Sunday, May 2, 2021

DC SocialPulse: The Challenge All-Stars - "Nuthin' But An OG Thang"

*** Advisory: #DCSocialPulse contains adult language, objectionable content & spoilers for some readers. Viewer Discretion is Advised. Due to its length, take frequent eye breaks if you're viewing this top to bottom... you do need those, after all. ***

BY DC CUEVA                        

Instagram @DerrickMTV
We are winding down the first weekend of May that's been quite eventful on the sporting front with horse racing trainer Bob Baffert winning again at the Kentucky Derby, the NFL Draft in Cleveland and the chaos that took place earlier today at Old Trafford, home of Manchester United. And as far as the fifth major pro sport is concerned, the action is just heating as do the temperatures on MTV's The Challenge All-Stars, as it rolls along down in Argentina if you're lucky to have Paramount+.

When the spinoff's operating procedure was revealed, among the things to watch for this spring was the possibility that someone who would be chosen to go into elimination could be saved by the bell. Well last week, a key aspect of previous Challenges was put into play for the first time as Mark used his lifesaver option to save Katie from going into the arena after a poor showing in the daily challenge. That spurred a spot vote among the rest of the players to determine Beth's newest opponent, which saw Arissa get picked -- but she did a mic drop on the house and conceded defeat before even starting.

With her, Ace, Trishelle and Teck now gone as well as the chaos of that second ladies' elimination that never went down, it seems the players have seen everything... but they really haven't. And this week, the latest Teej-bomb to come from TJ Lavin will be dropped on the All-Stars as they will face their biggest test so far of this spring: a grueling mini-final mixing colors, mathematics, logs and endurance will show who is really is in this. There is yet another unexpected romance blooming in the house, just as we - believe it or not - reach the midway point in South America.

As this weekend comes to a close, join us after the break as DCBLOG brings you the SocialPulse of Week 5 of The Challenge All-Stars, and we'll also congratulate a friend of ours around here as he now has a ring on it. Thanks for wrapping up your weekend with us...

