Saturday, May 23, 2020

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge Total Madness - "Live and Let Die"

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Hey here folks, and welcome to a summer unlike any other you have experienced in your lifetime, as we bring you Inside MTV Reality and DCBLOG's view of The Challenge: Total Madness. And on this Memorial Day Weekend, we have just about reached the halfway point of a game that's just starting to heat up as the mercury is rising outside your window including flirting with the 100 mark out on the west coast.

If you are one of those who are fond of the usual format of having a challenge and a full elimination shown in one whole episode, last week saw hopefully the last of those until we get to the final... and where Jordan, Nany & Jenna held power after they put up the top time in the last challenge. They had to sit through a tense nomination where Nelson laid a low blow on Kailah and where Nany herself had her latest blowup involving a cup of noodles. But with everything going on with her relationship with Zach, somehow Jenna pulled together and prove why they call her the "Barbie Beast" when she volunteered herself in and took out Tori in a close elimination to gain a skull.

Back last October at this point of War of the Worlds 2, Week 8 of USA v. Britain saw an elimination doubleheader where Love Islanders turned WOTW1 finalists Georgia & Theo advanced onward but it was Esther of British YouTube's BlkChatLDN who won our hearts. This week, it's a Double Shot in the purgatory once again as by night's end two men will have their journeys end, and it will be a classic game that awaits them in the latest chapter that is Pole Wrestle. Before that, the challengers have to deal with toxic chemicals and colors in doing some decontamination, while the other unholy alliance plots their own move to take over the game.

After the jump, it's the 'Pulse of Week 8 of Total Madness, as it's a week of double trouble aplenty in the world of the MTV Challenge. Thanks for joining us tonight...

UP TOP: Before Double Elimination Week 
@ChallengeMTV: Managing Madness: Can Cory Earn His First Challenge Win? #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Eavesdropping on my roommate fighting with their SO over zoom like #TheChallenge35
@SwaggyCTV: The reason I talk about money & sports so much is because I’m a day trader FIRST. TV 2nd. Y’all classified me as this reality star FIRST and get mad when I post anything other than Reality TV. Oh well. Unless The Challenge is on, I’m talking money, sports & business
@georgiaharisonx: If I ever return to the challenge , bookmark this tweet I will never ever drop my morals or treat people like shit to win. A good nights sleep and a full heart should always come before material gain and a power trip win with honour or lose with pride. #thechallenge
- @Jay__Qs: Stand by this 
@JennaCompono: So excited next week is going to be in the 80s!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I truly don't think enough people have seen me when this owl! he's so cute!!! 
@fessyfitness: The challenge going to get more viewers now that survivor is over?
- @TheAllanAguirre: I think at most 50k-100k more, maybe. You have to have cable to watch the Challenge vs Survivor. And then, DirecTV (one of the biggest cable providers), doesn't have CBS, so that means a healthy sum were already watching the Challenge w cable. People will be tweeting more.
@Jay__Qs: What a crazy ride my life has been. From @cbstweet to @exonthebeach to challengemtv to now Quarantine2020 haha. I’m really thankful to each and every one of you who have followed me along the way and if you just…

@ChallengeMTV: It's not an elimination vote unless there's some drama and this time it was Nelson who stirred things up. #TheChallenge35
@johnnybananas: The Misfits @FoodNetwork @worst_cooks @SonjatMorgan
@johnnybananas: BeniHana? I think you mean Beni-Nana Man Set your DVR's for an ALL NEW @Worst_Cooks TOMORROW (Sunday) night 9/8c only on @foodnetwork #ChefBananas #bananasdoingNEWthings #worstcooksinamerica
@deenguyenMTV: Woohoo! I love being a villain 
@Rogan_OConnor: Tell me something I don’t know...
@MattieLBreaux: Another Saturday Save by @ufc 👏🏻 who y’all got tonight?
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Awwwww @JOSHMBB19. I was going through old photos and found this. Who are these friends ?? #thechallenge
@mikethemiz: 10 years ago today this kid beat me for the #USTitle in Canada.  #Hitman  On a personal note, 9 year old me always wanted to be the kid in the audience who @BretHart put his sunglasses on. At age 29, I got the…
@johnnybananas: College Professor: Where do you see yourself in 15 years? Me: • Don't miss an ALL NEW Worst Cooks tonight 9/8c on @FoodNetwork #ChefBananas @TylerFlorence @SonjatMorgan
@deenguyenMTV: The Spice Brats are here to bring booze, cheer and spice Fire Volcano. Which spice brat are you today? I’m obviously Aussie Spice @WestonBergmann @kailah_casillas @SamRobertBird @MTVDevinWalker #FriendsAndBenefits Watch here:
- @MTVDevinWalker: @deenguyenMTV Tipsy spice? 
- @kailah_casillas: @MTVDevinWalker You’re foamer spice. I’m tipsy spice
@ChallengeMTV: Jenna and Tori put everything they had into this elimination! But in the end, the Barbie Beast pulled out the win! #TheChallenge35
- @SHOTOFYAGER: Odd thing to think about but with Season 36 hanging in the balance for 2020...this might be the favorite for Elimination of the Year. #TheChallenge35 #ChallengeMania
@DerrickMTV: Oodles of Noodles! NEW PODCAST is UP!! -Take a listen as @AneesaMTV popped in to give me and @SHOTOFYAGER the 411 on all THE MADNESS!! - Interview is up now for patrons at - Available for everyone on Monday! 
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Some cool things I did after the season. I'm gonna be honest I'm usually so freaking upset when I go home, but this season...nah fuck that bunker 
@ChrissyTaylor74: Champs vs. Stars on @CBSSportsNet!!!!! I only caught the last 3 minutes of @MTVASHLEYBROOKE going tf off, but I am SO PUMPED to see these airing! @SHOTOFYAGER @DerrickMTV 👏🏻👏🏻
@johnnybananas: One brick at a time #BananaSwag #bananasdoingthings #sundayfunday
@JennaCompono: Be bold enough to stand tall in your truth. You are powerful. You are a force. No one can take your story away from you. Own it. 
@johnnybananas: Let's Cook •New Worst Cooks In America starts NOW!!! @FoodNetwork #ChefBananas #bananasdoingNEWthings
@johnnybananas: Atta boy @DaveCoulier Raised handPeachPeach #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork
@DerrickMTV: Proud Dad Moment. #TheLastDance

