AND @KellyAnneJudd! All at http://ChallengeManiaPodcast.com
@ringer: The Final Four of our #BestRealityTVCharacter bracket continues as (3) @snooki, 'Jersey Shore' takes on one of the fiercest competitors of the @ChallengeMTV (2) @Theofficial_CT, 'The Challenge.' Who will move on to the championship round?
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: And my favorite cast member @TheOfficial_CT ! Youve got to give him vote !!!!
@ringer: It’s a war of two underdogs! #BestRealityTVCharacter (10) @GordonRamsay, ‘Hell’s Kitchen’ came out victorious in the Hosts & Judges region, but can he somehow hold off the Sneaky MVP champion, (11) @johnnybananas, ‘Real World: Key West’ and ‘The Challenge,’ from moving on?
- Gordon Ramsay 52% / Johnny Bananas 48% 25,041 votes · Final results
@ringer: Down goes Jeff Probst! Down goes The Situation! Gordon Ramsay and Johnny Bananas shook things up, and now the Final Four of the #BestRealityTVCharacter bracket is looking mighty interesting: https://theringer.com/tv/2020/5/1/21243494/best-reality-tv-character-bracket-results-final-four?utm_campaign=theringer&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
- @johnnybananas: This Banana is about to give ole Gordon a Ramsay #chefbananaskitchen @GordonRamsay @ringer @ChallengeMTV
@WestonBergmann: Lol who made this
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Well my day is complete. Going back to bed
@ChallengeMTV: BONUS GoPro footage from Bananas during The Challenge as voted on by YOU! #TheChallenge35
@ringer: The Final Four of our #BestRealityTVCharacter bracket continues as (3) @snooki, 'Jersey Shore' takes on one of the fiercest competitors of the @ChallengeMTV (2) @Theofficial_CT, 'The Challenge.' Who will move on to the championship round?
- Snooki 50% / CT 50% 22,919 votes · Final results
- @DerrickMTV: Are we really gonna let C.T. lose 2 Eliminations in a row?? Give him a bump! He’s down! Lol
@ringer: "this sh*t is bananas" @johnnybananas is the other finalist, making it an all @ChallengeMTV final!!! #BestRealityTVCharacter
@ringer: Voting in the championship round goes from 4pm ET to 12am ET on Twitter, the http://Ringer.com and our Instagram and Facebook Stories! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! #BestRealityTVCharacter
- @johnnybananas: In the end @TheOfficial_CT and I were always destined to be together @ringer @ChallengeMTV
@TheOfficial_CT: Just found out I made the Final Four on the @Ringer Reality TV Bracket. Face with monocle WOW. Looks like I have a tough road ahead of me tho... If anyone wants to vote, click the link in bio. It takes literally 2 seconds. But… https://instagram.com/p/B_pn3XEgRP4/?igshid=1k17wkjfb8x3m
- @johnnybananas: @TheOfficial_CT You and I know there's only one appropriate way for this bracket to end... #MakeSnookieYourFannyPack #BanackPack @ringer @ChallengeMTV @snooki
@WestonBergmann: Help Bananas get to his first final in years @johnnybananas
@Rogan_OConnor: LETS GO CT!!!!
@KyleCGShore: Vote for Johnny....he needs this.
@BreanneNYC Breanne L. Heldman/People Magazine: Who doesn't want to see @TheOfficial_CT and @johnnybananas face off in the final?! VOTE!!! #TheChallenge
@johnnybananas: 30 minutes left... Smash that Banana button
@ringer: It's the championship round of the #BestRealityTVCharacter bracket! We have (2) @TheOfficial_CT, @ChallengeMTV taking on (11) @johnnybananas, @ChallengeMTV! Will this be a repeat of that fateful night in Prague, or will Bananas upset CT?
- CT 65% / Johnny Bananas 35% 24,347 votes · Final results
- @johnnybananas: Regardless of the outcome we've already won #TheChallenge4eva @ChallengeMTV @TheOfficial_CT @ringer
- @CohenBrian_: Just an incredible showing by the @ChallengeMTV community
@DerrickMTV: Challenge Championship for the 5th Sport no matter which way it goes @BillSimmons!
@MTVPress: Get your votes in! MTV made it to Final Four in #BestRealityTVCharacter bracket
@SHOTOFYAGER: Epic mic drop by @ChallengeMTV.
- @DerrickMTV: @SHOTOFYAGER Mic Drop by them, but how about a standing ovation for the MANIACS!! Challenge Maniacs came in HOT in the @ringer polls!! HOT DAMN?!!!
@ringer: Get the backpack out! After an all-‘Challenge’ final, we have a winner in the #BestRealityTVCharacter Bracket: https://theringer.com/tv/2020/5/2/21245094/best-reality-tv-character-bracket-winner-ct-the-challenge?utm_campaign=theringer&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
- @johnnybananas: @ringer If I had to go down against anyone in this contest I'm glad it was to you... Well deserved brother @TheOfficial_CT #TheChallenge4eva @ChallengeMTV @ringer
@ringer: Here's a recap of the #BestRealityTVCharacter championship: Congratulations to the king, @TheOfficial_CT.
@TheOfficial_CT: 🙏🏼 #GRATEFUL #DontMakeItWeirdBro https://instagram.com/p/B_td2Nfg5sn/?igshid=flcufn8gz7h
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Challenge Total Madness Interview: Jordan Wiseley https://t.co/KszX9glHhu?amp=1
- @TheAllanAguirre: Hey everyone, MTV gave me time to interview Jordan this week, and the guy DELIVERED. We talk: - How much longer he'll be on the show. / - Life goals, what he's done with the $ he's won / - His relationship with CT/Wes / - Most underrated/overrated players #TheChallenge35
- @TheAllanAguirre: Most importantly about this interview, is @jordan_wiseley talked about he and @tori_deal 's work creating Safe and High Quality Face Masks. They were able to hire people and get them back to work, while also donating masks to the healthcare professionals who need them!
@SHOTOFYAGER: NEW PODCAST UP!! Check out our latest MASSIVE episode of #ChallengeMania featuring highlights from our chats w/ @cliff_hogg @TheMarkLong @mtvrrdarrell & @KellyAnneJudd! This is what @DerrickMTV & I do every week in THE MAD HOUSE! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?i=1000473085031
@JenniferWestOf1: Awesome figures! Thanks to the viewers for putting up with us 🙌🏼
@LurkerTweets: Rumor has it that “superfans” have been contacted for something on MTV... And don’t worry, me and @GamerVev said yes.
@BytesPodcast: Needing some quarantine content? Check out some of our interviews below(click the link) we have all the favorites!!! @ThatCoral @MissArissa @KendalSheppard @TinaBarta @AbramBoise @ToriFiorenza @thegreysauce @AneesaMTV @KatieCooley26 @NehemiahMTV https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/bytes-podcast/id1335474077?mt=2
- @KendalSheppard: Love love LOVE this podcast. I love how relaxed and authentic the interviews are. ❤❤
@DJMelReeves: Is anyone else having really strange dreams during this lockdown?