AS THEY SAW IT: "Nuthin' But An OG Thang"  
@ChallengeMTV: #TheChallengeAllStars might be reaching their breaking points as they trek up steep hills carrying the weight of forrest logs, and fellow teammates in the latest episode NOW streaming on @paramountplus #ParamountPlus
@JiselaDelgado: Rise and shine folks!!! A new episode of The challenge All Stars is available right now!!
@JiselaDelgado: We ride at 8 pm est! #TheChallengeAllStars
@Dutchk8: ANOTHER EPIC new eps of the Challenge!! LOVING IT!! From watching the 1st Road Rules to the Challenges, ALL STARS is my favorite! OG's are KILLING IT!! THANK YOU for this!! CONGRATS to you all! LETS GO! @TheMarkLong @DerrickMTV @jonnamtv @latwall @JustJem24  #TheChallengeAllStars
@WeWantOGs: Episode 5 just dropped #TheChallengeAllStars cue the 90s slow jam  @JiselaDelgado @paramountplus @MTVAllStars
@tiffanyjrose87: @KendalSheppard girl no matter how socially awkward things may have been or how much they may have singled you out, it would be a CRIME for you to not return if you have the opportunity. Laterian and jemmye hit the nail on the head, you are an absolute BEAST
@DerrickMTV: "@iamKimmieHo: #TheChallengeAllStars is proving that Road Rules >>>>> is the superior mtv show @KendalSheppard @latwall @DerrickMTV" RT NOT DEAD!
@JiselaDelgado: There he is my wonderfully genuine, kind hearted, wouldn’t hurt a Fly! My mountain man! ⛰ 
@Chris_T_Na22: I love @MTVAllStars playlist! The throwbacks are amazing! @TheMarkLong #TheChallenge
@TheMarkLong: Episode 5 just dropped on @paramountplus #TheChallengeAllStars @tjlavin calls this daily challenge a “mini final” ...see who gets bounced and who still has a chance at 500k @ChallengeMTV @WeWantOGs @MTVAllStars
@TheMarkLong: Join us at 8pm EST tonight to watch and live TWEET #TheChallengeAllStars @paramountplus @ChallengeMTV
@TheMarkLong: Here...We....Go!!! @paramountplus @ChallengeMTV
@JiselaDelgado: Let’s go!  #TheChallengeAllStars
@jonnamtv: Who's watching #TheChallengeAllStars ??
@DerrickMTV: LIVE TWEETING about #TheChallengeAllStars during the #NFLDraft @ChicagoBears not picking Til 20 anyway!
@KatieCooley26: I forgot how much I love the song, Uninvited by Alanis Morisette!!  #TheChallengeAllStars
@MissArissa: @JiselaDelgado WYA, Sis? I woke up from a nap to join you
@JiselaDelgado: So we just not gonna show all the lights going out and everybody freaking out thinking @MissArissa was playing tricks on them  #TheChallengeAllStars
- @MissArissa: @JiselaDelgado With me watching from the darkness, like: #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Ok @MTVBeth pants were everything tho  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Not showing me watching from the lawn chair #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: Damn, the tribe has spoken #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: My mans @mtvrrdarrell might be on track for funniest commentary @SHOTOFYAGER!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: I can’t get over @DerrickMTV’s outfit. I didn’t realize the bonehead wore it daily. Straight up Spring Break 86’. #TheChallengeAllStars
- @mtvrrdarrell: @KatieCooley26 Tell me about it!! 
@TheMarkLong: Go Copper Team!!! @paramountplus #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: I completely missed when he said mini challenge #TheChallengeAllStars
- @TheMarkLong: @JiselaDelgado Mini challenge...mega pain in the ass lol #TheChallengeAllStars
- @DerrickMTV: @JiselaDelgado Well you better quit missin and start hittin, bc we about to do dis sis! #GoldTeam!
@jonnamtv: Gotta love the mini final!! No more life savor?!?!?! #TheChallengeAllStars
@ChallengeFanOG: I’m afraid to know what @DerrickMTV wore (or didn’t wear) on laundry day #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @paramountplus @MTVAllStars @WeWantOGs
- @DerrickMTV: @ChallengeFanOG Everybody needs to direct this commentary to the Challenge Gods not currently present about this situation! Plz and Thank You!
@latwall: Watching this episode with my boy @syrusmtv let’s get it
@JiselaDelgado: @JustJem24 always gotta break TJ talk down. It’s like he Needs an interpreter #TheChallengeAllStars
@jonnamtv: GO SILVER TEAM!!!
@KatieCooley26: Believe it or not, this was my favorite daily challenge. Probably because we were on the ground. I’d rather be exhausted than scared. #nowaterheightsforme @paramountplus #TheChallengeAllStars
@MissArissa: Oh word? @mtvrrdarrell
@JiselaDelgado: I’m just here to help y’all with survival skills #florida  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Awe @KendalSheppard I’m sorry girl this wasn’t my strong suit, I know it was annoying.  #TheChallengeAllstars
- @KendalSheppard: THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID!! I mean.. it's what I SAID but not what I MEANT!! UGH. Lol. Seriously though... way to push through @JiselaDelgado #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@DerrickMTV: I’m here for a savage Sy 4.7 with the bum wheel!! @syrusmtv #TheChallengeAllStars 
@JiselaDelgado: For the damn record he is wearing a size 9 shoe he is a size 11 #TheChallengeAllstars
@jonnamtv: @syrusmtv was really hurt y'all... and he held all the weight in the back #TheChallengeAllStars
@MissArissa: That’s a lot of dust. #thechallenegeallstars
- @mtvrrdarrell: @MissArissa Hey nothing personal. I just don’t want you to quit on me
- @MissArissa: @mtvrrdarrell Okay, cuz that felt a bit personal, and considering we had a whole conversation about the various reasons people before All Stars Eyes wanting to quit Challenges before... I didn’t think you’d feel this strongly when I did...
@DerrickMTV: Gonna need you to quit zig zaggin @JiselaDelgado!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: I’ve set it before but I’ll say it again #TheChallengeAllStars HAS THE BEST SOUNDTRACK ON TELEVISION!! #TheChallengeAllStars @paramountplus