@ChallengeMTV: This week on #TheChallenge35 it's a DOUBLE ELIMINATION! 
- @fessyfitness: Wait... so you mean we can’t just throw in @Jay__Qs twice??!
- @Jay__Qs: Taking out a legend. Congrats bro!
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Top 10 Overconfident Moments in MTV Challenge History
- @TheAllanAguirre: In light of last week's Eliminations, I wrote about the Top 10 times players got way too confident. Fun fact: someone ends up on this list twice! From Wes calling himself a mercenary, to Hunter yelling "WHO CAN BEAT ME?", there's a lot of corny moments in here.
@DerrickMTV: Risky Red Skulls, Destructive Deliberations, Uncomposed Behavior and Oodles of Noodles! - “This place is meant to mentally break you!”- @AneesaMTV popped in to help me, you, and @SHOTOFYAGER better understand! #TheChallenge35 - NEW PODCAST!
@Jay__Qs: So Quarantine 2020 in LA is extended til August?! Well, see ya next year Summer. #summerbummer #livinginmyfridge #fatboysummer #nopoolparties #timetotrainmore #palesummer #quarantinepartyofone #millertime…
@SwaggyCTV: Meet The Swaggy’s. WELCOME HOME VELVET SUEDE WILLIAMS! God is amazing! Blessed! 
@angelababicz: I get to see my baby @BadGirlJanelle in 4 days and yes we will be serving up content y’all DESERVE
@ChallengeMTV: This week the guys will get TWO opportunities to earn a red skull! See how it goes down WEDNESDAY on The Challenge: Total Madness at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge35
- @fessyfitness: Uh oh spaghettios 
@WestonBergmann: Thank you Erin for you support and kind words! @kailah_casillas @deenguyenMTV @SamRobertBird @NehemiahMTV @kcfilmmaker @MTVDevinWalker
- @deenguyenMTV: @WestonBergmann Thank you so much for all the love & support. Reminder you can watch/listen at 
- @kailah_casillas: its a movement ✊🏼
@deenguyenMTV: We’re spreading kindness and joy to the local community. Check out this independently funded project at These people are awesome @WestonBergmann @NehemiahMTV @kcfilmmaker @SamRobertBird @kailah_casillas
@WestonBergmann: New episode of Friends & Benefits just dropped! I don't believe the numbers and praise. It's surreal y'all. THANK YOU!
@Rogan_OConnor: WHO KNEW ABOUT THIS??? Yeah you’ve got a driving license, but do you AV A CAR DO?! Rogie Bear’s Lesson of the day.... You’re welcome @joss_mooney
@johnnybananas: "@BellaBri_xo: @johnnybananas and @DaveCoulier are Josiahs favorite people on #worstcooksinamerica and it’s very enjoyable to watch my 7 year old enjoy them and the show so much" RT Josiah can be my Sous Chef any day! Man cookMan cook #worstcooksinamerica @FoodNetwork
@SHOTOFYAGER: NEW PODCAST UP!!! THE STAR, that's right, I said it, THE STAR of #TheChallenge35 returns to #ChallengeMania, fresh off THE HOTTEST SELLING piece of merch in http://ChallengeMania.Shop! @AneesaMTV joins me & @DerrickMTV for Ooodles AND NOODLES of FUN!
@johnnybananas: The Fallons find me appealing @FallonTonight @jimmyfallon

@ChallengeMTV: Is Big T's toe just a little cut or something more? Find out tomorrow on The Challenge: Total Madness at 8/7c on @MTV. #TheChallenge35
- @johnnybananas: The Legend of "Big Toe" is born 🦶🏾 #BigToeDontGiveAFuck @theogbig_t @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge35
- @theogbig_t: Johnny are you going to call me big toe forever (also sorry for trying to nick your jacket ) #TheChallenge35
- @johnnybananas: We'll get through this together Big Toe 🦶🏾Banana #SaveBigToe #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
- @iamkamiam_: @ChallengeMTV @MTV Fresh cotton pads 
- @SeanALineker: I haven’t seen you this lit before @theogbig_t I think you needed me there to help you out. @ChallengeMTV
@MattieLBreaux: What is happening? 🤦🏻‍♀️
@DerrickMTV: She’s had one hell of a road not to make an impact this @ChallengeMTV season!! 🌪 -Take a listen as @AneesaMTV takes me and @SHOTOFYAGER back to shattered days and into this season where cracking has just begun. #TheChallenge35 🌪- NEW PODCAST!! 🌪
@smashingheads: Our interview with @MattieLBreaux is live now everywhere! We talk The Challenge, how she ended up in TN, and how reality TV always seems to find her.  Apple: < /> Spotify: < /> YouTube:
@kailah_casillas: you were not created to live up to other people’s expectations 
@ChallengeMTV: No risk, no final! The Challenge: Total Madness is brand new TOMORROW at 8/7c on @mtv!
- @CoryWharton: @ChallengeMTV The CLOCK IS TICKING ⏱
@kel_bat_sal: @stephen_bear my sister’s reaction to your cameo 
@FallonTonight: Nancy gets a birthday shoutout from one of her favorites, @johnnybananas! #FallonAtHome
- @ChallengeMTV: @FallonTonight Happy Birthday Nancy! Hope the day was *bananas*! 
@MtvJess: 7 years ago already? @MTV thank you for giving me my Nia  @TheRealNiaMoore
@kailah_casillas: Lol I just watched the 3rd episode of Friends And Benefits  wow im so happy to be a part of this project 👏🏼
@deenguyenMTV: What's up America? I just discovered Little Debbie's sweet donuts.. I shall now be known as Big Dee-bie. I've already had 5 donuts @LittleDebbie

@TeenMom: On the #TeenMomOG At Home: Cory & Taylor’s Baby Special, the entire family prepares for the tiniest Wharton during these unprecedented times. 
- @CoryWharton: Mila Mae Wharton join the gang 
@CoryWharton: Welcome to this CRAZY World Mila Mae! I’m excited to announce that on JUNE 9th at 8/7c we will have a birthing special on @MTV
- @deenguyenMTV: This gave me goosebumps! Congrats again @CoryWharton
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @CoryWharton @MTV Dude you're killing the game 🙌🏼 so proud of you
@ExOnTheBeach: #TeenMomOG At Home: @CoryWharton + Taylor's Baby Special premieres Tuesday, June 9th at 8/7c on MTV!
- @CoryWharton: @ExOnTheBeach Started From the BEACH now we’re here 👶🏽 #Girldad
@TeenMom: On Tuesday June 9th, join us to witness the miracle of life — in lockdown. Meet Mila Mae on the premiere of #TeenMomOG At Home: Cory + Taylor’s Baby Special! 
@TeenMom: With @CoryWharton coming home from The Challenge, @itskcheyenne worries about how he will react to Ryder's hospitalization on tomorrow night's #TeenMomOG. 
- @CoryWharton: Don’t miss a new episode TONIGHT !!! 
@MTV: It's the miracle of life... IN QUARANTINE. Meet Mila Mae during the premiere of #TeenMomOG At Home: Cory + Taylor’s Baby Special on Tuesday, June 9th on MTV! 
@SternMike: Last month of my life working from home, basically looking at nobody besides @CoryWharton and #TaylorSelfridge, editing this bad boy!…
- @CoryWharton: @SternMike Well it looks great Mike thanks!!!🙏🏽
@TeenMom: Never change, @itskcheyenne + @CoryWharton! #TeenMomOG  (GIF: her - "We do a good job together")
- @itskcheyenne: @TeenMom Co Parenting done right 👍🏾
@TeenMom: Reunited and it feels so, so good. #TeenMomOG
- @CoryWharton: Takeaways : 1. I MISSSEDD RYDER SO MUCH / 2. DAMNN I look rough lol / 3. Cheys a GREATTT MOTHER!! / 4. My girl Taylor looks BOMB even being pregnant 🤰🏼!!
@TeenMom: ""Daddy's never going to leave for that long again."
- @CoryWharton: Just happy that she’s 100% healthy today 🙏🏽
@people: Teen Mom's Cory Wharton Documents the Birth of His Daughter During Coronavirus in MTV Special