@JennaCompono: This quarantine sucks. Our engagement party just got rescheduled again, kids are missing out on their senior years, first time mothers can’t have anyone in the hospitals with them etc, a lot of FIRSTS and ONLYS are being taken from us unfortunately..Stay strong everyone! 🙏🏼
@ChallengeMTV: "Madness" always seems to ensue with these two... #TheChallegne35 http://mtv.com/news/3162943/challenge-total-madness-jordan-wes-fight/
@ChallengeMTV: The hit heard round the world. #TheChallenge35
- @Coach_Mike11: ROGAN SMASH lol sheesshhhh ESPN Top 10 hit @Rogan_OConnor
@ChallengeMTV: Kailah and Bear share a cheeky little kiss. Face throwing a kiss #TheChallenge35
@theikawong: I wanna thank @BayleighDaily and @SwaggyCTV for joining me yesterday! And I just wanna say, Bayleigh is stunning!!!!!! Absolutely gorgeous. Swaggy you aiight too lol #TheChallenge35 #TheChallengeTotalMadness
@deenguyenMTV: Who made this? I have questions @WestonBergmann @NehemiahMTV @georgiaharisonx @KyleCGShore @JenniferWestOf1
@ChallengeMTV: Josh has a rivalry with Wes but, Wes couldn't care less. #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: You knew a middle school sleepover was about to be lit when the Ouija Board came out.
@ChallengeMTV: What’s Kyle thinking about? #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Rogan finally gets his chance to go down to Purgatory and battle Jay. #TheChallenge35
@SHOTOFYAGER: This week’s podcast is with @DJMelReeves & it is awesome! #TheChallenge35 #ChallengeMania
@SHOTOFYAGER: 🎙NEW PODCAST UP!🎙 @MTVASHLEYBROOKE makes her triumphant return to #ChallengeMania to break down her time on #TheChallenge35 w/ me & @DerrickMTV as well as catch us up since her last time on the podcast, including Final Reckoning, WOTW & WOTW2! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149#episodeGuid=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.spreaker.com%2Fepisode%2F26320709
@SHOTOFYAGER: NEW PODCAST UP! Want a #ChallengeMania Podcast that feels like FOUR?! @DerrickMTV & I were joined by @TheMarkLong @cliff_hogg @mtvrrdarrell & @KellyAnneJudd! Check it out! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?i=1000473085031
@WellsAdams: One week away! Set your DVR’s for #WorstCooks on @FoodNetwork! Also, apparently I’m Wolverine, but just not as grate...
- @johnnybananas: @WellsAdams Just a bit cheesier
@johnnybananas: Sundays will NEVER be the same •Don't miss the season premiere of Worst Cooks next Sunday 9/8c only on @FoodNetwork #ChefBananas
@SonjatMorgan: Who’s watching next Sunday on @FoodNetwork Some of me and @johnnybananas will crack you up Love my girls @bridgeteverett and #robingivens Had a greeeat tiiiime Woman dancing #toasterovenlovin
@ChallengeMTV: The Challenge Bunker is already an iconic crib. Show off your iconic crib on @TikTok using #MyCrib and the official sound and stickers! https://tiktok.com/tag/mycrib
@FloribamaShore: Y’all this might be our favorite shore crib ever! Show off your crib using #MyCrib and the official sound and stickers on @tiktok! https://tiktok.com/tag/mycrib
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Top 10 Best Designed Eliminations in MTV Challenge History https://t.co/HudHv4na6c?amp=1
- @caseyboguslaw: @TheAllanAguirre Allan is killing it and I don’t believe anyone out there is doing a better job covering the Challenge. Must follow for any Challenge fan - Twitter and Medium.
@TheAllanAguirre: Easily one of the HARDEST eliminations ever. People don't realize that in Challenge history, Bananas and Derrick are probably 2 of the 5 players most built to succeed in this, and they looke fucking gassed by the end of this. The pure of amount cardio and balance needed is wild
- @DerrickMTV: You ever push yourself so hard you feel like you might piss yourself...?
@tori_deal: You are worthy of self love and feeling good about yourself. That is a basic human right.
@EricBanks: Thank God Cinco de Mayo is tomorrow! Nothing like a good ole fashioned American holiday to bring us together again!
@MattieLBreaux: He said he had that drive dat I liked.. shit made me carsick
@Rogan_OConnor: Possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever seen @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: This week on #TheChallenge35 it's time for the Challengers to put the pedal to the METAL.
@SHOTOFYAGER: NEW PODCAST UP!! Just in time for (our) Mother’s Day! @DJMelReeves joins me & @DerrickMTV on #ChallengeMania to talk #TheChallenge35, competing while pregnant, how & when she found out, what plans she has for her future superstar of a daughter & MORE! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149#episodeGuid=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.spreaker.com%2Fepisode%2F26659721
@SwaggyCTV: @JennaCompono Listen, I felt this in my soul. We know how it is in there. It’s insane. Shit happens.Worst thing is when fans hold stuff over you from shit years ago.Ppl bring up a Bayleigh fight on Big Brother w/ Tyler and it’s like .. that was 2 yrs ago? We’re passed it? Stay up Jenna
@tori_deal: It was @jordan_wiseley idea to donate all these masks. Getting pics like these back make me so proud!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: When you look back at quarantine will you look back and be proud of what you accomplished? Did you learn something new? Did you work on your health (mental & physical)? Did you hold your loved ones tight??
@ChallengeMTV: The Challengers must climb down a MOVING rig to retrieve their puzzle pieces. The fastest team to grab their pieces and solve their puzzle will secure their spots in the tribunal! The Challenge: Total Madness premieres WEDNESDAY at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge35
- @Jontheprincess: I never knew @SwaggyCTV was a addition the challenge needed. #GreatCompetitor
@BayleighDaily: THIS WEEKS EPISODE OF THE CHALLENGE: I am already gearing up for the questions. There is SO MUCH that is going down in this episode! I can’t wait to see how it actually plays out. Experiencing it is one sided, I want to know ALL of what was said and done. #thechallenge35
@BayleighDaily: Thanking God for @CBSBigBrother ! It really changed my life ! I have met the most amazing people, gained the best friends, gotten incredible opportunities and gained the most wonderful fans! Soooo blessed ! This is only the beginning but I am GRATEFUL !
@MattieLBreaux: One for me, one for you Face with tongue #CincoAtHome
@afterbuzztv: It's been tough times for many because of The #coronavirus pandemic, so @deenguyenmtv and @westonbergmann are doing something special for some frontline and health care workers in Kansa City. The Challenge News Daily lets you know what these 2 Challenge Champs have in store.