@JiselaDelgado: Let’s do some math 1-4 challenge we wore water boots he had been asking for the right size shoes always! So yeah his feet were falling off. But also this challenge sucked cause I died too  #TheChallengeAllstars
@KellyAnneJudd: Okay @JustJem24 I see you. Doing work on this challenge! #challengeallstars @paramountplus
@MissArissa: Nehemiah coming thru with some inner standing 
@jonnamtv: You guys... Alton is color blind.... he told me AFTER we did a color memorization puzzle. #TheChallengeAllStars
@mtvrrdarrell: Can’t lie Mark was killing this challenge @TheMarkLong @ChallengeMTV #thechallengeallstars
- @TheMarkLong: @mtvrrdarrell My man! 
@JiselaDelgado: Look at how amazing @NehemiahMTV is! He would have been in his right to drag me but wow instead he showed grace and highlighted that I’m not too bad at puzzles #TheChallengeAllstars
@TheMarkLong: Beth going to LT’s puzzle like he was Syrus lol @MTVBeth @latwall @syrusmtv @paramountplus #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Awe @jonnamtv you gonna be fine with Alton you will see.  #TheChallengeAllstars
@JiselaDelgado: They should have a timer in the corner showing that we were there for 2 hrs, with our even the first puzzle completed   #TheChallengeAllstars
@DerrickMTV: Alton and @JiselaDelgado doin too much zigzaggin, musta had the same strategy #TheChallengeAllStars 
@mtvrrdarrell: Beth chillin wit LT #challengeallstars
@JiselaDelgado: Production for team let’s just cut out the 3rd chk point it’s trash cut it all out!  #TheChallengeAllstars
@jonnamtv: They don't show the 3rd leg of the race... But i know alton didn't do well at the beginning but he killed the second part with just me. I'd be his partner any day #TheChallengeAllStars
- @MissArissa: @jonnamtv Alton really is a remarkable athlete #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: It was so hot out and we were all dying of thirst. This puzzle took everyone forever...most still beat us though. #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: So we just not gonna show me crossing the finish line with my little tree and my little trot? Ok that’s what’s up.   #TheChallengeAllstars
@TheMarkLong: Ruthie: Mark I’m kind of color blind.  Mark:  @paramountplus @ChallengeMTV @PlanetRuthie
@ChallengeFanOG: ROAD RULES IS NOT DEAD!! @latwall @DerrickMTV @KendalSheppard with the 1, 2, 3 finish! #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @MTVAllStars @paramountplus @WeWantOGs
@DerrickMTV: Im comin to getchyouuuuuuuu!!! @KendalSheppard @latwall #TheChallengeAllStars 
- @KendalSheppard: @DerrickMTV And you DID!! I cheered you on as you ran right past me. Thanks for the amazing teamwork @DerrickMTV !!
@latwall: I was so confused when beth was next to me! #challengeallstars
@jonnamtv: Also they didn't show me finishing the race...
@KatieCooley26: A producer later told us we only had to flip 2 pieces and we would have had it. But no...we tore it down and redid it like idiots.  #TheChallengeAllStars
@shundawg: The people I feel narrating @MTVAllStars so far are: @JustJem24 @JiselaDelgado @DerrickMTV @KendalSheppard I love it!
@mtvrrdarrell: LT and Kendall congrats @latwall @KendalSheppard #roadrules #challengeallstars
@KatieCooley26: Yessssss. @latwall is a bad ass!!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@reneezy_baby: @KendalSheppard & @PlanetRuthie are elite competitors w/alot of heart so I can see why some females want them out. But the amazing thing to me is how @KellyAnneJudd has avoided being on the radar because she is also a known top competitor and kicking ass on #thechallengeallstars
@DerrickMTV: “The Enforcer!!” @latwall #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Life alert!!  #TheChallengeAllstars
@KatieCooley26: Running down the finish line would have made me look cooler, but there was literally no point. I don’t want to run unless I have to. #surprise #TheChallengeAllStars
- @DerrickMTV: @KatieCooley26 Way cooler on @ChallengeMTV IG story!
@DerrickMTV: “ROAD RULES is NOT DEAD!” Just got goosebumps! @latwall @KendalSheppard @TheMarkLong @mtvrrdarrell @KatieCooley26 #TheChallengeAllStars #AaronRodgers
@DerrickMTV: Damn...@JustJem24 just hit Sy with the Life Alert #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: I’m so proud of Alton telling him directly what it really was. It was the puzzle that set you back! Facts! #TheChallengeAllstars
@Bluetraveler925: @KendalSheppard being the most targeted and dominating each challenge! Can we say COMEBACK? I wonder how many championships she would’ve had if he had come back on regular seasons! It’s never too late, get those PTOs piled up we need you back! @ChallengeMTV @MTVAllStars
@Mr_Survivor_: Watching beast mode @KendalSheppard crush that challenge was so awesome I couldn't be more proud of her. #challengeallstars
@MissArissa: Did Alton’s shoes fit? Because... the way he extended his foot seemed like his feet hurt. #TheChallengeAllStars
@CrudeDudeDuga: #RoadRules is NOT dead!! @latwall @DerrickMTV @KendalSheppard HELL YEAH!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: I know it’s part of the game, but I really hate deliberations. It’s so uncomfortable. Especially when you like everyone. #TheChallengeAllStars
@jonnamtv: Did anyone notice the crazy bandages on my legs?? They were so messed up from on the ropes challenge.. #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: No @TheMarkLong leave my Alton alone  #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: Y’all like that @WeWantOGs shirt @paramountplus @ChallengeMTV