@ChallengeMTV: Those red skulls are getting harder and harder to come by. ☠ #TheChallenge35 is new TONIGHT at 8/7c on @mtv!
@WestonBergmann: I’m up to absolutely no good tonight on MTV @ChallengeMTV @MTV #TheChallenge35
@cococalientepod: Catch up on the latest episode, where Josh talks about how he was immediately cast for The Challenge and his thoughts on making this reality MTV show a career. Plus find out what Josh had to say on pots, pans & meatballs in the clip below
@AneesaMTV: My least favorite foam party ever..... @mtv thechallenge35
@deenguyenMTV: My version of the walk of shame. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35 new ep tonight at 8/7c 
@MattieLBreaux: It’s @ChallengeMTV Day Whose ready? #TheChallegne35
@jordan_wiseley: Us > them any day. - And especially on CHALLENGE DAYS!!
@ChallengeMTV: Tori's sendoff from The Challenge: Total Madness includes a special message for her main man Jordan. Don't miss a new episode tonight at 8/7c on @MTV. #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Jordan's epic GoPro footage from the Fast and Furious Challenge as voted on by YOU during last week's episode! Remember to vote on who's footage you want to see TONIGHT during The Challenge: Total Madness at 8/7c on @mtv. #TheChallenge35
@BayleighDaily: Y’all , hearing my voice on camera cracks me up. No wonder people have made fun of my voice my whole life  i think it’s so cute
@JOSHMBB19: Repping for the Latinos @ChallengeMTV @MTV 🤘🏽 #Latinogang #thechallenge35
- @drerdz99: @JOSHMBB19 Wowowowow my faves @JOSHMBB19 @kailah_casillas
@tori_deal: Moving is exhausting. Now I feel bad for all the plants I’ve re-potted for no reason.
@joss_mooney: Exercise, smile & spread f*cking good vibes. #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek 🙏🏼
@fessyfitness: Ok but have you ever made a hater pay to hate
@mtvcanada: When it's Challenge day and @tjlavin whispers those three little words...  (GIF: "Double elimination week")
@Jay__Qs: Double Elimination Tonight on challengemtv ?! Put me in coach! @tjlavin Damn super jealous my fellow cast mates get to keep competing! Good luck tonight fellas! #firstguyseliminationimnotin #stayloco …