@CSUGradAkirk: Shout out to all my friends that I made because of the challenge podcasts @StefCSanders @acenichols33 @AshleyWeitzel @JanelsStudio @vixxy2201 @regphalange_ @dc408dxtr such a rough time today after hearing about the loss of our friend today
@johnnybananas: Imagine if you would a world where Cinco de Mayo falls on Taco Tuesday only to be canceled by a virus named after a Mexican beer.... Welcome my friends to the Twilight Zone #CincoDeMayo #CincoAtHome #TwilightZone
@KirkMedas: It’s cinco de Mayo... on taco Tuesday....and we can’t celebrate accordingly. This is torture
- @MattieLBreaux: @KirkMedas What is happening lol
@ChallengeMTV: Jenna doesn't know if she should stay or go. See what she decides TOMORROW on The Challenge: Total Madness at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge35
@deenguyenMTV: Best caption wins a prize! #TheChallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@SHOTOFYAGER: Time to get @BradFiorenza’s thoughts on #TheChallenge35! He’ll be joining me & @DerrickMTV in THE MAD HOUSE tomorrow night after Total Madness! Exclusive to THE POD SQUAD!
@saniacpodcast: Interviewing one of our favorite @ChallengeMTV imports this Friday. If you’ve listened to our show, you’ve heard us talk about how much we love @xZahida #TheChallenge #TotalMadness
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Top 10 Infamous Affairs and Indiscretions in MTV Challenge History https://t.co/OrfJbLwaUx?amp=1
@kailah_casillas: Kansas City livin @SamRobertBird
@deenguyenMTV: What’s good Kansas City?! #kansascity #QuarantineLifeBeLike
@kmacisco: I had a dream I was in Kansas City with Kailah Sam Nany Wes and Dee. God, someone put on mtv
@JennaCompono: Soul full of sunshine
@johnnybananas: *Has one watermelon Margarita #CincoAtHome #CincoDeMayo
@johnnybananas: SPANKIN NEW VIDEO Dropping TOMORROW (Subscribe) http://Youtube.com/johnnybananas 🏜 #bananastravels @morgan_willett #socialdistancing #quarantinelife
- @morgan_willett: @johnnybananas “I’m going to get some fire instagram photos” is my excuse for just about everything
@NataliaNegrotti: HAPPY 5 de MAYOOOO! From the Negrotti sisters. Here’s how to make a healthy 5 de Mayo Margarita https://youtu.be/mtB-X3T58uk
@ChallengeMTV: #TheChallenge35 is in FULL swing.
@itskcheyenne: I have to figure out a way to get Ryder to sleep in her bed. She has to be the most disrespectful sleeper it’s CRAZY
@itskcheyenne: Teen Mom is back on tonight with a new episode @TeenMom @MTV
@itskcheyenne: "@sammmijayyy: looks like Ryder is all ready to go off to college saying goodbye to @itskcheyenne like that! you poor mom 🤷🏼♀️ #TeenMomOG" RT She’s so ready it’s so sad
@itskcheyenne: Watching @DouthitKenzie segments tonight and I just couldn’t imagine.. my heart goes out to you and allowing them to film while you grief.. I believe you are truly helping someone 🙏🏾 #TeenMomOG
@BayleighDaily: @SwaggyCTV is going to be the best father ever Red heart I can’t wait to have his babies
@ChallengeMTV: The Challengers check in with their loved ones back home in this deleted scene from last week's episode! (Hi Joss!) The Challenge: Total Madness premieres TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge35
- @Rogan_OConnor: @ChallengeMTV Deleted scene of me calling my secret girlfriend back home
- @joss_mooney: @ChallengeMTV Oh hi...🙋🏻♂️👋🏼
@joss_mooney: I hope you are in good health! Smile, good times are coming...Grinning face with smiling eyes👊🏼 #positivevibes #smile #behappy #behealthy #quarantinelife
@FamousBirthdays: @MattieLBreaux Wishing you a special day! Happy Birthday!
@JoshMurray81 Josh/Party Down South: Perty good representation of our friendship. Mattie Daddy lookin fantastic and me tryin to make her smile! Happy Birthday Mattie Daddy!!! I love you and can’t wait to see what ya do next!
@DJTrip_HModel: Happy Birthday @MattieLBreaux
@S3R1US_BL4CK: Happy Birthday @MattieLBreaux we need one more season of Party Down South. Maybe even a crossover with Jersey Shore lol.
@MattieLBreaux: The amount of love today is .... Indescribable
@MattieLBreaux: My IG story bout to be hella long. Feel free to just swipe
@WillOglesbee: @MattieLBreaux happy birthday hope you have great birthday Mattie!!!
@codibutts: Happy birthday @MattieLBreaux!
- @MattieLBreaux: @codibutts I love u
@LP1822: Happy birthday to Party Down South to The Challenge to Floribama Shore the one and only @MattieLBreaux enjoy your day the best you can
@MattieLBreaux: So much love today OMG
@ETCanada: .@MTVASHLEYBROOKE joins @theikawong on Reality Roundup, recalling when she was in a similar position to that of @Rogan_OConnor and @Jay__Qs that led to last week's crazy cliffhanger on #TheChallenge35 Check out the full interview: https://youtube.com/watch?v=3oRTeAZzkIU
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I love ika and canada so much 👸🏽
- @Rogan_OConnor: Love you Cashley
@CamilaMTV: Humpday mood got a #savethedate for y’all >https://instagram.com/p/B_2pfYsJWhm/?igshid=ba6rxoyl0tac #genderrevealparty
@deenguyenMTV: Challenge fever is at an all time high tonight! I’ll be watching in nervous anticipation tonight! Who do you want to win? Tag them below @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@DerrickMTV: Happy Early Mum’s Day!! Late Mum’s Day if you’re in the UK! - NEW PODCAST feat @DJMelReeves IS UP!! AND YES, she talks about being preggers on @ChallengeMTV?!! -Take a Listen as Me and @SHOTOFYAGER get the INSIDE SCOOP! #TheChallenge35 https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2
@tori_deal: Tonight’s challenge was SOOO MUCH FUN! Tune into the @ChallengeMTV to watch us do some Fast and Furious shitttttt
- @AneesaMTV: @tori_deal @ChallengeMTV It also was so f’n cold
- @tori_deal: @AneesaMTV @ChallengeMTV God we ran in the tent like 20 times lol. You saved my soul that day haha like always
- @AneesaMTV: @tori_deal @ChallengeMTV Anything for my girl!!!
@_nelsonthomas: Who’s ready for @ChallengeMTV 8/7c to night ? LegGo #challenge35 #TotalMadness
@theogbig_t: Yaaay today challenge day. This challenege was on of the best experiences in my LIFFEEEEEEE @ChallengeMTV @MTV #TheChallenge35
@deenguyenMTV: #BossBitchFightChallenge @ChallengeMTV Watch all the badass women of the Challenge on my instagram https://instagram.com/tv/B_24UGRFTcN/?igshid=15zfnnibteyy0
@ChallengeMTV: Bear's romantic surprise for Kailah doesn't exactly go as planned... See what happens TONIGHT on The Challenge: Total Madness at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge35
@MattieLBreaux: It’s @ChallengeMTV Day! New episode tonight 8/7c on @MTV #TheChallenge35
@CardiBrie: Happy Birthday to my favorite Cajun @MattieLBreaux !!! I hope you have the greatest day ever sugar!