@KendalSheppard: "@Dumbledore_BB: There’s something so emotional about @KendalSheppard coming back to the fandom these past couple of years and then returning to be 1 of the main storylines #TheChallengeAllStars" RT Honestly.. it's the Twitter fam that got me here... THANK YOU!!
@JiselaDelgado: We are back to square one with lack of accountability but this time onn Syrus part. #TheChallengeAllStars
@latwall: Finally something I actually do ya know sans the log! #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: I don’t blame Alton for not voting himself in. Only dipshits do that.  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: I’m a burn this whole VILLA down #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: By the looks of @TheMarkLong’s neck crease, I don’t think he showered before deliberation... #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: Come on! Marky Mark!?! Let’s go! @paramountplus @ChallengeMTV #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: Third leg of the Challenge wasn’t even shown.  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Oh y’all having fun, bet let me mess up the mood. Oooopps they didn’t show it never mind  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: @TheMarkLong he had no chance even on Alton’s worst day.  #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: “Can’t shake the wrist I’m gonna break!” -Alton #TheChallengeAllStars
@mmmbesi: Alton saying, “I don’t want to be the one to send you home”  #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: My daughter just said “I’m so surprised they didn’t vote you, mommy”. Thanks, kid.  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Oh lord these cameras have come a long way since my day  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Aweeeee he said no kissing and telling!! I am also not admitting that we kissed either !  #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: Alton and Big Sy (@syrusmtv) going NO HAND SHAKE in the Arena tonight 
@TheMarkLong: Alton versus Syrus  Let’s get it @paramountplus #TheChallengeAllStars
@SmaASH55: Is the bar everyone gets to go to on #TheChallengeAllStars hiring?!? I would LOVE to work there during a season! I’d kill to hang with you & sling some drinks! @TheMarkLong @DerrickMTV @KendalSheppard @mtvrrdarrell @actvstArchitect @KatieCooley26 @JiselaDelgado @AneesaMTV
@jonnamtv: @tjlavin SUPERTWIST!!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@MissArissa: Those puzzles #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: It’s @MTVBeth birthday and Valentines day  #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Teach them a lesson baby!! Keep his name outcha mouth! Take a girl that voted for you! #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: Ok not necessarily my friend but you right she should have known better! #TheChallengeAllStars
@jonnamtv: I thought for sure Alton was going to pick me... #TheChallengeAllStars
- @JiselaDelgado: @jonnamtv No you didn’t vote for him. We were taking names at deliberation
@mtvrrdarrell: Damn TJ not on her birthday  @MTVBeth #challengeallstars
@DerrickMTV: Zig zaggin might not work on the mountain, but it might work in da bed!  @JiselaDelgado #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: I was not expecting this twist! But figured no guy would choose me, so I felt safe.   #TheChallengeAllStars
@jonnamtv: Also lets talk about how it was Valentine's Day and @MTVBeth 's birthday #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: Beth right now #TheChallengeAllStars @paramountplus
@JiselaDelgado: Please watch the plataforma where I too am running this elimination with them cheering and running back and forth. #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: @KellyAnneJudd I love your face when he picked annessa! That was so funny! #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: This song is about my man everybody calm down!!! I need a herooooooo #TheChallengeAllStars
@mtvrrdarrell: Jisela She ain’t lying!! That head was rocking left to right #NO #challengeallstars
@latwall: First solo win in a long ass time and I was hype doin the lebron celebration. #TheChallenge
- @KendalSheppard: You KILLED it @latwall !! The estimated time between 1st and 2nd place was about 20 minutes. He was unbelievable. #legend #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
- @KatieCooley26:@latwall That’s because you’re awesome!!! 
- @JiselaDelgado: @latwall Not gonna lie you were so cute about it!
@KatieCooley26: Damn, @AneesaMTV and @MTVBeth had no idea they’d be competing. It’s nice to get yourself in the right headspace before an elimination, but no warning at all? #TheChallengeAllStars
@JiselaDelgado: @MTVBeth has sooo much heart #TheChallengeAllStars
@TheMarkLong: I love @MTVBeth lol @paramountplus #TheChallengeAllStars
@latwall: @mtvrrdarrell commentating on point as always
@JiselaDelgado: Still salty ever after you lost again? Lord #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: The way Alton and @syrusmtv jump feet first off this 10ft wall was one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen! Sy legit fukkn went for it! Warrior! #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: And then @syrusmtv almost breaks @MTVBeth’s back #TheChallengeAllStars
@BigRitt21: As an OG @KendalSheppard Stan, this season is simply amazing.  Odds stacked against her and she just keeps crushing it.  Endurance, puzzles, you name and she crushes it.  #challengeallstars #teamkendal 
@jonnamtv: This COMPLETELY changes the game.. you never know at any time someone else can pull you in. Better watch who you vote for Grimacing face #TheChallengeAllStars
@MissArissa: Every time I saw Syrus jumping down I swear I heard eggs cracking each time... omg. His ankle. #TheChallengeAllStars