AS THEY SAW IT: "Live and Let Die" 
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Iss almost time!!! Who's tuning in?! #thechallenge35
@deenguyenMTV: How I look at my TV when @ChallengeMTV is about to start #TheChallenge35 STARTS NOW! 7pm CENTRAL TIME I got the time zones right 
@ChallengeMTV: It's a foam party tonight on #TheChallegne35! Who's bonus GoPro footage do you want to see?
- Jenny 11.5% / Mattie 26.2% / Big T 22.2% / Fessy 40.2%   4,967 votes · Final results
- @fessyfitness: @ChallengeMTV 2 for 2 
@ChallengeMTV: Red Skull count: #TheChallenge35
- ☠ Dee / ☠ Jenny / ☠ Jenna / ☠ Rogan
@JenniferWestOf1: Show time!! 💪🏼💪🏼
@JenniferWestOf1: I like Jordan 🙋🏻‍♀️
@ChallengeMTV: Is this the future of the club? #TheChallenge35  (GIF of Aneesa celebrating with Kailah, Jenna and Nany)
Dee Nguyen Flag of Australia
@deenguyenMTV: Aneesa practicing social distancing before it was cool. Her mind @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: UGH as if! #TheChallenge35  (GIF: Kailah - "Because... duh")
@TheMarkLong: These daily challenge locations are epic! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35 ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾
@jordan_wiseley: Appreciate that @johnnybananas   Real recognize Real
- @johnnybananas: @jordan_wiseley Mad Respect my dude #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@JenniferWestOf1: I'm awake and I'm ON IT wasn't gonna miss tonight!!
@ChallengeMTV: Trying not to make eye contact with the teacher so they don't call on you in class. #TheChallenge35  (GIF of Fessy's eye-rolling)
- @fessyfitness: @ChallengeMTV Me looking for someone who would’ve beat me in that elimination
@MattieLBreaux: Not the best foam party but it’s better than the bunker #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: You know, foam parties looked a whole lot different back in my day... #TheChallenge35  (GIF of Wes clearing the foam to see color pattern)
@deenguyenMTV: @WestonBergmann is the Ginger Walter White @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@MattieLBreaux: Now that’s a team @SwaggyCTV @CoryWharton #TheChallenge35
@MattieLBreaux: Lesss GEAUX
@deenguyenMTV: Ohhhhh so it’s cool to help each other on challenges and not eliminations?! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: *Muhahahahahaha* #TheChallenge35 (Video: Wes - "This is a game of red skulls, and I've got the biggest one of all")
@WestonBergmann: Everyone out here chasing red skulls and little ole me has had one my entire life
@deenguyenMTV: Rogan calling me his little helper. LMAO @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@MattieLBreaux: Always good in the foam haha #TheChallegne35
@TheMarkLong: Nelson one year later... @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge35
- @AneesaMTV: @TheMarkLong @ChallengeMTV (Rolling on the floor laughing emoji 5X)
- @TheMarkLong: @AneesaMTV @ChallengeMTV Heyyyyy Aneesa 
- @AneesaMTV: @TheMarkLong Hey love. Miss you!!!
- @TheMarkLong: @AneesaMTV @ChallengeMTV I’m loving watching you! #OG 🙏🏼
@ChallengeMTV: Getting ready to go to the grocery store like. #TheChallenge35  (GIF of Bananas covering his head with suit)
@deenguyenMTV: Bananas is as old as the term “foam” party @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@AneesaMTV: Love that they’re playing Bush
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @AneesaMTV I love Bush too !!! They’ve had a few bangers this season
@DerrickMTV: Machinehead!! #TheChallenge35
@johnnybananas: Work smarter not harder #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@MattieLBreaux: Finally a win! Les GEAUX #TheChallenge35
- @BayleighDaily: @MattieLBreaux That’s my boo!
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: FUCK HE’S SMART an asshole but smart #TheChallenge35
@mandamanda___: @ChallengeMTV bbfans knew @fessyfitness would kill this memory comp #thechallenge35
@JOSHMBB19: One thing I learned if you ain’t cheating you ain’t winning #TheChallenge35
- @kailah_casillas: @JOSHMBB19 Oh
@blackzeusfit: Just like bananas... gotta cheat to have a chance #TheChallenge35Smarter not harder tho 
@melbrown00: Me watching people apply “work smarter not harder” to Bananas but ready to call the police on Bayleigh a few episodes ago when she won the challenge... #TheChallenge35
@MattieLBreaux: It was a boys elimination so let the guys lead this one #TheChallenge35
@deenguyenMTV: This is a couple I do not ship. Ew. This betrayal cuts deep. @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@HedrichFiles: Our girl @kailah_casillas is SERVING looks this season! #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Looks like that "secret alliance" isn't such a secret anymore.  #TheChallenge35  (GIF of Wes and Bananas after being chosen into tribunal)
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: How are people just now realizing this?!?! #thechallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Jordan’s face said it all #TheChallenge
@d_e_r_e_kc: Ughhhh. I'm always excited for #TheChallenge35 @ChallengeMTV then I realize Nelson is still on it and   realize I have to mute my tv everytime he has screentime so I dont lose brain cells. #toomuchwork
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I wish yall would understand my social intellect bc I called this week fucking one #thechallenge35
@johnnybananas: I can't quit you @WestonBergmann #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
- @Bruce_Lee85: @johnnybananas I love it 
- @johnnybananas: @Bruce_Lee85 He means nothing to me Lee... I swear 
@fessyfitness: Another top finish yet no tribunal yet again And it’s double elimination
@johnnybananas: SPANKIN NEW VIDEO For all my foodies out there, wolf this down • Check out my new web series: Cooking In Quarantine LINK  #cookinginquarantine #cheflife #ChefBananas #thechallenge35
@fessyfitness: Wait Wes and bananas were working together!!?
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: I was the first one to tell paulie last season that Josh was gonna flip on Wes bc his actions with bananas that day one listens to me 
@JenniferWestOf1: YESSSSSS @fessyfitness this is when we clap 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
@ChallengeMTV: And there it is! #TheChallenge35  (GIF: Aneesa - "My vote's for you")
@deenguyenMTV: @jordan_wiseley just say who is your number 1. Didn’t you shake hands?!?!? @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@AneesaMTV: Yeah i did it twice!!! Y’all peep that??
@ChallengeMTV: Me to my friends after I don't respond to a, "you up?" text. #TheChallenge35  (GIF: Fessy - "Now's where you guys clap")
@johnnybananas: Nelson is a gift we don't deserve #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@TheMarkLong: Nelson promised he take me to the finals too🤷🏼‍♂️ @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@WestonBergmann: The rest of this episode is gonna be a documentary about me being on a power trip
- @AneesaMTV: @WestonBergmann Can’t wait to watch!!! Maybe we can get in on Netflix
@ChallengeMTV: Everyone hearing this argument pop off. #TheChallenge35
@JOSHMBB19: Me still trying to figure out who Nelson’s taking to the finals #thechallenge35
@DerrickMTV: Ohhhh shit?!!! The Moose Knuckles are back! #TheChallenge35
@CaseyDraws: Watching @WestonBergmann and @johnnybananas relationship blossom on #TheChallenge35 is my Gatorade. It replenishes my electrolytes
@WestonBergmann: I’d like to apologize to the world. That decision to save Bananas is the riff in the universe that might have caused this pandemic.