@fessyfitness: Tonight on mtv 8/7 c I’m hanging off a damn moving semi truck
@tori_deal: In honor of Challenge Wednesday’s here’s some of your fav female competitors doing the #bossbitchchallenge
- @Kmorrisx: @tori_deal Love you girls x
@DerrickMTV: You think you know?!! Find out what REALLY got this Feud a Flutter, and TONS MORE! - NEW PODCAST! @DJMelReeves joins Me and @SHOTOFYAGER! Game Day! #ChallengeMania #TheChallenge35 @ChallengeMTV - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/challenge-mania/id1204429149?mt=2
@JOSHMBB19: It’s Challenge Day!!! 🤘🏽🙌🏽 This challenge was sick Af felt like a stunt guy on the fast the furious. Had to collect Jigsaw pieces flying of the sides of a moving semi truck. See how it all plays out tonight 8/7c on @mtv #thechallenge35
@johnnybananas: Original Prankster or Relationship Expert? You decide • ALL NEW @ChallengeMTV TONIGHT 8/7c @MTV #IamTheChallenge #bananasdoingthings #thechallenge35
@CoryWharton: The sisters have LINKED UP FINALLY Ryder K & Mila Mae - The Wharton Family
@drerdz99: Is it just me or does anyone else feel emotionally involved with @ChallengeMTV ??!! Maybe I’m a sucker but seeing cast members cry or feel isolated on screen breaks mr every Szn (especially when I’ve met them irl.) #TheChallenge35 tonight might be a hard one
@drerdz99: Before anyone comes at me saying I’m ONLY defending @kailah_casillas bc I’m a stan, NOT IT. She’s an adult and human ON REALITY TV. It’s “GROWN MEN” on @ChallengeMTV that act out of pocket. Why do the women always get shit. 🤦🏻♂️
@RachD1214: Part of Wes vs CT uncensored! I thought I posted this before, but how do you all feel about this fight and who side are you on? #TheChallenge35
@RachD1214: I'm just having fun posting uncensored content. Here was the overnight challenge in Rivals, where Leroy, Bananas, Evelyn, Kenny and Cara Maria complain about it and explain about the show "Survivor". #TheChallenge35 @johnnybananas @KennySantucci @EvelynMcLaren5 @Bruce_Lee85
@RachD1214: Why wasn't these released before MTV... We need more photos posted like these, because they was way better then the ones that the cast was revealed with... (From TC stories) #TheChallenge35 @MTV @ChallengeMTV @WestonBergmann @TylerDuckMTV @theresa_m_jones @NaomiMTV
@mtvcanada: "The hit heard 'round the world." Watch the conclusion of #TheChallenge35's "Fireball" elimination between @Jay__Qs and @Rogan_OConnor TONIGHT at 8e/5p! Catch up: http://MTV.ca/Challenge
@Kmorrisx: People inspire you or drain you.......This woman has inspired me since the day we met. So super proud of her new business @xZahida
@ChallengeFanOG: Shout out to @KendalSheppard & @MTV_AMANDAG #NationalNursesDay 🙏🏼👩🏼⚕️👩🏻⚕️💪🏼
@JenniferWestOf1: Trying to stay awake for #TheChallengeTotalMadness .... probably shouldn't have gotten into bed and turned the light off
@ChallengeMTV: You've never seen the Bananas Backpack like THIS before! Waving hand Create your own Challenge art using the #AloneTogether coloring book and tag us in your creations! We may repost you. https://alonetogethercoloringbook.com/pages
@ChallengeMTV: Happy Birthday to one of the most fearless, badass competitors around @MattieLBreaux! Help her celebrate by watching #TheChallenge35 TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv!
- @MattieLBreaux: @ChallengeMTV Awe thanks
@johnnybananas: The Kiss of Death Kiss / cc: @kailah_casillas•@stephen_bear @ChallengeMTV #BearTrap #thechallenge35 #FastAndFurious
@theikawong: Shout out to @MTVASHLEYBROOKE for joining me for an interview! She had me laughing the whole time lol
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @theikawong i love her so much!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Yall ready?!? #thechallenge35
► AS THEY SAW IT: "Love Will Tear Us Apart"
@ChallengeMTV: This challenge is so SICK you know the bonus GoPro footage is going to be good! Who's footage do you want to see? #TheChallenge35
- Tori 45.1% / Bayleigh 19.3% / Nany 35.6% 3,184 votes · Final results
@deenguyenMTV: Let’s go @ChallengeMTV @JenniferWestOf1 #TheChallenge35
@SwaggyCTV: JAY IS A F*CKING FIGHTER. #TheChallenge35
@JOSHMBB19: Proud of jay and all the heart he showed this elimination 👏🏽 #thechallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Fuck. Props to jay!!! #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Round 2 here we GO. #TheChallenge35 (GIF of TJ Lavin blowing his horn)
@theogbig_t: Yasss jay, gets knocked down but stands up again! 👏🏿👏🏿 #TheChallenge35
@BayleighDaily: Watching @Jay__Qs right now is breaking my heart ! Poor thing #thechallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: He tried to shoot the ball... @Rogan_OConnor I actually did win by shooting a medicine ball in one time 🤷🏼♀️
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Champs vs pros!!! Against Ashley K
@fessyfitness: Great run jay 👏🏽 Rookie of the year? Eyes
@Dashing_TV: Shoutout to my man Jay, I hate it had to be him. #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Red Skull count: #TheChallenge35 (GIF of congrats)
- ☠ Dee / ☠ Jenny / ☠ Rogan
- @Rogan_OConnor: Love you Brother... #TheChallenge35
@NataliaNegrotti: Omg @Jay__Qs I AM SO PROUD OF U PAPI!!!!!!
- @Jay__Qs: @NataliaNegrotti Thank besutiful.
@TheMarkLong: Hell of a run @Jay__Qs @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@Jay__Qs: Dream. DREAM BIG FUCKING CRAZY DREAMS! Once you do that, make a one way plan and don’t stop til you accomplish them. You are able to achieve anything and don’t ever let anyone tell you… https://instagram.com/p/B_3a9nTAXv25ewDfLpTq6E0Ze43wP0gDV4i5No0/?igshid=1d14houlucnaf
@JOSHMBB19: Respect to both Rogan and jay they both showed heart in that elimination way to fight 🙌🏽👊🏽 #thechallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: When my crush is one of the first five people to watch my Insta story. #TheChallegne35 (GIF: Bear - "I've also won a certain girl's heart")
@ChallengeMTV: My sweatpants when they see me reach for jeans for the first time in 50 days. #TheChallenge35 (GIF: Nelson - "What are you doing?")