@KatieCooley26: That was a great elimination. I loooove @MTVBeth’s exit interview immediately after the elimination. @syrusmtv is pissed and she’s like “Well, I had a great time!” #TheChallengeAllStars
@18challengefan: Another amazing episode of #TheChallengeAllStars @latwall and @KendalSheppard rocked it.  LT is a BEAST!  Always underrated back in the day.  Easily one of the best surprises to come out of this season.
@KatieCooley26: Congratulations to Alton and @AneesaMTV #TheChallengeAllStars
@DerrickMTV: Big Sy (@syrusmtv) bringing the fire during final statements while @MTVBeth simultaneously brings the soccer mom! #ClassicDuo #TheChallengeAllStars
- @KatieCooley26: @DerrickMTV My favorite moment in the episode! 
@Cbarone1: Komodo @KendalSheppard killed it again this week! Gotta give props to Sy and Beth for giving it their all in that elimination, even though it was built for Alton.
@JiselaDelgado: It’s ok @KendalSheppard I accept you as you are now. Back then ehhhh little rough for both of us.
@KendalSheppard: "@gilthegreat86: @KendalSheppard beasting one handed" RT Ha! At first we were carrying it with the weight distribution a little more equally.. but @latwall gently suggested he just carry it! As long as my hand was on it we were still in the game!! He's seriously the reason I did so well. #TheChallengeAllStars
@reneezy_baby: I loved that Laterrian gave @KendalSheppard her flowers. She is a fucking beast and we should put some respect on her name! we all know the girls want her out because she’s the toughest competition #TheChallengeAllStars
@AleAleJandra13: I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again! @KendalSheppard is my favorite on #ChallengeAllStars! How can you not love this girl??
@JiselaDelgado: Alright y’all make sure you slide over to @JustJem24 patreon. I’ll be talking noise with her tomorrow so look out for that!
- @KendalSheppard: @JiselaDelgado Yeah well.. let's revisit our current thoughts on each other next week.  And then again in two.. and three.. and certainly FOUR..
- @JiselaDelgado: @KendalSheppard Oh it’s gonna get messy
@MissArissa: Kendal was a beast during this one. #TheChallengeAllStars
@KendalSheppard: "@Flinklaw: @latwall so glad to see you shout out our girl @KendalSheppard during the challenge!!! You’re a beast too my man!!! #TheChallengeAllStars #ParamountPlus" RT I've Always adored @latwall but that 2nd/3rdpart of the challenge brought my love for him to a whole new level. (3rd part not shown.) Remember that first female elim? He did NOT say my name. Last week he busted his ass for me on the ropes as Captain. Love love LOVE this man.Sparkling heart
@KatieeJarviss: “My vote is for Derrick” @DerrickMTV: “go fuck yourself” #TheChallengeAllStars
@IamDMVixen: Come on.. How could you NOT love this OG duo though?! I hope this isn’t the last of @MTVBeth & @syrusmtv. They came. They competed. They gave GREAT TV! (Again!) #TheChallengeAllStars
@mtvrrdarrell: Syrus ain’t no punk! Way to go out on yo shield big homie  @syrusmtv #TheChallengeAllStars
@ChallengeFanOG: Refreshing to hear the guys on this show not be too insecure to repeatedly give the women credit for their performance, achievements, etc. The men on the other show should take notes #RealMen #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @MTVAllStars @WeWantOGs @paramountplus
- @KendalSheppard: @ChallengeFanOG THIS. The guys were SO respectful. We really didn't deserve them. #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@ChallengeFanOG: @mtvrrdarrell: “I owe that man [Syrus] a lot.” I feel like that isn’t a sentence we’d hear from most of the current cast. #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @MTVAllStars @paramountplus @WeWantOGs
@JiselaDelgado: "@xoanytzalee: I grew up around a lot of older cousins who loved reality tv so The Real World  & Road Rules were required viewing. @JiselaDelgado was the first cast member I can remember that looked like me. 11 year old me was so excited & hyped. #RepresentationMatters  #TheChallengeAllStars" RT It is so important! I need to see me in you to know that you understand my life!
@AndHauntings: THAT TWIST #TheChallengeAllStars #challengeallstars @tjlavin @TheMarkLong @DerrickMTV @AneesaMTV @syrusmtv @MTVBeth #Alton
@ChallengeFanOG: This week’s soundtrack was GREAT! Track list below. #TheChallengeAllStars @ChallengeMTV @MTVAllStars @paramountplus @WeWantOGs
@KendalSheppard: Sitting down to watch episode 5 of #TheChallengeAllStars with the family..Family (man, boy, boy)Family (woman, boy) Here are their thoughts!
@KendalSheppard: Watching Alton.. Husband: Something is WRONG. Like.. that's not endurance.. that's.. something's WRONG!
@KendalSheppard: 5 yr old: I hope your team wins.. cause your strong. And the best. And I love you. ❤
@KendalSheppard: @latwall wins!! And beats his chest in excitement.. 5 yr old: why's he doing that?! WHY IS HE DOING THAT?!? WHYYYY MOM??! 8yr old: Because he WON!! 
@KendalSheppard: 8 yr old: Mom? Mom.... I missed you when you were gone..  Mom: I missed you too, Honey. So.. so.. much... #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@KendalSheppard: Shout out to @actvstArchitect and @JustJem24 for a killer comeback! They were in last place but made up INCREDIBLE time! I had my eyes on them after this..  #THECHALLENGEALLSTARS
@TheAllanAguirre: It's no surprise Kendal came in 1st place for the daily challenge and solved the puzzle the fastest. She literally works as a nurse, all the quick scanning of patient clipsboards/filling out minute details, and then also just examining to see what's wrong. It was a wrap.
@DustyDust017: It was honestly amazing to see @MTVBeth come back to The Challenge. She has always been one of my favorites in the series and to see her growth was incredible