@deenguyenMTV: @fessyfitness has BDE @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
- @deenguyenMTV: So does @DJMelReeves
@MattieLBreaux: I’m a savage now @theogbig_t #TheChallenge35
@JenniferWestOf1: What a savage she is my BABE love you Toe  @theogbig_t
@MattieLBreaux: She’s a legend #Bigt #Bigtoe #TheChallenge35
@johnnybananas: Ladies and Gentlemen the legend of Big Toe is born 🦶🏽 @theogbig_t #bigtoe #thechallenge35
@ItsMeKasi: Melissa with the clapbacks omg!!!! #TheChallenge35
@morgan_willett: I’d just like to say... @theogbig_t is absolutely precious and such a joy to watch 
@JOSHMBB19: Big T is fucking Gold 👏🏽 #thechallenge35
@fessyfitness: Y’all really gonna give me that chance for a red skull
@HedrichFiles: And you WONDER how this mans hair is so damn fabulous?! @fessyfitness  #thechallenge35
- @ChallengeMTV: @HedrichFiles CEO of quaffed hair #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: Surprise surprise. #TheChallenge35  (GIF of Josh looking at tribunal board)
@ChallengeMTV: Anyone: So you're just going to sit there and do nothing? Me: #TheChallenge35  (GIF of Wes)
@theogbig_t: How can Wes talk about @KyleCGShore like that!!!
@theogbig_t: Tonight’s episode has got me heart pumping so hard!!! I’m so happy I came so close to winning another challenge though!! Xx #TheChallenge35
- @MattieLBreaux: @theogbig_t You did that
@Rogan_OConnor: I’ve already got my red skull! Very glad to not see my name wasn’t up there #TheChallegne35 
- @fessyfitness: @Rogan_OConnor Awe that would’ve been a good matchup 
@WestonBergmann: Awwww poor Josh.
@SeanALineker: My girl @theogbig_t killing in this challenge, queen of puzzles  #TheChallenge35
@jennifershortt: Watching @ChallengeMTV and @WestonBergmann combing his beard with a full sized comb during interrogations is the level of “unbothered” I aspire to be...
@_nelsonthomas: Let’s get to work... #challenge35 #TotalMadness
@SeanALineker: My Big toe #TheChallenge35
@deenguyenMTV: Me after a bag of Little Debbies powdered mini donuts. I’ve eaten 2 bags in 2 days. #TheChallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@kailah_casillas: "@jsutherland01: Was it just me or did @kailah_casillas look adorable tonight #TheChallenge35" RT LOLOL EW
@AneesaMTV: I feel like production had a camera on me at all times just waiting for my reaction 
@MattieLBreaux: Fur and sweatpants 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ #classy
- @ChallengeMTV: @MattieLBreaux a LEWK! #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: SAME. #TheChallenge35  (GIF: Bananas - "That is a hard mother______ no from me")
- @fessyfitness: @ChallengeMTV Smart man
@ChallengeMTV: Who do you want to see win this one? #TheChallenge35
- Jordan 56.5% / Fessy 43.5%   10,250 votes · Final results
@tori_deal: @jordan_wiseley is everything.
@fessyfitness: Go time 
@MattieLBreaux: Who y’all rooting for? #TheChallenge35
@SeanALineker: That @theogbig_t scene made me laugh and cry at the same time. I think she still look incredible though, drunk or sober. #TheChallenge35
- @theogbig_t: @SeanALineker I needed you my love 
@_nelsonthomas: @CoryWharton we have been here before brother #challenge35 #TotalMadness
@blackzeusfit: Can someone explain to me Fessy’s track record on the challenge cuz I’m not understanding the fear #TheChallenge35
@Rogan_OConnor: I’ve seen @jordan_wiseley win a tug of war against someone twice the size with twice as many hands.... He’s honestly the most impressive athlete I’ve ever met & I would never doubt him... #TheChallenge35
- @jordan_wiseley: @Rogan_OConnor Many thank you's Papi Chulo 
@HedrichFiles: @kailah_casillas what is this cute unicorn beanie??? Unicorn face
- @kailah_casillas: @HedrichFiles Fun fact: I bought that beanie in Czec Republic during the Vendettas final when a security guard let me sneak away to a mall. I brought it back to where it was born this season
@ChallengeMTV: Who do you want to see win this elimination?
- Nelson 21.5% / Bear 78.5%   13,674 votes · Final results
@jordan_wiseley: Time to put my money where my mouth is #TheChallengeTotalMadness
@JOSHMBB19: Jordan is one of the best to play the game but I don’t think anybody wanted to go against fessy in a pole wrestle #thechallenge35
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Jordan really is a freaking beast. Rogan is right about that... #thechallenge35
@DerrickMTV: Wonder if the double big boy elimination is a make up call for botched fireball elimination?? #TheChallenge35
@deenguyenMTV: Do you think @WestonBergmann regrets his decision?! @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@fessyfitness: "@scottieVSworld: Rogan trying to compare wrestling Josh with wrestling Fess is so cringe" RT Lol i love Josh but there’s levels to this shit @Rogan_OConnor
@jordan_wiseley: This is the smartest move @johnnybananas or @WestonBergmann has made yet #taketheshot
- @johnnybananas: @jordan_wiseley Just remember when when we're on a season together again, it was all @WestonBergmann idea #ShootTheGinger
@MattieLBreaux: I can’t watch #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: [Clapping hands sign emoji 4X] #TheChallenge35  (GIF: Jordan - "Don't let the fear of losing keep you from doing it", while trying to hold back tears)
@JOSHMBB19: So fucking proud of Jordan kids a beast 👏🏽👏🏽 #TheChallegne35
- @fessyfitness: @Rogan_OConnor Lol nice try but did i shove his head in the dirt noooooo 
@AneesaMTV: Omg @jordan_wiseley thank you for opening up like that 
@fessyfitness: Jordan is an amazing competitor and I legit asked Nelson before what do you think his strategy was because i knew he had something up his sleeve and i definitely didn’t count him out!
- @Rogan_OConnor: @fessyfitness Only joking please don’t hurt me 
@MattieLBreaux: Soundtrack #TheChallenge35 yasss to this 👏🏻
@MattieLBreaux: This was so intense 👏🏻 #TheChallenge35
@jordan_wiseley: Congratulations @fessyfitness You're a beast and a great addition to @ChallengeMTV ..I cant wait to run it back #welcometothechallenge
- @fessyfitness: Can’t wait brother 👏🏽 hell of a competitor Real recognize real
@tori_deal: I’m so proud of you @jordan_wiseley . You’re a beautiful person. I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there for you. I’m so sorry that you went through that alone. I’m so PROUD of everything you are and you’re an INSPIRATION TO SO MANY PEOPLE.
- @jordan_wiseley: @tori_deal Thank you for being my lifeline always. I love you
@jordan_wiseley: Just Do It.  All of you
@BayleighDaily: Damn ! That’s messed up.  Good to know #thechallenge35
@AneesaMTV: Yesss for the music this episode
@MattieLBreaux: Who y’all got Bear or Nelly T?
@bj0319: Things work out the way they are supposed to!  No way @tori_deal
could have just watched that elimination in person 
@DerrickMTV: I’m jealous af!!! They got fukkn KoRN?! I think I only got as good as System of a Down... #TheChallenge35
@ChallengeMTV: And the final red skull of the night goes to... Nelson! #TheChallenge35
@deenguyenMTV: Is @_nelsonthomas your Captain America?! Lmao let me back in pls Australia, America just got scary @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@DerrickMTV: I feel like @fessyfitness walked into elimination like this...#TheChallenge35
@fessyfitness: The way the bunker was dead silent when me and @_nelsonthomas came back 
- @_nelsonthomas: @fessyfitness Bro absolutely silence, you can here the rats running around.. 
@JOSHMBB19: What a badass elimination shoutout to all the guys involved 👏🏽👏🏽 #TheChallenge35