@RyanJohn___: Live look at @Rogan_OConnor right now #TheChallenge35
@Rogan_OConnor: People need to stop making these #TheChallenge35
@BayleighDaily: Poor Jenna ! That bunker was bad enough, the challenge is hard enough, to deal with personal stuff back home at the same time is TOO MUCH #thechallenge35
@AneesaMTV: I hate watching @JennaCompono cry. It hurts my heart
@TheMarkLong: Here is a dating tip everyone...don’t ask for your significant other’s social media passwords. Believe in the now. Live in the moment not the past. Don’t fish for ways to ruin a great thing. Trust the process and embrace the future #godfather @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Jewel on the soundtrack #TheChallenge35
@_nelsonthomas: I’m just going leave this here.....#TheChallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@deenguyenMTV: I want my life to be full of girlfriends like Nany Smiling face @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: The Barbie beast did NOT come this far to go home now. #TheChallenge35 (GIF: Nany - "If she leaves it is going to be something she'll regret for years to come")
@johnnybananas: The only thing this scene is missing is @SarahMcLachlan with a stray dog #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@ChallengeMTV: "Hey MTV welcome to my crib, this is where the magic happens." #TheChallenge35 (GIF: Bear - "Things go down in here")
@JOSHMBB19: Wes and johhny as a duo are terrifying & chaotic Af 🤦🏽♂️ #TheChallenge35
@johnnybananas: B + K - M = ❤ (You do the math) #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Watch out Bobby, Wes and Bananas are coming for your gig. #TheChallenge35 (Video clip of them)
@D_Salina27: Bananas pot-stirring alone: funny as hell. Bananas and Wes together: next level @johnnybananas @WestonBergmann #TheChallenge35
@Jenifersays20: The Perfect Match made in heaven. The alliance I’ve been waiting on for years . @johnnybananas @WestonBergmann #TheChallenge35
@BayleighDaily: Wes and Bananas are out of control ! #TheChallenge35
@fessyfitness: Tori a damn shark for these red skulls @tori_deal #thechallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Same energy. #TheChallegne35 (Side by side pic of Bear and a Pokemon character)
@Jay__Qs: Until next time @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge35 oh and in case I don’t see ya. “Good afternoon, Good evening and Goodnight!”
- @PaulCalafiore_: @Jay__Qs Great run brother 🤘🏼
@johnnybananas: Anyone need their room decorated? #thechallenge35
- @SwaggyCTV: @johnnybananas you guys are HELL
- @AneesaMTV: @johnnybananas Nope!!!
- @CaptainCons: @johnnybananas Buddy I’m going nuts staring at my room the last two months. Send some ideas please
- @johnnybananas: @CaptainCons Do you by any chance have any 8x10's of your ex? #Fab2 #TheChallenge35
@Jay__Qs: "@Alexblondie22: The best part of the most recent @ChallengeMTV was @tjlavin says to @Jay__Qs , “we will DEFINITELY be seeing you in the future please come back and knock Rogan off his pedestal #TheChallengeTotalMadness Skull" RT I do remember that much haha @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge35
@Jay__Qs: "@moregoddess: @Jay__Qs @ChallengeMTV CEO of having an undefeated 2-0 record " RT I agree haha ;) sorry @Rogan_OConnor my brain beat me lol. But congrats on ur skull welcome to the club. ....... finally.
@fessyfitness: Caption this #thechallenge35
- @ChallengeMTV: My family judging me for making a cocktail at noon. #TheChallenge35
@fessyfitness: Bear really don’t give a Fck bout anything lol
@deenguyenMTV: Remember everything you see on TV only gives you a glimpse of someone’s life. Stay strong @JennaCompono! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@allrealitychat: Swaggy & Bayleigh starting they reign! Here we go, we love the power couple #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Go get your skull! #TheChallenge35 (GIF: Bayleigh - "I'm not scared")
@Rogan_OConnor: DID SOMEONE SAY REMATCH???!!!@Jay__Qs @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35 #AllLove (GIF of them giving toast)
@ChallengeMTV: .... Savage #TheChallenge35 (GIF: TJ - "Was I wrong?")
@KristinPropst1: TJ is the most savage person to ever be apart of @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@BayleighDaily: I ride hard for my city ! #KansasCityMo Alliance ! #TheChallenge35
@CoryWharton: Why does everybody think their alliances are a secret lmao we called that shit out day 1 #TheChallenge35
- @fessyfitness: @CoryWharton facts
- @JOSHMBB19: @CoryWharton Preach brotha
- @MattieLBreaux: @CoryWharton lessss GEAUX #TheChallenge35
@Rogan_OConnor: Here’s to skating to finals and beating up kids half my size #Cheers #TheChallenge35
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @Rogan_OConnor Love you boo
@SwaggyCTV: Ohhhhh they show the Swayleigh and Wes Bergmann friendship 🤘🏾 We lived in Missouri for a year. Constant dinners, meetings. Way before the challenge even started. That’s my guy 🤘🏾 A lot deeper than just THAT but I’ll just say that for now lol #TheChallenge35
- @ChallengeMTV: @SwaggyCTV the LAYERS #TheChallenge35
@theogbig_t: Who’s wasn’t in a secret alliance with Wes this season? I’ve had to bring my notebook out whilst watching tonight’s ep #TheChallenge35
@JOSHMBB19: TJ calling everybody out this szn. Savage #thechallenge35
@johnnybananas: SPANKIN NEW VIDEO Watch what happens when Quarantine meets Glamping... Time to take take Social Distancing to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!!! https://youtu.be/ZALKlUGl8ao • @morgan_willett #bananasdoingthings #socialdistancing #quarantinelife
@kailah_casillas: "@nanyy_casillass: Oop Kailah name is trending. Queen did that #TheChallenge35" RT Jesus
@ChallengeMTV: It's an #F9 inspired Challenge so you know we had to go BIG. #TheChallenge35 (GIF: TJ - "Fast and furious")
@ChallengeMTV: Hey Nany were you a stunt woman in your past life?? #TheChallenge35 (GIF of her reaching puzzle piece)
@xo_queenjessie: Wow look at Nany working #TheChallenge35
@WestonBergmann: I hope we did the guys over at Queer Eye proud! #TheChallenge35
@GamerVev: Yasss Bay! Support your man! #TheChallenge35
@GamerVev: King Swaggy period 🗣🗣🗣 #TheChallenge35
@_nelsonthomas: I think @BayleighDaily eye roll said it all... #TheChallenge35
- @BayleighDaily: @_nelsonthomas Nelson I cant wait to see you go
@allrealitychat: bayleigh and swaggy bruh >>>> breath of fresh air! We needed them now that Day said fuck the Challenge #TheChallenge35
@WestonBergmann: Yes! The Kansas City, Missouri alliance! @BayleighDaily @SwaggyCTV Is it fair to say that KC might very well be the capital of reality television right now?