@dc408dxnow: Midseason mini-final preview. Teams of six then solo. Winner gets immunity, last place man to likely get thrown in. And no more lifesaver. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Jisela and Katie are definitely having a tough go at this. And is Alton also struggling too? Gosh, they are definitely giving the older ones a hard time on this. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: As we’ve seen on the regular show, these mini finals are definitely gonna expose flaws and show who really got to train for this season. And now they’re figuring out the colors and who will be paired up at this phase. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: As we’ve seen on the regular show, these mini finals are definitely gonna expose flaws and show who really got to train for this season. And now they’re figuring out the colors and who will be paired up at this phase. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Back at the house, and some tension with Sy and Alton after what happened at that daily. And probably they’re headed for a trip to the elimination… #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Last week, they were gonna play that elimination that were seeing there on the ground. Now they’re gonna contest it here this time, and with Alton and Syrus here. But before we get to that, we have yet another Teej-bomb from @tjlavin… #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: From here on in, there’s no lifesaver. And it is a DOUBLE elimination this week and possibly the rest of this game. And Beth is also up for a trip to the arena too. Well… #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And more: Alton has to pick a teammate for this elimination as well. And he picks Aneesa to join him in the arena. And this changes everything, again… #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: Sy is definitely having a tough go with the bum ankle. And if Alton turned us off with how’s he acted, he is turning it on here in the bright lights. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: And Alton & Aneesa are on their way to taking this one in a landslide, as we hear @BonnieTOfficial in the background. And this is no contest as the elimination queen does this again. #DCChallenge
@dc408dxnow: At evening’s end: A mini-final certifies a Roadie as the midseason favorite for the money. Elimination beasts rule the night in the arena. And when TJ throws a bomb at you, you know things are getting real. We’re halfway through… #DCChallenge
@acenichols33: Omggggg THE TWIST @tjlavin I’m having a fucking heart attack !!!! #TheChallengeAllStars
@acenichols33: I have all the feels right now.. this is the best elimination situation of all time... #TheChallengeAllStars is so damn good y’all for real. Feelin nostalgic and back to the real deal challenge! Let’s fucking goooooo!!