ENDGAME: Words for Jordan and from Nelly... 
@johnnybananas: I've faced a lot of tough competition on @ChallengeMTV, and a Giant went down tonight. @jordan_wiseley can accomplish more with one hand than most can with two! Until next time Jordanimal #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
- @jordan_wiseley: @johnnybananas @ChallengeMTV I want to choke you and kiss you at the same time lol
- @johnnybananas: @jordan_wiseley Can you choke me first?
@_nelsonthomas: Shout out to @fessyfitness for his first elimination win. It was good night brother #TYB #challenge35
- @fessyfitness: @_nelsonthomas My brudda 💪🏽
@fessyfitness: Jordan is one of the greatest competitors I’ve met. But i think everyone knew whoever the tribunal sent down there wasn’t making it back.  I know I’ve got big shoes to fill being a part of this great franchise but I do believe i can do a lot of damage very quickly. #REDSKULLGANG
@jordan_wiseley: Really Important: THANK YOU to all of the fans, the haters and Challenge-lifers. You All make us the GREATEST COMPETITION FRANCHISE in the world and i am grateful to get the opportunity to perform for you. Thank Yall #andstill
- @MattieLBreaux: @jordan_wiseley 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@Jay__Qs: Massive shoutout to @jordan_wiseley doing what he came to do. Compete. #savage #truewarrior. #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@Jay__Qs: My boy @_nelsonthomas not even breaking a sweat. Good win tonight. @ChallengeMTV #thechallenge35
@AneesaMTV: We all have our moments on tv, whether good or bad. We lose our tempers, we yell, we win and we lose. At the end of the day, we are human. We do the best we can given our circumstances. I’m blessed to have played with some of the best!!!! #TheChallenge35
@rachieswin Rachel Swindler/Big Brother 20: Apparently @fessyfitness’s elimination challenge when very quickly. I’m not surprised because y’all remember the Slip N Slide HOH? He finished that shit in like 5 minutes having production SHOOK. #TheChallenge35
@hackerhaleigh: Fessy is one of the best additions to challenge in a long time. It’s what this show needed it’s refreshing to see a rookie who isn’t afraid of anyone and speaks up for himself. I can’t wait to see more of him in the future. Congrats on your red skull. Well deserved @fessyfitness
@confusedfessy: Everyone say hi to the rookie of the year #thechallenge35
@fessyfitness: I’m suppose to be happy i won an elimination y’all dumb fucks. I didn’t pick to go against Jordan so get out my comments anyone was losing that against me there i said! And if you don’t think so we can make sure it happens next season. Don’t get it twisted.
@JOSHMBB19: It really takes little effort to have some people big mad. Keep enjoying the show for what it is a GAME SHOW. See y’all next week should be a good one 
@DGrant153: That was disappointing... really makes you miss the good ole days.... #TheChallenge @ChallengeMTV @WestonBergmann @DerrickMTV
@DJMelReeves: Very random but fun fact: After this argument Nelson told a few people in the bunker about a dream he had. He dreamt that him and I hooked up, and that I took touched his willy & it came off and I literally run away with it laughing Face with tears of joy the words I said to him must have cut deep
@SHOTOFYAGER: NEW PODCAST UP! For the first time ever @Bruce_Lee85 joins me & @DerrickMTV in THE MAD HOUSE to break down tonight’s double elimination episode of #TheChallenge35 & talk Johnny/Wes & MUCH MORE! Available & Exclusive to #ChallengeMania Patrons NOW!
@KimBarkins123: I love that @DJMelReeves and  @KyleCGShore are ride or dies this season. Love both of them and cheering for both of yall!! Yall my favorite competitors this season. Everybody better watch out for this duo. Face with look of triumphSmiling face with sunglasses #TheChallenge
@WestonBergmann: Tonight’s episode recap is officially live. I spit lava for over an hour regarding behind-the-scenes, deleted scenes, & analysis. Also, congrats to me for winning today’s challenge in which the entire house collectively tried to outsmart me & still lost.