- @SwaggyCTV: @WestonBergmann Lmaoooo anybody who acts like they knew about us (besides JOSH) is a flat out liar. Let’s workkkkkk OG Wait til they find out why we’re really close #TheChallenge35
@deenguyenMTV: Me watching the Tribunal slip away from my fingers @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: If @TheFastSaga needs some more stunt people, we have a few contenders in mind! #F9 (GIF of Jordan and Nany)
@BayleighDaily: @theogbig_t low key has a fatty TonguePeach
- @theogbig_t: @BayleighDaily Hahaha
@Rogan_OConnor: Not being funny, @Jay__Qs would of been amazing at this challenge 🤷🏽♂️ #Whoops #TheChallenge35
- @Jay__Qs: @Rogan_OConnor Jealous.
@JOSHMBB19: Fuck I really messed that one up 🤦🏽♂️ #thechallenge35
- @fessyfitness: (GIF: "Open your eyes")
- @JOSHMBB19: @fessyfitness Bruh 🤦🏽♂️Face with tears of joy
@_whitneyAM: @BayleighDaily and @SwaggyCTV are the epitome of soulmates. I loveee it #TheChallenge35
@theogbig_t: @KyleCGShore best partner to do a challenge with #TheChallenge35
@fessyfitness: Big t and Kyle as teammates is hilarious
@JOSHMBB19: My adrenaline was wired and a simple mistake cost us that win. production told us me and tori had the fastest time still bummed about that damn Jigsaw🤦🏽♂️ #thechallenge35
@SHOTOFYAGER: @TheMarkLong But what if you’re tasked with posting for them while they’re gone? #TheChallenge35 #ChallengeMania
- @TheMarkLong: @SHOTOFYAGER This is where TRUST takes over. Do the posting task...don’t snoop in the DM’s...doing that wasn’t probably on the task list.
@JOSHMBB19: Me as soon as heard TJ say I dropped the Jigsaw 🤦🏽♂️ #TheChallenge35
@Jay__Qs: That taxi is forgettable..... but I’m not ;) #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV @Rogan_OConnor
@ShotOfDiesel: I don’t think anyone has more heart than Tori this season. She wants to compete and performs so well. I love seeing this side of her #TheChallenge35 @tori_deal
@ChallengeMTV: My reaction when I run into someone from high school. #TheChallenge35 (GIF: Aneesa - "That's how I feel")
@theogbig_t: feeeeeling extremely lucky I was paired with Kyle right now. He uplifted and supported me throughout the experience. We didn’t complete the puzzle but we have the BEST time. #TheChallenge35
@fessyfitness: That last piece was a bihhhhh wasn’t it @CoryWharton
@TheRightReality: What I'm like telling people to watch #TheChallenge35 @mtv @ChallengeMTV @jordan_wiseley @TheOfficial_CT
@fessyfitness: Ay yo @ChallengeMTV you got anymore of that screen time
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @fessyfitness @ChallengeMTV Oh my god
@SwaggyCTV: Fyi. Melissa Reeves is pregnant doing this. Queen. #TheChallenge35
@jordan_wiseley: "@mike_ovo3: How is @jordan_wiseley so badass?! He’s not even using his hands to hold onto the side! @tori_deal you guys are both badass together #TheChallenge35" RT I dabble in controlling the force sometimes 🖐🏽
@AneesaMTV: @fessyfitness @ChallengeMTV @CoryWharton Thank you for having my back!!!!
@fessyfitness: Lmao don’t get it twisted Nelson my brother! Just don’t want him spazzing in front of everybody on a girls day. Longevity my brudda ✊🏽
@ChallengeMTV: (Clapping hands sign emoji 4x) #TheChallenge35 (GIF: Kaycee - "I was made for this")
@_nelsonthomas: I was the biggest cheerleader for my partner before the challenge bc I know she was nervous. Even though I think she threw the challenge, I still shouldn’t handle it like that. I apologize @AneesaMTV #ihatetolose Going live on IG after #thechallenge35
- Threw challenge 6.2% / Didn’t threw challenge 93.8% 745 votes · Final results
@AneesaMTV: Totally fucked my head up dropping that piece. Slamming into the truck was def a catalyst in throwing my whole shit off. Def was not an easy loss to take
@ChallengeMTV: Now THAT is what we mean when we say a ride or die! #F9 #TheChallenge35 (GIF: Bananas with Melissa - "This girl's fast, and I'm furious")
@BayleighDaily: Jordan told me to go all the way up. I actually had 2 pieces left . I hung off the truck at the top to grab one. #TheChallenge35
@BayleighDaily: Every time I put up a piece, he took it down and said “no that’s not it”. So much anxiety. #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: "@RyanJohn___: Melissa is scaling the side of a moving semi while pregnant, meanwhile I don’t even like taking a walk when I’m bloated #TheChallenge35" RT Straight FACTS. #TheChallenge35
@emilylongeretta: Aneesa when Nelson won’t stop telling her she’s got it before the #thechallenge35 comp starts
@pan14: Firstly, I am totally down for the @realjohnnybananas and @westonbergmann dream team. Secondly, I take no responsibilty for this art, other than having designed, drawn and posted it. My wife @uberpippi insisted that I had to finish her vision of her new fav fanfic #wananas
@jordan_wiseley: I don’t throw anything, period. That’s all that really needs to be said about that. Bay and I are friends and have nothing but love for each other. This crap happens when we’re all under constant stress and we chalk it up to the game. All love for my girl @BayleighDaily
@BayleighDaily: He literally said “follow my instructions” & we will win. Said go all the way up. I was TRYING TO LISTEN.I was made to look like I was incompetent. Nany did AMAZING, so did jordan. we had SO much time for the puzzle even with me “missing a piece”. just frustrated #TheChallenge35
@BayleighDaily: @jordan_wiseley and I are friends. We clashed a lot in the beginning because I though he was condescending. I fought back. He had no choice to respect me & he did ! So we’re good now. #TheChallenge35
@johnnybananas: CHALLENGE FACT: @DJMelReeves and I actually won this Challenge, but producers disqualified us for having a 3rd person on our team #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
- @DJMelReeves: @johnnybananas FACTS
@ChallengeMTV: 🗣 WE LOVE TO SEE IT! #TheChallenge35 (GIF: Jenna - "I just want to prove to everyone that I'm here to fight and I want to win")
@theogbig_t: @BayleighDaily love you Queen
@theogbig_t: OMG did you see the clip of what’s coming later on this season!! My hearts in my mouth !! #TheChallegne35
@theogbig_t: "@everybody911: Yo every episode of @ChallengeMTV I fall in love with @theogbig_t more and more she is adorable and her voice like how can you dislike her she’s the best #challenge35" RT Thank you my lovely
@JOSHMBB19: Fans really out here critizing our performance on this challenge. How in the hell do you train to jump of the side of a semi truck still proud that my team managed to somewhat solve the Jigsaw can only learn from my mistakes and get better. Till next week 🤘🏽 #thechallenge35
@johnnybananas: The linkup we always knew we needed @ChallengeMTV #fastandfurious https://t.co/yDNdcac4p7?amp=1
@deenguyenMTV: My heart is so full! Thank you to every Kansas City local hero that have helped me feel so at home! #QuarentineLife #KansasCity #ThankYouNurses
@jordan_wiseley: "@jonmosales: @jordan_wiseley Can’t help it with you looking like a Bond villain" RT This challenge was made for my style
@kailah_casillas: "@challenge_stan: Episode 6 Extra http://mtv.com/video-clips/ub9ej0/the-challenge-total-madness-kailah-turns-to-her-parents-for-help" RT my parents have been on more MTV shows than the regular person, that’s for sure lol love them so much
@JennaCompono: The EXTREMELY negative things you are all saying stoops you lower than what you’re all preaching about. BYE TWITTER 👋🏼
@fessyfitness: Never fold under pressure I’m solid
@AmberJo30076691: I liked @BayleighDaily on big brother nd love her nd @SwaggyCTV on the challenge❤❤❤
@BayleighDaily: People are soooo fake. I’m so glad reality tv isn’t my life. My REAL life is amazing, I don’t have time for petty, period.