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Yes Ace, this has indeed been a good season that makes what we've seen on most of the recent seasons look almost totally different, but it's hard to think that we're now halfway through all that after seeing Beth & Syrus succumb to Alton & Aneesa, Kendal and Laterrian beasting the mini-final in the forest, and TJ throwing that twist of the lifesaver now giving way to double eliminations the rest of the way. Yes, things are getting real around here.

Finally here: we offer a word on someone who's been rolling along with yours truly on this journey Inside MTV Reality for nearly nine years since I started following this world in the social media sphere. While I've been intrepidly plowing along covering this beat on the blog front, he was part of the first generation of Challenge podcasters before extensive audio chatter on the fifth major pro sport and TV's most-talked about reality shows became commonplace.
   Andrew Kirk has been doing MTV-related web talk shows for much of the past decade, and who during the early & mid 2010's was THE prominent MTV fan podcaster during Derrick Kosinski's absence, having talked to nearly 100 cast members from The Challenge, Real World and Are You The One. It was on Andrew's advice that I got to launch this very site and my biggest contribution to this MTV fandom back in summer 2013, and he's joined me several times here for 1-on-1 chats between a couple of pen pals who've never met in person but who share this common interest in the shows we love. It should be a matter of time before the both of us will finally get to share a bar table and watch a Challenge episode together.
   Last weekend as some normalcy is being restored where we call home here in Northern California, Andrew got to say "I do" to his fiancé of a few years now, Jessica. They, like most of you who have been waiting patiently to have their weddings take place, had the pandemic push back their big day by a year, which no doubt made the opportunity to finally put those rings around their fingers and celebrate it with their families that much more sweeter. And as we talk to you here on this first weekend in May, the newlyweds have been enjoying their honeymoon in Orlando and Mickey Mouse's Floridian playground on his first ever trip to Walt Disney World and the state of Florida.
   Andrew, congrats to you and your bride... best wishes on this new journey the both of you are embarking on, and thanks for being one of my biggest supporters - you deserve the world.

And on that note, we will head on out of here... there's plenty of good stuff coming your way as we'll be zeroing in on the launch of Season 4 of Siesta Key there in the Sunshine State with a preview of the new season, and we'll get to know a friend of the clique who has made his name in the world of YouTube pranksters, among other things. For now, enjoy the week ahead everyone.


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