@kailah_casillas: I have been silent on purpose. I’ve declined a lot of interviews, but here’s what I have to say: I was in a relationship that I wasn’t happy in for a lot of reasons, bigger than you’ll ever know. What I did on 35 gave me an escape. Was it the right way? No.
- @kailah_casillas: I should have dealt in a more respectful manner. I take 100% fault for everything and what I did was not right, actually, so fuckec up. But I’m human.
- @kailah_casillas: And now, I am living the life I want. Afterward, I moved into my own apartment, I proved to myself I could be independent and I am right where I want to be. It didn’t play out in the best way, but I’m happy.
- @kailah_casillas: And I’ve been on tv for 5 years straight. You all have seen me grow, make mistakes, be drunk and wild... but at the end of the day, I hope you can at least see the fact that I’m human. Love you all.
- @kailah_casillas: Also, for those of you who said I was having a tantrum when I threw the spoon: I threw it because I was pissed at myself. I KNEW I fucked up and I didn’t want anyone to else to be dragged in unwillingly.
- @JennaCompono: @kailah_casillas I thought I was going to lose my life that day lmfao remember my face when you threw it because I was sitting across from you talking to you 

@ChallengeMTV: Sloppy Schemer: Can Nelson Get Past His Epic Challenge Blunder? #TheChallenge35
@CohenBrian_: For everyone feeling empty tonight without Survivor, jump into the @ChallengeMTV. For @MTV, please don’t screw this up with silly to be continued nonsense. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: If this isn't True Love, then I don't want to know what is. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Nelson saying he makes deals but doesn't specify them is the least surprising thing ever. How many low-level Pyramid Schemes has Nelson been in? Over or Under 10? #TheChalleng35
@TheAllanAguirre: Bear is upset there is a Double Elimination, not because he wants to win the Million Dollars, but because he wants to stay in the Bunker as long as possible in order to keep hooking up with Kailah. Honestly, I don't blame him. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: The only problem with Cory, Mattie, and Swaggy's strategy is that if one person messes up early, then they have to completely restart and those disks are a bit heavy. It predicates that nobody fails. #TheChallenge35
@Money_Showers: This challenge gives me anxiety #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: What's funny is Wes was bad at Puzzles and Mental Challenges for a long time. Either he's getting smarter and wiser with age, or these casts are getting dumber than ever. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Nelson trying to memorize the final 5 colors and then copying his opponents pole is the smartest thing he's ever done in a comp like this. Yes, he would need his opponent to be 100% correct, but it's not like Nelson could memorize all the colors. #TheChallenge35
@CohenBrian_: Poor Nelson really thought he beat the system. “Dumb Nelson thinking he’s smart” is a top two Nelson. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: I'm sorry, but Bananas finding the little area with the panel that is projecting the colors so he doesn't have to run in the foam pit is fucking hilarious. It's not even really cheating if other people were in a better position to see it. #TheChallenge35
@emilylongeretta: Everytime I walk outside. #thechallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: I feel a little bad for Mattie. She really wanted to make a play for herself and have fun with being in the Tribunal, but now she's third wheel to Bananas and Wes's make-out session. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Jesus Christ, I hope this is an Aneesa confessional from Week 1 that they edited  into this episode. Aneesa saying "I think Bananas and Wes might be up to something" is at this point fucking ridiculous. They are so clearly aligned. This a Nelson-level comment.#TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Damn. Fessy telling everyone that he's probably coming back if you vote him in with total confidence is quite fucking daunting. He hasn't had much more screentime than Kaycee, yet I love him for some reason. #TheChallenge35
- @SwaggyCTV: @TheAllanAguirre He’s the best competitor there, that’s why. 
@TheAllanAguirre: Kyle trying to expose Nelson as someone making a deal with everyone is an awful move. Nelson was already going into elimination because of his actions. However, Kyle doing so, leaves him open for a desperate Nelson to go for him, and put noise around Kyle. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Pick Your Fighters #TheChallenge35
- @TheAllanAguirre: My favorite part about this is that in both photos, one guy is Tall and the other Short. One is Black and the other White. One is British and the other American. Each has a guy who has banged Cara. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: We are all Big T #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Melissa fighting with Nelson wasn't just someone throwing words out of her ass. Melissa came with STRAIGHT FACTS. She dragged his shitty gameplay, noted his misogyny, and even made fun of his Dr. Phil performance!!! #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Josh did an atrocious job of trying to split up this fight. Thank God Melissa came in. #TheChallenge35
@sjmedd: Jordan saying he can say whatever he wanta now that Tori is gone LoL #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: This is probably the end for Big T. Melissa was able to stay with a foot injury on Vendettas, but even then she wasn't allowed to participate in one of the challenges, and she wasn't on Crutches. :(((((( #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: If y'all thought Wes telling Josh he was one of the worst players a few weeks ago was Savage, then this is worse. 4 out of 7 people HAVE to get nominated, and Wes would rather make fun of Kyle for 10 minutes than even let Josh think there's a rivalry. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: If Wes and Bananas are a Divorced Couple getting back together, then Kyle is their 27-year-old Son who they're informing that he needs to get a real job and stop playing Fortnite all day. #TheChallenge35
@CohenBrian_: If 2020 was an image #TheChallenge35
@regphalange_: MVP for this season @CoryWharton Also that is a changed man...I love it!! #TotalMadness #ThrChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Wes and Ryder's Dad are secretly aligned by the way. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Jordan has been the Greatest Challenge Competitor ever despite his disability and found ways around everything. He knows how to tackle, he can lift, he's fast, thinks on his feet, and has cardio for days. Just... something like this there's no real options.#TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Wes "blindsiding" Bear is hypocritical and incorrect. #1 Laurel blindsided Wes, not Bear. #2 Wes told Josh he only goes for people who can win a final. Vote Kyle or someone else instead of Bear (one of the weakest remaining). Just say you're petty.#TheChallenge35
@StevenPlummer22: It’s good to see a classic Challenge elimination return! #TheChallenge35
@CohenBrian_: Now Kailah is in a full relationship with Bear??? Good lord Kailah just drag this ex boyfriend even more. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Also, why would Mattie not vote in Bear? Kyle is her friend and WOTW 1 Partner, and Cory helped her win the daily challenge. #TheChallenge35
TheAllanAguirre: Pretty disappointed in MTV and TJ even allowing this last round to happen. Jordan's shoulder is VERY CLEARLY SEPARATED. #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Sucks to see Jordan go out this way. This ends his streak of winning. I don't think anyone is ever going to win 3 Straight Seasons again. #TheChalleng35
@TheAllanAguirre: If you just look at the way they are standing, it is pretty obvious which player knew what they were doing going into a Pole Wrestle. #TheChallenge35
@CohenBrian_: Challenge back to its roots this week. Always believed #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Nelson is now 2nd All-Time for Male Elimination Wins with 9. Fifth individual to hit the mark (Camila/Laurel 9, Cara 13, Wes 14). He is also the FIRST player to win an Elimination in 6 Straight Seasons. Laurel and Jordan did it for 5 straight seasons. #TheChallenge35
- @DerrickMTV: @TheAllanAguirre This is great, but I’m going to dispute...
-Derrickpool - Elimination Wins-11: 
- Gauntlet 2-(Adam, Ace, Syrus, Brad)-4 
- Duel-(Tyler)-1 
- Inferno 3-(Davis)-1 
- Island- (Johnny/Abe)-1 
- Cutthroat-(Brandon)-1 
- Dirty 30-(Johnny, Tony/Hunter)-2 
- Vendettas-(Joss)-1 
- @SHOTOFYAGER: Stats on Stats on Stats. #ChallengeMania #TheChallenge35
- @CohenBrian_: The variance with Nelson is incredible. He’s like a male version of Nany, but also a good competitor
@hoIytrin: I’m so irritated y’all know Derrick K gonna be tweeting about his elim with Joss any minute now
@TheAllanAguirre: I just published Challenge Total Madness Episode 8 Recap: Ten Biggest Takeaways #TheChallenge35
- @TheAllanAguirre: Episode 8 Recap !!! I talk: * Nelson and Kyle's Bar Fight / * Big T's Big Toe Injury / * Josh and Wes's non-rivalry / * The Daily Challenge / * The Eliminations / * Much much more   #TheChallenge35
@GamerVev: Big T drunk icon!! #TheChallenge35
@RoseWebber: #TheChallenge is so good tonight. Again, @MTV can you please put every season somewhere to binge.
@dc408dxnow: This week: a double elimination awaits the players. And they’re headed for a run down factory and we have toxic chemicals all over the place. And it’s a decontamination with biochemical foam all over. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Last year, Bananas was one of those who joined the fun in Florida for spring break. And now he’s trying to memorize things from a distance, which I don’t know if he can do that. And he’s looking for an edge on this as Bush plays in the background. And he does that. #DCChallenge
@theikawong: I haven’t watched the challenge yet but I’m hating the tweets that I’m seeing #TheChallenge35
@dc408dxnow: Wes takes it for the men despite Bananas’ ways to try and get to win at any cost - and then he picks him to join the tribunal. You never even expected that to occur before this, but anything is possible now - including another joint confessional. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Nominations time. And Fessy will go in for the first pick. And what after what happened last week, they’re now going for Nelson. And now we have things going on here with him again… And Cory can’t bear to watch. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: We have Nelson going off again here in the pub. And this is not a good look at all for this fella. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Big T didn’t factor in much as a rookie, but it took for her comeback season here to finally show what those in Britain have known about her that she is indeed a firecracker. And there’s that toe… #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: They’re headed off to the arena. And they are seeing a staple right before their eyes: a circle and it’s pole wresting. And it’s a doubleheader of that. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Tonight’s Takeaways: The least liked man in Prague excels in a statement game in what’s always a classic of this show. / The Florida girl has her heart ripped apart by tonight’s purgatory. / And watch for the Holy Alliance… anyone could go next.   Quite a night. #DCChallenge
@murtzjaffer: While I have spent the majority of my life chronicling and covering reality TV, I can say that no show is as immersive as #thechallenge. The formula of continuing to cast a regular core group of people has resulted in a familiarity of what drives them.
@murtzjaffer: While most reality shows cast new people each season, #thechallenge has been the best at casting well and not attempting to fix what isn’t broken. @johnnybananas hilarious confessionals. @WestonBergmann ability to keep manipulating. @jordan_wiseley wanting to win at all costs.
@amba1210: Okay sooo this episode of #TheChallegne35 was really good!! I officially wanna jump on the @fessyfitness train (if you know what I mean)
@scottieVSworld: Rogan trying to compare wrestling Josh with wrestling Fess is so cringe
@johnnybananas: GOAT doing GOAT SHIT #MachineHead #IamTheChallenge #thechallenge35 @ChallengeMTV
@JennaCompono: No one will ever understand how excited you get when someone in your group of friends secretly grabs one of the wine bottles that we all fight over 
- @MTVASHLEYBROOKE: @JennaCompono 🙌🏼 truth
@ChallengeMTV: "FRESH COTTON PADS?!" — @theogbig_t #TheChallenge35
- @DJMelReeves: @ChallengeMTV Big T is literally one of my favorite people in the world
@ChallengeMTV: See how the rest of Big T's night went in this deleted scene from last night's episode. #TheChallenge35
@AneesaMTV: Feeling down during quarantine? Ive got your back Philly!!! #thechallenge35 #strongwomen #normalizenormalbodies
@NatalieeAnd Natalie Anderson/Survivor alum: If I had a dollar every time somebody said I should be on the @ChallengeMTV id prob be as rich as Tony right now 
@Jonnyboyy10: Here's my thoughts on last nights challenge: not discrediting Fessy cuz he prob beats most people in that elimination but on the flip side Jordan would probably lose to anyone given his 1 hand disadvantage. Jordan didn't make an excuse, it's how the cards fell. #TheChallenge35
- @Jonnyboyy10: it's the one elimination i've always thought Jordan would have no shot in winning. There's only so much strategy you can do in a mere physically dominant elimination.
@CohenBrian_: Thinking back, it’s wild that: - Jay was allowed to compete with an obvious concussion / - Jordan was allowed to compete with an obvious major shoulder injury   Only a matter of time until someone’s limb is chopped off and the medics still debate if they can continue #TheChallenge35
@TheAllanAguirre: Might be the Best Pole Wrestle in Challenge History when you consider these two HATED each other. Nany and Theresa were both in their primes, both around the same size, and on Exes 2 were added to the Bananas/Wes rivalry. Not to mention, both girls are playing dirty!