@TheAllanAguirre: When I got a concussion playing soccer, it was mild and in a familiar setting, so I was okay. Jay is concussed while standing in a Sand Pit, wearing a flame retardent suit, goggles, a helmet, and there's aman holding a fireball waiting to run at him. SCARY. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: What's awesome about Jay is he brought back Old School VIbes. And not the gross Frat Boy/Rapey vibes of the Old School. He's the guy you want to Drink a Beer with and then maybe also run a final with. The guy is dope AF and has an actual personality.#TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: The girls in the Challenge house looking at Jenna like a Free Red Skull #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Here's where the line is crossed for me. Pranks are funny, but Wes went into Kailah's bed, grabbed a personal belonging, took the picture of her and the soundcloud guy. You don't fuck w people's personal belongings. Especially for a 10 second joke.#TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Bear looked genuinely sorry. This is the first I've ever thought Bear might actually be a human. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Ya fucking hate to see it. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Jenna hasn't had a normal season of the Challenge in 5 fucking years and now that she has a shot to be her best-self, this selfish asshole is upset about her having sex during a time they were broken up. THEY WERE BROKEN UP BECAUSE HE CHEATED ON AND GHOSTED HER #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: NANY GONZALEZ. THAT'S THE TWEET. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Wes telling Swayleigh that they are safe right now because of him even though he's been in zero tribunals and they got 4 combined already is top tier stuff. Please never change. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: When Nany plays with someone much better than her, she is able to keep up the pace. Her biggest fault is she doesn't always push herself hard enough when it's just her. The girl actually has legitimate potential, it's sad that she doesn't always see it. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Kaycee deciding her only confessionals this season will be explaining the daily challenges #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Mattie has to step it up at some point. She is talented, she is athletic, and has the ability to do well. You're 6'0 tall, you're supposed dominate this daily challenge, and you and your partner can't get the first part done. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Nelson has had ATROCIOUS luck this season. Had he said privately/in confessional that he thought Aneesa threw the Challenge, it would have been a fun storyline. Instead, he decided to be a dickhead, curse out Aneesa, yell at Kailah, and show his whole ass. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Imma be real with you, if Aneesa randomly tweeted "HAHA I DID THROW THAT SHIT" it would be the funniest thing ever. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Melissa is killing daily challenges while pregnant, meanwhile, my friends and I will decide we're not playing basketball because it's a bit hot outside (pre covid). #TheChallenge35
@emilylongeretta: Uhhhh did Rogan win? Not sure he deserved that red skull... was kinda hoping TJ would pull a Fat Amy #TheChallenge35
@emilylongeretta: When even Cory is over Nelson’s shenanigans #thechallenge35
@murtzjaffer: Why do the reality gods punish us every Wednesday by scheduling #survivor against #thechallenge ?
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Challenge Total Madness Episode 6 Recap: Ten Biggest Takeaways #TheChallenge35 https://t.co/f6A1i8TXbf?amp=1
- @TheAllanAguirre: Sorry for keeping you waiting! Here is my Episode 6 Recap. I broke down the most interesting storylines from the episode. See if you agree/disagree. Things I breakdown: - Jenna and Zach's toxic relationship / - Bananas/Wes being corny / - Nany is a great friend #TheChallenge35
@shboogies: I’m confused by all the people saying Kailah deserves it, or is being a hypocrite - she’s admitted to cameras/cast the entire season that SHE ruined her relationship. She’s never once had excuses except to say things aren’t as perfect as they seem. #TheChallenge35
@saniacpodcast: So far this @ChallengeMTV season we have heard songs by Orgy, Linkin Park, Hole, Offspring, and Limp Biskit. My money is on Coal Chamber for next week. @SHOTOFYAGER @MTV #TotalMadness
@dc408dxnow: Decision: TJ tells Jay that is medically not cleared to continue and has to concede to Rogan by that technicality. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Jenna talking to Zach on the video chat, we of course know now that they are engaged. And last week, Bear brought to an end relationship back home for his latest hookup. And now we have to wonder what’s next there (though we know who she’s with now). #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Mr. Bear now coming up his latest plan, and now we have the new veteran bromance making a new love shack. And there they are again as they are making this new boom boom room in the bunker… #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Kailah now getting in on Bear for what happened there, and she is letting it out on him now. And there goes that relationship… #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: This challenge is inspired by the movie franchise Fast & Furious, and even a small mention of the F9 movie, which was to have been released this spring but of course that will have to wait bc of what’s going on now along with most major movies this year. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: There is clearly some dissent with Nelson and Aneesa after what happened there and of if she threw this on purpose. Kaycee & Bear, and JB & Mel now up.
@dc408dxnow: Well @freddurst, how is it like hearing @limpbizkit on this challenge? @MTVsoundtrack has been killing this with “Rollin’” playing in the background and it’s as if we’re on TRL once again.
@dc408dxnow: Bananas & Mel complete. And Bear & Kaycee do too… this has been a tough challenge and the fact they got to complete this is a win, even though only one team will be power team for the next week. Jordan & Bayleigh now have another shot. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Eight seconds separated the three teams who completed this: and Jordan’s 1st time with Nany holds up in the midst of what went on here. And she brings Jenna along to join the tribunal, as they got all the time to see which ladies will face off. Quite a night. #DCChallenge
@ChallengeMTV: A transglobal argument with her boyfriend is giving her second thoughts. #TheChallenge35 https://t.co/MLhZFpo8Tq?amp=1
@ChallengeMTV: If you thought things were crazy before, you ain't seen NOTHING yet! There's plenty more still to come this season on The Challenge: Total Madness. #TheChallenge35
@MattieLBreaux: Yesterday was incredible. Thanks for all the love
@itskcheyenne: Happy Birthday to one of my favorites!!! Love you enjoy your day sister @blacuesta
- @blacuesta: @itskcheyenne Thank you sister!!!! So proud of everything you have done & accomplished. amazing mother and friend that serves bawwwdy effortlessly
@jraeodell: A huge shoutout to @WestonBergmann @deenguyenMTV @kailah_casillas @NanyCarmenMTV @SamRobertBird for stopping by and saying hi.. even got a personal Mark Jansen song sang to us by the one and only @MTVDevinWalker! You guys do great things, thanks!