@WestonBergmann: Episode 4 - Lettuce Romaine Friends Click the link in bio to watch the full episode. If you'd like to donate, do so directly to the non-profits we helped in this episode -> @ClementWatersRt and @childcareUS (Shiloh Learning Center)
@deenguyenMTV: This project is really special to my heart as we are independently funding this and giving back the best we can during the pandemic! Watch now @WestonBergmann @NehemiahMTV @kcfilmmaker @kailah_casillas @MTVDevinWalker
@ChallengeMTV: Go back on Dr. Phil is the burn I never knew I needed in my life. #TheChallenge35
@d_e_r_e_kc: Now this bitch has the nerve to tell these girls not to vote him in.. #bitchplease #TheChallenge35
@d_e_r_e_kc: Also @JOSHMBB19 needs to give the @WestonBergmann rival up. Stop trying to make this happen, it's not going to happen
@d_e_r_e_kc: Ommmmggggg shut up
@d_e_r_e_kc: Go home
@d_e_r_e_kc: Btw my least fave elimination.  I got my ass beat by @BrandonDNelson #cutthroat #TheChallenge35
@LilMel13: Me: when @DJMelReeves told Nelson to go back the Doctor Phil show #TheChallenge35
@Nany_christie: In honor of the Iconic Legend  @DJMelReeves #TheChallenge35 #NewProfilePic
@MTVASHLEYBROOKE: Say what you want, but Nelson is a beast at eliminations. Second most wins on the history of the challenge!! Pretty fucking insane....
- @_nelsonthomas: Thank you @MTVASHLEYBROOKE
@angelababicz: Giggles
@angelababicz: The same people always saying I’m trying to stay relevant keep tagging me in he said/she said bullshit waiting for me to respond. I’m not giving my opinion on ANYTHING unless there’s a check involved. Everyone else can keep flapping their gums for free. Not I said the cat 
@_nelsonthomas: @DJMelReeves Look I’m going to respect the fact that you’re pregnant and not stoop to your level.. #liveandlearn #grow Hopefully you can find something better to do with your time. Congrats on being🤰🏻 Next time you wanna pillow talk tag me...
@Idrisvirgo: Now that's elimination I like to see! Pole wrestle! But I agree with jordan they gave fessy an easy ride to the final. Big size difference! Would love to see him try do that with me @ChallengeMTV #TheChallenge35
@WestonBergmann: This was the moment I thought I was gonna be paralyzed forever. It was a damn smart move on his behalf. Cus I was gonna win the whole game. Guaranteed.
@CSUGradAkirk: watching the home stretch of #Challenge34  .  @jordan_wiseley  proves to me every time he's on why he's my favorite. He's so blunt on how he feels about people is it too much sometimes yea but he doesn't ever sugarcoat nothing.  Dude has kept it real since  Portland
- @vixxy2201: @CSUGradAkirk The challenge fans group hate on him so much because of how he talks and stuff. He has a good heart you can tell and people attack his character because they think he's a dick
- @CSUGradAkirk: @vixxy2201 He doesn’t hide the fact that he’s an a hole. He knows that’s he good and also backs his crap up. Landon is the only one with a better win percentage then him now is  Landon is one of the top guys of all time.
- @vixxy2201: @CSUGradAkirk I don't think he's a dick I think he says it the way it is and people don't like that. I have never disliked him. Imo he's a great competitor and some on the show are scared of him
@Money_Showers: I remember on #RealWorldPortland when @jordan_wiseley talked about why he wouldn’t have reconstructive surgery on his hand because it is an easy way out and tonight he said he wants to inspire those with disabilities so I’m glad he didn’t.
@ChallengeMTV: Jordan always gives 110% to everything he does and this elimination against Fessy was no exception. #TheChallenge35
- @MtvJess: @ChallengeMTV Baby boy you did prove it, you proved that you’re an incredible competitor. That you’ll let nothing hold you back, you have shown everyone how to win and lose with a humble attitude and that is so great. So damn proud of you, your growth, ah this made me cry. Wish I could hug you
@jordan_wiseley: Man I love this game. I love the pressure, the pain. I love it when the bottom of my stomach falls out. Chaos is where I perform at my best and diamonds are made under pressure. I am human but I am also resilient. This was a dearly learned lesson but a lesson learned non-the-less. I will continue to sharpen my skills and pick up the slack in areas I was neglecting. The last time I was taken out it lit a fire that burned for 3 consecutive wins. That fire is back and stronger than ever. I feel dedicated again. Just ticking off days until the phone rings now. Until then, stay hungry. -J

💥  💥  💥

Some parting words from a man who, only for the second time, has gone out this early -- and just as it was on Free Agents, Jordan gets eliminated in a game that was not right up his alley in that classic of Pole Wrestle. And while people can get to him for how he acts or the one thing that brought us to watching that 2-part episode of Dr. Phil, Nelson can boast a good competitive record in that elimination dungeon in what was quite a night... the WRAP will resume this discussion shortly.

Speaking of those hungry to spark some conversation, tomorrow ExtraTime will focus on one of the most controversial people we have ever featured when it comes to a member of Team MTV getting to spend some quality time with. For a clue: an event involving our subject occurred right in between the time frame of the one sports event that has united us in this time of no live competition. You'll definitely want to join us for that then... plus some words of encouragement for the Class of 2020.

Meanwhile, as Las Vegas prepares to reopen after the unprecedented shutdown of "The City That Never Sleeps," once again on this long holiday weekend DC YouTube is presenting a new wave of #DCVegas video vlogs - this time from my 2016 trip. Tonight after this Pulse diary is posted, we'll be heading to the Aria, then Sunday it's up to the Wynn and we'll round it off with a Monday drive down the Strip. Join in at for those videos starting shortly plus all of my other videos from Vegas... enjoy those, and make it an awesome Saturday everyone.


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