@JenniferWestOf1: Wait what happened last night? I fell asleep
@johnnybananas: Think you've seen the MADNESS We're just getting warmed up #IamTheChallenge #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@sKERTttt: @tjlavin hear me out. I’m 4’11 and < 110lbs so I feel like I would just get run over on the challenge. HOWEVER It’s a dream, so hire me as a bartender for the next house!!! I promise to cause so much drama and get them wasted @ChallengeMTV @MTV
@ChallengeMTV: Jay vs CT’s elimination became an instant-classic so we HAD TO recreate it on Animal Crossing! #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: TJ Lavin takes us behind the scenes of @TheFastSaga-inspired Challenge to see what goes into putting together a jaw-dropping, action-packed Challenge like this. #TheChallenge35
- @JOSHMBB19: @ChallengeMTV @TheFastSaga So sick 🙌🏽🤘🏽
@deenguyenMTV: I’m so excited to have these babes with me during quarantine. These stunners have made me feel so included and loved! @kailah_casillas #QuarantineLifeKC #KansasCity
@theikawong: Ok... So, Bayleigh is upset over a challenge outcome/loss. That’s a normal human emotion lol. Some people are making it into a way bigger deal lol. Just say, you’re looking for a reason to hate on her. #TheChallengeTotalMadness #TheChallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I want to talk about my outfit in my last episode of #thechallenge35. i just watched a clip. I was in an interview and from the boobs up it was cute, but it was cold hence the leggings. i had got home and started driving with the girls before getting extinguished, & changing
@LoveyStar: @ChallengeMTV I don't think these people listened when @tjlavin spoke and said they have to earn a skull to run the final. Tj throws them curveballs real quick that you never know when your chance is gone. They're playing a scared game! You'd think they would have learned by now.
@PaulCalafiore_: I can’t tell whether I’m watching The Challenge or a Sherwin-Williams commercial. All I see is two main characters and a whole lot of wallpaper 🤷🏼♂️💁🏼♂️ #TheChallenge35
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @PaulCalafiore_ Oh my God Weary face
@johnnybananas: If you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat •Catch me on Worst Cooks Celebrity Edition premiering this Sunday 9/8c on @FoodNetwork Hamburger #ChefBananas #cheflife #bananasdoingNEWthings
@MattieLBreaux: Just spreading some love today @BayleighDaily
@ChallengeMTV: You voted and here it is! Bonus footage from Tori's GoPro during Wednesday's Fast and Furious Challenge! #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Design code below so you can dress like a Challenger too! #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: .@TheFastSaga totally upped the ante by inspiring one of the most DANGEROUS Challenges we’ve ever had! The Challengers must work together to solve a puzzle all while hanging off the side of the LARGEST moving rig The Challenge has ever seen! #F9 #TheChallenge35
💥 💥 💥
So at the end of this Double Shot, we have Kailah and Bear hooking up in the shower and then a prank gone wrong with them... which as you might have realized led to her breaking up with her boyfriend of three years, a friend of Team MTV's in Mikey P. We also saw two thrilling challenges that saw Swayleigh continue their impressive run in the first, and then Jordan & Nany this week. There was Jenna dealing with what's been going on with Zach as this season takes place prior to what happened over Christmas, and the impressive rookie run for Jay comes to an end in him succumbing to Rogan in Balls In due to a medical reason there.
We'll have more on the WRAP in a few days including words from Jenna and from Kailah's now former man back home, plus a tribute to a member of our MTV Reality fandom who could not be with us to experience this exciting season of The Challenge. And just ahead, ExtraTime will catch up with the man who helped ease our now 2-time daddy into the The Challenge with his quirky outlook, and a member of last year's AYTO cast shares her harrowing experience battling the coronavirus.
But as we leave you for now, it's understandable that this pandemic caused by COVID-19 has caused a ripple effect on all of us, and many businesses & corporations have been hit by this - causing millions to not have a job once this is finally all over. And MTV's parent company, ViacomCBS, is not immune: this first week of May marked the last week of employment for some who have worked there for a long time, but who have nothing but memories of a time they'll never forget.
One of those is a man named Michael - social handle @thisismichaelnyc, who spent a dozen years at MTV most recently in the digital department, helping with the Twitter, Instagram & Facebook content for Floribama Shore and Siesta Key, and forging friendships with Gus, Nilsa, Juliette & the rest of our Florida friends. He was also the man who helped bring together two Siesta superfans, Tori Rios & Hunter Goodwin, with a free trip to New York to help launch Season 2 of their favorite show, and who have forged a lasting friendship because of the addictive drama they love, and who will now have some company on the couch when it returns a month & a week from now.
Chloe led the thank you's from the MTV family when she captioned on IG, "Michael, you have had such an impact on not only my life, but everyone on the entire cast. From the moment I met you I knew you’d be someone I’d hold near and dear to my heart. You have helped, altered, & influenced my life in more ways than you know - I’m not sure where I would even begin. One thing I will say is that Siesta Key would not be what it is today without you. Thank you for doing all that you’ve done these last 3 years & cheers to the bigger & better coming your way!"
Tori's fan account wrote, "Way back when, I was just a teen in her bedroom loving Mtv and all of its glory. A couple years later, I was flying to New York and running a fan page for my favorite show... living out one of my wildest dreams thanks to @thisismichaelnyc ❤️ it’s something I could never and will never forget. He made mine and @allaboutsiestakey dreams come true with the snap of his fingers and I have no words. He’s just the best. He really is. Michael, thank you for everything that you do and will continue to do for people like me, hunter, for casts of shows, for the FANS. Continue to shower the world with the love and generosity you gave to us. Continue to be the amazing person that you are. Always sending you love and positivity and hugs. You’re a legend. 💕🙌🏼"
And Hunter's @AllAboutSiestaKey hub added, "@thisismichaelnyc .. thank you for everything, thank you for making mine & @siestakey_mtv ‘s dreams come true.. you’re one of the hardest working men i’ve ever had the privilege of meeting! you’re so selfless & would do anything for anyone! — without you we would have never made it to New York (let alone AROUND a city we had never been to, you’re the best direction giver!) i wish you nothing but the best in your future! You rock❤️ You have made @siestakey ICONIC! ✨." And below, Michael offers his parting shots on his time at MTV, as we wish you a Happy Mother's Day weekend, and enjoy your Saturday everyone.
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